#shining kelp cat
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starwrighter · 11 months ago
What do the Batfam look like in your "Not a baby (yes you are)" fix?
Like specific descriptions & stuff?
I REALLY want to make fanart, but be accurate to your fic & your idea!
Maybe also a small description for Danny & some changes he might go through so I can also draw him?
I look forward to any response!
(I'll give you what leviathan appearances that're set in stone since Babs, Steph, and Cass still need a bit more thought.)
Bruce's species is closely related to the gargantuan leviathan meaning he's pretty big like so big he shouldn't be living in the crater. He mostly lives in the larger more open areas but really he should be living in the void. He's more long than wide like a snake with thick pitch black scales covering him like armor. He's one of the few leviathans with "hands" four clawed fingers on each of them. He keeps the head shape of the gargantuan leviathan's with six glowing white eyes. basically a huge freaking underwater snake with a mouth of razor sharp teeth.
Damian's a hybrid between Bruce and Talia (A ghost Leviathan) he's just big enough to wrap himself around Danny's base once but he's not done growing yet. Like Bruce he's long and snakelike but he lacks the visual scale armor all over his body. Only his forehead, chest and arms have the pitch black scales. His fingers are clawed extremely sharp but he's only got four on each hand. the rest of his body is semi transparent and pale like the ghost Leviathans. He's got what looks like blue, yellow and green stripes on him but those are really just organs and blood vessels you can vaguely see through his skin. He's got some short tattered fins that run along his the sides of his body which are dotted by a line of bioluminescent spots. His arms are kind of lanky like a cat that's not quite fully grown. He's got a similar head shape to Bruce but his jaw is slimmer, his teeth more crammed together as is a (inefficient) filter feeder.
Tim looks similar to a squid shark. He's one of the smallest of the batfam. He doesn't have any arms just two large dorsal fins on each side of his body and two long, thin electric blue tendrils below them that can clumsily grab things though he shocks everything he grabs. He lives in the deeper areas of the blood kelp forest so the top side of his body often has blood oil clinging to him to blend in. Like the squid shark he's got that freaky jaw and jets to propel him through the water.
Duke is based of the hover fish in color scheme his yellow body is covered in spots some of which are shaped like bats including a white spot on his main chest. He's got two blanket like fins at the sides of his body and his gills give off a metallic shine to attract prey. The chapter where we get a glimpse of Duke Danny describes him as snake-like but really he's thicker and more like a betafish in shape.
Dick shows some resemblance to an amp eel with his exoskeleton being like armor plating and his whole electric but that's where most of the similarities end. He's got javelin like fins and spindly arms that he uses for climbing they're can become electrified when he's stressed like the rest of his body. He's built to be extremely quick with a wide range of maneuverability but he's still too big for the shallows. He keeps his Nightwing color scheme of black and blue although the colors are more muted.
Jason obviously resembles the Reaper leviathan. He's got burn scars across his body and one of his fins has been torn in half. His head shape is almost indistinguishable from a regular reaper although he's got a few extra eyes two of which are dulled stained slightly green (dormant Kharaa) he's got a horn at the top of his head he uses to launch things at top speed (fish version of gun) He's bigger than any of the reapers and a deeper red in color it's only if you look at him long enough that you can realize his patterns are different.
As for Danny he's a little kid looking to be around the age of two or three. He's got fangs that inhibit his speech a bit giving him a bit of a lisp. His eyes are still blue but if he's in a darker area they glow a bioluminescent green along. His hair has patches of white and his ears are pointed.
(For now, only Tim has his humanoid form designed but I'll reblog when that changes)
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mooonpiess · 7 months ago
Random thing I've been thinking about
Eri was disappointed after going to an aquarium because tiger sharks weren't actually tigers.
- 🪶🧠
i went to the aquarium a few days ago, so perfect timing 🤭
as soon as hizashi and shouta explained what an aquarium was and what animals could be found in there eri was estatic
they went on their next off day
they had eri DRESSED DOWN
y’all know those ugly cat shirts aizawa canonically gets her?
imagine that but fish
eri is seriously bouncing the entire time
she is so excited but yk what she’s excited about the most?
the tiger and leopard sharks.
she has been Non Stop talking about them, so they decide to save that for last
she is having such a blast throughout the whole aquarium though
and so is hitoshi
hizashi and shouta dont get much time to themselves for date night anymore
so hitoshi goes off with eri while they walk around on their own for a little
with eri and hitoshi they go to all the touch tanks
eri squeals at everything she touches
those sea anemones that squeeze your fingers were her favorite
they were absolutely entranced with those tanks that make an arch
they stayed in there for so long 😭
hizashi and shouta pretty much sat together in the kelp forest viewing the entire time they were alone
it was quite
the kelp made the sun shine a green light into the room
and shouta being the lowkey lover boy he is, just couldnt help but think that green was so similar to hizashi’s eyes
but no green was prettier than hizashi’s eyes
ough tbey make me ill
soon enough they met up for lunch at the aquarium cafe
eri barely has an appetite tho bc she just wants to see the leopard sharks
finally lunch was done and they made their way to the shark enclosure
shouta was carrying her so she could see even more of the sharks
“which are the leopard sharks?”
“the ones with the spots,”
“…………so they arent cats?”
and they felt SO BAD at her disappointment
they tried to play it off as cats dont like water so a real leopard shark wouldn’t like water
but she was still so sad
they wasted no time at all and went across town for her to see the tigers and leopards at the zoo right before they closed
at the end of the day eri was satisfied
and thats all the matters :)
this was a joy to write :) sorry its so delayed ive been working on it for the last few days but my brain kept coming up blank :( hope u enjoyed!!
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ aalto. adrian. adriana. adrina. aegir. aerwyna. akua. alda. aleksy. alon. amphitrite. andrienne. anemone. anenome. angler. aqua. aquaette. aquata. aquatique. ariel. arielle. ashera. aurelia. azolla. banks. barbeau. bay. beachette. beachie. beachy. beryl. blu. blue. bluette. bonnie. brooke. bubble. bubbles. calamari. calder. calypso. calyspo. captain. cari. caspian. cassius. cattail. cean. cecelia. celesea. cerulean. cerumae. ceto. clover. coastalle. coastelle. coral. coralette. coralie. coraline. cordelia. corel. corelle. coron. coronis. cove. cubit. current. cyx. dari. daria. darya. davy. delja. delmar. delphin. delphine. derya. destiny. doria. dorian. doris. dory. dylan. echo. elles. eyre. fern. fin. finley. finn. fish. fishe. fisher. fishette. fishy. flipper. float. foam. fwish. goldie. guinevere. guppy. hudson. hurley. hyacinth. hydropha. ink. inky. isla. jack. jelli. jelly. jewel. jordan. jordyn. kai. kaia. kairy. kelpie. kelsey. lagoona. lagoonette. lagoonne. lake. lana. levi. leviathan. lorelei. lotus. maelyn. malik. maren. marie. marin. marina. marine. marinette. marion. marissa. maritren. marlin. marne. marnie. marvin. mary. maxwell. meena. mer. merissa. merlin. meryl. mira. mirabel. miranda. miriam. moby. molly. moray. morgan. moss. naiad. nancy. nauticalette. nauticalle. nelum. nemo. neptune. nessie. nina. nixie. nori. nova. nymph. nymphaea. ocean. oceanette. oceania. oceanne. oceanus. octo. oscar. oss. osseo. pacifica. patience. pearl. pearline. percy. pike. pine. pippy. pond. poseidon. puff. rain. raine. ray. reef. reefette. river. ronan. rosemary. sachiel. sailor. sandy. scylla. seaette. seamus. searya. seaseaette. seashelle. seaton. sebastian. selkie. serena. shark. sharky. shell. shelle. shelley. shelly. shorette. siren. sirena. sirenette. sirenne. skip. skipper. snapper. sporty. squid. star. summer. sushi. tail. tallulah. teal. tide. tidette. timin. titus. treasure. trout. twilight. undine. valdrian. vert. verulean. waterette. wave. wavette. wavy. willow. windsor. wisteria. world. wyvern.
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PRONOUNS︰ ab/abyssal. algae/algae. an/anemone. ang/angelfish. aq/aqua. aqu/aqua. aqua/aqua. aqua/aquatic. aquatic/aquatic. bay/bay. be/beach. bea/beach. beach/beach. bite/bite. bleu/bleu. bloop/bloop. blu/blue. blub/blub. blue/blue. bo/boat. brea/breathe. breeze/breeze. brine/brine. bubble/bubble. ca/catch. cae/caer. carp/carpal. cat/cattail. cattail/cattail. chomp/chomp. clam/clam. claw/claw. cliff/cliff. coast/coast. cor/coral. coral/coral. cra/crab. crab/crab. cur/rent. dae/daem. de/deep. dee/deep. deep/deep. di/dive. dive/dive. dol/dolphine. drift/drift. drip/drop. drop/droplet. drow/drown. eel/eel. enj/emjoy. exci/excite. fi/fish. fin/fin. fish/fish. fish/fishe. fish/fishie. fish/fishy. flo/float. flo/flood. float/float. flow/flow. foam/foam. fwi/fwish. fy/fish. gill/gill. glass/glass. glub/glup. gre/green. gull/gull. hi/hide. hunt/hunt. hy/hydro. ink/ink. jaw/jaw. jel/jelly. jell/jellyfish. jelly/jelly. jelly/jellyfish. kelp/kelp. krill/krill. lagoon/lagoon. lake/lake. li/light. lob/lob. lost/lost. lu/lung. luu/luu. ma/marine. mako/mako. mar/marine. marine/marine. mer/maid. mer/mer. mer/mermaid. natu/nature. nautical/nautical. nep/neptune. oce/ocean. ocea/ocean. ocean/ocean. octo/octopu. oyster/oyster. peace/peaceful. pearl/pearl. pinch/pinch. puddle/puddle. ray/ray. re/reef. reef/reef. riv/river. river/river. sa/sand. sail/sail. salt/salt. sand/sand. scale/scale. scuttle/scuttle. se/sea. sea/sea. sea/seaweed. sea/shell. seal/seal. search/search. sh/ship. sha/shark. shark/shark. she/shell. shell/shell. shimmer/shimmer. shine/shine. shiney/shiney. shoal/shoal. shore/shore. shri/shrimp. sink/sink. skul/skel. soul/soul. splash/splash. spon/sponge. squ/squid. squid/squid. star/fish. star/star. stare/stare. sting/sting. su/sun. sun/sun. sun/sunbathe. swi/swim. swim/swim. swish/swish. tail/tail. tear/tearself. ten/tentacle. ti/tide. tide/tide. tooth/tooth. tre/trench. treasure/treasure. tro/tropical. tropi/tropical. tuna/tuna. um/umbrella. urchin/urchin. void/void. wa/water. wa/wave. wash/wash. wat/water. water/water. water/wave. wave/wave. wet/wet. wha/whale. whale/whale. wy/wave. ☀. ⛱. 🌅. 🌊. 🌞. 🌴. 🍥. 🎣. 🏖. 🐋. 🐙. 🐚. 🐚.🦐. 🐟. 🐠. 🐡. 🐬. 🐳. 👙. 💧. 🚢. 🛥. 🦀. 🦈. 🦐. 🦑. 🦞. 🧽. 🧿. 🩱.
