tiderider · 2 months
you've found yourself at a dangerous crossroads in which you only have time to make a single decision, and that decision is a matter of life and death: on the left path, you can choose to save uma, but you will lose harriet in the process. on the right path, you can choose to save gil, but you will lose cj. you cannot find a loophole and you cannot save both. what choice do you make? the clock is ticking!
it was a stupid question with even stupider rules, a question that deserved a smack hard enough to rattle bones and knock out teeth. choosing between loved ones was never really a choice, and harry would never be in a position to let go of one to save the other. between the offense and irritation, harry knew that the purpose of the question was only to provoke him. to find a weakness that some nobody could poke and prod at to try and hurt him.
❝ oh . . . you think you're clever. ❞ harry laughed dismissively, shaking his head at the arrogance of it all. who did they think they were talking to?
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they seemed to forget that harry was nothing if not creative in his endeavors. ❝ i'd save my sisters. ❞ the answer was quick, easy, simple. no hesitation, no crying, arguing, shouting, bargaining. uttered with a shrug of his shoulders and an arched brow. his sisters, cruel and selfish and demanding in all their needs and wants and expectations, his sisters who he hated as much as he loved . . . of course he would save them. time and time again, as often and as many times as it took and he would love them and he would hate them for it.
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he wondered what it said about him that the answer was obvious. that he could weigh the people he loved against each other with such ease. he'd save his sisters, of course he would, and he would make the entire world suffer for it.
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premleague · 1 month
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"Do you actually like this? Or is it one of those things you do just because?"
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@shehook liked the starter call !
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calithal · 3 months
Want me to tuck you in, too? (is she making fun of adult cj or genuinely asking babby cj? you decide)
lack of sleep starters, accepting!  ༄
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                she’s  hiding.  she’s  gotten  so  good  at  it  and  gotten  so,  so  quiet.  and  she  still  fits  everywhere,  just  like  before,  she  hasn’t  grown  at  all.  it’s  her  favorite  game.  running  and  chasing  and  hiding  and  then  they  find  her!  and  they  don’t  want  her  to  go  at  all.  until,  of  course,  they  do.  and  she  goes  again.  etti’s  the  nicest  when  she  finds  her,  and  sometimes  she  talks  so  soft  it  sounds  like  the  waves.  harry’s  always  mean,  and  rough,  but  he’s  good  at  finding  her,  too.  sometimes  she  likes  how  tight  he  holds  onto  her.  not  when  he’s  mad,  though.  nobody  wants  her  when  they’re  mad.
                it’s  late  when  her  body  tenses  all  up  as  she  hears  footsteps  near  the  door.  she  thinks  it’s  etti.  harry’s  so  smart,  he’d  know  if  it  was  her.  dad  is  so  much  more  clunky.  she  knows  it’s  etti  as  the  door  opens,  the  way  she  moves,  and  sighs,  and  unravels.  she’s  so  tired.  she’s  so  sad.  it’s  all  cj’s  fault.  cj  doesn’t  move  from  where  she  is,  lumped  up,  teary,  and  completely  quiet.  her  soft  cheek  pressed  into  the  wooden  floor  and  her  hair  covers  the  rest  of  her,  her  legs  tucked  up  under  her  chest.  the  bed  creaks above her.  her  little  hands  curl  up  into  fists.  she  has  to  wait  for  etti  to  sleep,  and  then  she’ll  be  able  to  sleep.  she  waits  and  waits  and  waits  for  the  sound  of  soft  breathing.  it  doesn’t  come.  she  hears  a  squeak,  and  a  turn,  and  the  sound  of  etti’s  voice.  she  flinches.  her  big  sister  found  her.
                stubborn,  flighty,  mad.  she  burrows  in.    “  nuh-uh.  i  don’t  want  you.  i  want  dad.  ”    one  of  harry’s  friends-  she  thinks,  anyway,  harry  doesn’t  act  like  they’re  friends  -told  her  to  call  him  daddy,  said  he’d  like  that  better.  there’s  a  long  time  of  quiet  before  all  of  her  hurt  pours  right  out  of  her.    “  i  tried  to  go  to  his  bed  but  harry  kept  me  out  ‘nd  he  grabbed  me  ‘nd  he  yelled  at  me  ‘nd-  ‘nd  he  was  so  loud.  i  hate  him.  i  never  ever  wanna  see  him  again.  ”    it  gets  hard  to  breathe  and  stuffy  and  heavy  and  wet.  but  she  can’t  cry,  she  can’t.  etti  will  hear  her.  she  learned  a  new  thing  to  make  that  stop,  too.  she  bites  down  on  her  arm.  hard.  she  wants  her  doll.  cj  curls  up  even  tighter  around  herself.  she  hurts  all  over.  harry  kept  pushing  and  pushing  and  pushing  and  he  doesn’t  ever  stop  until  she  runs  away.  she’s  so  mad.  she  bites  her  fingertips  instead.  on  their  own  and  then  all  at  once.  she  does  want  etti  to  hold  her.  but  she  can’t  move. etti can't find her.
