#shes Logan and Vanessa's kid
captainkingsley · 21 days
anyway poolvernessa family that incorporates Ellie and Gabby into it too
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icarusredwings · 12 days
Thinking about how adaptive Logan is and how he can quite physically tell the difference between people even if they look identical by chemical scent alone.
With being around Wade so much, do you ever think he just gets a whiff of a stranger and turns to Wade like "Hey.. I think... they have cancer."
For a second, he thinks he's mocking him, but the look of seriousness on his face makes him frown and is like, "Holy shit.. Wait, you can smell cancer?? What are you like a cancer dog?"
"Shut up, im serious."
"Wait for real? Are you sure it's just not old lady perfume?"
"I-i think so...?? ....Should.... should I tell her? Oh man.. how do I tell a stranger that they have a horrible disease?"
Wades is about to make a joke but decides not to, remembering how life ruining it was to sit there and stare at vanessa as the doctor sounded like charlie browns parents.
"... where is it?"
"I don't know. I just.. I think maybe in the top bit? What would I even say? Hey, im a super smelling mutant, and I think you have breast cancer."
".. yes."
"You have to tell her... She'll get scared if I tell her."
So he does. Awkwardly comes up to this woman and explains some bullshit how he was 'born with super smells' and how he believes she might have some form of cancer. That- if she acts early enough- they might be able to beat it.
For some reason, the woman cries and tells him how this would make sense because shes felt sick the last couple of weeks and had no clue why. That she'll make an appointment as soon as possible. "Thank you."
Logan is left with a warm feeling in his chest, and smiles lopsided as she goes about her day.
Wade is left feeling both envious and proud at the same time. No, there wasn't a wolverine to warn him of his sickness, but this doesn't mean they can't help others.
So from then on, sniffing becomes an automatic reflex, sniffing all the kids at the mansion, class by class, every teacher, anyone he possibly can. It breaks his heart when he finds one. Everyone holds their breath, hoping he doesn't, but sometimes he does. He always cries afterward.
You know those drug/ weapon dog searches that schools sometimes have? Yeah that's bassically what happens except he pops a head in, says a quick "clear" and goes to the next room. Its real terrifying when he actually comes into the room and starts walking around.
This being said. If you're sneaking drugs into the school? You better be tight with Mr. Howlett, or he's turning you in to Mrs. Munroe.
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First Date ~Logan Howlett Imagine~
Summary: You go on a date with Logan.
Part One
Author’s Note: I wish I was a woman in the early 2000s and be able to marry Hugh Jackman
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: none, fluff
Do not repost this anywhere!
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You took Laura shopping with you so you could: one, help her get some new clothes and necessities, and two, get yourself a new dress for your date with Logan.
“He may seem rough around the edges but he’s a good guy under all that,” Laura tells you as you two walked around a clothing store.
“I’ll take your word on that. How are you liking school? Made any friends yet?” You asked her.
“Just a couple. But school is nice. I’m learning a lot from the other teachers as well,” she tells you.
“That’s great! I’m so happy you’re adjusting well in this universe.”
"It's not too bad here," she says.
"That's good to hear."
"What time is Logan picking you up?" She asked.
"At five. So we should head back huh?" You asked.
Logan remembered the first time he went on a date with his universe's you. He remembered the nervous feeling he got when picking you up and there was no difference in this time. He watched you walk out of the mansion wearing a black dress that made him take his breath away.
"Hey. Ready?" You asked.
"Yeah. You look great," Logan tells you.
"Thank you. I didn't know what we were doing so I figured this would be appropriate enough," you tell him.
"Vanessa recommended a couple places. Wade didn't help," Logan tells you.
"Of course he didn't," you giggled.
"Shall we?" Logan asked.
"We shall," you nodded.
Logan took you to a nice bar and grille that Vanessa recommended. You two sat outside at the end where you two could have some privacy.
“So what do you do at the school?” Logan asked you.
“I am an English teacher. I also help kids with their abilities if they’re having some issues with it. It helps since I’m able to cancel their power by looking at them. But it hurts my eyes sometimes,” you tell him. Your powers were the same as well as your job at least.
“Bet that sword training came in handy then?” Logan asked.
“Yeah. How did you know I did sword training though?” You asked. Logan froze for a moment.
“I just assumed. With a power like that, you must’ve gotten some training in closeup combat,” Logan tells you.
“That’s true. That’s kinda how I met Wade. We bonded over our swords.”
Throughout the night, Logan began to fall for you. Though you were a reminder of his old universe, you were a little different. And he didn't mind. But it felt guilty to him to be with you in an untruthful matter.
“I can’t do this,” Logan told you.
“Did I do something wrong?” You asked with a frown.
“No. You have been great. Too great. I think I need to be honest with you about something,” Logan told me.
“If it’s about you being from another universe, Wade already explained that to me.”
“It’s not just that.”
You stared at him, letting him continue.
“I was married to you in my universe. But I let her down and got her killed.”
“Yeah. And being with you, it’s making me feel guilty that I let you die when I could’ve been there to help you. And I don’t want you to get hurt here.”
You put your hand on Logan’s before looking at him.
“I’m so sorry about that. I know I’m not exactly her. But I hope that I can help you move on. I don’t think I’m that same girl you lost. I am someone different and someone you can have a second chance with,” you tell him.
“I know you can,” Logan smiled softly at you.
“I am curious, is there a big difference between me and other me?” You asked him.
“She did not make really good brownies like you. She did make cookies,” Logan tells you.
“Brownies are more superior,” you tell him with a straight face. Logan let out a small laugh before nodding.
“Yes they are.”
“Do you want to get dessert after this?” You asked him.
“I’d like that.”
"Then come on," you say as you held his hand before dragging him out.
Wade looked up as he watched Logan walk inside the apartment. It was three in the morning and Logan had a smile on his face.
"Hey you," Wade greeted.
"Hey," Logan greeted back. Logan's smile fell from the reminder that his night with you had ended and he was back with Wade's annoying presence.
"You know, your curfew was midnight," Wade teased. "I told you that you would have a fun time with Y/n."
"Fuck off."
"I take the date went well?" Wade asked him.
"Yeah. It went well," Logan said.
"It went really well," Wade tells Marry Puppins. The dog licked Wade's face before he pulled her away from him for a moment.
"I know this goes on without saying, but if you hurt her, I will fight you again," Wade tells him.
"I'm not going to hurt her. I won't let anything happen to her," Logan tells him.
"That's the spirit! Now, when's the next date?" Wade asked.
"I'm going to bed."
"Aw come on. I want us to braid each other's hair and you tell me everything," Wade tells him.
"Night," Logan said as he left the room.
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charcubed · 2 months
There's one specific aspect of Deadpool & Wolverine that's important in relation to the queerness of Wade/Logan:
The fact that Vanessa isn't single.
I'm not kidding lol
Doesn't seem like people are talking about this so I'm going to be the one to say it I guess!
So… beyond trying to save his world / family, Wade's (flimsy) motivation is indeed partially motivated by Vanessa – or more specifically by things she said to him during their break up. He wants to figure out how he matters or how he can be a hero without being an Avenger, etc.
Shitty as it is that Vanessa is relegated to being a two-dimensional motivation mouthpiece… She and Wade didn't just break up; they tell us immediately that she's seeing another guy. By my memory, Wade never disrespects that, not even jokingly. And the plot isn't framed as a quest to ~win back the girl~ either.
The end scene underlines this too, where [SPOILER] he says he did it for her even if she doesn't want him or whatever the line is. Their little hand touch isn't really a romantic rekindling.
So, what am I getting at?
This all gives weight to Wade's mischievous flirting and (later) built connection with Logan.
If Wade and Vanessa were framed as "taking a break," or if she was still single and he was trying to win her back, the queerness with Logan wouldn't work quite as well. There'd be more room to claim it's an unserious joke.
But Vanessa's moved on.
Wade, taking LOGAN home, did too.
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shangchiswife · 29 days
logan howlett- a royal tea party
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summary: you and logan spend the day babysitting your niece
logan x fem!reader with a smidge of wade x reader
warnings: cursing
word count: 2372
It was a bright, sunny morning when your phone buzzed with an urgent call from your cousin.
Her voice, usually calm and collected, was frantic this time.
"The babysitter just canceled on me!" she blurted out before you could even say hello. "I don’t know what to do! I need someone to watch Emma—can you please help?"
You could picture your cousin pacing in a mild panic, but instead of feeling worried, you couldn’t help but smile. The thought of spending time with your lively, giggly four-year-old niece was an easy yes.
“Of course, I’ll watch her,” you replied warmly, already imagining Emma’s excited face when she saw you.
She was adorable, with her chestnut hair always tied into playful pigtails, each one neatly fastened with matching pink bows. And she had the cutest little smile with a little gap in between her front teeth.
“Oh my god thank you so much, you’re such a lifesaver,” your cousin gushed as you laughed.
As you hung up the phone, you glanced over at the living room where Deadpool was lounging on the couch, munching on a bowl of Lucky Charms. 
He looked up, raising an eyebrow as he crunched loudly.
"Babysitting duty today, huh?" he quipped, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. 
“Good luck with that, kid. Tiny humans are way scarier than anything I’ve faced.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress a grin.
Before you could respond, you felt a familiar presence behind you. Logan’s deep voice broke the moment. “Need some help with the kid?”
You turned to see him standing there, his rugged face softening just slightly as he met your gaze.
"I think I’ve got it," you replied, leaning in for a quick kiss. "But it might be fun to see you wrangle a four-year-old."
Logan smirked, his blue eyes gleaming with amusement. "I’ve faced worse."
"Yeah, like sharing a house with Deadpool," you teased.
"Hey, I heard that!" Deadpool shouted from the other room, waving his spoon in mock outrage. “You two would be lost without my sparkling personality.”
Before you could fire back with a retort, the doorbell rang, pulling your attention away.
Your heart skipped with excitement as you practically bounced to the door, eager to see your niece.
When you opened the door, there stood Emma dressed head to toe in a poofy purple princess gown. She had a sparkly tiara perched on her head and a glittery pink wand clutched in one hand and a small toy box in the other. Her eyes lit up when she saw you, and she twirled in place, showing off her dress with a proud little grin.
“Auntie, look! I’m a princess today!” she announced, her voice brimming with joy.
You couldn’t help but grin back. 
“You look absolutely perfect, Your Royal Highness,” you said, giving her a playful bow.
She giggled, clearly loving the attention, before running inside, her dress puffing out around her as she moved. Deadpool peeked his head out from the living room, eyes widening as he spotted her.
“Well who is this little ray of sunshine,” Wade said, abandoning his bowl of cereal and skipping over to your niece who gave him a little smile.
“Prepare yourself, young lady, for the greatest adventure of your day!” he declared with a flourish.
Just as he said that his phone started buzzing.
Deadpool glanced at it, his face dropping into an exaggerated frown of resignation.
“Looks like the universe demands my immediate attention,” he said dramatically, picking up his phone and reading the screen. “Vanessa’s having a crisis, and apparently, only I can save the day.”
Emma’s face fell a little at the thought of losing her new friend. “But… I wanted to play!”
Deadpool knelt to her level, giving her a sympathetic look. 
“I know, princess. But fear not! I shall return. In the meantime, you’ll have to make do with this mere mortal and the very grumpy Wolverine.”
He shot Logan a playful glance. Logan just raised an eyebrow but remained silent, his arms crossed as he watched the exchange.
“Alright, little one,” Deadpool said, giving Emma a gentle pat on the head. “You’re in good hands. Don’t let this place get too boring while I’m gone!”
With that, he dashed out of the house, his departure as dramatic as his entrance.
As the door closed behind him, Logan sighed and moved to sit on the couch, a faint smirk tugging at his lips as he looked at you. “Well, looks like it’s just the three of us now.”
Emma tugged on your sleeve, looking up at you with big eyes.
“Auntie, I’m hungry! Can we have lunch?”
“Of course, sweetheart,” you replied, glancing at Logan. “How about you keep Wolverine entertained while I whip up something special?”
Emma’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she grabbed Logan’s hand and led him toward the toy box she brought.
Logan followed with a slightly apprehensive expression, looking back at you for help while you held back a laugh.
“Come on, Wolverine! We’re going to have a tea party!” Emma announced, her voice filled with anticipation.
Logan, sitting down on the floor next to her, looked unsure. He picked up a tiny plastic tea cup and held it awkwardly.
Emma, blissfully oblivious to his nervousness, was already setting up her tea party with a mix of stuffed animals, dolls, and plastic dishes.
As you cooked Emma’s favorite mac and cheese, the delicious smell of cheese and pasta filled the kitchen. 
From the living room, you could hear Emma’s excited chatter and the clink of plastic tea cups, along with Logan’s good-natured but slightly unsure replies.
Peeking into the living room, you saw Emma sitting cross-legged on a blanket, surrounded by her stuffed animals. 
Logan was next to her, still looking a bit unsure. 
He was trying his best to mimic Emma’s actions with a mix of seriousness and curiosity. 
The girl poured imaginary tea into Logan’s cup, and he took a careful, exaggerated sip, playing along with a grin.
“Thank you for the tea, Mr. Wolverine,” Emma said, giving a little curtsy and smiling brightly.
Logan managed a shy but genuine smile. “You’re welcome, Princess Emma. This is definitely the best tea party I’ve ever attended.”
Emma beamed and handed Logan a plate of plastic cookies with a flourish. Logan took the plate with a polite nod and pretended to take a bite. 
Emma giggled at his effort, clearly delighted by his participation.
Suddenly, Emma’s eyes lit up with an idea. She carefully removed her sparkly tiara and placed it on Logan’s head. “Now you’re a royal knight!” she declared with pride.
Logan looked a bit surprised but played along, adjusting the tiara with a small, amused smile.
Just then, as Logan reached for another imaginary cookie, the plastic teacup wobbled and fell to the floor with a soft clink. 
Emma’s eyes widened, and she burst into uncontrollable laughter. She rolled on the floor, her giggles filling the room and making her cheeks flush pink.
Logan glanced down at the fallen cup, then back at Emma, who was laughing so hard she could barely breathe. 
After a moment, he couldn’t help but smile, shaking his head with a laugh. 
“Looks like I’ve made quite the mess at this tea party.”
Emma, still laughing, managed to say, “You made it even funnier, Mr. Wolverine!”
As you walked into the room, carrying a tray of mac and cheese, you saw Logan wearing the tiara and Emma rolling on the floor with laughter. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“Wow, I could get used to this sight,” you said with a grin, bending down to press a kiss to your partner’s cheek.
Logan shook his head good-naturedly. 
“Guess I’m officially part of the royal court now.”
Emma clapped her hands, delighted by your reaction. “And you look perfect!”
As you finished setting the table, the mouthwatering smell of mac and cheese filled the air. When you brought the steaming dish to the table, Emma’s eyes lit up with excitement.
“Yummy! Mac and cheese!” she exclaimed, eagerly scrambling off the blanket and rushing to her seat.
As you all sat down to eat, Emma chattered excitedly about her tea party.
Despite his initial nerves, Logan quickly warmed up, asking your niece about her imaginary kingdom and getting into the play with genuine enthusiasm.
