#ship: spiderwolf
maidofhearteditz · 1 month
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B33< Vriska x Jade/ Vriska <3 Jade/Wolfspider stimboard!
B33< Request by: me! ! :3
((DIVIDER BY "thecreepysp4ghetti"))
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shibasparklez · 1 year
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This is my spidersona, Spiderwolf! She was bitten by a radioactive wolf spider, though she never got a chance to become a spider person in her own universe. Right now she works as Miguel’s assistant in Nueva York, where she used the technology of the future to craft her own spider costume.
She prefers to not use web shooters, instead she likes to chase down her enemies and use her impressive jumping abilities to pounce on them. When she uses web shooters she tends to be clumsy and bump into things a lot since wolf spiders don’t spin webs. The wolf spider bite gave her some characteristics of a wolf as well, which is why she has the ears and tail. Also impressive hearing and sense of smell, even for a spider person. Miguel will have her act like a tracking dog sometimes to find anomalies. She also likes to cling to his back like baby wolf spiders! Her ears will pop out behind his head and he’ll get all flustered about it.
She does have real paws on her feet, but her hand paws are gloves. These are for helping her with sensory issues, as well as using the claws for fighting and digging. She’ll ask the other spiders to squish her paw pads if they’re stressed. The romper is heavily padded with some of the same material that fursuits are made out of so that she can take a tumble without getting hurt. Actually the heart shapes on her legs are supposed to be knee pads, but I have no idea how to draw knees haha. If anyone wants a more extended backstory and personality post, let me know!
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juniaships · 2 years
Vesta Lewis but it's the spiderman movies
My OC (technical si) Vesta Lewis as she would appear in the three cinematic versions of Spider Man
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2002 Spider-Man
- Known as the weird kid in school who rarely speaks and didn't give an absolute shit what anyone said about her
- Had no real direction in life after school so she got a job working delivery
- She and MJ are kinda friends; especially in the same theatre class
- Second movie she's still struggling with her hero career
- Spends time with Harry out of pity for his father's death
- Works rival pizzeria; she and Peter really bond over how equally difficult their jobs are
- She gets kidnapped this time instead of MJ bc I always felt bad for her since it damaged her rep
- I guess in the final battel she conjures up an illusion of Doc Ock's dead wife as a visual reminder of the man he once was
- Afterwards Vesta heals him so he survives yay
- Third movie
- Venom pays a visit she is TRAUMATIZED
- She goes to investigate and with the help of Reed Richards determines to be an alien symbiote and tries to save Peter
- They have relationship problems
- She gets a visit by Goblin!Harry but she actually fights him off but he threatens her family's safety so she's forced to stand down
- Symbiote kidnaps Gwen and in the foray Vesta manages to convince Harry to help them fight
2012 The Amazing Spiderman
- She and Peter are rivals this time
- Especially since he's better at science than her and she sucks XD
- Um she fights the lizard by herself and almost DIES
- LOVE TRIANGLE involving her Harry and Peter
- 2014 movie she is the one to work at Daily Planet while Peter gets the job at OSCORP
- During all this their romantic feelings come to light and they can no longer hide it
- Harry is PISSED
- At the end Harry is the one to kidnap her (because she intervenes to save Gwen) and *spoilers* she is the one who dies
- Peter is heartbroken; Gwen moves to England to get away from NY for a while
- MCU (aka my self indulgent version that does away with Endgame and Infinity War and dissed knee stink)
- She meets Peter in a meet cute sort of way during CV (even tho i hate that story)
- She attends a different school; but hangs out with the main trio after hours
- They don't know each other's identities; close calls become something of a running gag
- In Far From Home she goes to Europe with the midtown class not bc of school but because of a supposed lost magical artifact
- She and Peter grow really closer to the point EVERYONE makes memes about it
- In this AU all the heroes who got snapped in canon are the ones to survive; so this makes Sam Wilson Captain America early; Yelena coming to avenge Natasha, Sharon never turns evil yadda yadda
- Both Peter and Vesta survive the Snap; giving them a chance to grow up into adult heroes
- So the events of NWH happens differently sort of
- Peter is in college, Michelle is pursuing acting and Ned Ganke-Leeds is studying magic under Wong as "Hobgoblin."
- Vesta works taking care of orphans of the Snap
- Both go with the New Avengers to stop Thanos
- Time is restored but the five years aren't reversed; soooooo THINGS HAPPEN
- Peter and Vesta start dating and everything is going well
- at one point loses her powers and gets attacked by Raimi!Goblin
- Ned: Come on Goblin's already taken?! >:(
- But gets saved by a mysterious person....
