#shinichi is getting too good at acting like a kid
ssaraexposs · 5 months
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starstruck1412 · 15 days
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New artwork - I had a certain scenario in my head and I thought the artwork could do with a little explanation and now it ended up into as a short fic. :)) (I usually just write dialogue for my comics so apologises for the shoddy descriptions).
The explosion had been deafening, the shockwave ripping through the air like a physical force. Kaito's world had gone white for a moment, the heat searing his skin even through his all-black outfit. When his vision cleared, he was on the move, instincts driving him forward. He didn't know where he was going, only that he had to get out of there.
Then he saw him—Shinichi, lying prone on the floor, half-buried under debris. His clothes were singed, burnt patches marring the fabric and revealing raw, bleeding flesh beneath. Kaito didn't think; he just acted. He scooped Shinichi up, ignoring the detective's weak protests, and carried him to the nearest hiding spot—a small, abandoned room with cracked walls and a single flickering lightbulb.
Kaito set Shinichi down gently, but the movement still elicited a pained groan from the injured man. "Stay quiet," Kaito whispered, his voice barely audible over the distant sounds of chaos. "We need to wait until it's safe."
Shinichi nodded weakly, his eyes fluttering closed as he leaned back against the wall. Kaito took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. This wasn't part of the plan. He hadn't expected to run into Shinichi, let alone find him in such a state. He'd been scouting the area for entirely different reasons, preparing for a heist that would never happen now.
Kaito crouched down beside Shinichi, pulling off his black cap and running a gloved hand through his hair. "You're lucky I found you when I did," he murmured, more to himself than to Shinichi. "If I hadn't..."
He trailed off, not wanting to finish that thought. Instead, he focused on getting Shinichi comfortable. He put his cap back on, he pulled off his own jacket and draped it over Shinichi's shoulders, then carefully adjusted their positions so that Shinichi was sitting with his back against Kaito's. The detective was too weak to protest, too exhausted to do anything but lean into the support.
"Don't look at me," Kaito instructed, his tone firm but gentle. "Just rest. We'll figure this out."
Shinichi nodded again, his head lolling slightly as he fought to stay conscious. Kaito could feel the heat radiating off his body, the burns clearly severe. He needed medical attention, but they couldn't risk moving yet. Not until they were sure the area was clear.
Kaito took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus. He needed to put on his KID persona, to think like the master thief he was. Talking would help distract Shinichi, keep him calm. And if he was honest with himself, it would also help distract Kaito from the worry gnawing at his insides.
"You know," Kaito began, his voice taking on that familiar, teasing lilt, "you really should be more careful. Running into explosions isn't exactly good for your health."
Shinichi snorted softly, a weak attempt at a laugh. "Says the guy who thrives on chaos."
Kaito chuckled, though it felt hollow. "Touché, Meitantei. But even I have my limits. You, on the other hand, seem to have none."
There was a pause, and Kaito could feel Shinichi's body tense slightly. "I didn't... I didn't mean to get caught up in this," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was just... following a lead."
Kaito's heart clenched at the vulnerability in Shinichi's voice. He wanted to reach out, to comfort him, but he kept his hands firmly by his sides. "I know," he said softly. "But next time, try to avoid blowing yourself up, okay?"
Shinichi laughed again, a little stronger this time. "Sure thing, KID. I'll add that to my list of resolutions."
Kaito smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. 
Alt ver of the artwork below cut + twitter post:
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izzytheloser12 · 5 months
~~~~ More kaishin incorrect quotes~~~~
*kaito trying to flirt with Shinichi*
Kaito: Dom or sub?
Shinichi: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though.
Kaito: You look good in that hoodie.
Shinichi: You know where else I'd look good?
Kaito, zero hesitation: My bed.
Shinichi, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
Shinichi: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
Kaito: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Shinichi: WHAT
Shinichi: *Holding up a pack of pencils* These are kinda cute.
Kaito: Shinichi, that’s gay.
Shinichi: We’ve been dating for 2 years—
*kaito trying to flirt with Shinichi part 2*
Kaito: I like your new pants!
Shinichi: Thanks, they were 50% off!
Kaito: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*
Shinichi: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.
Kaito: Thats’s… not what I meant.
Shinichi: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Kaito.
Shinichi: You know, Kaito, when you generalize, you tell general... lies.
Kaito: ...
Kaito: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
Kaito: Shinichi, why are you crying?
Shinichi: This book is so sad!!
Kaito, picking it up: But this is my diary-
Shinichi: your life is really sad kaito
Kaito: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Shinichi: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Kaito, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
Shinichi: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Kaito: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Shinichi: But you’re always acting stupid?
Kaito: ...
Kaito: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Shinichi: Did it hurt when you fell-
Kaito: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
Shinichi: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
Kaito: ...
Shinichi: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Kaito: We should get you to a doctor for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you?
Shinichi: …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out in bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
Shinichi: Bonjour, Kaito. Voulez–vous coucher avec moi?
Kaito: No, I don't want to sleep with you.
Shinichi: Is that what that means? Oh, man, I had a really gross tennis instructor.
Kaito: WHAT
Shinichi: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Kaito: This is a lie.
Kaito: I'm literally dating him. This is a lie.
Shinichi: I'm at a loss for words!
Kaito: Despite being ‘at a loss for words’, Shinichi yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.
Kaito: Why are you like this??
Shinichi: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Kaito, singing: He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's on thin fucking ice
Shinichi, also singing: Santa Claus is calling you out!
Shinichi: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Kaito: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Shinichi: Holy shit-
Kaito: Shinichi and I are no longer dating.
Shinichi: Kaito, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
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detshin · 5 months
Do you think Shinichi is also putting a facade?
Hmmm. I think that with Shinichi it's complicated.
The way I see Kaito, he is just a normal guy who CAN have normal relationships up to a certain point, he has his own safe space, he has his normal every day to day routine... So his life is not THAT different, he has these extra things he has to add to that, like planning for heists, pretending ignorance and innocence in front of his close ones and shutting people out if they try to cross his limits, which is added to the fact that his social circle is very small too. But even if he's got to be alert because of these things, he still has the structure of his routine life and safe space, which makes it easier for him too to be alert when he needs to be. The fact that after all this time he sTILL refuses to accept or comply to Hakuba telling him more or less directly that he's Kid kinda proves that. He still has energy to keep that mask on at all times he HAS to have it on.
For Shinichi... It's much more complicated. He doesn't have a safe space. He doesn't. He has to be wearing the mask CONSTANTLY. If he had in the end let's say lived at Agasa's house, maybe it could've been a little easier for him mentally because as soon as the door closed, inside of Agasa's house he could act like himself, but he can't do that, and it's gotta be... Exhausting. The people who KNOW and he can act normally are, sadly, sort of out of his routine, he doesn't see Agasa everyday (not now that he's Conan, he probably did before though), he doesn't see Heiji every day either,... He sees Ai at school, but it's not completely safe either because the kids are around, they meet mostly at school, again, not a safe space either... It's complicated. I feel like Conan's mask cracks easier for two reasons: one: he's not specially good at lying and he doesn't like to do it (he's got his moments). Two: he's tired. It's gotta be EXHAUSTING to act completely different as you would normally at all times, that's why he cracks, that's why he messes up more, that's why when with people who KNOW he indulges so much and then of course messes up too. So is Shinichi wearing a mask, is he putting up a facade? Sure, but not completely. His personality bleeds more through his mask than Kaito's imo, because he has to keep it on all the time and THAT is not easy. For example, he falls comfortable at times with the kids and takes this more mature stance with them, took the role of the older brother even being the smallest child on the group, and they let him, because they're kids.
And of course he takes EVERY opportunity he can get to take the mask off (he takes antidotes when possible, he wants to go on dates with Ran and take her to a nice restaurant and tell her his feelings, he wants to go on a school trip with the rest of his mates and with the love of his life...) because he's tired.
Shinichi and Kaito have similarities but are also very different, it's interesting to explore!
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shinranposting · 10 months
Spoilers file 1121
ShinRan part summary/analysis (Long post!!):
At the beginning, it takes up Hakuba trying to discover that "Shinichi" was actually Kid, due to his bad deductions, but Kidichi manages to give a good answer (finally, after being wrong throughout the previous file xD), allowing Hakuba let him go for the moment.
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But Hakuba is still suspicious, so, to test "Shinichi's" reaction, he flirts with Ran, but the one who reacts first is Conan (his face LOL his face must be one of his wildest jealous faces in the entire story? hahaha) and then Kidichi acts at the wrong time, which Hakuba clearly notices.
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Then Conan/Shinichi (the real Shinichi through Kidichi), complains to Ran that she had been "stunned" by Hakuba's words and then tells her this:
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"Shinichi: I didn't forget! Shinichi: When you kissed me on the cheek at Kiyomizu Temple! Shinichi: So don't forget that too!"
And then in the next panel, he openly admits that he gets jealous (Shinichi seems to have completely lost his shyness and tells Ran everything he thinks/feels lol).
By the way, the scene is extremely similar to this scene from the Kyoto arc. In Kyoto, after getting jealous of Okita, Shinichi reminds her her confession in London and now about the kiss on the cheek in Kyoto:
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I don't believe in coincidences! (In fact, there are also another scene that refers to the aquarium case, case that was for the 20th anniversary 2014, when Megure asks them if they are on a date, now Megure asks them the same question, asking them if they are on a date like in that restaurant, referring to Desperate Revival).
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But Ran doesn't look enthusiastic or excited with Shinichi´s words, even her blush is less like that of Kidichi and Sonoko, but rather confused. Could it be that she is discovering that this "Shinichi" is not her "Shinichi"? Even , as some here have said, it seems like she's seeing Conan instead of Shinichi (obviously, just speculation).
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(Some say that she might have noticed since Kidichi holds the wrong cheek, or that from the hand gesture Ran can see the audiophone, but again, just speculation).
