witchingshcdows · 1 year
I have so many issues (thirst) with WoT women this season...
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ofthebrownajah · 2 years
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We have our Sheriam!
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mashithamel · 1 year
WoTober Day 3
Prompt: Penance
Sheriam eyed the girl fidgeting on her stool. Most women who sat in front of her had the sense to look chagrined, but this one radiated anger and yanked her long braid.
“Child, how many times this week alone have you been sent to my office?”
The girl scowled at the floor. “Three.” There was a strained silence before the belated, “Sheriam Sedai.”
“And what was it this time, child?”
Sheriam had yet to meet the Tower initiate who could not be taught proper respect, but clearly the Two Rivers had earned it’s reputation for breeding them stubborn and proud.
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forbiddenjello · 1 year
Shout out to Rima Te Wiata as Sheriam Sedai! I adore her so much!!
(Mild season 2 ep.5 spoilers)
Gaslit, gatekeep, girlboss. Also love the quick mention that the White Tower no longer uses switching.
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moghedien · 1 year
I do love how immediately Alanna just accepted that not only was Egwene hooking up with someone in the White Tower, but she was hooking up with multiple people and genuinely needed help on how to manage her performance in three ways while still satisfying herself
like you know that Egwene is definitely not the first Novice or Accepted to go to Alanna for love and sex advice and Alanna is just like "this is my job, I will counsel these girls on sex" and assumes that's what they're there for when they come ask to talk to her privately
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killldeer · 1 year
i know that 2x05 also gave us aviendha and lanfear and damane egwene but i cannot stop thinking about the scene between verin and sheriam. there was SO MUCH STUFF crammed in there. fellow books fans am i the only one going this wild or is the combined weight of sheriam being extremely sus; verin seeming like she knows everything and was messing with sheriam for fun; verin casually mentioning that she’s interested in reading up on one of the two amyrlins who was raised from the red and then stripped of stole and staff for doing something insane; and then the browns pulling a crazy red herring and implying that sheriam is actually innocent and Compulsed and that The Black Ajah Is Making Her Do It making you guys fucking lose it too
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halcyon-autumn · 1 year
I didn’t really get how Liandrin was trying to recruit Nynaeve for the Black Ajah (if being a shitty teacher turned people into Darkfriends, the White Tower would be screwed) until I saw how effectively Ryma teaches Nynaeve. Ryma is patient and uncritical, and she connects with Nynaeve over something that she knows matters to her. She uses examples that she knows Nynaeve is familiar with, and she gets Nynaeve to channel pretty quickly (the channeling is uncontrolled but at least Nynaeve can embrace the source). Liandrin, meanwhile, just tried to piss Nynaeve off and praised her when she channeled in rage. Given how effective Ryma’s method was, I can only assume that Liandrin’s terrible approach was meant to make Nynaeve’s control issues and mental block WORSE.
If Nynaeve is angrier and less in control, if she NEEDS anger to channel - she’s more likely to end up isolated. And since the other teachers don’t subscribe to the “make her furious to get her to attack me with the Power” school of teaching, they won’t be able to get her to channel - ONLY Liandrin will. Nynaeve would be lonely and reliant on Liandrin, and even more bitter with the White Tower that keeps failing her - which would make it easier for her to eventually be recruited to the black ajah (or at least Liandrin thinks this is what would happen; Nynaeve would never).
Anyway Sheriam is bad at her job and never should have let Liandrin near a Novice or Accepted.
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markantonys · 6 months
the whole vibe of black ajah verin investigating black ajah liandrin possibly compelling black ajah sheriam is just so good
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
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Sisters of a Certain Shade || WHEEL OF TIME 2x01: A Taste of Solitude
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asha-mage · 1 year
WoT Musing: Aes Sedai 4D Chess
God okay. I have so much more to say about ALL OF THIS but especially I want to talk about all the unspoken contradicting layers at play in last night's episode:
The way that Verin KNOWS that Sheriam is Black Ajah but has to pretend that she doesn't know, has to leave her room for plausible deniability and escape, and Sheriam knows that Verin is Black Ajah but thinks that Verin doesn't know that Sheriam knows Verin is Black Ajah, and Sheriam has to play her hand evenly or else risk exposing herself to a threat, a challenge to her authority, claiming she simply 'forgot' things she never would and feign ignorance about others. The way that Verin DOSEN'T know if Yasica is Black Ajah or not so she dares not make the obvious accusation against Sheriam when the opportunity presents itself, and instead offers an excuse, softening 'traitor' into 'dupe' to avoid the risk of the Black Ajah's council coming down on her head.
