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q-depot · 18 days ago
Shiseido’s Latest Innovations Now at Q-depot! 🚨
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Stay ahead in the beauty and wellness game with Shiseido’s newest must-have supplements, now available for wholesale at Q-depot! ✨
💊 The Collagen Luxe Rich [126 Tab] – Premium collagen for radiant skin. 🥤 The Collagen Luxe Rich Drink – Beauty in a bottle for a youthful glow. ⚡ The Collagen Cycle Shot Active – Power-packed formula for active rejuvenation.
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kayebassey · 2 years ago
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Starting off the new year with @shiseido Bio Performance Skin Filler Serum containing Japanese Hyaluronic acid to plump & firm my skin. I’ve been using these for a while now and my skin’s been feeling so good & hydrated. 🤍 @nordstrombeauty @nordstrom linked: https://liketk.it/40ggJ #nordstrom #nordstrombeauty #nordstrompartner #ltkfind #shiseido #shiseidoskincare (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2_O0hPTea/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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schnaddeltestet · 2 years ago
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[Werbung] Mein erster Produkttest durch @douglas_cosmetics Das ULTIMUNE Power Infusing Concentrate von Shiseido @shiseido Das Power Infusing Concentrate wurde von Shiseido zur Unterstützung der hauteigenen Abwehrmechanismen entwickelt. Die einzigartige Pflegeessenz wirkt den sichtbaren Zeichen der Zeit sowie den Auswirkungen, die schädliche Umwelteinflüsse und Stress auf die Haut haben können, entgegen. ⠀ Tag für Tag erscheint die Haut geschmeidiger und widerstandsfähiger, Falten wirken gemildert und die Haut erhält eine fantastische Strahlkraft.⠀ Der natürliche, blumig-grüne Duft von ULTIMUNE enthält auch SHISEIDOs ImuCalmCompoundTM, dessen Inhaltsstoffe dafür bekannt sind, Stress zu lindern und eine beruhigende Wirkung zu haben.⠀ Das Anti-Aging Serum ist perfekt für Frauen im Alter von 30+ Jahren und ist für alle Hauttypen bestens geeignet."⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Ich verwende das Serum jetzt schon eine Weile und liebe es! Es ist perfekt für meine trockene Haut. Der edle Flakon ist ein Blickfang in meinem Badezimmer! Ich trage das Serum immer morgens und abends nach der Reinigung auf. Nach kurzer Einwirkzeit verwende ich dann meine gewohnte Tages- bzw. Nachtpflege. Es ist sehr sparsam in der Verwendung. Über den Pumpspender lässt es sich exakt dosieren - ein bis zwei Pumpstöße reichen völlig aus. Die angenehme, leichte Textur mag ich sehr und der zarte, blumige Duft ist traumhaft. ⠀ Das Serum zieht schnell als auch rückstandslos ein. Ich habe danach immer ein richtig tolles Hautgefühl! Es spendet viel Feuchtigkeit und versorgt meine Haut reichhaltig. Das Serum macht meine Haut schön glatt, zart und geschmeidig! ⠀ ⠀ Erhältlich ist das Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate zum Beispiel bei Douglas. #SHISEIDObeauty #FoldedWithLove #ShiseidoSkincare #test #testen #blogger #instablogger #produkttest #produkttester #beauty #pflegeprodukte #hautpflege #shiseido #serum #powerinfusingconcentrate #douglasbeautytester #dbtultimune #ultimune #schnadditestet https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUCzLBMDlt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beautyblogger-be · 2 years ago
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Mottainai is een Japanse manier van denken, het betekent respect hebben voor producten, niets verspillen en alleen gebruiken wat uw huid ook echt nodig heeft. Vraag onze advies voor een stralende en gezonde huid Shiseido huidverzorging ; -je gebruikt echt maar heel weinig product, -uw product heeft een heel krachtige werking, -het is een plezier om het te blijven gebruiken en -er bestaan vullingen van Mottainai is een duurzame manier van denken voor een betere wereld #refill #shiseidoskincare #duurzaam #ultimunerefill #essentialenergierefill #wasorefill Alleen hebben wat je ook echt nodig hebt, en niets meer (bij Achel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkjXxQirlRM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roxybalboa · 2 years ago
