#shino aburame oneshot
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13as07 · 11 months ago
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Elegant #1
(Shino Aburame)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to JUHiHUJi]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,502
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
It's a western theme wedding style cause I was lazy and didn't want to do research
Alcohol Use
     I let out another strained breath, glancing over my wedding dress in the body mirror again. What if Shino doesn't like the style? What if he's getting cold feet? What if he leaves me alone at the altar? What if -
     "Wow," a voice says softly, drawing out the word. "You're so... beautiful." My sights jump up, glancing in the mirror to figure out who's behind me. Naruto's frame fills the mirror as he walks closer, settling behind me as his eyes jump over my dress. He's smiling ear to ear, with stars hanging in his eyes as he looks at me. "You're the second prettiest bride I've ever seen."
     "Second?" I ask, smiling back at him.
     "Ya, sorry but you can't beat out how pretty Hinata was at our wedding. She'll always hold that first place price."
     I laugh at the love-struck newlywed. Hinata and Naruto got married two months ago, and I swear he still looks at her the way he did at their ceremony.
     "Now, I know Sakura will drag me out by my ear if she catches me in here, the whole bad energy from seeing you - "
     "That's only for the groom, Naruto. Groom's men aren't included in that," I correct, shifting around so we can face each other. My squadmate looks pretty nice when he gets dressed up, even if his hair is still messy and pointed every which way.
     Naruto's cheeks dusty a slight pink as he rubs the back of his head. "Oh, right. Anyway, I remember the whole 'new, old, borrowed, blue' thing from my wedding. I don't know if you're doing that like Hinata did but I did bring you something blue just in case."
     "I wasn't planning on it but I appreciate the thought, Naruto," I tell him, leaning forward to wrap my arms around him.
He wraps his arms around me too, being careful not to mess up my perfectly constructed look for my special day. "Anyway, you want to see my gift?"
"Yes, I do."
"Just so you know, this is fully from me. I did it - well Hinata stitched it - but it was fully my idea, all of it," Naruto rambles, digging through his pockets in search of my gift.
He tugs out a square cloth, the main color being a rich blue with the edges being his signature obnoxious orange color. Naruto holds it in front of me, letting the cloth tumble undone to its full size. It's no bigger than a napkin. In careful stitches is the quote 'Trust is knowing that when a squad mate pushes you, they're doing it because they care'.
"Naruto," I mumble, reaching forward to hold the ends of the cloth.
"Pretty nifty, huh? Hinata had a section of Neji's robe turned into a handkerchief, so I asked her to do the same with my old jacket. I figured you could pin it under your dress. If not that's cool too. Oh! And don't worry, Hinata cleaned the material like a bazillion times."
     "Naruto," I call again, tears in my eyes as I lunge forward, wrapping my arms around his neck again. "You dumb gushy fox," I say with a smile and tears of appreciation.
     "Do you not like it? Oh! Please don't cry, you're going to ruin your makeup," he rushes out, carefully slipping at the water that threatens to ruin the makeup I spent an hour on.
"I love it, Naruto," I tell him, smiling at him to send the point home. "You big goof. Would you pin it to my dress?" I ask, shifting my skirt around to figure out where I want it pinned.
"Of course! Let me go find a pin."
"Just some final touches," Sakura mumbles, running the makeup brush over my cheeks again. "Oh, and a few puffs of perfume," she says, jumping to her feet and rummaging around the table covered in different products.
     "I can't wear perfume, you know that. It messes with Shino's kikaichus."
     "So, you know how Shino has been queasy off and on the last couple of months?" She mumbles, now digging through her bag.
     "Sakura," I utter, my tone warning because of the way our conversation is heading.
     "Well, it's because Hinata and I have been testing different perfumes," She finishes, standing up with a small box in her hands.
     "Oh calm down, it was only a handful of times and only a squirt or two every time. No Shinos and no kikaichus were harmed. Besides, it’s your wedding day. You should be wearing a new perfume to celebrate. It just so happens to be the only perfume that doesn't annoy or make your husband's parasites sick. Now come here and let me spray you down."
     I roll my eyes at her but do get up from my spot. I twirl in a slow circle, letting Sakura coat me in the flower-scented perfume. "See? So much better, plus you can wear perfume more often since it doesn't mess with Shino."
     "I guess so," I mutter, shaking my head at her. I swear Sakura never uses her brain outside of missions.
     "Alright, I'll leave your fancy new scent here on the table," She says, making a show of putting it back in the box and leaving the box on the table. "We need to get going for your first look and such." Shino isn't much of an emotional man and is rarely emotional around other people, so we decided a private first look would be best.
     She leads the way, my veil in her hold, held above her head so it doesn't drag on the ground as we head outside. "Wait here," she mutters after the short walk, stopping long enough to situate the clips of my veil into my hair.
Sakura slips away, leaving me to admire the cherry blossoms as she goes looking for my husband. I do just that, walking along the small path and toying with the heavy branches being weighed down by the weight of their blooms.
Enjoying the scenery helps with some of the anxiety surrounding today. I'm more than thrilled to spend the rest of my life with Shino, but it's still nerve-racking to think about all the things that could go wrong today, let alone the future.
"You don't always have to be such a lug!" Sakura's voice rings out after a few minutes, tugging my focus in the direction we came from earlier.
My best friend is dragging my very soon-to-be husband down the short path, a blindfold wrapped around his eyes to ensure he's not cheating. Shino looks nice, dressed fancy for once and his hair slicked back instead of loose and bushy like usual. "I do not see the point in doing this. I will see her when she walks down the aisle," he grumbles, slowly trudging after Sakura as she pulls him my way.
"I don't want you loosening your macho-ness because you burst into tears in front of everyone," I tease, causing his head to snap in the direction of my voice.
A group of his kikaichus slips out, eagerly flapping their way toward me. Some stay buzzing around me, with a few others clinging to different parts of my clothing. This has been a common thing during our relationship, Shino's bugs ditching him to investigate me or chew at a bit of my chakra. I freaked out the first time it happened but he insists they mean no harm and it helps him feel close to me. Since then, it's come to be something that calms me down, which I need with how loud my heartbeat seems to be.
"I would not and will not cry," he mumbles, stopping in the spot Sakura leaves him in.
"Lug," she murmurs before turning toward me. "I'm going to go make sure everything is settled. Once you two are done, send Shino in and come wait in the corridor, alright?"
"Alright, I'll see you in a few minutes."
With that, Sakura turns on her heels to head towards the waiting guests, leaving the two of us alone for the first time today. "You don't think you're going to cry when you see me?" I ask, reaching forward to toy with his sunglasses that Sakura slithered the blindfold under.
"No, I do not," he whispers, his hands sliding up to wrap around my arms, causing more of his kikaichus to spill out, coating both of our arms now.
I slowly slide my touch backward, taking my time to rest his glasses on his head before I tug at the knot keeping the cloth in place around his eyes. Once the cloth is loose, I take a step back, letting the material dangle from my fingertips.
Shino's eyes are squinted because of the setting sun. I knew they would be, but I want to see his whole reaction especially since this is something that won't happen again. His sight crawls around my body, falling down my dress like a waterfall before climbing back up my frame like a mountain. "Perhaps," he starts, voice cracking as he repeatedly blinks. "Perhaps, I was wrong."
     Once the words are out, he breaks, tears rolling down his cheeks, chasing away the kikaichus that have been clinging to his face. Shino moves forward, enveloping me in his arms so he can hold me. "You look elegant, my Ladybug," he whispers into my hair, his little friends following their leader and knotting themselves in my locks.
     When Shino pulls back, his focus shifts from me to helping his beetles untangle their legs, being careful not to mess up my hair and not to hurt his bugs. He spends the whole time trying to blink away the fresh tears forming in his eyes; he fails, forming water lines down his cheeks.
     "Oh, Shino," I coo when he pulls the rest of the way apart from me. I cup his face, using my thumbs to brush away his tears. "You look very elegant too."
"Not as elegant as you, my dear," he mutters, leaning down to brush a kiss against my lips.
I shift my dress again, making sure it's laid perfectly as I wait for Kakashi to join me. There's about ten minutes until I'm expected to walk down the aisle with my Sensei giving me away to my husband, to my Shino. My nerves have evened out since our time together under the cherry blossoms, leaving me filled with nothing but joy.
"There's my gorgeous daughter-in-law," Shibi's soft voice calls from behind me.
I turn a bit, making sure not to mess up my carefully laid-out dress and my thin veil settled on top of it. I decided on a royal-length veil, more so because that's what Shino wanted than me, but it is his wedding as well. If he wants me to wear a long veil that trails behind me, I don't mind.
"You look lovely," Shibi compliments again, making his way forward. He stops in front of me, careful hands cupping my cheeks. He tilts my head down, brushing a gentle kiss to my hairline. "You are beautiful. The most beautiful bride my son could ask for."
"Thank you," I mutter, tilting my head back up so I can look at my father-in-law. A soft smile is on his face as he looks down at me. This is one of the few times I've seen Shibi truly content, which only solidifies my decision to marry his son. Shibi is the smartest man I know, and if he agrees with my decision it must be the right one.
"I have a gift for you, a temporary one," he mutters, pulling away from me. "Since Shino and you decided to have a night wedding, I figured a little extra glow would be nice," Shibi tells me, throwing up a few hand signals.
Soft flapping fills the space, a small squirm of bugs following the command they were given. "What are you doing?" I ask, tilting my head backward, watching the bugs settle in a neat line along the hem of my veil.
"Watch," he orders, shifting his hand placement to send out another command.
The bugs shift their wings, a soft glow coming from them, decorating my veil with the soft yellow coloring. "Shibi!" I call in joy, lunging forward to catch him in a hug. "It's beautiful! Thank you."
"You're welcome," he utters, unclinging my arms from around him. Shibi isn't much of a touchy person, a trait his son inherited too. "After the ceremony, I'll need them back, of course."
"Of course," I echo, sending him another smile.
     He nods his head, letting his hands fall back down to his sides. "I should get seated before the ceremony begins. I look forward to seeing you walk down the aisle," Shibi mutters, nodding his head once more before he slips around the corner, heading into the crowd that's eagerly waiting for me to enter.
