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gruftiela · 4 months ago
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Professor Hiddleston is not happy with you chatting along with your bestie in his Shakespeare class and wants to see you in his office after class. 📚 Oh boy!
@loki-cees-all @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @lokisgoodgirl @glitchquake @cleo-fox @liminalpebble @latent-thoughts @loopsisloops @meowmeow-motherfucker @muddyorbsblr @unicorn-of-mischief @insanityclause @infinitystoner @oswildin @peachyjinx @perseephoneee @sserpente @shiningloki @gigglingtiggerv2 @holdmytesseract @joyful-enchantress @kikster606 @caffiend-queen @viv-annelore @vbecker10 @villainousshakespeare @buttercupcookies-blog @november-rayne @michelleleahhh
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smirkingkitten · 1 year ago
Hello people of this beautiful corner of the internet, hello SAS, hello everyone,
Over the past half-year, I've been immersed in this corner of the internet. I've always been a silent member, but I'd like to change that now. I want to interact with you.
I'm 26 years old, from Germany, and unfortunately, I didn't pay enough attention in my English classes. However, I'm willing to learn, and I appreciate your understanding and corrections of my poor English. Thanks to you, I've already improved my English significantly.
Regrettably, I haven't been giving much thought to the Marvel films until last year when I started watching every Marvel film in chronological order. After some dramatic hair flips, I fell in love with a certain god and then with the most handsome man in the world. How could I not? So, it was practically impossible not to end up on Tumblr.
Now I'm determined to consume every film and other content with Tom Hiddleston in it, but sometimes it's much easier to watch every meme and GIF about a film than to actually find it years after its release.
Do you have any tips for me on where I can watch, for example, 'Only Lovers Left Alive,' 'The Deep Blue Sea,' or 'Midnight in Paris'? And is it possible to watch 'Betrayal' or 'Coriolanus'?
I love fics that feature Tom, Loki, or any of his characters in: get together/love confession, dom/sub dynamics, slow burn, smut, or both in one, enemies-to-lovers, he is a vampire and fics with a happy ending. Most of all, I'm a sucker for Professor Hiddleston. I absolutely adore the age difference and the forbidden aspect. I mean Tom with his long, curly hair, glasses, and a suit; I just can't help myself.
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Thanks to many incredible writers among you, I've learned about my sexuality and what I want. I'm not a 'lifeless body in bed', I'm simply a sub, a little bit kinky sub.
Some of them, as well as a few others I appreciate: @fanficshiddles @lokisgoodgirl @gigglingtiggerv2 @shiningloki @lov3nerdstuff @mischief2sarawr @holdmytesseract @wheredafandomat @lokischambermaid @tinchentitri @mochie85 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @simplyholl
Thank you, girls.
Although I've been here for a while now, I haven't fully figured out Tumblr yet. For example, how do I insert images? Do I need to download them beforehand? Or how can I add a link instead of a plain URL in my description? Also, how do you handle it, when you want to save a fic or later?
Now, let's chat and, most importantly, let's obsess together.
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Last Updated: 2024-02-02
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Prince Hal/Henry V stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✠ Claimed by yespolkadotkitty • 18+ • 〔E᜶M〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: When an unknown man claims ownership of your home, you determine the best course of action is to gain his favour by using your feminine wiles.
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✠ Arise Fair Sun by smolvenger • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "One night, Henry appears under your balcony to confess his feelings to you."
✠ Army of King Henry V, the by frostbitten-written • 18+ • 〔E᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "King Henry V will be departing for battle on the morrow. He and his queen share one last night of passion, with hopes of conceiving"
✠ Her Prince│Prt. II by omgrachwrites • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "The man that comes to visit you at your woodland cottage —the man that you're falling in love with —is a mystery. When you discover what he's hiding from you, it turns your... world upside down."
✠ Nursing the Prince by smolvenger • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "You tend to Prince Hal's wounds after the Battle of Shrewsbury."
✠ Prince and the Servant, the│Prt. II by angelkurenai • 〔F〕 •
✠ Queen's Abduction, the by smolvenger • 16+ • 〔A᜶C〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: "Shortly after your secret marriage to the king of England, Henry V, a nefarious villain abducts you to be his..."
✠ Second Floor, the by shiningloki • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Prince Hal has been visiting the ale house for as long as he could remember. He met you there —a woman employed by the tavern to pleasure its customers. After taking you for the night, Hal [demands you] be reserved for his personal use only... Six months later, Hal [returns after leaving for war three weeks early] later to indulge in [you], but this time, he has come with a shocking revelation."
✠ Shy by high-functioning-lokipath • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "[Like] many nights, Hal finds himself in the Eastcheap taverns… [However,] this night, he notices something different — or rather, someone. Blending into the background... [you keep your] head down... as [you clean] up... occasionally [you glance] their way, meeting his eyes a few times but never lingering in his gaze. [So] as any cocky, self-assured Prince would do, he saunters over to [you], his head held high... with a charming smirk painted on his lips."
✠ Tavern Prince by smolvenger • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "You are shocked and unhappy to find out you are betrothed to notorious rake, Prince Hal. But one evening, he sneaks you into the Boar's Head Tavern... and your mind about him starts to change."
✠ Used Goods│Prt. II by smolvenger • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ • 🚫 •
Summary: "While betrothed to... Hal. But The Law of Contract states that you must be a virgin to marry into royalty. You are not; you didn't choose to...and to escape arrest and treason, you must seek the Prince and tell him your dark secret of being sexually abused as a child. Is the betrothal over? How will Hal react?"
✠ Wedding of the King, the by smolvenger • 16+ • 〔F᜶C〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: "Henry consents to an arranged marriage to [you, a noble woman]. He is enthusiastic about [the marriage] upon meeting [you]. [Nevertheless,] as the wedding day arrives, he learns that [you are] not."
✠ Wordless by megthemewlingquim • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ You Will Be Mine by five-miles-over • 〔E〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: Hal takes a special interest in one of the palace servants.
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✠ Beautiful by angelkurenai • 〔F〕 •
✠ Beautiful as Always by lady-rose-moon • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Fairytale by five-miles-over • 〔F〕 •
✠ Fight by angelkurenai • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✠ His Queen by smolvenger • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Prince Charming by jewels2876 • 〔F〕 •
Rain Within Doors
✠ Shamless by megthemewlingquim • 18+ • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Waking Through the Forest by high-functioning-lokipath • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Prince Hal/Henry V Master Index
See Also: @angelkurenai || @five-miles-over || @frostbitten-written || @high-functioning-lokipath || @jewels2876 || @lady-rose-moon || @megthemewlingquim || @omgrachwrites || @shiningloki || @smolvenger || @yespolkadotkitty ||
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villainousshakespeare · 1 year ago
Therapy Fit for a God
Chapter 31
Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings (for previous chapters): Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking, memory loss.
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29
Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty@just-the-hiddles@hopelessromanticspoonie@wine-and-whines@arch-venus25@caffiend-queen@devilish–doll@enchantedbyhiddles@hiddlesholic@i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman@kellatron55@ladyoftheteaandblood@latent-thoughts@yespolkadotkitty @myoxisbroken@nuggsmum@nildespirandum@pedeka@redfoxwritesstuff@sinfully-lustful-darling@vodka-and-some-sass@wrathkitty@kingtwhiddleston@wolfsmom1@poetic-fiasco@shiningloki@dangertoozmanykids101@bookworm-christina@amwolowicz@delightfulheartdream@frostbitten-written@what-a-flammable-heart@tom-hlover@nonsensicalobsessions@myraiswack@loki-yoursaviourishere@ghostypau@ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza@mareebird@colorfulfreakstudentpizza @szycha22@chokemedaddyloki@queenofallhobos@just-the-hiddles-reads @alwida10 @justjoanne242 @lovelysizzlingbluebird@lokiprompts@evieplease @bitchassbecky691@georges-left-ear@mischief2sarawr@thedistractedagglomeration
It's back!!! Well, if this isn't the definition of taking too long, I don't know what is. My sincere apologies. It was a long summer. Finally though, I have scratched out some time away with just my hubs and my keyboard, and now that he is in bed I space to write!
