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ciaomichaella · 5 years ago
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No #ShockArmy practice tonight so I decided to start one of my long overdue #crochet projects. It’s a secret for now. Maybe in the future I’ll share what it is. I just don’t have it in me to go back to Baby Yoda just yet knowing I likely have to unravel his head and start all over again. #crocheting #bernat #bernatyarn #bernatblanketbrights #schoolbusyellow #crocheters #crochetersofinstagram #crochetersofinsta #crochetersofig #friday #weekend https://www.instagram.com/p/B9s1pJ4HOMk/?igshid=q6j72ujdmfxh
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omlekha · 3 years ago
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[MOFATEOAGD C12 »The Evolution of Operational Art«]
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seerkarandras · 7 years ago
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Shock Army converted and in primer. Frantic painting for the Iowa Incident begins #corvusbelli #infinitythegame #shockarmy #seerk #thewaygate #iowaincident (at The Waygate High Command)
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viaggiatricepigra · 5 years ago
Opinione: Old Boys, di Samuele Fabbrizzi
Red Lick, Texas. Boe è un veterano del Vietnam che, a ridosso dei settant'anni, passa le giornate a ricordare con nostalgia i tempi andati, autocommiserandosi e maledicendo i dolori della vecchiaia. Vedovo e ormai in pensione, combatte la depressione a colpi di bourbon in compagnia di Larry, Nelson, Mal e Yang, ex compagni di reggimento con più acciacchi che medaglie al valore. Certi di aver appeso l'uniforme al chiodo, gli Old Boys si trovano tuttavia costretti a fare di nuovo squadra quando la nipote di Larry sparisce nel nulla. Le indagini approssimative condotte dallo sceriffo li portano al bosco di Red Lick. Saranno gli ultimi momenti di umanità prima di essere retrocessi a carne da macello. Ciò che li attende nel sottosuolo della cittadina è infatti un mattatoio gestito da esseri antropomorfi dove l'animale è padrone e l'uomo schiavo. Un posto oscuro in cui predominano torture e gemiti di dolore. Un Inferno che metterà a dura prova la forza interiore degli Old Boys fino a dividerli.
Un viaggio nella follia. 
Ma se avete già letto altro di Fabbrizzi, lo sapevate già. Ed è questa una delle ragioni che mi ha incuriosito (molto) alla notizia di questa pubblicazione, e ringrazio la Dunwich per avermelo fatto leggere.
Non sono nemmeno 150 paginette. Si divorano in qualche ora. Eppure lasciano molto al lettore, sopratutto un senso di disagio profondo che si muove fra "karma" e la natura umana più profonda. I protagonisti di questa vicenda sono dei veterani del Vietnam. 
Vecchi, Texani, senza filtri né vergogna. 
Protagonisti atipici e quindi perfetti per una storia così particolare.
"soldati una volta, soldati per sempre" 
Ahimè, questo tormentone di Boe, che ci farà da voce principale, non può essere più vero. Attraverso i suoi occhi conosceremo gli Old Boys e andremo lungo quest'avventura fino ai cancelli dell'Inferno ed oltre. Larry, proprietario del bar in cui passano le giornate. Nelson, a cui la guerra ha portato via gambe e voce, ma che non si da per vinto. Mal, un malato di armi e l'elemento più instabile del gruppo, che ha perso un braccio ma qualcosa di peggiore gli è rimasto dentro. E Yang, un cuoco che finisce nella combriccola, nonostante non sia mai stato sotto le armi. Perché quando inizieranno a scomparire delle persone, nella tranquilla cittadina di Red Lick, soprattutto la giovane nipote di Larry, saranno loro a muoversi per indagare e capire cosa stia succedendo. Alla faccia dello sceriffo incompetente, a cui Boe ha dovuto lasciare il testimone alla pensione. Nessuno di loro però è preparato a ciò con cui si dovranno scontrare. Parlavo di "karma" e lo fa anche Fabbrizzi, poiché uno dei temi principali è lo scambio dei ruoli. Ovvero, cosa accadrebbe se noi e gli animali fossimo scambiati di posto? Non solo nella catena alimentare, ma in tutto quello che la brama umana porta tante creature innocenti a soffrire e morire per qualcosa di decisamente superfluo. Se uno ha anche solo una vaga idea di cosa fanno agli animali, si rende immediatamente conto dei paragoni che fa Fabbrizzi durante il romanzo. Sono lampanti. Sono angoscianti. Sono terribili. E in tutto questo, fanno da specchio alla realtà attuale. Ma non c'è solo questo. Non è una "lezioncina" Veg per far cambiare idea alla gente. È semplicemente ciò che accade, mostrato senza velo, senza censura, senza niente che nasconda la realtà dei fatti raccontati, certo, in modo grottesco in questo romanzo (e capirete cosa intendo leggendo il romanzo, non voglio rivelare troppo). Ma c'è anche la natura umana. Ciò che si nasconde dentro di noi, troppi di noi. Un lato oscuro, distruttivo, primitivo, più che animalesco, che quando viene a galla mostra tutto l'orrore a cui potremmo dar vita. Alcuni frammenti avrebbero dovuto shockarmi eppure quasi me lo aspettavo. "Si sente" che l'uomo reagirebbe così. E comunque fa male. Un viaggio spietato in un mondo oscuro, capovolto, con i protagonisti meno probabili... eppure funziona alla grande. La scrittura di Fabbrizzi lo rende vivido, come guardare uno splatter alla televisione. Ti immagini ogni scena, in modo quasi cristallino. Una lettura bella e forte, anche se davvero breve. Un peccato enorme la chiusura che tronca il tutto di botto, mettendo la parola fine in poche righe. Resta comunque un romanzo molto interessante, che vale la pena leggere. 