And especially the way that Verin confronts Liandrin, who is off balance and and armed only with her clumsy attempts at disguising her recent travels, the ones that practically shout I RECENTLY WENT SOMEWHERE AT THE SAME TIME AS THE MISSING NOVICES AND I WANT A CLEAR ALIBI NO ONE CAN DOUBT, DON'T BE SUSPICIOUS OF ME. The way she leaps on the first chance to cover her tracks- she herd a rumor! about a BANDIT attack! the tragedy Verin! We must figure out the implications for the Tower's relationship to Andor! No time to worry about if it's true or not, or about finding those girls, their probably dead anyways!
And the way Verin can't help but snort because for all of Liandrin's strengths, she is so far out of her depth that Liandrin's attempt to dissemble alone gives away to Verin exactly her role in the girl's disappearance. Verin learns everything she needs too, all without ever showing her hand fully, even to the audience.
It's so, so on brand.
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amemoryofwot · 11 months
Apparently Lelaine’s casting was leaked, aww yis my horde of tertiary Aes Sedai are coming together
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behindfairytales · 3 months
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Joelle as Joiya Byir Rima Te Wiata as Sheriam Bayanar
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apocalypticavolition · 3 months
Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 23: Sealed
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We get the Wheel icon now that Egwene's taking a big step towards her destiny by becoming an Accepted.
“Is that all there is for me?” she demanded. “To abandon him again and again. To betray him, fail him, again and again? Is that what there is for me?”
"I win again, Latra Posae." I mentioned all this last time as a justification for Egwene's character development and now I'll go even further and say it's a necessary step for her. An Egwene who hadn't seen Rand as failed shepherd, savior, and channeler, who had had the strength to break away from fake Rands despite their suffering is an Egwene who wouldn't have been able to force the seal debate and while we can argue all day about the effectiveness of that plotline, it was a necessary one.
Tension seemed to go out of the other Aes Sedai facing Egwene. Elaida let out a long breath, then hurried away for the last chalice.
Another hint that Elaida is an antagonist but not a monster: she is visibly relieved Egwene is alive. She may well have started the coup early if she had died.
The last words seemed to have a special meaning, just between Egwene and the Amyrlin.
The words of the ceremony aren't different, but the actions alongside them are. At this point, Nynaeve had already been pulled to her feet, while Egwene remains there.
Why don’t I feel any different?
Because the Tower is a hollow enough institution that its ceremonies no longer ring true?
Egwene made herself wait for the Aes Sedai to hand the bundle to her rather than snatch them away. “Thank you, Aes Sedai.” She tried to eye the papers surreptitiously; she could not tell if they had been disturbed.
I'm gonna go with "No, not really," because Elaida would think anything to do with Egwene is dumb and for babies.
I do not believe you will ever be part of the White Tower, not in the way the rest of us are, no matter on which finger you wear your ring.
Elaida's ironically correct in that Egwene will be far more of the Tower than any of the women in this room: two Amyrlins yet to be deposed, two Black Ajah members who will become Keepers and be cast out, and a woman who will commit a crime with her powers considered tantamount to rape. Also at least two other two non-entities.
“I try to protect novices where they need it, since they cannot protect themselves. You are Accepted, now. It is time for you to learn to protect yourself.”
Also Elaida's important politically and Sheriam's after political power, so it's no good to make an enemy of her.
You have my apologies, though words are not enough. Not for what almost happened to you. I say this, and by the First Oath you know it is true. To show my feelings, I will ask the Mother to let me share your time in the kitchens. And, yes, your visit to Sheriam, too. Had I done as I should, you would not have been in danger of your life, and I will atone for it.
What are you playing at Alanna? She's not Black like Egwene fears but even when Egwene assumes that Alanna wants to speak with her specifically, it's not like that ever gets followed up on. Is Alanna already trying to get a Two Rivers boy as a warder? Is she already planning the excursion she'll make to get new recruits and thinks Egwene is a more suitable source of info than Nynaeve?
First, you must love men. I don’t mean be in love with them, but love them. Not like a Blue, who merely likes men, so long as they share her causes and do not get in her way. And certainly not like a Red, who despises them as if every one of them were responsible for the Breaking.
