#shes 1000% gonna be on williams side
shinewonder · 1 year
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pluto-murphy-writes · 30 days
hey guys! I'm watching Lisa Frankenstein so here are my notes!
I already love the black and white opening credits/prologue
nice match cut to...not the modern day but you know, when the story is taking place
oooooh pretty animated title
GREAT soundtrack already
god i love the fashion
the WORK it takes to make Kathryn Newton even mildly unattractive
ngl I wish there was somewhere outside I could go to be alone. like a cemetary
I love Lisa so much
oh ok Taffy is stepsis
jfc what a backstory
lol the growing audience to Taffy's story
honey nooooooo don't chug the party beer
haha smooching teens
thank you Zelda Williams for not showing puke
Murder. Murrrrrrder Doug
this feels like a stage production and I'm so here for it
oh I am loving the style change
haha! Man in the moon!
tf is up with Lisa's boss lol
"we have to spend more time together" then don't be a bit-
hahaha such an accurate depiction of how I walk around when I'm home alone
"the ✨other girl✨"
aww he lost a hand
just chilling with a zombie it's cool
"are you going to talk?" *horrible groaning* "copy that"
I love that she's 1000% chill with a zombie as long as he isn't killing her
Dale is just. 100% just wants to get out of here
noooooot at all worrying about what she's gonna DO with the zombie in her closet
I am enjoying Manic Pixie Dream Zombie tho
please kill Janet
awww piano. oh his poor fingies
that was such a great long take
oh my god I think she actually ate a worm
Oscar Wilde vs Oscar the Grouch lol
Dammit Janet (100% why her name is Janet)
not the grippy socks! 😱
side note: love the peach ring rings
I love an unapologetic angry teen girl
oooooh he gets upgrades with the tanning bed, that's clever
"...crimper accident ☺️"
ngl Lisa and The Creature are both my type
i love that he gets slowly more alive-looking
oh they're so cute together
i have legit only heard this song from Horton Hears a Who
they had so much fun with this movie I'm cackling
ohhhhhh no they're figuring out the lieeee
pffft the vibe-back-massager
pffffft "other places" I can never watch this with my in-laws
"time is the wound" ....damn
i could kill for those eyebrows on Cole tbh
lisa do you know how to drive
"dress code violation" bitch how
of cooourse that's who her sister was sleeping with
ooohoohoho flying peen
I feel so bad for Taffy tbh
aww return of the peach ring ring
this is so cute fuuuuuuck
i wanna fuck cole sprouse Who said that?
I am crying. about a tanning bed
this whole fucking movie is practical effects and I love that
oh good they did find Janet
he can TALK! And his hair looks so nice!
okay, final verdict: it was a bit violent, but that's not really a bad thing. some of the dialogue felt a bit stiff but all the actors seemed to enjoy being there! Super funny, too!
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Ikemen Vampire OC: Queen Mother Ỷ Lan
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Traditional art will be made, but the digital art will be later as that will take some time…anyway! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date of Birth: October 6, ????
Zodiac Sign(s): Aries, Rabbit [fire]
Height: 153.2 cm
Occupation: Lý Dynasty Queen mother, regent, imperial concubine, Empress mother
Vampiric Type: Demi-vampire
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Names/ Title: Queen Mother Ỷ Lan (leaning on orchid), Empress Mother Linh Nhân, Dịu (soothing/tender) Lý (hourly) [outside name]
Family relations: unknown
Personality: Ý Lan is a demure and gentle woman. Not to mention intellectual and quick witted. She is seemingly motherly to the boys whenever visiting. Quick to pick up any languages and culture. Mostly stays indoor and lives with Olga as housemates. Very respected in the Asian pureblood society, despite being a demi-vampire. She doesn’t really go outside, beside to take strolls in gardens. Ever since she traveled over to Europe with Olga, she will feel reminiscent of her homeland. Considering being common or at birth, she will most likely make some Vietnamese cuisine for the boys to try. Definitely will be amused by Dazai eccentric tendency. Despite her gentle nature, she will not hesitate to verbally put someone in place. It has happen…more than once….not gonna name anybody…theo-
The botanical beauty and gardens
She has a thing for animals, basically a Disney princess by this point
Reading with ché (Vietnamese dessert) on the side
Has been intrigue by the changes on technology advancement - may or may not had Issac explain in his purest form
Has been called mother more than once - she enjoys it
Definitely will be with Olga over tea
Has a pet animal, the Saola - it’s a very endangered species in Vietnam..also known as the Asian unicorn [please don’t do any MLP references!!!]
Has to keep Saola away from Mon Cherie, King, and Vic much to her amusement - cause there’s a bloody Asian unicorn there-
Will want to learn everything, and has gone off at Theo and William in full Vietnamese - they still scared after having a bamboo stick whack them in the booty
Likes peace and chaos
Mostly will converse with Comte time to time on the society itself
Has done home remedies on the boys - string ring!—
Will be that one Asian mom using her feet when her hands are full
Basically the second mom whenever she comes visit
Frivolous spending and entertainment - looking at you Arthur and Comte
Dazai tendencies to always uses windows
Theo horrible language
Lack of propriety and respect
Horrible bed schedule and bad habits (I’m listing my life by now…)
Having to use the shoes or bamboo
Messy rooms - Leonardo
Ỷ Lan has an Asian unicorn as a pet…no it’s not an actual Asian unicorn Jean
She may have dragged Jean and Issac by the ear to dinner - while smiling calmly throughout
The thing in her hand you see her holding up is a gold seal or something - it was part of her statue..I couldn’t get a close look cause not a lot of references
The outfit she wore is royal Vietnamese outfit in the 1000-1200 ad
She has a headdress, that sometimes let the boys use to put on to play around with - Dazai
Doesn’t wear the royal garment when in Comte, Vlad, or the unknown place that both her and Olga live in - she opts for simple tunic with a sash around. Having a white skirt underneath and a robe with cut sleeves over her
Has sewn some garments for the boys to try, which mean flowing robes and sleeves everywhere
Sebastian is thankful to have her around, which she is amused at
“Xin Chào, you must be Chí [____]. I’m Ý Lan, but call me Dịu instead.” The Asian lady in fine robes, gold headdress, with glittering chestnut eyes beam. I smiled as I bowed, “it’s an honor your majesty, I’m [____].”
She chuckle at my pouting face, “don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it, here.” Moving her lithe hands, she quickly showed exactly how to season the Phố broth. “It takes practice, even I.” I glanced at her glittering eyes, smiling with determination.
“Since it’s close to the time of your departure. Is there anything I can do for you?” Her eyes sadden, I bit my lip. “Yes, I need…”
Romantic: ???
Storyline plot: <yes>
[…………………….. ]
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[Yes] [No]
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Tagging: @pieground @a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @weird-profiterole @yanderepuck
Edit: I believe you all haven’t seen the second oc I made oof-!
Have some more Ikevamp Oc!!!!!
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Silly josh thoughts (and one janette one) for your enjoyment raghh (the brainrot,,)
-He’s played fnaf since his son introduced him to it and he got jumpscared the first time and took off his headphones and sat down on the ground and didn’t move for an hour (He sat in shock and tears while Ryan-his son-explained the proper lore about William and everything)
-In college he would be the one guy chugging drinks however. it was only tea and he got many burns
-Adele and Josh got engaged at a Weezer concert
-Janette only listens to 80’s/90’s music. to heal her inner child
anyhow. oc thoughts raghhhh (GOOD LUCK FOR ARTFIGHT MY FRIEND!!!)
Omygosh poor josh didn’t know about the jump scare😭 that would not be awesome for him.
THE DRINK THING IS SO REAL ACTUALLYYYY agdhgdus making 1000 teas aswell josh dw you are not alone on that one.
Also getting engaged at a weezer concert is so silly I would say I love that for them but screw you Adele so. Weh.
Also listening to 80s/90s music is so funnnn aghgh I listen to a lot of that music too tbh my mum grew up in that era so Yee (I get a lot more of the alt side of things though cuz she was very goth in her youth)
EATING YOUR OC THOUGHTS THOUGH RAHHHHH (and thank you for the Artfight luck I’m gonna need it lol. Good luck to you too!!)
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
Empress! Do you have some cards about this debacle?
I'm worried about William and Kate
I just reblogged @celticcrossanon :) 
If Fergie taught her to curtsey, she's a shit student. While not perfect, Fergie practically goes to the floor. Miss Thang could barely bend her knees. Some yoga work. 🙄
Fergie did her dirty LOL, cause we all know Fergie can curtsy 1000 times better than M ever could.
You understand that the suicide mention (personally, I think it's a lie) is another way to equate her with the "Diana throwing herself down the stairs" story, right?
Yes I do, and it serves another purpose, a shield for the future.
I just don't see this being crazy damaging for BRF all the people fawning over JH and MM will be fawning over someone else next week. Americans do love royals but 1 they hold no power here and 2 it was really just to complain about money they pulled my security fund boohoo while Americans are still being evicted from homes
Right? What exactly are Americans going to do about it. The answer, nothing.
When is karma gonna come for her? I mean really take her down for good? So sick of her getting away with everything. I know, I know, everyone has all of these reasons why she's not getting away with it, but bottom line is she's still getting everything she wants and she's doing a ton of damage to a lot of innocent people in the process. It's sickening.
Karma aka Saturn is coming for her starting today actually. The rest of 2021 is going to suck for her.
This is just turning into a liberal vs conservative divide.
I sort of agree and disagree since yes majority of people it is that and I see it as a liberal myself but who sees right through her. But what I will say this older generation of my community - ethnic minorities and block people we can see right through her in ENGLAND. This is so painfully obvious that they played with the Americans ignorance of the British royal family, they lied about titles and made it about race, they lied about the press, they lied about British people not knowing we are the most diverse in Europe. Lied about Charles, Catherine and William being racist when Charles’ princes trust did more for the ethnic minority community then Megan in the whole of two years. So I do what she’s on...
I deffo don’t think they are going to divorce anytime soon.
They are too broke to divorce. They are living off of his inheritance FGS!