     I adjust my dress again, carefully toying with my veil so I don't hurt or knock off any of the lightening bugs clinging to it. I have a few moments of silence, giving my anxiety the chance to crawl into my rib cage again. After today, Shino and me will be bound together forever, until the end of our time.
     "There you are," my Sensei calls, pulling me out of my head. "I didn't know you were done getting ready yet." He mutters, adjusting the pin-comb that's holding my veil in place. "You look like an angel."
     "You don't look too bad yourself," I tease, glancing over Kakashi's put-together look. It's weird seeing my Sensei out of his usual outfit.
     He rolls his eyes, letting out a disapproving hum. Despite the small banter, Kakashi still leans forward, resting the side of his head against mine with his arms loosely wrapped around me. "The lightning bugs are a nice touch," he whispers, squeezing me before he tugs himself away.
"They're a temporary gift from Shibi."
"Well, I have a permanent gift for you. Just don't tell the others, they might get jealous."
"Ya?" I ask, watching Sensei dig through his pockets, the familiar sound of our training bells filling the air when he tugs them out of his pocket.
Kakashi hums again, giving me a rare masked and closed-eyed smile. "Naruto gave you his gift already, yes?" He asks, clinking the bells so they'll ring again.
"Yes, he did," I answer, lifting a layer of my dress to show off the handkerchief Naruto pinned to my dress.
He nods again, bending down so he can kneel on the ground. Kakashi works carefully, unlike my clumsy squad mate. Sensei moves slowly, unpinning the handkerchief and laying it on his knee so he can wrap his bells around the pin before pinning both items under my dress again. "There, now you'll have all three of us attached to you during the night."
"When did you get all gushy?" I tease, shaking my leg a bit. You can't hear the bells around the fabric but I can feel their imprint against me.
"When Naruto got married, and again now. I'm sure it'll happen again when Sakura and Sasuke get married too," Kakashi answers, straightening up before taking his spot next to me. "Are you ready to do this?" He asks, prompting his arm out toward me.
     "As ready as ever," I answer, clinging to the bend of his elbow.
     "That's my girl," he mutters, poking his head around the corner to send Sakura the signal that we're ready.
Shino's hands cling to me for dear life, his social anxiety at an all-time high as he spins us in slow, small circles. His left-hand grips mine, his ring digging into my fingers, threatening to leave an imprint. His right-hand rests on my waist, clinging to the material of my dress. "I despise dancing," he mutters, focus flickering around the millions of eyes watching us have our first dance.
"I know."
"Everyone is watching us."
"I know."
"You are my wife now."
"You are my husband now," I echo, shifting forward, I loop my arms around his neck, laying his head on my shoulder. Shino gratefully takes the change, his arms tight around my waist and his nose buried into my neck.
We sway, still moving in slow circles around the dance floor. "I will not be dancing again tonight," he whispers into my neck, the feeling of his kikaichus exploring the new position, little legs tugging at the material of my dress.
"I know, I appreciate you doing this though."
"Of course, Ladybug."
Shino reluctantly pulls away from me as the song comes to an end, fresh tears raining on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask, hands jumping up to wipe away his tears before anyone else notices.
"Nothing, my dear," he answers, fingers wrapping around mine to pull them away from his face. "You... are perfect," he mutters, glancing around before quickly pressing a kiss to my fingertips. "Can we go sit now?"
"Yes we can," I murmur, smiling from ear to ear as my husband tugs me off the dance floor.
Cheers from the guests fill the room, a few of them jumping up from their spots to take up the dance floor as the next song starts. Kiba and Naruto are beaming from the head table, as are my bridesmaids; Sakura and Hinata. "Our baby is all grown up!" Kiba cheers, Hinata giggling and nodding in agreement.
"Be quiet," Shino mumbles, helping me into my chair before he sits down alongside me. Once we're situated, his hand messes with my dress, ruffling my layers in search of a small amount of skin on skin. "What's that?" He asks as his fingertips slide over the pinned presents from my squad mates, head tilting down to glance at the items.
"Bells from my Sensei and a handkerchief from Naruto," I answer, helping him move my dress out of the way.
He hums softly, fingertips digging into my knee as he clings to it. His thumb slides over my knee on repeat, a kikaichu or two crawling over his fingers, occasionally dipping down and crossing my knee. "You are perfect," he repeats, sending me a rare smile before turning to hell at Kiba again.
I smile to myself, soaking in the repeated compliment. "Well, Mrs. Aburame," Sakura teases, a huge smile on her face as well. "What does it feel like being officially married now?"
Sakura and I belt out jumbled lyrics of the song playing, the liquor in our system commanding our dancing with both of our wet blankets of partners watching. Sasuke and Shino are sat near each other, both men's full attention on us as we dance. "What do you think they're thinking right now?" She asks, her arms dangling over my shoulders as we move in beat with each other.
"Well, knowing Sasuke he's probably talking himself out of killing me and Shino might have one or two more songs in him before he gets clingy again."
Sakura lets out a loud cackle, the alcohol chipping away the bubbly cute persona she tries to maintain. Her laughter only increased when Shino starts heading our way. "You're wrong about Sasuke but it seems you were right about Shino."
"Right about what?" My husband asks, impatience in his voice as he stands next to us, both of us still swaying to the music.
     "About you wanting my attention," I answer, pulling away from my friend to wrap Shino up in my arms.
     "That is not what I want," he mutters, staying still as I squeeze him in my hold. "I wish for us to go home. I would like some alone time with my wife," Shino airs out the last word like he can't comprehend being able to use it.
     "What kind of alone time?" I ask, sliding my hands up to toy with the ends of his hair, fluttering my eyelashes at him.
     "Just... alone time," he whispers, a hint of pink dust on his cheeks. "Should I have it announced that the ceremony is over?"
     "Have them announce the party is over in thirty minutes," I mutter back, letting my arms fall to his shoulders, leaning myself against my husband. I tip my head up, lips brushing against his ear as I speak. "If you can't wait thirty minutes I'd be more than happy to give you a little... support." I let a hum out, flickering my eyes down.
     Shino's face is full red now, mouth gapping a bit. "That is not... we cannot... Ladybug," he stutters, as flustered with my straightforwardness as ever. "I am... that is something I have been excited about today, but that... that is an at-home activity."
     "I know, I'm just teasing."
     He lets out a sigh of relief, gently pulling me off of him. "Your mind is lacking the elegance the rest of you possess."
     "I know."
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mayhemscorner · 2 years ago
Rising sun
Shino x f!reader
🔞minors DNI🔞
Warnings: ⚠️familial issues/abuse⚠️ angst, SMUT, kinky slight dom Shino, swearing, violence
Summary: (this man is almost 6ft tall and I still FIRMLY believe Shino is a VERY kinky man. Prove me wrong)
Reader is struck upon for using a forbidden jutsu during a mission. Her father retaliates as they play only by the book and threatens to strip her of her shinobi status. Shino has ideas on how to distract her
The pulsating pain against my cheek as my head reels to the side, is a realization that I’ve just been struck upon in my fathers blind rage. I can only manage in my own fit of fury, to place my own hand above the quickly rising marks. If it were a nicer day, it would make me think of when we just finished pouring the foundation of our house, how I placed my much smaller hand inside the imprint he had just made with his own. The same prints I had just fallen upon from the sheer force I was knocked back with,” forbidden jutsu is to not be used so long as you are still my child.” 
A kick to the stomach. If we didn’t live the life of shinobi, most would consider this abuse, to us, it’s only another lesson…. No matter how uncalled for. 
“It was to save a teammates life! Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same thing.” I spit in his direction, grasping at my ribs and trying to roll over to stand. 
“Not if it would cost me my own life or my dignity that comes with using something forbidden. Your chakra is still depleted. Get up.” He replies with no emotion. After several seconds of trying, I knew he was right. My chakra was shot. 
He lands one more kick as I reach for anything to pick myself up with,” come back inside when you’re ready to be a real shinobi.”
“Fuck you.” I cough out, finally managing to roll to my back and wheeze air back in to my lungs. 
“Or don’t come back at all. You have siblings with the same kekkei genkai. You are replaceable.” His last words echo as the stars finally dissipate from my eyes. He couldn’t truly mean that, he’s just drunk. He had to be. 
I could only ponder and force myself to believe my father was drunk as I slowly mosey to town, the forest, anywhere but here. I ignored the fact the smell of alcohol wasn’t present, maybe my senses are just off. Maybe I’d gone noseblind in a time of panic. The treeline was welcoming, silent enough to rest and gain my composure, maybe pass out from lack of chakra and a beating. I’d welcome passing out at this point, I could use the nap. The spots quickly return to my vision as my body sways,” yeah, this looks like a nice spot for a nap.”
And with that, my body buckles, swaying as gracefully as a sack of bricks to the ground. 
The last conscious thing I register is a voice calling from the treetops,” Y/N, I got you.”
Coming to was almost worse than passing out, my body aches and my head isn’t fully on the ground. My body is covered in a blanket… no. A jacket. It carried the faint smell of pollen and fresh morning dew. I knew the jacket and the scent to well, as the owner of the jacket had no smell, unless the flowers were blossoming. As soon as my head turns to look up, he becomes still as the doldrums at sea. 
“Shino.” I mutter, seeing the eyes behind his glasses turn down to meet mine,” Y/N.”
He exhales sharply, trying his best to not move his legs that lay under my head as a makeshift pillow.
“How long have i been out?” I mumble, reaching down to burrow further in to his green over coat and hope it engulfs my embarrassment.
“Only a few hours. What happened? You look worse than when I left after the mission.” He replies, picking a cool hand up from his side to rest against my now tender and swollen cheek. I sigh, leaning in to a usually gentle touch that now stung like a bee against the side of my face,” chakra was depleted too much. As a result, I ran in to my fathers hand.” 
Shino’s hand twitches against my face as his body becomes taut. 
“Word reached him that I used the forbidden jutsu before I had a chance to say it myself. Doesn’t matter if it was to save a teammate, what matters to him is that I used something forbidden.” I continue, lifting a hand to rest against his that lay on my face. He instinctively threads his fingers between mine, the closeness to Shino I’ve always craved only comes in times of pity. But I still find myself clutching to it like a newborn puppy to their mom. 