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xanax-dv · 5 years ago
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octoagentmiles · 3 years ago
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Gladly <3
First of all, Captain Barnacles:
He was born, and raised through the Polar Scout program with his twin sister Bianca. Through this program, he met Professor Natquik and Tracker (and possibly Boris the Narwhal).
At some point during his scout days, he met Professor Inkling, who had found himself trapped in the Arctic somehow, and had to be rescued by the cubs (including Barnacles).
Natquik was Barnacles’ mentor and father figure who was forced to leave the Arctic so he could do research in Antarctica. Tracker joined the Polar Scouts soon after he left, and he never made it back home. He was stuck in the Antarctic for at least 20 years, maybe longer.
When Barnacles was a cub, some ice cracked from underneath him and he got stuck in a very deep hole for a very long time, and he now has PTSD from the event.
Sometime after he graduated Scouts, he got a position on a ship called the MV Manitoba. It’s very likely (but not canon...... yet-) that he met Tweak on this ship.
The ship crashed, he returned home to the Arctic, reunited with Tracker, and trained him to run the Polar Emergency Post Station.
After that, he was asked by Professor Inkling to be Captain of the Octonauts.
Kwazii. This cat has so much story potential but I will say right now that a LOT of it is speculation/theory. MOST of what I'm about to say is canon though:
Kwazii is different from other pirates, and has been since he was little. Pirates are scary and mean, just like the legends, but Kwazii is kind and good.
Kwazii was born to a huge family of pirates. His grandfather, Calico Jack (aptly named after real life pirate “Calico Jack”), is one of the most famous pirates who ever lived, and they look a lot alike.
Calico Jack left his family/crew behind “in search of the Hidden City of Gold” (so he said), when Kwazii was just a little kitten.
Kwazii was abandoned by his family for being weak (kind, soft, etc.).
He chose to NOT be a pirate at one point in his life...
(This might be what caused his family to abandon him; ie. he made a big show one night about not wanting to be like them, and they were like “ok walk the plank then.” and he did.)
...but then RECHOSE to be a pirate again after learning about his grandfather.
He was a pirate of his own making for a while, with no crew,
Before getting found by Barnacles/The Octonauts and joining them.
All cats in this universe seem to be pirates, plus Kwazii wears an eyepatch and speaks generally very piratey, so despite being an Octonaut creatures are always afraid of him because they recognize him as a pirate--
and it’s very sad because all he wants to do is help but he keeps getting attacked-- [*sobs*]
Lil guy was SO insecure in seasons 1-2+½.
He was very dependent on others, and always compared himself to his friends (mainly Barnacles and Kwazii).
He has a HUGE family, including a little brother, big brother (his name is Pogo but we haven’t met him yet, he’s mentioned in the blobfish episode), and one million cousins.
It’s possible that growing up around so many other penguins, that he did get compared to them quite a bit, and/or never fully got to shine. Which is why he’d get so flustered being in the spotlight in s1-2.
His dependency issues are interesting, because Peso gets his best character growth moments when he’s forced to be by himself. (Vampire Squid, Aggregate Anemones, Spookfish, CONE SNAIL, and more.)
He’s also the youngest and newest recruit on the Octopod, so that’s fun. He hasn’t been around for very long; we see him going through training in season 1, so he probably joined off-screen sometime right before the first episode.
We don’t know too much about Shellington, but we DO know that he is a sea otter who is allergic to urchins: meaning he literally cannot do the one thing sea otters are expected to do (eat urchins so they don’t destroy kelp forests) and y’know that’s gotta be pretty stressful.
He discovered the Vegimals himself, and named all of them. He incubated and hatched their eggs in his lab, and has been studying them ever since, and that’s how he picked up their language.
Dashi doesn’t have much going for her, not gonna lie. The most she’s ever gotten is in The Caves of Sac Actun, where they revealed she did cave diving with Ryla.
aaaaaaaand I can’t go too deep into Inkling or Tweak without significantly spoiling Season 5, but there is a little bit I can say about Tweak:
She grew up the in the Florida Everglades with her father, as a creature tracker and outdoorsy kid.
Somewhere along the line she started building gadgets and gizmos.
She then [REDACTED SPOILERS], and eventually (again, not canon yet-) joined the Manitoba crew where she met Barnacles.
She was the first ever official Octonaut, as she was there before they were even called "The Octonauts".
She built the first Octopod. It crashed; she built the second Octopod. She built all the gups.
and the rest that I could say about her is just theory and speculation 😅
AND I really wanna ramble about Calico Jack real quick: He has a VERY mysterious past—he is kind and good like Kwazii, but it's implied he wasn't always like that. He was hiding out in the Amazon River for almost 20 years, claiming he was "stuck", but was able to leave with ease the second he had a reason to. He's terrified of disappointing Kwazii, and Captain Barnacles too now that he's an Octo-Agent, and I just think that's really interesting. 👀👀
also not sure if it counts but in the books there were cities, towns, and kingdoms, so a lot of people like to imagine that there are still cities full of animal-people out there somewhere in the showverse. especially since there's multiple instances of the Octonauts picking up trash, including tires, grocery bags, etc., that's polluting the ocean that they say "was thrown away", Tweak mentioning "ordering parts" from somewhere, plus Dashi's side gig with "National Seaographic".
There's ALSO like,,, a whole Thing regarding the difference between animals and animal-people that's been sparked by Above and Beyond, because there's been a lot of non-anthro cats, bears, there was a picture of a bunny at one point, plus the entire Red Fox episode directly addressing the topic of animal instinct and the differences between arctic foxes (Natquik) and red foxes (new non-anthro character); but we don't know how far they're going to go with this.
and that's pretty much it???? i think???? if I think of more I'll let ya know lol <3
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the-witchs-den · 3 years ago
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I posted 345 times in 2021
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#i’m your favorite tumblr cryptid
My Top Posts in 2021
All-Seeing Eye Jewelry Enchantment
This enchantment was created by my husband as a way to warn him of any threats, such as malicious spirits. Since he doesn’t have tumblr (yet), he’s allowing me to share it with you all.
What You’ll Need:
Evil Eye charm
A necklace*
How To:
Place your items on the pentacle.
Invoke your intention of enchantment, visualizing the charm seeing everything. Explain to the charm how you want it to warn you of danger.
Make sure the eye is open, then place it on your third eye, allowing yourself to see what it sees, and also allowing you to form a bond with the charm.
Combine the charm and necklace, then cast an invoking pentacle over it with your wand or athame.
Give thanks to any deities that you invoked to help, and close the spell with “So mote it be.”
*You can use colored hemp string to incorporate color magick into the necklace, but this isn’t necessary. You may choose to use a chain or a necklace that you already have. My husband used his pentacle necklace as the base, as you can see in the picture.
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91 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 23:13:53 GMT
Prayer to Bastet
My Goddess Bastet, the Queen of Egypt, the protector of home, Goddess of cats, fertility, childbirth, domesticity, and health. I pray to you to hear me.
You are the kind, loving mother of Egypt. The one that protects all from evil and negative energy.
Please hear my prayer and cries, bring peace to thy home and loved ones. Expel all evil and darkness from our presence and shine light upon us. Help guide us through the challenges of jealousy, greed, and lust.
Show us the path. Allow us to walk alongside you and learn from your teachings. Guide us to live without the darkness within us.
I pray to you, Mother Bastet, show us what we must know.
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94 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 16:11:52 GMT
I’ve been finding a lot of witchy/pagan books on
I highly recommend checking out these two websites if you’re needing to do some research, or just want to have digital copies of books!
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94 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 04:13:16 GMT
Consecration Oil
Olive oil
Bay leaf
Chili powder
Black salt
Butcher’s broom root
Arnic flowers
Mix all ingredients together in a jar. Make sure the oil covers all the herbs.
Place the jar in a pot of water, creating a double-boiler.
Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for 45 minutes.
Strain the oil into a bottle or jar. The consecration oil is now ready to use.
Before consecrating your items, be sure to speak your intention. This will activate the oil.
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216 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 06:40:11 GMT
Need to charge your crystals but don’t know if the ones you have can be put in the sun?
Put them in a bowl of salt!!
This acts as a double point system, purifying/cleansing your crystal, as well as giving it a little boost of energy!
344 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 21:47:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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erinaceina · 5 years ago
ScotsSwap 2020
Recipient: Jo (@notasapleasure​). I hope I’ve done Jerott justice. It’s been absolute torture not talking to you about writing this <3
Prompt: Philippa and anyone as a BroTP, ‘Take the words 'sharp' 'alone' 'close[near]' 'missed' and give me some Pain :’)’ - it’s mainly alone and pain really, although Jerott has had some close encounters with sharp objects in the recent past. I hope it’s still delicious angst, even if it has wandered a bit off topic.
Setting: St. Mary’s, early autumn 1560.
Characters: Jerott Blyth, Philippa Crawford, Francis Crawford.
Relationships: Philippa + Jerott, Francis + Jerott, Philippa/Francis.
Rating: I’m not sure? References to things that happen to Khaireddin, but nothing explicit.
Summary: Sleep is not kind to Jerott Blyth.
Word Count: 2986.
Note: This is broadly compliant with this and this, mainly so I could squeeze Astraea the cat in there.
Spoilers: Non-specific spoilers for stuff that happens in Checkmate.
The pain rose up to meet Jerott Blyth, mingled with the waters of the Middle Sea, and he drowned in the scent of spikenard and jasmine, in roiling fumes and obscene kisses and all the stench and horror of battle. Even as he fell, half-blind from the blow to his temple that had swept him overboard and the haze of gunpowder that hung, cloying, over the churning blue-green waters of the Mediterranean, he heard behind him the low, animal noises of the foundering ship.
The pain at shoulder and temple and thigh howled in awful harmony with the tortured screaming of overstressed timber and the crack of snapping lines. Flashes of light filled his failing vision, amber and gold and cornsilk-fair, yet, through them all, he could see glimpses of palm and pomegranate beneath a blistering African sun; the smell of storax and benzoin clung to the aching tissues of his throat and curdled in the saltwater filling his burning nostrils.
