#shirtless in bed
lovegoodchris · 4 months
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Jose Julian Murillo
This much hair is what I want
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xmomokosx · 2 months
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Someone didn’t expect to get so big
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usarmytrooper · 6 months
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puppyeared · 2 months
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boys night
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911-on-abc · 6 months
decided to make chim be Tommy’s queer awakening bc I’m a fucking genius and hilarious like that
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
in a completely non-joking, genuinely narrative and writing analysis way, i do seriously believe we may get to "see" stede and ed have sex this season. there have been 2 explicit and one kinda implied mentions/discussions of sex so far: the first is obviously when ed tells ghost Hornigold how two of the pros of choosing to live are "intercourse" (nerd) and orgasms. on the one hand, yes, that's an easy joke to make that will be sure to get a laugh out of it. on the other hand, the writers could have literally written anything else in the entire world. they have so many options for other jokes that would've landed just as well or better than what they went with, and yet they chose to have Ed mention those two things. how interesting. the second example is, of course, anne and mary ribbing Ed and Stede about them clearly not having sex or any sexual experiences with each other yet. again, there are sooooooo many ways the writers could drive home how deranged those two buckwild lesbians are and yet they went with the call out on the status of Ed and Stede doing it. very interesting indeed. The last, more amorphous example is Ed breaking his kiss with Stede and asking if they can take things slow. granted, that could be related to a bunch of different things that aren't sex related, however we know Stede has already basically confessed how in love with Ed he is to his face and they were already best friends basically as soon as they met each other, which starts to narrow down the options for what Ed is referring to pretty quickly. he also only broke the kiss after Stede grabbed Ed to intensify the kiss which further supports this theory. sooooo tl;dr - i think we're gonna see those two middle aged dads do it bc the writers have been seeing the seeds for the past 3 eps
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tombama · 7 months
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100% Supima
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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I present you with the king (i forgot who wanted him, I'm sorry)
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jabbawocky4eva · 1 year
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lazzarella · 28 days
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Damn. I thought TanFang's scene in ep 16 had me blushing enough, but now I’ve seen the behind the scenes… Gosh!
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artiststarme · 4 months
Death Waits For No One… Except Eddie Munson
Warning: Temporary Character Death
Could be read as Part 2 of This Post
Eddie dies. He knew it was coming, felt it as soon as he’d stepped foot into the sordid little town as a puny and pale eleven year old. There was a grim acceptance that he wouldn’t survive long enough to leave. He spent his years being as authentic and genuine as possible; loud, eccentric, world-devastatingly handsome with awesome hair, and completely and utterly metal.
He spent his adolescence in Hawkins being true to himself, being someone that he could be proud of. However, there was always an undercurrent of danger. Being different in a small town where everyone else is the same is a hazard and Eddie wondered things everyday.
Would this be the day it ends?
Would Hargrove, Hagan, or any other small minded jock choose today to bash his head in?
Would the cops make an example of the weird “devil-worshipping”, rock n’ roll, high school fiend today?
Sometimes death was the cost of being different and he had accepted that.
Eddie, and unfortunately Wayne, had seen it coming for years and were not so eagerly awaiting his demise. Whether it be a beating from a bully gone too far, an overdose like his Ma, or a fiery crash, they lived each day in tentative hope that he’d escape death’s clutches once again. Neither one of them expected him to die in a haunted parallel universe in pain, cold and alone, with blood in his mouth and holes bitten through his flesh.
Eddie watched Dustin grieve him through teary eyes as the cold set in, warm blood leaking from his wounds and a numbness settling in his bones. He distantly heard Steve screaming for the both of them and maybe even the uncoordinated footfalls from Robin as she ran towards them. He tried to hang on, gripping the last dredges of life with both hands. Eventually though, his eyes closed with the weight of the world and his heart sluggishly slowed its beat.
The last thing he saw before his eyes were forced closed was Steve shoving a crying Dustin aside with determined eyes and a frown on his face. He felt a vague pressure center in his chest before everything faded to black.
Death wasn’t the peace or nothingness that he expected. It wasn’t bright lights or past memories flashing in front of your eyes. He was conscious, worriedly wondering if his friends had made it home from the Upside Down and how Wayne would take the news, if the Party could even tell him anything.
