#shes the SWEETEST
akhillasmyth · 3 months
Everyone shut up im platonically in love with someone i met on Sunday
Its Thursday evening
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xxnghtclls · 11 months
bbyyy, estaba husmeando en tu Tumblr, revisando si habías subido algún drabble de Sukuna y me tope con la publicación sobre las formas en las cuales Sukuna "demostró" su amor en Permission y tengo DEMASIADO que decir HAHAHA 🤣💞
Creo y siento que la muestra de "amor" más grande que Sukuna tiene en la historia hacia la protagonista es simple y conciso: Y/N sigue con vida.
Y por qué menciono eso? Porque a lo largo de la historia la protagonista ha tenido comportamientos desafiantes e irrespetuosos hacia él, situaciones que Sukuna ha dejado pasar por alto. Cómo por ejemplo, en el último capítulo, cuando T/N lo toma del cuello y le grita, preguntándole sobre Akiko. Y lo único que hace Sukuna es advertirle, entiendes a lo que me refiero? Si fuera cualquier otra persona, Sukuna ni siquiera perdería su tiempo en advertirle, simplemente lo cortaría en 3 pedazos y punto.
Otros detalles importantes y especiales para mí, es la forma en la cual siempre la busca, esos toques furtivos de Sukuna hacía ella. Cuando cede con ella y de hecho cuando menciona que se siente bien ceder cuando se trata de ella. Osea? Tienes a un monstruo sádico y cruel que afirma sentirse bien en ceder un poco de control cuando está contigo, ¿Que mas prueba quieres? HAHAHA LO AMO 😩. Cuando cumple cada uno de sus caprichos, le encanta hacerse el difícil pero la única vez que le negó algo fue la primera vez que se acostaron y la protagonista le pidió besarlo. Siento que ni siquiera se lo negó por qué simplemente le dijo que tenía que ganarse el beso, prácticamente nunca le ha negado nada 😩. No pasemos por alto lo sugar daddy que es, recuerdo que te lo mencioné en el capítulo de los kois. Uraume súper preocupada por lo caro que son esos peces y Sukuna tipo, "nada es caro para mí sugarbaby" 🤣. Cuando se folló a Akiko pero ni siquiera estaba lo suficientemente duro para ella, a diferencia de cuando se pone duro al instante cuando se besa con Y/N. Girl, tienes a un hedonista insaciable que no se pone cachondo al follar con otra mujer pero si lo hace cuando ve como te tocas a ti misma, QUE MAS PRUEBA NECESITAS?! HAHAHAHAHA.
Lo "patético" que se sintió en el cap 44 cuando ella le pregunta sobre ello porque sabemos que Sukuna solo tomaría esa clase de "sentimiento" como algo patético de sentir debido a su naturaleza. Cuando le confiesa que busca la sensación que siente cuando está con ella y que lo ha buscado desde el primer momento en el cual ella fue suya. Cuando la folló en su trono y él mismo le confiesa que es la única que ha tenido ese honor. La constante angustia que Y/N siente en su corazón, que en realidad es Sukuna anhelando su cercanía, el dolor de cabeza que siente. Son tantas cosas que esto se haría más largo.
Y sinceramente es algo que has plasmado tan bien en tu historia. Porque estoy segura que canónicamente, tener una relación con ese monstruo no sería la típica relación habitual. No es el tipo de hombre que te llevaría un ramo de flores y te diría abiertamente que te ama, NUNCA.
Siempre pensé que su afecto se demostraría en pequeños detalles que solo tendría contigo, el más importante, obviamente el que te permita seguir con vida y sobretodo te permita acercarte de forma tan íntima a él, y cuando me refiero a íntima no me refiero a lo sexual (por ejemplo, cuando Sukuna y Y/N se besan de forma apasionada, acariciándose entre ellos sin que suceda nada más como, dos amantes, estoy segura que nunca hizo eso con nadie más).
Y me encanta, sinceramente soy más fanática de los pequeños detalles y del trato especial que el que te digan abiertamente que te aman, no losé bby, estoy loca por ese monstruo.
Y estoy jodidamente enamorada del Sukuna que plasmas en tu historia, mayormente lo retratan de forma muy suave y simplemente a veces siento que estoy leyendo sobre un Sukuna de otra dimensión y cuando leí tu historia me encantó como lo retrataste, manteniendo su naturaleza sádica y cruel, porque así es como él es y si realmente te gusta, te va a gustar tal cómo es. No losé, simplemente nunca me sentí tan cómoda leyendo como lo suavizan tanto hasta que llegue a tu historia y me enganché por completo. Como siempre te lo repito, eres una genia. Necesito más de tus historias en el futuro bby y obviamente, también de tu arte. 🔝🔝🔝🔝♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
¡OMG mi amor no sabía que tenías tumblr también! Voy a poner la traducción de su mensaje increíble aquí para que todos puedan entender ❤️ ¡Gracias!
This is what my sweetie pie wrote (thank you DeepL):
bbyyy, I was poking around your Tumblr, checking to see if you had uploaded any Sukuna drabbles and I came across the post about the ways in which Sukuna "showed" his love in Permission and I have TOO MUCH to say HAHAHA 🤣💞.
I think and feel that the biggest show of "love" Sukuna has in the story towards the protagonist is simple and concise: Y/N is still alive.
