#shinohina is also good
lexpressobean · 2 years
I have been enabled so Im gonna go on some more about my 30+ Messy ShinoHina lol (i'm shy but im also easy to squeeze more out of if you're polite enough lol)
More specifics under the cut because this became very... long after all I typed so, I will leave the fluff lovers some songs that really set the mood for me at certain parts of the story here <3 I don't hate fluff, I just need to balance it out with some feral behavior lol!
"Comfortable with the Silence" by Andy Shauf
"Wide Awake" by Katy Perry
"Feelings" by Lauv
"Near to You" by A Fine Frenzy
Now, the biggest thing I need people to understand about the whole situation is that everyone, everyone acts less than ideal at some point, to put it lightly. Because ideals are still just ideals, and even if you don't go looking for mess, you will experience it in your relationships as it is inevitable. People make mistakes, bro. And sometimes you just gotta live with what happens. You can't always heal or take it back, and you will experience both things simultaneously sometimes too. And it's shitty and will always feel bad. Stains, and scars, they are just proof that you have lived and have experienced things in life. No one is flawless. No one stays clean. All you can do is learn to cope and move forward with time, while trying not to make it someone else's problem. But that third thing can also still happen unintentionally too, and then new mess happens! Mess is natural. Sometimes, it only seems worse than it really is when all you do is focus on it. Other times, is continuously gets worse because of denial. It's honestly a truly wonderful thing when all parties can sit and really work through things together when Mess occurs, but that's assuming they can do so without getting toxic or distrustful and all that other bullshit that is ultimately counterproductive and makes walking away the healthiest choice at the end of the day.
And that's kind of the point, and my main reason for going this route with Shino and Hinata in a romantic sense. I feel Shino and Hinata are both the most likely, out of all the Konoha 13, to avoid and deny mess at all costs, in any situation, even at the expense of themselves in some way or form. Not just in personality, but also because of their socioeconomic standings too, but I won't get into that part of it too much rn.
Shino's behavior becomes warped more early on at the start of the story. Yeah, Shino has always been more petty and has even said or done things in canon that come off less than stellar, but they are also the kind of things that are usually harmless and finished as soon as the moment passes. But in this case, Shino refuses to act on his long standing desires, which are so strong, he's been unable to truly stamp out his feelings since he was 17, even after his heart really broke for the first time. He feels, knows deep in his bones as Hinata's and Naruto's friend as well, that Naruto isn't the person Hinata should be with. But because he wants Hinata to be happy, and respects her desicions, and because he is her friend, teammate, and fellow noble clan kid at that, he will support her first before he attempts anything selfish. And because he also still sees Naruto as his friend, and someone who at his core is a good person despite his treatment of Shino himself and obvious dumbassery, Shino swallows his jealousy and his judgment and his want. And so, he loses his chance through his self-inflicted restraint. He chooses to do this simply because it seemed like the right thing to do, for his friends. Getting involved the way he wanted to would only make things messy, regardless of how confident he is that things will work in his favor, which probably wasn't much anyway. Because how dare Shino try to impose himself on his... friend, and challenge... his other friend... Shino would never want to hurt his friends... but the thing is, you can't always keep everyone happy. You still count and will always count when everyone is involved. It was his choice to stay unhappy.
Hinata, in comparison, doesn't feel it until later, when it also feels like it's too late. And as it creeps up, she refuses to acknowledge her growing sense of disillusionment after she quite literally gets her wish from childhood, her Infinite Tsukuyomi even! She got what she wanted!! How dare she even think any ungrateful thoughts about her own situation!!! And yeah, maybe her dream didn't become an absolute nightmare... but anything less than a dream come true is still really disappointing, especially when the rose colored glasses come off so late in the game. But being unwilling to admit that will also cause her to grow closer and closer to a breaking point anyway. And deterrents are hell sometimes. The legal binding of marriage, their two kids, the fact Naruto is the Hokage, her already well known standing with her own Clan that, politically, will never paint her in a good light... All of that pressure to keep on keeping on even though she's so unhappy... She'd undeniably be the sole reason for her family 'falling apart', externally, from an outsider's point of view. And no one wants to hurt the people they love, even if they're hurting themselves in some way. Her behavior becomes warped some time later after more developments though.
But, well, it really all begins when they both fucking explode, but they ONLY explode after they're both pushed too far by someone else. But after the dust settles they both realize in their own ways that, point blank it sucks a lot that it happened like that, but they can either succumb to their situation for good, or frame it as something new, like they were both given an opportunity. Only by working past their fears, deterrents, and even false senses of morality will they get to really change their situations. It's about how they do so.
Hinata will explode first, because she will find out that Naruto has undeniably cheated on her with Sasuke. And my mind can't decide how exactly, but in the end, it doesn't matter how he did it, but he did, she finds out and she just breaks down about it all. Shino will follow suit when he realizes Hinata is broken up, and when he finds out exactly why... boy, his coniption will be fucking legendary. But the only person to actually see it would be Hinata, and it's alarming and distressing but especially terrifying because for a moment much too long, she could feel in Shino an intent to kill... and suddenly everything else is so miniscule for that moment because Hinata's best friend would actually fucking try to murder her husband...
W h a t
He doesn't mean to take his anger out on her, and he doesn't actually anyway, but his words and actions in the moment are horrifying and all she wants to do is calm him down, and she does it by pulling from some hidden reserve of strength she has as Naruto's Wife and Mother of his Children. Because it's all so confusing and so bad but goddamn it you will NOT fuck with her family!
Feelings don't disappear in an instant. Shino would know that better than anyone. It's a punch in the gut and really wounds him despite all logic but it's exactly what he needs to just... stop being so crazy. And because of this, after he calms down, and he takes several steps back and probably a seat, he realizes no matter how hard he tries he just can't won't (be honest Shino!) move on either. He will not because deeper still in his heart of hearts, he always knew he wanted to at least try. His main regret is that he hid behind the farce of 'true friendship' to stay close to her, but one can't blame themself for lack of confidence too. Sometimes the cookie will crumble as it may, but now... now as messed up the situation has become, his pent up frustration and regrets and his fucking desire override his logic and his inner goblin man comes out much more often and as fucked as it is, will probably try to gain Hinata's favor while she is still down and sorting through things. He's not doing it on purpose but mans just does not want to wait any longer. Because he was waiting since forever whether he admits it or not and he decides that Naruto DEFINITELY does not deserve this woman. He never did and never fucking will.
BUT... but but but, Hinata... has to just... process everything. Shino promises he was just so upset for her. What? He wouldn't kill Naruto. How could he ever? He is Fine, he is Good, he is going to go home and lay down. And he wholeheartedly apologizes for such an unbecoming reaction... Hinata chose to confide in Shino and flying off the handle like that was entirely inappropriate. Embarrassing and shameful even. Not the support Hinata obviously needs. Of course he will keep this all confidential, of course, no need to worry... She didn't need any of that, and Shino will never be able to apologize enough but all things considered, he will support her as best as he can. He is so so sorry but wants to be there for her, that is the truth.
And it really is the truth, but it still shakes Hinata to her core. That will never be a normal reaction from Shino. There is no explanation for that reaction, but Hinata still trusts him... she knows she can trust him to follow through with what he says... but it itches. It's an itchy and confusing sensation as she tries to dig further into why Shino was so crazy there for a moment? Does it mean something that Shino was so upset, almost more than Hinata even? Was Hinata not upset enough??? Meanwhile she's trying to work things out with Naruto who got caught and even though the threat of death can really put things into perspective fast, Hinata will have to realize there's a difference between loving someone, caring for someone, and being in love with someone. What exactly was she feeling in that moment? And what will she do now that Naruto is coming clean and explaining himself??
And on and on like that. As for Naruto and Sasuke, and Sakura, it's like this whole... thing that I'm still exploring. Because as a queer person myself, who's had a complicated journey and relationship with my own queerness, it's something I wanna address too. Because SNS is a crazy ride in itself, and Sakura, she deserves so much more as well...!!!
Bonus songs for reading all of this!!
"A 1000 Times" by Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam
"Dance Inside" by The All-American Rejects
"Wave" by Meghan Trainor ft. Mike Sabath
"I'm OK" by Manila Killa & AObeats ft. Shaylen
"Personal" by The Vamps ft. Maggie Lindemann
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black-eilla · 2 years
For the fanfiction/fandom questions or whatever it is.
