#shitfest u hear me
ohbo-ohno · 9 months
lmao sorry I did a fuck and mixed the universes I just rlly like stuffies 😖
I’ve actually been in kind of a shit mood these past few days and ur blog has rlly cheered me up quite a bit, so thank u for that!!!! Honestly the idea of being spirited away from this shitfest, taken care of and pampered by two big strong hot guys, and having lots and lots of fucking bone shattering toe curling sex??? Sign my ass up. I was never meant to do taxes or figure out how to work a 9-5 I was meant to be a cute pampered pet in a cage!!!!!!
Mushy stuff aside, I give you this visual: Reader confined to the cage for awhile as punishment and taking a nap, only to wake up to Simon and Johnny jacking off while standing over her and cumming all over her poor teary face through the bars
this is not a three strikes you're out situation lol, no worries babe <3
im so so glad you've been enjoying my stuff, it honestly means the world to hear that!!!! i've got like 700 posts lmao, plenty of stuff to scroll through. i hope your days get better, im sorry things have been so rough :/
i've gotten like at LEAST 20 asks that are like "i'd love this situation!" and i don't answer most of them bc i'd say the same thing again and again, but they're real as hell. you've got to pretend that being swept away by them wouldn't (theoretically ofc) be the absolute dream when you're reading my stuff haha. seriously though, what i wouldn't give to marry rich and spend the rest of my life with literally 0 expectations. god, if you're listening-
in my original ghoap puppy play fic (here) i was going to add a scene where johnny wakes up in the middle of the night to ghost jacking off over him :/ don't be surprised if that shows up somewhere else in my stuff haha
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codenamesazanka · 5 years
So hear me out. 'I need a roommate fast so I posted an ad on craigslist or you are a friend of a friend that I've never met and now we are roommates and I hate your guts but also you are super hot but thats no excuse to not do dishes you fucking asshole' spinaraki au.
Okay!!! So I liked it and was thinking and thinking and then I had this idea and it unraveled. Added my own twist to it, hope you don’t mind!
So Spinner!!! Age 23, construction worker. 
Is doing okay! Able to get a pretty nice apartment with a decent roommate, like 10 minute walk from the metro station. 
Then one day he comes from and finds out his roommate has gone missing, presumed dead
Shit, what?! 
Anyways, he can’t afford the apartment on his own. He needs a roommate fast
His friend Toga from his online cosplay group says she knows the perfect person!!
In comes Tomura. That’s his name. Just Tomura. Does he wanna give Spinner a last name? 
Nah. And what, Spinner can be ‘Spinner’ (online handle/nickname) but he can’t just be ‘Tomura’?
Tomura apparently also lacks... everything. Barely any belongings, and no job apparently. 
But he can pay cash upfront.
First impression: shady as fuck, a bit of an asshole
Whatever. They just won’t bother each other and it’ll be fine.
Also Tomura just has such a creepy vibe about him, but for some reason immediately Spinner’s dreaming about his vivid red eyes and long white hair
Very mysterious too
What the f u c k
Decides they’re just nightmares
So by next week, here’s Spinner’s second impression:
Fucking dick is leaves his trash around, has been playing Spinner’s games without permission, and when Spinner forces him to wash the dishes—
Tomura disintegrate them with his quirk instead
Yeah, he’s gonna kick this guy out
{Wtf the toga?????
aw, Tomura’s not a bad guy give him a chance (✿´ ꒳ ` )}
But then, this weird deathly skeletal guy shows up at his door: Yagi Toshinori 
So you’re Tenko’s new roommate? 
Ah, right, he goes by Tomura. 
Spinner scowls at just the mention of Tomura but that’s one mystery half solved. Not really. 
Anyways, is Tomura is shitty son? 
Unfortunately, no, more like... a nephew. Yagi was his legal guardian. 
And he knows Tomura is probably difficult to deal with, but he’s a good kid. Thank you, Spinner, for giving him a chance, and please take care of him. 
...Well how can Spinner say no to this probably-dying guy’s request? 
So yeah, Spinner decides to keep Tomura
Which later turns out to be probably a bad decision cuz a huge fucking shitfest is coming with mysteries and misunderstandings, Heroics and Villainy, and poor poor Spinner will be caught up in it
But at least his dick of a roommate is there to help. Maybe.
...yeah it got looooong and I realized I had an actual pretty okay plot here
And maybe I should write this as a fic instead of spoiling everything right now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯??? Who knows tho!!! Thanks for indulging me
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Masterlist: O Thomas Hunt, Wherefore Art Thou My Professor?
If you want to read all the chapters in chronological order, go here. 
This story can also be found on AO3 here, in case you prefer reading fics over there.
(I’ll try to keep this updated this time, by the way. Promise.)
♢ Chapter 01: Welcome to Hollywood U, Rachel.
♢ Chapter 02: Rachel, We’ve Got a Problem.
♢ Chapter 03: Hollywood 101
♢ Chapter 04: Hot, Hot Mess
♢ Chapter 05: Garbage to Gold
♢ Chapter 06: Lenience
♢ Chapter 07: Video Valentine
♢ Chapter 08: The Dress
♢ Chapter 09: Irrelevant
♢ Chapter 10: And the Winner Is...