“I don’t see why you haven’t just come to stay at the Aburame compound. The offer has been extended multiple times.” Shino mentions his offer once again. 
“Im an adult now, I should just get my own place.” I mutter, squeezing his hand before pulling it down to rest against my chest knowing both of our arms were tiring. He only answers with placing his other hand at the top of my head, weaving his free fingers through the roots of my hair and tugging slightly. The sensation sends a jolt, awakening my senses and my body. 
“Get a place in your family compound so you’re still stuck with your father. Great idea, Y/N.” He monotonously shoots back before continuing,” for saving my life with a strong forbidden jutsu… you sure are clueless in anything else.”
“I wouldn’t call it clueless. He was just drunk. I’ll go back home after dark and everything will be fine.” I defend, knowing it might not be, but at least my chakra has time to build and I have time to create a bluff for Shino. Shino drops his hand, pulling the other away,” I’ll walk you back then.”
The walk is silent, save for Shino’s long jacket flapping around my much smaller frame in the wind. His right arm drapes over me to shield the wind away. Being touch starved, my knees threaten to buckle at the multiple signs of affection tonight. It had almost gotten me to forget the quickly bruising areas on my body until a sharp pain blooms in my ribs. I hunch forward, regaining my breath from my bodies surprise attack. Shino stops walking abruptly to turn us towards each other and immediately pulls the zipper of my vest down, followed by lifting my shirt and exposing my lower midriff. Shino shakes his head and grumbles,” I knew it.”
With no further word, he scoops me up as I’m still frozen, processing he has just lifted my shirt, and going even more senseless as my upper half comes to a rest against his heaving in anger chest. His steps quicken, becoming more pronounced as he stalks closer to my house.
“Shino, slow down. I’m fine.” I plead quietly, tugging at his own leaf issued chunin vest. His face is hard as stone, refusing to give any reply until we reach the gates,” give me my jacket and stay behind me.”
“Stop it. We don’t need to start a fight at this time of night.” I murmer, yet still shrug his jacket off and watch as his arms flex to put it back on. He pushes the gate open furiously and stalks to our house that sat dead center of the compound. I dig my heels in to the dirt and tug at the back of his jacket upon seeing a figure hunched over on our porch,” I’ll just go stay at your house. There’s a jug of sake next to him. He’s drunk Shino.” 
It was too late, I can barely see around Shino’s frame as my father tilts his head and sets his gaze upon the man that shields me,” the hell does an Aburame want at this time of night. Shouldn’t you be sleeping in your cave or something?” 
“I was actually coming to talk to you.” Shino puffs out, the tell tale sign of half a smile frightens me. He was confident, he was ready for a fight. 
“He was just dropping me off, was all.” I bluff, stepping out from behind him and being held back from walking any closer. 
“Bold of you to come home with a man this late. Did you not learn earlier?” He raises his voice, stalking closer to me as Shino tries pulling me back once again. I manage to dodge the first drunken swing at my already bruised ribs but the second connects just before Shino finally succeeds to pull me forcefully to the side, grasping on to the next drunken fist and stopping it dead in the air. Shinobi are scary enough sober. But when the sake hits our veins, we become almost invincible in our own mind… scary even. For the third time tonight, the wind knocks from my lungs as I hit the ground. 
“Damn these men.” I mutter, rocking back on impact and launching myself forward on to my feet, trying to charge in to the altercation. I brace myself as my father signs with one hand in an attempt to knock me back with a wind release jutsu. The wind whips around the three of us as Shino reels an arm back, and sending it flying tactfully against his opponents temple. I cringe at the sight of my dad folding in on himself and dropping to the ground, already snoring. Shino is expressionless and doesn’t move as I stomp furiously to the door trying to gather even a single thought. In an attempt to slam it shut, I feel defeated when Shino catches the flimsy door in an instant. Even behind his glasses, his eyes bore in to mine intently, unblinking. He leans against the doorframe, engulfing me with his large stature as he places an arm directly above me,” I don’t give a fuck what’s forbidden to your family, I’ll make you scream my name until even that’s forbidden.” His hands dance just above my hips as the anger rises,” Shino, what the fuck was that?” My hand instinctively shoots upwards for his throat, pinning him against the wall in an uncontrolled fit of rage, but the heat only climbs against my now flushed face at his words catching me off guard. He lets off a soft, barely even audible moan, taking his turn to lunge at me and quickly reverse our roles. My thighs were now wrapped against his torso and tangled in his long jacket as his breaths quicken so close to my throat while his hands pin my shoulders to the wall. I quickly add my other hand to his throat in case he’s gone crazy. He lets a soft chuckle out as I tug at his jacket,” that was me saving your life, would it kill you to at least say thank you before trying to tear my clothes off?” 
I feel my cheeks prickle and the anger die in my throat, only to be replaced with embarrassment,
“I-I wasn’t- That’s not-! I don’t know what to do right now. I should check on my dad.” I stutter out, the anger mixing with other, stronger, emotions as I adjust my hands around his throat so I don’t lose my grip. I can feel his jaw muscle clench and vibrate down to his throat. I find my own self impulsively mimicking his muscle twitch with my thighs, half bucking against him. A smirk once again creeps to his face before swooping in to hover his lips above the side of my ear,” Calm down. I’m only looking out for my teammate. Your father will be fine. I could’ve done much worse.”
The gentle wind against my ear as he enticingly whispers makes my eyes unfocus and my body slacken until he pulls his head back as far as my arms will reach. My hands then move on their own, leaving a playful tug at his throat before trailing to the collar of his jacket and gripping tight. He nods his head, encouraging me until sense washes back in to my body,” good girl.”
Good girl. Those two words would drive almost anyone insane. And after a while of not receiving praise, it could’ve drove me feral. It did. And I could tell Shino knew too.
“S-Shino. Please say it again.” I blush, slowly droning my hands inwards and pulling him closer to me.
“Say what again?” He questions, sliding his hands from my shoulders, causing me to slightly fall forward in to him, as his hands rake slowly down my body and settle underneath my ass to balance me back against the wall.
“I think you know.” I hint, batting my eyelashes slowly and resting my thumb against his pouty lower lip, rubbing it side to side until he playfully takes it in to his mouth with a quick circular motion of his tongue and a soft nip from his teeth. I bite hard in to my own lip to catch the gasp in my throat. Catching on with satisfaction, he hums around my thumb,” take my glasses off. I want to look at you with my own eyes.”
Another jolt shocks my body to life, unfurling my balled up fist and my other hand from his mouth to de-shade him. His eyes adjust to the darkness around us fairly easily, and they shimmer with multiple emotions. It’s crazy the eyes are what give us away. All our emotions, our lust and want. They trail patiently, almost lazily from my eyes to my lips, my lower one still caught between my teeth. I’m so lost in the sight of his eyes that I don’t notice his movements. He lifts a knee to maneuver one of his hands upwards, grasping against my jaw and hovering his lips just above mine,” good girl.” 
I sharply inhale as my head tilts forward in an attempt to connect our lips. I’m denied with a soft tug back at my jaw and a mischievous smile. His head dips down to my neck making my heart race and stomach flip. I was expecting a kiss, but instead receive his tongue tracing where he would sink his teeth in to soon after. My bottom lip curls back under my teeth, but the moan still escapes. I pull away slightly, pushing a hand against his chest,” what if my dad wakes up?”
“He won’t.” Shino huffs against my neck while tugging at my jaw once again, finally bringing our lips in to a lazy, drawn out kiss. One kiss becomes two. Three, then four. I’ve lost count how many times the presence of his lips graced my needy ones. His teeth draw in my lower lip, nipping slightly and letting go to catch a breath. My tongue acts on its own accord, darting in to find his. Shino doesn’t bother to hide his moan, only readjusting the hand that holds me up as my thighs grip around his torso tighter. My fingers wrestle away his hood, then tear away his forehead protector, releasing his quickly growing hair to tug to my hearts content. He groans at the sudden pull, bucking us both back in to the wall we’ve drifted from. 
“We should move this somewhere else.” I huff while pulling away for another breath of air and trying to wrestle his jacket off for real this time. Shino nods, falling backwards and over the back of the couch behind us effortlessly. I find myself on top, straddling a smirking Shino. I smile, finally able to tear away his vest and jacket in a sloppy and haphazard manner before I wrestle at his tight training shirt. My hands quiver with giddiness as his tightened skin flexes under my fingers in an effort to help. When I barely manage to coax the compression shirt to his shoulders, he grasps both of my hands in one of his and finishes his shirt off, exposing his upper half. Shino leans up to a sitting position and uses his free hand to pull me down further by the nape of my neck, tugging at my now tousled hair to hungrily guide our lips together once again. I feel my hands being released, followed by my vest being tugged at and shedded away. He’s gentle while lifting my shirt over the sickening bruises, his tender fingers ghosting over the lightning strikes of purple and disconnecting our lips to throw my shirt away. My aching core reignites at every twitch I feel against my pelvis from down below. 
“Fuck this.” I mutter, sliding down to grapple with the knot holding his pants at his waist. He arches slightly at the intimate touch of my hands dragging his pants downwards, then reaching up to drone lazy circles around his rising bulge. 
“I never got to properly thank you, Shino.” I whisper, slowly sinking my head downwards to place a kiss on his still clothed member. He twitches slightly and his hand once again feeds its way in to my hair as I place intentionally sloppy kisses on his hips while shrugging down his boxers. 
“That’s oka-“ Shino begins to talk before being cut off with his own moan at the feeling of my lips wrapping around the tip of his cock. His hand clenches deep at my roots and tries to follow the quickly erratic pace of my head. His hips soon follow, becoming a sloppy and unreadable pace until he pumps fully in to my mouth, causing me to slightly gag when I’m held there for a few seconds as he squirms beneath me. When he can’t handle the feeling anymore, I’m being thrown backwards to the other side of the couch and my pants have been effortlessly wrestled off during the process. All while I’m still trying to force myself to breathe air again. The circles being rubbed in to my thighs distract any sense I have, his head burying between my thighs going unnoticed at first. I can’t help but gasp, clawing up his back at the wet pressure kneading slowly at my clit. One finger slips in, shockingly cold against my rising body temperature. My hips try to move, but his other hand holds me down forcibly, making the pleasure even greater. I can feel him smirk against me, followed by a quick flick of his tongue to send me over the edge. My scream silences against the quick grasp at my throat from Shinoto aid him in sitting up,” if anyone ever lays their hands on you again, it better be me.”