It was a relief to Loki that the room he paced back and forth, wearing a proverbial hole in the carpet, was familiar to him. He reminded himself of that fact regularly, in an effort to stave off the worst of the anxiety coursing through him as he waited for his Lady's arrival. No matter what the future held for him from this point forth, at least he knew himself and all that belonged to him, this room included.
Also included, he hoped, was the woman due to arrive at any moment.
It had been a boisterous reunion with when he had finally joined his family where they waited for him to emerge from his procedure. Any event involving Thor was bound to be less than serene, but the nature of his discovery made the atmosphere raucous even by the standards of the Asgardian royal family.
"Brother! I mean Cousin!" Thor had proclaimed, lifting him from his feet in an embrace that had gone near to shattering Loki's rib cage. "Norns take it all, Brother it has always been, and Brother it shall always be!"
"Thank you, Thor," he had wheezed out with the little air left in his lungs.
"I always knew that you and I shared blood. It was as obvious as it is that day turns to night and night to day."
"Yes, our similarities are breathtaking," Loki had replied dryly, doing his best to hide the misty eyed sensation sweeping over him at his brother's declaration. "I am only surprised that the people did not take us for twins."
"Loki, my dear one," Frigga had cut short his sarcasm before Thor had an opportunity to read it and be stung. "Can you ever forgive us for what we have put you through?"
"I have forgave and been forgiven for far worse in my time," Loki had shrugged, accepting a kiss from her on his cheek. "And as it turns out, I was not the only one deceived in this."
"You were not," she had agreed, a spark of anger in her eye that he was grateful was not directed at him.
"So tell me, where is my dearest not-father? I would have thought he would be first to greet me, all eagerness to explain why he was right to keep the true details of my birth from all of us."
"Mother sent him away," Thor's voice had held a note of awe that Loki was completely in agreement with. To his knowledge no one had ever imposed their will upon the great All Father of the Nine Realms.
"Did you?" was all he said aloud as his mind reeled.
"We all needed time to process the truth," Frigga had a voice of vibranium that would have cut through the strongest armor. "It will go easier if we do not have to do so while your father... while Odin spins his version of events. He will be back in time, when we have all had time to consider."
"What have I told you, Thor," Loki had smirked at his brother. "In a battle to the death, I would choose our Mother every time. If, that is, I may still call you mother?"
The hesitation he had felt rocked him tot he very core. Always, Frigga had been the guiding light in his life. Her love may have been flawed, conditional to Odin's laws, but he had always believed in it. Even when he had learned that he was not her son by birth, there had been no other woman to put in her place. Now, now that he had a name and a face to put to the woman who had birthed him, could he still consider Frigga his Mother? Would she want him to?
"Volla may have given you birth," Frigga had said, tears standing in her eyes, "but in all ways that matter, you are my son, Loki. I have always loved you. Knowing that you are the blood of my blood only strengthens that love."
It seemed that there were times when the tears would not be stifled. He had embraced her again, allowing the salt water to flow from his eyes onto her shoulder as he held her to him. It was only as Thor joined them, wrapping them both in his beefy embrace, that he had heard the door to the chamber open and shut and known that Caroline had slipped silently out.
He had wanted to go after her immediately, but an unaccustomed shyness had descended on him. He owed her so much, this tiny but fierce woman of Midgard. Not only was she responsible for this latest revelation of his origin story, but it was due to her that was alive to learn it. Now that he could remember all of the support she had given him over the past weeks, he found himself feeling profoundly unworthy of so steadfast a woman. He needed something to show her that he knew just how lucky he was to have her in his life and in his corner.
"Mother," he had asked, enjoying the sensation of saying it once more without the sarcasm. "I have a favor to ask of you."
"Name it, my son. If it is in my power, it is yours."
"Now that is a dangerous statement if ever I heard it," Thor had said with a rumble of laughter, as Loki began to lay out what he wished for.
His mother, as always, had been as good as her word. Loki paused his pacing now to once more needlessly take inventory of his pocket universe, making sure the precious item was safely locked away for the right moment.
A light tap on the door brought him swinging around to stare at it for a moment. An unaccustomed wave of uncertainty threaded down his spine, causing his heart to beat an irregular tattoo. He wanted so much for the next series of minutes to go as he hoped. It had been longer than he could remember, now that he had memories to recall, since he had wanted anything so much.
"Loki, are you in there?" the clear, musical voice called. "Your mother said you wanted to see me."
He realized suddenly that he had stayed rooted to the spot and moved in a dash to cross the room and open the door. He smiled as he saw the small woman standing there, green dress bringing out the color of her eyes and the roses in her lips.
"My darling Caroline," he breathed, calming as his eyes met hers. "To call you lovely would be a drastic understatement. Won't you come in?"
"Of course," she smiled at him. "How are you feeling? You did have quite a morning."
"And you," he replied, ushering her into his space, "have had quite a month. Give or take."
"Fair," she acknowledged with a laugh. "We have both been through quite the wringer lately."
Loki watched her mouth as the corners tilted up and yearned to kiss it. Everything in him was telling him to gather her into his arms and not let her go until she was breathless from his embrace. But he had a question to put to her, and he wanted them both to be clear headed when he did.
"Loki, what is wrong?" she asked him, peering up at him through troubled eyes. "You do remember me, don't you?"
"I remember everything," he said, caress seeping into the words. "I remember your bravery, your strength of will, the way you put your career, your very life on the line to help me, a veritable stranger from an alien race. I remember how right it felt to hold you in my arms, and the passion we discovered together when at last I had you in my bed. Oh, min kajesta, I remember it all."
Her face had turned a beguiling shade of red while he spoke, and he watched as the pupils in her eyes dilated at his words. Once more pull to have her without a moment to loose overtook him. Just speaking her praise out loud had him straining against his leather trousers with desire.
"I am glad," she managed to squeak out, eyes darting down and up again.
Caroline made a move towards him and Loki sprung into action, darting around the table and lifting a bottle of wine to offer her.
"May I pour you a glass, darling? I promise it is not the normal Asgardian vintage, but a perfectly respectable Chateaux Margot from Midgard."
"That would be nice," she sounded confused. "Loki, tell me what is bothering you? I promise, I will accept it, whatever it is."
"Of course you will, sweetheart," he sighed, pouring the wine into two glasses and handing one to her. "Just as you accepted every other facet of my disreputable life."
"Well, I don't so much know if I accept the invasion and all the destruction that went with it," she qualified, "but I do understand the mitigating factors. But please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me what is wrong."
"My darling, since the moment you met me, bound in that cell, your life has been in upheaval. I have torn you away from your work, your friends, your home. Your very life has been threatened on numerous occasions. It cannot have been an easy time for you."
"Not easy, no," she agreed, face scrunching adorably as she considered his words. "But at it was never dull. In all honesty Loki, there were days when I thought I lost you that were horrible. You can ask Tony at some point, or Bruce, I was a basket case. But as long as you were with me, I always believed that things would somehow work out. It was only when you were gone that I was panicked."
"Ah yes, Stark and Banner," he said their names with a grimace. "They are just the problem."
"Why? I thought you and Tony had bonded? And yes, I understand that Bruce might not be your favorite person, given the Hulk smashing, but -"
"You misunderstand me, love," he interrupted her. "I am not disparaging the Midgardian heroes. I will not even say anything against that blind menace who despite his infirmity managed to look inappropriately at you. No, it just that they are, well, heroes. That is what you are used to consorting with, Caro."
"I have not consorted with any of them!"
"I do not mean it in that way," he smiled at her, grateful despite the misunderstanding to hear that she had not been more than a colleague with any of them. "I simply mean that you spent your time on Earth with a certain type of man. The heroic, selfless type to be specific."
"I would hardly call Tony selfless," she scoffed.
"You are deliberately deflecting what I am trying to say," he ground out, frustrated that she was interrupting him. "This is hard for me darling, please let me finish."
"Sorry," she mumbled, face not loosing its impatient look.
"With the caveat that Stark is possibly the only person alive as self interested as I am," he admitted, ceding her the point, "you are part of a team of heroes. Yes, there are times when certain members of that team do things that go against that code of ethics, as when they wanted to execute me without a proper trial, but for the most part, those that you surround yourself with are paragons of humanity, struggling to do what is right and just."