♢ Chapter 11: Out Of Your Way
♢ Chapter 12: Getting Ready
♢ Chapter 13: The Video Debut
♢ Chapter 14: Men in Suits
♢ Chapter 15: Sleazeballs
♢ Chapter 16: A Nice Set of Abs
♢ Chapter 17: High Time
♢ Chapter 18: Triangulaire
♢ Chapter 19: Notice Me, Senpai
♢ Chapter 20: A Lesson
♢ Chapter 21: A Damned Good Professor
♢ Chapter 22: An Interesting Discovery
♢ Chapter 23: Vitamin Chris
♢ Chapter 24: Romance (In Film) Is Dead
♢ Chapter 25: Masquerade
♢ Chapter 26: Yet Another Interesting Discovery
♢ Chapter 27: Attention
♢ Chapter 28: Scheduling Conflict
♢ Chapter 29: Just My Luck
♢ Chapter 30: Calm and Collected
♢ Chapter 31: Maybe
♢ Chapter 32: Careful
♢ Chapter 33: Another Opportunity
♢ Chapter 34: Shitfest
♢ Chapter 35: Silent Treatment
♢ Chapter 36: Understood
♢ Chapter 37: Keeping An Eye On You
♢ Chapter 38: Big Deal
♢ Chapter 39: Fashion Film
♢ Chapter 40: The Ruthless Professor
♢ Chapter 41: The Hearing
♢ Chapter 42: Knight in Shining Armour
♢ Chapter 43: A Moment
♢ Chapter 44: Fashion Week
♢ Chapter 45: New York
♢ Chapter 46: Faux Pas
♢ Chapter 47: Coffee Run
♢ Chapter 48: Bold
♢ Chapter 49: Wicked Game
♢ Chapter 50: Bossy
♢ Chapter 51: The Reluctant Professor
♢ Chapter 52: Truth
♢ Chapter 53: Damn Jacket
♢ Chapter 54: Nightgown
♢ Chapter 55: Interesting Choice
♢ Chapter 56: Repulsive
♢ Chapter 57: Runaway
♢ Chapter 58: Betrayal
♢ Chapter 59: Done
♢ Chapter 60: A Welcome Distraction
♢ Chapter 61: I Don’t Care
♢ Chapter 62: Just A Professor
♢ Chapter 63: For the Better
♢ Chapter 64: Date Auction
♢ Chapter 65: Six Hundred
♢ Chapter 66: Contractually Obligated
♢ Chapter 67: Chateau de Rose
♢ Chapter 68: Yvonne
♢ Chapter 69: I’m Sure
♢ Chapter 70: In A Heartbeat
♢ Chapter 71: Weakness
♢ Chapter 72: Choices
♢ Chapter 73: Ramblings
♢ Chapter 74: Sorry. 
♢ Chapter 75: The Best Friend
♢ Chapter 76: Surprised
♢ Chapter 77: The Heart Wants What It Wants
♢ Chapter 78: Dinner
♢ Chapter 79: Chaperone
♢ Chapter 80: Premiere
♢ Chapter 81: Golden Opportunity
♢ Chapter 82: Awfully Nervous
♢ Chapter 83: Marianne
♢ Chapter 84: Over
♢ Chapter 85: Journal
♢ Chapter 86: The Whole Nine Yards
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moodymasterlist · 5 years
❥ O Thomas Hunt, Wherefore Art Thou My Professor? Masterlist
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Rachel Fields
Word Count: 78,162 Words over 86 Chapters
If you prefer to read over on AO3, you can find this story over there, too!
Tumblr media
❥ Chapter 01: Welcome to Hollywood U, Rachel.
❥ Chapter 02: Rachel, We’ve Got a Problem.
❥ Chapter 03: Hollywood 101
❥ Chapter 04: Hot, Hot Mess
❥ Chapter 05: Garbage to Gold
❥ Chapter 06: Lenience
❥ Chapter 07: Video Valentine
❥ Chapter 08: The Dress
❥ Chapter 09: Irrelevant
❥ Chapter 10: And the Winner Is...
❥ Chapter 11: Out Of Your Way
❥ Chapter 12: Getting Ready
❥ Chapter 13: The Video Debut
❥ Chapter 14: Men in Suits
❥ Chapter 15: Sleazeballs
❥ Chapter 16: A Nice Set of Abs
❥ Chapter 17: High Time
❥ Chapter 18: Triangulaire
❥ Chapter 19: Notice Me, Senpai
❥ Chapter 20: A Lesson
❥ Chapter 21: A Damned Good Professor
❥ Chapter 22: An Interesting Discovery
❥ Chapter 23: Vitamin Chris
❥ Chapter 24: Romance (In Film) Is Dead
❥ Chapter 25: Masquerade
❥ Chapter 26: Yet Another Interesting Discovery
❥ Chapter 27: Attention
❥ Chapter 28: Scheduling Conflict
❥ Chapter 29: Just My Luck
❥ Chapter 30: Calm and Collected
❥ Chapter 31: Maybe
❥ Chapter 32: Careful
❥ Chapter 33: Another Opportunity
❥ Chapter 34: Shitfest
❥ Chapter 35: Silent Treatment
❥ Chapter 36: Understood
❥ Chapter 37: Keeping An Eye On You
❥ Chapter 38: Big Deal
❥ Chapter 39: Fashion Film
❥ Chapter 40: The Ruthless Professor
❥ Chapter 41: The Hearing
❥ Chapter 42: Knight in Shining Armour
❥ Chapter 43: A Moment
❥ Chapter 44: Fashion Week
❥ Chapter 45: New York
❥ Chapter 46: Faux Pas
❥ Chapter 47: Coffee Run
❥ Chapter 48: Bold
❥ Chapter 49: Wicked Game
❥ Chapter 50: Bossy
❥ Chapter 51: The Reluctant Professor
❥ Chapter 52: Truth
❥ Chapter 53: Damn Jacket
❥ Chapter 54: Nightgown
❥ Chapter 55: Interesting Choice
❥ Chapter 56: Repulsive
❥ Chapter 57: Runaway
❥ Chapter 58: Betrayal
❥ Chapter 59: Done
❥ Chapter 60: A Welcome Distraction
❥ Chapter 61: I Don’t Care
❥ Chapter 62: Just A Professor
❥ Chapter 63: For the Better
❥ Chapter 64: Date Auction
❥ Chapter 65: Six Hundred
❥ Chapter 66: Contractually Obligated
❥ Chapter 67: Chateau de Rose
❥ Chapter 68: Yvonne
❥ Chapter 69: I’m Sure
❥ Chapter 70: In A Heartbeat
❥ Chapter 71: Weakness
❥ Chapter 72: Choices
❥ Chapter 73: Ramblings
❥ Chapter 74: Sorry.