“B-but we’re shinobi.” I stutter out as he crashes himself inside of me, pushing further and further until I squirm.
“Even in war, I’d go out of my way to be the last man to ever have his hands on you.” He grunts, thrusting quickly again and stopping. He holds inside of me for a few more seconds,” I wouldn’t just fight for you. I’d kill for you.”
Sex was an odd time for a love confession, but I wasn’t complaining. My thoughts were filled by the building pressure coming to a climax and focusing on not passing out from pleasure. The old couch was as close to breaking as my limit was. I grasp at his hand around my throat as the splotches of ecstasy bubble and obscure my vision like an old time cartoon,” Sh-Shino. Please, Fuck!”
“Y/N, shit.” Shino growls, pumping even sloppier and rougher than before. My head tilts back, brain shutting off and a scream of pleasure threatening to ring off. His hands clamp over my agape mouth, stifling what could’ve been an ear shattering, and dad waking shriek. The convulsion starts in my legs, ecstasy causing me to shake like a leaf in the wind and it was only building with every motion Shino made. With one last slam in to me with all his might, I see he’s reached his limit too. After several seconds, maybe even minutes of catching our breath, it’s a game of who will look at the other first. The walls and floor around us had suddenly become interesting, even though he was hovering directly above me. Shino takes a shaky breath, wiping away beads of sweat that threaten to spill from his forehead. I find myself fanning at my flushed face and finally looking in to his uncovered and nervous eyes,” was that… too far?”
“No. Was it too far for you?” He huffs out between gasps.
“N-no. I should probably go to bed… and you should get home. It’s getting pretty late.” I stumble out, trying to avoid the awkward after first time sex talking while fumbling around to put some clothes on and lay back down.
He hovers above me once again, then slides down, and I’m almost worried I may have to go for a round two. But he stops at my bruised ribs peeking out from my wrinkled shirt, kissing softly at the damaged skin,” I’ll leave if you come with me.” 
I ponder the challenge, knowing I definitely didn’t want to be home when my father regained consciousness, let alone having the man who knocked him senseless in the house. I nervously card my fingers through Shino’s hair and wait for his eyes to look towards me,” please?”
“Okay.” I mumble, quickly tiring with fatigue. My eyelids become heavy with the weight of todays events, I could sleep for days. I feel Shino’s weight disappear and I can’t help but twist to my side and curl in on myself like a cat taking a mid day snooze in the sun. As I drift off in to the waves of sleep, I feel an arm sliding below my head and the other under my torso.
The birds were singing jovially from the open window that let in a soft breeze. The side of my face pounded with my heart at the rising anxiety. Birds never sang at our compound, not for years. I turn to the unfamiliar landscape around me, seeing it was almost like a terrarium, the massive windows lining two of the walls looking out to the countryside of the hidden leaf just before sunrise. The nightstand held my neatly folded vest and a single lily that stood proud in a vase with a beetle crawling zigzags on its outstretched leaf. The pack I usually use for missions rests on the floor, stuffed full with my clothes. In my weak attempt to stand, an arm darts lazily around my waist to pull me back against a comforting heat,” We rise with the sun here, Y/N.” 
I trace his arm downwards to find his hand resting against my hip and entwine our fingers together. I force my eyes to close once again to break my family’s brutish habits, and as long as the sun droned lazily against the horizon we were both safe in each others embrace. Shino’s chest rises and falls in a melodic rhythm, coaxing me back to a sleepy serenity I could get used to feeling. All worries washed away with the excitement and anticipation of sleeping in and rising with the sun. 
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gyatsuga · 2 months ago
"Oveheated." - KibaShino Oneshot (AO3)
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A KibaShino Oneshot about what Kiba has under his Jounin vest, and how Shino handles showering with Kiba, considering his weakness to all things heat-related.
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka/Shino Aburame
Rating: M
Word count: >5,000
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wing-ed-thing · 2 years ago
Team 8
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Looking for the Sensei? Check out the Sensei and Jounin List!
𓆃 Kiba
Kiba Inuzuka Relationship Headcanons
Kiba x CatUser!Reader Headcanons
Cycle (Kiba x Sibling!Reader) Platonic Oneshot
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𓆃 Shino
Shino Relationship Headcanons 🗄
Shino Relationship Headcanons II 🗄
Shino Relationship Headcanons III 🗄
Shino Relationship Headcanons- Meeting Shibi 🗄
Shino x Akatsuki!Reader Enemies to Lovers Headcanons
Birdbrain Ficlet Series (Shino x hothead!Bird-user!Reader) Part I Part II Part III Part IV 🗄🗄🗄
Bravo (Shino x Reader) Oneshot 🗄
Honey Stand Part I Part II Part III Part IV Finale?
Honey Cakes (Honey Stand Sequel) Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V
Oblivious (Shino x Reader) Oneshot RQ
Good Morning (Shino x Reader) Oneshot RQ
Bottomless Salad (Shino x Reader) Oneshot RQ 🗄
Aburames Don’t Get Sick (Shino x Reader) Oneshot RQ
Foil (Shino x Akatsuki!Reader)
Greenhouse (Shino x Reader)
Group Project (Kisame x Reader x Shino x Temari)
Guard Dog (Shino x Injured!Reader) Oneshot
Show and Tell (Kid!Shino x Kid!Reader) Oneshot
Exposure Therapy (Shino x Reader) Oneshot
The Aburames (Shino x Reader) Oneshot
Night Owl (Shino x Reader) Oneshot
Links: 36
🗄 works with the file cabinet emoji are works written near the start of this blog's founding and ones that I do not consider the best representation of my skills, but are kept on the masterlist for archival reasons
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narutogwriting · 3 years ago
Team Eight!
Team Eight!
Kiba Inuzuka
☽Turn ons/turn offs
☽Who looks the best wearing fishnets?
☽What kind of underwear do the boys wear?
☽Pet Names
☽Kiba holding his daughter for the first time
☽Characters comforting you
☽Love Language
NSFW Alphabet
☽ ☽ ☽
☽With a bratty s/o
☼Eat Your Words (NSFW)
Synopsis: Kiba is your dirtbag of an ex. A fight where you think you have the upper hand leads to more than you were prepared for
Part 1
Part 2
☼Why Doesn’t He Want Me
Synopsis: Kiba was raised by two strong women. He’s never cared about having a dad. At least, that’s what he says
☼A Misunderstanding
Synopsis: Kiba has wanted to ask you out for the longest time, but then Naruto had to come along
☼It's Gonna Be a Boy
Synopsis: Kiba's out of town when his girlfriend goes to find the gender of their baby and comes home to a surprise
☼Birthday in the Hospital
Synopsis: The war is over, and it's Kiba's girlfriend's birthday. Unfortunately, she's spending it in the hospital
Synopsis: Kinksgiving
Synopsis: Kinksgiving
Shino Aburame
☽What kind of underwear do the boys wear?
☽Pet Names
☽Love Language
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simply-trash5 · 4 years ago
Science Tutor
Wow. I have written two days in a row. Mind blown honestly. Anyway this is another collegeAU. This one is for my Shino a.k.a BugDaddy simps. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEONE REQUEST SOMETHING. 
Have a wonderful day, drink water, and keep simping. 
gif credits to the babe that made it.
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“I failed another fucking test,” you grumbled to yourself. You slammed your computer closed and headed to the front of the lecture hall to talk with your professor. “Dr. Williams, I need this class to be able to graduate next semester. Is there anything I can do to makeup my failed tests?” Your professor pursed her lips in thought. “Have you considered going to the science tutoring lab. All of the available tutors know my content well.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Dr. Williams, I am desperate.” The small old woman gave a chuckle. “If you go I will give you an extra project grade, but I will know if you actually attended the session.” You flashed your professor a thankful smile. “Thank you Dr. Williams. I will sign up for an appointment right now.” You walked back to your seat and grabbed your bag. 
Just as you told your professor you pulled up the tutoring lab app and set up an appointment. “Okay so I can either work with M. Lang or S. Aburame,” you looked at your best friend and roommate, “who should I pick?” Your roommate grabbed your shoulder. “DO NOT go with Lang. He is kinda creepy. I don’t know whats-his-name so go with him.” You laughed wondering what history your friend Alina had with Lang. “Aburame it is. I am meeting with him tonight in the lab at 7:00.” You and your friend continued discussing your classes and how you longed for graduation “Well Y/N if you’re screwed if you don’t pass this semester. They don’t offer that class in the spring. Plus your internship is next semester. “You gulped realizing just how important this tutoring session was going to be. 
The day seemed to creep by. You spent most of the afternoon in the library with your roommate half studying and half goofing off as you always did together. “Shit, its 6:50 guess its time to get rolling,” you groaned, grabbed your bag, and headed to the door. “Y/N, you never know, maybe he will be cute.” You rolled your eyes at your friend. “I hope like hell he isn’t. Remember I have to actually learn something. Anyway, text me.” You laughed and headed toward the lab. It was a clear, cool, fall evening. Your thoughts began to wander. Maybe he would be nerdy or weird. For your own sake you hope it was a girl. You got distracted and nervous around men. Especially men who thought they were “smarter” than you. You tried to push the negativity out of your mind and kept reminding yourself that you needed the extra credit. 
In no time your were in the main science building standing outside of the tutoring lab. You carefully opened the door to see only one person in the room. “Oh shit,” you said to yourself examining the man in front of you. He was bent over reading a large textbook with a pair of headphones in. HIs dark hair was messy and seemed to stick out in all directions. He had a pronounced jawline that was covered in stubble. He wore a black turtleneck with a thing gold chain. His long legs were tucked under the table and you noticed he was wearing worn out light blue jeans and beat up black high tops. In the ear closest to you, you noticed that he had some sort of earring that looked like a bug. Your palms began sweating realizing how attractive he was. You grabbed your phone and quickly typed a message to Alina. 
“Lina, he's hot. We have a problem. I hope you're good at bio. “
“Maybe he's good at anatomy ;)”
You shook your head and cursed your roommate as you threw your phone in your bag.