Although Mehedia lay more than a hundred and fifty miles distant, set on its strangling neck of land in the shining sea, passing vistas reached him through the sheet of blue water and yellow fire. He thought he could see flashes of gnarled grey-green olive groves and fields touched with the blush of new barley and smell the sun-warmed earth and the fetor of bombyx mori. Even as the roiling waters of the Middle Sea saturated his padded gambeson, drawing him down and down into the currents that eddied and swirled around him, down into the vortex of the foundering ship, he thought he could feel the splintering wood of a burning hut beneath the tips of his blistered fingers. Even as his useless arm hung wavering and limp as storm-wracked kelp and a ribbon of blood like scarlet silk wound through the water around him, he touched the soft, pliant curve of a child’s back and the damp weight of of amber hair tacky with cooling blood.
İpec böceǧi, called the dry, whispery voice of the old woman, and Jerott Blyth flinched. For this wast thou born? What lack is there in Scotland that her sons grow so feeble?
The saltwater again burned in Jerott Blyth’s nostrils and, with the sudden clarity of the sleeper and the man nearing death, he knew that the sea battle and the olive groves alike were the mere conjurings of a mind caught in a drugged stupor. Slitting open stinging eyes against the fetid, poisonous fumes of burning silk cocoons, tasting bitter almonds like charnel flesh on the back of his tongue, he saw with little surprise that he lay beside the discarded body of a fair-haired child on the rough floor of the warehouse belonging to the silk-farmer’s sister in Mehedia. The marks left by the mutes were livid on a face touched also by the griefs of a short life twisted and warped against itself. 
The great impulse to live that dwelt within Jerott Blyth’s sturdy flesh took fresh flame, and, even against the will that cringed against it, he drew a dragging, acrid breath and smelt the cloying, indecent reek of the perfume that clung to the boy-child’s cooling flesh.
The cornflower-blue eyes were open and far-seeing beneath their heavy, slack lids as they had not been beneath the merciful bindings of Amiens or in the wreckage of a shattered face on a Northumbrian hillside. The soft, kitten’s mouth, still bearing the last, revolting brush of paint, formed words without breath, as parched as the desert air. İpec böceǧi, for this wast thou born? Is there no failure thou hast not encompassed?
The gasping breath that woke Jerott Blyth was his own, rasping like poison in his chest, and his outflung arm howled with pain. For a moment, he thought he could feel the raw burns of Mehedia licking its length and he was back in Djerba - the Djerba of some seven years past - with Onophrion Zitwitz’s jellies melting on his tongue and the golden warmth of the North African sun spilling through the latticed windows of his convalescent room. For a moment, he burned again with fever on the boat fleeing the carnage of Djerba with Giovanni Andrea Doria fretting and fuming at the prow and Danny’s hand clasping his own and the utter failure of the Knights of St. John sour in a mouth that cracked and bled. With a blink against the enveloping darkness that admitted neither sunlight nor the deadly fire of an overturned brazier, he recognised the shadow of the bed curtains and the dim glow from the last embers of the fire dying in the hearth. A dint on the pillow by his head suggested the recent warmth of a cat, but he was utterly alone, neither prisoner nor knight.
With a hollow, awful noise, half sob, half laugh, Jerott buried his head in his shaking hands, feeling the trembling weakness in the injured arm and the aching memory of the old burns. It seemed to him that, like the silk moth which has no organs by which it can nourish itself, he lacked in that moment any means to sustain himself, and could merely exist in the labouring of his lungs and the eddying horror of the dream. Khaireddin, who he had failed to save; Marthe, whose death he had caused, however unwitting; Francis, who might have died by that same act of mercy; the boy Diccon, weeping before a father who turned an implacable face to him, the warm light of the afternoon gilding both their pale heads.
Although he had regretted his hasty words as soon as they were spoken - Damn it, Francis, he’s not one of your men to browbeat. Can you not show him half the pity you gave the other? -  he felt the previous day’s anger kindle again at the memory of the cool displeasure in Francis’s eyes and the flat, uncompromising line of his mouth, even as his infant son tugged at his silken hose and begged to be held.
Mo cridh is a good little boy now, said the voice of that other child with the pitiless clarity of memory.
With no more conscious thought than the doomed silk moth, Jerott swung his legs over the edge of the bed, groping with chilled toes for the slippers that had been set out for him. Although the day had been warm for Scotland on the cusp of autumn, a decided chill hung in the night air and he shrugged into the borrowed robe, feeling it pull across the shoulders where it was cut for a slighter man.
In the near total darkness, he let his feet and memory guide him through the corridors of St. Mary’s, grateful at least that although the house no longer maintained its martial aspect, Francis’s taste did not yet run to endless trinkets and furbelows to trip the unwary. At the head of the stairs, something sleek and pale regarded him curiously from a ribbon of pale moonlight where a shutter stood ajar, but, before he could do more than peer blearily back, it disappeared into the recesses of a court cupboard made monstrous by the shadows.
Once, on a night such as this, Jerott Blyth might have sought the wine cellar and all its bottled comforts; once, Lymond might have locked it against just such an eventuality. Tonight, however, Jerott wandered through the silent house with no goal in his mind save to put as much space as the night permitted between himself and the fading echoes of his dream. His slippered feet padded softly across the expensive carpets and he recalled with a shudder the carpet painted with red and white in the in the selamlìk like a terrible exchequer counting out life and death - say goodnight to the dark.
Despite his meandering path, Jerott was not overly surprised when he lifted his eyes and found himself in the passageway leading to the great, vaulted kitchen. There would be fresh water there to wash the taste of bitter almonds and smoke from his mouth, thanks to some mechanical contrivance of Lancelot Plummer’s, and the cool of the Scots night under cloud-veiled stars through the door beyond.
He had already stepped through the door when he realised that long room was not empty; the faint glow from the banked hearth was matched by a candle flame and in its light a slim figure moved briskly from table to cupboard. Jerott froze, for a startled moment half-fearing some apparition from his dream, or, worse yet, an encounter with Lymond for which he was ill-prepared, but as the figure turned to greet him, he saw the fall of dark, unbound hair swing out around slender shoulders and recognised his hostess in a robe de chambre belonging, like Jerott’s own borrowed garment, no doubt, to her husband.
‘Jerott!’ Philippa came more fully into the light, her smile warming with more pleasure in the encounter than Jerott thought strictly reasonable for some time after two in the morning. ‘Couldn’t you sleep either?’
‘No,’ Jerott said shortly, and wondered what else he could say, but Philippa seemed unperturbed.
‘She gaue him milke, the slepe fell in his hede,’ she pronounced cheerfully. ‘I was making myself a posset, guaranteed by Kate to knock out half the county - of course, that’s in England. Would you like some?’
About to demur, Jerott was shepherded without delay to a seat at the well-scrubbed board and had an equally well-scrubbed lemon deposited in his nerveless hands. Half-hysterically, he found himself thinking that Djerba might have gone better with Philippa Crawford and not Giovanni Andrea Doria commanding the massed forces of Christendom. Taking the knife presented to him, he set to paring dutiful curls of zest and listened to the surprisingly comforting sounds as Philippa clattered around the kitchen, collecting the milk and cream from the cool slate and the sugar and nutmeg from the spice chest. As she worked, she hummed to herself, a fragment of Salve intemerata virgo, a snatch of a filthy ditty that he had heard on the docks at Leith. In short order, he found himself in possession of a steaming goblet of spiced posset aromatic with lemon and nutmeg and the Crawfords’ good French eau de vie, and being appraised frankly by the appallingly candid brown eyes of Francis’s child-bride.
A child no longer, he conceded with a shade of reluctance, although he could see the ghost of the scrubby and dishevelled adolescent alongside the the elegant courtier in the lines of her face as he squinted against the flickering warmth of the candlelight. A single lock of brown hair fell in disarray across her high brow, but, even in the dim light, it was glossy and well-trimmed, and the thin-fingered hands cupping the second goblet no longer showed the effects of diligent adolescent gnawing.
‘So,’ Philippa said conversationally, pushing a plate of sweetmeats towards him. ‘You saw Diccon’s argument with Francis.’
The posset soured in Jerott’s mouth. ‘Argument? He’s a child. He was crying. God, Philippa!’ Francis’s retort had, as ever, raised an angry and impotent resentment within him only made worse by the recognition that he was over-matched.
‘He’s Francis’s child,’ Philippa corrected gently. ‘He could pick a fight with a fencepost and is as highly strung as a papingo at a fair.’
Jerott subsided sulkily into his chair and eyed a sticky square of something dripping with honey and jewelled with candied nuts.
‘Baklava has many curative properties, but the banishment of nightmares is not one of them.’
As so often with Lymond, the softly spoken words left Jerott feeling as if he had been flensed and scoured raw, but there was a kindness in Philippa’s face that Lymond rarely permitted himself to display, and Jerott consciously relaxed the fingers clenched bitingly tight around the goblet until the ache of the healing wound in his shoulder subsided.
‘What, then? What possible reason could Francis have to treat his own son like that after… after…’
‘After losing Khaireddin? But if Diccon’s offence was no grave matter, neither was Francis’s.’ And in quick, amused words, Philippa sketched the outlines of a scene quite different to that which Jerott had seen - or thought he had seen: the tired, overexcited child; the hand tangled in the cat’s inviting fur until she awarded the barest scratch to her tormentor for this impertinent ambuscade; Francis’s insistence that Diccon should render his apologies to his feline friend before any consoling cuddle; child and cat alike falling asleep in Lymond’s lap even as he himself drowsed in the late sunlight. The light in the cornflower-blue eyes that had been not cold anger but a carefully corralled excess of emotion.
Philippa licked a crumb of honey-soaked semolina from her fingers and continued in a quieter voice, recalling the outspoken, stalwart child that Jerott remembered from the long-ago voyage, the terror and exhilaration alike of playing for Roxelana Sultàn, the dawning fear she had felt in the sultana’s gilded and grilled listening post above the Divan as she saw Jubrael Pasha for the first time. Kuzúm’s whipping and the despair of her wedding night in the French ambassador’s residence and the long journey home. 
As if it were drawn out of him like a skein of silk unravelling, Jerott found himself responding in kind, telling the story of his ill-fated foray to Mehedia, the horror that he had found there and the coming horror that he had been unable to prevent. Just a quarter-hour’s difference, just a little more wit to see the danger surrounding him, just a little more strength in his arm… Remembering the obscene travesty of the kiss pressed into the crook of his neck, Jerott looked away, into the shadows that crowded the corners of the kitchen, but Philippa’s fingertips pressed lightly against his own, a benediction of a kind, as cleansing as any priestly absolution. In a flash, he remembered the calm of Francis’s face set against the crispness of his pillow in Amiens, the blind, blank eyes and bloodless visage and quick, expressive features shorn of all emotion.
İpec böceǧi, for this wast thou born?
