#shitty soap opera acting
annieqattheperipheral · 3 months
Hockey fan tries watching soccer approximately thrice a year. Me in the gc:
That was an annoyingass game to watch
Sigh yeah
When even the PxP are going "huh. The reffing seems really one-sided against Canada... Oh yea ,that was offside that goal coming off... Oh guess it didn't" like what hope does a viewer have with enjoying the game
Yeah seriously.
And omg dramaticass Argent*na players. I'm so used to hockey players getting diving/embellishment penalties when they just stumble trying to stay on their skates after a cross-check-- like nope you're an athlete with crazy muscles you should be able to take it and keep going. I don't necessarily always agree but ooof hard to watch Argent*na after being so used to that lol
That's been happening a few times during COPA
Ok so i wasn't wrong in being so annoyed when watching other times. Chile*n ref really enjoying his Argent*na bribe to ensure their golden son didn't get embarrassed by a lower team
SO annoying
And whoever that desmith depaul guy who tackled davies. AAAHHHHHH oh no a ball hit my back in retaliation oh no how can i ever go on i must perish right here on this pitch in New Jersey America please send my goodbyes to my loved ones
This is why I try to watch women's soccer they don't pull any of that
Beautiful. Was wondering why i never felt this rage watching women's soccer
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fakeoutbf · 2 years
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elexaria · 7 months
Oh no 😅 what’s Simon gonna do once he realizes he cares about the reader and craves non-sexual intimacy with them, too? Is he still gonna be mean, are they all gonna have a talk, will he change his behavior? Will he grow to love reader?? I’m obsessed with your poly!ghoap!!! 💕I also love the other one with reader and Gaz, too. Great job!!
simon’s been distant since he realised that he’s jealous of the affection you give johnny. he can’t say he doesn’t understand why you keep your distance from simon, especially seeing as the last few times he’s had you pinned up against the fridge with a snarl.
it’s actually kind of terrifying that simon’s hopped off your back a bit, not acting all threatening when you two cross paths in the apartment like he normally would. holding doors open for you, he even woke you up when you had accidentally slept through your alarm??
johnny’s in the shower one evening, his screechy voice belting out rock tunes. you’re in the kitchenette, making yourself lunch for the next day, occasionally stealing glances from simon, who’s sat on the sofa watching a shitty soap opera. whilst also listening to a Soap Opera.
you bite the inside of your lip nervously, trying to think of idle conversation. “so… i know you and johnny have a work event tomorrow. do you want .. me to make you two lunch?” you squeak out, a chill running down your spine as his head whips around and he stares right at you. with one powerful lunge, he’s up off the sofa and striding towards the kitchen island, large hands reaching out to grab a knife.
fuck, this is how it ends. you’re gonna get stabbed to death by your lunatic roomie and johnny’s too busy singing in the shower to hear you. fuck—
“pass us the cheese.”
you furrow your eyebrows, looking up at simon. his facial expression is blank, piercing blue eyes just staring right at you. he grunts, extending his hand and curling his fingers up, motioning for you to pass him the block of cheese.
“i said pass us the cheese then. i wanna help.”
when johnny finally steps out the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, he swaggers into the kitchenette with a comfortable stride. his thick eyebrows raised curiously at the sight of simon prepping sandwiches. except, there’s a fuck tonne of sandwiches on the island. he looks at you with a confused expression, which makes you giggle. “simon’s helping me make lunch for tomorrow.” you say gently, looking up at simon with a small smile.
simon’s lips twitch up ever so slightly, something he’s never done around you before. he clears his throat as he grabs some tupperware containers, shrugging as he begins to store the excess sandwiches. “dunno… might have gotten carried away. reckon we’ll all be eating sandwiches for dinner for a couple’a days.” he murmurs, smirking up at you when you laugh at his comment.
it’s a start, and you and simon are both content with that.
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relaxxattack · 1 year
Piggybacking off the last anon, what is it you like about Jane so much? I find my feelings on her kind of mixed but I lean towards positive.
okay i haven’t read act six in probably like 5 years so bear with me here. *cracks knuckles*
jane is sooo so interesting and it’s really a shame people miss like everything fun about her.
pre-scratch she used her detective work to literally succeed at tearing down the crocker cooperation, to the point that HIC has to fucking abandon ship and head into another universe to have another shot at her evil empire. pre-scratch jane is also fucking hilarious! if you didnt enjoy her antics with john as nannasprite you must just have no heart
meanwhile HIC breaches a new universe, and her FIRST fucking order of business is to NEUTRALIZE JANE CROCKER because of how goddamn detrimental she was to HIC’s plans the first time around.
not ONLY does HIC pump subliminal messaging and brainwashing into nearly every aspect of jane’s life, she also tries to straight up mind control her basically whenever possible! she ALSO sends assassination attempts after jane 24/7! (people will seriously try to say that jane lived a safe normal life… as if she wasn’t almost killed by walking into her backyard.) this is because HIC is fucking scared of jane, as she very well should be!
jane is also NOT a boring weepy annoying crybaby like everyone and their mother complains about. jane is literally the most fucking supportive friend and emotion-repressing dumbass you could ever hope to meet. jane combines john’s emotional repression and jade’s intentional cheerfulness together into one of the most fucked up cases of emotional repression in the whole comic
act 6 suffers from a LOT of shitty writing choices, but it’s not jane’s fault the whole act turns into a soap opera— and she’s ALSO not the only one who acts all soap-opera-y either! literally all of the alpha kids suffer from this, people just like jane the least so they project it all onto her. despite the fact that she did her very fucking best to NEVER talk about her feelings, to the point where she ONLY started telling people about shit when she was mind-controlled or took mind altering substances to make her do so! and you can say “ohhh that’s stupid she shouldn’t repress things in the first place how dumb” but, one she’s sixteen, and two, everyone eats that shit up when it comes from like. literally any other character.
people (cough hs2 writers) act like she would actually be “pushy” with a relationship on jake— as if she wasn’t literally the one who helped him make the decision to explore dating dirk?? because she thought it was the right thing to do???
jane is incredibly thoughtful and mature and people really throw all of those traits out of the window with preference for a version of the story where she Comes Inbetween Their Fave Gay Pairing as if she wasn’t, again, the one who got them together. jane is also extremely interesting in terms of queerness; she’s got the makings of a really interesting arc, not to mention she’s the only human girl that dresses mainly masc! there’s a lot there that people just don’t care to explore.
people just have less patience for the prospit kids in general. not to mention homestuck fans love to be misogynistic and berate jane for stuff they love the men doing, or claim she’s coming between them when she’s not, etc etc. and then because no one was writing fun meta posts about her, nobody ever rereads the comic to grab little scenes or lines to expand the online discussion about her! and then because there’s no discussion about her, people assume she’s boring and don’t go looking for bits to start discussing, which cycles on and on forever until we have the ripple effects we see of that misogyny today. which mostly consists of, “oh i hate jane because she was a villain is hs2”, or, “i know hs2 isn’t canon but i still don’t care for jane because she doesn’t do anything that interests me.” (and she’s only not interesting because of the cycle i mentioned before causing NO ONE to have meta discussion about her).
idk, it’s been a while since ive read so i could be talking out my ass but that’s what i’ve got.
TL;DR: jane is fucking COOL, she just suffers from intentional fandom ignorance. and she’s also a canonically hot, fat, masc woman, so i don’t know what else you could possibly want.