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Этот пост для коллег: визажистов и гримеров 💄 Сегодня я расскажу вам о замечательной альтернативе этой тон-пудры от @janeiredale_russia ✨ Но, сперва расскажу, что тон-пудрой от @janeiredale_russia я работаю с 2015 года, использую её исключительно в кино и на рекламных видео-роликах. В клиентских макияжах почему-то она не прижилась у мен��)) Этим летом, я забрала последний рефилл моего любимого оттенка Latte в @goldapple , сперва расстроилась, думала ну чем я буду работать, благо есть ещё эта пудра в рассыпном варианте, но на съёмках это дико не удобно, только в гримерке её хранить)) А потом, я поняла, что уже 2 года подряд, летом, в моей личной косметичке есть такая же тон-пудра, но с spf 30 и совсем от другого бренда (листай карусель) ☺️ А сейчас, когда я была в Петербурге, я нашла в универмаге одну из последних упаковок этой пудры, для себя, так как я ею пользуюсь каждый день теперь)) Так вот, тон-пудра от @shiseido , которую я использую для себя, просто в ноль тоже самое, что тон-пудра от @janeiredale_russia , единственное у Shiseido нет такой растяжки по оттенкам, а всё намного проще 🤗 Но, опять же этой пудры в России тоже почти нет в наличии, так что не благодарите 😹😹😹 Идея поста пришла ко мне, так как сегодня я нескольким девочкам рассказала об этой замечательной альтернативе и решила, что надо поделиться со всеми ❤️🫂 А ближе к ночи выложу рилс новый)) #pixbyRo . . . . . . . . . . . . . #powder #foundation #janeiredalemakeup #janeiredale #love #shiseidomakeup #shiseido #shiseidoskincare #бьютиголик #бьютиблогеры #бьютиблоггер #бьютиблогермосква #контентфотографмосква #контентфотографспб #контентмейкерспб #контентмейкер #контентдляинстаграм #контентдлясоцсетей #aestheticblogger #hypebaebeauty #hypebaesthetics #визажистмосквавыезд #визажистмоскванадом #визажистнасвадьбумосква #визажистнафотосессиюмосква #визажистнафотосессиюспб #визажистнасвадьбуспб (at Патриаршие пруды) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjqYHI4vfZa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caracorrenti · 3 years ago
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#shiseidoskincare #ultimune #complimentary @influenster @shiseido I got this FREE from Influenster and I absolutely love it! I use it mostly at night, but sometimes in the morning as well. It's got a great non greasy texture, and it absorbs into my face easily. You can also use it with a facial device (one that is meant to be used with serum or facewash). I would definitely recommend this product to all of my friends and family! https://www.instagram.com/p/CaA2yRCLqJS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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myriskelashes · 3 years ago
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Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate @shiseido @devonconsulting @shiseidocosmetics * Gifted Elevate skin’s natural multi-defensive power against signs of aging, environmental factors, and daily stress such as dryness. Also helps to broaden skin’s nutrient network and feeds collagen’s key component. A renewed rush of power sends waves of strength through the skin. Wrinkles are less noticeable. Skin becomes smoother, more resilient and healthy looking, with its radiance recharged. I love everything about this concentrate. From the silky texture, to the way it glides across my skin with ease, to the beautiful soft scent, to the way it makes my skin feel!!! Oh and the bottle 😍😍 The bottle is serious eye candy!!! I am SO in love and obsessed with this concentrate! #shiseidoskincare #ultimuneca #alivewithbeauty #serum #concentrate https://www.instagram.com/p/CXSj9Uor4Vf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cocomanuell · 3 years ago
