#shes based off of a Purple Emperor Butterfly
losingchipmunk · 1 year
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I drew Shinobu for my swap au :D I think she's pretty!
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ruses-writing-realm · 2 years
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Flutter / Wisteria
Seer of the Seashore Sector. Current Interpreter of the Guardians
Round fluffy white jack with mostly white fur and a few dull brown stripes on her tail, back legs, braid, ears, and hair fluff. They are heavily decorated with a dull purple collar and darker rich purple cloth on her side. On her collar is a gold tag, a golden moon connecting the cloth and collar pieces together and another gold accent on their glasses in a butterfly like shape. Another necklace hangs under their collar with wisteria petals and a spiral shell, two more wisteria bracelets on her front foot with a carved shell ring on their front paw. Three tied pouches hang from her cloth with wisteria holding it together. Purple Emperor Butterfly wings sprout on their back, tail base, and front leg.
Orphan, no parental ties. Married to Azure. Mom of Lynx, Lily, Shore, and Sea.
5 years old. Equivalent of a 30-35 year old.
Caring, precise, empathetic, and thoughtful. Often gets too lost in the many responsibilities she has and needs a solid support to stay in the present.
Non-binary /// Bisexual Demiromantic /// She/They
(ID- Wisteria is a round pale jack with fluffy sections of fur and many accessories. She has pale purple eyes with a odd highlight in the shape of a flower in her iris, short sharp ears, and the right side of their face completely covered by hair. A braid hangs down her left side with their front legs together and back legs slightly apart, silky tail going up before hanging down. Faint dull brown stripes are on their ears, eyebrow, hair, braid end, tail, and back legs. A dull purple collar is across their neck, darker purple cloth hang on her side in two pieces connected to the collar by the golden moon. A golden tag is on their collar with another gold accent on her glasses. A necklace of wisteria hangs under her collar and two more on their front paw. A spiral shell hangs off their chest necklace with a carved shell ring on her front paw. Three pouches hang off the bottom cloth. Butterfly wings sprout between the cloth pieces, on the base of her tail and back of her front legs. The colors used are above them with the faint signature “Nightly Ruse” on their side. End ID)
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strawbebearts · 1 year
D&D Tarot Set masterpost
I made a tarot series based on the PCs and significant NPCs in our dnd campaign. Feel free to ask me about any of them!
Disclaimer: I took a lot of inspiration and direction from the Hero Forge minis my group members made of their characters, especially for weapons and armour I wasn't comfortable designing myself.
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[Image ID: The Fool. A jaunty fairy with curly hair, a fancy coat and green/orange butterfly wings hovers in the foreground. He carries two wands emitting various coloured lights. Behind him there is an upturned spectral hand, below him is a grimoire page on devil pacts torn in half, and above him is a branch with several oak leaves and acorns.]
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[Image ID: The Magician. A haughty fairy with slicked-back reddish hair, fanciful robes and deep blue wings hovers with a polished staff in his right hand and a swirl of green smoke surrounding his raised left hand. A sword, a cup, a pentacle and a wand hover around him, wreathed in the same green smoke. A cloudy infinity symbol hangs above him and an oak branch in brown line art sits below him.]
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[Image ID: The High Priestess. The drow goddess Lolth perches on a glowing half-moon seat. Cobwebs trail across her deep grey skin, her white hair hangs across her shoulders, and she wears a malevolent grin. She is gesturing over a crystal ball balanced on her knees while she holds up an aged scroll with demonic runes in her left hand. Two black pillars inscribed with her spiderweb symbol flank her, trailing more cobwebs.]
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[Image ID: The Empress. A gnome woman with a long blonde braid and a confident smile lounges in a blue chair. She wears scale armour and a chainmail shirt over a turquoise tunic and a crimson cloak trails off the left side of the seat. She holds a jeweled longsword aloft in her left hand. A spiked golden crown sits on her head. At the foot of her chair is a pie in a white dish with a feminine symbol formed of pastry on top. In the distance behind her is a forest treeline.]
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[Image ID: The Emperor. A purple tiefling sits back comfortably in an imposing wooden throne with one boot up on the other knee. He has small horns curving back from his forehead and long dark hair under a fancy golden crown. He wears a luxurious red robe and his fingers are adorned with rings. He holds a black crystal staff or sceptre loosely in his left hand.]