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inoreuct · 11 months
zosan with abba's super trouper.
is this essentially a pop star au? yes. bear with me anyway.
so the entire vinsmoke family are pop stars and they're perfect in the public eye but actually toxic as HELL, and sanji's sick and tired of it— so he breaks away from them and joins another agency, and zoro's assigned as his bodyguard.
they fight SO MUCH at first. i'm talking screaming and yelling and throwing things across the room (mostly sanji) and being stubborn and straight-up refusing to talk after a certain point (also mostly sanji) and then apologising with food and gifts and not words (mostly, well, both of them). they're like flint and steel; putting them together is just asking for trouble, but the years pass, and somehow through the endless bickering they end up best friends. who would've thought? their sharp edges have softened just enough and they're both too old and too tired and too busy to have cold wars anymore. they know more about each other than perhaps anyone else, and they care.
(they're also both in love and refuse to admit it. idiots.)
and then sanji goes on tour, and zoro has to leave for a training refresher course thing, and sanji's MISERABLE. luffy's with him as a bodyguard instead and it's fine, he's great, sanji loves him— just not the way he loves zoro. he feels fucking homesick in a way he never has because he's never really had a proper home and he knows, he knows it's because zoro isn't here with him. sanji turns around to tell him something and is met with empty air. he keeps trying to order double portions of food and booze before he catches himself and maybe he's being dramatic, but it feels like he's missing a fucking limb.
nami, his manager, has to yell at him to stop moping because all he's doing is eating chocolate and binging french soap operas in his hotel room and huddling up in the big leather jacket that zoro left behind. he just wants to get back to his tiny apartment and curl up on his shitty couch to eat pizza and watch Mean Girls for the hundredth time as zoro complains and gets invested in the drama all over again anyway.
he's nearly dead on his feet as finishes yet another exhausting show, trying to take comfort in the fact that it's his second last; his shoes are kicked off to the corner, his makeup barely removed, and just when he's about to turn in for the night his phone rings and when he sees the caller ID he SCRAMBLES to pick up.
"hey," zoro says, low and rumbly and so achingly familiar that sanji doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.
"you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice," he breathes, and he means it. he means it more than he even knew he did and it hits him all at once as soon as the words leave his mouth. he misses his best friend, no matter everything else that zoro is to him.
zoro's chuckle is a balm to his soul. "i'm coming to see you tomorrow."
sanji sits bolt upright from where he'd been laid back against the pillows, eyes going wide. "are you serious?" he can't help the hope and excitement that unspools in his gut, the warm rush in his blood as zoro laughs.
"yeah. i'm done with the course. speedran the fucking thing and scored so well they had no choice but to let me go. couldn't miss the last chance i had to see you on tour, could i?" sanji can hear his grin through the phone. "i'm flying in tomorrow morning."
"i'll come pick you up from the airport."
"like hell you will," zoro retorts immediately. "you have a press conference at ten."
shit, he'd forgotten about that. "how'd you know, huh?" sanji counters, faux-petty and reclining back against his plush bedding. god, if there was one good thing about being on tour, it was the fancy hotels.
"been talking to nami," comes the reply, amused and teasing, and sanji groans. "what's this i hear about you acting like a widowed husband?"
"you fucking wish, you moron," he snaps, curling up on his side and hugging a pillow to his chest. the bed is awfully big and awfully cold.
zoro sighs, and there's the sound of something zipping up briskly. "missed you too, curls. look, listen— i gotta get to the airport. see you tomorrow night?"
"...yeah," sanji says, because there's so much he wants to tell zoro and no idea how. he doesn't know where he'd start. he doesn't even know what he wants to say. "yeah, i'll see you. you'll be in the crowd, right?"
"mhm," zoro confirms, accompanied by what sounds like the chirp of an electronic lock. "you just sit tight, curly. i'm coming home."
they exchange a few more words before the line cuts off, but sanji's mind is stuck on three specific words and the possible space for three more after. i'm coming home. but he isn't home right now; he's in a foreign country, in a bed that isn't his, and zoro's flying to him. this isn't home to either of them. unless... and that silence afterwards, like zoro had wanted to say something that would have fit right in. something that would have been a natural end to that string of syllables.
sanji takes a deep breath and does his best to push all thoughts of i love you, spoken or not, to the back of his mind.
still, he can't help but let it all boost him up like a buoy bobbing merrily on the sea. one call from zoro, one short conversation, and he's fucking effervescent; he wakes up smiling and breezes through the press conference with effortless charm. he's bouncing on the toes of his heeled boots even before he steps onto the stage, thrilled by the thought of zoro being in the audience. thousands of eyes on him, thousands of people screaming his name, and he only cares about one. he takes a deep breath as the lights change and the platform he's on begins to rise, fingers tightening around his mic. it's his last night here. he's doing it all for zoro.
it turns out to be the best performance of his life, if he does say so himself. he powers through the entire two hours with ease and hits every note perfectly. he enjoys himself for the first time in a long time, soaks up the glitter and glamour and blinding lights, lets the atmosphere wrap him up and tousle his hair, and he wonders just how it's possible that one person's presence could change so much.
(he doesn't need to wonder. he already knows.)
when he says his final goodbyes for the night he's breathless, heart pounding, anticipatory. the hands patting at his back in congratulation backstage are superficial compared to who he knows is here, and he spares nami a few seconds for a rare squeeze, pausing for a few more when she whispers i'm proud of you in his ear.
and then sanji sees him, and nothing, nothing else fucking matters.
he sprints forward and they crash together and something slams into place inside of him. zoro sweeps him off his feet, squeezing him tight enough that he laughs, bright and merry and real as they spin around and around and he's so dizzy when he's set back down, light-headed and his heart full. he doesn't care where he is, he's home.
zoro takes his weight as easily as anything, tucking sanji to his chest. "god, fuck, you were amazing up there," he says breathlessly, the words pressed into sanji's bejewelled hair. "you were incredible."
the words rumble through his chest and sanji clings tighter, holding zoro desperately around the waist and taking in deep lungfuls of laundry detergent and the fancy pine-and-sandalwood body wash he'd given zoro for christmas. "you're here."
"'course i am," zoro replies, matter-of-fact. "said i'd be here, so i'm here."
his earrings press against sanji's cheek. "can we go get pizza?" he asks meekly.
zoro's answering laugh pours into the horrible aching pit that's been gnawing away at him, fills it up with liquid sunlight as he answers, "we can do whatever the hell you want."
they get pizza. sanji lets zoro pull him around town swearing at the Google Maps on his phone before he finally takes pity and steers them towards the little pizzeria he'd found when he'd snuck out with luffy on their first night here. the tongue-lashing from nami had been worth it, but even so the experience back then had been dull. muted, at best.
now it's like he's seeing the whole world through a whole different lens; the fluorescent sign in the window beams charmingly as the bell above the door chimes, and sanji doesn't even care about the raised eyebrow zoro gives him when he wiggles into the booth seat with undisguised glee. between them they put away a large four-cheese pizza and a frankly massive slice of apple pie à la mode, and sanji's feeling pleasantly stuffed as he finishes up his vanilla milkshake and successfully fends zoro off from stealing sips when he isn't looking. he has plenty of experience with that, after all.
