#shes not homophobic but this is WIERD
beinghymen · 14 hours
Found out my grandma is a Destiel anti 😔 "I think you're reading too much into it... it's just brotherly love" PLEASE PLEASE YALL GIVE ME SOME COLD HARD EVIDENCE THAT I CAN PULL UP IN CONVERSATION
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small-giggle · 8 months
intro post
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angel-thedevil > angel-devil-star > underablanketofstars
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call me angel
i am 15, so nothing super wierd
i go by star/they/she/it/other space-themed neos (in that order please)
aussie (the white version) 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
i am asexual lesbian polyamorous nonbinary
undiagnosed autism; diagnosed adhd, depression, ocd
getting farther into DnD
my favourite colour is green
i hardly ever use capitals and my spelling is trash
fandoms: good omens, the owl house, gravity falls, she-ra, anime, studio ghibli, moomin, sanrio, legend of zelda, simon snow trilogy, emily strange, marvel, osemanverse, hilda, amphibia and probably others that i forgot
i play minecraft lmao
i make kandi bracelets and other kandi items
sh free for [0] days
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go follow some of my amazing
@urlocalsadkid-l @godofautism @deetealeaf @always-reading @mayhem-moth @astridcookie @21-cats-in-a-trenchcoat @aspenii @warwithoutreason @mindlessexplosions @amethyst-aster @treasure-goblin @ali-da-demon @catinasink @autism-criminal @idonoiyo @mybedroomceilingsbored @svnflowermoon @that-multi-fandom-hijabi
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dni if:
homophobe, transphobe, pedo, racist, sexist or any other queer-hating jerk
goodbye my lovelies
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Masterpost Call me Robert, no pronouns, just call me by my name [you can shorten it to rob or any other shit if you want idc]. He/they is okay i guess but no she/her please. I enjoy asks and tags lol [platonic] Love language is spamming my mutuals notifs <3 im a minor, so don't be wierd (like the uncomfy wierd) Please use tone indicators!! (Im sorry but unless its super duper obvious, i really cant tell tone, especially online)
AroAce, QPR is okay, gender=AAAAAAAAAAAA Dni: Biggots of any kind (homophobes , xenophobes , racists, etc), mdi blogs (and nsfw/kinkblogs) I have a cult, so far the peeps are: @strangefriendo @flowey-the-lanternflower55 @randomexistingthing @still-got-no-idea @eldritchcats @axinfinity @italic-doing-random-shit @dustsansm1 @living-my-ghibli-dream @wonkus-bonkus @panda-of-the-trash @runawaythunderstorm @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @a-mimic-and-a-jester If you wanna join, just ask :D Our god is killer sans and @randomexistingthings' cat :3
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[and failing]
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strawberrieskies · 9 days
maybe I'm projecting here but im starting to get fed up with people calling chappell roan as "fiery" or "unstable" and "needs media training" because she literally just. talks? like maybe im reaching but it almost feels like when u call someone reacting to being told "shut the fuck up" as like, "unstable" while she was just ? standing there? and theres a solid 30 minutes when the story was twisted to "she told a poor :( photographer :( who is just at wok to shut the fuck up. :( She clearly cant interact with people !1!111!" Stan Twitter even got fucking wierd. It really starts to feel like people are one step away from saying something classist about the midwest/rural america, something homophobic in general, or are one step away from villianizing mental illness, especially for someone who just released an interview the day before the vmas highlighting all these aspects to who she is. idk since she got really famous over summer she doesn't have as much public or online presence from her as much so I've been really excited to see at stuff like the vmas to see her have a moment to talk for herself and people are getting on my last nerve <3
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de-vee-l · 7 months
May be a hot take, but I don’t like the scene where Nightshade is introduced to the whole non-binary thing
The whole scene just feels rushed and wacky as if it was squeezed into an episode with much more important plot line just to fill the quota or something. I feel like the whole thing should have had it’s own episode
I would love to see Nightshade’s batman side a bit more as it’s something they were very passionate about (the book about sneaky hero literally inspired their alt mode)
As for the human they saved, idk how it works in ES universe, but I wouldn’t trust a wierd robot that just swooped me up and carried to god-knows-where so easily, just because they happen to be the same gender as me. Bad people exist even among queers. She definitely could be given a bit more time to soften up to Nightshade
And finally, the non-binary part. It definitely feels waaay too rushed as it’s a very important topic. And here’s why: the human talks about safety and feeling safe around other non-binary people, but they don’t elaborate on why they could feel UNsafe
I think the best way to go about it would be Nightshade giving the human a lift to wherever they were going before they were chased by a smuggler, and it happened to be some pride or queer related event and maybe Nightshade would even want to join and learn more. There they could encounter a group of homophobes
Not only would it show that Cybertronians struggle with being accepted on Earth, but some humans are willing to give them a chance (like it was shown at the end of original episode), but also that some humans too struggle with being accepted by society. I was mostly imagining it with Nightshade, but it would be very nice if other siblings joined in as well
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I know you won't look at it, but basically it's the same thing about how we can't say it wasn't queerbait because of Dansen. And even adding in a subsequent tweet (post?) that Kelly wasn't even a real character.