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tiderideraa · 1 year
it was a strange thing, to see the son of hook so uncomfortable. harry rarely exposed himself so clearly and so publically and yet her whole crew had seen it. seen the way that he had lingered on the docks, busying himself with unloading supplies while flicking uncertain glances at the ship that he had once cut and carved by hand. he had wondered absently how much of it was from the original build, he hadn't had a hand in it's repairs after the invasion.
it took an afternoon of procrastination before harry finally made his way aboard and even harriet's first mate chose not to engage him in their usual verbal sparring as it appeared to her as if harry would take the first opportunity to escape whatever he had been psyching himself up for.
finally, he was facing her. leaning his shoulder against the doorframe of her quarters, arms folded across his chest. he had ditched his usual layers of reds and blacks, dressed in a casual poet's shirt and a pair of jeans. his hook was nowhere in sight. ❝ i have something to say, ❞ // continued from our discord thread but like idk a few weeks after .
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cindheir · 1 year
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(    ft.    @shehook    )          📜  for  an  incorrect  quote  for  our  muses.
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giselle  :    date  someone  who  will  drag  you  outside  at  three  am  to  look  at  the  stars.
harriet  :    If  anyone,  and  I  mean  anyone,  wakes  me  up  at  three  am  to  go  look  at  the  damn  sky,  they  will  be  removed  indefinitely  from  my  life.
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pivotalmark · 2 years
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❛ WAS I SUPPOSED TO BE LISTENING ? ❜ bored expression raises from the book in her hand , a brow raised towards her fellow pirate . ❛ seriously , i thought auradon would bring more peace . yet here you are , still blocking my sunlight . scooch over , @shehook . ❜
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apologizelater · 27 days
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❛ they praise me for my powers &* all the ones in the avengers as scientific feats , but give people who were born just as strong as us hell ? ❜ a scoff escapes the captain as he shakes his head , gaze sympathetic as it lands on @shehook. ❛ seems backwards to me. but what do i know ? just an old man outta touch.   ❜
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razorfst · 27 days
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[ FALL  ] :  sender somehow ends up accidentally on top of receiver, their faces are close to each other but at the last minute sender pulls away. 
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This had been her idea, her want to train together and considering he had been on his way to do so on his own it was hard to argue with her. So a reluctant sigh was given as she followed him to the training room on the compound. His home that he knew like the back of his hand, a brief walk to find they were the only two within the room. It wasn't entirely surprising given the hour and he wasn't about to complain. The two soon got down to business, exchanges blows and grapples with one another before eventually he felt he had thrown her far enough that she might give in. It seemed to not be the case as she went for a take down, his knees being the target. Of course it worked, him landing with a loud thud upon his back. Yet as she was getting up, he swung his own leg out to trip her but he hadn't thought of the trajectory of her fall. It all done so swiftly that the next moment she was practically on top of him. After taking the impact, the two looked up and found their faces rather close together. Hell, probably the closest they had been. His gaze drifted to her lips for a brief moment before darting back to her gaze, catching her own slip as well. It seemed to be enough to startle her to pull away, giving him a brief opening. Instinct of year of training taking over, making him flip their positions and pin her in place on the ground. "Yield."
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Nearly A Kiss | Accepting | @shehook
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enchaentd · 2 months
starter for @shehook <3
        curled up into herself,   flushed cheek pressed against the cool wood of the floor.   it was better this way,   all by herself.   that way she can’t sink into anyone,   drag them down with her.   it’s better this way.   she hums it in her head at least a million times,   over and over and over until she believes it.   she thinks about it as she twirls her hair,   over and over and over,   little loops she can count on to smoothen out.   sometime,   she must’ve fallen asleep,   even without touching anything soft,   all of them piled upstairs in her room,   or only a few steps away on the couch,   or scattered all around the cottage,   but nowhere near her.   she wants a real person to hug and squeeze.   but it’s better this way.   here,   she can sleep and cry and wallow and no one has to worry or ask her questions that make her cry even more for reasons that are only this fault.   better this way.   all on her own.   just like her mom wanted.
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premleague · 2 months
woah , tough day at the office ?
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Pushing a hand through his hair, nearly knocking the [ heretofore unused ] pen from behind his ear, Ewan shakes his head. "No... no, no tougher than any other day, I've just got a deadline," he admits. He loves his job, he's grateful for his editors, but at times like these - with the Euros ending and the transfer window wide open and preseason already beginning and the Community Shield match quickly approaching already, he's got a lot to write about. "Would y'mind if I sat here and nursed a pint while I work?"
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@shehook for ewan from here !