the walk back is filled with comfortable silence. sanji doesn't need anything else— zoro here with him is more than he could ask for. scary dog privilege aside, the man next to him is sanji's best friend, and he loves zoro more than he can, or will, ever say.
zoro drops him off at his room and hugs him goodnight. sanji strips down, blasts the shower as hot as it can go, and scrubs the gel out of his hair along with any of the remaining dregs of emptiness he resolutely tells himself are not there right down the drain.
it can't stop him from thinking, though. of zoro. of compression shirts and cargo pants and worn black boots. of the nights zoro had taught him self-defense and the time sanji nearly broken his jaw with a roundhouse kick neither of them had known he was capable of; the other had grinned up with him with blood all over his teeth, proud and raring to go, barking again! and sanji had glowed. his mind swims with it all even as he towels off and slips into his silk pyjamas— memories of late-night talks with wine and beer, sometimes tea, quips all around, beds shared back-to-back under unspoken agreements when neither of them wanted to sleep alone.
three knocks sound on his door.
sanji hates the way he rushes to the peephole and yanks it open as soon as he confirms who it is. zoro stands there, one hand on the back of his neck, looking bored yet unsettled in his baggy tee with his damp hair sticking up everywhere. "jetlag?" sanji asks, raising an eyebrow as zoro grunts.
"you could say that."
he steps aside in a silent invitation, and zoro looks around as he goes in. sanji topples onto the bed with a sigh of relief and crawls under the blankets, patting the space beside him as he switches on the television. "mean girls?"
"god, i fucking hate you," zoro groans, but he settles in anyways, and sanji grins triumphantly.
it's still not his apartment or his shitty couch— but zoro's here, so it's the next best thing.
they make it through the movie without incident. zoro parrots the dialogue and cheers when regina gets hit by the bus like he does without fail every time. sanji knees him in the thigh for it with a scowl like he always does and it starts a fierce kicking battle under the sheets that results in zoro dangling half off the mattress and sanji laughing so hard he can't breathe.
when they've mostly calmed down, sanji sighs out one final chuckle and sinks back into the pillows. "think you can fall asleep now?" he murmurs, turning to look at where zoro has his head propped in one hand.
"maybe," the other allows, and sanji swallows before he smiles.
"goodnight, marimo."
the flick of the light switch feels like finality. in regards to what, sanji doesn't know, but now that they're in the darkness and zoro begins to get comfortable behind him he cannot deny that he wants.
he wants those arms around him. wants to sleep even better than he does when they're back to back, wants to fit within the circle of zoro's embrace like he belongs there. wants to belong there. wants zoro as his best friend and everything more. it manifests as a tight ache in the centre of his chest, a knot around his heart that he knows he cannot untangle by himself. sanji curls up into a ball and hugs a pillow to his chest, biting his lip— because zoro is right next to him instead of thousands of miles away, and he's still untouchable all the same.
he's on the cusp of restless sleep when he feels zoro shift, and he prays that the hitch in his breath is unnoticeable. he forces the rise and fall of his chest to stay even as the blankets are smoothed securely around his shoulders, a callused palm brushing his hair away from his face; a soft kiss is pressed to his forehead, a hand cupping his face tenderly and trailing away with the brush of a thumb over his cheekbone. "sweet dreams, curls," zoro whispers, before light cracks in from the hallway as his room door opens and shuts.
the electronic lock beeps, and sanji's eyes fly open. the white ceiling swims as he stares at it, unseeing, and the sheets on the right side of the bed are still warm. there's an indent where zoro's body was and sanji gasps as he drags himself into it, huddling down and pulling the covers over his head until all he can smell is zoro.
his heart stutters, mind racing, fingers tightening in the plush duvet. he's confused, so confused. hopeful. a little mad, if he's being honest, and his next breath trembles out of his lungs. mostly still confused, though, because what the fuck did that mean?
he'll find out, he swears. he will. he'll storm his way to zoro's room and break the damn door down if he has to. but for now, if he hides for a little while until he stops feeling like he's about to cry—
well, that's a secret for his hotel room to keep.
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if i can request where y/n is dating roman and she’s a face, she’s in a match and she gets serious injured and roman gets very worried but she then ends up okay with fluff at the end? (sorry if that made no sense) ty!
BACKLASH, roman reigns.
Tumblr media
warning: curse words, shitty description of action, blood, violence
tags: YES MORE STAGE NAMES SORRY, made-up events, fluff!!!!
summary: lovers to enemies but make it a fight
"AND i'll see you at wrestlemania, baby." you dropped the mic. the crowd cheered, waiting for your boyfriend's response. nothing came out of your mouth. the two of you had a stare down, totally in character. "then it's settled, roman reigns against stage killer for wrestlemania!" the announcer yelled. who would've thought the power couple of the industry was up against each other.
the camera stopped rolling and you were out of your character. going back to the clingy girlfriend you were. "baby!" you jumped on his back as soon as you got backstage. "can you believe it? wrestlemania?" you giggled in excitement. "i'm gonna beat your ass, you know that right?" "i’m gonna beat your ass!”
the moment you got back to your place, you immediately went to take a shower. work was never boring for you, you got to work with your boyfriend and his cousins–so it was quite exciting to see what the industry had for you. after showering, you laid on your bed, trying to close your eyes. but before you knew it, roman was already right next to you. "baby, you're not gonna shower?" "i was going to, but you went ahead of me." he joked.
morning came by and your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. damn, up and early for a morning run, you thought. you were wrong, he was in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of you. "morning." you greeted him with a kiss on his forehead, trying your best to reach his height. "morning baby, breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes. turn on the tv for me, please." you nodded and went to the living room.
"you heard it right, the power couple will face each other in wrestlemania!" the match had everyone talking. you chuckled as you switched the channel. "when do you wanna go over the choreography?" you asked him. "what?" he couldn't hear you. "i said when do you wanna go over the choreography?" "what?" at this point he was messing with you. you only groaned in response. "we'll go over it the day after tomorrow, let's just chill for a bit."
the build up for the fight was insane. even your families couldn't believe that you were pinned against each other. your mother called, asking if you had relationship problems with roman. you brushed it off, telling her it was all an act. the entire 'lovers-to-enemies' plot was a good idea to bring more depths into your storyline. being a face with your boyfriend as the top heel was complicated on live television. people were rooting for you to join the bloodline, some were rooting for the bloodline to turn face–needless to say, the two of you were the talk of the town.
behind closed doors and all the soap opera-coded romance, the two of you were actually so in love with each other. you had been dating for 5 years. your debut and his debut were in the same era, causing you to meet him in every reading and practice. the two of you immediately hit it off when he realized that you were practically living in the same neighbourhood.
gym sessions turned to dates, running together turned to grocery shoppings for your household, and friends turned to lovers. you loved every single little thing about him; how he drank his morning coffee–slightly sweeter than yours, how he dropped whatever was in his hands–to catch you, how he held you higher than any title that he has. out of all the belts and titles he owned, you were his prized possession, his true win in life.
and the same goes for you. he loved every single little thing about you. you never thought that you'd end up with one of your closest ring partners. the love that you had for each other was indescribable. "hey, baby." he greeted you, scooting closer to your body. "hey." you replied. "you ready to go over the script?" he raised an eyebrow. "hell yeah."
