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Jamming at Crooked Acres studio #UE #urbanexploration collective #crookedacresrecords #techno #noise #analogue #electro #korgms20 #shermanfilterbank #darkenergy #doepfermodular https://www.instagram.com/p/CEASHaZHPhD/?igshid=1n0zgcg2jvngw
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ok, let’s get the party started 🔥🕷🌵🖤 ... ‘cactus techno’ ... It’s prickly, it’s bright, it’s #128bpm ...but, maybe darkness looms on the edges? ... #circuitbent @casiovintage vs @teenageengineering #tonic vs #shermanfilterbank ... ◼️🖤⚫️ ... #ultraexclusive #rightnow at @acehotelpalmsprings
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No smile, no happy . Also need work hard. #cleantech #cleantechnology #laminarflow #laminarflowhood #airflow #cleanbooth #handdryer #handdryers #bagfilter #pocketfilter #prefilters #prefilter #carbonfilters #carbonfilter #filterbank #shermanfilterbank #ffu #passbox #DOPfilter #replaceablefilter #biological #equipment #flowbox #pharmacy #pharmaceutical #pharmacology https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhrtRchpnC/?igshid=a58vls0ws7zz
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There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. John Wiese live at NNN #johnwiese #softpunk #sissyspacek #powerelectronics #harsh #noise #shermanfilterbank #livemusicisbetter #neatneatneatrecords #recordstoresarecool (at Neat Neat Neat Records and Music) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3IrC6zA7w0/?igshid=nqcmlw012099
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Sherman filterbank compact version come with the juiciest of swag!! #shermanfilterbank (at Modular8)
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Ambient Intelligence live @ 樂 Space #rolandtr909 #rolandtr606 #rolandtb303 #acidmusic #electronicmusic #ambient #ambientmusic #shermanfilterbank #arp2600 #devilfish303 #devilfish #quicksilver606 #quicksilver303 (at Beijing, China)
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#tijuana #mexico #shermanfilterbank #qmf #techno #nortec #shermanfilter
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los lunes subo a la luz de las lunas 🌚 🌚 🌚 🌚 🌚 🌚 #🌚 #ruido #noise #shermanfilterbank #moons #lunes #luz #filterbank #zendelay #mercury7 @ericasynths @meris.us #agnesmartin #muybridge #minidisc #peterurban #thebubble #grids #noisemusic #🌑 #🌗 #🌙 #🌜 #🌛 #🌕 #🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 / on Instagram https://ift.tt/37DOYHs
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via MaxforLive.com New Devices
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Interview with Robin Hunt
I first heard about Robin Hunt when he appeared in a making-of video of ‘Hylas’, performed by Thomas Azier. In this video, synthesisers were re-amped in huge factory halls. This way of recording, resulted in a natural reverb throughout the recorded tracks. The process inspired me, and I wanted to ask him a few questions about it ever since. What struck me was the way he used the music production as a tool for the composition. I’ve included the video at the bottom of the article, and highly recommend checking it out!
Robin welcomes me in his studio, located in the eastern part of Berlin. It’s a unique place that used to be a factory. After a few coffees, he shows me around in the building. In the common room there is a timeline – with pictures drawn on the wall. It shows a timescale from 2010 until now, the period that, together with approximately twenty other people, Robin renovated the factory into a creative workspace. There are many trails left of abandoned engines and generators, many of them still working; trails of what the place used to be. I notice a lot of work was done to make the place what it is today.
On the way to his studio, we pass along a sewing atelier and a printing workspace. These rooms used to be empty, and Robin used the acoustic of the space to record some of his sounds. One of the industrial elevators is still in use. The sound of the mechanism, emergences deep from within the building. It is the exact sound that is heard the first twenty seconds of Thomas Azier’s ‘Shadows of the Sun’, which was also recorded in this place. His studio is a small tight-sounding room on the first floor. What started with a few questions about his workaround, turned into an amazingly inspiring afternoon. Until mid- afternoon we talked about sounds, song writing, mixing, synths, production and a lot more.
