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upathosarts · 2 months ago
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sjh fly me to the star bc the starlight song election makes me feel insane
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redsprout · 1 year ago
Some oc(Shiryo) art I've done recently ☆
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First image was a few months ago vrs now 🙌
Shiryo is a besourobos - open species on TH
I might end up posting more lore about them later bc I love them
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unis-trash-stash · 1 year ago
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Blorbos from my brain
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xinghai · 10 months ago
Rank 2 social link go!!
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shysheeperz · 9 months ago
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stillsgallery · 2 years ago
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shiryô no wana (1988) - toshiharu ikeda
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willowfalls527 · 2 years ago
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ionlyhearstatic · 18 days ago
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A few sketches of my and my fiances characters. Used a few references for these because I had art block one day, dont remember what they were if anyone knows that artist tag them for me❤️
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dvlwablu · 1 year ago
A List of Hiromasa's Direct Relatives + Random Facts
Saw some posts wondering about Hiromasa's other family, which prompted me to write this up. Info is taken from documents you can find in publicly accessible archives, albeit only in Japanese.
The Guy Himself 源博雅 - Minamoto no Hiromasa [918 - 980] Rank: Junior fourth rank, lower grade (later third rank) Position(s): Captain of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards (右兵衛督) Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards (右近衛中將) Ancillary Master of the Empress Dowager's Household (皇太后宮権大夫) When he was 17, he was removed from royal succession and bestowed the title Minamoto Ason*. Apart from the flute, he was also skilled with the biwa, koto and hichiriki. There are numerous stories about him and his incredible musical skill, which I will hopefully cover in a separate post some day. Maybe. He is also known as Hakuga no Sanmi (博雅三位) in reference to his final rank and Lord Long Autumn (長秋卿) in reference to his final position (the Chinese name for the Empress Dowager's household is "Long Autumn") *The Japanese term for this process is shinsekikouka (臣籍降下) This was done because emperors often had many children and under the Ritsuryo legal system, royalty had to be given a certain income, so ennoblement was a way of saving money. The first title of Minamoto Ason was given by Emperor Saga, who had 49 children.
Grandfather 醍醐天皇 - Emperor Daigo [884 - 930] Was emperor from 897 to 930. He actually abdicated the throne after falling ill in 930 and became a monk shortly before he died. He had 36 children across 21 different consorts.
Father 克明親王 - Prince Yoshiakira/Katsuakira [903 - 927] The first son and crown prince of Emperor Daigo. Hiromasa would have been 9 years old when he died.
Mother 藤原時平の娘 - Daughter of Fujiwara no Tokihira Fujiwara no Tokihira was the Minister of the Left (左大臣) for Emperor Daigo. Women often did not have their names recorded, instead being referred to by the title of their fathers or by their sons (e.g Murasaki Shikibu, with her father having a position in the Shikibu-sho (Ministry of Ceremonial Affairs) and Mother of Michizane, the author of Kagero nikki.)
Siblings Most of the info here is from the Honcho Koin Jounroku (本朝皇胤紹運録) (go to page 53) 源正雅 - Minamoto no Tadamasa (younger brother) Rank: Junior fourth rank official, lower grade Position(s): Ancillary Provincial Governor of Tosa Province (土佐権守) Tosa Province is now known today as Kochi Prefecture. 源清雅 - Minamoto no Kiyomasa (younger brother) Rank: Junior fourth rank official, lower grade Position(s): Chamberlain in the Ministry of Central Affairs (侍従) It's unclear whether Tadamasa was older than Kiyomasa or the other way round. 源助雅 - Minamoto no Sukemasa (younger brother) Rank: Junior fourth rank official, lower grade. Position(s): Master of the Western Offices (右京大夫) A lot of websites I've checked claim that Hiromasa also had a sister by the name of Kenshi (妍子女王), but I cannot for the life of me find and actual source for this claim. If you have any info, please tell me!
Children According to the Dai Nihon Shiryo, Hiromasa had four sons. 源信貞 - Minamoto no Nobusada Rank: Junior fifth rank, higher grade Position(s): Lieutenant of the Left Division of Middle Palace Guards (左兵衛尉) A flute player, like his father. He appears briefly in the Kaichikusho, a book on flute music written by musician Oga no Koresue. (go to page 20) 源信明 - Minamoto no Nobuakira Rank: Junior fifth rank, higher grade Position(s): Treasury Senior Assistant Minister (大蔵大輔) Also a known talented biwa player, like his father. 源信義 - Minamoto no Nobuyoshi Rank: Junior fifth rank official, higher grade Position(s): Chief Pharmacist (典薬頭) Chief Court Musician (雅楽頭) Once again taking after his father, being an excellent biwa and flute player. He is the author of the Shinkasho (神歌抄), the oldest surviving manuscript of kagura music. He and his older brother Nobuakira were known for playing music together. 源至光 - Minamoto no Yukimitsu Rank: Junior fifth rank official, lower grade Position(s): Provincial Governor of Hoki Province (伯耆守) Hoki Province is now known today as the western half of Tottori Prefecture. Couldn't find any info on him being a musician, but knowing his family, it wouldn't be out of the question.
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xinghai · 11 months ago
And a nicer one... Send me some for Shiryo?
