#shim changmin fanfic
myndless88 · 1 month
I'm curious about Who To Choose and Random story. 😁
So, I just realized that 'Random story' is actually completed. But I'll talk about it anyway. Both stories are fanfics mainly involving myself in a romantic relationship with my ultimate Korean pop bias, Shim Changmin.
'Who To Choose' is supposed to be about Changmin and I (as Changmin's personal assistant and growing love interest) going to Japan for a while for his activities. While there, I meet Junnosuke Taguchi--a member of popular Japanese pop group KAT-TUN (and my ultimate Jpop bias in real life). I start having feelings for him as well as ones for Changmin, so I don't know who to choose. It's basically supposed to be one of those love triangle things where both guys are trying to compete for the love of the girl. I just checked my file for this, and I haven't even gotten to Japan yet! ^^;; Here's a section:
The shrieks of hundreds of fangirls echoed in the large terminal as I tried to keep up with the envoy of staff, security, and the person I was assigned to work for.  On either side of me were the excited faces of girls ranging from their early teens to around my age kept away only by aisle separators.  They were screaming for one man who was further up front, but could easily stand out because of his tall, beautiful figure.  He was the man that I’m to personally assist, but also whom I’m completely smitten over.  This man is one fifth of super famous South Korean male group, Dong Bang Shin Ki: Shim Changmin.
The 'Random story' is basically me coming back to S. Korea after being away for several months. While on my way, my flight makes a short stop in Japan where I meet Junnosuke at the airport. Then it's back in the air to my destination. Upon my arrival in S. Korea, I'm greeted by Changmin. We head my unoccupied apartment, have small conversations, have a "special night", he asks me to marry him , and then BAM! I wake up on the plane that just landed in S. Korea. All of it was a dream. So now I'm disappointed. I head back to my unoccupied apartment, run into Chagnmin there, we have small conversations, I tell him about my dream, he finds it kind of wild that I'd dream something like that but doesn't call it a total loss, he presents me the same ring in my dream, asks me to marry him, I say yes, and we have our "special night". It's all real this time, lol. Here's two sections:
“Maddie-ah, there’s something bothering you.  I just know it.  Normally you’re complaining to me about everything, so why is this time any different?”  “…It’s a rather silly reason.” “Try me,” he challenged.  I sighed and pushed out of his embrace.  I told him to take a seat, so we sat on the living room couch.  From there I explained my dream in ‘very’ minor detail, but I still couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.  Judging from the look on Changmin’s face, he was a little taken aback as well.  Man, sometimes I hated being too honest.  “S-See?  It’s just a silly dream I had…” I said, looking away from him.                 “Well, that is a very…interesting dream,” he said, a little astonishment in his voice.  I looked down in shame.  “However, I wouldn’t exactly call it a total loss…” he muttered.
“This…this isn’t a dream, right?  This time…it’s real, right?” I asked, trying so hard not to cry like a baby.  He smiled and nodded slowly. “It’s not a dream this time, Maddie-ah.  I want to marry you.  I love you.”  I couldn’t hold them in any longer, and I just cried and cried.  Changmin seated himself next to me, leaned in to hug me tightly, and I cried into his chest.  He rubbed my back to help me calm down.  When I reduced my cries to just little sniffles, he took the ring out of the box and took hold of my left ring finger.  He glided the ring on it, and looked up at me with the sweetest smile.  Almost knowing what each other wanted, we both leaned in for a kiss.  It was just as mind-blowing as in my dreams.  After several minutes we broke for air, both of our faces flush.  “There is…one more part to your dream that has yet to be fulfilled, ne?” he hesitantly asked.  At first I was a little confused, but then I realized what he was talking about.  I blushed feverously. “A-Ah, yeah.”  “Well, then…” he began, as he picked me up bridal style off the couch, “would I be asking too much in one night if we could, you know, fulfill that part of your dream?”  I blushed so hard that I felt like I would self-combust at any given moment.  But regardless, I nodded my head in approval. 
Looking back at these stories, I have to chuckle because you can definitely tell they were written by a 22 year old with a huge crush on her favorite celebrities. I even used Japanese/Korean words in place of English ones: "Yatta!" ("hooray!") or "Mianhae" ("Sorry") for example. But those were what was popular back then, and it's the only time I've done self-insert. In fact, the first five fanfics listed in the WIP game are all kind of like that.
Thank you for finding those two titles intriguing! And, to top it off, here are pics of my Kpop and Jpop biases (Changmin on the left and Junnosuke on the right)!
Ask me about my WIPs
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Noona, You're So Pretty
SHINee + TVXQ! Lee Taemin x Actress!Reader Characters: Park Seo Joon, Choi Minho, Shim Changmin (MAX), Lee Taemin Summary: You were a big time Hallyu sweetheart. Having garnered the attention of the masses with your debut role as a high school student with the ability to talk to animals, everyone fell in love with your bubbly and quirky personality, including Shinee's maknae, Lee Taemin. And for the most part, Taemin thinks he can stand a chance with you, except--oh no, he thinks you *may* not like younger guys and your new co-star, Park Seo Joon, seems a little too taken with you. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Fluff, pining, typos etc.
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A/N: i hope four years is okay w/u.
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Two more questions.
It was my turn to chose. My co-actor, hair slicked back, snug in a cashmere top, nodded my way. The act was so simple, and yet I could practically hear the swoons of the ladies in the audience. Who could blame them, Park Seo-joon was a dashing and hardworking man.
There were flashes of light from the photographers. I tried not to squint and insyead smile softly in order to look flattering in the photos. I nodded at the man, who stood up and presented his question.
"You've done a handful of notable projects since your debut in 'Sounds of the Animals'. From then to now, what is your secret to being so graciously recieved by the public? And what can we expect in the future?"
I nod upon hearing this and break into a smile. It was so flattering that from all the questions we were asked about this drama at hand, people were interested in my career in particular.
I clear my throat and move closer to the mic, "Uh, firstly, thank you for being interested in me and for saying that I am graciously recieved by the public." 
I break into a chuckle, Seo-joon beside me cracks a smile too. 
"Although, I will admit I don't have a secret," I say in an unsure tone. "Hmmm, I believe I am just really blessed because I am able to do what I love and have people behind me help me and shape me into being the best I can be." I say and turn to the rest of the panel with my other co-stars, writers, and director.
"If anything, the secret is a good team. Having such great people behind us is what really makes a drama, or any project, successful and well-recieved."