But the one we can be almost sure that he has already figured out everything is Hakuba, who has already seen the audiophone, and that Conan speaks to Kidichi through the bow tie.
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The case's resolution is the next file, which is released next week. Same day that an announcement will be made about the 30th anniversary of the manga.
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livmadart · 2 years
I adore your cain instincts au. Mainly because seeing the two of them act like proper 7 year old brats is hilarious.
I have to wonder how Arsene gets along with the rest of the detective boys, and also how shrink Kaito deals with Shinichi's corpse magnetism and all the cases that come from it. I wonder if anytime there's a dead body the two of them come to a brief truce to solve the case, before going back to being brats to eachother.
Hi sorry this has been in my inbox for so long!!! I was a little torn on how to answer, cause I have a whole situation in my head for the Detective Boys’ first encounter—so that will come soon as a little comic!
In the meantime, I can absolutely say that KID is thrilled to watch his favorite detective work up close and in action! There’s no need for a truce, as KID purposely steps back and stops annoying Conan (who’s too wrapped up in the case to notice). However, it turns out Arséne has his own version of case magnetism—they start running into more cases that involve tricks or escapes. He’s especially good at figuring out how locked-room tricks.
Slowly, Conan even starts to rely on KID’s knowledge and skills—he has KID swipe key pieces of evidence before the culprit can destroy them, while Conan himself pulls some kind of elaborate distraction act. They make a deadly crime-solving duo, and create no end of trouble and confusion for the police.
Thank you so much for the ask, and have a sketch!! I am happy you are enjoying the ride so far, I have many more ideas!
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faru-itsok · 5 months
hi! and congratulations on having watched the new movie :) i'm curious, what are your top favorite dcmk movies and where would 27 rank?
HI! Thanks 🤗✨ and that is a difficult question 😅 hmm I will do a top 10!
So let's start!
1. Movie 27 “the million dollar pentagram”
Well after watching the movie it just moved right up the list, I just had to see Aoko there and it automatically became the best movie ever! Hahaha well it is a bit true, but the main reason is that the movie is entertaining, it had me giggling and shocked and then it had action and a bit of angst, it just worked so well I loved it!
2. Movie 19 “Sunflowers of inferno”
To be honest I would put these 3 movies as my seconds( 19, 26, 22), I really liked them so much, but I'm a huge Vincent van Gogh fan! I have been painting replicas of his works (not in an illegal way? Just painting for school projects, for me and gifts) since I was in middle school and when you combine my love for Kid and My love For art well… yeah it takes the cake 😅
3.Movie 22 “Zero the enforcer”
I had a hard time placing 22 and 26 i just find these are the best movies objectively speaking, they had a lot of action and are very quick movies, like there is always something happening and get your attention from start to finish, now 27 has that too and its why it jumped right above all XD. Now this one takes 3rd place because i just watch it more often, like when i travel or im bored and want to watch something exiting this is my go to movie along with movie 4 thats the only reason its above 26
4. Movie 26 “Black iron submarine”
As i said above this might as well be my second favorite as well, is a very well constructed movie, when I showed it to my family I actually said “this might be the best Conan movie in existence” to which my sister answered “because of Kaito Kid?” and when I said he didn't appear on it she actually felt curious enough to watch it and liked it. I really like the way things unfolded, had me focused the whole time and enjoyed it a lot.
5. Movie 4 “Captured in her eyes”
One of the best movies in my opinion! It has that quick peace that I like in movies and I just find it so beautiful!
6. Movie 14 “The lost ship in the sky”
This is other of my go to movies, it has that weird combination between action and humor that I love and I just loved the team work between Kaito and Conan
7. Movie 23 “The fist of the blue Sapphire”
It was a good movie! Don't get me wrong, I feel I should love it more, not that I don’t, is just it's not one of those movies I would seek to lift my spirits but the one I would watch to see just how cool Kid is and inspire me to write something😅
8. Movie 25 “The bride of Halloween”
I think the main reason this is even on the top 10 is because of Furuya Rei, I liked it a lot! Like most of the movies of DetCo but it lacked the sparkle? Idk I feel like I saw what was coming from the beginning but it was enjoyable. I loved the scenes of his past and Takagi acting like Matsuda 👌🏻✨
9. Movie 3 “The last wizard of the century”
It's just a classic you know? Like the whole story was entertaining, how Kid blew up a fucking power central just to find where the eggwas? the attempting murder on Kid, how he later saved Shinichi’s ass? It was glorious I really liked it but not as the ones up
10. Movie 20 “The darkest nightmare”
It's a great movie! I'm putting it down here because it made me love a character and then took it away from me so quickly that it makes me emotional when I watch it 😭😂✨
Wellp thats my top 10 is obviously based on my personal preferences and i tend to like the movies where Kid appears because it ads a bit to the comical area and the action (I have always loved movies with heists and thievery (not only kid and lupin the 3 ones)) so yep I hope you guys like this and i’ll be delighted to read your top 10 as well!
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etude-in-citrine · 1 year
Detective Conan Drama CD: A Written Challenge from the Detective Boys
So I've noticed this drama CD has been out for more than ten years (October 2011) but the most I've seen are tidbits of it, especially regarding a.. certain scene. (¬_¬) No one has really translated the whole thing though and after taking that mantle it myself, I see why... If anyone is interested in matching this to the drama CD video, be my guest but I ask of you just to ask and credit me. ( ゚∀゚)
So heads up before we start (warning: super long), I translate most of the terms to English but kept some Japanese terms like most honorific like -kun, -san, etc. I sometimes would switch between Professor/Prof. and hakase but they're both the same. However I have switched meitantei to great detective since it's a smoother transition in translation and it has a nice ring to it.
I also kept classic Conan phrases like oi oi, arere, barou because they're too iconic not to. (*´∀`)♪
I decided to differentiate Kaito and Kaitou Kid because Yamaguchi has a specific way of voicing them, just like how he does with Kid and Shinichi.
Italics are thoughts
Bold is codes/ciphers
*(word)* are actions
TN is translation notes to clarify riddles/codes/jokes that get lost in translation.
And I have loads of side comments in forms of SN(side notes) so apologies if it ruins your experience.
Also to make this a more amusing read, I litter face emojis in some of the dialogue, mostly those with strong reactions.
Watch out for this face specifically (◕∇◕) because that means Conan is speaking in his cute childish voice.
Now with all that mumble jumble out of the way, enjoy!
*Watching Detective Red Jacket*
Ayumi: It was so interesting!
Genta: Detective Red Jacket was so cool!
Mitsuhiko: Yeah! The action and story were perfect! It's the best movie I've watched! Number 1!
Ayumi: Yup! There's no doubt about that, right Conan-kun?
Conan: You think so?
Ayumi: Eh?
Conan: I figured out the killer in 5 minutes.
Haibara: Is that so?
Conan: And also- Ah.
Ayumi: What's wrong Conan-kun? You suddenly turned around.
Conan: Nah. It felt like someone was watching me..
Kaito: Shoot this is bad! To think these guys were watching the same movie as me. And it just had to be the seats right in front of me...
Conan: Was it my imagination?
Haibara: Well, what were you planning on saying?
Conan: Well the protagonist Sannomiya Kazunori's acting wasn't very good.
Ayumi: Huh? What's wrong Ai-chan? You're crushing the pamphlet very tightly.
Haibara: Uh.. a-ah-
Mitsuhiko: I know!! Why don't we all go to Mitsubo shop? If I remember correctly, the Detective Red Jacket special edition is being released today!
Genta: Let's go then!!
Ayumi/Mitsuhiko: Yeah!!
Conan: You guys seriously like it that much? Sorry but I'll head back first. See you guys!
Genta: What's with Conan? Always saying stuff and being a wet blanket just when everyone is so enthusiastic.
Haibara: I'm going to buy another new pamphlet.
Ayumi: Sure..
Genta: Let's hurry up and go!
Mitsuhiko: It'd be bad if it sold out! Especially since it comes with a special poster of the protagonist Sannomiya Kazunori as a bonus.
Ayumi: Oh, Ai-chan came back.
Haibara: Tsuburaya-kun, is that true?
Mitsuhiko: Uh yeah.
Kaito: It's true that Detective Red Jacket is super cool! A far cry compared to certain midget detective.. (SN: (≖_≖ ))
*theme song playing*
Conan: Detective Conan Drama CD A Written Challenge from the Detective Boys
Agasa: So in the end, you weren't able to buy the Detective Red whatjamacallit's book.
Ayumi: Yup that's right!
Mitsuhiko: A middle aged man with a weird hat bought the last book in stock!
Genta: That's definitely harassment!
Mitsuhiko: Right!!
Genta: Because no way an old man would be a fan of Detective Red Jacket!!
Kaito: *old man voice* Well turns out he was a fan~ Hehe. Sorry about that but I'll partake myself with the last book in stock~ (SN: childish.. (¬_¬;))
Agasa: That certainly is a bummer. *ahem* Now here comes a question!
Detective Boys: Ehhh?!?!
Genta: Another of Prof's pun quiz??
Mitsuhiko: It's so sudden as always.
Agasa: Sorry about that.
Which martial arts is most suitable for you guys today?
A) judo 受動
B) kendo 剣道
C) karate 空手
Ayumi: Eh? Ayumi has never done any of them before.
Mitsuhiko: Me too.. I'm bad at martial arts after all.
Genta: Ran-neechan would be karate though.
Haibara: The answer is A) judo
Agasa: Eh? Your reasoning behind it?
Haibara: Kendo and karate have thrusts ( 「突き(つき)」(tsuki)) but judo doesn't have any. In other words, it means we're unlucky (TN: phrase: 「月(つき) がない」(tsuki ga nai):not having luck on your side) right?
Agasa: Bravo!! That's the correct answer!!