And - no; they had stood as well as they might against a malicious and terrible will and had found beyond its bounds some place of refuge, though it had driven them over distant lands and wide seas. It had made of them something which none of them had been able to contemplate, both for good and for ill, and, as storm-wrack, they lay upon its farthest shore. If there was grief here in plenty and a lifetime of Graham Reid Malett’s ill works to be unravelled in Scotland, there was no shame in that. 
Perhaps he was not formed as the horned worm of India, unable to sustain life even in others. 
With a start, Jerott realised that the goblet was empty and cool beneath his fingers, the plate reduced to a scattering of crumbs and the first faint glow of dawn spilling through the high, narrow windows. The cat perched on one end of the long table, glowering at them through narrow green eyes and batting at a scrap of honeyed pastry with a desultory paw. Blinking against the sting of tears, as caustic as any poison, Jerott saw that Philippa’s lids were drooping, her chin propped on one hand and the other laid lightly on the curve of her belly suddenly revealed beneath the fine lawn of her shift where the embroidered silk of her gown had dropped away. ‘You must forgive Francis, you see,’ she said in a voice warm and soft with sleep. ‘It is difficult for him at the moment.’
‘I - yes - there is nothing to forgive,’ Jerott said, and found that he meant it. Perhaps, like the pelican, Francis would sustain these children with the last of his own heart’s blood, as he might have sustained his firstborn, were it not for Gabriel’s schemes, but the stubborn light in Philippa’s drowsy dark eyes suggested that she had decided opinions on the matter. And, with abrupt solicitude, ‘You should go to bed.’
‘A moment longer. Goo to Morpheus; thou knowist hym well.’
Rising to his feet against the protesting ache of his own muscles, he was surprised to find himself swept into a hug comprised half of peacock-embroidered silk and half of flying dark hair that filled his nose with the scent of chypre. Cautiously, he let his own arms close around Philippa and felt a great flood tide of weariness sweep over him, as if all barriers to sleep had been swept away and that welcoming sea rushed in, bearing all before it.
Disentangling himself with only a little difficult involving Philippa’s hair and the carved horn buttons fastening the sleeves of his robe, Jerott padded sleepily from the kitchen, the cat weaving lazy patterns around his bare calves.
‘Well, yunitsa?’ asked the figure lounging in the entrance to the larder, a sleepy, sardonic smile crooking one corner of his long mouth and pale linen sleeves falling back from his sinewy arms as he brought his hands up to frame her face.
‘Well,’ Philippa confirmed, and pressed a kiss to the scarred wrist. ‘He’ll sleep tonight, at least. And you?’
‘I see Astraea has absented herself, so I suppose we will find ourselves the next targets of the infant’s hair-pulling fervour in far too short a time, but for now my sleep, like justice, requires a witness.’
‘Then let me be witness by sight and by sign.’ Philippa smiled up into his face, smoothing the fingers of one hand through the disordered silk of his yellow hair. ‘Come to bed, Francis. There is nothing more to put right in the world tonight.’
The first three paragraphs draw heavily on the description of Jerott’s approach to Mehedia in Pawn in Frankincense, pp. 111-112.
İpec böceǧi  - ‘silkworm’ in Turkish (I hope).
‘Like the silk moth which has no organs by which it can nourish itself’ - some version of this is repeated at various places in Pawn in Frankincense and also in Checkmate.
‘Mo cridh is a good little boy now’ - Pawn in Frankincense, p. 445, aka the most distressing line in the entirety of canon (and, let’s face it, there’s plenty of competition).
‘She gaue him milke, the slepe fell in his hede’ - John Lydgate, The Fall of Princes.
‘Goo to Morpheus; thou knowist hym well’ - Geoffrey Chaucer, Book of the Duchess.
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pippim · 5 years ago
ah, to be a small frog, ribbiting away in a swamp upon a lily pad. The buzzing and chirping of insects leads you to a good harvest, guided by the fireflies dancing out of reach.
or perhaps, a cat, groomed and loved and given many kissy-kisses from the patrons and the owner of the slightly dusty, warm and cozy bookstore you guard. The warm patch of sun next to the door is your favorite. The patrons like to give you snacks and playthings.
or, rather fantastically, a snail. Traveling with ease, the world at your eyestalks and sitting upon a leaf. The sun is shining and it has just rained. You move slowly, for there is nothing to be done but to live.
Is it too much to ask to be a fish, swimming along in the great, big blue depths, flashy colors and animals at every turn. No lungs or responsibilities, just bubbles and the soothing sounds of water. The sun washes through the vast blue, waving to the aquatic life beneath, shimmering over each crashing wave. The kelp waves back. The fish flick sunlight off their scales. It warms them to move as a pack, guided only by ancestry and knowledge. The current cups its fast-paced, loving hand around you and your friends, and you shoot off into the unknown, traveling distances others would ever hope to consider. This is your daily routine.
At night, the moonlight dances just under the surface, guiding you along the waves. The stars twinkle and wink in the sky, purples and blues and reddish hues dancing alongside each dot, a ballet to the worlds below, a love story intertwined with another galaxy. You leave bubbles in your wake. You do not know what a star is.
Lizards, too, are a possibility. A scaly creature that flicks its tongue. Your eyes become moist again. Sitting upon a tree branch, listening to the birds caw and sing in a harmonious discord. They do not see you. No one will. You sit in place for hours, lazily blinking away impatience. The sounds of the forest continue deep into the afternoon. The sun whispers, filtered beyond the leaves. You close your eyes as the whispers hits your back. The wind runs a wispy finger along your scales. They itch marginally less.
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astrocassette · 5 years ago
oc aesthetic - seren
tagged on this one by @undyingembers​, thank you!!
mostly under a readmore cause i was feeling poetic and found myself writing!
Bold for always Italics for sometimes
red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. cobalt blue.
the green of the forest and the blue of the sky are the colors they chose to adorn themselves with, colors they could drink in for as long as they could want to. but they are not the only colors that follow them. the earthy browns of their horns and their fur, the shiny wheat yellow of their hair, the vivid green that’s wrapped around their body and shines in their eyes all trail after them as well. and the twinkling blues and purples that surround them as they watch the night sky, dipping to cascade over their shoulders in a cape made of starlight. all of these are the colors that follow this watcher.
fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic.
seren is a child, born of the earth, but knowing only the sea and the sky. they take joy in the rushing of waves underneath, the salty breeze through their hair, the feeling of sunlight on their skin, all of the colors that paint and dapple the sky when day turns to night. this is what they know, but when this adventure is over, they will find themself again in the sound of rustling leaves, the feeling of dirt under bare feet, the softness of lying in a clover patch. these are their elements, earth, sea, and sky.
claws. long fingers. fangs. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. sweat. tears. feline. scales. fur. chubby. curvy. short. tall. average height. muscular. lean. piercings. tattoos. lithe.
they look so small, so unassuming at first glance, small horns, floppy ears, and freckle-flowers, wandering around the ship barefoot, smiling as easily as the sun shines. they are themself, of course, always, but even still it’s enough to give pause when they strip at the bathhouse, seeing the bruises and scrapes and scars of battle that decorate their skin, and the hints of lean muscle underneath. they are small, maybe, and sunny, but that does not negate how dangerous a foe they are.
fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. venom. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. pyre. teeth/fangs. rifles. words.
seren has known many weapons in their lifetime, wielded and suffered, but not all remembered. wands and rifles fit easily into their hands, and somehow the weight of a mace did too. really, though, all of those came second. they could do so much with a thought, crush, splinter, pierce. use peoples’ phantasmal insides to break their tangible outsides. it was... rather unnerving when anyone else thought about it for too long.
gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
seren’s mind makes itself out of wool and paper, out of iron and cloth and clay. it comes out in the weaving of wool, the scratching of lyrics on paper, the rush of breath through an ocarina. they collect rocks with their hands and dirt with their feet, and their days are segmented by iron weapons and cookware alike. the watcher is made up of many things, but most of all, themself.
grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. sunflowers. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies. galaxies. stardust. sky. rain. storm. sunny.
a child of the earth, a child of nature, they appreciate everything they can get from it. plants, trees and flowers and crops are petted as seren passes by. barefoot, they dig their toes into grass and dirt and sand alike, reveling in the texture. they lie on beaches and meadows, watching what the sky has to offer at any time of day.
lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles + tortoises. bugs. spiders. doves. robins. ducks. vultures. whales. dolphins. fish. octopus. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. rabbits. hares. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. livestock. tigers. panthers. deer. foxes. bats. bears. crocodiles + alligators. coyotes. seals + sea lions
seren knows of many animals, but only has experience with a few. they know stories of falcons and snakes and turtles and panthers, but does not remember learning them. caring for cats and rabbits and chickens is much the same, during the few occasions they help a local corral their livestock. the one that always makes them light up, though, their favorite, were bats. as dusk fell, they’d watch the diminutive shadows flitting from tree to tree, grinning and pointing them out to whoever was with them.
sugar. salt. bitter. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. soda. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries.
fruits and meats and grains are their favorites, preferring savory and sweet. humming happily at the taste of honey glazed hen, sharing orange slices with whoever happened by on deck, flapping their hands at the spiciness of fire kelp but going back for more, crunching on candied nuts as they peruse the shops of queen’s berth. to them, food is very much a joy, and something to be shared.
music. art. watercolors. gardening/growing plants. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electric guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. flight. climbing. running. swimming. healing/medicine.
they like everything surrounding music and the fiber arts, but there are other things, too. sparring with friends is something they enjoy, light fare to make days sailing more interesting. reading books, both fiction and non to pass the time in a gentler way, card games similarly when they want to spend that time with people. neither they nor their crew puts on theater, but in ports, seren loves stopping to watch, enjoying the story and the questionable acting skills in equal measure. being the herald of berath and the hound of eothas does not allow excessive room for hobbies, but they make time anyways.
lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. eye contacts. makeup. ties. uniform.
a brigandine and cape, forest green, sky blue, and white, are their battle armor, heavy but maneuverable. it is what they choose to wear for the necessity of it, but outside of battle it is not something they’d choose. they favor light shirts and tunics, open necklines and half sleeves, pants cut at the knee, secured with a sash that flutters after them when they run. an item cherished is their cape, the cape of the fallen star, that surrounds them in the beauty of the night sky and makes them a sight to remember on the few occasions they wear it.
balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. mental health problems. sadness. bittersweet. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. revenge.
seren is kind. kind, and light, and optimistic. their task is a heavy one, tense, and worrying, and precarious, so they do what they can to bring light, to show kindness against the uncertainty of the world.