I look around the reporters and watch them nod. I end my reply, "As for the future, I can't really say. I hope to keep working hard. But, er, right now, I am hoping and beckoning everyone to watch 'Replay'. We worked very hard on it and it was so much fun and such an honor to work with everyone here. Please watch it diligently and stay tuned til the end."
There was a bustle between the reporters. The flashing camera lights broke out again, and I allowed the man next to you to choose whomever he wanted.
Last question.
Seo-joon points, and the woman wastes no time, "you said a while ago that during the filming of this drama, you two got very close because you would go working out together. Besides this, what else do you two do together outside of work?"
No, there was nothing physical about my role in the drama. I just grew to like working out, and I had to because, well, I needed to keep my physique up, you know.
I turn to the man beside me and he turns to me as well. For a moment we stay quiet, as if doing so would make an answer come out of nowhere.
"Well," he starts looking at me as if the answer was on my cheeks. I hold back a laugh ad shrug, answering for him, "we eat a lot."
The room breaks into laughter.
"He treats the cast and crew to soju from time to time," another of our co-stars point out. "Seo-joon is good at keeping his alcohol."
Seo-joon sudenly remembers something, "Actually, sometimes Shinee's Choi Minho would work out with us." Minho and him were friends because they were in a drama called Hwarang before. (Legit they are, it's really good, you should watch it)
I raise my brows and nod. Seo-joon continues, mentioning my name, "TVXQ's Shim Changmin would sometimes he'd work out too." I was friends Changmin because we worked on a drama together. "And one time, she, myself, Minho, Changmin drank together--"
My eyes suddenly widen, realizing where this is going.
"--and she--" Seo-joon chuckles out.
I but in and punch his shoulder, "ya oppa!"
"--got drunk and started crying."
The room laughs and I feel my face burn. I groan and start hammering Seo-joon's shoulder, but he only bends his neck to the side, pulling away slightly, and laughs. He even continues on mimicking me, apparently.
"Ahoohoohoooo, I'm so happy to be friends with you guys. You are all so great. And so, so handsome."
I jump out of my seat and stand, "YA SHI--" I then clench my teeth and playfully place my hands the man's neck. I laugh, pull away, and sit back down. At this point, the entire room is awake with giggles. Truth be told, I wasn't really embarrassed. I just like making people laugh.
I blow are between my pouted lips and exaggeratedly whine, "Oppa, you are clearly the worst."
The man who was a year older than me basked in satisfaction, "Ye, but you still love me."
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Later that day, you and Seo-joon attended a party celebrating the airing of Replay, hosted by the TV network the drama was being aired on. Many came up to you and congratulated you. Some shook your hand, others asked for a selfie. A smaller portion asked for an autograph, and your relationship status was Seo-joon.
You were in the midst of finishing a conversation with some producers when a hand came to your shoulder, followed by the greetigs of a tall man. He spoke ypur name fondly, and you broke into a pleased smile, "Changmin oppa!"
We share a quick hug and I can't help but flutter at his expression. "Congratulations on your show!" the man in a plaid, grey suit speaks with his hand on my shoulder. He pulls away and continues, "I heard the ratings are expected to go through the roof."
I chuckled and shook my head, "I can only hope so."
"Yaahhhh, you're Hallyu's sweetheart. Don't worry about."
I give a smile at his reassurance and decide to change the topic, "You here alone, oppa, or do you have a hot date?" I wiggle my brows.
Changmin shakes his head and rolls his eyes, "Well, I recall you drunkenly admitting Minho is handsome, so..."
"Ya!" I raise, "I'd admit Minho is handsome regardless of my sobriety."
Changmin snorts, "speaking of."
"Minho-ya!" I coo and welcome the younger man's embrace. I chuckle and cling onto his green sweater when he squeezes tightly and pushes slightly forward. 
"Ya!" Changmin scolds his dongsaeng and I can't stop laughing. "It's as if you haven't seen her in years."
Minho has a mischevious glint in his eyes. "Noona, you're so pretty," he notes, making me chuckle and Changmin snort.
"Thay's the title of his debut song," Changmin mutters to me, making me nod,
"Actually," Minho cocks his head to the side, "its english title is Replay."
My lips form a please o-shape, "Ya, you should perform that for me then!"
"No way," Minho says, "but our maknae might." The man then moves to his side to reveal a lanky man in a loose button down. "Lee Taemin," Minho introduces. The said man chuckles sweetly with his cresent shaped eyes. "Annyeonghaseyo," he greets bowing his head.
I smile back and mimic his actions.
"I've been a big admirer of yours since Sounds of the Animals. I couldn't stop watching it because I just loved the idea of being able to talk to animals."
"Wah, thank you so much," I clap my hands together and bow my head at him.
"That, and I also think noona is super pretty," Taemin says in a gradual chuckle.
The four of us break into a laugh. Changmin and Minho embrace each other in amusement. Minho is losing his mind with his distinctive high-pitched laughter, and Changmin's nose is scrunched up in glee. "Ya, I think we're just gonna get a drink," Minho says, rasing a hand. Changmin pat's Taemin's shoulder and at this point it's so painfully obvious that this was all a setup.
Taemin and I turn to each other. He chuckles to me again, "Minho's really loud."
"I know. It makes working out with him really fun."
We shuffle from where we stand and Taemin moves a bit closer, "Honestly, I don't like working out, but I would if it was with you."
I can't help but laugh and cover my face at his blatant but smooth flirting. I shake my head and feel my face wrap in warmth.
"Don't get me wrong, I don't do it like them. I don't lift heavy weights or anything. I just do what they consider a warm-up you know. The treadmill runs, which I love because I get to listen to a lot of music, and then like stretching, push-ups, sit-ups, nothing that actually requires gym equipment to be honest."
He hums, "my work-out is dance."
"Oh, no, no, I know that. I may have watched a lot of your performances during my breaks."
Taemin's face lights up upon hearing this, "For real?"
"Yeah," I nod, "you are really good at dancing. Honestly good isn't even the word. I'm good at dancing, you're on a whole 'nother level."
He claps his hands, eye crinkling, "Well then noona has to show me her moves!"
"No way, you rascal!" I shake my head profusely.
"Nooo, come on dance with me!"
"And embarrass myself in yet another dance battle with an SM artist? No way! I already did that with Changmin oppa. Besides, I might break a hip! I'm too old to be your dance partner."
Taemin tilts his head to that, and takes the statement as a double meaning. Did you not like younger guys?
I hear someone call my name. I whip my head to the direction of the voice and see that it's Seo-joon, holding two flutes of champagne.
"Oppa," I smile when he comes over. He smiles as well and hands me one of the glasses, "I got you a drink."
