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xombigirl · 8 months ago
I am reaching the end of my rope. Hubs has been unofficially diagnosed with Crohn's Disease but he can't get disability yet and I'm down to just one job that can't even pay all our bills.
To top it all off we both have necessary dental appointments tomorrow and insurance is being a little bitch and won't cover them completely since we've both already had appointments this year.
I hate it here. If anyone can toss a few bucks my way so we can have our appointments tomorrow and also some groceries that would be amazing. I'm just so tired.
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/xombigirl
Venmo: xombigirl
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otterlyart · 6 years ago
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“This is not Astrid. But the face is looking right at you with a smile.”
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beetlemancy · 6 years ago
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that time the camera-op knew exactly what we all watched Madness for
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disasterhumans · 6 years ago
Top 5 Beau Moments?
Beau!! There are so many good Beau moments!! This was quite difficult, not least because my memory is terrible, and there are so many good Beau moments to remember.
5. Her getting high with Molly early in the campaign. I already loved Beau at that point. I already appreciated what we knew of her and her life before joining the Mighty Nein (her fight with Dairon in episode 4 was a contender for this spot). But a full year and change later Beau asking Molly whether or not your childhood counts as a childhood if it was someone else’s still sticks with me and fucks me up in the feels.
4. Look I’ve already yelled about this but “How was I supposed to get better? You fucking left!” will always fuck me up. Just...Beau’s fucking face in that moment. Fuck.
3. The Lavorregard conversation in episode 46 (I think?). Just!! Beau apologizing to Jester for calling her a bad liar. Beau saying that Jester is a good liar, and she can tell, because Beau is one too. Beau assuring Jester that she’s allowed to be angry, and sad—that Beau, in fact, wants to see Jester’s anger. Beau telling Jester she admires Jester for taking her loneliness and using it to create. Beau offering to be Jester’s best friend (but also kind of awkwardly hedging that request, because Beau.) Beau saying “I love you, too, Jes.” Beau returning the hug. Beau.
2. Just...her and Molly in episode 26 and 27. While I think Nott is technically the M9 member Beau was least close to at that point, Molly was arguably the M9 member she liked the least. But despite their mutual disdain for each other at the beginning of the campaign, the two of them were legitimately beginning to get close. They trusted each other in a way that hinged on the fact that they both also severely mistrusted each other. Beau was so, so skeptical of Molly’s life philosophy and self-perception, but then when the two of them get the chance to swap stories from their past she realizes oh, he isn’t completely full of shit. And she feels so fucking guilty about the things she’s done in her own past that she chooses to deflect and share a minor anecdote instead of opening up about her past in the way she originally intended. But before she gets the chance to actually, really open up to him. To admit to him that there’s something he has that she wants—he up and fucking dies. And she just gets so? Pissed? Pissed at Lorenzo. Pissed at Keg (”he was our fucking friend” she says a person she has professed to hate, multiple times). Pissed at herself. And she then gives this open, honest, heartfelt speech to and about him, marking one of the only (if not the only) time Beau has been vulnerable in front of more than one group member. She takes his death, and their final conversation, and she builds a credo for herself.
1. “I...wait” Has there ever been a moment of character development so rewarding and so plot relevant that could be summed up in two whole words?? Is there?? And in-universe, it would have been no words! Beau just...stops. She stops and waits and trusts that in this case waiting and not acting—not punching her way through—is what it will take to save her family friends. Iconic. Never stanned her more. But then she just goes and keeps. Getting. Growing. Keeps changing. Keeps supporting her friends. Keeps figuring out exactly how she wants to move through the world. Her epiphany after Molly’s death was really a turning point for her. But this moment is Beau and the audience seeing that she can really live that path she’s tried to set herself down. I’m still emotional about it months later.
Honorable mention to every single Team Human interaction/conversation because that is its own post and I could not pick only one interaction of theirs to include.
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luckthebard · 6 years ago
Liam O'Brien is a goddamned masterclass. The way he drops the accent when he's speaking in Zemnian and the way he doesn't hesitate when he speaks and then how he immediately reverts so fucking hard after that conversation. I'm in AWE
Honestly, it was a good night for him. And even more impressive to have done over skype! At about 1am I realized it was that time for him too.
It’s interesting, I wonder what we might have missed because skype is always difficult, but it was also really easy to see his facial expressions with the new skype screen.
