#shes an october libra btw
f1ve-girlies · 25 days
a VERY MESSY new oc sketch!!!
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very very very messy but i love her (also shes one of those characters that come in two's (think tgchk, stsg, etc.) and her gfs design is coming soon)
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funkycloewn · 26 days
I've once again come from the dead to post lmaooo
After having avoided the pilot for so long in fear of getting sucked into the world and fandom, I finally watched Lackadaisy! (My fears were right btw as it has a grip on me rn) I love it and subsequently read the comic so I knew everything and wouldn't get spoilered.
Anyway, a little time after I came across the amazing interactive fic called the Under The Devil's Moon made by @libras-interactives
I enjoyed a lot (and can't wait for the next chapter/update) and couldn't help but make ocs due to this fic being a sort of self insert thing
These characters shown are only two out the five I made :]
It's sorta rambly but I hope you enjoy it anyway!! (Especially you, Iibra 🥺)
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Name: Margaret Quinn
Nickname: Daisy
Date of Birth: October 26, 1889 (31 Years Old)
(Mostly the usual callgirl personality with some stuff added into the mix)
Years of being in the industry, has shaped this feline to be calm, gentle and soft spoken. She knows what her customers want and acts accordingly so. Though, she doesn't particularly show it — that would be bad for her image as a callgirl — she is quick to give a person a label, to categorize them. She doesn't mean to be judgy but this mindset has helped her out countless of times, so she continues on; getting to know that someone is the only way for her to lift off the verdict she holds. With the ones she loves, Margaret is very caring towards. Making sure they're well fed with both food and love is one of her top priorities. (Though, recently that has been a difficult task to maintain) This, unfortunately, can make her pushy and stubborn even when she means well.
Romantic Relationship:
Out of all the characters to choose from I chose our friendly local bartender, Viktor Vasko. At one time I was thinking of either Zib or Sable but after reading about how he would treat Chester, I was sold. I can't for that romance to unfold! :D (rhyming unintended)
• She was born and lived most of her life in the outskirts of New Orleans
• Her mother succumbed to a yellow fever outbreak, leaving her and a few other kids orphaned.
• This led to her forming a group with said children and the four of them residing in an abandoned shack.
• Margaret knows how to fix things at least temporarily because of this (e.g. pipes and infrastructure).
• (This one is a little violent so warning for that :'D) Both her front paws are missing their claws. This is due to a farmer who got sick of her constantly stealing his chickens.
• The pearl necklace she has, was given to her by Flynn. She doesn’t like anyone to know that and avoids the question when asked who she got it from.
• She likes fidgeting with the pearls. The way they softly clack when moved and the feeling of them soothes her.
• Due to her motherly nature, she will "adopt" (translation: care and look after) anyone under the age of 25 with who she is somewhat close to, especially when they are boys
• She sees Jack and Marius as older sons of hers
• Rocky could (will) be a contender for the spot of a fourth son
• She always carries a box containing a sewing kit, buttons and patches
• This has come in handy plentiful of times for Jack, mostly. On rare occasions Marius is in need of them, though I would think he's picky on what she uses; they have to match.
• Though, she says she doesn't know who Chester's father is, she knows. She just doesn't like to acknowledge it.
Voice Claim: Tiana from Princess and the Frog
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Name: Chester Quinn
Date of Birth: January 6, 1917 (3 Years Old)
This little troublemaker, has a great fondness for being one with the earth. By that I mean, he loves digging. Chester likes creating craters at playgrounds or parks, all the while letting himself be covered in freshly dug up soil. Almost all of his clothes have a grass stain and Larochka fears that he might have stained his chubby little hands for eternity. Speaking of fashion, he hates wearing shoes. A tantrum is bound to occur if you simply try to make him wear a pair. Even if you somehow achieve the impossible, he will just claw them off and chuck them. However despite all that, he's well meaning and can be gentle at times. He enjoys snuggling with him Mama or Larochka. Chester is very social and when out he's always looking for a way to make people smile.
• If he likes you, he'll make you a 'special mud pie' (a mud pie sprinkled with hand picked flowers; the more flowers, the more he likes you)
• He's handsy, mostly because he's an affectionate boy but also due to the fact he has poor eye sight.
• While he's chubby right now he grows to look more like his father, even somewhat in the face department.
• Fortunately for everyone and the tom himself, he grows out of his habit to refuse any kind of footwear. Don't tease older Chester about his phase, though, because he will get embarrassed and he will look like he just ate a sour lemon.