I look at it and take it from him with a quick thank you. He smiles down at me and moves some stray strand of hair on the side of my face away. "Joon-hee PD-nim was looking for you a while ago."
"Really? Where is she? What'd she say?"
"You look really sexy in that dress," he says, turning from his glass to me. I snort and feel my cheels burn. "Ya, oppa!" I snarl and hit his shoulder repeatedly.
Seo-joon laughs and gives me an amused side eye.
As he and I share a laugh, and then I notice Taemin's awkward expression and remember he was begging me to dance with him. My laughter faded and I nudged the chuckling Seo-joon, "Ya oppa, this is Shinee's Lee Taemin."
"Ah," Seo-joon nods and turns to the shorter man, "you're the maknae right?"
Taemin turns to him and nods, chuckling, "Ye."
"Sorry, I didn't get you a drink. I didn't know you were here."
"Ah, no, it's okay."
"Do you want mine? I haven't drank from it."
Taemim raises his hands and shakes it, "no, no, no, I'm fine."
Seo-joon purses his lips, nods and turns to me, "I guess I'll drink it then." His lips connect with the rim, and his tongue darts out afterward. A moment passes and there is an awkward silence between us. Both Seo-joon and Taemin turn to me and open their my to speak up.
I look between then and they turn to each other.
Seo-joon motions, "Please, continue."
"No, it's aright you can go first."
"No, but you were talking to her first, before I came here, so you go."
Taemin agrees with his reasoning. "Noona," he calls, "Minho hyung told me that you really like cupcakes."
I hum and nod in agreement.
Taemin smiles brightly like a while ago again, "well I got you one." He chuckles and I knit my brows upon hearing that. I look at him and purse my lips, but when he stick his hand in his pocket and pulls something, I realize what he means.
My jaw drops into a pleased smile and he dangles a small cupcake key chain in front of me. I smile at the sight of it, "Wah, that's for me"
"Yes," he says simply and grabs my free hand suddenly, placing it on my palm. I smile and feel my neck heat up at his action.
Seo-joon takes a sip on hs  drink again and looks between us. He chuckles lowly and turns over his shoulder.
"Thank you so much, Taemin. You didn't have to get me anything though."
"No, I wanted to though, so please use it well."
Seo-joon speaks up, "Ye, well, I just wanted to say that we were invited to dinner next friday. Are you going to attend?"
"Ah," I nod, knowing it was a company gathering, "sure. Are you?"
Seo-joon nods simply. "Well," he gestures his head to the side, "there's someone calling me. I'll see you later."
I nod and Seo-joon places a hand on my shoulder. He then turns Taemin and gives him a polite smile and bow before going off.
Taemin purses his lips and sighs, "Seo-joon-ssi is nice."
I turn to Taemin and nod, "He is. He's a very good co-worker. Very hard working."
Taemin hums, "You seem to like him very much."
I feel the suggestiveness in his statement, but I ignore it and snort, "Well, he's pretty annoying sometimes, but you learn to love him."
"... he seems to very mucn like you too. Like... a woman."
My lips part at his words, and the next thing I know I'm at a loss for words. When I feel my face heat up, I chuckle and turn away, "Aye, it's not like that. We're just realy close because we worked together as lovers. He's really like my older brother though."
Taemin decides to believe it and breaks into a wide grin, "Really. What a relief."
My brows quirk up at that, "Why is that?"
"Because I really wanted to ask you out."
My lips part again, but this time I break into a big smile. I chuckle and take a sip on my drink for the first time. "I like how you're really confident."
Taemin's shoulders shake and she smile, "Does that mean you want to get cupcakes with me sometime?"
"Hmm," my eyes crinkle, "well, if you bought me such a cute keychain of one, then I suppose I wouldn't regret it."
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lychandesu214 · 3 years
Found this chat for you on Tumblr. Are you a Cassiopeia? Let's chat. All about our boys..
To all Cassiopeia out there. No matter what. No haters allowed.
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2612-1802 · 4 years
Secrets (2) - Snowball
“Keeping quiet uh. You’ll pay for this.” ChangMin grumbled to himself as he drove into the highway.
His vision was forward, on the road but his mind? It drifted back to when you two were in the living room. The way you look while you thought of ways to explain, looked to him like you’re weaving lies to cover up your affair with YunHo.
“What’s so good about him. I’m the one who he always leans on. I’m the one who is more capable for taking care of someone.” ChangMin growled in the car. “The longer we hide from him the more it will hurt him? Shouldn’t have asked to go on a date that day?” ChangMin hit his palm on the driving wheel forcefully. “Don’t be a worrywart? It’s nothing? HOW IS IT NOTHING?!” ChangMin rolled his eyes, and randomly took an exit from the highway.
“I’ll make you pay for this.” ChangMin took a sharp turn and drove to a location downtown.
As he drove hastily away, you were panic calling ChangMin but couldn’t never seem to reach him. You were starting to give up till the ringing tone changed. “Argh, he switched off his phone on me?!” You yelled in frustration.
“He’s not answering his phone. He heard us just now. What should I do? I don’t know how to tell him.” You texted YunHo in a hurry, hoping that he can come up with a better solution.
“Tell him the truth.” YunHo texted back almost immediately.
“I don’t know how to. How am I supposed to approach him with this issue?” You thought loudly inside. “ARGH! HOW?!” you shouted in rage and threw your phone on the wall. There goes half a month’s salary.
“Why are they always ruining things? Stupid saesang fans. FANS? They got the guts to call themselves fans? They’re not fans. They’re possessive stalkers.” You rolled your eyes as you grab a bottle from the fridge.
Chugging down a whole bottle of cold water, you felt more refreshed. Cooler than before but still mad. Mad at those annoying stalkers, mad at ChangMin for just leaving, and ultimately, mad at yourself for having no courage to face this issue. All you can think of is to just lay low, avoid public eye and hope that this issue just passes. “What a coward.” You slapped your own forehead and stared at your broken phone.
You went on your laptop and dm-ed YunHo on IG. “YunHo, my phone broke. I’m going out to buy a new one.” You sent the message and was getting ready to leave the house when you heard a “ping” notification. It was YunHo.
“I’ll go with you. It’s not safe to go out by yourself. Will come by and fetch you in 30mins.”
You were typing to reply saying that you don’t want to trouble him, but what for. You know you could never persuade YunHo that you don’t need protection on the streets. Never have you once manage to talk over both of them. “Why do I bother fighting against it.” You mumbled as you deleted your unsend message and just sent “Okay, thanks YunHo.”