From Berlin to Paris After studying ‘Academie voor Popcultuur’ in Leeuwarden – The Netherlands, Robin moved to Berlin. The decision was huge, but in Leeuwarden nothing really happened for him; the music he made at that time was too extreme. He used to visit Berlin regularly, and bit by bit he discovered the exciting vibe of the city. After nine months he made the decision to move there permanently. ‘And at that moment everything happened instantly. I started to make different things, met different people… Thomas already lived here a few years, and he asked me to make a kick for ‘Shadows of the Sun’. That was quite hard to make with a TR-909. The bass tone is always a G#, but the bass needed to be Bb and F. It’s not going to work to pitch the bass because you will lose a lot of overtones, besides you’ll miss the punch. So what I did; I recorded the 909, cut the punch off the tail and only pitched the tail. The new tail I routed to the same effect chain as the punch had.’
After that recording, Thomas and Robin started working together more. When Hylas 002 was made, they got a lot of reactions and started to work on the full album in 2011. But before he was able to work on it, he had to build his studio first. In this period, he had to work ten hours a day for six days a week to finish it. All the sound reflections had to be tight. Every space has its resonation frequency. Some frequencies might resonate longer, and that’s not what you want to. The most important reason for him to get this right was mainly for the mixing process. Because the mixing room needs to sound as neutral as possible. ‘If you want to mix properly, these things need to be done.’ It was through the label of Thomas that he applied as engineer and technician in the Paris based Ferber studio: a studio with lots of history.
‘It was a new huge step for me to go to Paris. New city, new culture, different vibe. For me it feels more intense than when I left for Berlin … The level gets higher every time, and that is where I want to be. I had the chance to grow in Berlin. It is always on your best or nothing. You don’t go for okay, you go for the best, that is an ambition essential for success. But these choices also keep you alert. When you are in a safe environment you don’t have to do things and you don’t grow. I want to do things that excite me, but that’s a choice you have to make on your own.’
Plugins Then, Robin opened a few of the music projects he was working on. First we checked out an amazing remix with a solid pulse. The percussive synths sounded crystal clear and the song had a nice build-up. Some of the plugins he uses feature plugins from UVI, Chromaphone and Komplete. He explains that he likes to work with UVI because, even though it is sample based, its sound editing is still very flexible. I ask Robin if all the instruments in the remix were made by plugins, as a well known struggle for all composers and producers is the demo phase. Sometimes whenever you’re in the process of a song, the demo groove sounds so great already. Lots of producers want to record it with real microphones or synths, because ‘it is better’. Whenever the demo is finished and they start to record some of the instruments ‘for real’, they notice that the whole groove is not there anymore.
‘I will never get the groove as good as this anymore. And if I wanted it, I should have done it immediately in the process. You should make an agreement with yourself: record it immediately, or mute the tracks and really go for it later on. You shouldn’t continue and think ‘I’ll do it later’. Do it straight away! That’s the hard thing. When I was making this remix, I knew from the start that I would be using plugins. Where would I get such a great Kit in an Abbey Road room?
Recording with real microphones will give you another vibe, but it’s not necessarily the good one. For a long time I thought; I have a nice TR-808. So I should replace the digital drum sample with the ‘real’ thing. It is possible but it doesn’t get better necessarily. Sometimes a digital sample fits perfectly, in that case I don’t need to use the TR-808. If it feels right, it is right because only you know it. If you can’t live with it you should record it with real microphones. The important thing is: ‘what is better?’ Sound should be functional first. Nobody will care about the quality if it isn’t functional. Form follows function.’
Traveling with a studio Another reason for Robin to use more plugins, is because he’s on the road many times. For more than a year now, he travels frequently between his studio in Berlin and the Ferber studio in Paris. He explains that many hours of work are done travelling or in his bedroom, using nothing more than his laptop and earphones. He explains that most of the sounds that are made ‘in-the-box’ can sound terrific. Whenever sounds need to be adjusted, he can change it any time, right away.
‘Whenever I need to change something, it is still possible. But this is different for every project … in my workflow now it’s not working when I have a synthesiser in Berlin.’
On the other side, working with real hardware like synthesisers and amplifiers, can give you inspiration.
‘The fact that you’re working with amplifiers; you walk towards it, turn it on, place a microphone in front of it… You really put an effort in making the sound. You are physically putting energy in the process instead of clicking around. And this gives a totally different emotional vibe to the process. It is not necessary, but it gives a different meaning to the sound, because you know where it comes from. The Jupiter 8 sounds the same as the plugin. Nobody hears the difference. But you work differently on a real synth. Turning around knobs… it’s a different interface.’