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[Image ID: The Hierophant. A lion-themed khajiit with golden eyes stands between two pillars topped with sunray decorations. He wears silver and black plate armour and a white tabard emblazoned with a yellow sun, with a black and gold spiked flail tucked into a hip sheath. His left hand is placed on his chest and his right is raised in benediction. In the foreground a white cat and a black cat sit at attention. A golden key floats above him.]
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[Image ID: The Lovers. Two women are embracing and kissing in the foreground. The first is shorter than the other, a barefooted kitsune with long dark-blonde hair, fluffy fox ears and a single fox tail; she wears a pink kimono with flowers embroidered on it. The second figure is a tiefling with dark blue skin and dark brown hair, horns that curve back from her temples and a slender tail with a heart-shaped tip; she wears a simple peasant blouse and skirt and a flour-dusted apron with a rolling pin tucked in her apron. The branch of a cherry tree extends above them with a small black bat hanging watchfully; pink and white sakura petals fall around the couple.]
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[Image ID: The Chariot. A brown ox with white socks and soft brown eyes, wearing a golden laurel circlet, pulls a simple wooden cart. A river flows beside her and stars hang above her. Riding on the back of the cart is a small orange turtle with a dark brown shell laced with fiery designs.]
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[Image ID: Strength. A young half-elf man in leather armour with his brown hair tied in a topknot crouches to pet a mimic shaped like a treasure chest. The boy wears simple country clothing and carries a steely blue battleaxe across his back. The mimic slobbers as it enjoys its scritches.]
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[Image ID: The Hermit. A tanned elf with a shaved head and a white scalp-lock stands contemplatively on a mountaintop, with other mountains fading into the distance behind him. He wears simple monastic robes and sandals, and has a wooden prosthetic left arm crossed over his right hand. Beside him stands a single brown hen, and a large six-pointed star hangs in the sky nearby.]
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[Image ID: The Wheel of Fortune. Two glowing yellow figures, featureless except for elven ears and faint suggestions of masculine and feminine torsos, pirouette around a round wooden door carved with the words 'I wish to enter The God and the God'. Behind the door is line art of a huge oak tree. Paper scrolls in each corner of the image show stylized representations of a gust of air, a drop of water, a new leaf, and a flame.]
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[Image ID: Justice. An unsmiling half-orc man sits in a high-backed wooden chair. He wears simple country clothes and symbols of the sun. In his left hand he holds a set of golden scales, and his right holds aloft a golden morningstar. Two plain white pillars support a translucent yellow banner. Above him, the ethereal suggestion of a white dove flies.]
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[Image ID: The Hanged Man. A dark-skinned eladrin man hangs upside down from a bare branch by one foot. His foot is secured by a length of purple silk. He seems relaxed with his arms behind his head. His light-blue hair hangs downward from a loose tie. He wears deep blue robes with a bronze seashell motif and has a huge silvery sword across his back. His left arm ends in a mess of purplish flesh at the shoulder, and only the bones continue below that.]
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[Image ID: Death. A very dark-skinned woman in black plate armour rides on a white horse. A golden crown (matching the one worn by the Empress) sits on her long black hair, and a skull mask slips from her face. There is a silver greatsword on her back and a white rose enameled on her breastplate. In the foreground two elven peasants sit in attitudes of prayer, and in the foreground a silhouetted werewolf howls at the moon. There is a flute in the bottom left corner and a masque and dagger in the top right.]
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[Image ID: Temperance. A drow woman with long auburn hair takes a step forward in the foreground, her eyes closed serenely. She wears long boots, a bustier and a blue shoulder cape, and the left side of her face and neck are marked by a glowing violet spellscar. Her arms are spread; her left hand holds a blue orb, while her open right hand is surrounded by a violet nimbus. A pair of silver chalices floats above her head, haloed by the same violet nimbus, and a stream of water pours from one to the other. Behind her, a cave opening descends down into darkness.]
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[Image ID: The Devil. An uncomfortably muscular white man snarls, his lank hair falling over his shoulder. The right side of his body is taken over by demonic marks: his right eye is a fiery orange and surrounded by dark veins, there is a fang on the right side of his mouth, and a black and red horn has grown from his skull; the black stone axe he holds in his right hand has fused with his arm, a number of pulsating veins running from his flesh into the shaft of the axe. He holds a flaming torch in his human left hand. Behind him is a pentacle drawn in blood.]