“You know,” you said to Logan as you scooped some mac and cheese onto Emma’s plate, “seeing you play along like this with Emma, I can’t help but think about how amazing you’d be with our future kids.”
Logan looked up, his expression softening. “You think so?”
“Oh I know so,” you replied, giving his hand an affectionate squeeze.
Logan responded by bringing your hand to his lips, causing Emma to let out an exaggerated squeal. 
“Eww, no kissing!” she said, scrunching up her nose.
Logan chuckled, pulling back with a mock pout. 
“Alright, no kissing,” he said, giving Emma a playful wink. “But you have to admit, I’m pretty good at this tea party thing.”
Emma giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “You’re the best knight ever!”
The doorbell rang suddenly, causing everyone to turn their heads. 
You went to answer it, and moments later, Deadpool burst back into the room. He froze mid-step when he saw Logan sitting there with Emma’s sparkly tiara perched on his head.
“Holy chimichangas, what’s this?” Deadpool exclaimed, his eyes widening in exaggerated disbelief. “Logan, is that a tiara on your head? Did you lose a bet or something?”
Logan looked up, clearly irritated, but trying to keep his cool. “You’re lucky Emma’s here otherwise I’d beat the shit out of you,” he said through gritted teeth as you put your hands on the little girl’s ears for the last part.
Deadpool laughed, dramatically holding his hands up in surrender. 
“Okay, okay! I’ll stop teasing. But I have to admit, you’re really rocking that tiara,” he said, blowing a kiss at him and making your boyfriend roll his eyes.
Emma giggled at the playful banter, clearly delighted by the attention. “Mr. Wolverine looks so funny!”
Logan shook his head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t expect me to wear this every day.”
As you all finished lunch and chatted, the room was filled with warmth and laughter. 
When it was time for Emma to head home, she gave everyone a big hug.
But as her mom arrived to pick her up, Emma’s smile began to waver. She looked up at Logan with big, pleading eyes. “Can’t I stay a little longer? I want to play more with Mr. Wolverine.”
Logan’s expression softened, and he crouched down to her level. 
“I’m sorry, princess, but it’s time for you to go home. But we’ll have another tea party soon, okay?”
Emma’s lower lip trembled, and she burst into tears. “But I don’t want to go! I want to stay with Mr. Wolverine!”
You quickly knelt beside her, gently rubbing her back. “I know, sweetie. I promise we’ll plan another playdate very soon. You had such a great time today, didn’t you?”
Emma sniffled, nodding reluctantly. “Okay...”
“Hey, don’t worry, kiddo. Next time, I’ll join in the fun too, and I promise not to embarrass Mr. Wolverine too much. Or at least, not more than he embarrasses himself.”
Emma managed a small smile through her tears. “Really? You won’t make fun of Mr. Wolverine?”
“Only if he’s wearing something less fabulous than this tiara!” Deadpool joked, pointing to Logan’s head. “I mean, look at that sparkle. How could I possibly top that?”
Emma managed a small smile through her tears, and with one last hug for Logan and you, she left with her mom.
As the door closed behind them, you looked at Logan, who was still wearing the tiara with a fond smile. 
“You know,” you said, stepping closer and adjusting the tiara slightly, “You really nailed the royal knight look today.”
Logan chuckled, tipping the tiara playfully. “Yeah, well, I guess it’s not every day I get to be the guest of honor at a tea party.”
Wade grinned from ear to ear sauntering over your way.
“I gotta say, peanut, you’ve set the bar pretty high. I mean, the tiara, the tea party etiquette—it’s like you were born for this.”
Logan’s eye twitched slightly. “Wade, if you don’t shut up, I’m gonna show you exactly what I was born for.”
Deadpool threw his hands up in surrender, still grinning like a Cheshire cat. 
“Alright, alright! No need for violence, big guy. I’m just saying, the whole tea-party-knight-in-shining-armor thing is really your hidden talent. You should lean into it more often.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, watching Logan trying to hold onto his patience. “You’re just jealous, Wade,” you said, giving Logan a supportive nudge. “Logan actually knows how to keep a princess happy.”
Wade scoffed in mock indignation. “Please, I’d be the best tea party guest ever. I’d bring the snacks, the party games, and maybe a little bit of chaos. You know, just to keep things interesting.”
Logan groaned, finally yanking the tiara off his head and tossing it onto the couch. “I’ve had enough of your kind of ‘interesting,’ Wade. You’re on thin ice.”
Deadpool grinned wider, clearly enjoying every second of Logan’s irritation. 
“You know you love me,” He raised his hands and shaped them into a heart, batting his eyelashes in exaggerated sweetness.
“Keep telling yourself that,” Logan muttered, though a small, reluctant smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
You shook your head, trying to suppress your laughter as Wade wiggled his eyebrows at Logan. “Face it, Logan,” you teased, “you’re stuck with us.”
Logan’s gaze softened as he looked at you. 
“Yeah, I guess I am,” he said, his voice tinged with fondness. 
Then, with a sideways glance at Wade, he added, “Though I could do with a little less chatter from some people.”
Wade threw his hands up in a dramatic shrug. 
“Hey, I’m just here to add spice to your otherwise dull existence. Admit it, you’d miss me if I were gone.”
Logan’s smirk grew as he leaned back into the couch, pulling you closer. 
“Don’t push your luck, Wade.”
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boltwrites · 1 month
I need a Logan/Wade/Reader fic where reader is dating Wade (before movie) and meets Logan, sees how he acts with Wade, and makes a ton of “just fuck already” jokes that Wade (ofc) encourages and it pisses Logan off until he does one day (reader included lol) 😏
A/N: i'm going to have to make a part 2 for this, since this is pretty much solely humor and reader making fun of wade and logan. i will be making a part 2 for the smut, though. mark my fucking words.
some things to note: reader is stated as polyamorous and LGBT (no specific label is mentioned). also, lots of sex jokes and fourth wall breaks lmao.
You were used to Wade bringing around some strange characters. Usually, they thought he had drugs or something (which he did, most of the time. Until they all mysteriously went missing right before his birthday party. Almost like his unsavory lifestyle was suddenly sanitized for wider consumption. Hm. Weird.) Sometimes they wanted money - other times it seemed more likely that Wade was holding them for ransom and relapsing into his merc days. But that wasn't really your business.
The point to your opening statement was: you didn't really want to fuck Wade's friends. Astonishing, really - you went to high school with a group of weird kids that all turned out to be some flavor of L,G,B or T and as such, you either wanted to or did fuck most of them. But Wade's friends? They just lacked a little something-something. Al was too old and too high most of the time. Yukio and her gruff girlfriend were far too young for you. Colossus was too Russian. Vanessa was Wade's ex - which would have been hot, honestly - but you weren't the biggest fan of how the two of them handled the post-breakup, and therefore she was off limits. But Peter... maybe...?
No. No, if you fucked Peter, Wade would never let you hear the end of it.
So, you were typically relegated to Wade, and Wade alone, which was more than fine by you. That insane healing factor meant the man could go all night, and he was naturally (or, unnaturally. Mutantly?) ribbed for your pleasure. Nice.
So when he came back from his most recent world-saving (multiverse saving?) adventure, you expected him to bring back maybe some kind of bright-eyed teenage sidekick, or a wacky off-the-wall team up, like Dopinder.
Ah, right, Dopinder. God, you would have fucked him. Sadly, the man was staunchly monogamous like some kind of fucking freak.
Anyway, that's not the point. The point is, when you walked into Wade's unbirthday party? He had company. And the company? Hot. Old. Man.
Oh no. Your fucking weakness.
You'd really never forgive Wade for evaporating Cable before you had a chance with him.
Maybe this was his make-up present.
And said present - or, man, shouldn't objectify - could not take his damn eyes off Wade. Glaring at him, huffing a little half-chuckle when Wade insulted someone with a joke, rolling his eyes as Wade recounted some story of their conquests with exaggerated arm movements and wild, unnecessary additions.
Oh my god. Oh my god? Did Wade fuck him before you could? That bitch!
You scoffed to yourself as you threw your jacket on the coat rack - or was that Peter? Who gives a shit. You were on a mission. You sauntered straight up to Wade, no greeting or preamble, and tossed your arm around his shoulders, setting your ass down right in his lap.
"Oh, hell yeah! There's my sugar ass-" Wade grinned at you, and you just rolled your eyes and planted a big kiss on his bald forehead. Thank god, he'd stopped wearing that dumbass hair. It made him look like a social studies teacher. And not a good one - like one of the ones that just took the job so that he could coach the JV boy's soccer team, and he's not even very good at that. Anyway.
Wade wrapped an arm around you, and you adjusted yourself on his lap, hazarding a glance over at the man sitting next to him. His eyes flit from Wade to you, then to Wade again, brow scrunched a little closer together than when you'd first seen him.
"Wolvie, meet my little discord kitten. And you-" he broke the fourth wall, just to look you straight in the eyes. "This, is the big bad wolf. Er-ine. Yeah. Yeah, that works."
"Wade," you replied, trying not to think about the fact that he just looked into your eyes like you were a camera on the Office. "You never told me you were bringing home a third. I would have brought the nice strap."
The man - Wolvie? Wolverine? Whatever - choked on his beer, and shot Wade a confused, accusatory glare.
"What about the-"
Wolvie gestured in the direction of Vanessa, and Wade's eyes widened, his mouth actually fell open. And this time, it wasn't fake or sarcastic shock, but actual, genuine emotion.
"Oh, no no no - that metal skull of yours really is dense, isn't it, peanut?" He knocked on Wolvie's forehead with way more force than he would use on any normal human, and the man batted Wade's hand away like a pissy tom cat, lip curled over his teeth in a growl.
That was. Hot. Ok.
Wade continued talking anyway - as he always did.
"No, Vanessa? Lovely lady, don't get me wrong - but that ship sailed loooong ago, my temporally-challenged friend," Wade sighed, squeezing the arm that was around your shoulder. "No - that relationship was, as the kids say - 'lacking in communication and emotional openness' - oh, and she made me feel like chicken shit for not being a superhero!"
"Babe, you did that to yourself," you shook your head at him. Really - Vanessa and Wade had just grown apart. She'd looked into more gainful employment, and Wade had followed, struggling to integrate into whatever the fuck "proper" society was. What really happened was that Wade blamed himself for her death and tied way too much of his self-worth to their relationship. And Vanessa - well, she just didn't feel safe with him anymore. It wasn't her fault; it was the PTSD. But it still hurt him. It was better for the both of them to part ways. You always knew Wade still held a torch for her, but you didn't mind much in a relationship sense. You were polyamorous - your man loving multiple people didn't bother you. What did matter was the fact that for Wade's mental health - or what little of it remained - he shouldn't be trying to get with that woman again.
"Yeah! I know! I was getting to that - shh," he pressed a finger to your lips and you kissed it, which made him go "aww" before returning to his rambling. "Anyway, while I was on this beautiful journey of self-discovery, I realized so many things, buttercup."
He sighed, cupping your cheek. "The Avengers are absolute booty ass - without their mainstay former drug addict, I'm afraid they lost out on the crowd of little white girls that want to fuck older men, and we all know that demographic is vital to the longevity of a franchise. Furthermore, the Honda Odyssey fucks hard, which means I have to re-examine my vehicle-related inherent biases. Oh, and also - I'm not a hero. Can't pretend to be some kind of 'normie.' So I'd rather be a freak with the rest of the rejects."
Wade gestured to the rest of the party, and your grin widened, arms wrapping tight around his neck and pulling him in for a stupid, sloppy kiss. God, that's what you'd been trying to tell him for goddamn ages. Thank fuck, the whole multiverse just had to be threatened for him to realize it. You should have expected it - that's just kind of how men are.
Wolverine cleared his throat, and you pulled away, patting Wade on the chest. The older man looked at the both of you with trepidation, like he might be interrupting something. Your heart skipped a little - he really did like Wade, didn't he? Well -
"That's great, baby," you patted Wade's cheek. "Glad you had to experience whatever is closest to death for you to realize what's really important. That's so incredibly healthy and absolutely viable in the long-term."
Wolvie chuckled, grinning at both you and your boyfriend. Oh no - not only was he hot, he was pretty. That stupid little cat ear hair wasn't helping, especially not when he was laughing at your joke.
You took the opportunity to raise your leg just enough to brush your calf along the inside of his knee, and his eyes immediately flicked to yours, smile faltering as he calculated whether to lean into it or shy away.
"Thank you, I so appreciate you, baby-boo-" Wade nuzzles his nose against your cheek and you giggled, biting your lip to quell your laugh as you tried to watch both boys. "But if I remember correctly, before we went on this plot-hole addressing rant, you said something about the good strap?"
He waggled his hairless brows, and your gaze flicked between the two of them again - Wade, eager and grinning; Wolvie, tense and most certainly blushing.
"Yeah," you sighed dramatically, waving your hand in the direction of the refreshments table. "Unfortunately, the food at this party isn't bottom friendly. Shame."
"Fuck!" Wade cursed, head snapping forward in frustration. "I knew Peter forgot something! That insensitive metrosexual!"
You snorted, shook your head as your gaze pulled to Wolverine, you dragged your leg just a little higher.
"Oh, don't worry about it. If your friend here wants, we could recreate your favorite Lonely Island music video."
Said friend's brow knit, his jaw clenched as he tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, as if you'd translate your Wade-speak for him.
Thankfully, your boyfriend did it for you, with an exaggerated gasp for comedic effect.
"3-Way (The Golden Rule) (Featuring Lady Gaga & Justin Timberlake)?" He cried, leaning over so that he could smush his face closer to yours. You waggled your eyebrows suggestively.
He all but squealed, kicking his feet to the point where he almost launched you straight out of his lap.
"You hear that, Logan-boy? It won't even be gay - with a honey in the middle there's some leeway," he gestured to you dramatically, jazz-hands and all.
"It might be a little gay," you whispered in Wolvie - Logan's? - direction.
Either way, it seemed like something one of you said made the poor man short-circuit. He was just looking at the two of you like Wade was regrowing a baby head.
"It is, like, a genuine offer," you clarified for him. "We're not fucking with you - well. Wade's always fucking around."
"Oh, but I am so serious about this, babygirl. Wanna find out if that 207th bone is also adamantine, let me tell you-"
"Shut your whore mouth," Logan hissed at Wade, and you heard the man's teeth click as Wade's jaw snapped shut. What?
"Hey, did he just listen to you when you told him to shut up?"
Logan raised an eyebrow, but gave you a curt nod as answer. Your head whipped from one man to the other.
"You two definitely fucked already!"
"What did he tell you?" You cut in, finger raised as Wade tried to speak. His eyes widened, and his lips closed like he had no control over them. Your jaw fell open. You turned to Logan like he was some kind of evil sex magician. Which - maybe he was. Or maybe that was a different man from the same movie that no one knows how to write because someone actually gave him an accurate accent. How would you know?
"We didn't fuck," Logan clarified. "We fought. Hard."
"It was the only way around the Hays Code censor!" Wade cut in, words spilling out like he only had a few seconds before Logan shot him another look that had his mouth shutting and his pants tightening.
