#shelby miller roanoke
betchiwilleatyou · 2 years
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bonnieblue727 · 1 year
Chapter 6 S06E06
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My Roanoke Nightmare was a massive success during its run, attracting over 23 million viewers. Spurred by its success, Sidney, the network executive and producer, pitches a new idea for a follow-up series entitled Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell where the reenactors and their real-world counterparts are brought together in the Roanoke house for three days during the blood moon.
The real Shelby Miller is reluctant to participate in the new series but is convinced to do it by a chance to reconnect with her estranged husband, Matt. As part of the new series, the lives of the reenactors who portrayed these events are explored. As the crew prepares the house for filming, strange events begin to unfold. As the series commences, the reenactors begin to get a taste of the true horrors within the house. It is revealed that throughout the new series, all but one of the participants died in the house and that the series never made it to air. The first victim was Rory, the reenactor who played Edward Philippe Mott, who the two nurses murdered.
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mulherviado · 4 years
Shelby Miller in American Horror Story: ROANOKE icons
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lotties-ashwagandha · 3 years
pairing: audrey tindall x reader
word count: 1622
notes and warnings: in honor of valentine’s day here’s whatever this is,, this is very vaguely inspired by the song ‘honey honey’ by abba,, i don’t think there’s any warnings (maybe alcohol use and getting a little tipsy/drunk)!!
synopsis: in which you and audrey pretend to be partners to get the restaurant’s valentine’s day discount — yet after dinner you find out who she is, a television star with no need for any sort of discount.
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The lights glistened above, the presence of light known to you, yet everywhere you looked was shrouded in darkness.
The quiet chatter of every table in the restaurant had accumulated into one insurmountable roar, seemingly collective, questioning your presence alone in such a place of solidarity. Yet though you felt a thousand eyes on your back, every head was turned away from you. Every conversation excluded you entirely.
You weren't sure anymore why you'd thought this would be such a great idea — going out to dinner on Valentine's Day, you assumed it would be a sort of escape from the whole holiday. It had always angered you, even when you had a partner, the whole prospect of corporations using their influence to create such a horrid holiday for their own gain. Going out to dinner had seemed, in the ease of planning, to be a much better option than drinking away your loneliness and irritation in your house and seeing where a night such as that would take you. Nowhere good, as you knew.
Control was inflicted upon you in public on such a horrid day. You knew you had to be sober enough, alert enough, content enough to get home at the end of the night, by which time you would want nothing more than your pillow and a long rest, and when you went to work the next day it would all be over and gone.
Yet now, with all of this jollification surrounding you and your loneliness filling what meager space you still had left to yourself in the crowded restaurant, you couldn’t believe how utterly stupid you had been.
Your eyes began to scan the room, a silent search for your waiter, for you wished to claim the check.
“Ah, there you are darling, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
You looked up, confusion filling you as you watched the woman before you sink into the seat at the opposite end of the table. The woman held a mischievous spark in her eyes – everything she glanced at seemed to glow as if being touched by the sun for the very first time.
She winked, glancing around before continuing to speak. Her voice had quieted as if the two of you were sharing a secret. “There’s a couple’s discount for Valentine’s Day. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind having dinner with me, we could split the check. 50% off, can you believe it?”
“Wait, wait, who are you? Do I know you?” You asked, though you knew quite well that you would remember such a divine woman if you had met her before. “Sorry, maybe it’s the drink, but I’m a bit confused…”
The blonde before you looked around again, and you couldn’t tell if it was excitement or disappointment that had a larger hold on her features. Finally, her eyes settled on you. “You don’t know who I am?”
“Should I?”
She paused for a moment before deciding. “No, I suppose not…”
“What’s your name?”
“Audrey Tindall,” she grinned at the sound of her own name.
“I’m Y/N.”
She smiled, a smile that felt dangerous, as if you were somehow deliberately breaking some unsaid rule. Maybe it was the fake-couple nonsense she had proposed to get the discount, but something about her felt spontaneous and lively and gravitational. “So then, Y/N, will you be my partner? Just for dinner?”
