#shingeki no kyoujin writing
laceymorganwrites · 2 years
Funeral Grey
Kinktober day 3: 
Pairing: Zeke x fem!reader
Word count: 2,418
Warnings: Zeke Jaeger 
A/N: ahahahha um anyways~ this got a bit personal because yeah kinda into that 
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Zeke hated going clubbing. Absolutely. But he was the only driver available for the night and Pieck and Porco promised to leave him alone with it for the next month. That was good enough for him. Besides, he was too nice for his own good sometimes. It´s been an hour and he was already regretting it. Standing by the bar, drinking water and feeling so out of place he stared at his watch. 11pm. And then she walked in with her friends. Zeke wasn´t the type of guy to care about people´s looks but she just took his breath away completely, it was like somebody gut punched him. He was frozen in place and couldn´t help but stare at her. He looked like a complete idiot. Her friends moved to the dancefloor while she ordered drinks for everyone in the group. She had such a bored look on her face, Zeke couldn´t help but be enticed. Then again, who on earth went clubbing in a grey sweater? His interest peaked and that didn´t happen very often with him. She walked over to her friends and downed the shots she ordered before disappearing into the crowd to dance for a bit. His eyes didn´t leave her for a second. After a while she came by the bar again for more drinks. “You gonna stare at me all night, pretty boy?” she chuckled, leaning against the counter next to him. “Why not, I enjoy the view” he returned her smirk. “Hmm, boring” she sighed, sipping her drink. He liked the sound of her voice, but beautiful women made him weak. “So what´s your favorite color?” and stupid. She didn´t mind and just pointed at her waist. “You know, technically… that´s not a color. That´s a shade” great start, Jaeger. 
“Don´t disagree with me” she stated coldly before walking away again, drink in her hand. He didn´t even know her name but that look on her face… he never thought he´d be the submissive one but the thought of being her slave just enticed him too much. Her looking at him like that again…. telling him how pathetic and stupid he was… how he couldn´t even satisfy her enough. He gulped, his throat was dry by now and he gripped the glass of water just a bit too tight. No way in hell did he just get half hard by the woman with the most cold, distant and bored look on her face he has ever seen. That was so much more than just embarrassing. “Only hot people wear sweaters in summer” he mumbled before  staring into space. It was pathetic. It was like a fucking fever dream. One he only woke up from when Pieck and Porco wanted to go home. Luckily it wasn´t that late and he needed to cool off anyway so he quickly drove them home and made sure they wouldn´t throw up in the apartment. Thankfully they dozed off immediately, the alcohol playing its part better than he could´ve planned. He sighed, standing in the middle of the living room and contemplated all of his life choices. Would he really drive back to a club just to see a woman that probably wasn´t even there anymore? Was he really that desperate? It was sad that he didn´t even think twice before getting back into the car. What the hell was he doing? It was two AM as he entered the club again, pretending to enjoy the music and actually want to be there. He felt like such an idiot for searching for her in the crowd. It was 3AM when she walked in again, completely mesmerizing him once again. And then he realized he´d do it all over again. Just to be able to breathe the same air as her. She already looked at him like he was the most pathetic loser she knew when she came to the bar, a lit cigarette in her mouth. “You know that shit is gonna kill you, right?” he told her, immediately wanting to disappear once again. He didn´t know why she had this effect on him but he just got so stupid every time she was around. He didn´t expect her to smile at that, much less for her to blow the smoke in his face directly. “Well, now you´re gonna die too” she smirked but her eyes remained as cold as ever. Oh, he wanted to. Zeke thought he really wouldn´t mind if he died right now. Not if it was her who put him out of his misery. He didn´t want her to leave again so he tried to engage in a conversation. “Hey, do you want to have my number? Maybe we could grab a coffee sometime” he said, his hands sweaty. She looked him up and down in a look that could only be described as pity. She couldn´t hold back her laughter either. “Yeah no, I don´t date desperate guys like you” she told him. “It doesn´t even have to be a date! We can just hang out, it doesn´t even have to be that long” he was way past the point of denying the fact that he was desperate. Because he was. It would be embarrassing but it was the first time this has ever happened to him. The first time someone ever had this impact on him. “Look, I know your dying wish is to be baptized in my spit. And I might grant it if you leave me alone after, okay?” she offered, her voice devoid of any feeling. She sounded so annoyed. And all because of him. He did feel sorry for that. But he was so happy that she was talking to him. He couldn´t believe his luck. Of course he noticed that her friends were sending her pitiful looks, laughing about him and feeling sorry for both of them. Zeke smiled brightly even though he knew exactly that she was just looking right through him. “Would you really do that?” he asked, a hopeful ´for me?´ lingering in his words. He probably looked like a child experiencing his first birthday right now, his eyes so big, so full of hope when he knew that all he could find in her eyes was deep and dark despair for him and other guys like him. Zeke had always liked bathing in his own illusions. “Sure, I´ll even spit in your mouth” she said, smirking. It took her everything not to burst out in laughter on the spot. She always knew men were stupid but his level was just ridiculous. He was a pitiful creature, a loser right out of the book. The way he fidgeted with his hands, probably all clammy and sweaty from having a woman talk to him. He never once even looked at her, not when she was standing right in front of him. Apparently the floor was more appealing. He gulped, he was so nervous and for what? Nothing would ever happen between the two of them. He knew that. Was he really that desperate? In reality Zeke couldn´t wait for it, he could already feel her saliva drip down his throat. Oh he would savor it before he´d swallow. Licking his lips afterwards not to waste a single drop. It would be like an indirect kiss, better even. Something so intimate, granted from a goddess. To a nobody like him? He felt like he could ascend into heaven this instance. “Yes, yes please. I´ll do anything” there it was. The desperate and starved plea for more of her time. She had him. She only was glad to be rid of him afterwards. He´d make it for a fun story of the night to laugh about with her friends in the morning on the way to work. But that was it. They wouldn´t even remember him the day after. And they wouldn´t care to either. Losers like him existed far and wide across the world. “Cool, this´ll be the last time we see each other” she stated and he knew it. He was painfully aware of it. But this memory would live on forever in him. It was like he was chosen. He didn´t even know her name and she didn´t care to ask for his. But somehow this fact made all of this all the more special. To him only, naturally. She sighed in annoyance and pushed him down on his chair harshly, making him blush furiously. He even choked back a moan. Disgusting. She hated touching guys like him, it made her feel so icky and dirty. She wanted to avoid contact at all costs so she just told him to open his mouth already, he obeyed like a slut. It really wasn´t a big deal for her, the whole thing was over in about three seconds. She leaned over him and spat in his mouth, waiting for her saliva to drop completely before finishing her drink, returning the glass to the bar and leaving the club with her friends without ever looking back to him again. The women shared a few laughs and then never wasted another thought on the loser from that one club. 
Zeke could only describe the moment as a religious experience, as an epiphany. Touched by a goddess. He could smell her hair, she was so close to him. He even imagined her smiling at him as she spat. His eyes half lidded, he couldn´t bear to look away but the experience was godly, he had to savor every drop he could get. Because it would be the last one. It was warm in his mouth, mixing with his own saliva, a connection formed from pity and a deranged love at first sight. He felt it trickle down his lips, he let it for as long as he could before he licked his lips. Everything else became void in the second. The noise and people from the club drowned out, leaving him to his own perverse pleasure. He was hard. Painfully so. Eyes rolling back as he swallowed her spit, biting his lip to suppress a moan, he felt his jeans tightening even more. And then it all came crashing down on him. The music was blaringly loud and he saw some people look at him weirdly, a disgusted woman frowned at him, another one was chuckling, the guy next to him shook his head in disbelief. He heard someone mumble what a pathetic guy he was and honestly. They weren´t wrong. Zeke got up hurriedly and rushed to the bathroom, thankfully the club was full so nobody was paying him any mind. In his head that was the sole reason, not the fact that he was so painfully dull and boring. The kind of guy whose face you forgot instantly after meeting him. The guy whose name wasn´t worth remembering. He was almost out of breath as he closed the door of his stall, leaning against the wall. Somehow he felt dizzy. His cock was aching. Of course it was. He had to take care of it and fast. Nobody was here right now, so he opened his zipper, pushing his pants down to his knees. It was an awkward position he found himself in but then again it wasn´t something he wasn´t used to. It was quite uncomfortable, the fabric was rubbing against his skin, irritating it. There was already a wet patch forming in his briefs, he saw his cock twitch through the fabric. It was quite small so it was a miracle he could even see it this clearly. He positioned his hand above his head to steady himself as he rubbed his crotch with his other one. Zeke groaned as he laid his head back, closing his eyes to avoid looking at the filthy walls. With closed eyes he could imagine anything he wanted to. Like you. He was sure you changed his life with your interaction. He would think of this moment for years to come, when he was alone in his room at night. He didn´t get laid often. Which was surprising because he was quite attractive and he´s been told he got pitied a lot, which usually helped. But apparently he was too pathetic to be considered sexual. And somehow that turned him on. Being beneath everyone and everything. Not being regarded as a human being. The only way to interact with the goddess being an act of pure filth just for him to leave her alone. The moan that left his lips as he pulled out his throbbing cock was embarrassing, croaked and too high to be considered anything remotely sexy. He pulled off his glasses and put them in his shirt, he didn´t want them to fall down on the floor. Zeke spat in his hand, imagining the warm fluid to be yours. But he couldn´t imagine you in such a nasty place. No, he didn´t even imagine undressing and fucking you, not even kissing you. The whole time he was masturbating the scene of you spitting in his mouth was replaying in his head. It was like a prayer. He bucked his hips, immediately setting a fast pace, his thumb playing with his tip. He smeared the pre over his length and rubbed his thumb over his top almost violently. He was desperate for release, it hurt at this point. He was aching. He didn´t jerk off for his own pleasure, he got it from the disgust others regarded him with. And maybe that was just it. He hated himself too. He understood them all too well. He never looked at himself in the mirror with any positivity. No wonder he couldn´t get off just for his own pleasure. Because truly, he didn´t deserve it. He didn´t deserve a goddess spitting in his mouth either but here he was. The luckiest bastard on the planet. His moans sounded louder in the stall as they actually were but at some point he stopped caring, violently rutting into his hand, it almost hurt. But he liked it that way. His orgasm came hard and fast, taking him by surprise. He always came quickly, that was the whole point after all. He only ever jerked off to release tension, but this time he was quite worn out. His wrist was aching, his cum splattering across the wall and dripping down his hand. Zeke bathed in the sensation longer than usual, opening his eyes slowly and exhaling. As he noticed the mess he had made he hurriedly cleaned himself and the wall before dressing again and leaving the bathroom stall. He lingered around the club longer than necessary, watching it empty out and only then leaving too. It was silly but he had hoped that by miracle she would still be there, that he could stare in her beautiful, cold eyes once more. 
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szasfuckingwife · 1 year
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WARNINGS: SMUT, Eren calls reader a slut and whore, swearing, Eren is a secret fuck boy, reader has she/her pronouns, no mention of reader’s appearance other than what she’s wearing
SYNOPSIS: Y/N is new to Marley, just moving a few months prior. Her parents are rich doctors and she wants to be a professional golfer. At the country club, Grisha Yeager introduces his son, Eren Yeager to her. As she teach him how to improve his golfing, Eren teaches her one or two new things..
A/N: it’s finally summer time, and this summer me and my friends are going golfing🤭 i hope i find my eren + soundgasm is such a summer song, reminds me of 2016 drake for some reason
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It’s 1:25pm at the country club. The sun is shining, the grass was greener than the pockets of the people there. And, above all, a pretty brunette and a pretty blonde are in that field playing a good game of golf.
Eren has his club in hand, his eyes are on the ball. Noticing that he won’t get a good swing from that distance, he scoots himself back a few steps until he finally feels comfortable. His veiny hands latch onto the club a little tighter as he takes a deep breath.
“Are you gonna hit the ball or…?” Armin is tired of waiting. He’s been waiting for his best friend ever since kindergarten. Eren had to stay behind a grade? Armin was waiting. Eren had detention? Armin was waiting.
But waiting for his best friend to hit a stupid ball was so damn infuriating.
Suddenly, Eren’s club went sky high before he hit the ball, sending the white sphere flying over the sky. The green eyed boy whistled in satisfaction; he was getting better each day.
Eren turned to his friend with a smug look on his face, “See! You want perfection? Be patient.”
Armin rolled his eyes before the two heard the familiar voice of Grisha Yeager, Eren’s father and the CFO of a tech company.
“Boys! Get in, drinks are out!” He yelled, waving his hand to grab their attention but all they could see was the bling of his Rolex. “Oh, and son? Getting better!”
Eren smiled, flashing his pearly whites.
“Not better than me though.”
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This was your first time at this country club since your parents moved states. Not only was it awkward as most of the girls your age played tennis instead of golf, but all the guys who played golf were…facially challenged.
“Sweetheart, smile.” Your mother spoke through gritted teeth. She had noticed your unusual (but expected) awkwardness even when you were driving to the club.
You looked at her before sighing deeply, “Everyone here is just…weird.”
“The girls play tennis. You know how to play, why don’t you join them?”
Oh yeah, join the girls that laughed when they saw my personalised club!
If anything, you wished your mother would stop trying to get you to have fun so much, because all it did was remind you how much fun you were missing out on back home. It was heartbreaking to say bye to genuine friends and say hello to well…the plastics.
“Y/N!”, You heard your father’s voice and instantly turned around to spot him. He waved you over, looking eager and excited.
“Why is he so happy? I’m scared..” You mutter at your mother. She laughs and pushed you to his direction.
You try not to draw as much attention to yourself as you walk despite your very loud father yelling your name. Upon arrival, you see Mr Yeager, your fathers new friend.
He’s also the man that prompted the idea to move states.
Your father enthusiastically put his arm over your shoulder, “This is my daughter, Y/N.”
You stick your hand out to shake Mr Yeager’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you sir.”
“Nice to meet you too. Your father tells me that you’re applying to U of M. What’s got you so interested in Marley?”
If you wanted to be frank, and boastful, you’d tell him that you didn’t apply but rather you got a scholarship. Whether it was nepotism because it was your dads alma matter or if it was your big brain and athleticism, it was the best offer you’ve gotten.
“I heard they do good Neurology courses. I wanted to go to university and well, to put it short, make sure I have a plan B.”, You reply, smiling sweetly at both your father and Mr Yeager.
Grisha nods in acknowledgment, giving you back the same smile, “What’s your plan A then?”
“Professional golf, of course.”
It sounds boring, but golf was one of those hobbies that just never went away. You remember when you were 9, going with your father to the golf course just to see what it was like. When your dad taught you how to hit the ball, you loved it.
As you grew older, hitting the golf ball became your outlet. Like that one time you imagined that it was your teachers head instead of the ball after she gave you a C in a test.
Where others prefer an ice rink or a race track, you prefer your club and the nice smell of freshly cut grass.
“Y/N reminds me of Jordan in ‘88 but instead of a basketball court, it’s a golf course.”, embarrassment filled your body as your dad bragged about you. All you could do was laugh at his strange comparison.
“Ah, my boy does some golf in his spare time. He’s not trying to go pro, I hope, but, he could definitely use some lessons from you if you’re that good. In fact…” He looks around, squinting his eyes. “Eren!”
Right then and there, you pray with every bone in your body that this ‘Eren’ wasn’t those boys you saw earlier. God knows what you’d do to avoid teaching them a single thing.
What came, however, was a surprise. And the surprise came in the form of a boy. Not too old, maybe nineteen. He wore navy shorts and an emerald green ralph lauren vest over a plain white tee.