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[Image ID: The Tower. A reptilian monster based on the Tarrasque roars in the centre of the image, its back covered with orange bone spikes and its mouth full of terrible fangs. In the background a flash of white lightning forks from the sky. In the foreground a featureless man and woman lie in pools of blood.]
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[Image ID: The Star. A young woman with a plain face, olive skin and a brown braid sits by a small pool, leaning on one hand. She wears modest robes that cover most of her skin except her face. Fiery energy surrounds her raised left hand; a hovering ceramic jug pours water into the pool, surrounded by the same fiery energy. Seven glowing stars hang in the sky around a larger, brighter star.]
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[Image ID: The Moon. A violet-skinned mind flayer with glowing hooded eyes and a face full of tentacles contemplates a glowing moon suspended between its clawed hands. A pool of some dark substance ripples below it, with the shadowy outlines of six fleeing figures reflected in the middle. In the background is a gilded cage containing a collared white dove (similar to the one in the Justice card).]
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[Image ID: The Sun. A young woman with powerful avian legs and a sky-blue crest of feathers on her scalp sits cross-legged in the sun. Her eyes are closed, her head tilted back and her left hand raised to the sun in the top-left corner. Her golden skin has a metallic sheen. She wears a short white robe over a light sleeveless coat with transparent crystal bracers. In the background three sunflowers wave, and where the fourth should be there is instead a golden staff topped by a sunburst with a glass prism at its centre.]
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[Image ID: Judgement. A bald-headed genasi woman with rich brown skin marked with golden energy lines stands with her left hip tilted and her right hand raised questioningly. She wears fine clothing of red and turquoise silks finished with gold thread, and a bandolier of potions hangs from her belts. She has a black staff with a serpent's head slung over a shoulder. In the background a mountain split into two halves down the middle looms. In the foreground are two tombstones: one reads 'Sinner' while the other reads 'Loser'.]
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[Image ID: The World. In the centre of the image a man in a black religious robe cowers, gazing fearfully at an unseen danger. His bald head is split by an angry red scar that runs from crown to chin, and a symbol of Demogorgon hangs from his belt. Twisting green tentacles form a rough circle around him. The word 'HA' is repeated in red several times across the background. The four corners are occupied by a demon each, one flying among clouds, one swimming with a fish tail, one perched on a rock, and one breathing fire.]
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fatal-blow · 5 years
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working on these again in between finishing off comic pages uwu so here’s Rivennae, the second half of the DuVaun twins.  Based her outfit off of a purple emperor butterfly!
Other refs:
Nalaki | Adrienne | Benji | Eli
Rivennae is Adrienne’s twin sister who no one knows he has.  When she was young, she contracted a nasty case of augurn.  She survived, but it stripped her of her magic and made her very existence illegal.  Her family couldn’t bear to give her up, though, so they publicly announced her death and hid her away.
Nowadays Rivennae engages in Solvan’s night life, the only place she can live any sort of life without fear.  It’s made her quite the contrarian, from her beliefs to her actions.  She even follows a different denomination of Soll’lun than the mainstream.  It was during the night that she met (and even dated) Nalaki, not knowing that her brother also knew Nalaki.
Tag list: @bewarethemarbar  @goldandsapphire  @spacebrick3 @urbanteeth  @katywritesbooks  @hpfitterly  @furry-monster-trash  @pyrrhicdreamer @unpickingthetangles  @lady-redshield-writes  @knight-clover  @mbscully  @siarven  @requiemforicarus @kaypier  @because-im-freaking-greed  @purpleshadows1989  @romanthewriter @miniaturemagic  @bowtomypointlesswords  @cassius-mortemer  @cryptid-kaz  If you want to be added or removed, let me know!
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scaryscarecrows · 5 years
What is the favorite memory the Militia Squad (+ Jason if you want) have of their training with the Arkham Knight? It couldn’t ALL have been sweat and stupidity, they needed to have some fun!!
(Sorry this took a bit; I needed to CONSIDER THINGS. :p)
Antoine: Man, I was the damn training dummy. It wasn’t FUN. I got hung off of gargoyles, jumped, yanked into a grate one time, I don’t even know HOW that happened...that was bad. But okay. There was this old lady-we all called her Nana Tamal-who would come...every month, or so, from one of the little villages nearby, and she made the BEST tamales I have ever had in my LIFE. I’d kill for those things. But she’d come every month and we’d all buy a crap-ton of tamales and then go a few days later to cart ‘em back home. Those were damn good.
