ezhiaray · 7 months
The first vow.
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I can't believe it took this ship to finally draw art for this fandom.
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time-of-infinite · 4 years
Me @ Harry and Taylor right now
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gina-wesome · 6 years
The only reason why I don’t want Bellarke to happen
Okay. I know. fml. Hear me out here. Every series that is built on a ‘will they/won’t they’ couple got boring once they got together. And even if we all want it to fucking happen already, we have to recognise that most shows ended after the main couple finally got together as the romantic tension was gone.(e.g.Moonlighting 1985)
I’m afraid that the producers are aware of the fact that the Bellarke situation has the viewers watching the series. So I suspect that they won’t get together or if they do that could mean the end of the show. But dear gooood let’s hope the creators come up with some kind of solution.
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allyiggy · 7 years
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Magnus is crushing so hard 
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verasartblog · 5 years
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Inktober 27: COAT & 28: RIDE Beau showing off her new coat, and Clarabelle the moorbounder. #criticalrole #criticalrolefanart #inktober #Inktober2019 #Mightynein #sketchbook #inkdrawing #art #artistsoninstagram #womenofillustration #Beau #beauregard #yasha #shippingit #coat #ride #moorbounder #caduceusclay https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Kr6CLjkev/?igshid=xq90hqtqn8td
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myhollie1911 · 7 years
The last episode of AOT was amaaaziiing. OMGAWD, i need it to come out in English xx
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themikewheelers · 7 years
someone just said jopper is a toxic ship because hopper is too unstable for joyce i'm logging off
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SamCait shipping would have probably happened anyway, but the extreme shipper (ES) leaders are the ones who kept it going
Recently, I saw a comment on @cant-resist-temptation’s blog from a fan who couldn’t understand why shippers believe in the secret S & C “marriage” and the multiple secret “boos.” As I recall, CRT said that she thought that they were initially led to believe in the ship by S & C’s over-the-top flirting. However, now that it is clear that C & T are married and have a child, she really doesn’t know why people persist in believing in the SC ship.
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I was a SC shipper myself for about two months in 2015. Certainly S & C played up their chemistry for a few years to sell the show. But from what I can tell, S & C probably would have been shipped whether or not they played up their chemistry. To understand a little bit about that, I recommend reading this article by Beth Thorne on the That’s Normal website:
What Jim and Pam Taught Me About Shipping
It is well worth the read. Beth talks about how she started to initially ship the fictional couple from The Office: “JAM” (i.e., Jim Halpert & Pam Beesly, played by Jenna Fischer & John Krazinksi), but then the lines for her got blurred between fiction and reality when
“Karen Filipelli was introduced as a smart character: a pretty, funny and interesting woman who made a viable choice for Jim when he was rejected by Pam. I hated her instantly of course. But Karen was played by the very talented, Rashida Jones, whom I did not know before she was cast on The Office, and whom I also instantly hated. Notice there is no ‘of course’ at the end of that sentence because my hatred of Rashida Jones was totally and completely … untenable.”
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"Satan, basically"
You have to read the article to learn why the addition of Karen/Rashida to the show ended up blurring the lines between fiction and real life for Beth, but it doesn’t appear that Jenna and John’s behaviors outside the show had caused her confusion.
Given how ubiquitous real person shipping has become, including in fandoms where the celebrities in some One True Pairings (OTP) are married to or have been romantically involved with other people (e.g., the Damie and Robsten ships), I tend to think that whether or not S & C had played up their chemistry to sell the show, they would have been shipped by some fans anyway.
However, I believe that the reason the SC shippers in this fandom have become so extreme over time had a lot to do with the shipper leadership.
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Fans From Other Fandoms Brought Extreme Shipping Beliefs With Them 
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SC shippers were lured onto the ship from the very beginning by seasoned shipping veterans from other fandoms (e.g., One Direction, Twilight, The Hunger Games, etc.) who had crossed over to the Outlander fandom. These fandom veterans were already familiar with the 5 foundational beliefs of extreme (tinhat) shipping. Below is an excerpt from an earlier post I wrote that delineates these beliefs.
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In fairness to these early shipper leaders, I think that many really thought the above nonsense was true and didn’t realize they were propagating “tinhat” beliefs. After all, these beliefs have spread far and wide across many fandoms, as illustrated nicely by a chart from @louche-laid-back-glory​.