Now, I will admit that Kelly wasn't given much beyond being Alex's partner, but that doesn't mean she wasn't important.
And no, maybe Dansen getting married doesn't replace any other rep they could have put on the show, but as we keep saying, SC never so much as held hands, so a bunch of 'parallels' and 'how they looked at each other' aren't going to help your case.
If fully half your case is built on fan interpretation, you already lost the argument.
A few things.
First of all, all the members of the crew always called Kara and Lobotomizer sisters and friends.
When the cast sang a song on SDCC17 about Kara and Lobotomizer being "just friends", and I don't know what CLEARER and bolder message they could have sent, the sc shippers called them homophobic and created a whole hate campaign against them and the show, moaniang about being disrespected and their feelings being hurt.
Then you can find countless posts and twitts celebrating about how Melissa and McG did some "acting choices" (Kara leaned and shit like that) that were against writers and producers wishes. So, they basically say the actresses were baiting them AGAISNT what was planned and that's ok, I guess. But in the same time, they will go against the writers, screaming about baiting what is an interesting case of schizophrenia.
And yes, you can have a lgbt+ ship and still being queerbaited, I guess, but there is a problem in SG.
Because Alex's arc was heavily focused on her realizing she is a lesbian and her journey to accept it and find love. Her story was full developed from season 2 to the final ep, when she married the love of her life and adopted a child.
That was a beautiful and complexed lesbian character's story not some forced, ambiguous, developed only in some people's minds bullshit, that has zero real recognition and is not a representation.
What is worse, Alex and Dansen were completly IGNORED by scs, self-called fighters and supporters of representation is shows, and it was fuckingly obvious after the last ep, where instead of supporting dansen for the GREATER lgbt good, they decided to overshadow it with some fake two white women kiss.
And don't even let me start about what they have done to Dreamer and Nicole along the way.
What i want to say is, that SCS care about representation only when it's the representation THEY want. They don't and never did care even slightly about the rep. Them claiming they were queerbaited is only one of the many forms of manipulation they spread.
The only people who queerbaited them are scs themselves. With their idiotic, out of context scenes (let's just cut out Alex from the frame, let's make it slower and let's ignore it was all about Lobotomizer saving James' ass), so called parallels (Kara holding people bridal style means it's love? cool, it means she is in love with 30 people, Kelly included), some wierd shit (rainbow socks that were not even rainbow and even if Kara was not straight it would not immediatelly mean she would want to be with Lobotomizer -who, friendly remidner, hurt her every way imaginable and was her biggest abuser - facts, not delusion) ignoring what the characters and crew said ("they are sisters and friends") and in the same time accusing actresses of queerbait (acting choices! but it's ok, because it was KMcG doing. And Melissa's) and in the same time bashing Melissa EVERY time she said something against their wishes.
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jayfeathersstick · 7 months
This post will mostly be to my irl friends but even if you have no clue who i am you can keep reading😀👌
Warning: the rest of this will contain topics such as, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, xenophobia etc.
Also please excuse my grammar and writing style. Im just writing down my thoughts.
I don't really know how to start this. I have been thinking about writing this for a long time. But today i finally decided to do it.
I live with my parents and (half) sister who's in college.
The problem is my dad.
No, he's not abusive, at least i don't think of him as abusive. That may sound strange but i genuinely don't know if he is and im just so immune to it that i don't think of it as abuse or if im just overreacting .
The real problem is his memtality.
He was born in the very late 60's so yes he is in fact old.
He has this mentality that he is right and EVERYBODY else is wrong. Everyone in my house has acknowledged this. Except him obviously.
Unfortunately (as some of you may have already realised based on the warnings) he is in fact xenophobic.
He is very very transphobic. For example:
"don't you think it wierd that people are out there pretending to be the other gender?"
"its either she or he, there is no they"
"this kind of 'stuff' wasn't around when i was your age"
Yes these are all direct quotes from him.
There are many many more that i cant think of right now but if i do remember any more i will add them.
Also, i know this is an age old argument but, ehat do you have against trans people? They arent bothering you? If anything YOU are the ones bothering them.
That's only his transphobic side.
We've barley touched his homophobic side.
Now, i will say the is very slightly more accepting of, this commumity than trans people.
By slightly i mean he dosent sit me down after seeing thr word "nonbianary" on the back of one of thr books my friend lent me and tell me all about these "odd people" that are-LIVING THEIR LIVES WITHOUT YOU BOTHERING THEM.