Voice Claim: Greg from Over the Garden Wall
Cleaned up and with his eye color when he gains his melanin
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Wonder who the dad is lmaoo
Lastly a size comparison (not sure if it's accurate tho lol)
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violet-yimlat · 11 months
A bit about me! I meant to do this for a while but Procrastination!
Hi I’m Violent I mean Violent I mean Violent I mean Violet I mean Violent I mean Violet Morningstar (but more on that later). I’m 16 and my birthday is in October. I have ADHD and Autism. I’m Asexual. My Myers-Briggs type is INTP and my Eneagram is four. I’m a Libra, but that means literally nothing.
I’m female, I use She and It pronouns, and I identify as a demon. I use the demonkin and fallen angelkin labels.
And now it’s later. I have quite an odd family life because, like several others here on Tumblr I have been adopted by @morningbloodystar because that just seems to be what he does.
So that’s my dad. Which makes @chloe-decker-lapd my sort of mom.
My irl mom is also on Tumblr. I won’t @ her, but in the event of an actual emergency, she’s cakeomatic.
My siblings, the best and only internet siblings (and exclusively online friends) I’ve ever had in order of age are;
@ask-eric-the-disposable-demon Eric Morningstar. I’m pretty sure that he’s closest in age to our dad (like, how big are the age gaps between angels anyway?) but whatever, he’s our brother. He can turn into a rabbit and multiply like them too (when did you guys get the “multiplying like rabbits” joke in Zootropolis?)
@e-w-w-morningstar Eddie W.W Morningstar, who is sometimes a termite and crawled out of the ground in the 18 something-somethings. He has several children including @jessica-woodson-morningstar , my favourite niece.
@janeway-lover Abby Morningstar. She’s “the sensible one”, and apparently she’s cool with that. Big sister energy. One of these days, she’s going to end up saving all of our asses. @urielwiththegoodhair’s partner. SIMPS.
@helphowdoiusethis Jay Morningstar. God of glitter, Quing of ducklings (almost wrote dicklings lol) and somehow an ancient entity of stardust with a traumatic backstory while also being about a year older than me.
Me. I accidentally turned into a demon. And now a cursed book called “Evil Wizardry for Beginners” won’t leave me alone. My familiar is @barrythebabyturnip.
@echosghoast Echo Morningstar. Chaos sibling supreme. The younger sibling I never had, and much less annoying than the one I actually do. Can’t wait to commit a crime with you lol.
@hivemindofevilbats Hive. Literally vampire bats.
@adam-n-dog Adam Young. Nearly caused the apocalypse that one time. Great at naming dogs. He has a dog named Dog. Good boy! Good hellhound!
Last but certainly not least, @three-surnames Trixie Espinosa Decker Morningstar. Awesome little sister? Yes. In complete denial about the nature of reality? Also yes.
Also more siblings?
@angel-and-the-serpent @fallen-starmaker @vans-ghost
Then there are my other relatives.
@the-almighty-lucifer Dad from another reality who’s decided that he’s our uncle.
@one-coming-is-enough The aforementioned Uncle J.
@god-in-the-basement said she’d be our weird aunt but I guess she’s our great aunt?
@g00brielandbeez my uncle and how do we feel about Titi? In Spanish tia and tio are aunt and uncle so that’s the combination and it works.
I’m going to list some fandoms I’m in now;
Good Omens
Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel
Heaven’s Design Team
Certain literature like Paradise Lost, Dante’s Inferno and Lucifer (as in the 17th century Dutch play)
Obey Me!
Yes, I’m into theology. And mythology. I’m an atheistic Satanist btw.
I like reading, listening to music and drawing, but I haven’t felt very inspired lately. I also like identity theft cosplay.
Well, those are the facts about me, and if none of them make you hate me, then maybe we should hang out sometime!
Always up for shenanigans.
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faecaptainofdreams · 1 year
AHOY THERE CAPTAIN!! Since it looks like I’ll unfortunately be unable to draw you anything again this year (Although depending on how much money I have by the end of this month then your birthday gift from me will be hard earned cash from commissions & if not then mark my words I am making plans to have a whole armada of gifts to shower upon you next at as 30 is a big number!!!) I wanted to take the liberty of wishing you a very, albeit a week early, Happy 29th Birthday!!! 🎉Thank you for all the inspiration, growth, and love you have given me since the start of this very decade, you are a diamond in the rough and I am so lucky to have met you. Hopefully one day I can make plans to come see you in person and perhaps have the honor of spending the rest of my tomorrows with you but until then may your 30’s all you to Wander into new Yonder’s ♥️🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈
With love from Rain/Rayne
P.S, Send Cynder my regards!! Btw are there any WOY characters whose birthday is this month?