the big creative boss, triple h, was the reason why you were doing this entire 'lovers-to-enemies' gimmick. he wanted people to stay invested, rather than just fawning over the perfect love story you had. at first, roman and you thought it was a joke. it wasn't a joke at all. as much as you wanted to cling on roman and make him break character by your flirtings, it was quite interesting seeing this 'evil' persona of your boyfriend on stage.
the plan for wrestlemania was laid in front of the two of you from months ago. it was going to end with you winning. you wanted a change and the industry brought it to you. "so roman, what do you want to talk about?" the other wrestlers in the arena laughed at your joke. "hey that was my line!" cody complained from outside the ring. "sorry, just had to!" you gave him a thumbs up.
everyone was doing their job, you could see the sound guy adjusting the volumes of the speakers, wardrobe crews running to the backstage, you felt peace in the ring–not knowing what was coming for you. you dropkicked your boyfriend's chest, avoiding several spots. he flew back, hanging on the ropes. "that was great!" he smiled at you. "learned from the best." practice continued for the two of you.
roman was sitting in front of you, waiting for you to finish your makeup. he finished putting on his gear, his iconic red gloves and an ula fala around his neck. he was playing with his phones, replying to messages from his family and friends, wishing the two of you good luck for the show. "do you think cody will be using all his pyro tonight?" you asked him a question. "the ground will shake when he goes out." you applied your signature lip color, bloody red, contradicting to the blue gloves you had on your left arm.
people started to notice that the two of you had similar gears, the red and blue dividing you from being one. "and you're done!" the makeup artist said, excusing herself from the scene as she didn't want to bother roman and you. "you look beautiful, baby." he complimented you. "and you don't look too bad yourself, reigns." roman rolled his eyes. he took out his phone from his pocket and snapped pictures of you. "turn around, i'm gonna show everyone my girl." oh, he was very cheesy, you thought.
the crowd was ecstatic for the main and last event. the nervousness you had inside yourself was gone, replaced with adrenaline. "GOOD LUCK (Y/N)! GOOD LUCK ROMAN!" the locker room was hyping you up for the match. "MAIN EVENT, BABY!" you shouted, earning several whistles from your fellow wrestlers. "(l/n) up in 5, reigns up in 10!" one of the crew opened the locker room, only to be greeted by the superstars being loud and rowdy. "ALRIGHT, SEE YOU ALL IN A BIT!"
roman and you walked hand-in-hand, savouring the moment before going out. right when the two of you got near the entrance, your steps stopped. "fuck." you muttered, scanning the crowd. "it's going to be amazing, baby." he kissed your forehead, calming you down. "i'm okay!" you smiled at him. you had a ritual together where you prayed in silence before going out. you heard your theme song started to play, the crowd singing along to it.
"kill the stage, baby." like your stage name, the stage killer–you were going to kill the stage.
as you walked the long path filled with fans, you were making a grand entrance with all your pyro and charisma. you ran and slid your body inside the ring, giving your signature pose. the crowd was still singing along your entrance song, pumping you up with adrenaline and love. as soon as your song stopped, you took the time to wave at some fans. you were ready to face your boyfriend, no matter what it takes.
"and her opponent for tonight, accompanied with his wiseman and solo sikoa, roman reigns!" you were on the opposite side of the ring, clearly making eye-contact with him as he walked down the aisle. you couldn't help but to feel slightly intimidated by your boyfriend's cold gaze. you gave him a quick wink, sticking to the true nature of your character, a flirt.
the two of you had a stare down for a couple of minutes, asserting your positions. "we can see here that the tension is crazy. going from lovers to enemies, the adventure leads to this very moment right here. it's history." the commentator said to the microphone. you smirked as he took off his ula fala.
with that, the bell rang and the fight was on.
like practice, roman lunged first, trying to get you on your back. you ran to him, knocking him out with your forearm. "a full-blown upper arm shot from killer! what a shot!" the commentator said. "and reigns is getting up on his feet!" you saw roman slightly nodding at you, ready for the next move. "reigns spears killer to the pole!" you landed on the least dangerous side of the pole. with all of your energy, you stood up, cracking your knuckles.
the entire match seemed like you were dancing inside the ring with your boyfriend, people were satisfied with the moves the two of you pulled. your quickness was the only thing that roman didn't have. you were light on your feet, dodging every attack perfectly. sooner or later the final move came and you were supposed to attack him with his move, the superman punch. when you first read the script, you laughed. how ironic, you thought. you gripped the ropes as tight as you could, wanting him to hit the ropes when he attacked you before the final move.
but all the sudden, your visions became hazy as one of the ropes accidentally snapped on your back, causing some backlash. the ropes brushed against your back–a loud snap was heard from the ring. roman's eyes flashed with worry. "you hear that? the rope just snapped! is killer getting up?" you almost stumbled upon your own legs, but you had to give people a great show. you shook your head and put up your iconic fighting stance.
you had to give them your all, but you didn't expect a botch in the middle of the fight, and it wasn't even your fault. you started to notice that the cut was very deep as you felt blood dripping down your back. this wasn't how you imagined your match would end. roman hesitated a bit when he wanted to spear you again before you counter it with a superman punch. "DO IT, REIGNS!" you yelled at him. he saw the determination in your eyes, your lips were pale, but your eyes were still full of life.
"REIGNS IS TAKING HIS STANCE TO SPEAR KILLER, WITH HER BLEEDING HER BACK OUT... IS THIS LOVE?" the crowd went silent for a bit, anxiously waiting for your next move. in a blink of an eye, the spear was countered by a superman punch, leaving roman in the middle of the ring, gasping for air. you quickly got down and locked his legs in between your head, slowly feeling more blood coming out of your injury. you didn’t even realize that your forehead was kind of bleeding too. it was blood all over the ring. the referee came in an counted down with the crowd.
and in a second, you won. "AND HERE IS YOUR WINNER, THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, THE STAGE KILLER!" you let go of roman's body, kneeling down next to him. the referee helped you on on your feet, giving you the belt. "paramedics needed. paramedics needed." the commentators mouthed to the stage crew. you were crying and you didn't know if it was because you just gave the best performance in your career or because of the stinging pain on your back.
everyone cheered your name and you were practically trying your best to stand up. paramedics arrived, but you shook your head, wanting to stay longer inside the ring. "(y/n), baby. please go." roman's eyes was still filled with worry. "i- i'll be okay, baby." you stuttered. the more you stumbled on your own feet, the more you were convinced to leave the ring. you got down, paramedics helped you out of the way. "we love you (y/n)!" "you were so cool (y/n)!" the noises soon fade away as darkness consumed your vision.
backstage was a mess. people were waiting for the paramedics to say that you were clear to go. your fellow wrestlers already had plans for your celebration, but things went downhill. roman was just sitting in front of the medical room, his legs trembling from anxiety. "dude, she'll be okay, she's suffering from blood loss." jey patted his back, trying to calm him down. "they're stitching her up, apparently the ropes malfunctioned and her back was too exposed to it." jey talked him into a sense of mind.
paramedics came out and roman immediately stood up from his seat. "is she alright?" the question had been roaming around his head. "she's awake now, had to stitch her up. she lost a lot of blood because of the incident, but she's okay. she's asking for you." roman nodded and entered the room. you were lying on your stomach. "hey baby, look. i got stitches!" roman couldn't help but to laugh at your positivity.
you saw his expression and it was still the same from earlier, he was worried. "come on, baby. don't be worried, i'm okay. it was just blood loss." you nagged. "how can i not be worried, you were bleeding your ass off and you still wanted to continue the match? you could've asked me to end it quickly." he said. "and let everyone down? you know i wouldn't do that... please don't worry too much about me." roman shook his head.