His hair was gelled in a small bun in the back of head. You don’t mind though, since it gave you a better view of his chiselled jawline. You’re sure it could cut your mothers diamonds at home. His eyes were green. No brighter than the grass outside, no deeper than the vest he was dressed in but some odd mixture.
He’s hot, you thought.
Grisha out a firm hand on his sons shoulder as he introduced you and your father to him, “This is my second son, Eren. You’ve already met Zeke by the tennis court.”
As your father gets into another conversation about Zeke Yeager, all you can do is stare at the curve of his younger brother’s muscles. You wish that he lifted the sleeve of his t shirt ever so slightly-
“What’s your name?”
You looked at Eren, and he looked at you.
His smile was just so…genuine!
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled sweetly back at him.
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After your fathers urged you to go outside, you find yourself next to Eren on the kart. He’s driving, riding across the beautiful field.
The sky is honey coloured, the sun slowly descends giving the lake a beautiful shimmer. You’d look at that view, but there’s already a good view next to you.
Eren finally stops the kart before exiting. The both of you get your equipment from the back of the kart and begin to play.
“So…uhh how do you like it here in Marley?” Eren says, grunting after he hits the ball. You stand there, semi criticising his swing, semi fawning over him. “It’s definitely different from Trost.”
You sigh, “Yeah, the air is a little different. And not too many people play golf here.”
Eren looks at you, chuckling whilst shaking his head a little, “Aren’t you glad you met me then?”
You have no idea how glad I am.
You stay silent, instead choosing to smile and getting ready to hit the ball. Eren whistles when he sees the height of your swing. “Where’d you learn how to hit like that?”
After a couple more swings (and misses from Eren), you guys sit in the kart.
“So, where are you applying for university?”, you ask looking up at him. He scoffs, taking a sip of his water.
“No clue. All these offers and all I really want to do is go to Malta ‘n relax.” You notice how careless his face is when he speaks. He must not care that much about his future.
I mean, his parents are rich enough that both him and his brother can live off them for as long as they want to.
You look down, not in embarrassment, but in awkwardness. It’s strange seeing parents not urge their kids to go to university like your parents and Trost parents do.
“What’s your plans?”
You explain how you want to become a pro at golf. Eren listens attentively but, he get’s distracted when the breeze washes over the both of you.
The hem of your sport skirts lift up ever so slightly and Eren’s heart begins to race. For the next few conversations, he can’t stay focused. I mean, he’s just seen the curve of your ass, who could?
As the conversations die down, you and Eren go back to playing golf. It’s Eren’s turn and if he’s lucky, he can get a hole in one. He does what he did earlier: pull his hips back slightly, legs apart, breathe and…
Eren swung and you swore you saw the ball fly into the stratosphere.
“Yeager, I didn’t know you were the athlete.” You chuckle, shocked that he was actually really good.
He shrugs, “I don’t try. I feel like it just comes naturally..”
You roll your eyes as you walk over to him, pointing the end of your personalised club at him, “Teach me?”
Eren licks his lips, trying to find the words to speak but, the look that you’re giving him makes him feel butterflies. “Yeah…come ‘ere..”
You begin with your starting position, y’know the position that has won you regional competitions and a 2nd place in national.
However, you hear Eren scoff. “Don’t know how you’ve been able to pull of holes in one with that position..”
Suddenly, you feel his breath on your neck as he moves your hand up slightly to your upper chest, brushing agains your boobs.
“I don’t want this to be awkward but can you move your hips back ever so slightly..?” Eren chuckles in embarrassment. You do as he says and move your hips back until you feel his crotch against you. “Now, practice your swing without the club…”
Eren was filled with glee as he felt your ass rub up against him while you practiced your swing. “Is this alright?”
“It’s perfect…So fuckin good..”
Your brows furrow and then you finally feel it. His hard cock almost bursting out of his shorts. You didn’t stop your movements, seeing the fun in making him more distracted. He was absolutely mesmerised seeing your ass go back ‘n forth on his crotch.
Suddenly, you stop, sighing with your lips tilted up into a smirk, “I feel like I’m ready now! Thanks for the hel-”
As soon as you tried to walk away, Eren pulled you back against him. You swore you heard his heart beating a thousand times per second, and his cock was still rock hard.
“I can show you a couple more tips.” He whispered in your ear, “Just gotta listen for me, yeah?”
You nod before Eren throws your club onto the ground and pulls you into the kart.
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As soon as you both sneak into the lavish looking bathroom, his lips are on yours. Hungrily making out with you, not giving you a chance to breathe. He gingerly moves you against the wall, giving you more breathless kisses.
He feverishly pulls up your lilac polo top, exposing your stomach and sports bra. Nothing comes to mind as he starts to plant wet kisses along your collarbone.
You try to fondle with his dick through his shorts but Eren wouldn’t let you, deciding he wants to make you feel good before he does.
He sits you on the white, pristine counter, pulling off your shorts in the process. “Fuck, you’re so hot…”, he says in a shushed tone. You can’t help but moan when you feel his hands on you, especially when he begins to rub your clit under your panties.
He starts of slow, achingly slow. All you want is for him to ruin you, rough and hard. But Eren is a tease, he wants you to beg for him.
And, he won’t stop till you do.
Eren feels your slick on his fingers and begins to chuckle. You look so cute like this: a whimpering mess, bucking your hips against his hand. He smirks when he hears you mew small ‘Please, Eren’s and ‘it feels s’ good!’s
“You’re such a pretty girl, huh? You’re doing so- ha- so good for me.” He grins. You see him lower himself, peeling of your panties so he’s at face level with your wet pussy. “What do you want, baby?”
You looked at him with jaded eyes, “I wanna cum..”
He shakes his head, tutting. He looked so different to that sweet boy who cheered you on at the golf course. “Manners, princess. What do you want?”
As he repeats his question, he slides a finger inside you. You moan and it sounds like beautiful to the brunette. You try to regain your voice as he stares into your eyes, blankly as if he was bored.
“I want you to make me cum, please.”
He chuckles again before letting his lips meet with your pussy. Eren takes his time with you, you’re not one of those valley girls that he’s fucked dumb in the past.
You’re different, so why should he treat you like them?
Nothing could be heard in the bathroom but your moans and the sound of your wetness against Eren’s mouth. He lapped his tongue at your clit whilst he continued to fuck you with his fingers, smiling against your sex when your fingers rip through his locks.
“Taste…so good, Y/N…” He muttered. You were so so close, wanting nothing more but to make a mess all over his mouth. Eren knows, he can feel you tightening up. “Gonna cum?”
You nod quickly but just then, he stops.
“Eren-” “Shhh, turn around, show me that ass..”
You do as he says, bending over the desks as he marvels at the curve of your ass behind you. You feel Eren strike your flesh a couple of times in awe before he slides his huge dick inside you.
He groans beside your ear as he hears you gasp, “Oh my fuckk…”
Every stroke feels like he was going deeper, kissing your cervix. His hands traveled to your chest as he lifted the bra revealing your perfect tits. You moan louder as he pounces on your neck again, kissing and biting you whilst his fingers were busy playing with your boobs.
“You knew what you were doing when I was teaching you how to swing, hm?” He chuckles. When he sees you nod, Eren slaps your ass again. “Words.”
“Yes!” you cry.
“You knew that it’d end up with you like this, right? You wanted this.” He asks, earning another ‘yes’ in response. “None of your boyfriends at Trost fucked you like this.”
“N-no! No, they didn’t! Fuck!” You moan. He tilts your head so you can look at the mirror and you finally see Eren, topless. You don’t know when he took of his top, and you were too fucked out to realise. “Shit, you’re so deep in me..”
He smiles at your comment, slapping your ass once more, “I know, sweetheart. Look at you. You pretend to- fuck- be a good girl in front of everyone but now look at you.”
You feel his hand wrapped around your throat as he pulls you back. Eren’s cheek is against yours as you both look at yourself through the mirror. Now, he’s fucking you harder than he did before. Harder and faster.
“You’re such a slut, hm?” He kisses your cheek before speeding up his thrusts. Your moans are louder than ever as he continues to ruin you.
“‘s too big!” It’s scary how croaky your voice sounds. He kisses your crown before leaning your head back and forcing your mouth open with his fingers.
“Stick out your tongue.”
And after you did so, a glob of spit fell from Eren’s lips and landed on your tongue. “Good fuckin’ girl! You close?”
Mistakenly, you nod again earning another harsh smack on your ass. “Yes, I’m close!”
“Gonna be a good girl and cum for me?!” He asks, his thrusts are amazingly fast and Eren’s lips are on your neck again.
The sight of him makes you cum alone, sweaty forehead that makes his hair curl upwards, his toned body and veiny hands gripping onto your waist and his green eyes boring into yours.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” you cry out. When you reach your climax, Eren doesn’t stop.
If anything, he thrusts deeper, chasing after his own orgasm. Your whole body shakes in his touch as he whispers the most filthy things in your ear.
“This pussys fuckin’ mine now, you hear me? I’m gonna be the one that makes you a slutty mess. You’re gonna come to me when your horny, yeah? Anytime, baby, just say the word and I won’t wait to fuck you like the whore you are.”
Although you know you shouldn’t, you nod again, your voice is too broken to respond.
He pulls out and grabs you, forcing you onto your knees. Immediately, you let Eren put his thick cock in your mouth, fucking your face just as quickly as he fucked your pussy.
You feel his thrusts get sloppier as you finally see the white ropes of cum shoot out of his cock onto your face. He groans out so many expletives but you’re too busy finishing him off to hear, making him shake at your mouth still sucking him.
Once he’s done reaching his climax, the two of you look at each other for a moment before laughing. You both look a mess, Eren with his mouth red from kissing you so hard and sweaty from…well, fucking you.
You look like a real pornstar, Eren thinks. If it wasn’t for you very obvious ambition in golfing, Eren thinks you’d make a great model.
“We need to get back…” You whisper, “They’re gonna kill us since we left all of the equipment there.”
You stand up and reach down to get your clothes, he helps you dress and dresses himself. Eren takes a tissue and wets it with water before cleaning his cum off your face.
“Next time, I’ll fuck you in the kart. And after that, I’ll fuck you on the field.” He whispers, causing you to giggle.
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Levi Ackerman Giving Off Dad Vibes
Levi Week Day 4 - Dad/Family
#: @leviweek2023
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nova2kss · 1 year
Lip gloss
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pairing: dominican!connie springer x black fem!reader
cumtent warning : Constance using his cum as you're lip gloss, blowjob, spit play,dirty talk, cursing, connie moaning like a lil bitch lmfaoao, some spanish (blame google translate if sum wrong), pet names, usage of daddy once, lmk if i miss anything
novas notes: MINORS DNI, this is 100% inspired by @cottonconnielvr , as always, its not proofread, support this blog , and support black writers.
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"A-aughh shit" connie moaned out.
one of his tatted hands wrapped around you're throat, the other around the base of cock sloppily pulling his throbbing tip from the back of you're sore throat.
you licked under his tip looking him dead in his eyes
you watched as his face contorted into pure pleasure, as you went down as far as you can, gagging from all the saliva used to lubricate his dick, whatever you couldn't fit down your throat was being stroked by his hand.
his mouth went agape when you hummed against him, you felt his hand tighten around you're butterfly locs that he now had in a tight fist thrusting into your mouth.
you fucked him back with you're mouth watching him whine out
you released him with a pop before spitting all over his dick from tip to base.
" mhmm, i love t-thaa.. shit mamiii" he moanded with his head thrown back, he released your hair to grab the fabric behind him, desperately craving his release.
you looked at him while slowly running you're mouth down to his balls, you licked them before sucking on them which made him shiver
"yea..you like that" you responded to his admiring the fact that you had somone that was displayed as a hard ass gangster that most people feared whimpering for you right now.
he moaned thrusting into your mouth once again, he was getting louder by the second
"Esta v-viniendo"
" take it daddy....use my throat"
he grabbed the back of your head pushing you down his length making your nose touch his pelvis
" oh shit...oh shittt..Ohhh ahhh"
he pulled you up stroking his shaft
his eyes were closed as he muttered meaningless pleas, his hot spurts of cum landing straight onto your thick lips before spreading his semen all on your lips.
he laughed looking at you which made you laugh closed mouth since you didn't want it to fall off
" you look so pretty with your new lip gloss"
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killerbananas · 4 months
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Porco always returns the favor.
🔞 mdni | masterlist | 392 wc | afab!reader x Porco
Warnings: smut; dubcon creampie leglock, oral, seconds, dubcon breeding, pearl necklace mentioned
AN: Repost from my old account.
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“Fuck, honey, how’d you get so wet for me. Been thinking about my cock?”
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot, Por. I missed you.”
It doesn’t take much to get Porco in the mood. Just knowing you’re naked under the covers riles him up when he gets ready for bed. Sometimes, it’s impossible to even make it through a shower, but you find the idea of having to clean up together after is nearly as appetizing to you. Lately, however, you’ve been craving something in particular of your boyfriend.
“Thinking about what?”
A burgeoning smirk graces your features and a small puff of air leaves your lips when he slips between your legs, equally as naked, cock hard like a statue, and just rests the head at your clit. His hands grasp beneath your legs and he lifts them while rubbing salacious motions against the sleek, plush petals of your cunt just by gyrating his hips at various angles.
“Fuck me and I’ll show you.”
How could he resist? What could go wrong? It’s not until he’s about ready to bust, throbbing harshly as your cunt milks him, that he realizes what you’d meant.
“Mmm-baby, wanna come on your tits, lemme- Hey, what are you-”
Your legs lock behind the ample curve of his backside, and he’s twitching in sensitivity, torn on what to do precisely. He really had had his eye on pearling your breasts. Yet, he doesn’t regret bursting inside of you in the least, once he sees the way you’re biting your lip, cunt still fluttering and wringing every damn drop from him.
“You know you only have to ask, pretty girl. W-mm-what are you looking for, just a creampie or for me to fucking i-impregnate you, hm?”
“What if I like both?”
He doesn’t verbalize how much it pleases him to be wanted this way. So, he waits until you uncoil and slips down to gorge himself, licking your pussy clean of every escaping drop as an excuse to slide right back in for round two. He is simultaneously soothed and insatiable in your desire for him. He leaves you no choice but to take it from him when he finally comes again, splayed out on your tummy, since he pulls your wrists behind your back and fucks you into the bed with no chance to escape.
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Taglist: @aotwarriorsimp @alexpro-nwn @animediplomat @antoxsmith @armoredpotato @aviinnit @beffjurky @blondeboyfriend @casuallyck @cherrxs @dearbaji @erwinsbaby @eyesucket @fairypiku @fandomficsobsession @fujoneshi @holographicceo @hinasakuino @interfectio-mortales @kenryug @koulakoukoula2003 @kxkyuu-main @lavenderdaisyhoney   @mybadluckshouldmakemefamous @chaotic-nick @nathalunalune @notgoodforlife @arsonszn @pockcock @poursomesunaonme @scouts-stuff @seychellse @shigarakiapologist @soaringmirror @sparklekitteh @stigandr-the-cat @syrma-sensei @reiners-milkbiddies @tiffanyy-21 @tonaken @torapologist @touyyes @we-are-so-close
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luxesiren · 2 years
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⸻ 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐈; e.jeager + j.kirschtein x black reader
❦ synopsis; eren and jean argues on gets you first and betting on who can make you come first
❦ warnings; black fem reader, thick/chubby reader, poly relationship, established relationship. smut; oral (f!receiving + m!receiving), hand jobs, competitive sex, riding, jacuzzi sex, public sex, dirty talk, degradation, oral fixation, praise kink, double penetration
❦ author’s note; ahem, i went rogue with this! i made venus’s idea come to live with this piece🤭 but also, i feel like i need this in my life.
wc; 3.6k
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you were lounging in the jacuzzi feeling the warm water and bubbles, losing yourself in the comforting atmosphere. the sounds of the bubbly water reaching your ears and making your eyes close with a content sigh.
this was the perfect way to end your week seeing as you had been stressed from school and everything from your schoolwork to your job but the warm water from the jacuzzi was washing away all that stress and you were grateful.
you soon felt a hand caressing your shoulder and another grabbing your hand, you opened your eyes to see your boyfriends looking down at you with smiles on their faces. “you guys getting in, or are you just gonna stare at me all night?”