Mitsuhiko: I see. We have no luck, huh? That's true..
Genta: But that's all Conan's fault right?
Agasa: Huh? What do you mean?
Genta: Because even though everyone was so hyped up in the movie, Conan kept saying stuff that spoiled the mood!
Mitsuhiko: But I don't think that has anything to do with not being able to buy the Detective Red Ja-
Haibara: It's related, don't you think?
Mitsuhiko/Ayumi: Eh?
Haibara: They say "Once you start finding faults, your luck/moon will leave you". I think there's some truth to that.
Genta: *whisper* Don't you think Haibara is somehow scary?
Mitsuhiko: She's probably angry because Conan-kun badmouthed Sannomiya Kazunori.
Genta: Ehhh??? Does that mean Haibara is a fan of Sannomiya?
Haibara: (ʘ言ʘ╬)
Mitsuhiko: *shriek*
Genta: W-w-what?
Mitsuhiko: Haibara is glaring at us with scary eyes..
Genta: Huh-Waahhh! Her eyes are a little..Ahhh.. I might have leaked a little...
Mitsuhiko: But that kind of expression is also quite lovely. (SN:(¬_¬;) Is Mitsuhiko an m??) But now that you mention it, Conan has just been talking down on us.
Genta: Sometimes I want Conan to be (surprised and) speechless.
Ayumi: Well then, let's all challenge Conan-kun then!
Genta: Challenge Conan?
Ayumi: Yup, let's all prepare super difficult problems and let Conan solve it.
Mitsuhiko: Ahh... but don't you think the riddles we think of will be solved very easily?
Ayumi: To make up for that, we'll have Prof. Agasa and Ai-chan to participate with us, right?
Agasa: Sure.
Haibara: That sounds interesting.
Agasa: Now that we've settled on it, let's start the plan.
Haibara: First the words for the cipher.
Genta: Hmm you're right. Okay Haibara, we'll leave you to a really difficult one!
Ayumi: No Genta! We're all going to think for it!
Genta: You're right.
Mitsuhiko: To start off..
Kaito: A challenge to the great detective huh? It's gotten interesting! I was wondering what was up so I'm glad I made the right choice to place the miniature microphon- DAAAHHHH!!!! Y-you idiot! Go over there!! I'm not a telephone pole!! \(º □ º l|l)/
(SN: I think some birds pooped on him. Poor guy, I thought you knew how to deal with them considering you own doves..)
Conan: So what business do you have with me?
Ayumi: We Detective Boys are sending a challenge to Edogawa Conan-kun!
Conan: Ha?
Mitsuhiko: In other words, it's like this. We're going to send four codes for you to solve from here on out and have you find the treasure that's somewhere around this city.
Genta: The time limit is until 5 in the evening! So you have 2 hours!
Conan: Oi wait just a minS
Ayumi: If you can solve all the codes and find the treasure until then, it's Conan-kun's win!!
Haibara: But if you can't find it, it's Edogawa-kun's loss.
Ayumi: Here! The first code is in this envelope!
Conan: No, like I sai-
Genta: *gibberish sounds* You can't open it yet until 5 minutes passed. You got that?
Mitsuhiko: Well then, let's hurry to our designated spots!
Genta/Ayumi: Yeahhh!!!
Conan: Oiiii you guys!!! *Detective Boys run away* It's not like I agreed to this and they ran away.. Haibara, what's the meaning of this?
Haibara: Who knows? Isn't it because you don't normally treat them nicely?
Conan: Huh?
Haibara: So, what are you going to do?
Conan: Even if you tell me what to d-
Haibara: A great detective will accept any challenge, wouldn't you agree?
Conan: What's with you? You've been quite snarky today.
Haibara: You think? Isn't that your imagination? Ah, 5 minutes passed.
Conan: *sigh* Fine! If you're going to go that far, then I'll participate. *rips envelope* Is this the cipher?
"A comedian hates octopus(お笑い芸人はタコが嫌い)"?
Haibara: If you go to the location this code indicates, you'll be able to get the next code.
Conan: An octopus huh? If we're talking places that have octopus, the first things that you would think of is a fish market, a sushi restaurant, or an octopus ball(takoyaki) stall.... Ha! As if!! It's not even worth trying to deduce! Such an easy riddle! Just to add onto this, it's not just comedians, exam students hate octopus too.
Haibara: Heh...
Conan: Something a comedian and exam student both hate is failing/falling (滑る(suberu)). In other words, the location this code is pointing at is a sliding (also すべる(suberu)) octopus. If you put it that way, there's only one place like that in this town.
Conan: So, why are you coming with me? Aren't you Genta and the others' side?
Haibara: I'm here as your observer.
Conan: Ha! With such easy riddles, I'm not going to stoop so low and cheat.
Haibara: Not that! I'm here to see if you're going run away in the middle of this challenge.
Conan: Run away? Yeah right! Look, we've arrived. It's here.
A sliding octopus means that, the octopus playground slide.
Random girl: Mister, hurry up and slide down already!
Mitsuhiko: Ah, I'm sorry. I'll slide right away. *slides down* As expected of Conan-kun, to think you arrived here already.
Conan: This is only park to have a octopus slide in this town after all.
Mitsuhiko: But! This is only the beginning! Here. This is the second code.
Conan: Oi, I'm telling you in advance. I'll be able to solve codes of this level in a heartbeat.
Mitsuhiko: Muhuhuhuhu. The next code is going to be even more difficult. Well then, I'll be waiting at the location of the treasure!
Conan: Good grief. So what's the next riddle?
"Economy at Siberia(エコノミーでシベリアへ)"?
Haibara: What's wrong? Weren't you going to solve it in a heartbeat?
Conan: Shaddap!
Haibara: Don't hold yourself back meitantei-san!~
Conan: *huff* Like I thought, Haibara seems to be in a bad mood. I don't know what happened, but spare me from your venting.
Travel agency saleswoman: A travel ticket to overseas is currently discounted in this campaign at the moment!
Conan: It seems Ayumi and the others aren't around. It seems a travel agency would be too straightforward as expected.
Haibara: A~rere~ It can't be that with economy and Siberia as keywords, you would think it's a travel agency right?
Conan: Hufufufufufu! I was only coincidentally passing by!
Haibara: You're right! A great detective like yourself wouldn't make such a childish deduction like that right?~
Conan: Hmph, shaddap with all the nitpicking. Just you wait! I'll solve it for you right now!! (*`□´)
Economy and Siberia, there should be a different meaning to them. First economy, other transliterations have meanings such as 「経済(keizai)」: economy/finance, 「節約(setsuyaku)」: economy/savings, 「景気(keiki)」: economic activity/marketing. Hm? Mm?? 「けいき(keiki)」? 「ケーキ(keiki)」:cake.. Siberia... Siberia cake.... I see! I figured it out! It's this way Haibara! Follow me!!
Haibara: Ah!
*opens door*
Pastry waitress: Welcome!
Haibara: Isn't this a pastry shop? Why?
Conan: Don't play dumb with me. Well whatever! I'll explain it to you right now.*in the cutest childish Conan voice* Excuse me, do you have Siberia cake? (◕∇◕)
Pastry waitress: Yes! It's right at the far end of that case!
Conan: Thank you!!~ (◕∇◕)
Hehe! This is it! A Siberia cake is sweet bean jelly sandwiched between the Castella cake. It was popular between the Taisho and Showa Era. But nowadays, you barely see it around anymore so this is the only shop in town where you can buy this fabled cake. I can't imagine Ayumi and the others to be aware of this so I bet Prof. suggested this.
Haibara: pachi pachi pachi (TN: it means clap but pachi sounds cute so I kept it)
(¬へ¬) Hmph. As expected. It was a perfect deduction, although it's very fustrating. Yoshida-san, you can come out now.
Ayumi: Okay.. Aww you found out. Here, this is the next code.
Conan: Sure, thank yo- Oi oi! We're still doing this?
Ayumi: Obviously!! This is our challenge after all!! (`エ´) Don't flake out until the very end! See you! *goes out the shop*
Conan-kun is amazing as expected! We might not be able to win even with Professor's and Ai-chan's help. Ah! *bumps*
Kaito: Oops! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?
Ayumi: I'm okay! I'm sorry! *runs away*
Kaitou Kid: Now then, I guess it's about my time to shine.
Conan: Hah... what's next? *rips envelope*
The panda shop is a fruits parlor without fruits (パンダのお店はフルーツがないフルーツパーラー).
Haibara: This one is simple. You can just check all the fruits parlors in town.
Conan: You're one to talk. Judging from all the previous riddles, you can at least tell that it won't point towards the location the code writes word for word..
Hm? Word for word? I see!! It is supposed to be seen word for word!
Genta: *badge beeps* Is that Ayumi? Eehhh?!?!?! Conan already cleared it?! Are you for real?! An hour hasn't even passed yet!... Okay I got it! Wait for me at the final place! See you! *beeps* So does that mean Conan will be able to arrive here quickly then? Ooohhh!! Is that Conan?.. Hah, wrong person... AAHH!! OVER THERE IS-
Agasa: Genta-kun.
Genta: Yes?! You scared me.. What is it? It's just Prof. Don't scare me like that!
Agasa: Haha.. sorry about that.
Genta: Anyways why are you here? Aahh! Did you come here to play pachinko?
Agasa: Of course not! I came here to trade places with you.
Genta: Huh? Trade?
Agasa: That's right. When you think about it, it's not proper to have an elementary schooler constantly wait in front of a pachinko (gambling) parlor. We're talking about Conan-kun. He'll arrive here momentarily. Leave this place to me and you should head to final destination.
Genta: I see! That's smart Prof! Okay I got it! This is the riddle! *hands envelope* Then I leave this place to you Prof!
Agasa: Sure!
Kaitou Kid: Leave it to me.
Haibara: How did you figure out it was a pachinko parlor?