"baby..." roman softly spoke. "of course i'm worried. i love you and i don't want anything to happen to you." he confessed. "i know baby, but i'm fine now. and i'm the universal champion, i have nothing to fear." you pushed your body up, trying to sit down with the fresh stitches on your back. "you're amazing, love. i'm so proud of you. my girl, a universal champion?" he smiled and you could feel butterflies in your stomach. no matter how hard it got, you knew that by just seeing his smile, things would be alright.
losing was not a bad thing, roman thought. seeing you all jolly and excited over your new title got him smiling again. he was so lucky to have you in his life. "i love you." "and i love you too."
he remembered something. "oh and when you're ready to go out please don't mind everyone, they're too excited and worried at the same time. they have your favorite ice cream and lesnar got some balloons for you." "AW HELL YEAH, LET'S GET OUT!"
a/n: hii! hope you enjoyed this as much as i did writing it bc its my fav one so far,, reminder that requests are always open! (pssttt... someone pls request a cody fic i want to write him)
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frasier-crane-style · 7 months
What I hate about modern-day comic book writing is that it's so jokey. The Riddler can break out of Arkham, kill twelve people, and threaten to blow up a subway car, and everyone will act like they're just LARPing? There'll be random hook-ups and a bunch of pop culture references and the whole situation will be treated with these knowing kid gloves, like everyone involved is Ralph and Sam clocking into work.
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And you can't even say that it's lighthearted irreverence or dark humor, because the moment one of the writer's pet causes come up, THEN everyone gets all serious and solemn. So you get these scenes where the characters are treating gentrification like it's the worst thing imaginable, then playing grabass with Mr. Serial Killer like he's just their wacky neighbor.
It completely takes me out of the story, because it's clear the writer is only going to invest actual pathos and engagement into this world when it can be spun to some social justice angle.
I mean, even the shipping... the shipping is arguably bad on its own, but the way straight couples are treated like a retarded soap opera, pairing up at random and then breaking up for no reason, while gay couples are always treated like the second coming of romance and they're forever endgame... how does anyone take this stuff seriously?
Why is marriage this terrible thing that ages the characters and makes them boring, unless it's a gay couple, in which case them getting married is some long overdue triumph over adversity and the best possible direction the story could take and you're just supposed to marinate in how much sex these two characters are having with each other. It's not even porn. I could respect porn. It has a purpose. This is just like... there is a literally published Harley Quinn high school AU comic.
And you know, I watch a Mission: Impossible movie, it has real stakes. Tom Cruise is going "we have to stop this guy before he sets off the nuke!" That's all I'm asking for. That they treat the situation like it's a real thing that's happening to them and not a game show they're on. But these are such shitty writers that they can't put themselves into the headspace of "how would I feel if this were happening to me?"
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
homestuck's fanbase is really making me feel like giving up on the story as a whole... Jesus, I might just call it quits soon. Listening to idiots try to defend how shit Homestuck's story became is too exhausting. It reminds me of when I was listening to lectures of, people who hardly counted as, writers go off about how important it is to prioritize representation over all else. They never realized if you do a terrible job with writing a story, you do a terrible job of representing women, different racial groups, gay men, ext. They don't want to write female characters like they're people who make mistakes and grow. Those authors wanted women to always be perfect and always in the right and her biggest obstacle is that men don't believe in her. You can see that in Star Wars with Rei or Captain Marvel as an example of the mindset I'm talking about.
I liked homestuck because so many of the female characters had challenges and flaws. Aradia, Terezi, Rose... They had amazing stories and their flaws made them interesting.
Homestuck could have been a story about different people who have completely different mindsets coming together for a common goal. Homestuck is just... soap opera drama and shitty teen romance at the end of the story where the characters just wait for the story to finish and most of the audience left. In the epilogue, it feels like all of the characters gave up. I suppose Kanaya did put in effort to find Rose and make sure she is safe, I'll give the story credit there. Dirk wants something too. Dirk's goal is just to close the loop and create the first universe in the first place but all you ever hear people talking about is how his motivations have something to do with the shitty meta fiction gimmick the story has going on. "Gotta keep the story going or else the characters fade out of memory" That is such bullshit concept. Sounds like a justification for why there are so many Star Wars shows now. Sounds like milking an IP. Quantity of quality kind of excuse.
And, for the record, my beef isn't with how the fandom represents it's own headcanons or interpretations of the characters, my beef is with how people talk about the canon. Fandom and canon should be two different things. But people act like the fandom should influence canon. I thought the point of both of the cherubs were to show that is a bad idea. Fanon being in canon feels like it derails the story, even the homosuck part that Caliborn came up with.
I'm getting tired of trying to even find a space in this fandom. It's occupying too much of my freetime now. I have so much nostalgia for homestuck but now it feels like trying to get back on the swings of a playground, too old for this shit. Fuck, I adulted too hard and I outgrew fandom I guess. Shit sucks.
Ah well, at least they fans are having fun. But how much fun can you really have when Rose screwed over Kanaya in two timelines? Kanaya felt like a better character in the epilouge cause she's given a challenge to face that is unique to her and her relationship with her wife. Rose's dad brainwashed(?) her to leave her wife, wow, Kanaya that's some shit. Just sucks that she is getting cucked AGAIN. Is it a universal constant that Kanaya is just going to keep falling for women who don't respect her? Maybe she should have stuck with Vriska. All of this Kanaya Rose drama is a bad sign of what's to come. I think it's disrespectful to the fans that are still sticking around. I'm not really included in this bunch. My horse tapped out of the race years ago. People who are still holding out for hope this story is going somewhere are either the most optimistic people out there or the most beaten down.
It's no wonder so many people who worked on homestuck abandoned ship. Toby looks like he's having a good career and Hussie looks like he's afraid of what he created. Maybe there is poetic justice to be gleaned from all of this.
It had lot of creative ideas and talent. But through it, there are cracks and messes that can't be ignored. Even now, the same kind of messes appear again in present times and I think people are scared to talk about it in fear that the thing they love was not as great as they though it was. We really are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Even when moments in the series and narrative itself that tells the audience that we were stupid to even care, we stayed because we loved it for what it was back then before the meta shit kicked in. The whole revival of the series so it won't fade away and being comparable to Star Wars is a good way to describe it. The team not taking risks to actually go outside of the Homestuck cast, tell a new story, or even trying to focus on the base webcomic alone that made it popular in the first place. They can't even put more focus on Hiveswap just yet because they know people know Homestuck first before Hiveswap, despite said game could make a better introduction or entryway for people to get interested in the webcomic. I'm not sure what is going on through Hussie or James Roach's mind for all this.
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Fourth closet AU where Michael and Evan get to exist and be bad guys along With fourth closet Circus baby/Elizabeth.