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sohannabarberaesque · 5 years ago
“Underwater America with Peter Potamus” (episode 3: Point Dume, near Malibu, California)
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Following is the contrived transcript for the third episode of Underwater America with Peter Potamus, featuring Peter Potamus leading a group of several friends in diving-related misadventures and hijinks across America from California eastward. In opening this week’s episode, we get a wide-sweeping aerial view of the beaches and the waves legendary to Malibu, California, with obligatory big-wave surfing action such as Malibu made famous, eventually leading to ...
PETER POTAMUS, with a sense of braggadocio in the Joe E. Brown-inspired voice: Ahhhhh yes ... Malibu, otherwise known to surfer dudes as “Motherbu” ... famous since the salad days of Gidget for big-wave challenges, and then some ... and did I mention diving as well? It just so happens that you have a few spots near Malibu that have diving opportunities galore, and then some, and one such is--Point Dume! [Aerial view of the aforementioned, with a view of the stairs leading from Pacific Coast Highway above down the cliff to the beach below. Early morning, preferably.] So whoever still thinks Malibu is but for surfers is dead wrong, as our diving company is prepared to demonstrate.
[Some action of the preparations to hand: Offloading from the back of the van the divers’ essentials and issuing such to the party, and heading down the stairs from the parking lot to the beach below. Which, though a bit narrow at turns, is situated well enough for preparations and fitting of the dive gear; some snippets of banter and diving-related humour can be heard.]
The beach at Point Dume may be lacking in serious changing rooms, but at least there’s room to, if not swing a cat, then put the gear on and go through the final preparations and review of what will be to hand. [Switching to Peter P. going through the safety briefing, with Mildew Wolf trying to sneak in some corny questions] And while the diver’s rule about entering the water backwards is intended to be from boats by and large, yours truly thought it might be worthwhile to walk backwards into the water from the beach, diving in once the shallows ended....
[And we can find the company walking into the water backwards, facing the cliffs on shore, until the signal to dive in is given. And, as Peter explained, entering backwards, just as would usually be the case from boats.]
MAGILLA GORILLA, over the dive-in scene as all enter the water: I admit I can get accustomed to getting into the water backwards ... which may be a little silly when you’re walking backwards from shore into the water....
SQUIDDLY DIDDLY, explaining the setup from the cameraman’s perspective: I find it rather fortunate to get into the water first so the camera is all ready to go underwater when the crew dives in ... and to imagine getting into the water in Busby Berkley routine fashion seems, if not quite hilarious, a little radical for the dive-in. Especially as the divers right themselves for a more normal diving adventure!
PETER POTAMUS, after a short pause for acclimation into the waters: For an early-morning dive time, Point Dume’s waters may seem a little murky ... but just send in the sun’s rays into the depths, and things begin seriously improving. Especially when you sense some serious kelp groves not far ahead ... and plenty of rock reef, as opposed to coral. The waters this far north are a little too chilly for coral to take serious notice ... [we can see Breezly Bruin and Wally Gator taking some serious note of a school of clownfish and garibaldi close to a rock reef itself close to the edges of kelp groves swaying in the surf] ... but when you see the kelp dancing in the waves, just make sure you don’t get distracted at the underwater dance--and speaking of a dance-- [as if on cue unbidden, Lippy the Lion and Hardy Har-Har can be imagined dancing a waltz of sorts under the waves....]
HARDY HAR-HAR, reflecting on the show:  Lippy and I were thinking that if the sea kelp could be dancing, then what would stop us?
LIPPY THE LION, adding his worth: I have to acknowledge there that Hardy was a bit facetious ... but in such an unlikely and magical ballroom underwater as off Malibu, what sort of a feeling could be imagined?
PETER POTAMUS: Even then, the sea lions of the local waters, some of them coming by way of the Channel Islands--Catalina among them--can’t resist our acquaintenance! [And you can just notice how irresistable the sea lions were to members of the company--Loopy De Loop, Breezly Bruin, Wally Gator, Hokey Wolf, Lippy and Hardy, even Peter Potamus “himself”--as they could be seen playing around in and amongst this particular stretch of reef. Not to mention snatches of swim time.] Let’s just hope some weren’t of the overly lovesick variety there ...
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[Shortly afterward ... a shallow underwater cave in a nearshore cove ... Mildew Wolf decides to shine his flashlight into same, only to uncover what turned out being a cheesy-looking cashbox of a sort which might have been stolen some while previous and dumped into the waters to avoid suspicion on the part of the original perps. Some traces of slime could be seen covering its surface as Mildew wipes it off with his fingers, wondering what it might be.]
MILDEW WOLF, explaining the scenario: Exchanging chasing lamb for chasing underwater adventure, especially in such interesting company, seems rather easy ... and I do admit this was practically a dare on my own. Yet having to reach somewhat into the sea cave, fearing that some monster like a moray eel or sea urchins might come up and attack trying to reach for that box, was a little tricky. Let alone wondering how such a box got into the water, eventually making its way into such a crevasse underwater, for who-knows-how-long!
PETER POTAMUS, picking things up: We may not have seriously anticipated any sort of treasure hunt underwater, especially on such a modest scale, [we can see the cashbox being shared with Peter for observation and safekeeping pending the return to shore], but you can never be too wary or cautious. Especially when, on shaking up the box to see if such contained anything of serious value, it turned out to sound like a few coins not worth much. But at any rate, serious treasure-seeking isn’t exactly part of our playbook; rather, it’s more about the prospect of using SCUBA as a tool of fun and discovery. Admittedly, Jonny Quest this isn’t.
[Back to shore, only this time outside the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s station in Malibu, where the cashbox was brought in for enquiries--]
As a follow-on to Mildew Wolf’s discovery, I turned in the cashbox to the sheriff’s department, hoping someone therein might know about any thefts of cashboxes of this sort. And while the deputy who saw us was dumbfounded in explaining that such was found in a shallow sea cave near “The Notch” off Point Dume, he pledged to do some further checking and urged us, as were travelling, to call back in time just in case. Which just goes to show how interesting the whole experience that is SCUBA can be--and which yours truly seeks to demonstrate in this series....
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corbwhisker · 5 years ago
Ship meme reed/daffodil
When I started shipping it
I didn’t really start shipping it? If anything it was a passing thought that’s slowly crept in and grown stronger. 
My thoughts
OKAY SO - I can actually see it? Like they are compatible, but at the moment I don’t see them getting together. For Reed and Daffodil to actually to become a couple, I’d like them to develop better as friends first. Think slow burn from friends to lovers.
I like the contrast of personalities, and Daffodil’s thick skin means he pays no mind to any of Reedpaw’s temper or quips. And honestly I think Daffodil’s sunshine attitude is the perfect counterbalance to Reedpaw’s grumpy attitude. Not to mention Daffodil is managing to get Reedpaw out of his angst shell, and hopefully on the path to get his fire back in a more healthy manner.
And you may wonder how Daffodil feels about Reedpaw… Well Daffodil has an absolute mission to befriend Reedpaw! He can see the cat underneath, and he can see how much he wants to change, but doesn’t know how to - good thing Daffodil’s hyperactive happy-go-lucky personality comes with some life experience.
What makes me happy about them
The contrast of personalities is always great! The classic raincloud and shining sun. Not to mention how Daffodil slowly but surely has wedged his way into Reedpaw’s tiny friend circle, how slowly the two are becoming good friends - I can’t wait until they are able to be fully comfortable around each other, and maybe even goof off like the young cats they are.
What makes me sad about them
Nothing really? They don’t have a long history together as Daffodil is new to Creekclan. It makes for a clean slate.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
Well for Daffodil it’s hard to say, there’s always Kelp and Sunstripe - but for both of those I’d like to see more development between them. Or maybe wild card Raccoon? 
For Reedpaw? That’s hard to say - there aren’t many candidates, and he doesn’t exactly get along with most at the moment. But for any romance option with Reedpaw, I see it as that they are gonna have to slow burn from friendship to romance, otherwise it would feel rushed or unbalanced.
My happily ever after for them
These boys having a healthy, happy relationship where they are able to have fun and be able to enjoy themselves. Also I imagine they’d get competitive about trying to be romantic - bringing gifts and trying to out-do each other in the most fun way.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon?
I think it’d be both, depending on who wants to cuddle and who wants to be cuddled. But I imagine they are both cuddle bugs.
What is their favourite activity
These boys are competitive, they’d like to compete all the time - all in good fun of course! It lets them act young, have fun, and spend energy in a positive way. But I think I’m down times, I’d like to think they’d go on evening or night walks, sometimes they swim, sometimes they just find a quiet spot to watch the stars and the fireflies.
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askfacultystaff · 2 years ago
If Neko got sent into Animal Universe
By my calculations, the chances of your best friend's enemies successfully bullying him without us knowing are an abysmal 25 to 1 😌
- Beatrice Loud to Neko-Sufi while showing her calculator.
🎶 I'm singing in the rain~ I'm singing in the rain~ 🙂🎶
- Bippa Loud when she dancing and singing under the rain while holding her umbrella infront of Neko-Sufi who's standing inside of Loud House.
Oh come on! Tell me everything about my brother's studies, Sufi! I won't be mad! 😌💧
- Betty Loud to Neko-Sufi.
I hate when New Girl beating up my brother to death, Sufi! 😒💢
- Brenda Loud to Neko-Sufi while she thinks Rabbit! Stella Zhau is new girl, but Neko-Sufi told her New Girl is actually Rabbit! Stella Zhau.
Aww!! You love Mr. Principal?? Are you with him a couple?? Dating?? Loving each other? 🥰
- Belinda Loud to Neko-Sufi who's blushing with embarrassment and tries to tell her to not tell everyone about it 😂
Hi there, Sufi.
- Bella Loud to Neko-Sufi, causing her to get jumpscared 😂
No need to panic, Sufi, just inhale and exhale calmly, always stay calm and peace. Never end up in danger, always protect yourself~ 👌😌👌
- Bodhi Loud to Neko-Sufi while she calming her down by meditating.
Look, I've captured the moment in oils, I call it "Portrait of a Human Cat Girl Being Saved by Me And My Siblings" 😀
- Bianca Loud to Neko-Sufi while showing picture she painted less than 3 seconds to her.
........ *Texting to her" (You're Sufi, right?) 😶📱
- Bridget Loud when she texting to Neko-Sufi with her phone, since she doesn't speak at all.
But what if you get lost from places!? What if you stuck inside of shopping, cinema or markets!? What if you never come back!? What if we never see each other!? What if- 😨
- Brooke Loud to Neko-Sufi while panicking about anything bad will happen to her, but Neko-Sufi calming down her before she could finish her sentence.
You're guitarist? That's cool, dudette!! Gotta turn music on TV!!! 😆
- Barbara Loud to Neko-Sufi who told her she can play her guitar.