☕ Wholesome OC Ask Meme 🍂
Wrap up your OC in a blanket burrito and let’s answer some questions!
What is their go-to comfort food?
Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours?
What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them?
What is the song you most associate to them?
What is their favourite music genre? If they don’t have one, what’s their favourite song?
What is their favourite movie, or a movie they would really enjoy?
What is a smell that makes them feel at home?
How would they react if a person they love (friends and family included) gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
What is their favorite thing in the world?
What is an item of clothing/an accessory that completes them/makes them feel safe?
What is their safe place? And what does “safe place” mean to them?
Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? Moreover, what is their favourite season and why?
Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
Now you give them some life advice.
What was the happiest moment of their life?
What positives did they extrapolate from the worst moment(s) of their life?
What is their favourite hobby? Would they share it with someone they love?
What is something they excel at?
What is their hidden talent? Is that a skill they’ve been practicing since childhood or just something they happen to know and never had the chance to show? Besides, was it something forced upon them, taught by someone close, or they picked it up themselves?
Which new skills they would really like to learn? 
If they had to pick up an instrument, what would they choose? 
Would they prefer reading books or listening to an audiobook? Besides, would they rather read for someone or have someone read for them?
How do they relax? Is that a solitary activity, a group activity, or both?
If they had to prepare a conference, what would be the topic of discussion?
What would be their ideal romance? Did they find a perfect match already, is it still a work in progress, or have they experienced something out of their expectations?
What is their romance’s theme song?
What would they do if their favourite pet suddenly fell asleep on their lap?
They have a chance to get a tattoo: what would it be?
What is their love language?
What would make them blush?
Draw or describe the silliest outfit you can think of. They now have it inside their wardrobe, but it’s a secret between you and them… unless someone finds out.
What is their favourite color? And which colors do they like to wear the most?
Do they have any guilty pleasures? How guilty do they feel about it?
What is something they’re ashamed of but others find extremely cute?
What would they gift to their partner or their best friends to show their affection?
Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy?
Find one quote from a book, a song, or a piece of media that would make them feel at peace.
If they could go back in time, how would they reassure their child-self about the future?
What is their celebrity crush? How would they react if noticed by said crush?
If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality?
Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say?
And what would you say to comfort them?
Have fun and feel free to add more questions if you like 💛
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justanotherideas · 1 month ago
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upathosarts · 3 months ago
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migurski · 2 months ago
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The Alamo Sphinx TATEISHI Koichi 1966
Via https://mot-collection-search.jp/en//shiryo/3216/
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apothecaryscript · 5 months ago
Episode 15 : Raw Fish / 第15話『鱠(Namasu)』
Bukan “Kiitaka? Kono maeno boyano koto.”
Military Officer “Hey, did you hear about the fire the other day?”
Bukan “Rihakuno yatsu, otegara dattana.”
Military Officer “Lihaku did a really good job with it.”
Bukan “Aitsuga kaiketsu suru-towa, igai datta.”
Military Officer “I never expected he’d be able to solve it.”
Bukan “Sorega, domo uwasani yoruto…gejoga jiken-kaiketsuni hito-yaku katta rashii.”
Military Officer “Actually, I heard a rumor that a servant girl helped solve it.”
Bukan “Gejo?”
Military Officer “A servant girl?”
Bukan “Jinshi-samano heya-zukino gejo datte.”
Military Officer “They say she’s a personal attendant of Master Jinshi.”
Bukan “Heee, hontoka.”
Military Officer “Wow, really?”
Bukan “Jinshi-samato ieba, kono-mae, Rokushokanno gijo’o miuke shitan-daro? Nandemo, chitekide tsumetai me-tsukino bijo datoka.”
Military Officer “Didn’t Master Jinshi buy out a courtesan from the Verdigris House the other day? I hear she’s a beautiful intellectual with cold eyes.”
Bukan “Aa, mita renchuga sawaidetazo.”
Military Officer “Yeah, the guys who saw her wouldn’t shut up about her.”
Bukan “A, aa… Rakan-sama.”
Military Officer “Master Lakan?!”
Rakan “Fufu. Sono hanashi, kuwashiku oshiete kure-naika?”
Lakan “Mind telling me more about that?”
Gaoshun “Shaomao, chotto iideshoka?”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, could you spare a moment?”
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Doshitano-desuka?”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun. What is it?”
Gaoshun “Mite-moraitai monoga aruno-desuga.”
Gaoshun “There’s something I’d like you to take a look at.”
Maomao “Furui jikenno shiryo desune. Ju-nen-maeno shokade, fuguno namasuni atatte shoku-chudokuga okitato…”
Maomao “Records of an old incident. Ten years ago, at a merchant’s home, there was a food poisoning incident involving a raw pufferfish dish.”
Maomao (Fuguno doku…! Ano piri-piri shita shibirega iinda… Aa, tabetai.)
Maomao (Pufferfish poison… I love how it tingles and stings. Oh, I really want some now!)
Gaoshun “Kondo, sono-teno ryoriyani tsurete ikimasu-kara…”
Gaoshun “I can take you to a place that serves it sometime soon.”
Maomao “Haaaa! Haaa… Korega, doshitano-desuka?”
