mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
So thanks to that poll last night, I will be moving house with 3 rp blogs:
Mysteryseexer Kannoshida Shatteredsecond
Ths move will take place once I return from Puerto rico/as soon as I have time to do it. It should be ok because Im off school.
Now to decide which per.sona blog will be the main blog and which will be the side blog.
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
If I can help others, my fate is unimportant
Angemon (via osantos767)
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
🌊 @mysteryseexer​ wanted a summer starter! 🌊
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“C’mon, I’ll race you! Last one t’the water has t’buy the winner a soda!”
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“Wait no! I haven’t even jumped out of my regular clothes!”
Cue a mad scramble to try and undress as he hops after Ryuji...
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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hey hey  !!!  my name is birdie and i’m really eager to get into the fandom, so pls LIKE/REBLOG THIS POST if you’d be interested in doing some hood rat shit with this nasty crime boi AKIRA KURUSU of PERSONA 5   !!!
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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Makoto gazed up at the skyscraper apartments he had pointed to and smiled. “Ah, I see,” She knew the apartments he was talking about. They looked almost out of place amongst the flashy, gigantic buildings of Shibuya. She herself shared an apartment with her sister. They had moved there three years ago just shortly after their father had died in the line of duty. It was closer to Sae’s place of work and It was only a quick subway ride to school for Makoto. A pang of sadness washed over the short haired girl as she swiped her card through the terminal and headed towards the platform.
“You’re the second transfer we’ve had this year,” She started, “If you can believe that. But that’s not really important. Please, tell me a little about yourself!” She stood in line, waiting for the next train.
“Uh... Well, I mean some of that will be explained later. But i’m just a lame guy who likes mystery novels and learning about psychology, really. It’s just a really interesting subject to me!” 
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He followed her lead, making sure to stick close. It was pretty crowded today... despite being decently tall, he didn’t trust himself not to get lost...
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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New Persona 5 prints that I’ll have at AX!
Unauthorized use of my art is strictly prohibited. Please do not remove the artist’s comment.
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
characters that go through hell yet still believe in the goodness of humanity, still hope for the best despite everything, refuse to let darkness consume them because someone somewhere is always going to be good are literally my favourite, because they give me that little hope too
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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your archetype is the doppelgänger.
(disclaimer: the doppelgänger archetype is not a reflection of what a horrible person you are. ie: luke castellan, and regulus black were both extremely brave people. your choices and actions define you)
traits: manipulative, self deprecating, intelligent, knowledgable, ambiguous, caring
the doppelgänger is most commonly used to symbolize the divide between two egos, or a the grey line between good and bad. doppelgängers are extremely intelligent, and are able to manipulate a persons thoughts and feelings for their own benefit. while they are seen as a darker character, they are closer to being morally ambiguous, if not, someone who has been forced into a position they never agreed upon. doppelgängers wish they could do better, and often find themselves regretting not doing something. while they are capable of manipulating others, they are vulnerable, making themselves susceptible to being manipulated as well. although many of their traits are negative, they crave attention, validation, and wish they could be a better version of themselves. if you can get under their hard exterior, you'll find a true friend, and a loyalist.  
fictional characters that are doppelgängers: severus snape, draco malfoy, credence barebone, luke castellan, sherlock holmes, anakin skywalker, bruce wayne, spike (btvs), angel (btvs), faith lehane, daryl dixon, selina kyle, natasha romanoff, regulus black
other personality types that go with this: hades, wampus, horned serpent, slytherin
Tagging: @pcnthcr @skullheist @highlowgambler
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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When you are happily going to school, but HE appears to talk to you.
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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Tears stream down your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Fix You // Coldplay
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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so like a terrible p5 player I have mismanaged my time horrendously 
Tomorrow I have a written driver exam, and a final today ( well a practice final but it may as well be my final because I won’t be at my real final ).