But the underlying premises of the beliefs aren’t real. We no longer live in the mid-twentieth century where film studios had nearly a complete say over what actors could show the public about their personal lives. There is no legal way that studios could do that today. 
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SHIPPER LEADERS: Withholding information, lying, and reposting debunked/misleading “receipts”
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LIES OF OMISSION: The shipper leaders also led their followers on by withholding information that contradicted the ship. Typically, they wouldn’t release the info until it was about to come out anyway or only if it was way after the fact. We will never know all the information that they withheld from their followers, but some information eventually did come out. Examples include shipper leaders initially withholding: 
The fact that there had been multiple photos of Abbie at S’s April 2015 birthday party.
The knowledge that Abbie had been seen visiting S in Scotland in May 2015.
The reality that T had been seen at a Jan. 2016 Starz party.
The knowledge that there was a photo of S in NYC in June 2017 (when shippers claimed he wasn’t visiting MM because he wasn’t there).
The fact that there had been a photo of T holding C’s hand at the end of her April 2018 marathon.
In addition, although SIS Brazil appropriately withheld info in April 2018 about what S’s nephew said about S, C & MM--they nevertheless implied that what he said was supportive of the shipper position. Yet, when it all finally came out in Aug. 2019, it turned out that what he said did not support the shipper narrative.      
LIES OF COMMISSION: Perhaps the worst of the shipper leader lies of commission was the one where some leaders have claimed they have seen a copy of the S & C marriage certificate from Spain! 😱 But of course they conveniently cannot show anyone.🙄 Furthermore, even SIS Brazil said that they had seen such a certificate--but then a couple of days later said they were only joking.🤦🏻‍♀️ 
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We also have the coffee stalker claiming that S & C not only live together but were together the entire April 2018 Easter weekend when in fact there is a lot of evidence that S & T went to Ireland and S was hanging out with cast members.
VISUAL DISINFORMATION: There are also visual ways of lying using gifs, videos, and still images. For years, the shipper leaders kept reposting long debunked visual “receipts” over and over again, including faux Cait at the Laophroaig distillery (Sept. 2015), faux S & C at the June 2016 baseball game, faux Sam in Paris (Oct. 2016), and the infamous Feb. 2017 fist bump photo to name just a few. (See this post for other examples and debunks.)
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They also created misleading gifs by taking videos of S & C out of context, leaving the gif focus fuzzy, and/or slowing their speed down. In doing so they made them look like they were more meaningful than they were. (See this page on my main web-based tumblr for many examples of this.)
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SHIPPER LEADERS: Indirectly “teaching” their followers to think like conspiracy theorists
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ERRONEOUS CONNECTIONS: Shipper leaders indirectly “teach” their followers to think like conspiracy theorists through consistently making erroneous connections between people and events. An example of this is shown above in the The Australia Brief “conspiracy board” created by SIS Brazil in an attempt to convince their followers that the S & T engagement wasn’t real. In following the convoluted reasoning  of The Australia Brief board, SIS Brazil’s followers indirectly “learned” to confuse correlation with causation and to engage in numerous logical fallacies. 
Using correlation to “prove” the SC narrative is ubiquitous in Shipperville. So if S & C were vaguely in the same geographical location at the same time (even though they could be miles apart), then they had to have been together. Or if they were on social media at the same time, they had to have been right next to each other.🤦🏻‍♀️
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CONFIRMATION BIAS: One of the major errors that certain SC shippers repeatedly make is that they focus intensely on a few specific pieces of supporting evidence for the ship and ignore or rationalize away much of the other information that does not support their assumptions.
The name for this phenomenon is confirmation bias or the tendency to overvalue information that supports one’s beliefs and to undervalue or overlook information that does not. (For more information about confirmation bias see this post.)
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The SC shippers have taken confirmation bias to a new level though, in that they are often on overdrive to “find” information to confirm their ship.
And so over the years we find SC shippers scouring photos and videos of S or C, looking for people in the background who vaguely look like S or C to “prove” that they were actually together in various places. Even C’s father’s funeral was not taboo. Someone showed me photos that certain ES are passing off as being S from the back, while claiming that it is either “one of Cait’s brothers or a friend holding their own blonde child to give the illusion it’s Tony.”🙄
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SHIPPER LEADERS: Controlling what blogs their followers see and encouraging groupthink
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Another way that the ES leaders manipulate their followers is by encouraging groupthink and by serving as gatekeepers regarding the information that their followers see and don’t see. 