Michael takes the role as like the bodyguard and the guy who's Job is to do violence. Unlike his siblings Michael genuinely hates their father. He makes a lot of empty threats against William which both of them know Michael will never go through with. He has a similar hate for robot Charlie and her friends. Especially John. He hates John for being a plain boring man who despite that gets to keep his nice soft smooth skin and live a pretty happy life with his girlfriend Well Mike spent to the last like 10 ish years in a basement Being tortured. (I haven't decided if Michael is like possessing Fun time foxy or version of him Or Michael is zombie either or I can't decide :( )
Elizabeth remains pretty much the same except obviously I'm getting rid of the "":stuff"" tied in with fourth closet circus baby. She died in Williams's shitty copy of the fourth Charlie Bot (Built off of William attempting to follow Henry's blueprints) When she was like 6 but she grew up in the suit and is now 18. Her job is pretending to be Charlie and keeping an eye on charlie's friends to make sure they don't find real Charlie/trying to find where real Charlie is before anyone else can. Her only real knowledge of the world outside of the torture basement has been Soap operas that would run on the TV down there every once in a while. That's why she wears the red dress and lots of makeup even though it's so uncharacteristic of Charlie. How Elizabeth thinks real people act. (Note I'm taking out all of the weird stuff like her kissing John and people thirsting after her)
Evan Takes Elizabeth's place as The surgeon medical one. I think he possesses a version of fun time Freddy, And he does like all of the medical stuff on their dad Unlike Elizabeth who knows that William hates her but still tries to be a good daughter anyway and Michael who just hates William and gets hate back. Evans still thinks their dad loves them. And is desperate even more than Elizabeth to prove his worth as like a surgeon and a medical guy. He also feels left out because Evans just a tiny little guy so he can't help his siblings with any murder stuff :(
Just an idea that bounced around in my head. Sorry if this makes no sense I'm tired
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 months
I've talked a lot on here about my favorite characters, but what about some of my LEAST favorite characters?
Honestly, I don't have too many characters that I just hate with a burning passion or anything like that... but there are def characters that truly get under my skin. So let's have some fun and rant for a bit, shall we? Starting with least hated to most:
Sadie Miller (Steven Universe): Gonna be honest, a big reason why I dislike this character is because of her voice. No disrespect to Kate Micucci, but MAN her voice is just so grating to me personally (tbf, I feel the same way about Greg Cipes). As for the character herself, she's just incredibly whiny and annoying imo. I couldn't really relate to her frustrations with her mother, and that whole mess with her and Lars was just... yeah. Still can't really overlook the whole Stranded Island incident. Say what you will about how terrible Lars can be, but at least Lars can be funny and interesting sometimes. I just don't care for Sadie at all.
Mo Morrison (Lightyear): Laying out my biases here, I really don't like Lightyear in general, it's a very frustrating and agitating film to me personally, I could honestly rant about that movie for hours. But beyond the story/plot issues, Mo is just a very annoying character to me. They try SO hard to push him to be the comedy relief, and it just does not work. Then, when they try to push him as the team screw-up, they push too hard and just make him frustrating to watch since he literally can't do anything right and doesn't get a win until the payoff with the stupid spacesuit pen. Literally every scene with him just ends up making me go "goddamn it, Mo, why are you even here??"
Mr. Herriman (Foster's Home): As a kid who was a big fan of Frankie growing up, it shouldn't be surprising just how much I hate this rabbit. I think what really gets me is how callous and unfair he can be, with stuff like "Imposters Home for uh Make-em-up Pals", "Crime After Crime" and "Setting a President" showing him at his absolute worst. An all-around VERY frustrating and unsympathetic character to me, worse so than Bloo or any of the show's actual villains. Honestly, it makes me sad that we don't get to see more of his softer side - i.e. the life-long friendship he has with Madame Foster/the stuff that makes Madame Foster love him - as that easily could have saved his character. But for the most part, he just comes off as a huge jerk.
Stickler (The Cuphead Show): Similarly to Herriman, I think I just get incredibly annoyed with characters who put rules and procedure above everything else. What makes Stickler worse though is the voice they gave him, as while it's kinda funny in his first couple appearances, by season 3 I'm cringing just as much as Devil does whenever he pops up. They also amp up his jerkiness and pushiness in the later episodes - and while I get WHY they need to, given how distracted Devil gets, it's still a tad annoying imo.
Dr. Owen Hunt (Grey's Anatomy): Literally my least favorite character EVER. This guy... he really is just the WORST. And yes, I know there are in-universe reasons for how he acts, but when he continues being a shitty person to his wives and others, I stop caring about those reasons. He's a huge hypocrite on most things, has a 'my way is always right'/'My way or the highway' mentality, and he's just such a baby whenever he doesn't get his way or when he has to face consequences. YES, I KNOW, on Grey's pretty much everyone is a shitty person in some way because it's a dramatic medical soap opera and they need drama, but Owen really does just get under my skin the most with how stubborn and 'holier than thou' he acts a lot of the time.
...That being said, if any of my followers actually like these characters, no disrespect to you. In fact, I'd love to know WHY you like these characters, as perhaps I can get a new perspective on them.
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kebriones · 8 months
Do you ever watch movies in english
I think a better question would be if I ever watch movies in greek. 99% of the movies I watch are in english, with english subtitles if i need them. There are very few greek movies that I've watched. and I don't like greek subtitles on english movies because they are more confusing than helpful. I also watch older animated movies and stuff like spongebob in greek because they have stellar voice acting and translations, sometimes superior to the original, but none that came out after 2010, that's around the time when greek dubs took a nosedive. Unlike other countries like germany and france, we never dub movies and series with actors here, they play in enlgish on TV and cinemas. The only live action thing I can recall being dubbed here were shitty foreign soap operas from brazil and stuff.
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the-ace-with-spades · 4 months
I've had mixed feelings about this season of 9-1-1...
Some of the issues about this season are, I'm pretty sure, caused by how short it is and the pacing being messed up for a lot of plotlines there.
The first two episodes felt overstretched to me, like the whole cruise bit could have been fit in two episodes instead of three - the third cruise ep was better but that's because it was oversaturated with characters and side plots and you couldn't compress that much of it. The first two just felt very slow and had put a lot of boring exposure on Lola and Norman that didn't really parallel the struggles Athena and Bobby had that well in my mind. 9-1-1 was always really heavy on narrative parallels in episodes (rescued people's dilemmas paralleled the crew's personal problems and guided them to have a look inwards into their own lives - it's quite common in procedural dramas and serves well if done with heart) but this time it feels very disconnected and mismatched.
Buck's arc was mostly good, very in character and paced in a way that didn't feel very rushed - stuff happened fast but it still felt realistic and natural. I do think it could've been done more in depth and show Buck's thought process more in some occasions but it wasn't bad.
I didn't like the wedding episodes as much as I thought I would (Jennifer and Kenneth were brilliant acting wise tho). I have a big problem with how Maddie's relationship with her and Buck's parents is treated in the show (mostly I don't think 'the united front' was really there as much as the writers tried to push but that's a typical depiction of 'parents are always going to be your parents no matter how shitty and deserve countless second chances' that you see in media and never like) but the idea of a huge wedding for Maddie and Chim seemed so out of character for them and the hospital wedding was also less private and romantic than what I'd imagine for them. I didn't like the bachelor party bit, it seemed very pointless to me and took some time from Chim's story that could give it a better pacing. Not to mention the depiction of encephalitis was very jarring as someone who actually had treated patients with encephalitis...
