butchdiaz · 5 months
hello shmabs mr abbaghoul :) love u. goodbye.
hello mr. bia bobbia :D love u too
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mitsususu · 4 years
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Bucky’s hair is gettin' kind of long. Steve’s more than happy to help wash and style it. Below are my Top 5 Favorite Stories: 
“Scents and Sensibility: The Working Assassin’s Guide to Supersoldier Seduction” (E, 93k) by galwednesday, silentwalrus, and skellerbvvt
Captain America wakes up from the ice in 2013. The Winter Soldier wakes up in 2009, or rather defects from HYDRA, for a value of defect that’s closer to decimate. He ends up working for SHIELD. In April 2014, he’s assigned to Captain America’s mission as a sniper. Steve’s just trying to get some kind of life together. Bucky is too, or at least he was until tall, blond and Captain shows up and starts just - being there, all the time. It’s terrible. It’s the worst. He has to do something about it.
+ Shrunkyclunks. A/B/O-adjacent (the clownfish AU). Steve and Bucky go a little nuts buying hair products
“tag ur porn” (G, 1k) by lazulisong
The screen blipped and the person reappeared, now clutching a large Ragdoll cat who was purring even as the human muffled another scream in it's fur. "Omigod. Omigod. I'm calm. I'm calm. GUYS. So you remember how I said I hoped you'd send in reaction vids to the hairstyle tutorials? I think Captain America just sent me one, oh my fucking God." They squeezed the cat tightly enough that it let out a mildly protesting squeak. "OH GOD, Roadkill, I'm so sorry, Mommy's so excited right now." They let go of the cat and it sort of flowed into a puddle between them and the camera. "Okay. Okay. Roll video."
Sam paused the video long enough to break out the ginger ale and vodka.
+ Post WS. Steve learns how to braid hair, and posts a response video on youtube ft. Bucky. If you like Sam, this story is Part 1 of 16 Sam-POV fics
“close your eyes (this shampoo burns like a motherfucker)” (E, 1k) by shmabs
Bucky likes showers, he really does, he just kinda forgets sometimes that he’s supposed to take them so often. As the Winter Soldier, he wasn’t expected (programmed, he reminds himself, he wasn’t in control) to bathe since his handlers did that for him. He’s really just not used to being in charge of his own hygiene, but thankfully Steve is totally willing to step up and help him out.
+ Post WS. Bucky gives a blowjob and gets his hair washed at the same time. 
“Universal Constants” (T, 3k) by AidaRonan
“They took me back in,” Bucky says. “I got lucky.”
“This is lucky?” Steve stares at an obvious stab wound on his lower torso, letting off a steady stream of nebulous red clouds that wisp and dissipate like smoke.
“There’s words in my head, shit they can say that would take away everything I got back when you-” Bucky finally moves, lazily trailing one hand back and forth through the stained water next to his thigh, closing his eyes as though the sound soothes him. “They didn’t know the words.”
“You and me got our own words though, huh?” Steve asks.
+ Post WS. Steve finds a wounded Bucky in his tub. Bucky remembers and still loves him
“Effects of Obliteration” (E, 25k) by geneticallydead
“I watched a documentary on the bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima a while ago. In the blast radius, sometimes a… a person blocked the bleaching effect of the radiation. So the person was vaporized, but a shadow was left behind, on a bridge or a wall – their shape, their outline, when they were completely gone," Steve said. "It’s called a nuclear shadow.”
“If you’re implying the Soldier is like a nuclear shadow, then that is seriously fucking dark, man,” Sam said dryly.
Before the fall of the Soviet Union, the Winter Soldier was sent to the American arm of Hydra - only there was a malfunction in the cryo-unit that meant it couldn't be opened, and it was left, powered but abandoned, in an underground base.
25 years later, the Avengers find it.
+ Post Avengers. Steve washes Bucky’s hair and they both like it so much it becomes a habit. Bucky also discovers tumblr and wants to see the Stucky porn
-☆- And a freebie! -☆-
“Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail” (M, 264k) by owlet
Oh sure, reunion results in happiness, kittens, and rainbows, because that's definitely how life goes when you've just spent 70 years as a tool of villainy. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
+ Post WS. Reposted from the Starter Pack list. Part 3 is Bucky and other long-haired Tower residents forming a Hair Club
*More hair washing fics in the Cabin list
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biaswreckmepls · 4 years
Hey there love your blog. Do you know of any canonverse fics that are long. Any ship is fine. Thank you
Thanks love
You can check out my older Canonverse fics here, and then a few new ones:
Canonverse + long
Part-Time Love by theimpossibleimpala (Yoonkook, 12 Chapters, 76K, E, In the heat of the moment onstage Yoongi kisses JK, and it’s doubly worse bc they’re not even together)
in the middle of the night (i go talking in my sleep) by knjkth (Vmon, One-shot, 11K, M, Tae and Joon are roommates and Tae talks in his sleep, and Joon has some feelings about what he says)
Counter Cockwise by tangowithsuga (Yoonjin, 2 Chapters, 12K, M, Jin posts that picture of him dying his hair purple in the bathroom, and Yoongi can’t stop looking at his dick that’s on the counter)
we're lucky too tomorrow by ghostscissoring (shmabs) (Namkook, One-shot, 10K, E, Jungkook believes that Joon’s dimples are magic and he presses them for good luck every time before interviews/concerts/photoshoots)
Here you go!