7, 16, 28, 48, 51.
Thanks for asking immediately after I reblogged it!
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Well, to be honest, I don't know if I can call these NoTPs but here you go. Naruto: For sure, SasuKarin will always be the biggest NoTP for me in fiction. I don't like their dynamic, because it's pretty eerie and creepy. SasuSaku is misunderstood to be like that by SK fans, but sorry it's the other way around. SasuKarin is nowhere near SasuSaku to me. And I quite don't like SasuHina too. Nothing compels me to ship them. I don't like KibaHina or even ShinoHina. I can't imagine Hinata with anybody besides Naruto. Beyblade: Well, for sure MaxxMariam is not my cup of tea, welp sorry. I can write something for them, but I can never ship them or imagine them as a couple. They have enough scenes, but their personality types together as a couple are not really my thing. Rick and Mariah's ship is something I never thought about. I am quite indifferent towards ReixSalima too. I mean their dynamic is good, but I guess their scenes are not pretty solid enough to ship them, given that Ray is one of the mainstream characters. But it's all just to my eyes only. KaixHilary is also a couple I show less interest in. Jujutsu Kaisen: SukunaxMegumi? SukunaXYuji? I don't like them. Gintama: GintokixKagura? Pedophilic.
I don't think I have NoTPs from other fandoms I've been in. Or I guess I can't think at the moment.
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
I guess my answer is the same as that of the above, excluding all the infamous ones.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
I want somebody to draw a fanart for this story called "I care".
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
Yes, I do leave reviews for most of the fics I read, because the writers would be tempted to get reviews, and I would also feel the same when someone reads my fics too. So, I guess it would be hypocrisy if I don't leave them.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Don't compel me to read fics that I don't want to! And why the heck the fewer reviews I get! T-T
I just wish I had more readers around, and the lack of readers made me not publish fics for longer go. I wish I could get back to writing but I'm not motivated enough. The sparse reviews kinda tick me tbh. Fics featuring my underrated faves don't get much recognition. Or I guess I should have joined earlier.
BTW I kinda ranted in the 7th question itself hahaha.
Anyhow thanks for the ask!
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munchbell45 · 8 months
For the character ask: Hinata (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
I will skip the song association part, not great at that sort of thing.
Favorite Aspect
I like how even though she is shy and doesn’t have great self-confidence, she always stays kind. I think that’s not easy, especially in a world that can be as harsh as the shinobi world.
I also thought the scene where she tried to rescue Naruto from Pain was cool. I wish we saw more of her in action.
Least Favorite Aspect
I love NaruHina, but it felt like Hinata’s character became too focused on Naruto, especially later on in the series. I wish we saw more of her goals and aspirations outside of Naruto.
Then again, most Naruto women need more development.
I also don’t like that she’s a housewife in Boruto. I’m not saying that she should be on the battlefield, but maybe she could have been a teacher or something.
Favorite Quote
For now, I’ll go with this quote she says to Naruto.
“In my eyes… you’re a proud failure! When I look at you, I get an intense feeling in my heart… because you’re not perfect… because you fail… you have the strength to get back up… because I believe that’s what true strength is.”
Favorite Picture
I’ll go with this for now. Trying to stick to canon stuff. Maybe imI’ll send you something else if I change my mind.
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Random Headcanon
She likes baking, and is VERY good at it. Everyone asks her for recipes.
I also like the idea that after the Fourth War, she and Hanabi abolish the Caged Bird Seal. IDK if it is canon or not, but it is to me.
I love her being close friends with Team 8, Neji, and Hanabi. Also, I like the idea of her hanging out with Sakura, Ino, and Tenten.
I love a lot of Hinata ships, she is very shippable. My favorites are NaruHina (though I don’t like how canon handled it,) InoHina, GaaHina, and ShinoHina. I also enjoy SasuHina and SakuHina.
I teared up when I saw Naruto and Hinata drssed up for their wedding in the last episode of the anime.
On a whim, I decided to write HakuHina as a side ship in my fics Lots of Love and Lucky Paws. I think I turned myself into a fan of that ship. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53432953
I liked your takes on ItaHina and HidaHina, though I think those would only work in AUs and or massive canon divergence fics.
I’d also be down to read Fu/Hinata or Yahiko/Hinata (in a time travel story,) though there are only a couple of Fu/Hinata fics and no YahiHina. I also haven’t read too much poly Hinata stuff, which is funny since my OTP in poly (Nagato/Yahiko/Konan.)
One of my mutuals likes Jugo/Hinata, I might have to check that one out
I’m not into cousin incest, so NejiHina is a no-go. Same with Hinata/Hanabi, Hinata/Boruto, and Hinata/Himawari. I’m not into shipping her with Toneri from Naruto: The Last. If you’ve seen that movie, you probably know why. Toneri’s a fucking creep.
I love Nagato, but IDK how well he’d work with Hinata. Maybe only in a time travel story.
No Madara/Hinata, I don’t think it would work out.
Unpopular Opinion: IDK if this is unpopular, but I wish we saw her using more diverse skills outside of just the Byakugan, Gentle Fist and its variants.
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friendlynova · 2 years
KibaHina good, NaruHina bad
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holicanth · 4 years
Hanging On Threads (2)
@shinoweek​ 2021 Prompt 3 - Sunset/Canon Divergence
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Words: 3.7k
Genre: Angst. Drama. Shinohina. Tragedy
Warnings: -
Additional Tags: Shinohina, Kibahina, Naruhina, family issues, Konoha’s noble clans, nepotisme and collusion.
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry y’all. I’ve been extra busy :( Here’s chapter 2 (?) of my Shino week series. I hope you have a great day :)
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
It has been 3 days since Shino disappeared from the Aburame compound.
It has also been 3 days since the Konoha elders re-welcomed the Aburames and reintegrated them into society.
Ever since, Shino has been staying at ROOT, hiding undercover while waiting for Danzo's orders.
And with that, Shino is handed the dreadful task of explaining every little detail to Torune.
 "I just can't understand your logic, Shino." He says, clenching his fists on the table. "You should know better than to just run away from home like that!" 
"What do you think you'll achieve with this?" Torune grits his teeth, "You cant escape this--there's no way Danzo will let you out anymore!"
 Guilt that has previously bubbled inside him was now gone. Shino felt close to nothing as he stays cooped in ROOT. No fear. No anxiety. He was obviously feeling full of himself, believing to have won his side of the bargain. As such, none of Torune's words were ringing bells inside his head. 
Shino tries to keep his facade well-put.
"How is Uncle Shibi taking the news?"
"I've sent some beetles to Father. I can tell he's doing well even without me. Nothing else will change in the household." 
"Not until," Shino's words come to a startled halt. "Until I finish my promise to Danzo."
His brother bangs the table in a display of panic that Shino has never seen. " You don't know what he'll do to you. Shino, you don't know anything..."
His words cut off abruptly. In a split second, Shino senses a tremble in Torune. A slight quiver of his lips. 
 Torune used to live with them, and had expressed massive gratefulness towards his uncle. Shino didn't realize at that time (he was but merely eight), that more than anything, Torune's sacrifice was addressed more towards Shibi. The boy would do anything to protect his uncle—you can see it in the way he devotes himself to his work.
A kindred sort of regret rose in Shino. To think that  he had so easily thrown away the ideal life that Torune had bestowed upon him—and voluntarily at that. 
But both of them know that there is no safer alternative. 
(It's an inevitable fate, they console themselves. It is a necessary sacrifice.)
 "I had to do it for our clan." Shino repeats the fact to his brother. "We were to be killed soon enough. And it would have been Father first."
Shino's eyes flit nervously as he spoke. 
"And who do you think would pull the trigger, Shino?"
Torune didn't ask why. Like he knew all of the details already. 
Shino glanced around the room, thinking. He already knows the answer. Rather, he's trying to figure out how to word it in a manner that doesn't...offend Torune.
 (Shino could list all the names of the ANBU members that have been in contact with particular individuals. Journalists, Governors, Clan heads, people of high posistions. Their agenda was blatant. Shino knows because their names have been whispered in contemplation throughout the Aburame compound.)
"The jonins," Shino says, in a hushed voice. "The jonins will work together with the ANBU. The Sarutobi clan will be extremely involved too."