You rolled your eyes. "Sweetie, the Hays Code was abolished in 1968," you patted his cheek like you were talking to a child.
"Tell that to the mouse!"
"Well," you did your best to get this trainwreck back on track. "Anyway. What do you think, hmm?"
You directed your question at Logan-Wolvie-Wolverine. It was so hard to learn somebody's actual name when Wade just threw nicknames out like candy.
But still, the man frowned, lips pursed as he considered the proposition. His lips twitches as he swirled the bottle of beer in his hand, like he could find the answers in the foam that swelled there. He shook his head, then took a sip, smacking an "ah" before the bottle hit the table with a thump.
"Eh. What the hell."
Oh. Fuck. Yes.
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fluideli123 · 1 month
I've watched the DP&W movie twice in theaters and three plus times on a pirated site, and I wanted to grant my analysis on Wade and Logan's relationship that not only respects Vanessa--because Vanessa was literally Wade's Soulmate until shit hit the fan and you can pry that fact from my cold dead hands. But also explains how Logan and Wade actually represent a a-spec experience and relationship that I feel like no one has really gotten into. Am I saying they're a-spec? No. But that doesn't mean queer relationships that are fairly normal in a-spec spaces doesn't mean they don't exist outside of them as well.
First of all, the only two reasons I believe Vanessa and Wade broke up was 1) Wade went back in time to save Vanessa and he told her after his usual routine of jokes and lies and 2) Wade finally believed he could be something more, a hero, only to be turned down by the people who are known for their heroism, leaving him lost.
I genuinely believe Vanessa had a hard time taking in that knowledge, but knowing Wade and everything they've been through she would get through that like the badass she is and work through it using her plans A-Z, as she always does. But I think to really stop that woman from continuing to start a family with Wade like she wanted to in Deadpool 2, is if Wade was no longer within the right mindset to do so.
Deadpool 1 introduced Wade as someone who believed he was a bad guy who got paid to fuck up worse guys, he refused the term hero, and the moment he even tried to reach for something selfless. An act that would hopefully spare Vanessa from the pain of cancer, it all got fucked up and he got turned into a monster. Someone he deemed even lesser than he was before. So far gone and completely removed from what he was loved for (his looks and personality, but how could his personality stand alone when he looked so ugly? As ugly as he always felt on the inside?)
So he turned to what he's always known: Tracking people down and making them pay. In his mind this only confirms that he's a monster, he isn't deserving of Vanessa, of anyone. Which is why he finds comfort in Blind Al, a woman who will only have to deal with his personality and not be able to see how ugly he actually is. Symbolism for showing only half of himself and not him in his entirety (not that he can hide it from her, she's too wise, knowledgeable, caring, and knows Wade better than he knows himself at this point.)
Eventually, he finishes his hunt and is still loved despite what had transpired. Vanessa still chose him, still loved him. So maybe despite how ugly he is, he can still be loved. This grounded him, solidified his self worth, have him such stability that he had a thriving relationship with Vanessa that they were SO ready to start a family, aspired to live that dream. Another act of selfishness. Only to, once again, be met by pain. Get his dream taken away, once again resorting to what he knows: revenge.
Wade wants to be a hero? He gets forcefully mutated. Wade wants a family? Vanessa gets killed. Both are immediately solved by death, but that self-loathing and sickening hatred towards himself do nothing to cure that same confirmation he had once thought he got over: That he wasn't a monster, he could be loved, be something else.
So of course Vanessa is who, even in death, looks him in the eyes and tells him he cares, he has always cared. He cares so deeply about the people in his life he meets who unconditionally love him for him as time passes, despite all his flaws.
Wade wants to be a hero? Colossus believes he can be. Wade wants to save the 13-year-old abused kid? Vanessa knows he can. He saves lives by sacrificing himself. He scarified his comfort to show Vanessa the full truth of his ugliness, he sacrificed his life for Russel to give him a better life. Maybe he isn't a complete monster, maybe he can believe again. He can be selfish, he can be reckless. So he goes back and saves more people. Heroes do that. They save the people they love. You don't hold the whole world on your shoulders, no, like Miles learned in ATSV you think of one person of the few people you want to fight against the world to protect. And he did just that.
With Vanessa back and a big family he can finally chase after what he wasn't meant for. Because it's only happened twice, it wouldn't happen again-
Rejection. He can't be a hero because people don't need him. He is the needy one, the one who wants to be needed, needs to be wanted. So, it's the crash. The final straw. He breaks. He breaks so hard because what the fuck is the point to trying if every time he is met with failure? Rejection? Pain? Loss? He becomes so stuck in figuring this all out he neglects his relationship with Vanessa, causing issues. They go separate ways, but still so close, because you don't just lose your best friend like that, even if you're no longer partners. They're always meant to be together one way or another.
So you have this broken man who is searching for purpose, years later still harboring this tiny flicker of hope that he can be greater. He can be great. He can be a hero.
His world is in trouble, he doesn't think twice saving it. He accepts he isn't perfect for this, not like all the big guys back in Avengers headquarters, but he can't let his loved ones die because of someone he's had a vendetta against the last two movies.
He literally fights and fights and fights to find someone to help him, Wade can't save who he loves he has to find someone else you can, anyone else.
Than a broken, desperate man walks into a bar to see another broken man who has since long given up.
The thing about Logan and Wade is that they don't need words. Wade blew himself up in order to die in the second movie, Logan drinks himself away, both knowing they can't die no matter how much they want to. How much they believe they deserve it.
So Wade sees a Wolverine who has potential, who hasn't hurt him (unlike the others, he gets hurt so much, guys) and places his faith in him without hesitation. From that moment on he has never truly doubted Logan's abilities nor his heroism, because he knew his Logan and if his world was anchored by a Logan than all Logan's are built with something he isn't. They're made to be heroes, made to be important. Yeah, they fight, but I strongly believe that's how two broken men say everything words can't possibly describe.
I mean what words could describe the way they go all out on each other, knowing the other can't die, the way Wade looks up at him, not wanting to regrow his entire body because he needs to save his world and understands Logan and has to decide to say something that'll convince him to help. Wade doesn't know if stopping the machine will completely save his world or if a new Logan will patch it up too, it's his own educated wish he passes onto Logan. Because just like Russel, he cares. He understands. He wants to help.
It's that faith, hope, and resistance and face of humor despite it all that causes Logan to stick by that dumb asses side. He lost everything, he is seeing someone like himself before he stumbled home drunk from the bar to find everyone dead. Someone who is capable of doing something he wasn't able to. He wants to help, more and more for Wade and less himself, a silent journey of healing following Wades steps everywhere they stumble into.
Because Logan was just drunk at a bar before being told he was needed to save a world, told he was the worst before being offered help anyone, getting praised over his capabilities, and than told again and again how he is able to be someone he never thought he could be. Much like Wade was and is.
Logan sees it. Wade most likely ignores it, much like anything else. He isn't very open with anyone other than Vanessa as we've learned.
So just- of course Wolverine is the honest one, of course he hits low, he sees himself and Wade and wants to hurt him. Wade wants to hurt him back, but only when he's directly attacked by his words and threats, a way of not taking shit. Logan took shit from the world and than didn't from Wade and his emotional rollercoster right. And I think without whatever happened in that Honda Odyssey things wouldn't have been the same. They needed that fight, that release, that hatred from themselves to burst into the form of someone else who could take it just as much as the other could.
Logan listens to Wade's home at the borderlands. Logan is given kindness and tough love. Logan joins. Logan begins to understand how most linger by Wade's side despite everything. He sees why. He's a force, he doesn't give up, he doesn't quit, not for others. It grants strength, though imperfect and messy.
Logan believes Wade deserves better. So he plans on sacrificing himself only for Wade to once again show how much of a Hero he wants to be and could be. Only for those two idiots to hold hands to madona and come to a mutual understanding and comfort that has Wade making room for Logan in his and Al's apartment.
And there is something so inherently a-spec about not being explicitly sexual with each other, having an understanding that goes beyond direct words and full truths. They they can hurt one another and it feels so good, so wanted and cherished. How they support one another by being fucked up and sloppy. They're wrecks and they help the other heal, do what they're too afraid to do.
What is more a-spec than two people looking at each other with adoration and trust? To be two people who cannot be placed within a single both because their relationship and meaning to one another isn't so neatly cut and within expectations? To love in a way that blood and standing side by side is a comfort? A steadying point in which everything becomes clearer with time?
They make me so fucking sick, they make me so FUCKING SICK.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 29 days
one free pass for the grumpy!logan and overprotective brother!wade plot bunny 🤝🐇
"So," Vanessa hummed, watching you stir pans, "how was the date you went on?"
"He stood me up," you shrug. "I did get some really good gyoza though-"
You shrug again. "It's not the first time. And let's face it. It won't be the last. I write romance books. I don't live them."
Vanessa gave you a look but kept her commentary to herself. The last few years had been hard on everyone. You'd thought your big brother was dead right along next to her. You'd been in the thick of it even though you were trying to start college. Still just a kid. And in a lot of ways you were her rock- and a link to Wade when he was gone.
"I don't want to spend my whole life like our mom. Just like Wade doesn't want to be our dad, Nessa." You shake your head like you're banishing a thought and turn off the stove. "Let's fucking eat. I'm starving."
"This looks incredible. I have sex dreams less erotic than this."
"I heard that, Ow," Wade said, clutching his heart.
Vanessa shrugged and poured stroganoff into a bowl before shoving it into his hands, "Go be useful. Y/N did the hard part."
"Logan," you call, "I know you probably don't do wine, I got beer if you want that instead?"
"I uh- thanks," he said, shuffling to the table, offering Trigger his hand to smell when the dog shot him a look. He sniffed it and shot him a distinctly dirty look before walking away to re-glue himself to your side. Good dog, he thought.
"No assigned seating here, Logi-bear," Wade said, taking a seat next to Vanessa as he finished putting portions on plates- leaving Logan nowhere to sit but next to you since he'd put Mary in the other empty spot.
He nodded and pulled out a chair and looked towards the kitchen. He could hear you still rattling around and the sound of a knife slicing through something. And then a clatter "Fuck!"
Wade was out of his seat in a second and in the kitchen, "What'd you do- Holy shit biscuits!"
"It's fine I just-"
"Where d'you keep you towels?" he asked, rifling through the drawers and throwing things around.
"Next to the sink, Christ, it's not that bad-"
When you walk around the corner with Wade's arm around your shoulder, Logan blinked, blood-spattered your shirt and your pants. For "Not that bad" it looked like you might have cut your fucking hand off.
"I'll get some Ice," Vanessa said, standing up, "Logan, keep pressure on that for a second?"
Logan nodded, "Easy bleeder?" he ventured. You weren't phased enough about it for this to be new.
You nod and sigh, letting him look at your hand. "I've done worse," you muse. "He's so fucking dramatic." A thud makes you look away from the wound and Logan wrapped it to press on it carefully. "I swear if they're fucking in my kitchen again-"
"We're not," Vanessa said returning with an icepack, "I dropped the ice cream trying to find the ice."
"And Wade is-"
"Debating on if You'd want the staple gun or just super glue," he answered.
"There's bandages under the sink you degenerate!"
"Ooo, secrets," Wade said, dropping the stuff he was holding and heading towards the bathroom.
"Nessa," you plead.
"I'll go get him," she said rolling her eyes.
Logan exhaled through his nose and adjusted the ice on your hand. "I think you'll live, kid."
"Probably. I can hold this, your dinner is getting cold-"
Logan snorted, "Not a complete animal. Wouldn't be polite to eat while my hostess is bleeding out."
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happy74827 · 25 days
Something Wholesome
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[Logan Howlett & Teen!Fem!Reader]
Synopsis: In which you can’t help but feel the need to comfort the big grumpy ape.
WC: 2054
Category: Comfort, Slight Fluff, Reader is Vanessa’s Younger Sister, 4th Wall Breaks {TW: Wade Being… Well, Himself.}
Even being the worst Wolverine, I believe he still is 100% a girl dad, and I stand by that statement.
"I thought you quit?"
Your voice startled him. He jumped and almost dropped the cigar he was holding between his teeth. Logan's eyes fell upon you, standing in the kitchen doorway with your arms folded.
"Jesus, kid. You're gonna give me a heart attack." He shook his head, taking the cigar out of his mouth and holding it between his fingers. It was still unlit. "How'd you get in here, anyway?"
You held up a ring of keys and shook it in the air, the jingling of metal echoing around the room. "It’s called having a brother-in-law who can pick locks." You tossed the keys on the counter and sat down across from him, resting your head in your hands. "Are you having another midlife crisis, Warrior Cat?"
"You're a brat, y’know that?" He rolled his eyes, taking the cigar and tossing it back into his jacket pocket. He ran a hand over his face, sighing.
You watched him closely. The bags under his eyes, the wrinkles, the slight hunch to his shoulders. He looked old… and not the usual, rugged, cool old. You frowned, leaning across the counter.
"You know, with Wade always around, I haven't had much time to check up on my favorite Canadian." You tilted your head to the side.
"Don't let Canuck hear you say that," he snorted. You stuck your tongue out at him, and he rolled his eyes. You could see the corners of his mouth twitching.
"Seriously, Slim Jim," The joke earned a slight scowl from him. You grinned, knowing it annoyed him when you called him that. "You look your age today. What's wrong?"
Logan stared at you, and you could almost see the gears turning in his head. He was probably wondering how much to tell you. If anything, at all.
You were used to it by now. His reluctance to talk about what was bothering him, his unwillingness to rely on anyone. It was his default, and you understood that, but after three months of sharing an apartment with blind meth-headed Trunchbull and Scary Terry, it was getting really tiring.
Finally, he sighed. "I've been thinkin'."
"Oh no." You feigned fear. He shot you a warning glare. One of those 'try me and see what happens' glares. "About what?"
He didn't answer right away. His eyes kept glancing toward the pocket his cigar was stashed in. He was struggling not to light it.
You were about to ask again, but before you could, he finally spoke up.
"I drove past the school a few days ago. It's still standing, y'know. It looks the same as it did 15 years ago." He laughed, though it sounded empty. "Abandoned, sure. But it's there."
Yeah, clearly, Disney spent all their budget on Princess remakes. A shame, really. The mansion was a good place to have movie nights.
"And it just...hit me, I guess. Everything's gone, kid." His voice grew soft, and the expression he was wearing broke your heart. "Everyone I knew, everyone I ever cared about, is dead. All I got left is this shitty apartment, a crap truck, and annoying roommates who drive me crazy."
"To be fair, I haven't had any accidents in three months," Wade called from the living room. Honestly, you weren’t even aware he was home. It was even more of a miracle that he heard Logan. "Saving the world has improved my driving skills. Now, I only hit pedestrians."
"Shut the fuck up, Wilson," Logan barked, his claws popping out of his knuckles with a snikt. "Or I'll shove those swords up your ass and make you eat 'em."
“Slow your roll, Caesar Salad; this is a PG story. Step off with the sexual violence, at least until you have the author's consent to do so." Wade turned the corner into the kitchen, a huge bag of Taco Bell in his hand. "Besides, Vanessa wouldn’t be too happy if she found out I was cheating on her with your foot long. You know how jealous she gets. One time, I tried to-"
"Wade, please," You groaned. He looked at you, then at Logan, and nodded.