In his studio there is still plenty of hardware, though. Some of the classic synths are placed above each other in a rack: Roland JX3P, Akai AX73, Virus TI and in close range the legendary TR-808 and TR-909. Even some nice effect processors are put on top of each other including the Sherman Filterbank and a Dynacord tape delay. Even though he sold the Korg EX-800, and the Yamaha TX7 recently, he will not get rid of the TR’s and the effect processors, because that is ‘the real shit’. But why are those TR’s so legendary?
‘Because it sounds extremely well, and it is intuitive. You can play with it, and every clap sounds a bit different, what makes it alive. This can almost not be done digitally. It has a certain groove. The feel will change completely whenever I turn this knob only the slightest bit.’
Visiting the place of producing-wizard Robin Hunt in Berlin. #tr808 #tr909 #shermanfilterbank
A post shared by New-Hansen (@newhansen) on Jan 3, 2017 at 6:15pm PST
The echo chamber In the end, Robin opened another music project where he is working on; a new song of Stefany June. He showed me around in the Live project, and had some amazing music production tricks. The lead sound that was dominating the bridge part of the song sounded like a fat synth, but it had the vibe of an acoustic string instrument. After a strip-down of all the effects, it appeared to be only his voice, humming a melody he made up! The simple humming was combined by a trombone that played the same line accompanied by a compressor, tuner and octaver. Even though the production is still work in progress, the basic beat had such a groove! Because the core of the song is the most important part, he explains.
‘The first question you ask yourself is: what is the core of the track? The drums were really important. They gave me a basic track, and I had to make lots of those sounds over again. When I finished the drums, I was able to continue with the chorus and strings. I’m not a decent guitar player, but I felt something else was needed in the chorus. So I cut out the notes, automated it and brought everything to the same level. Same with the claps; I recorded it four times, and panned it left and right. Some of them are reversed, a bit sloppy and with spring reverb. By recording it yourself, it gives the song a live vibe!’
The live vibe is also heard in the smaller percussion, hi-hats and cymbals. Lots of them are virtual instruments (Komplete) played on the keyboard and by purpose not quantised. The shaker is one of the instruments that was recorded live. The afternoon ended with an example of the use of the ‘reverb chamber’. The concrete industrial halls of the factory are very long. Every sound that echoes through, has an unique long decay. Lots of synths heard on ‘Hylas’ came through an amplifier to be recorded at the other side of the room by a microphone. This technique adds a bit of dirtiness to the synthesiser. Additional, instead of using plugins as reverb, the concrete halls of the factory add their own reverb to the sound, in a similar way Phil Spector did with his echo chamber back in the early 60’s. Robin showed how he made one of the kicks of the Stefany June record by hitting the floor with his shoe. The sound had a nice low dry impact. But whenever he opened the door, and hit the floor again, an amazing reverb echoed through the halls of the factory. A reverb that will give another emotional vibe to the sound than going through different pre-sets…
Interview with Robin Hunt was originally published on New Hansen
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So happy, excited #cleantech #cleantechnology #laminarflow #laminarflowhood #airflow #cleanbooth #handdryer #handdryers #bagfilter #pocketfilter #prefilters #prefilter #carbonfilters #carbonfilter #filterbank #shermanfilterbank #ffu #passbox #DOPfilter #replaceablefilter #biological #equipment #flowbox #pharmacy #pharmaceutical #pharmacology (在 順德長鹿農莊) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxT58A8B94h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wittew7cb6dd
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Had an awesome time getting sounds last weekend with @oscardelamor. He’s in the process of finishing a full length record (which is sounding rad!!) and wanted to put some tracks through analog goodness. One of the tools used often to sweeten synth tracks is this Sherman Filterbank which creates animated sweeps, swooshing effects & otherworldly textures 🤯 ShermanizeIT!!!! • • • • #shermanfilterbank #analogsynth #synth #synthesizer #analogfilter #effects #music #edm #production #analoggoodness #analog #piquerecording #mixingengineer #recordingengineer #musicproducer #lamusician #musician #recordingstudio #oscardelamor #tbt (at Pique Recording) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrWZh8uhYxp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fhydk8yhd54m
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#drumulator #shuffle #shuffledance #engine #sequencer #shermanfilterbank (at Malecón - Playas De Tijuana)
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