rahorak · 4 years
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@anonymous:  i love listening to your voice, maybe do a voice thing for each of your ship partners with just something fun about them?
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yes ofc!! i hope i’m not bothering anyone with this video or tag, but i just want you all to know that i love and appreciate you very much.
@moonaspect  •  @preyseek  •  @luxcnna  •  @shikaal  •  @ofironloyalty  •  @starthieve  •  @defyances  •  @vulpesse​.
Unprompted asks      /  /      Always accepting.
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snugglyporos · 4 years
puts a poro sized kda cap on one of the poros
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Riceball now has a hat. Is silly. But will do much good on her social medias! Clearly, this is the next wave of engagement that will sell much merch! 
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abhailiu · 4 years
@shikaal​ inquired  — why take more than we need? because we can. — akali & antoinetta.
         She has always loved murder. She doesn’t know when her love of death began, only that it had been with her from the moment she could remember anything. She remembers watching in fascination as a spider killed a fly in the corner of the window and it had fascinated her to no end. Some people grew to be thieves, but not her. Oh, no. From the first she’d killed to her most recent, she knew that her heart would always lean towards death. She searches for control. Perhaps that was it. No longer was she this frail, helpless and pretty thing that the world wants to devour. She is a hunter and their fear excites her to the point of euphoria. She had tried arrows, but they had felt a little too impersonal. The daggers were best, where she could feel the slippiness of blood on her fingers and watch the light die from their eyes as she looked on in mirth. It’s better when they squirm. She knows that in her heart of hearts. 
        Antoinetta rarely rootles. Never pries into the lives of those she’s killed. It’ll be weeks before this one is found, and despite the two having been warned about a bustling family that supposedly belonged to the man in question, there was nothing but cobwebs and cold and emptiness. She almost felt sorry for him, seeing a home without much love and care — yet to remember that he had done something worth being murdered for is quick to put that to rest. She hates her gloves. It’s all part of the uniform, of course, but as she presses her thumb and middle finger together and shifts them, she can’t help but to sigh at how little she could feel. Antoinetta lifts her head, and is quick to shoot her a smile. Warm and loving, for a sister in death would receive nothing less. “ — take what you’d like,” she replies brightly, stooping to retrieve her dagger from the body’s chest. 
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         “Too much or too little — I very much doubt he will be needing it, and if the coldness of this estate as anything to go by, I highly doubt there will be many who will miss it.”
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deuslore-a · 4 years
@shikaal   gave sacrifice   :    “ hey ead , “ she turns over , eyes still closed as she struggles to fall asleep . “ can you promise me something ? can you promise that the last person you kill... is me ? “
           she would lay still for a moment  ,  maybe she could pretend that she was asleep  ,  and that she had not heard akali’s request  .  but she couldn’t  ,  she couldn’t ignore her lover’s words  .  especially not this sort of request  ,  they slowly turned toward akali  ,  barely hidden concern wrought her features  .  death was so prevalent in their relationship  ;  perhaps there was nothing to be concerned about  .  perhaps this had even been something ishari had asked her when they first became confirmed sisters  .  fingers reached out  ,  tracing over the defining features of her face  ,  no smile was found on either face  .
“   that’s a big request  ,  asking me to kill you at the end of all of this  .  “  she would answer  ,  voice remaining neutral  ,  trying to not give away how she really felt toward what she asks  .  a gentle sigh came anyway  ,  and she knew that they had no right to deny such a thing  .  and so did she come forward  ;  pressing a kiss to akali’s lips  ,  and she gave a slight nod  .  “  i promise  ,   ‘kali  .  “  she’d murmur  ,  and the next words come quieter  .  “  how do you want to go  ?  “
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bladewarde · 4 years
❝ I’m going to kill that bitch. ❞ Laera seethes, another bristle of anger surfacing, adding to the intermittent fits of rage that bubble up from within her. She’s tucked into a corner in the musty cell, her armour and weapons stripped of her -- plotting in occasional silence. She kneads her fingers into the thick leather of her pants; a poor attempt at calming herself, but there was no calm to be had -- Laera had been set up, and her course was clear.