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calithal · 4 months
What was your character's favourite toy as a child?
character development questions: hard mode, accepting!  ༄
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harriet and harry <3 harriet was her jungle gym and her and harry probably like,,,, wrestled idk. harry was also her jungle gym because piggy back rides. i can see her liking dolls (A Doll, very likely cloth with weird human hair. maybe harry made it for her, idk, they're so weird) when she was very very small because she finds the sensation of rubbing/twirling hair soothing, as it reminded her of harriet. it was probably one of the only ways to get her to sleep. eventually, she got embarrassed enough or got made fun of enough that she rid the habit quickly, growing out of it the moment it became a weakness. however, when she was in auradon and had sleepless, utterly depressed nights where she just ached, she picked the habit up again for a short amount of time. (aka, stole some poor auradonian child's doll) of course, nobody knows about this, not even freddie.
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tiderideraa · 1 year
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp? How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
tav: i need you to stay in / return to camp. harry: and i need you to stop leaving your flank open tav: i'm serious! maybe we'll travel together again later. harry: whatever. don't come crying to me when you get stabbed.
tav: i need you in my party. harry: finally. stay ahead of me.
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loetise · 1 year
this is a meme :), maybe accepting if u can find it.  ˎˊ˗
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                some  kind  of  hopelessness  swarms  inside  of  her,  spreading  all  over  her  ribs  and  the  inside  of  her  stomach  until  it  turns  into  a  heavy,  heavy  pit.  she  always  feels  so  lost  when  she  gets  like  this,  unable  to  identify  any  of  her  feelings  more  than  a  swarm  of  dark  and  mess  and  heavy.  it’s  horrible,  the  wrong  kind  of  pressure,  like  pressing  instead  of  a  hug.  the  kind  that  makes  her  feel  so,  so  small  and  helpless.  harriet  feels  like  a  warm  shelter  to  lean  against,  and  allie  supposes  that  she  always  does,  but  she  can  feel  it  especially  now.
                the  fairy  girl  worries  if  she  starts  talking  now,  she’ll  never  stop,  the  anxieties  spilling  forever  and  ever.  her  fingers  are  cold,  quivering,  bitten  by  nerves.  so  instead,  the  quiet  settles  over  them  sickly.  harriet’s  comforts  do  not  go  lost  on  her,  and  allie  can’t  keep  so  far  away  in  her  head.  she  looks  up  at  her,  eyes  full  of  emotion  and  pleading.  even  if  she  spills,  even  if  it’s  a  never  ending  string  of  panic  and  she  ruins  anything,  she  just  can’t  be  quiet.  it  pulls  on  her,  familiar,  and  for  a  minute  she  lets  herself  feel  it,  think  on  it.  it  reminds  her  …  the  tug  reminds  her  of  feeling  too  much,  too  everything.  a  burden,  the  word  reaches  her  and  it  doesn’t  help.  she  feels  the  despair,  harder  this  time.    “  okay.  ”    she  says,  quiet,  barely  carrying  on  the  wind.    “  are-  are  we  lost?  like,  bad  lost?  scary?  i  don’t  get  it.  ”
@shehook​​​​,   " we’ll figure it out together. "
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@shehook sent ❛ you look sick to your stomach. ❜
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"i'm aware i look like shit." it didn't matter if she looked like shit or felt it, she had to pull it together. she ran a hand through her hair, pulling the blonde strands off her neck and over the back of her jacket. she was too hot, but she didn't shed the armor that the red leather provided. "harriet, just ignore it. what were you saying?" alice walked over to one of the chairs and leaned on the chair back. so what, it was a bad day. harriet could tell, but she didn't need to know how bad. alice was here for a reason, she could still be of service.
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hookd · 2 months
@shehook sent: " [ hug ]  –  for the sender’s muse to drag the receiver’s muse into a tight hug by the back of the neck, and play with their hair at the base of their neck in order to comfort them. " ( ' the intimacy of hands ' )
the hooks have never been very physical with each other, never really learned how to be. sure, harry's a touchy person, arm around shoulders or knees touching, but he's never known how to comfort his sisters, and they sure as hell don't, either. even so, harriet is one of the two people (the other being uma, who also couldn't talk about emotions to save her life) that harry goes to when he's upset, who make him feel safe. he's expecting something small, a squeeze on the shoulder or an awkward word of comfort, but instead she grabs him and pulls him into a hug. it's unexpected, but harry quickly wraps his arms around harriet, tightly, his face going to the crook of her neck. he lets himself feel small, if only for a moment.
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razorfst · 1 month
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some things are better left unsaid.
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Was that how this was going to be? In all honesty it lined up perfectly for how Andrei handled things himself. He didn’t speak on his past, his wounds, nothing. All of it was locked deep within and only came out when he was exhausted, when nightmares plagued his mind at night and he had no choice but to work through things on his own in the training rooms. But now what was he to do? She knew things, more than most, all because both assumed they’d die. Even now he hadn’t said anything and he was sure his expression, the lack of eye contact in her direction, told her enough. It seemed to with her words. And so the Romanian only nods, shifting a buff as he looks down at his hand in the hospital bed he can’t move from for now. “I think….thats what’s best.” He finally says, mumbled, and still not looking up.
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Tell Me What's Going On | Accepting | @shehook
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