Exuse me.
A little cough came out there.
Also yes "odd people" is another direct quote.
Continuing on.
This one is very very vague because he's only given me a sexist vibe a few times but it still bothers me.
StOrY tImE
I was telling my dad about some of thr fights at my school and his legit resposlnse whaen i told him a teacher had gotten involved was "sometimes boys need to fight and i know your school will never agree with me but its true"
As you can see, very much a self believe that he is the only right person to ever exist on earth.
Another example:
I was telling him about some of my friends breaking up (platonically) and moving lunch tables because they weren't talking to each other anymorw.
" you see that happen a lot, girls fighting, but you just get used to it"
Like ?
He grew up with two other brothers, no sisters. How many women did you watch fight?
Also kinda off topic but he seems oddly against Chinese people💀
Idk what he has against them but he just...doesn't like them?
Anyways thank you for comin to my ted talk about all my dads problems.
I will update this if i ever feel the need to.
Originally posted on Mar 7 2024.
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truelliaster · 5 months
eueuwgugeuegue genders, am jus rambling about my identity cause i need to write this down and i dont have any of my notebooks, not like i wanted this on physical paper anyways, dunno why am even talking about this ever on here
okay, so like
am non binary, or atleast, that’s what i say, or what i understood when i was like, 13 i think
that was 2 years ago, ever since then my gender — or lack of — has been oppressed and ignored by everyone i know (except my ex friend i think but she doesnt count for me) (maybe that’s why i feel wierd about her sometimes)
now i’m finally trying to properly understand it, cause, yea, i’mnot a boy or a girl, but i dont feel like i dont have a gender, non binary doesnt sit right with me
but my mother, oh how we allll love our mothers, when ever she got mad at me she started using the one time i brought up the fact i was non binary and part of the lgbtq community against me as part of her arguements when scolding me, *it hurt*
*oh fuck i’m reliving it now, that’s so painful and disgusting why in the world would you bring it up in such a nature* like seriously you already shrugged it off as a phase and a lie you didnt have to do that, i never even hinted to it ever during those times and i agreed to be referred to as your daughter and to never bring it up again, sp why in the world would you do that
anyhow, enough about that bullshit, back into genders no body wants to hear rants about homophobic ppl
wait what was i talking abiut again? ..megh
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whatiwillsay · 2 years
do you think if taylor comes out she will actually have negative effects? I genuinely wonder if it will only raise her sales by making more queer people who didnt listen to her join the the fandom and rally around her. do you really think a lot of fans would leave? I think a lot of gaylor deniers are really blatantly homophobic but they just find the speculation to be wierd and that they would support her if she came out
she’d lose some fans for sure idk how negative it’ll be
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a-joke-about-bats · 3 years
Thoughts on other Joker ships like:
riddlejokes lex jokes
I guess following the naming scheme joker x scarecrow would be Scarejokes lol
I love this ask! In my opinion Joker loves Batman the most and that's his #1, but he definitely fucks around with other people.
Riddlejokes: 90/10
I don't ship these 2 in a romantic way, but I KNOW THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS. DC TOLD ME SO THEMSELVES. The way they HATE eachother but also Joker has shown mutual respect towards Riddler like when he asked him for help in Dotf. Riddlejokes is prime best friend material among the rogues gallery!!!!! I'm a huge huge huge fan. I think Jokers best friend order goes: Harley, Catwoman, Riddler.
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Lexjokes: 100/10
I KNOW THESE 2 FUCK. there is no way they don't. Lex falls right into Joker's type of the billionaire with an attitude. Also they both love someone else so the conditions of their relationship is very explicit between them. Fuck buddies and the best of the A-list villains. Lex finds Joker an absolute nuisance but that never stops Joker does it? They are coworkers and are heavy players in the legion of doom and I think they are around eachother often. Love Lexjokes 💖
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Catjokes: 9/10
Again, not romantically but THESE 2. THESE 2 AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!!!! OH MY GOD it's so good. My favorite Joker relationship outside of Batjokes. The one thing I hate about it tho is how.... kinda homophobic it feels if u look at it logically. Like Joker is just a tool for a writer to be like "look at Joker be the homophobic nightmare trope! He's trying to breakup the main heteroship!" BUT WHEN U IGNORE THAT BECAUSE FRANKLY THATS DCs M.O. THEY ARE SO HOMOPHOBIC SOMETIMES 🙄🙄 Joker and Selina have such an interesting relationship. They understand eachother because they both love the same man,only opposite sides of him. and it's so interesting how Joker is jealous of Selina and Selina is jealous of Joker, but they get together to hang out often. It's like.... frenemies but in a way that's deeper than riddlejokes? It's hard for me to articulate why I love these 2 as a catty friendship but they hit different.