"You're right, you're right. I should respect the rating." Wade waved his hand in the air and made his way out of the room, taking a bite out of one of his tacos. "Also, the fact that I’m technically a father figure in this fic, for reasons we can't disclose here. I’d rather not turn this wholesome story into some weird-ass daddy kink porno, even though I wouldn’t mind if it were."
He turned his attention to an empty wall momentarily, a smile creeping on his face. "I have a feeling you guys wouldn't either, judging by the comments on those other ones, and honestly, I don't blame you. My body is a temple, and it should be worshiped. Just ask all those Honda Odyssey rewrites. They'd know all about that, especially the ones that end with me getting-"
"WADE," You and Logan yelled at the same time, his claws still unsheathed. Logan looked ready to jump over the counter and murder him, and while it wasn’t uncommon for Wade to be shredded like string cheese, the two of you had had enough drama to last the rest of the year.
"Ugh, fine." He threw his hands up, his tacos spilling all over the floor. "But just for the record, I totally just stole the focus of this fic. Don't let Logan fool you. He's only the main character because this is his story, but the real star of the show is moi." He pointed a finger to his chest and winked at you. You couldn't help but laugh.
"Get the fuck outta here," Logan said, his claws sliding back into his knuckles. "I swear to god, Wilson, if you ruin my day any more than you already have, I'm gonna shove you into the wood chipper."
"You have a wood chipper?" Wade raised an eyebrow, grinning. "My, oh, my. Who would have thought the lumberjack would make a reappearance?"
"Five. Four. Three. Two. One," You muttered.
"Don't push me, asshole." Logan was growling, his claws once again threatening to slice into the other man.
A normal person would have run away by now, but not Wade. You had known him long enough to understand that he thrived off of conflict. He was the most chaotic son of a bitch you had ever met, and nothing excited him more than pissing people off.
But, again, this wasn’t his story. He was just hijacking it, and the author had had enough. So, without further ado, they did the most logical thing. They made Mary Puppins appear, and suddenly, she was in his arms, and he was out of the kitchen, leaving behind the Taco Bell, his jokes, and his dignity.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, trying not to laugh. You managed to contain it, but just barely.
You glanced over at Logan, and he still had a look on his face like he was drained and exhausted. Of course, now annoyance and anger were mixed into the cocktail.
With your sister’s boyfriend out of the picture, he slumped down against the counter, running a hand through his hair. Not much of it, given the current length, but enough that he could pull at it.
"I'm sorry," You said. You felt a pang of sympathy for him, and you couldn't imagine the shitstorm that must be going on in his mind. After all, he wasn't like the rest of you. He was a lot older, and his life had been filled with a lot more heartache and pain than you would ever experience. "It sucks."
He didn't say anything, so you continued.
"I mean, I don't know what it's like, obviously, but I can't imagine how it must feel to lose everything like that. Everyone." You paused, thinking about your family. Your own life hadn't exactly been a picnic, but the world hadn't come crashing down around you. Not yet, at least. "I can't imagine the kind of strength you must have to go on."
He grunted, which was pretty much the Logan version of a 'Thank you.'
"I just..." His voice was quiet. "I just want something permanent. That’s not this." He motioned to the room around you, and you couldn't help but notice the look in his eyes.
"I get it."
"I don't think you do, kid," he muttered, staring at his feet.
"Hey, give me a little credit. I might not be ancient like you, but I've seen some shit. Wade is infatuated with Nessie, so I go through that bullshit every other day." You shook your head. "The two of them can be a real handful together."
"No kiddin'." He snorted.
"I mean, sure. The world went to hell, but I think it's pretty safe to say that you deserve something good after all the crap that's happened." You shrugged, looking around the room. "This is that something."
He stared at you for a long moment, and you wondered if you said something wrong. Speaking to him was always a gamble. Sometimes, he would respond, and the two of you could actually hold a conversation. Other times, he would shut down and refuse to talk, or worse, yell at you.
It seemed like luck was on your side today.
"Maybe." His eyes moved to his hands, and his gaze was distant. "It's hard to think that when I'm stuck in this hell hole."
"It's not that bad."
"You’re just saying that so Wilson doesn’t think about moving back in with your sister." He rolled his eyes. "And it is. We all know that."
"Okay, fine, you're right. The apartment is shitty, and so is the neighborhood. The landlord is a bitch, and the neighbors are loud." You took a breath, leaning closer. "But, you have us."
"Oh, don't you start."
"And you've got your truck and your liquor and the crappy TV in the living room. I say, if that isn't permanent, I don't know what is."
Logan opened his mouth, but you held a finger up.
"You might not realize it, but you have a family here." You smiled at him, and he scoffed, turning his face away from you.
"I've had families before. Doesn't work out."
"Well, we're of the more persistent kind," you teased, reaching across the counter and punching him lightly on the shoulder. "We aren't going anywhere. Especially Wade. Man is a tick that refuses to let go."
"God, I wish he would."
"He won't. You're stuck with him. You’ll be the best man at his wedding, and we both know it." You grinned, and he rolled his eyes, though the corner of his lips quirked.
"Great," he muttered.
Secretly, you knew he enjoyed the banter with Wade. He acted annoyed and irritated, but deep down, you were certain he was amused. Might be frustrated, but definitely amused.
You were about to tell him that, but he spoke first.
"Thanks, kid." He reached across the counter and squeezed your arm. "You're a pain in the ass, but you're not so bad."
"Not so bad?" You snorted. "Wow. Is that how the Wolverine slid into the hearts of millions?"
He chuckled and shook his head, a smile spreading across his face. "You know what I mean, you brat."
You stood, walking around the counter. You threw your arms around him and pulled him into a hug. He didn’t hug back for reasons that you understood. Still, you wanted him to know that you were there for him and he could rely on you.
"You know," you started. "I think a lot of people would be surprised by the softy you are under all the grumpiness."
"Yeah, well, don't go around spreadin' that." He pushed you away gently, shaking his head. "I’m not a damn teddy bear, and I'll rip your throat out if you start tellin' people."
"I’m getting the Wade treatment? A threat of death if I speak a word?" You laughed, shaking your head. "I’m honored."
"Sometimes I wonder if he is your sibling instead of your sister."
"Nah, I’m too pretty to be a Wilson." You smirked. "If anything, I'm more related to my cousin."
"The one who tried to kill you last month?"
"That's the one."
"Then you definitely are a Wilson."
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kat-thepoet · 2 months
Veins of Violet
Logan Howlett X Female Reader
Part 1: A grumpy Canadian enters
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A/N: Hello guys! This is a Logan x Female reader story. So please enjoy!
Description: Violet, on the run from a dark past, finds herself stuck with Logan as her roommate, with her unpredictable best friend Wade by her side. As she navigates the chaos of her new life, she must choose between a love that could save her and a darkness that could consume her.
3.6k words
"Have you thought about what I told you?" I asked Vanessa as I sat across from her at our local coffee shop. 
"Yes, and I think I'm ready to talk to him about us." she says with a soft smile. 
A few weeks ago, before Wade unexpectedly left on his birthday party, I told Vannesa that she should get back together with him. They are such a cute couple, and Vanessa deserves to be with the person she loves, even though he's a total dickwad. I have known Wade for about six years when I auditioned for his superhero team. Or whatever you can call a group of morons who all collectively came together to save a chubby kid from being killed by a time travel freak with a medal arm. Regardless of mine and Wade's differences, like who is better, Edward or Jacob, or if pineapple belongs on pizza (it doesn't), he is still considered one of my best friends, along with Vanessa, whom I love dearly like a sister.
As I come back from my daydreaming, Vanessa gives me a slight grin and proceeds to ask her annoying question.
"So... now that Wade and I are possibly getting back together, why have you been avoiding the dating pool? I mean, I love you, but I don't want to see you die alone or possibly be forced to marry someone just to settle down. I want you to find someone who you can pour your heart into, like I do with Wade."
I look at her with annoyance and roll my eyes at her dramatic statement. After my last cheating boyfriend Adam who fucked my roommate by the way in my apartment, I've never found someone who truly moved me and made me feel special. I have gone on dates alone and even double dates with Nessa and Wade, but I have never felt something inside of me that truly made me desire them. When Vanessa talks about her and Wade's love lives and even their sex lives, she makes it sound like it's filled with passion and thrill, and I haven't experienced that with anyone yet. And I'm not even sure I ever will. 
"We've talked about this, Vanessa. I haven't found anyone interesting, and I'm not going to force it by going to some lame bar and picking up the first person who shows interest." She laughs at my statement but doesn't say anything in response.
As we walked back to our building, we saw Wade with a dog who looked strangly like him, and along with him was a man with a very nice build and he was really handsome. As Wade spotted Vanessa walking down the street with me, he quickly let his dog sit on the ground and sprinted over to her, arms wide open.
"Vanessa! My love, my light, my everything! You look stunning as ever. It's like seeing the sun come up after a night of binge-watching questionable rom-coms. How about we skip all this mundane reality stuff and dive straight into a romantic montage? I've missed you more than tacos on a Tuesday!"
She pushes her off him. "Where the hell have you been? You left the party without even saying anything, and you expect me to be happy to see you?!" She says it angerfully.
I laugh, and he turns to me. "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite partner in crime," he said, giving me a playful nudge. "Looking fabulous as always. I swear, every time I see you, it's like someone cranked up the glam dial to eleven." He says with a sly smile.
I roll my eyes and, angrly, ask him the same question. "No, Wade, where the hell have you been? I called 20 times, and not one single call was returned!" I quickly glanced at his friend, and he was already staring at me. I quickly looked back at Wade, waiting for a response.
Wade raised his hands in mock surrender, a sheepish grin on his face.
"Whoa, whoa, easy there, tiger! I knew I should've upgraded my phone plan to include 'dealing with angry best friends' insurance. But in my defense, I was, uh... busy saving the world? Or maybe I got distracted by a marathon of cat videos. They're surprisingly addictive, you know!"
He glanced at his friend, who was still watching the exchange with interest, and then turned back to me with a wink.
"But seriously, I'm sorry for ghosting you two. I'll explain everything later, but for now, I need to kiss my girl."
He looked at Vanessa, and she stopped him, putting her hand on his mouth. "I'm not your girl; we still have a lot to talk about, Wade."
Wade paused, eyes wide with mock horror. He slowly removed her hand, raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk.
"Oh, come on, Vanessa! You know, I can't resist kissing my favorite girl, even if I have to work a little harder for it. But I get it, I get it—relationship talk first, smooches later. Consider me on my best behavior. We can talk about anything and everything you want—whether it's why I've been MIA or what I'm planning for our next adventure."
As he looks at his friend, he slaps his own forehead.
"I almost forgot, ladies, feast your eyes on the one, the only, the eternally grumpy Canadian himself—Wolverine! Or, as I like to call him, Logan, he is the sharpest guy I know. And no, that's not just a reference to his claws." He nudged Wolverine with his elbow, grinning.
"This is the guy who puts the 'X' in 'X-Men' and the 'grr' in 'gruff.' When he's not busy saving the world or scowling, he's perfecting his signature brooding look and cutting sarcasm. You might say he's the best there is at what he does, and what he does is... make me look even more sexy by comparison." Wade turned to Vanessa and I with a wink.
"Don't worry; he's not as intimidating as he seems. Just give him a beer, and he'll be your best friend—or at least tolerate you with only minimal growling. Logan, meet Vanessa, my stunning muse, and Violet, my partner in crime. Try not to scare them off with your rugged charm, alright?" Logan just rolls his eyes at his stupid introduction.
Vanessa extends her arm to shake his hand, and he hesitates for a moment but shakes it with a firm grip. "Nice to meet you, Logan." She says with a smile. Logan responds with a sarcastic tone, "Yeah, you too."
I extend my hand to do the same, and he takes it, but my hand lingers in his for a moment before he quickly pulls away. It's nice to meet you, Logan. Knowing the mouth that Wade has on him, you must have dealt with a few suicidal thoughts." I ask, trying to lighten the mood.
He smirks at my question and says , "Yeah, you could say that."
Wade clapped his hands together with an exaggerated gasp, clearly delighted by the interaction.
"Oh, I see what's happening here! Bonding over my endless ability to drive people nuts! Classic move, Vi." he said with a playful grin.
He waggled his eyebrows at Wolverine. "See, Logan? I told you my best friend's got a wicked sense of humor. We could start a support group for people who've survived my witty repartee. 'Deadpool's Survivors Club.' Meetings every Tuesday—blizzard dust and therapy provided."
Vanessa and I laughed at his comment, and we all headed back to his place.
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Before I went to wades place I departed from the group and went into my apartment that was two doors over from his. I decided to get comfortable and take my working clothes off that had dirt on them from washing flowers. 
I work at a flower shop that's about two blocks from here. I started working there about two years ago. The pay is great; I can pay my bills and treat myself once in a while. but I also live comfortingly because of my grandparents trust fund. My grandparents took care of me until I was 19 years old. They were doctors and were very successful. My parents died in a car crash when I was five. I don't really remember anything from that time. I guess my brain blocked all that trauma out. But regardless, I still ended up being experimented on by these mad scientists with some glowy gems. That's what granted me my abilities. And they used me to kill people. I try to forget at times, but now, ten years later, I'm here, surrounded by family who I adore.
I decided to change into a red tank top and grey sweatpants with my black and white Converse. By the look of the clouds, it looks like it's going to start to rain. I brush my hair and add a little makeup to clean myself up a bit. I finish up with a vanilla mist that Vanessa got me for my birthday, and I head out the door. 
I knock on Wade's door, and through the door I hear muffling sounds and loud music. Nobody answers, so I open the door myself. The room is filled with some X-force members, along with Tin Man. Ellie and their adorable girl friend are singing kareoke. On the other side of the room in the kitchen, I see blind Al sniffing a line, Vanessa and Wade making out, and other junkies eating and drinking food. How did this escalate so quickly? I was only gone for 30 minutes. As I scanned the room to find a spot to sit, I saw Logan on the couch with a beer in his hand, watching Beyonce and Ariana horribly sing. There's a seat next to his, so I decided to sit next to him. 
"Are you enjoying the party?" I asked with a smile.
Logan glanced at you, his expression flat.
"It's something, all right," he grumbled, taking another sip of his beer. "At least the beer's cold."
He shook his head slightly, watching the chaos unfold with a weary look.
"I've seen worse," he added with a shrug. 
Logan leaned back, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "You here to rescue me, or just enjoying the show?"
I pressed my lips together. He's not one to have a conversation with because he's so moody, and I'm determined to find out why, but I'll just play along with his nonchalant attitude for now. 
"Just enjoying the show," I replied with a smirk. Logan's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't press further, turning his attention back to the chaos around us. 
"Are you going to drink something?" he asked in a low voice.
"There's nothing here that doesn't destroy your liver." I said it with a tight smile.
"You don't drink?" he asked curiously.
"No." I said firmly, trying to keep the conversation light. "I prefer to keep a clear head in situations like this." Logan nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response, and we continued to watch the chaos unfold around us in silence. 
"So, how did you meet Wade?" I asked curiously. 