❥ Chapter 75: The Best Friend
❥ Chapter 76: Surprised
❥ Chapter 77: The Heart Wants What It Wants
❥ Chapter 78: Dinner
❥ Chapter 79: Chaperone
❥ Chapter 80: Premiere
❥ Chapter 81: Golden Opportunity
❥ Chapter 82: Awfully Nervous
❥ Chapter 83: Marianne
❥ Chapter 84: Over
❥ Chapter 85: Journal
❥ Chapter 86: The Whole Nine Yards
There’s more of Rachel and Hunt! Find all fics on my masterlist.
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karaslluthor · 7 years
supercorp fanfic masterpost
due to the shitfest that was comic con (except u katie mcgraff, u my main hoe) I've decided to post all my fav fics to boost the morale in this fandom bc even tho melhoohaa hurt my feelings i would die for supercorp also, im VERY sorry to the people who keep asking for me to post this and its taken about 7 years, I'm just a busy lady ok p.s. im a smut whore so ur welcome for a section dedicated for pure sin at the end
MULTI FICS Giant by @coeurdastronaute​ 90k+, ongoing, this is my fucking FAV, lena and kara meet in high school but not a high school AU, and its super angsty and L O V E honestly. 
my youth is yours by @lynnearlington 182k+, ongoing, my other fucking favvvvv! literally marked my soul and id read this everyday if i could bc never in my life have i read a fic that made my heart hurt this much ily writer
you are the fire (and i'm gasoline) by @lenacorporations 80k+, completed, literally read this is a day and holy fuck THE BEST! pls go and read this if you haven't. childhood au its so damn cute
It's in the Stars (It's been Written in the Scars/On our Hearts) by @homodramatica​ 201k+, ongoing, another fav!!!! seriously fucking read this now. its like angst and fluff and smut all wrapped up in a supercorp love fest and i fucking ride hard for this fic Learning Control by FrostedLimits 24k+, completed, kara can't control her powers in the bedroom and lena is more than happy to help, also periwinkle kryptonite is cool Mercy by Rykeral 329k+, ongoing, literally the longest and also the SLOWEST burn of all time, like I'm talking slow but its got everything like angst, fluff, action and lenas just a fucking badass.
Paranoia Incarnated by @justmickeyfornow​​ 86k+, ongoing, kara gets infected by this stuff and gets uber paranoid and needs to hear lenas heartbeat to calm down and lena doesn't know karas supergirl and its super cute and angsty FUCKING READ THIS NOW EVERYONE I'm telling ya
Jealous of the way (you're happy without me) by @blood-inthefields​ 17k+, ongoing, karas a jealous hoe but its super sad tbh
Supergirl In Training by @wtfoctagon​ 70k+, completed, if u haven't read this are u even a supercorp fan?
the heiress, the girl of steel, and the man who fell to earth by @littlekbrother​ 66k+, completed, LISTEN HERE this is one of my favs and mon-el is actually a good character basically everything supergirl should actually be and you need to fucking read this.
They only lack the light to show the way by @jennysparksandtheauthority​ 45k+, ongoing, SUPER BABIES
Lipstick On Your Collar by Remyroo17 52k+, completed, lena and kara have a baby together and ITS SO GOOD
The Day Lena's Earth Stood Still by SuperTweety 60k+, ongoing, kara is lenas assistant, she's weirded out about aliens but then they make sweet love and its gAY
You're Never Alone, Lena by HEDA_OWNS_MY_SOUL 79k+, ongoing, lenas a fucking badass and kara and lena love each other
You Wanna Be Friends Forever? I Can Think of Something Better by @myheartisbro-ken​ 93k+, ongoing, kara and lena just support each other so much i fucking love this fic
Breathe by @silent-rain91​ 114k+, completed, kara and lena broke up 6 yrs ago and kara finds out they have twins, kara also has a penis but its cool don't worry guys, one big happy family and oh so much angst
Worlds Between Us by @lycanhood​ 38k+, completed, lena and supergirl are friends with benefits and angst ensues, also red k kara hello
At Least I Got You in My Head by @queenghostling​ 25k+, ongoing, this is the saddest thing ever tbh, lena self harms and lillian's a fuckhead. lena and lucy for a little bit supercorp endgame apparently. TW for self harm and sexual abuse.
i'll love you till my breathing stops by @poiperoi​ 41k+, ongoing, boarding school au, and karas just a big fat alien and its so cute.
Impeccable timing by @thatsgaydanvers​ 22k+, ongoing, lena gets preggers before meeting kara and kara is overprotective and cute af The Liar Game by @ladyptarmigan 75k+, ongoing, slow burn uphill battle supercorp, still haven't finished but I'm already hooked!!!! 
