#park seojoon fanfic
usmiletk · 2 years
Kim Taehyung, Choi Woo-shik and Park Seo-joon from Wooga Squad
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ellyfc · 8 months
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Esses 4. Queremos só embalados num presente e entregues por express na nossa casa. 😌🫰🏽🤌🏽
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jemshopes · 2 years
Hiiii 😳 What was your first BTS ship?
HELLO uuuhhm, that’s sort of hard to answer because i think the first time i really started thinking about shipping was when i started writing gay fanfics (i may or may not have written little y/n one-shots before that--i was 15-16 years old, dont judge me). the first few gay fanfics i wrote were actually multi-ship fics where i paired all the members up with each other (well apart from whoever was the spare member, they got an oc to date lol--in one fic tae got a demon who looked like park seojoon. again, i was 15-16 years old, dont judge me).  i had about three fics before i realised huh, maybe i can just write one ship per fic. the first fic was namjin, jikook, and sope. the second was namjin, sope, and taekook. and the third was yoonmin, taekook, and namjin (hobi was straight in that fic and dated a girl--dark times). so i guess i just kinda shipped everyone really. although, now that i’m looking at it, it seems like i thought namjin were the only ones for each other. 
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Noona, You're So Pretty
SHINee + TVXQ! Lee Taemin x Actress!Reader Characters: Park Seo Joon, Choi Minho, Shim Changmin (MAX), Lee Taemin Summary: You were a big time Hallyu sweetheart. Having garnered the attention of the masses with your debut role as a high school student with the ability to talk to animals, everyone fell in love with your bubbly and quirky personality, including Shinee's maknae, Lee Taemin. And for the most part, Taemin thinks he can stand a chance with you, except--oh no, he thinks you *may* not like younger guys and your new co-star, Park Seo Joon, seems a little too taken with you. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Fluff, pining, typos etc.
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A/N: i hope four years is okay w/u.
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Two more questions.
It was my turn to chose. My co-actor, hair slicked back, snug in a cashmere top, nodded my way. The act was so simple, and yet I could practically hear the swoons of the ladies in the audience. Who could blame them, Park Seo-joon was a dashing and hardworking man.
There were flashes of light from the photographers. I tried not to squint and insyead smile softly in order to look flattering in the photos. I nodded at the man, who stood up and presented his question.
"You've done a handful of notable projects since your debut in 'Sounds of the Animals'. From then to now, what is your secret to being so graciously recieved by the public? And what can we expect in the future?"
I nod upon hearing this and break into a smile. It was so flattering that from all the questions we were asked about this drama at hand, people were interested in my career in particular.
I clear my throat and move closer to the mic, "Uh, firstly, thank you for being interested in me and for saying that I am graciously recieved by the public." 
I break into a chuckle, Seo-joon beside me cracks a smile too. 
"Although, I will admit I don't have a secret," I say in an unsure tone. "Hmmm, I believe I am just really blessed because I am able to do what I love and have people behind me help me and shape me into being the best I can be." I say and turn to the rest of the panel with my other co-stars, writers, and director.
"If anything, the secret is a good team. Having such great people behind us is what really makes a drama, or any project, successful and well-recieved."
I look around the reporters and watch them nod. I end my reply, "As for the future, I can't really say. I hope to keep working hard. But, er, right now, I am hoping and beckoning everyone to watch 'Replay'. We worked very hard on it and it was so much fun and such an honor to work with everyone here. Please watch it diligently and stay tuned til the end."
There was a bustle between the reporters. The flashing camera lights broke out again, and I allowed the man next to you to choose whomever he wanted.
Last question.
Seo-joon points, and the woman wastes no time, "you said a while ago that during the filming of this drama, you two got very close because you would go working out together. Besides this, what else do you two do together outside of work?"
No, there was nothing physical about my role in the drama. I just grew to like working out, and I had to because, well, I needed to keep my physique up, you know.