Logan took a moment, swirling his beer thoughtfully before answering.
"Well, it wasn't exactly a fairy tale," he replied with a wry smile. "Wade showed up out of nowhere, talking about timelines and some TVA nonsense. I thought he was just some weird fuck who wanted to mess with me."
He sighed, shaking his head at the memory.
"But then there was this whole thing with Cassandra threatening the timeline. I guess we ended up being unlikely allies. Not my first choice, but he's persistent."
Logan glanced at you, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Wade's like a bad rash; he just keeps coming back until you deal with him. At least this time, we managed to save the day and avoid a multiverse meltdown."
He shrugged, taking another sip of his beer. "You could say it was... educational."
I looked at him confused because, honestly, I did not understand any word that he said. He saw my expression puzzled but didn't focus too much on it. 
"How did you meet a fucker like Wade?" he asked.
"It's a long story, but I've known him for about 6 years, and I met him when I auditioned for the X Force." 
"Wait, you auditioned for the X Force? Why? " He looked at me strangely. 
"Well, I have abilities of my own, and I wanted to use them for good." I said with a dry smile. 
Logan nodded, processing your answer with a gruff expression.
"Abilities, huh?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "Wade's got a knack for attracting people like us. But an audition? That sounds like something only Wade would come up with."
Logan leaned back, giving you a more appraising look. "So, what can you do? And how've you survived six years with Wade without losing your mind?"
We talked about Wade and how fucked up in the head he was. Until I saw the time. It read 11:50. 
"Oh, shoot, I have to get going. I have work in the morning." I said as I quickly stood up. 
I quickly turned around and waved everyone good bye. As I headed for the door, Wade trotted after me with a mischievous grin on his face.
"Hey, wait up!" he called, catching up to me just as I stepped outside. "Before you disappear into the responsible adult dimension, I've got a burning question."
He leaned in conspiratorially, lowering his voice with mock seriousness. "So, does your annoying roommate still haunt your apartment, or have you finally exorcised that particular demon? I mean, I can't be the only one who thinks she's a walking buzzkill, right?"
I laughed at his remark about my ex roommate. I crossed my arms at his question. 
"Why?" I said with a stern face. 
Wade put on his best innocent face, which was hard to take seriously with the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"Oh, no reason," he said, feigning nonchalance as he rocked back on his heels. "It's just that I have this furry, brooding friend who might be in the market for a new place to crash."
He leaned in closer, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. "You see, Logan here has this whole 'lone wolf' vibe going on, but I think deep down, he's just a cuddly, oversized teddy bear in need of a cozy new den."
Wade wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Plus, think about it: free security, and you'll never have to worry about running out of beer. And if you two ever get into an argument, he's got that healing factor, so no worries about broken bones or anything."
He flashed a grin, clearly enjoying himself. "So, what do you say? Got room for one more grumpy Canadian in your life?"
I looked at him, trying to see if this would be a good idea. He gave me puppy eyes, and I responded by rolling my eyes back. "Is he messy?" I asked, annoyed. 
"I don't think so; let me ask." He quickly turned around and started skipping to his door. Before I could say anything, he brought out Logan. In the dim light of the hallway, I could see through his white beater tank top, which revealed his muscular physique. It made my mouth salivate. Why am I thinking this way? 
I look at Wade, and he looks at Logan. " Are you messy?" 
Logan crossed his arms, giving Wade a skeptical look before turning his attention to you.
"Messy?" he grunted, his voice gravelly. "Not really. I keep to myself and clean up after I eat.
Logan glanced at Wade, then back at you, with a hint of a smirk. "But if you're expecting a neat freak, you might want to look elsewhere. I'm not exactly Martha Stewart."
He paused for a moment, reading your expression, and added, "And don't worry, I don't bite. Much."
I rolled my eyes at his comment. He's clearly drunk, but I trust he's just trying to make a joke. Plus, his honesty about his habits is refreshing in a roommate. 
"Fine." I said with a thin smile.
Wade's eyes lit up with excitement as soon as I said "fine."
"Score one for Team Wolverine!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air like he'd just won a championship. "You won't regret it! Well, maybe a little, but hey, what's life without some excitement, right?"
He clapped Logan on the back with a playful grin. "Welcome to your new home, bub! Remember, no claw marks on the good furniture, and try to keep the late-night growling to a minimum unless you want Violet to reconsider."
Wade turned back to you, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You've got yourself a real-life superhero as a roommate! Not everyone can say that. Just don't let him hog the remote on movie night—or the weed stash."
He gave you a thumbs up, clearly pleased with the outcome. "So, when's the housewarming party? I'll bring the chimichangas and some earplugs for those late-night howls, or we can do a threesome, whichever you prefer."
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 
I drew my attention to Logan before I spoke. "Go get your stuff so you can settle in." I said this as I turned to unlock my door. Wade kissed me on the cheek and walked with Logan back to his apartment. 
I turned on the light from the spare room and thanked God that I cleaned it the second that whore Sara moved out because it was a mess. Luckily, the bed had fresh sheets, and it smelled clean. I heard a firm knock on the door. 
That must be Logan. 
I opened the door and saw Adam drunk and crying. 
"Adam, what the hell are you doing here?" Adam, my cheating ex-boyfriend that I mentioned before, was here begging me to take him back and to forgive him for fucking my roommate on my new couch. 
I crotched down to his level and said, "I'm never going to fucking forgive you for what you did to me. We were fucking engaged, but you chose to fuck another girl. Not a random girl, my fucking roommate, who I considered my closest friend. You know how I feel about lies and betrayals." I said with tears forming in my eyes. I know that he used and hurt me, but I can't help but feel heartbroken, even though this happened two months ago. He started to come closer until I tripped back on my ass. I landed on the floor, and he was on top of me. "Get off of me!" I said angrly. As I squirmed under him, I felt my eyes glow, and my powers wanted to come out and play, but I held the urge as I was fighting him off. All of a sudden, I hear loud footsteps coming towards us. Logan comes out of nowhere and grabs him by the collar. He yanks him onto the floor. My eyes are still closed as I try to control my outburst. I hear Logan yell at him, to never set foot here again, and Adam runs off. 
As I control my breathing, Logan comes next to me and leans in. "It's ok, he's gone." He said in a low voice. I feel better for some reason now that he's by my side. I thank him still, with my eyes closed. I stand up and open my eyes to see him staring into mine. I blink the tears away and grab a glass of water. 
"Who was that punk?" he asks, his voice laced with concern. I take a deep breath before responding, "My ex-boyfriend." I said calmly. 
He doesn't say anything. I stand still until I finish my cup of water. 
"Ok, sorry about that. Let's start with the tour. I have to get up early tomorrow. " I said with a soft smile. He nodded and proceeded with the living room.
As I gave the tour, he stared very intently at everything. How the laundry machines worked and where stuff was located in the kitchen. And I offered him a glass of water. After I gave a tour of everything but the bedrooms, he jugged the glass of water, and I stared intensely. The way his Adam's apple would bob from the gulp and the water droplets rolling down on his throat onto his hairy chest. He's so handsome and muscular. The way his dark blue jeans hug his thighs and how tight his pants are around the crotch area makes me feel parched. I quickly composed myself before he noticed I was staring too hard. Oh, he noticed
I opened my bedroom to let him take a peek. "Here's my bedroom, so if you need anything, just knock on the door. Next to mine is yours." I opened the bedroom door, and it was simple not girly or masculine, just normal. He shook his head in greatfulness. "Thank you for letting me stay here. It means a lot." I smiled at him as a response. 
"I left you some things on your bed that you might need, but if you don't have any questions, then this is it." I smiled once more and walked into my room. 
He walked into his, and we both closed our doors. I quickly put on my pijamas, which were a pair of short shorts and a small tank top. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I walked back to my room, I heard a knock on my door. It was him asking if he could borrow a toothbrush. I thought I gave him one, but I must have forgotten. I walked over to the restroom, and he followed. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't pay too much attention. I leaned down to grab a new toothbrush from under the sink, forgetting that my ass was full on display for him to see. I gave him the brush and said good night. 
"Goodnight," he said back in a nicer tone. 
Next part: Part 2: Of claws and heart
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timetodecidedjo · 5 days
The Poolverine Wedding Fic is here ❤️💛
Huge thank you to @avenging-captain for being my beta reader, and just genuinely being so sweet and supportive of my work!
It’s also posted over on my AO3 under I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You) by xuaerduobb if you wanna leave some love 🥺
I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You)
The air was crisp and filled with the earthy scent of fallen leaves. The sunlight, a vibrant golden amber color, was preparing to set on the day and transition into the evening. Logan felt the cool chill of the wind down his adamantium grafted spine and made a joke in his head about getting cold feet.
It was the evening of his wedding, and minute by minute, it was getting closer and closer to ceremony time. Most of their guests had already arrived and were seated in their mismatched chairs on each side of the aisle, waiting with excitement and anticipation for the happy couple. Everyone looked so nice and dressed up for the occasion, clad in scarves and warm coats to combat the chill of the October air. Logan had decided he wanted to be in full black for the wedding, black suit, black shirt, black tie. His blushing “spouse to be” always said he looked so good in dark colors, minus his iconic yellow suit.
The rolling hills of upstate New York made for such a breathtaking backdrop that Logan couldn’t help but to keep thanking Vanessa over and over for the help finding the perfect venue. Wade had said on so many occasions that it didn’t matter to him where they had the wedding, that he would’ve married Logan Howlett right there in their crummy apartment. Logan knew that he wasn’t kidding, but also knew that Wade deserved to have the perfect day he had always dreamed of.
“Logan, I have the rings, do you have your vows?” Laura asked, pulling Logan back into the present. He nodded and pulled out a folded up piece of paper from his jacket pocket, waving it in front of her. Laura was wearing a floor length black satin dress, gold jewelry and a pair of short heeled nude shoes. Her long hair was pulled back into a messy bun, with a few pieces of hair framing her face. She had a simple makeup look for the day to celebrate her TWO dads.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” Logan beamed as he took his daughter’s hand into his own.
She smiled and pulled him into a loving hug, so proud to be a part of their day. She pulled back when Vanessa tapped on her shoulder to alert her that it was almost time, and that everyone needed to get into their positions. Laura gave her father a reassuring smile and followed Vanessa back to the barn on the other side of the lawn where Wade and the rest of the wedding party were waiting.
Logan walked up the aisle to stand at the front of their entire family, smiling and waving at the guests that were there. The sight was so surreal. Never in his 200 years of living did he think that this would be his life, that he would get to experience falling in love and getting married to the person of his dreams.
Wade had asked Colossus to be the officiant for the wedding, and he was there waiting for them at the end of the aisle. Logan reached out to shake the steel man’s cold hand as a thank you again for agreeing to be a part of their special day.
“It is no problem, Logan,” the man made of organic steel replied as he shuffled through the book he needed to read from. “I am very happy for you and Wade.”
Just then, the hired DJ began playing the orchestral music that the bridal party was to walk down the aisle to. Wade had picked a classical version of pov by Ariana Grande, and though Logan was pretty sure he had never heard the song before, he had to admit that it was just as beautiful as the evening had turned out to be. First to come out was Yukio and Ellie, both dressed in similar black dresses to Laura’s. Their floral bouquets were decorated with sunflowers and red roses, a nod to Wade and Logan’s suits.They both had big smiles on their faces as they walked down the aisle to end at their respective spots, Yukio on Wade’s side and Ellie on Logan’s.
Then it was Vanessa and Laura’s turn as the maid of honor and best woman. Vanessa’s long black hair spilled over her shoulder and onto her back, her pale skin contrasting from the black dress she had on. They walked together with their arms linked until they had to separate, Laura standing by her father’s side, and Vanessa waiting for Wade. She looked over at Logan and mouthed, “He can’t wait to see you.”
Next, arguably more the star of the evening than Wade was, Mary Puppins pranced her way down the aisle with a basket of red and yellow flower petals hooked to her back. She ran straight to Logan and hopped up into his arms allowing all of the petals to finally fall out of the basket and onto the ground. She gave Logan quite the stinky kiss before he put her back down where she sat at his feet, like she could finally relax.
At long last, it was time. Logan was about to watch the love of his life walk down the aisle, dressed in his best suit, looking as handsome as ever, and when they’d walk back down said aisle, they’d be husbands. There was a mix of gentle, swirling energy inside of Logan’s abdomen, like his stomach had been doing flips. Before even seeing him, Wade gave him butterflies.
The barn doors opened completely this time, revealing Logan’s future husband and mother in law. Althea, who had been like Wade’s mother figure over the last 10+ years, shuffled her way down the rocky aisle, arguably Wade moreso escorting her. Though she was blind, there had been no one else Wade would’ve wanted to walk with on this special day. It was funny really, because it was kinda like a metaphor, right? Wade, blindly finding his way to the person who would be his soulmate to the altar, the aisle being the time it took for them to get to this day. The writer is hoping that makes sense…
When their eyes met, everyone else faded away, and it was just the two of them. Time had immediately slowed down. The noise, the people, the nerves… it all became a blur as Logan’s full attention shifted to Wade. He could feel his eyes soften and his vision become blurry as they filled with tears. Happy tears. Wade helped Althea to her seat and made his way to the spot next to Logan’s, where he wanted to be for the rest of their lives.
“Hey, Honey Badger,” the merc smiled, looking so incredibly handsome in his all black suit to match. “Or should I say Mr. Logan Howlett-Wilson.”
“Not just yet,” the Wolverine teased, taking his fiance’s hand into his own and kissing it. “I have some things to say to you first.”
They both turned their heads to face Colossus, but stayed in place, hands still intertwined. Wade’s hands were so cold. They always were. Logan made a mental note to send someone for gloves once the ceremony was over.
“Friends and family,” Colossus began, reading from the book in his hands. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two men, Wade Wilson and Logan Howlett. They are two of my closest friends, and I am so appreciative of their friendship. I have known Wade much longer than I’ve known this Logan, but now I don’t think I could ever know them separately ever again.”
“That’s right,” Wade grinned, still gripping onto Logan’s calloused hands tightly. “I’m not letting you go. Ever.”
Logan shook his head, but couldn’t help but feel a smile creep up onto his face. His cheeks hurt like hell from all the smiling, but it was a good hurt. One of the best hurts he’d felt in a long time.
“It is now time to exchange the vows. Who would like to go first?”
Before Logan could even say Wade, the merc with the mouth was already pulling out the sloppily written notes out of his pocket with one free hand.
“To my Honey Badger, my sweet boy, my Logan:
You know, they say don’t meet your heroes… that most of the time, these idealized versions of people will only set us up for disappointment. People have flaws, imperfections, make mistakes, and sometimes make choices that aren’t always the best. But meeting you, Logan, and getting the chance to fall head over heels, slit my own throat in love with you, has proven all that to be wrong. I did have a glamorized idea of you in my head, and you’ve exceeded it in every way possible. I know that it’s hard for you to see the things that I see in you, but I think I always knew deep down that you were and still are the best Wolverine. You’re the best Logan. Especially for me. I wanna fight with you. I wanna hold you when you’re feeling anxious. I wanna make you breakfast in bed on the weekends, even though I’m always burning the eggs. I wanna make sure you know how loved you are. Most importantly, I wanna make everyone in our apartment building uncomfortable when we’re taking a trip to pound town.”