Mark: Pfft, yeah, Nana Tamal was awesome. Dumbass Jimmy tried to marry her granddaughter-for the food, he’d seen her like one time from a distance-and she told him, ‘okay, snowboy, but first you have to eat the Pepper Tamal’. And look. There is no such thing as the Pepper Tamal. I know. But she made him some horrifying THING-I think there were ghost peppers in it or something, I don’t know and I don’t CARE-and brought it, and he tried. He tried. He got about two bites in before he couldn’t do it. And that’s the last time ANY of us so much as thought about marrying into the Tamal Family.
Jimmy: God, you’re an asshole. I was hungry. I thought it was a good idea. Anyways, I’d have to go with the Roomba. We had this Roomba-or somebody did, anyway, I don’t know who it belonged to-and it would just...roam around, I don’t know its deal. But it used to come into my computer room all the time and I eventually started using it to send out notes for snacks and drinks. And somebody-I guess its owner-started putting little sticky notes about ‘do not use the Roomba for messages’, but bite me, come and take it back then, and we had a bit of a sticky-note-fight until I won by taping a knife on it. So THERE.
Frank: We had a little family of Azara’s Night Monkeys take up residence just outside of base, actually. I used to go outside at night and just watch them, and about a month before we shipped out Gotham, one of ‘em came down, and just looked at me, and for about three minutes or so we just had this staring contest. And then that little brat flung a fruit pit at me and ran off. It was cute, though, and it really was maybe five feet from me, which. That was really, really cool, to see it that close.
Trent: I was actually out on recon when I ended up taking a wrong turn and wound up finding some little dried-up streambed, but this thing was COVERED in Agathina Emperors; they’re these purple butterflies, they’re everywhere down there, but I’ve never seen so MANY. Literally, the ground was purple. It was just this purple ribbon in the middle of the jungle. Made it back a little late, but oh man, it was worth it.
Riley: So I was minding my own business, out for a walk, you know, and I come across what I’m pretty sure is a black ops team, okay. They don’t see me, but they’re coming right at me and I’m just mentally going, well shit-shit-shit this sucks so bad--
--but we’re in howler monkey territory. And I don’t know if it’s a thing for them, but the troop of howlers we had nearby were ASSHOLES. They got used to us eventually, but they were JERKS. And I’m just about to hope I can sneak outta here when Leader Howler spots these guys, takes offense, and, like, orders his buddies to start throwing poop. Monkeys are mad, team is just going WHAT HAPPENED, and I turn around and haul ass back home. It was awesome.
Jason: No fun. Only vengeance.
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thewitchqueen281 · 7 years
Experiment 808 AU
Hey so I did actually have someone show some interest in this AU, but I’m awful at formatting so I'm just making a separate text post. Read about each character under the cut. A bit about the setting. It’s pretty distant future, this big lab in the middle of the city was commissioned to make a ton of super soldiers. Not knowing where to start they just... started kidnapping kids. Like from their cribs and everything. Not legal but they can like start from scratch there. By the time most of them are ten they’ve been tortured and beaten and do not want to be there. So they just escape. Because like what are they going to do to stop a bunch of kids with powers.  They run free into the city. They stay hidden in bunkers and hideouts. They are all about 15~16 ish. I haven't decided whether or not Al is still a year younger or if they are twins so, for now, its up too you. 
Anyway, enjoy these stupid teens.
Has gills on his neck and sides, and dragonfly wings.
the wings are red and while he can fly fast can’t fly for a very long time. 
Instead of his traditional black tank top and coat, he wears one of those knit sleeveless turtleneck things with his red coat that ties around in the front.
Anyone with gills is bioluminescent underwater, he glows red in his face and all around his arms.
he wears a different outfit because it hides his wings and his gills. 
still kind of a little shit. 
knows all the other kids, is friends with most of them surprisingly. 
lives with his brother, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeyes, and Denny Brosh in an abandoned library on the west side of the city. Because they are the kids he trusts the most.
he would live with Ling, Lan Fan, and Winry. But Ling and Lan Fan don't really live anywhere and Winry travels between all the kid's hideouts making sure they didn't break anything.