This Friday night was more crowded than you expected. Even after picking a remote outlet, human traffic was packing like sardines in a can. “What about this model? It’s nice. And has a good colour.” YunHo suggested as he rotate the back of the phone around, showing the rainbow reflective colour.
“I just wish that the cost will be nice to my wallet.” You joked around the huge price point. $1500 for a new phone was exorbitant.
“I’ll get it for you if you like it.” YunHo tilted his head to the side, meeting your gaze.
“I’m a working adult now, Yunho. I’m not a student anymore. I just find that $1500 is too expensive for a phone.” You pouted, re-thinking about your actual needs for a phone. Do you really need such an expensive phone? But you do deserve one, after working so diligently for months without going shopping. But you broke it in the first place which is why you needed to get a new one. Do you really deserve it?
“We’ll get this one.” YunHo pointed the phone model to the salesperson.
You goggled in shock. “I haven’t decided yet!” You whispered loudly to YunHo, tucking his sleeve.
“I’ll get it for you. It’s just a phone. Don’t worry about it. I suggest you get a new number too. Helps keep the saesangs further away.” YunHo winked at you funny and you laughed out of amusement.
“I’ll buy you supper then!” You smiled sillily. “How about you cook supper for me? Been sometime since I had a home-cooked meal!” YunHo poked you with his elbow and you guys were fight playing in the store while waiting to get a new phone. About 40mins later, you guys left the store with your new phone.
“Yeahh new phone!” You cheered and waved the phone around.
“It’s really pretty.” YunHo smiled, opening the car door for you.
“I have to stop buy the supermarket. There’s no food in the fridge anymore.” You frowned, making up a mental list of groceries before reaching the mart.
“Just how much can you two eat to empty the whole fridge every week?” YunHo teased as he drove off to the supermarket you and ChangMin always frequent.
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Understanding Friend
Sometimes you felt like you didn’t have any friends, sometimes you felt like the ones you did have were ignoring you constantly or making fun of you behind your back. You heard them say things when they were behind or in front of you, yet when you confronted them about what they said or played dumb and tried asking them what they said they pretended they had no idea what you were talking about. It was really stressing you out, especially since you were getting the same treatment from your co-workers. Your one good friend, who knew more about you than you knew about yourself because you had told him so many of your problems and ranted and vented to him so often, suggested you come over to his place and talk about it over junk food, chicken and soda. You let him plan everything for your meetup, and you just showed up.
Trying not to cry from the stress on the way over was hard enough, trying to keep everything in when you got to his house and he basically yanked the door open to pull you inside and start the Tea Party proved more difficult . He was smiling so wide and while you were happy to see him, you really didn’t want to burden him with this particular work problem. There was really nothing you or anyone else could do about it, but he still insisted you rant to him and spill All The Tea.
 “What’s going on at work now, sweetie?” He asked you, handing you a hot beverage.
You just looked down because you felt like you were dragging him down with all your problems that he had been listening to and helping you with over the last few years. You didn’t want to keep going to him like you would for a therapist, but he didn’t charge you, make you feel uncomfortable or ignore your feelings. He listened very well to everything, and tried to help you think up ways to either rid yourself of the problem or make it more tolerable.
 “You’d better spill all the details before I force it out of you. No talking no eating. And I am serious this time.”
Your head shot up. You were upset and he was really going to use food as leverage to get you to talk about your work issues? 
 “It’s not really that big of a deal, it’s just the same stupid people doing the same rude, mean things. I can try talking to the owner about it the next time I see her, or just pray that they learn to leave me alone.”
 “Or get sent back to their own country. They’re going to harass the nicest, sweetest person I know and get away with it all the time? That’s not only rude and uncalled for, but something needs to be done to get rid of them.”
“Min, no. That will only cause more problems for me. I don’t want you getting involved in these crappy worker shenanigans.”
 “What if I want to? What if I want to get myself involved to help you. Apparently nobody else is nice enough. I’ve had the same job for 17 years, starting when I was 15, and everyone who has ever tried to hurt me or break me down in any way got what was coming to them, I made absolutely sure of that. I’d do the same for any of my friends in tough situations. They can’t touch me, so it’s fine.”
 “No, because if they find out you’re connected to me I’ll get booted. They already don’t like me, I don’t need to make things easier for them to fire me.”
He looked at you, then apologized. “I’m sorry. I guess I was just so ready to go rip them all a new one, that I wasn’t thinking about how that would effect your employment. Actually working is a new concept to me because I haven’t done it. I mean I have but it’s obviously very different from what you have to deal with.”
You looked around but didn’t see any food. “Where’s the food? I talked to you about the problem, and I’ve been hungry for a little while now.”
He smiled again, a slightly evil-looking smile. Well, he wasn’t referred to as the Evil Maknae of his group for nothing.
 “I said you got food if you spilled everything. You didn’t.”
UGH. You were hungry, and you really didn’t want to talk about anything until you had something to eat.
 “Please, can I just have something? I don’t feel like talking about anything until I eat a little. Ranting about work burns calories.”
He gave in after you used Puppy Eyes on him. That always worked before and you were glad to see it still had some effect on him. So he went to where he had stashed the food, and you followed him to see what kind of stuff he had gotten for the two of you to eat while talking. You hoped it would be an exciting talk. You were sure he was stressed to. I mean, as an idol who has been in the industry as long as he has, under one of the Big 3, for 17 years? There had to be loads of Tea to spill. You didn’t really care what, as long as it wasn’t just you doing the talking.
After you had secured yourself an entire container of The Good Chicken and a whole box of pizza, you set everything down in front of you and waited for Changmin to get his food and sit back down. As soon as he was sitting you asked him where he wanted you to start.
 “Anywhere, really. Or start with what’s bothering you the most.”
 “I don’t think you want to hear THAT.”
He stared at you, waiting for you to continue. 
“Fine, I’ll start with that. So there are these employees that refuse to call me by my name. They’ve started calling me these really rude slang terms that refer to my skin tone and I hate it. I tell them to stop and they just won’t listen. I’ve told one of the supervisors and he went to talk to one of them, then came back to tell me they wouldn’t be calling me this one name anymore. I should have told him the name they were calling me, because they sure as hell aren’t calling me sweetie. Like, I know I’m not beautifully tanned, but you don’t need to make fun of me for it. I have a name, please use it instead of your stupid, rude-ass slang.”
You took a drink of your soda while Changmin just sat there, waiting. ‘He’s too nice,’ you thought. ‘If he tried to get into my job, he’d probably get decked.’