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kangchanhoe · 6 years
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Lee Jaeyoon says hello
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tmngoose · 3 years
Some Assembly Required: a Rottmnt story
Remember this post? Well, I decided to clean up what I had and show it to y’all. This was supposed to be a much longer story, but back when I was writing it, I jumped ship for a different fic I was working on and never came back OTL Characters: Donnie, Mikey, Raph, Leo, April, Shelldon, Draxum, Huginn & Muninn (albeit super brief) Tags: Lab accidents, fires, minor injuries, hurt/comfort, obscure UHF reference I won’t be uploading this to Ao3, so you can read it under the cut :U
For the longest time, Donnie dreamed of the perfect lab partner. Though Shelldon was an impeccable assistant, there were moments where Donnie longed to work side-by-side with another scientist. Someone with a thirst for knowledge! Someone who shared his passion for all things technical and methodical; a scientist, just like he considered himself to be! 
To think Baron Draxum would be Donnie's long-awaited lab partner was not a scenario the Softshell had ever fathomed. Still, it was one he accepted with great enthusiasm. 
Draxum and Donnie saw no reason to doubt their capabilities. However, the rest of the family remained wary whenever the two of them went off meddling in the lab. With April's help, Raph, Leo, and Mikey devised a strict set of guidelines to ensure Donnie and Draxum wouldn't get into too much trouble. 
"Scoff!" Donnie threw the hefty packet of rules down at his feet, offended. "What do you take us for: a pair of unhinged Frankensteins? Y'know, it'd be nice if, just for once, you guys would have a little faith in our scientific endeavors!" 
"It's not that we don't trust you guys," April explained, "It's just... you guys tend to get a little carried away with your projects, that's all!" 
"What's that suppose to mean?" 
"The last time Barry was in a lab, he created the Oozesquitos," April folded her arms, "And don't get me started about the time you messed with your brother's brains."
"Okay! I get it!" Donnie sighed. He picked up the packet of rules and flapped the dust out from its pages. "We won't get carried away: Todd scout's honor." 
April smiled, "Thanks, Dee." 
"Yes, well, if you'll excuse me, Draxum and I were just about to partake in our latest  scientific acquisition: Professor Philo's Chemistry Set for the At-Home Scientist!" Donnie started off for his lab, tucking the packet into a compartment in his battle-shell.
April shook her head, smiling as she headed inside the living room, where the sounds of 8-bit gaming welcomed her. Raph and Mikey were too invested in whatever racing game they were playing to notice April. 
"Soo, how'd it go?" Leo asked from his beanbag chair. "Is Donnie mad that we're afraid he'll bring Potatozilla into existence or what?"
"I say he handled it pretty well!" April plopped herself down in the recliner. "I told Donnie that we just wanted to make sure he and Draxum toned it down a bit, that's all." 
"See? I told you he'd listen to April!" Mikey grinned smugly at Leo.
Leo rolled his eyes, "Whatever." He went back to scrolling his social feed on his phone, "I'll believe it when they don't create a giant mutant potato or somethin'."
"Be nice, Leo," April swung her legs over the armrest. "We've gotta have a little faith in 'em. Besides, I've never seen Donnie this happy since-" 
A powerful tremor shook the lair, taking everyone by surprise. The trinkets Splinter's 'Do Not Touch' cabinet rattled and shook, a few of the lighter items clattered to the floor. April held onto the armchair with Raph steadying it before it could topple over backward. Mikey hid inside of his shell out of reflex as Leo jumped to his feet, prepared to face whatever threat was upon them.
"Omigosh!" Mikey exclaimed, popping his head out of his shell. "What was that?!" 
"You don't think DIGG's tryin' to take down the Kaufman Coliseum again?" Raph frowned, trying to rub the ringing out from his ears. 
"Um, guys?" Leo sniffed the air, "Does anyone else smell something burning, or is that Raph's 'Taken-By-Surprise' stink?" 
Raph sniffed at his underarm, "Nope. It's not me!" 