Likes knives, like really really likes knives
has like twenty on him at all times. 
he actually meets Ling by throwing a knife at him and getting really pissed that he missed. 
Roy Mustang 
Has a salamander tail, sometimes breaths a small bit of fire. 
Doesn't really like people at all. 
is four ten and has a lisp and you can pry this headcanon away from my cold dead hands. 
frequent all-nighters, whether playing video games or trying to master fire breath. 
Wears really baggy cargo pants, he likes the pockets. 
has a haircut with two very long pieces of hair in the front and kinda shitty bangs. 
he regrets this haircut. 
he’s best friends with Riza and Ed because Riza and Ed are also wild kids who won't stop him from jumping off really high places or putting bugs in Al’s tea. 
Likes lollypops, no one is sure why he just thinks they taste nice. 
huge crush on Jean Havoc from the group uptown, The others make fun of him. 
Riza Hawkeye 
Has a cheetah tail and likes to R U N
She's a very fast girl, for a long time everyone thought that was one of the abilities given to her during her time in the lab.
it's not  
she just likes to run. 
despite being a wild teen is the second most sensible one in their group. Has had to drag Roy to bed, but almost everyone has had to do that once or twice.
cant cook for shit. like really. she hates cooking shes so bad at it. 
everyone expects her to be the mom for some reason like they think she cooks and cleans. 
shed rather die, Ed cooks, they take shifts cleaning.
loves long skirts and horror novels. 
likes to think she can talk to ghosts or summon demons. 
or maybe she can. 
nobody really knows. 
Talks to herself on occasion. 
Has gills like his brother. Very small antlers as well.
glows blue underwater near his ears and around his legs. He and his brother have matching symbols on their backs.  
wears a blue hoodie to cover the antlers. 
The actual Mom Friend TM 
Enjoys tea and not having to deal with his brother and CO’s bullshit. 
for once would like to sleep in. just once. 
Would be a wine mom but he is responsible and doesn't drink while underage, unlike almost all of his friends who really don't seem to give a shit.
Sassy, like, really sassy. 
bad at hiding his emotions. 
you will know when he thinks your being a dumbass.
*looks into the camera like he's on the office* 
“Al me and the others are going to jump off the top of the building and see with we can stop ourselves.” “Good luck brother.”
Is friends with everyone and really he loves them all but goddamn. 
One time Ed dated a real shit head and you don't want to know what happened after he dumped Ed. he isn't dead but he won't be walking anytime soon.
Denny Brosh
Has Squid tentacles under his arms and fins on his legs. He glows a bright yellow underwater. 
Knits, like a lot. Every one of them has a homemade sweater from him. the others he lives with wear theirs all the time. Because they do gross things like care about one another in this household. 
Is still really good friends with Maria Ross, he wishes they saw each other more. 
can and will shock you with his tentacles, especially if you make jokes about them. 
Meme dream team leader. 
Al doesn't understand memes and Denny hurts every day because of this. 
has a bright yellow sweater that he knitted himself and then had every single one of his friend sign.
Thinks Kain Furey is super cute. Roy thinks he's super gross because Furey is an innocent Denny!
wholesome meme some days sex jokes on others. 
pretty much all the kids have pretty severe mental health issues, but Denny is one of the few who has tried to help his. 
takes anxiety meds. 
while he doesn't have any sibling this timeline he has his friends and honestly they are pretty close to siblings. 
has called Ed big brother but like everyone has once or twice. Ed doesn't really give a shit and has accepted his fate as the oldest and apparently the most brother like. 
Maria Ross 
Lots a scales, like all over her body. 
has wings but she isn't sure what animal they could be from.
they are big and scaley like her. 
Lives with Olivier, Mei Chang, Sheska, and Winry Rockbell when she's around. They live in an old dinner on the east side of town. 
Would date Sheska 100%. 
Sorta has claws, doesn't matter she enjoys painting them. 
Good friends with Olivier, actually best friends. This is a problem in some ways because Olivier and Denny don’t get along at all. 
Has a gun, only used it once or twice to protect her friends. 
she hopes she never has to use it again.
Sometimes wonders what her family would be like if she hadn't grown up in a lab. Wonders whether of not her family sold her or if she was stolen. She wonders for the other kids as well.