Invictus by @annien​ 43k+, ongoing, lena takes kara to an arcade and kara stripteases for lena and its cute ok
it's easy (when i'm with you) by @falsealarm​ 17k+, ongoing, kara accidentally kisses lena and then they are horny little teenagers but also super fluffy idk its a good mixture ok
Protective Custody by @thatsalotofboobs​ 23k+, completed, lenas in protective custody with kara and its just a big gay sleepover and then they bang. Not Afraid to Fall by @prettyaveragewhiteshark​ 38k+, completed, lena and supergirl are sex buddies and angst ensues bc kara and lena love each other also sky sex??? You Wanna Be Friends Forever? I Can Think of Something Better by @myheartisbro-ken​ 93k, ongoing, this is just a big gay slow burn and lenas just in love with kara and they are cute okay read it
In Rao's Light by @letswreakhavoc​ 41k+, ongoing, lena makes a sex room and its just pure sin ur welcome Red Earth & Pouring Rain by @automaticheartache​​ 10k+, ongoing, karas on red k to admit her feelings for lena and its a mess but its a good mess Super Crush by @dophroll 44k+, ongoing, young pure love help this is cute af, time skips and sin Bite me... by @kassebaum 13k+, completed, kara makes kryptonite bracelets so she can bang lena If you don't love me, pretend (just for a few more hours)... by Khrat9 24k+, completed, kara and lena bang all the time and realise they love each other bc obviously Restraint by DaniJayNel 17k+, completed, lena basically becomes a kryptonian and gets to finally bang kara at the DEO Firsts by writerstealth 17k+, completed, supercorp love story told in a series of firsts!!!!! Duality by @mssirey​ 36k+, completed, start is pure sin but gets fluffy, supergirl and lena have LOTS of sex and kara and lena love each other idk man its good
Three Days by Silent_Specter 42k+, completed, ANGST AND ACTION AND LOVE ONE SHOTS we are what we pretend to be by C_AND_B kara and lena fake date but like who are they kidding i've just seen a face (i can't forget the time or place where we just met) by karalovesallthegirls kara gets drunk and licks lenas neck a lot In This World, And The Next by @stennnn06​ KATIE MCGRATH READ THIS ALOUD AT COMIC CON GUYS, marriage proposal cute af If the Suit Fits by @littlekbrother​ lena knows about kara before she comes out as supergirl and designs her suit!! I've Been Outed by SwanQueen4tw karas outed as supergirl bc of a puppy The more you know by @spaceman-earthgirl​ lena accidentally tells alex she had sex with kara It was her all along by @spaceman-earthgirl​ alex sees texts on karas phone and tries to find out who it is There for all to see by @spaceman-earthgirl​ just realised how many fav one shots i have from this author so just go read everything she has really lol I'm not kidding you won't be disappointed Jealous by 8ounce lenas jealous of mon-el and tries to make kara jealous with supergirl Oopsie! by Emiko_Scarlet lenas pregnant and get hurts and karas dramatic obvs wonderful electric (cover me in you) by @falsealarm fluff and smut, just read it its cute 
SIN SIN SIN here we are, two helping hands by @falsealarm​​ I Can See You In The Dark by GreyPallet & Sperryjayne you are everything (please touch me) by PerkyMetalhead A Dream Reality by ManyaZorEL Heatwave by yesverygoodallright Unraveling by gentlesin Not a Fantasy by wallofcrazy hands-on approach by exprsslyfrbidden not quite a damsel by blatant_sock_account Thunderbolt by chooseredemption Unavoidable Dreams by C_AND_B 40,000 feet by @kassebaum​ All I Want by breakerone Welcome home by Callmesnowy68 Snapping by freedombeats89 Not so secret by freedombeats89 need you by @icaruslena​ That's how you say thank you by @silent-rain91​ Kara Danver's Most Successful Press Conference by @pendragn​ the one where they're only friends by blatant_sock_account The Unsuccessful Capture of a Luthor by @nevertobeships​ Love & Nudes by loopt This Place is a Shelter by @trashbb Yellow and Green by yesverygoodallright
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dooleysbionicarm-y · 6 years
And Elite Force was horrible because the only writers were the ones who wrote the stupid filler episodes of Lab Rats except for when Chris Peterson wrote ‘The Rise of Five’ and ‘The Attack’ and him and Bryan Moore wrote ‘Home Sweet Home’, and there were no writers from Mighty Med either. They didn’t even bring back Tecton.
alskdjlas quite honestly i don’t really remember much of elite force bc i blacked out most of it, but you’re right, the filler episodes were so so so annoying and irritating so when it actually focused on the actual plot, it felt out of place and confusing (don’t even get me started on that mess of a finale … ) and the whole premise of the show was just so bland and unoriginal, like how do you manage to take a show about bionic heroes and a show about normos saving superheroe’s lives and turn it into a show about 5 bratty teenagers living in a penthouse, cause that seemed like that was all they were doing to me!!!
and what more, the writers didn’t even understand most of the characters and made them as irritating and bland and ooc as possible??? i didn’t even watch that much mighty med but i distinctly remember oliver not being as big as a creep to skylar as he was in elite force lol. and elite force also reduced kaz to a one dimensional character cause i’m pretty sure that kaz had some other character traits other than ‘comic relief’ and ‘dumbass’ in mighty med lmao,,,and skylar,,,i don’t even remember much of what happened to skylar in elite force but i’m pretty sure they did her dirty too!!!
and chase oh my god chase, i never thought i would end up hating him but yet here we are lol!!! he’s always been a little egoistical, but the writers just took and amplified that and kind of made it his only prominent character trait and i’m!!! i wanted to smack him! like literally the only other trait i remember he had was that he was whiny and he was wanting to get a girlfriend and the latter thing got so creepy after two episodes of it. it’s shown in lab rats that he does want a girlfriend, okay i can accept that bc i want a girlfriend too lmao, but again the writers took that and made it on a whole other level to the point of borderline obsessiveness over getting a girlfriend??? his tactics for trying to get a gf were so pathetic and creepy (how about try getting a personality for a change lol!)  i hated it so fucking much oh my god. he became every single white guy on television character i hate and i hate elite force for turning a character that served as a huge comfort for me during the hardest year of my life into that absolute piece of trash. god.