“we can’t stare at you, mama?” eren asked with a smirk. jean rolled his eyes in disgust.
“eren, you’re so corny. you look really pretty tonight baby.” jean said. eren tsked.
you already felt the argument coming on. “wait so i’m corny for asking we can’t stare at you? what kind of fucking logic is that?” eren crossed his arms and looked at jean.
you rolled your eyes because of course, jean would feed into that. “fuck you, eren. seriously. yes, it was corny, next time come up with something that’s not corny.” jean argued.
“if y’all are gonna stand there and argue then you can forget about getting in with me,” you said, sinking back into the water and trying to relax again.
jean and eren apologized and hopped in next to you, you sighed with a smile, “see? isn’t that better? why are you arguing anyways? i like being called mama and i'm both of your girlfriend, what’s the problem?”
“nothing, pretty girl. eren is just immature and infuriating.” jean said with a mocking smile.
eren clenched his teeth trying not to start an argument, “mama, i’m sorry. jean just gets me worked up, i'm more focused on you now.”
you laughed at both of them, “y’all are ridiculous.” closing your eyes again with an amused sigh.
eren smiled and trailed his hand on your thigh, squeezing your inner thigh. jean caught him and started to kiss your neck softly. both of them were trying to start something and you couldn’t complain — you loved having boyfriends who took care of you in bed.
you opened your eyes to see eren staring back at you, you leaned in to kiss him. his lips immediately met yours and you felt your pussy jump from eren’s finger teasing you from the outside of your bathing suit. eren’s finger run your clit in slow circular motions and you moaned in his mouth.
jean kept sucking at your neck, placing hickies everywhere he could reach, he moved back to see you and eren kissing — he pushed eren’s head away and turned your head towards him to kiss you.
“hey! what the hell!” eren yelled, jean had practically stolen your attention, eren wanted the attention back on him so he kept moving his fingers on your clit.
you mewled in jean’s mouth, pulling back and tossing your head back, both boys looked at you with a smile. jean saw eren teasing your clit and he wanted to please you like that.
jean started groping your titties softly causing you to moan softly, everything was stimulating you all at once and you didn’t know what to do. “fuck.” you said breathlessly.
they both looked at you and started to smile, “feel good? tell me it feels good.” jean said with a cocky smile.
you moaned, nodding your head. “feels so good, baby.” jean kissed you deeply while still massaging your breasts, he always loved playing with your tits and he never failed to make you feel good while doing it.
eren rolled his eyes, yet again. “mama, your pussy feels so good, what did we do to deserve such a pretty pussy like yours?” he asked, his fingers curling just right and making you see stars. “i bet i can make you cum just like this.”
“you wanna bet?” jean raised an eyebrow.
eren stop moving his fingers which caused you to whine, “you don’t think i can make her cum?”
“oh no, no, i’m fully aware of your abilities to make her cum but i don’t think you can make her cum before i make her cum.” jean snarked back.
you glanced to see them glaring at each other, with full determination in their eyes. “it’s not a competition or whatever but maybe we should see..” you voiced with a sly smile.
they looked at you with surprise and then back at each other, “let’s see who can make me cum first.” you smiled.
making the bet was a mistake all in itself but you would never regret it, not with the way eren was practically tearing off your suit — eager to please you.
jean pushed him aside, “can you be gentle with her? jeez, you’re such an animal honestly.”
you chuckled, taking off the rest of your bathing suit, watching as both of your boyfriend's jaws went slack at the sight of you.
your breasts on display and ready to be grabbed, your boyfriends eyed them and couldn’t look away. the way your hips curved could make them drop to their knees and you loved how willing they were to please you whenever you wanted them to.
jean’s hand trailed up your inner thigh, the movement alone making you jump and chuckle at the tickling sensation. eren looked at you up and down, his eyes fucking you and you could sense the desperation.
your pussy leaking from both of their gazes, your eyes trailed down both of their bodies.
jean’s body was so beautiful, his abs on display and you salivated at the sight of water dripping off his body, his chest was so big and it made you wanna bite them — down to his dick which stood proudly in his swim trunks, jean’s dick was fucking gorgeous. maybe it wasn’t as thick as eren’s but his dick was long and it made your insides dance happily.
you quickly moved over to eren, his body just as beautiful and addicting, she thought about the countless times you found your hands squeezing at his chest while jean fucked you so good that you saw stars. they could be competitive sometimes but you loved how well they could please you.
you snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a finger curling in your cunt slowly. you looked up and saw jean smirking at you while moving his finger slowly, thumb circling your clit and making you moan.
eren moved into action, his mouth latching onto your nipple as if he was a breastfeeding baby and sucking. his tongue swirled around your nipple slowly — your breath getting heavier with all the attention you were getting.
how’d you get so lucky? two of the finest boys wanted your attention and only your attention.
your fingers quickly tangled in eren’s hair and your other bringing jean into a kiss, lips smacking and your tongues tangled with each other making you moan softly into the kiss. something about the two boys just being obsessed with you made you even wetter than you already were, it should’ve been illegal.
“mm please, baby?” you broke away from the kiss to whine.
eren pulled off your nipple and inserted a finger right beside jean’s, “please what, mama?”
you shuddered as his finger entered you, double the stimulation. their fingers moved in sync and it felt amazing, you couldn’t describe the sensation but it was just right and i didn’t want to lose it.
they both watched as your chest moved up and down before looking at each other with a smirk, seemingly communicating with each other before you felt more fingers inside your cunt. you moaned loudly and your sopping cunt clenched around their fingers.
“fuck, eren, jean, oh my god.” you moaned loudly, your eyes shutting on their own accord. their fingers curled in the right place and it was almost enough to drive you over the edge and make you see stars and not the ones in the sky.
jean leaned down to suck a mark on your inner thigh while eren, fucking eren, sucked your clit in his mouth and your hand flew to his hair and gripped tightly.
jean leaned over to whisper something in eren’s ear before starting to suck at his neck while still fingering you. usually, they weren’t affectionate with each other during this time but jean seemed greedy, wanting to please you and him at the same time.
maybe it wasn’t a competition anymore, maybe it was a pleasure fest and you all wanted to please each other. your eyes locked with theirs and you started to shake, it was so fucking good to see jean sucking on eren’s neck while eren sucked on your clit.
“i’m gonna cum, keep going, please,” you whimpered, legs shaking and trembling in their hold.
eren removed his fingers but kept his mouth in your clit and jean’s fingers moved faster but not before he added a third finger. your moans getting louder as the stimulation starts to get to you and your breath gets heavier and heavier.
then, like a balloon popping, the pleasure snapped and you came on eren’s tongue and jean’s fingers. you gasped and shook from the intensity of the earth-shattering orgasm you just had.
jean thrust his fingers inside you one more time before pulling them out and bringing them to his lips and tasting your cum and juices. eren pulled off your clit and watched as he licked it all off before grabbing his wrist and licking his fingers and groaning at the taste.
your eyes rolled back and a high-pitched moan escaped your lips, everything was always a competition so to see them working together and being nasty together was so fucking mind-blowing.
the image of them licking your juices off jean’s fingers would be engraved in your mind forever and ever.
eren pulled jean closer and whispered something in his ear and you saw the mischievous smirk from jean. “hey, pretty girl, whaddya say we take this to our room and we can have more fun, yeah?” jean asked.
you had no idea what they had planned but you knew that was gonna be good.
once you got to the room, everything went south really quickly. they manhandle you into their favorite position; ass up, face down. in that gorgeous arch that was only reserved for them, jean leaned down to whisper in your ear and eren positioned himself right in front of you on the bed, his dick free from his trunks and the beautiful red tip, leaking precum and right in front of your face.
“you’re gonna suck his dick while i eat you out, sound okay with you?” he said, a smirk evident in his voice.
you could only nod your head in response. you watched eren’s hand wrap around his dick and start to move it up and down, throwing his head back — his hair, which was out of his usual bun, surrounded his face and you smirked as he locked eyes with you and brought his dick to your lips.
you immediately latched onto his tip and licked his slit before bobbing your head slowly, teasing him slightly. you loved how vocal he was in bed, it made more slick run down your thighs.
jean stood behind you and watched as eren’s dick slid into your mouth so easily. his hands landed on your plump ass and gripped tightly before landing a slap on your right cheek, making you moan around eren’s dick which caused him to groan from the vibration.
one thing about jean, he loved to tease. you admit sometimes he can be impatient and just dive in but when he was feeling it, he would tease you. tonight was gonna be one of those nights.
as eren’s dick slid down your throat, you felt jean’s breath over your folds making your pussy leak even more. “gosh, baby. you have the prettiest pussy i’ve ever seen. don’t you think so, eren?” jean asked.
“oh yeah, she does— fuck, she like that mama. prettiest cunt i’ve ever seen.” eren responds with a groan.
your hands gripped eren’s thighs and your head kept bobbing, trying to make him cum now. you release him with a loud pop and start to jerk him off, using your spit to make the glide easier.
while you were distracted you felt the warmth of jean’s tongue at your entrance. his hands gripping your ass and moaning into your cunt like he never ate you out before. everything was a competition to the boys but they both ate your pussy like it was their last meal and there was no competition with that. they both agreed once you told them that they both are good at it.
you moaned out and your head dropped on eren’s thigh, trying to compose yourself enough to put your mouth back on him but jean wasn’t holding back and you were becoming dizzy, “fuck, j-jean, feels so good, mmph”
eren chuckled, “ma, c'mon, put my dick back in your mouth.”
you nodded against his thigh and moved to lick his shaft before deep-throating his dick, his hands moving to your head and guiding you. it was all too much at one time and everyone was chasing the feeling of euphoria — jean’s tongue deep inside you, licking against your walls trying to slurp your juices. eren trying to cum in your mouth and fuck your face and you, trying to cum on jean’s face.
“mmm fuck!! mama, you’re doing so good fa me. taking my dick like a fucking champ” eren praised with a moan.
jean’s hand smacked your cheek hard enough to leave a print, he caressed and smacked it again which made you arch further, pushing your cunt into his face even more.
eren’s thighs trembled under your hands and soon enough he was saying your name and cumming down your throat. he pushed your head down even further so you could properly swallow all of his seed. it was never a challenge because you practically swallowed his dick (and cum) every night.
thick cum traveled down your throat and you moaned around his dick that was lodged in your throat. “so good, ma. did you swallow all of it?” he asked when he pulled you off his softening dick. you nodded and stuck your tongue out to show him that you did what he wanted, “such a good girl.”
“only for you ren,” you said with a smile.
“is that so? you gonna be a good girl for jean too?”
you nodded and he kissed you deeply, “good. then sit on his face.”
jean pulled back and laid down on the bed and you moved to put your cunt on his face. his eyes closed instantly at the taste of you back on his tongue and eren watched your fingers card through jean’s hair as you subtly start to move your hips, riding his face.
“jean, baby, your tongue is so good.” you praised.
eren sat behind you and sucked a mark right under your jaw, his hands teasing your nipples and making them harden. you pushed your tits into his hold as your hips continued to grind on jean’s face.
his tongue flicking your clit and sucking, he was so sloppy when he ate your pussy — making the loudest noises and moaning loudly into your cunt. your hand gripped his hair and you pushed him into your cunt, it was clenching around his tongue, hoping to keep it inside you forever.
jean loved having your thick thighs around his head, he loved gripping them, smacking them, rubbing them, everything he could think of.
your head landed on eren’s shoulder as you felt another impending orgasm approaching. jean made your stomach cave in like a fucking capri-sun with the way he devoured your pussy, “jean, jean, jean…”
eren pulling you into a kiss, his tongue brushing against yours. his hand traveled to your throat and held it there, almost gripping it slightly, your hand landing on top of his and nodding softly — he squeezed and that was all it took for you to cum on jean’s face.
you broke the kiss and whined loudly, “ahh! oh, fuck!!!”
you landed back on eren’s chest and tried to catch your breath and you thought it was over.
jean pulled off your clit after one last suck, caressing your thigh softly, “you good, baby?”
“yeah, yeah, i’m good.”
jean chuckled and looked you in the eyes before saying, “that’s great 'cause we’re not done yet.”
fuck, they were just getting started.
jean was under you again while eren was behind you, this was something you guys had never tried before but you wanted to try it so desperately. y’all had talked about this in full, heavy detail before deciding that you were gonna engage in it.
“you sure you can take both of us, baby?” jean asked, concern evident in his tone.
eren was the same way, “yeah, are you sure? this is a lot and we’re both, y’know?”
you nodded with a smile, “yeah. i know, just, go slow.”
they both nodded. jean went first, his tip leaking precum and looking red from not cumming yet, his hand wrapped around his dick, and using his precum he lubricated himself before sliding in slowly.
you softly gasped as he groaned from sliding into you. he always felt so good inside you and you couldn’t help but clench around him tightly, “i’m gonna move and then, eren’s gonna go.”
you nodded in response, too aroused to say anything. your hands gripped jean’s chest and then he thrust up into you, his dick automatically reaching new heights. your eyes rolled and your mouth dropped open with a broken moan, his hands on your hips as he started to fuck you slowly.
eren stood behind you and watched his dick slide in and out of you, seeing it glisten with your slick and cum. the sight was fucking mesmerizing.
he saw jean nod his head as he came to stop and then eren moved to put his dick right beside jean. your head dropped to the crook of jean’s neck as both of the dicks settled inside you.
eren had to will himself not to cum so quickly and jean had the same thought, feeling the heavy weight of eren’s dick next to his was almost too much, nobody moved for a second — just relishing in the feel of everything.
you were shaking, too scared to move but also ready for them to move inside in sync. you moved your head from his neck and you had tears in your eyes jean’s hand rubbed down your back in a comforting motion and eren spoke to check on you, “mama, you okay?”
“yeah, just so full,” you responded with a whimper.
your small smile towards them was enough for them to realize that you were okay.
jean and eren locked eyes and nodded again, “okay, pretty girl. we’re gonna move now, you ready?”
“mhm, fuck yeah,” you said.
and when they moved, they fucking moved. jean was thrusting up into you and then went down, and eren moved forward. the stimulation and the combined pleasure of the two dick inside made you cum instantly.
“MMPH!! holy shit!!” your vision blacked out as you came on both of them.
“ma, your pussy feels so good around the both of us. doesn’t it, jean? tell our good little slut how good she feels,” he said through his groans of pleasure, almost cumming too soon but wanting to stay in the daze of pleasure for another moment.
jean was fucking spiraling, “baby, you were made to take both of our dicks inside this pretty cunt. fucking made for it—SHIT!”
they moved slightly faster and you were limp, drooling on jean’s chest and letting out small “uhs”. you felt them teasing your cervix every time one of them pulled back before slamming back inside you.
eren gripped your hips tightly, sweat dripping from his chest and moaning loudly. jean was in no better shape, his bangs sticking to his forehead and his thighs shaking from thrusting into you.
you couldn’t even think, your hands gripping the hair on jean and trying to move but you couldn’t even think to fuck yourself back on their dicks. “jean, eren, oh my fucking— i’m gonna cum again, FUCK!”