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What's new?🤭🌸🌺 here is a friend cat who wants to be a included in my pics 🙂 . . . 🌸 #cocomanuel #clozette #meow #catsoftheworld #catlover #catsofbgc #cutecat #adoptdontshop #berrywhip #shiseidoskincare https://www.instagram.com/p/CWwq1J5hKbi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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modatutkusunet · 3 years ago
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Kırmızının artık benim için anlamı değişti! ❤️ Sizi en çok sevdiğim cilt bakımı markası #Shiseido’nun 25 senede geliştirilmiş anti-aging serumu #Ultimune ile tanıştırmak istiyorum. ♥️ 200 güzellik ödülüne sahip #Ultimune’un Dünya’da 7 saniyede 1 satıldığını duyunca çok şaşırmıştım ama sonra kullanmaya başlayınca neden olduğunu anladım😍 İlk kullandığım anda cildimde bıraktığı nemli hisse, pürüzsüzlüğe ve aydınlık görünüme bayıldım! Ben temiz cildime her sabah ve akşam nemlendirici öncesi kullanıyorum. Hem cildimin savunmasını içten güçlendiriyorum, hem de cildim çok daha genç görünüyor. 🙂 Sadece 3 günde cildinizdeki değişimi farkedeceksiniz. Sizin de bu değişimi yaşamanız için, #Shiseido Ultimune serumu sizlere gönül rahatlığı ile öneriyorum♥️ #ShiseidoSkincare #Ultimune #TheLifeBlood @shiseido @makyaj_trendi https://www.instagram.com/p/CVOCtJqqRNj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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michaladamski1987 · 4 years ago
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Shiseido WASO No Filter Beauty - pielęgnacja z serca Japonii To wyjątkowa i skuteczna pielęgnacja skóry, dzięki której najlepsze japońskie składniki pochodzące z lokalnych upraw trafiają na Twoją skórę. Innowacyjna moc japońskich surowców roślinnych została wykorzystana, aby zapewnić piękny, zdrowy wygląd skóry. To dobro natury przełożone na unikalne receptury, które tworzą wyjątkowe doznania zmysłowe. Kliknij i dowiedz się więcej: http://glow.pl/uroda/pielegnacja/shiseido-waso-no-filter-beauty-pielegnacja-z-serca/ #uroda #shiseido @shiseido #waso #wasobeauty @wasobeauty #wasoshiseido #shiseidowaso #nofilterbeauty #wasonofilterbeauty #shiseidoskincare #shikulime #yuzuc #satocane #koshirice #kosmetyki #japońskiekosmetyki #glow #glowpl @robert_krupinski (w: Redakcja Glow.pl) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS1yGuaoWl6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sunkissedsirenadventures · 4 years ago
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New skin routine, who dis? #ultimune #ShiseidoSkincare #contest #complimentary @shiseido @Influenster *disclaimer: I received this product for free for testing https://www.instagram.com/p/CSzjfw3lVTZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truth-in-beauty · 4 years ago
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#ultimune #ShiseidoSkincare #contest #complimentary @shiseido @Influenster received this for review and have been using it for the last 4 weeks. It's a really night lightweight serum. It's pricey but you get a large amount at 1.6 oz and it comes in beautiful packaging. I loved the light floral scent and I'm not usually a fan of floral. Overall it's a beautiful product. (at Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSzKtROr8im/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beautyreviewqueen · 4 years ago