“You must be Ms. YLN. My 7:00 appointment.” His voice was on the deeper side and he spoke in a very gentle tone. You shook your head suddenly forgetting how to speak. “Well Ms. YLN my name is Shino Aburame. I am a senior environmental science major with a specialization in insects. Dr. Williams briefed me on  your situation. What exactly is giving you trouble?” You involuntarily rolled your eyes and huffed. “Literally everything. That's why I put this class off for so long.” He nodded his head. “Well lets begin with cell theory.” You followed him to the table and sat down across from him. He was very serious and intimidated you. He cracked open the book and began talking about cells. You pulled your notebook out of your bag and began jotting notes but soon your thoughts began to wander again. You wondered if he was always this serious or maybe he was just nervous. You wondered why he was wearing sunglasses indoors. Most importantly you wondered how they hell you were supposed to learn biology if you keep wondering what your tutor would look like in grey sweats. “Uh Ms. YLN, do you want to sit beside me so that it is easier for you to see the diagrams?” You blushed. “Yeah. Oh and Shino, you can call me Y/N.” He nodded as you stood to take the seat to his right.
He began talking again about organelles. He reached a long finger to point at a specific graphic. You nodded finally understanding something. As he continued to move his finger his sleeve began to ride up showing a tattoo of a beetle on his forearm which made you smirk. “Ms. YLN, I’m afraid we only have 5 more minutes. Do you have any questions before the session ends?” You had plenty of questions, just none that related to Biology. You shook your head no and gave him a big smile. You reached out to touch his shoulder which to your surprise was muscular. “Thanks alot Shino.” He blushed slightly and cleared his throat. “I have more appointments this week.” He said in an even tone. You shook your head, gathered your bag, and headed out the door.
On your way back to your room you thought about Shino. He was so calm and collected but seemed flustered when you touched him. He was definitely handsome. You blushed remembering his tattoo and strong shoulder. You imagined him working out. “What did he wear? I bet he wears grey sweats,” you thought to yourself but you were soon brought out of your thoughts by a hand around your small wrist. 
You jumped feeling the large hand wrap around your wrist. “You left your notebook Ms. YLN'' said a familiar deep voice. Shino stood in front of you, his hand lingered on your wrist for a little longer than it should have. You both blushed, his standing out despite the dark. “Thank you so much Shino,” you exclaimed, grabbing the notebook from his hand. “Remember, you can call me YN though.” You giggled and he tugged at the sleeves of his sweater. “Right. Hopefully I’ll see you soon.” He turned and began walking away. Your arm still burned where his large hand was just a few moments before. You began to think about his gold chain and what it would look like dangling toward you with his tall muscular frame hovering above you. You shuddered at the thought and your notebook hit the ground. “Shit.” You cursed to yourself. “What is this?” You said grabbing a card that had fallen from your notebook. “Shino Aburame-Science Tutor.” You read aloud and flipped it over to find a handwritten note scribbled on the back. “Ms. YLN if you ever want some private tutoring let me know. Btw you have a beautiful smile.- Shino'' you smiled and put the card in your pocket. The next tutoring session would definitely be a lot more private. “I hope my next lesson is on anatomy” you said to yourself as you headed to your room.
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ftcoye · 6 years ago
hi! i really love your writing and it makes me so happy. for a drabble request, could you maybe do kiba and shino on their first date?
[Ao3 Link.]
Kiba kicks Shino’s shin under the table, and he jolts, startled, glasses slipping slightly as he glares at Kiba over them. Kiba beams merrily at him and Shino seems to realize what he’s doing, stopping suddenly and glancing away, pushing up his glasses and hunching his shoulders.
“Oh, come on,” Kiba groans, rolling his eyes. “You’ve been stiff all day! What the fuck, dude?”
Shino doesn’t meet his eyes. “We are on a date,” he says slowly, as if Kiba has completely missed every single part of this. “One does not... glare at their date.”
Kiba huffs, blowing his bangs out of his eyes and then he reaches over, snagging Shino’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “Dude. We’ve been roommates for like... forever now-”
“Two years and one semester.”
‘FOREVER now and you’re like, my best friend. Hinata is too but. Best friends.” Kiba pauses, trying to think of better words he could have used, and then dismisses it. “ANYWAY best friends. So even if we date and shit, we’re still best friends no matter what.”
Shino hesitates, licking his cracked lips and then squeezes Kiba’s hand back. “I want this to go well,” he says. “I care for you very much.”
Kiba’s heart grows like, three sizes except he wasn’t a grinch so he feels really warm. “Dude. Same. So that means you gotta treat me like normal, okay?”
“Are you certain?” He asks gravely.
“A hundred percent. Be honest. Be you.”
“Alright.” Tension seeps away from Shino’s shoulders, and he tries a very small smile. “Your outfit is disgusting.”
Kiba makes a face at him. “It’s called vintage.”
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mortyvongola2-0 · 3 years ago
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Naruto Characters Masterlist
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Gaara of the Sand:
Quickie || Reader Insert, Oneshot, Smut
Loving Lesson || Reader Insert, Kinktober 2022, Oneshot, Smut
At Wit’s End || Reader Insert, Kinktober 2022, Oneshot, Smut
Hashirama Senju:
Sacrificed || Reader Insert, Mini Series, Tribute to the Gods AU, Smut
Itachi Uchiha:
Itachi Birthday Headcanons || Reader Insert, No Massacre AU, Fluff
Kakashi Hatake:
A Relaxing Evening || Reader Insert, Oneshot, Fluff
Domestic Kakashi Headcanons || Reader Insert, Fluff, Request
Can’t Help It || Reader Insert, Kinktober 2022, Oneshot, Smut
Period Pains || Reader Insert, Fluff, Drabble
Handholding Headcanons || Reader Insert, Fluff, Request
Shameless || Reader Insert, Drabble, Smut, Request
Kankuro Caring for a Sick S/O || Reader Insert, Headcanons, Fluff, Request
Madara Uchiha:
Sacrificed || Reader Insert, Mini Series, Tribute to the Gods AU, Smut
Longing Madara Headcanons || Reader Insert, Smut, Angst, Request
Naruto Uzumaki:
Drunk || Reader Insert, Drabble, Smut
Obito Uchiha:
A Shame || Reader Insert, Kinktober 2022, Oneshot, Smut
Handholding Headcanons || Reader Insert, Fluff, Request
Shino Aburame:
Venom || Reader Insert, Kinktober 2022, Gift, Smut
Tobirama Senju:
Sacrificed || Reader Insert, Mini Series, Tribute to the Gods AU, Smut
Drunk Ramblings:
Kiss Prompts || for @justmyownreality’s OC Rukia and her ShiRu and SuiKia ships.
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More to come
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13as07 · 1 year ago
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Parasite #2
(Shino Aburame)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to 1ObiraacKima]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,471
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Hickeys (I have a hickey fetish and pale boys look good with them)
     Fingertips ghost over my side, heavy enough to spark my nerves but light enough not to tickle me. "Jewel beetle," Shino's soft but rigid sleep voice rings out. "I need you to wake up - "
     "Why is that?" I ask, already knowing what his next phrase is going to be. 
     His first sigh of the day is let out, coating my face in his warm breath. "The reason being," he mutters, painfully aware of his little catchphrase, "that I have a lot to do today and you seem to have the inability to sleep alone."
"I can sleep alone, I just chose not to," I mutter, shifting to lay on top of the bug boy, who in turn sighs again.
"We have to get up, I have stuff to do," he whispers back, sitting up with me still buried in his chest. "Un-cling yourself," Shino orders, trying to loosen my hold on him.
I give into him, letting him untangle my limbs, leaving me loose in his lap. My head tilts up, chin resting on Shino's chest as I look up at him. His eyes are shiny despite the muddied light seeping into our tent. "Good morning, Shi-Shi."
"Don't call me that," he grumbles, lifting me out of his lap. Shino is gentle as he lays me back on our camping sheets, leaving me to do his thing. I flap back down, set on soaking up the last few minutes of sleep before I'm dragged out of the tent. "You need to get up."
Despite the order, Shino does his best to stay quiet as he shuffles around our makeshift room. My eyes trail after him, watching him pull stuff out for our day.
My attention is sparked when his shirt is tugged off, jump-starting my movements. I crawl forward, resting against Shino's bareback as I wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Hey Shi?" I hum, trialing kisses across his shoulders, making a beeline for his neck.
"No," he husks out, not bothering to entertain me. "I already told you - "
"Ya, ya, ya. You have a busy day today," I mutter, quickly tugging my shirt off before falling back into place. My lips settle on the dip of his neck where it starts to melt into his shoulder. I drop my hands down too, softly running my nails over his ribs as he enjoys. I suck on his neck, planning to leave a deep bruise on his delicate skin. "But if you blame me for being late you know your dad will blow it off."
"You are a parasite," Shino breathes out, his hands stalling because of my touches. "I have things to do. I do not have time for this type of attention. Please keep your hormones in check."
I hum against him, sucking on his skin harder to push my plan forward faster before he has the chance to un-attach me. "Jewel beetle," he groans, hand moving backward to gently press on my forehead.
Reluctantly, I pull away, my mouth still wrapped around his skin as long as possible. "You're no fun," I murmur, letting my tongue slide over the bruise. The hickey is a large dark circle with pecks of red that promise to melt into a pretty purple color. "Let me enjoy my time with you."
"Eating me like the parasite you tend to act like is not how I'd like to spend time together," Shino complains, his hand falling to push me away from the bruises. His fingers run over it, getting me another deep sigh. "Parasite," he mumbles under his breath, hand falling to wrap around my wrist.
I'm tugged forward, settled into his lap again, but this time my back is pressed into his chest. Shino's long fingers are back in movement, digging through my bag. His free hand coats through my hair, gently working out the knots until he pulls my hairbrush out.
Soon, the brush replaces his fingers. Shino is soft and slow as he fixes my hair, being sure not to pull the strains as he works out the twists and turns of it. His fingertips follow the path of the brush, smoothing my hair down as he works the knots out.
I can feel his eyes jumping over me and the way his chest puffs fast a few times before he tries to calm his breathing down. "Get dressed and go find something to do," Shino murmurs, moving me off of him before he goes back to getting himself ready.