You hesitated – you saw in this a double-edged sword. A fear of being too spontaneous, too forward, jumping into something that had happened upon you in an instant. The way she kept glancing around the restaurant every few moments as if she had something to hide didn’t help either.
So it was very surprising, very riveting and uncharacteristic when you felt yourself agreeing to her unstated terms. The “Sure, why not?” that had escaped your lips did not sound like your own voice, did not feel like your own words. It felt as if an outside force were controlling you completely – a character in a movie, a doll, completely helpless when it came to your own mind.
“Good evening,” the waiter had approached, a young, lanky man with hair pulled back into a small bun at the back of his head and a beard that reached the start of his black apron. “What can I get started for the two of you?”
You waited for her to order first, watching her well-postured mannerisms and the way she continued to illuminate the room with a light so stifling that you were sure the restaurant would be blown to pieces in the force of her sanctity. She glowed so immensely, so effortlessly, her whole being composed of a vivacity unmatched by that of anyone you’d ever met.
“Y/N? Did you hear me?”
At her voice you jumped, meeting her eyes once more. “Sorry?”
“I asked if you would split a cabernet with me,” she laughed, fidgeting briefly with a piece of her short blonde hair.
“Of course,” you could feel your face going red, embarrassed that you had let yourself drift off into such a trance over someone you had met only ten minutes ago.
She grabbed your hand as the waiter nodded and asked if you required anything else. A trick to sell the act, you knew, yet her hand over yours, the spark still in her eyes, the way everything became louder and brighter was so real that your newness to one another seemed like a lie.
The waiter was gone. You wished to make conversation with her, and you could tell from her expression that she wished the same, yet neither of you quite knew where to start or what to say.
“What do you do? For work?” She asked, and you saw the slightest bit of insecurity bleed through the facade she had kept up until now.
“This and that,” you answered. You loathed your job, an assistant for the most detestable woman at Kineros Robotics. You wished to escape from even thinking of the place on this night, such a night that had taken a most surprising turn. It was like the briefest mention of Kineros Robotics would send this fantasy world that had happened upon you crumbling to the ground. “What about you? What do you do?”
Audrey had regained her confidence, echoing you. “This and that.”
You grinned. In a strange way, you were grateful for the anonymity the two of you shared and the way it had quickly blossomed into a night so wonderful.
The waiter returned with your wine, pouring you each a glass before taking his leave.
“To us,” she raised her glass.
“Yes, here’s to our seventh anniversary,” you joked, and her laugh was so light, so endearing, so effervescent.
So quickly had the night changed.
So quickly had the light shone in the darkness, how quickly had the day broken through an eternal night.
You blundered out of the restaurant, your arms locked. Laughter bubbled up in your chest, spilling out of you as the two of you attempted to make your way along the sidewalk. Night had fallen completely, and two bottles of wine had been emptied between the two of you, the night beginning to drift into a sort of hazy, slow-motion state.
She leaned into you, laughing at something you couldn’t remember being so hilarious. You slipped a hand around her waist. It felt natural, how quickly the two of you had connected – the restaurant kept getting further behind, and the act was free to be over, and yet somehow the two of you were still together.
Your phone dinged from your pocket. You clumsily retrieved it, opening the message you’d been sent by one of your friends: a trailer for some show they’d been watching.
You had not meant to open the link, but your share of the two bottles had gone into full effect and soon the trailer filled your screen.
Audrey paused. She slowly looked over your shoulder, and had she been any more tipsy she would have snatched the phone right out of your hands.
Speechless, you put your phone away.
For there she had been. Right on the screen, there she had been.
“You could’ve mentioned being a fucking TV star,” you said quietly, beginning to walk on and distancing yourself from her.
“No, no, wait!” she shouted, racing to catch up with you. “I didn’t really lie about anything, you know, I just didn’t want–”
“Why did you do this? Why are we doing this? You didn’t need a fucking discount, Audrey!”
She did not respond for a moment, chewing her bottom lip, looking from here to there to behind her and back again.