Her teeth clench, nails digging into her legs like claws, ❝ They deserve nothing less than what I have to unleash upon them... I know it was Janna: her and her entire little network of spineless rats. ❞ The sound of her nails dragging across leather reaches only her ears, despite the rigid pounding of her heart. The rage never stays gone for long, but Laera breathes, measured and deliberate. ❝ Puh, I can only assume that witch did the same thing to you too, hm? ❞
@shikaal / ♥
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fatebreaking-a · 4 years
// @shikaal | Blind date not going so well.
“Forgive me for saying so, but I do not think this date is going well.” There she was, all dressed up in a fancy restaurant, across from her blind date. And given that it was a blind date, she had no time to prepare her usual token of appreciation. The ice in her glass clinks noisily as she sets down the drink, and though she does not sigh, her eyes close in resignation. “This is not... our flavor. I propose a change.” After all, she could only talk about music or her pets for so long, which truthfully wasn’t long at all. “I will take you one place I wish to go, then you will take me one place you wish to be. And then we shall see if there will be more to our first date. It would be far more productive than this.”
That had been five minutes ago. Now, Orianna had handed Akali her jacket to fight against the cold evening air and had happily ordered one very large milkshake and a bag of fries, as well as “one of whatever my date would like.” Nothing better for the blues than fries dipped in a milkshake, she thinks.
“We are going to that building,” she says, pointing to one of the tallest harbor buildings. Then, gesturing to the fries and drink - “Would you like some?”
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huckleberrytm-a2 · 4 years
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* 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 ;; 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝  @shikaal​​ asked:  🏡🍬💼 !!
send 🏡 for a home headcanon send 🍬 for a family headcanon   send 💼 for a work headcanon
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𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 ;   jesse hasn’t had a permanent home since he was a child. he’s been scattered all over pretty much since he ran away as a teenager - though he wasn’t fond of that house and sometimes being there as an adult still makes him queasy. his room on base while he was in blackwatch was hardly lived in, since they always seemed to be travelling for missions; that, too, was shortlived. at this point he really just thinks of the desert itself as his home. it’s his domain, where he operates and where he feels the most comfortable even as he’s always wandering around. he pretends it doesn’t bother him, but it does.
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 ;   jesse comes from a decently large family, but isn’t particularly close to any of them. any uncles and aunts he was close to as a child have gone no contact with him by adulthood. his father was verbally and physically abusive for a large part of his childhood, and that messed jesse up in a lot of ways. the anger it left him with also created a big rift in between him jesse and his mother, as she was ready to move on while he was not. his step dad is a good guy but jesse spent his young and teenage years hating his guts for existing, and then jesse ran away and abandoned ship for the gang. after blackwatch he attempted to reconnect with his mother at least, so they’re close, and jesse is polite with his step father. of his three little sisters, he’s closer to the younger two - the oldest, pepper, was born when he was twenty so he didnt really get to bond with her much, but she knows he’s her brother and she loves him.
he’s always been the black sheep of the family, and the trouble child, but his mom and step dad do their best to include him despite not really agreeing with his life and career choices. his family loves him, even when it’s hard to.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊 ;   jesse has never had a traditional job, unless you count his journalism under the joel morricone alias, and he almost certainly never will. while he doesn’t particularly enjoy bounty hunting, he knows that he’s good at it and it pays the bills. there’s not much hope for him ever having a “real” job even if he wanted to - he has an 8th grade education, never finished high school, and never went to college. his only other option is coming home to work on his mom’s ranch, which he doesn’t want to do because he just doesn’t feel like he belongs there - so he settes for bounty hunting. he doesn’t enjoy it, but he thinks he’s doing some good in the world for once.
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vulpesse-arc · 4 years
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♡・゚: *   MUN MEME !   ┊   not accepting. ↳   @shikaal​   has entered the fox den:   what’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to roleplaying ?
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This probably sounds like a very dumb response but... EVERYTHING, as I have realized that I can generously find inspiration on any type of media depending on the muse that I am currently focusing on. 