I'd like to be charitable and suggest that Alanna is talking about some sort of love of humankind, but I keep having season two flashbacks and feel safe that I can rule that out.
In the Trolloc Wars, we were often called the Battle Ajah. All Aes Sedai helped where and when they could, but the Green Ajah alone was always with the armies, in almost every battle. We were the counter to the Dreadlords. The Battle Ajah. And now we stand ready, for the Trollocs to come south again, for Tarmon Gai’don, the Last Battle. We will be there.
Just another example of how the mighty have fallen, isn't it? The Greens are up there with Borderland monarchs when it comes to abandonment of their duties.
“I never heard of such a thing,” the Amyrlin barked. “The owner doesn’t muck out with the bilge boys even if he has run the boat on a mudflat.”
Not to be a complete revolutionary here but maybe that's something the owner should do on occasion? Not that Siuan's wrong here that making Alanna the scullion Aes Sedai is in fact a terrible thing. It's a good contrast between her and Elaida, who of course gladly throws away the tiny amount of dignity the Tower has left whenever the whim suits her.
I have told you that you may visit Sheriam. Accompany her tonight when you leave here.
If there isn't a slash fic about this occasion, all the straight dudes and lesbians of this fandom have been letting themselves down, just saying.
“Since you seem to be asleep standing up, child, I suggest you go to bed.” For one instant her glance flashed to the nearly concealed papers in Egwene’s hands. “You have much work to do tomorrow, and for many days thereafter.”
I am relatively certain that Egwene will indeed get almost no real breaks between now and her demise, except maybe a little time at the Stone between this book and the next.
She did not want to be alone, could not stand the thought of it, and so she hurried to the Accepted’s quarters, thinking that tomorrow she would be moving there herself, and immediately after knocking pushed open Nynaeve’s door. She could trust her with anything. Her and Elayne.
It's really sweet that Elayne is already a member of the group like this, for Egwene to trust her so reflexively.
Elayne lifted a face red and swollen from long crying, sniffing through her sobs when she saw Egwene. “I could not be that awful, Egwene. I just couldn’t!”
I wonder what Elayne's three visions were. The first one was probably at the Royal Palace and offered her an idealized version of her family, but the second and third are harder to guess at, except that I think that the third would probably be more like Nynaeve's and take place post-Last Battle. Even the first one's not a certainty. She might well have found herself back in Falme. Anyone got good fic recommendations here?
“It eases with time. It eases, a little. One day we will make them pay our price. Hush. Hush.”
Nynaeve's the best comforter, but sadly they never do manage to make the Tower pay for much of anything, do they?
Next time: The most popular fight in the series!
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I’m sure folks talked about this already, but do we think it’s possible Sheriam is just being compelled in the show instead of actually being Black Ajah?
I feel like this could be an interesting interpretation of her half-hearted commitment in the books, plus she never really has a good motivation for joining the Dark and we know the show likes a strong character motivation. It would also be an interesting way to show other elements of how the dark is evil and teach viewers more about compulsion.
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ofthebrownajah · 1 year
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New casting!
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iviarellereads · 2 months
The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 22 - The Price of the Ring
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Flame icon) In which we get a scene that echoes back to another that came before.
PERSPECTIVE: Egg is only a short way from Verin's rooms when Sheriam finds her and says it's time for her Accepted test. She leads her down to the room with the three arches, and gives her the same speech she gave Nyn last book. Egg undresses to go through, and Alanna, there to represent the Green Ajah, says there's some kind of resonance or echo in the arches, she can't identify from where. Sheriam asks if it's a problem, and Alanna says no, she's just never heard of that happening before.(1)
The first time is for what was, the way will come but once. Egg raises her head to Rand talking about a peddler with strange news. She's rocking a cradle with a child... her daughter, Joiya. She asks Rand to tell his strange news, and he says the rest of the world seems to be caught up in a war with some funny folk, calling themselves the Sanchan or something. Egg almost remembers.
Rand's getting headaches, and strange things happen when he does. He has another now, but as Egg moves to soothe him, the silver arch appears. She takes a step toward it, then cries out that no, this is what she wants, why can't she have this, too? Rand gets up to ask her what she's talking about, but he falls to the ground, his headache worse than ever before.(2) It's the hardest thing Egg's ever had to do to keep walking toward the arch.