Non solo horror fine a sé stesso (che ci può anche stare eh!), ma con un sottotesto che porta a riflettere. L'autore mi sorprende sempre in positivo e sono curiosa di leggere altro di suo. Nel frattempo, se vi ispira, fatevi tentare e leggetelo. 
Non credo proprio che ve ne pentirete.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2PBsUb0 via IFTTT
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kcdmngz · 8 years ago
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💚 #ShockArmy #CultureShockSD (at San Diego County Fair)
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ciaomichaella · 5 years ago
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I couldn’t in good conscience wear my 🇳🇴 fancy pants to #ShockArmy rehearsals on Friday knowing my history of wardrobe challenges (*cough pants falling down because I have no butt to hold them up cough*) and the type of moves we tend to do while dancing. I’ve worn the pants to #curling in the past as originally intended by #TeamUlsrud 😂 So I wore my #Norway #jersey instead and took a pic w/ Tessa who is the only one I know in San Diego who’s partly #Norwegian (she’s 1/4) 😂 Still bummed I didn’t get to meet @team.minera.skifer and cheer them on in person over Valentine’s weekend, but hopefully there’ll be other events in the near future. Maybe they’ll get invited to the #ContCup2021 which might be coming back to Vegas? 😉🙏🤞 Note to self: I need to get a 🇳🇴 scarf & flag to go w/ my pants, jersey, and beanie. . 📷 Josh Brock . . #hiphop #dancer #danceteam #dancetroupe #ibuprofenforbreakfast #dancerforlife #nofilter #HeiaNorge (at Culture Shock Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8uVx-zHhAN/?igshid=19qrp2u8jh8ga
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ciaomichaella · 5 years ago
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In case you were wondering, this is what Serenity’s #birthdaycake looked like. #redvelvet #cake #nomnomnom It survived the trip home from rehearsal lol #cake #shockarmy #lategram #foodporn #nomnomnom #delicious #cakeisagreatmotivator #wedanceforcake https://www.instagram.com/p/B5V1foDHpJt/?igshid=zx2q5iw6wbng
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ciaomichaella · 5 years ago
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My mom was asking why I was #sewing today. I told her that my @shockarmycsdc director @thisarod was having a #specialevent at @cultureshockdancecenter She said it’s too early for #Halloween I didn’t wanna explain to her that I’m salvaging my #GogoYubari from #KillBill #cosplay #skirt that’s long been meant for the trash (the back ripped and there’s a hole from where it had snagged somewhere) so that I could be #extraAF for when Anthony plays Hit Me Baby One More Time by #BritneySpears 😂😂😂 Because we all know I’m #extra and I love #dressingup I hope my fellow #ShockArmy peeps come and are dressed up too, I want a group photo before we start #dancing and get all sweaty. What are YOU doing this #weekend ? #saturday #sandiego #pink #homemade https://www.instagram.com/p/B30Uk8onbVo/?igshid=z65caa4mnu1g
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ciaomichaella · 5 years ago
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Had a ton of fun w/ the folks who came to Friday’s Shock Army Open rehearsal. We’re having one more open rehearsal this Friday (8/23) at 7:30pm. It’s $20 per person. Sign up online at cultureshockdance.pike13.com. Hope to see you on Friday! . . 💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺 #ShockArmy #CultureShockDanceCenter #dancing #dance #performing #cardio #progressnotperfection #dancetroupe #dancerforlife #performer #dance #sore #sandiego #summer #hiphop #everythinghurts #ibuprofenforbreakfast 💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺 #Repost @shockarmycsdc (at Culture Shock Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Wu0_Cnck-/?igshid=pzemspokuir
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ciaomichaella · 6 years ago
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I haven’t been to the #SanDiegoCountyFair in over 6 years so of course I had to get my #AussiePotatoes fix 😬 Several people noticed that I was wearing 🇸🇪 on my head today, that was totally intentional 😂 Someone came up to me after the performance while I was already in active search for deep fries Snickers to tell me that Shock Fam was incredible awww... #DelMarFair #summer #friedfood #carbs #nomnomnom #foodporn #ShockArmy #ibuprofenforbreakfast #SanDiego #Australian #Sweden (at Del Mar Fairgrounds) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzemmcyn7jt/?igshid=61bp6kh4zzet
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ciaomichaella · 3 years ago
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#HappyBirthday greetings going out to @thisarod Anthony was the Director for #ShockArmy at Culture Shock Dance Center before the C19 era. He’s now teaching #dance at another dance studio. Make sure you check out @dandadance for more information. I highly recommend you take a dance class with him if you ever get the chance. He always makes it super #fun Being part of Shock Army reminded me of my love for dance. I hope I can take more of his classes (unfortunately my schedule doesn’t allow it right now but I’m on the lookout for popup classes). https://www.instagram.com/p/Cduo_SPLRGs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ciaomichaella · 3 years ago