His death was a nightmare to him, everything he hated; darkness, silence, and too much time to ruminate on his thoughts. There was nothing to see and his feet were getting cold in an inch or so of standing water. Wonderful. The only noise he could hear was the blood from his deepest wounds dripping to the water at his feet.
He didn’t know how long he was there. Standing there, admittedly freaking out more than a little bit, and doing nothing could’ve taken three minutes or thirty years.
But when he opened his eyes again after a slow blink, he was back in the Upside Down next to his trailer. His wounds still throbbed with each heartbeat and he could feel the stickiness of blood clinging to his war outfit. Upon further surveillance, he noticed his favorite necklace with his mother’s old guitar pick was missing. Those fucking bats probably ate it. He considered rifling through the rotting carcasses surrounding him before letting out a sigh. He didn’t have the energy to perform necropsies.
The next thing that made itself known was the heat. Eddie remembered the Upside Down being cold, a strange mixture of humid and frigid. But now, the air was practically sizzling with heat and it made the stickiness of blood even more unbearable.
It wouldn’t stop Eddie though. He was apparently still alive after facing death once more. If anything could be said about Eddie, it was that he was a survivor. So, he pulled himself up despite his agony and set out on the trek of a lifetime. He climbed through the gate in his trailer, ignoring the cooking of his flesh and the pain accompanying the burns. He flopped onto the unforgiving carpet of his trailer that he really should’ve cleaned when Wayne told him to. Then he went to Steve’s because if anyone could help him, it was him.
He didn’t expect the town to be in chaos or the rippling chasms of fire that lengthened his walk.
He hid in trees when cars passed him but no one paid him any mind. Everyone was too apt to get out of town than they were to pay the walking zombie (so he supposed) any mind.
Eddie walked until he was standing over a sleeping Steve in his room in the Harrington house. He wasn’t sleeping peacefully and Eddie could imagine why.
“Hey, Harrington. Wake up, it’s okay. You’re dreaming.”
Steve jerked awake and started screaming his fool head off. Eddie stumbled back in surprise and hissed as the movement pulled at the worst of his wounds.
“Shh! Harrington, Jesus H. Christ, calm down. Holy shit, I thought you’d be the calm one. Calm down, please god,” Eddie breathed through the pain and calmed him. He probably looked like shit so he understood Steve’s fright. A small part of him, his inflated ego probably, took offense though he wouldn’t voice it.
“Eddie?” Steve’s voice was tinged with disbelief as if he couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing.
He beamed, “I see we’re on a first name basis now, Stevie. If I knew this was all I had to do, I would’ve died a long time ago!”
Steve threw himself forward into Eddie’s arms with a soft gasp of pain and Eddie let out an oomph of surprise and pain in response.
“You’re not going to be here in the morning, are you?” Steve whispered into the crook of his neck.
Eddie’s shaky hand latched onto Steve’s shoulder to deepen the hug. “Hell Steve, I’ll never leave you again if you’ll have me.”
Steve fell asleep on top of him in what appeared to be his first restful slumber in weeks. Eddie wasn’t going to ruin that. Instead of treating his wounds or showering Upside Down grime and dried blood off, he ran a hand through Steve’s hair and closed his eyes. It would all be there in the morning, after all. What could a little shut-eye hurt?
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sturnioloho · 3 months
frat boy chris in bed. what else could u want
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justaz · 2 months
merlin finding gwaine and asking why he would jump into the fight and help him and gwaine going “your chances looked between slim and none. i guess i just kind of like the look of those odds” and merlin sees right through him. he’s a man alone of the road traveling wherever the wind takes him and dancing with death, daring her to reap his soul.
merlin after arthur dies doing the same. he cant return to camelot where every room, every stone, every speck of dirt is a reminder of arthur. wandering the land and jumping into fights and barely putting in effort, letting his opponents nail hits that bring him to his knees, that knock the breath from his lungs, some even hard enough to stop his heart. merlin dancing with death, daring her to reap his soul. he helps out a group from a fight they were going to lose and they ask why merlin would help them and his response is instantaneous
“your chances looked between slim and none. i guess i kind of like the look of those odds.”
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insporp · 11 months
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imagerie-des-adultes · 5 months
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tombama · 2 months
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Keep Smiling
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