“you gonna cum again? that’s four times tonight.” eren smirked at you and jean leaned up to capture your lips in a kiss.
you and jean came simultaneously, both screaming and shaking from the power behind it and eren kept thrusting inside you, his balls smacking against your ass as he chased his orgasm.
his hips stuttered and you felt his cum fill you up just like jean’s did. “f-fuck…”
after a moment they both pulled out and you laid there cum leaking out of you and exhausted from the night.
eren went to grab a rag and cleaned you up while you lay limp, jean caressed your cheek and spoke softly in your ear, making sure you were okay and seeing if you needed anything.
eren laid right beside you and wrapped his arm around you, “i guess now, the question is…who fucked you better? me or horse-face?”
“fuck you! we were both inside her you fucking piece of shit!” jean yelled, feeding into eren’s bullshit.
of course, right after, arguably, the best sex of your lives they had to fucking argue. you were so sick of their shit.
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© 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐡𝟒𝐥𝐥 | do not steal, copy, or repost to any other websites such as wattpad or ao3. reblogs and comments are appreciated.
🏷; @venusflytrapstar (it’s finally free lol) @phorxic
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Levi Ackerman likes his tea sweet. Of course in the walls, he would always drink his tea black with nothing in it but once he finds out about putting sugar and milk into his tea, it becomes something of a comfort drink. Sugar and milk and even tea is all so indulgent to him, the first few years of his life was spent eating practically nothing and probably sharing whatever scraps he had with his mother until she died. The first time he drinks tea, his mind is blown and then the first time he adds sugar and milk, he thinks of his mother. He decided to indulge himself in tea more often now.
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Prefer it like this {Levi}
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A/n: I don't know why but post war Levi is my favourite Levi to write along with post war Connie, so drop the requests please
Pairing: Levi x f!reader
Warnings: spoilers for the manga and anime ending, mentions of ptsd, mentions of injuries such as partial blindness and missing fingers, mentions of Levi being disabled, mentions of nightmares,
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Mikasa and Jean's wedding had been the first proper thing the old squad actually felt happy about. Yes, years had passed since the war ended but the wounds were still there and to some people still felt fresh. One of those people being Levi.
When the wedding invitation reached your front door, you were both sleeping. It was one of the very few and extremely rare occasions that the night had passed without you and Levi waking up covered in sweat, breathing heavily and seeking warmth in the embrace of the one who hadn't had the nightmare. Usually you would be the one providing comfort because Levi's nightmares were far more frequent than yours.
Levi was the one who woke up first by the loud banging on the door. He knew immediately that it wasn't Gabi or Falco because they had a key. He pushed the covers off him slowly in order not to wake you up and sat on the bed. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to look at what he had become in a way.
He hated that wheelchair. He hated waking up and having to reach out for it. It was always standing by his side of the bed and there were mornings like this one, where there had been no nightmares the night before, that he hated it even more.
After bringing it as close to the bed as humanly possible he grabbed the handles and sat on it.
He hadn't meant to look at Armin like that but Levi had never been good at hiding his frustration. The blonde haired man didn't explain anything, just delivered the wedding invitation with a wide smile on his face and left.
"Everything okay?" He turned around as soon as he heard your voice and there you were, leaning against the wall of the hallway that led to the living room in his shirt. Levi had no idea how many times he had told you not to wear his old clothes to bed but you never listened, not that he minded.
He handed you the letter and left to make tea in the kitchen.
When you told him that Jean and Mikasa were actually getting married, Levi was not surprised. Sure, he was happy for them but he never said anything other than that.
He offered to help with the preparations though. It surprised you how willing he was to let Gabi and Falco run his tea shop all alone especially since you had been offered a position in Historia's council and there was therefore no one to watch over them.
But thankfully everything went well and two months later, the ceremony was held though everyone was most looking forward to the dinner after. Annie hadn't shut up about the garden Historia had given them permission to use in the palace grounds for that sole purprose and of course Nicolo had prepared the foor. It made sense that everyone would be excited.
"Do you want to go back inside?" You asked. It was now past midnight, everyone still celebrating inside the big greenhouse where the tables had been set.
When the entire thing became too much for him, Levi disappeared and of course you followed him. So there you were, laying down on the grass. Levi's back was against the marble of the fountain a good few metres away from the greenhouse. His wheelchair was almost tossed to the side but you didn't want to touch on that matter. His legs were straight on the grass, your head on his lap.
"Do you?" He asked back, reaching to loosen his tie slightly.
"Not really. I prefer it here."
You hadn't talked about why he had left the reception so suddenly but you were sure that Levi would tell you. But the minutes passed by without a word leaving his mouth. When you shifted slightly so you could actually look at him, his eyes were closed though you knew he wasn't sleeping. The night was too beautiful for him to sleep without cherishing the soft sound of the water in the fountain, the owls, the music and the laughter.
"It's the first celebration we attend together of that sorts." He finally said his injured hand, resting on your shoulder, three fingers instead of five. You nodded, lifting your hand so you could fix his hair a litle. "I wanted to dance with you. We've never danced together."
He wasn't looking at you. That explained a lot. He had left out of frustration. That really did explain a lot. The tossed wheelchair, why you found him on the ground, leaning on the fountain, the sad look in his eye.
You slowly sat up next to him, resting your head on his shoulder. "You should have known by now that I don't like to dance."
"I am not." You giggled.
Another pause followed, your legs almost entwined. You took his hands in yours and placed them on your lap.
"If you really want to enjoy the night then we should probably go back inside." You said softly, terribly aware that the way your lips were close to his ear would end up in shaking legs the following morning.
Or maybe not.
Levi leaned his head against yours and you felt it. His entire body finally relaxed. "I prefer it that way, brat."
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runawrites-blog · 4 months
But It's Not Time (Levi x Reader)
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Summary: After getting injured during a scouting mission, you are trapped in a tree to await rescue. Thankfully, you're not alone because your captain, old friend and the object of your affection, Levi Ackerman is there to help you until backup arrives. But as time goes on and your state worsens, you two start to worry whether or not you will make it. (Gender-Neutral Reader) Word Count: 2,915 Warnings: Talk of Injuries and Blood. Angst. No Y/N. A/N: Guess what fandom I added to the list of stuff I write for! You'll never guess, I bet! No, but in all seriousness, I added AOT/SNK to the lists of fandoms I write for, so feel free to request something for that fandom, as well. I'll write it as long as it's for adult characters and you adhere to my 'What I Will Not Write' list. The lyrics at the beginning of this are from the song "The Gambler" by Fun which is one of my favourite songs and fits so well. I really hope this isn't OOC by the way because it is one of my first times writing for Levi.
You swore you’d be here ‘til we decide that it’s our time
Well it’s not time, you’ve never quit in all your life
So just take my hand, you know that I will never leave your side
“You’re lying to me.”
You looked up at Levi, ignoring the pain in your leg, the way your wet clothes clung to you and how cold you were from the storm around you. He looked back at you, still standing on the branch of the tree you had been hiding on for the past hour. Your pained expression and slight shivering must have alerted him to the fact that you were not as fine as you’d told him you were.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you injured?” Levi asked sternly, looking down at where you were sitting against the trunk of the tree. “Do not lie to me.”
“I told you. I think I twisted my ankle.” You lied, shaking your head dismissively. “I’ll be alright. What we need to worry about now is looking out for titans and for other Scouting Legion Members that could help us get back to base.”
“I am your squad leader and as such I would like to know the truth.” He said but when you just averted your eyes withtout answering he decided to change his tactics. “Besides being your squad leader, I am also your friend, aren’t I? You always refer to me as such. Shouldn’t you be honest with your friends?”
He was right and you knew it. You two had been friends for years, had gone through the hardest of battles together and had only grown closer as a result. And it would’ve been a lie to deny that your feelings had grown past those of friendship in the last few months. You couldn’t lie to your friends, to the man you cherished and had fallen for. Besides that, the pain in your leg was also getting worse and you decided to tell him the truth.
“I-- I think that I actually hurt my leg quite-- quite badly while falling down from my horse. And I’m sure I’ve made it worse by-- by jumping up and trying to go after my horse. The straps of my maneuver gear are pressing on it though, so-- so I should be fine.”
“And why would you not tell me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you. I don’t think the bleeding is that bad and as I said, the strap is applying pressure.”
“You not telling me is much more worrying.” He said sternly though you heard the worry seeping into his voice. “If you are injured, I’d like to know.”
“I thought that we’d be found quicker.” You sighed as you leaned your head back against the tree. “We had so much else to worry about that I didn’t want to add to that when I thought we’d be back at our base within no time.”
“Next time, don’t worry about worrying me and tell me if you’re injured.” Levi said before he knelt down in front of you. “May I have a look?”
“I guess that would be a good idea.”
You slowly reached down and tried to roll up the leg of your pants but found that with how it was sticking to you after the rain had gotten it wet it was almost impossible. So you ripped it open, flinching at the shoot of pain it sent up your whole leg. When you saw the wound for the first time you gasped. There are a huge cut stretching upwards from above your knee to just underneath the valley of your hips. Now without the added pressure of the straps, the blood was pouring out more freely.
“I’m going to bleed out, aren’t I?”
“I won’t let you.” Levi promised and looked around before shaking his head in desperation. “I need something to stop the bleeding with.”
You swallowed thickly, tears welling up in your eyes. If Levi was this concerned, things must have been more serious than you had initially thought. Fear gripped ahold of you again and you had to take several deep breaths to not cry. But Levi had noticed, observant as ever. He turned back to you, eyebrows furrowed.
“What’s wrong?”
You swallowed against the lump in your throat but a few tears still rolled down your cheeks. “I’m sorry, it’s just that if you’re this worried I-- I must be pretty bad off, right? This situation must be more-- more hopeless than I previously thought.”
He looked at you for a few seconds as if contemplating on what to do before he knelt next to you and put a comforting hand on your arm. “I will do whatever I can to get you back to base safely.”
“Thank you, Captain.”
“No formalities. I’m not your captain now. I’m your friend who’d like to get you back to base safely.” To his shock, you started crying at his words and he inched closer, looking you over in a slight panic. “What did I do wrong? Did I say somthing?”
“Thank you so much.” You sobbed out quietly, wiping at your teary eyes. “When I hid by the base of the tree I thought I was going to die but you saved me and now you’re still saving me. Thank you, Levi.”
“Of course I am.” Levi said softly, giving you a stern look. “I am your friend. Now let me think of how to stop the bleeding.”
About ten minutes later saw Levi provisionally applying a turnequette fashioned out of the straps of your gear and you trying not to make any noises while he did so. When he was finally done you looked up and gave him a thankful smile. It was getting harder and harder to not slur your speech or slump fruther down on the branch.
“Thank you.” You whispered and looked down, noticing your bleeding hand. “I must have bitten it pretty hard when-- while trying not to make any noise. But it’s-- but that’s nothing to worry about.”
“Your speech is slurring.” He pointed out and sat down next to you. “You have to stay away, alright? Help is on the way.”
“How-- how do you know that?” You slurred, trying to focus on Levi but it was getting increasingly harder to focus on anything and to keep your head clear. “I get that you’re smart and-- and a good soldier and-- but you’re not-- How do you know?”
Levi raised an eyebrow in concern and inched closer to you. “I sent out a flair earlier. Green for an injured and lost soldier. Don’t you remember?”
“Green.” You nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, green.”
“You know if Hanji was here she’d laugh at you slurring your words.” Levi remarked softly as he looked back at you. “You sound so thoughtful when you talk about the colour green.”
“It’s a pretty colour.” You retorted, pushing yourself up to sit a little straighter. “Can I-- Is it okay if I take a little-- if I just close my eyes for ten minutes?”
“Five minutes?”
“No, you have to stay awake.” Levi urged and shook his head, fishing around in the little bag the horse had dropped earlier as it had taken off, pulling out a little flask. “Here, have a drink.”
“Is this the time for alcohol?”
“It’s water, you moron.”
You chuckled at his insult before a smile overtook your face. “I like that more. I don’t like it when you’re-- when you’re too nice and soft. Makes me wonder if-- if I’m hallucinating. Doesn’t matter that I’m injured. Just insult me.”
Levi gave a dry laugh at that and then tipped your head back, gently helping you drink some of the water. You drank half of the flask before pulling back and looking at him. Levi gave you a questioning look.
“You need to-- you need water, too.”
“It’s raining. I can just collect more water.” Levi reasoned before holding the flask to your lips again. “You’ve lost a lot of blood. You need to drink.”
“Alright.” You nodded and let him help you take another sip before he leaned you back against the tree trunk while you smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. How are you feeling?”
“Cold and wet and hurt.”
Levi looked at you for a few seconds before he shrugged off his cape and draped it over your shoulders. You tried to wave it off, not wanting him to be cold, but he grapped your hand, holding it to stop you from taking the cape off.
“Take it. The cold will only make you feel worse.”
It was ironic because you had longed for this sort of gesture from Levi for years, your feelings for him only getting stronger every time you spoke to him. You two were friends and you knew that yet this gesture would have delighted you had you not been in such a dire situation. Knowing that Levi would probably not feel the same either way you shoved your thoughts away, instead giving him a small smile as you pulled the cape close around your body.
“Thank you. You know, I’m really glad you’re my friend.”
A smile tore your face and you leaned back to watch Levi scout out your surroundings, then cursing under his breath as he still saw no other soldiers coming. You hoped they weren’t waiting out the storm before they came to your rescue. Levi seemed to notice your worry and sat down next to you, turning his head to face you.
“You’re going to be fine, I promise. All you have to do is be quiet and stay awake. The others will find us soon.”
“I hope so.” You whispered, tears brimming at your eyes. “My-- my little brother is in-- He’s also in the Survey Corps and I can’t leave him alone.”
“I know.” Levi said and inched closer to you. “And you won’t. I’m sure right now he is safe with the others and in due time, you will see him again. We just have to wait a little longer.”
You swallowed then and turned to Levi, pulling out a small silver locket. “My father gave it to me for-- for my sixteenth birthday all those years ago. And-- Well, should I not make it--”
“Would you give it to my brother?” You mumbled out, tears running down your cheeks. “It’s not worth a whole lot but I’m sure he could use it-- He’ll find a use for it.”
“I won’t give it to him.” Levi said sternly. “You’ll be able to do that yourself. Because I will get you back to base safely.”
“We’re running out of time, Levi.” More tears cascaded down your face as you slowly leaned into Levi’s shoulder, exhausiton and the need for comfort overtaking any restraints you had about being so close to him. “I’m bleeding so much. I’ll never make it.”
“You will. Just keep your eyes open.”
“It’s so hard to-- I’m so exhausted and--” You paused, taking a deep breath and looking up at Levi. “Can you slap me across the face or-- or something? I need something to keep me conscious.”
“You want me to slap you?”
“Unless you-- you have a better idea to keep me from passing out.”
Levi was quiet for a few seconds and drew back a bit, making you raise from his shoulder. You expected him to slap you or shake you to keep you conscious. His hand came close to your face but instead of doing anything you had asked for he cupped your cheek and before you could question what he was planning he pressed his lips to yours, his eyes closing.
Your eyes grew wide in shock and you felt more awake than you had been in the past hour. But you quickly reciprocated, eyes fluttering shut as you leaned in to your best ability with you still being injured. He held your face gently, thumb rubbing your cheek as he gently leaned you back againt the tree with his free hand. A bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree and despite you trying to chase after his lips Levi pulled back from the kiss.
“I told you to keep your eyes open.”
Blinking back at him, you gave him a soft smile. “I thought you’d make an exception for me just this once.”
“Not when you’re this injured.” He said sternly, leaning closer again. “Do you feel more awake now?”
“Good because I’m going to climb a bit higher to get a better view and see if anyone is approaching, yet.” He said but before he stood he ran his hand along your cheek once more. “Hang on for me until I’m back.”