There is a pattern Shino notices in Konoha's history. It's that the types of people who reign over the village are identical and identifiable amongst each other. A teacher to their student, A blood relative to their predecessor. Lesser clans would do anything to grab ahold of that social circle. 
Replacing an unliked noble clan would be one of such tasks.
 Torune listens keenly, in a hum that neither denies or confirms it. 
 "Not only that," He resumes, "There seems to be equal participation from other clans. Such as the Nara. You know they've been looking to steal our research on bugs."
"They're especially interested in yours, Torune."
He doesn't oblige. Torune was aware of this well before he came to ROOT, too. Fear and suspense were not things Torune had to be worried about. But today, he finds that he had to face it--the abject horror of seeing his little brother in a hostage situation. The pure fear of knowing how hopeless he is engulfs him. Was there nothing that Torune can do?
 (A shinobi must constantly opress their emotions, follow a strict set of rules that they decide among themselves, and avoid extraneous conflict.
This was the first lesson Danzo had stamped inside Torune's memories. 
To disconnect oneself from the act of murder—it was the essence of a shinobi.
Or so Torune thought.)
 "I was to be sent as well, Shino." Torune looks down as he breaks the ice. "They want us gone because of our power. Of our potential. They'll take our knowledge and use it to their own benefit. All the research, medicine, poisons and bugs."
 (The Aburames are notorious for being mysterious. All done in order to conceal oneself, to prevent oneself from having their secret techniques outed in public. Ensuring, that they stay formidable, underestimated,
 and strong.)
 "You heard Danzo say it. They think we're weird. Unsanitary. Off-putting. That our secrecy is a form of betrayal, even when we've been constantly obedient to Konoha."
"And will you die as well?" Shino asks cautiously, "After you've killed all of us, will they dispose of you too, Torune?"
A sorrow smile lit up Torune's face. There was, again, no answer. Shino knows—No, he had plenty of ideas already. Torune’s predisposition was already a valid enough reason for Konoha to justify his death. Killed or not, there are many ways to make a man break. Danzo would have his merry time trying out which one of those methods satisfy him best.
What Konoha was capable of bringing unto the Uchiha was just as likely to happen to the Aburames.
(This exchange ended on a heavy note. Nothing Shino says will add or subtract from the issue at hand. Just a hanging air of dread, looming over their clan's future. Both of them did what they had to preserve their clans. To protect those important to them.
 But this sense of kinship—to protect those that they love. Is it not what Konoha preaches to their young, too?
Or was it the reason that Konoha wants to tear apart the Aburame family ties?)
A knock on the wooden door brings an end to the brothers' conversation. The Yamanaka boy comes in, head held high. 
"Lord Danzo has requested for you, Shino Aburame. Come along, now." 
Shino leaves Torune in the room. Torune knows best that he should not interfere lest he wants to live a day beneath the soil.
 It can be said that ROOT was an illegal form of bodyguards, acting as Danzo's personal squadron. A blatant display of political corruption, despite Danzo’s "fancy" position as Konoha's elder. The facility was well maintained, and there was never a shortage of child soldiers sent there. The clan leaders know Danzo as a demanding figure. 
 The Yamanaka boy—Fuu  Yamanaka stops to knock at a set of tall doors. Shino stops to ponder whether he was related directly to Ino Yamanaka.
An oddly lit room opens up by Shino, displaying machines, scrolls, and different books that are perfectly arranged inside the giant walls of bookshelves. Danzo stood in the center, on a throne chair that he does not deserve.
"You may leave now, Fuu." He spoke in a low tone. 
 Something in Shino buzzes as he watch the Yamanaka eye him begrudgingly while he closes the door. The buzzing didn't stop after he went out.
(His bugs were reacting to something. A feeling that Shino doesn't want to name)
 "You. You're the son of Shibi Aburame, aren't you?" Danzo sneers, "So the Aburames have a dojutsu now, huh? What a nuisance. What, is your dojutsu like the Uchiha's? Prompted by deep emotional pain?"
 (Shino feels the buzzing again. His bugs were on guard, but for what?)
 "Does Shibi have this ability, too?"
"No." Shino spouts a half-lie. 
"And how did you get your hands on this? Are you saying that it just appeared out of nowhere?"
Danzo was gauging for answers. Shino was never good at communication himself, but he was naturally gifted in speaking conspicuously
"It was always in the Aburame blood. Just forgotten through time. Nothing new."
"And you vermins have been hiding this to yourselves, haven't you? Yet you wonder why Konoha has no trust in you."
"The other clans have aces up their sleeves, too. It's why they call it a Hidden Jutsu."
Shino didn't mean to sound snark. But Danzo himself might not have the mental intelligence to understand sarcasm, so Shino thinks it's okay. 
"So this dojutsu of yours—The Senrigan—tell me how this is more useful than the Byakugan."
 Shino bit his tongue before answering. Once more, he'll have to cherry-pick his words exceptionally well. 
"I transfer my sight to my bugs. Depending on how many bugs there are and how they're aligned, my sight can reach other countries."
"The Senrigan requires one to be perfectly still, but the bugs can collect all sounds, sights, and other details without having their chakra traced. Hiding my chakra under the bug's natural chakra will make them unnoticed by sensors"
 Danzo squints his eye, thinking. "Quite the useful spying tool, huh." 
"Still, we need to make sure you're telling the truth. Take off your glasses."
Shino was taken aback from the sudden request, 
 He does as he's told. The sunglasses are safely kept in his pockets. Shino's eyes were dark under the sunlight, and an even deeper shade of obsidian indoors.
"Let's have you demonstrate your Senrigan, shall we? I've sent Fuu to loiter around Konoha's busy streets. Locate him using the senrigan, and tell me every word he's speaking."
And without further ado, Shino created some hand seals, took a deep breath, and a swarm of kikaichu flew out of his body, travelling through the doors and crevices of the ROOT headquarters before dispersing overground. The emerald hue of Shino's eyes looked stunning in the dark. 
 Even from a distance, Danzo can sense an intricate, huge web of chakra dispersing from the boy's body, Undulating, stretching outwards, and going back and forth between Shino's body and his bugs. Then, as if on command, the chakra fell silent and Shino lets out a long exhale. He's successfully established the connection. 
 As Shino stills his senses to callibrate himself to the beetles, he orders them to trace any signs of the familiar Yamanaka chakra signature. He steadily reduces his chakra input. When a preferable balance is reached, Shino waits in silence. Until a bug notifies him of any significant clues
 (Go to the streets. He instructs them. Hover around in small swarms and don't terrify the people. 
A short pause. Don't bump into anyone that I know, He commands again.)
 Danzo watches as the Aburame in front of hin froze into a lotus pose. The stare in his eyes blank, but definitely buzzing with intel and chakra. There is much to be studied with this new forbidden jutsu.
 Shino is notified of a sighting near Konoha's marketplace. He checks in with the bug, and once their visions link he can tell that the person had the same chakra signature. 
"I've located him." Shino said. "He's using a mask and brown cloak, performing jutsus to the local children."
 "And what is he saying?" 
 Shino tries to concentrate as hard as he can. The hand seals that Fuu was using was something he didn't recognize. Apparently memorizing while the Senrigan is activated proved to be more dizzying than he thought.
"Tori, Uma, Ne, Inu, Ne, Tori, Hitsuji, Tatsu, I, Ushi..." Shino recites slowly, making sure that he isn't wrong. "This is a variant of the Water-style technique. He's forming water spouts from his fingers."
 That's absolutely correct, Fuu signals to Danzo, who had been telepathically communicating with him all this time.
"Well done, Shino. You've proven to us that you and your clan can be of use."
And with that Shino scrunches his eyes shut. A little bit disoriented from having to memorize while using the Senrigan. His beetles swiftly fly back to him, bringing him a small amount of chakra they absorbed from the villagers.
 "I've done my part in reintegrating the Aburames. Give me a month and things will be back to normal. Are you ready to fulfill your side of the promise?" Danzo asked, as he stood up from his chair.
Shino gulps nervously. He didn't really plan out what to do next. But Shino was a master at lying, and with a countenance that no one can read, he was indecipherable.
 "Why did you want us gone in the first place?" Shino asks, not realizing that he had voiced the thoughts out loud.