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Grateful for my fellow #ShockArmy alumni for encouraging me to come out to the #AftaShock pre-audition workshop two weeks ago & to try out last week after not dancing for 2 years. I did a call back on Friday before we were dismissed, meaning I had to do the #dance a 3rd time & the judging panel recorded it. The dream is still alive as I got an email this week asking me to come back this Friday for another #callback I hope I have the energy, skills, and personality to kill the #audition 🙏🤞 It was nice to see familiar faces these last 2 Fridays and I’m curious who I’ll see this Friday. Wish me luck! Thanks DruAnne for posting these pics on FB. 💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺 #teamfatass #loseanolsentwin #fatdancer #CultureShockDanceCenter #dancing #performing #cardio #hiphop #progressnotperfection #dancetroupe #dancerforlife #performer #dance #sore #everythinghurts #ibuprofenforbreakfast #meloxicamismybff 💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺 (at Culture Shock San Diego) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZNLHljPjNV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ciaomichaella · 3 years ago
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As usual I had no idea what to wear to #dance tonight. I almost went w/ #hotpink & #limegreen JK. Here’s a throwback to when @darren.oei were twinning back in the #ShockArmy days. Wish me luck in #AftaShock #auditions tonight 🙏🤞 💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺 #teamfatass #loseanolsentwin #fatdancer #CultureShockDanceCenter #dancing #performing #cardio #hiphop #progressnotperfection #dancetroupe #dancerforlife #performer #dance #sore #everythinghurts #ibuprofenforbreakfast 💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻🕺 (at Culture Shock San Diego) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZBNuQ_rOqC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ciaomichaella · 5 years ago
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Grateful to have survived Friday’s #ShockArmy #auditions I definitely had this weird middle core soreness afterward, which got worse during the weekend. The abs under all my fat were awoken & screaming in pain 😂 #whodat Glad I still get to #dance despite the up and down in weight and injuries. I need to get better at doing the PT exercises at home more religiously in general, but hopefully the squat challenge I’m doing now will help me get stronger and a better #dancer overall. #danceratanyage #danceforallages #hiphop #dancetroupe #ibuprofenforbreakfast #flexerilismyfriend #meloxicamismyjam #voltarengelismybff #Repost @shockarmycsdc ・・・ Thank you to everyone who came out to our Shock Army 2020 auditions this past Friday! Keep an eye on your email inbox. You should hear something from us on Monday. And thank you to the wonderful @mtranphotography for taking our pics! (at Culture Shock Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8HoI9Xn49G/?igshid=17474tver4e8o
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ciaomichaella · 5 years ago
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Tonight’s the night! @shockarmycsdc #auditions at @cultureshockdancecenter tonight at 7:30pm. Hope to see you there! I’m excited! A little scared, but definitely way more excited than last year. Wish me luck! 🙏🤞 #tryouts #hiphop #dance #dancing #tgif #friday #dancetroupe #danceratanyage #ibuprofenforbreakfast #shockarmy #cultureshockdancecenter #weekend #sandiego (at Culture Shock Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AMYx0ndLZ/?igshid=1db09pdrwrwpn
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ciaomichaella · 5 years ago
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Thank you @thisarod @darren.oei & @sylagan3 for holding an awesome pre-audition workshop last night. I had fun getting my butt kicked into #dance mode again. I’m so excited for Friday’s audition. I was happy to see some of the #ShockArmy members from last year back. I can’t wait to see more peeps next week. Hope we all make it back 🙏🤞 I have to say, I was proud of myself for being able to push out of my usual introverted self. I couldn’t get away from my usual second row left close to the wall place on the dance floor, but I did introduce myself to 3 new people who halfway through made me go to the first row so they could follow me, and I did dance in the front during some of the small group performances. The mental blocks and struggles w/ confidence are still there, but I’m trying to work on getting better. Woke up hella sore this morning, but rather than sleeping in and spending the day in bed reading, I was up early and running around town doing errands for my mom. WITHOUT COFFEE! I had homemade medicine ball instead but somehow I survived. #ibuprofenforbreakfast #danceratanyage #dancerforlife #progressnotperfection #sandiego #Repost @shockarmycsdc ・・・ Thank you to everyone that came out to our Pre-Audition workshop last night! We had so much fun teaching and hope you all enjoyed learning from us. Reminder that auditions are Friday 1/31 at 7:30pm. Registration will start at 7pm. (at Culture Shock Dance Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7wp5TpHlMN/?igshid=1jwyprry3cq4i
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