Conan: Hm? I just followed it literally. It's because it's a 'fruits parlor without fruits'. Without the fruits, you remove the fruits from fruits parlor and it just becomes parlor. And then, you can call a pachinko by its other name parlor. Oops! *ding dong* Excuse me! We're getting off!! (◕∇◕)
*getting off the stop*
Haibara: So then, what about the panda shop?
Conan: It's the name. The pandas in the zoo further down at moment is named Lily and Xinxin. Hey Haibara, read the pachinko's name on the signboard.
Haibara: Parlor Lily...
Conan: There you have it!
*enters parlor*
Agasa: I've been waiting for you Conan-kun. You have such good timing!
Conan: Professor! That paper bag...
Agasa: Well, since I was free, I wanted to kill some time. It kept on coming out one after another nonstop! (SN:じゃんじゃんバリバリ,(janjan baribari)( ̄∇ ̄*) Reminds me when Kaito disguised as Subaru in the New Years opening) It's a big fever dream!
Conan: 'Continuously nonstop' you say? Huh? *opens bag* it's all candies....
Haibara: Professor. What do you plan on doing with those candies? (・∀・#)
Agasa: What's this? Do you want it? Then take as much as you want! I can't eat it all by myself after all.
*realization hits*
Haibara: Is that so? You're going to eat it...
Conan: You're... not Agasa-hakase are you?
Agasa: Hm?
Conan: Haibara strictly monitors Professor's meals and nutrition. For you to talk about eating candy so casually in front of Haibara... The real professor would be trembling to his bones and would definitely never dare say something like that.
Haibara: Saying trembling was unnecessary.
Conan: I'm sorry...
Agasa: As expected of the great detective..
Kaitou Kid: Hmph, it seems you've figured it out!
Conan/Haibara: Kaitou Kid?! Σ(゚Д゚)
Kaitou Kid: Well then well then~ What I have produced here is a single red rose. There are no tricks or contraptions. One two three *poof* Wow how mysterious~♡ The red rose swapped places and became a challenge notice~
Conan: Wow how mysterious~ What do you mean by challenge notice?(¬へ¬)
Kaitou Kid: Nah~ I just happened to coincidentally witness a scene of some innocent little boys and girls that wanted to make Conan-kun speechless. It looked interesting so I decided to partake myself as a contestant. (SN: Sure Kaito.. I'm sure no listening devices were involved when you happened to hear them right? (;¬_¬))
Conan: What?! ( ゚皿゚)
Kaitou Kid: You'll naturally accept my challenge right oh great detective!? *throws a flash bomb*
Conan: So bright! Y-You bastard!! He disappeared...
Haibara: Kudou-kun, open the envelope!
Conan: S-Sure.. *rips open the envelope*
To my beloved great detective,
I will be appearing at one of the following jewelry stores at 5 in the evening today.
イ(i): Niaoka Jewelry
ウ(u): Jewel Yuki
エ(e): Crystal Gem
Now to figure out where I'll appear, try your hand at deciphering the next code.
Orion's children all know this. Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed. (オリオンの子供たちは知っている。四つの息子は散布好き、三つの息子は空をみやげ五つの息子は左利き)
The end. I wish you the best of luck,
Kaitou Kid
Haibara: If it's 5pm, we have less than 30 minutes. For now, let's contact Inspector Nakamori and have the police guard all three stores.
Conan: S-Sure... *dials* *uses Shinichi's voice*
Shinichi: Hello is this Inspector Nakamori? This is the detective Kudo Shinichi. I've just received a challenge letter from Kaitou Kid.
Haibara: It means we won't be answering to Kid's challenge but it can't be helped... This isn't a game after all.
Shinichi: Yes. The place where Kid will appear? That is... I will definitely figure it out within 30 minutes. So can you please stay on standby until then?
Haibara: Kudo-kun?!
Conan: Heh.. Haibara. You told me this right? A great detective will accept any challenge.
Haibara: Hmph. You idiot.
Conan: Now that that's settled, the Detective Boy's treasure hunt will have to be put on hold. We don't have time.
Orion's children all know this. Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed.
Haibara: Show me the first page.
To my beloved great detective,
I will be appearing at one of the following jewelry store at 5 in the evening today.
イ(i): Niaoka Jewelry
ウ(u): Jewel Yuki
エ(e): Crystal Gem
Isn't this a little strange?
Conan: Hm?
Haibara: Normally, the order of the katakana is generally either ア(a)イ(i)ウ(u) or イ(i)ロ(ro)ハ(ha).
Conan: Right...
Haibara: But what's written here is イ(i)ウ(u)エ(e). Why didn't he start from ア(a)?
Conan: Hm.. there must be a reason behind that. But, let's decipher the code first.
Haibara: Then let's start from Orion's children. What is the meaning behind it?
Conan: Hmmmm... Kid is aware of Ayumi and the others challenging me with riddles. If he took advantage of that opportunity, then this code is like theirs. There's no doubt it's guiding us to a specific location.
Haibara: And that's where we'll get the hint about the jewelry store.
Conan: Yeah.. now that you mention it, if I remember correctly, back then there was a movie theater called Orion Seat right? But it's already been demolished and became a plot of land.
Haibara: If we consider any other areas with the term Orion, myth「神話(shinwa)」, Beltegese 「ベテルギウス」, Orion's belt「三星(mitsuboshi)」: Three Stars).. Hm? Ah! Mitsubo shop!
Conan: That's it!
Haibara: Then what about the children part?
Conan: I'm not sure. But let's go there first. We might be able to figure something out when we're there.
Haibara: You're right. Okay.
Conan: Mitsubo shop. There should be a clue to which jewelry store Kid is aiming at inside this shop.
Haibara: The Detective Red Jacket will come out again soon. Please look-... Look....Look.........
Conan: Hey Haibara- SCARY!!! W-What's wrong Haibara? You have such a scary look on your face. Σ(Д゚;/)/
Haibara: I-It's nothing.
Conan: Hm? An automatic eclipse machine...(TN: it was really difficult to hear so I'm not entirely sure if this is accurate. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Haibara: Orion's... children!
Conan: Let's go check it out!
Haibara: If that's the case then the next line is
Four of the sons love taking a walk. Three of the sons gaze at the sky. Five of the sons are left-handed.
But is it referring to three siblings?
Conan: Oh about that, don't you think it's strange then? If they were siblings, then isn't it more natural to refer them as 5th, 4th, and 3rd and follow them by age? (TN: the way 五つ(itsutsu), 四つ(yotsu), 三つ(mitsu) is used is either by numeric counters (ex:I would like 3 of these please) or comparing ages(ex: He's the 3rd child of the family))
Haibara: You have a point. It's quite strange to order it by fourth, third, and fifth.
Conan: Which means those numbers doesn't mean age. It's referring to the amount. Let's first find stuff that comes in four.
Haibara: Things that come in four? *bumps into child* Ah!
Random lady: Ah! I'm sorry. Are you hurt anywhere?
Haibara: I'm okay.
Random lady: Jeez! Cut it out already! I told you it's dangerous to run around the bookcases already!!
Haibara: Bookcases? Look Kudo-kun! There's four bookcases!
Conan: There's.. four! Then what's the three referring to? There should be some type of rule that contains three. And that hint is most likely within 'taking a walk', 'sky', 'left-handed'. I see! I figured it out! 'Love taking a walk' means to walk! It's four so that means you have to walk to the fourth shelf!
Haibara: Then what does 'Three of the sons gaze at the sky' mean?
Conan: It's 'gaze' so you count from the bottom. It's three so it's the third row!
Haibara: The third row is... the children's literature!
Conan: 'Five of the sons are left-handed.' So counting from the left is the 5th book!
Haibara: One.. two.. three.. four five. *picks out the book* This? This book is.. Sans Famille 「家なき子(ie nakiko)」!
Conan: Sans Famille「家なき子(ie nakiko)」?... I see! So that's what it means! *realization* I figured it out which jewelry store Kid is aiming for!
Conan: The store Kid is aiming for is Jewel Yuki!
Haibara: There's only 7 minutes until 5pm! I'll notify Inspector Nakamori!
Conan: Sure! I'll go ahead and head towards the store!
Conan: I won't make it if I just run! Guess I'll go retrieve my skateboard then! *opens door* I'm home Ran-neechan!! Ran-neechan, I'm leaving! *door closes* TURBO ENGINE FULL POWER!!!! 🎵
Just you wait Kaitou Kid!!!
Conan: Where are you?! Show yourself Kid!!
Kaitou Kid: As expected of the great detective. Impressive that you figured out it was this place.
Conan: It took quite some time to arrive at finding Sans Famille「家なき子(ie nakiko)」 but everything fell into place after that. The biggest indication was the three options. Instead of using ア(a), イ(i), ウ(u) nor イ(i), ロ(ro), ハ(ha), you opted for イ(i), ウ(u), エ(e). (TN: I'll be utilizing the Japanese translation of the book title rather than the original because it would only make sense with this cipher)
「家なき子(ie nakiko)」. There is no イ(i)エ(e) 「いえがない(ie ga nai)」. In other words, you remove the イ(i) and エ(e). Therefore the answer is ウ(u)'s Jewel Yuki. (TN: To further explain this, the hiragana for 家 is いえ(ie). なき(naki) can mean lacking or non-existing so Kid used this word play of removing the いえ(ie) literally with his options)
Kaitou Kid: Right on the mark! Hehe, maybe it was a little too simple. (SN: For a guy who was planning alongside the rest by himself, I'm pretty sure Conan appreciates your 'easy' riddles more than what the Detective Boys and Agasa planned together. Also there's a transition to Kaito in voice here but I'll be using Kid because that's how Conan perceives him.)