Maomao “So, what about this?”
Gaoshun “Mukashi, watashiga kono jikenni tsuite shigotode kakawatte-ita kotoga ari-mashita. Koreto yoku nita jikenga saikin okottato-iukotode moto-doryoni sodan’o uketano-desu.”
Gaoshun “A while ago, I was officially involved with this case. A colleague asked me for advice, because a similar incident occurred recently.”
Maomao “Yoku nita jiken?”
Maomao “A similar incident?”
Gaoshun “Kanryoga, fuguno namasuo tabete, konsui-jotaini ochiitte-iruno-desuyo.”
Gaoshun “A bureaucrat ate pufferfish, raw and seasoned with vinegar, and fell into a coma.”
Maomao “Konsui-jotai… Moshi-wake arimasen, Gaoshun-sama. Sorewa, watashiga kiitemo yoroshii hanashi deshoka?”
Maomao “A coma? Master Gaoshun, my apologies. Is it appropriate for me to learn about this?”
Gaoshun “Mondai ari-masen. Shaomaowa, jibunno tachibao wakimaete imasu-kara.”
Gaoshun “That won’t be an issue. You are someone who knows her place.”
Maomao (Tsumari, shaberuna, to…)
Maomao (In other words, stay silent about this.)
Gaoshun “Soreni ima-sara, dokuno dete-kuru kono hanashio tochude kittemo iino-desuka?”
Gaoshun “Besides, this story involves poison. Are you sure you want me to stop here?”
Maomao “Gu… Dozo, ohanashino tsuzukio.”
Maomao “Please, do continue.”
Gaoshun “Un. Konkai, namasu-niwa, fuguno kawato mio yubiki shita-mono’o tsukatte-ita-sodesu. Soreo tabete konsui-jotaini ochi’ittato.”
Gaoshun “In this instance, they served parboiled pufferfish skin and meat. He ate this and fell into a coma.”
Maomao “Fuguno mi desuka? Dokuga ooi-nowa, kimo-nadono naizo desuga…”
Maomao “The meat? Most of the poison is in the gut.”
Gaoshun “Ee, kawato mi desu.”
Gaoshun “Yes, the skin and the meat.”
Maomao “Miwa hikaku-teki, dokuga usui hazu-nanoni… Maa, shuruiya kankyoni yottewa, mini dokuga aru baaimo aru-kamo shirenai. Betsuni okashina tenwa naino-dewa?”
Maomao “The meat isn’t supposed to have much poison in it… Maybe it depends on the type of pufferfish or the environment it’s from. Nothing seems out of place, then?”
Gaoshun “…Sorega, konkaino jikenmo, maeno jikenmo, ryori-ninwa ‘fuguo chorini tsukatte-inai’to iihatte iruno-desuyo.”
Gaoshun “The thing is, in both cases, this time and in the past, the cook claims they hadn’t used pufferfish in the dish.”
Maomao “Omoshiro-sona hanashi desune.”
Maomao “That sounds interesting.”
Gaoshun “Kyotsu-tenwa, sore-dake-dewa arimasen. Taoreta futari… Konkaino yakuninto, zenkaino shoninwa, tomoni bishoku-ka-de chinmio kononde imashita. Fudan-kara sakanano nama-niku-nadomo yoku tabete-ite, fugumo kobutsu datta-sodesu. Jikenno ato, chubono gomi-kara, naizoya kawaga subete hakken sareta koto-kara, kimowa tabete-inaito handan sare-mashita. Futatsuno jikenno ryori-ninwa, tomoni fuguwa zenjitsuno ryorini tsukatta monode, namasu-niwa betsuno sakanao tsukattato muzaio shucho shimashita. Shikashi, shoninto-naru ningenga ina-katta. Yakuninwa ryorio subete tabe-oeta sanjuppun-go, chudoku-shojo’o okoshite taore, keiren shite-ita tokoro’o hakken sare-mashita.”
Gaoshun “That’s not the only thing in common. The two who fell ill… The bureaucrat from this case and the merchant from the past one were both gourmets who loved eating rare foods. They both often ate raw fish and pufferfish was one of their favorites. After the incident, all of the organs and skin were discovered in the trash, so it was determined that the guts were never consumed. In both cases, the cooks claimed innocence, said the pufferfish was served the night before, and that on the day of the incident, they’d used a different fish. However, there were no witnesses to provide proof. The bureaucrat ate all the food served, then became intoxicated and collapsed half an hour later. He was discovered convulsing.”
Maomao (Angai, shikari shirabeterun-dana… Tekitona chosade han’nin’o dekchi-ageru, roku-demo-nai yakuninmo takusan iru-noni.)
Maomao (He did a more thorough investigation than I’d expect. Plenty of other bureaucrats would put in zero effort and just make up a suspect.)
Gaoshun “Do omoware-masuka?”
Gaoshun “What do you think?”
Maomao “Shojowa fuguno doku mitai desuga… Imano hanashi-dake-dewa nantomo. Gaoshun-sama, mo sukoshi joho’o atsumete-kite morae-masuka?”
Maomao “The symptoms do sound like pufferfish poison, but I can’t say for certain without more details. Master Gaoshun, can you try to find more information?”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita. Shirabete okimasu.”