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GROUPTHINK: Because of processes like group polarization, the persuasive-arguments theory, and social comparison theory, group pressures and norms can lead groups to become more extreme in their thinking. As the group becomes more extreme and more unified, groupthink can set in. When this happens, any form of disagreement with the group’s core beliefs is discouraged. Discussions focus on evidence that supports the group’s beliefs; other evidence is often not even up for discussion. (For more information about this phenomenon, see this post.)
MINDGUARDS: When groupthink happens, certain individuals in a group assign themselves to serve as mindguards to ensure that information that contradicts the general consensus is left out of group discussions and decision-making. They use different ways to shut down dissent, which in turn furthers the goal of group unity and the appearance of consensus.
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We see extreme shipper leaders often serving as mindguards by giving newbies block lists of who to block and telling lies about those of us who debunk the SC “receipts.” They also frequently block anyone who questions the ship or who follows someone on their block lists. In this way they control the kind of information about S & C that their followers see. 
If an opposing position is presented by an “anon,” it is assumed the anon is from the nonshipper camp (whom they refer to as “antis”) and the argument is usually dismissed outright.
The ES leaders also create fear in their followers of being blocked if they question the ship too much or visit an “anti’s” blog. This leaves the ES who value their community particularly vulnerable to groupthink and biased conclusions.
The ES leaders also like to pretend that most of the fans on tumblr believe in the ship, so anyone who comes to their blogs and disagrees with them has to be a sock account of one of the major debunkers.🙄
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Although I can’t speak to what other SC debunkers might do, I don’t create sock accounts to follow or comment on shipper blogs. But I do occasionally learn what they are discussing when people send me info in DMs, or someone I follow reblogs one of their posts, or I stumble upon a shipper blog thinking it was a regular Outlander blog, etc.
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Many shippers might still hang on to the ship because of a need to “win.”
As illustrated below by the (2010) Twilight parody Vampires Suck, shipping feuds occasionally can get a tad out of control.😱 Sometimes it feels like certain shippers are engaging in a “team sport” and they won’t stop until they “win” and are proven “right.”
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In the “shipping-as-team-sport” analogy, the shipper leaders seem to take on the role of “coaches,” motivating their “team” to keep “fighting” until they “win.”
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In Conclusion
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In all the ways described above, the extreme shipper leaders nourish the ship and keep their followers clicking on their blogs. Most of the old shipper leaders like Jess at least had the integrity to admit years ago that the ship wasn’t real and pretty much left the fandom. 
But the extreme shipper leaders who persist are either so far down the rabbit hole that they actually believe the nonsense they spew, or they are liars who just like the attention of their followers.
Either way, at this point (after C’s marriage to T and their having a child together) it seems to me like the ES leaders are a major reason why the ship remains afloat. 
Gif sources: 01, 02 (via That’s Normal), 03 ( aa + bb), 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12 & 13, 14; note that all gifs except 02 were modified from their sources. Image sources: Conspiracy board: SIS Brazil; Harper Lee Quote: (Shutterstock + Ms. Gallagher); Magnifying glass (before edits): Shutterstock  
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lcarter233 · 7 years
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My thoughts on GOT this year...with a little Steven Universe thrown in...#tormond/brianne #shippingit
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ofprevioustimes · 3 years
Eleanor Guthrie, despot merchant queen.
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From Black Sails
i. OTHER NAMES: Eleanor Guthrie-Rogers (married name) ii. MAIN PERIOD: 18th Century iii. PLACE OF BIRTH: Boston, Massachusetts, though her nationality is English and her residence is in Nassau, the Bahamas. iv. OCCUPATION(s): Black marketeer v. RELIGION: Officially protestant, but an atheist truly. vi. TERMS OF ADDRESS: “Miss Guthrie”, “Mrs. Rogers” vii. MUSE LEVEL: High
Determined and ruthless, Eleanor is a person who refuses to let anything get in the way of what she wants. She is insolent, authoritative and famously foul-mouthed. Her father’s only child, left behind because she wasn’t a man, Eleanor nonetheless adapts into a ‘manly’ attitude in her speech, posture and behavior, which is another way to assert her power to her rivals and enemies.
Eleanor values power, commitment, intelligence and leadership.