"Alright," she said slowly as he paused. "I might have some issues with parts of what you said, but I will grant you the basic premise. I work with a team of good guys. What is your point?"
"My point, my love, is that I am not a hero. I am a seriously flawed semi-reformed super villain at best."
"Loki," she said, face contorting to hide what looked suspiciously like laughter, "is that what you think?"
"It is the truth."
"Have you not been paying attention?" she asked in frustration, flopping down into one of his chairs and taking a long drink of wine. "Very good by the way. Alright, where to begin... How may times have you saved Thor's life? When you would go on your missions for Asgard before his thwarted coronation?"
"Countless, particularly if you take into account the times I kept him from saying or doing something dramatically stupid."
"And by how many of those missions was Asgard kept safe?"
"All of them, but it is not the same thing."
"Isn't it? You were fighting to protect your home. It is no different from what Tony does on Earth. And when we came up with the plan to retrieve the Mind Stone, the very thing that had caused you so much pain and torture, did you Tony, Thor, and I go alone? No, even though it was not your world that hung in the balance, you put your life on the line, not to mention your sanity, and helped us keep the jewel from falling into unsafe hands. What do you call that?"
"Righting a wrong I myself committed."
"But that's my point!" she insisted, sloshing wine onto the carpet as she gestured for effect. "Everyone commits wrongs. No hero is perfect. Not Matt, not Bruce, certainly not Tony. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes. What matters is that you when you do, you try to make them right. You are a hero, Loki, not because you are perfect, but because you try."
"You don't think I'm perfect?" he asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow that sent a flood of desire through her.
"I plead the fifth," she said, bringing a confused look to his face. "Loki, let me put it this way. You are all the hero I need."
"You are sure?"
"More sure than I have ever been about anything in my life. I love you, Loki."
"Well in that case," Loki took a big breath and reached into his pocket universe, "I would like to offer you this."
With all of his nerves ready to snap, he held out the small golden apple in his hand to her.
Caroline had been looking forward to this moment with Loki for what seemed like ages. First she had thought him gone, most likely dead if not dying. Then, just when she had found out that he was alive, his memory was wiped out, taking all of his knowledge of their relationship. She had white knuckled it through the past few days when Loki, lacking his memories, had nonetheless invited intimacies with her, ones she desperately wanted, but felt guilty indulging in with his altered state.
Now, at last, the were both healthy and whole, minds in tact. She wanting nothing in the world but to have a sizable amount of time together, alone.
She had slipped out of the room when Loki had emerged from his procedure and greeted his family. Yes, she had been separated from a fully functional Loki for days, but his separation from his family had been going on for longer. It was important, she thought, to give Loki, Frigga, and Thor a moment to reforge their frayed family bond. Watching all of the love his mother and brother surrounded him with had made Caroline happy, but she still felt as yet a bit of an outsider, not sharing the centuries of history with the three. A quiet exit seemed the most tactful action she could take.
Now at last, it was her turn. Loki had sent her a message asking that she meet him in his rooms. Suppressing a thrill she let her mind wander to why he might want to meet her there. Could it have anything to do with the large, comfy bed that dominated the room? Caroline could only hope.
Her pulse was racing as she knocked on the door. The few doors down from where she herself had been allotted quarters was long enough to amp up her excitement to a fever point.
The Loki who answered the door was not the one she had been expecting. Judging by Loki's actions in all of there previous time together, Caroline would have expected him to pounce on her. They had wasted so much time apart, be it mentally or physically, that even a few moments not in his arms seemed a crime to her. He, on the other hand appeared determined to keep the whole room between them. Why?
She tried to track his thoughts as Loki rambled on, to answer sensibly about all that they had gone through, to defend him against himself, but as he kept talking, her mind was screaming for him to throw her onto the bed that loomed just behind him and ravish her. What was taking him so long?
"You don't think I'm perfect?" Loki asked, seizing on and twisting a comment she had made in the midst of trying to convince him not to belittle himself. His look, cocky and knowing, sent a wave of lust so strong through her that Caroline pressed her thighs together to counter it.
"I plead the fifth," she said, forgetting for a moment that he would have scant knowledge of American legal terms. "Loki, let me put it this way. You are all the hero I need."
"You are sure?" he seemed intent on the point, as though their futures depended on it.
"More sure than I have ever been about anything in my life. I love you, Loki." It really was as simple as that.
"Well in that case, I would like to offer you this."
Caroline didn't know what she had been expecting. Jewelry perhaps? His empty had to pull her close to him? Certainly she had not been expecting a small, perfectly formed golden apple. She could tell from the look on his face that it was important, but she had no idea in what way. Distantly, she thought she might have seen something about an apple in that large encyclopedia she had paged through in his cabin, she couldn't remember what the significance was. She was fairly certain it was nothing to do with the Frost Giant side of his heritage.
"Thank you?" she said uncertainly, reaching for the apple.
"You don't understand, do you?" he guessed, reading her. "Of course not, how could you. Caroline, min kajesta, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I want that too, Loki," she said, beaming from the inside.
"No, you misunderstand me, my love," he smiled again, getting down on one knee in front of her chair and caressing the side of her face. "I want to spend not just the rest of your life, the short life of a mortal, with you, but the mine. The lifespan of a God."
"Loki, I am not a God, or a Goddess," she laughed nervously at the very idea.
"To me you are the very definition of Goddess," he told her, eyes brimming with love. "You are wise, gentle, strong, loving, and, to be quite candid, the most desirable creature I have ever met. All you are missing is longevity. And this apple can give it to you."
"What?" she must be hearing him wrong, she thought.
"The Golden Apples of Idun can grant a sort of immortality to any who eat them," he explained quietly. "They can, in short, turn a mortal into a God."
"How many are there?" she asked, stalling for time.
"At the moment? Three. When you have eaten one, there will be two. But fret not, more will grow. I a thousand years or so, another will take this one's place."
"Loki, I can't take that! It is too precious for me."
"The stars are not too precious for you, my dearest love," he told her seriously. "I would steal them all for you."
"Did you steal the apple?" she asked.
"I would have, if I had to, but I did not. Frigga called in a favor from Idun and procured it for me."
"Frigga did that?"
"She did. She loves me, it seems. And she thinks you are good for me. She is right, you are far too good for me, but I intend to have you nonetheless. Will you have me, min kajesta? Will you share this long life we me as we commit mischief across the galaxy? Say yes, love. Please."
"Loki," she said his name like a prayer. "Yes, my love."
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imagines-random · 1 year ago
War flashbacks
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shiningloki fan till I die 🫡
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ragnarachael · 2 years ago
Hiii, I can't remember the name of the fic but I'm sure it's by you, it's the one where Loki sends reader to find all his counterparts eg. Thomas Sharpe from crimson Peak. If this was you can you remind me of its name as its literally my favourite fic and I can't find it on your AO3 anywhere 💜💜
i am more than sure (or perhaps hopeful is the term here to use) that you've found the fic! this has been in the ask box since NOVEMBER I'M SO SORRY SDKJHDSJHKDGS
anyway! if you have yet to figure out what fic, the fic you're thinking of is actually not mine! pretty sure it's @shiningloki's fic Trials Of Pleasure! an honor and privilege you thought i could write such a masterpiece, though. i, however, am not skilled enough to write about THAT many men all at once.
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clandestineloki · 2 years ago
Babe! I was wondering if you have any favorite blogs that write for Loki?? You’ve been my favorite forever but I would love to find clandestine approved blogs or maybe people that have similar content :)
i really really love everything written by @agentofkrypton and @shiningloki and @megthemewlingquim (my dearest lovely bestie) but i love all of the loki fandom writers and i hope you never stop writing, guys!!
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gruftiela · 6 months ago
Life is giving me a really hard time right now, so my mood today was the worst. Then this picture appeared on my Facebook:
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I'm still pissed over stuff but also kind of a little bit happier.