Alright! Let's see my to-do list! *Pointing to every list* Taking a walk, watching movie, cleaning room, taking a bath, taking a shower, studying, washing dishes, going supermarket, going concert, visiting guests, having party, having picnic, going to restaurant- 🙂
- Bethany Loud to Neko-Sufi as she pointing her to-do list, causing her see that's a lot of stuff 🤭
I just took a massive mess in my room! 😶📣 *Neko overheard as she tries to hold her laugh* Sorry! 😓📣
- Bernadette Loud to Neko-Sufi while holding her megaphone.
Where's my shiny object? *Saw shiny spoon under coffee table* Oh there it is! *Takes it* Shines like a mirror! 😊🥄
- Brandy Loud when she found shiny spoon, causing Neko-Sufi to see her holding shiny spoon.
You know... I think I gotta- *Falls fast asleep* 😴
- Beth Loud to Neko-Sufi, much to her confusion as hell 😂
*Blowing her whistle* Hey there! All you need is get in game and never give up! 😆
- Bailey Loud to Neko-Sufi.
Remember, i can catch any enemy by using my lasso! Want to try it? 😉
- Beulah Loud to Neko-Sufi.
I know right? I'm doing more sports than others! Be big and strong like me! 😏
- Bertha Loud to Neko-Sufi while lifting her up, no wonder how strong she is.
Whatever you do, use this pie for smack cam! *Laughs* Get it? 😄
- Bebe Loud to Neko-Sufi as she hands her homemade pie to her.
Don't listen to them, you should have to move on, and stay strong, Sufi. I'll never let you feel down forever 😌
- Beverly Loud to Neko-Sufi while giving her a advice to her.
It's okay if they "like" wear something trendy like you did, i respect their options 😅 But i don't wear leather ones 😓
- Blair Loud to Neko-Sufi.
Book is my life, but mostly are poems! You should try it! 🙂
- Birdie Loud to Neko-Sufi while reading her book.
Want some kelp smoothies, Sufi? 😋
- Brie Loud to Neko-Sufi as she hands kelp smoothie to her 😅
Did you have any allergies? I'm afraid you'll get sick or fever for any reason! 🤒
- Blanch Loud to Neko-Sufi as she asks if she had any allergies.
There will be luck, here's a lucky charm alumet, make your life more better 🍀😊
- Bernice Loud to Neko-Sufi while giving lucky charm alumet to her.
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dapperolknotes-blog · 7 years ago
Dappervolk Known Species
Misshapen Turnip - Runty Turnipling
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Plump Turnip -  Turnipling
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Seedling - Spring Seedling
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Fantastical Bells - Bell Fox
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Apprentice Teacup - Apprentice Cat
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Cabbage - Cabbager
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Essence Jug - Essence Thief
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Ornate Lantern - Lantern Pixie
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Gooseberry - Goosebird
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Poisoned Skull - Scullion
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Bundle of Succulents - Succulent Vole
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Pumpkin - Pumpkin Pup
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Glowshrooms - Glowshroom Rabbit
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Golden Flower Vase - Golden Flower Faun
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Teal Ribboned Lute - Bardling
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Enchanted Bottle - Enchantling
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Golden Kelp Bow - Golden Seasnake
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Golden Kelppot - Shining Kelpcat
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Jeweled Harp - Opal Valkyrie
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Celestial Egg - Celestial Pup (Alpha Pet)
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Clerical Support Trinket - Clerical Dragoncat
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Prismatic Bell - Prismatic Pup
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Pine Sheep (Alchemy)
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Pointed Gryphon  (Alchemy)
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Celestial Owlgriff  (Alchemy)
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Meadow Hound  (Alchemy)
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Centauri Seer  (Alchemy)
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Spirit Messenger (Alchemy)
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Topaz Goat (Alchemy)
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Coral Seamaid  (Alchemy)
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Jeweled Unicorn  (Alchemy)
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Obsidian Dragon (Alchemy)
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Scenic Crab (Alchemy)
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Emerald Dragonlet (Alchemy)
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Stonevine Deericorn
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Spiral Imp
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Glassorb Fox
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Black Moor Guardling
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Rune Rook
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Ferry Mermaid
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goldenscript · 8 years ago
bonfires and sea breezes.
a “rule breakers.” drabble.
4,109 words | fluff ↳ your first kiss with your first kim.
author’s note: i swear this was supposed to be a lot shorter, but well, here it is! also, happy birthday me~ 
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The boundless waves ebb and flow, a bright, shining sun beats down on its occupants, and giggles can be heard from different directions. The air itself is infused with seawater, kelp, burning wood, and marinated meat, and despite the odd mixture of scents that one wouldn’t mix on a normal day—it’s springtime. Albeit not quite the ideal time for a trip to the beach when summers are usually much hotter in temperature and in business on the sandy shores, but it’s expected that the sights of Busan are far too good to pass up just because it’s a few months too early than the normal bonfire season.
With the arrival of your best friend, you could not stray from the idea of venturing the local beach with her and a few of your mutual friends just to make her first stay in your new home as memorable as any other time you’ve both gotten to spend together since the move. That itself was only a year and half ago, but you finally have her for the week and you’re absolutely ecstatic. With the past two weeks dwelling on your mind, you need Jennie and the comfort she can provide just by pulling you into her arms and then whisking you away on some convoluted adventure to only God knows where.
The last time this happened you both wound up in the downtown cityscape in your old hometown through public transit and a few hours of wandering. Taehyung had long since began ignoring you by then, but he was the one (with Jimin, of course) to come collect you two afterwards. He still didn’t talk to you at the bus station. Neither of you two expected it, but it felt like a far memory where you vaguely remember the small upset you were feeling about something as insignificant as a bad grade on a homework assignment so Jennie incited that trip.
Unfortunately, the upset you feel now is nothing short of a conflicted dilemma. Not a bad grade, but a bad case of feelings for sure. It’s confusing being a Sophomore in high school. There’s no instructions manual to feelings. If Guide to Understanding Your Feelings was an actual thing, you might’ve been that tempted to purchase it just for the sake of putting your heart and mind at ease. It’s just so damn scary trying to navigate through feelings that extend past platonic ones.
You believe those waters are better left alone… right?
“You in there, bub?” Jennie nudges you, taking a sip of her soda.
Since your set-up on the beach several hours prior, you’ve had your share of enjoyment with your friends. When the sun’s rays have finally gone down, the fire finally gets built, warming the general vicinity once ready. The crisp flames filling you with a comfort knowing that you’re here with friends.
You truly feel at ease.
At least there’s no stress of relationships or grade here on the dark grains of sand going on for miles beyond the open area and the adjacent waters. There’s only sounds of the ocean intermingling with chatter and soft music playing from Jungkook’s speaker.
Glancing over at the brunette, you flash her a smile and nod.
In response, her eyes narrow and her visage is much closer to yours, “Don’t you lie to me, Y/N.”
That alone gets your heart to skip a beat, and it actually frightens you how such a simple action can affect you. Things with Jaebum did some of the same things. He could make your heart flutter and your hands clammy—a lot of your time together was spent reacting in this way. But with Jennie? You’re certain it hardly means anything (right?), but considering the past few weeks you’ve had, you’re trying to reason that your hormones on edge. Nevertheless, you press on in hopes that she won’t completely catch onto whatever’s going on in your head because you have no clue at all.
“I’m not,” you tell her, giving her shoulder a light nudge, “I just got lost in thought s’all. It’s no biggie.”
“It’s definitely a biggie, you punk,” she huffs, nestling her can deep into the sand to avoid any spills, “You still haven’t told me what’s been bothering you so badly. If it’s still on your mind after everything we did today then tell me. You can talk to me.”
Of course you can—this isn’t a new fact. But the idea of telling Jennie that you might’ve been involved with a boy makes you chicken out almost as much as you had when Jaebum tried kissing you in the art room.
Your lips remain shut on the matter, nodding at the girl, “I’m okay, really.”
She knows you’re lying—why wouldn’t she know? She’s known you for too long. But she also knows not to press further. Instead of saying anything else, she turns toward Rose as the taller girl attempts to catch everyone else’s attention.
Her warm brown eyes filling with mischief and excitement after setting her soda down, “Let’s play truth or dare.”
There’s a chorus of groans in the group—Jungkook has gone wide-eyed, Yugyeom’s cheeks turn pink, Bambam has a smile curving on pink lips, Chungha rolls her eyes, but regardless of the random proposition, no one opposes it either. Even Jennie actually looks a little excited as she turns her complete attention toward everyone else, leaning forward. She quirks a brow, matching Rose’s smirk, “Who’s first?”
No one says a word, though that is expected considering the stakes that are being thrown at everyone. This wasn’t new territory, but the group’s been antsy for this trip—none of them really know what went down with Jaebum either, so you have to suppress a groan when your name falls off everyone else’s lips.
Jennie nudges you, turning her attention away from Rose, “So, what’s it gonna be?”
“Truth,” you say, sticking your tongue at everyone else who has elicited groans, minus Jungkook because he actually looks a little nervous about the game overall. You can’t blame him. Whenever the group gets together, games like these were bound to happen even if it did open up doors that the shyer ones weren’t quite ready for.
Rose beckons Jennie over, whispering to the older girl as the others listens and pipes in. The only word you catch is ‘kiss’ but you’re just hoping you’re just hearing things. Probably too preoccupied with the almost kiss with Jaebum. You only told the group that you and said boy broke things off, citing that you two were better as friends than anything more—much to Rose and Chungha’s disappointment. You watch from across the flames as Bambam talks about what Jaebum might’ve told him and the other boys of the group. (You’re only sure of this because Bambam’s eyes meet yours before quickly darting away.)
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. How would they know what happened? It was a simple fact that no one knew what went down between you and the infamous cat lover. You apologized profusely for not being able to follow through with the gesture, but he said it was fine, that being friends was fine, too. Was he really lying? You certainly don’t want to believe that thought. You’re actually hoping that your mind is feeding you crappy thoughts just to hike up your anxiety. Though before another one could infiltrate your mind, you hear someone call your name. You immediately look up, feeling a surge of nerves bundle inside you.
Your heart feels like it could fall out of your chest as you reply, “Y-yeah?”
You’re met with a mix of interested gazes and a few smirks as Jennie then asks, “Who was your first kiss?” She leans in closer just to smile at you and ask a follow-up question, “And, how was it?” 
If you were holding your breath, you would’ve released it in some relief. Out of all the questions they could’ve asked that pertained to you and Jaebum, they didn’t ask about what actually went down between you two. Instead it was this one—the one question that would still embarrass you had they ask about your time with Jaebum.
You try to remain straight-faced as you answer, “No one… I haven’t had my first kiss, yet,” shrugging as you do so.
“Wait, what?” Rose then asks with wide eyes. Even Chungha and the boys look taken aback when you look beside her.