Awwww duuuuude!!! You’re SO FUCKIN’ SWEEET HNNGGG *HUUUUUUUGS*!!!! I’ve loved having you in my life too, don’t stress about a gift bc YOU DONT OWE ME NOTHIN 😭♥️🏴‍☠️ Love ya Rayne 🥹
Aaah not that i can think of canon wise, BUT Thorn’s i think is October 18th! She’s literally based off toxic Libra traits 😂
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starmonsterrr · 1 year
Hmmmmmmm when's her/does she has a birthday? :D
17th of October! That's also my own birthday btw so hehe
(And to save you the google search just in case, she and I are Libra! I don't really believe in star signs tho but still felt like adding this)
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flowerslut · 2 years
Okay, so I’m catching up on your podcast - fucking LOVE btw - but I NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ALICE’S BIRTHDAY SHOULD BE!!! Like what is this girls sign/energy??
this is the greatest question you could have ever possibly asked me I just need you to know I am absolutely delighted right now
not god nor the devil nor smeyer can take air sign alice away from me 🔪😠
if I’m not mistaken smeyer once said somewhere in the guide (or maybe it was an interview) that alice was born earlier in the year than edward. edward’s birthday is june 20th which would imply that alice was born in 1901 prior to june. but I reject this fully. I have a love/hate relationship with the damn official guide anyways because it’s full of contradictions and I hate rectons about my favs so goddamn much (anyone else remember back in the day when jasper used to be 20? and then over the years he somehow became 19? because I fucking do)
anyways. that would mean that alice is probably an aquarius. now, I refuse to believe that alice is anything other than an air sign for reasons that should be obvious but if they aren’t: here you go. now, I don’t hate the idea of aquarius alice. like yeah she sure is an eccentric artistic little weirdo (affectionate) so it does check out but I’m so halfhearted with that assignment.
if we ignore the guide I would say that alice is absolutely a libra. an october libra though, not a september one. I don’t see her getting too deep into october although she (and I admit this so begrudgingly) does seem like she could be more of a scorpio cusp than a virgo one, so really you could put that girl pretty deep into october if you so desired. I simply Do Not.
and honestly I don't think alice has much water in her at all so making her a libra with a scorpio cusp is as much as I'm fucking willing to budge here. that girl's chart is probably dry as a desert or nearly there—jasper is the one that brings all the water to that damn relationship (and you can't tell me that edward isn't a cancer moon/mars, but enough about that bitch)—so she probably has a hefty mix of earth/wind and then fire for ✨flair✨
in fic I usually place her birthday on october 1st because that’s just the random one I selected back in the day but I think any october date on the libra side is chefs kiss perfect
anyways TO WRAP THIS UP, like I said before:
I see her as having mostly earth and air in her chart with a fire placement or three. alice is—and I don't want anyone to argue with me on this one so if you're reading this and feel inclined: save yourself the trouble— absolutely not an emotion-driven character, nor does her characterization really allow for it. she's a conniving little manipulative realist who is so grounded in the world around her because she has to be. she does things for the aesthetic, she does what she has to do to get her way, she's fiercely determined to maintain the status quo (and she also decides what the status quo gets so be), and if she throws some dramatics in here and there than thats! just! her! right! 💅
heres a fun post from 2019 where I bitch more about each characters sign and make my declarations known. I could probably budge on a few of these old placements but overall it still holds up pretty well for me lmfao. also thank you for this message i am now in love with you
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nightshadeheart11 · 2 years
Boredom and procrastination made me do this
I present to you! Lourdes, my main OC stuck in the TWST universe. 
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This is a rough sketch, btw. Cause I like procrastinating on my Japanese homework.
(She decided to cut her hair cause it kept getting snagged on random stuff.)
Name: Lourdes de la Cruz.