Eddie's arcs are... well, a bit ridiculous this season. Marisol has zero depth from the beginning, adding that whole almost a nun background didn't make it better. It might be just me, but in the scenes where Eddie is alone (not with another main cast member) he almost seems to be lacking personality?? Like his behaviour feels like a plot device more than something that matches what we could see of him beforehand?? The Catholic guilt took the worst turn possible with the whole nun bit, there's so many ways you could show Catholic guilt without making it about something as shallow and impersonal as having sex with an ex almost nun. It's literally not related that much to what Eddie's Catholic guilt (that is implied to have existed for years in him) would relate.
Kim is a whole other thing. Not an affair but still feels like an affair. The most unrealistic, farfetched way to deal with guilt and resentment for your dead wife ever. People don't just meet doppelgangers of their dead wife and decide to use them to deal with their issues and said doppelgangers don't just agree to it and find it normal. It's just some messed up way to push Eddie into that direction faster but it's just taking away the complexity of Eddie's feelings about Shannon and pushing it into a couple of short scenes that seem like they were taken out of a bad soap opera.
Mara's story line is...ugh. Look, foster kids in TV are my pet peeve. Especially troubled foster kids and the way people treat them and how people treating them is portrayed. Karen wanting her rehomed the minute she showed troubled behavior took away a lot from her for me, even if she retracted later, this just shouldn't be the first instinct of a foster parent and should not show. The way how they portrayed the whole investigation of Mara's past also pissed me off - this is not how it'd look in real life, so many of the foster parents just don't know what happened to the kid and have to work on figuring it out with the kid, on earning their trust by putting actual work into the relationship than just playing a detective and finding out how they got 'messed up'. Denny is literally having the most empathy out of all of them and that's just so bad. The way Mara magically opened up in such short notice and seems to be now an angelic child that trusts Hen and Karen completely is also something so jarring.
Involving a councilwoman into it all felt like such an overinflated way to stir trouble again. The realistic problems foster parents and adoption parents face are much more mundane than a whole ass politician suddenly deciding to run a vendetta on Hen. Hen and Karen are lesbians and black, Hen works a demanding job with long hours. CPS could get fussy about such a small thing as a teacher that is not the most tolerant reporting them for late pickups or forgotten lunches or even someone from social services Mara isn't making enough progress fast enough. The adoption judge themselves could be biased towards them and make the process difficult. There's so many ways it could have been done without involving the councilwoman and the incidents Hen's been either cleared off charges or acted with the protocol. That is, in my opinion, a cheap way to make it a conflict that is relying, emotionally, on hating the villain only (the councilwoman) and not showcasing the real struggles Karen and Hen could actually have, which would take time to expose in plot.
I did like Bobby's episode(s). A lot. Amir, as a character, is well rounded as well, it's just that any time other characters interact with him, they just seem to be acting so illogical and out of character - this is mostly about Maddie and Athena, I can understand why Bobby would act the way he does. I think Bobby is by far one of the best explored characters in the show and they didn't mess it up this season like they've done with the rest - the rest feels actually a bit two dimensional almost.
On another note, this season feels like a drama rather than procedural drama. I barely remember any rescues and emergencies and the ones that happened were really short and uncomplicated and brought almost nothing into the episodes.
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theharpermovieblog · 1 year
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I watched Blood For Dracula (1974)
I have somewhat seen this before on late night tv, along with it's counterpart Flesh For Frankenstein.
A sickly Dracula travels to Italy to find a virgin to cure him.
If I was to ask, "Hey, do you wanna see a very bloody, soft-core-esque Dracula movie starring Udo Keir and presented by Andy Warhol?" You'd either say, "What? No." Or "Absolutely, give me that now, push it into my face if you have to." There would be no in-between.
Well, before you answered you might ask, "What does PRESENTED BY Andy Warhol mean?" And I would tell you that he had nothing to do with this movie, other than knowing the guy who made it.
Director Paul Morrissey, has made some other movies, which I have not seen. They all seem like slightly queer trash art. A genre I'm absolutely here for in theory.
I'll start with some of the technical stuff, then move on to the movie as a whole.
Morrissey is very competent behind the camera. He understands shot construction and I rather like his visual choices.
The dialogue is often clunky and I'd argue that the script isn't well written or very engaging. And, the fact that a lot of the actors clearly speak English as a second language isn't helping that clunky dialogue.
I should also mention that this is supposedly a horror/comedy, but its less funny and more "funny" in the way which artists think they're being "funny".
Udo Keir is very good here as a rather vain Dracula. He's stage acting and it fits his character. The other acting and actors throughout are hit or miss, but some people definitely shine and would shine more if they had interesting things to say. Arno Jeurging is definitely having fun in his role. Joe Dallesandro's New York accent is almost shocking amongst the Italian, German and British accents that surround it. His acting isn't good, but he's good for a few chuckles.
Overall this film, technically speaking, is ok for shitty gothic horror of the era and a film that has a look that I adore. Dreamy, with a hint of British soap opera and a handful of italian horror. The locations are gorgeous , as are the people and the costumes.
So, how's the movie as a whole.
Well, it's not a high art piece by any means. Outside of attempting to have more tits and ass and excessive blood, nothing really separates this from other horror of the era, and a lot of directors were doing this much better back then. It's stilted and none of the story or action has any weight to it. There's no real scares or laughs either. A few moments of being able to laugh at it, but not with it. Also, the hero assaults a couple women, rapes a 14 year old, and is just kind of a dick. Not really a guy you want to root for.
But, despite the movie not being all that great, there are some moments I enjoyed. I laughed through most of Dracula's Seizures and a few strangely delivered lines. (Not sure if I was supposed to, but I did.) I loved looking at the pretty people being pretty and wearing pretty things, or being pretty and naked. I loved the look of it all, honestly. I loved the end where Dracula is being hacked up. I loved how self indulgent it felt and how absolutely trashy it really is. I loved that it tries to toss in some form of a classism discussion and doesn't really follow through on. Is Count Dracula's illness supposed to be a metaphor for the dying upper class? If so, it's a pretty weak one, and just an attempt at trying to make this seem more high minded than it is.
Basically, I admired the terribleness surrounded by pretty things.
This movie is trash with a little bit of fun to it. There's enough here to it to watch it once, just to see it.
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lateral-org · 10 months
1 13 and 18!
1) Is John misunderstood or a villain?
False dichotomy here. I think John is well understood by many fans in that he was a traumatized man and absent father who indoctrinated his sons into a brutal and violent lifestyle (raised them to be soldiers). Like Henrikksen was pretty spot on when he called him a cult leader. The demons just happened to be real.
It's disgusting to me how much John actively avoided his sons during season 1. They didn't even know vampires were still around! (???) John would just drop a pin at a location and send them on goose chases and maybe grace them with his presence if he needed them or they literally tracked him down. Despicable parent behavior.
I don't think this makes him a "villain" though. He's not actively antagonizing the boys (other than giving them soooooo much trauma that they aren't gonna work through). Arguably the most villainous he is is when he tells Dean he's gonna have to kill Sam, and then he dies.
So I don't know. I think he's a shitty dad who fucked them over at every opportunity, but in my head there's nuance between that and villain.
13) Leather jacket or Mary’s ring?