For example, when it comes to writing as Ahri, I get unusual bursts of motivation when I see photos/paintings of untamed nature, of flowers, of natural goddesses or when I read fragments of poetry that use flowers as metaphors  (  which is also something that I try to incorporate into my own writing, as I believe that nature, as a whole, is indeed very important for my muse and for her identity as a vastaya  )  . On the other hand, it feels like I arduously find inspiration for her when it comes to songs  !!  Which is very weird, since every single beautiful mutual of mine has entire playlists dedicated to their muses... But, that’s something that happens fairly easily on my other muses, such as Eto  !  So I think that it depends on the way I characterize and view a certain character inside of my mind.
Another huge inspiration are, of course, the people I see on my dash  !!  Seeing others being so passionate and creative for the characters that they love always fills me with the desire to work hard on my own muses so I can develop them and, hopefully, give them the justice and the love they deserve. This is what I love about writing on this site, honestly. It’s beautiful when you can motivate and inspire others while getting motivated and inspired at the same time, as I believe that it’s something that makes sure that you never lose that spark that is indeed necessary to enjoy an otherwise very stressful hobby.
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bloodiyr-archive · 4 years
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                          ❝  for all I know this could be perfectly normal.   ❞ 
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CHTHONIC  DISPLACED  RAISES  SCULPTED  BROW ,  definition  of  normalcy  was  far  from  what  most  would  be  in  agreement  with .   in  fact ,  abyssal  harbinger  knew  better  than  to  make  comment  on  such  declaration .   and  yet ,  a  long  sigh  flees  plump  tiers   ...   sanguine  moving  to  catch  the  woman’s  gaze .      ❛❛   listen ,  it  could  be  much  worse .  right  now  we’re  faced  with  not  one  but   two  elder  beasts .  and  one  of  them  isn’t  intolerable    —  𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙  𝖆  𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊  𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖗𝖞 .   if  you  could  distract  the  other ,  I’ll  handle  this  one  .   ❜❜    shrug  offered ,  reaching  for  her  grimoire .  mind  relaying  symphonic  cacophony  that  would  quell  elder  eye  back   to   slumber .
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             ❛❛               —  you’re  fast ,  that  will  work  in  your  favor .  𝖓𝖔𝖜  𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖕  𝖜𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌  𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊  𝖆𝖓𝖉  𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙  𝖗𝖚𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 .    ❜❜    
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phantombs · 4 years
Footsteps skip down the bridge, one step, two, then three in plonking succession. He’s grace, truly, to plod down like pebbles do, one cast to the waters where the lakes ripple quaint--except that's just it, isn't it? He isn’t so terribly quaint a thing. “Nights should thrill a woman, shouldn't they? Excite her." Those robes flutter. His strong hands glimmer with rings of golds and precious stones, and he crouches like a crow on the red-wood arms. "I think I want to excite you. Why don't you ask for me?"
@shikaal, ♡’d.
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rahorak · 4 years
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@shikaal​:  “ do you still expect me to call you commander ? “ she smirks, running a hand over leona’s thigh. “ or have we moved past the need for formalities ? “
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Looking down when she feels Akali’s hand on her thigh, Leona lets out a small snort below her breath. Golden gaze raises up to look the assassin in the eye.    “    Out there, yes, I am your commander.    ”    She states, and turns so that they come front to front with one another. She runs her touch down Akali’s arm in an awfully slow, sensual manner. The look in her eyes changes into something more suggestive, then  —  a flicker of something warm within them. Slowly, she presses Akali further onto the bed and then straddles her as carefully as she can, not wishing to crush the smaller woman with her weight.
“    But in here I’m whoever you want me to be.    ”    She is ever so subtle when she guides Akali into laying down on her back. She does so by leaning in close and while her hands support the other’s weight as she lies down, her lips ghost over Akali’s in an almost kiss.    “    Who do you need me to be right now, Akali?    ”    She says, barely above a whisper.
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Unprompted asks      |  |      Always accepting.
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 4 years
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describe your muse’s smile ( & laugh ! ) // @shikaal​
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For the most part, Hel’s smile is a restrained thing, a quick upturn of the lips where mirth is better conveyed through the twinkling of her eyes. It’s an often lopsided grin when in her natural form, as the nerves on the dead side of her face prefer to do whatever they want. Under glamours, however, her expression is far more symmetrical. It’s a soft, gentle expression that keeps to her typical composure.