May all your days become a little bit better with this wonderful man in your feed. 🥰
@muddyorbsblr @vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @loki-cees-all @glitchquake @cleo-fox @clandestineloki @insanityclause @wheredafandomat @infinitystoner @oswildin @peachyjinx @perseephoneee @peacefulpianist @acidcasualties @sserpente @shiningloki @fanficshiddles @holdmytesseract @joyful-enchantress @latent-thoughts @villainousshakespeare @viv-annelore @gigglingtiggerv2
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thefictionconnoisseur · 2 years ago
Get On Your Knees and Pray To Me
Author: shiningloki
Platform: Ao3
Pairing(s): Loki x Reader
Status: Complete
Word Count: 338k
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: N/a
When the Goddess of Sex dies, Odin is desperately searching for someone to fit her role. The lust and passion are disappearing from the realms and he needs a suitable replacement. Apparently, Loki is extremely interested.
After becoming the God of Sex, Loki hears you praying to him about how you want to lose your virginity. He's curious about you and decides he'd like to your answer your prayers in a bit more personal manner.
Loki comes to you, ravishes you, and when neither of you can resist the temptations of one another, you quickly enter into an intimate deal full of pleasure, lust, and your complete submission.
Proceed to check out
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nildespirandum · 3 months ago
Hey all, reblogging this again because I was out of town the first time and couldn't access my taglist.
*Nil climbs up into the attic, stumbles over Halloween decorations, skeletons, boxes of comic books, piles of writing notes mostly crossed out, old boyfriends, crates of hats, strongboxes hanging with chains, bags of out of favor cat toys, a scale model of Vincent Price made out of Legos, a rack of coats, her husband's old armor, kitchen gadgets that should never have been bought to begin with, etc. Finally, in the farthest, darkest corner, covered in dust and shame, is a small, ironbound chest. Taking a key from where it hangs next to her heart, she unlocks the chest and pulls out a slender volume, wherein are lovingly inscribed the names of the people who wanted to read her stories and who she hopes still do*
As @caffiend-queen said "Here's how I know. We co-wrote the last book in the MacTavish Stolen Brides Series, called Captivated. I love this book because of the experience of writing it with @nildespirandum and we're celebrating by giving away six copies. This is only open to US readers, we're sorry! Just leave a comment and you're entered."
I can never thank her or any you enough!
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@myoxisbroken @dianamolloy @dangertoozmanykids101 @toozmanykids @someillplanetreigns @piggledy-higgledy @catsladen @lokislastlove @yespolkadotkitty @is-it-madness @ransoms-sweater-holes @mischiefmaker76 @evieplease @clove-pinks @nerdygirl8203 @perksofeatingbacon @ladyacrasia @hopelessromanticspoonie @death-unbecomes-you @myelfroot @sylviefromneptune @wrathkitty @winterisakiller @latent-thoughts @redfoxwritesstuff @emeraldrosequartz @servent-alearika @frostbitten-written @wine-and-whines @joyfullymassivewhispers @shiningloki @lokiperfection @incurablyromanticsblog @alexakeyloveloki @rauko-art @reileth @lokiestorch @mdemontespan1667 @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @talklokitome @sweetsigyn @nonsensicalobsessions @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @merak-dubhe
Such Happy News! @nildespirandum's writer's block has disappeared!
Here's how I know. We co-wrote the last book in the MacTavish Stolen Brides Series, called Captivated. I love this book because of the experience of writing it with @nildespirandum and we're celebrating by giving away six copies. This is only open to US readers, we're sorry! Just leave a comment and you're entered.
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You can find the book here: https://mybook.to/C2XeYnK
Here's a blurb:
It may be 2024, but when a MacTavish man wants a bride, he steals her.
I’m a billionaire. I’m not letting some endangered bird stop me from building my massive computer server plant. When these ridiculous environmental protestors interfere with my building site, I humiliate them before throwing them out. But when Fee, the feisty head of the group, uses her charms (and my intoxicated state) to kidnap me, I’m entertained enough to allow her to hold me on her Irish grandfather’s farm. When we’re attacked by an enemy intent on ending me, she realizes for the first time that I’m not just a businessman. I’m the head of one of the most powerful Mafias in Europe.
Now, I have to kidnap and marry her, kicking and screaming, to keep her safe, because she is utterly captivating.
There’s a goat living in my mansion and a woman who despises everything I stand for… unless we’re in bed. I have to take out my vicious enemy, deal with my irritating insta-family, and make my new wife fall in love with me.
Nothing to it. Captivated is book five in the MacTavish Stolen Brides Series, but it can easily be read as a standalone, with no cheating and an HEA.
Just tagging those who liked my stories in the past...
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villainousshakespeare · 2 years ago
I’m Alive!
Hello everyone. I know I vanished from Tumblr and basically abandoned Therapy Fit for a God, and I wanted to apologize for that. My dad suffered a heart attack (he is okay now) and for over a month my life revolved around that while he was in the icu. 
The fall out from this led to me getting back into therapy, putting up a new play I wrote & directed, and quitting my job effective the end of this month to take a two month creative sabbatical in Europe. 
All that said, the important thing is that I should now have time to write again, and Therapy Fit for a God is right at the top of my list. So, basically I am asking you all to hang with me, as I should be finishing and posting the last few chapters soon.
In the mean time, have some Loki! 
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@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease @unlucky-number-13 @bitchassbecky691 @georges-left-ear @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration​
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dangertoozmanykids101 · 2 years ago
@staff @support HELP!!!
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It's been hours! This isn't some little glitch because my WiFi is touchy. Nope. I got this same message late last night too.
My side account @toozmanykids shows everything fine. So why is my activity hidden for my main account @dangertoozmanykids101 ??
Can anyone see my posts here on @dangertoozmanykids101 ??
@staff @support HELP PLEASE!!
Is there another way to contact Tumblr Staff? I'm quite concerned at the moment. :-(
Have any of you experienced this?? Can you see me? Can you see that I've tagged you? Can you see this post if I have NOT tagged you?
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@caffiend-queen @nildespirandum @wiypt-writes @spectre-posts @acidcasualties @ladyoftheteaandblood @muddyorbs @just-the-hiddles @talklokitome @latent-thoughts @wolfsmom1 @lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @gigglingtiggerv2 @shiningloki @alexakeyloveloki @lokischambermaid
I just want to come play with my friends. :-(
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anukulee · 2 years ago
My Recommendations Masterlist
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(Pt 2) (Pt 3) (Pt 4)
                           My Author Recomendations
Peaceful_Pianist (Masterlist)
BirdsOfHermes (A03 Author): Her works are spicy but have plot in them always. She is amazing at making long form stories yet an amazing charecter wove through them.
Joyful Enchantress
Mochie85: She has perfected the one-shot stories idea. Each of her one-shots are well written and tells a story. The connecting one shots are connected in that they have a plot, but you don't have to read the others sometimes.
Lady Fluff
Loki Prompts (Tumblr): I would reccomend her one shots in particular, her Oh Funny Honey, and Rules to Midgard Dating make me cry in all of her best ways. Trust me she is worth the read!!
Quirky Turtle: Her By Hook or By Crook series is so spicy, but the first one in particular is amazing and makes me cry. Not to mention her fanfic of Reformed Villian Squad and it’s second part, Reinstallation and Clarifications makes me feel stuff.
Lokisprettygirl: Her fanfictions range from fluffy, to crying angst. Each other them so different from the other, yet always amazing. The grammer is on point!! Not to mention the story never feels rushed, something I can’t say towards some authors. Now if you are one of my non-spicy readers the one that are spicy and adult in content have a 18+ rating next to them. So watch out of them.
Just The Hiddles
Writing Of Our Own
Stay With Me: It is so short but has a plot through out, I would also recommend the author. Her short that is friends with benefits one shot were amazing. I am not sure about the darker ones because I stay away from them. Oh No: A simply text gets sent problem is that text was never supposed to be seen. Get Over Him Not Under Him: What was supposed to be friend with benfits seems to get derailed when the reader has a date with a certain avenger. Cryable Mr. Hiddleston fan fiction (Wattpad List): Covers all of his charecters and are pretty good! Beauty and The Blood (Audio): y/n wishes to find someone who doesn’t attend to use her. After many failed dates, she is guided to an app that might meet her situation. On this app she meets this seemingly perfect guy by the name of Loki, the question is he perfect or is he hiding something darker?