Danzo Shimura was a man who took the Second Hokage's manifesto to heart. Perhaps a bit too much. Shino had suspected, backed with the evidence and observation of his clansmen, that Danzo was pulling strings that led to the Uchiha massacre. It was easy to connect the dots, especially with Shibi and Shino's ability (they were tasked to clean it up. Shibi was fast in doing so, while Shino tended to the unconscious Sasuke.)
From the very formation of Konoha, the Aburame clan was in charge of the most tedious work. Often times having to deal with the brunt of it while Konoha lives scott-free. Border patrols, cleaning up after crimes, interrogation. The Aburames are efficient, but this efficiency ultimately lead to their public consternation.
"You Aburames are skilled, I must admit." Danzo's croaked voice echoed through the chamber. "So much so that any village would want to use you as weapons."
"And that's all there is to it, really. You bunch are too strong. Too skilled. There's too many unknown factors. The higher-ups have agreed to eliminate these threats. After all, Konoha prides itself in being a friendly nation. Your blood brings filth to our soil."
 Shino knows that there is a lie slipped between those words. Danzo was not a friendly type of leader.
 "The Four Noble Clans of Konoha are in need of a change. The Uchihas have proven to be evil. It is in Konoha's best interest to discard the bad, and salvage whatever is left. Haven't you noticed? The only reason we keep the Akimichi is because they're dumb enough to be controlled by the Nara and Yamanaka. And the Hyuuga's reputation are held at our mercy. You're smart enough to figure the rest." Danzo says, walking to approach Shino.
Did he hear his words right? The Akimichi clan? All along, Shino had thought that the lucky title of a 'Noble Clan' are given to clans who had body modifications that cannot be replicated by other ninjas. To think that his fellow team had such a scheme hanging around their backs...Shino wants to believe that Team 10's friendship is genuine.
"Tomorrow," Danzo says, patting the chuunin's back, "You will be promoted as Jonin and will be registered as a member of the ANBU. Of course, that's a lie. Because tomorrow I will personally have you run... special errands for me."
Shino gulped. He didn't like the close proximity.
"Make sure you say your goodbyes today. You'll be listed as dead for security reasons."
 And with that, Shino is let out of the facility. He finds himself pondering aimlessly on a nearby park bench. Autumn has turned the Konohagakure into a beautiful display of warm colors. The trees looked like they've been covered in a rich, velvet cloak and the air was sublime. Shino wonders how long it'll be till he can bask in this scenery again.
 First, he'd visit his father. Then, he'd visit his other family members. After that he'll visit...no one. How could Shino bear to look at his friend's faces after resolving so adamantly to despise them? After convincing himself that they've forgotten him. 
(And Shino still hopes. He hopes that somehow someone will notice eventually.)
But he supposes he'll finish his priorities first. Evade a civil war, restore his clan's honor, and the rest will be his secondary concerns. It is dire that he doesn't get emotional, especially in the current state Konoha is in.
 He looks at the children, playing games under a nearby tree. They were too young for the academy, of course, but if they were old enough to attend, would they all turn out like him? Cold and efficient? 
Shino thinks that he used to be a perfectly good student. A good ninja, but perhaps not so good as a friend. One can see plenty of differences between Shino and the rambunctious Naruto, but do they realize how much he envies his cheerful personality?
(And Shino envies him so much. He's taken the attention of the girl he favors. And now, he has taken everyone's attention away from Shino's disappearance.
 Naruto had outshined Shino. As if Shino was a shadow that should not exist.)
He's had enough of the pointless thoughts. It was almost noon and Shino has to hurry home if he wants to say proper goodbyes.
 But a shrill bark had frozen him to his seat.
 "Akamaru, calm down!" A familiar voice shouted.
 Shino jolted at the sound. It was coming from behind him. He senses two people walking by, and a dog beside them. Shino was already certain of who they were. 
 "Akamaru, what's wrong boy? You shouldn't be barking at strangers." The man—Kiba himself said, as he crouched to rub Akamaru's head.
"Maybe he sees someone, Kiba-kun? I don't think anyone's back home from missions..." Hinata replied, looking around the park.
 Oh heavens. If there was anyone who Shino would avoid the most, it'd be these two—Hinata  and Kiba. He doesn't want to face them. He doesn't even want to be near them. Alas, everytime Shino denies this thought his heart urges him more and more. To simply turn to them. To tell them everything.
(But who was it really who had decided to forget about him in the first place? No one had bothered to ask where he went after the Chuunin exams.)
 Akamaru's barking turned into a soft whine. The canine was visibly confused.
Shino has yet to move from his spot at the bench.
 "Come on now. No one is here. You've mistaken him for someone else, buddy." Kiba says, sounding a little harsh for someone who claims to be Akamaru's partner.
 (Shino wanted to burst out laughing. Doubting a ninja dog's nose? Especially one who has worked with Shino for years? Kiba was a bad liar.
See, even Akamaru notices! Shino thinks to himself, proud to have concluded that the fault was theirs all along.)
 Akamaru still whines when Kiba motions him away from Shino's bench. 
"Why are you being so difficult today?!" Kiba grunts, frustrated. "Come on Akamaru, you don't want to upset Hinata on our date!"
 So it’s like that, huh.
 "K-Kiba-kun! Please don't shout in public..." Hinata whimpers, fiddling her thumbs together.
And with a little nudge, Akamaru finally moves on with them. The couple enjoying the beauty of Konoha's Autumn, oblivious to everything behind it.
 It took minutes. Hours, even for Shino to compose himself enough to process the ordeal.  
 And those hours were filled with empty pondering. With words that were on the tip of falling out of his mouth. With feelings that he had not been brave enough to admit before. With the eternal, everlasting regret of not speaking up.
But there was nothing he could do.
A shinobi must constantly suppress their emotions, follow a strict set of rules that they decide among themselves, and avoid extraneous conflict
 This is for the best. he repeats to himself. Hinata would be better off without him, he thinks.
(But he could have made her happy too. He would've given everything for her.)
 A stroll to wash off these thoughts. Yes, Shino thinks that all he needed was to cool his head, shrug it off, and return to his obligations tomorrow. The warm glow of sunset was eager to mask his unease.
The sunset was particularly shy that day, and had swiftly sank to allow the moon to greet him instead. It's already past six o,clock. He knows that he needs to greet his family, but Shino's distraught conscience told him to look at the sky. The moon was still as luminous as usual.
 Shino had always known how beautiful the moon is. How beautiful its pearly shimmer is. 
(How gentle her eyes were, radiating such a serene, pure love)
 And like an opened dam, suddenly Shino feels his chest aching. Like a hole had opened inside him--one that he can't touch nor see. A hole that, no matter how hard Shino tries, would always engulf him in rain. In a downpour that feels like a thousand needles showering on him.
It feels like such a distant memory. Months ago they were still fine. Hinata was still his comrade. And now, she's floating further away from his grasp.  Was there no more space for Shino in her heart?
 (But Shino was a fool to believe—
 A firefly can't love the moon.
 Its language can't be heard,
Its wings can't reach the sky,
Its light can't compare to the sea of stars.
 It can only do what a firefly does best.
 Illuminate the night in its own glow. 
A token of a love that falls on deaf ears.)
 By the time Shino reaches the Aburame compound, his tears were already dry. Shibi waits for him near the estate gates, and without speaking a word, held his son in a deep embrace. A fitting greeting for a child who's always been forced to grow up before his time.
Shino was going to stay the night in the estate. Saying goodbyes and packing things up. Of course, no further information would be given—everyone was in a state of wary due to the constant supervision.
He had to console them the best he can. Explain the situation. Share his insights. Assure them that this is his job as the Aburame heir. And for that, he would do everything in his capacity to make sure his loved ones don't perish.
 A night is never enough to tell stories. By tomorrow morning, Shibi would have said goodbye to two sons.
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polar-stars · 4 years
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I apologize for the lack of new content ahdhd I swear I’ll do something new by tomorrow but today I just did not have the physical (or emotional) energy for much else being real ; 7 ; 
I awoke earlier than everyone else in my house this morning and decided to experiment around a little before chaos would ensue. I couldn’t finish them in the morning but I did now in the evening, in order to get my thought elsewhere ;v; Today’s just been rather heavy and I needed to do something simple, ahhh. 
But yeah, this is just a digitalization of a few kiss-prompt doodles I’ve done a while ago ; 7 ; I can’t draw kisses being real, but these were good practice and I just picked the ones I liked the most. The digital touch is also more for experimental purposes, meep. 