And why do I mention that? Because throughout the story the protagonist has had challenging and disrespectful behaviors towards him, situations that Sukuna has overlooked. Like for example, in the last chapter, when Y/N grabs him by the collar and yells at him, asking him about Akiko. And all Sukuna does is warn her, you know what I mean? If it was anyone else, Sukuna wouldn't even waste his time warning her, he would just cut her into 3 pieces and that's it.
Other important and special details for me, is the way he always looks for her, those furtive touches of Sukuna towards her. When he gives in to her and in fact when he mentions that it feels good to give in when it comes to her. I mean? You have a sadistic and cruel monster who claims to feel good about giving in a little control when he's with you, what more proof do you want? HAHAHA I LOVE HIM 😩. When he fulfills her every whim, he loves to play hard to get but the only time he denied her anything was the first time they slept together and the main character asked to kiss him. I feel like he didn't even deny her why he just told her he had to earn the kiss, he's practically never denied her anything 😩. Let's not overlook how sugar daddy he is, I remember mentioning it to you in the kois chapter. Uraume super worried about how expensive those fish are and Sukuna type, "nothing is expensive to me sugarbaby" 🤣. When he fucked Akiko but he wasn't even hard enough for her, unlike when he gets instantly hard when he makes out with Y/N. Girl, you have an insatiable hedonist who doesn't get horny when he fucks another woman but he does when he sees how you touch yourself, WHAT MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED?!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
How "pathetic" he felt in ch 44 when she asks him about it because we know Sukuna would only take that kind of "feeling" as something pathetic to feel because of his nature. When he confesses to her that he is looking for the feeling he feels when he is with her and that he has been looking for it since the first moment she was his. When he fucked her on his throne and he himself confesses to her that she is the only one who has ever had that honor. The constant anguish Y/N feels in her heart, which is actually Sukuna yearning for her closeness, the headache she feels. There are so many things that this would get longer.
And honestly it's something you've captured so well in your story. Because I'm sure canonically, having a relationship with that monster wouldn't be the usual typical relationship. He's not the type of guy who would bring you a bouquet of flowers and openly tell you he loves you, EVER.
I always thought his affection would be shown in small details that he would only have with you, the most important one, obviously the one that allows you to stay alive and most of all allows you to get so intimate with him, and when I mean intimate I don't mean sexual (for example, when Sukuna and Y/N kiss passionately, caressing each other with nothing else going on like, two lovers, I'm sure he never did that with anyone else).
And I love it, honestly I'm more of a fan of little details and special treatment than them openly telling you they love you, no losé bby, I'm crazy about that monster.
And I'm fucking in love with the Sukuna you capture in your story, mostly you portray him in a very soft way and I just sometimes feel like I'm reading about a Sukuna from another dimension and when I read your story I loved how you portrayed him, keeping his sadistic and cruel nature, because that's how he is and if you really like him, you're going to like him the way he is. I don't know, I just never felt so comfortable reading how you soften him up so much until I came to your story and I was completely hooked. As I keep telling you, you are a genius. I need more of your stories in the future bby and obviously, your art as well. 🔝🔝🔝🔝♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I agree with everything you said! It didn‘t even cross my mind that one of the biggest evidence is that y/n is still alive, but you‘re right!
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willbyersisme · 1 month
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marysol7r · 1 year
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hi I love cats sm
theyre so great if you respect boundaries but like. we have this really 'grumpy' cat (she doesn't like my family) and she's so sweet at night
I scared myself last night listening to TMA and I brought her to bed with me and I think she could tell I was anxious because she didn't get mad when I picked her up snd she slept all night with me and PURRED??? its been ages since she's just purred but she did for so long I ended up falling asleep to it snd like yeah thats probably all just coincidence but idc she's thr best cat in the world 😌😌
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hereforh · 2 years
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miunala · 9 months
so i guess my stifled laughter sounds like crying bc every time i do that, baxter comes up to me purring and tries to lick my eyes 😭😭😭
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unamused-kookaburra · 9 months
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The (very) nice thing of the day was my co-worker buying me flowers and chocolates to wish me a merry christmas and to say she appreciates our friendship. She's too sweet 😭💕
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may12324 · 1 year
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My heart and love of my life, Karlach
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chattematsu · 10 months
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in Furina's voicelines said she enjoys surfing 🥺♥️
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cattimeswithjellie · 9 months
Rest in peace Jellie, sweetest and grumpiest of cats, namer of this blog, and a little bit of joy in all our lives. Seventeen years is a long life for a cat, but no span of years is ever long enough for a friend. I know the hearts of everybody in the fandom is with Scar and his family today, and we will remember her in every Minecraft world where she lives on.
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elviradreaminess · 11 months
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karlach my precious heart 🥺🤲🏼❤️‍🔥
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lav3nder-bees · 11 months
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Nothing like doing your goth gfs makeup before getting your ass handed to you on the battle field
i.e I wanted to doodle something between finishing schoolwork and it kind of got away from me
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frogyjones-art · 2 years
I need more Kate and Dana fics they make such a cute couple say with Max and Dana
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bellamysgriffin · 16 days
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I'm just a traveller, wandering past. Believe it or not, all I'm after is a quiet life.
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dlartistanon · 2 months
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