"I could do you," I counter, crawling after him again.
"I said to find something to do, not someone," he grumbles, but doesn't stop me from wrapping my arms around him and latching my mouth to his back. More grumbles and groans spill from the man as I decorate his spine with hickeys, enjoying getting to spend my morning stamping more bruises into him.
I nod along to the gossip clan women are talking about, my focus being on the child in my lap who has decided playing patty cake with my face is better than playing with my hands. I puff my cheeks out while the child claps their hands, a drawn-out "puff" sound leaving my mouth when he smushes my cheeks.
The child falls into a fit of laughter because of the sound, leaning backward as he giggles. "He, he, he," I mock, tightening my hold on the toddler before leaning forward to tilt him further back.
"Lady Shino Ma'am!" The child giggles out, clinging to my arm as he hangs upside down.
"I was called?" Shino's monotone voice rings out from behind me.
I sit up straight again, the child in tow as I move. "Shino!" The child yells, hands leaving my arms to stretch towards the Chief's son.
"Hello, Kayoko," Shino mumbles, shifting the plates in his hands before picking up the child from my lap. "How are you small one?" He asks, being met by the toddler smushing his cheeks like he was doing to me a few seconds before.
The young boy goes on a ramble, Shino paying full attention and nodding along to the jibber-jabber. "That sounds great," he mumbles, eyes glancing around. "Let's return you to your mother though."
"But I'm having fun playing with your friend!"
"Oh, I know. My Jewel Beetle has the best games but for now, she needs to eat and so do you," Shino explains, his voice getting quieter the further he walks away from me. My eyes trail after the two of them, my stomach brewing with baby fever at the sight.
By the time Shino returns, all I can think about is the sight of him carrying our child around the kitchen as he cooks. "Are you alright?" He asks, setting the plates he's been carrying onto the table. "You look warm. Are you warm?" He continues, pressing a hand to my forehead.
"No, I'm fine," I mutter, letting my eyes fall to the plates.
Shino has made my plate, already cut up my pancake, and coated it in maple syrup for me. "Then what is the matter?" He asks hand pressed to my cheek before falling to my neck, continuing to check for a fever.
"Nothing, I'm fine Shi-shi."
His eyebrows scrunch up, his hand going still on my neck as his sunglasses tilt down to look at me better. "Why are you so red then?"
"Just thinking of some things," I whisper, glancing around the table of people. Luckily it seems no one is paying attention, especially since I know Shino will keep pushing for an answer. He's not a man that likes to leave questions unanswered.
"And those things are what?"
"You're good with kids."
"You think so?" He asks, a rare smile on his face. "I've been thinking about becoming an academy teacher," Shino confesses, patting my head before he turns away from me.
I let out a deep exhale, watching as he leaves to collect our drinks. Shino just said he loved me for the first time last night, I don't need to jump hurdles straight to 'Hey you look good with a kid on your hip, let me make you a dad'.
Dear God, he'd look so hot as a dad though. More thoughts of Daddy-Shino fill my head, once again getting cut off by said bug shinobi cutting. "I am not sure which orange juice is non-pulp so I poured both. Whichever one you like you can have," he explains, setting both cups down.
I try both before picking the right one, leaving the other for Shino to have. "You're thinking of being a teacher?" I ask, toying with the pancake pieces on my plate as he settles into the spot next to me.
"Yes, I have been interested in taking up a career in education. I feel that this trip will help me make my final decision, the reason being - "
My mind wanders as I listen to Shino's explanation, the promise of reappearing baby fever to come if he does decide to become a teacher. "That sounds great, Shi-shi," I barge in before finally taking a bite of the pancake he prepped for me.
"Do not call me that," he mutters shortly before going back to his original conversation. "I think you should become a teacher too," he says matter-of-factly, nodding in agreement with himself. "You are good with children as well and it would be nice getting to work with you."
"I'm not a shinobi like you, remember? I wouldn't work at the Academy like you, I'd work at the civilian school."
"You could work with the younger kids," Shino explains, talking more to himself than me as he tries to plan out the situation. "When they are younger it's more book work than chakra work. You'd be perfect for the entry-level kids, especially the ones that get weeded out in the first few years. You'd be a nice comfort for them when they're moved back to civilian life."
"Whatever you say," I mumble, not believing Shino's plan will pan out. "I think I'll stick to what I'm doing now though."
"I do not like what are you doing now. It makes it difficult to make plans around my missions. I shall make you a housewife, if you'd like of course. I will not make you quit your job."
"What?" I ask, Shino's statement refusing to process in my mind.
"I think after we eat you'll join me in checking the cocoons, as long as you don't act too much like a parasite," he says, rolling over his statement like it was never uttered. Despite the nonchalant attitude Shino tries to have, I still notice the pink creeping out from under the high collar.
     Shino's soft grunts fill the silent forest as he climbs back up the tree he left me perched in. My thighs cling to the branch I'm sitting on, fearful I'll slip and plummet to my death without him next to me to keep me safe. His hood pops up over the leaves before the rest of him resurfaces. "Welcome back," I greet him, loosening my death grip on the tree.
     Despite being so high up, it's pretty being up here. What seems to be a million cocoons hang from millions of trees. Some of the butterfly homes are still green, but a lot of them have started going transparent, teases of wing colors poking through the developing clear spots.
     Shino hums in acknowledgment of my greeting, settling on the branch across from me. His legs lay on top of mine, keeping me tightly against the branch as he situates himself. His hands and attention are busy on the brown bags he's bright back with him.
     "What did you bring me?" I ask, carefully leaning forward. My hands settle on his chest, peering down alongside him as he pops the bags open.
     "Popcorn," Shino's short answer comes, the buttery treat sitting in the now open bag. "And water," he adds, resting the snack between our legs as he opens the other bag. He sets out the two water bottles he pulled from the second sack, making sure to tuck away the paper bag into a pocket before he snaps the bottles open. "It is important to stay hydrated."
     I dip my fingers into the popcorn, but Shino stops me. His fingers wrap around my wrist, moving my hand to rest on his knees before he mimics my movement. His slim fingers pick up a few curdles, the snack and sunglasses resting in front of me as he waits. I part my lips like he is expecting, the salty treat being plopped into my mouth after.
     We sit in comfortable silence, the two of us enjoying the popcorn and water as I enjoy the scenery. "Shi-shi?"
     "Don't call me that."
     "When do you think the butterflies are going to hatch?"
     "Any day now," he mutters, tucking the rest of our trash away to be thrown out when we join the clan again.
     My eyes settle on his face again, being mate with his focus still on me. "Shi-shi - "
     "Don't call me that," he sighs again, interrupting me.
     "I want a kiss," I mutter, shifting closer to him as I wrap my arms around his neck.
     Shino's hands jump up to cup my elbows, not pushing me away but not letting me move any closer. "There are many important people within the woods. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they can't see us. It's inappropriate to display affection here."
     "Can I see your eyes instead?" I ask, dipping my head forward. Our foreheads are pressed together, Shino's face covered by his hood like always, and a good amount of my face is covered by it too.
     "I've already told you, there are many - "
     He falls quiet, lips thinned by being pressed together. "We should not be sat like this. Someone could misunderstand what is going on," he mutters, pulling away from me. Shino keeps his hold on my elbows still, tugging them with him so I can keep my hold on his neck.
     I tilt my head, popping my lip out in a pout. "Shino, we're too far up for anyone to know what we're doing."
"That is not true," he whispers, gently shaking his head from left to right. His sunglasses slowly slide down his nose as Shino keeps his head dipped. His eyes shimmer because of the beams of light filtering through the tree branches. The sight makes my heart skip a beat. "You are very unaware," he mutters, his eyes scanning over me as I focus on them.
"Unaware of what?" I ask, my sights flickering from his lips to his eyes.
Shino's hand jumps from my arm to my face, turning it to a spot in the bunch of trees a few branches away. "What do you see?"
I glance at the bug boy before focusing on the spot again. "Trees? Cocoons? Leaves?"
"While that is all correct, it is not the answer I am looking for. Look harder."
I try to do what he says, focusing harder on the spot to find whatever I'm supposed to be looking for. After a few moments of silence, there's a flick of something moving in the bushel of branches. It's nothing noticeably different, possibly a bird or a squirrel moving along the branches. "There's something over there. Is it a sparrow?"
"It's a Shinobi. More specifically, one from my clan."
"Ya, okay, Shi-shi. I'll give it to you, there's something over there but it's not a person."
Shino tilts his head in his 'you're dumb' way before he cups his hands weirdly in front of his mouth. He pushes his breath through his hands, a bird-sounding chirp coming out. Within seconds the noise is repeated from the spot I was looking at, proving me wrong.
"I would not have left you alone if there was not someone around to watch over you," he mutters, climbing to his feet before carefully helping me to mine. "You are the most unintelligent parasite I have ever known of."
"Hey, young lady!" Someone yells, pulling the attention of me and some of the others who have gathered to feed lunch to the youth. "Yes, you ma'am," the chubby man in a signature lab coat calls, beelining towards me. The short guy stops in front of me, hands on his knees as he hunches over to catch his breath. "I... am built... for a lab, not... the forest," he huffs out before straightening himself.
"You and me both, man," I answer with a smile on my face, also causing the scientist to smile.
"The Chief's kid... you're his... his ah, lady friend," Mr science guy asks, still a bit short of breath. "The kid and the Chief want to see you."
"If Shino wants to see me he's more than capable of coming to find me himself," I answer, Shino's voice ringing in my head. I know Shino most likely did send the scientist to fetch me, but I also get a safety lecture once a month about not following a stranger just because they claim he or Shibi asked for me. The life a partner of a shinobi lives I guess.
"You're kidding, right?" The man asks, his smile falling from his face. "I hightailed it through the forest for you to say no to the chief's son?"
"Don't take it personally. I'd just rather get a lecture about wasting time than being unsafe. Besides, Shibi and Shino are more than capable of planning around me. If they wish for me to be somewhere they've had it planned for weeks already."
"You're insane, do you know that? Who says no to not only his son but the Chief himself?"
"The person that listens to their safety lecture on repeat," I answer, causing the women eavesdropping to giggle.