I hope the lawyers are contacting O’s ppl because that had to be defamatory.
I bet you O thinks she will now get William and Kate to sit down with her for their side of the story. Not bloody likely.
Bet the british press love this. H+M have gift wrapped a present for them.
All the RRs are going to be able to buy vacation homes thanks for the present that the Harkles just gave them.
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gayvangeance · 4 years
lingerie/underwear hcs for three of the captains of your choice 😳
mind go BRRRRR
// Fuegoleon
He's a man of pride, you could honestly put him in anything and he'd somehow look good.
Fuego loves subtle floral designs. Usually a set of black lingerie with red outlines. Sometimes he adds a tight silk robe with a fire embroidery to cup his figure.
off topic but since he's a royal I'm just gonna say each set costs roughly $1000 and he doesn't even notice.
nnmnn BRA SETS. He loves putting the extra attention onto his breasts 👁👅👁
// Dorothy
Dorothy prefers pastel lingerie with lots of designs on them. Although her favorite is the white two set with embroidery floral designs near the edges.
probably wears a choker as well and we all know it. It has a little dream cloud engraved onto the sides.
She also really likes teddies and bodysuits! Both are quite similar but they have a few subtle differences. If she isn't planning on doing anything special that day then she pairs them with some jeans or shorts.
// William
Red, white, purple, or black are all colours he really likes and wouldn't mind wearing. He also really likes silk and wastes a lot of money on the material itself.
William usually likes to wear babydolls or chemises when he goes to bed. Or just whenever he needs a bit of a motivational boost.
he likes to put extra attention and care into his thighs. thigh highs!!
garter belts. I'm not even gonna explain it but garter belts are hella hot. and they stay on the whole time 👁
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msbeccieboo · 4 years
Arrow 8x09 Brain Dump
It was...not all bad. I really want to like this. I love Mia, William and FTA. I want to enjoy BS like I did in S7. I want to see Dinah written consistently with any kind of actual character. Well, at least my love for FTA is still intact 😂😂
Kat was brilliant in this episode. Her leading lady really jumped out 😂😂 Her emotional moments hit the mark, and I think she juggled her post-Crisis new life with her old memories brilliantly.
We opened on her waking up in the Queen mansion(!), with a very yummy Diggle Jr in her bed, only it’s JJ not Connor 😱😱 She’s also surrounded by adorable family photos, showing that Oliver got his wish of her and William growing up together (and confirmation that the Olicity Love Cabin still existed!) Basically, she’s living the best life that Oliver could have wished for her, without him in it, of course 😭
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Probably the most notable change in ‘new Mia’ (other than her being infinitely happier and living in a crime-free city) was her social poise. She’s been brought up in Oliver Queen’s old world, and is quite the socialite, only without any of the haughty frivolity that one might expect (I imagine we have Felicity for that 😍). She loves her life and her friends, and she defends them, especially in the face of Laurel, who seemingly does nothing but scoff at her lifestyle for the whole episode 😒 I loved her addressing the press!! That was pure Queen! Maybe the influence of a certain Aunt Thea?
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Source: feilcityqueen
More below the cut…
Basically this Mia is smart and loving and happy, and Oliver gave her a warm and otherwise full life, save for finding her true purpose (which is gonna be vigilanteing, of course). So of course BS and Dinah rock up and upend it all 😂 I really liked how they made the returning of Mia’s memories a source of conflict, as well they should. It was so brutal to just return them with no preamble, to destroy what happiness Oliver had given back to her, just because, what? BS couldn’t complete her own fucking mission? (More of that later lol) Then Mia standing up to BS when she went as far as to mock Mia’s new world, just gave me life!!!
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Anyway, with her memories restored, and bad guys to track down, of course Mia couldn’t resist her heroic calling and suited up, then proceeded to be the epic badass that we have grown to love.
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Source: kathmcnamara
I loved seeing her struggle with her memories returning, and the guilt that they brought with them of not living up to Oliver’s legacy. At the same time, she appreciates what Oliver did for her, that all he wanted for his family and the city was to be safe and happy. She ultimately decides to remain the Green Arrow, taking up the guard of her city in her father’s memory, to protect the new world that he sacrificed himself to create.
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Source: felicityqueen
We’d seen she’d developed her ‘street smarts’ in the flash-forwards, so I think she’ll end up bringing these together with her new social skills, and badass moves, and be an unstoppable force!! Hopefully that will include her old FTA team as well, and not just the two feathered ones 🙄
God this needed more FTA.
We got a small amount of William, more of JJ, what with him being Mia’s fiance (!!), and little more than fleeting glances of Zoe (!) and Connor. The disrespect!! 😂
William (who even knows his surname in this new life?) continues to hold my whole heart in his hands 😍😍
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Source: oliverxfelicity
LOOK AT HIM!!!!💗💗💗
He seems to have been least affected in terms of his character, post-crisis. It’s implied that he’s running Smoak Tech, and that he and Mia grew up together and are basically each others’ ride-or-dies 😭😍😭 
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I truly hope if the show is picked up, that they increase the William content by a solid 1000% 😂 He brings so much heart and a certain humour and lightness, just like Felicity brought to Arrow, and Ben is such an amazing actor. The new show will need a William. BADLY. He really seems to have his shit together (in the very limited time we have seen him of course 😒), but I’m hoping that that doesn’t lead to Mia keeping her memories from him for long (although remembering who their Dad is, I’m guessing she could take a while 😂😂).
So JJ proposes to Mia at the beginning of the episode!!!! Apparently they are the love of each others lives here. Dig clearly learned from what Connor told him, and steered JJ away from becoming a murdering gangster...YAY! Although it seems that in doing so, our darling boy Connor ran into a few issues of his own 😫😫 It looks like there is no love lost between him and Mia, that he has been in and out of rehab, and is now somewhat of a bad boy 😏😏 But when they first lock eyes there is still definite history and heat there and, just HJJHDFVGDFK 🔥 BACKSTORY IS NEEDED!! Then at the end, JJ has his memories restored by scary-dude-in-cloak (who I was totally hoping would be Dig or Oliver tbh 😂), so I’m super interested to see how he copes with his dual memories!! So now Mia loves JJ, but knows he was evil and killed Zoe, and she hated Connor, but now remembers they had feelings for each other and that he is a beautiful soul, and all the shit is gonna hit the fan!!! I usually hate love triangles, but this is so exciting, with the good boy/bad boy switch up, and then the opposite memories being returned...YAAAAASSSS!! Although I’d like to make it clear that, whilst I’m going to enjoy the drama getting there, I am firmly in the SmoaknHawke end game camp!! 
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And as excited as I just got, all of this took up just about 5 mins of screen time 😫😫 It reminds me of what Arrow was lacking in its early episodes...heart and hope. They lucked into it with Felicity/Emily, but they have it here, ready and waiting, and are so far not using it.
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Kat knows what’s what. This is the show we deserve. 
There was a lot of bird action. Apparently in shaping a perfect future, Oliver saw fit that Mia never met BS or Dinah...this is why we stan 😂😂 Dinah has also seemingly been erased from the history books 😬, waking up after Oliver’s funeral (😒😭) 20 years in the future, so naturally becomes a bohemian, opens a bar and sings a lot. Cool, I’d probably do the same 😂😂 Laurel, it seems, went off to spend time with Sara, and has apparently become a solo time-traveller, trying to stop 2041 from becoming a really bad year. Righto. 
Dinah was actually ok in this episode, if not hugely out of character, but that in itself has been inconsistent throughout the show, so here’s hoping that the zen-filled peacemaker that she was in this episode continues! Dinah’s new-found peace and bearability seemingly comes at the cost of Laurel being utterly awful. She rocked up in the future like Billy Big Bollocks with a huge chip on her shoulder, just sneering her way through the episode. She had such bitterness, disdain and anger directed towards Mia (and Dinah, at times) for no apparent reason, when they seemed to have somewhat bonded previously?! She spent the majority of the episode sauntering around looking down on everyone, portraying a bitchy-tomboy type, deeming anything vaguely typically feminine or not hard-moody-’badass’ as beneath her. This is not #girlpower. Fuck off.
Then we have that clusterfuck of a scene at the exhibition 🙈🙈 where BS tries to tell Mia that she used to date her Dad, before quickly correcting herself to “some version of him, anyway”, as if they were one and the same 🙄 Laurel’s continual need to imply that she knows, or has history with our Oliver is infuriating as hell. E2 Oliver died on the Gambit in his early 20s. Even if he was similar in character to E1 Oliver up until then, that person bears no likeness to the man he became. Her past with her ‘Ollie’ is entirely irrelevant to the man that was Mia’s father, who she barely even got to know at all save for a couple of episodes in S8. And not only the implication that she knew him, but then to actually try to trash him as well, to his kid?! All to push her idea that all versions of people are the same (which was refuted when JJ doesn’t even turn out to be behind the Deathstroke mask anyhow)? NO! At least Dinah and Mia were cringing along with us 😂
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It’s just astounding, the turnaround they’ve managed with Laurel/BS. They already did the unthinkable in S7 and got a lot of people from this side of the fandom to empathise and warm to her, without pissing off her existing fans. I really did grow to like her in S7 (check my reviews, I still can’t believe it 😂), she was snarky, but not bitchy, and showed some heart and vulnerability. So it’s mind-blowing how they took all that growth and just obliterated it this season, and then even more so in this episode where she is just plain nasty and unlikeable. 
I do think, however, that giving BS and Mia a tempestuous relationship from the off was a good idea, cos let’s face it, you can tell there is no love lost between them. But they could have made them clash in a better way than BS just being an arsehole to Mia for most of the episode. My best guess is her anger comes from Mia coming out of Crisis with a life untouched by violence, whilst her earth was still lost? (Was it? I can’t actually remember if E2 came back.) She can’t complete her self-appointed mission on her own and knows she needs Mia’s help to do it?? I don’t know. She had a lot to say about JJ supposedly being a ‘homicidal manic’...pot, kettle much?! She also seemed to find the notion of Mia initially wanting to just appreciate the peaceful life she had been given and not becoming a vigilante reprehensible, but why? BS is the one that needs to atone for past sins. Mia does not. 