Breaths and cries ice. 
prefers if her friends called her Ria 
Olivier Armstrong  
This bitch got bat wings
they are fucking huge. 
she can’t really hide them so she only goes outside at night. 
she has become a cryptid. 
blurry shitty pictures of her crouching on buildings wings extended, her eyes glowing are all over forums. 
Batgirl strikes again?? 
she thinks its super funny. 
Doesn't really try to hide how she's feeling. 
most of the time she’s Arragont or amused.
Anime character tch. 
Her list of people she dislikes is bigger than the list of people she likes. 
that's a lie she loves all her friend's
she’s just bad about showing it and claims to hate them. 
everyone calls her Livi. 
she hates it but nobody cares. 
keeps her hair in a ponytail.
Mei Chang
has a cat tail, and night vision.
Please don't make any jokes. 
she doesn't want this.
People sometimes pull her tail. they only pull it once though. People learn from their mistakes.
wears a big pink coat with lots of pockets. she keeps both dead mice and her kunai in the pockets. 
Is Winrys assistant when she's around.
loves to help. is crushing on Al from the west side library. Everyone knows but Al. Ed and Ling think that is hilarious. Like it didn't take them months to get over themselves. 
Ling is her half-brother. She isn't sure how trustworthy the info is because it’s something she heard from lab technicians. 
Wants to learn to fight better but nobody wants to spar with her. 
Sit’s up at night and stares at her coffee. 
it’s cold now but she can’t get to sleep. 
Winry Rockbell 
Has butterfly wings, emperor butterfly wings. They don't make her as fast as Ed but it is faster to fly than to walk and she can fly for pretty long periods of time.
automail isn't really a thing. So Winry does general doctor stuff.
she goes between bases and makes sure that everybody is healthy. 
most of the time that isn't the case so shes pretty much always working.
Thinks Mei is a wonderful helper.  
Wears her signature tube top. doesn't travel through populated areas and definitely doesn't by day.
Butterflygirl isn't as cool as a cryptid as Batgirl so she doesn't get much coverage. 
Will still hit you with a wrench don't test her. 
She carries it and her entire toolbox because she’ll be damned if she loses time for her machines while helping out these idiots.
Dating Mothman. 
Mothman is actually Lan Fan. this joke doesn't make a lot of sense to her because Lan Fan doesn't have moth wings. Ling and Ed tell her to shut up and go with it. She rolls her eyes fondly. 
Kain Fuery 
Has ant antenna. he can send messages across radio waves because of this. makes it easy to keep up with his friends. 
Lives with Jean and Rebbeca in what they think was once a club. It's unused now but it does have an underground bunker for some reason.
He is an innocent 
(He isn't) 
keeps a picture of some dog in his pocket. 
he needs it to keep up morale. 
yes, it is just a stock photo of a dog that he stole out a picture frame at wallmart a couple years ago.
He really likes animals. Ed and Roy hate going out with both him and Al in a pair because both of them insist on stopping to pet every dog and cat or whatever animal.
Functional Bi 
Jean Havoc  
Has fins he thinks. they are like spiky and help him swim better. they are all over his back and wrap around his arms. Has gills, and he tends to glow a bluish purple.  
he lives in the club but prefers to be near the docks. 
Loves to swim
Just call him Jean
Please god just call him Jean. 
Olivier and Maria butchered his last name so bad when he first meet him that he is permanently traumatized. 
he’s being dramatic but like, that's who he is??
Disaster Bi 
Pinning? His constant mood?
Ling Yao
Red panda tail and claws. 
Loves sweet things, like so much.
Can see in the dark, loves his night vision
Thinks Ed throwing knives at him is super hot
Ed is Concerned TM 
Doesn't really live anywhere. 
bounces around the bases with Lan Fan. 
Lan Fan is actually his twin sister but they haven't told Mei that yet.
he doesn't know why people don't just know.
Climbs in Ed’s window in the middle of the night. 
freaked Ed out the first time it happened but he got used to it. 
spars on rooftops in the middle of the day. 
For some reason, nobody seems to freak out. 
Kink is love and appreciation
doesn't actually know most of the other kids. Sometimes there will just be a different kid at the base and He’ll be like cool.
Everone knows about Ling though. 
Lan Fan
She has lunar moth wings. Although Winry seems to think they are from some type of butterfly like her. Ed and Ling know the truth and call her moth man. 