Before you could answer, he was gone, using his gear to get to a higher branch and dissapearing between the leaves. His absensce gave you a much needed chance to think. You had long since come to terms your feelings for Levi but he had never shown you any interest beyond being friends with you, so you had accepted that your feelings would remain unreciprocated. But now you wondered whether or not he felt the same way or if he’d simply kissed you to keep you from passing out.
“I see horses approaching!”
You nearly jumped out of your own skin when Levi landed in front of you, hair once again drenched from the rain as he knelt down by your side. With help approaching you wondered when you’d again get the chance to talk about what the kiss had meant, so you gathered all your courage and decided to ask him.
“Levi, may I ask you something?”
“This is not the time. We have to get you to safely first.” He said, standing and getting beside you before he grabbed you underneath the arms and helped you stand. “Whatever you want to ask it can wait.”
You quieted down at that, partially because you knew he was right to want to concentrate on getting to safety first and partially because of your pain skyrocketing at having to stand up. Despite trying to keep your pain hidden Levi once more saw right through you and hoisted your arm over his shoulders to support you. Exhausted and in pain you leaned your head against him and Levi let you.
“I will get you to safety, I promise.”
“How are you feeling?”
You looked away from watching the rain outside the window of the small castle this expedition had set up camp in to face Levi. He was standing in the doorway to the small medical bay you were currently staying at after you had been treated. You pushed yourself into a sitting position to get a better look at Levi and when you saw is worried expression youhave him a soft smile, hoping to reassure him.
“I’m alright. I had to get stitches on my leg but I’m alright now, still in pain but no longer in danger of bleeding to death.”
“While it’s not good that you’re in pain I’m glad you’re in a stable condition.” Levi said, coming closer to your bed and resting his hands on the board at the foot of it. “You had me worried about you.”
A surprise chuckle left your mouth at that confession. “You were worried about me?”
“You were injured, bleeding profusely and far away from basecamp. Of course, I was worried about you.” Levi said sternly, frowning at your reaction. “Is it that hard to believe that I worry about you? You are my friend, after all.”
His words made you stall because it reminded you of how you still wanted to know what the kiss you’d shared had meant and if he also felt more for you than friendship. “Levi, may I ask you something? The thing I wanted to ask you about before?”
“Does it happen to have anything to do with me kissing you?”
“Yes.” You nodded, swallowing nervously before speaking up again, gathering all your courage to confess to him. “I’m aware that you might have simply kissed me to keep me from passing out but I want to be honest about my feelings for you just on the offchance that you feel the same. I’m in love with you and I have been for a while now. You probably don’t feel the same and--”
Having apparently had enough of your rambling Levi decided to stop you and he did so by once more pressing his lips to yours. But before you could even react or let alone reciprocate he pulled back again, eyes locking with yours.
“I apologise but I had to make you stop talking before you got it all wrong.” Levi said and at your slightly confused epxression he sat down on the foot of your bed. “I was unsure of whether or not I was really in love with you but I think the prospect of losing you today made me realise what these feelings really were.”
“You feel the same?”
“I’m in love with you.” Levi said before he reached out to gently push you back against the pillow. “But now you need to rest so you won’t hurt yourself even more. Can you do that for me?”
“I can.”
Levi gave you a small smile before standing back up and nodding his head toward the door. “I have to report back to Erwin now but I will check in on you afterwards, I promise.”
“Levi, just one more thing before you leave?” “What do you need?”
“Would you kiss me again?”
“Of course.”
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nininikki · 1 year
𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐌𝐑. 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 | eren jaeger x black fem!reader
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I. delightful little laughs and golf excursions
✧ summary! — upon meeting one another, you and governor eren jaeger struggle to deal with the onslaught of mutual attraction that inevitably follows.
✧ warnings! — mentions and consumptions of alcohol, adultery (eren is an aspiring cheater), golfing (🏌🏽), an arranged-ish marriage, age gap—reader is 29 and eren is 40, smut—handjob, heavy petting, making out.
✧ author’s note! — this part is the first of what is hopefully many. updates will be sporadic but hopefully still very entertaining. & i already know what you’re thinking, eren can’t be potus bc he’s german blah blah yeah well eren can’t do much of anything bc he died so let’s just be delulu together. lmk if i missed anything in the warnings.
✧ word count! — 4.7k
the wings of a baby red bird whispered clumsily through the brisk noon air. without thinking, almost reflexively, you blew the bird a bout of kisses. good luck, you’d thought to yourself, hoping to quell the sick feeling curling in your stomach. though, it was only lunch with mikasa, so how much luck would you need?
a secret service agent escorted you to your table, where mikasa was already sitting. her lips, stained with crimson, stretched into a smile so wide her face could’ve cramped. “(y/n), i’m so glad you could make it!”
mikasa stood and enveloped you in a hug, the flowery scent of her perfume nearly making you vomit where you stood. “oh, don’t even mention it. the pleasure was mine.” pulling away from her embrace, you smiled to ebb the sick feeling. “besides, it’s been forever since we had lunch. y’know, with the election and all.”
“well, yes, being the first lady is quite the job.” mikasa…almost giggled. a childish, giddy, schoolgirl giggle that felt out of place coming from her thirty-nine year old mouth. that coupled with the way the diamonds in her glimmering wedding band caught the sunlight and nearly blinded you when she pushed a short lock of hair away from her face. if only she knew how greatly she tormented you without even knowing it.
swallowing the saliva that had pooled at the sides of your tongue, you smile again. “i can only imagine.” and god, if you hadn’t spent a considerable amount of time doing just that.
the moment you both slid back into your seats, a waiter made his way across the lawn and next to your table, a bottle of wine in his hands and ready to be poured into your respective glasses.
“no wine for me, actually.” mikasa said to the waiter, despite keeping her gaze trained on you the entire time. “a sparkling water will do.”
and when he turned to you, “i’ll have what she’s having—the sparkling water. and can you add a lemon slice?”
“of course, ma’am. it’ll be right out.”
“not drinking, huh? that’s…new. i like it.” mikasa joked just as soon as the waiter was out of earshot.
you let the words fall gracefully, naturally off your tongue. not rehearsed or practiced at all. “don’t get your hopes up. i’m trying out the whole method acting thing. fuckin’ sucks, i tell you.”
the waiter was back, setting two glasses of sparkling water on the table. “well, if anyone can do it, it’s you.” you both raised your glasses in a silent toast before taking the first few sips.
it definitely quelled the nausea you were feeling, so you drank and drank and drank until you looked down at the cup and saw there was only ice and dripping condensation left to show for it. “sorry. i haven’t eaten, i guess.” you explained, humiliatingly breathless.
“trust me, i know the feeling. can you get her a refill?” mikasa requested, and the waiter quickly obeyed, taking your glass and heading off again.
for a moment, there was only the sound of leaves whistling through the wind, an occasional singsong of birds, and the fizzing of mikasa’s drink across from you. until she cleared her throat, a loud ahem slicing through the false sense of tranquility you’d trapped yourself in.
“let’s not beat around the bush, (y/n). you know and i know that i didn’t just invite you here for nothing. so let me just be straight with you.” it was all happening too quickly for you. all the words coming from her mouth, all the feelings you were supposed to be feeling—all delayed to make way for numbness more painful than anything. because you knew what she was about to say. it was just a matter of whether or not you could control what would happen after she did. “i know you’re fucking my husband, and i want you to stop.”
look a man straight in the eye when you shake his hand. your mother had always told you that, but you’d never understood the importance of it. up until now.
until you were shaking hands with the governor of california and trying not to crumble under the intensity of his gaze. a gaze so fervent and piercing it was en route to perforating whatever it was that shielded your soul.
“lovely to meet you.” his voice was syrup. soft and smooth and saccharine and dripping into your ears with every word he spoke. “you’re even more beautiful in person.”
so are you, you wanted to say. and it was true. he’d been at the forefront of every news channel and magazine for the past year or so. and up there, he was all pretty eyes and luscious hair and ivy league-educated words. up close…up close, he was different.
as your gaze slid down the thick, almost shiny locks of his hair, you felt your hand—the one currently in the snug grasp of his shake—twitch with the urge to reach out and touch it. to slide the pad of your thumb down a strand, or perhaps thread all of your fingers through the dark mass of waves and revel in that sensation alone.
could he feel the pulse in your wrist begin to pick up speed when you let your eyes roll over the prominent bridge of his nose? or the full, pillowy curves of his lips? of course, you couldn’t stare there for too long. or you’d run the risk of wanting to kiss him, and god only knows what that could lead to.
and did he notice the skin of your palms become sticky with sweat when you finally let yourself look into his eyes? they were a haze of blue-green darkness. hypnotic, oceanic irises growing thinner and thinner as they stretched around the steadily dilating expanse of inky black that were his pupils, making for a sight that—for lack of a better phrase, and because you could actually feel your airways being blocked with unadulterated awe—took your breath away.
if anyone was more beautiful in person, it couldn’t not be him. however, you’d bitten your tongue, settling for, “you’re too sweet, mr. governor.” your voice, a soft peal of laughter that you assured only indicated the utmost professionalism.
“un-unh.” he released your hand from his grip, and you weren’t prepared for the onslaught of goose flesh spreading over your arms when his palms settled over the skin there. “it’s eren. call me eren.” you sure as hell weren’t prepared for him to embrace you in a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek.
you laughed a delightful little laugh. one that surely couldn’t be conveyed as anything but amiable. “only if you call me (y/n).”
“well, (y/n), my wife and i are big fans of your work.”
at the mention of your friend, you took your guilty eyes off him, and let yourself be flung back into reality. back to the party you were currently attending, with its nearly blinding beams of camera flash, sweet drips of champagne spilling past your lips, and wispy tendrils of smoke curling through the air.
the party where you’d originally come to just look pretty and stuff your face with hors d'œuvres, but were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder and a face all too familiar and smiling to be any perfect stranger.
mikasa ackerman—the laidback teacher’s assistant you’d sparked a friendship with your entire senior year at harvard. the girl you considered a very close friend and mentor from the week you met up until the day you graduated, soon after which the two of you lost all contact. but you hadn’t sweated it. you were too busy pursuing your acting career, she was too busy becoming a lawyer. and the governor’s wife, apparently.
“god, i haven’t seen you in ages.” her cheeks were tinted in a cheery blush, mouth turned up in a lopsided grin, an empty champagne flute balanced clumsily between her fingers. “well, not in person at least.” her wide, megawatt smile was the last thing you saw before she hugged you as if you had never stopped being friends. “but you’re in all those big movies, y’know. it’s like every time i turn on the TV, there you are.”
you blinked bashfully down at your feet, a gentle smile playing at your lips. “don’t make me blush.”
“oh, nonsense.” she rocked back and forth on her feet, running her fingers through her dark pixie cut. “y’know, my husband never believes me when i say we used to know each other.”
“when’d you get married?” your mouth picked up in a delighted smile, recalling distant, collegiate memories of mikasa wanting, ‘partnership and a powerful husband, in that order.’
she stood on her tiptoes, beckoning someone over with a fervent wave of her arm. “uh, close to four years ago, maybe. don’t quote me, though. i’ve had one or two.” what you weren’t expecting was for the governor of california to stroll over, a little tipsy and equally disoriented from the crowd he’d just emerged from, his gaze alight with something you couldn’t quite place when it landed on the two of you. mikasa interlocked your arms, her voice an ecstatic slur. “see, baby! i told you i knew her!”
you’d stumbled into your home that night with remnants of the party still stuck to your skin and an invite to lunch at the jaeger’s country club the following week.
“i always knew you were bad at sports, but golf? really?” mikasa chimed, her lips pulled apart in uncontrollable laughter as your golf ball swerved clumsily around the course.
when eren’s husky laugh floated into your ears, you could feel them toasting with embarrassment and shame. because your eyes had taken to feasting themselves upon him at the most inappropriate times.
because just as you were about to swing your club, there your eyes were, trailing over his towering figure. his hair, usually parted and coiffed to perfection, sat a little messier today, perfectly curtaining the gently chiseled edges of his face. his bottom lip, plush and pink, confined between busy teeth, making for a sight that sent a blush down your neck.
all that went without mentioning the sleeves of his oxford tee—rolled neatly up at the elbows and showcasing the perfect definition of his forearm as he leaned over on the handle of his golf club.
you swiped your tongue across your bottom lip in misplaced concentration. the expensive watch glinting around his wrist sending your lips up in a tiny smirk. because he was just your type. so handsome and so kind and so…
a tangible rope of guilt strung itself around your neck as your eyes traced over the gold wedding band on his finger. a symbol of perpetual love and unity that you were practically defacing as you continued to drool over him in the presence of his wife.
so, when it was time for you to swing your club, you’d spooled yourself in a web of distraction and ended up missing horribly.
“must be the wind.” you said, hoping that the bursts of laughter that followed would be enough to distract you from the guilt.
“here, let me help you.” eren offered, purely out of the kindness of his heart. not because of the way you stood there, the golf club perched sweetly in your grip with not a clue in the world how to use it. not because of how pretty you looked today—the delightful hem of your opaque-shaded skirt coming to a halt in the middle of your thighs and contrasting perfectly with the smooth darkness of your black top.
not because of the smile stretching across your face—so beautiful, pearly, and white that it nearly took one of his eyes out. not because of his budding attraction that had sprouted the moment you caught his notice on a silver screen and had only gotten worse when he’d laid eyes on you in the flesh. and certainly not because mikasa, his wife, for god’s sake, had stepped back inside for one reason or another—to powder her nose or something—and inadvertently granted him a moment alone with you for the very first time.
“listen, mr. governor—”
“eren. listen. i may not golf every weekend like you weirdos,” you joked, and he couldn’t help the grin gracing his face. “but i know my way around a club, alright.”
“yeah, sure looked like it.”
you went silent for a moment, tongue clicking around in your mouth while your gaze wandered elsewhere. “fine.” you sighed out, faux exaggerating an eye roll and pout. “show me the reins, or whatever.”
that was how you had gotten here. the callused palms of governor eren jaeger pressed up against the backs of your hands under the guise of helping you swing a golf club. except there was no guise, and the feeling of having his hands on yours again had your mind nestled in delusion.
“okay, now, hit it.” he said, the words lowered an octave and trickling with honey as he uttered them into your ear. “aht, aht. remember,” his grip grew a bit tighter on your hands just as you were about to swing. “softly, just like i said. don’t think you’re advanced enough to do it any other way.” a teasing lilt colored his tone.
“i think you’re just holding me back, governor.” at that, you stole your eyes away from the union of your hands and blinked them shyly in his direction.
“eren, please.” if he was saying please, his eyes certainly didn’t convey it. “or i’ll have to start calling you esteemed actress, (y/n) (l/n).”
“you think i’m esteemed? don’t flatter me.”
“you don’t wanna know what i think about you.”
delighted heaps of air passed through your nose and mouth a couple times before you realized you were giggling. giggling like a blushing virgin on her first date over a few simple words. what was he doing to you?
your teeth dug deep into your bottom lip. “are you implying something, eren?”
eren neglected to answer, only staring at you whilst smoothing the pad of his thumb over the back of your hand. “now, on my count, you’re gonna putt it, alright.”
“mhm,” you hummed, forcing yourself to look back down at the ball.
“one, two,” you kept your eye strained on the ball. despite the heady scent of his cologne burning through your nostrils more prominently than ever. despite the very foreign, yet also very very welcome, feeling of his hands on you. “three.”
on his count, you putted the ball just as he’d instructed. was it an exaggeration to say you could feel your pupils dilating? reducing your irises to mere rings of color as they followed the movements of the ball?
it rolled into its intended hole with a satisfactory thunk, and you could feel eren shoot you an i told you so gaze so prominent it felt as though it had grown legs and crawled over your back.
you pursed your lacquered lips. “i could’ve done that in my sleep. just distracted, that’s all.”
as the words left your mouth, you became acutely aware of the distance—or lack thereof—between you and this very married man. sucking a sobering breath through your nose, you detangled your hands from his with as little awkwardness to spare as possible.