Birthday: October 15 (Libra)
Age: 15 
Height: 163 cm
Dominant hand: Right
Homeland: Mexico
Club: Pop Music Club
Best Subject: Magic History
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, writing, drawing, singing, babysitting
Pet Peeves: Having to save her idiots every few days, absolute boredom, Lilia’s cooking (she refuses to leave the man alone in her kitchen)
Favorite food: Menudo
Least favorite food: It’s a tie between Lilia’s cooking and Celery
Talent: Sneaking up behind people unnoticed (Crowley considered putting a bell on her after he screamed upon noticing her next to him)
Housewarden of Ramshackle dorm. Incredibly introverted. She’s like a tired Mexican mom and is 100% done with her boys’ stupidity. She gives several nicknames to the characters, both in Spanish and in English. Some of them include:
Ace: Piporro
Deuce: El Chavo del Ocho (This one should be self explanatory)
Malleus: Cuernitos or Hornton (I laughed too hard when I first saw it, so I’m keeping it.)
Epel: Topo Gigio 
Grim: Grim the Gremlin
Riddle: Mijo
She likes quiet spaces, books, Malleus’s company (cause she finds his presence peaceful), night time, her friends, Caffeine, Anything that’s sweet (but not overbearingly so), music, and the occasional chaos that comes with Night Raven College
She dislikes strong smells, tight spaces with no air conditioning, small talk, overcrowded spaces, being called a boy, overwhelming scenarios, screaming, and having nothing to do
Fun Facts: 
The first time she was called a boy (Floyd was the poor soul) she kicked Floyd as high as she could without looking unladylike: In the knee. 
- She did feel bad, and later brought him some freshly made red Tamales. Floyd uses the injury she caused to get her to continuously bring him food for weeks. 
When she found out that Jamil had brainwashed her, she released a moth into his room. She did not think she’d hear him screaming. (In the end, she did catch it. She never did tell him that the moth was sent by her)
Leona swore to never mess with her again after she threw her shoe at Ruggie (with deadly accuracy) whilst screaming obscenities in Spanish. 
She claimed Riddle as her son when she found out about his mother. Formed a Riddle Protection Squad that consists of herself, Trey, and Cater.
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hanzajesthanza · 3 years
funniest geregis interaction is when geralt tries to sound deep about having an extended lifespan due to being a witcher because he wants to impress regis with how aloof and detached from human cares he sounds, but regis doesn’t get that he’s trying to sound smart, takes his comments at face value, and completely disagrees with them
cahir: my birthday passed when we were in angren. i was born in late august
milva: what? and you didn’t tell us? the hell?
cahir: i didn’t think it was relevant…
angoulême: wow. that sucks
cahir: i don’t mind, it’s actually—
angoulême: hey, when’s your birthday geralt?
geralt: once you get to be my age, tch… i don’t even remember,,… [leans slightly over to regis] yeahhhh… it’s been so long, after a while you stop caring 😔😏😌
regis: … well. speak for yourself. my birthday actually falls in a week from now ☺️ take notes, geralt; because i plan on celebrating
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School is still in session on the 7th of July in England, the youngest in the year are usually people born in late August, so Nina/Joy are definitely among the youngest, because the cut off is the beginning of September. The UK is weird about people with bigger age gaps being in the same year, which is why people aren’t often held back as they are in the US. Oh! And also, what are your birthday/star sign head canons?
First of all, being in school during the month of July sounds like a cruel and unusual punishment and no one should be subjected to that. Second of all, listen, I'm just going off the information that was given to me. And clearly someone messed up because given what logically makes sense, if Nina and Joy should be the youngest, then Amber and Eddie should not have 1995 birthdays, and yet they do. So those fall birthdays should probably actually be 1994, however, they're not, so I'm gonna go with the unlikely-yet-plausible theory that somehow Nina and Joy got held back as like kindergartners and are actually the oldest. Yes, I know, doesn't make the most sense in the world but I'm working with the information I have. You may disagree, but I am holding firm because it's how my brain can make sense of the information I have been given.
And I have more detailed and fun headcanons about birthdays upcoming in a later post that I'll do in just a bit, but I will totally give a quick overview of my birthday/star sign headcanons for everyone. I've posted about the characters and what I think their astrology is before, but I will happily do it again. Along with star signs I've actually picked out specific birthdates for everyone, too, just for the fun of it because I wanted to.