the only character i was kinda satisfied with was bree’s insecurity plot and that one episode with baby davenport, but even then she came off as incredibly annoying at times and just eeeurgh :))) like i know the disney channel formula for girl characters is to always have them a little obsessed with boys and makeup and looking good and bullshit like that but it was so exasperating hearing about it so much lmfao!!!
and the character dynamics were so fucking stale lmao,,,there was some promise of some interesting new friendships and i was kind of intrigued with bree and kaz’s friendship and chase and skylar’s relationship,,,but then of course disney does nothing but disappoint me and sent it all crashing down :))) i still cannot believe that they had the gall to pair skylar and oliver together even though oliver probably could have won the award for Megacreep #1 after all his unsettling interactions with skylar, i was so fucking uncomfortable for days after i watched the ep where they got together. if they want a romance for skylar so badly, bree is right there u cowards!!!
i’m sorry this got super ranty lmao but u can probably find me at any given time fuming over how much i hated this shitfest of a show :) disney hire me to write your shows you dumb bitch
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verritytorres · 7 years
(cause i’m an emotional bitch at 1am apparently)
•    moon @frogpepsi: HAVOC THE RING BEARER
•    they don’t know who of either of them should have tamara as their maid of honor until one day after lunch with jasper, call comes home and says “so i guess you can have tamara” and aaron looks at him and knows and smiles and says “and yet you say he annoys you as much as he did in school” “shut up he’s still a thorn in my ass”
•    aaron having a freak out before the wedding cause “oh my god tamara i just!!! i love him so much and i don’t want this to ruin anything!!!! we are starting a family and tamara, i don’t know families and i might fuck this up but i really don’t want to—“ and tamara covers his mouth, looks him in the eye and says “after this party’s over? everything will be largely the same. you’ll still wake up to him, you’ll still have to deal with his bullshit, you’ll still have dinner with me, and you’ll still be in love. i don’t know if you noticed, aaron, but we were already a family years ago.” and aaron just, nods with a new light in his eyes. “you know i love you, right?” “so you’ve said. now go get married, dumbass.”
•    meanwhile elsewhere, jasper and call…
◦       “i’m not gonna cry at the altar, that’s lame” “ten bucks says you will, fucko” “oh yeah? ten bucks says you cry too, asshat” 
◦       they both cry and hand each other $10
•    but tbh everyone cries. call, aaron, tamara, jasper, alastair, fucking rufus cries
◦       call’s would be “the first time i saw you, i thought “wow. what a jock asshole” which is a pretty big word for a twelve year old but. yeah” cue audience laughter, but call only hears aaron’s light chuckle, only sees the little crinkles by his eyes and the freckles dotting his nose “and then…you were nice to me. you were nice to me, the short, slow, pissy kid, when i did nothing to deserve it. god, aaron, you were—you’re the best person i’ve ever met. and i couldn’t let you get away.” call starts tearing up “i couldn’t let the world go on without you in it. you’re the sun to me, aaron, and i know i complain about the sun a lot—sneaky bastard won’t let me sleep in—but in the end it’s the only thing i can count on to never stop showing up. you’re the most stable thing i’ve got, aaron, and i can’t fucking wait to officially have that for the rest of my life.”
▪       “god,” aaron chokes, wiping at his eyes. “did you write that down? was that all you?”
▪       “jasper helped with the metaphors, so that’s why they’re a bit extra. but yeah.” call smiles, but it’s a bit shaky. he is crying, after all. “memorized it, too.”
▪       “god. i love you so much.”
▪       “ditto.”
◦       aaron comes next. “okay, i didn’t plan to do dramatic, but i’ve gotta upstage that little speech somehow. i…i grew up without a home, you know that. i never had a fixed place to run back to. i was always moving around. then i got into the magisterium and i thought, “maybe here i’ll find some place to stay”. and i did. i found you and tamara. and about half an hour ago, i was having a bit of a freak out—not cause i don’t want to marry you cause believe me i really do—but because i was afraid that i couldn’t give you the family you deserved. and tamara reminded me of something: we made a family years ago.” he hears a soft gasp behind him and he doesn’t have to turn to know that tamara is breaking out the waterworks. "and after i—came back—i was so scared i was gonna lose it, that i’d go batshit with this chaos magic in me, but you reassured me. you told me you’d never leave my side over and over until i believed it, and that’s when i realized for the first time in my life i had something to come back to. i had a home, call, and that’s you.”
▪       by now, call's covered his face with the hand that wasn’t holding aaron’s. “you sappy fucker.”
•    after the officiant declares them husband and husband, they kiss, and it’s wet and gross and they’re both smiling too much for it to be a real kiss, but they both think it’s the best one yet. tamara starts cheering loudly, and jasper joins in, and eventually the room is filled with applause and joy, joy, joy.
•    (if u think im not moving on to the reception u r sadly mis-fuckin-staken)
•    tamara was in charge of most of the reception. she chose the venue—the gardens at the gables, with its open space, fragrant flowers, and magic everywhere. she hired metal mages for the music, water mages for the furniture (“ice furniture that doesn’t melt, how fucking cool is that—“), fire mages for performances, earth mages for the fresh food, and air mages to make little images of call and aaron throughout the years float around the space. call keeps saying it’s a bit much, but tamara knows he loves it.