 “I know that look.” Changmin glared at you a bit, seemingly reading your thoughts.
 “Oh yeah? What was I thinking??”
 “You were thinking that if I went to your place of employment they would deck me.” You stared back at him in shock. ‘Damn, he’s good.’
 “Yeah, I know. Now, do you want some advice for this ongoing problem?”
You only nodded, having stuffed your face with a combination of fried chicken and BBQ chicken pizza.
He took a drink from his 2-liter bottle of soda before clearing his throat. “If you really want them to leave you alone, try being nice to them. If-”
 “I already tried that it didn’t work.”
 “You didn’t let me finish, it’s a list. If you’re nice to them and they keep it up, ignore them and try to concentrate on your job. If that doesn’t work I would try to talk to the owner about it, and don’t leave anything out. Make a list if you have to. If that doesn’t work report them for verbal harrassment. If none of that works, call me and I’ll bring the gasoline.”
 “SHIM CHANGMIN! No! I’ll definitely get fired for that.”
 “Well, damn. That was my last idea.” He shrugged and drank from his bottle again. His answers didn’t satisfy you, so when you were sure he wouldn’t be paying attention, you reached over and tipped his drink up a little more.
 “Marlene!” He got up in an attempt to chase you but before he got any further you sat on him. Not in a bad way, just to keep him from tackling you. 
Which he did anyway. Then the tackling turned into a tickle-fest. After like 5 minutes of him endlessly tickling you, you had to get up.
 “Changmin stop. I need to get up.”
 “No you don’t.”
"Mr. Shim Changmin. Unless you want me to make a huge mess all over your apartment, I suggest you let me get up before I hurl.”
 That scared him. Who wants someone else pumping chunks in their home? Certainly not him. So he let you get up, only for you to tackle him. 
 “Hey!!” He pouted.
 “Oh, stop pouting. You’re a grown ass man, not a baby.”
 “I’m Yunho’s baby.”
Not this again. To try and change the subject, you asked him if he was really all out of ideas as far as your work problem was concerned.
 “Unless you want me to try scaring them back over the border, nope. I got nothing.”
You sighed. There went that.
 “Or you could wear a wire into the building and whenever one of them bothers you I could jump them when they leave to use the bathroom.”
Now that was funny, but you didn’t think that would work either. You would just have to come up with something another time. You suddenly remembered that before all this you were going to ask him how he had been doing with the promotions for his first album.
 “Hey, Shimmy?”
 “I told you not to call me that! (angry face Changmin). What?”
"You had a solo album come out a couple weeks ago, how are the promotions doing?”
 “They’re fine. A little tiring but it’s something new. That normally happens with new experiences though, right?”
Why was he asking you?
 “Because I want to.”
 “Aish, stop doing that. It’s creepy!”
 “How about you try what we talked about and then we can meet up again in the middle of the week and see if we can think up anything else. Although I’m always down for a little Cross Country.”
 “Changmin, no! You can’t chase my co-workers back over the border! I already said I’d get fired.”
He looked disappointed. “Oh, you’re no fun.”
You retaliated at that comment. “I am too fun. I eat steak with chocolate sauce on it, put salsa on my scrambled eggs, and eat ice cream with a fork. Sometimes without pants.”
 “Oh my god! What kind of animal are you?!?”
He was joking and you knew this, so you punched his arm before going to get more food.
 “AAAAGHGH! You hurt me.”
 “No I didn’t. Don’t worry, you won’t feel anything in a few minutes. And I made sure your stylist won’t have to cover a bruise.”
 “Yeah. I won’t feel anything, cause I’ll be dead.”
You ignored him, shoving the last of the garlic bread in your mouth. At least this talk didn’t end in a crying fest. Hopefully work went smoother next time, and if you had to tell them off again, you would. Heck, maybe you’d even let Changmin chase that crazy sarcastic one if she got too mouthy with you. You can’t really start shoving other employees into the creek out back, so you have to think creatively.
I know your birthday is over @emeraldbabygirl, but I’m going to see if I can keep this up for the whole month. So this is for today- Day 11.
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aktf5stars · 4 years
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I found this JaeMin fanfic I wrote on my old laptop. It has inspired me to write again.
A pursuing singer and a pursuing model. Seems like two roommates with similar dreams would get along. But for Kim Jaejoong and Shim Changmin that was not that case. The only reason they still lived together is both were too stubborn and wanted the convenient apartment that was hard to come by, to begin with. Or that is what Changmin keeps telling himself anyway.
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jaroslavlewis · 5 years
LIFE UPDATE: I Need Some Time Off
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Okay. So I know a lot of you are waiting for an update on TSOY and I told you guys that I’ll try to post it as soon as I finish my second script. Anyway, I finished my script and I honestly was planning to work on my updates...
But shit happened. IDK If y’all know but I’m a big fan of the Kpop group, “TVXQ” I post about them a lot too here on my blog. I’ve even made a post that I’m gonna see them after 9 years of waiting...
Anyway. About 2 weeks ago, while I was dedicating most of my time to writing our script, I sneaked a couple of hours to get a ticket to TVXQ’s concert. I had no sleep and I rushed to the mall early to get my tickets. Days later I met with a seller to buy the lightstick. I did this while I was beating deadlines. I was so excited about it. I had something to look forward to. The money I used to buy the VIP ticket came from my first script fee. It was gonna be fucking memorable, I said to myself.
At first, I didn’t even want to purchase a VIP ticket. I opted for the less-expensive one. An Upperbox one but I went to get an upgrade.
It was a rare moment for me. It was a spur of the moment splurge. The rare time I did something reckless for myself. I told myself that it was gonna be pricelss, gonna be one heck of a moment. It was the biggest splurge, biggest reward I wanted to give myself for my hard work, for writing, for doing my best in everything that I did, for waiting 9 years for TVXQ.
And then something unfortunate happened. The organizer announced today that they were, “indefinitely postponing” TVXQ’s concert due to “technical difficulties” anyway, to put it simply... That is a code/sugar coat for, ‘’cancelling an event because it didn’t sell much”.  
TVXQ is big in Japan and in other countries but here in our country it isn’t as well known as other Kpop groups. So the event didn’t sellf much tickets and since everything in the world now is about business, the organizer decided to “indefinitely postpone”
I was counting the days, so excited and hopeful to see them. I had something to look forward to and now, it’s fucking gone.
And I’m nothing but heart-broken, emotionally scarred. No amount of apology or compensation is gonna make up for it. IDK how much time I need to heal. But I’m so fucking sad. I dont know how I would function at work, let alone go back to writing fics. I’ll still do my best to try. But IDK what to do right now. I’ve been crying for hours.