Also, there’s an actual small new doodle under these.
@blas-i-us requested me to do a drunk kiss with a ship of my choice and while I had multiple ideas, I ended up going for ShinoHina because they deserve more love ; 7 ;
Anyway, sorry for being a bit inactive today meep. I just took a bit of a break from social media today (although majorly from twitter than anything else) and honestly it was actually rather nice, but I’ll be doing something fresh tomorrow I hope.
Idk why this ended up so long but....I hope you like? ;v;
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discendia · 4 years
hi !!!!!! which are you favourite naruto OCs? also, did you have an OC named minami or am i'm bugging 😳 thank you, love your art!
Hi, anon!! Thank you for the question! 💖💖
From my own OCs, Momo and Ichigo will always be the closest to my heart. I created them so many years ago and I’ve been working on them for so long that I can’t think about Naruto without thinking about them.
I don't know if this is what you were asking about but as for other people’s Naruto OCs, I love every single OC created by my churro gang! Just to name a few, @might-guys-acorn’s OCs are very special to me. I love her Ino-Shika-Chou team and their babies, I love Sayuri, I love Kurahana and Hisoka, and I love how their stories are now linked to the stories of my OCs. And if I talk about Kurahana, I can’t forget about @hiddenleafstoryteller’s Hiroyuki. Team churro content is one of the things that can brighten my day automatically.
@lighteningavenger’s OCs are amazing too! She works really hard in their stories. Serena and Akito’s siblings relationship feels so real and I absolutely enjoy it whenever she tells me anything about them.
We haven’t talked too much, but I have to confess that I love @chellophane’s ShinoHina fankid, Tetsuya. His design is *chef’s kiss*, and he seems to be such a good boy. He’s so so cute!! I want to see more content about him and his sister!
And yes! I have an OC named Minami. She’s my Captain Tsubasa OC.
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bloomingtalent · 4 years
Naruto x Hinata, Hinata x Kiba, Hinata x Shino.
Send me a ship and I give my opinion on it!
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Naruhina: I'm gonna be honest: It had more chances and was definitely cuter in part one because not only did they give support to one another, they also had positive character development when they interacted (minus that disgusting filler where SP had Hinata dance naked in a lake and Naruto peeping on her). But part 2 destroyed all that good development while trying to add more Naruhina. The beginning of the downfall is during/after Hinata's confession during the Pain fight. She was both selfish and selfless in a sense and more of her fixation on Naruto is shown shortly after Neji died when she thinks about Naruto's hand. That was so OOC of her and it really made me angry. And the funny thing is that Naruto never mentions her confession again! That's also OOC of him for someone who wants to be loved. And The Last is just the icing on top with Naruto apparently not knowing what love is and that his crush (on Sakura) was because of rivalry! And he needed a genjutsu (which he should've been immune to) to realize he loves Hinata although it sounds more like he has to because she loves him. Hinata isn't a jealous person and she'd be happy with anyone Naruto wanted to end up with but they just couldn't have her move on from him and needed to change most of Naruto's life to make them come together only for Hinata to give up being a ninja and Naruto to be a neglecting and tired father. Naruhina wasn't fair to both characters tbh and I just don't ship them.
Kibahina: Their friendship is nice but I wished it would've been explored more because while I can see why people would ship it, I just couldn't since not much was shown other than Kiba being supportive like a friend and occasionally teasing her for her crush on Naruto.
Shinohina: This has even less of an impact than Kibahina on me but I find that both Hinata and Shino seem to be more in the background (as far as personality goes) and both are not very talkative but I find Shino's support for her (and that one filler in which Hinata trained him in taijutsu) cute. I just don't ship them romantically.
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afrolatinahinata · 5 years
Why do you think people hate NaruHina so much? I mean it's not even my favorite pairing but it's cute and I just don't get why people say it's problematic and act like it's the worst thing or compare to SasuSaku that has a lot more problems. I try to keep things positive but it really tires me out how people are constantly bashing other people that like it when they're doing nothing harmful. I love your blog btw!
thank you!!!
this is gonna be a little long sorry. i like rambling.
and well...answering your question: i don't really care if people hate the couple, there's a lot of things i dislike and it's not that deep. but i do think the majority of the haters hate it because they were waiting for other couples to be canon (naru//saku, naru//sasu, kibahina, shinohina or some other) and/or they feel like it lacks development. and it's okay, even if i don't completely agree.
now the reason people trash other people who shipp it...they're just assholes. you can criticize a lot of things about naruhina, but call the shipp and shippers problematic...i have to laugh
the funniest thing is that the majority of the people who say that are people who shipp couples that deadass abuse/hurt/tries to kill/disrespect/manipulate each other. and they're like "but since i didn't like nh development they're toxic, abusive and problematic!!!!" they just throw these words like it's nothing. call it forced and say it's lacking development and i can see where you're coming from. but treating it like it's some r*ylo shit is soooo outta pocket that i just laugh my ass out. naruto finding someone who loves and respects him, never hurted or abused him like almost everyone in the dammed manga, and motivated him since day one is really bad right??? and hinata being with a man who loves and supports her, believes in her strength, was ready to destroy the fucking moon for her and was her sunshine in times of despair??? they must be in such agony oh no!!! 😩 they must hate each other so much!! maybe that's why they have two kids and to this day flirt so much that one of the kids complains.
i mean i KNOW y'all mad your shit didn't became canon, but holy shit. chill dude. write some fanfiction. get some air. watch avatar the last airbender. stop attacking people on the internet you're 25 susan!!!!
people also like to say it downgraded naruto and hinata's character. i mean, speaking for MYSELF, i don't see how an abused orphan that always had to fight to prove his worth even for some of his so called friends ending up with a girl who always loved him is something bad for his character. i also don't see how hinata being married with a man that loves, respects and cherishs her after years of being abused and neglected is something bad. don't even get me started on people saying that hinata being a housewife is shameful...we love misogyny!!😍😍 and yeah there's a lot of things i wanted to see from hinata and yes kishimoto is stupid and a fucking coward but if you truly believe that he doesn't develop hinata's character because she is married i'm afraid you're not considering tenten, shizune, anko, kurenai, mei and all the women who aren't married and still lacked development. newsflash: you're not fixing kishimoto's misogyny by being a misogynist yourself. thinking that being a mom, a wife and a housewife makes a woman less. the strongest person i know is my mom and she's all of these things. fucking fight me.
but yeah that's about it. try filtering tags and avoiding these people, they mostly want attention by making people mad. i hope i helped and sorry for the long answer ahdksjdk have a good night anon!!! or day idk
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tenshibeth1 · 5 years
Fic Writer Meme
Thanks for the tag, @chierafied ! <3
Author Name:
Here and a few other places my author name is Tenshibeth1, which was a username I'd created back in high school some...gosh, ten years ago now? Time flies! But, it was created in part by my group of friends then. I was in the goth group, but they always said I was the nicest and most innocent of the group, like an angel. My nickname in reality is Beth, short from Elizabeth, and I've always been big into Japan, anime, and manga and all, so Tenshi seemed a fitting choice to add onto my name. Tenshi means angel. The one stands for the fact that it was my first author username. Now, Reflection of a Broken Dream (RoaBD) came later in life, when I felt everything I am and was, was broken. It came after my divorce from an abusive and terrible man...he had me believing I was nothing. I could do nothing right, I was a pest to everyone, and my dreams? Get real. I could never make them come true. Writing has always been a balm for me...and even though I believed few would read or like my stuff, I did eventually begin posting stuff again. To my shock, people liked what I wrote...they wrote me such kind words and pleas for continuation. Everyone who liked and commented on the stories gave me hope again, and confidence in myself. So thank you to everyone who read and commented! I'm where I am now because of you all. ,^.^,
Fandoms You Write For:
SessKag and SessOC from Inuyasha, KuraKag and HieiKag from Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha, KuraOC from Yu Yu Hakusho (although I'm not sure if I've posted any...), and, a long while back, I used to post ShinoHina from Naruto. I also wrote some KakaHina, GaaraHina, SasuHina, and ItaHina from Naruto...I don't know if I ever posted any...but I ship it.