Gaoshun “Understood. I will look into it.”
Maomao (Imano kisetsu-nara, nama-gomio sujitsu oite-itato shitemo, okashikuwa nai. Betsuno sakanao tsukattato-iu hanashimo, nokori-kasuga mitsukatte-ite, mujunwa nai…)
Maomao (At this time of year, it’s not rare to have food trash sit out for a few days. The testimony of using different fish matches the evidence of the leftovers…)
Jinshi “Nanno hanashio shite-tanda?”
Jinshi “What were you talking about?”
Maomao “Uwaa…!”
Jinshi “…Sasugani sono kaowa oremo kizu-tsuku…”
Jinshi “That look would wound anyone, even me.”
Jinshi “Gaoshunno hanashio, yakeni nesshinni kiite-ita-yodaga.”
Jinshi “You seemed to be listening very eagerly to Gaoshun’s story.”
Maomao “Omoshiroi hanashi-nara, hitowa mimio katamukeru mono desu-kara.”
Maomao “People naturally pay attention to stories that are actually interesting.”
Jinshi “N? Oi, chotto mate. Omae, oreno hanashiwa yoku tochude…”
Jinshi “Wait, hold on. You often cut me off mid-speech―”
Maomao “Sore-dewa, osoku nari-mashita-node, kaerasete itadaki-masu.”
Maomao “Oh dear, it’s getting late. With that, I’ll take my leave.”
Jinshi “Na, oi, mada hanashiwa owatte-nai…”
Jinshi “Hey, I’m not done talking-“
Suiren “Ara-ara, ugoka-naide. Hora, jitto shite.”
Suiren “Oh, no, don’t move. Come on, stay still.”
Jinshi “N…”
Gaoshun “Shaomao. Kinono hanashi desuga… Korewa, chorisho desu. Shiyonin’no shogen dato, shujinni dasu ryoriwa, hotondo kokoni kakarete-iruto.”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, about the discussion we had yesterday… These are the cook’s notes. According to the servant, it describes everything served to their master.”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu. …Yubiki shita sakanani hoso-girino yasaio kuwaete sude aeru… Namasuno tsukuri-katani tokuni okashina tokorowa nai desune…”
Maomao “Thank you. Parboil the fish. Add cut vegetables. Season with vinegar. The recipe looks normal.”
Gaoshun “Suno haigowa nan-shuruika kakarete-imasuga, zairyowa kuwashiku kakarete imasen.”
Gaoshun “There are several types of vinegar mixtures outlined, but the list of ingredients lack detail.”
Maomao “Osoraku, kisetsuni yotte, teni hairu sakanaya yasaiga kawaru-kara desho. Kore-dewa kanjinno, nanio tsukatte tsukuttakaga wakari-masenne…”
Maomao “That must be because the types of fish and vegetables available differ by season. This won’t help us understand the key facts around what was actually used to cook the dish.”
Jinshi “Wakaranai-noka?”
Jinshi “You can’t understand?”
Maomao “Haa…” (Hanashini kuwawari-tai rashii.)
Maomao (He wants to join in.)
Jinshi “…De, naniga wakara-naitte? Aaan…N…”
Jinshi “So, what can’t you understand?”
Suiren “Oshokuji-mae desu-kara…”
Suiren “It will be mealtime soon.”
Jinshi “Wakatte-iru.”
Jinshi “I know.”
Maomao (Zuibun, kodomoppoi koto’o…)
Maomao (That’s quite childish.)
Maomao “Jikenga okita-nowa?”
Maomao “When did the incident occur?”
Gaoshun “Isshukan-hodo mae desu.”
Gaoshun “About a week ago.”
Maomao “Fuyubano yasaito naruto… Namasuno zairyowa daikonka ninjinto itta tokoro desuka?”
Maomao “Meaning winter vegetables, so probably radishes and carrots?”
Gaoshun “Sorega, kaiso’o tsukattato itte-imashite…”
Gaoshun “Actually, I hear they used seaweed.”
Maomao “Kaiso desuka?”
Maomao “Seaweed?”
Gaoshun “Kaiso desu.”
Gaoshun “Seaweed.”
Maomao (Chinmio konomuto iu-kotowa… kawatta kaiso’o ireru kotomo aru-daro.)
Maomao (If he likes rare foods, I guess he could have tried strange seaweeds.)
Maomao “Moshi yoroshi-kereba, sono ieno chubo’o misete morau kotowa dekima-senka?”
Maomao “If possible, could I take a look at the kitchen involved?”
Maomao “N? …Gaoshun-sama-kara, kokoni kuru-yonito iwaretano-desuga.”
Maomao “I’m here under Master Gaoshun’s orders.”
Basen “Basen da. Hanashiwa kiite-iru.”
Basen “I’m Basen. I’ve heard about you.”
Maomao “Maomao desu.”
Maomao “I am Maomao.”
Basen “Korekara yashikini mukauga, omaewa akumademo watashino otsukida. Iina, kattena kotowa suru-nayo.”
Basen “We’re heading to the mansion now, but remember, you’re my follower. Don’t do anything without my permission.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Basen “Mukoni ikeba, yashikino genanga chubo’o annai shite-kureru.”