You nod as your gaze shifts over to Jennie; her bottom lip is caught between her teeth before she releases it and her lips part. She looks like she wants to say more, not that you blame her at all, but Rose beats her to the punch.
“You and Jae really didn’t kiss, Y/N?”
You shake your head, running a hand through the top of your hair. “I mean we broke things off, didn’t we?”
The strawberry blonde nods slowly, her brows furrow when she says, “I just thought, maybe, you two did and that’s when you broke it off or something.”
For a moment, you consider telling them why. They’re your friends. Telling them why you didn’t kiss a guy you liked might be something worth mentioning, but in your decision not to, you felt an undeniable embarrassment for yourself, and for Jaebum, because it wasn’t his fault you couldn’t kiss him. It was on you.
So, you just shake your head once more and answer as nonchalantly as you can, “I—well—it’s not like I’m the only one who hasn’t kissed anyone anyway.”
When you’re met with silence, you look around to everyone else as they murmur and shift around on their logs, “you’re telling you all had your first kisses already?” You look to Jennie, not even she’s disagreeing with you, and that strikes you the most. When was that?
No one spoke up until Jennie clears her throat and turns to Rose before the blonde can interrogate you further. “Anyone else up for a dare then?”
Bambam immediately speaks up, smirking among the two other boys as he responds, “Hit me with your best shot, sweetheart.”
There’s a collective eye roll, but this doesn’t stop Jennie from concocting a challenge. Her instructions are simple: streak on the beach naked and steal one of the s’mores from the nearby bonfires. Though this is enough to cause the boy in question to guffaw, he receives much encouraging cheers from the rest of the group, and without another second, he’s already thrown his shirt off.
This seems to go by within moments, allowing you to forget about the fact that everyone else seemed to receive their first kisses without you—shockingly, even Jennie. You looked over at her, hoping to formulate the proper words, but they couldn’t seem to come out correctly. Maybe she was meaning to tell me soon… I should give her the benefit of the doubt. You just didn’t understand what bothered you most: whether it was her having her first kiss and not telling you or having her first kiss in general.
You watch as Bambam does as he’s told, taking a sharp left toward the crowd near the edge of the beach. He grabs something, receiving a series of shrill shrieks and shouts as he makes a round toward the other end of the beach before jogging his way back to the rest of you. He returns with a pack of marshmallows covering his groin, and that’s what elicits billows of laughter from the six of you. Somewhere into Bambam’s nude excursion, Yugyeom was instructed to hide the poor boy’s clothes.
Eventually Bambam got his clothes back, and by this time everyone (but you) completed a dare. Chungha dove into the ocean, Jungkook opened the marshmallow pack with his teeth, and Yugyeom confessed that he thought that he would kiss Rose out of everyone else in the group. Even Jennie and Rose went venturing into the supposedly haunted woods across the beach for a good ten minutes before they returned with poker faces and nonchalant smiles.
“So, everyone’s done a dare but you, Y/N,” Rose quips after settling in her seat on the log, a smile curving on her peach lips. “So, what’s it gonna be? Truth or dare?”
You remain resolved to avoid any possible dare about disclosing any more information about that day, so you answer, “Tru—”
“—Y/N, seriously?”
You nod at Rose with a small smile, “It isn’t against the rules to pick truth twice, anyway.”
“Well—” You can practically hear the complaints from everyone else; after all, everyone did do at least one dare.
“—It’s okay,” Jennie speaks up, turning to you with a raised brow, “If you choose truth and you can’t answer the question, then you have to do a dare. How about that?”
“Oh god,” you mutter, your brows already furrowing. “What’re you planning in that evil brain of yours, Jennie?”
Her lips curve into a smile, a flicker of excitement flashes across her coffee brown hues before she winks at you.
You could feel your heart pounding even louder inside your chest. It’s as tumultuous as the waves nearby. You hate to know what she’ll ask, but your gut already has a strong impression that Jennie was waiting for this moment. You’ve known her long enough by now, and the same can be said about her.
“Your question, Y/N m’dear, is this: why didn’t you kiss this Im Jaebum guy?” She asks, leaning toward you. Her voice doesn’t have its initial teasing laced between her words. The way she asks makes you feel like she’s actually talking to you. Even the way she looks at you is telling you this, and why would you ever doubt that? She’s been around for as long as you can remember. She’s never been afraid to stay by your side, even in this physical distance, she stuck around. She’s the one that can put your heart at ease, you realize. “Y/N?”
You blink, breaking the contact between you two to look at her soda lodged into the sand.
“Spill or do the dare!” You heard Bambam quip, earning himself a sharp smack on the arm from Chungha.
“Um,” you look at everyone over the fire, settling back to Jennie as she nods at you encouragingly. The longer you look at her, the less you actually want to get this over with. You didn’t want to tell her like this. You’ve been feeling weird as it is, and doing it with an audience made you feel even more uneasy than the idea of doing whatever dare they had in store for you. Fuck it.
You straighten your back, breaking eye contact with Jennie once more to look at everyone else with a half-curved lips. “What’s the dare?”
Rose’s eyes shift from your left back to you as she smiles at you, “You remember our cliff diving spot?”
You raise a brow at her, “The one that’s crazy hard to find? Ev—”
“Even in daylight,” she nods, pointing at the plateau’s entrance behind you. “You’re the one who showed it us, so I’m sure you’ll find it. We’ll send someone to come get you afterwards.”
“Alright,” you shove on your sneakers, taking one last swig of your soda. “See you guys in a bit then.”
There’s a chorus of farewells as everyone else watches as you rise from your spot, already turning the flashlight mode on your phone. The warmth of Jennie’s hand no longer radiates on your bare skin, but you can feel her stare at your back as you walk toward the plateau. Your mind tries not to acknowledge this, at least for your heart’s sake, so you press a little harder into the sand on the upward steep.
You can feel the actual rocks after a good three meters. By now, you can hardly see the tips of the flames, only the expanse of dark rocks decorated with moss and chipped boulders. The light you shine helps you from tripping over your own two feet, though it feels like you’re tripping over your own thoughts trying to figure out how to explain your own predicament to Jennie later tonight. Do I say I’m just being an idiot who can’t figure her own feelings? Is that even a reason?
You shake your head, looking around between the plateau you’re on and the next one over. It should be that one.
This particular diving cliff is distinct. Its waters below lead to the coral reefs, inviting the diver to take a gander at the life around them before they’re back to reality. You remember finding it with Jungkook. Apparently, his brother suggested it, and since then, you two have always coaxed your group to give it a try. Diving itself was a moment of clarity because you’re practically flying as you’re cushioned by the blue waters, enjoying the sights it has to offer. And, despite how difficult it is to find it, most people who go can find it at least once.
You suppose the logic of these magnificent waters might’ve made it harder to find, but it took crossing onto the next plateau as you guessed to do it. Not that you could say for sure with the night sky stripping away the water’s sights, you just plopped onto one of the boulders and let your phone rest in your lap. 
Of course, your automatic thought goes back to Jennie. You’ll tell her what’s going on, why you’ve been weird lately—it’s only fair. You’ll tell her what’s wrong, and she’ll tell you about this first kiss of hers. At least by that time, you’ll have something cohesive to say. Like “hey Jennie, I didn’t kiss Jaebum, but I think I like you—”
“—Y/N? Is that you? Or is it that stupid ghost Bambam warned me about?”
You blink and turn toward the direction of the source to respond, “Jennie? What are you doing here?”
“Technically, I came early to sit with you. But I’m your collector,” she answers, taking a seat beside you. Her knee brushes yours and her phone is in her lap now.
You look at her, feeling those initial butterflies subside just a little. Without the eyes of your other friends on you, it feels a little nicer just to have this moment with your best friend. For many occasions, being around Jennie has always eased you, even now.
“Oh,” you say softly. “Thank you.”
“Well, don’t thank me now,” she giggles, nudging your shoulder with hers. “Tell me what’s wrong, bub.”
“Of course,” you muse, mostly to yourself. She simply waits, resting herself on her knees. It doesn’t take you long to admit to your own thoughts; any attempt in keeping something from Jennie has never sat well with you anyway. 
“I didn’t kiss Jaebum because I didn’t feel the same way,” you admit to her. “I don’t know how I feel exactly, but kissing him didn’t feel right even if I did kind of like him...I—” you sigh, “I don’t know, Jen. I guess I just chickened out on kissing him; I couldn’t help but think that if I did then it was just something to do than something I wanted. Plus, I feel like my feelings have been all over the place. First with him, then with yo—”
“Me?” she tilts her head at you. One of her arms actually moves to rest on your knee. “You have feelings for me?”
You shrug, “I don’t know for sure. But sometimes I get butterflies with you. I like being with you. Out of everyone, it’s always been easiest with you.” 
She still maintains eye contact with you, though her eyes still go over yours with skepticism. “But, your feelings for me could be nothing like with Jaebum’s? Just a harmless crush, y’know.”
“W-well,” you lick your lips, “the difference is with you I don’t mind kissing you.”
You feel your cheeks burn after you’ve admitted to it. You know that this could take your friendship onto a weird turn, but you know that it’ll be alright for some reason. The softening of Jennie’s eyes just reassures you. 
Her visage is a lot closer now as she asks you, “Do you want to try it?”
You don’t know why, but you find yourself nodding as she continues, “It doesn’t have to lead into anything y’know, but you seem pretty sure that this is something you want. I don’t mind either. You’ll always have a spot in my heart, after all.”
When you mulled it over, Jennie’s words held truth in them. Compared to Jaebum, you’ve always been comfortable with stepping into odd territory with Jennie. When you two ventured downtown Daegu, you didn’t mind being in such a new place, because you were with her. Walking those streets and the streets in your hometown have never been without her, and even now, she’s always there—it’s without a single doubt that Jennie Kim is your best friend and you’d kiss her over Im Jaebum. Not because it’s the easiest thing to do, but because it’s something you truly want to do.
So, you say so, “I want to kiss you, Jennie.”
 And, without another second to spare, you allow yourself to lean forward, watching as she nods in encouragement, before you press her lips to yours. You can feel your heart thudding inside your chest, but you maintain enough tranquility to chastely pull away.
Jennie’s cheeks appear to be burning, and you’re certain yours are too. You’re almost sure that’s the end of all of that until she smiles and tips your chin toward her again. Her fingertips find purchase at the side of your cheek, entangling in your locks as she beckons you forth.
You’re almost surprised. But, then again, you were also sure you liked the aforementioned boy; after all, who wouldn’t like the soft-hearted and ever-smirking Im Jaebum? But even then the small tidbits, like his weekends spent at the cat shelter downtown and occasional Simpsons binges, were not enough to hook you. At least, not enough to let him press his lips to yours like you were letting Jennie.