April and Mikey took a moment to smell the air, their noses wrinkled at the familiar acrid odor of smoke. 
And smoke could only mean one thing: something was on fire. 
Oh no! Donnie! Barry! April's stomach dropped over the thought. She bolted out of the living room with Raph, Leo, and Mikey right behind her. "Please let it be a giant mutant potato!" 
It wasn't a giant mutant potato. 
By the time they entered the atrium, a thick cloud of smoke had spilled out from the mouth of Donnie's lab, billowing up into the rafters above. Although they couldn't see it, they could hear the fire roaring from deep within the lab.
"Mad Dogz!" Raph barked, "Initiate ‘Fire Safety Plan Alpha!’"  “FSssPAH!” Mikey pronounced the acronym from the back of the group.
But before Raph could lead the rescue, Draxum leaped out from the smoke carrying Donnie in his arms; their matching lab coats singed. Shelldon flew out, not too far behind, with Huginn and Munnin holding onto his back. 
"Barry!" April ran up to the soot-stained alchemist. "What happened?! I thought y'all we're gonna take things easy? Didn’t y’all read the packet?!" 
"We were," Draxum rasped, passing Donnie's limp body into Raph's arms. "If it weren't for a pair of idle hands." He gave his gargoyles a sharp look while removing the safety goggles from his face, leaving clean rings around his eyes.
Munnin's wings sagged, "The instructions weren't joking when it said 'everything in this chemistry set is a fire hazard.'"
"Yeah, including the instructions," Huginn hung his head, "Our bad."
"So, how're we suppose to handle this whole situation?" Leo asked, gesturing to the raging inferno that was (formally) Donnie's lab.
"I'm on it, dudes!" Shelldon replied, concentrating on his emergency protocols hardwired into his drives.
The fire-alarm system blared to life. Then came the hissing of the sprinklers going off and the gush of extinguishing foam spraying deep within the lab. Slowly, the smoke was beginning to ease up, much to everyone's relief.
Slowly, Donnie began to stir, groaning as he slowly regained consciousness, "Ugh... what? M-my lab..." His confusion morphed into panic as he realized the severity of the situation. "My lab!!" He squirmed feebly in Raph's arms, mortified.
"Woah, take it easy," Raph held Donnie against him, firm enough to subdue him yet careful not to hurt him. "That chemistry set of yours nearly got you guys barbequed." 
Donnie frowned, "No, you don't understand!" His eyes stung with tears as he thought of his life's work gone in a blaze of unsupervised stupidity. "Everything's ruined!"
"Hey, you don't know that for sure!" April gently touched Donnie's shoulder. "Besides, what's important is you're both okay!" 
"April's right," Mikey agreed, clinging to Draxum's side, "We're glad y'all made it out safely. A little flambéed, but you get the idea."
"But my lab," Donnie emphasized. 
"Lab shmab, we can worry about that later!" Leo nudged Draxum with his elbow. "For now, let's focus on getting you toasted marshmallows taken care of."
"Yeah, what Leo said!" Raph adjusted Donnie in his arms, heading for the bathroom where the first aid kit was kept. "Just you wait; maybe it's not as bad as you think!"
Raph's sense of judgment was always a mixed bag, and this time, he couldn't have been farther from the truth. 
The lab was a smoldering mess, virtually unrecognizable to the Turtles, Draxum, and April. The walls were blackened, and the smell of burnt wiring and computer parts hung sourly in the air. Puddles of foam and water gathered in parts of the floor, adding to the disarray.
Donnie searched desperately for anything salvageable, but the prospects were slim to none. The bandaged Softshell approached the remnants of his workstation, absolutely gutted. He reached for what was once a prototype for a new battle shell, but it crumbled into ash in his hands. 
"Alas, this must've been what it felt like to lose the Library of Alexandria," Donnie mourned poetically, sinking to his knees. Shelldon drifted up to his heartbroken creator, pressing his head against Donnie's side like the loyal drone he was.
"Okaaayyy, so it's a little charbroiled in here," Leo cringed. "But if anyone can fix this, it's you!" 
"Do you have any idea how long that'll take me?" Donnie moaned, overwhelmed by the daunting task. "It took me years of refurbishing junk and computer parts, and now I have nothing! Zilch! Nada! No equipment, no materials, no anything!"
Donnie's outburst left the others speechless. They had seen him upset before, but nothing to this extent. 
Quietly, Draxum approached Donatello, "As someone who has lost their life's work twice, I understand your plight," he said, joining the turtle on the floor. "However, unlike myself, you are fortunate not to face this endeavor alone. You have your friends, your brothers, and... your lab partner," Draxum looked off to the side, somewhat flustered by the sentimental mushiness his words implied. 