You were about to keep walking when she stopped you, capturing your lips with hers for the briefest of moments. Yet time seemed to pause – you were overcome by an electric thrill at her touch, an irrepressible jubilation.
A quiet moment passed after the kiss, in which she looked into your eyes, attempting to read your mind before continuing. “That’s why.”
You nodded, attempting to hold a serious expression. But your smile won, it conquered the brief irritation, and you were right back to the glee you’d been feeling all night.
“Do you want to try this all again sometime, but go back seven years?” She laughed as she referenced your earlier joke of a seven-year anniversary.
“I would love to.”
And you continued walking, your arms linked once more.
And maybe in seven years you would be back at the restaurant, referencing this night with cabernet and sweet nothings, celebrating this night that had been so randomly elected as the start of your futures.
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dreamypqulson · 2 years
— love grows where my tindall goes
requested by @cordeliaspaulson: "reader is horrible at social interaction and is really shy but Audrey is the only person she's fully comfortable with and only feels like she can be herself around Aud"
pairing: audrey tindall x reader
word count: 1000
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“There they are y/n!” Audrey nudged your shoulder, entirely disregarding what you’ve been saying. “There are who? What are you talking about” you tried to spot who she was awfully motioning her head to, but everyone looked the same; fancy dresses, sophisticated faces, and fancy hair.
“The casting directors for y/f/m! I want you to meet them. You love that movie!” Loved that movie? You make Audrey watch it every. single. night. with you.
Before you could argue, Audrey already grabbed your arm and began to drag you to them. They were entirely across the room yet it felt like they were right in front of you. It was like you could feel their breath on your face. You could hear their voices directly in your ear. And their judging eyes burning your skin.
"Aud!" you whisper-yelled. It was loud enough in this crowd for absolutely no one to hear you but still, you couldn't bring your voice above a whisper. You didn’t want to draw any attention to you both.
You knew Audrey wouldn’t mind. In fact, she would love all the attention so twitter would be gushing over her and her girlfriend for the entire night.
As for you, you wanted to curl up into a little ball and hide in a hole in the middle of nowhere.
"No. Nope nope nope. You are breaking out of your shell, miss y/n." Audrey said, pushing you through the crowd.
She looked like she was kidnapping you.
"Audrey! People are staring at us!" You tried to rip your arm away but Audrey's grip was too tight. You don't remember her being this strong.
Either it was the flashing lights overwhelming you or everyone jumping around -and bumping into you- but you managed to pull away. Must've been the urge get away being so strong that strength sparked in you.
"Y/nnnn!" Audrey dragged as she chased after you. She was quick but with all the people blocking her view once you slipped by them, it made it impossible for her to catch up.
She didn't need to see you to know where you were going. She followed the invisible string that the universe connected to you both.
She slowly entered the restroom. It was empty as it was the furtherest one which drunk people do not want to walk to.
"Y/n, my love?" Audrey called. She heard a familiar sniffle and followed it.
Of course, you were in the last stall.
You didn't want to hide from Audrey. In fact, she's all you wanted right now.
"In here" you mumbled. You didn't know if there was someone in another stall and you didn't want to make a fool out of yourself. Just like you always do when you talk to people. And having a famous girlfriend, it made it nearly impossible to slip your way out of social interactions.
The stall door slowly opened. Audrey didn't wait for it to fully open, she needed to get to you.
"What's wrong?" Audrey kneeled down but wouldn't dare to sit on the floor. As for you, you regretted sitting on the toilet with your dress that Audrey had bought you specifically for this night
"Aud, I can't do it. I can't do all this. I'm not made for it" you said. You waited a brief second so you could catch up to your breath. It was running further away from you the more you spoke. "I'm not like you! I can't be loud and funny because i'm too afraid to even say hi to someone. You don't deserve me. You deserve someone who you can show off and know that they won't make you and themselves look like fools."
"You're right; you're not made for it" Audrey said. You weren't expecting that. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, even. "But that doesn't make you any less deserving of my love"
As if you weren't crying already, you were nearly sobbing from Audrey's words.
"That doesn't mean anything bad either. Maybe you can't talk to these random people that you'll never see again but that's not important. You want to know why?"