“You do that already!” Althea called out from her seat in the front row. “The landlord gets at least 10 complaints every week. I know. I’m 7 of them.”
Everyone burst into nervous laughter, except for Althea and Ellie. It wasn’t funny.
Wade looked back down at his vows, and continued on with reciting them, this time not reading from the paper, but looking into Logan’s tired eyes.
“I call you by so many names: Wolvie, Honey Badger, Peanut, Angel Baby, Loverboy, Sweet Cheeks, the list goes on. But you’re also: my protector, my teammate, my best friend, my soulmate. I love you with every cancerous fiber of my being and I’m so excited to spend the rest of eternity with you.”
The emotions that Logan was feeling in that moment, all of them, hit him like a ton of bricks. He was never one to cry or show any emotions really. Other than anger. For so long, it was just anger. But from the moment they had met, Wade was one of the only ones who could ever break down his walls, brick by brick. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, he just couldn’t anymore. One single tear finally fell from his eye and rolled down his cheek. The merc released his grip on Logan’s hand in order to use his thumb to wipe away the wetness. Logan leaned into the touch and smiled softly before pressing a quick kiss onto Wade’s palm.
“Sorry I made you cry, Wolvie,” Wade apologized as he took his hand back and brought it back to Logan’s.
“Wait till you hear his,” Laura whispered with a small smile.
The mutant pulled out his written vows from his jacket pocket and opened them up slowly. This was hard for him. Being vulnerable like this in front of so many people… it was like knocking the wind out of his chest. He felt paralyzed, frozen there in his spot at the altar. Laura pressed a supportive hand to his back, quietly giving him the strength that he needed to say what he needed to say.
“Wade, that day in the bar when you found me drunk, wallowing in my self hatred and filled with so much anger… you literally showed up out of the blue and dragged me back to reality. You reminded me of who I am, who I was always meant to be. You continue to make me a better man every single day, teaching me patience and taking me out of my comfort zone. Wade, you keep me focused on the present and more importantly, our future… and you never make me feel bad about my past. You never stop making me laugh. Even when you’re being the most annoying person on the planet, you’re still making me laugh. You’re the funniest, sweetest, most thoughtful person I’ve ever known. You’re also a bit of a fuckin’ lunatic, but that’s just part of the Wade Wilson charm.”
Again, another laugh from the crowd, even Wade joining in. His eyes were just as glossy as Logan’s were before.
“You do these little things to show me how much you care; things that most people don’t ever see. In the middle of the night when I’m having a bad dream, you help me to wake up and realize that it was nothing but a nightmare. You’re always bringing me back little trinkets from places you travel to for work, and I still have every single one. When we order pizza on the weekends and they put mushrooms on it even though I always tell them not to, you pick them off for me before I ever notice that they’re there. You brought the daughter I never knew I needed into my life, and you love her as much as I do.”
Logan took a small breath so that he could finish his vows, his stomach in knots from all of the emotions running rampant.
“You’re the anchor being of my universe, and I’m so grateful that you made an educated wish two years ago. Our love transcends time and space. It’s a love I never knew I was capable of. It’s a love I never thought I’d ever get to experience. I love you, Wade Wilson.”
Not a dry eye in the house. Classical fucking Logan… swooping in and making a bigger impact on the audience, as always.
“Who has the rings?” Colossus inquired, primarily asking Logan because everyone knew not to allow Wade to keep them in his possession. He could be trusted with getting milk on the way home from a mission or feeding the dog every single night, but when it came to their wedding rings, it was better to be safe than sorry. Laura pulled out a small velvet jewelry bag that contained the rings out of her bouquet and passed it over to Logan. He took the ring he had picked for Wade out of the small bag and placed it onto his ring finger. Being an expert sword fighter, Wade could always keep a steady hand. But now? His body was shaking. He was barely keeping his shit together. It felt like his entire body was vibrating with excitement, anxiety, joy, adoration, desire… Once the ring made its way down his finger, the mutant brought Wade’s hand to his lips to press a kiss onto it.
Logan flipped the small bag over and out plopped the ring Wade had picked out for Logan. It was beautiful. Both rings were. The pair had been specially made out of adamantium and each had one singular garnet gemstone and a yellow sapphire embedded in. Wade had saved up every penny he could to get those rings and did NOT steal them in any way, shape, or form. Got it? Good.
Colossus continued to read from the book he held in his hands, flipping to a particular page.
“These rings represent infinity, signifying your eternal love and bond. It is a visible promise that you are forever devoted to each other through the highs and the lows, the hardships and in prosperity, when the sun shines and when it rains-“
“Hey, big guy,” Wade whispered, giving the steel man his best side eye. “That’s all very sweet, and I love the sentiment, I really do, but I’m dying to kiss this smoking hot, very soon to be completely off the market hunk right here. Finish strong, ‘kay?”
The steel mutant sighed and rubbed his forehead with his palm, closing the book he was reading from in the other.
“I am not really sure if any of this is actually legal due to Logan being from another timeline, but, by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you… married! You may now share a kiss.”
Wade had practically launched himself into Logan in an effort to be as close to him as possible. If body parts happened to rub against each other in the process, that was just good luck. Not for everyone else attending the wedding, but that's neither here nor there. Logan took Wade’s face into his hands and they shared a deep kiss, a familiar warmth consuming both of their mended hearts. It was a kiss that hit both their bodies like a tidal wave, and sent all of their emotions into a frenzy. Every guest broke out in a supportive cheer, and the orchestral music began to play again. When the two men broke away from the kiss, they walked back down the aisle, hand in hand, as newlyweds.
Set against the rustic charm of the old barn on the venue’s property, the wedding reception was this small and cozy atmosphere. There were golden string lights hung up all around the ceiling that gave the inside of the barn just the right amount of glow. It was enough to see one another, but it was dark enough that you could relax and unwind from the evening. Every table was adorned with lanterns and floral arrangements that accompanied the bridal bouquets from the ceremony. There were several fire pits set up outside so that guests could go outside and drink under the stars. The DJ had a steady stream of music pouring out of the speakers, and people were already starting to drink and dance on the makeshift dance floor. It was utterly perfect.
The DJ lowered the volume on the music and started to speak on the microphone.
“I’d like to turn everyone’s attention to the doors at the front of the barn to give a warm welcome to the newlyweds…”
The barn doors opened allowing Logan and Wade to walk in together, hand in hand, all smiles and full of so much joy.
“Please clear the dance floor so these two lovebirds can share their first dance as a married couple.”
The entire barn erupted in applause as the happy couple walked inside and onto the dance floor, people moving out of their way so that they could share their first dance.
Aretha Franklin’s I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You) started to play softly from the speakers, the sultry jazz and blues music adding to the coziness of the atmosphere. It was an interesting song choice for sure, but the couple had made quite an interesting pair.
Wade pulled Logan close and wrapped his arms around the older mutant’s waist, the biggest smile permanently fixed onto his face. Logan looked at Wade, his eyes softening, and draped his arms around Wade’s shoulders. They slowly grooved together to the music and took another opportunity to kiss each other, this time a little more risque than it had been back at the ceremony. It was their wedding, damnit, and Wade could NOT be expected to keep his hands or his lips to himself for the rest of the evening.
“You know, I keep waiting to wake up from this dream. This just can’t be my life,” Wade murmured as he danced with his new husband. His husband. His Logan.
“Wow, and you didn’t even say ‘wet dream.’ I’m a little offended. I got all dressed up in this nice suit, let Yukio fix my hair, and you’ve hardly made any inappropriate comments about my ass. I’m even wearing that thong you bought that says ‘eat me.’”
“We’re gonna come back to that last thing, but I’m a married man now. That’s like, major adult-like behavior,” the merc replied back, watching Logan immediately rolling his eyes and laughing at his response.
“Plus, I promised Colossus that I would act appropriately tonight. As soon as he leaves for the mansion though, I’m not gonna stop making inappropriate comments about your ass. I’m gonna say absolutely vulgar and obscene things about it, to be quite honest. And don’t even get me started on the kitty ears you got going on up there,” Wade yapped on, taking his index finger and swirling the little cowlick on top of Logan’s head. “And good choice on the whole monochromatic black look. A callback to 2013’s The Wolverine when you attended Yashida’s funeral? Arguably one of the only good decisions Fox ever made.”
Logan did what he always had to do to get The Merc With a Mouth to shut up and planted another big sloppy kiss onto his lips, successfully getting his message across. Loud and clear. They continued like that for most of the night, swaying together to the music, hands all over one another, drunk off of the bliss they felt just being with each other like this. Married. In love. Soulmates. Forever.
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nyeddleblog · 1 month
A little piece of heaven [Part 2]
Pairing: Wade Wilson x Original Female Character x Logan Howlett. Summary: In Wade's timeline, Iris is his supernice upstairs neighbor. In Wolverine's, she's his beloved dead wife. A/N: This is a Wattpad Fic with an original character of mine that you can find here. Warnings: Deadpool & Wolverine spoilers, kinda.
Chapter 2: A little bit of context/Filler chapter.
To be completely honest, Iris had in fact seen a Logan each time she fell asleep ever since she was eighteen, maybe a bit younger. It was a good thing that she only dreamwalked into hers that were her age, because the amount of times she had seen that man naked without even meeting him in real life was a bit concerning. 
It had grown gradually, obviously. The first Logan she ever saw was in a museum, in a universe where mutants didn't exist. It was a small kid called James Howlett, painted in quite a depressive picture. The second, however, was in a bar and he had tried to flirt with her, but the version of her in that universe wasn't having any of it.
Iris realized that most of the universes where they were teammates, it ended up in an annoying slowburn. She was usually a bit shy, he usually teased her about that, then they'd kiss, and then they'd fuck. And fuck, was sex with Logan good.
He'd always be in love with Jean first, though. When the version of her in those realities had feelings for Logan before he had feelings for her, yeah, that shit stung. 
But it was reassuring, somehow, knowing that in every universe she was able to find him. There were some obstacles in the way, of course. Some Jeans, some Peters, a few Ororos too, maybe a Kurt here and there, but they always ended up together. 
By the time she was 20, she was excited. She had fallen in love over and over, and over again with the same person and she wanted hers, she wanted to feel what it was like.
Time passed and a few flings came across her way. She knew Logan wouldn't mind, he never did. Besides, he had a century of experience before she even existed, so why should she care?
Then Mark came along and the thought of Logan wasn't appealing anymore, no. She didn't remember any Marks in her dreams either, so for a long while she thought it was her equivalent for a Logan and she let herself fall in love for the very first time.
He was stubborn, and rough and charming in every way that Logan was. He made her come out of her shell, helped her leave her family, gave her a life of their own. It was a long relationship, five years. They got engaged even. And yes, the dreams had started to become a bit annoying, and hearing his girlfriend moan and whimper another man's name could make anyone mad, but she thought that after five years of heaven, Mark would never raise his hand at her. 
Yet he did, and then came two other years of complete isolation.
When Iris moved into the apartment that, conveniently, was located above Wade's, she didn't really think she was ready for any kind of relationship, and Mark definitely wasn't ready for her to have one either. She was escaping him, she was frightened, she had no life and no friends. 
And yes, Mark was an asshole. And yes, we should hate him, but at least his pitiful excuse of an existence served for Iris to meet Wade.
Mark was a very confrontational person, she wondered after their relationship if her fascination for Logan made her blind to all the red flags that were right there the whole time, or if she was truly that dumb; but she knew she hoped that he got into a fight with Wade, a fight that would give him no option but to finish Mark's life.
So yeah, she asked him to scare him off, but she hoped he'd kill him.
What came out of that was a beautiful, wholesome friendship. She'd been there when he was scared of reaching out for Vanessa, and she was there when they were finally a thing again. She even remembered how Vanessa was wary of her at first, scared that Wade and her were a thing.
And that would never happen. 
She had pegged him only five times, and they'd shotgunned like... What? Two times?
He asked! What were friends for?
Anyways, Wade was her first friend since first year of college. She'd never met another mutant before and, even if Wade wasn't exactly mutant born, he understood what it was like to be different. He protected her, he helped her protect herself and he was funny.
So, despite having a though childhood and a tormented love life, she felt grateful of being in the life of someone like Wade. She'd be at any party he wanted her to be. Celebrate his birthday all over again? Fuck it, let's celebrate it twice a month. 
That night, right after handling the 30 hormonal teenagers that conformed her class, she went back home and dressed up for the occasion. Iris was thirty-four years old and for the first time she was feeling fulfilled. She was a bit tipsy, talking to Vanessa as she rested over the table and her friend smiled sweetly, telling her something about the guy she was seeing.
It sucked that she was happy with someone that wasn't Wade, but she loved seeing her friend happy nonetheless. 
Then Vanessa asked about her day and she recalled the stupid child that chose to use her class as an intervention to confess his undying love for another student. It was cute, but seeing him get rejected still made her let out an incredulous laugh that could play off as cruel.
And her reaction to the story made her laugh harder. 
Then the melody of her favorite song started playing, and she swayed in place as Vanessa recalled the memory of the last time someone did something as cringe as that for her. Of course it had to be Wade. Iris closed her eyes, laughing and the door swung open, and she turned around to greet the birthday boy.
"Wade! I thought for a second there that you weren't going to make it! This is actually my outfit for your funeral!"
It was. 
"It's the most hideous thing I've seen in my life and yet you managed to pull it off!" She took it as a compliment, closing her eyes with a toothy grin appreciatively, "I came back and I brought you a gift."
She took a look beside him and oh shit.
Was that a Logan?
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icarusredwings · 3 days
It's Bed Time, Kiddo. Part 1/3
Writing this was kind of hard because imagining being tucked in by THE Wolverine is the safest feeling, and It makes me tired.
No tws!
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Standing at the door with all of her things, Vanessa had a bitter sweet smile on her face as she saw how melted Wade was into his shoulder, clinging to him like wax that was still moveable but so warm and content where it was.
"Thanks again for coming on such short notice. And for the food.. how uhm.. How much do I owe you?" He says to her, very gently moving him to the other shoulder in order to grab his wallet.
She shook her head. "Nothin' just... take care of him. He deserves it."
"He does, doesn't he?" He muttered, running a hand over his back as he whined.
"Yeah.. Hey, uhm.. Logan?" She asks, tilting her head and took a breath after moving her weight to the other foot. He could already tell that she was nervous and now he was too. It's not that she wasn't nice and all. It's just.. He's tried being in the middle of stuff before. It never works out for him.. and he didn't want to ruin what they already had going on.
"Look, Vanessa I-"
"I want you to keep this.."
He blinks as she hands him the faded Spiderman sippy cup. Looking at it for a moment, he tried to process what this meant.
"But... this is yours?"
She nods. "I know. I want you to have it."
Ness rolls her eyes with a sigh. Were all men this stupid?
"Because. He likes it. Just keep it okay? Besides, I'm going to buy some bluey one's soon so.. you know.."
He didn't connect it just yet but was starting to get there. "But.. This is his first cup.."
She nods again. "I know."