I'm definitely forgetting or missed the lore about Mary's ring, I'm assuming its one of the rings Dean used to wear before Jensen decided no he wouldn't. Or maybe it's from s12? Either way it didn't leave an impact on me (feel free to send me meta to change my mind 👀)
If I have to choose based on symbolism, leather jacket. The leather jacket is such a strong visual signifier of John's impact on Dean's life (your car is his your clothes are his even your music is his etc) AND the fact that he sheds it after a while demonstrates his growth away from being John's shadow. (I know they lost it but still it works for me in canon)
A ring just doesn't have that same (hah) ring to it, especially in a live action show where we don't get that many lingering shots of hands, or insight into how Mary affected Dean.
However. If Sam was wearing Mary's ring... That's something I could get into. Something about Sam latching onto a piece of the mother he never knew, wearing it every day (maybe on a chain so he could hide it under his shirt). Sam wearing the ring when he meets Ruby, wearing it on his hand after Dean goes to hell and staring at it when he exorcises demons (he's doing it for Her but really he's doing it for himself, just like John)
Agh I'm driving myself crazy with this idea actually, maybe the ring if Sam gets to wear it
18) When did Supernatural start declining in quality? (If it did?)
Hahaha well
I'm currently rewatching it so it's fresh in my mind. I've always said 4 and 5 are my favorite seasons but rewatching really cemented that for me. Supernatural is a show that varies in quality season by season, and after a certain point it varies drastically episode by episode. Seasons 1 and 2 are really fucking solid, but season 3 sucks a lot in a lot of ways due to the writer's strike. Then 4 and 5 come in and pick up the pieces pretty effectively.
I think if you're looking for a cohesive show with an ending that makes sense and narrative themes that work, you stop at the end of season 5. Season 6 is a huge dip in quality for me. The first half of the season is so fucking boring and confusing, and by the time it gets it's act together it's time for the finale. But that also makes it similar to season 3, just if season 3 had time to redeem itself.
But I love season 7. I love the new characters and the leviathan and the weird 2011 liberal sensibilities. Season 8 is straight up a vampire diaries soap opera.
Visually the quality declines drastically after season 5. Seasons 4 and 5 use a lot of interesting framing and visual symbolism which stood out compared to the rest of the show, and a lot of that is absent post season 5. A few episodes try to recapture it but the direction becomes pretty generic. The color grading too suffers a lot. There have been so many meta posts about it but truly why does the show get so bright and colorful. I'm not supposed to be able to distinguish dark green from black.
Character writing also suffers post s5. They put the boys through the same wringer over and over and Dean gets angrier and Sam gets quieter and that's it. Not that there aren't good lines or arcs, it's just that compared to the content of the first 5 seasons it's worse.
Notable exceptions, like I said I like season 7. I also think 11 and 12 are good. Season 15 is fucking crazy and evil but it also has like. A plot. Like it's doing season 5 again but at least it knows where it's going.
But yeah. Decline after season 5
Spn Discourse ask game
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1833outboy · 2 years
Hi! I just want to tell you that I loove your fic "Sunshine Riptide". I love everything about it; the summer feeling, the characterization of Pete and Patrick, the background Gabilliam, Patrick literally calling Arma garbage, THE BINGO HAT, Pete being a lifeguard, Patrick owning a record store, Patrick's shitty ex boyfriend that acts like a mexican soap-opera villain, the underwater stuff, everything
I love it, seriously <3 thanks for writing this fic
thank you for saying so!! <3 honestly, i love that fic too. it's probably my fave one shot i've ever done and it was so so much fun to write.
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icedfae · 2 years
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(—) ★ spotted!! MARGARITA ‘MAGGIE’ ROSARIO on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 23 year old looks like CHRISTINA NADIN, but i don’t really see it. while  the MODEL/WRITER is known for being EBULLIENT my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be LOQUACIOUS i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE HER by MADDIE ZAHM
someday you’ll think you disappoint your parents
Name: Margarita ‘Maggie’ Rocio Rosario Age: Twenty-Three DOB: March 16, 1999 Gender: Cisfemale Sexuality: Bisexual Occupation: Model/Writer Family Members: Davina Rosario ( full sister ), Jaylen Rosario ( maternal half-brother, adopted by biological father )
but they’ll love you, not despite, but regardless
Born the youngest of five children, Maggie has always been the type to take care of others. Whether it be her older siblings (three brothers and a sister) or her parents. When she was thirteen years old, Maggie found herself in the midst of a huge custody battle after her mother cheated on her father with his brother. It fell that they would have shared custody of their underage children.
Her parents constantly fought after the divorce, barely being able to stand being in the same room as one another. Longer than an hour and bitterness would take over. It only got worse when her mother got remarried to her uncle, who became her step-father. It felt like her life was spent growing up in a soap opera.
The older she got, the more that Maggie began to hide behind the façade of perfection. They didn’t have time to worry about her if she was always active in school and community. Not only did she do every extra curricular that she could find, ran in a tight knit social circle and even kept a part time job at a bookstore in the city. If her life wasn’t a whirlwind, Maggie would find herself becoming overwhelmed by the sense of duty she felt to her family.
At sixteen years old, Maggie had the most cliche beginning to fame that could have possibly happened, which she still jokes around about to this day. She was working at the bookstore when she was scouted for modeling and after vetting the man who approached her, Maggie decided to go for it. It was just supposed to be another part time thing that helped her make cash on the side and soon enough it turned into travelling into New York City to do fashion shows and shoots in big companies.
This was not the life she envisioned for herself but modeling was giving her enough to make her way through college which is what she wanted. She enrolled in Columbia University School of the Arts for writing with a concentration in fiction writing.
It hasn’t been much and she continues to model for her agency on the side but her primary focus now is building connections through the industry she plans to break out in.
and you’ll learn to let people have shitty opinions
things to note
Though there was always the temptation to party with the other models she met through her agency, Maggie has kept herself out of trouble for the most part.
TW Eating Disorder During her time as a sixteen year old breaking out into modeling, she did develop an eating disorder in which she’s been hospitalized three times over -- the last being almost a year ago now. 
Always trying to keep up the persona of being perfect, it’s rare to find Maggie without a smile on her face or laughing loudly for all to hear. She likes to keep up the bubbly act as much as possible. If you’re happy people don’t worry about you.
She’s currently writing a novel about an elven community in her free time. She will tell you all about it if you ask.
A giant nerd, often found reading as it was her biggest solace as a child.
It’s not unusual for her to go on a tangent about a topic that she’s passionate about. Often times she’ll talk in circles until you point it out.
Her family, the Rosario clan, are known for each of the children gaining popularity and stardom despite the quaint life they lived growing up. Their fame is slowly booming them into popularity the more each of them gets famous.
She is a virgin which is not something that is really well known because girl can come across as a flirt when she’s actually just being friendly.
and talk about your trauma and like the body you live in
The Rest of the Rosarios - Maggie is the youngest of five, three brothers and an older sister. I feel like the other four are relatively close in age with the one closest to her being 25 now. The older four were always closer to each other than Maggie, her being the quiet one of the bunch, but there isn’t much they wouldn’t do for one another. All of them making it in different fields, her parents were heralded as having raised them a good bunch when in reality the eldest of the children raised the younger ones while their parents fought constantly over the infidelities. 
Industry Friends - Through her many years in the modeling world, she’s met a lot of people and networked through
Tinder Dates - Girl is single living in the 21st century in LA, ofc she’s been on tinder dates galore. They could have gone badly, could have gone alright. Maybe even a few of them went well enough that they’re seeing each other again casually. Who knows, it’s a big old game of Russian Roulette.
more to come when i’m not dying
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