“what the hell are you doing in my house?”
peeling your boots off, you padded into the conversation pit where your manager was sitting. chowing down at a subway sandwich with hardly enough time to breathe between bites.
“i’m your manager.” they said, voice muffled with bread and meat and sauce. “what kinda manager would i be if i didn’t make arbitrary visits?”
“the kind that respects my privacy.” you made a seat for yourself beside them, examining the bag to see what they’d gotten you. “and besides, these visits are never arbitrary. you’ve always got a reason.” meaty, cheesy delight filled your nostrils as you pulled your sandwich from the bag. they had delivered your favorite, and that was enough to hear them out. even if… “usually a bad one.”
“i guess i do.” hange sighed, shaking the ice around in their cup of mountain dew. “so, i’m assuming you know why i’m here.”
chewing like a woman starved, you shook your head. “i’ve got no idea. been on my best behavior.”
“oh, really? well, allow me.” hange gingerly wiped their fingers of sandwich remnants and pulled something from their nearby briefcase.
a magazine. one that had your face on it, which wasn’t anything foreign. although for whatever reason your face was on it must’ve been what had hange in this frenzy.
the headline read, HOLLYWOOD HARLOT MOVES ON TO POLITICIANS accompanied by a photo snapped of you and eren meeting for the first time. locked in what page six would probably call, a steamy gaze. although, what other way was there to describe it? if you hadn’t known any better, you looked like a pair of star crossed lovers separated by war. or something.
“eren jaeger? him? him?” hange’s face was more angry than disappointed, which was good enough in its own right. “out of all the politicians, you sleep with the married one who’s running for president?”
you steadfastly defended, “i didn’t sleep with anybody.” although what you actually did wasn’t much better.
“look at this, (y/n)!” hange jabbed a finger at the image before pushing deep breaths through their nose. “he’s looking at you like he’s never seen a woman before.”
you denied, taking a sip of their mountain dew. “he was starstruck, hange.”
“that’s not what they think.” per usual, hange didn't waste a breath dismissing you. “they think you’ve moved on from sleeping with movie producers to politicians. which is really, really bad.”
“yeah, i’m aware, but still. it’s not true.”
“these people don’t know this. don’t care, either.” hange threw the magazine hazardlessly over your coffee table, pushing their glasses over their hairline. a usual indication of their utmost seriousness. “look, with a little threatening—”
“yeah. slander, defamation, whatever charges i could think of. not the point. i got them to scrap the story.”
your head fell atop their shoulder in unimaginable relief, arms releasing tension you didn’t even know was there. “thank—”
“—but, i don’t always know how well that’ll work, so please.”
hange took your hands in a vice grip, probably hoping to squeeze some sense into them. “stop making politicians fall in love with you.”
did you have him under a spell? there was no way to exactly prove that. but eren exhibited all the signs of a man charmed. yes, charmed. there wasn’t a more perfect way to put it than that. you had charmed him. with your dazzling laugh and your perfect hair and all those funny things you said that made him completely forgo the fact he was running for the highest office in the land.
every day following your little golf excursion, you had made dutiful work at setting up shop in the confines of his head. occupying his every passing thought with the sound of your laugh, embedding his psyche with the memory of your hands in his, rendering him completely oblivious to the wedding band on his finger with just a twinkle of your eye.
no, that last part was on him and him alone.
now, he’d be the first to admit that his marriage to mikasa was a strange one. her parents knew his, and when he met her, he could already kind of tell he was going to marry her. and not in the phony, sappy, hallmark greeting card way, no.
but in the way that meant he was thirty-three, still unmarried, and could see this as his parents’ way of throwing a bride at him. the idea wasn’t all that unappealing. mikasa was beautiful, smart, and quick-witted, and eren could see himself falling in love with her. hell, parts of him had. the little naive ones, but still.
but the little spark was gone. y’know the one that ignited in his belly whenever she kissed him on the cheek? or took his hand in hers? or whispered sweet nothings in his ear? it was gone. he guessed that was a side effect of marrying someone you didn’t really like all that much.
they eventually managed to become two people that lived together and occasionally had sex. some of which was pretty good, all of it in an attempt to get mikasa pregnant at some point later in the year. only five presidents had been childless throughout their term, and eren was unlikely to be the sixth. but he couldn’t speak too soon. his approval ratings told a different story.
still, regardless of whether he loved mikasa or not, eren had a respectable amount of resolve. he wouldn’t step out on his wife because a twenty-something-year old looked at him with eyes that were bespeckled with midas’ touch. no matter how beautiful or funny she was.
so, why was he standing here? here being the middle of his bedroom, staring into his eighty inch TV screen as if it contained the cure for cancer or something.
“do you like it when i touch you here?”
oh. that was why. he’d mindlessly turned on the television as he toweled himself off, not even noticing one of your films had been playing until his ears caught the familiar tone of your laugh. given the recent state of his mind, (and how frequently you occupied it) even a simple laugh was enough to have his neck snapping in the direction of the screen. but it wasn’t any simple laugh.
it was nearly identical to the way you’d laughed during your golfing stint the other way. identical in its coquettish cadence. identical in the way it spilled easily out of your lips.
“mmm, yeah.”
except you weren’t playing golf with the man on screen. you were letting him slide his palm up the expanse of your inner thigh until the skirt of your dress began to crumple and bunch around your upper legs.
you were spreading your legs around the movements of his hand and parting your lips so he could slip his tongue into your mouth. you were pulling him forward by the meat of his biceps, and at the same time, he was taking you into his lap and sliding the straps of your dress down your shoulders.
the camera then cut to a single shot of your face, crumpled with unbridled, purely pornographic pleasure. it wasn’t long before eren found himself enraptured with the sight: your lacquered lips parted to make way for an outpouring of contented sighs. the translucent and nearly invisible pearl of sweat beading at your hairline. the unfocused picture of your hands carding through your companion’s hair.
one could nearly call it a vision.
because the next scene was of you again. face sated with contentedness as you stumbled through the throes of slumber, some sort of dream premiering beneath the lids of your eyes.
that was the real vision. a fact eren and his slowly hardening cock could get attested to.
then, mikasa was walking into the room. she glanced at the TV. “isn’t she amazing in this?” she asked, a happy tone accompanying her smile.
“i haven’t really seen it.” eren admitted. he actually had seen a number of your films (three to be exact), but you did have quite a few of them. that wasn’t even including the new one set to premiere in just a couple of weeks. at that thought, eren considered the possibility of calling and congratulating you. an option that was as outlandish as it was stupid.
call you. so he could do…what, exactly? make a fool of himself just for the sake of hearing your voice? though, he wouldn’t consider himself too above that. he had unabashedly flirted with you with his wife less than a mile away. not to mention the erection dimpling the meat of his inner thigh.
and what was more? he was running for president! he wasn’t in his twenties anymore. the days of newborn love and hopeful courting were long behind him and if he planned on being elected, surely it should stay that way.
mikasa slid into bed, her lithe body sheathed in the creamy silk of a nightgown and stretching under the cover of the sheets. “well, you should. it’s some of her best work.”
you’re telling me.
eren had ventured back into the bathroom to change into his pajamas. as well as rinse the horniness from his system via splashes of brisk water, an attempt so futile he couldn’t help but scoff at himself.
“we should call her.” mikasa suggested upon eren’s return to their bedroom. “y’know, congratulate her on the movie. maybe have her over for dinner after the primary.”
but eren could tell by the spectacles sitting gingerly over mikasa’s nose and the tell-tale scrawling of her pen in her planner that it was no longer a suggestion. the plan had seeded itself within her mind, and therefore bloomed to fruition in reality. “i’ll have floch set it up, yeah?”
“‘m all for it, honey.” eren murmured, stamping her temple with a kiss as he slid into bed next to her.
it was only a few moments later when mikasa set aside her planner and glasses.
“i know how stressful it’s been.” the cold and soft palms of her hands found themselves on eren’s neck, scaling down the planes of his clothed chest and just whispering at the hem of his pants. “with the election and all.”
eren slid a tentative hand around her wrist, head shrouded in rapidly blooming feelings of guilt. “mikasa, what’re you doin’?”
“just wanna help.” she breached past the soft flannel, fingers threading through the soft mount of curls at his base. “will you let me do that, honey?”
mikasa’s fingertips kissed the skin of his inner thigh, and the strangled moan that bubbled from eren’s throat seemed to be affirmative enough for her.
she wrapped her digits around him, breathing out, “see, you’re already so hard. just let me…” a delighted exhale tunneled through her nostrils, eyes brimming with contented triumph as she dealt him that first stroke. “let me make you feel good.”
it had only been a short while when eren let his eyes flutter to a close, and an even shorter while when you began to blanket every thought in his head. he really had no business thinking of you. in fact, that was probably the last thing he needed to do. but god, how he wanted you.
how he wanted you here, sitting above him and handling him just the way he needed. he distantly recalled the way your hands looked the other day—soft and small and barren of any jewelry. how they felt in his hands and how they’d feel around his dick. a hiss whistled through his teeth and the grip he had on mikasa’s hand spasmed.
“tell me how good it feels.” mikasa cooed, taking her other hand and swiftly maneuvering that same grip over to her breast. and eren wasted no time letting the doughy flesh spill between his fingers, feeling her nipple harden beneath the pad of his thumb as hazily kneaded it.
eren just had to screw his eyes a little shut tighter, and it was you. laying above him, holding him in your hands, whispering all those sweet nothings in his ear as you brought him closer and closer to his peak.
and, oh, was he close. so close that all he had to do was think of the way your mouth formed around your laugh, or how good it felt to touch your hands, or the way your lips formed around the words, “mr. governor.”
sparks bursted behind his eyes as he came. shaky breaths wracking his chest and uncharacteristic noises flying from his lips as he rode out his high. all while holding back the urge to call out your name.
while still trying to feasibly pump breaths through his lungs, mikasa took him in a messy kiss. so messy that it would’ve bordered on lazy if she hadn’t mounted herself atop his dampened lap almost immediately after.
“c’mon, honey.” an ecstatic grin broke across her face as she pulled her tank top over her head. “i think tonight may be the night.”
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© NININIKKI. do not translate, copy, or modify my works in any way shape or form.
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lovewithoregrets · 24 days
Headcannon currently ticking my mind:
While everyone else was talking to Eren in the Paths, Levi got to see Erwin again. They’re transported to a universe where they have the white picket fence life-a family, a house with a garden and Levi’s tea shop. Levi gets to live out that life and as they die together Notebook style, Levi is pulled out of the Paths.
I need way more time to write everything I want to.
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"Come Home with Me Tonight" | Levi Fluff Oneshot
✧ word count ➼ ~1.1k ✧ notes ➼ fem!reader, fwb to lovers, mutual pining, alcohol, no use of y/n, some suggestive commentary but no actual smut (yet), idk i originally wanted to write something for valentine's day but then realized that this has nothing to do with valentine's day LMAO but here you go
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Formal events were never Levi's thing. He had grown up in the Underground and lived a life that was the complete opposite of the world he currently found himself in—a world filled with formalities and facades he couldn't be bothered to keep up with. Thankfully, it was just for the night, but it was still a drag to keep up with.
He sipped at his glass of bourbon as he struggled to pay attention to the work drama that Hange was chattering to Erwin and Miche about. It was long-winded and convoluted and the pieces stopped connecting for him long ago.
Levi getting immediately distracted upon seeing you walk in didn't help either.
His movements briefly stopped as his eyes landed on you. You had strolled into the venue wearing a loose-fitting dress that perfectly fell over your features. The color complemented your eyes and your hair was flowing loosely over your shoulders. Your outfit was very minimal, yet Levi couldn't take his eyes off you.
Levi's somewhat mesmerized gaze was immediately transformed into a frown as soon as he saw that you were accompanied by a date, with some overly pompous recruit following after you like a lost puppy.
He immediately turned back towards the conversation in an attempt to distract himself, but it was getting more and more difficult the longer that the night went on. He kept on swapping his gaze over to you, despite his best efforts to swallow down the jealousy arising within the back of his head.
It didn't help that you didn't seem particularly taken by your date either.
As the party went on, socializing became more draining, and you quickly found yourself outside of the venue on your own, leaning against the balcony. It gave you some solitude as you looked over the seaside. With the sun just beginning to set, the scene was pretty and it gave you some time to relax to stave off some of the tension building within you purely from the sheer amount of people in the building.
"Too crowded for you?"
You turned around towards the door and saw Levi's distinct figure approaching you.
You weren't that surprised to see him. You had been friends with benefits for a few months at this point, casually meeting up with each other to relieve stress after a chaotic work day, although you had been avoiding him for the past week or so due to some confusing feelings that were beginning to arise whenever you were around him.
"...started talking about work relations," you responded with a sigh. "Lost interest pretty quickly after that."
You watched as he walked up next to you, leaning his back against the balcony railing, before passing you the drink in his hand. He had picked up your favorite for you.
"And you? Got tired of Hange talking about their work drama?"
"You could say that," Levi grumbled, which clearly indicated just how spot-on your prediction was.
You sipped on the drink he had ordered for you, subtly smiling that he had not only brought you it, but also that he paid enough attention to know your taste palette.
Your eyes occasionally flickered up to look at him, with you noticing just how stupidly attractive he looked in a suit every time your eyes landed on him.
"Where'd your 'date' run off to?"
His question pulled you out of your daze, and it took you a second to reorient yourself.
"Date?" you asked, momentarily forgetting the recruit that you had dragged along to the venue. "Oh. Him? He's just a recruit that wanted to start networking or whatever, so he just tagged along. Owed him a favor anyway."
The clarification helped resolve any lingering feelings of jealousy present within him, but he was annoyed at himself for even getting jealous in the first place. The two of you weren't in a relationship, and it was never implied that it was where you were headed.
Still, he found himself perpetually bothered throughout the night at the fact that you had shown up to the venue with someone else.
As Levi fell silent, you noticed him begin to shuffle around awkwardly, with his hands casually resting in his pockets.
Your eyes wandered down from his eyes to his neck, noticing that his collarbones were showing from the top two buttons of his shirt being undone. Feeling your body begin to heat up, your eyes continued traveling lower, with your gaze falling on how his suit jacket seemed to be hugging the curve of his back, before going back up as you noticed how the color of his tie seemed to make his grey eyes even more intense to look into.
It didn't take long before you found yourself imagining yourself in bed with him again. No one had ever been able to pleasure you as much as Levi could, yet you still found yourself avoiding him and dismissing your desire for his touch due to one reason: you were falling in love with him.
Distressed upon finally connecting the pieces, you immediately set your drink down and began to move to head back inside.
"...I'm gonna go check on Nanaba and the others-"
"Wait," Levi interrupted, his hand reaching out to gently grab onto your arm to keep you from leaving. "Don't go."
You paused and looked up at him. It had been a while since you've last slept together. You had assumed that this was where he was going with his request for you to stay, given the fact that you barely ran into each other without it ending up with you in his arms as he fucked the stress out of you.
"...I can meet you after?" you suggested. "Hooking up at this fancy venue might not be the best idea."
"Tch." He let out a quiet tut as he let go of your wrist and leaned back towards the railing. "It's not that."
You blinked at him in confusion, slightly tilting your head. "Then what?"
"...is it wrong of me to want more than just a meaningless fuck?"
Your lips parted in surprise, with your eyes widening, as you realized that those feelings brewing underneath the surface between you were real, and more importantly, reciprocated.