Canon birthdays: there are 4 of them. I didn't choose these, they're canon, that's just what they are. Nina and Joy's birthday is obviously July 7, which makes them Cancers ♋. Amber's birthday is September 9, which makes her a Virgo ♍ (which btw is what I would've picked for her even if they didn't tell us her canon birthday). And Eddie's birthday is November 19, which makes him a Scorpio ♏
Patricia's birthday is either August 12 or December 8, which means she's either a Leo or a Sagittarius (both of which are fire signs, appropriately). As a Leo, I can tell you she is absolutely not a Leo, she is definitely a Sagittarius ♐ and her birthday is December 8th
Now we get into my headcanons. This is just what I personally believe all of them are, along with the birthdays I gave them just because. All based on ~vibes~. I'm gonna list these in age order. Also if any of you want specific reasons for why my choices are what they are, do feel free to ask, but I'm not gonna do it in this post
Mara is a Libra ♎. She definitely got fall vibes to me. Specifically October vibes, which is why I've made her birthday October 6th
Fabian is absolutely a Capricorn ♑ and everything about this boy just SCREAMS Capricorn. And he's totally one of those people that's born around Christmas and is really grumpy about it, so I've made his birthday December 23rd
KT is an Aquarius ♒ and her birthday is January 29th. She's definitely a January Aquarius and not a February Aquarius
Willow is 1000000000% a Pisces ♓ and for whatever reason she has winter birthday vibes to me so I've made her birthday February 24th
Mick is an Aries ♈ and he was giving me March vibes so his birthday is March 30th
Alfie is also an Aries ♈. And once I realized he was an Aries, I knew I absolutely had to make his birthday April Fool's Day (April 1st). I mean, it's fate
Jerome is definitely for sure a Gemini ♊ in my book, 100%. I gave him the birthday of June 11th, which funnily enough is also Eugene Simon's actual birthday, and I swear I didn't know this when I picked it, I swear, the cards just landed perfectly
Now, a confession...tbh one of the reasons I firmly believe the "Nina and Joy are the oldest" theory is because the idea of Jerome as the youngest is so incredibly fucking funny to me
Full post of birthday headcanons coming shortly
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red-spider-lilies · 3 years
Oh, I love tagging games! @janeeyrestears Thank you for tagging me <3 Well, let’s do this!
nickname: Kira. I got it in a forum and I love it  💕💕
pronouns: she/her
star sign: Libra~ .
height: 1,72 m.
time currently: 0:35 am... I’m going to bed early today? We will never know.
birthday: October 13th. If someone sees me doing a bad luck joke, you know the reason now.
favorite groups/bands: I don’t have one, but I like songs of Evanescence, Fall out Boy, and some more. (I am fangirl of Porno Graffiti too due to anime openings!)
favorite solo artist: Anna Blue 🥰
song stuck in my head: Might U from Bnha. It’s ironic because I dropped the manga some time ago.
last movie I watched: Brave. First time crying with it btw.
last show I binged: Sk8 the infinity.
when I created this blog: I think it was on September or October of last year, not sure though 🤔
last thing I googled: 'Truth miraculous ladybug’. No wonder why XD
other blogs: This is the only I have.
why i chose this url: I just liked Kirara too much. I’m thinking of changing it these days though.
do you get asks: Not so much, but I love all I get <3 
how many people are you following: 202... I expected less XD
how many people are following you: 41.
average hours of sleep: Between 6 and 7 hours, sometimes 8. My body doesn’t how sleep feels like.
lucky number: 13~
instruments: Recorder counts? 😂 I really want to try piano in the future!
currently wearing: Just a blouse and trousers 
dream job: Scientific researcher and writer. I love both of them!!
dream trip: I want to visit Greece!! I need to see all those Greek temples by myself!
favorite food: Four cheese pizza and ‘arroz a la cubana’. 
favorite song: Bring me to life from Evanescence, I guess?
top 3 fictional worlds to live in: Oh, man. This one is difficult. Maybe Atla, Akatsuki no yona and Magi? I’m weak for fantasy worlds!
Let’s see who I tag now 
@pastelblues @lordymaru @maevebluedreams @lackofcompromise @julyzaa
@thequestioning-maiden @eletricblue
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i’m gonna try guessing with Diana even tho i don’t shit about them other than they killing a king (which is extremely rad btw)
i am so sorry i probably got everything wrong
age: idk i think you’re maybe 26
pronouns and gender: she/they woman?
zodiac sign: u h h libra for a reason
romantic status: i can’t guess
eye color: brown
hobbies: music or drawing
introverted / extroverted: extroverted
favorite season: spring?
skjdsjkdjdsj alrighty!
age: im in the body of a 15 year old (in the headspace) but ive been alive since the beginning of time
pronouns and gender: im either a enby, but yeah i used those!
zodiac sign: cant remember my birthday :(, but its either january or october sooo
romantic status: dating (?)
eye color: yeah!
hobbies: i like painting, fighting and tending to the garden!
introverted / extroverted: yeah
favorite season: yeah!