•    the cake—painstakingly chosen by call, since aaron couldn’t give less of a shit as long as it tasted good—is a red velvet/vanilla monstrosity covered with fondant in a strange, pastel color mix. when aaron asked why it was that color, call just muttered, “it’s the closest color to your soul.” aaron grinned until his cheeks ached.
•    tamara could have clinked the glass and quieted everyone down the normal way, but no. she used air magic to make everyone hear her say, “eyes up front.” and waited until everyone did so until she stood up, champagne glass in hand for dramatic effect. she summoned up every inch of charisma in her, and began. “you all know me and these boys have been friends since we were twelve, or—as aaron well put it in his sob-speech—family. i’d give my life for either of them, just as they’d die for each other. now, i could say a bunch of other cheesy stuff and go on about the power of love and my role as a spectator in their evergrowing romantic shitfest but i’m working to make this an unforgettable night, and what’s more unforgettable than a good ole embarrassing-yet-heartwarming engagement story.” she hears call groan behind her, which sharpens her smile even more. “they’ve been dating forever, right? since we were wee little sixteen year-olds. one late night at the collegium, while i was calmly—in a loose sense of the word—studying flame theory, call bursts into my room looking like there were five chaos elementals on his ass. i put my book down, thinking the third mage war was about to begin—we just barely avoided it last time—and ask him what’s wrong and he just says, “i think aaron is going to propose to me.” i ask him what’s wrong with that, cause i already knew they were bound to tie the knot eventually, and he just looks at me. and he silently takes out a velvet box from his pocket. and i think oh you pair of suckers.” that earned her a chuckle from the crowd. that means she’s doing good, right? “so after i treat call to some calming ice cream and send him off to jasper’s, i call aaron. apparently, he does indeed have a ring bought and ready for call. obviously, i told jasper and we sat back with popcorn to watch this all unfold. in the end, at a cute little cliche restaurant, candles and all, something happened—they still won’t tell me what—that made them both whip out the rings at the same time. or, at least, aaron did. call accidentally threw the thing and gave his new fiance a black eye. anyway, moral of the story? these crazy kids are way too in love. i thought they reached rock bottom years ago, that you couldn’t love someone more than going through all that effort, giving up a piece of your soul to bringing them back from the dead. but i can tell all of you that call and aaron keep proving me wrong. to these suckers and their happiness.”
•    also, call denied jasper the speech. he gave it to havoc instead.
◦       “havoc, speak.”
◦       “fucking beautiful, man,” call says, tears in his eyes and clapping.
•    call’s been smiling slyly for a while now. aaron noticed, and frankly, he’s pretty confused. not the smiling part, obviously— they just got married oh god this is his life this is really his — but the sly part. call only ever has that smile on when he’s got a trick up his sleeve. he’s also been sharing weird glances with tamara since they arrived at the gables and it’s driving aaron a little nuts. he tried asking, but only got a “what i can’t smile on my wedding day?”, and after he gave his husband— his husband —a Look, he got a much better “just hold on, babe. all will be made clear.” so aaron stops thinking about it.
•    anyway, it’s time for the first dance.
•    and when aaron turns to call in the middle of the dance floor, he expects to see a loving, heartfelt look for a loving, heartfelt moment.
•    instead, call is seconds away from pissing himself laughing.
•    “call—“
•    “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,” tamara’s voice booms over the garden, and that’s when aaron knows his best friends were up to some fuckshit once again.
•    and beyonce’s “single ladies” deafens the crowd.
•    call and aaron make it through the dance laughing and smiling and leaning on each other every second of it. and that’s a good enough description for the rest of the night.
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seonnho · 7 years
Your thoughts on the official members of Wanna One?
first off their group name makes me sknfdjksknjds but what can we do !!
daniel - i’m quite neutral towards him, i think he’s a great dude and talented but i’m not gonna scream over him or anything. was a bit miffed at emoji gate and how after open up won some of his fans were like…. super happy over the fact that he still won in the end…lowkey glorifying cheating…uh ok….also got kinda tired of mnet milking the lil woojin/daniel relationship when they kept showing daniel’s reactions to everything single thing woojin did but that’s not his fault at all and CONGRATS ON FIRST PLACE FOR HIM !! …..just very neutral i’m not over the moon or anything  
jihoon - also very neutral…i watched the nayana performance when it first came out and i had a very adverse reaction to his wink oOPS so i was kinda like wut. @ his popularity. he can dance !!! not too sure about his singing/rapping since all that comes to mind is that blasted high note in boy in luv. he’s reeeeally cute but again i’m not gonna scream over him i’m so jealous of his eye shape? it’s so pretty and his jeojang makes me laugh and he’s a smart kid!! like wearing neon shoelaces so ppl can spot him better and all that stuff 
daehwi - i rlly liked daehwi’s energy in his intro vids (THE BOX AHHH) cause he seemed so confident and stuff but i have to admit i got pretty pissed at the whole avengers thing, i know he got evil edited and it’s a competition so of course you’d want to win but i just didn’t like how everyone targeted the team with F’s and D’s :/ that was everyone’s mentality tho so not his fault !! i’m over that though and i’m glad he made it !!! he’s a rlly fast learner and his dancing is so good!! and singing too and that english pronunciation !!! his friendship with somi is so wonderful too
jaehwan - vocal god kim jaehwan !!! i like him a lot and i’m shocked he ranked 4th but he deserves it !!!! i’m really happy that he got to debut with minhyun but i’m sad about sewoon :^(( their relationship is so nice and he’s rlly quirky and i his psychopathic laughter skjfkndknjsd. i think he’s a much needed addition to the group vocally…he works rlly hard at dance too and he pulled off sorry sorry and never rlly well….OFFICIAL GOAT OF THE SHOW THAT LETTUCE GIF I’M CRYING
seongwoo - ong deserves it !!!!! what else can i say LOL i’m rlly happy he gets to debut !! he dances well and doesn’t he like….rank real high with male fans WHICH IS !!!!! also super funny sdfgnkds pLS i look forward to seeing more of him and i rlly like his stage presence !!