Stray thoughts
That cliffhanger!!! WHO TOOK OUR WILLIAM?!?!?!
The music was...not good. Especially during the fight scenes. Arrow was always so on-point with its score. I don’t understand how this can be so bad?! I did like hearing Mia’s theme in there, though, that was a nice tie-in the old flash-forwards.
Who is this Kevin that cheated on William? He must be destroyed!😡
Some of that future make-up was really something 😬😬 2040 is all about the severe/dead and unblended looks, apparently. The fashion was fabulous though!
The dialogue in the action scenes was soooo hammy.
Who is the mysterious, villainous “she”???
“Frack you!” and “I’m not interested in joining your Canary club” YAASS MIA 😂
William and Mia’s “pet rock” talk was super cute 😍 
Oliver’s statue!! 😭😭😭
Hopes for the future, if series gets picked up:
Increased focus on Mia/FTA. We have such a fresh, interesting, diverse cast, with intertwined back stories ready to go for this show here already, waiting to be used. USE THEM.
A deadly outbreak of avian flu 😂🙊
Failing said outbreak...keep the birds in the background or MAKE THEM LIKEABLE. This is a chance for a clean slate!
I wanna see Papa Dig so bad. David had said we’d get to see 2040 Dig in Arrow, but looks like that isn’t going to happen now, and I’d just love to see how he is. I can also imagine David being entirely done, and not wanting to be a part of this, however, but a cheeky little cameo would be amazing 😂
SmoaknHawke to RISE 🔥🔥🔥
As it stands, I’ll watch if it goes to series, but for how long remains in question. I just know I cannot get on board with the faux feminist “heart/vulnerability/girly is ‘weak’! Let’s be hard/edgy/angry badasses and fight men and show the world we’re strong pow pow pow” narrative that BS in particular, but also the general tone of the show overall, is trying to portray. I really think that if the show is picked up that they should look to see what is working and what is falling flat on its arse. It’s in dire need of more heart and fewer birds imo, but we can have both, if they’d just write them as better people.
Thank you to the beautiful gif-makers 😘 Any uncredited gifs are mine.
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Everything Awesome about COIE Hour 2
We start off...by pouring one out for Oliver. RIP, Ollie, you will be dropped in a murky pit of standing water at the bottom of an abandoned mine missed!
And of course Kara wants to save EVERYONE and refuses to give up, even in the face of death and cosmic destruction.
“I promised my crew no more crossovers.” Oh, Sara. Sweet, naive Sara.
I also love that Lyla’s like, ‘I don’t need your crew, just one part of your ship.’
“You had me at beer.”
Speaking of Mick, we then get the BEST SCENE, which is Baby Jon interrupting the Monitor’s Weighty Exposition, and the heroes just. Passing him down the line.
That’s exactly the kind of characterization I crave, re: Lois and Clark. They’re both just like. Completely fine with 1.) Having their baby here for this Big Important Super Hero Meeting on board a space-and-time ship, 2.) are equally fine with their kid potentially interrupting the guy and 3.) they’re chill with having Heatwave babysit.
So the Paragon thing, as far as I can figure, is unique to the CW crossover, and I Dig It.
(Do I Dig It because Kara is the Paragon of Hope? Absolutely. Would I like the Paragon idea if she wasn’t? Hard to say!)
(I am Biased, I admit it.)
Anyways I just gotta type it out again: KARA ZOR-EL, PARAGON OF HOPE.
It’s what she deserves.
Ears perked up at ‘Tome of the Guardians’ b/c I wondered if that was a reference to the Guardians of the Universe, AKA, the Oans, AKA, the creators of the Green Lantern Corps.
(They were kind of a huge part of Crisis but the Arrowverse is lacking in the way of Lanterns so. WHO KNOWS.)
And then Kate’s like, ‘Who wants to meet Batman?” while the Batman theme plays and. My comic book nerd heart is just. Filled with joy.
Kara at the computer console, searching for Argo and Earth-38...
And then Lex comes and Kara’s ready to SMITE HIM WHERE HE STANDS but Monitor’s like, ‘No.’
(Jon Cryer continues to be an excellent Lex, he’s the kind of villain ya just LOVE to hate.)
Then a lil chat between Kate and Kara
“That’s dark even for Gotham.”
The beginnings of the Lazarus Pit field trip plot! I like that it’s centered on Sara and Mia.
(We’ll come back to that later.)
A very sweet Barry/Iris moment, nice, nice.
And then we're on Earth-99! Kara’s ‘Afraid of yard work’ line = A+
The whole front door scene is great too.
“Can I just...?” *effortlessly destroys door*
Over on Earth-75, Lois and Clark hunt for the PARAGON OF TRUTH only to discover that Lex is on the loose, murderin’ Kryptonians. 
And then we get the DEATH OF SUPERMAN REFERENCE which is EXCELLENT, in terms of nerdy easter eggs, but devastating, because a CLARK HAS DIED.
And then I *think* we’re back with Old Man Bruce? Maybe? I don’t have it written down in my notes but regardless, I’ll take a moment to express my appreciation for the fact that in CW-Land, it’s an old version of Batman that goes off the murderous deep end, not Clark! There are so many Dark Superman stories, but CW Crisis is like, ‘NOPE. Look at all these good Clarks!’
I mean, did I kind of want Kevin Conroy to be a heroic Batman? Sure. But we got Three Good Supes so I’m okay with it.
Also I enjoyed his Old Man Bruce growl-y voice, so that was good.
And then, Smallville Earth! 167, I think?
(I’ve given up trying to keep track of the designations)
I have to admit, Smallville was always a little too...’CW teen drama’ for me, so I don’t have the emotional attachment that many other fans do. I can’t really weigh in on it, from that perspective.
(I’m way more familiar with the Season 11 comic.)
But, the cameo does seem to be in line with what I’ve read about Tom Welling, who kind of always seems like he wants to be done with the show. 
So in that sense, I’m glad he’s sort of had his ending. Like Harrison Ford in Force Awakens. Minus the patricide! 
And, this is perhaps weirdly specific, but I like that this Clark has daughters!
Also enjoyed Smallville Clark punching Lex in the face.
Oh, wait, can’t forget Lois’ line! “[Or he’s] the buff guy on paper towel rolls.”
Mick soothing baby Jon with a self-published romance novel is delightful.
OOOOOH and then at the Daily Planet! The Lois and Clark theme! (Not the TV show, Lois & Clark theme, but the John Williams, Lois and Clark theme.) T’was lovely!
Back to Gotham, and Kara Danvers! In the Library! With the Glasses!
It was a grim reveal. It was great.
I like that Kara’s right, in that Bruce is not the Paragon. I worried that her mistrust would be unfounded, or that it would be like, another Lex situation, where the dude is clearly bad news, but folks shrug it off for the sake of the multiverse.
Nope. Kate is like, 1000% ready to side with Kara and let the dude fry.
(That’s dark, even for Gotham.)
(Just gonna. Try and slip that into casual conversation.)
(Also HEY Burton Batmobile under a tarp in the batcave!)
Then there’s the whole SUPES vs SUPES battle and it’s fine? It’s fine. But I like the character stuff a whole lot more.
FOR EXAMPLE: Lois’s little, “Come on Honey, you got this.” And taking Lex out with...a paperweight? I couldn’t really see. Either way, GOOD!
Also Lois and Iris getting the book and Lois saving Donner!Clark with the POWER OF LOVE!
(So the Blue is unique to Earth-38 HMMMMMMMM. Cool.)
Alright circling back to the Lazarus Pit Field Trip!
Sara and Mia finally coming around, getting along. GOOD, YES, GOOD.
“I miss Ollie too.”
Sara giving Jonah Hex his scar.
Also they just...have Oliver’s dead body? ...O...kay....
And then they dunk him, and he’s under there for a while, and ALL SEEMS LOST until he LEAPS FORTH FROM THE WATERY DEPTHS.
Oliver, you poetic, noble land-merman.
So now they’ll have to FIGHT FOR OLIVER’S SOUL. 
Which I’m already WAY more invested in, than any fight for Lena’s
I’m sorry I’m not usually so MEAN to fictional characters but I’m so done with her and her NONSENSE.
Back on the Waverider! Ray and Clark!
Also, Lex in a cage! And he does a curtsy! It’s great.
Kara: Ray, you’re looking jacked. Clark: HE IS YOUR COUSIN.
Kate was a Paragon all along! I appreciate that the Monitor is like, ‘THE MULTIVERSE IS DYING...but you needed to learn that the courage was inside you, here, have a side quest.’
Then we end on another Hope Speech from Kara but like, tailored to Kate.
“Do these things even work on you?” “Not really.”
KARA’S GONNA SAVE EARTH-38, EVEN IF IT KILLS HER...or drives her insane a la Superboy Prime but whatever, it’s fine, this is fine, it’s fine.
In conclusion! A quieter, more ‘feelings’ heavy episode, but I liked it! I like how they integrated the cameos, and that the ‘three supers’ left in the crossover are Clark, Clark, and Kara.
And that’s it for Hour 2! I had a belated thought on Hour 1, but it’s SG specific...as in, specific to the season-long arc, not really the crossover:
I had mentioned, in my prior post, that I couldn’t stand Lena and her pettiness. (Still can’t.) BUT, I realized that it was good that Lena was a huge jerk about the whole thing, because she absolutely saved billions of lives with the portal, BUT. She behaved so badly that there’s NO WAY they can use it as a redemptive action on her part.
And also, she got the portal working thanks to Alex, so. There’s that too. 
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layce2015 · 6 years
The Wolf Among Us (Bigby Wolf x Reader)
A Crooked Mile:
Chapter 3 (pt.1) Huff And Puff
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The Tweedle Brother's Office
The Bronx
You walk in the office and saw a tall man in an orange jumpsuit and a frog hat, his red hair sticking out of, sweeping the floor. "Excuse me." You said as you walk up to him. The man jumps and turns to face you. "Oh, hi. Deputy (y/n)! Great--Great to see you. I don't know if you remember me...I've, uh, seen you around, but you may have forgotten--"
"I know who you are, Flycatcher. You've worked at the Woodlands for....how many years now?" You asked. "Heh. I think I've lost count." Flycatcher chuckles. "But you know Crane....uh, let me go....recently."