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know-the-way · 4 years
Miranda said she thinks Zelda is a Capricorn. Based on the timing of the imp episode where it’s his birthday, what do you think Faustus is?
This is a fun question! Let me just preface this by saying I am not an astrology expert by any means... but I am queer so I am obligated to know baseline information about each sign at the least. 🌝
Alright. So. It seems by the beginning of part 4 that it’s at least August/September because the previous season was in Spring/Summer and Sabrina is already back to school at Baxter High dressed in consistently warm attire for the rest of timeline. And we know the last episode of the season begins on Sabrina’s birthday, October 31st, so that theoretically puts the events of episode 1-episode 7 somewhere between August/September-middle of October. Thus, if Faustus’ birthday was in episode 4, he would have to be either a Virgo or a Libra.
Now, my sun sign is Libra, and while I could potentially find some of our characteristics in Faustus - for example, we do tend to be a bit vain and in general, we like to be leaders (though, speaking for myself, I prefer to be neither a leader nor a follower, but that’s besides the point) - I don’t think he is ultimately One of Us. We’re a little too hesitant and lofty to fit for Faustus’ personality. (aka We’re messy. 🙃 Faustus doesn’t do mess.)
Now, Virgos also like to be leaders, but that’s in addition to them being very pragmatic, ambitious, stubborn, calculated, and they highly value order. Does that sound at all like someone we know? 🌝
This is not at all a dig at Virgos, btw - I have several Virgos in my life that I love dearly, but when I consider the characteristics often associated with Virgos vs. Libra’s - I think that’s Faustus’ home base. His value on loyalty and precision just screams Earth sign (which are qualities he and Zelda share, so if she is also an Earth sign... well, then I submit exhibit G as evidence to my point).
TL;DR Imo, he’s a Virgo, but I’d find it interesting to discuss if someone has a different opinion!
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rainbowdelicartz · 4 years
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Well since it's now 2021: New Year, New Ref!!
BTW she is my main persona and Dangansona so she represents me irl and in the DR universe
Name: Fozz Finch
Hope's Peak Title: SHSL Animator
Age: 20 years old (fluctuates depending on the timeline and if were talking about my non despair version or goodbye despair version)
Gender: Genderfluid (any and all pronouns; born and presents as female)
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual
Birthday: October 12th (Libra)
Height: 5'1
Weight: 115 lbs
Personality Type: INFJ
(This bio refers to my non-despair version of my dangansona's story)
In the Dangan Universe, she was born in a small town in Oregon called Goat Hills and due to her animations and artwork becoming popular on the internet and gaining a semi-huge following, she was sent the invite to Hope's Peak Academy and became the American exchange student, she is part of the 77-B class
She shares a small home with her bfs Teruteru and Hifumi
Enjoy yall!! 🌈🌈
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youngestk · 3 years
INTERVIEW TAG rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better! tagged by @heochaan (ty  ❤︎)
name / nickname: thais / idk? do i have one? lol but some ppl call me tha / thai pronouns: she/her star sign: libra height: 165cm (5′4″) time: 3:20pm when is your birthday: october 2nd nationality: sad and brazilian favorite band / groups: got7, day6, exo, btob, block b, shinee, the rose, nct, 2pm, damn so many favorite solo artists: eric nam, chungha, crush, iu, kang daniel song stuck in your head: not to be biased but LMLY by mister Jackson Wang. this song has such a good vibe! last movie you watched: the drug king (2018) but too long, I stopped and will finish it another day last show you binged: sk8 the infinity!!! when you created your blog: june 2017 last thing you googled: cm to ft because how tf do we calculate this thing???? other blogs: @whysoserious (main), @masonsmount (for football and f1) why i chose my url: because I love the youngest K we have out there 😊 no but him saying youngest k is one of the funniest thing ever hfskfdj i love that video so much :( how many people are you following: 371 how many followers do you have: 1.500 average hours of sleep: like.... 10 on days off and 6 when I’m working. bc i cant go to sleep too early, this house is too loud it’s a mess lucky number: 13!! yeah believe me, it’s 13!! instruments: lmao no. even tho i have a guitar and we pretend I play that thing what am i currently wearing: shorts and a tank top bc it’s too!! freaking!! hot!!! and it’s already fall!!! wtf????? dream job: I’m at that point in my life that I already gave up on everything lmao my graduation it’s meaningless in this country, meaningless! and I don’t have the strength to fight anymore to educate people on why they can’t be fascists. my mental health it’s more important atm so.... i just want a job where I can be happy, gain an amount of money that can buy happiness (small and simple things) and where I dont have to deal with people that think a virus doesn’t exist. dream trip: my favorite place in the world is Scotland, I really wanna go there one day. Also, Iceland. And one of my dreams it’s to visit Peru and Chile as well. I hope I can go there soon :’) favorite food: oh man i love lasagna and gnocchi!!!! btw I ate gnocchi yesterday!! 