Torn: A new work that I just discovered and has pinning Loki, and pinning reader, honestly it just gives me the best of the angst feels!
Friendzoned: Soon after the reader and Loki met, he friendzoned her, problem is the reader has feelings for him. Only complicating things more, the question is through did Loki truly friendzone because he doesn’t have feelings for her or is there more to it?
Please Don’t Be Afraid : After a mission gone wrong the reader loses her memories. Now being placed in the mindset of her 2012 self meaning she still thinks Loki is a monster. Problem is Loki remembers everything, as we wonder whether he will be able to win the reader over once more or if she will forever hate him.
Now and Forever: What happens when reader gets a little insecure after giving birth to her and Loki’s twins? Will she allow insecure to consume her, will Loki go with her offer, or will Loki truly show how much he loves her?
Heal Me: After reader is hurt, Loki tasks himself with her care as he thinks it was his fault. Yet along the line she finds herself falling for him, question is are they returned or not?
I'm Feeling Sick (So Won't You Take Care Of Me?): What happens when Loki gets sick with the common cold and the reader is forced to take care of him? Will unsurfaced feelings come up or is just one sided? Or perhaps is there more things to this then it appears?
I Do Love You: Reader finds Loki cheating on her, the question is that all to the story?
Crumpled Words: Loki has a habit of writing notes, about his desired love, before stuffing them under his mattress. The question is whether these words can remain hidden forever?
All I Wanted: All Loki wanted was to be accepted, but what happens when he gets that? Most of all how does the reader feel about it?
Pairing: What happens when the reader sees someone getting close to Loki? Is he cheating on them, or is there perhaps more to this situation then it appears?
Sweet Tooth: Reader has never been what society sees as normal, due to her weight. Something she has grown far used to, yet over time has learned to ignore. Problem is she has a sweet tooth, but what happens when someone chooses to make a comment about it? Will reader let it get to her or will Loki stop it before it gets bad?
You’re Afraid: Lately Loki has been avoiding the reader, almost as if he was hiding something. Question is whether the reader can find out what it is before it is too late. 
Bound To You: Reader is tired of having to hide her relationship with Loki, but Loki doesn’t seem to feel the same, is that all there is or is there more?
Little Star (Jotun Loki): Reader only has a one sided crush on Loki, with how small she is compared to other, Loki could never want her right?
The Prince and the Servant (Jotun Loki): A angst filled fairy tale about Loki and his little servant, with a lingering question of whether or not their feelings are returned.
Secret Garden: What happens when a simple flower crown results in Loki avoiding the reader is that all there is, or is there more to it?
Not a Delicate Flower (Sequel): What happens six months after Secret Garden when the reader wants more? Is Loki willing to give it to her or will she remain a delicate flower forever?
All Wet: Every time the reader and Loki try to have intimate relationships, she insists it must be done in the dark causing Loki to wonder why? As we wonder whether this will continue or if Loki will find out why, but will it be too late when he does?
Practice Makes Perfect: The reader is trying to seduce Loki yet every time she does it ends in failure? The question is it just because of a certain aspect of her or is there more to it?
More Important: What happens when Loki forgets something important, as the question of whether his his wife or his kingdom is more important?
Clueless: Loki has a habit of calling reader by endearing pet names as a game, but the question is how long will this game continue until feelings start to come out?
I Hate You Captain Marvel: What happens when it looks like Loki and Captain Marvel are getting to close for the reader’s liking. When he talks about her all the time, is he losing feelings for the reader or is there more to it?
Misunderstandings: They are just friends with benefits right?
The Hobby (Multiple Chapters): What happens when an originally friends with benefits relationship turns serious?
Christmas Delivery (pt 1) (pt2): What happens when a simple mission involving delivering an item includes the the god of mischief? The one who has recently been flirting with the reader, will she find out whether his feelings are real or are they apart of his usual mischief?
The Unthinkable Offer (Multiple Chapters) : What happens when Loki is expected to marry the last person he expected, all in order to have his freedom? Will it be a loveless marriage or will Loki fall in love along the way?
A Gift For Loki (Multiple Chapters): What happens when Loki is betrothed to Sigyn and is expect to give up his pleasure centered life style? Not to mention a deal he made with his mother to try and see if he falls for Sigyn all while having to keep certain things out of the way. Will Loki end up falling for Sigyn like Frigga expects or will their be a broken engagement with Loki continuing on with his pleasure centered ways?
Enchanting: A mostly text centered relationship comes to a climax during a certain night when Loki sees something he never wanted to see. Question is whether he will do anything about it or if he and the agent will forever remain just friends?
The Right Partner: What happens when the reader finally gets the right partner when her ex breaks up with her? Especially when that right partner is Loki?
Heaven Sent: A simple game of pickup lines turned confession? Read more to find out…
To Be Loved: What happens when Loki is already in love with his fake relationship, are his feeling returned or is it just fake?
The Misunderstanding (pt 1)/(pt 2) (pt 3) (pt4) : What happens when Jotun Loki finds out about the readers feeling? Will he return them or is it all a misunderstanding?
No Touchies: Jotun Loki and reader were supposed to be no touchies yet what happens when they become touchies?
Joy Division: They have only been seeing each other for a little bit, but what happens when Loki isn’t the only one y/n cheers for? Is it just a misunderstanding or is there more to it?!?!
Blind Disasters: How many terrible blind dates can y/n go on before Loki says something? Or will his true feelings remain hidden?
Raining Cats and Dogs: Y/n pets may talk, but that’s all they are right talking pets? Or perhaps there maybe more to this story then at first glance.
Shapeshifting: When someone comes to see y/n about changing for his lover, something feels familiar to them but why? They have never seen this man before right?
Green: Loki isn’t jealous whatsoever, so why does he feel so bad when he sees you with someone that is not him?
Under His Influence (Series): What happens when Loki finds himself hiding out with a thirty year old woman with little to no confidence, can Loki change that? Or will they merely remain strangers who live together, and what happens after that?
Pairing: They are only fake for their mission right?!
A Calm In The Storm: It was only one night between friends right, but what happens when a storm changes everything?
To Have And To Hold (Series): All they were friends with benefits turned relationship, but what happens when a unexpected pregnancy changes everything?
It’s Very Ambiguous: A ball, a fight between brothers, a love triangle, and a newly discovered soulmate mark. The question is that all there is to the story of perhaps there maybe more to it all then it seems.
Midsummer Pining: Ever since this season has started Loki has been avoiding y/n. Why is that, or perhaps it is just y/n pinning or is it?
Place In Love: Reader is afraid, she will be too clingy, but is she truly too clique?
Boyfriend: Loki hates the usage of boyfriend, but what happens when this causes miscommunications between him, and his love.
Is that?: Loki is dead isn’t he, or at least that’s what y/n thought.
Can I Have The McOrgasm Please: What happens when Loki finds out that maybe Sylvie isn’t the one for him 😏.
Spring Heat: Loki’s heat is the worst time of the year, but will that be the same this year, now that he is married?
Deliriously Happy: Loki has yet to consummate his marriage to his virgin bride and that can only mean he hates her or does he?
Rain and Fire: It’s just a simple mission that happens to take place on a stormy night, nothing romantic about that right 💘?
Sway with Me: What happens when you are feeling insecure, but are dating a god?
Insufferable: She thinks Loki is insufferable, and he thinks the same right?
The Tavern Prince (Hal): It’s merely an arrange marriage and besides Hal hates her doesn’t he?
Half Agony and Half Hope (Thomas Sharpe): What happens when Thomas reveals his past to his newly fiancé after a family visit? Will she break up with him or perhaps will she stay with him despite his past as they move forward together?
Jól Never Be Alone
Just The Way You Are
Just Another Memory (Oakley): With the end of college fastly approaching y/n is afraid she will soon become just another memory to her long term best friend and crush. Leaving one to wonder if that is all she will ever be or if their is perhaps more to it.
Should We Tell Them (Magnus)?: They are mainly friends with benefits who date, as they seek pleasure in their homes or are they? Is there more to this relationship then first meets the eye?
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Jigsaw: What happens when y/n begins to avoid Sherlock because of her growing feelings? Will Sherlock take it lying down or will he do something? Not to mention who has been gifted y/n orange tulips and does it have something to do with Sherlock?