- ...A mysterious person in a blue silver and grey suit...
- Who calls herself WOLF SPIDER
- Turns out when she died she was given a second chance by one of the Eternals for her sacrifice; but she couldn't go back to her hone universe until her duties are done
- TASM!Peter is shocked to see his dead girlfriend breathing and standing in front of him
- TASM!Vesta says she'll explain everything to him in private
- Also Raimi!Vesta and Peter have triplets: Ben, Serena May, and Stanley (get it Stan Lee)
- It ends with Dr. Strange recruiting Wolf Spider to help him stop Scarlet Bitch; she bids goodbye to her counters and goes off
- But not before sharing one last kiss with her world's Peter and promising him she'll be home by Hanukkah :)
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veiledbylilac · 7 years
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character posters: spiderwolf
↳ Forget the tattered memories, or the pages others took. You are my ever after, the hero of my book.
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fenrislorsrai · 6 years
Werewolf Wild West shenanigans
Two sessions where the PCs are the Least Murdery PC werewolves ever. They are the Pack of LIES.  For Gaia!  
Big & Stupid is a Lupus Ragabash Uktena.  Silas is a Homid Theurge Uktena. Michael is a Homid Galliard Fianna. Patience is a Mokole. Their Ahroun is a Homid Silver Fang, but she stayed home to guard the caern while they got into Shenanigans.
4 of the 5 PCs headed up the coast with their Kinfolk companions to follow Beligerance back to the other Rokea who were near 3 whales, one of which was a rorqual.  (basically a living caern)
Some discussion with the Rokea indicated that these are relatively young Rokea who were staying near non-migrating whales.  This is effectively the "off-season" for whaling, and yet someone still is.once actual season starts in winter there will be a lot more whales, rokea, and whalers in area.
PCs also spotted a clearly very very haunted ghost ship on their travel up the coast which they left the hell alone... only for it to turn back up nearby shortly before ship that was likely whalers appeared during day. So not vampirates.  Probably.  The ghost ship though, that is clearly just in the umbra somewhere and is Hella Creepy
The PCs clever plan here was to try and confuse the whalers on who to chase as the Rokea encouraged whales to submerge and go out to deeper water.  The two Kinfolk very obviously lit out at full sail in different direction. The 3 werewolf PCs very obviously "fell off" the boat or were knocked off boat in path of oncoming ship to try and get them to slow down and rescue them. 
Which worked, sort of.  Here, grab this rope!  which worked great until Big and Stupid forget he can't go "bark bark!" at things while holding on to a rope!  Oh noes!  But he recovered.  Silas nearly got dragged under by swells as well but Patience nudged him back up. 
Once aboard they tried to get some information on why these folks were chasing whales... or rather chasing their Kinfolk right now who had successfully been a diversion away from whales. Those guys must have seen the whales! chase them!
Michael meanwhile used Firewater's Kiss on the person steering... really well so he ran away from helm to barf over the side.  One more person nudged that way with Firewater's Kiss and they're barfing over the side and the PCs usual method of "cause hysteria" works
Oh no, there must be something wrong with provisions if even seasoned sailors are upchucking on relatively calm seas!  We knew this was suspicious when guy that hired them to do this was paying above normal rates! BAD LUCK, MAN, BAD LUCK.  Wild guessing as to who has cursed them, with the PCs managing to avoid being the cause of said curse.  Crew generally seems like they're going to mutiny if they don't break off and go back to port now and the captain wasa lso hired, so he's also really not into this.
Alright, fine we'll go back to St. Augustine and everybody that wants to leave can get the hell off but no wages. ine man, fine! Once ship breaks off chase and turns back towards port, the ghost ship apparently breaks off.  Michael is rather sure its some kind of scavenger that can sense impending violence.  Since the ship didn't end up being murdered by angry Rokea, ghost ship broke off.
Having got back to St Augustine the PCs run into friendly Bone Gnawer that Michael had met on his travels down from NY in the first session, who could point them at the guy who had hired the out of season whalers.  
Gnawers are familiar with guy being involved in import/export and he occasionally smells wyrmy, but they got other more serious things to deal with and idiots to keep from rending the Veil in area is allegedly a magical healing caern that is sleeping and of course various people are perpetually turning up to try and find it and annoying the local Gnawers who damn well know there is no such thing here, Mr. Silver Fan,g and thrashing around town is not going to magically find it for you, but please punch the obvious Wyrm threats we have left for you to deal with while we deal with more systemic stuff.