It’s soft and gentle, and more importantly, warm and special. Something that gave you relief knowing that this was something you genuinely wanted, and there wasn’t any expectations from it afterwards. With Jaebum, there came a pressure that once you two kissed, you two were supposed to be together, and you weren’t even sure you wanted that. At least with Jennie, you two had the freedom to just decide.
After she pulls away, she leans back and muses aloud, “At least I was the first one.”
Your brain and heart are buzzing quite loudly, almost enough that you weren’t sure you heard her correctly. You look at her oddly, trying to figure out what she means, but instead you decide to just ask.
“Well, who’s supposed to be the second then?”
She winks and gleams the fact that you might find out the following year — whatever that means. Instead of answering another one of your question on this, she helps you up from the makeshift seat before wrapping an arm around your shoulders to lead you back to the bonfire.
“Don’t worry about it, ‘kay? Let’s just enjoy this,” she looks over at you, a smile curving on her slightly swollen lips.
You resign with a nod, “Alright.” After passing into the next plateau, you say, “Thank you, by the way.”
“Of course, silly! I want you happy, Y/N. You deserve it.” She says, giving one of your shoulders a squeeze. “And, as your best friend, this is in my job description.”
“Was that in your job description too?” 
It takes her a moment to realize what you mean, but when she does she giggles and shakes her head, “That was for fun. Ya gotta live once in awhile too, y’know?” She moves her arm to hold your hand, “By the way, not bad for a first timer.”
“That reminds me,” you then say, giving her hand a sudden squeeze, “you have some explaining to do! Who was this first kiss of yours?”
“U-um…” she bites her lip, avoiding your stare as she answered, “...it might’ve been Jimin.”
“Wait, what?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, watching as she releases your shoulders and makes toward the steep hill toward the camp. Without even a second thought, you take after her with fits of laughter filling the air as you two live up the rest of your night.
This time, a little more comfortably in your skin.
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Monique’s Top Ten
It’s that time of year when we all reflect on the year that was and make our top ten lists.  As you can imagine, it was actually very difficult for me to pare down my list to just 10 roles.  I also faced issues of what constituted a role . . . as my fans are well aware, I perform an improvised one-woman show on a daily basis. You may remember my triumphs in Monique Buys a Shower Curtain and Monique and the Waiter Engage in Small Talk, or of course my acclaimed performance piece Monique, Dream or Nightmare?
However, many of the unenlightened believe that improvised acting is not acting at all, or if they see one show, they have seen them all and there is no reason to return even though it is in fact a different show every time and there is a lot of skill and practice involved in creating an improvised show and even though nobody will review it because they relegate it to “comedy,” like stand-up, improv is a very visceral art, much more similar to theatre than to stand-up and, in some cities, the improv and theatre communities are much more intertwined and the similarities and comparable skills are celebrated and supported, because honestly lots can be learned about “being in the moment” watching talented improvisers do their thing. 
But I digress. 
May I present Monique, Ten Performances That Changed the World . . . in 2019.
1.     Monique in Urinetown at TheatreLab.  My performance as a citizen of an icky town of fishnet stockings and expressions reminiscent of the national cheerleading finals (one would think cheerleaders would be happy, but if you’ve ever watched those tournaments, they all cultivate an “Don’t Come For Me Unless I’ve Sent You An Engraved Invitation” look) stunned even the other actors.  One of them actually had to drop character and rip up my prop program, clearly because she felt upstaged by my fishnets.  In case you were wondering, I thought outside the box and constructed my costume out of fishing nets and live and almost dead and surely dead fish.
2.    Monique in Once at Virginia Rep.  My performance as Girl was highly lauded.  Now, to be fair, there was another actress also playing a character named Girl.  But I am a Girl, and I was at the show.
3.    Monique in Every Brilliant Thing at HATTheatre.  While I am always delighted to perform in HATTheatre’s charming black box, I must honestly say that, crazy as it sounds, the producers must not have been familiar with my previous work.   They clearly were not convinced that I was professional and would obviously be off book. Instead, they handed me my lines (along with a cue number) when I arrived.  Naturally, I tore them up and delivered my lines when, and only when, the moment was correct.  The dramatic pauses were achingly anticipatory.  Unfortunately, many others remained on book.  Sad.
4.    Monique in The Mystery of Edwin Drood at Swift Creek.  I voted for myself.  Rosa Bud is a well-known Russian operative, and I do not accept my defeat.  I feel strongly that, even though I may have lost the popular vote, the electrician’s collage would have named me the winner. I’ve never really understood how the electrician’s collage works, but it sounds like a blue-collar vision board, which I fully support.
5.    Monique in Falsettos at Richmond Triangle Players.  Four Jews in a room bitching.  None of them actually on stage, but me and a few other tribe members appreciated the shout out.  
6.    Monique in Lost Boy at Whole Foods.  I was practicing my drag and became confused in the organic kelp granule aisle. Riveting, I am told.
7.    Monique in Taming of the Shrew at Quill Theatre.  I was pleased to lead a protest against this shrew-shaming show.  Bullies of any kind are unacceptable.  What’s next?  Mean-shaming?  Forgerer-shaming?  Wicked stepmother-shaming?  The protest began with a fruit and cheese spread on the lawn of Agecroft and ended with the protestors rising to their feet and slapping the palms of their hands together in a heartwarming show of solidarity for shrews everywhere.  Now that I have shined a light on this oppressed group, catch my upcoming performances in A Shrew, Good Men; The Shrew Story; and Shrew Christmas.
8.    Monique in Seven Homeless Mammoths Wander New England at Richmond Triangle Players. A very challenging role where I looked as though I was a woman in the audience of a show in Scott’s Addition, but all my lines were lines of audience members around me, and I was frozen in one position.  Very, very challenging.  And I wore fur.
9.    Monique in Cinderella at Virginia Rep.  With a different costume for each act, as well as a “traveling” costume for my end-of-show exit, I performed the near impossible.  I changed my costume right in my seat in the audience to gasps and complaints.  It’s true that my costume changes were not quite as smooth or fast as Cinderella’s, but then she was the title character.  Good for her.  I chose the more challenging role of Patron Whobravedalotofpuddlesdowntown.  The budget for my costumes may not have been as large as Cinderella’s, but, ask the patron in D8, sometimes using “look over there” as misdirection can work just as well as a fortune’s worth of snaps, ties, and Velcro.
10.  Monique in BINGO at CAT Theatre.  I received so many varied compliments on my performance as Bingo Winner Eating Popcorn it’s hard to narrow down why this performance touched so many.  It may have something to do with my good luck charms:  a botox syringe, my mink ballgown, and the aromatherapy wind chime I hung above my seat.  
Happy New Year Everyone!    
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mydearwtson · 7 years ago
blind assassin bookmarks part 3 OF 3
Her pies had gluey, underdone fillings, and crust that were tough but flexible, like beige kelp or huge leathery mushrooms. 
He always said May I before taking a picture for the paper but he never waited for the answer. 
but I was needed at home. Needed at home, needed at home - it sounded like a life sentence. Worse, like a dirge. I was stuck in Port Ticonderoga, proud bastion of the common-and-garden-variety button and of lower-priced long johns for budget-minded shoppers. I would stagnate here, nothing would ever happen to me, I would end up an old maid like Miss Violence, pitied and derided. 
There’s a wild plum tree at the back of the garden, on the other side of the fence. It’s ancient, gnarled, the branches knuckled with black knot.... It blossoms every spring, unasked, untended; in the late summer it drops plums into my garden, small blue oval ones with a last bloom on them like dust. Such generosity. I picked up the last windfalls this morning - those few the squirrels and raccoons and drunken yellow-jackets had left me -- and ate them greedily, the juice of their bruised flesh bloodying my chin. I didn’t notice it until Myra dropped by with another of her tuna casseroles. My goodness, she said, with her breathless avian laugh. Who’ve you been fighting?
“The lid on what?” said Laura, who hadn’t said anything so far. It was as if a chair had spoken. 
Arithmetic had entered the picture, with its many legs, its many spines and heads, its pitiless eyes made of zeroes. 
Already the ends of my thumbs are fissuring, my face withering further. If I could see my skin in the mirror - if I could only get close enough, or far enough away - it would be crisscrossed by tiny lines, in between the main wrinkles, like scrimshaw. 
The garden has nothing in it but dead leaves and brittle stalks and a few diehard chrysanthemums. 
Her voice was what was called a whisky voice - low, deep almost, with a rough, scraped overlay to it like a cat’s tongue - like velvet made of leather. (She was a card player, I discovered later. Bridge, not poker 
She had a watch that was silver and fluid, like a ribbon of poured metal; it had dots on it instead of numbers. .. She laughed, and stood up, and gave me a shrimp-coloured kiss, not on the cheek but on the forehead... The air parted before her like long grass; her legs did not appear to be attached to her hips, but directly to her waist; nothing joggled. 
She’s cool as a melon
They came up against an invisible wall. It was slippery, like glass, but soft and yielding when you pushed on it. Then it would spring back into shape. It was higher than they could possibly reach or climb. It was like a huge crystal bubble. 
There;s the moon, almost full, spider-veined with old scars, and below it the ambient sub-orange glow cast up into the sky by the street lights, Beneath is the sidewalk, patchy with shadow and partially hidden by the chestnut tree in the yard, its branches spread out like a hard thick net, its white-moth flowers glimmering faintly. There’s a man, looking up. She can see the dark eyebrows, the hollows of the eye sockets, the smile a white slash across the oval of his face. 
He shines like tin. His eyes are vertical slits. He isn’t what she remembers. 
I had an image of myself, during lonely nights, holding one of Walter’s vacated, leathery hands: it would be a companion of sorts. Pathetic. 
Walter’s mouth twitched, the tips of his upper teeth showed: it was a grin. 
placed both hands on the table and levered himself into the air, like an obelisk raised by ropes. 
he’s blurred like the face in some wet, discarded newspaper... he had become like a statue of himself: huge, public, imposing, hollow. 
I have to hurry now. I can see the end, glimmering far up ahead of me, as if it’s a roadside motel, on a dark night, in the rain. A last-chance postwar motel, where no questions are asked and none of the names in the front-desk register are real and it’s cash in advance. The office is strung with old Christmas-tree lights; behind it a clump of murky cabins, the pillows fragrant with mildew. A moonfaced fas pump out front. No gas though, it’s run out many decades ago. Here’s where you stop. 
Laura was my left hand, and I was hers. We wrote the book together. It’s a left-handed book. That’s why one of us always out of sight, whichever way you look at it. 
with hair like burning spiderwebs and a weedy garden full of God knows what. 
My heart will jump and flutter; I’ll peer at you, then recognize you: my cherished, my last remaining wish. .... the eyes of the elderly are arid. 
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