#Lay down your arms brother; we need not fight ( Goro )
fyeahwildfire · 4 years
Spirit Bound
Chapter 10
Pairing: Mortal Kombat x reader; Bucky x reader; Fujin x reader
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After seeing the destruction you had caused in the Coliseum, Raiden didn’t know who else to turn to. The only person who could give him advice was also the person he had tried to keep hidden from you.
In a flash of lightning, Raiden teleported to the Wind temple located high above the Himalayas. There he came across his brother Fujin, who had been pacing back and forth.
“Does something trouble you, Brother.” Raiden asked as he noticed Fujin under distress.
Fujin seemed to have not heard him as he was rather preoccupied. Through the psychic link you both shared, he had sensed your rage and grief. This concerned him as he was not used to feeling another’s emotions. In fact, this was all very new to him.
Fujin turned his head to face Raiden as he did a gust of wind blew his white hair. It was then in that moment that Raiden really took note of how much his younger brother was in distress. Fujin’s face was lined with grief and concern.
Immediately Raiden walks to him, “What troubles you?” He rested his hand on his shoulder.
“Y/n.” Fujin looks at his soulmate tattoo on his forearm and then looks up into Raiden’s eyes.
Raiden sighs heavily and removes his hand.
“You knew she was alive.” Fujin narrowed his eyes. “I have spent years searching for her and yet you did not tell me.”
“It is rather complicated, brother. The Elder Gods sent her back in time to save Earthrealm from Shao Kahn.” Raiden looked into Fujin’s white glowing eyes. It was not only that he was trying to hide you from him. It was also the fear that sentiment would impede Fujin’s duties. A life with you will only end in heartbreak and despair. “However, after what I have seen I fear she will endanger Earthrealm.”
Fujin stared at him with confusion and anger. He knew you were participating in Kombat, in fact through the psychic link he encouraged you to continue fighting against Goro. You had even won your challenge against Shang Tsung. How could you endanger Earthrealm when you were trying to save it? Furthermore, how could Raiden reward your valor by insulting and doubting you?
“The Elder Gods told her ‘The Grand Champion shall be Earthrealms salvation or the cause of its destruction.’ She has defeated Shang Tsung and now with the death of her half brother and kidnapping of her other brother. I fear she is not in the right state of mind to defend Earthrealm.” Raiden explained.
Fujin now understood why you felt so much rage and grief. You had defeated and won Mortal Kombat only to lose the ones you loved. He tried desperately to reach you through your psychic link, however you had blocked him.
He felt a twinge of pain stabbing his heart. “Take me to her.”
Raiden shook his head.
Fujin narrowed his eyes, “She is grieving and alone. All the rage and pain she feels it’s all coming out at once.”
Raiden turns his back on Fujin, he remembers all the fights that transpired between them. All of them because of Fujin’s desire to be close to mortals. To be close to you, his soulmate. “Forgive me, Fujin. I cannot.”
“Why not?” Fujin’s asked, his voice laced with anger.
Raiden whirls around, anger transparent on his face. “Because you are a god, Fujin.”
“I do not care about that…”
“You should,” Raiden cut Fujin off. “You are immortal, and she is not. Eventually, she will grow old and die. You will do neither. One day, she will die in your arms and you will watch the life you love fade away and you will do nothing because for all your power, for all of your desire…there is nothing you can do except watch her die. So, I ask you brother to forget about her.”
Fujin’s glowing white eyes were moist with tears he refused to let fall. “You ask the impossible. To forget about her, is to deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, brother. I refuse to fear to love.”
Raiden sighs, “She has another soulmate, who she is spiritually bounded too.”
“What?” Fujin blinked with disbelief, his voice filled with confusion.
“I’ve seen it on her forearm. Lady Y/n, has even describe the bond to me.”
“Has…has she encountered him.” Fujin inquired.
“No, she can only feel his presence within her mind. She saved him from death.”  
Fujin remained silent for a moment, before asking, “Did you see my name or a symbol indicating that I am also her soulmate?”
Raiden nodded. “It was concealed underneath a sheer dress, but I could make out your name of her left rib.”
Fujin sighs with relief, “Then it does not matter. I will….”
Raiden looked over to his younger brother and wondered why he unexpectedly stopped speaking. Fujin clutched his head as he felt an overwhelming pressure inside his mind.  Fear lined his face as he was unable to sense you.
“What is it brother?”
“Something has happened to Y/n.” Fujin replied with worry. “Brother take me to her. I need to know she is alright.”
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You were no stranger to loss, pain, and grief. You lost your mother, father, stepmother, Bi-Han, and now Kuai Liang. All you had left was your brother Tony who was not exactly on speaking terms with you. You were utterly alone. Left to save the past from a mad man who wanted to conquer your world.
You stumbled through the dark forest, tears still trickling down your face. All the painful memories just flooded back into your mind and no matter how hard you tried to repress your feelings you could not stop them.