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Jarley: 0/10
Hell no. I hate them together romantically it's AWFUL and so bad. I don't like how Harley thinks of Joker as a victim. And how Joker treats Harley is self explanatory as to why I loathe it. I do love Joker and Harley as gay besties tho in a similar vain to Lego Batman! Also, I think it's a super complicated ship because I think Joker used Harley, but later on I think his feelings became more serious and he kinda loved her because he talks all this talk about killing her but when push comes to shove he never does and he also KNOWS that she knows him better than anyone- even Batman. It's so wierd. I am not trying to romanticize it at all and I despise the ship, but Harley's influence on his life should not be ignored or chalked down.
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Punchjokes: -100000000/10
Fuck. No.
Scarecrow + Joker: 5/10
I don't see it, but I gave it a 5 cus it's not crack and there's basis for the ship. BUT scarecrow's a little bitch who I don't think Joker respects. I can't get behind this ship because Scarecrow is a sniveling rat that pisses me off. I will say tho their teamup during knightfall was funny.
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Twoface + Joker: ?/10
I want to like this ship but I read a fic where the Twoface and Joker banged and it was so alarming ive been scared of this ship ever since. This ship is the monster that lives under the bed. I'm scared.... very scared of this pairing. ALSO for concrete evidence Joker said he doesn't respect twoface in dotf so I don't think the vibes match.
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Penguin + Joker: 3/10
Okay so this one is wierd cus I'm pretty sure they hate eachother now but their rivalry is also kinda funny? And before the current interpretation of their dynamic, in the '66 version and around that time I think Joker and penguin got along really well. ALSO THE WAY PENGUIN LENDS JOKER ROOMS IN HIS LOUNGE DESPITE THE WIERD FUCKING SHIT HES CAUGHT JOKER DOING SKSBSKJSKSJJSJSOSKE.
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Anyway, that's the end! I was pretty thorough! Hope u enjoy my opinions 💖
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Since you saw UA, can I have wierd ask? Given Allison Whispered her husband and her daughter and the went back to this mindset to make a public display of it for petty revenge while putting Ray in danger... I don't get how some people whine she's 'completely out or character' in S4? I fully get not liking her character regression (they set up her trauma well enough, but could've done more), but accusing show of bad writing leaves bad taste in my mouth. It's not exactly antis retoric, but the 'I don't like it so it's bad writing' is close enough to 'I don't like it so it's wrong and evil and illegal' that it just makes me really dislike it.
I’m not in-in the UA fandom—I see the occasional post on my dash and have watched each season once—so idk how much of this is actually "I don’t like it so it’s wrong" and how much is simply fans misremembering things, but I’ve got a feeling that a lot of it is probably the latter. Allison is an interesting character in that we're introduced to her at the start of a redemption arc (if we want to call it that) where we catch the tail end of a years long descent into bad behavior, but that quickly gives way to UA’s crazy plot and, as a result, her own improvement. Fans are used to seeing her as the Good one and that’s even a characterization that season three draws attention to, with her initial, heartfelt acceptance of Viktor and others like Diego essentially going, "Hey, weren’t you always the sweet and level-headed one? Haha since when do you want to start bar fights?" Combine that with it taking two years for season three to come out and it’s been a long time since most casual viewers—not those re-watching and/or frequently coming across GIF summaries on their dash—have seen the version of Allison that’s willing to Rumor her young child. Season three is absolutely a regression on her part, but it can feel like OOC behavior if you don’t remember (or remember well) where she started out. Some of the fandom are (correctly) going, “Of course she’s doing this. Allison has always had a problem with trying to control her life with her powers and the trauma of, well, everything, has made her grab at that horrific 'fix' again” whereas others simply go, “Why is the Good One suddenly trying to rape her brother?”
Because yeah, as a sidenote, I don’t think the extreme nature of Allison’s actions helped on-the-fence viewers consider her arc more carefully. I mean, UA as a whole is extreme—I do think it’s a complicated and possibly even useless discussion to try and figure out which sibling has done ‘the worst’ as a result of their trauma—but any time you give a character failings that feel personal to the audience, they're going to come out looking worse than someone who has just objectively done heinous, but otherwise personally removed things. Fans hate Snape more than Voldemort because a cruel teacher hits harder than someone trying to take over the whole world. Fans hate Izzy more than Ed because a homophobic jab hits harder than giving an order to skin and drown someone. Fans currently hate Allison more than Viktor because attempted rape + insults that deliberately target trauma hit harder than trying to destroy the world in season one. We respond most viscerally to those antagonists/villains whose actions we can personally relate to. By not just having Allison do Objectively Bad Things, but things that are personal to the other characters and therefore personal to the viewers who care about them, there’s a knee-jerk anger that can override the logic of, “How did Allison get here and how realistic is this response?”