I’m trying to make myself happy at least I’m gonna get my money back and have savings, but tbh... I don’t want my money back. I just want to see Yunho and Changmin perform.
I’m so sorry for being like this. I know there are people dying, much more bigger problems. Heck @icedcoffeeanyone has  WAYYYY bigger problems than I do... (BTW Please show her support and send money to her ko-fi account!)
But this is just how I feel. And I want to give you guys good fics to read. Not just half-assed ones. I’m really sorry and I’ll try to comeback as soon as I can...
But for now, please give me some time for myself. Give me time to cry and heal. IDK when I’ll be okay but I assure you that I’ll do my best to get back at my feet.
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dragosfiction · 5 years
I wrote a thing. If you enjoyed it, or any of my stories, you can show your appreciation by supporting me here. Or by dropping a comment ❤
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foxwitch-heemi · 6 years
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Not Funny
~Everything is not what it seems
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xjijix · 7 years
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Somebody asked me if I knew you A million memories flashed through my mind but I just smiled and said: "I used to."
gifs ©jiji
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“Y/N!” Changmin called out as he entered your apartment. He had been away doing military service for a while. Both of you would write one another but it made you miss him more.
You didn’t answer because you were fast asleep at your desk. You had been studying nonstop and when you weren’t studying you were working.
“Jagiya you home?” Changmin took off his shoes and peeked into the living room to find you sleeping at your desk. He shook his smiling and walked over to you.
“Baby.” He laid his hand lightly in the small of your back. “Hmm..” you opened your eyes and went into shock because someone was in your house.
You jerked really hard and landed on top of your desk. “Oh my god!” you turned and looked at him with wide eyes. Tears started to pool your eyes as you touched your boyfriend to make sure it was really him.
“Yes it’s really me, are you going to hug me or do I have to come to you?” Changmin looked at you with tears threatening his eyes as well. He hadn’t seen you in 2 years and you looked different.
He marveled you like he was meeting you for the first time. Your hair had grown down to your back and you started wearing less makeup, he always use to complain how you wore too much.
“Y/N you look…” he trailed off as his voice cracked.
His words seemed to be nonexistent the more he stared at you. You looked up at him with your eyes glistening from tears forming. He suddenly just took a step closer without breaking eye contact with you. He bent down and finally kissed you.
The kiss was needy and desperate but it felt different in a good way. You two hadn’t seen each other in a while but as soon as he touched you it’s like he never left. Kissing him was foreign yet it felt like home.
Your lips moved in perfect sync as his oversized hands lay gently on either side of your cheek, while your hands rested on his sides. Tears were rolling down your cheeks as the kiss continued.
Changmin pulled away slowly with his eyes still closed. You opened yours to discover your boyfriend had been crying as well.
“Beautiful.” He spoke in a soft tone. “Hm?” You cocked your head. “That’s what I was trying to say before we kissed, but it’s like I forgot how to Korean.” He scratched his head and smiling. “I have forgotten how to English since I’ve been here, so it’s okay.” You giggled wrapping your arms around him looking up into his eyes.
Changmin leaned once more and pecked your lips repeatedly causing you to laugh. “You don’t know how much I’ve been missing you and how long I’ve waited to kiss you, I am finally back home.”
I had honestly been waiting to post this until he came back from military service which btw is on my bday (18th). This man is my ultimate ULTIMATE bias. Can’t wait to see what he has in store for us, also can’t want to be snatched bald as well. 😂
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The Art Of Deception
TVXQ Shim Changmin (MAX) x Reader (Secret Agenty/Spy AU) Characters: TVXQ Summary: You were both the top spies in your agency on a mission to retrieve some stolen artifacts. But because had Changmin recently came to terms with the fact he was badly crushing on you, things got a little... difficult. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: violence, cussing, theft, verbal degradation, jealousy, etc.
A/N: LISTEN TO JUST MY TYPE BY THE VAMPS but only if you want to, because it was what inspired this.
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I smiled and handed the invitation to the guard, who quickly examined the piece of paper and proceeded to let us in. Changmin clenched his jaw tightly when I squeezed the man’s shoulder.
“Was that necessary?“ Changmin mumbled, pressing his lips against my ear.
The smile I had for the man at the entrance dropped when I turned to the man I had my arms linked with.
More than meets the eye, To tell the truth would be a lie, I saw her out on Friday night...
“Yes, I’m trying to play dumb.”
He nearly growled, “You don’t have to when we’re already married.”
I rolled my eyes. “Sure, because only an idiot would marry you.” I spoke adjusting the thin straps of my deep plunging dress. “Besides, I’m a gold digger whose brain mass went to her breasts, stop blowing my cover.”
As we were about to cut into the crowd, it was apparent that a lot of eyes were falling on us, which was probably why Changmin spun in front of me and took either of my shoulders. “Wouldn’t your equally dumb husband at least try to prevent you from flashing?“
“Not when he’s too sleazy to stay faithful.” I bit back, opting to push past him at this point.
Changmin placed his hands on his hips then huffed.
I made my way to the living room where a plethora of stolen marble Grecian statues were sprawled all around. It took quite a lot of restraint for me to appear absolutely unfazed by the skill the maestros had on their medium. But I played bimbo as much as I could.
I pulled the front of my skirt up so I could walk better and streaked across the room, only to have my arm be pulled back. I was about to give Changmin a piece of my mind, up until I turned around and saw that it was an entirely different man who looked of Chinese descent. “Are you alone tonight?” he spoke with an apparently thick Chinese accent, and judging by the way he rolled his tongue, he was a native Cantonese speaker.
“For you,” I spoke in his mother tongue, “I am.” 
She’s balling for a guy, That cigarette it needs a light, Pluck up the courage and invite her nowhere good...
Changmin held himself back for a second, one second and already a man was all over her. He was ready to scare him off, up until he noticed the guy that went up to her was was on number 3 on their Top 10 Most Wanted List.
One second, and she already attracted a terrorist, rapist, pedophile, smuggler, thief, with a bounty on his head for 4.5 million on the black market. Lucky.
She ran her hands up his arm and rubbed his shoulder, chucking at the feel. Changmin almost scoffed. It was only until she motioned with her hand that he went. She shot Changmin a quick look and rubbed her lower lip with her diamond embellished ring finger, a sign for Changmin to go off and finish their mission while she dealt with the criminal.