I turn to the man beside me and he turns to me as well. For a moment we stay quiet, as if doing so would make an answer come out of nowhere.
"Well," he starts looking at me as if the answer was on my cheeks. I hold back a laugh ad shrug, answering for him, "we eat a lot."
The room breaks into laughter.
"He treats the cast and crew to soju from time to time," another of our co-stars point out. "Seo-joon is good at keeping his alcohol."
Seo-joon sudenly remembers something, "Actually, sometimes Shinee's Choi Minho would work out with us." Minho and him were friends because they were in a drama called Hwarang before. (Legit they are, it's really good, you should watch it)
I raise my brows and nod. Seo-joon continues, mentioning my name, "TVXQ's Shim Changmin would sometimes he'd work out too." I was friends Changmin because we worked on a drama together. "And one time, she, myself, Minho, Changmin drank together--"
My eyes suddenly widen, realizing where this is going.
"--and she--" Seo-joon chuckles out.
I but in and punch his shoulder, "ya oppa!"
"--got drunk and started crying."
The room laughs and I feel my face burn. I groan and start hammering Seo-joon's shoulder, but he only bends his neck to the side, pulling away slightly, and laughs. He even continues on mimicking me, apparently.
"Ahoohoohoooo, I'm so happy to be friends with you guys. You are all so great. And so, so handsome."
I jump out of my seat and stand, "YA SHI--" I then clench my teeth and playfully place my hands the man's neck. I laugh, pull away, and sit back down. At this point, the entire room is awake with giggles. Truth be told, I wasn't really embarrassed. I just like making people laugh.
I blow are between my pouted lips and exaggeratedly whine, "Oppa, you are clearly the worst."
The man who was a year older than me basked in satisfaction, "Ye, but you still love me."
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Later that day, you and Seo-joon attended a party celebrating the airing of Replay, hosted by the TV network the drama was being aired on. Many came up to you and congratulated you. Some shook your hand, others asked for a selfie. A smaller portion asked for an autograph, and your relationship status was Seo-joon.
You were in the midst of finishing a conversation with some producers when a hand came to your shoulder, followed by the greetigs of a tall man. He spoke ypur name fondly, and you broke into a pleased smile, "Changmin oppa!"
We share a quick hug and I can't help but flutter at his expression. "Congratulations on your show!" the man in a plaid, grey suit speaks with his hand on my shoulder. He pulls away and continues, "I heard the ratings are expected to go through the roof."
I chuckled and shook my head, "I can only hope so."
"Yaahhhh, you're Hallyu's sweetheart. Don't worry about."
I give a smile at his reassurance and decide to change the topic, "You here alone, oppa, or do you have a hot date?" I wiggle my brows.
Changmin shakes his head and rolls his eyes, "Well, I recall you drunkenly admitting Minho is handsome, so..."
"Ya!" I raise, "I'd admit Minho is handsome regardless of my sobriety."
Changmin snorts, "speaking of."
"Minho-ya!" I coo and welcome the younger man's embrace. I chuckle and cling onto his green sweater when he squeezes tightly and pushes slightly forward. 
"Ya!" Changmin scolds his dongsaeng and I can't stop laughing. "It's as if you haven't seen her in years."
Minho has a mischevious glint in his eyes. "Noona, you're so pretty," he notes, making me chuckle and Changmin snort.
"Thay's the title of his debut song," Changmin mutters to me, making me nod,
"Actually," Minho cocks his head to the side, "its english title is Replay."
My lips form a please o-shape, "Ya, you should perform that for me then!"
"No way," Minho says, "but our maknae might." The man then moves to his side to reveal a lanky man in a loose button down. "Lee Taemin," Minho introduces. The said man chuckles sweetly with his cresent shaped eyes. "Annyeonghaseyo," he greets bowing his head.
I smile back and mimic his actions.
"I've been a big admirer of yours since Sounds of the Animals. I couldn't stop watching it because I just loved the idea of being able to talk to animals."