Basen “Once we arrive, the servant there will show us to the kitchen.”
Maomao “Hai.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Maomao (Sasuga Gaoshun-sama. Shigotoga hayai… Soreni-shitemo… Mita-koto-nai bukan dana. Darekani nite-iru kiga suruga… Yoku omowarete-nasaso-daga, maa iika.)
Maomao (Master Gaoshun sure does work fast. That aside… I’ve never seen this officer before. He looks familiar, though. He doesn’t seem to have a good impression of me. Oh, well.)
Genan “Kochiraga chubo desu. Dokuno ikken-irai, tsukawa-rete orimasen.”
Servant “This is the kitchen. It hasn’t been used since the poison incident.”
Basen “N? Oi!”
Basen “Hmm? Hey!”
Yakunin’no ototo “Katteni hairuna! Dete-ike! Nanio shiteru!”
The official’s younger brother “Who let you in here?! Get out! What are you doing?!”
Servant “Aa…”
Yakunin’no ototo “Konna yatsurao tsurete kita-nowa omaeka!”
The official’s younger brother “Did you bring these people here?!”
Basen “Chanto okugatani kakuninwa totte-imasu. Soreni, korewa shigoto desu-node.”
Basen “I’ve gotten permission from the mistress, and this is official business.”
Yakunin’no ototo “Sorewa hontoka?”
The official’s younger brother “Is that true?”
Basen “Haittemo yoroshiika? Soretomo, nanika futsugo demo?”
Basen “May we continue? Or would that inconvenience you in some way?”
Yakunin’no ototo “Katteni shiro!”
The official’s younger brother “Whatever.”
Maomao “Dare desuka?”
Maomao “Who is that?”
Genan “Danna-samano ototo-gimi desu. Danna-samaga konsui-jotaini natte, okugata-samamo hirode nekonde shimai, ototo-gimiga yashikio tori-shikitte imashite…”
Servant “That is the master’s younger brother. After the master fell into the coma, and the mistress took ill from fatigue, the younger brother manages the mansion.”
Maomao “So-iu koto desuka…”
Maomao “I see.”
Maomao “Basen-sama.”
Maomao “Master Basen.”
Basen “Aa.”
Basen “Yeah.”
Maomao (Chori-kiguwa, ryori-ninga aratte shimatta rashii… Hoka-niwa… N?)
Maomao (The cook washed all the cooking utensils. Other than that…)
Maomao “Korewa?”
Maomao “What is this?”
Genan “Aa… Danna-samaga sukina yatsuda. Okini-iride, yoku tabete orare-mashita-node, dokuwa naito omoi-masuga…”
Servant “Ah, the master loved that. It’s his favorite. He ate it often. I don’t think it’s poisonous…”
Maomao (Usowa tsuite-nasaso-dana…)
Maomao (He doesn’t seem to be lying.)
Yakunin’no ototo “Da-soda. Owatta-nara hayaku kaette-kure.”
The official’s younger brother “So that’s that. If you’re done here, please leave.”
Maomao “Sodesune. Gomeiwakuo okake shimashita.”
Maomao “Indeed. Sorry to bother you.”
Basen “Nande kantanni hiki-sagatta?”
Basen “Why did you back down so easily?”
Maomao “Hiki-sagatta-towa omotte-imasen.”
Maomao “I don’t consider that backing down.”
Basen “Na… Motte kita-noka!”
Basen “You brought it with you?”
Maomao “Kore, fushigi nan-desu. Kono kaisoga toreru jiki-niwa, mada sukoshi hayai. Dakarato-itte, shio-zukeni shita-tokorode, imano jiki-made motsu mono-demo arimasen.”
Maomao “This is strange. This seaweed isn’t in season quite yet. But even if salted and preserved from last year, it wouldn’t last this long.”
Basen “Naruhodo.”
Basen “I see.”
Maomao “Osoraku kono kinpende toreta mono-dewa naito omoi-masu. Tatoeba, koekide minami-kara shiireta monoda-toka… Doko-kara shiiretaka wakaruto yoino-desuga…”
Maomao “I don’t think it was gathered in our region. Perhaps it was imported from the south. It would be good if we could find out where it came from.”
Basen “Ha…”
Maomao (Wakatte kureta rashii… Nara, watashimo watashino yaru-beki-koto’o yaro.)
Maomao (I think he gets what I mean. In that case, I’ll do what I have to do.)
Jinshi “Nanda? Korewa.”
Jinshi “What’s this?”
Maomao “Yashiki-kara motte-kita kaiso desu. Jizenni futatsuni wakete, mizuni sarashite oki-mashita.”
Maomao “The seaweed I got from the mansion. I’ve split it into two and put it in some water.”
Maomao (Naze Jinshi-samamo iruno-daro…)
Maomao (Why is Master Jinshi here?)
Basen “Shirabeta tokoro, yahari kaisowa nanpo-kara mochi-komareta mono deshita. Genanno shogen-dewa, shujinga fuyubani sono kaiso’o taberu-kotowa nakatta tono-koto deshita.”
Basen “The seaweed was indeed imported from the south. According to the servant, the master never ate that seaweed in the winter.”