I’m of the same mind that they set up her trauma really well. No, I don’t think any of that is bad writing. If fans don’t remember where Allison started out and/or aren’t willing to understand how a black woman being thrown into the civil rights movement/losing her husband/coming back to find her daughter no longer exists might be really fucking hard to deal with… that’s not the fault of the writers. Toss in the superpower to literal bend people to your will and I’d be crying bad writing if Allison HADN’T given in to that temptation. Unless you’re going for a paragon of virtue here—which, you know, is not in any way UA’s style lol—it would be totally unrealistic. So I’ve got no problem with any of that. However, what I do have a problem with is where Allison directed her grief. With the disclaimer that yeah, sure, grief isn’t always logical, it’s simply insane to me that they had her focus so hard on Harlan and Viktor when it’s clear to anyone thinking about it for a hot second that they are not responsible for this mess. (Not outside of Viktor’s long term consequences, anyway.) That thinking of, “You changed the timeline by killing our mothers, so that’s why my daughter is gone” is… so stupid?? Allison knows Harlan didn’t change things, they did. They were the catalyst by going to Reginald and unknowingly convincing him to adopt a different set of kids. Even if Harlan hadn’t killed their moms, what? Allison thinks a version of her that never grew up with the Umbrellas is going to be the exact same person? Marry the same man? Have sex on the exact same day? Give birth to the same child? And then she’ll do what exactly? Kill off the version of herself that already exists here so she can raise “her” child instead? It’s so stupid. And I was waiting for someone else to tell her it was stupid! If we’re really going to go with Allison being so grief-stricken she can’t think straight to that extent, at least have others try to get her to see sense. Instead, Five freaks out that Viktor told a lie and I’m like… really? That’s where we’re drawing the line in this family? Worse, you want to give a lecture about how powerful people shouldn’t make decisions alone? You, the founder of this entire, universe-manipulating organization who constantly tries to call all the shots, insulting the intelligence of anyone who dares voice an opinion? With the note that I adore Five: HA. That's hilarious.
Basically, I think there was great setup and… a lot of bad follow through. I would have much preferred Allison to just fixate on the briefcase in an attempt to go back and fix the timeline, not this weird Harlan-Viktor revenge plot (and I'm still not sure how I feel about season three's ending where, thus far, she's gotten everything she wanted). So no, it’s not bad writing to have Allison go off the deep end like she did, but the focus of that grief was pretty misplaced imo. And not in a “grief makes you crazy” way with everyone else acknowledging how misplaced it is. No, the family is happy to just sit there while Allison absolutely eviscerates Viktor and then they pressures him to make peace. Which he does. And it’s still thrown back in his face.
…I feel like this post makes it sound like I didn’t enjoy the season. I very much did! But this specific plot-line generated Big Feelings and not all of them were positive lol.
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melsuki · 3 years
NEXT STORY !!! 💀 so there is this girl in my digital art design class who was friends with one of my bestfriends back in 8th grade, and we never talked but i actually knew a bunch about her because my bestfriend would tell me all about her (this bestfriend is a rlly bad person, very manipulative and is now very homophobic and racist. are we surprised? no 😻) ANYWAYS SO I DIDN’T EVEN RECOGNIZE HER UNTIL A COUPLE WEEKS AGO BECAUSE THIS TALL DUDE SITS BETWEEN US (it’s a row of three, she’s at the end, tall dude in the middle, me at the other end) AND SO TALL DUDE WAS GONE FOR A WEEK so we finally started talking, and she’s pretty!!! and we get along rlly well, and the past few classes we walked from our next classes together :) AND IN ONE OF HER FIRST CLASSES I WAS LIKE “can you imagine if *bad bestfriend* parents found out i was gay??? their heads would explode” BECAUSE THEY WERE VERY HOMOPHOBIC LMAO SO SHE KNOWS I AM NOT STRAIGHT 😌 AND SHE HAS LIKE THE PRETTIEST SMILE NO JOKE OML and so idk if i LIKE her, but I definitely enjoy being around her. (for context: my school has maroon days and white days, our school colors ! we have 4 classes on maroon days, and 4 different classes on white days) and we were talking about how on the days we see each other, white days, we never dress up, but on maroon days, we both do LMAO so on tuesday i dressed up (even though it was a white day when i don’t dress up) and we were walking to our next classes and talking and she’s told me my outfit was rlly cute 😌 and i noticed she kinda dressed up, and she said she kinda dressed up that day because she got promoted as a back stage person for theater. AND THEN I LOOKED AT HER SHIRT AND SHE WAS WEARING A PRIDE PIN ON HER SHIRT AND IT WAS LIKE 🧐🧐🧐 BECAUSE USUALLY YOU DON’T WEAR ONE IF YOU AREN’T GAY. USUALLY. AND THEN I ASKED WHAT SHE DID FOR VALENTINE’S AND SHE SAID NOTHING, AND THAT SHE WAS GONNA GET SOME CHOCOLATES FOR HERSELF BUT DIDN’T, SO I THINK THAT MEANS SHE DOESN’T HAVE A PARTNER HEHE 😌
ok first of all this conductor guy is in his MID TWENTIES ?? N BALDING WITH A RECEDING HAIR LINE ??? WHAT 💀💀💀
n secondly ohdhakshsbxjhaus that’s actually so cute omllll even if u just stay friends the dynamic seems so sweet n wholesome AHHH THATS SO CUTEE !!