When you catch her just right, though... 
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Her whole face accommodates a wider smile, highlighting just how radiant she can be even with her rot. It’s a sign that she is completely at ease and caught off guard by whatever delighted her. She exposes her stark white fangs and doesn’t even care for what it looks like. Even the lack of cohesion between her parts, the droop or rictus of one half of her mouth, cannot ruin the effect. It’s one of those rare moments someone can truly see Hel the Woman, and not Hel the Queen. It’s a momentary glimpse of what might have been a happy woman, a sign of the dead and lost returned to life for that brief brush of amusement.
As for her laughter, it is as melodious as her voice. Musical, slightly breathy, a thing of warmth. It’s rarely heard, but perhaps all the sweeter for its scarcity. It tastes like spring in her mouth, and flickers through the air like a breeze. The effect is, however, often short, as Hel is not given to great peals of laughter. You’re more likely to hear a gentle chuckle or short burst of giggles before she remembers herself. Honestly, it’s kind of adorable, and further uncharacteristic for the commonly dour queen.
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endlessrancor · 4 years
slaps syndra's fat ass
She tries to chastise her but she’s too dummy thicc and can’t be heard over the thunderclap of her ass cheeks
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deuslore-a · 4 years
@shikaal   gave sacrifice   :    ❛  I told you to leave me alone  !  ❜
           ead could not recall a time where akali had spoken to her so abruptly before now  .  they blinked  ,  slowly  ,  their head inclining to the right in half   -  apology  .  “  ‘  kali   -  come on  ,  “   she would say  .  ead would never say that akali was unable to take care of herself from those with malicious methods  ;  but the priory was something beyond her comprehension  .  they only way to learn their ways  ,  and truly know how to protect yourself was to be one of them  .  and if you were one of them  ,  you would never escape  .  the elders were fantastic at keeping it within the families  ,  and decades of generational brainwashing lead it to be an impossibility of escape  .  
it wasn’t an average cult  ,  they weren’t kept from the outside world  .  only told that their knowledge and ability was superior to their peers  .  that they were chosen for this  .  who would turn away from that  ?  well  ,  it was too late for that argument now  .  ead’s words from the night before hung coldly in the air  ,  like daggers in both of their hearts  . 
“  you’re angry  ,  i get it  .   “   she would murmur  ,  daring to approach the other’s form  .  “   we’ll get that island one day  .  but until then  -  it has to be over  .  jahaar doesn’t send empty threats  ;  she killed lena  .  she’ll kill you too  ,  i can’t  -  i won’t let that happen  .  if we’re not connected anymore  ,  she will have no reason to kill you  .  “  ead would attempt to explain  .  but after all they had been through  ,  the explanation felt so empty and hollow  .  made of nothing at all  ,  and yet she gave it anyway  .  she had nothing else to offer  ,  but she loved akali  ,  and she would tear the gods from the sky should akali die  .  she would take any measures possible to ensure that they had time to make their best years  .
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aisurume · 4 years
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@shikaal​ said :  ☎
NAME: sugar momma
RINGTONE: lay it down - steelix
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: stay at the store
LAST TEXT SENT:  you didn’t tell me what size pussy you wear
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nakazonoluck · 4 years
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@shikaal​ & @36rounds​ said :  “ these are just three regular frogs. ”
     oh wow . 
     ok !
    here she is , trying to show her friends some really COOL frogs she’s found from the tree she just climbed .  climbed !  & she was so excited about it too !  some friends !  she’s so HURT right now , even pouting about it .  she’s thinking of just picking up her frogs & leaving , thinking that they don’t even deserve to see how cool these frogs are … but making them cool things just to SPITE them sounds better .
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    ❝  well , can a NORMAL frog do this ?!  ❞
    from her place on the ground with said frogs , she’ll pick up each frog one by one    (  completely UNCONCERNED about salmonella at this point  )   , manipulating them like one would a doll to do flips & look like they’re playing leap frog .  just for a few minutes she’ll do this , before setting the frogs down once again .  then she’ll look back up at them , biggest grin stretched on her face .
    ❝  bet ya feel real dumb now , huh ?  ❞ 
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