Where You Post:
Mainly on here and on Dokuga. I once posted on Spark a long time ago...and I was posting on FFnet, but something went awry when I tried to get the app...and now I can no longer sign in to my account and no staff members will help me, so I'll probably make another account. I also have an AO3, which I need to update. ><
Most Popular One Shot:
On Dokuga, it's a SessKag titled Now and Forever...which is a one-shot sequel to Written in the Stars. Here, it's the SessKag Someone to Protect with 79 hits. I have no oneshots on AO3. And on FFnet is Hinata's Favorite Insect, a ShinoHina, which only won by two follows. It was neck-and-neck with a SessKag Things That Go 'Thump' In The Night.
Most Popular Multichapter:
Here, it looks like the SessKag Alpha is in the lead with 104 hits. With Dokuga...holy crap, it's Cursed with over 12k reads! O.O On FFnet it's Overprotective, which is a HieiKag...and it looks like it's the favorite on AO3, too! Oh, wow. I need to go back and write on so many stories...T.T
Favorite Story:
Ahh...most of them hold a special place in my heart...but there are a few that are a little more...sentimental than others. Cursed, for example, would be one of the top ones. I began writing it when I was living with my ex-husband. It is one of the few reasons I stayed sane...and the original version of that fic was warped...just like my mind at the time. If anyone's curious, I'll tell that story later...but know that it will end well. Rising From the Ashes is going to be a good story if I can ever finish it. It's a bubbling of hope from the darkest recesses of depression...something I suffer and struggle with everyday and have to rise from. Very Merry Christmas With You is going to be a healing fic, Sesshoumaru helping Kagome heal from a trauma that happened to her as a child. They have the relationship I desire most. Same with Alpha, but it's a more recent trauma that reminds me much of my past marriage. The Unexpected, a ShinoHina, was a much earlier echo of this, with an abusive relationship in the making with her arranged betrothed in the Snow. And I just have a special place for Overprotective and All That is Meant To Be because...I do. They were works when I wasn't as confident as I am now, and I really loved and worked on the stories vigilantly outside of what I posted. I kept writing and re-writing to see which directions I wanted to go with them...I need to re-write them both with more detail and post them...
Story You Were Most Nervous to Post:
That's a tie between Arranged Marriage, a ShinoHina, and Cursed, a SessKag. Arranged Marriage was the first real fic I worked on that I posted after several years and the abuse I went through. The anxiety I suffered to post it was...unbelievable. I thought I might pass out. I expected people to boo me out of there since it isn't a very liked ship...but, happily, I found that wasn't the case. And Cursed... I was revamping it to be made public after realizing how messed up it was, and how messed up in the head I'd been... So, I was understandably nervous and trying to make it better. Real. Believable. And not the dark hole it once was...
How Do You Pick Titles:
Erm...I'm with Chiera, I pick whatever feels best. Mostly, I try to pick something short and sweet...and easy to remember.
Do You Outline:
Define outline. Haha. I do try to kind of figure out which events I want in the story and roughly figure out the ending...but I don't always do that. On the ones I have more of a feel of, I do. Ones I don't? I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants and go on the journey with my readers. Some, I still have no idea how they're going to end. We'll find out when we get there. XD
Complete Stories:
Ai yai yaiii...roughly eight. The Best Antiques will get a oneshot sequel or two, but...yeah. Not very impressive. I have a bunch of unfinished published works...and about seven hundred more on my computer... >.>;;
The list of completed fics:
The Best Antiques
Things That Go 'Thump' In The Night
Waiting for You
Hinata's Favorite Insect
Written in the Stars
Now and Forever
Someone to Protect
In Progress:
I am currently working on The Pact, Alpha, and Cursed actively, with some work-ins on the other SessKags. I want to work on them all more, and get back into some of my KuraKag, HieiKag, and ShinoHina.
Coming Soon:
I just posted The Pact chapter 5! Dancing With Your Ghost, a SessKag one shot that likes to rip my heart out every time I write on it. I Found You, a SessKag one shot exploring alternate realities. Romancing, a SessKag series of Sesshoumaru trying to wordlessly woo Kagome. The Dark Guardian, a SessKag I hope to write for Halloween! An interesting take of Sesshoumaru as the deity of death that I started, like, a year ago and forgot about... And I'm working on a fic called The Child, an eventual KuraKag with a rough start. ...I'm also working on another KuraKag in little bits, it's currently unnamed and will revolve around Genkai's secret love child she didn't even tell Toguro about... Yes, I know I'm working on a lot at once. Because of my medicine change I have days where I struggle to focus on any one thing...so I write a little here and there. And some days I don't get to because work kills me sometimes and I have do things after work for work other days. -shrugs-
I love them and am open to them if anyone wants to suggest or send them. They might even help with what I'm writing. The Dark Guardian was created from a prompt. ^.^
("Unbeknownst to you, Death was watching you from the corner of the hospital room when you were being born. Fascinated by life, it imprinted on you. As the years went by, Death often saw you being bullied at school and couldn't do anything but watch; as taking the lives if your bullies would have been too much of a verdict. However, you have just been kidnapped and Death is pissed.")
Upcoming Story You are Most Excited For:
It's a tie between The Dark Guardian and Romancing! I'm excited to explore the role of Sesshoumaru as something loosely like Hades with Kagome as his Persephone...just in a very different way. (If you follow the telling of the story in which he does not rape her. The one I found, she could read the inscriptions and said it did not explicitly say he raped her, just whisked her to Hell.) But that isn't exactly the way the story is going, just that Kagome is his light in the all-consuming darkness. Romancing...is going to be sweet and funny, with a bit of drama added in. And frustration. Why does she not understand?! XD Poor Sesshy... If I could get my act together, I would work on The Youkai Games...something I've been working on, off and on, for the past ten years or so...
Five Authors:
And anyone else who wants to try! ^.^
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yurischolar · 5 years
damn i gotta tap into 9 year old brain for this one LIHSDUFHSD ok reflecting on the series as i remember it...
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation
fav characters: god uh...most of the girls. haku. and shino. also deidara. and the cloud villageleast fav characters: man idk...i remember hating neji and sakura as a kid now im just ambivalent to anyone who’s not mentioned above ILHSDFU you know what. hidan. that dude got on my nerves.fav relationship: naruhina, shinohina, sakuino, uhh.....fav moment: OH MAN i remember watching the neji and hinata fight as a kid and getting so riled up that i grabbed some paper and wrote a whole ass letter to my older sister who was in college at the time to explain how upset i was about the whole ordeal. OG anime reviewer. i dont know if that counts as a moment but IULHDSUIFHSDUheadcanons/theories: all of these hoes r gay...unpopular opinion: oh that’s a dangerous question. um...out of all the ships that could have been canon, i was most worried about it being narusaku LIHDSUIFDHhow’d you find it: cartoon network babey!random thoughts: someone please rewrite this series and make it good
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7nism · 6 years
Shino for the ask meme?
sorry this is late totally forgot i reblogged that kjasbkajsbd
Why I like them: Shinos power as creepy as it is (i have a high degree of fear for insects rip) its still super cool and i remember being amazed by his fight in the chuunin exams. also i love his levelheadedness and even tho he doesnt try to be he comes off as funny bc of the way he talks his small quirks are super cute and its adorable that he went from being cold and calculating with team 8 to being ride of die for them !
Why I don’t: technically this isnt his fault but i was disappointed to find out he doesnt get much screen time and we dont find out much about him so it feels like we only know the basics of his character and theres more to him 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): shino vs kankuro fight !! 
Favorite season/movie: i guess original naruto
Favorite line: i dont have a specific line but when someone forgets him and he sulks its super cute but so sad ugh pls remember this good boy 
Favorite outfit: original naruto outfit bc i like his hair to be out lmao
OTP: kibashino and shinohina ofc !! but rarepair wise i loveee shinosasu ??? idk theyd be that weird emo couple itd be so funny but also cute??
Brotp: have to say team 8 again bc their bond is SO good 
Head Canon: he babysat boruto and himawari a lot thats why boruto accidentally called him uncle shino in class 
Unpopular opinion: I actually dont mind that shino isnt married / doesnt have kids in boruto all that much i think it kind of goes to show u dont need a family to be happy?? i dont like ppl forcing others to pursue their idea of happiness if u know what i mean
A wish: to see episodes where he babysits hinatas kids itd be so funny....boruto is p bad but himawari is actually a lil demon baby in disguise kajsbdksjdb
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: PLS DO NOT KILL ANY OF TEAM 8 IN BORUTO PLS NO 
5 words to best describe them: very cool sunglasses and hoodie
My nickname for them: when i first started naruto i accidentally mixed up his and kibas name and called him Shiba LOL 
Give me a character and ill answer!!