Oh? They're as punctual as always. Guess I'll take my leave for today. Besides, I already got my hands on today's loot. *poof*
Conan: Eh? Is that.. Detective Red Jacket special edition? You're going to stoop so low to steal something like that?! (#゚Д゚)ノ
Kaitou Kid: *splurts in offended* So rude!!! Of course not!!!! Σ(`Д´#)
Conan: Hah?
Kaitou Kid: I bought it with my own money obviously! (SN: as a 'law-abiding' citizen *coughcough*)
Conan: BOUGHT IT?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!!! YOU?!?!?!?! Σ(○ロ○¬)
Kaitou Kid: Yeah...
Conan: A PHANTOM THIEF?!?!?!!?!?
Kaitou Kid: Nngh..
Kaitou Kid: *speechless as he tries to regain his poker face* ...Doesn't matter. You wouldn't mind if a phantom thief came to like detectives, would you? (σゝω・)σ (SN:(¬_¬;)........)
Conan: Eh? (゚ロ゚) (*Conan's turn to be speechless*)
Kaitou Kid: SEE YOU!! *escapes*
Officer #1: Kid is running away!!
Officer #2: After him!! We're definitely going to catch him!!!!
*police sirens blaring*
Conan: Huh.... Ah? Another envelope. The seal is open. *opens envelope* It's Ayumi and the others' fourth riddle. Hmmm? Kid's message seems to be included in this. 'I deciphered it for you as a bonus. The answer is the bathhouse.' Barou, it's already past the time limit.
Haibara: He's arrived.
Genta: Ooohhh!! He's here he's here!!
Ayumi: Conan-kun!!!
Conan: Yo!
Mitsuhiko: As expected of Conan-kun to be able to solve all the codes. BUT UNFORTUNATELY-
Detective Boys: TIME'S UP!!!!!
Conan: I know...
Ayumo: Then you'll obediently admit defeat right?
Conan: Yeah...
Ayumi: Hmmm? I can't hear you~
Conan: It's my loss.
Detective Boys: Huh?
Conan: Like I said, it's my loss.
Genta: What did you say?
Mitsuhiko: We couldn't hear you.
Genta: Yeah not at all.
Conan: *sigh* It is my loss!
Detective Boys: YESSS!!! o(^o^)o
Ayumi: We made Conan-kun admit it!!
Mitsuhiko: We did it!!!
Genta: Now that we're here, let's all take a dip here!
Mitsuhiko: That's a great idea!
Ayumi: Ayumi loves the bathhouse!
Haibara: Good work Kudo-kun.
Conan: Haha shddap....
Genta: What are you doing Conan?!
Ayumi: Ai-chan hurry up!!
Haibara: I'll be there.
Conan: I mean, not only was I forced to run around the whole town, the true identity of the treasure is just a bathhouse called Yuu Treasure. (TN: Unless I see the kanji for yuu, I'm unable to translate it) That's it?! That's all my hard work amounted to?! It's probably one of Agasa-hakase's ideas again.. Jeez he has no taste, not even a shred of it!
Haibara: This place.. was actually my idea though. (#゚∇゚)
Conan: Ehh? ((゚□゚;))
Genta: Aahhh that hits the spot. It feels so good.
Mitsuhiko: Yeah...Bathhouses are really nice once in a while.
Genta: Right? Oh yeah Conan. Since you lost, wash my back later.
Conan: Don't joke with me. I never signed up for that.
Kaitou Kid: Stop being a sore loser.
Conan: Aahhhh!! Where the hell did you come from?! Σ(°Д゚/)/
Kaitou Kid: I suggest you should gracefully *wash face* do what they tell you.
Genta/Mitsuhiko: Kaitou Kid?!?!?!?!
Conan: *speaking underwater* Why the hell are you here?
Kaitou Kid: Hehehe... Magicians are elusive. *sirens blaring in the background* Nah~ The policemen were so persistent you know?
Conan: You know... if you're taking a bath, you should at the very least remove your silk hat.
(SN: What the honest... what the hell are you doing taking a bath with your hat (and possibly your monocle) Kaito? Did you even remove your costume? (¬_¬;) Bruh Kid, you're sullying your dad's outfit)
Genta: You need to put more strength in it Conan!
Conan: Sure SURE!
Genta: As gratitude for us everyday.
Conan: For who?
Genta: Don't say everyone.
Conan: *huff*
Genta: Oh yeah Conan. Haibara was mad at you all day right?
Conan: Yeah... What was that? Did I do something?
Genta: ?!
Mitsuhiko: Conan-kun you didn't realize?
Conan: Heh? 'Didn't realize'... so I did do something?
Mitsuhiko: Aahh... Conan-kun really doesn't understand a woman's heart.
Genta: Right?
Mitsuhiko: You ready? Haibara-san is actually Sannomiya Kazunori's closet fan. But despite that, you decided to badmouth him in front of her!
Conan: Eeeeehhhhh?!?!?!?!? Haibara is Sannomiya Kazunori's fa-
Mitsuhiko: Ssshhhhh!!! Your voice is too loud!!!
Conan: Pah! If I remember correctly, Sannomiya Kazunori is one of the members in the Fubuki Idol group right? That Haibara?! There's no way she's a fan of such a popular idol!!! Haha!! Ahahhaha! That's a lie!! Ahahaha!
(SN: Conan is willing to dig his grave super early apparently ((( ;゚Д゚))) )
(In the girl's bath)
Haibara: ( º言º╬╬)
Ayumi: Ai-chan? Where are you going with your bath towel wrapped around you? E-Eeehhh? That's the boy's bath- Hiiiieeeeee!!! Ai-chan's face.. is so scary!! ((( ;゚Д゚)))
(In the boy's bath)
Conan: Kyahahaha! Because this is Haibara we're talking about! You know, Haibara! For Haibara to be an idol fan, that's impossible. No way that's happening!
Genta: Hey stop that!
Conan: Huh? Why? There's no way she's an (idol) enthusiast after all.
Mitsuhiko: Idiot!
Conan: Huh?
Mitsuhiko: Conan-kun!
Conan: What is it?
Mitsuhiko: Behind behind behind behind behind behind-
Conan: Cow? Moo moo~ (TN: Mitsuhiko is stuttering the word 後ろ(ushiro):behind and Conan stupidly mistakes it as 牛(ushi):cow.
ε-(ーдー) And I thought Kaito was the insensitive one.)
Mitsuhiko: Behin-behind you.
Conan: Behind me? What's behind m- Uop-!!!
Haibara: (╬ಠิ益ಠิ) Sorry about being an ENTHUSIAST!! *SLAPS*
Conan: Ooowww!!
Kaitou Kid: Heh. The tongue is the root of calamities, great detective. (TN: A proverb meaning the more you speak, the more you'll put your foot in your mouth.
Wise words you should follow as well, our fellow magician (¬_¬;))
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raifuujin · 4 months
Could you imagine if Ran tried confiding in anyone about her suspicions about Conan being Shinichi?
Like. Combining her past suspicions with people asking odd questions about Conan (like Heiji and Sera). Maybe talking to Heiji about it, if only because it would be so funny to watch him struggle to cover for Shinichi. Which would have been funnier before Shinichi ever got to hang around Heiji as himself and not as Conan, because then Ran could have been thinking 'I know those two have become friends after the first few times we ran into each other, I don't want Hattori-kun to get too attached to Conan if he's really Shinichi. I might not know what's going on, but I doubt Shinichi would want to stay a kid if he somehow turned into one, and I at least want to check with another detective about what I've noticed'.
Heiji struggling because he's not good at lying, probably sending a text to Shinichi about it as soon as he can. Silently thinking that she's smart and noticed some really good points (because of course someone who's known him since he was an actual child could notice more) while also trying to go 'wasn't there that time when both Conan and Shinichi were together? Though, if he did turn into a kid, he's really good at acting like a real brat sometimes...'
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starrulet · 15 days
I am actually a Magic Kaito fan disguised as a Detective Conan fan and when I found out they were showing the new DC film in my local cinema, I grabbed a friend and watched it.
This will contain spoilers of varying degrees, so read at your own peril.
It starts all anime and then you see your classic Det Conan character and you realize you really did spend 15 bucks on a movie with THAT style.
"It'S fOr KiDs" someone has decided, as a swordsman violently kills a gang of thugs onscreen, blood splattering everywhere.
Wow, Heiji takes "no homo" very seriously, huh?
I guess I'd be peeved too if my first kiss got almost taken by a no-good thief who doesn't even have the decency to be traumatized by it too.
I see the stained window and think "Someone's gonna crash through that".
I'm expecting it to be KID.
It's not.
It's Heiji on a motorcycle.
KID, Heiji is showing you up in terms of dramatics, you gotta up your game.
I don't remember Kaito having any skills in swordsmanship, did he pick it up specifically so he could at least somewhat defend himself against Heiji?
Good for Heiji, realizing Kaito looks a heck of a lot like Kudo. After Ran, I think he's the only other person to have seen Kaito's bare face. Please let Kaito Kuroba be a main character in one of these movies, WITH HEIJI AND RAN.
They really do nothing with this revelation, huh?
This is my first proper exposure to Okita. I like him. I can't remember much about him, but I think he helps it feel like Heiji does have a life outside of Shinichi.
Heiji and new swordsman boy almost have a competition over who gets to date Kazuha. My friend groans and complains about cringe. If I were Kazuha, I honestly would have grabbed Ran and left them both in the dust.
Listen, our detective boys gasped when they saw the cuts to KID's suit, I'm taking it for concern, not surprise at the style of the cut.
Conan: We saved your life. Will you give us exposition?
KID: Usually no, but this time, sure.
Heiji: Really?
KID: Sike! The exposition is an obligatory fetch quest, see ya suckers!
"Hi, lemme telegraph super easily to E V E R Y O N E that I am actually a disguised Kaitou Kid"
Either they've nerfed him, he exchanged competence as a kaitou for combat skills or he's trolling everyone, including the audience.