The second time is for what is. Egg is in a dusty silk dress, in the Royal Palace of Andor. The whole city of Caemlyn is in ruins. Trollocs, Darkfriends, and Myrddraal prowl, searching for "him". She runs through the rubble and finds Rand pinned by a beam. It's all he can do to hold the madness at bay, if he gives an inch it will take him over. He gestures at a dagger, and tells her to kill him. She can't! He says the Myrddraal and Dreadlords will turn him to the dark, he can't fight them if he's mad. She looks over her shoulder and sees the arch. She has to refuse him and walk toward it, though he cries out for her.
As Sheriam guides her to the next arch, Egg mentions that "he" said Myrddraal and Dreadlords could turn him to the Shadow. Sheriam almost stumbles, and says that the custom is not to speak of what happens inside the ter'angreal. Egg asks if it's true, and Sheriam says it's not a widely known fact, and she shouldn't ever have to learn it, but yes, it takes thirteen Darkfriends who can channel - the Dreadlords - and thirteen Myrddraal. But it hasn't been done since the Trolloc Wars. Egg comments that with Liandrin and the others, they make thirteen. Sheriam says she should forget that.(3)
The third time is for what will be. Egg stares into the mirror, surprised at the ageless smoothness of her face, and by the striped stole around her shoulders. She's the Amyrlin Seat here. Her Keeper, Beldeine, comes up behind her, her stole green, meaning that must be what Ajah Egg chose before the raising. The "way back will come but once" whisper gets cut off, for a new whisper: Thirteen Darkfriends.(4)
The Keeper leads Egg to a great hall, scared to her toenails. It's the Hall of the Tower, with all the Sitters, representatives of the Ajahs. Elaida is one, and calls for "him" to be brought in. Rand is in chains and Elaida calls for the pronouncement that he should be gentled, as can only happen here. Egg hesitates, and Elaida cues a coup.(5) Egg gets knocked in the head, but awakens before they cut her off from the Source. She counts thirteen Aes Sedai, and thirteen Myrddraal, and loses her shit, killing the Myrddraal and knocking out the Dreadlords.
She finds Beldeine, who says the Dreadlords stilled her, forced her to betray Egg. But what can Egg do now? She says she never held the Oath Rod,(6) and goes on a Mission(tm) to find and save Rand. As she's getting to the open Traitor's Court, planning to use balefire, whatever that is, to distract them, the "way back will come" message comes back, startling her, and she turns to see the arch, wavering in and out of reality, and she can hear the Aes Sedai on the other side fighting to keep it open. With a scream of rage that she once again can't save Rand, she throws herself at it.
Light plucked her apart fiber by fiber, sliced the fibers to hairs, split the hairs to wisps of nothing. All drifted apart on the light. Forever.(7)
(1) What's different about this? Only that Egwene is carrying that little stone ring ter'angreal… but surely that shouldn't affect the arches? Then again, for all the Aes Sedai confidence in these rituals, there's obviously a lot they don't know about. They didn't know what most of the ter'angreal the Black Ajah defectors with Liandrin took could do, and if nobody's seen the stone ring in almost five hundred years, why would anyone have tested it in the room with the arches, which are only used to raise novices to Accepted? What do you think these objects could have in common? (2) Rand here, in this AU, is beginning to channel involuntarily, and his wilder sickness seems to be playing out as we saw it develop in book 1. (3) And Sheriam's right, isn't she, from her own perspective? Egg ought to keep her focus on her studies and the Tower, not on her old flame and the world at large and the defection of thirteen women who almost incriminated the Wondergirls by default. (4) Curious. Nynaeve also got some deviance in what she was led to expect. Do you think most of the arch journeys are different from what the ritual explanations provide, or are the Wondergirls just that special? (5) Do you think Elaida is Black Ajah in the waking world, too? Do you think her ambitions could lead her to participate in such a horrifying breach of protocol, if the motivation were right? Do the answers to those two questions depend on each other to be true, in your opinion? (6) Shouldn't that be impossible? How would Egg have managed it? It's funny enough that her "what is yet to come" shows her being Amyrlin, after it's been said a half dozen times that she could be someday, but this seems like a stretch, doesn't it? Even in the dream of the arches, she's not sure how she managed it. (7) I sure hope she made it or we've just wasted an awful lot of POV chapters. Well, not wasted, if she dies now we HAVE learned quite a bit through her perspective… but surely there were other ways to convey that information instead of using a character who was about to die?
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