Graphic violence. Consumption of alcohol. Abusive behaviors. Guns. Unhealthy father-daughter relationships.
Shooting, horse riding, business management, fighting.
No canon divergence to be mentioned, but a point in my interpretation of Eleanor is that she rejects femininity. She speaks like a man, dresses in pirate fashion, hires female prostitutes, etc, like the men in the island do. This is both her way to establish herself as a figure of authority despite being a “young girl”, but also comes from a deep, subconscious wish to be the son her father wished she had been.
Also, I will not deny her feelings for Woodes Rogers, as much as I preferred pirate Eleanor a thousand times more. This change in her meant that Eleanor understood that her previous attitude did not work for her - it may not be too easy for her to adapt into this new role, but it’s the only possibility she can see at that point. Canon divergent plots for the period of S3-S4 are welcome tho!
ONE. This character is brutal, authoritarian and hardly polite. Don’t take this personally if we’re writing together, it’s who she is. Please don’t expect me to make Eleanor ‘good’ for your muse. I have several other characters for that kind of dynamics.
Eleanor is a difficult person, because she is always looking to achieve the things she wants, regardless of who might get hurt in the process. If your character doesn’t get in the way of her goals, then there is a chance they might get along, but even if they do get to like each other, should they ever antagonize her plans, Eleanor will always choose ambition over friendship.
Possible dynamics include, but are not limited to: business partnerships, negotiations, conflicts between my muse’s plans and yours, etc.
It’s complicated. Like mentioned above, her plans always come before her feelings, and this is no different if the relationship turns romantic. That is not to say there is no room for that, for Eleanor does get involved emotionally, but it is not a priority and it’s relatively ‘easy’ for her to shut those down if necessary.
Possible dynamics include, but are not limited to: casual lovers, enemies to lovers, escapism, etc.
General tag. Answered asks. Threads. Visage. Musings. Tunes.
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leatherartbylisa · 6 years
A real quick #video of a BUSAJJA Wrap Cuff in Chocolate before it gets cleaned up and packaged up. This one is getting shipped off to Gibraltar! . . . . #quickvideo #productvideo #beforepackaging #ready #shippingit #gibraltar #leather #cuff #braided #wrap #bracelet #braidedtie #bisonleather #bison #wrapbracelet #leathercuff #menscuff #mensbracelet #menscuff #chocolat #chocolatebrown #brownleathercuff (at Lisa M. Cantalupo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOkt7NgLxq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13rhkmztqsppv
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I wonder who will be the lucky recipients and receive star wars stamps!! #stamps #stamp #starwars #thelastjedi #rogueone #darthvader #disney #forcefriday #jedi #stormtrooper #lukeskywalker #starwarsfan #orsonkrennic #benmendelsohn #mikkelsohn #otp #galennic #shippingit #theforceawakens #madsmikkelsen #lego #krennso #galenerso #marvel #sith #chewbacca #kyloren #hansolo #art #batman
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bxar · 6 years
domin is the kind of person who would stand behind Clarke and Lexa, waving the Lesbian and bisexual flag and singing at their wedding while constantly pushing flower crowns on Bellamys head no matter how many he takes off and forcing Octavia to enjoy herself while pushing Raven and Emori on the dance floor so they can rub up against him so that Murphy gets jealous and comes to take over then focus on getting Monty and Harper to enjoy a slow song because #shippingit and then helping Kane propose to Abby and asking Indra to be his best man then once he is sure everyone is happy and having fun, he’d go stand in the corner and imagine it was Jad and Goda’s wedding and in the sea of happy people someone will step out and demand he come dance with them because that’s his love and they are the only one who knows that once everyone is happy Domin will be in a corner watching because he liked to seem them all being happy at once but his love will insist on bringing him back into the party because they know he needs the happiness
that is domins happy ending
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thedisneyoneblog · 4 years
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#arielandprinceeric #shippingit #loveit #disney #thedisneyone
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topicprinter · 7 years