woojin - my dude……he went from like 75th place to 6th i’m banging pots n pans outside my house rn i thought he was rlly good looking (wHEW) during the audition and i liked his rapping? SO HE WAS ON MY RADAR SINCE THEN and that center performance !!!!! sealed the deal i rlly like his rapping voice and dancing and he’s so cute fdnkjskdnfjs also his dark past i’m screaming i hope that side of him comes out more !!! he performed never with shingles i’m just……..u deserve everything woojin….aLSO SNAGGLETOOTH….ALL I’M GONNA SAY..
guanlin - i love swaggy rapper guanlin a lot and when his gummy smile comes out i’m just like awWWW !!! tbh cube trainees were so precious and endearing? u can make the argument that he’s not talented, only 6 months of training but i just really enjoyed seeing his growth throughout the show. i was scared bc he seemed to have given up during practice for nayana when he was in D class but i think everything turned out ok! he surprised me when he made so many suggestions for the fear performance with the rest of the team i was like !!! yeah! go guanlin!!! and i think he could use some work on enunciation during rapping, esp english (when boa pointed that out i was like :O me too) he’s a curious kid and willing to learn i think that’s one of his really good qualities and also his drop to 20th sdknkfjskndjs i was like hey…..if ur gonna keep him in the top 11 for the majority of the show LET HIM STAY THERE TF…i love guanlin i’m glad he made it :’)
jisung - i’m glad jisung made it !!! when i heard the ranking announcement i was like hey!! u made it !!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! and when his dad did the circle clap thing i drowned in my tears but i’m looking forward to seeing him on variety shows!! his singing is also rlly nice and maybe he has the best chance of being leader? i’m glad he made it.
minhyun - uM THE ENTIRE REASON I WATCHED THIS SHITFEST WAS FOR NU’EST AND MINHYUN IS MY BIAS AND WHEN HE MADE IT I STARTED BAWLING IT WAS NOT OK my mentality was i’d be happy if minhyun and jonghyun made it but that….did not….happen fuckgnfjdsfdks he looked so sad when everything ended idek what to think but !!! i’ll be supporting him wholeheartedly during his time with wanna one. he has a rlly good eye? he formed the iconic justice league and basically predicted the exact order of the never team n his voice is so soft n nice and i think god blessed him with long legs and good physique anyways i love minhyun a lot i hope i get to see him happy again
jinyoung - uh…………….being very honest here not one of my choices for top 11 so i wasn’t cheering when 10th place was announced :’(( i don’t hate him and every trainee has worked hard but….ok he gained confidence throughout the show!!! that’s real good to hear but i do not like his singing? sounds more like screaming to me idk why the vocal trainers were praising him sjkdkfnds it’s not like i’m qualified to analyze singing but i’m not a big fan of it…..at this point u can prob tell i have something against previous avenger team members…can’t exactly pinpoint what…i guess i don’t get the hype around them/their looks but i will try to warm up to him!! he also bit jihoon tf and his friendship with daehwi is so pure
sungwoon - i like sungwoon!! i had this dream about him n it was horror related and very gruesome and just ???? why tf but after that i was like ok….ha sungwoon…..ok……i see u…..i felt bad for him getting kicked out of never when he did the dance perfectly PLUS HE CAN SING and pure cinnamon roll !!! i don’t have much to say LOL i’m not mad over him being 11th it’s just at that point i was devastated over jonghyun’s rank so i basically tuned out most of top 2 and 11th place reveals :///
THIS IS SO LONG LOL i’m still sad about jonghyun and samuel and i was rlly hoping seonho and hyungseob could make it but THIS IS REALITY AND I’M GOING TO ACCEPT IT AND SUPPORT THEM 
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thehungoverwriter · 7 years
shitposting about trump
The only value this post has is this link, the rest is just elaborate shitposting. https://youtu.be/A3h5kcNHVxA I watched a YouTube video explaining Donald Trumps proposed US budget and its just so frikken REAL that this man is actually president. Donald Trump is a bad person. I would be happy and relieved to hear of his death. I don't think the political system was particularly good, before him, but at least it has managed to elect a person like Obama, who genuinely seemed to give a shit about the world. I think trump cares about himself, and I think he cares about power, and I think he probably cares about his family. He seems to have sort of a trophy wife, but that's just a negative assumption I have, the rest is not. I think trump has the most potential to do harm, out of all the living people in the world. And I don't think he gives a shit about that fact. We know he doesn't give a shit about science, which is a big one for me, personally, but it's made even worse because Republicans as party doesn't seem to give a shit either. Medicine research, NASA, and just the general furthering of scientific knowledge - these are things that are being disregarded, in favor of an even larger military budget (the US military budget is already just mind-blowingly huge) and a larger homeland security budget. He's also suggesting the US just basically stop funding the arts, stop funding environmental research, stop funding public television and to stop foreign aid funding. What kind of world does trump live in, and what kind of world does he want the rest of us to live in? What are his ideals and goals? It seems to me that his main goal is to be a Great Man™ which means Great power and great amounts of wealth. He wants America to rule the world. He doesn't see people as people, unless they're either white and or privileged. He is a man who is guided by whatever the opposite of love is. He isn't seeking truth. His values and ideals are so far twisted and evil that I see absolutely no good in him. He's putrid and I sincerely wish he'd stop whatever it is he thinks he's doing. I mean, it's one thing to be the kind of person who only gives a shit about themselves. That happens and I can understand it and feel sad when it does, but to then seek power and influence, and use this power to shit on every single decent and kind principle in the world.. That's unforgivable and all hope is lost for whoever would do such a thing. I can't say anything about trump that someone hasn't already, and in some ways this post is only going to further the shitfest, but in the event that his presidency will actually be the end of the world I want the aliens who discover our remains to know that I was very very much against this big bad person and everything he stands for. I'm sorry to all the immigrants who now live in even more fear. I'm sorry for all the people who realise that trumps actions only further the terrorist agendas. (isis person to a non-violent muslim: did u hear that America has banned Muslims? I told you there was a war going on! They hate us!) I'm sorry to all the people who can't afford to spend thousands of dollars on good education. I'm sorry to basically the entire lbgt community. I'm sorry to all the women. I'm sorry to all the kids. Basically I'm sorry for all the people who aren't racist backwards xenophobic homophobic nationalist gun loving anti-knowledge anti-earth anti-abortion anti-fucking-whatever- the-fuck-you-know-who-I-mean I hope you all don't wake up tomorrow so the rest of us have a shot at coming together as a species, finding peace and exploring space and each other forever and ever without you.