Or he can't copy a Kyoto accent to save his life. His one weakness outside of iceskating and fish.
This is my first proper exposure to Momiji, and honestly this rich girl is delulu.
I love delulu and I love her.
My friend is just confused by her. She hasn't interacted with Detective Conan in 15+ years. She doesn't know who half these characters are.
Y'all sleeping on Heiji and Ran's friendship, it's so cute.
My friend is right, the soundtrack is bizarrely good.
She agrees with me that Kaitou Kid is kinda the highlight of the film.
I bet if the Sniper had still been on the roof when Kaito got there, the boy would have been F E R A L.
Pretty sure Kaito has tamed those seagulls, the way he tamed his doves, i.e. they're his informants.
Why are you trying to snipe during rain? Are you stupid?
Mmmh, KID angst. Not on the level of Nightmare, but I'll take the crumbs over nothing.
After seeing Aoko in fandom with fanon portrayals for a long time, it's weird to see her being so... normal.
Like no short temper or anything. Just a nice girl, having to act twice her age in a highly stressful situation.
um hello? Where's her mother who - it turns out - is still happily married to Ginzo???
After talking and interacting with Conan, Aoko says he reminds her of her friend as a child (Kaito as a kid- no not that KID). I think it's supposed to be just by appearance, but considering how she's interacted with Conan previously and is only staring at him as he rambles his long deduction, I feel like it's personality as well.
Basically, I consider it canon that Kaito Kuroba's childhood personality wasn't just cute and bubbly, but also absolutely terrifying, similar to "Conan"'s personality to a horrific degree.
And maybe without his horrible troll of a dad, Kaito wouldn't just have been a normal teen, but also become a detective, if Conan's ramblings really did remind Aoko of child!Kaito
I've somehow lost the plot, why is there suddenly a plane.
Conan: "You killed that dude, right? But more importantly, yoU TRIED TO KILL KID-" (This is exaggerated)
Good news for all Kidnichi nay-sayers: There is no Kidnichi in this film. I know. Amazing. Miracles do happen.
Why y'all complaining about the treasure? Isn't this the fictional Japanese equivalent to the Enigma Machine? You can't put a price on that! It's cultural heritage, not outdated junk!!! Put it in a museum!!!
Ah yes. Kaitou Kid's old little caricature - one with a moustache. I'm sure no one ever questioned why KID changed his signature charicature to something more childish.
Heiji confessed! But after a bomb exploded nearby, so I tell my friend there's no way Kazuha heard him (I'm right btw).
Man, I wish I could read what Kaito and Aoko are texting each other. I can't :(
"Why yes, my wife of 20 years, I DO have a brother I NEVER told you about. Why am I bringing him up now? Oh, just felt like it."
My friend thinks Yukiko's laughter in response is obnoxiously fake. It is now an insider joke.
I forgot Toichi's canonically alive and when Yukiko asked if the brothers were still in contact, and Yusaku was like "Yeah, we still are :3", I thought "DUDE, YOUR BROTHER'S BEEN DEAD FOR LIKE EIGHT YEARS DON'T LIE"
This means Yusaku has known for YEARS that his brother faked his death. Great.
No, Shinichi and Kaito don't know they're cousins. Their dads are doing amazing at keeping information from their boys. And wives, apparently.
WAIT. THE CLUMSY DETECTIVE WAS TOICHI??? I thought it was KID, and all the obvious "KIDs" were actually innocent...
Well, we now know Toichi does not shy away from violence. But I'm so disappointed that that wasn't KID. You know, protecting Conan AND avenging Nakamori...
As far as I'm concerned, the movies are canon from now on. This may not be news to fans, but it is to me
Ah yes, there he is, the new title holder of "Worst Dad In DCMK", Toichi Kuroba himself.
Or as my friend, someone with no idea of who Kaitou Corbeau is, called him: "KAITOU ADULT??"
Something something about winter, I am a Magic Kaito fan I do not care unless my boy is in it. So I will not watch the next movie, thanks.
My last complaint for the night: "It was good... But not enough Kaitou Kid" (to which my friend responded, he was in it plenty).
I think the sentiment stems more from not really getting much from Kaito's POV. The emotional focus was almost entirely Heiji's and weirdly, Ran.
Well, at least Ran did have something to do, I guess (poor girl was mostly sidelined :( )
Absolute last comment from friend: "Everyone is so normal, why is HE the only one wearing a CAPE?"
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autumn-foxfire · 20 days
I've reached the point in the anime where I dropped it for the most part and only watched episodes that interested me (aka the KID episodes).
Yuusaku was always arrogant, huh, no wonder Shinichi mimics that behaviour. A shame it doesn't help him get attention from the one man he's seeking to show he's as good as <.<
Sera my beloved. She's so competent. I love competent women. So does Ran.
I love how Ran just invited Sonoko and Sera into Shinichi's house, but considering she goes out of her way to keep it clean because she's such a good housewife (I'm going to throw up), she can invite who she wants and the Kudo's just have to deal with it.
Sonoko is more obsessed with Shinichi than Ran is, I swear to god.
Poor Sera... She's just trying to find her brother.
Did they forget that Shinichi has a mother? And that there is another person here who could have brought a women around?
Again, they just assume that Shinichi is "cheating" on Ran. And Ran doubts him immediately and was about to scream at him about it.
Oh look, Sera has sense. I bet she just wanted to see how close Ran and Shinichi are and is filing "she does not trust him and he does not trust her" in the file labelled their terrible relationship.
Shinichi really is autistic. Just showing a seven year old Ran a picture of a dead person because he's annoyed at his dad for ruling the death an accident even though it looks like a murder even though Ran is so horrified by the image. Why did Yuusaku let Shinichi have the image?
Imagine if Shinichi had a normal relationship with his father, he could just ask him about the case.
They completely forgot they were trying to keep Shinichi's identity a secret.
Everyone: why don't we call Shinichi?
Ran: Do I have too?
She really does not like ringing him at all. Gosho it's really funny as she's supposed to be madly in love with him and she really avoids talking on the phone with him until she's pushed into doing so.
I hold onto the fact that Ran only thinks she liks Shinichi because the world keeps pressuring her to date him.
Shinichi just revealed to Akai he was faking Shinichi's voice <.< And then he also forgot that he was just talking to Ran just that moment before he came back so Shinichi couldn't have emailed Conan. It's a fucking miracle he hasn't been found out yet.
...Oh my god Shinichi, you have an actress of a mother, LEARN TO ACT.
Ran and Sera make an amazing team.
DON'T DO THAT TO ME. Sera is crying because she saw two cute siblings interact.
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bumbleboa · 2 years
OOPS it's been over ten days since I messaged you, sorry about that! Anyway, hi, it's your Secret Santa again. I've barely started on your gift but I have big plans! A script is involved.
Re: Kaito-- I like him as either persona too! It is fun to me how Kaito himself differs from the KID persona, part of the fun of Magic Kaito (as someone who started with Detective Conan) is sorta pulling back the curtain and seeing how much of a messy, flying-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of guy Kaito really can be, when Detective Conan tends to frame him as this ultra-genius that is always one step ahead and perfectly put together. Especially fun when a case appears as both a Magic Kaito episode and Detective Conan episode, and you get both of their POVs on the situation.
Not to say Kaito isn't smart or doesn't plan well, of course he does, but revealing that one of the first things he learned was to never let down his poker face really reframes the idea that, y'know, maybe there's a reason he acts like he's always one step ahead.
Anyway I don't really have a question at the end of this, just some Kaito thoughts, so I hope you're having a good holiday season! No promises on mini-gifts but I'm hoping I'll do at least one.
Hello Anon!
Don't worry about the time that has passed or mini gifts! Those aren't necessary and I know the time leading up to the Holidays is a busy one for everyone (I know it is packed full for me).
I do love it when we get to see both sides of a heist as well! In DetCo we get to see Shinichi trying to figure out how to unravel the tricks and in MK we get to see all the work that goes into planning them as well as all the contingency plans Kaito has.
It's so interesting to me that you mentioned Kaito as an example for flying-by-the-seat-of-his-pants (which is true! he does have to wing it many times but only when his plans are thwarted). I think Shinichi/Conan suits that way more because the amount of times this shrunken detective walks into danger with eyes wide open and an attitude of ''I'll figure it out along the way'' is staggering.
For Kaito, I feel it's like when he learned gymnastics: figuring out how to fall and not hurt yourself is a big part of building the confidence to do more complex things. He is preparing for the worst case, he HOPES it doesn't come to it, but there's definitely a lot more risk assessment and management going on with him.
But you know, sometimes the risk assessments are bad and I made this meme a while back which still feels apt:
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akai-anna · 1 year
So I just recently read your post about decto relationships with the bingo card thing, and I enjoyed it a lot and wanted to hear more of your opinions on other relationships. I would like to see which other relationships you choose and how you view them.
Firstly, I would like you to know: I cannot even put into words how happy this ask made me (the fact someone was curious enough to ask something from me unprompted! the fact that SOMEONE TOOK THE TIME TO APPROACH ME TO ASK!! AND ABOUT DETCO!!!), so thank you very much for making my day with this and giving me that dopamine rush. (Also, thank you for your patience, I got too busy and took me much longer to answer than expected!)
Secondly, notes still apply:
as in the previous ask about relating to this topic, i interpret relationships in the broadest possible sense
i check everything that makes sense to me, even if they seem contradictory; i view them applied to different situations/universes/possibilities
ship opinion bingo in question
*cracks fingers and rolls up sleeves* Now, let's get down to business.
I. Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Miyano Shiho/Haibara Ai - Detective Boys Trio
The Elementary Squad
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In general, the friendship (friendship is a canon relationship!) these 4 (then eventually 5) little menaces of my heart share, is so very precious. The way these 3 latched onto him, and integrated him into their little group, how Shinichi LITERALLY ACTS LIKE HIMSELF AROUND THEM DESPITE THE KIDS HAVING NO IDEA ABOUT HIS TRUE IDENTITY. HE IS AUTHENTIC AROUND THEM. Also I forgot the number of times the kids called Shinichi out on his BS (like him switching between his adult and child speech patterns when interacting with adults/the police and disappearing acts) and how many times they all get in soooo much trouble because they are lil troublemakers, so curious, never saying no to adventure.
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Shinichi is a mentor to them, teaching them about stuff but also their friend. Shinichi is Big Brother material, and the kids know that they can count on him, turn to him in need, and Shinichi cannot help but indulge them, involving them in stuff to an extent, while also trying his damnedest to keep them safe and protect them (even at his own risk and safety, bodily protecting them).
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And then you add Ai to the mix, and she gets integrated into their tight-knit little group. Not only Shinichi finally has a connection to the BO with her, but also someone who is in the same situation as himself and someone who needs his protection. (AND SOMEONE WHO TEASES HIM LIKE HE DESERVES IT! AI-SHINICHI BANTER IS SO GOOD! LOVE THEM!) And Ai finds herself not only friends but a family. (Sometimes a family is one middled aged man, 2 fake and 3 real elementary students.)
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She encounters unconditional kindness, which melts her cool exterior and as time passes she not only comes to care about these people, but also learns to lower her barriers. And ultimately makes the choice to be with them despite the risks.
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You can give me these 5 kids in almost any combination and I would be so happy to see them (and could talk about them for hours without stopping, almost did them in different combinations separately, God, save my soul). Special mention: Mitsuhiko-Shinichi/Conan dynamic gets to me so bad because Mitsuhiko is the most curious of the 3, when it comes to knowledge. He LOVES learning, and applying what he knows (just like a certain someone we know). And Mitsuhiko learns well; he absorbs what Shinichi tells and shows him. (And I love how complex his feelings are about that.) Also the parallel between Heiji and Mitsuhiko, my HEART-
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II. Vermouth/Chris Vineyard/Sharon Vineyard -Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan (- Mouri Ran)
This is such a delightfully precious and weird dynamic. I don't even know how to describe it, really because 1) there is so little content of this (WHERE IS MY VERMOUTH BACKSTORY/ARC!!! WHERE!!! WHERE IS MORE OF THEM!!! WHERE!!!) relationship in particular and 2) how do you even label something so unusual? Vermouth having such a solid opinion of Shinichi and Ran while the other two are so unsure what is exactly going on. (Shinichi is definitely suspicious of her with GOOD REASOn but also Weirded out I feel while Ran knows even less.) SO BEAUTIFULLY IMBALANCED AND WEIRD.
I guess, in short: Vermouth having a life-altering meeting with these two, only for Shinichi and Ran for it to be The Most Natural Thing?
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I'M! SCREAMING!! Love me a morally grey woman with her own agenda.
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Each and every interaction with them has me IN ABSOLUTE HYSTERICS, MAKING ME GO CRAZY. For closing this section, I leave you with a (bad quality) gif I made (in a rush) because this part in the anime MAKES ME LOSE IT EVERY TIME. THE SLOW MOTION, THE WAY HE HOLDS HIM BY THE HANDS AND GENTLE WAY SHE SETS SHINICHI DOWN, I CANNOT.
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III. Hattori Heiji - Tooyama Kazuha - Mouri Ran - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan
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I'll be honest, at first I planned to include only Kazuha & Heiji in this but then I started looking for scenes in the manga and got obliterated by my love for the 4 of them. (And yes, I know I already did Heiji & Shinichi in the previous ask, I love them, sue me. Also, i wanted to count "Not dating but married nonetheless" for Heizuha BC THEY ARE, but this ended up as a 4 character thing so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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To make it short: I FREAKING ADORE THEM.
In more detail: Heiji-Kazuha AND Shinichi-Ran both come in sets, DO NOT SEPARATE THEM. Then you put them all together THEY MAKE A WHOLE SET, A UNIT, A SQUAD.
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But also there are different combinations: The Detectives And Cursed Bad Luck Duo, The Superstitious Girl Duo, The Not Dating But Married Couple, THE DATING HUSBAND AND WIFE DUO, THE SEPARATE TRIO COMBOS. *RIPS OF CLOTHES AND ROARS* ALL SO VERY GOOD.
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THEN OF COURSE WE CANNOT NOT MENTION THE OSAKAN DUO. THEY ARE SO COMFORTABLE AROUND EACH OTHER, it's one of my favourite things, so UNABASHED WITH EACH OTHER IN WAY. They are (not dating BUT) MARRIED YOUR HONOUR, they really are like an old married couple.
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Also, it's so rarely mentioned but (because there is just so little of it in canon WHICH IS A CRIME, GET ON THE CASE BOYS) SHINICHI/CONAN-KAZUHA IS ESPECIALLY PRECIOUS TO ME, they have such great potential. Every time I SEE THEM INTERACT EVEN FOR A SECOND I GO APESHIT, ABSOLUTELY BONKERS. There is just something about Shinichi calling her "Kazuha" and "Kazuha-chan", the possibility of them BONDING OVER THEIR BELOVEDS AND YEARS OF PINING (because both Heiji and Ran can so oblivious it's endearing) but also bonding over HOW STUPID HEIJI IS AT TIMES, but also how much they both care for him and Ran. My dream is to see Kazuha make/get Shinichi a protective charm (let's be honest, hE NEEDS IT, and Heiji's seems to be sorta effective). There is a parallel there (now only if I could find the post for it). Also Shinichi not only being OK with Kazuha picking him up (LETTING HER!!!) BUT ALSO BEING FINE WITH KAZUHA HOLDING HIM!!! (FOR A WHOLE CONVERSATION!!!)
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Also, ShinRan sharing that braincell.
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I hope you enjoyed this wild rambling ride, dear Anon, and thank you for asking, I HAD SO MUCH FUN!!! May you have a blessed day, darling!
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tabbi-mysteries · 1 year
Detective Conan Rewatch 471-486
Oops I forgot to write my thoughts down for a few days again
The uncontrollable rental car was actually top tier tho. I'm used to the single ep anime originals being fairly straightforward but this was unique and the characterization was great. We see Kogoro's best side and action hero dad Tagaki and a really smart trick pulled by Conan to save them all. I really liked this one.
Shinichi Kudo's childhood adventures is super cute! It's really nice to see babby Ran and of course Shiinichi. I almost wish we had more of their past and how they fell in love and the development part of all that but I get why we don't and the snippets we do get are cute. We get to see dad KID too which is fun (and babby Kaito too!) However as my friend pointed out this ep does feel like it confuses the nebulous timeline somewhat? Yukiko's been retired from acting for some time now so her still actively studying from Toichi is odd? Maybe? Maybe it's just her hobby now I dunno.
The love of lawyer Eri Kisaki is funny. It's super simple, especially for anyone who owns a cat but it manages to be great regardless. Ran really nearly assaulted a man 😅 well I'm sure Eri could have gotten her off the charges but still
Bad luck grand Prix is well it's an average episode, i certainly didn't think it was bad but it felt like a regular old episode with nothing super standout. I do like the occasional cases that are Kogoro and Conan hanging out all family like though it's sweet.
Genta's certain kill shot was fun! Mostly because my friend saw the title in advance and we've been choking about Genta's upcoming murder plan for a while XD the actual case is still pretty neat tho, although as usual the English is a little rough. I wouldn't say its common but you probably want imp or pixie to describe a mischievous kid not elf. I also kinda agree with Kogoro that it was mean to point at Genta and call him a murderer poor kid.
Real 30 minutes is an odd case. The time... didn't feel super relevant? The character designs were neat though and Conan and Haibara teaming up is always good.
Three days with Heiji Hattori! My boy was back for some more cases and they're fun ones. The first is neat because it feels like they reiterated Conan's trauma regarding cornering a culprit, almost feel like they could have focused on the impact of that ending and what that means to Conan and Heiji more but eh, it was neat to have it still. As for the detective Koushin I really enjoyed it! I've been looking forward to it a lot since reading that manga chapter and having a gathering of detectives is fun, the culprit is great too, I can see why she's so well liked. It's also great to have Hakuba here too although I gotta admit that yeah he seems pretty Sus of Conan, or perhaps just nice about it who knows. I liked the whole sequence at the beginning regarding the backstory too. And finally Heiji did really great! I like how they show how he differs from most other detectives we see who stand back and observe with methodical coldness by being emotionally invested, always having hope for possible best outcomes and willing to come across as wrong and act to gather the evidence he needs. I love him and this episode did a great job of showing why <3
Yellow Alibi is a sad case with a dumbass for a culprit. Who on earth murders someone on a beach and then tries to hide the fact the murder happened on a beach? Has this man never been to a beach before? You never get all the sand off my god.
Mountain Witch's cutlery is a simple little case but well presented, the weapon was neat and the kids were cute.
The vanished policeman was also a cute little simple case. Not much to say about it other than that tho.
Whereabouts of the dark photograph is fun because the crime differs which is neat every so often. Also those two guys will probably never commit a crime in their lives after that experience XD
Beckoning cat from left to right is simple but hey it has cats and Conan and Haibara teaming up which is nice.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Thanks for answering my ask....If you don't mind me asking (again), what are your top 10 (or top 5) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Feel free to answer whenever you want to (or not). Thank you so much....
(You asked this a little bit ago and I put it in my drafts as a “I’ll finish this later” sort of thing then forgot until this morning, sorry)
1. Hyouka. It’s a mystery anime. There’s a manga as well, but I never got very far into it. The animation is really pretty, but the main draw for me was the mc Houtarou Oreki. The way he just doesn’t want to be there and also would like nobody to talk to him. Despite this, he’s friends with the exact opposite? And good friends. What a guy. Also, the mysteries are very fun to piece together.