😋 favorite song: it’s always changing, always. but atm it’s LMLY and Feel Like by Woodz top three fictional universes: I’m gonna agree with you, sam: universes with people with special powers. And zombies! and kingdoms! and when they’re all together? wooow lmao
tagging: @kgot7 @madeitwang @denimalz @got7 @youthpt2 @offtodef and everyone else who wants to do it! ^^
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chvrrys · 4 years
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( cisfemale | she/her | bahar şahin ) —— isn’t that CHERILYN ‘CHERRY’ VALENTINE? yeah that is them, sitting there at the RAVENCLAW table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees lipstick kisses on dinner napkins, the bittersweet smell of dark chocolate, rolled up sleeves of an oversized cable-knit sweater, ornate old fashioned rings on each finger, a bouquet of wilting flowers, and the smoke left behind a blown-out candle. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty ARTICULATE, CONDEMNATORY, and SERAPHIC. apparently they’re NEUTRAL and HALFBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related.
tw: death, neglect.
full name: cherilyn emiri valentine, originally born cherilyn emiri yavuz
nicknames: cherry, cher.
birthday: 16 october, 1959
sun/moon/rising sign: libra sun, cancer moon, virgo rising
age: seventeen
place of birth: ferrara, province of ferrara emilia-romagna, italy
gender: cisfemale
sexual orientation: pansexual
occupation: student, hopeful future architect & animated portraits artist or translator
parents: selene & evangeline valentine (adopted mothers), osmen & melike yavuz (birth parents)
languages spoken: fluent in turkish, italian, french & english
accent: barely there northern italian, but mostly a combination of estuary english, east anglian english and queen's english
miss cherilyn valentine’s story began on the 16th of october in northern italy. born to a turkish wizard father and muggle mother, magic was never discussed in the household and thus resulting in cherry having no idea that part of her world existed.
death tw it wasn’t until the tragic accident that resulted in her fathers death that she realized she was different, having screamed so loud when she found him that every window shattered and every book flew off of their bookshelf. cherrys father was her best friend.  end of tw
neglect tw after the accident, cherry’s mom blamed her for it and eventually left. she would say things about how cherry was the cause and how she was a freak and could never love her again. it was a lot for a 5 year old to handle and eventually she was placed in an orphanage. end of tw
cherry was the third daughter adopted in the valentine family and most of her memories consist of the siblings she grew up with – all around the same age and all special. 
her adopted moms are witches themselves, having attended hogwarts and adopting the girls knowing they’d be doing the same. they grew up in a loving household, always told they could achieve anything. they even helped them understand where they’re from and integrate their past lives as many ways as possible. for cherry, it included becoming fluent in italian and all the other languages that were native to her siblings.
cherry is what one would consider the mom friend. she’s incredibly organized and always plays on the side of caution when it came to her siblings. 
however, she is also the biggest hopeless romantic. she falls in love with things, ideas, and people quickly and gets hurt just the same. she believes in all the story tales and happily ever afters. however !!! this doesn’t mean she’s naive, it just means she’s hopeful. 
she’s a very lovey person, her love language is physical touch so she’s always expressing herself through big gestures and body language. 
she’s incredibly charismatic and magnetic, always making new friendships and wanting to investigate the castle. she loves mysteries and spends a lot of her downtime looking at runes. 
cherry is an artist. she grew up painting but found her talents best in sculpture and other architecture. wandering the castle is her favorite hobby and nothing the different statues around. 
libra sun: libras are known for being social and charming, and when the sun is in libra, they shine down upon everyone they meet. their charisma is magnetic, and they thrive in a group. they love to share ideas and figure out a balanced approach to everything. tor them, balance is key.