Falling to your knees, more tears were falling faster and you felt your lungs constricting, making it harder for you to breathe. There was so much pain. So much loss. So much anger. You could not take it anymore.  For so long you had managed to keep your anger under wraps, but that is the problem when you keep it contained for so long it does one of two things. It explodes like a nuclear bomb or it comes out in waves.
Your head perks up as you sensed something coming for you. Rising on your feet, you look around to find an incoming threat. However, you do not see a threat instead you can only make out the orange and red flames as they engulf the dark forest.
The hot, bright flames jump higher than the trees and spread quicker like wildfire. Loud crackling fills the air as the flames continue to move closer to you.
You run through the forest in hopes to escape the blazing flames. However, each turn you make you are met with a wall of fire. Soon you are trapped by the raging flames and you are left with no other choice but to use your telekinetic powers to shield yourself from the flames.
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Before you even know it, you come face to face with something not of this world and yet had a familiar presence. The raging flames was shaped like the immortal bird of mythology and lore. It called itself the Phoenix.
With a loud cry, the fiery bird descended towards you. At last, it had found its mortal vessel one that would bring it peace it sorely craved.
Watching in the background Scorpion with tears forming in his eyes had seen the blazing fire consume you. He could not believe this was happening. Not you. You had endured so much only for it to end like this. He rushes through the burning forest as he hears your pained cries.
Scorpion tries desperately to get to you, only to be thrown backwards and forced to teleport away as a massive wave of flames and telekinetic energy destroy the surrounding area.
When Scorpion teleports back, he expected to see nothing but your ashes. However, aside from the destruction he sees your unconscious body floating a few feet off the ground. As he steps closer, he notices how the orange and red flames radiate around you like a shield.
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In the depths of your mind, you could feel yourself struggling to get away from the overwhelming cosmic force. The fiery bird chases after you as you continue to try and shield yourself from it.
“Y/N LN -Stark. Come! Embrace me! Become one with me. You are my vessel! My avatar! Child of light and darkness. Embrace me! Embrace the power of the PHOENIX!”
Up ahead you notice a red head casually walking towards you. Just as you are about to run past her, she grabs onto your arm and prevents you from running away. You look over your shoulder to see the fiery bird had disappeared.
“What is happening?” You gasped heavily.
“Fate.” She releases your arm, hoping you won’t run away again.
“My name is Jean Grey.” She extends her hand to shake.
You raise your brow and look at her with confusion. “Fate? What…Who are you?”
You look down at her hand and then into her eyes.
“You don’t have to be afraid. You’re safe.”
“Safe? Did you not see that thing chasing after me?” You pointed in the direction you had just come from. However, everything looked the same in your mind. Dark and gloomy.
“That would be the Phoenix.” Jean says with a wry smile. “It won’t hurt you. Believe me I have been where you are now. “
“Then what does it want?” You asked as you slowly started to relax.
Jean extends her hand to show you images of the phoenix traveling through the universe searching for an equal. Its vessel. “The Phoenix is a child of the universe and one of the oldest known cosmic entities. It represents life that has not yet been born, as well as the forces of creation and destruction.”
Jean then shows you the destruction of the previous universe. “In the dying moments of the previous universe, the Phoenix saved all existence from eternal damnation. The Phoenix was later reborn from the cosmic fires of the Big Bang. This would affect us and every other form of life both large and small. The phoenix is a force that guides creation, laying the seeds of life in a primordial universe with its holy flames. From Ancient Egypt to the founding fathers, this cosmic entity has evoked a great deal of influence on our civilization.”
Jean then shows you the Phoenix being drawn to Earth. “After eons of traveling the vast of nothingness of space, the phoenix found its way to Earth. And it is here where you come in.”
“How so?” You asked drawn to the story of Phoenix’s origin.
“The phoenix itself is an immortal entity, yet because it is connected so deeply to life, it can manifest in mortal beings. As a bringer of creation and destruction, it requires a mortal conscious in order to balance its cosmic powers. But I am not just talking about anyone. The phoenix carefully selects it avatars, but none have been able to fulfill its deepest primal needs for balance and order. Not even me.”
“So, what you are trying to say is it wants me?” You asked with uncertainty.
Jean nods her head with confirmation, “I have seen what the Phoenix desires. It desires not only an avatar, but an equal. You reached out to it and it reached out to you. It’s a part of you.”
For so long, you had always wondered why you felt as though something had been calling to you. Not in this timeline but after your mother’s death. You notice Jean looking over your shoulder, you whirl around to see what had caught her attention. Heading towards you the fiery bird shaped itself into a new form. Jean Grey, her former avatar and the one who calmed you.
“Embrace your destiny! Embrace me! Become one with me.” Phoenix stood before you, looking into your eyes searching for signs of fear and hesitation, yet found none. The Phoenix grabs ahold of your arm and pulls you into a kiss.