Gaoshun “Ryori-nin karamo, fudan tsukatte-iru kaisoto onaji shuruide, dokuno hazuga naito.”
Gaoshun “The cook also said this is the same as the seaweed they normally use, and can’t be poisonous.”
Maomao “Onaji kaiso-nara dokuga nai…to-iu wakeja nain-desu. Moshika-shitara, minami-dewa amari kono kaisowa taberu shukanga naino-kamo shire-masen. Bishoku-kano yakunin’no kobutsu-dato shitta koeki-shoga, kaneni naruto omotte, waza-waza jimoto-min’ni kaisono shio-zukeo tsukura-seta-to shitara?”
Maomao “You can’t assume it’s not poisonous just because it’s the same seaweed. Maybe this seaweed isn’t eaten often in the south. Perhaps a merchant learned that it’s a favorite of this bureaucrat, and, looking to profit from that, went out of his way to get some locals to make a salted version of it?”
Jinshi “Soreno dokoga mondaini naru-noda?”
Jinshi “Why is that a problem?”
Maomao “Yono-naka-niwa, dokuga mu-dokuni naru-kotoga arun-desu. Tatoeba, unagi-niwa honrai, dokuga ari-masuga, chio nuitari, kanetsu suru-kotode tabe-rareru-yoni narimasu. Kono kaisono baaiwa, sekkai-suini tsukeru-kotoga hitsuyo datta hazu desu. Kokoni yoi shita monowa, sekkai-suini tsuketa-monoto, sode-nai mono desu.”
Maomao “Sometimes, poisons can become not poisonous. For example, eels are originally poisonous, but by bleeding them out or cooking them, they become edible. In the case of this seaweed, I think it had to be soaked in limewater first. What I have here is one batch soaked in limewater, and one batch without that.”
San-nin “Gyo!”
Jinshi “Nani shiteru!”
Jinshi “What are you doing?!”
Maomao “Daijobu desu, tabun.”
Maomao “It’s fine. Probably.”
Jinshi “Tabuntte nanda!”
Jinshi “What do you mean, ‘probably’?!”
Maomao “Go-anshin’o. Chanto oto-zaiwa kokoni…”
Maomao “Don’t worry. I have an emetic agent right here-“
Jinshi “Jishin man-man-ni iuna! Gaoshun!”
Jinshi “Don’t say that so proudly! Gaoshun!”
Gaoshun “Hai!”
Gaoshun “Yes.”
Maomao “Cho…”
Maomao “Hey―”
Jinshi “Hakeeeeeee!”
Jinshi “Vomit, now!”
Maomao (Fuu…fuu… Ichiya-zukede mudokuka dekiruka-doka, tabete kensho suru tsumori-datta-noni.)
Maomao (I wanted to test if the detoxification could be done overnight…)
Maomao “Eeeee, kio tori-naoshite. Kokode mondai nano-desuga, koeki-shoninni kaisono shio-zukeo motte-kuruyo teian shita-nowa, dare deshoka? Tori-yoseta-noga tabeta toninde areba, aru imi, jigo-jitoku desuga… Demo, moshi, so-de nai-nara… Taberu shukanno nai chiho-kara tori-yosereba, kiken-seiga takai-nowa atari-mae desu.”
Maomao “Um, back on topic. So, the issue is: who suggested that the trader bring the salted seaweed? If the one who ate it imported it himself, it’d be his own fault, in a sense. But, if he didn’t… Bringing it in from a region that doesn’t eat it is obviously taking a pretty big risk.”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita.”
Gaoshun “I understand.”
Maomao (Kokoni iru mono-tachiwa kashikoi. Kore-ijo iu hitsuyowa nai-daro… Toriaezuwa ikken-rakuchaku kana.)
Maomao (The people here are smart. I don’t have to elaborate further. I guess that settles it for now.)
Maomao “N? Fufufufu…”
Jinshi “Kora!”
Jinshi “Hey!”
Maomao “Uuuu…”
Gaoshun “Kekkyoku, han’nin’wa taoreta yakuninno ototo deshita. Kaitsuke-sakio mitsuketa-tokorode, jibunga kattato hakujo shita-sodesu. Dokiwa, jinanno jibunga naigashironi sarete, chonan’o jamani omotta-karada-sodesu. Yoku aru hanashi desu.”
Gaoshun “The culprit was the official’s younger brother. When we found where he bought the seaweed, he confessed to being the one who’d purchased it. His motive was that, being the younger son, he wasn’t treated well. He wanted to remove his older brother from the picture. A commonplace story.”
Maomao “Demo, sonna asahakana riyude satsujin’o okasoto shita otokoga, do-yatte kaisono dokuo shittan-desho?”
Maomao “But how could a person who’d plot to murder someone for such a thoughtless reason have learned about the seaweed poison?”
Gaoshun “Sakabade yokoni suwatta kyaku-kara, guzen osowatta-sodesu.”
Gaoshun “He happened to hear about it from a person sitting next to him at a tavern, apparently.”