Just before Logan could understand, Wade whined something about his "Mommy cuppie" being his favorite.
"Yeah? I know honey. But now it's Kitty's cup. Okay? I uhm... I have work tomarrow. So.."
"Yeah..." He said this as if just now realizing that the transfer of his cup was more than just a cup. He didn't quite understand what exactly but knew that there was something definitely more than her deciding to gift him the old cup.
"Anyway.... Time to get this one to bed. See ya around, Vanessa?"
He asks, giving her a stern look as if threatening to break her skull in half if she was trying to leave him. The both of them. He wasn't ready to take sole responsibility for him, nor knew how to explain to him that Vanessa... left.
In the not so physical kind of way.
She let out a scoff of a chuckle. "Yeah. Just give me a call whenever. Okay? Bye bye baby." She says to Wade, kissing his limp hand.
As if hearing "Bye bye" woke him up, Wade sat up, gruggily and tired. "Noo... no no no noo nooo." He whined, his arms lazily reaching out for her to take him instead. She couldn't leave if he slept on top of her, right? That was his logic, anyway.
Snorting, Logan smiled, closing the door, rubbing his back, and kissing his head. "Oh yeess, yes yes yes yes yeess." He coes, having adored when Wade was like this. Sleepily babbling for Mommy and that he 'wasn't tired' despite both of his eyes struggling to stay open and his chin was leaning on his shoulder, starting to drool.
"Shhh. It's bedtime."
"Nnnoo... mommy.." He groaned, softly kicking his legs as if trying to squirm out of his grip.
"Mommy's going to bed, and you are too. You've had a rough day. Sleep all ya want, Kid."
"Oh yeah?"
This was Wade's 'If my feet were touching the ground right now, I'd SO stomp my feet' grunt.
"Cranky little thing, ain't you?"
Taking him into the bedroom, he collected his stuffies, laying him down, and began to tuck them in with him the way he liked.
" 'm not liddle.." He mumbled.
"Oh, my mistake. What are you then? A big tough guy?" By now, He was just teasing him. It wasn't often he was so tired that he could treat him this way. It's taken him a bit to get used to the baby talk, but he had to admit it was kind of fun. To be able to tease him.
Wade was so tired that he shrugged.
And yeah, that sounded so messed up, teasing a guy who was just a kid right now, but to Logan, it felt.. natural. Because Wade wasn't a kid in the sense that he's said way worse things with that potty mouth of his, but because Wade kind of enjoyed a bit of fuss. A bit of play fighting. "For Funsies"
"Good night, Wade. Don't let the bedbugs bite." He tells him.
"Yeah, Bub?"
He pointed to his star night light.
"Oh, right." He bends down to click it on. "Better?"
No response but a snore. Logan can't help but smile and sigh heavily, beginning to quietly clean up the room of the cryaons and other toys out. He didn't need Althea tripping or dying because of a coloring book.
Finding that crumbled up paper from earlier, He glances back at him, watching as his chest and shoulders rose and fell with each deep breath through an open drooling mouth. God, he was so cute. How could anyone want to hurt him? He quite literally played himself to sleep.
Picking it up, he gently unfolds the crinkles, trying to make out what it said in the dark. Shaking his head, he put it in his pocket, putting everything away before leaving. After silently closing the door, he took out the paper again, curiosity killing the cat.
It said "I Kitty" with a heart made out of blood in the middle of the two words. He knew it was blood because the blood was coming down from a picture of a dead guy. On the drawing, too, was him in his suit, claws drawn and full cowl.
He chuckles, blushing some. Wade had made him extra buff in the picture. So buff that his biceps had biceps and in the other corner was wade in his own costume with big heart eyes.
Was this how he truly saw him? As such a powerful person to rely on? Someone to look at with massive pink heart-shaped eyes?
Coming into the kitchen, he pinned it to the fridge with a hello kitty magnet. "There.." now it was where it belonged. Stuck to the fridge for everyone to see instead of half ripped up on the dirty floor.
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Meeting Logan Howlett:
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Pairings: (DP3 Vers.) Logan Howlett x reader
Summary: You weren’t at the apartment when Wade brought Logan back to meet everyone. So, Wade and Tessa convince you to call out of work one day so you can watch over him while they go on a date.
Warnings: Cursing, mainly, some insults thrown back and forth.
Genre: Fluff, Angst.
Word Count: 1,562
Logan had heard Wade and Vanessa talk about a woman. A woman with (H/C) colored hair and dazzling (E/C) eyes. However, at the party Wade was determined to have to celebrate saving the timeline, everyone was there but the woman they spoke so highly about. There was bitch number 1, aka fox and friends, pinkie pie, blind Al, Peter, and plenty of others. The slightly disappointed expression on Vanessa’s face when Wade murmured to her that someone wouldn’t be coming, well, Logan could guess it was you they were discussing.
They acted as if it wasn’t bothersome that you weren’t there. Logan could tell though, he could practically smell it. The two of them, especially Wade, really wanted Logan to meet you.
“She’s my best friend!” Wade’s voice echoed in his head as he stared at the seat that was meant for you. It was across from him, clearly a set up. If you were his best friend, then why weren’t you here? It ticked him off, in all honestly. How could they think so highly of you but you couldn’t even come to their dinner party? Over the week, his mind would gloss back to that day whenever he heard Tessa and Wade mention you.
What could be so great about a woman that couldn’t even show up to celebrate a victory? They saved your damned timeline after all!
“I don’t get it.” Logan huffed out to Wade as they sat on the couch, beers in hand, television playing.
“What dont you get, Wolvie?” Wade spoke through the glass bottle, practically inhaling the beverage.
“This girl, what was her name?” Logan realized they had never actually told him your name. He waited for Wade to respond. However, he never did. He never told Logan your name because when one scheming door closes- another one always opens. And if it didn’t open, Wade planned to go all ‘Shinning’ on it till it did. “Now you go all quiet? Cat got your tongue, lip?” Logan tried to taunt the answer from him, but Wade remained strong. Something Logan never expected from Wade was him to actually hold onto a secret.
A few weeks later, Wade smiled at Logan, Vanessa by his side, as they entered the apartment. They didn’t shut the front door, something Logan observed. They kept it cracked slightly while Vanessa’s hand was through it.
“I have a surprise for you!” Wade grinned, clearly proud of himself.
“Whatever it is, I don’t-“ Logan found his words interrupted when the door swung open to reveal you. It was you, with the dazzling eyes and uncertain smile, clearly taken by surprise at the sudden introduction.
You were quick to extend a hand to shake his, “(Y/N), it’s nice to meet you.” Your smile turned strained when he didn’t move to shake your hand, instead, he preferred to stare at you. It felt unnerving to say the least. A tall man jacked with muscles was staring you down, his face stoic and cold, brows furrowed angrily. Or, atleast, you thought it was angrily. It was hard to tell, truth be told. Despite your hesitation on entering the apartment with the stranger scowling at you, Wade’s hand extended into the doorway where you stood and yanked you forward to land directly in front of Logan.
His senses were assaulted immediately by the smell of your perfume, the faded aroma of flowers that seemed to linger on you, and…god…What on earth was that other thing? He struggled to place it, scowl deepening as his nose scrunched. You found yourself intimidated, looking at Wade and Vanessa with concern as Logan’s scowl deepened on you. You had just met this man and he already hated you! Wade didn’t seem to think the same as he spoke up.
“Now that you two kids are all introduced, Ness and I are going out.” Wade’s arm slung over Vanessa’s waist as she smiled, blowing a playful goodbye kiss to you. You blew one back, playfully winking at Vanessa. Wade reached out, pretending to catch both kisses. “Hey now, no one’s making moves on my woman tonight.” With that, the two were gone. As you shut the apartment door, the sound of feet dragging on the ground caught your attention. Looking up, you realized Logan had grabbed another beer and was now sitting on the couch.
“Wade asked me to make you dinner and keep you company.” Your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, it was hard to flash him an eager grin when he was ignoring you. When he didn’t respond, you awkwardly nodded, moving from the balls of your feet to your toes and back again. This was going so smooth, you sarcastically thought to yourself.
Had you even introduced yourself? You were pretty sure you did…but maybe you didn’t? If you hadn’t, that made you even more of an awkward stranger to him.
“My names-“
“You already said your damned name.” Logan interrupted with a rough tone, clearly agitated just by your presence.
“Oh…” You laughed softly, face reddening.
Logan fell silent once more, leaving you to stew. After a moment and a careful analyzation that lead you to realize he wouldn’t talk to you, you made your way to the kitchen. Going through the various cabinets and fridge as if you had Wade’s apartment memorized, you began to gather supplies for a simple pasta dinner. Meat for meatballs, butter-because who the hell eats food without butter?- marinara sauce, noodles, some seasoning, and bread. Logan, despite remaining on the couch, watched you work. His eyes scrutinized every little thing you did. Thankfully, your back was too him so he didn’t feel too ashamed. He didn’t need a damned babysitter, especially not the one who couldn’t be there for his friend at an incredibly important dinner. Wade claimed it was important, which meant you should’ve been there.
“Why weren’t you at the dinner?” Logan asked, coldly, as he got up from the couch whilst setting his empty beer bottle on the coffee table.
You felt your brows furrow slightly, it had been weeks ago…was that the reason why Logan was being hostile?
“I was visiting family.”
“He said it was important.”
“Wade thinks every dinner is important.” You retorted, finally looking up at Logan. During the time of your quick battle of words he had moved into the kitchen, standing over you with a glare. His lips pursed.
“We saved your damned timeline.” He growled at her in response.
“I didn’t ask you to do that, so don’t you go guilt tripping me.” You raised the spatula from the marina sauce on the stove. Pointing it at him with a sense of sass, you refused to let him bully you for something as small as a dinner.
“You smart ass.” He scoffed out, nose scrunching in annoyance.
“And I was visiting family, so I wasn’t even close enough to come to the dinner.” You huffed, turning away from him as you added the pasta to the sauce. You would’ve loved to have gone to the dinner, to see everyone. But…well, when family demands money after claiming you abandoned them…it’s hard to ignore that guilt trip. You hadn’t even abandoned them. All you were doing was avoiding the conflict going on between everyone only to find yourself soon in the middle of it.
Logan, still deep in a scowl, slightly relented. When you turned away from him, he huffed, crossing his arms as he leaned onto the counter. After a few moments, you extended the bowl of pasta to Logan. He expected you to say something, anything. Your mouth remained shut, a look of annoyance on your face as you shook the bowl, hinting for him to take it. Logan took it, reluctantly he might add. Because even though he wanted to punch you for being such a feisty smart ass, he was also starving.
You watched him snatch the pasta from you. As he sat in the couch, you remained in the kitchen, leaning on the counter as you ate. This was going to be a long night. Another few minutes passed until he finally spoke.
“Still shitty of you.”
You groaned mentally that he was still scolding you. “It was shitty of him to forget my birthday while he was off running about with you.” It was a bitchy comment, and sure as hell was one you’d regret later. You winced slightly as it left your mouth, you could taste the venom in each syllable. You could feel Logan’s eyes on you, pursing your lips, you kept your gaze to the counter as you ate. It was the final time you’d speak of the argument, to your gratefulness. The sound of the couch moving slightly caught your attention.
“Come on.” Was all he said. Looking up, you realized he had moved over on the couch so you could sit beside him. Reluctantly, you moved towards the couch. It wasn’t entirely of your own volition. The main reason you sat down next to him was because of the glare he had sent your way. A warning, one you didn’t want to test. By the time Wade and Vanessa returned, you had fallen asleep on the sofa and Logan was quietly doing the dishes for you. Logan decided that maybe you weren’t that bad, but you still missed his friend's dinner.
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seven-oomen · 1 month
When the world's at stake | Poolverine fic |preview
I'm writing again for the first time in months, so be nice. I'm trying. I'm pretty happy with this so far. bit of a character study of Logan's feelings and insecurities as he gets to know Laura, Wade, and his friends and settles into this new life. Will eventually feature Omega!Logan.
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Love isn’t something he deserves. Not after everything he’s done. After everything’s he’s been through. Love is meant as a bond of warmth between people who will do anything for each other. Stronger than any adversity. He’s already proven in the past that love is utterly wasted on him.
And yet, as Laura smiles at him like he’s her entire world, he can’t help but feel the supernova of warmth sparking in his chest. He sure as hell doesn’t deserve it, but by fucking god will he make sure she feels loved for the rest of his days. He can’t replace her father, he���s not that virtuous, nor good, he’s not that Logan. But he sure as shit can try to be a surrogate. For her. He’d do anything to see her smile like that.
At least it’s the one thing in his new life that is fairly simple to figure out. Things are a whole lot more complicated when it comes to Wade.
Wade who’s sitting beside him as his friends and family are gathered around him. Wade who invited him into his home and life without even so much as a second guess. Wade who smiles at him and Laura, and ruffles Mary’s Mohawk as he leans against him. And for a split second he almost believes that the warmth in Wade’s eyes is directed at them both.
It can’t be. He knows that. Wade’s just smiling because of the cub next to him and how her little antics keep him focused on her. That’s all. There’s nothing more to this. Not when Vanessa sits on Wade’s other side.
Because why in hell’s name would Wade ever smile at him, when he has his entire world around him already?
He’s just the extra baggage that comes with saving it all. That’s all he is.
It doesn’t take away that nagging little feeling in the back of his throat. But that’s just life isn’t it? Can’t have everything you want.
So he simply returns that smile and fights down the urge to do anything about it. Instead taking the bloody dog from Wade and nudging him in her direction.
Vanessa is a good person. She’s good for Wade. He can tell. It’s in her eyes, in her soothing scent. In a way she reminds him of Kayla. Back before everything went to absolute shit. They have the same air about them, kind, compassionate, not taking any shit from the people they care about while giving their all in return. That’s the kind of person Wade deserves.
Laura ruffles Mary’s hair again and lays her head on his shoulder, effectively pulling him out of his thoughts. He’s met with a knowing gaze from the cub as he looks down at her. Too smart for her own good.
He chuckles anyway. “Comfy?” “You make a good pillow, yeah.” “You’re a weird cub, you know that?” “Cub?” She tilts her head up and stares at him in defiance for a moment or two, then chuckles. “You’re a weird old man.” “I’m not disputing that.” “As if you could…” She mumbles with a roll of her eyes. He immediately misses her warmth when she sits up to take a sip of her coke.
He didn’t mean to call her cub to her face, it just happened. In his universe it’s not unusual for an Omega to address a kid in that way. But this isn’t his universe and every little interaction like this constantly reminds him of that fact. It’s gonna take a while to get used to.
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fandomxo00 · 1 month
House Of Gold - Part 4 - Make You Mine
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pairings: Logan Howlett!Human!AU x Audra Everly!OC
warnings: flirting, kiddos and some angst, drinking, Wade fucking Wilson is his own disclaimer, and finally smut, p in v and oral
word count: 3.5k
The two of you went back and forth on the way to his house, it was away from the city about 45 minutes away. You didn't know how he managed but he chipped away at your hard exterior. His easy ability to make you trust him was a danger power that he had over you. He didn't have a piece of your heart, but he was certainly trying. 