"Levi..." you whispered. "...what are you saying?"
He was silent for a moment, and you could tell from the look in his eyes that he was trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he looked directly back into your eyes, before whispering,
"...come home with me tonight."
#: @spicerackofblorbos @romantichomicide95 @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @moonmalice @averysmolbear @cathybarn @tclbts @bejewelledd @sad-darksoul @ackermendick @aomi04 @apolloshaiku @laraackerman @pulpolicia @raenacreates @nube55 @roseofdarknessblog @saeyaki @noctemys @sixpennydame @dumbdollyx @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @catskze @nixie-writes-aot @la-undercover-latina @v4mp-wife @darkstarlight82 @professorweezy @braunsbabe @lovedbylevi @issacovegx @captainleviswifee @mrsmiagreer @youre-ackermine @starrylevi @levis-squishy-cheeks @dumbfound-princess @deepzombieyouth @evas-leslas @levilxvr @astri-ackerman @ackrmntea join my taglist!
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megumimania · 1 year
a/n: tried to write a fic and my brain short circuited so you get this instead xx , toxic eren is a lewser!! but he makes it work idk!
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ex boyfriend!eren who always pretends that he was over your breakup, but had love by keyshia cole on blast for a good month
ex boyfriend!eren who claims that he never misses you but spends most of his evenings looking back at pictures and videos of you from when you were together
ex boyfriend!eren who felt an immense amount of jealousy when you popped out with a new man on your story and proceeded to stalk his profile
ex boyfriend!eren who was in a terrible mood once finding out you were dating ony
ex boyfriend!eren who somehow always manages to meddle in your situationships, talking stages, relationships dates etc.
ex boyfriend!eren who is still close and is adored by your family, so he’s always invited to family functions despite you not wanting him there
ex boyfriend!eren who doesn’t respond to your aunties questions to why he’s still single instead he just glances over to you.
ex boyfriend!eren who still sends you voicemails when he’s drunk or high begging you to take him back
“y/n its me, eren. I just wanted to let you know that I… love you so much. and i know you’ve told me we’re done about 700 times but rejection is redirection and obviously the universe is pushing us back together, so who are we to fight fate? you’re like my soulmate, so like call me back please i miss you.”
ex boyfriend!eren who always pays for your hair and nail appointments because he likes seeing you all dolled up, knowing that he paid for it.
ex boyfriend!eren who tries to make you jealous by posting him laid up with other girls on his story but you never respond
ex boyfriend!eren who knows no matter what happens you’ll eventually come back to him no matter how long it takes.
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bellabean24 · 2 years
Hi can I request #11 with Eren, preferably SFW please.
What Eren’s Camera Roll looks like before and After you
Word count: 270
Prompt 11
Warnings: SFW, nothing much other than a mention of Eren taking videos of himself high
Head cannons prompt list | Attack On Titan Masterlist
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Tbh he really didn't have that much in it
There was a couple of photos of him and his mom 
He had some pictures of himself but nothing major 
And some pictures of him and his friends or videos of them doing dumb shit 
There was a video of him and the guys (Armin,Connie and Jean) pushing Connie down a hill while in a grocery cart 
And the pictures of him was when he was feelin’ himself freshly out the shower
There are also a couple of really weird memes like so weird that I’m not even gonna go into it  
Some random videos of him just talking when he is High outta of his mind
Eren’s Camera roll during you 
Now when you two got together the only thing he did and still does is take pictures of you
Good Pictures of the sun kissing your skin and making you even more beautiful 
Or there are bad ones like you mid bit of your sandwich 
Or the ones right above your forehead
There are also pictures when you would still his phone and take NICE photos of yourself not the bad ones he takes 
He also takes pictures when your doing just mundane stuff like doing your hair or cooking food in his clothes
There's pictures of the both of yall on a date or just out in about
Eren also takes videos of you laughing to the point there are tears and whenever he feels sad cause your not home he’ll just watch them again cause it always brings smile to his face 
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© Bella 2023
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killerbananas · 4 months
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Levi’s dark confessions lead to warm receptions.
🔞 mdni | masterlist | 306 wc | afab!reader x Levi
Warnings: smut; dubcon/CNC/drunk sex, cockwarming, fingering
AN: Repost from my old account.
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Imagine Levi confessing to the darkness inside him, the one that wants to take and consume you in every fashion. To revel in the way your body innately succumbs to his dominatingly arousing presence. It tinges your face molten hot in patches to admit back to him that you're already wet at his admittance. Your vulnerability and responsiveness to his advances blooms the kind of grin you imagine painters years over have tried to capture, presented on the faces of blissful, mischievous gods. The way Levi's smile invokes a burning kindredness in your subconscious, you believe you might be in another realm entirely to be so touched by his hunger.
Just a week later, Levi finds his exploring bliss as he bends your pliant, tired body to his will. You'd had a little extra wine, joyfully exuberant and thirsty in your partner's handsome accompaniment earlier that night. Just relaxing on the couch, watching his dick gradually swell in his cotton shorts was enough to have you straddle his lap and snuggle up into his neck, letting your mind wander into sporadic thoughts that only had you soaking through your sleep shorts, puffing sanguine huffs into his skin. A caressing swipe downward of his hand across the curve of your cheek finds the smeared pearlescence before he touches your thigh. 
It stops him in his tracks, drawing him in, until those lithe digits sink into your cunt just long enough for him to be able pop his cock out, smear the wetness along his hardening member, and nudge himself snuggly inside your cunt. He stays tucked away like this, hands still exploring, mind alight with the comforting warmth surrounding his throbbing cock. He finds solace in the entirely unhurried way he can keep your bodies joined as you doze in and out of consciousness on his lap.
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Taglist: @aotwarriorsimp @alexpro-nwn @animediplomat @antoxsmith @armoredpotato @aviinnit @beffjurky @blondeboyfriend @casuallyck @cherrxs @dearbaji @erwinsbaby @eyesucket @fairypiku @fandomficsobsession @fujoneshi @holographicceo @hinasakuino @interfectio-mortales @kenryug @koulakoukoula2003 @kxkyuu-main @lavenderdaisyhoney   @mybadluckshouldmakemefamous @chaotic-nick @nathalunalune @notgoodforlife @arsonszn @pockcock @poursomesunaonme @scouts-stuff @seychellse @shigarakiapologist @downbadpie @soaringmirror @sparklekitteh @stigandr-the-cat @syrma-sensei @reiners-milkbiddies @tiffanyy-21 @theinariakuma @tonaken @torapologist @touyyes @we-are-so-close @witchycamisado
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amywritesthings · 1 year
silver underground. / chapter five.
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x F!Reader (Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin)
Word Count: 5K
Summary: Day 120 - Also known as the day you finally confront Captain Levi after your dreams begin to connect some dots.
Warnings: Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, Eventual Romance, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Flashbacks, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Nonbinary Hange Zoe
( Read on AO3 )
Previous Chapter. / Next Chapter. | Masterlist.
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The boy with raven hair speaks the syllable like his voice forgets its function, hoarse and small. In his hands is a small, precious piece of bread. His chin lowers to take a bird-sized bite, chewing slowly to savor the taste.
Looking down, you find that your hands are occupied by a half of a loaf, too — perhaps even the other half of the one the boy has.
You bring the food to your mouth, careful not to bite down too hard.
“Can I… sit?” you ask the boy as he continues to feed.
He nods once, so you nestle into the empty spot beside him.
Rather than floating in the dream's usual nothingness, the bench sits hidden in a closed-off dark room, lit only by lanterns and torches lining its walls. Shouts sound in the distance, but the noises are not scared. They’re… laughing. Howling, even, at jokes and drinking songs.
You can't hear the lyrics no matter how hard you listen.
For what feels like hours you sit beside this strange, quiet boy, happy not to be alone.
However a man shouts louder than the rest, belligerent and shitfaced, catching your attention. The boy never once looks up. You see a hat adorned on his head where long, unkempt hair flies out from the bottom of the hat like wires.
“Is… that your dad?”
You don’t know why you ask.
The boy ignores you for a length of time, picking apart what little is left of the roll.
“Is that your mom?” he croaks in return.
You’re scared to look at him, but you do anyway. Instead of a gnarled face of a woman like before, it’s finally his face: you're met with silver gray eyes, sunken to their sockets and tired, as he stares curiously at you. His right eye is blackened, cheek subsequently swollen, but he doesn’t seem to be in any immediate pain.
“No,” you answer, the syllable shaken. “I call her Mother, but… she found me.”
He doesn’t react — only chews, like every bite may be his last, and swallows. His tongue darts out to lick the crumbs from his busted lip.
You want to ask.
It’s been so many times, you’ve never gotten this far, and you want to finally ask.
“Do you have a na—”
Bolting right out of bed with a choked gasp, your hand instinctively reaches for your throat. 
Did you just say Levi’s name out loud, or was that in your dream?
It sure feels like it came from your mouth. Pressing a timid hand to your sweat-slicked face, you find your breath and attempt to quell your gasps in the pale light of the moon. You look to your left to see the curtain billowing in the midnight wind.
A dream.
The same fucking dream, over and over.
“What the hell was that?” you ask the air, and no reply comes beyond someone grumbling for you to shut the hell up.
The barracks — you’re still sleeping in the cadet barracks.
Training with the hopefuls ought to be tougher than it is, but you imagine it’s easy because you lived the war they strive to experience: ODM gear training is a breeze. Strategy classes bring a certain feel of home. You’re able to debate military advancements with the book-drawn knowledge to back it up. Running — so much goddamn running — but your training in Trost paid off.
Commander Erwin’s theory — your theory — is proving right.
The cadet training is helpful, because you now see a puzzle piece perfectly clear in your mind’s eye: that sad child’s face, the one you’ve been chasing for the last four months. If given a pen and paper, then you could draw the damn look of it on command.
Slipping out of bed to relax in the night air, you pull your tan cadet jacket over your shoulders, settle into your knee-high boots, and leave your exhausted bunkmates to dream.
(Yeah — that’s one thing you didn’t anticipate: wearing the swords like you didn’t already earn your Wings of Freedom stripes.)
You could seek out the Scouts. If the rumors are true, then Hange should be arriving today or tomorrow with the rest of them to see how you’re doing.
According to Commandant Shadis, there’s no real need to waste anymore time. You’re battle ready, even if your brain isn’t following up with the finite details. Those, he argues, could come later or not at all. At the end of the day, skill is what matters.
Whether they accept you back to the Scouts is another story entirely, yet having Commander Erwin on your side with the help of Section Commander Hange increases your chances exponentially.
Despite the nerves in your belly, you are excited to go beyond the Walls. To see what you must’ve witnessed time and time again in your military career.
Maybe, in a belatedly morbid fashion, you always wished you could one day relive what it would be like to see it for the first time all over again.
The wind at midnight is freezing in comparison to the blazing morning sun. You hug your arms closer to your sides, reliant on body warmth to push you forward in the stroll to clear your head.
Then two Military police officers enter your peripheral.
Realizing you have no jurisdiction after curfew, you search your surroundings for cover. Abruptly you spot a ration barrel and drop to a crouch, hoping they didn’t see you aimlessly walking around.
You stay low, fingertips pressed to the oak barrel, and wait.
Their mumbles turn into coherent sentences with each nearing step. You don't mean to overhear, but their conversation freezes you in your tracks.
“Did you hear about the extra addition to the cadets?” the one with red hair grunts.
The blonde shakes his head. “What about an extra what now?”
“The cadet that’s not really a cadet.”
Oh? Your hands press further into the barrel.
“Not ringin’ any bells.”
“Remember the chick they called Lieutenant? Served under Erwin.”
“Oh… yeah, now that you say Lieutenant, I kinda do,” the blonde answers, slow to start.
“Well, they’ve managed to wake up that dead sewer rat and thought it would be beneficial to send her to train with the cadets. Word is they’re trying to prep her back to the Scouts.”
The blonde huffs. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Nope.” The ‘p’ is popped. “Heard the news from Raoul.”
“Wasn’t she in really bad shape? Like… memory screw-y type of bad?”
“Yeah. A coma,” the redhead confirms. “They won’t tell anyone anything beyond hitting her head, but I saw they’re training her here for a few weeks to see what she remembers.”
“Damn, talk about wasting resources.” Your blood runs cold. “That’s about how rodents work, though. That bastard Captain Levi opened up the cellar for the nasty Underground folk.”
Captain Levi?
“Can’t believe that shit ever flew with the Scouts in the first place. I don’t know what Erwin was thinking, bringing an Underground brat in.”
Captain Levi was from the Underground, too?
“I thought we got rid of the start of the infestation when they said she died. But you can’t kill that Captain kid. He’s got more lives than a street cat.”
Raven hair.
“Nope — and she’s just as bad,” the blonde laments. “Pretty sure they worked together way before the Scouts, too, if you believe the rumors.”
“No shit?”
“Yeah. Rats stick together. Erwin has a fetish for waywards he can kill under his thumb.”
Sunken gray eyes.
“So we got thugs on the frontlines. Wonderful,” the redhead grunts. “Guess that’s better than the people behind the Walls. Get rid of them first.”
You feel like you’re going to be sick.
Bracing the barrel as they begin to move their post to another section of the training camp, you place your right hand over your mouth.
There’s no way.
Trembling in your crouched space, you replay the conversation over and over in your head like it’ll piece together and make sense. You study the patch of grass under your brown boot, waiting for a rogue tendril to crawl from the earth and drag you back underground.
(Where you belong, according to them.)
Yet you raise your chin to find you’re not alone behind the food barrels:
The little boy in the dream, his messy mop of black hair, stares back at you with a confused expression etched across his malnourished features. His lips part, mouthing an answer to a question you’ve asked him night after night after night.
Do you have a name?
Then he lifts his hand, offering his half of the bread loaf.
When you blink, he vanishes into thin air, leaving you sweating with the very real gravity of the situation sitting heavy at the back of your tongue.
You have to find him.
Tomorrow, you have to find Captain Levi.
“They said she’s doing well.”
“Why are you whispering?”
“Because if I speak any louder, I might scream,” Hange confesses in a rushed hiss, fidgeting with their fingers at the mess hall table. “And if I scream, then I’ll be alerting every cadet within a five-meter radius that we’re here.”
“Pretty sure most of the cadets are already aware, Hange.”
“Do you think she’s remembering more conversations?” they ask, flipping the subject he can’t escape from. “Or maybe a past mission?”
Levi couldn’t roll his eyes any harder.
The second the report came back from your temporary superiors is the second this Special Operations squad lost their fucking minds.
Petra hasn’t stopped babbling about how much she missed having you around after dropping you off to the training camp three weeks ago. Hange isn’t much better, but he can tune out their incessant babbling easier than most. Gunther, Oluo, Eld — they all want to know if they’re bringing you home.
Home — like what’s out here beyond the Wall Rose is any home at all.
By sticking you in the pool of cadet shit-stains looking to claw their way into the interior, Erwin inadvertently slashed the hopes and dreams of the 104th. Adding you to their mix only puts them at a grave disadvantage: if they make you stay the entire time, then you’d walk away with top marks from experience alone.
In a way, putting a memory-riddled veteran in disguise as a cadet is fucking hilarious.
“She isn’t a dog ready for tricks, Hange.” Levi brings the lip of his tea cup to his lips. “And her mind’s the only thing fucked, not her muscle memory.”
“Yeah, but she didn’t even go through cadet training when she first came to us. How much muscle memory could there be?”
“Environmental experiences trump cadet bullshit.”
“I suppose so.” Pursing their lips, Hange waves their spoon around aimlessly. “Acing her ODM gear aptitude test makes the most sense. Hand-to-hand combat, another surefire win. Still…”
Levi narrows his eyes. “Still?”