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ja3s-spam-stuff · 4 years
Unpopular opinions #1
Ship edition!!
❗️⚠️Some Tower of Nero spoilers⚠️❗️
You can read down to Jasiper without any spoilers :)
Little disclaimer: these are my opinions I put them out here to see what you guys think of them!! Feel free to share your opinions in the comments but don’t bring down others for theirs.
Perachel: Rachel doesn’t deserve the hate she gets. Neither does PERACHEL it a cute ship and has the potential to be like percabeth.
Frazel: Frazel is an awesome ship! The age gap isn’t that wierd seeing as frank had only just turned 16 and Hazel was shortly about to turn 14 meaning there was only a year and a bit between them
Caleo: Caleo is okay. It’s not the best ship but the ogygia scenes really showed how they began to like each other. After that I get she was a bit of a bitch but I think it’s just because she’s had her heart broken so many times and was just scared to lose Leo. I think they split up at the end of TON tho.
Percabeth: Percabeth can be a little toxic sometimes. Annabeth hits him quite a bit; I get they’re friendly hit but you really shouldn’t hit someone you like. No matter if they’re from an army camp or not.
Jasiper: I used to love Jasiper but now I have other favourites. Personally I think that the break up was needed it made the relationship more real. I also think Piper moved on too quickly. But good for her I Stan sapphic Piper.
Jeyna: So as I mentioned just now I have other faviroute ships for piper and Jason. Jason fits Reyna perfectly and could be the Roman Percabeth. I could tell how broken Reyna was when she saw Jason with piper. In my opinion Reyna joking the hunt was the most out of character thing she did.
Liper: Rick really thought Leo and Calypso had more dynamic than Leo and Piper?? Honestly I love this ship and since Pipers sexuality was never specified I think it’s still okay to ship her with boys without discarding her sexuality.
Solangelo: where do I start with this ship?? The character development for the ship and the characters were brilliant!! By that I mean how Nico was like don’t say boyfriend >:( at the start of the series and now he tells everyone he’s wills boyfriend with pride (no pun intended) And also credit to Nico for growing up in a (most likely) homophobic household and accepting himself as gay you go boy!!
Rachel x Apollo: I’m not even sure this has a ship name but I love it. After reading tower of Nero I love their relationship platonically or romantically whichever way you interpret it. For me I find I cute that she kisses him a couple times throughout the book and he say it was ‘Sisterly’ even though he could never see Artemis kissing him.
That’s all for now guys let me know what ships you want opinions on next :)
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erika---k · 4 years
What.. if they used those stereotypes that are kind of homophobic as an explanation the study feels wierd. Like what was their purpose of doing the study. The data could be true but I would much more trust a study that used broader explanation and maybe was aware that those stereotypes exists and comes from gender roles and the history. I don’t know anything specific that disproof that wlw is more likely to be best friends and less likely to be sexual than heteros and that woman are less horny than men but I do know that that idea comes from gender roles and has gotten better with time than it was 100 years ago so yes because of that it’s a very questionable explanation. If there’s no other for example biolocical explanation, the idea that wlw is less sexual with eachother than heteros is just homophobic and contributes to the homophobic beliefs (that exists) that lesbians are not as real, but two men are ”real but disgusting”. English is not my native and I don’t know if this is very understandable. What I’m trying to say is that I believe the idea that wlw is less sexual is a homophobic stereotype mostly or only. I know that that idea comes from homophobic beliefs and is in everyones heads and that’s important to consider when you look into if it’s really true. Personally I believe it’s not true at all, that society did this image. As said I don’t have any facts for my belief that lesbians are just as sexual with eachother as heteros. It could be false but then I think the explanation to that is things like that woman grows up with an idea that they aren’t allowed to be as sexual as men.
I don’t think it’s homophobic stereotypes but misogynic stereotypes!
The main idea here is that basically sex just happens because the man wants it and the woman plays along to do him a favour... And if a woman out of herself should have any sexual feelings (wether it’s for other women or for men) she’s like... lusty or something.