Sup Reddit,Long time lurker here haha. My name is Daniel and for the past week I decided to jump the gun and start a business (take a look). For the longest time I have always wanted to jump into streetwear because it was something I was passionate about. I want to share my adventure with you guys just as some of you had shared with me. Please note the steps I have taken does not guarantee success, this is just what I did.PART ONE: where the hell do I start?Starting off my journey, I was looking at a variety of options. I did not know where to host my business. Should I have done something local or online? Wait wait hold up, before that do I even have a design? No. That was the first thing I had to do. Design. A logo is essential for a brand. It is something that represents the business and something that is recognized. I had already decided for my brand name to be hinkaku (japanese for dignity). To accompany the name, I designed a sakura flower (using photoshop) like a badge. A badge is to be something worn, which I thought would have been perfect for apparel. However, it would suck to have just one design to sell, so I came up with three more for an opening launch. You can see them here.PART TWO: choosing the platformTransitioning from part one, I have finished my designs, but now I needed a supplier. Here were my two choices:PrintfulLocalThe pros of choosing printful:They are a fulfillment service which means they handle shipping and printing, I just have to manage the designs and marketing.The cons of choosing printful:Shipping rates are soooooooooo expensive. $8 to ship to Canada for one tee(all my buds are in canada and I know for SURE they will not pay $8 to ship...)The pros of going local:You can see the process and physically check the quality.The one I had in mind had cheaper prices than printful (usd to cad conversion is bad) and the prints were heavenlyThe cons of going local:Gotta buy in bulk (12 shirts were the minimum $180~ CAD). I did not have that type of money. ( I am a student)You have to do the shippingIt took me a while to decide, but after receiving only 5 pre orders (from friends), I knew I would not meet the required twelve threshold for my local printer. I decided to use printful and shopify.PART THREE: Shopify free trialSigning up with shopify, you are able to receive a 14-day free trial, and an additional 7 days (there should be an email asking if you want a 7 day extension). The printful integration with shopify is very well done. All I have to do is position my graphic, add a description and set my profits. Printful will automatically push the products to shopify. That simplifies so much for me. I don’t have to handle inventory or anything. Moving on, I had to design the site. This was by far the most fun I had so far. Shopify’s template builder is really simple to use and lets you focus on designing. No coding required! I played around with all the free templates and found that narrative suited me the best. I used burst by shopify for a few images, but also provided some of my own (backgrounds). Use the 21 days to carefully craft the site and make it look good, focus on making everything perfect and an enjoyable experience for the customer. Some of the addons I used were: BEST currency converter, Quick announcement bar by hextom, and printful. You can check out the site I built here.PART FOUR: Launch day!Yes I was nervous. Everything I have done previously was for this moment. There was something magical about opening a store haha. Anyhow, I was quick to realize there would be absolute 0 sales because no one would know about my site! This was when I knew I had forgot something important… I did not advertise beforehand. Now I was a sitting duck with no sales. My shop was open but nobody came in. Luckily, I was still in my free trial period, BUT this was still precious time lost. I made an instagram account and facebook page and started posting some content with hashtags relevant to my product/ audience. This was alright though, although I still had 0 sales going through, I reached out to the friends that have previously pre-ordered about my opening and offered them a best buddy discount. This was done using Printful’s sample order (5 items per order 3 times a month and FREE SHIPPING). Your friends will be your first local sales. Shoutout to my friends that supported me I thank you so much. Anyways, the problem still arose though, where do I get traffic for my site?PART FIVE: AdvertisingI am a complete n00b here so this is a lesson to learn for everyone and myself haha. This was my first time learning how to advertise so after reading some articles, I decided to use instagram to spread the word. The first advertising was just to spread awareness that my site exists (first post on my instagram). I went for impressions and picked up some attention. I got a couple followers, a couple likes, a couple visits to my site, but no sales. 0 sales meant that the advertising money I spent ($6 cad) was down the drain. No return no nothing. My money just disappeared like that. I felt pretty sad, so I decided to whip up a promotion this time thinking that could work. My second advertisement (second post on instagram) featured free shipping for the united states (used carousel ad type to showcase the products). I personally thought it looked pretty great, but upon launching the ad, again I was met with defeat. Again, some more followers, likes, and visits, but no sales. This was another $6 down the drain. Advertising was defeat for me. Though I heard it takes time to learn how to advertise, I treat this as a learning experience.In Summary for Week One0.68 in profits after operation costs (still in the green my dudes)7 followers on instagram6 local sales125 visits to my store0 online salesTo those who read to the end, thank you.I have had so much fun so far and am looking to improve. Got any advice? Share it with us :DThere are many ways to climb a mountain, this is just one. I may or may not reach the top, but regardless it is the journey that counts.DanielInstagram Facebook Website
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