She flicks their faces for it. 
loves food. thinks it must be because lunar moths cant eat, that side of her wants to eat E V E R Y T H I N G. 
Or maybe she just has a huge appetite because Ling eats a ton as well. 
has night vision as well.
Is her last name Fan? Not even she knows. 
Everyone calls her Lan Fan though. 
Spars with Ling but prefers fighting with Ed because Ling holds back. Ed doesn't.
tries so hard not to scream at her friends. 
god, she tries so hard. 
This took so long. If you want to hear about specific characters request it and I’ll make another one of these. If anyone wants to write a fanfic send it to me, I’ll be the first one to kudos that ish.  
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bokura-no-ua · 7 years
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Inktober - Day 8: Crooked
Pairing: Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki Rating: T Other Tags: A tad of social anxiety and some questionable behaviour on the part of a few young men
Art by Kumi. Words by Red. Read it on AO3! Please, do not repost anywhere.
The atmosphere was stifling, and Denki brought his hand up to loosen the tie, the feeling of it around his collar constricting. He really hated these kinds of events, especially when propriety and formal attire were involved.
All U.A. students had to attend the formal party organised by the school so he had no other choice but to dress up accordingly. He wasn’t entirely sure what they were supposed to be celebrating but he knew the whole thing was for a charity of some sort, so he couldn’t really find it in himself to complain too much. He was an U.A. student now, so he had to suck it up and put up with everything that came along with that title.
He had started the evening off with his classmates, but they had soon broken up into smaller groups of twos and threes, until it was just him, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou in one corner of the crowded room. However, after a short while, Sero claimed to be starving and left with Kirishima towards a table filled with fancy-looking food, whose ingredients they could not recognise and ended up asking Bakugou for help in deciphering what was what.
So, he had then drifted from group to group, chatting amiably with everyone he encountered throughout the majority of the event. He got to know quite a few of the first-years from other classes as well as feeling slightly intimidated by the powerful aura of a handful of second- and third-year students.
As of right now, though, he was standing near the doors that led to one of the balconies, shoulders and back leaning heavily against the wall. He was sure that if a teacher were to see him like that, he would get scolded but, for the first time that night, he didn’t care.
Denki needed a break.
He made a beeline for the balcony doors the second he saw the teachers nearby get lost in the sea of people.
The second he stepped out, he breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly, his body relaxing immediately. He even literally welcomed the chilly breeze of the autumn evening with his arms wide open before taking the few remaining steps towards the railing.
The night was quiet, the closed doors keeping away both the music and the incessant chatter he was sure was happening on the other side. The smell of rain floated in the air as a few dark clouds took turns covering up the moon hanging high in the sky.
Denki felt at peace here.
He closed his eyes, the wind picking up and ruffling his hair. He was considered a social butterfly by most of his classmates and he knew he could crack a few jokes at the drop of a hat and lighten up the mood quickly, but he treasured moments like these, moments when he could just... be.
He absolutely loved living with everyone else at the dorms but he sure as hell missed being able to isolate himself completely and read for hours on end, maybe with some music playing low in the background.
His thoughts were interrupted, though, by the sound of the handle being turned and the door being opened and closed quickly afterwards. He turned and saw Jirou sigh in relief, her forehead pressed against the glass for a second before moving away from the door and finally spotting Denki behind her.
Perfect, he thought. Of all the people at the party that could’ve cut into his peaceful, alone time, it had to be Jirou, the girl who loved antagonising him. It didn’t help that their every interaction made him develop the tiniest of crushes on her, or the fact that her purple dress made her body look even more petite and cute.
She was wearing a short, dark purple dress, with lace covering her chest all the way up to the base of her neck. He had no idea what kind of name the neckline might have or what skirt it was, but she looked amazing in it nonetheless. And the addition of the leather jacket made the whole outfit suit her even more. He swallowed loudly, thankful that the moonlight wasn’t illuminating his face right then.
He put on a big smile and called out to her.
“Hey, Ji-” She ran towards him and put her hand on top of his mouth to shut him up.
“Shhhh!” She looked frantically around, as if to make sure they were actually alone and then over her shoulder, checking to see if anyone came through the door. “They might hear you!”
“Who?” came Denki’s muffled response from behind Jirou’s hand. She removed it, seemingly disgusted by the proximity.
“Just some guys who wouldn’t stop following me around. I also needed a break from the party itself, honestly,” she said and sighed again. She moved to the railing and turned, her back pressed against it while her elbows rested on top of it.