"Really?" You said, shocked, your eyebrow raised. "Yeah, I mean, it's no big deal....So....what brings you here? I mean can I help you with anything? Are you here to see one of the brothers?" Flycatcher asked you. "I was hoping to have a talk with Dee or Dum." You replied. "Do you know where they are?"
"No...they don't really keep regular hours as far as I can tell. Sorry. It's been a quiet night so far. I think the twins are out...Probably working on a case. Sometimes I don't see them for days." He replied. "They have me the job after Crane told me to get lost. He said I was just in the way."
"Why don't you take the night off?" You asked him. "That's nice of you, but...I can't. I still have to clean their office. I can let you in if you want. You can wait for them there...." Flycatcher said as he points to the door on the left, behind him. "Sure. Thanks." You said as you follow him. "No problem." He said as he opens the door.
You two walk in and noticed that the office was kinda weird looking. On the left side of the office was tan colored and very messing looking while the right side is gray and looked really clean and organized and two desk pushed against each other in the middle. "I'm gonna have to take a look around." You said to Flycatcher. "Uh....well, I guess that would be okay." He said, nervously. "I wasn't really asking for permission." You remarked. "Right. You're the Deputy. I just don't want to get in trouble or anything." He said as he walks in the office. "Don't worry, I won't get you in trouble, alright?" You said. "Right." He said, not convinced, and he begins to sweep up the office.
Over to the left next to the desk was some filling cabinets. You walk up to it and mutter. "Let's see if they've got a file on Crane." And you pull out the A-D drawer where there were some files but one of the caught your attention, Ichabod Crane. You pull out that file and saw a couple of papers. On the right was a list of money Crane owed to Crooked Man.
Debt to the Crooked Man/ Consolidated:
$1000 x 12 x 75
Current Payment Plan:
Items procured from the Business Office:
Warlock Fossil.              $3,000
Williams Enigmalith.      $400
Stone Footprint.              $3,500
Stone Books.                    $10,000
"He owes the Crooked Man money?" You said, shocked. "Shit. How was he planning to pay this all back?" Then you look to the left and saw another paper with Faith's picture attached to it 
Request for Property Acquisition 
Daily Task:
Find Compromising Photo.
$500 Bill 
Further details can be found under:
"Request for Property Acquisition.....further details filed under Donkeyskin." You read. "Crane hired them to look for a photo? Why did he want it back so badly?" You asked as you put the file back in the drawer. Then you pick up the file in the front, which has Beauty's name on it. The file showed her picture and a list of money she owed along with a small sticky note attached to it that said:
Georgie has an interest.
Wait till CM gives go ahead.
Put Squeeze.
"Beauty's in debt to the Crooked Man? Shit." You mutter as you set the file back into the drawer. Then you look in the back and found the Donkeyskin file. You pull it out and open it. There was another picture of Faith with a list under it 
Stole a photo from Crane (lovely!)
Find it at all costs
Easy Job
Possible Leads:
Her apartment 
The hens at the Pudding N' Pie
"So that's why they were at her apartment....and the Woodsman's place." You said as put the file back. "Find anything?" Flycatcher asked. "Not what I need." You replied as you close the cabinet. "I know these guys can come off....abrasive at times, but they aren't so bad once you get to know them. And they really care about helping people. They're kind of loud, at times. But you get used to it." Flycatcher said as he continues to sweep. "How do you mean, they help people?" You asked him. "They're detectives. Anyone can come in here with a problem and they'll do their best to fix it. The way Dee explains it....it's like if someone at their cat, they could hire them to, you know, track it down. Or like sometimes....they get packages for people....they can be like couriers, you know?" He said.
"For who?" You asked.
"All kinds." He replied. "Come to think of it, I don't really know where they keep them....anyways, I'm just saying... you just don't know them like I do."
"Sure, Flycatcher." You grumble, shrugging. You walk over to the desk on the right side and noticed a box of cigars but with it was a small key. "You know about this?" You asked as you hold up the key. "Nuh....no." He replied, quickly. You roll your eyes as you see an inbox with a letter inside of it. You pick it up and began to read it. 
Dear Brother Dee,
I think we should get ourselves a dog 
Brother Dum
"He actually mailed this?" You asked, confused. "They do have their quirks." Flycatcher replied. "This is pointless." You muttered, annoyed. "See, I knew you wouldn't find anything. Anything of interest, anyways....They're detectives. Like I said." Flycatcher said. "I haven't found anything yet." You said.
"I'm just saying--"
"Look, just trust me on this. Tweedle Dee and Dum are not nice, they're not helping anyone." You said. "Well, they helped me." He said. "Okay, great, they helped you. That's one person. Now....please, just...let me concentrate here." You said and you see the inbox on the other desk with another letter in it.
Dear Brother Dum,
I hate dogs and you know it!
Brother Dee
"Couple of freaks." You muttered, angrily. "Wh---what i---what if you're wrong about them?" Flycatcher asked you as he stops sweeping. "I'm not." You replied. "They're misunderstood, sure. But that doesn't mean everything people say about them is true. I mean, you know, like when I think about it, you, Bigby and the twins aren't that different. You and Bigby help people....and they help people...not that it's any of my business, but...."
"Is that what you think?" You asked him, angrily.
"Shit!" You muttered. "There's something here, I know there is, there has to be."
"Why would there be anything to--"
"Because they're lying to you, okay, Flycatcher? That's why. They aren't detectives! They shot at Bigby and my sister!" You shouted, angrily. At that point you felt a searing pain go through your head and everything began to go black and you start to fall forward. Luckily, Flycatcher caught you before you hit the floor. You groan and shake your head slight as you vision comes back. "(Y/N), what happened to you..." he asked you as he helps you stand up. You rub the back of your head then glared at Flycatcher. "You wanna know what this is?" You said as you pointed at your head. "This is them showing up to Lily's funeral with fucking shotguns and throwing me against a concrete pilar!"
"I--I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I--I didn't know..." he said, slightly scared. "And it doesn't matter if they're really good at hiding their shit. But they're involved, alright! In all of this! Do you get it now?" You said, still angry. Flycatcher looks down, feeling horrible, and your anger fade away as you see the sad look on his face. "I didn't mean to..." you said, calming down, as Flycatcher walked past you to the other side of the room and points at the other filing cabinet.
"There's a door behind this file cabinet. I don't know what they keep back here, but....it might be what you're looking for. That key you found should work." He replied. You look at him then pulled the key out of your pocket. You walk over to the cabinet and see a key lock under the shelves but above the drawers. You insert the key and turn it. There was a click and you pulled the side and it opened like a door. Inside, you only see a flight of stairs that leads down to the left. You and Flycather glance at each other before both of you go down the stairs. 
In the room was full of shelves that carried boxes and packages. A work bench was off to the side with a scale and a phone. "Woooowww." Flycatcher mutters as he walks up behind you. You walk to the shelf on the left and noticed an instant coffee can, with a label that said Crooked Man, and grabbed it and open it. Inside of the can was a note and a roll of cash. The note said:
I'm sorry. I know I'm late. Trust me. I'm working on the rest of it. I'll get it to you soon, I promise.
Ichabod Crane.
"Who was he sending money to?" Flycatcher asked you after you read the note aloud. "Crooked Man." You replied him then see another side note. "Care of the Lucky Pawn? Do you know what that is?" You asked him, who shrugs. You pocket the money and set the can back on the shelf then look through the shelf.
"Is that what you needed?" Flycatcher asked. "I don't think so, but it's interesting. There's more going on here. I still need to find the witch though." You replied. "What are you looking for exactly? Maybe I can help." He said as he tries to look through the shelves. "Anything about Crane...or the witch he was using. Something." You said and you pick up another coffee can that had a tape over the lid that had Butcher written on it. "What is this stuff?" You asked and, once again, Flycatcher shrugs.
You look at the bottom shelf and see a package with the label that said J.D. on it. You set it down then see a really small compact package and you pick it up. "Hey....(y/n).....do you think, after all this....do you think I could come back to the Woodlands? Since crane let me go....I mean, I can still work here, but....I don't think I want to now. I don't want to work with bad people, you know?" Flycatcher said.
"Well, Crane is gone now....I can't see why you couldn't come back to The Woodlands." You replied. "Really, that would be....Thank you!" He said, appreciatively. "Come by the Business Office. I can't make any promises." You informed. "Right. Of course." He said, smiling. You open the little package and saw a strand of (h/c) hair. You gasped and said. "It's my hair."
"Your hair? Why w--"
"We found my hair like this inside Lily's glamour." You said and you see a name label on the lid of the package. "Aunty Greenleaf. This must be the witch Crane was using." 
"I guess Dee and Dum were getting your hair for Crane and sending it to her?" Flycatcher said, questionably. "That's not a pleasant thought."
"There's no address on it." You said as you look through the package. "So--So what now?" Flycatcher asked. "I should tell Snow about this. Maybe she can find a record on this Aunty Greenleaf....unless Bigby found something at the Trip Trap." You said. "I think I saw a phone over there." Flycatcher said as he points at the desk. You smile at Flycatcher and said. "Thanks." And you pick up the phone and dial up the Business Office. "You're welcome, Deputy." Flycatcher replied. 
"Business Office, this is Snow White." Snow greeted in a slightly annoyed tone. "Hey, Snow." You said. "Oh, it's you." She said in relief. "Sorry, I've been answering angry phone calls for hours. People want to know where Crane is. How'd it go with the Tweedle Brothers?" 
"No address, but I got a name for Crane's witch. Aunty Greenleaf. You heard of her?" You asked. "No....I'll get Bufkin started looking for her record, but it might take sometime." Snow said.
"Have you heard from Bigby?" You asked her. "Not yet. He should already be at the Trip Trap. I'll try to call him there, if I get time." She replied.