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btsasukes · 7 years
Top 10 Naruto ships
Top 10 Naruto ships I got tagged by @goatville thank you for tagging me! This should be fun 😈
Most of these are CRACK I do not ship the canon parings mostly because they don’t make any sense, are forced and bring sadness to my favorite characters. I would rather ship my lovely men and women with people who they are compatible with :)
1) SASUHINA- this right here is my ultimate OTP! Btw I love the sh fandom sm 💓okay now lemme be honest I started shipping them because they looked hella good together. But omg.. I realized their backgrounds are VERY similar and they have so much in common despite the complete opposite personalities that they have.. there are just to many parallels for it to be a coincidence. He is darkness, she is his light and their babies would be on another level: absolutely beautiful and strong(byakusharingan)
2) NARUSAKU- perfect alternate for sasuhina and they had the best development in the manga no one can fight me on this. He treated her like a QUEEN! I didn’t ship it at first because I was too focused on the actual plot but once I discovered shipping fandoms and all the good points the narusaku stans had to say about them BOI I realized that they are meant to be. She is heaven, he is earth and together they complete each other.
3) ITAHINA- lemme be straight up this ship is so hot! They also have somethings in common. They were both heirs to their clans and understood the importance and pressure of becoming a clan head. They are aesthetically pleasing. They are both more on the quiet observant side And when the ot3 itahinasasu gets involved WOOH THATS CRACK TO ME
4) SHIKAINO- everyone who watched original Naruto shipped them at one point. I think they compliment each other well and their teamwork is amazing. I’m still sad that they could never be together because of the ino-shika-cho squad. Would have made some A1 babies not gon lie
5) NEJITEN- I don’t stan it as much as sh and ns but I think they would be great together because they are on the same team and seem to work well together. Also I can’t thing of anyone else to ship Neji with besides Hinata. Also, props to the talented fan artists for making beautiful nejiten fan art and increasing my interest in the ship.
6) SUIKARIN- UHHHH THE CHEMISTRY?????? Suigetsu teasing her was the cutest thing ever + the fact that Karins a tsunder made it better! There was defiantly some sexual tension going on when the two would bicker. ohmygosh I’m still mad kishi didn’t make them canon
7) KAKAHANA- NO not kakashi x Hana (kibas sister) but kakashi x Hanare from that one ‘kakashis love song’ filler. I still watch the fillers #truefan I know I know she came out in one non canon episode but it was cute af so… look it up if you don’t watch the fillers
8) SHIKATEMA- I don’t like them as much as shikaino but this ship is still one of my favorites. An actual canon ship in Naruto that makes sense!! I loved the faint jokes and flirting they had going on. It was obvious they would end up together but I don’t like their kids character design :/ shikadai is a boneless shikamaru
9) NEJIHINA- y'all… this is a guilty pleaser and the fanfictions are on POINT. Neji would not have to DIE FOR NH and them having an “arranged marriage” would make more sense than the BS we have now. We can’t ignore that Neji has a cousin complex!! Hinata and Neji are so soft for each other and he’d protect her forever. Plus idk I heard this somewhere that their child would have the purest Hyuga blood or something like that. Headcanon: Neji would fix the Hyuga system and his seal would finally be removed😤
10) JIRATSU- I’m very sad y'all… she had a second chance at love and Jiraiya LOVED HER!! You could tell she cared about him very much. This was a true pure ship that never got justice. The only bet Tsunade ever won GOSH! And Naruot was like their son…
Honorable mentions: leeten, sasusai, kibahina, shinohina, shikasaku, shikahina, asukure, naruino, leesaku, nagakonan, yahikonan and probably more
Okay I’m going to stop before I shed a tear
I tag @shinobisage09 @cognitivecapricorn @kite-maison @everyone-deserved-better @mandachan21 @mickey10213 @domates-tatli and @ibelieveinyoupointdah
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kyriolex · 7 years
Shino’s finally hit his stride as a teacher
Shino has his groove back; he’s the cool one again!
So in episode 10, Boruto, Shikadai, and Mitsuki skip class after handing over a fake absentee note. Shino immediately sees through the note and calls their parents, bringing hellfire onto Boruto and Shikadai’s heads.
Shino calls a meeting with Boruto and Hinata. The conversation basically goes:
Boruto: I can’t waste time in school! I have to fulfill my destiny as the star of hope!
Shino: Boruto, I get that you’re the protagonist, but you still have to get an education. If you must have your adventures in the daytime, then I’ll have to tutor you after school.
Boruto: Sensei, why are you being so UNREASONABLE? Adults are all the same. (Poofs his clone in a tantrum)
Hinata apologizes, saying that Boruto is just trying to impress his dad. Shino sympathizes, saying that he often overcompensated to live up to his own father’s legacy (Glad to see my headcanon confirmed!). Hinata argued that Shino was always super-mature as a kid and didn’t yell at his teachers. She also calls him Shino-kun, so it seems they are still close.
Then Shino asks, “Have you told Naruto about Boruto playing vigilante?” Hinata says that Naruto is already so busy he barely sleeps, and she doesn’t want to add to his problems. Shino then says what everyone in the fandom has been thinking, which is, “You should tell him. Naruto is Boruto’s father before he’s the Hokage.”
Hinata admits he’s right. Then Shino looks out the window and says in a heartfelt voice, “...don’t look so sad.” At which point all of the ShinoHina feels rose up in me and I died.
The next day, Shino tells the class that they are going to do workplace training and that the kids can choose who they shadow. Boruto and Shikadai are trying to figure out a way to skip class when Shino sneaks up behind them and goes “Did you understand what I said, Boruto? You can pick ANY occupation in the village, hint hint.” At which Boruto realizes he can shadow the mailman. That way he can hunt for ghosts in the village without skipping class. It really was a brilliant solution on Shino’s part. It shows Shino does take Boruto’s quest seriously and is willing to go the extra mile to support him.
See, Shino is really good with kids when the plot allows him to act in character.
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syao · 7 years
#SyaoRereads: The Sparrow by Goldberry
It’s #NejiTenMonth this July, so in the spirit of celebration for my favorite Naruto OTP (next to the unfathomable ShinoHina, haha!), I’m re-reading and reviewing NejiTen stories that really, really left an impression on me.
Today, I’m starting with who I personally feel is the best NejiTen author in the fandom.  Goldberry crafts such excellent, in-character stories. (I reckon she understands Neji and Tenten far better than Kishimoto himself does!)
Among her library of great reads, I consider The Sparrow as my favorite. I don’t usually like angst, but I fell in love at first read with this fanfic.
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For those who haven’t read it yet, spoilers abound. Also, please go and read the story right now. It’s goddamn beautiful.
Birds fly and die and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Except for Tenten, she tries.
This 10-minute read packs a lot of powerful symbolism and emotion, beginning from 7-year-old Tenten’s incredible compassion and selflessness shown in her treatment of the titular sparrow. The simple, age-appropriate explanation of young Tenten’s concern for the animal and its ties to Hyuuga Neji built the foundation of her protectiveness and affection for him later on in the story.
It was Neji who caught her, a flash of confusion crossing his face before his features resumed their normal flat expression. She knew he couldn't understand how she had failed to save herself, how she could have miscalculated so badly as to fall prey to such a simple mistake...
I loved this catch scene. It was described so vividly that I could visualize the whole scene as an anime filler sequence. 
One thing I always struggle with in writing NejiTen stories is how to show restraint in handling Neji, particularly his interactions with Tenten. Canonically, he doesn’t speak much or demonstrates emotions. He’s no Rock Lee who readily jumped into the arena during the Chuunin Exams arc out of worry for embattled Tenten. This makes it hard to move the plot along.
But in this story, Goldberry capitalizes on this. The story is mostly told from Tenten’s POV, and her seeing a change in expression in usually poker-faced Neji makes the scene more impactful. Yet the same POV shields us from what Neji was thinking at that time, tapping on good ole shoujo tropes of denial and downplaying of romantic tension.
"They're going to find out eventually, Tenten. It will only make it harder...in the end...if you keep protecting them."