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I love the Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate Serum that @Influenster and @shiseido sent Me a #complimentary Full Size Sample in exchange for My Review. #ultimune #ShiseidoSkincare #contest This Power House Serum strengthens skin against daily damage and visible signs of aging. It’s a universal-use serum for all skin types and skin tones. Shiseido Innovation in Every Ultimune Bottle! Built on 20 years of research. With 32 global patents. Winner of 179 global beauty awards! An Loved by over 10 million users worldwide! This Game Changing Seeum is your do-everything-better serum, amplifies the effects of any skincare regimen. I love that this serum is “restoring firmness,” “reducing visible redness,” “minimizing My pores,” and “leaves skin looking plump, radiant and youthful.” Ultimune hydrates and defends skin against the effects of stress, pollution, and urban life. Contains an antioxidants Reishi Mushroom is known as a Superfood that’s rich in antioxidants and polysaccharides that help hydrate protect, and visibly reduce signs of aging “the Mushroom of Immortality”! An this Serum also contains Iris Root Extract which is known for its “cure all” abilities. I adore Shiseido and Shiseido Products and I love this amazing Serum is in nothing less than phenomenal! I’ve been using this Serum for 3 weeks now and I have sensitive/combination/dry/oily skin. My skin is tighter, my pores are smaller, my skin feels so moisturized and healthy! My application looks better with this Serum too. I highly recommend this incredible Serum! Thank you so much @Influenster and @shiseido! #influenster #shiseido #voxbox #contest #beautyinfluencer #influencers #influencer #beautyblogger #bloggersofinstagram #bloggers #prsearch #pr #skincareroutine #skincare #igdaily #igers #fbpage #dolledupnikkibeauty #ig #beautyreviewqueen #beauty_review_queen https://www.instagram.com/p/CSA3P96Nrlq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beautyblogger-be · 3 years ago
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De meest stralende jij begint bij jouw Mooi zijn aan de buitenkant geeft vertrouwen. Het laat uw schoonheid vanbinnen leven en zo krijg je energie en vitaliteit die je laten stralen. #shiseidomakeupartist #lievedriesen #shiseido #shiseidomakeup #shiseidoskincare Vanessa jij zag er prachtig uit Proficiat Harm en Vanessa #huwelijk #bruidsmakeup #bruidsvisagie #sprookjeshuwelijk #kasteelheeze #paarden #koetsen (bij Trouwen op een kasteel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgxTdD6rDP2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itsabstractnerd · 5 years ago
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ᵂᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵘᵖ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍᵉᵗᵗⁱⁿᵍ ʳᵉᵃᵈʸ ʷⁱᵗʰ ˢʰⁱˢᵉⁱᵈᵒ ᴮᵉⁿᵉᶠⁱᵃⁿᶜᵉ ᶜˡᵉᵃⁿˢᵉʳ / ᵐᵒⁱˢᵗᵘʳⁱᶻᵉʳ. . . . #shiseidoskincare #shiseido #cleansers #beautyproduct #moisturizer #skincare #dailyskincare #dailyskin #facewash #facewashroutine #facewashing #betterskincare #selfcare #dailypicoftheday (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrWTeEl9g9/?igshid=yawba6v9u8tf
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selenavnstore · 5 years ago
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Tinh chất sáng da, đều màu, trị đốm đen, trị nám da Shiseido White Lucent Illuminating Micro-Spot Serum Dung tích: 30ML, 50ML ✅ Dưỡng da làm sáng da, chuyển biến rõ rệt trong vòng 1 tuần ✅ Cải thiện, tinh chỉnh làn da, khắc phục tình trạng đốm đen, xỉn màu và không đồng đều. ✅ Ngăn ngừa nám da, da sáng rạng ngời thấy rõ nhờ SAKURA-Bright System ✅ Thích hợp cho mọi loại da: da bình thường, da dầu , da hỗn hợp , da khô , da nhạy cảm 🛒: http://selena.vn/san-pham/tinh-chat-sang-da-tri-nam-shiseido-white-lucent-illuminating-micro-spot-serum/ Hashtags: #Shiseido , #shiseidowhitelucent , #ShiseidoSkincare , #AliveWithBeauty , #WhiteLucentIlluminatingMicroSpotSerum (at Selena.vn Mỹ Phẩm Chính Hãng -Giảm Giá -Giao Nhanh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCh3w7TJXI5/?igshid=172ukmiqjoqdd
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