cancer moon: cancer is ruled by the moon, so to have cancer as your actual moon sign makes you incredibly empathetic, sympathetic, compassionate and even psychic when it comes to tuning in to your, and others', emotions. you are very sensitive personally.
virgo rising: you are likely to view the world through the lens of mental analysis, with a view toward organization.you have strong critical faculties and need to find practical outlets for your skills, talents and abilities.typically humble and at times self-effacing, you are likely be more concerned with being useful than being recognized.
wanted connections
bring her sisters/siblings !!!! rahhhh !!!! lol here’s the wc: the four valentine siblings are thick as thieves – even if they may all have been sorted into different houses: one in gryffindor, one in hufflepuff, one in ravenclaw (cherry), and one in slytherin. all having been adopted, they came from nearly different worlds thus making them different blood, but siblings and witches nonetheless. if it hadn’t been for the same surname ( and that the four of them would do anything for each other ), no one would’ve even realized they were siblings – that’s how different they are. this is incredibly open to interpretation and any fc is open since they were all adopted !
someone she has an unspeakable crush on: miss girl is a hopeless romantic. this could be anyone idk im open to any interpretation !
an ex on bad or awkward terms: the two ended badly or now its very awkward that they try to avoid each other as best as they can. they would never get back together, but they know each other so well that its almost weird for them to suddenly not speak. could eventually turn into a friendship or something :~)
something toxic bc im evil: toxic relationship? toxic friendship? someone not good for cherry but she’s too blinded by her love for them that she doesn’t notice it.
friends :~): while she has many siblings who have been her built in friends, cherry is pretty different from them and needs someone who is like her and understands her. i’m thinking a pair that you wouldn’t want to mess with or come across because they’re always in their own world. could be some sexual tension btw the besties bc are you really friends with someone if there aint or is it just me 😀
idk help !!!!!!!!
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Answer 30 questions
Tagged by @kataomoi7
Thank you for tagging me, i didn't even tought someone would considere me into this kind of stuff :) I appreciate it
-Name/Nickname: Nicolás, don't have any nickname that's not a variation of my own name :(
-Gender: Male
-Star sign: Scorpio, but some people says imma Libra
-Height: 6'1 feets/1.85 m
-Time: 1:50 am
-Birthday: October 22
-Favorite Bands: Oh, that's a tough one, I may say that Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Fall Out Boy and maybe Panic! At the disco are my top 5.
-Favorite Solo Artist: Tough too haha, Eminem, Adam Gontier, Alex Ubago maybe
-Song stuck in my head: Wheels by Foo fighters, those lyrics really hit me hard xD and also Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood
-Last show: Cobra Kai was the last one haha
-When did I create this tumblr: 2013, I was sad and a girl of my classroom told me that maybe Tumblr could help me to escape from it. She was right, btw
-What do i post: Things that I may feel identified as, or things that I like
-Last thing that i googled: In spanish, but something like "how to know when my Aliexpress purchase will be in Chile" lol
-Other blogs: No, just this one :(
-Do I get asks: Sometimes, but I'm not interesting enough to receive asks haha
-Why I chose my url: It's part of a song called "Alone together", and in 2015 I was feeling very identified by it. Haven't changed it since then
-Following: 633
-Followers: 407
-Average hours of sleep: 7-8 hours
-Instruments: Guitar, piano and harmonica, but I'm not an expert
-What am I wearing: A black and grey cammo shirt and sport pants, training night lol
-Dream job: Well I have 3, zookeper, wild life researcher, and professional wrestler lol
-Dream trip: Africa! Or Australia, but in reality any place with wild life will be nice to me xD
-Favorite food: Chinesse food! Love it.
-Nationality: Chilean :(
-Favorite song: The hardest question someone could ask me. Astronaut by Simple Plan maybe, the lyrics are special to me
-Last book read: The nameless city by H.P. Lovecraft, was amazing
-Top three fictional universes I'd like to live in: Well that's hard, almost every fictional universe I like are awfull places to live XD maybe one should be the Naruto's universe, other could be the Star Wars universe, and even being more historical than fictional, I definitively love to be a Peaky Blinder XD
Well almost every blog I follow are Hispanic, but I'll tag @my--dark-side, @tormenta-sol-oscuro and @without-anyone-knowing. There's someone else I could tag but is mad at me, but if soooomehow she read this, considere yourself tagged.
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