"Wah, thank you so much," I clap my hands together and bow my head at him.
"That, and I also think noona is super pretty," Taemin says in a gradual chuckle.
The four of us break into a laugh. Changmin and Minho embrace each other in amusement. Minho is losing his mind with his distinctive high-pitched laughter, and Changmin's nose is scrunched up in glee. "Ya, I think we're just gonna get a drink," Minho says, rasing a hand. Changmin pat's Taemin's shoulder and at this point it's so painfully obvious that this was all a setup.
Taemin and I turn to each other. He chuckles to me again, "Minho's really loud."
"I know. It makes working out with him really fun."
We shuffle from where we stand and Taemin moves a bit closer, "Honestly, I don't like working out, but I would if it was with you."
I can't help but laugh and cover my face at his blatant but smooth flirting. I shake my head and feel my face wrap in warmth.
"Don't get me wrong, I don't do it like them. I don't lift heavy weights or anything. I just do what they consider a warm-up you know. The treadmill runs, which I love because I get to listen to a lot of music, and then like stretching, push-ups, sit-ups, nothing that actually requires gym equipment to be honest."
He hums, "my work-out is dance."
"Oh, no, no, I know that. I may have watched a lot of your performances during my breaks."
Taemin's face lights up upon hearing this, "For real?"
"Yeah," I nod, "you are really good at dancing. Honestly good isn't even the word. I'm good at dancing, you're on a whole 'nother level."
He claps his hands, eye crinkling, "Well then noona has to show me her moves!"
"No way, you rascal!" I shake my head profusely.
"Nooo, come on dance with me!"
"And embarrass myself in yet another dance battle with an SM artist? No way! I already did that with Changmin oppa. Besides, I might break a hip! I'm too old to be your dance partner."
Taemin tilts his head to that, and takes the statement as a double meaning. Did you not like younger guys?
I hear someone call my name. I whip my head to the direction of the voice and see that it's Seo-joon, holding two flutes of champagne.
"Oppa," I smile when he comes over. He smiles as well and hands me one of the glasses, "I got you a drink."
I look at it and take it from him with a quick thank you. He smiles down at me and moves some stray strand of hair on the side of my face away. "Joon-hee PD-nim was looking for you a while ago."
"Really? Where is she? What'd she say?"
"You look really sexy in that dress," he says, turning from his glass to me. I snort and feel my cheels burn. "Ya, oppa!" I snarl and hit his shoulder repeatedly.
Seo-joon laughs and gives me an amused side eye.
As he and I share a laugh, and then I notice Taemin's awkward expression and remember he was begging me to dance with him. My laughter faded and I nudged the chuckling Seo-joon, "Ya oppa, this is Shinee's Lee Taemin."
"Ah," Seo-joon nods and turns to the shorter man, "you're the maknae right?"
Taemin turns to him and nods, chuckling, "Ye."
"Sorry, I didn't get you a drink. I didn't know you were here."
"Ah, no, it's okay."
"Do you want mine? I haven't drank from it."
Taemim raises his hands and shakes it, "no, no, no, I'm fine."
Seo-joon purses his lips, nods and turns to me, "I guess I'll drink it then." His lips connect with the rim, and his tongue darts out afterward. A moment passes and there is an awkward silence between us. Both Seo-joon and Taemin turn to me and open their my to speak up.
I look between then and they turn to each other.
Seo-joon motions, "Please, continue."
"No, it's aright you can go first."
"No, but you were talking to her first, before I came here, so you go."
Taemin agrees with his reasoning. "Noona," he calls, "Minho hyung told me that you really like cupcakes."
I hum and nod in agreement.
Taemin smiles brightly like a while ago again, "well I got you one." He chuckles and I knit my brows upon hearing that. I look at him and purse my lips, but when he stick his hand in his pocket and pulls something, I realize what he means.