Your eyes widen when its fiery lips crushed against yours, you half expected to feel a burning sensation. However, you were surprised when you felt none. It was definitely…different from any kiss you had ever had before. The Phoenix’s hand moved to your waist and pulled your body to hers. Slowly but surely you had absorbed the Phoenix within you.
You cleared your throat and turned around to see Jean with a grin on her face. “Does that normally happen? Did that happen to you?”
“Nope.” Jean replies and begins to casually walk away.
“What?” You follow her. “Then why?”
“Because it chose you. You are its equal.”
You come to a stop, “Then what about you? If I am its equal, then what does that mean for you?”
Before you can even get a response back, Jean vanishes before your eyes.
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You did not know what was going on. You did not even know where you were. Why were you lying on a rock-hard surface? Why did it smell like blood and death?
“Sister.” One of the women had spoken near you. “So pretty, so far…so sad and alone…Come. Let us be family!”
Slowly you opened your eyes and had to blink a few times for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. You tilt your head in the direction of a women with short black hair who barely had bandages covering her naked body.
“You are not my family. You are a monstrosity!” Kitana replies with disgust.
“’Farewell, sister!” Kitana says angrily, as she is about to deliver the finishing blow.
Your vision swam in and out of focus as Kitana and the other women fought. You groaned as you tried to push yourself up from the uncomfortable table. You wondered how you got here? Well where was here?
You looked around trying to find an exit. How you were going to escape? It was clear the battle between the two women was coming to an end. You look over to see Kitana defeat the almost naked women.
“That is no way to treat your sibling.” Shang Tsung says as he steps out of the shadows.
“Despicable swine! Do you think my father will stand for this…these…abominations you have created here?” Kitana takes a few steps forward.
“I am merely perfecting you, princess. As difficult as that might be.” Shang Tsung notices from the corner of his eyes that you have woken. You slide off the table and place your hand against your head. “Ah, my dear you have awoken.”
“Silence!” Kitana commands. “You will leave her be or I will drag you before Shao Kahn by your pointed beard!”
Shang Tsung smirks, “Is that so?”
Shang Tsung finds out the hard way that it is not ok to underestimate Kitana, her weapons and fighting skills alone prove she is a fighter not to be messed with.
“You will stand before my father and confess your deeds.” She turns him around and pushes him to walk forward, leaving you alone with the women dressed in bandages.
Speaking of the women she begins to stir. She looks around and quickly takes notice of you.
She rises on her feet and approaches you. “What do we have here?”
You take a step backwards and brush against the table behind you. You had never seen anyone like her and yet you knew she was a clone of Kitana. She bore resemblance to Kitana, yet there were certain features that made her look different. Her lips lent her a human-like appearance, but her mouth was lined with large, razor sharp teeth like the Tarkatan named Baraka.
“Are you afraid of me?” She raised her hand up and hooked her finger under your chin. She lifted your chin up so that you were looking at her.
You grabbed her wrist and moved her hand away from you. “No.”
“You’re not?” She tilts her head to the side and looks at your lips. She then looks into your eyes to see if she can find any trace of you lying. Yet she found nothing.
It was not her features that made you tense and ready to fight, it was the fact she was Shao Kahn’s daughter. Glimpsing into her mind you knew of her desire to kill Kitana and claim her existence for her own. You knew of her cruel, sadistic and hot-tempered nature.
This woman that stood before you was anything but an ally and yet you felt sympathy for her. It was not her fault that she was created to be this way. It was Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung. From this moment on, you somehow knew that her life would be rather difficult as everyone will compare her to Kitana.
Through telepathy you immediately sense Kitana was in danger to be executed by her stepfather. “Forgive me, but I must go.”
The women grabs your left arm as you try to leave. “Why in a hurry? Don’t you want to play?”
You unwrap her hand from your arm, “Sorry, but I got to save a friend. Perhaps under better circumstance we can see each other again.”
You looked into her gleeful yellow eyes seeing hope and lust behind them. Little did she know was that the two of you were fighting on opposite sides and were more likely to fight each other to the death.
As you leave the flesh pits, Mileena watches you with interest. She now knows what she desires and that is you. In her eyes, you are perfect. Nothing can change her opinion of you. She needs you in her life. She will even claim you as hers and will kill anyone who will interfere or take you away from her.
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mysteryseexer-a · 7 years
@fakechis ( X )
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“I’m not! Look, the bakery was closing, this was all they had left...” He managed to set the cake down before sneezing into his sleeve. “...Ah... yes, I should take a shower...”
He looked a little flushed, and gladly nodded. “Ah... Sorry. I didn’t mean to barge in so suddenly. I just realized today at lunch that it was your birthday and didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten...” He was already forgetful enough, he didn’t want Akechi-san thinking he was a goof...
“...I hope you don’t mind just plain yellow cake.”
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