She smiled a little, though the look was grim. "They have enough burdens to bear. This one is mine alone."
Maito Gai is frequently reduced in fanfics as a lovable buffoon, so I like stories that tackle his other persona-- the one that stopped Neji from the final move that would have seriously harmed Hinata in the Chuunin match and would have made his student regret it forever.
In here, Gai shares the burden of concealing Tenten’s “last, final sparrow”, adding to the element of dread that we’ve come to expect from Your Lie in April.
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The four of them were only halfway there when it hit her, a pain so intense she saw white stars and dropped to the ground, struggling to breathe, literally gasping for air. Neji and Lee were beside her instantly and she could hear their voices but it was beyond her to answer when she wasn't sure she could take another breath. There were some long, horrible minutes while her teammates could only watch their capable, strong kunoichi writhe on the ground, tears on her face from the supreme effort it took to force her failing lungs to work.
This passage played out exactly as the anime would have in my mind. The contrast between the “capable, strong kunoichi” and the writhing woman on the ground was such a painful contrast, and at the same time, it established how well-regarded and respected Tenten is in her team. THIS is the dynamic that differentiates their team from the rest of Konoha 11, where women are regarded as either damsels-in-distress or annoying nags.
Neji and Tenten’s conversation prior to the climax is the part that most moved me in this story, ESPECIALLY this segment:
"I heard you say, 'I'm dying'." His white eyes flashed at her and she could see the hopeless rage in his face. "Why didn't you tell me, Tenten? About the birds, about your sickness... I would have.. I could..."
"You could what, Neji?" she asked, tiredly. "Fight death?"
She had meant it to be rhetorical, but Neji's gaze met hers firmly. "I would try."
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/clears throat Sorry about that. So where was I? Ah yes, the moment that the Neji wall breaks. His “hopeless rage”, the lines he couldn’t finish, and the “I would try” line. It was perfectly Neji through and through. And once again, I have to laud the writer for the impressive restraint. No overt “I love yous” were exchanged here, but, dammit, if a guy is ready to fight death for you, you better believe it’s one true love, hun.
The operation scene puts you amidst the scary, tense-filled moments. There’s little dialogue, yet it feels like you’re hearing and feeling all the character’s sentiments, thanks to the well-written exposition.
He was almost...frantic, and the very idea of that made her start. Neji was never anything but cool, collected, icily arrogant in the face of danger. Even angry, he always remained in control. To hear him now, it was almost as if...as if he were afraid.
Afraid of losing her.
Afraid of losing a teammate, her mind corrected, but even she didn't quite believe that.
Neji’s crumbling facade. Tenten’s blossoming epiphany on how important she might just be to him. 
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"She owes you a great deal. Without your eyesight, we might never have-"
"She owes me nothing, Hokage-sama," Neji said quietly, still watching her. "It was I who was repaying a debt."
What a great anti-climactic moment this is, Neji finally being given the opportunity to express how he feels for Tenten-- including acknowledging her kindness and sacrifices for him. As a reader, I felt Tenten was vindicated for having to go through all of this. Plus, what a very Neji thing for Neji to say, no?
So in conclusion...
Imagery and symbolism-wise, The Sparrow knocks it out of the park. The “less is more” approach to dialogues also helped make it feel more IC and believable, especially Neji. The transitions were also great and didn’t feel abrupt at all.
All in all, it’s a story worth reading and re-reading if you ever need a NejiTen fix.
Next week: I’m reviewing Neji Gaiden by Levi Ackerman. Multi-chapter. Dammit, bid me good luck with this one.
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polar-stars · 5 years
@Anon who asked for NSFW wedding headcanons
@nightcrownsking was so nice to do headcanons for each ship I did wedding headcanons for ;w; So applause to him for doing it ! 
He also has a new writing blog most recently, which I will shout support out for !!! @shokugekinospice
So yeah, these had canons are written by him ovo (which you will notice because I wouldn’t make jokes like this ahdhd)
The wedding was brilliant. What comes after the whole celebration and after-party? Another party. A very, very, fun party. It’s gonna lead to sex, my dudes. They taste better than their wedding cake. 
Listen, four words: SLOW AND LOVING SEX. It's gonna be real passionate and loving, so what else could you expect? 
Neck kisses, Thigh touches, Some Biting, Definitely Praising, BODY WORSHIP- like it's slow and loving, nothing too kinky but it's filled with love and it's obvious throughout the whole session. So yeah, loving and sweet.
Oooooooooo boy, these two kinksters. Well more of- Eizan is the kinkster, he's a fucking kinky bastard. He's got something better than cold tonight, baby. It's fucking //pleasure// and he's gonna enjoy the night. Nene would be enjoying too. THEY WOULD BOTH BE ENJOYING! Wedding night sex ftw yeehaw 
Okay, anyway- No clothes ripping this night. NO CLOTHES RIPPING THIS NIGHT. Eizan is upsetti. Okay, no- I am kidding. He doesn't want to break the dress so for once he's fucking careful with her clothes, so well yeah, they good. It's strip teasing though which isn't too usual with this couple- well it's something new, but they both do like it. Eizan prefers being a ripper of clothes though but it's good too
 Okay yeah, they've done a lot of stuff before the wedding night and honestly? What happens in the wedding night is just ALL that they've liked so far besides the clothes ripping that can be done in a bedroom alone. Guess who's idea was it? ... Of course it's fucking Eizan.
This ship is so soft and they're such a good couple. It's gonna be loving and sweet, and it's filled with love. Nothing less, but everything more. It's filled with them and only them. They only use each other's bodies to make themselves happy. It's traditional sex, and vanilla sex. WHICH IS VERY CUTE. 
Honestly, they're also very soft in a sense that despite pleasuring themselves, they actually make sure the other is fully comfortable and are having a pleasurable time. The other is more important, and their need/wants should be satisfied and their comfort is the most important. 
 One of the best things about this is, there's so much compliments and praise during sex, even reassurance to one another that they're doing well. It's a kind of sex that you can feel the loyalty and love of.
ANOTHER SOFT COUPLE WHO WE STAN AND LOVE!! Their wedding night is loving, and honestly, they're just such an adorable couple even when in the act. They're both embarrassed sometimes while doing it, but the other always tells the other they're looking and doing great during the act and they cute each other's insecurities. 
I feel like their wedding night won't have anything too kinky, but it will have some stuff that the couple likes such as pet roleplay just to spice things up a bit, it's more of soft sex than anything and the wedding night is special because of how much feelings are felt during the whole time. It's very special to them, and it's that they love each other 
They end up taking a bath together which isn't something they usually do, but it's like to clean the other up and they actually have such a comfortable and soft atmosphere as they do it, it's just very sweet and honestly, the wedding night went so well for the both of them
They took fucking forever in getting together, imagine them taking fucking forever in sex too and everybody just fucking yeets out the window and it turns out that the first time they do it is the wedding night so all held back feelings?? RELEASED BECAUSE IT TOOK SO LONG BEFORE THEY ACTUALLY FUCKING DO THIS 
Okay listen, there's some kinky shit, but trust me, it's not that bad I think. I think it's all fine and dandy because like blindfolds, probably some tying hands behind back with cloth at the middle, some begging and shit, but well- that's not that bad. Okay, that's the first round, full of trying things they believe the other would like. The second one is literally skin to skin contact and that alone and oooo boy is it steamy 
After the whole thing, they actually fucking debate why it took them so long to get together, and how long it took them to do this and they just ended up actually snuggling before going to bed but Hinako makes these funny comments that makes him want to push her off the bed but he loves this woman too much to actually do so
They've been together for so much years, they probably know which the other likes and wants during this time so when it's their wedding night, they just do everything which they know the other likes as long as it is in a loving matter. He calls her Alice during the whole time and she actually calls him Ryo, but Ryo-kun playfully if she wants to tease him or something. Foreplay has A LOT of teasing of different kinds. 
They're not vanilla, nah there's some shit that isn't really considered vanilla and could be considered more on the rough side because this is how they both like it, but they both make sure their lover enjoys it, and you know how pain becomes pleasure? Yeah, they make sure about that too. So it's obviously filled with pleasure. 
Once they're done, it ends up with them having some conversations about the possible future plans until they both fall asleep. Alice sleeps first, and he ends up pulling in her close before kissing her lips and eventually falls asleep next to her.
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