My jaw drops into a pleased smile and he dangles a small cupcake key chain in front of me. I smile at the sight of it, "Wah, that's for me"
"Yes," he says simply and grabs my free hand suddenly, placing it on my palm. I smile and feel my neck heat up at his action.
Seo-joon takes a sip on hs  drink again and looks between us. He chuckles lowly and turns over his shoulder.
"Thank you so much, Taemin. You didn't have to get me anything though."
"No, I wanted to though, so please use it well."
Seo-joon speaks up, "Ye, well, I just wanted to say that we were invited to dinner next friday. Are you going to attend?"
"Ah," I nod, knowing it was a company gathering, "sure. Are you?"
Seo-joon nods simply. "Well," he gestures his head to the side, "there's someone calling me. I'll see you later."
I nod and Seo-joon places a hand on my shoulder. He then turns Taemin and gives him a polite smile and bow before going off.
Taemin purses his lips and sighs, "Seo-joon-ssi is nice."
I turn to Taemin and nod, "He is. He's a very good co-worker. Very hard working."
Taemin hums, "You seem to like him very much."
I feel the suggestiveness in his statement, but I ignore it and snort, "Well, he's pretty annoying sometimes, but you learn to love him."
"... he seems to very mucn like you too. Like... a woman."
My lips part at his words, and the next thing I know I'm at a loss for words. When I feel my face heat up, I chuckle and turn away, "Aye, it's not like that. We're just realy close because we worked together as lovers. He's really like my older brother though."
Taemin decides to believe it and breaks into a wide grin, "Really. What a relief."
My brows quirk up at that, "Why is that?"
"Because I really wanted to ask you out."
My lips part again, but this time I break into a big smile. I chuckle and take a sip on my drink for the first time. "I like how you're really confident."
Taemin's shoulders shake and she smile, "Does that mean you want to get cupcakes with me sometime?"
"Hmm," my eyes crinkle, "well, if you bought me such a cute keychain of one, then I suppose I wouldn't regret it."
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I’m finally on AO3! Yay! So happy to post my Seojun x Sujin fanfic there.
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douz12a · 5 years
So, Mistletoe Manor by @noona-clock and @prettywordsyouleft is officially the best thing I've read this year and I'm SO glad I'm finishing 2019 with it. I smiled all throughout the chapters, heart wanting to explode with joy. I'm truly grateful to both of you for lifting up my mood so much in such a short time. May you have the best 2020 possible 💕💕💕
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namjoohyuk · 2 years
once in awhile, when i search up ‘park seojoon’ on twitter, i see that taekook fanfic and it makes me so grrrurghzhjwkwwk
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chimchimsauce · 5 years
in the published book, what will the changed names be? I remember seeing it a lot of posts back, but I'm just curious 😌 ALSO IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND (otw to) GETTING YOUR FANFIC TURNED INTO A REAL BOOK 💙
OT2B is a 5 member kpop group that debuted 4 years ago. It consists of singers Kim Seojoon, Matoi Jaemin, and Park Woojin and rappers Bae Daehyun and Han Leo.
And thanks for the support! I'll definitely keep you guys updated. I should *hopefully* send it to my editor by next week!
Also, would you guys like it if I made some moodboards for the characters? What would you like to see to keep you excited about the story?
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keepseokjinsafe · 7 years
Hey! Can you help me look for this one particular Swimmer!Seokjin fic where he's the captain of the swimming team and he's hesitant to ask out the oc but they're alr pretty much seeing each other --- oh and they also do the deed at the dock during their team's camping trip. Oh and if it helps the other characters are named after actors (park seojoon, joohyuk) huhu help i'm desperate
hmmmm idrk any fanfics? i’m sorry (T_T) but does anyone know the fanfic that this anon is describing? if so, message us so that we can update them ! 🍒🎀 ~ gabi
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usmiletk · 1 year
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usmiletk · 1 year
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usmiletk · 1 year
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