"And Snow...I found a note with some money attached. Crane has been embezzling from Fabletown." You informed. She let's out a sigh and said. "Of course. Because why half-ass being a complete sleazeball. Do you think this is tied to the murders?" 
"I think it's connected. Maybe the girls found out about it? I don't know." You said. "Mmmm, maybe..." Snow mutters. "I'll head back to the Office so that we can wait to see if Bigby has found anything." You said. "Okay." She mutters and you hang up the phone and began to head out.
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youngandhungryent · 3 years
Chika Engages In All-Out War With Twitter Stans, The Barbz & Babies Catch Strays
Source: Prince Williams / Getty
Chika established herself as one of the most talented young artists by way of a series of viral freestyles and a steady social media presence, which culminated into a major label record deal. The Montgomery, Ala. native has been engaged in an all-out war with Twitter stans and the Barbz along with some babies caught some vicious strays.
Chika is, of course, known for her musical ability but also for being a transparent public figure by way of tweets that revealed she has contended with mental health issues and even threatened to retire from music just this past spring. For those who follow Chika on Twitter, most are already aware that she is quick-witted and does not allow trolls to get the upper hand. When folks go low, Chika goes subatomic if provoked.
The 2020 XXL Freshman and Grammy Award-nominated rapper and vocalist has been going at it on Twitter for the better part of the weekend and we’ve tried our best to discover the root. From our observation, Chika issued a tweet on Saturday (October 2) lambasting the use of the word “females” in place of using the proper term women. For whatever reason, folks on the social media service saw first to try and correct Chika, and the responses really didn’t go their way.
When other women refer to women as “females” pic.twitter.com/2Kof1CcOnX
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(@oranicuhh) October 3, 2021
Many of the replies within the tweet mostly sided with Chika, but there were some who sought to belittle and lob harsh putdowns and it was off to the races from there.
Nobody’s crying. You’re very weird. https://t.co/7KN8eYkhV9
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(@oranicuhh) October 3, 2021
One Twitter user who is either trolling or painfully obtuse tried to treat the discussion and apparently didn’t realize Chika was a musician.
“Imma be real, y’all must not listen to a lot of female rappers then, cause it’s literally either “b*tches” or “females from them – it’s weird yeah but what you gonna do?” the user wrote, although in fairness, it was probably a general statement and not directed at Chika. It got weird when men kept trying to shame Chika into accepting their terms but she would not fold.
To be fair, I’d call you a bitch, too. https://t.co/r646bjvimj
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(@oranicuhh) October 3, 2021
Things went left when Chika got into an intense back and forth with @HenGriffeyJr23, who used the b-word in addressing her after failing to get the upper hand. Chika took a shot at the man’s daughter writing, “Hope someone says that to the person in your pinned tweet one day.”
Not that we condone bringing the kids into it but Chika has suffered a series of attacks online, no doubt due to colorism and fatphobia. She chose to handle the attacks with her own jabs, and some schools of logic would say that she’s well within her right to defend herself. Are her methods harsh? No doubt about it. Did she start it? Not at all. Is everyone doing too much? Absolutely.
And you look like an albino Zoboomafoo, lil boy. https://t.co/JM9BL3I6Vt pic.twitter.com/KOxPLsO0Ja
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(@oranicuhh) October 3, 2021
Again, the jabs at the children are our least favorite part of all this brouhaha, as they don’t have anything to do with how their parents are behaving online. But as Chika herself tweeted, “They go low, we go to hell” and that’s as apt a way to address it as possible.
barbs be mass tweeting me like i give a fuck. lmfao it’s BORING. same old routine. nobody is scared of y’all. you’re played out.
call me fat, ugly, make fun of a suicide attempt. literally nobody is upset. been there done that.
but have fun
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(@oranicuhh) October 3, 2021
Check out the reactions from all sides below.
Photo: Getty
window.addEventListener('interaction', function () { setTimeout(function () { var s = document.createElement('script'), el = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[ 0 ]; s.async = true; s.src = 'https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js'; el.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el); }, 1000) });
All the shit going on now stems from this tweet. crazy https://t.co/o9OlGKaoUY
— i am large, i contain multitudes (@RobLives4Love) October 4, 2021
I enjoy @oranicuhh being unapologetic af all day every day. The ancestors are proud. Y’all gon learn to quit coming for her. Until then I’m here for all the educated ignorance she’s throwing at y’all. pic.twitter.com/Fzufcfv8J5
— MichaeLa OG (@JustChaela) October 4, 2021
When you disrespect somebody you can’t dictate how they respond. Now people want to say Chika @oranicuhh wrong but nah. A man disrespecting her and y’all defending him. Craziness
— PhenomenalWoman (@1nePhenomenalMe) October 4, 2021
“If you are disappointed in me, lower your expectations” - @oranicuhh
— Josiah - 𝙵𝙻𝙰𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙽𝚃 𝚂𝙸𝚂𝚂𝚈³ˣ⁴ (@TheArtistJosiah) October 4, 2021
what makes this even funnier is the comments are filled w mfs sayin how much they don’t care and aren’t listening but you had to listen to know she was talking bout yall… whew
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— eudaimonia
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(@_loveKeMoni) October 4, 2021
https://t.co/KPuKsXoq1i pic.twitter.com/8Z3DrPVnyl
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(@oranicuhh) October 4, 2021
They really think people are scared of them
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— Sanaa Thee Multi⁷ | CHAN & MEG DAY (@NAMJUNIV3RSE) October 3, 2021
See how Chika got comebacks for days and all this nigga can muster up is that she’s fat….. my boy sit this one out lmfaoooooooo https://t.co/47O1jOnI5h
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Big Moo
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(@Kswizz_) October 3, 2021
Chika dragging folk is my favorite thing of all fuckin time https://t.co/VFPZoYK39L
— bumi (@zukogottasig) October 3, 2021
Zoboomafoo Ghost: https://t.co/91l7W3SWZV pic.twitter.com/x4HjmDEpn0
— The One w. The Oxtail Tattoo (@WatchTheLens) October 3, 2021
My face after looking at his avi https://t.co/pTuAafAncR pic.twitter.com/NBSKvk870s
— Daisy
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(@not_the1_or2) October 3, 2021
https://t.co/SS6iWv8DQQ pic.twitter.com/EV9dnnooUf
— Hezeliah Walker (@HeyBrandito) October 3, 2021
This lady knew that “disrespect goes both ways” until its her kid??? Come on now. pic.twitter.com/rq7UdVRRkn
— Ashley jazmyn
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(@Ashleyjazmyn_) October 4, 2021
People bully Chika. And Chika seems like a mean spirited person. Two things can be true.
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Nakers Gimme Heebee Jeebees (@blackfemmesoul) October 4, 2021
Chika really got a Grammy tatted on her just to go home empty handed
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— zayla anders. (@gIowcess) October 4, 2021
Love you down Chika, but what is the purpose of dehumanizing a fellow young black girl? I roast niggas all day so I get it but this seems to literally go against everything you advocate for? https://t.co/79sWy10bnM
— JEAN DEAUX (@jeandeauxmusic) October 4, 2021
Chika wonders why she doesn’t get acknowledged for things, but the evidence is right there. Put the phone down, sis.
— ᴅᴏʟʟᴀʀ (@callmedollar) October 4, 2021
CHIKA’s PR team when they find out she’s on Twitter calling people’s kids ugly. pic.twitter.com/C7xECI6ttZ
— NUFF (@nuffsaidny) October 4, 2021
Everyone taking Chika being a weirdo as a chance to be fatphobic without repercussions pic.twitter.com/R10EtIoeCs
— JO YURI & KIM DAYEON ANTI (@fuckkittycat) October 4, 2021
I don’t want to do too much on Chika, but just in general, when you *really* work with kids in a mental health capacity you know that the slightest things can completely destroy a kids self esteem. Leave kids out of stuff. Period. They deserve that respect.
— 5hahem (@shaTIRED) October 4, 2021
source https://hiphopwired.com/playlist/chika-twitter-stans-beef-reactions/
0 notes
bigbrothermonopoly · 4 years
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Pandora's box. You are kidding me right? I'm done. bye.
Actually jk jk. I'm not done. Clearly this was an inside job. Two people pooled their money together and clearly got it. The real question is... will this get back to me or not. I'm so discouraged right now. I feel like for some reason people don't trust me? I'm going for HOH right now but I ALSO don't want to hear what other people think I should do with it if I get it.BUT also I should worry about that if/when it happens. WE ARE MANIFESTING THIS WIN LADIES! This are still too shaky in this house. I need more answers. I need more people. I just need a pint and a side hoe and I'm good. Everyone seems to be pairing up and I feel like I have no one to turn to right now. We got: Kristine and Chris Brien and Madison Eve and Mackenzie APPARENTLY: Dem and Andrew Austin and Silence Gwen and herself.. Kori and his "I'm in the army" references Me and my paranoia. THAT'S A LOT OF DUO'S in this game. ugh. I JUST NEED A PERSON someone I can trust. Someone who I know is going to ride with me for a while and I just don't see that happening. Which means crackhead Jess will come out eventually. So yeehaw. Also Eve wanting to take out people I'm close with like Will and Brien... no. NO. NOPE. Not happening. 
I think i am safe this week right now i am just trying to maintain my relationships in the house its still a little bit hard to see whos in power but i am told i am safe this week i hope i can win either week 5 or week 6 hoh because thats when those hoh effects the game.
