#additional evidence: those two WHORES being in bed TOGETHER while stede is SHIRTLESS and Ed is in a ROBE in the trailer for ep 6
girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
in a completely non-joking, genuinely narrative and writing analysis way, i do seriously believe we may get to "see" stede and ed have sex this season. there have been 2 explicit and one kinda implied mentions/discussions of sex so far: the first is obviously when ed tells ghost Hornigold how two of the pros of choosing to live are "intercourse" (nerd) and orgasms. on the one hand, yes, that's an easy joke to make that will be sure to get a laugh out of it. on the other hand, the writers could have literally written anything else in the entire world. they have so many options for other jokes that would've landed just as well or better than what they went with, and yet they chose to have Ed mention those two things. how interesting. the second example is, of course, anne and mary ribbing Ed and Stede about them clearly not having sex or any sexual experiences with each other yet. again, there are sooooooo many ways the writers could drive home how deranged those two buckwild lesbians are and yet they went with the call out on the status of Ed and Stede doing it. very interesting indeed. The last, more amorphous example is Ed breaking his kiss with Stede and asking if they can take things slow. granted, that could be related to a bunch of different things that aren't sex related, however we know Stede has already basically confessed how in love with Ed he is to his face and they were already best friends basically as soon as they met each other, which starts to narrow down the options for what Ed is referring to pretty quickly. he also only broke the kiss after Stede grabbed Ed to intensify the kiss which further supports this theory. sooooo tl;dr - i think we're gonna see those two middle aged dads do it bc the writers have been seeing the seeds for the past 3 eps
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