I lead the man to the bar and sat him down and called for the bartender to get us both some whiskey on the rocks. We continued our conversation in Cantonese.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you here before,” he drawled with a lopsided smirk.
I playfully rolled my eyes, “My husband never lets me out.”
“With good reason,” he muttered, leaning in close, “if you were up, I’d chain you to my bed and throw away the key.”
I gulped and heaved, leaning in as well, “Would you spank me and pull my hair too?”
The bartender arrived placing the two drinks before us, completely being disregarded by the man in front of me. Big mistake.
I went in and kissed him, sloppily enough that he’ll believe I was actually into it, but clean enough to keep up the facade that I want to keep my makeup intact projected.
Cause I need this more than just a one night stand...
Changmin at this point had knocked out two guards, plus another that happened to walk in on the scene and opened the entrance to the artifact room in this place.
Piece after piece of stolen paintings, armor, weapons, clothing, and jewels. And as much as he’d like to steal them back and bring them to the rightful places in society, he didn’t have time and would easily get caught trying to haul a cape and crown from the Victorian era.
And he wasn’t here for carbon, he was here for collagen, mammoth bones.
Apparently their company SM owed a local science research lab a favor and they did get their hands on mammoth samples, but their truck got raided and now they want them back. Luckily for them, there are serial numbers and GPS’s on everything today so it wasn’t really hard to do, especially not for Changmin and his partner.
Changmin found what he needed in a box that was used for a stand of a Persian scimitar sword. After putting the weapon down and getting the two mammoth tusks, he set everything back and hid the bones in his coat. He doesn’t really need to, and it wont really help, but it’s second nature to him.
And so on his way out though he killed the cameras for approximately ten minutes, which ended a few moments after he made his way to the blind spot, he went into the bathroom nonchalantly and there he met his carrier Yunho who was washing his hands.
“Took you long enough,”  the other agent spoke, shaking hands and drying it with a tissue. He then got the brown pouch bag he brought with him, and Changmin moved to place the artifacts inside.
Changmin gave a nod and went to wash his hands.
“I don’t understand how you can stand her kissing someone else, much less a wanted criminal,” Yunho blurted out, making the younger agent tense up. With one look from the reflection of the mirror, Yunho understood that Changmin did not know that this was going on, which explained his next choice of words. “They were at the bar, but they may have moved--”
Changmin stormed out, needing not hear more.
Need that honey when she hold my hand...
After kissing the pig, he and I shared a drink. Thinking it would show his prowess, the felon downed the entire thing and gave me a sharp look. I smirked at him and grabbed him by the collar, “Let’s move this somewhere more private.” I hummed near his lips, smelling the distinct aroma of the drug I put in his breath.
It would only take ten minutes at this point.
He heaved like a rabid dog and I quickly got to my feet, getting him up and out of the room, into a deep hallway filled with both imitations and real paintings made in the Rococo era.
As we made it by the end of the hallway, I heard the man growl from behind me and felt that he was about to move in. I quickly sidestepped away and made him crash into the wall. It was then I placed my hands on his hip and started feeling him upwards to see if he had any weapons hidden in his suit.
The man was foolishly unarmed.
He smirked, “Such a dirty girl,” he grabbed my hair and pulled my head to the side, exposing my neck to him, making me grunt at the action. “What would your husband think if he learned that I touched his slutty little wife?”
I looked at him for a moment, seeing that his eyes where drooping and his breathing was getting heavier. It was only a matter of time before he passed out. I smirked, “He would--” “fucking beat the shit out of the moron that tried to touch her!” a deep voice growled and echoed in the expanse, and the next thing I knew, I was pushed roughly aside and the man who had his hands on me was slung across the room with much force. 
I huffed in frustration and ran my hands through my hair.
“MAX!” I called, using the alias he had for this mission in case the man would remember anything, and charged to the two who had escalated into a fist fight. I pulled my skirt up and went behind Changmin, trying to tell him to stop. Underline, trying.
“Max, he’s drunk! Stop!” I called, grabbing his arm, squeezing it.
He wiped my hand away and grabbed the man he had punched a couple of times by the collar. At this point, he lost all consciousness and dripped between the man’s fingers.
I huffed and whisper-yelled to my partner, “I fucking boozed him, moron.”
Changmin at this point, pushed him against the wall, sitting him up before turning to me.
I slapped him, hard. “You imbecile! Why don’t you ever listen to me?! I could’ve-” but the suddenness of his lips on my mouth, shut me up before I could continue. His arms were tightly around me, his chest was firmly pressed against mine, and before I could push him off, he broke away, looking at me with a swollen lip I didn’t realize he had and turned over his shoulder.
“YA! CAN’T A MAN HAVE A FEW MINUTES ALONE WITH HIS WIFE?!” he screamed out what seemed to be all his three young men who appeared to have some drugs with them. With red faces, they scrambled away.
Times like this, they call for true romance...
Changmin pulled way from her and snorted loudly, pulling out his phone.
���Yunho, we caught him. Did you leave yet? Good. We’re coming to you right now.”
After ending the call, he turned to her with knit brows, “Why do you keep doing this to me?”
“Doing what?“
“Drive me insane!” Changmin shouted. “I’m in love with you! You know that... and yet you still--” “I still what?” I yelled back, “I still do what I have to do to get people like him into custody. Then yes! I drive you insane by doing my job.”
“It’s not that you do your job!” he spat, grabbing either of my shoulders. “It’s that you pretend not to see my feelings when you know it’s right there in front of your face!”
But she’s not ready for that.
My breath hitched at his bluntness. I knew that I was doing this. He knew that I knew I was doing this. But hearing him say it like this upfront... made my chest clench.
I was struck speechless for a moment, but when I finally found something to say, Changmin turned away and nodded his head in disapproval, “You know what, forget it. Let’s just get this guy out of here.”
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ebonynemesis · 5 years
holy shit he actually did it
‘Saranghae’ - Shim Changmin to Jung Yunho @ Fanmeet 20191228
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just like in my fanfic T^T
Changmin leans forward and whispers three words that Yunho thought never needed to be spoken between the two of them. 
- Digital Stockholm Chapter 8
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2612-1802 · 5 years
Busy (2)
Request: Can you please write a scenario with changmin where they are together but he has a female friend that is into him and hates the oc. The female friend tricks him and makes him believe that oc is cheating on him.
[I’ll just continue my story arc from ‘Busy’, since it is similar with my story that I was too busy to continue ><]
‘Perhaps I SHOULD.’ You glared into his eyes, walking towards him and heard him let out a soft ‘what?’