Maomao “Guzen, nee…”
Maomao “‘Happened to,’ huh? Sure…”
Maomao “Kekkyoku, dokuno nokotte-iru kaisowa taberare-nakattana…”
Maomao “In the end, I didn’t get to try the poisonous seaweed…”
Maomao (Soreni-shitemo, nanni tsukaooo? Ano hikarabita mushi-kara nobita kareha-irono kinoko…! Yaku-shu-ni shiyoka? Gan’yaku-ni shiyoka? Ufufufufufu…)
Maomao (By the way, what should I use it for? That mushroom the color of dry leaves growing from the dead insect! Should I make medicinal booze?! A pill?!)
Maomao “Okaeri-nasai-mase.”
Maomao “Welcome home!”
Jinshi “N! N!”
Maomao “E…”
Gaoshun “Nani-goto desuka?!”
Gaoshun “What’s going on?!”
Maomao (Watashino seija nai!)
Maomao (It’s not my fault.)
Jinshi “Haa…”
Suiren “Otsukareno yo-desune.”
Suiren “You seem tired.”
Jinshi “Shigotoga tamatte-rundaga, do-nimo umaga awanai aitega ite, ikenga chigatte shimau-noda.”
Jinshi “I have so much work piled up, but there’s someone I just don’t get along with. We just can’t see eye-to-eye.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama-nimo nigatena kataga iruno-desune.”
Maomao “I never would have thought you’d ever have trouble with people.”
Jinshi “Aitewa atamano kireru gunbuno kokanda. Ie-garawa yoi-noni, shiju’o sugite saitaimo sezu, oigo’o yoshini totte ieno kanrio makasete-iru. Yumeina henjinda…”
Jinshi “This man’s a razor-sharp high official in the military. He comes from a good family, but even though he’s past forty, he hasn’t married. He adopted his nephew as his son and has him handle his household. A famous weirdo.”
Maomao (Shiju’o sugita gunbuno kokande…hen-jin?)
Maomao (A forty-plus, high-ranking military officer… and weirdo?)
Jinshi “Kyomino aru monoto ieba, moppara, goto shogito uwasa-banashi. Nan-kuseo tsuketewa totsugeki shite-kite, ankenno han’o osuno’o saki-nobashini shite-kuru. Domo, hyotekini sareta rashii… Kono tokoro, mai-nichi shitsumu-shitsuni isuwa-rarete…”
Jinshi “His only interests are go, shogi, and rumors. He files complaints, barges in, and keeps extending deadlines on decisions that need to be made. I think he has it out for me for some reason. He’s been camping in my office for several days in a row.”
Maomao (…Yoshi! Wasureyooo! Omoi-dashitemo, rokuna kotoni nara-nai.)
Maomao (Okay, let’s forget about this! No good can come from dwelling on this.)
Maomao (…Shikashi, maa… Wasureta tokorode, itsumono Iyana yokanwa ataruno-daga…)
Maomao (However, no matter how hard I try to forget, as usual, my bad hunches are correct.)
Jinshi “Ankenwa mo tootta hazu desuga…”
Jinshi “This matter was settled already.”
Rakan “Fuyuni hanamiwa muzukashii… Naraba kochirade-to omoi-mashitena…”
Lakan “Flower viewing in the winter is difficult. I thought this would be better instead.”
Jinshi (Kono otokono nawa, Rakan. Gunshi’o yatteiru. Do-yara, tsukkakatte-kuru riyuwa, Rokushokanni enno aru Maomao’o gejoni shita-kotoni aru-rashii…)
Jinshi (This man is Lakan. He is a strategist. It seems like the reason he’s confronting me is because I made Maomao, who is connected to the Verdigris House, my servant.)
Rakan “So-ieba, Rokushokanni mukashi, najimiga imashitene.”
Lakan “Come to think of it, I have an old acquaintance in the Verdigris House.”
Jinshi (…Igaina hanashida. Irokoi-nado mattaku kyomi nai-nokato omotte-itaga…)
Jinshi (That’s unexpected. I thought he had no interest in romance.)
Jinshi “Donna gijo desuka?”
Jinshi “What kind of courtesan is she?”
Rakan “Fu…”
Jinshi (Ha… Tsui kiite shimatta.)
Jinshi (Shoot, I asked without thinking.)
Rakan “Ii gijo deshitayo… Goto shogiga tokuide, shogi-dewa kateruga, go-dewa makete-bakari datta.”
Lakan “She was a good courtesan. She was very good at go and shogi. I could beat her in shogi, but never in go.”
Jinshi “Gunshi-dono’o makasu-towa… Sorewa tsuyo-kattano-desho.”
Jinshi “Defeating our master strategist? She must have been good.”
Rakan “Are-hodo omoshiroi onna’niwa mo aenai-daroto, miukemo kangae-mashitaga… Yono-naka umaku ikanai mono-dene. Mono-zukino kane-mochiga futari, kisoi-au-yoni ne’o tsuri-agete-itta.”
Lakan “I considered buying her out, since I felt I would never meet another woman as interesting as her. But sometimes, things just don’t work out. Two rich men with curious tastes endlessly tried to outbid each other.”
Jinshi “Sorewa sorewa…”
Jinshi “Is that so?”
Jinshi (Tokini, gijono miuke-kinwa, rikyuga hitotsu tatsu-hodono gakuni naruto iu.)
Jinshi (It’s said, at times, buying out a courtesan could cost about as much as a small palace.)