IMMA TELL U WHATS UP!!! My life is a mess. I bought a property and Emma has the other one. We just need to find out who has the last one. And I swear to lord Jesus if it’s Gwen I’m going to be PISSEDDDD. That girl has got to goooo. I’m really nervous about Andrew being HOH because I know Chris is in danger and he’s literally my #1 person in this game. Me him and Emma need to make it through this round. I hate that Chris made an alliance that included Gwen and Brian. Since Brian knows our secret and Gwen is a great social player and honestly a comp threat that no one is taking notice of. It IS only round 4 which is fine but still... I don’t want to compete against someone like Gwen. Because I’ve trusted that person before and got super screwed. Thankfully, Chris agrees with me. Anyways. Please send me more money :))) my Venmo is https://venmo.com/code?user_id=2882981236572160313 PLEASE SEND MONEY
Who gave out free samples of crack to the house? Last night I had a weird call with Eve. Essentially it seems like she wants Mackenzie to be given a power of the next property we buy so she can control the power via Mackenzie. I feel so bad for Mackenzie because when I've spoken to her she seems kind of discouraged about the way Eve talks to her sometimes. Which I totally get because I'm sometimes kind of shook by it all.  I reassured Mackenzie not to take it personally I just think Eve gets a tad bit overexcited with everything and kind of just shoots her shot. BUT. If these bitches think I'm their bitch they are GREATLY mistaken. In what world does me not getting the power this time when I literally gave up a property and money for Eve to get a power last time, work? If I was them I'd be throwing the power at my someone who isn't in the duo to make me feel safe and secure. I'm not giving up money and another power again, it ain't happening again. Kristine is all in my pm's now trying to figure out what is going now when it soooo transparent she doesn't trust me. Either Emma told her what I said about her and I not talking or homegirl really thinks that I haven't been hearing that she was leaking I was in a trio with Tawni and Gwen last round? Andrew being in power is good for me. He said he won't be putting me up, Eve wastes her power (although I kind of wanted it for us Chris going opens up the game a little more and takes a number away from the other "side" I see forming), and I think Andrew doing this will put some doubt into people's heads. This is all good for my game because it pushes another couple targets in front of me. My only concern right now is that Eve is going to expose that I traded her for that property.
Alright checklist for the past 24 hours... Got both utilities to make the Monopoly... Check. Received the option to Open Pandora's Box as a result, and Opened it... Check. Is likely to get fucked over as a result of whatever twist comes of it... Check. Lost HoH and wasn't even close with Andrew winning it... Check. Was told that I was supposedly safe this week by the HoH... Check. Watched the Light Blue Properties get snagged with not much way to speculate who has them... Check. Missed out on $80 in Live Comps because I stayed after a bit at work and was driving... Fucking Check. I think that's everything, guess now I'm just gonna twiddle my thumbs a bit and hope Andrew isn't gonna nominate or backdoor me.
Su Andrew is HoH this week and he has nominated Madison and Silence for eviction but....I heard that he wants to backdoor Chris. I’m 100% ok with Chris going home because he always wants information from me but he never wants to give me any info in return. I was also picked for veto and I do not want to win because my Power Trap alliance wants the veto not to be used while my Mandela Monocles alliance wants it used on Silence so either way it goes if I won I would be screwed. Basically I threw the veto competition.
HAHAHAHAH , if this isn’t a backdoor, I’m stupid. I know this is the case. For all that don’t know, me and Andrew are rivals because I targeted him in the last HoH competition and had people go after him. This caused him to be very butt hurt and a little bitch. Like bro , it’s a HoH completion where your dominating.. of course I’m going to go after you. I don’t care you called me safe, you are a threat since day one. Now I have Dem coming to me telling me all this information like bro.. what is you doing 😂. Thanks for feeding me information, you are not even in my final 5 but thanks for helping me ! This house is great and I know this backdoor won’t go through unless I’m over my head. Andrew , next time you have a chance, you should of gone for the head. 
episode 4 So my plan for this week as of right now I’m gonna nominate madison and silence because they didn’t message me saying anything If chris gets picked for veto eve is going to use her veto redraw Hopefully veto is used by the winner I backdoor Chris Baby goes bye bye But also this pandora’s box is more than likely to fuck with me this week :/ My prediction is vote flip but i’m just going to carry on as normal cause i can’t ruin my game due to paranoia also my top 2 allegiances rn are Eve and Jess Lowkey scary that im not in any set alliances yet cuz i know there do be some probably But its okay bc it might work to my advantage later on when im the free agent that these whores need ALSO MARk my words here. If William nominates me when he gets hoh hes a fucking FRAUD he made a deal w me safety for safety and its a good thing cause i was going to nominate his ass instead of silence So far everything is going according to plan and Chris will be out of the house by the end of this week, Obviously if me silence or madison win there will be veto use William said he would use veto aswell Only thing: i’m rly bad at puzzles I lowkey hate that I talk so much in the house chat but I cant help it............I dont want peeps to think im annoying...Sorry I just wnt to contribute to everything its like a disease There is no better feeling than having Chris shake in his boots :heart: You rly fucked with the wrong twink babe He thinks he has the votes to stay. I just have to laugh Especially since he tried to discredit me telling him I was a threat to his game with the simple words of "Bet" Bitch Ill show u bet rq. This is gonna be a split vote i cant wait for this to potentially blow up in my face I am deadass providing a list for SIlence on people he needs to campaign to Like this bitch is not leaving the house My loyalties 
I really want Chris to stay. We’ve become really close in this game. People don’t know how close we actually are. If they did, my alliance would probably just want him out. The vote will be split, and sides will be chosen. Eve is trying to threaten everyone into voting Chris out. She is saying it’s a unanimous vote. Please. It’s clearly split. She needs to goooooo. Please please Chris stay!!
What a fucking mess this vote is. This is what happens when cocky people get cocky and assume they have people on lock. I adore Eve and Andrew but... they should have thought this out a little better. I just.. I'm just.. I'm fucking livid. I don't get where Miss Thing Evelyn gets off saying stuff like "That’s my plea, stick your neck out and you will be rewarded". What are you going to reward me with? You warming the seat on the block for me after I'm gone because I sided with you? Thanks but if I wanted a seat warmer I'd go to Target not Walmart. But in all honesty, it's not like I don't want to do this move. I 10000% was into the idea but that's because I was sold the dream of it. I thought Andrew had more pull than he actually does. I knew Eve didn't have as much pull as she thought but Andrew I was wrong about. I was in a decent spot. I think? Kind of cruising the middle and now that spot is being blown up because it is CLEAR Andrew/Eve don't want to be the only ones to take the fall for this move. BUT.. I don't trust Dem to 1000% not get paranoid and flip and I don't want to be sitting on the sinking ship fucking alone. Dem is apparently going to just vote Chris so I guess I'm going to vote for Chris and hope for the best at this point. 
This week has been CRAZY! Basically Andrew won HoH and he wants Chris gone but he wants to backdoor him so he puts up Madison and Silence. Madison ends up winning the veto and Andrew replaces her spot with Chris. My dilemma is that I am in an alliance with Chris and Silence. I think Chris needs to go first because he is very sketchy. Also Silence can go next week easily. On top of all of this, I have been put in 2 alliances that I didn’t even know were forming. Each alliance wants somebody different to go home but I’m hoping that we have enough votes to evict Chris. 
Also Brien is a shady ass hoe and I will be exposing his relationship if he fucks me with this vote. Plus, I knew his ass bought a property and traded it Emma with Kristine and didn't tell me. He's keeping secrets from me and I'm not playing this game like season 1 Sansa I'm playing this game like last season Cersei. No fucks given. I'll probably die soon. His ass is playing the middle and if I win he is going UP. Sorry but this isn't the Bachelor it is BIG BROTHER.
I'm so excited cause it looks like this is the vote that will get the game going! I love everyone and want to stay together but like I'm so ready to draw this line in the sand and cause some chaos going!
I dont know what Eve's deal is with this threatening game tactic, telling people "The vote will be 12-0" or "Is you dont vote with me it will be a mistake" but I cant wait to see her face come eviction night 😈
Absolutely no way in hell i'm letting Chris get evicted. I refuse to let my #1 ally go home because of Andrew's ego being bruised. I'm hoping that my deal with Emma and Brien goes through and that she is able to use the power to basically threaten everyone into voting the way that they said they were going to vote. Again, I REFUSE to let Chris go home this week. Not that I have anything against Silence because he's just like... there but I'm more worried about who is staying versus who needs to go. Anyways, Emma better not be lying about using this power now... or else I will come for her. Chris is like my little brother who is older then me and I will protect him at all costs that I can!
i am NOT looking forward to this vote??? i still don’t know what im doing but i think this is going to be a shitshow
So Kristine has dropped a shit load of Tea on me, which has led me to question everything. APPARENTLY there's a Gwen-Chris-Kristine-Brien Alliance. Additionally there was a Chris-Austin-Dem-Kristine alliance. (Though that 2nd one is kaputz with Austin wanting Chris out and Dem being upset with Austin.) Emma got that Vote Reveal which presumably, Myself and Jess know, and I can only imagine Kristine and Brien probably know given they were the other Light Blue property holders that both agreed to give the properties to Emma. So at the very least that's not a power I have to outright fear because I know who has it, I know what the Utilities did. (Sortof, still waiting on that Pandora's Box) The Browns are presumably gone assuming that Veto Shuffle was a one time thing. (That power honestly makes sense since Early on it's Useful but later in the game it'd be worthless.) Unfortunately either Eve or me is being hustled and given that Eve has a biased opinion others know about in relation to this vote, I'm liable to believe more people would lie to Eve about voting Chris than me just because I'm not a biased person right now. If it weren't for the heart to heart me and Chris had as well as really hashing it out with Gwen I don't think I'd be keeping Chris, however based on what I know about the Chris-Dem-Kristine relationship (Thanks Kristine) I doubt Dem was actually with Eve for the vote anyway, which means for Chris to go I'd have had to convince either Gwen or Emma to vote him out which we all know is against their best interests. My best bet right now is to try and recover from any blunders from this round with as much social capital I can walk away with and hope whatever happens with Pandora's Box doesn't just completely screw me over. I'm just ready for this headache of a week to be over, but given it's a live comp next, I'm expecting this next round to be just as trash.
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skeviviscom · 5 years
Is fashion destroying the planet? - Pure Couture: Ethical Fashion Documentary
Why has this video been so useful to me?
This video has been an amazing starting point for me, as someone who knows very little about the fashion industry let alone ethical fashion, this video has given me lots of points to research further into such as:
LMB Textile Recycling (East London) 
How Polyester is made 
Fast Fashion
How can fashion be ethical?
Why is fashion not ethical?