2. Natsume Yuujinchou. I’ve always really liked this anime, and the manga. I like Natsume Takashi, the main character, and I also really like his grandmother, Natsume Reiko, who kind of acts as a secondary main character? She caused the whole plot to happen. I like how many people and yokai mistake Natsume for his grandmother, and the running theme of Natsume finally finding friends. It was also the first manga that ever made me cry, so it holds a special place in my heart.
3. MXTX’s novels. All three of them. I love the characters and I love the romances and I love the plots. I love the side characters! I can’t think of an author who has ever made me so invested in side characters before! I read them all for different reasons, so I don’t really have a favourite among them, but if I was held at gunpoint, I’d say Scum Villain is my favourite. Because I associate it with the colour green, and I like the colour green.
4. Moomins. I just… everything is so soft. And warm. And kind. Even when the characters are beinng objectively terrible, I just want to pat their heads and sigh wistfully. It’s definitely my comfort show. I occasionally watch clips from the nineties show just to cheer myself up again. I love Snufkin because his lines are amazing and I, too, would like to wander the world as a lone vagabond. (The whole conversation of “I made those footprints.” “What? How?” “With these big ol boots I found.” “Why are you wearing them?” “To see what life is like in someone else’s shoes.” “What’s it like?” “Uncomfortable.” I love every moment, I quote “uncomfortable” all the time)
5. Detective Conan (and Magic Kaitou) I love this series. I love the comedy of the most intelligent teenager alive being shrunk into a miniature. I love the drama. I love the characters, all twelve billion of them. I love that the twists are always so weird. I absolutey, positively adore the Kaitou Kid episodes! Something about little itty bitty Conan facing an international jewel thief… I also love the movies! I haven’t seen all of them (my attention span…) but my favourites are the Lupin III crossovers! And, of course, the best movie is the Lost Ship in the Sky, because it has the funniest scenes of anything ever. When Kaitou Kid (disguised as Shinichi) and Conan just leap out of a helicopter? I love them so much…
6. Encanto. I’ve watched this movie about 3-5 times (an impressive feat for me I promise) and every time the Abuela says “the miracle is not some magic that you’ve got, the miracle is you, not some gift just you” I cry actual tears. And I get major siblings feelings from all of it. It’s so good
7. Star Wars, specifically prequel-era and Original Trilogy-era. I love Anakin Skywalker. The most dramatic man to ever. And I love Luke Skywalker. And I love Leia. And Han, and Chewie, and Lando, and Obi-Wan (Obi-Waaaaannn 🫠) and just the majority of characters. I really enjoyed reading the Thrawn Trilogy because I found Mara Jade to be the funniest comedic foil to Luke. Luke is just vibing. Mara is like “You were stabbed fifteen seconds ago, what-“ Love the chaos duo Luke and Leia, who can’t go anywhere together because they attract misfortune but also can’t go anywhere apart because they attract misfortune. I love longsuffering Han who didn’t really realize that marrying Leia meant marrying Luke too. I have never watched the sequels, and I don’t really want to. I just wanna live in my lil bubble 👍
8. Resident Evil series. I’m counting the games here because I own exavctly zero consoles that run Resident Evil games and so I mostly just watch longplays, but I love the series. (One day I’ll be the Master of Unlocking… one day… when I have… more money…) I really like Ethan Winters because he reminds me of a kicked dog. I like Jill Valentine the mostest because I really like that her responses to all the weird comments Barry makes are just her laughing and agreeing. I like Chris Redfield because Wesker reveals his huge evil plan and Chris immediately starts laughing and Wesker gets actually upset that he isn’t taking him seriously. I like Ada Wong. She rocked in to Raccoon City to “find her boyfriend” (code for: do spy shit) in a dress and, like, tights? They could be leather pants, the graphics aren’t that clear, but I’m not sure? Her whole outfit in RE2 is amazing. Oh, and I like the horror elements too, the monster designs are so gross! 10/10!
9. Various DC comics. Namely, Batman, Robin, Young Justice, Swamp Thing, etc. I talk about Batman and Robin and all them a lot, but I really enjoy Swamp Thing! I never knew that it was a horror comic until I read it (I suppose it would have been logical to assume it was, but still) and I like him! He’s very cute. Squishy. I want to lay on him and tell him he’s doing a great job. I like the little mini Swamp Thing that grew after he was “killed” it’s so little!!!
10. Fire Emblem. I’m including another game series because I love Fire Emblem a lot. I have played so many hours of so many games (Tokyo Mirage Sessions crossover is underrated and everyone should play it and gush about it with me because Mamori runs a cooking show when she has no idea ow to cook!!! I love her!!!) I have wasted so much money on the mobile game (stop looking at me) I absolutely love this series! My favourites are Marth and Henry (FE:A) I love Marth, he is so… himself :) and I love Henry! He was raised by wolves! He converses with crows! He proposes with a cursed ring! He carries around monster parts just for funsies! He is the cutest little murder bean in the world! Fire Emblem Awakening got me into the series as a whole, and I have never been the same (side note: I also love Corrin, because they are a himbo whether male or female. I also love Robin, because they appear very reasonable and are tacticians and are very intelligent and they are also completely feral in weird ways and I like it a lot. I love Byleth, the best teacher who does not have a heartbeat and didn’t cry when they were born and doesn’t know how to emote)
This turned out longer than I expected, but I hope it’s what you were looking for.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Donbrothers, Episode 35!
Ohhhhh boy! Just got off the train from Oishi-Na Town! Time to visit my friend Tsubasa in Donbura County Jail. And uh... well, my good buddy Jirou is in immense pain so, I wanna check on him too. Going all over the place today, huh? Please stand behind the white line! We're departing on a train ride towards pain!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Well, at least you're not having a massive rampage, right Tsuyoshi?
-It's OUR power, boys!
-"Kijino, you're really making an annoying racket stirring your coffee like that."
-"Hey man, chill, you don't gotta yell at him like that-"
-"Jesus Christ, what's gotten into you"
Lies high as the palms
Bananas within reach
Monkey gets free lunch!"
-How many takes do you think it took to get that rant right?
-Ohhhhhh, Shinichi jbk;hjg
-Hello Auntie Yuriko.
-"He's hot" OH MY GOD how does Haruka rein you in?
-Ohhhhh, there's something with Auntie Yuriko isn't there
-"Ah fuck, he has a girlfriend already"
-...I get really bad vibes off of auntie Yuriko.
-Miho Spotted.
-Oh no
-Aaaand, we're in jail!
-Jail time with the homie.
-"So like... do you want 500000 yen?"
-"Nah, you... you can keep it, I don't really need that kinda money."
-Free doggy!
-Kito, please stop that, I'm pretty sure fraternizing with suspects under interrogation is a violation of the law.
-Ah, who am I kidding, that's not gonna stop her.
-Ohhhhhhhhh, she hit you with the whammy.
-"Go investigate your girlfriend! If you get us results, we'll let you go free!"
-Murasame's just sitting there, huh?
-Yeah just seal him up a little, he'll be fine
-Oh hey, Rumi-chan, right? You're Jirou's ladyfriend.
-Alright, my boy's getting focus!
-Natsumi rehearsal!
-Very solid delivery
-Oh... hello Sononi! There's a really funny case of some poor kid unable to confess his love happening in Oishi-Na Town if you wanna come with me next time!
-"Oh, that boy's gonna die. Old Yeller's got nothing on this dog tragedy. I'll be sure to hand his friends a posthumous Newberry medal."
-Having a midlife crisis so soon?
-Hmm... what is that thing... he seems to be a physics major, so... perhaps he's one of the more science-y sentai. That's a red bird of prey for his face. Yellow beast with tusks... or fangs? And those blue... rubbery shoulders he's got... Ohhhhh, I get it now! This guy must be our Liveman rep.
-A toast~! For the most~!
-Hello Jin!
-Just send him away like that, huh?
-"Ahhhhh, so you're the guy who made him a psycho. Good job, dingus."
-Hmm... found a new form of dimensional travel, huh? Do you think perhaps they cut through the CooKingdom?
-"Menkai wa wata."
-Natsumi? Ohhhhhhh, a crane.
-Y'know Momoi, I think whenever somebody acts even slightly weird around you, you should assume
-"Are you okay, Pheasant Guy?"
-Sloooooow motion!
-Party Time!
-Too fast, too strong!
-Ohhhh, Avatar Change!
-Now transforming! Get your ass on the dance floor behind the white line!
-Aaaaaaaaalll aboard!
-Hyper ToQ Momo-gou! Hyper ToQ Momo-gou!
-Gotta admit, I'm actually kind of a fan of this idea that Momoi's so up in his own hype that he just... slaps his own super form onto another Sentai's Red.
-Alright, Jirou!
-Stop sniffing your girlfriend and lie down!
-...yeah, like that, thank you for listening.
-Got a ToQ Blaster and the Rail Slasher, badass.
-Awww, I wanted to see more.
-Darkness of youth!
-Ore koso only one da.
-Youth stuff!
-Let's fly!
-Take that power!
-Matsuri da matsuri da!
-Donbros Utopia!
-Yeah, good luck with that, Mister! Have fun!
-Juto Suck
-"Nooooo :("
-And he just got eaten!
-Oh God, where is this
-That poor Anoni lady :(
-Ohhhhhh this is the lion's den.
-Jesus fucking Christ, what on earth is happening
-Why is this so horrifying
-Inoue? Tasaki? Shirakura-P? Anybody?
-What the fuck guys, what is happening?
-Ohhhhhhhh that's not good.
-That's not good at all.
-Ramen! Deliciousmile~!
-Oh, that poor chef, he's going through this again.
-That's not our dog, that's a really fucked up cat!
-Uh... hang tight, Tsubasa! We'll save you!
-Next episode that is, Happy Halloween buddy!
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