“I wonder how long it should take for her memory to return. Fully, I mean.”
Confliction makes his mouth itch.
On one hand, he’s hopeful that you never do. An honorable discharge from the Scout Regiment may not hold the same weight as a retired MP, but it’s a safer life behind the walls than whatever the fuck they lead as a unit now.
On the other hand, he can’t forget that this is your choice. 
Even in the aftermath of a horrific accident where you’ve lost everything, you’re still choosing to see if you can one day serve and re-join the Scouts.
Clearly Erwin would allow it. Resources wouldn’t be wasted on a half-assed effort.
But can he afford seeing that blank expression pointed in his direction for the rest of his goddamn living days?
It was hard enough to have a basic conversation with you. Factor in the idea that, somewhere in the not-so-distant future, he may work alongside you outside of these Walls again?
He ought to sabotage your training.
He ought to go back to his old ways and lie, cheat, steal, to ensure your failure.
He ought to do something — anything but the one thing everyone expects him to do.
Erwin Smith is playing a game of 4-D chess and Levi cannot see the board or where his next piece may be headed.
It’s infuriating.
“Is he still going to reinstate her even if she’s still fucked in the head?” Levi asks, maintaining a monotone distance from the subject.
Hange pushes some food around with their spoon. “Hard to tell. I don’t think they would waste the resources if they thought it wasn’t a potential win for us.”
Of course Hange iterates exactly what he’s thinking — they’re opposites on humanity’s spectrum yet somehow always on the same wavelength.
“What about you?”
That question, however, is one he doesn’t expect. Levi uncrosses his legs. 
“What about me?”
“Are you okay with her getting added back to Levi Squad if she passes?”
Absolutely fucking not.
(But would he want you reassigned where he can’t follow? Also absolutely fucking not.)
“Let’s see how she’s faring first,” he decides, eyes trailing the entrance of a taller person as Hange stands from the table. He’s about to ask, but then he sees it: Moblit rushes in from the left with several papers rolled into his hands, looking positively frantic and exhausted.
Never a dull moment in Hange Zoe’s life.
“Quitting on me?” Levi teases against the flat of his voice, and Hange’s lips purse.
“Oh, stop it. Like you weren’t about to shut my twenty questions down.” They stick out their tongue as they dismount the bench. “Party pooper.”
“That’s the closest to a shit joke as I’m ever going to get from you.”
A loud ha! escapes their lips while they walk to the door, hounded by Moblit’s anxious babbling until — nothing.
The disappearance of Hange, the lack of Erwin, just leaves Levi to sit menacingly in the corner on his own. At other occupied tables, the overspill of injured and traumatized cadets eat their portioned meal for the morning. 
A quiet place away from the noise of the other recruits thriving at the idea of war.
If he squints hard enough, a woman hunched over the table could be you — bruised to oblivion from the collarbone-up, with shaken hands rattling the ceramic plate below.
It causes his own fist resting on the table’s surface to tighten.
Maybe he should — talk to you, tell you, about everything.
Maybe if you learned just how bad it gets out there, then you’ll change your mind.
(There’s still time.)
You take off the minute you’re excused from the morning duties to investigate the grounds.
They have to be here somewhere.
Granted, you’re not sure if your current cadet status will get you anywhere in this camp. Revoked and stripped of the Scout title may bring setbacks when it comes to this — remembering, seeking answers — but you’re hopeful there’s a loophole nestled between your alleged seniority and talent.
When you turn a right corner, you see it: The glasses. The messy ponytail. The green cloak.
You yelp the name when excitement takes hold of your throat:
Because you’re happy to see them walking by the barracks with Moblit in tow. Anxiety buzzes under your skin as they stop in their tracks and turn on their heel.
Instantly beaming at the sight of you, Hange yells into the crisp morning air and waves their hands wildly above their head. 
You take off on a jog to meet them faster.
“James! Look at you! All dressed up— Huh.” Their excitement washes away at the sight of the double-sword badges on your jacket. “Funny, that’s the wrong emblem.”
You drop your chin as they poke an unimpressed finger to the side of your arm, as if a sticker will peel off and reveal the Wings of Freedom instead. The badge stays put.
“They thought it would be too much of a distraction to give me my Scout jacket,” you explain, hurried, before waving to the man behind her. “Hey, Moblit.”
He blanches to a translucent pale, jaw slacked.
Hange squeals in their throat.
It takes a second to realize what you’ve said.
Up until today, you had never met Moblit.
“Oh. My. God!” Hange says from a whisper to a shriek. “Did you hear that? Moblit, you’re the first person she’s greeted by name!”
“Whoa,” he murmurs under his breath, still flushed from shock. “I, uh… Hey, James.”
“This is amazing!” Hange growls, sucking in a sharp breath as both of their hands clamp down on your sore arms. “Of course, when Erwin suggested the hypothesis that maybe training would kickstart things, I didn’t think it would work that well! What else are you remembering? Tellmetellmetellme.”
As much as you would like to fill them in, you know there’s someone else you need to see first.
You exhale his name like a prayer, and Hange’s expression shifts to one of awe. 
“No, not like that. I’m— Have you seen the Captain? I need to speak with him. It’s urgent.”
“I—” The syllable gets trapped in Hange’s throat before a finger raises, pointing to the east. “...he was just at the mess hall. He was supposed to visit the stables after breakfast.”
“Thank you,” you deflate, shrugging out of their grasp. “We’ll catch up later, right? I’ll see you in a bit.”
They don’t try to stop you when you disengage.
I have to talk to the Captain.
Because if he continues to avoid you, then there is a chance the outline of this puzzle will never be completed.
Just as Hange suggested, you see it: the smaller framed man in the middle of the horse stables just east of the training camp.
Captain Levi wears the emerald cloak over his shoulders, arm raised to give attention to a horse as dark as midnight. It licks at the palm of his hand generously, and the captain doesn’t pull away until its tongue pokes out a third time.
You stand still at the mouth of the empty stables, watching.
Because if you’re going to implode the only chance you might have to get this right, then it has to be done with the utmost certainty that what you’re about to say is true.
And despite how your certainty has yet to reach beyond ninety percent, the clues are littered all over him:
The jet-black hair curved in a fresh, precise undercut. The way his eyes always look like he’s tired even after a long night’s rest. The skinniness to his frame that harnesses such ungodly strength. The curve of his nose at his profile.
His image morphs, changes, from glorious emerald to tattered tan shirts hanging off of his torso. Wild and unkempt hair. Same nose, but smaller. Shorter.
Your brain short-circuits at the images colliding.
“It was you.”
The whispered words tumble faster than you can stop them. 
They curl and float through the air until they reach the shorter man in the middle of the stables in an unfortunate echo, and the world seems so much smaller than it was a moment ago.
He turns.
His stare is bone chilling.
At the sight of you Levi stops brushing the mane of his horse, arm still raised in the air. Carefully he lowers his hand to set the wooden brush on a stool, eyes narrowed to slits.
“Hello to you, too.”
“Captain.” You take a step towards him. “Sir, I have something urgent to ask you.”
He looks like he considers for a moment before his attention lulls back to the horse he had been originally tending to. “Aren't you supposed to be busy running drills?”
“I should be. I am.” You take another step. “But—”
“So then why are you—”
“I saw you!” you blurt, loud and certain.
You realize you may sound a breath short of delusional by the way he rips his attention from the horse to stare at you like you’ve lost your mind. Where he usually appears rigid, expressionless, his eyes gleam with palpable confusion.
Levi snorts. “That was a weirdly-worded question.”
“It was you,” you press on, losing your breath, “before all of this.”
Your stare is hopeful. He is devoid of such.
You dare another step forward, hands out to your sides.
“I’ve been seeing things,” you say.
“Sounds like a condition for a doctor, not me,” he flatly replies.
“Memories,” you clarify, fidgeting with your fingers in a failed attempt to soothe your own nerves. “Of this specific place and the people in it. They’re from the Underground City. I must have been… I don’t know, young? Maybe really young, which would make sense since — but…”
The whites of his eyes grow, if only a fraction.
You try to explain faster.
“Everything is in pieces, right? I told you that last time we spoke. Nothing’s really fit together, not really, but whenever I dream about where I came from, I’m always seeing this young boy. He’s got this black messy hair. His clothes hang right off of him — he’s so small, and he sits with me on this bench eating food I offer him.”
Fuck, is he really going to make you spell it out? 
“And I think it might be—”
Wide-eyed confusion twists to an apprehensive sneer. 
“How could you be so sure it was me?”
Your shoulders slump.
“Because he looks exactly like you. Maybe with a skinnier body and a smaller face, but I’m seeing it now. The hair, the— the gray eyes—”
Finally he bites, voice low. “Because small kids with gray eyes are so fucking rare.”
“Don’t act like it doesn’t make sense!” you bark. “Everyone says I should remember you — because you know me better than anyone in the Scouts. And I’m not insane, because the person I keep dreaming about isn’t just a kid, it isn’t just some subconscious shit—”
His teeth clench together. “Careful.”
“And I heard it,” you continue, ignoring his warning. “Last night, I overheard two Military Policemen talking about how Erwin Smith allowed two rats from the sewers to join the Scout Regiment. Captain Levi, who came from the Underground, and a Lieutenant, who lost her memory.” Your eyes narrow. “I may not have my shit screwed on right, Captain, but it doesn’t take many brain cells to put two and two together.”
At the evidence, Levi says nothing. 
All that keeps the silence away in the barn are the rustling legs and raspberry breaths of horses. 
Your shoulders deflate at his unwavering, piercing gaze.
“You know me,” you finish, voice catching on emotion, “but you won’t help me. Why?”
Levi falters for a second, and you recognize the emotion that flickers over his face this time:
He doesn’t mouth off, which is one good thing about this uncomfortable encounter.
In your gut you can feel that this isn’t an unfounded discovery, but Levi isn’t willing to—
“Because you finally have an out.”
It’s the first real thing Levi Ackerman has said to you in four months.
Defeat settles into your tired bones when he disengages and turns his chin back to his horse. In the glow of the morning light from the open windows, he looks hunched — and, if you didn’t know any better, just as defeated as you — like so little was too much to divulge.
“Did we join the Scouts together?” you murmur, softening with hope.
Levi sets his jaw, and when you think the attempt has failed, he speaks:
“No. I joined without you.”
Your eyesight becomes glossy with overwhelming emotion.
You’re not crazy.
(You were always right.)
“When?” you urge under your breath, nearing without realizing. 
He stays put. “Years ago.”
“And when did—”
“Two months after.”
Where you can’t stop watching him, Levi refuses to look anywhere but ahead.
“So I knew you?”
“Since we joined the Scouts?”
“And before that?”
In your mind’s eye is a sullen face, exhausted from an eternal night.
He sighs through his nose. “You’re not listening to what I’m saying, James.”
By the time he turns his head, you’re only three steps away.
Hearing the sound of your name on his lips — not icy, not angry, not anything beyond what it is — takes you off guard. 
“Do yourself a favor — continue training with the cadets. Chances are you’ll get Top 10, easy. Top 10 means you can choose where you serve. Most of the brats pick the Interior.”
Your brows fly high. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Interior is a cushy gig. They’re offered real bedrooms, routine meals—”
“—and the most danger they get into is wiping the King’s ass,” Levi continues, shifting his left boot closer to you. “I heard he’s got one hell of a shit schedule.”
You both stare, eye to eye, as his words of advice settle into the dirt between you. 
“...so you want me to cheat my way into the interior,” you eventually recap, quiet and disgusted, “and forget the Scouts?”
“Forget all of it,” Levi confirms, dead serious.
This isn’t what you were expecting if – and when – you finally spoke to the captain. For someone who is allegedly important to you, Levi sure has a funny way of showing it. Pawning you off to whatever gets you furthest from whatever lies beyond the Walls is a swift punch to the gut. Maybe you barely know you, but you do know one thing: hiding away in the Interior was never an option.
Forget all of it.
“I’m not doing that.” A humorless laugh exits your mouth. “You know I’m not going to do that.”
“I know,” he resigns, monotone. “Worth a try, though, to get through your thick head.”
“You’re an asshole.”
You’re not sure what compels you to snap, but it’s biting. Venomous.
You near him like a predator challenging another in its rank, chin ducked. Levi steps in a half-circle in a subconscious dance.
“You are. I have been asking you, begging you, going so far as to corner you so you can maybe help me out, and all you’re willing to do is run. Every damn time you see me, you turn like a coward and go the opposite direction. I can even see it right now: you’re hoping Hange or Moblit walk in so you have an excuse to defer me to them.”
You sneer, teeth grit.
“Humanity’s Strongest, my ass.”
It’s about the worst ramble you could’ve offered him. With each passing accusation, Levi’s expression grows darker until it’s unreadable. Yet you keep going, choosing violent words over soft pleads.
The latter never worked, so the former just might.
Then something peculiar happens:
Levi’s voice upticks, melodic in what you can only describe as quiet awe.
“You finally sound a little more like you.”
You watch with lips parted. Levi nods to himself, as if certain his assessment is right, before his arms cross under the emerald cloak decorating his shoulders.
“You’re right: I have been avoiding you,” he finally admits steadily. “I couldn’t stand the wide-eyed and bushy-tailed act. It doesn’t wear well on you.”
All the blood drains from your body.
“Commander Erwin’s set on making you a Scout again. Only a moron would think he hasn’t thought this through, which leads me to a shitty predicament.” He pauses. “Lieutenant or not, you were a part of my squad. Am I so much of an asshole that you no longer want to be a part of it?”
You open your mouth, but no words exit.
He stares directly at you, this time with meaning.
“I won’t feed you our memories. I won’t let you speculate where I fit with the hope that I put the pieces together for you. If you want my help, then we start with a blank slate.”
“A blank slate?” you numbly respond.
“A blank slate,” he repeats.
“As if we don’t know each other at all?”
“Besides knowing what I looked like as a kid, do you?” Levi asks then clarifies. “Know me.”
Looking over his face, you want to say yes. You want to say the truth — that you might have known him your whole life — but you can’t.
Might have isn’t as strong as do.
“And if I eventually remember, even if it’s not every little detail, then will you keep shutting me out?” you question, softening your face when an emotion flickers over his. “Don’t shut me out.”
“I won’t.”
“I mean it—”
“I swear it.”
He interrupts before you can finish.
As much as you're afraid to believe it, his statement of conviction is sincere — three words rushed, hissed, with a weight pressing against your wildly-beating heart.
“Okay,” you murmur back. “I trust you.”
Just like that; no more fighting, no more lying, no more doubt. 
His hair flops with the tilt of his chin as he's caught between calling a bluff that isn’t there and the undying truth — three words solemn, slow, with a weight pressing against his heavy-burdened shoulders.
He disputes nothing.
In an attempt to start on the right foot, you hold your hand out timidly between you. Your fingers flex.
Levi’s eyes take a beat to leave yours and look down.
“I’m James,” you introduce softly. “Member of Levi Squad, Lieutenant of the Scout Regiment. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Levi swallows, thick with a hesitance. You’re almost certain he’ll step right past your humble effort to start over — just like he asked.
Then he removes a slender hand from its tucked space at his side and holds it out, hovering fingertip to fingertip.
A beat passes. His hand reaches forward, gliding along your palm to hold your hand.
He squeezes.
You feel it hit, zapping every nerve like a short-distanced lightning strike — warmth floods and envelopes your body with an image you don’t quite have the word for in the moment, but you see it when he opens his mouth.
“Levi Ackerman,” he roughly replies. “Leader of Levi Squad, Captain of the Scout Regiment. Glad to have you on my team.”
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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has liked, reblogged, and sent lovely anons about this story before. You're alll such wonderful people. xo
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