"Draxibald's right, Donnie!" Mikey beamed. He was so proud of Barry for stepping up to the plate. He popped up in between them, slinging his arms over their shoulders, "You've got us to help you! We'll have your lab up and running in no time!"
Leo smiled, "Yeah, with you bossing us around, we can totally get the job done!"
"But a total rebuild of this scope requires a certain level of technological sophistication!" Donnie deflated, "So unless you know of any tech-savvy geniuses out there, I don't see how any of this is possible."
"Oh, I know a guy," April answered, "And I'm lookin' right at him~" She smiled at Donnie, who didn't know how to process the compliment. "Have a little faith in yourself, Dee!"  Donnie blinked, stunned that his own words were used against him.
"Yeah, you said so yourself!” Raph joined in, “You and that big brain of yours built this lab out of nothin' but junk! If there's anyone who can build back better than ever, it's you! So whaddya say, Don?"
Donnie looked at Raph's hand extended out to him. He then glanced over at Leo, Mikey, and April, all eagerly awaiting his response. He turned to Draxum, who gave a curt nod.
Touched by the support of his family, Donnie wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye, "I say let's order some pizzas and chop-chop! Rome wasn't built in a day, people! We've got our work cut out for us!"  He took Raph’s hand and was lifted up from the ground.  Yes, Donnie supposed he could have a little faith in himself, and everyone else as well.
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moony221b · 4 years
Angel, bright, buttons, cuddly, cutesy?
angel; do you have a nickname?
yes; shmabs (it’s a long story)
bright; mermaids or fairies?
hmmmm... well i was obsessed with fairies growing up, but i love the mythology behind mermaids. i’m gonna have to go with mermaids
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
yes; i’m religious, Methodist Christian to be exact, although denominations don’t super matter to me. i like to specify Methodist, though, bc they are more open minded and accepting
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
1940s for sure! i love the clothes and hair styles of the time period!
cutesy; what makes you happy?
hmm. this one is tougher then i thought. i suppose lots of things make me happy sometimes. being with my extended family. coloring. writing. listening to music. being outside in cool weather. etc.
thank you so much for the ask!!💖💖
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
homeward bound
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2s61X30
by shmabs
“Hey Buck.”
“Hmmmph,” Bucky says blearily, shoving his face into the crook of Steve’s neck and mouthing at his collarbone sloppily. Steve had been gone for almost a whole week this time, but Bucky is tired and mostly just wants to lie down next to Steve and sleep, actually sleep.
Words: 826, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Slice of Life, set sometime before infinity war bc fuck that noise, Biting, Dom/sub Undertones, very slight undertones but still
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2s61X30
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averelafede · 6 years
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When Santa delivers early because #HEKNOWS — thanks for the love @shmab 💌 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq1Wmqql4GUdggol5j4JzyMMuGdgZisk_HpB_g0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yfpgjbuc73o3
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biaswreckmepls · 4 years
Any yoonjin, yoonkook, or minjoon canon compliant fics? Thank youuu💜
If you’ve read the old ones here, here and here (where I’ve already recced most of my best/fav ones), then I can rec some new ones:
made of ivy and rough wood by snooki (Minjoon, One-shot, 7.5K, E, Jimin is teaching Namjoon how to act sexy and confident with the Thyrsus, and things escalate, smut)
one eye on the mirror by ghostscissoring (shmabs) (Minjoon, One-shot, 4.4K, M, Namjoon goes to Jimin for hair advice)
do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you by sugaretreat (Yoonkook, One-shot, 6.1K, E, Yoongi is bad at communication)
a thousand silent ways by chlexcer (Yoonjin, Telepathy AU, One-shot, 7.5K, M, Yoongi and Jin one day are able to read each other’s minds)
Terribly Funny by itsdatrollmon (Yoonjin, One-shot, 2.3K, Yoongi cracks bad jokes but only around Jin)
Happy Reading!
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letsgetcoldtogether · 12 years
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#dab ing into the night. #selfdestructiveindulgence #dabs #shmabs #pushups #high
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intothetardis · 13 years
Your love of Liam Dryden makes me ridiculously happy. Thank you for making all those incredible gifs! :]
oops I mistook this David Tennant gif for Liam
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biaswreckmepls · 5 years
i don't want it at all
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20293009
Author: ghostscissoring (shmabs)
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Kim Seokjin/Jung Hoseok/Park Jimin
Status: Completed
Chapters: 1/1 (11533 words)
Tags: Heist AU
This was stupid, Seokjin thought, and then shrugged to himself. Most of the things he did could be considered stupid, but he was still alive, and considerably richer than he would have been if he had stayed on at drama school.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20293009
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