The scientist throws a fit, demanding I come back with him before he gives in and turns to leave. Chuckles still filter through the bystanders, including the elderly woman I've been helping pass out napkins with. "I guess I get to see Shibi's son today after all," she says, a soft smile on her face as she hands one of the other older ladies a napkin.
"I'm sure if you asked Shino would find time for whatever you need," I tell the woman, walking beside her as she waddles towards a different group of people.
The wiser woman laughs again, her attention turning towards me for a moment. "Sweet child, I lost my husband years ago and I have no intentions of ordering off the Man Menu again. That does not mean I don't enjoy looking at it though."
"Obasan!" I gasp, a smile cracking across my face at the lady's honesty. "Don't tell me you're using Shino for eye candy," I tease, again causing the lady to giggle.
"What is funny?" Shino's voice flows over me, startling me a bit, the elderly woman laughing even more at my response.
"Nothing, Shi-shi," I mutter, trying not to catch the contagious laughter as I turn to face the man of my previous discussion. "I just pissed off your scientist is all."
     "Yes, I know. The one time I disobeyed safety protocols happened to be the single time you listened," he grumbles, turning to walk away. Shino's hand waves around, silently asking me to follow.
     I move quickly to fall along Shino's side, our hands occasionally bumping as we walk. "Why'd you send him to collect me anyway?" I ask, taking in the familiar trail I've traveled a hundred times over the past few days.
     "The first butterfly has eclosed."
     Shino sighs at my question, his pace slowly for a second. "Left its cocoon. The first butterfly has left its cocoon."
     "Really?!" I ask, jumping forward to cling to his arm.
     "Release me, parasite," he groans, shaking his arm as he tries to wiggle his fingers under mine. "And yes, really. I figured you'd like to see it before we start our testing."
     "You're the best," I mumble, burying my face into his arm as he continues to fight it loose.
     "Statistically I am not," he mutters, giving up the fight and letting me win. "Though, statistically you are the most leach-like parasite I have come crossed." Shino's words are harsh but I know he meant them as another flat falling joke, courtesy of the soft smile on his face and the head nod he gives himself.
     "Well, you're the one that likes parasites so who's really the sucker in this situation?"
     "Me," he mutters, head whipping around to scan the new area falling into view. My predictable bug boy, back at his safety precautions again.
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~Naruto MasterList~
Asuma Sarutobi:
Chogi Amimichu:
Hinata Hyuga:
Ino Yaminaka:
Kabuto Yakushi:
Kakashi Hatake:
Kiba Inuzuka:
Might Guy:
Naruto Uzumaki: First Time (NSFW)
Neji Hyuga:
Rock Lee:
Sakura Haruno:
Sasuke Uchiha:
Shikamaru Nara:
Shino Aburame:
Asuma Sarutobi:
Chogi Amimichu:
Hinata Hyuga:
Ino Yaminaka:
Kabuto Yakushi:
Kakashi Hatake:
Kiba Inuzuka:
Might Guy:
Naruto Uzumaki:
Neji Hyuga:
Rock Lee:
Sakura Haruno:
Sasuke Uchiha:
Shikamaru Nara:
Shino Aburame:
The Stars In Her Eyes: Ch 1
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it-s-blue-ink · 3 years ago
Sterling Servant - an Aburame Shino-centered oneshot
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: Teen and up
Characters: Aburame Shino, Naruto OC characters
Additional tags: Mind control, servant, missions gone wrong, ambiguous/open ending
Young genin Aburame Shino is a skilled ninja; his reputation preceeded him and he was specifically chosen to act as a civilian Lord's bodyguard during a birthday celebration extravaganza. Lord Gin has no rivals and expects no-one to make a move against him, so why did he pay so much for Shino's presence?
Ah, he has been hired on as an accessory to show off the Lord's wealth and power, Shino reasons. He doesn't expect to need to fight this night, but he'd never drop his guard while on a mission.
Who knows where and when hidden enemies could strike?
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wing-ed-thing · 4 years ago
Click (Part II: Shino)
Synopsis: You invited everyone out to dinner. You also audibly clicked. People had opinions about this. 
Word Count: 1,300
Warnings: Mild Bullying, Fem!Reader
Part I: Shikamaru, Part II: Shino, Part III: Neji, Part IV: Rock Lee , Part V: Naruto, Part VI: Kiba, FINALE, The Message in Click
Notes: There is a part I with Shikamaru. While this can be a stand-alone oneshot, it would make more sense to read the part I first.
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You clicked. Hardly audibly, but just loud enough for Shino’s bugs to hear. When you clicked to yourself, Shino felt a confused shuffle inside of his body of beetles clicking back. Though, it wasn’t as if you heard their response. Shino didn’t think you noticed him in general so it surprised him to hear from his insect friends that you were on your way over to speak to him.
Shino decided to take a break from his training. Sitting on a fallen log, he reached for his water bottle just as you appeared out from the woods. You ran over to him, waving from across the training ground.
“Long day, huh?” Shino gave an unenthused grunt as a response. You stood in front of his seated figure, joyfully rocking on your heels. You let out a click and the beetles scurried restlessly across Shino’s face.
“Is there something you needed?” The question came out with Shino’s usual bluntness. He tapped his foot, fully expecting a disgusted remark about his kikaichū. Instead you giggled. Shino frowned, a more confused look creeping across his features. He wasn’t used to making people laugh.
“Well, I know it’s short notice, but I’m inviting everyone out for dinner tonight. My treat!” You chirped. “I was hoping you’d join me.”
Shino pursed his at the offer, not completely sure about how he felt about you. The bugs in his chest swarmed. A fluttering came from around his heart. You rocked patiently in front of him, fingers fiddling with your qipao.
“And want me there?” Shino asked, sceptical that someone remembered to invite him out.
“Yeah, of course!” You beamed with another laugh. “You’re always the life of the party, Shino!” Your voice ran straight through him.
“I… am...” The sentence was as much of a statement as it was a question.
“Why, of course you are!” Shino thought he might faint. He saw your lips moving but the sound of shuffling beetles drowned your voice. A blush peaked out from underneath his circular glasses. Another horde of bugs scurried across his features. The whole colony had been whipped into a tizzy. “I’ll see you there are around seven?”
Shino felt himself nod and you clicked. Too lost in his own thoughts, Shino didn’t notice you leave. He also didn’t catch where he was supposed to meet you.
Shino had a theory. Shino had a theory that whenever Kiba got lonely, he and Akamaru would purposely sniff him out just to bother him. Perhaps being a nuisance wasn’t the intent, but it was certainly what ended up happening. Today proved to be no different. As soon as Shino reentered the main section of the village, his teammate bounded towards him, hound in tow.
“Shino, my man, we’ve been searching for you everywhere!” Shino rolled his eyes behind his dark spectacles and proceeded to walk away. Kiba quickly ran after him, tugging on Shino’s sleeve. “Really? C’mon, dude!” Shino grumbled, continuing his stroll without paying mind to his boisterous companion. Kiba pouted, but ran along. “Let’s get Hinata!” Kiba offered, trotting alongside the bug-handler. “We’re already going her direction and she loves walks like this.”
“Since when are we going on a walk?”
Kiba ran off before Shino could finish his sentence. He let out a sigh but trudged along anyway. He assured himself that Hinata's estate was close. Kiba darted around with Akamaru in the near distance. Shino shoved his hands in his pockets. His head retreated into his collar, an old habit of his.
Shino spotted the Hyūga compound in the distance. If anyone knew the quickest way to the clan’s estate, it was the members of Team Eight. Your clicking could be heard down the block. You didn’t seem to see the duo coming your way and you soon hurried the other direction with excitement.
“There goes ‘Tick’.” Kiba sniggered aloud, returning to Shino’s side as they fast approached the gates to Hinata’s estate.
Kiba didn’t answer and hurried into the courtyard where they found Hinata training with Neji. She had her fingers interlocked behind her head as she panted, taking deep breaths in and out. Neji gave her modest praise for her work. Hinata’s frosted-over eyes widened with joy as she smiled at her comrades.
“Hey, Hyūga twins!” Kiba pointed finger guns at the two nobles. Hinata let out a courteous laugh. Neji crossed his arms over his chest, unamused. “Are you coming with us to Yakiniku tonight?”
Hinata looked down.
“Yes, of course.” She spoke quietly. Neji took a quick glance between the members of Team Eight. He cocked a brow.
“Don’t you mean Shus-”
“Nope!” Kiba interjected. He locked eyes with the eldest Hyūga. “Yakiniku.”
Team Eight entered Yakiniku Q together. Tenten, Neji, and Lee had already beaten them there and picked out a lengthy table that could seat everyone. Shino sat at the far end with the quieter members of Team Guy and found himself thankful for his choice as more of the Rookie Twelve poured in.
The table became fuller. Naruto and Sakura came in together with Sai trailing behind. Two, four, ten… Shino frowned. He leaned over to Kiba who was in the middle of ordering half the menu.
“Kiba.” Kiba’s attention tore from the retreating waiter. Shino’s voice was low. “We don’t have enough space at this table.” But the Inuzuka brushed him off, instead turning his focus to an eating contest between Naruto and Lee.
Shino scanned the room. A bowl of rice was placed in front of him. Meat grilled on the table. Team Ten had yet to show, but Shino wasn’t focused on Team Ten. He focused more on you. After all, you had invited everyone out and on your dime. Shino squinted, counting the seats again. A hand went to his chin. He stood up, needing no further confirmation. Kiba watched carefully in his peripheral as Shino made his way around the table. He stood as well.
“Hey, where are you going?” Kiba put a hand up to Shino’s chest, stepping to the side to block his path.
“I know what you did.” Shino said lowly, graveness in his voice. Kiba looked off to the side. No one at the table seemed to pay any mind to their showdown.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Where is she?”
Rage crackled in his monotone voice. Shino’s composure didn’t betray him, but Kiba knew he had crossed a line. He didn’t have time to speak before the Aburame pushed passed him, leaving through the door that Shikamaru had just come through.
Shino stepped into the street. His beetles swarmed out of his body. Wordlessly, he commanded them to search for you.
He received word that you were at Shushu-ya a while later. Shino had scoured the village, looking for you everywhere. He even went to your apartment, but to no avail. The Aburame flash stepped as quickly as he could to Shushu-ya.