How oil based materials are made
Lily Cole - dress made of recycled bottles and wild rubber (Lily cole wild rubber dress the met ball)
Pharell Williams - bionic yarn (G Star Raw)
Carry Somers - fashion revolution
Sindiso Khumalo
Hannah Cowie - Tamay + Me
Simone Cipriani - Ethical Fashion Initiative 
Lizzie Harrison - Antiform 
Vlogger - Hannah Witton 
Wooden sunglasses made of sustainable wood 
pure couture steps to sustainability
what is sustainability 
what is sustainable fashion 
what materials are sustainable 
Ideas that have come to me from this video 
Have facts shown/ only typography in animation? How does this look?
Show a process. How fashion is unethical.
make it PERSONAL. make this issue THE VIEWERS PROBLEM
animation that also gives you links and insights to relevant information and ethical fashion companies so the viewer can take it upon themselves to look into the topic further after they have watched the animation
two dresses one made by child slaves and one made ethically 
our clothes have a story (show a good one and a bad one) 
My notes when watching the documentary:
Some of the clothes we wear have a dirty secret
Where materials come from and their impact on our planet
“We have an incredible power as consumers, if we choose to use it”
Shopping hall videos because becoming more popular (clothing hauls)
“biggest problem/ issue in the fashion industry is that its the second biggest producer in the world and its one of the main sources of exploitation of workers”
We Brits spend £30 billion on unused clothing per year
The more we buy, the more we throw away
One and a half million tonnes of textiles go into landfill in Britain every year. Thats 10,000 garments of clothing thrown into landfills in Britain every five minutes.
Nearly 40% of all clothing is thrown directly in the rubbish and goes to landfill, thats £10 million worth every year.
“fast fashion”
consequences of our impulse buys
huge waste of resources
cause problems when we wash them, micro fibres from polyester get washed out of our clothes and into our rivers and oceans. 
our approach to waste has to change
plastic is found in a third of fish caught in Britain
If we can make sure are clothes are worn for an extra three months it would reduce our carbon and water footprint by up to 10%
One way to make your clothes live longer is to get them fixed or re-made
Dr Kate Goldsworthy (Textiles Researcher) 
“The way we are designing, buying and using clothes is getting to a point where fashion companies are producing new collections pretty much on a weekly basis. I think, you know, fashion is becoming so fast its almost becoming disposable sometimes”
“There are two main materials, they either come from natural materials (cotton) and the other main material is polyester or oil base materials that come from petrol” 
“I guess the solution is we have to completely re-think the way we work with these materials. We have to stop seeing it as a linear journey where we use things and throw them away, we have to find a way of closing that loop”
Pharell Williams recently became co owner of denim label ‘G Star Raw’, who are using disregarded plastic bottles and turning them into a substance called ‘bionic yarn’
why don’t enough of us think about where our clothes come from?
Cotton can be difficult to trace, a lot of it comes from Uzbekistan where child labour is wide spread. In other developing countries, the working conditions in sweatshops can be deadly. In 2013 a government factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing over 1,000 people.
1000 pairs of hands have been on any given garment in your wardrobe, who are these people? what sort of lives have they lead? and how have our fashion choices impacted them?
Use smaller independent designers to know where your clothes come from
How can consumers become aware of the history of the clothes we buy? Can we ever be sure our clothes were made in fair conditions?
Ross Barry: LMB Textiles Recycling Company (East London)
“30 tonnes of clothes come in every day, thats around a million garments a week”
“Nowadays you can see fashion changes so quickly, it can be on the front of a magazine cover one week and its in the shops the following week and its in here two weeks later”
“We see brand new clothes and expensive branded items coming in all the time”
“90% are used or recycled clothing”
“If clothes are badly damages/ smelly/ stained, then they go to landfill”
Lily Cole: Entrepreneur and Activist 
wore a dress made of recycled bottles to the oscars
“One dress creates a conversation and can lead to other products being made of this material or similar materials”
“I was thinking a lot about sustainability and issues at the same time I was working quite heavily in fashion and now I have started working with ethical companies”
“One of my favourite materials I am really excited about is called ‘Wild Rubber’, the rubber is tapped in trees spread throughout the amazon and by using and buying wild rubber products you are essentially paying local people to make a living and therefore protect the rainforest”
Carry Somers: Fashion Revolution (’Who made my clothes’ campaign)
“So much is hidden within the fashion industry”
“labels on clothes don’t tell us the country of origin of the cotton”
“Cotton from child workers in Uzbekistan is routinely labelled as from Bangladesh”
“40 biggest fashion companies had little or no systems in place to know where the source of their materials come from”
“We have a great deal of power as consumers if we choose to use it”
Sindiso Khumalo: Designer and owner of Fashion Label
“All the cotton gets sort of put into one big pile so its like some of its from the ethical cotton, some thats not, and it all gets sort of mixed up and then people just buy it off. Definitely at some point I must have been participating in this too and thats why its so important to know where your raw materials come from”
“Who would want to wear garments where they know that somebody was oppressed producing those clothes, knowing that a child made those clothes, whether they picked the cotton or where behind the sewing machine. its almost just like having blood on your hands to a certain extent. I think this is the reality. Theres a really dark side to consuming fashion and because fashion is so important in our livelihoods we need to really open our eyes in the same way that we have done with our food we need to do that with our clothing”
“Has my dress been made by a child slave? If the answer is yes, i’m not comfortable with that”
Hannah Cowie: Owner of Tamay + Me 
“hand made - we can trace the whole process - from them being grown as a plant all the way to them being hand embroidered from silk embroidery thread. They grow the cotton, they grow the indigo, you can see the plants all around the houses. So every element of this jacket is 100% traceable”
“Helping to fund women in these communities and give them work opportunities. Its about bringing the best bits of their traditional culture into one garment that then provides flexible employment for the women”
“I travelled in Vietnam in 2008 and met this woman in the market and she said to me “do you want to learn our embroidery?” and I was like “Yeah I want to learn” and so I sat down with her and started to learn how to make it and we ended up sitting together for three months and she let me stay in her house and sit around the fire and when the kids had gone to bed we start to talk about all kinds of stuff we talk about women’s stuff, about men, sex, she told me about giving birth. She’s spot on, she’s amazing. So theres a lot of heart in this project. Every time I talk about her I get emotional”
Our clothes can have a story and this changes the relationship we have with our clothes
making clothes experiences meaningful rather than instant
Simone Cipriani: Ethical Fashion Initiative 
“Get the message of the problem out there, once you have done that its people who will find the solutions”
Lizzie Harrison: Antiform
Hannah Witton: Vlogger
“theres a presumption that if you are wearing ethical, sustainable clothing that its gonna be like, a bag, and dull and beige”
0 notes
sinceileftyoublog · 7 years
Pitchfork Music Festival 2017: 7/14-7/16
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Clif’s Cassette Collage
Last year’s Pitchfork featured wild-card non-headliners and a deep rest of the festival. This year? Not so much. LCD Soundsystem headlined last year’s Lollapalooza Sunday, and this year saw them headlining the first day of a smaller festival. Saturday featured a massive farewell tour in the form of A Tribe Called Quest. Sunday’s headliner was Solange, an artist coming off of her career best work that held up even in the face of her more famous sister’s equally strong work. There were reunions and rare performers. This was going to be the biggest Pitchfork ever, right? 
Well, only if you’re talking about the length of the lines. Instead, Pitchfork somehow retained its intimacy (besides those lines). Much of the music was undoubtedly laid back, even the hip hop sets decidedly minimal as opposed to past ones by the likes of Kendrick Lamar and Chance the Rapper. There was room for the experimental, the theatrical, and the combination of the two. Overall, the festival continues to book daringly and, more importantly, more women and people of color than almost any other major pop music festival. Like last year, there was no one true standout the way there has been in past years, but there were still sets that exceeded, met, and performed below my expectations.
Read on as I sort the many different sets I saw into distinct categories relating to everything from content to how they fit within the quintessential festival experience.
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It may have been delayed by over twenty minutes. You may not have been able to hear lead singer Mark Gardener that well. Their new album may be just okay. But as soon as Ride played the opening notes to “Seagull”, you knew exactly why even a 20-years-later version of the band is booked late in the day to play a major festival. Simply put, the songs from Nowhere and their early EPs were flat-out gorgeous.
The Feelies
Talk about a band that takes their time, whether it’s releasing albums or even just building up a song. The Feelies took from their earliest (Crazy Rhythms and The Good Earth) and their latest (2011′s Here Before and this year’s In Between). Lead singer Glenn Mercer’s gentle voice may have sounded a bit weak at times, but the band’s jangly guitar pop and krautrock arrangements were perfect for grooving on a temperate Saturday afternoon.
Arab Strap
One of the best sets of the festival came from a band that I love that I totally expected to not translate live. The Scottish electronica-imbued spoken word from Arab Strap sounded great, with more singing and noise than expected. Front-man Aidan Moffat sucked down Four Star Pilsners and complained how hot the stage was as if they were litanies in one of his songs. His penchant for remembering the lyrics of his own songs is impressive, and even if he had to read them by the time the anthemic “The First Big Weekend” came along, he was just as much the star of the show as the rest of the band.
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Hamilton Leithauser
The Walkmen were always a band whose slower songs recalled waltzes or stories told by your grandparents. Hamilton Leithauser & Rostam Batmanglij’s I Had A Dream That You Were Mine one-upped that last year, with its clinking pianos and string flourishes going for an unabashedly retro aesthetic, including everything from doo wop to folktales. Live, Leithauser and his band recreated that perfectly. He’s always had a hell of a voice, his wail equally as strong as his Dylan-esque sneer. “Rough Going (I Won’t Let Up)” was an exemplary intro, “A 1000 Times” a giant sing-along, “1959″ an effective vocal solo as opposed to the duet album version. 
As Joey Purp played from the Blue Stage, Leithauser recalled being sonically overwhelmed by the nearby XX. “Everybody left NYC...because they couldn’t afford a practice space without a fucking band next door,” he shared before launching into the gorgeous “Where The Truth Is...” Old and bitter’s never sounded so sweet.