That not much can happen between two women because basically they both don’t have any sexual urges so who should initiate anything, is just a consequence of that believe.
To be surounded by a society that basically tells you if you have any sexual feelings something must be wrong with you, is a problem for any girl or woman. It doesn’t really matter if you’re gay or not.
I first heard of this when I found out that female homesexuality actually hardly ever was illegal, and still isn’t in most countries where for male homosexuality you even got the death panality... That’s a bizzare advantage gay women had and have from this, but otherwise this whole view on female sexuality is awful of course.
I think there are many people who think that sex between women is just like some advanced cuddling because they still have in mind that none of them would even want anything else.
As for the study: I think I read about it in a compendium that summerized the state of research in health of homosexual people in general. Like mental health, risk for STD but also in general how content they were with their lives and stuff like that. And there was also a part about how happy they were with their relationships and sex life. And this atempt of an explaination for what they found in that specific study was really just one sentence in the summary of that one study among many other studies... So it might be that in the actual study itself there were other approaches to explain it as well.
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uh--nope · 5 years
October Faction: First Impressions
I dont understand how Im so fixated on a show that has my birth month in the title, but somehow I am and this is my first look at the show after two episodes.
You can skip down to VERDICT to know whether its worth it
First impression:
I'll be honest, when I first saw this show, I was thinking, "I need something to fuel my Umbrella Academy withdrawal and I cannot wait 2 years for another season, this show will have to do."
That was becauuse I saw the show was based on a comic with Netflix doing well with comic/YA novel adaptations I have it a shot.
The show really hits with drawing you in first episode. Like Umbrella Academy, it starts with the death of a kranky old man that everyone hates. Some people mourn others dont but monster dies so thats cool. According to the trailer, the monsters are Octobers and from what I have gathered, they smell like rotten eggs and copper and theyre normal people at first, until they go monster-mode. But Ive yet to know what makes them like this and why they do this HOWEVER instead of getting a mystery about beings Im getting creepy ish AND I LOVE IT.
I love the characters. Especially the older people. Gosh, its sort of wierd to hear an 50+ years old man swearing like a teenager. Its actually kind of hilarious. The kids are kinda cringe but a lovable cringe?
Like I love Viv, but some of her dialouge is wierd to me? Like as a fellow teen, I dont mind when 20 year old act as teenagers. Some the teenagers I have seen around my school have full grown beards already. (Me, holding Hollywood at arrowpoint: GIVE ME BEARDED TEENS, COWARDS.) So with Viv looking like a full hrown adult I understand, but there was one line she said that nearly ticked me off like "MAJOR GROSS." CAN WE PLEASE STOP TALKING LIKE THIS?
Or maybe Im too much of a weird normie to be picky about that sort of stuff, I dunno.
Geoff is a charaismatic boy. I dont have too much insight in him, but I know the relationship he has with his sis is cute, especially when they speak to each other in Japanese. It feels super wholesome and like their secret code among the racist, close-minded twicks. Also its nice to see a homophobic brown person. Negitivity doesn't see color when it manifests in people, my dudes, but neither does positivity.
I don't know why or how but seeing that man get HIGH AND DRUNK IN THE SAME EPISODE was golden.
I don't think he's outgrown his 70s life style, and homestly, I hope he doesnt. Despite looking like a slightly younger Uncle Gambi, that dude obviously is not the mature one of the family. More like the baby of the family. Or the harden teen? I dunno I stan this man.
Theres nothing out there that I dont particually like about the show, YET. Theres alot of mystery happening, plot wise so Im digging that. The tone of the show is very creepy, but it seriously cool and has a tint of edgy. I love the yellow coloring when it does flashbacks inside a building, and when the flashbacks occur outside there is no tint on it.
After reading through all of this I just remembered something I forgot the plot reminded me of. Remember Spy kids? Remember how furious and comfused the kids were when they found out their parents are spys and work for a secret company? Yeah, that sort of thing is getting a bit old for me, but I love the aspect of the parents hiding something from their kids, even though desperately wished that this show didnt have that and the kids are aware of their parent being monster hunters.
But alas we have OCTOBER FACTION.
Worth the watch, alot of things we dont know yet
Fred Allen, just FRED ALLEN
Racist homophobic ppl beware
Good sibling bond
Colors are on point
Plot mystery i love
Characters are fun
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yamagache · 5 years
Black Cat on an Enchanted Coffin at Midnight.
Ok! Finally had the time to answer this ask! 😁
Black Cat: Favorite Urban Legend.
Hmm. I’ll have to agree with you on this one Jykell. The way the internet (mostly tumblr) treats the Moth Man in such a wholesome good boy™️, And the way Griffin Mcelroy describes his take on him. I’m very partial to the cuteness that is Moth Man.