If Only You Would Know: y/n and Sherlock have been tip-toeing around their feelings of each other, and what happens when Enola grows tired of it?
Faye-Fics (Masterlist)
Mr. Tom Felton
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Mr. Tom Felton and characters
One Shots
Insecurities: What happens when Julian gets insecure around his relationship with y/n, especially seeing how popular she is?
Feelings Revealed: How long can Julian keep his feelings hidden for y/n, especially after H.R makes a comment about it?
But He Doesn’t Like Me: At most he tolerates her, preferring the company of her best friend Caitlyn over her. This would be fine if y/n didn’t have ever growing feelings for him. Thus leading to her problem that Julian Albert doesn’t have the same feelings for her as she does for him, or does he?
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Aemond In Love (Headcanon): What would it be like if Aemond fell in love with you?
Labyrinth: She is merely his sister’s maid isn’t she?
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Cillian Murphy Audios Masterlist
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gruftiela · 11 months ago
Tom in a pair of Lederhosen 🫣, what a pity we cannot see all of him!
(I'm not a fan of this garment, but it's spacy 🥭)
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@lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @gigglingtiggerv2 @glitchquake @acidcasualties @cleo-fox @superficialdomina @bean-bean2000 @infinitystoner @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @peachyjinx @shiningloki @foxherder @holdmytesseract @wheredafandomat @jiyascepter @loopsisloops @villainousshakespeare @viv-annelore @november-rayne @muddyorbs @littlelokilad @mochie85
and whoever else needs to see this.
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villainousshakespeare · 2 years ago
Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 30
Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings: Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking, memory loss.
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29
Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease @unlucky-number-13 @bitchassbecky691 @georges-left-ear @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration​
Everything in the world seemed big. He was scared. Cold. Could not bring his mind to form words to fit to his thoughts.
Ice and rock surrounded him, looming up from the ground and down from the ceiling like monster fangs ready to devour him. The dark haired woman who had cooed to him, who had looked at him with a soft, gentle gaze, was no longer within his range of vision. He was alone. It was terrifying.
Yet as terrifying as it was to be alone, the giant who burst into the space was infinitely worse. He was huge and wild, covered in blood like some beast. One hand gripped a brutal looking axe, and a gauged hole was all that remained of one eye.
"Odin," the voice in his mind breathed. He was not alone then, not completely.
As Loki shrunk back onto the slab of stone the woman had carefully placed him on, the giant turned and pierced him with his one good eye.
"What have we here?"
His voice was little more than a growl. Loki could feel the animosity in it. Rough hands reached down to pick him up and carry him closer to a bristly beard and mustache surrounding a pair of pursed lips. There was no warmth, no kindness for him in that look. Instinctively, wanting to calm the fire of the creature's dislike, Loki tried to figure out why this man might loathe him so. He must look like a monster to the monster, he reasoned. Hoping to mollify the man, he thought of the woman who had held him before, the one other face he could remember. Bringing all the concentration he could muster, Loki willed himself to appear more like her.
He must have done something right, because the huge man looked intrigued now, rather than repulsed. Still, he kept Loki clutched in his oversized hands.
"Odin," the dark-haired woman's voice was not as it was when she had spoken so sweetly to Loki. It seemed as cold as the room around them.
The giant spun, and Loki was able to just make out once more the woman. She was slumped on the floor, fatigue stamped onto a beautiful face. Loki could feel waves of love around her and wished that it was she who held him now.
He feared for a moment that the man would drop him and let out a startled little wail. The hands instead closed tighter around him, and he found that this was almost as bad.
"Where have you been? We have been frantic in our search for you!"
"I have been here, at least of late," her voice held humor, but a touch of pain as well.
"You sister is mad with worry. You disappeared without so much as a by your leave!"
"Perhaps because I tired of living by your leave, Odin Allfather. I wanted to live for myself, to find out what the worlds had to offer."
"Had to offer? I had secured you an offer of mariage that would have made you a Queen of Alfheim!"
"Yes, but I never really cared for Elves. Too much musty, esoteric poetry. And Freyr is such a bore. We would never have suited."
"You could have said as much," his voice was angry, and Loki began fussing in his grasp.
"I would have helped you, Volla. I would have given you the life you desired. I only wanted to protect you," the voice in Loki's mind sounded sad.
"You expect the Goddess of Secrets to share her inner thoughts?" Volla asked, again with a mischievous curl of her lips. "No, you know you would not have approved of what I wanted for myself."
"And what was that?"
"Adventure! To live a full and tumultuous life."
"And I suppose this creature here is the result of that? He is yours I take it?"
"He is," Loki heard pride in her voice, and a warmth spread through him despite the cold. "My little Loki."
"My little Loki! How could I not have known?"
"And where is the father then, who left you here to suffer the trial of delivery alone? Does he have so little respect for a Goddess?"
"He could not be with me," she said with a frown. "Some bellicose berserker of a King came rampaging in with an army, forcing him to go to war."
"Then I was right. It is the child of one of those cursed brutes."
"It is the child of ME!" she corrected, struggling to rise up as much as she could. "The son of a Goddess and of a King!"
"No!" Odin gasped, holding Loki further from his chest, bringing back the fear of plummeting to the stone floor. "Even you, wild and capricious as you are, would not be so brazen!"
"You hold in your hands the first-born son of Laufey, King of Jotunheim," her words echoed about them.
"Laufey's heir!"
"Perhaps," her voice lost some of its assurance.
"What do you mean? If this is his son..."
"Not if Odin. It is his son. But while Laufey would love the babe, there would be some trouble with his subjects. As you well know, I am not his wife. And Hyrrokkin is a jealous bride. She would attempt to set him aside so that her brood, if she can ever tempt Laufey to her bed long enough to sire one, would rule."
"And yet you lowered yourself to birth his bastard," Odin's voice dripped with disappointment.
"I wanted a child. A strong, clever child. Laufey gave one to me. It is an unexpected misfortune that I will not be around to guide him to his birthright."
"What do you mean?"
"Use your eyes, Odin. Or eye, I should say. I am dying. My time came early, and as you so kindly pointed out, there was no one to assist in the birthing. I fear my little Loki will have to make do without me."
"Volla, no!"
"Oh, my darling girl." Loki wished he could comfort the lady who's voice he heard, so bereft did she sound.
Odin knelt down beside her in a movement so sudden that Loki cried out in fear. He could smell her now, though. Even though her scent was mixed with sweat and an odd metallic tang it still comforted him to be near her.
"I fear it is so," she said simply, reaching out to tenderly brush Loki's face.
"I will not lose you. Frigga loves you too well, and you have been all but a child to us both. A willful, stubborn child, but no less dear for all for all of that."
"Even you cannot stop death, Odin. But while I may not be able to return with you, I leave you a happy replacement."
"You cannot mean for me to take the child?"
Loki realized on some level that they were talking of him now, and anxious noises began to bubble up from inside him.
"I cannot raise him, and in my absence Hyrrokkin will seek to do him harm. Bring him to Frigga. Let him help heal the hurt my death will cause her."
"Nothing will do that. This will destroy her. The babe that killed you will be no substitute."
"My sister is stronger than you think. And Loki did not kill me! That was but chance and my own will to do as I please. Promise me, Odin Bor's Son. Swear to me now an oath over my death's blood that you will take my child to raise as a Prince of the Nine Realms."
"She knows me better than you do, old man."
There was a long moment where only Loki's own soft cries broke the silence. At last, the giant holding him bowed his head in acquiescence.
"I so swear. Loki son of Volla shall have a place in my hall and at my table, to be cared for as befits his birth and station as child of a Goddess."
"Thank you."
It was as though all the energy she had put forth to extract the promise from him had been the only thing holding her upright. With her words, she sank back against the wall, limp and spent. Odin took her slim pale had in his and brought it to his face in an oddly gentle gesture. Loki was surprised to see a fat tear fall from his intact eye.
"Ancestors," Odin intoned, words sound ripped from somewhere deep inside him, "Volla, Goddess of Secrets comes to you now. Know how much she was loved in life and grant her a seat in your halls among the glorious dead."