"Why?" You asked.
"Because when it comes down to it, it's just you and I at the end of the day. When you are being your goofy self and you won't shut up -even though sometimes I would love it if you would when i'm trying to sleep" Audrey said. You both chuckled.
"But I wouldn't trade it for anyone. Not even the world. I don't want someone who acts all sophisticated and fancy. I want you. My shy, quiet y/n who gets all jittery and nervous around anyone who's not her girlfriend."
Audrey place her warm palm on your cheek. She delicately wiped away your tears with a swift motion of her thumb. "God, Audrey. I love you so much" You exclaimed. You took her face in both of your hands, looking at her straight in the eyes. "You mean the world to me. I would just be a sad silent woman without you."
You both laughed but then silence settled.
A brief second went by before you were met with Audrey's lips. At this point in the relationship, neither of you ever know who’s the one to lean in first. It just happens.
Your heart felt overwhelmingly warm, as if lava was boiling in you. You were feeling as if you were a withered flower all night. But, with Audrey's care and love, you would always grow and flourish once again.
"How about you say we ditch this party and grab whatever you American's like to call take out. Ihop? Mcdonald's?"
"Oh Audrey" you teasingly rolled you eyes but became serious a moment later "I would love nothing more." And you did nothing more than that. But that was enough for you both. It was better than any celebrity party.
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @futuremilfcheck @talulahmae @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls
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AHS Roanoke + The Onion
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Asylum, Freak Show, Hotel
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aestheticemi01 · 3 years
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American Horror Story + some of Lily Rabe’s characters. 🎞🕯⚰️🔮
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langdoncult · 3 years
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behind the scenes of american horror story!
season 6: roanoke
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thatsmypeach · 4 years
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Shelby Miller + style
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braidlottie · 3 years
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look at this poor little baby
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imagines-ahs · 3 years
Hi I don’t know if anyone still cares but there’ll be an update on Affection dropping soon 💜
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nightmarelangdon · 3 years
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dreamypqulson · 3 years
— when the world caves in
summary: if audrey had made it back before shelby ended her suffering in the only way she thought was possible.
pairing: audrey tindall x shelby miller
word count: 1300
warning: suicide attempt
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Everything suddenly felt overwhelming for Shelby, she felt trapped, she killed her husband on camera and her only other option was death or prison.
Shelby knew she couldn't handle prison, anybody who knew Shelby knew that she couldn't. She didn't belong there as terrible as killing her husband was, that wasn't Shelby and she didn't deserve what was to come. This house did awful things to you and adding on to her awful headspace, it just all got out of hand and her actions were going faster than her mind.
The space between the crowbar and her neck was minuscule, it wouldn't take a genius to guess what her next move was going to be and clearly Dominic wasn't too smart because Audrey was the one to run to Shelby, calling out to her even though the younger women was stuck in another dimension and couldn't hear anything coming out of the Audrey’s mouth.
She was so tangled up in her thoughts and fear that she didn't realize that anyone was even beside her until she tried to lift the crowbar but couldn't from a strong force holding her hand down.
It almost shocked her when she looked to her side to see Audrey there. For a moment, she thought that she had actually went though with it and she was just in heaven being greeted by an angel. Luckily, Audrey was able to pull her back into reality with her British accent that Shelby secretly loved listening to.
"Shelby" she voiced "It's okay darling" although, it was clear that her words didn't do much impact by the way Shelby started at her with a cold look yet it held so much fear and sadness. "Hand it over love" Audrey said, trying to unravel the younger woman's fingers that were tightly wrapped around the crowbar. It was hard; Shelby had a strong grip and Audrey wasn't the strongest of the bunch. But of course she succeed, anything to get Shelby to safety.
"I- I killed him" tears danced down the younger women's porcelain face that was covered with blood, not her own blood, but her husbands. "I killed him" she repeated even louder, her voice stronger as if nobody had heard her the first time. "I know, I know, it's okay" Audrey cooed knowing damn well that it wasn't okay but needing to calm the women down before she had a panic attack.