Rakan “Kawari-monono gijo deshitene…”
Lakan “She was a strange courtesan.”
Jinshi (Shikashi, sonna hanashio shite, naniga iitai-noka…)
Jinshi (Where is he trying to go with this story?)
Rakan “Geiwa uredo, miwa urazu. Sore-dokoroka, kyaku’o kyaku-tomo omowa-nai. Kyakuni cha’o sosogu-tokimo, gesenno tamini hodokoshi’o ataeru-yona, sondaina mede mite-orimashita. Shikashi, soreni utsutsu’o nukasu mono-zukimo iru-monode… Kaku-iu watashimo, sono hitori nano-desuga… Sesujini zoku-zokutto kuru kankakuga tamaranai mono deshite…”
Lakan “She would sell her skills, but never herself. In fact, she didn’t treat guests as customers at all. Even when pouring tea, she had an arrogant look, like she was being charitable to a lowly peasant. But there were many with curious tastes who were head over heels for her. Myself among them, naturally. That chill down my spine was truly irresistible.”
Jinshi “U…”
Rakan “Fu. Itsuka oshi-taoshite-mitaito omotte-ita mono desuyo. Fufufu, fufufu… Kekkyoku sono gijo’o akirame-kirezu, shikata-naku sho-sho kitanai teo tsukai-mashita.”
Lakan “Oh, how I wanted to try to force myself on her one day. In the end, I couldn’t give up on her, so I had no choice but to use a bit of a dirty trick.”
Jinshi “To-iuto?”
Jinshi “Meaning?”
Rakan “Takakute tega dasenai-nara, yasuku nareba mondai-nai wake-deshite… Kisho-kachi’o sagetan-desuyo. Donna hohoka shiritai desuka?”
Lakan “If something’s too expensive, you simply lower its value. I made her less exquisite. Do you know how I did that?”
Jinshi “Koko-made kite mottai-buruno-desuka?”
Jinshi “Why play hard-to-get all of a sudden?”
Rakan “Fu. Fufu. …Maa, sono maeni chotto, tanomitai kotoga arun-desuga.”
Lakan “Well, before I get into that, I have a favor to ask.”
Jinshi “Nan-desuka? Ittai.”
Jinshi “What is it?”
Rakan “Sochirani saikin haitta gejoto iu-noga, naka-naka omoshiroi-yode… Myoni nazo-tokiga tokuina yo-desuna? Aa… Watashino chijin’ni, kyutei-goyotashino chokin-zaikushiga itan-desuyo. Soitsuga senjitsu, pokkuri itte shimatta… Chanto kokeisha’o shimei shinai-mama-nine. Yatsu-niwa san-nin’no kodomoga ite, deshini shite-itan-desuga…hidento ieru gijutsu’o tsutaenu-mama itte shimatta-noga, fubinde-nee. Kitto kareno omowase-burina yuigonga, nanikano tegakari-dato omoun-desu. Sorega hikkakatte-itenee…”
Lakan “I heard that the servant girl you hired recently is quite intriguing. They say she has a strange knack for solving puzzles. I was acquainted with a metalworker who was the palace purveyor. He suddenly passed away a few days ago, and failed to name a proper successor. He had three children who were also his apprentices. Unfortunately, he died before passing on his secret techniques to his children. He left a puzzling will, which might be a hint. That’s been bothering me for a while.”
Jinshi “Naniga iitaino-deshoka?”
Jinshi “Where are you going with this?”
Rakan “Iya? Nani, taishita koto-dewa nai… Sono hidenno gijutsuo shiru subega naikato omotta-made-desu… Aa, tatoeba…atamano mawaru, sochirano gejoga shirabete kureya shinai-monoka-to…”
Lakan “Nowhere special, really. I just wonder if there’s some way to learn that secret technique. Perhaps, for example, by having your clever servant girl take a look.”
Jinshi “Fu… Toriaezu, hanashi dake-demo kikasete morae-nai-deshoka.”
Jinshi “Well… I suppose I could hear the whole story.”
Maomao “…Yoku furu-naa…”
Maomao “That’s a lot of rain.”
(Continue to episode 16)
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xinghai · 10 months ago
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Rank 4 social link go!!
*Shiryo hasn’t shown up to telepathy club for a while. You hear other students talking in the halls.*
What is with that transfer student? They were so passionate about swim club and then dropped it just like that!
They did that with our club too. What a waste of time. He shouldn’t join if he isn’t going to take it seriously.
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tatchling · 7 months ago
WIP "Game"
Thanks to @lunanoc for trying to murder me tagging me! :D
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I am. Concerned. But let's go and dive.
good time
little brother
big spoon
slice gala
slade part 1
slade part 2
home delivery
pas de deux
moon scented
void agreement
event horizon
the man in the sky
mermay heihua
pingxie first kiss
home is where you are
And if I die, wouldn't that be some small mercy
midnight spill
Grow up, remember, unchanging
trigun part 2
birds flock together
the secret to happiness
coming up, a cloud
run away
rad century (the only one that has extensive planning but nothing written)
The(y) call
Whoever wants to consider themselves tagged can, as always - I will not explain any of these but happy to deliver snippets.
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