Another tear fell down, splashing onto Loki's face and causing his own eyes to close and for him to begin to cry as well. The tears mixed together, and in the swirl of saltwater his mind began to blur again.
He wanted to stay. He desperately wanted to stay with this dark-haired woman who named him and loved him. But the other woman, the one who had kept watch over him and helped to steer his course through all of these swirling memories was weeping. He could do nothing for the one but perhaps, if he could find her again, he could be of aid to the other.
"Come back to me, my Loki, my nephew and my son. Come back to yourself. Be whole and be happy."
"Odin, Son of Bor! We need to have a conversation. Now."
Caroline winced involuntarily as the door to the room slammed behind Frigga. In her brief time on Asgard, Loki's adopted mother had been kind, understanding, regal, everything one would expect and hope for her to be. While Caroline had been a bit intimidated by her, it had never occurred to her to outright fear Frigga.
That ended now as she stormed up to her husband, eyes blazing with anger. While not as bulky as her husband, Frigga stood nearly as tall as him, and the way her hand fingered the dagger on her hip spoke of more than a passing familiarity with a blade. Against her natural inclination Caroline could almost feel a reluctant sympathy for Odin.
"Frigga, you look upset," Odin stated the obvious. Is something bothering you? Perhaps we should go someplace private to discuss it."
Frigga's eyes narrowed to slits as she glared at her husband.
"We will speak right here and now," she proclaimed, voice commanding the room. "Is there anything you wish to tell me, my husband? Think long and hard."
"Asgard could not wish for a better Queen than you." Odin tried.
So fast that for a moment she thought she had imagined it, Caroline saw Frigga's hand shoot out and strike Odin squarely across his face hard enough that his whiskered head snapped to one side.
"Try again," his Queen instructed.
"Mother, what has come over you?" Thor's voice rang with concern.
"I wondered," Frigga's eyes did not move from her husband's face, "why it was that you were so opposed to Loki regaining his memories. After all, the secret had been let out. Our son might not remember his true origins, but enough others did that it hardly mattered beyond a personal level. The tale of Odin Allfather adopting the son of his mortal enemies and raising him for reasons benevolent or nefarious depending on the teller's inclinations was loose in the world."
"I wanted to spare you and our son grief," Odin tried to explain.
"Silence!" Much to Caroline's surprise Odin's jaw snapped shut. "As I was saying, there was no reason to keep secret the truth of Loki's Jotun blood. What then, would it be that you feared from the procedure?"
"Could I not simply worry about my younger son?"
"You could," Frigga snarled. "But you didn't. You feared something else. Tell me, Odin Allfather, Son of Bor. The story of how you found our son, a newborn babe, left all alone to freeze to death on an altar to some unknown God. That wasn't quite the way it happened, was it?"
"Frigga - "
"Mother, what are you saying?" Thor was blinking with confusion.
"You said it was a temple, didn't you?" Frigga asked in a tone of clamped down anger.
"I did, and it was."
"What sort of temple?" Frigga demanded.
"I don't see why -"
"A Valor temple," Odin muttered.
"A Valor temple. On Jotunheim. That didn't strike you as strange?"
"Of course it did," Odin sounded like a truculant child. "That is why I was investigating in the first place."
"I see. And this temple, was it to any particular Valar God?"
"If you have something to say, just say it, Frigga," Odin snapped, changing tactics as his face turned red, obscuring the mark of his wife's handprint.
"Volla." Frigga hissed. "It was a temple to Volla."
"It may have been."
"May have been," Frigga mimicked harshly. "You think that in any universe I would not recognize a temple to my own sister?"
Caroline was uncertain what was happening under the words spoken by the Asgardian royal couple, but the air vibrated with tension and hostility. A quick glance to Thor was enough to show her that he was almost as lost as she was.
"My love -"
"You saw her!" Frigga wailed. "You spoke with her. My sister, the child I had all but raised after our parents left us for the ancestors' halls. I was nigh mad with grief and worry, scouring the universe for her. You found her and you hid that knowledge from me. You let me go on searching for her for decades, when you had witnessed her passing yourself."
"Father is this true?"
"Stay out of this, Thor," Odin shouted at his first born.
"Do not take out your guilt on our son!" Frigga stepped between Odin and Thor. "Answer me, husband. You saw my sister in her last moments."
"I did," Odin admitted reluctantly after a pregnant pause.
Once more, the sound of Frigga's slap echoed through the room.
"She had disgraced herself!" Odin said, clearly in pain but ignoring it. "We had thought she might have been abducted or have been on some secret quest on behalf of her devotees. Any of a dozen explanations had been bandied about as a reason for her disappearance, and any of them would have been more admirable than the truth that. I wanted to spare you the knowledge that your sister had left us of her own free will to become whore to the enemy."
He was clearly expecting the third slap, as he grabbed her wrist mid-swing. He was not, however, expecting the quick knee up that followed it. Odin staggered backwards, releasing Frigga as he doubled over in pain.
"My sister was a Princess of Valor and the Goddess of Secrets," Frigga's voice was ice cold. "She was no whore. She was a free spirit who chose to give herself to a King as his Consort. There is no shame in this. She gave birth to a son, the firstborn son of a King and a Goddess, a God in his own right. Her only mistake was in trusting you to care for him."
"I did care for him!" Odin's voice was rough with pain. "I brought him to you!"
"Yes, you brought him to me. You gave me the great joy of a second child to love and take pride in. You watched as we formed a bond of great depth, forged in no small part by our shared attributes. And did it never once occur to you to tell me he was my nephew? I had a living connection to my sister in the form of her only child and you kept that knowledge from me! How could you?"
"The people would not have understood her liaison to the leader of our enemies. That would have tainted their love of you. I wanted to protect your name!"
"You wanted to protect yourself! I don't give a damn about my name, and you know that. Let the people come to me if they have concerns. I have never once done anything to give them reason to doubt my devotion to the realm."
"The people love mother," Thor said quietly, daring his father's anger once more. "Of all of us, she is most beloved, and with reason."
"Thank you, Thor," Frigga's tone softened as she looked at her son.
"What does all this mean, mother?" Thor asked, struggling to make sense of it all.
Caroline couldn't blame him. The accusations had flown fast and viciously. She herself felt like an uncouth interloper in the middle of a family drama. Still, she felt the need to bear witness for Loki's sake, that she could let him know the level of devotion his mother showed him and, it seemed, his mother.
"It means that Loki was not just a random foundling," Frigga explained gently. "Nor just the cast-off son of King Laufey. Loki is more than your brother of the heart, Thor. He is your cousin, by my blood through his mother. My baby sister Volla, Goddess of Secrets. Who I loved more dear than any until I gave birth to you."
"More than your husband?"
Caroline would give Odin this, he was no coward. The question hung in the air as his queen squared her shoulders and turned to regard him with contempt. Slowly, she took a deep breath through her nose and let it out through her mouth, finding a calm Caroline could only envy.
"Despite my best instincts I do have love for you," the Allmother said at last. "If you wish for that to continue, I suggest finding something to do off realm for the foreseeable future. Perhaps absence will dull the killing anger that assails me when I look at you."
As she watched from the outside of the family triangle, Caroline held her breath, waiting to see how the all-powerful God would take being so dismissed. Thor's eyes comically flickered from his mother's steely stare to his father's glowering indecision. Caroline completely sympathized with him.
"I believe that there is some business on Nidavillere that could use my attention. I will leave in the morning."
"You will leave at once," Frigga's voice left no room for debate. "And you will take your time sorting out this business."
"I will leave at once" Odin growled in defeat. "Thor, you are Regent until my return."
"Yes, Father," Thor said in hushed voice full of amazement.
Odin spun and strode to the door. Only at the last did he stop, turning back to face his wife.
"Tell my son that I am glad that he is well. I do love Loki."
"In your way," Frigga qualified.
"I am what I am, Frigga. You knew that when we wed."
"Go, before I change my mind."
"Farewell, my love."
As Odin swept out of the room, it was as though tide of anger and tension left with him. The moment the door closed behind him it was as though the taut chord that had been keeping Frigga standing was snapped, and the tall, powerful Allmother who had brought low her husband crumpled to the floor, shaking with the tears she had kept unshed all through the confrontation.