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Who wouldn’t want a fuzzy creature of the night complimenting your outdoor light fixtures while he clumsily bumps into them. Transfixed to the point you might find it to be perhaps a sexual urge that drives him? Maybe? Anyways he’s not hurting anyone and isn’t too much of a handful when he does visit. So I say let the man love his lights. ☺️
Enchanted - What fictional character scares you most?
The. Bear. From. The. Movie. Annihilation.
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My mom and I decided to watch this movie on a Friday night after watching 30 seconds of the trailer. (We don’t like watching more than we need to to get hooked so we don’t spoil ourselves of the whole movie)
The plot was innocent enough. A comet hits the earth and the radiation from it creates a sort of field around a large portion of the earth changing the chemistry of all living life inside the “dome”. Our main character is a female scientist that decides to go in when her husband comes back from his military trip inside, half dead. Believing if she got inside, she could understand what’s happening and save her significant other. Good plot. Interesting premise. We decide to watch it.
First it’s not to bad. The trees and plants have grown expenentially and the flowers have all changed and started to grow in wierd patterns. The most danger so far is an alligator the size of a small boat with more rows of theeth than it should have almost killing her and her party. And finding the missing team her husband was apart of all dead and a video camera documenting there decent into madness and turning on each other.
But then there’s this bear.
They hear a noise of what sounds to be a fellow human in distress and some of her party go to look for them only to find out it’s a mutated bear that mimics the speech of a person in distress to lure its prey to it. The voice is of a female and it’s so chilling. It’s got no flesh in its face part and I’m pretty sure the girl it ate merged with it’s body cause it has another face on the side of its own face.
This scary as shit monster came the fuck out of knowhere and torments them not once but on multiple occasions with each visit being more horrifying than the last.
I’m genuinely freightened of this thing. And I’m pretty sure it because it uses the sound of a woman in distress to lure other humans into its maw. Plus it’s a smart and hungry bear that eats people.
Coffin - Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
Yes. And to this day I still can’t explain it.
So I don’t know if everyone had to do this when in school, but we had those stupid catalogs with the stuff you had to sell and a tier list of prizes for how much you ended up selling.
My sister and I decided to go around our neighborhood and that’s it cause we didn’t really like knocking on people’s doors and bothering people to buy our wares.
There’s a street close to ours that’s no different than any other street. We make our way door to door doing our thing until we get to this white duplex with one apartment on the bottom and one on top.
We decide to just do the bottom cause it’s getting late.
My sitter knocks on the door while I peek through the window and it’s a standard old people living room with a bunch of Jesus statues. The old lady opens the door and is happy for the company letting us inside so she can better look through the catalog.
That when I get a better view of just how many crucifiction statues of Jesus there are in the house. It’s absolutely littered with them. Hanging on the walls, the shelves and on the table and nightstands next to the couch. I clearly remember seeing one of those dollar store lava lamp plug in the socket lights because of how far removed it was from all the religious decor. Even her tv was playing some sorta sermon.
It was all very wierd. But the lady was very kind and offered us water which we declined cause (she’s a stranger and walking into her house was already a no no) she decided to purchase a humming bird decoration for those old ceiling lamps with the pull chains. Which coincidently she had that type of ceiling lamp in the very living room we were standing in. She paid. We thanked her. And left.
Weeks later when we got all the products and were making our way around the neighborhood once agin, giving people what they bought. We finally made our way back to the duplex.
We knocked on the door. Nobody came. We knocked again. Still nothing. We double checked the adress to make sure we were at the right place. We were.
We decided to knock one more time a little harder thinking the old lady might of been asleep. Only for the tenant who lived upstairs come out on the balcony looking at us in confusion. Asking what we were doing. We explained the situation. And her reply still haunts me.
She told us that know one had lived down there for years. I had the humming bird in our house for a few years but at some point my mother threw it away. I’ll never forget this experience cause I can’t explain it.
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Midnight - Last horror movie I watched.
That would be IT Chapter Two.
Fantastic movie. They did such a great job finding actors to play the counterparts to their younger selves! Everyone was spot on!! I think I might like the second more than the first! It’s a fun movie.
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I didn’t go into this movie having read the book. Nor was I expecting anything. So it probably why I liked it more than others.
I think my only gripe was the gay couple in the beginning getting beaten by the homophobic ass holes only to then get eaten by the clown. I felt it was a little too much. They could have just been eaten but no. First they had to be beaten cause they’re gay and then eaten by the clown. And I think I feel this way cause I like the couple so much I hated seeing them go through not one violence but two!
Other than that I loved everything else. The guy who plays the stuttering kid was my fave next to the closeted gay.
Thanks for the asks as always Jykel! 💚 ☺️
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