‘Yeah. I should really consider that shouldn’t I?’ you laughed at his face and pushed him out, locking the door, still mad at his cheating accusation. ‘I hate you.’ You whispered loudly at the door and dumped yourself on the bed.
The next morning came too quickly and you rushed into your morning routine, messing up your room, especially your dressing table. ‘I’m not going to clean that up.’ That annoying voice pops out of nowhere and you shot him a dirty look. ‘I DO NOT NEED YOUR HELP.’ You snapped at him, took your bag and deliberately bumped him in the shoulder as you leave the house. ‘Annoying.’ You whispered under your breath, running down the stairs to catch the bus.
‘You could have asked me to send you.’ Changmin muttered to himself, watching you chase after the public bus from the window. His anger was diverted by a call, a call from Chaerin. ‘What’s up oppa? Do you want to hangout today? I’ve got nothing to do all day.’  ‘Today?’ Changmin replied. He was thinking of making up to you after that squabble last night. ‘Yeah today. Are you free?’ ‘She’ll only end school at 5. Or 8, if she’s with him.’ Changmin thought to himself, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. ‘Alright, but I have something on in the evening, so maybe just breakfast and lunch?’ He replied, thinking of what to cook for dinner for the both of you. ‘Okay, see you later oppa!’
‘She better be back for dinner tonight or I’m cooking her for supper.’ Changmin growled as he got ready to meet Chaerin.
‘I’m downstairs now. Come down!’ Chaerin’s phone buzzed as the message notification shows.
‘I’m making us dinner tonight, you better be back at 8 or I’m really going to get angry.’ Changmin texted you as he waits in the car from Chaerin to arrive. ‘Oppa!’ Chaerin greeted Changmin as she get on the car, her eyes scanning him greedily.
‘So where do you want to go first?’ Changmin started the car and drove off to the main road. ‘Breakfast first? You decide where oppa!’ Chaerin replied
Breakfast was brisk, then they headed to the arcade till lunch and send her home before going grocery shopping for dinner. While looking around in the supermarket, he can’t help but think of the words Chaerin told him over lunch.
‘Well, if you really mean so much to her, she’ll have introduced you to the guy and let her know she has a boyfriend like you. I mean if YOU were MY boyfriend oppa, I’ll let those closest to me know. At the very least. I mean if she’s with him all the time then HE IS DEFINITELY close with her. I told you the first time I met her; I didn’t like her. She doesn’t seem like a loyal type of girl at all. This just proves my initial point. She is always hanging out with this guy, during and after school like as if HE’S HER BOYFRIEND. And she even has those thoughts of having him as her boyfriend oppa! Why would one have such a thought when she has A BOYFRIEND ALREADY? And a boyfriend LIKE YOU? Oppa, I’m telling you. With my lady intuition, she is definitely CHEATING on you. There is no doubt on this. Because if I had a boyfriend LIKE YOU, I wouldn’t even hang out with other guys. I can do my school work at home, why would I ALWAYS have to do it in school? Unless it is to hangout with other guys. This girl is just not worth it. Don’t waste your time on her, there’s so many girls in the world. Look in front of you, I’m a girl too. HAHAH.’
‘Exactly. Why does she HAVE to do her project in school?’ Changmin’s blood boiled as he thought over and over what Chaerin mentioned. ‘And he’s good looking too.’ He cusses repeatedly in his head, packing the load onto the car boot.
‘So you’ll help me?’ you singed into your phone while typing the remains of your research report in your room. Deadlines were nearing and you barely had time to spare. But because of the impromptu dinner threat tonight, you had to ditch Hyun for a night to finish the lab report himself.
‘Of course, why not? You’re the only one who is nice to me here.’ his sweet voice resonates around your room from your speakerphone. ‘Alright, Hyunnie, I’m really counting on you!’ a silly grin drew on your face as you peer out the panorama window beside your study table, looking for Changmin’s car.
‘Hyun NIE?’ Changmin let out an unpleasant comment. It clearly got on his nerves.
‘I’ll call you back later Hyun.’ You hung up the phone, awaiting what’s to come.
‘I didn’t see your grey car drive in oppa.’ You tried changing the subject, but from his burning gaze, you knew you failed to.
‘Of course you didn’t.’ He sneered as he sat on the bed. ‘I changed it last week.’ Changmin looked down at his feet in disbelief. ‘You didn’t even realize that when I went to fetch you yesterday?’ You could see the disappointment in his eyes.
‘Oppa, I’m just –‘
‘Busy with schoolwork.’ Changmin finished your sentence. ‘Busy hanging out with other guys in school. Busy doing work with other guys. Busy cheating, am I right?’
‘Don’t push it.’ You clenched your jaw forcefully.  
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sanasensei · 6 years
Sana-sensei, if it's not too much to ask, may I know what's your favorites Yunho and Changmin fanfictions? Would be great if you can share the link too :D Thank youuuu~~~
ohhh sure! Although it’s been a long time since I’ve read homin in general, I’ll try my best to remember the ones I loved!
Fic Recs: (warning: i love smut and kinks, so just heed the warnings)
“Dawn Bird’s Song” - https://archiveofourown.org/works/315958
“Like Pearls Under His Gaze” - https://archiveofourown.org/works/307933
“Executive Toy” - https://archiveofourown.org/works/385336
“Breaking The Frame” - https://archiveofourown.org/works/390184
“Wolfsbane” - https://archiveofourown.org/works/345749
“Break Me Down” - https://archiveofourown.org/works/339762
“Sparks” - https://equiilibrium.livejournal.com/47018.html
“Baby, it’s cold outside” - https://equiilibrium.livejournal.com/46077.html
“Hazing” - https://equiilibrium.livejournal.com/43988.html
“Stuck” - https://equiilibrium.livejournal.com/42704.html
If you notice, those all MinHo dynamic bc it’s my fav. I have an additional rec list I made a long time ago for MinHo here: http://shim-jung-love.tumblr.com/post/13265553353/can-you-please-recomend-some-homin-fanfic-with-uke
And just in case you also like the HoMin dynamic, I also made this list: http://shim-jung-love.tumblr.com/post/13911447432/hi-i-just-love-homin-and-your-blog-is-fantastic
Happy Reading! :D
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ondebulat · 7 years
Shim Changmin, the national swimming athletes has to face the fact that he might not being able to go back into the water due to his injury. And it makes Jung Yunho (his team mates) has to cover up the championship that might endanger Changmin's life. This makes Jung Sarang (Yunho's little sister) build up her courage and dismissed her trauma over water to help Changmin cope with his injury.
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