Silas, as part of Theurge training, did get some info on this area and there was a healing caern up here that belonged to the Croatan and was dedicated to Turtle.  When the Croatan died and Turtle went into slumber the whole caern effectively submerged back into the Umbral tunnels the Croatan used for travel and closed up the spring and a caern could not be reopened in that spot. It wasn't part of the binding web for the Earthburrower, fortunately, but it was a 'lost caern" the elders had ruled out as a possibility early on in the process.  Its blessing has withdrawn.  Other tribes can hunt all they want, it's gone.
The PCs get escort to right part of town to go check on this guy involved in trade.  Michael and Patience lurk in real world, Big & Stupid spiderwolfs up the buildings using Gift of the Lizard, and Silas goes to the Umbra to check this out.
Silas runs into nearby area along alley he'd gone into the step sideways that apparently has such frequent cockfights its filled with ANGRY BIRDS! ANNNNNNGRY!  He actually gains a Rage just watching it and really wants to fight something, anything!  fight me, bro!  
Also find a lot of very shiny bugs that are hanging out near that area in shifts swarms that are very shiiiny, and he really wants a shiiiiiiny.  Realizes the whole thing is messing with his head and gets the hell out of there and get to business of guy and snoop around from Umbra and NOT get ambushed by banes. (steal my fun)
Snooping in Umbra doesn't get him a whole lot directly but can consult with some spider-spirits building up the spirit reflection of the buildings on if anyone comes and goes from the building that is different than humans and gets some vague info about some that are human shaped servants of the weaver and some that are human shaped servants of the weaver and darkness.  well, SOMEONE is doing supernatural business here, but it doesn't appear to be businessman
Big and Stupid spiderwolf's his way around the building, sneaks in the front door, sniffs around and finds the guy apparently finishing up end of day business.  Guy gets yelled at to come eat cause supper is getting cold, leaves what he's writing.  Big & Stupid uses Sense Wyld and Sense Magic to check out the small goods he's got in back room and determines there's a leopard skin, a weird book, and a vertabrae of interest in room and swipes those.
He reads the partially finished letter which is about the failed whaling attempt and the "strange happenings" on ship and it leaves off at "I know these are of interest to you". Letter is addressed to Alexandre in a french sounding port that they don't know where it is.  Big & Stupid leaves letter, runs off with the magical items.  in the Umbra, the shiiiiiiny bugs apparently follow Big & Stupid off with those.  Conversation with spider indicates that these are commerce spirits where a value of a shared idea of money has been assigned to those items, so now following those items.
PCs consult with the Gnawer and find out the port is in fact in Haiti and is basically the legitimate port across from Tortuga where anyone doing sketchy business with the pirates (or vampirates)  likely maintains as a legitimate business address.  Oh look, its the equivalent of PO box in the Cayman Islands.  Yes, this is definitely my legitimate place of business, not the sketchy place that's right next door. Very legitimate.
They go round a bit on whether they should kill this guy or leave him in place and finally settle on leaving him in place so they can instead steal his outgoing correspondence.
Michael gets to lie his way onto another ship that's headed to Haiti and gets Silas and Big and Stupid, who's a Good Dog!, spots as well.  Big & Stupid manages to steal correspondence as nobody suspects the dog is a thief.  hey, why is the dog in my cabin? who shut him in here?  aw, poor doggy
And when they get close to where they are reasonably close to point where they can cross back to Bahamas, conveniently all fall overboard at night with their stolen correspondence and stolen magic goodies, and let Patience-kaiju retrieve them from ocean to have a rather uncomfortable trip back to Bahamas where Cassandra has been guarding caern all by herself as the Mightiest Ahroun
!they now have some trophies they need for the ritual later in year to power caern, yeah!, and info on supernatural shipping contracts and artifact smuggling that can potentially stop the whalers and may pick up on what the hell Stupid Sexy Myrtle was doing with artifact shipping as well. 
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shibasparklez · 1 year
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Redrew some memes with Spiderwolf! 💖
@ava-ships @disneymarina
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shibasparklez · 1 year
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Stimboard for my Spidersona, Spiderwolf!
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juniaships · 2 years
Just writing an outline for vesta&peter's relationship arc in the Raimi movies it's just two goofballs trying to navigate adult life also bc i kinda hate mj in that universe i know i defend her sometimes but she was objectively mid
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