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spacefjords · 6 years ago
I'd kill to see your take on your fave pairing from Campaign one of CR
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hello now that im back from the UK and also have photoshop back and need to remember how to use that again i figured id try to do at least one of these asks (we’ll see if i get to more of them later or not)
Good Old Vex’leth
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nilim · 6 years ago
For the one word prompt thing: chess
“You’re very good at this, Mr. Clay.” 
Caduceus looked across the board and gave the other man a warm smile. Caleb had his chin in hand, elbow leaning on his knee as he stared intently at the pieces in front of him. 
“Hm, thank you. I guess I’ve had a lot of opportunity for practice.” 
“Ja?” Caleb said, still looking at the board. “Against your siblings?” 
Caduceus looked at the wizard curiously. He did not know Caleb as someone to often ask personal questions such as that. But here, sitting on either side of a chess board carefully balanced on a small tree stump, he noticed the deep concentration on the man’s face. 
The question had appeared almost as an automatic response. Perhaps Caleb’s personal barriers were temporarily lowered as his mental resources were intently focused elsewhere. 
“Not much, no. But I spent many seasons alone, and would often play against myself.” 
The wizard nodded, hummed a soft agreement and then slowly reached out. His hand hovered above a white piece, but it did not actually make a move to pick it up. Biting his lip, Caleb seemed to reconsider. Finally he let out a sigh and leaned back again, his chin returning to his hand. 
Caduceus smiled softly, amused at the man’s immense concentration. 
“There was this great, green oak tree near the back of the Blooming Grove,” He said, thinking back to his home as he picked up his mug of tea, “Sometimes I’d play against him instead.” 
It took a few seconds, but then a puzzled expression appeared on Caleb’s face. He looked up sharply at the firbolg, eyebrows raised.
 “...Did you win?” 
“Hmm, no.” Caduceus said, sipping his tea. “We never finished a game.”
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kimabutch · 6 years ago
I don't know if you'd be interested but I wrote the only(at least currently) Lieve'tel/Bertrand fic with a friend of mine.
Oooh yes, link it!
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loversandantiheroes · 6 years ago
sherlockianliza replied to your post “thatsaninfraction replied to your post “Alright no but really I am...”
I will forever be salty about the changes to Mike's storyline.
Hard same.  Mike Hanlon deserved better.
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antivanruffles · 6 years ago
The Phoenix Incident. It stars Travis Willingham, Liam O'Brien, Troy Baker and Yuri Lowenthal
YES, I am familiar with this film but have yet to watch it.
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xombigirl · 3 months ago
I am so fucking tired. Everything sucks and on top of just some pretty awful shit at work(basically we're moving and it's a fucking shit show)my husband has a severe sinus infection and I have a whole $2.39 to my name. I need $150 to get him to the doctor(can't afford to put him on my health insurance because of course it's $250 *a fucking week* to do so)and then another $60 for prescriptions and food because we're broke as fuck.
Venmo: xombigirl
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/xombigirl
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disasterjones · 6 years ago
I saw the bl3 trailer before hubs and immediately called dibs on the sexy sniper man. He was pissed. 😂😂
hgkdfghdjdf I watched it with the duder and as soon as the new siren used her powerup I was like “she’s so cool!! I wanna be her” and he playfully scoffed at me and said “you mean you wanna bone her.”
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beetlemancy · 6 years ago
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that time emmett was a human ladder
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disasterhumans · 6 years ago
I've been in denial about the one shot tonight if I'm being honest. *Sobs loudly*
I miss Vax SO MUCH and seeing the rest of VM without him is a such a heartache.
Also Lieve’tel better be there at least, because I don’t think I can handle mourning two different Liam O’Brien characters at once
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luckthebard · 6 years ago
I'm reading Reddit and just DYING
The level of shock some of those people are demonstrating that their supposedly “legit” criticism might be summarily dismissed (because it was kind of ridiculous) is astonishing.
They’re also acting like Brian was calling out one person in particular, which???? That thread may have started “polite” (ymmv, I personally thinking titling your thread “take off the rose-colored glasses” and then listing why you think anything that isn’t serious D&D questions is an unnecessary “distraction” is kind of rude) but that thread birthed so many awful complaints about Dani’s very existence and how much time they spend loving Henry (only a legitimate complaint if you think they don’t pet him enough) that the whole thing was rightfully dunked on.
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mrandmrsvex · 6 years ago
They said on Talks it was Brittany Walloch Key who voiced T.N. Tina
no wonder I didn’t recognise her, don’t really know her voice :P thanks for the info!
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