And that leaves me with roughly 1 and ½ days to pack for my trip out of state. So I guess that means all new blog stuff will be on hold until I get back on the 15th. all current replies will be worked on and put in the queue. I’ll probably be around on mobile but we’ll have to see since I don’t think I get coverage where I’m going.
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
@panickypeachboy caught your attention!
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Despite being an adult and a respected member of the community, Jun still freaked out over dogs. The man walked over briskly, smiling wide. 
“That’s a cute dog! What’s their name?”
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Arf arf!
The blue(???) akita turned to the man, with her tail wagging. New friendly people are very much welcome! She tried to introduce herself, but dog barks don’t get through to most folks.
On the other hand, the youth next to her got a pretty good idea of what she was trying to convey:
“Inu-sama is Inumi.” He bluntly noted, without removing his focus on brushing the dog. Because he was kneeling down, he seemed a bit small in comparison to the pooch.
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“That’s a cute name.” He crouched down, smiling gently at the dog, but keeping a decent distance between them.
“Is it ok if I pet them? I figured I should ask before I try anything...” he said, hand raised slightly. A blue dog though... that was new. Really interesting, but it didnt’ look like it was spraypaint or anything...
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
She was just passing through, the location so far off the grid she hadn’t realized it was there until she was actually standing within its borders. Eyes flicked curiously to the side then upward, fingers twitching in a hardly recognizable motion for someone, or something, to follow. She then stepped off to the side and took a moment to actually explore the place.
The town was small, no doubt the reason it wasn’t even printed on a map. Perhaps it was on a GPS device, but Eddie did not wish to risk pinpointing her location just to check. Little truly caught her eye, even the bar held little interest but it appeared to her to be the only place available to actually relax. Eddie shifted her bag on her shoulder, frowning lightly at the people wandering about; there was nothing and no one to trust here and what she used to transport items was easy to pick from without her noticing… With Jareth so high above she wasn’t entirely sure he’d see an attempted theft either. Regardless she sighed and made her way to the bar, grip tightening on the strap of her bag hntil her knuckles went white.
It was only when her eyes caught the stranger outside the building drinking that she stopped walking, brow cocking curiously. She still remained off to the side, but her head did turn in his direction as she addressed him.
“Watcha doin’ outside all alone? Thought patrons preferred to huddle in a small box of a building when they consumed their vices.” It was a bit of playful teasing, likely out of place for most people, but it kept her nerves at bay.
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“It’s crowded in there, and I’d much rather be out here where I can breathe.”
He keeps on sipping his drink, which surprisingly enough ISNT alcoholic. It’s some sort of soft drink that isn’t sold in mainstream markets. The tattered label reads ‘Spike-Lace Soda’ in fading green against the yellow paper. 
“It’s unusual for anyone to talk outside a business deal here ,y’know. You must be new.” he comments. His voice isn’t unkind, just curious and stern. 
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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“Quick hide me!” There’s no other introduction from the strange hooded girl as she grabbed him, turning to hide behind the taller man’s back. “Sit still for a few minutes.” Henrietta hissed, going silent as a police officer walked by, stopping.
“Excuse me sir, have you seen a girl in a Shujin Academy uniform run by?” He asked. 
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Junji only looked up from his magazine as the girl darted behind him before looking back at the page.
and then another interruption.
“Yeah, she went that way.” He jerked a thumb down the street. “She was really haulin’ ass, so I hope you an catch up to her.” The young man nodded to him, bidding him a good day as he went back to his magazine.
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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hello all! i’ve had this blog for a while, but now that i’ve finished persona 5, i’m ready to write. fancy promos aren’t my thing, so if you could like/reblog this post if you’d like to interact w yusuke kitagawa from p5, i would greatly appreciate it! i am currently private so i’ll check out any blogs that follow. i also plan on having a verse for the pokemon and tales series so there’s that too! 
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mysteryseexer-a ¡ 7 years
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How to play the ‘persona game’ a helpful explanation from Brown.
the chant is p much just something along the lines of ‘Persona-sama, please come here.’
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