"Take it slow, Princeling. Your mind is still settling."
The words were said in the dry, confident voice he had known all of his life.
Loki blinked his eyes into focus and saw Eir sitting across the room, legs crossed neatly and a small smile of accomplishment on her face.
"How does it feel to be whole again?" she asked.
"I will let you know," he said, rising carefully to a sitting position. "Was it real? Everything I saw and heard?"
"As real as any memory," she replied. "They lie, of course, from time to time, and are colored by our own perspectives, but for the most part what you saw is what happened."
"I am part Jotun."
It was not quite the first thing that came to his mind, but it was the first he felt comfortable saying in front of the healer. He did not think she would care to discuss how much he longed to go find Caroline and recreate their one blissful night together. If he thought his legs would hold him he would already be out the door.
"You are. Welcome to the family."
"That's right," he looked closer at the woman. "You have Jotun blood as well."
"I do," she said, as though confirming that she had blue eyes. "It was not always as uncommon as it is now."
"You told me that on purpose yesterday, didn't you?" he was still putting things together.
"It occurred to me that you might need someone to talk to who did not share our culture's prejudices. Someone who could share some of the more positive aspects of Jotunheim. I did not realize..."
Loki watched as the Eir drew a breath, clearly working out some internal conflict. It was strange. She had always seemed so unflappable. It was as if she herself was one of the frozen peaks of Jutonheim, cold, immovable, and unforgiving. Perhaps like that realm there was more to her than first glance suggested.
"Your mortal," she said at last. "Caroline. I understand now."
"Understand?" he asked, uncertain what she alluded to.
"I did not see why she should matter to you," Eir explained, if a bit reluctantly. "Mortals have such a short lifespan. They always struck me as shallow, fleeting things. What could they possibly do or say that would be of weight in the grand scope of our lives? Your Caroline though, she is something different. She saw the need in you, as clearly as any healer would, and found a way to help make it whole. She is a remarkable woman."
"She is indeed," Loki smiled, thinking of his tenacious little love building a Jotun bonfire in the woods. "I do not deserve her."
"Few of us get what we deserve. Don't let that stop you."
"Oh, I don't plan to," his grin widened, thinking that nothing would stop him from having her.
"Odin will not like it," Eir warned.
"Imagine how little I care," he replied.
Thinking of his father, Loki was suddenly transported to the memory of Odin confronting the dark haired woman in his memories.
"She was your mother," his expression must have given away his thoughts, as she easily tracked them. "The woman at the end."
"Volla," he said, feeling out the name.
"I knew her a little," Eir told him. "She was young, for a Goddess. Willful, daring. Frigga doted on her and, to my mind, overindulged her. Odin wanted to marry her to Frey, I think in an attempt to steady her. Anyone who knew them could see it would not suit."
"And so she ran away," he filled in the blanks. "And she ended up on Jotunheim."
"It would have intrigued her, I think. Volla loved secrets, finding them, keeping them. A forbidden world would have delighted her."
"I can understand that," Loki said, thinking that he might have more than one part of his legacy to explore in the not too distant future.
"I thought you might," Eir said with a laugh.
"The last part of my memories," he said, thought suddenly coming to him. "Or, should I say, the first. That was not during the period of my lost time."
"It was not."
"Yet you had me relive it anyway. Why?"
"Odin is a strong King of Asgard," Eir said carefully. "But he is not without his flaws. His manner when he returned with you always seemed off to me."
"You were there?" He asked. "You were privy to the secret?"
"I was," she nodded. "They knew, of course, of my heritage, and so they could trust me not to be horrified by a Frost Giant in our midst. I also would understand the prejudices the riled the realm in the wake of the war. I was sworn to secrecy, and then brought in to examine you, to make sure you were not ill, and that you would not suddenly return to your blue color, I am sure. Frigga was too caught up in the joy of a new babe to love, but it seemed to me that Odin was hiding something. It has bothered me all of these many centuries. I have tried to bring it up with Frigga, but..."
"She would not hear a word against her husband," Loki sighed, knowing all too well the wall that went up when Odin was maligned to his wife.
"Indeed. I'm afraid, with you mind laying open like a book before me, I could not resist flipping to the pages where the truth was written and bringing your mother with me. I am not sorry that I did so; Frigga needed to know, as did you. But I acknowledge that I broke my word to you not to dip into your other thoughts. I therefore apologize and will accept your condemnation."
"Given that your suspicions were proven more than right, I accept your apology without condemnation." Loki's face split into a wide, wicked grin. "After all, you were already witness to other memories of a far more personal nature."
Loki was delighted to see Eir's face tinge to scarlet as the memories he referred to crossed her mind.
"As I said," she mumbled, discomposed for perhaps the first time he had ever seen, "I might have underestimated your mortal. She is truly remarkable."
"That she is," he agreed whole heartedly. "In fact, now that the circulation seems to have returned to my legs..."
"And other places," Eir's eyes darted to that part of Loki that always seemed to know when Caroline was being discussed. "Go. Your champion deserves to see you well and whole."
"Thank you, Eir," he said, surprising them both by pulling her into an embrace. "I will never forget what you have done for me."
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dangertoozmanykids101 · 1 year ago
"An Inheritance of Snow Globes"
So magical looking, you almost wonder if each one might truly be a door to another dimension?
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Such a cozy little scene. It looks so peaceful, serene, and quiet, where a loving family might spend the perfect holiday together enjoying each other's company - instead of bickering, pissing contests, penis envy, and doling out guilt trips that weigh more than a 5 lb box of assorted chocolates, like what you endure every holiday. Don't shake it too hard and be careful what you wish for!
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You remember your eccentric Great Uncle Harold telling endless stories about forest fairies when you were little. He was your Granny's favorite brother. Your mom said he was fun, but you had to be careful. Sometimes when his stories grew too intense, this often was a red flag that he was slipping into a delusional episode. But he never sounded uncertain nor wavering on a single detail over the entirety of your childhood and well into your adulthood. When he passed away at 102, he had bequeathed his journals, sketchbooks, daily diaries going back into his early 40s, and several other record boxes. Three large leather and wooden traveler's chests securely held a collection of 63 snow globes. Each globe had a twelve digit number and location etched into its heavy wood base. When you looked very closely and really studied the snowy little scene, you swore you saw a flash of blue through the window of the little cabin covered in snow. Later as you sat reading one of his early journals, the globe next to you sitting on the table shouldn't have had any snow stir since no one was shaking it. But you swore you saw several little clouds of snow stir up outside the tiny cabin door. As you stared at the globe, a tiny itty bitty little woman appeared in the little door with a broom, sweeping more snow out the door of the little cabin, before she turned around and stomped back into the house.
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Are you sure it's really snowing? Or did someone just shake your snow globe?
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Would you even know?
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That night had been a perfect date, skating in the park. When he kissed you in the middle of the rink, you felt like the two of you were the only people in the entire universe who existed in that very moment. The rest of the world disappeared for a brief second as you melted into his arms and he tasted of salty french fries. Later that night when he kissed you again under the mistletoe, you made a wish that tonight would last forever.
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Oops. Careful what you wish for!
Oh Shit!!! You said this was supposed to be a romcom. Well, add a bit of Gremlins meets 101 dalmatians meets Sound of Music.
Hey y'all!, what's your romcom guy going to be named?
@caffiend-queen @nildespirandum @ladyoftheteaandblood @redfoxwritesstuff @myoxisbroken @imanuglywombat @jtargaryen18 @americasass81 @acidcasualties @so-easy-to-love-me @gigglingtiggerv2 @villainousshakespeare @talklokitome @latent-thoughts @alexakeyloveloki @bluestaratsunrise @emeraldrosequartz @boredbrooder @tilltheendwilliwrite @spectre-posts @wiypt-writes @shiningloki @mooncat163 @muddyorbs @liminalpebble @lokisgoodgirl
Holiday Rom-Com Title Generator
In honor of my new Christmas novella, Taming the Beast - A Romantic Christmas Disaster, behold!
The Holiday RomCom Title Generator!
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My holiday RomCom title is A Season of Storytelling. Hopefully, the smuttiest kind of storytelling... What's yours?
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