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Angel Olsen
As a band in matching suits entered the stage, I thought to myself, “Am I really about to see Angel Olsen?” The last time I had seen her was at Lincoln Hall on the Burn Your Fire For No Witness Tour, and apparently, she’s gotten way bigger since then. Her set started out strong with some country-indebted kiss offs: “High & Wild”, “Shut Up Kiss Me”, “Give It Up”, and “Not Gonna Kill You” all retained both the treble-heavy sheen and lyrical rawness of their studio versions. But the back half of the set was enough to put you to sleep in succession. Half Way Home’s “Acrobat” is a great song, as is “Sister”, the laid-back and jazzy “Those Were The Days”, and “Woman”, but after the first four in a row, they only served to bring you down.
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Weyes Blood
Natalie Mering’s amazing, Joni Mitchell-esque voice is best suited for a club setting. Even last year’s Weyes Blood album Front Row Seat to Earth, a characteristically upbeat one for Mering’s standards, is not really ideal for a weekend day festival slot. Her voice on “Generation Why” and “Used to Be” was stunning and she either sang by herself on stage or played keys in front of her band, and the lap steel guitar on “Seven Words” gave a haunting quality to that song, but the set overall was too low key to keep non-die hard fans interested.
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Colin Stetson
You know what you're getting with Colin Stetson, but that doesn’t stop him from mesmerizing me every time. His Pitchfork set was his most impressive from a curatorial standpoint. Stetson picked songs that showed off his limber playing (“The Righteous Wrath of an Honorable Man”), creative percussion (“Judges”), and even Aphex Twin influences (“Between Water and Wind). Earlier this year, Stetson released an album that was good but didn’t offer much new, but during his Pitchfork set,  Not one song sounded like another.
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William Tyler
The word “virtuoso” is tossed around a lot, but it’s actually appropriate for William Tyler. With a great band at his side (including Phil Cook, doing double duty with Tyler and Hiss Golden Messenger), Tyler played most of last year’s Modern Country to sheer perfection. From the summery “Sunken Garden” to the described “country meets krautrock” of “I’m Gonna Live Forever”, the set was unexpectedly loud and jammy. The percussion breakdown of “Gone Clear” was even more haunting than it was on record, “The Great Unwind” noisy. He closed with “Highway Anxiety”, whose recognizable opening riffs caused anything but a sense of dread--more a sense of comfort and calm amidst a sea of festival-goers.
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Jeff Rosenstock
The most energetic set of the festival came from something I never thought I’d ever hear at Pitchfork: something resembling ska. Indeed, Jeff Rosenstock and his band played songs off of last year’s Worry to devoted fans who knew every single word. Rosenstock took the opportunity to do what he usually does--be a shithead with a sense of humor. The dynamic frontman walked out to Weird “Al” Yankovich Red Hot Chili Peppers parody “Bedrock Anthem”. He had the crowd do two different waves. He had a couple great wisecracks (“I'd like to give a shout-out to the Pitchfork worker who got fired for booking us at this festival.”) and admitted that he and his band received $7,500 to play, a hefty sum for self-labelled shitty punks but not for pretty much anybody else. All this Rosenstock brought with the desire to get the crowd to shout along, mosh, and look out for each other.
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The crowd moshes--and cools off with sprayed water--during Jeff Rosenstock
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Danny Brown
I’ve seen Danny Brown 3 times at Pitchfork alone, and he gets bigger and better every time. Far from the sex-obsessed weirdo who had just released XXX a year prior in 2012 (ok, not that far), this year’s clean-cut Brown didn’t need much besides his usual DJ. Without much of a breath, he burned through favorites like “Side B (Dope Song)”, “Monopoly”, and “Growin’ Up” before playing off of last year’s landmark Atrocity Exhibition. The four-punch of “Ain’t It Funny”, “Really Doe” (which he impressively delivered considering the best part of that song is Earl Sweatshirt’s verse), “When It Rain”, and “Pneumonia” showed that every time the workman comes to Pitchfork, he has a new batch to add to his growing list of classics.
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Madame Gandhi
Four years ago, Madame Gandhi found herself on a Pitchfork stage drumming for M.I.A. Four years later, she opened up Pitchfork on the same stage, this time her own show. She still did plenty of drumming--as did many of her dancers, all clad in yellow hazmat-looking suits--but mostly rapped and ready feminist literature. Too easy? Maybe, but the energy she brought to even a capella performances of her songs attracted crowd members looking to dance and feel empowered.
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"You want something to move away for / A reason to colonize,” belted Priests singer Katie Alice Greer. Her stage presence and siren of a voice may have distracted a festival crowd from how subversive her lyrics are, especially on catchy songs like “JJ” and post-punk stompers like “Nothing Feels Natural”. Priests aren’t a perfect live band, either; the guitars on “JJ” were a bit out of tune, bassist Taylor Multiz’s mic was turned down too far on “Suck”, and “Nicki” was messy. But what’s important is that the same band who released Nothing Feels Natural was on display. (Drummer Daniele Daniele admirably performing the spoken word of “No Big Bang” was certainly a highlight). Love ‘em or hate ‘em, there’s nobody like Priests.
Dirty Projectors
Dirty Projectors played Pitchfork in 2012 at the top of their game, Amber Coffman and company’s harmonies the clear highlight, Dave Longstreth’s melodies and craftsmanship translating to the stage. This time around, even with the help of former Battles member Tyondai Braxton, it was painful. “Impregnable Question” missed Coffman. Longstreth’s singing on “Keep Your Name” was as out of tune as Brian Wilson was last year. “Little Bubble” failed to captivate anybody. “Up In Hudson”, the most in-tune, still ended up boring me to the point that I wanted to wait for Arca more than watch Longstreth continue to fall apart in front of an audience.
George Clinton
I could tell that George Clinton and Parliament/Funkadelic were amazing, great players, funk masters, and rappers. But this was just the classic case of bad sound and mic leveling issues making what could have been a highlight set exactly that: a big “what if.”
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Nicolas Jaar
At first minimal and noisy, which didn’t go well among the crowd dealing with the uncharacteristically dwindling July evening temperatures, Nicolas Jaar eventually led into a bass-heavy set more dance than anyone could have imagined. He occasionally sang-spoke into the mic but mostly stood at his laptops, his stage lights a blazing orange, his music drowning out American Football on the Blue Stage. For those wanting a party set from The Avalanches, who had to cancel their performance, this was the next best thing.
A Tribe Called Quest
I could have put A Tribe Called Quest’s set in many of these categories, but when they came on, all I could think about was how thankful I was to hear something truly energetic. The pinnacle of all no-bullshit hip-hop sets at Pitchfork, the now-trio launched right into “The Space Program” from last year’s excellent We Got It From Here… Thank You 4 Your Service. From there, they played highlights from that album but mixed in all the classics: “Excursions”, “Bonita Applebum”, “Electric Relaxation”, “Check the Rhyme”, “Can I Kick It?”, and “Award Tour”. Q Tip not only rapped but sounded great--at a stage earlier in the day experiencing sound problems, his voice rang clearly to a crowd wanting to hear him preach. Best, when any Phife Dawg verse came up, they let it play sans interruption, the screens on each side of the stage focusing on the empty microphone.
LCD Soundsystem
If I had to withstand any of Dirty Projectors and then leave Arca early, then LCD better put on a show. They did. They headlined in 2010 around the release of This Is Happening, maybe the best show I’ve ever seen. This time around, they played virtually the same set they did last year at Lollapalooza plus the two released new songs, the building “Call the Police” and night-time ditty “American Dream”. They may be a bigger band now, and they’re certainly older, but in the time they’ve been gone, you grow to appreciate not just their live brilliance, but their ability to get even curmudgeons to dance. Murphy may still be snotty; thankfully, he can still write great songs.
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Infinite Worlds, the debut album from Vagabon, is one of the strongest debuts of the year, so it was quite the move to open with one of its most powerful songs, the slow-building “Cold Apartment”. The rest of the set, though, showed off singer and guitarist Laetitia Tamko’s finger picking and vocals. Her voice in particular was beautiful when isolated among minimal instrumentation, though at times when she tried to rise above louder songs she was out of tune. Even if not picture perfect, Tamko was not only happy to be there but left it all out on stage, performing album highlights like “Cleaning House” and “The Embers”.
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The crowd watching Vagabon very intently
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Hiss Golden Messenger
Hiss Golden Messenger’s brand of country rock may have fallen on deaf ears at a festival very slowly embracing genres previously maligned by the bleeding edge hip. But that’s not the fault of the band. Running through tracks from Haw, Lateness of Dancers, Heart Like a Levee, and an upcoming album, they may not have won any new fans but confirmed for the faithful why they belonged, their pleasant and easy going instrumentation and lead singer M.C. Taylor’s existential laments making for a reflective set. Their final song, a new one called “When the Wall Comes Down”, is about exactly what you think it’s about (wait six more months for an overabundance of released “wall”-related recordings), but it was none the less powerful and a statement of togetherness.
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Kilo Kish
The set from frequent Vince Staples collaborator Kilo Kish started out with her sitting on a chair reading a copy of The New Yorker, pretending not to notice the audience. You can guess where it went from there. While her voice always sounded good, her interpretive dancing, props, and forced falls to the stage made me want to roll my eyes more than clap. With only a DJ to back her up with tracks--a strange mix of R&B, hip hop, and jazz beats--it made for one of the more disappointing fests of the festival.
PJ Harvey
The last two albums from PJ Harvey--2011′s instant classic Let England Shake and 2016′s mediocre The Hope Six Demolition Project--are both concept albums. When the first nine songs you play are from those albums, and in mixed order, it comes across like a Decemberists set on steroids. Entering with a marching band (her band consisted of both longtime collaborator John Parish and the very active ex-Bad Seed Mick Harvey) and a sax in her hand, Harvey came across as equally witchy and goofy. The jazzy “Let England Shake” went along with the black and white video of the performance, but it wasn’t until she performed three 90s favorites that the crowd went wild--“50ft Queenie”, “Down By The Water”, and “To Bring You My Love”. For how good those three sounded, the set was worth it.
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