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can u rec ur fav holsom fics? :) only if u want to!!!!!
he’ll ya i wanna,, fair warnin tho i didnt wanna omit any fics i liked so like?? my ULTRA FAV ones will all have the ice cream emoj after the title
ok so i’ve only been thru the 1st 15 of the 18 pages in the holsom relationship tag on ao3 so there is a giant possibility i’m missin a great fic here (n also if any1 has any recs???? hmu)
the only order these are in is the order i opened em up in my tabs in
these r all rated t or g, or they should b!!! if there’s 1 in there that’s not, pls lmk so i can edit the post n let ppl kno
also this is more hc than fic however. ultra fav
Division One Defense Duo To Reunite Saturday 🍨 by theghostofjamespotter
Flyers Defenseman Justin Oluransi will play against Adam Birkholtz of the Pittsburgh Penguins, for the first time since the two were college D-partners.
first love, late spring by lehtonen
“Right.” Ransom still looks serious, but there’s a sinister glint in his eye that Holster gloomily recognises as contemplation. “What’s in it for us?”
Holster whips his head round to stare at him so fast his neck twinges in three different places. “Nothing is in it for us,” he hisses sotto voce, “or did you not hear the part where we’d be dating?”
Please Let Me Affirm Your Sexuality by tryslora
Everyone talks to Shitty, including his Hausmates.
pledge by Rest
Holster and Ransom pledge AEX as freshmen.
(A very short story set in a universe that’s only ever-so-slightly to the left of canon.)
Don’t you know you stop the room? by wwwinteriscoming
“I’m not mad, because you like Tater. I’m just.. Jealous. Because I’m strong, too. Hell, I could pick up Parse one handed, too, definitely if he came after Chowder.. And, like, I get that I’m not.. I’m not a fabulous NHL player and whatnot, but like.. If you crush on Gabe Landeskog of all people, why not crush on your very own, watered down, easily accessible Adam Birkholtz?”
Just bros being bros 🍨 by blue_eyed and growlery
Rans and Holster have a busy semester, so they start planning their bro-time. But its not like they’re dating, right?
To The Depth and Breadth and Height by peppermintlegs
Ransom crawls up onto the top bunk to study instead of sitting on the floor or at the desk. He doesn’t know what to say? And since when doesn’t he know what to say to his best friend? Ransom realizes he’s been missing Holster so much, between biology and captaining and March and med school apps. He realizes that Holster’s gotta be missing him too, right? What kind of shitfest of a friend ignores his best bro for other shit that’ll happen whether he’s in it 100% or not?
Tailspinners by rhysiana
In which Holster runs a literacy non-profit, Ransom is a pediatrician new to town, and Bitty is the Youth Services librarian who brings them together.
someone as good for me as you by ninjee
“So tell me,” Justin’s mother says, all business, “is your boy going to propose?”
“What, Jack?” Justin says, and doesn’t really think much of it, because his mother eats up the details of Jack and Bitty and JackandBitty like Holster eats up rom-coms.
His mother sighs, and he can practically hear her rolling her eyes. “No, baby, I meant Adam.”
Adam Birkholtz’s Foolproof Guide to the Perfect Birthday 🍨 by akadiene
On March 28th, 2016, Justin Oluransi, co-captain of the Samwell Men’s Hockey team and love of Holster’s life, is turning 23, and Holster doesn’t know what to do about it.
All I Want for Hanukkah 🍨 by captaintinymite (augopher)
When his and Holster’s son complains to Ransom about their Mensch on a Bench, Malachi, well he just has to explain where they got him and the reason he’s so important to Holster.
New Living Arrangements by remyllian_fire
It’s not that Holster doesn’t know how to live alone after graduation, but something is definitely missing.
Proper Date Manners by sunshineinthestorm
While trying to be a good bro and help his best friend get over his recent breakup with March, Holster accidentally sets them up on a double date with two girls who are already dating… each other.
What is the correct response to this revelation?
Fake dating. Obviously.
The Literary Inspirations series 🍨 by Tintinnabulation_of_the_Bells
All Summer in a Day
All Winter in a Night
n then this last 1! it’s not holsom focused, but it’s short n cute n has holsom
We should get married by lillaseptember
Jack and Bitty don’t get a lot of sleep night before the wedding.
(This is really not what you think it is.)
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mlmstarfleet-blog · 6 years
Me: blocks th*rki
Tumblr: oh u wanna hear more about this shitfest? YOU WANNA??
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pucksynd · 8 years
Tumblr media
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