“Weren’t you with Yaomomo and Mina?” he asked, a frown appearing on his face as he walked closer to her.
“I was, until I lost them while I was coming back from the bathroom, which is when these guys spotted me. I have no idea what they want, but the way they were staring gave me the creeps,” she explained with a shudder. At his questioning look, she added, “They were worse than Mineta watching that interview with Midnight and Mount Lady for the one hundredth time.”
“Wow, that bad?” To which she just nodded, silence falling on them right after.
The quiet Denki had been seeking had been completely disrupted by Jirou’s sudden appearance. He tried to get back to his previous state of calmness and peacefulness, but her presence, along with the reason as to why she had joined him, prevented him from being able to relax fully.
He chanced a glance and saw her fiddling with the sleeves of her jacket. Even though she had this tough look most of the time, she was obviously still shaken up by those dudes leering at her. He willed his anger down at that thought and decided to try and cheer her up. It was the least he could do, right?
“Hey,” he said, another smile tugging at his lips when his eyes met hers. “You’re wearing purple, are you an old woman perhaps?”
Denki’s attempt at a joke was met with a succession of punches to any parts of his body Jirou could reach.
“What - the - heck, Ka - mi - na - ri?!” Each word and syllable of his name were said quietly, so as not to alert anyone that they were out there, and they were accompanied by a hit.
“It was a joke! A joke! Stop hitting me!” he tried to defend himself and deflected her attacks, something which only served to aggravate her even further. He was at least thankful that she hadn’t used her Earphone Jacks; those hurt a lot.
“What kind of a lame joke was that?” Jirou asked, a final fist successfully connecting with Denki’s chest.
“There’s this poem that begins with the line ‘When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple, with a red hat which doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me.’ It’s pretty well-known.”
“Well, I... have never heard of it and I don’t really get what the joke was.”
“Never mind,” he said, and they stood in silence once more.
Denki felt bad now. He had just been trying to lighten up the mood! He didn’t know why he could never get her to laugh like he did with everyone else. Maybe he shouldn’t beat around the bush? Perhaps being more straightforward was the answer here.
So, after a few minutes of thinking, he went with a different approach.
“Did you know,” he paused for dramatic effect and only continued when he made sure she was actually listening to him, “that purple has always been associated with nobility and luxury because it was such a hard pigment to come by in the past? Only emperors and nobles had enough money to pay for garments dyed in that colour.”
“Really?” She raised an eyebrow at him. This was the most responsive he had ever seen Jirou being towards him, so he went on.
“Yeap,” he nodded as he looked up at the moon. “There was a time in ancient Rome when only the Emperor had the privilege of wearing that colour. Same thing here in Japan, we associate it with wealth and position. Also, the darker the shade, the more dignified the colour is perceived to be.”
After his little rant filled with fun facts was over, he lowered his gaze back to his companion and found her face rather close to his. He swallowed again as her eyes analysed every shift in his expression.
He had no idea what was going on inside her mind, but she must’ve found whatever answer she was looking for because, then, Jirou took a step back, her hands coming up to Denki’s tie, making quick work at adjusting it. He had actually completely forgotten about his lack of air from earlier.
“You know, you don’t have to try so hard if you just want to say you like the colour of my dress, stupid,” she mumbled, refusing to look him in the eye.
“Alright, then. I do actually like the colour of the dress. I think it suits you,” Denki replied softly, his face completely open and vulnerable if anyone were to walk out onto the balcony and see them.
She lightly hit him in the chest after finishing with the tie and walked back to the door.
“Let’s get back,” she said over her shoulder, and Denki followed her, keeping his body close to hers in case those guys were still around.
After a brief walk, he saw Jirou waving at the girls from their class. As he saw her practically sprint towards them, he thought that, even if the symbolism was different, Jirou definitely was the embodiment of the poem Denki had mentioned: never conforming to anything or anyone, always bending the rules and surpassing people’s expectations.
Denki grinned as he waved at the girls and almost didn’t notice the small smile in Jirou’s face that was being directed his way. His hand faltered a little in the air and he turned, face red, and decided to go find his three friends.
By the time he found them, standing near the same table piled up with food, his heart was beating rapidly still but, despite being surrounded by people from all angles, he at least felt unbelievably happy.
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