He burst open through the doors. Shino ignored the maître d'hôtel and rushed across the floor. He hoped silently that he wasn’t too late. His heart pounded in his chest and the bugs fluttered around his ribs restlessly.
That’s when he saw you. Relief washed over him first. You were there and you weren’t hurt. But then he caught sight of Shikamaru. The two of you sat together at a table for two. The feeling of relief renewed itself as you laughed. But it faltered. Why was he making you laugh so much?
Shino sighed and put his hands in his pockets. At least someone was there to cheer you up. He pivoted on his heel, calling all of his bugs back to him. He didn’t want to intrude. Shino was grateful that someone remembered you on your birthday just like you remembered him.
Thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, and followed. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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ao3feed-hashimada · 3 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/a2Sr3oV
by lushmia
a collection of naruto oneshots, smut & songfics.
most recent;
dancing with a stranger by sam smith, featuring shikamaru & temari.
Words: 17, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Naruto The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi, Yamato | Tenzou, Sai (Naruto), Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Minato, Tsunade (Naruto), Yamanaka Ino, Uzumaki Kushina, Sarutobi Asuma, Aburame Shino, Nara Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Inuzuka Kiba, Akamaru (Naruto), Hyuuga Hinata, Choji Iimori, Shizune (Naruto), Gaara (Naruto), Temari (Naruto), Kankurou (Naruto), Uchiha Obito, Deidara (Naruto), Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Sasori (Naruto), Hoshigaki Kisame, Uchiha Madara, Reader, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto, Sai/Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru/Temari, Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Kushina, Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito, Hyuuga Neji/Tenten, Sarutobi Asuma/Yuuhi Kurenai, Jiraiya/Tsunade (Naruto), Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou
Additional Tags: Songfic, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, oneshots, Most fics based on songs, Angst, Established Relationship, Developing Friendships, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe, Sexual Content, Smut, relationships, Sex, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Family Feels, Love, Alternate Universe - Canon, Romance, Attempt at Humor, Humor, Music, Inspired by Music
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/a2Sr3oV
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spellcasterlight · 4 years ago
Any Shino centric WIPs? 🥵🥵🥵
Hi there Romantic Raven Anon! 😊
Short answer? Always 😂
I have a couple of small [Shino x Tenten] oneshots due for NarutoRarePairJune2021 (it's actually been good to remind myself I can write plot 😂)
But from your emojis that's not what you want, is it? 😜
So I let you in on a dilemma I have, one of the Naruto Smut Monday June prompts is simply 'Modern AU' and I have two oneshots that I could easily use.
I'll put a snippet of both under the cut simply because of length! If you wanna choose for me let me know! 😘
Thanks for the ask! ✨
34+35 - [Shino x Tenten]
"Tenten; may I ask you something?" Shino inquired as soon as Ino and Sakura, the last people to leave, headed out the door, she had suspected there was some reason the Aburame held back when he usually would have left with everyone else. "Kiba merely; laughed; at me when I asked him."
That made the gym employee stand up straight and gawp disbelievingly.
"That's so rude! Kiba's such an asshole," she half laughed, throwing the half-filled trash bag on the floor, if Shino was asking her something it must be a something big, schooling her features into a happy expression she asked. "What's up?"
Shino pushed his hands into his coat’s green pockets.
"Does the number sixty-nine have some sort of; special; meaning?"
Tenten's eyes went wide, and Shino had to cross the living room to start rubbing her back when she started choking on nothing but air.
Bite Marks The Spot - [Shino x Tenten]
Several hours passed in almost silence, the only sounds being the sounds of the wood on her pencil being destroyed by her teeth when she bit down on it in thought or Shino's fingertips tapping gently on his laptop’s keys.
Her arms came down to rest on the table in both boredom and discontent, she loved the theatre but breaking down and writing about every single aspect of the characters and the setting seemed to always steal a little bit of the magic.
She spun in her seat to look down at the floor space the Aburame still occupied, typing away like the outside world didn't exist. Her hand flicked up to allow her to bite on the rubber of her pencil as she thought.
They were good friends, but they were so different; he was such an analytical thinker, she tended to do more whatever made her feel good, Shino was always so quiet and well-spoken where she could barely stand still to save her life.
Tenten also wore her heart on her sleeve, sometimes getting her into trouble, were he barely ever spoke about-she couldn't remember him ever mentioning-
"Have you ever been in love Shino?"
The clicking of the keyboard stopped as his hands paused mid-air before his head rose slowly to take her in.
"Truthfully," she heard more than saw him tap a single finger against a key for a second. "I do not; believe; so," he looked up again. "Why do you ask?"
The theatre student wasn't deterred "You ever been in lust then?"
She grinned at the Aburame's raised eyebrow and slight head shake.
"That is; not; a saying Tenten."
She didn't know why but that made her smile. "Surely anything's a saying if you say it?"
The IT student's head tilted up and an, almost surprised, expression appeared on his face making her silently giggle.
"By that logic I; suppose; you are right."
"Come on not once?" She gripped the back of her chair almost bouncing in it. "You've never looked at someone and thought 'I really want to kiss you'?"
Her arms folded on top of the chair to sigh-laugh, that first rush of attraction was always so-
"I have."
A bolt of shock washed over her at that, Tenten basically leaned over the highchair’s arm to lean in as close to him as she could.
"Really?! Who?"
Now that she was so close, she could see him actual smirk at her making her jaw drop.
"I; believe; the phrase is that is for; me; to know and for; you; to find out," smirk still in place he simply lowered his head and started typing again.
Oh, he wanted to play it like that did he?
Tenten slithered out of the high seat and knelt in front of him, when she used a single flat palm to close his laptop lid, he snapped his hands back to avoid getting his fingers trapped and snapped his head up to give her a mildly annoyed look.
It transformed into shock when she leaned into smirk in his personal space.
"How do I find out then Shino?"
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ftcoye · 6 years ago
shinokiba, "are you flirting with me?" (i also think it's wild how little people care about shinokiba like? 🤔)
[Ao3 Link.]
Shino doesn’t frequent coffee shops.
It’s not that he dislikes coffee - because he doesn’t - but despite the fact that people like to do work in them, the one just down the block from his apartment always seems to be busy. There’s never really any chance to sit down and get some grading done, even if he would rather not do it in his apartment.
Today, though, the gods are smiling at him.
It’s quiet in the small cafe, and he orders a coffee from the cute tattooed barista (is it... a gender neutral term?) who winks at him and Shino feels his cheeks grow hot and buries his face in his scarf. “Thank you,” he says quietly when he’s handed his drink, and he scurries away to a corner table with a plug where he can work on his stuff.
He gets absorbed, as he always does, in the reading of essays and the scratch of red pen on paper and he only notices the passing of time when the barista sets a to-go cup down next to him. Shino blinks twice behind his glasses and then looks up. “Sorry,” says the barista, whose name tag announces his name as ‘Kiba’. “I’m starting closing shit, and figured I could give you another coffee instead of tossing it.”
“Oh,” Shino says, surprised, because they’re closing? It’s that late already? “You need me to go. Why? Because I am in the way.”
Kiba looks shocked and quickly shakes his head. “No, dude, you’re fine. Chill as long as you like, I got plenty of shit to-do.”
Shino is the only one in the cafe, now, aside from Kiba, and he feels very much like an asshole. “If you’re certain...” he says, and Kiba winks again.
“I’m certain.”
Kiba goes back to his work and Shino tries to calm his racing heart before he finally picks up his new coffee drink. His name is written on it - unsurprising, given he had to give his name before - but there’s a carefully drawn heart underneath it, and a- a- a cell phone number!?
Shino stares with wide eyes and then looks over to where Kiba is washing coffeepots and whistling. “Are you flirting with me?” he asks, wide-eyed
Kiba jerks, flushing, and then ducks his head. “Ah... depends. Is it working?”
He considers this for a long moment, and then nods his head. “Yes,” Shino says, and he smiles.
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sparkleswritings · 4 years ago
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🌕 Kimetsu No Yaiba (6)
KnY Girls x hurt!reader
Head canons on Mitsuri Kanroji, Shinobu Kochou and Kanao Tsuyuri. Their reactions when reader gets hurt.
A Shinazugawa brothers x platonic!reader scenario. Focused mainly on Genya and Sanemi's (rocky) brotherly relationship.
In Another Life (Part I)
Never Again (Part II)
A Shinobu Kochou x reader Soulmate!AU two part oneshot.
Short s/o headcanons
Giyū Tomioka, Muichirou Tokitou and Yoriichi Tsugikuni x reader headcanons. How would they treat their short s/o?
Getting flustered headcanons
Tanjirou tries his best but he just gets so flustered whenever he talks to you.
💫 Naruto (9)
Someone Like You?
A Kakashi Hatake x reader one shot. He thinks you deserve someone better, someone like himself.
All Too New
A Itachi Uchiha x reader one shot. You wondered about what was wrong with you recently and decided to ask him if he knew what the problem was.
A Little Different
You had been admiring him from afar for a while now but you had gathered the courage to finally talk to him. A Shino Aburame x reader one shot.
Meeting His Parents Headcanons
Shikamaru Nara x reader headcanons. What would it be like to meet his parents?
Dorky s/o Headcanons
Kakashi Hatake x reader headcanons. What if his s/o was just as much of a geek as he was?
Love Me Not
Kakashi Hatake x reader. Three words was all it took for him to panic.
Itachi Uchiha Headcanons
What happens when he falls in love with someone who was forced to join the Akatsuki. His younger brother's former teammate no less?
Neji Hyuuga x reader. You return from a mission, laden with negative emotions. He was just the person to cure them.
Kakashi Hatake x reader. All you wanted was just a single kiss. But at the end of the day, you ended up with so much more.
✨Boku No Hero Academia (1)
Craving Your Company
A Dabi x reader one shot. He was away a lot and you understood that, but you just couldn't help but feel lonely.
🌹Hunter x Hunter (3)
A Kurapika x reader short scenario. He hadn't been the same since, the rain always helpes you feel better so you thought, maybe it could do the same for him.
The Main Four with a Homesick s/o
Part I
Part II
After meeting you during the hunter exams, Kurapika begins to fall for you
Thank you for checking out the masterlist!
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