"I'm gonna go to jail. He didn't try to hurt me, i just killed him" she said between breaths and sobs although what Audrey was really worried about at the moment was Shelby's breathing; she didn't like how quickly her chest was rising and falling.
"Alright Shelby honey, take deep breaths for me love. In and out, in and out" Shelby tried to mimic the older woman's breathing while the other two that accompanied them in the room decided that Audrey could handle this so they left them alone, going into the bedroom.
By the time a little over a minute had passed, Shelby was no longer hyperventilating all thanks to Audrey.
"Don't leave me" Shelby breathed out, watching as Audrey stood up and walked towards the sink "i'm not leaving you honey, you have blood all over your face that i’m going to clean."
The older women kneeled back down to Shelby's level with a wet wash cloth in her hand, trying to wipe away the crimson that was on her face only to have her hand be pushed away and Shelby nuzzle her head into Audrey's chest. "Sweetheart, let me clean you up" she said, trying to sound the nicest possible without letting fear lace her voice. "No" Shelby cried out, her voice groggy from all the screaming and sobbing. She didn't want to be cleaned up or even try to get out to safety at this point, she just wanted to lay on Audrey, close her eyes, and pretend that everything was okay.
"I have to do it Audrey, there's no place for me. I have nothing to live for" the room fell silent for a moment, Audrey was debating her choice on what to do; show her what she really did have to live for and risk ruining everything or just continuing to calm her down.
Everything happened so fast and before she knew it, she had placed her lips on the younger women's. After a taking Shelby’s lips in for a moment, Audrey quickly pulled away "you have me to live for" she said with her eyes closed, hoping she hadn't been reading her wrong this entire time.
The younger women just stared at Audrey like she had no thoughts whatsoever, like she didn't actually process what had happened and Audrey couldn't lie, she was terrified, maybe even more terrified at this situation than being in this evil house with people that held torches surrounding it.
Then tears began streaming down Shelby's face once again. Her chest heaved as sobs took ahold of her. Tear built up on her eyelashes and made a puddles in her eyes to the point where she couldn't even see Audrey's fearful face anymore. "God i love you Audrey" she said between short intakes of breaths.
She let her head fall back onto Audrey's chest only to hear her heart beating extremely fast, it sounded like there was a wild animal in there, trying to fight it's way out and if they weren't currently in the situation that they were in, she would laugh at Audrey for how nervous she was.
"I love you too honey" the older women said, almost forgetting where they were and the reason they were here in the first place. "I would love to sit here all day with you darling but we have to try and get out, let me clean your face hm?" the actress said with care "but" Shelby breathed out, too tired to even form a full sentence at this point "i promise you, when we get out here, we'll cuddle for hours but right now we need to focus on actually getting out" although at this point, Shelby have gave up, she knew there was no escaping so why not spend her last moments just relaxing with her lover.
"There's not way out Audrey. They're going to kill us" she said carelessly, almost like she was tired of saying it "you did it before and you're going to do it again Shelby, i know we can do it" Audrey herself didn't even know where all this confidence was coming from. A moment ago, she was screaming and crying in a barn with a bunch of cannibals, sure that she was going to die but now, now that she had Shelby, now that she had something to live for, she was going to fight and she was going to win.
"Just go without me, i'm useless" the younger women said.
"Just imagine our future together my love. I'm not leaving without you so either you come with me and we get out of here or i'll stay here with you." And that was what got Shelby up, she knew Audrey wasn't lying and that she would in fact stay here with her and she couldn't do that to her, they at least had to try.
"Okay" Shelby sniffled, slowly pulling herself off of her new lover and almost whimpering at the loss of contact. Once they both had stood up, Audrey tightly grabbed Shelby's hand, making sure to never let go of her. "We can do this love, i promise" Audrey said, leaving a lingering kiss on Shelby's forehead for that extra reassurance. And so on, Audrey kept her promise, they made it out, and they made it out together.
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mwf-art · 3 years
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Whenever her anxiety gets to be too much, Shelby always enjoys doing some yoga to calm herself down.
(Ig: mwf.art)
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jagr15 · 8 years
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