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When you arrived at his house, there were cars lining the driveway and you were surprised at what you saw, your eyes immediately scanning the house and staring at the small details. "I will admit I don't do the landscaping, but I did design it."
"It's beautiful." You beamed, smiling over at him before he turned off the car, before he turned his body towards you, the familiar soft look in his green eyes. You leant in closer as a smile twitched on Logan's face then he reached out to tuck your hair behind your ear. There wasn't a huge height difference, but you had to look up into his eyes, as he cupped your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your skin. 
"You're beautiful." He murmured, before leaning in to softly place your lips on his and as you kissed him back there was a knock on the window. Logan's eyebrows furrow as he turns towards the figure to see a lanky man with brown hair standing on the other side with a shit eating grin. "What do you want?"
"Who's this?" He asked, pointing to you as Logan opened the door, letting it swing into his friend, before turning back to you. 
"That's Wade."
"So she's heard about me but-."
"Shut up." Logan replied, as Wade ducked down to see your face. 
"I'm just joking he told me all about what happened in the bathroom, every frisky detail."
"That's good to know." You retorted as you pulled your seatbelt off and opened your door. Wade and Logan met you on your side of the car before Wade properly introduced himself.
"I'm Wade, Logan's best friend and my hall pass." He joked. 
"Alright, get inside." Logan grunted, nodding towards the door before glancing over at you with a tightlipped smile. "Sorry he never shuts up."
"He's funny." You smiled, as Logan opened the door for you, and you walked inside. The house was quiet, but you could see the backyard from the front door, living room and kitchen on their respective sides. 
The two of you went to the backyard and as Logan opened the door, everyone cheered for the host. His friends started to come up to him as you slipped away to the cooler to grab a wine cooler. "Long time no see." Eva teased as she came over to you, rolling your eyes as you shut the cooler before standing straight. 
"Don't start with me." You warned with a teasing look on your face before you tried to screw off the cap but it wasn't a twist. "Do you-."
"Here." Logan interrupted, reaching for the drink, letting it slip from your hand before unscrewing it with his bottle opener. Then he handed it back to you with a soft smile before turning to Eva.
"How are you, Eva?"
"I'm doing fine, how about you Logan?"
"I'm great."
"Save me the awkward small talk." You refuted, before walking away from the two. You walked over to a picnic table with a bowl of watermelon sitting in the middle of the table. That's when a woman with black hair slid into the spot across from you and reached for some watermelon. There were two girls, one with curly dark brown hair and another with straight black hair sat next to her on the right and a boy maybe five sat down on her left. You shot your eyes back at the girl as you realized she looked familiar, was she one of the kids that came to your shop? Oh this is sunglasses girl. 
"Hey, I'm Vanessa, I know you've met Wade, I'm his wife." She introduced with a soft smile, before putting the palm of hand on the girl's head. "This is Ellie and Peter, there Wade and I's kids and this Logan's daughter, Laura." You turned your head to the girl black hair, as she stared over at you, a knowing look in her eyes, she regonized you too.
"I know Laura actually." You hummed, smiling over at Vanessa. "She comes into my grandma's shop, Rose Mary's."
"She doesn't steal anything right?" A voice said, as your attention was once again drawn to Logan as he stood next to his daughter. 
"I pay for my books." Laura scoffed before pushing off the table and grabbing her sunglasses from her pocket before slinking off, Ellie followed behind her. Logan stared after Laura, there was a mix of guilt and confusion on his face, his mouth opens a little. 
That's when Wade makes his entrance, slipping right into Laura and Ellie's spot and wrapping an arm around Vanessa. He started prattling on, Logan pretending to sip his drink as he stared off into space or looked around for his daughter. Eva and Justin eventually joined the group, they slipped in on your side.
"Does Audra bite?" Wade questioned, looking up at his friend that was still standing over his shoulder. 
"What?" Logan replied, his eyes going to Wade with a look of anger crossing his features before he glanced over at you to see you looking up at him before glancing over to the spot next to you. 
"Off in his own little world, wonder what he's thinking about." Wade egged on, winking over at you as Logan moved over to sit next to you, the new smell that you associate with Logan stewing right next to you. He had even moved in a little closer so his shoulder would lightly bump yours if he moved. The conversation went on for a while before Logan stated he needed to start making burgers and hot dogs, Justin following him inside to help him. Wade mentioned something about finding the girls and Peter went along with him. Leaving you, Eva and Vanessa sitting at the table, the two of them chatting up, you went to go get another wine cooler before going in and out of their conversation. 
It was hard for you to stay present at times, your mind going blank as you stared off into space, your brain no longer processing the words said to you. Eva was familiar with this and knew it was just another part of you. When you were young, you were diagnosed with Asperger's but as time went on it was renamed to Autism level 1. Which didn't mean that you were less autistic than others, but that you were high functioning. You knew it was a part of the reason why you shut down, unaware of what to do in new situations, when your mind is set on a plan and it changes without your consent, all of the things that came with life but that even as you learned new skills from therapy. It wasn't something that you could really fix about yourself, you didn't need to be fixed, you just needed to be accepted. Being accepted is one of the hardest things to do when everyone tells you don't belong, you aren't normal enough to fit in with one crowd and your not 'autistic' enough to be disabled (from other's perspective). This lead you to stop telling others after high school, you didn't want people to treat you differently, though it was apparent that a lot of people still didn't understand you. You didn't tell many people about your diagnosis, by all other standards you were a normal child, though your mother would state you had behavior issues and had a problem with eating too much. 
But as you grew up you realized those things weren't your fault, but your moms, she never took the time to accommodate any part of her life for others. She didn't make you food most of the time and when she did, she enabled you, from a young age you struggled with listening to your body, you wouldn't know your pain until later in the day after an accident happened. Sometimes you could understand when you were full, growing up this especially harder because you were in a constant state of masking who you are. With you, when you start not listening to one thing, you start not listening to everything, so if you are trying to ignore emotions to please your mother, then you aren't listening to when your full from dinner. Your mind and body connection was very strong, it was very easy for you to spiral in the other if your mental or physical body was hurt or in distress. 
It eventually got easier to listen to your body, when you no longer had to mask for days at a time, you got to know yourself, you got to know your triggers. Then you worked on how to manage when you were triggered and for you it's all about what you want over what your mind tells you. If you can focus on the end goal, then it's a lot easier to get there, if you start dwelling on every field marker than you might get ran over by other players. 
"You and Logan are alike." Vanessa stated, as she caught your attention. 
"You both space off for long periods of time." She joked, as Eva snickered, you glanced over at your best friend with a questioning look. 
"She's right." Eva shrugged. 
"I barely know the guy." 
"That's why it took you two hours to get here?" Eva asked.
"You literally set it up so Logan would pick me up, Eva, I'm not stupid."
"Do you like him?" Vanessa probed, a curious look on her face. 
"The problem isn't about liking him, it's about my intimacy issues." You blurted, thanking your mind for having no filter. 
"And Logan doesn't?" Wade perked, walking back with the girls and Peter. Vanessa laughed as her eyes shined while looking over at her husband. "But you like him?"
"Why does this feel like high school, right now?"
"Are you dating my dad?" Laura grumbled; her arms crossed over her chest. That's when Logan and Justin came out and the two continued to talk as everyone went silent. When we didn't reply to Laura, she repeated herself, but turning around to face her dad to ask if he was dating you. She didn't talk all the time but when did speak she adamant and loud. You felt your cheeks flush red as you looked down at your hands. 
"Honey, no."
"Don't lie to me." 
"We were just messing around, Laur." Wade promised, as she rolled her eyes at her best friend's father. 
"She gives me free books." Laura added. 
"That's nice?" 
"Hey, we should do s'mores tonight." Ellie suggested. 
"That's a good idea, Ellie-bear, let's go check if Uncle Logan has any in his pantry." Wade ushered; his voice dipped in sarcasm as he led his daughter inside. 
Curiosity got the best of Laura and Peter, they followed him inside, if you were them, you'd ask for some chocolate under the table. You realized that you really haven't interacted with Logan much and you couldn't just ask him to get you accountable in this, you had to try and push yourself. So with that, you stood up from the picnic table, walking over to throw away your bottle before grabbing another from the cooler and going over to Logan, who had finished placing all the meat on the grill with a spatula. Logan smiled over at you as you walked over and you put a hand on his shoulder. 
"Well, everyone knows." You murmured. 
"I guess so." Logan replied, his eyes on yours to see your reaction as you shrugged. 
"I mean it's not the worst thing to be associated with you." You joked, your hand moving down his bicep before dropping to your side. His eyes looking over at your hand before shooting to your eyes. 
"How many wine coolers have you had?"
"This is my third." You affirmed, putting a hand on your waist. "You know, you make some serious eye contact." You giggled, as the crinkles by his eyes wrinkled while he smiled over at you. 
"It's not my fault your eyes are that way."
"What way?" You laughed, as he shook his head as a smile spread over his face, his adam's apple bobbing as he glances over at you with his smile lines lightly indented as he gives you a hazy look. 
"All y/e/c and you always have this glimmer..." He trailed, his fingers coming up to gesture at his eyes.  You lick your lips as you look over at him, your silence spoke volumes as the two of you look away from each other and still have small smiles stuck on your faces. 
Then Logan's hand moved forward as his attention went back to the grill as he pressed down on the burgers, his arm flexing slightly. But mostly just drawing all of your attention to his strong arms and long fingers, you then started thinking about where those fingers have been. You felt a familiar flush on your chest as you brought your wine cooler up to your mouth to sip. When he sets down the spatula, his hand flexes, before he reaches for his scotch. "Why scotch?" You pressed. 
"My dad drank whisky, I guess something to-I don't know." Logan trailed, you noticed the difference from when the two of you were alone, he was more hesitant to talk as openly as he did with you in private. 
"To feel close to him." 
"Yeah." He sighed. 
Logan glanced over at you; he didn't have much emotion on his face as his hand reached out to skim your fingers. Then he glanced over at Wade and nodded at him to come over. Wade leaned into Vanessa, whispering something to her before walking over to the grill. "Can you watch the grill for a second?"
"Yeah, a second? That's pretty quick, even for y-." Wade started as Logan's hand came up to slap his friend in the back of the head before he reached out for your hand. 
"Where are we going? You know you have a weird thing for dragging me away from public places-."
"Yeah, I know." Logan murmured, as he pulled your hand, moving you away from view of the windows, his other hand coming to your waist to pull you into him as he placed his lips on yours in a frenzied kiss. Your hands go to his hair, pulling his head closer to yours as you smashed your lips against his, teeth and noses clashing, but you didn't care if you couldn't breathe because this man so easily consumed you. His tongue slipped into your mouth, and you sucked his tongue before moving back to breath. As you tried to catch your breath, his head ducked down as his lips connected with your jaw, leaving feather light kisses along your skin. 
"I thought you didn't want to rush this." You breathed out. 
"You taste good." He grunted against your skin, "Everywhere." His nose rubbed against your jaw as he paused, taking a shaky breath.
"Don't stop." You pleaded, moving your face to level with his before leaning in to kiss him. You moved one of your hands to the one he had wrapped around your waist and started moving it lower on your back. He continued to slide down your back before cupping your ass in his hands and pulling you into his chest as he continued to leave soft kisses on your lips. You wanted to soak this in, knowing that later in the night you were going to crave this, crave this crush that you have him, and as you look at his lips all you wanted to do was bite his bottom lip. The closer he got the harder it was for you to resist. You wanted to feel the rush, you wanted to turn on Logan. Maybe this was all your tipsy thoughts, but you were sure sober you would crave him just as much as you did earlier. 
Then he crouched down, his hands going around your thighs and lifting you up. Your legs wrap around his waist, as your forearms rest on his shoulders while you kiss him. Logan started towards a door at the end of the hallway. "I want to feel you." He groaned against your lips as you hummed against him, one of his hands coming to your ass you ground your hips against his. Logan set you down on the bed and you were quick as your hands went to your skirt and panties, pulling them down your legs as you watched Logan undoing his jeans and tugging them down his thighs. You flung off your shirt, leaving you in a black completely lace bra that clung to your breasts. Logan groaned as he moved down to lay kisses on your chest before peppering them on your breasts. 
"We don't have time, Logan please." You begged, your hands coming to his shoulders before your hands down to his back and feeling his back muscles against your skin as he pushed your knees apart and threw a condom over his dick. Your hands pushing up his shirt, before grabbing on to him as he filled you, making you moan aloud. He didn't waste time as he started pumping in and out of you, his hand coming down to cup your sex and rub at your clit. Your head shot back at the pressure. "Logan." Dripped from your mouth like a prayer, as he knew the right place to reach inside of you to make your legs begin to shake. He didn't even have to try to get you off, what would happen if the two had actual time to have sex rather than the hot quickies? Your hands continue to move up his torso, feeling him all around as he fucked you. 
Logan's arms moved out to the side of your head, his hips pounding against yours, your eyes actually rolling back as your arm shoots back to grip at the comforter below. Your hand came down to continue the ministrations on your clit, "Yes baby." Logan growled, his voice dark and he ground his hips into you as he bottomed out, before slowly pulling out and bottoming out, making choke out moans pour of your mouth. "I can feel you, Audra, you're so fucking tight." 
The deep timber of his voice and the way his lips started to suck at your neck, your orgasm shot through you like a freight train, the sounds you made were uncontrollable. Logan was quick to pull out of you, before standing up and throwing off the condom. His hand started jerking his cock as he stared down at you. You sat up before moving forward on your knees and reaching out for his cock. Your hand started to move up and down his shaft before you leant forward to spit on the tip of his red angry cock. Then you opened your mouth, letting his cock slide, moving your head back and forth on his dick. You resisted the urge to gag as loosen your jaw and breath through your nose. Your eyes watery, a tear of pleasure dripping down your face as you pulled him in deeply and swallowed around him. The groan that fell out of his mouth, made your knees weak as his mouth drops open. Then his eyes squeeze shut while his eyebrows dipped down to show the pleasure written all over his face as he came in your mouth. "Fuck." He breathed, as you pulled off of him and started to catch your breath. 
He met your lips in a soft kiss, your lips softly smacking together as he moves his head to the side. Logan pulled back to look down at your eyes before looking over at his alarm clock. "We gotta get out there." He murmured, moving over to kiss your forehead before leaning down to pull up his jeans and grabbing your skirt. You reached for your clothing and slipping your legs inside as you stood up and shimmed the skirt up over your belly. Your hands going up to your breasts to fix them as they spilled out and the straps were twisted from the friction against the bed. Logan gruffed at the way your hands cupped your breasts for a second, subconsciously checking them, before you reached down for your shirt. He adjusted his clothing before turning to fix his hair in the mirror, you walked over to him to run your fingers through your hair and fix the knots. When you looked over at Logan he was already looking at you, you turned towards him, your hand reaching out for his chest as you lightly kissed his lips again. 
The two of you made your way back outside, you were glad that you were only gone maybe 15-20 minutes, the two of you knew what you wanted and what you needed to do to get there. The group of you gather together for supper, enjoying burgers, hotdogs, chips and various fruit plates. Conversation flowing naturally amongst the group, as you sat next to Logan and Laura. 
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