#she's very sweet she gave me kisses i think she's just...very attentive? nosy?
keshimasu · 2 months
I'm dogsitting for the first time from sunday to basically thursday so I'll simultaneously be here as usual but also be incredibly distracted
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atonalginger · 13 days
Snippet Sunday
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it's Sunday and Rokov has spotted a snippet on the ceiling! It appears to be a run in with a very rude mother at the wild west birthday party.
When I went over this the other day with my husband he told me the entire section, (both this snippet and what happens after) made him root for the woman to get punched, which was my goal and I'm glad I was able to achieve it!
I'm generally tagging mutuals and the Coemancer Crew. Share if you got, no pressure.
now for the snippet under a read more
Bella looked past him to the edge of Ashta Creek. Her brow furrowed and eyes narrowed, “Mrs. Craig, what on Earth are you doing?”
Both Delgado and Rokov focused in on the movement that pulled her attention, one of the mothers walking with Jay, her arm wrapped tightly around the good doctor’s shoulder as they moved away from the saloon. Jay looked uneasy, sidestepping to try and break the grip of this Mrs. Craig, who didn’t seem to take the hint.
Delgado kissed Rafa’s forehead and handed him off to Bella, “I’ll handle it.”
“I can follow,” Rokov tucked the handkerchief in his pocket and turned to follow.
“No, don’t want to scare the mother from the jump,” Delgado clapped his husband’s shoulder.
“Then maybe I should handle it?” Bella teased, “Mrs. Craig is not a fan of you, mi panterito.”
“Maybe I’m not a fan of her either,” Delgado shrugged, “we all know Rafa will refuse to go down for a nap if you aren’t there. And Besides, I’m the mayor, I should be the one to see that my guests are all having a good time, si?”
Rokov chuckled, “good luck.”
Delgado waved him off and made his way down the steps while adjusting his hat and jacket. The ruby fob tinkled against the chains and buttons and his spurs jingled with his steps, destroying his element of surprise. Jay managed to break free, her calm countenance faltering as Mrs. Craig continued to talk revealing a pain in her eyes that she struggled to suppress.
“With Cora getting older, don’t you think it’s time though?” Mrs. Craig asked with an artificially sweet tone, “waiting longer will only lead to—”
“As I said,” Jay was curt, “we more than have our hands full with our teenage daughter. Given that it’s only been the last few years she’s had a stable household, neither of us see the need to disrupt it.”
“But don’t you want to raise yours?” Mrs. Craig tilted her head to the side, her stringy ponytail flipping like a ribbon on her head.
Jay’s face cracked, the corners of her eyes growing watery. Delgado could see she was at a loss for words with this nosy vulture. He picked up his steps, his spurs jingle-jangling louder as he hustled over to their location.
Mrs. Craig ignored him as she continued with Jay, “and think of the Coe legacy as well. You and Sam should honestly be—“
“Doc, there you are,” Delgado loudly exclaimed with his arms theatrically thrown wide to drown out the vulture, “this party has been a complete success and we have you to thank for that.”
Jay let out a breath and smoothed her emerald silk waistcoat, her eyes locking with his for only a moment before darting to the dirt, “oh, I simply coordinated the costumes, Del.”
“Don’t be modest,” he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and stepped her away from Mrs. Craig, “we’d have been lost building the set and knowing what roles were needed without you.”
Jay gave his chest two meek pats, her hand trembling, “you flatter.”
“I mean it,” he hugged her more fully and whispered into her ear, “are you okay?”
She shook her head quickly, the pink silk roses on her fascinator tickling his skin, “you’re too kind.”
“I wager many would find that hard to believe,” he laughed as he turned to Mrs. Craig with a wicked smile that did not reach his eyes, “right, Mrs. Craig?”
She swallowed and straightened her shoulders, “just Leyla, thank you.”
“Get me away from her,” Jay whispered, her voice shaky.
Delgado gave her a pat on the back, “You know, Bella has something for you in the house. She meant to give it to you before the party but you know how it goes. She’s inside right now putting Rafa down for a nap and taking a rest while the kids are with Cora and Daiyu.”
“She’d mentioned something about that around lunch,” Jay stepped back as she continued building his lie, “I can look for Sam’s ankle brace too. Can you believe he forgot to put it on this morning?”
“He said it was feeling better,” Delgado shrugged.
“Little Rafa has been so adorable in his little baby sling,” Mrs. Craig turned her attention back to Doc, “seeing him stirs the urge for another little one, doesn’t it, Jamie?”
Delgado narrowed his eyes on the vulture, searching his mind for a diplomatic way to tell the woman to fuck off. Had they not been in the middle of his little girl’s birthday party he would have just let loose on the harpy but with children and other parents near he had to be careful with his choice of words.
“And since Bella has one of her own now, don’t you think it’s time—“
“As I already told you earlier,” Jay hissed through her teeth, a tear breaking from her eye as she snapped her attention to Leyla, “whoever you got that information from was misinformed.”
The vulture chuckled lightly, boiling Delgado’s blood, as she replied, “they had no reason to lie about such things.”
“They. Are. Wrong,” Jay took a step forward, her rage palatable as she spoke, “and even if they weren’t, it is none of your God damned business.”
“I’m just concerned for you all, my dear,” Leyla reached out to touch Jay’s arm.
Delgado stepped between the two women before Jay moved to strike. As much as he’d love to watch the good doctor maul the nosy vulture he knew it couldn’t happen. Sam appeared behind Mrs. Craig, his blue eyes full of worry as he swooped in to collect his wife. He hugged her, Jay burying her face into his collar as a sob broke from her lips. He looked to Delgado, tipped his hat, flashed a glare at the vulture, and quietly whisked Jay away toward the side door of the saloon. Mrs. Craig looked confused as they walked away, slowly turning toward the saloon’s front doors before Delgado caught her arm as gently as he could muster.
“I’m curious, Leyla,” Delgado started as his friendly façade melted away, “who you think you are to be asking her about such things?”
“I’ve known Jamie for years,” she yanked her arm away, “we’re friends.”
“Don’t try to sell me mossgnath shit,” Delgado took a step closer.
“We were having a polite conversation,” she insisted as she once again tried to flee.
He took her wrist, tight enough to stop her but careful not to bruise, “is that what you think? Because to my eye you hounded my friend over blatant lies and pried into private matters until she broke down in tears.”
“Perhaps because you’re new to this,” she yanked her arm away, “family planning is a normal conversation at children’s parties.”
“What did I say?” Delgado sidestepped to block her path to the saloon, “don’t try to lie to me.”
“I do not appreciate your behavior,” Leyla huffed as she backpedaled, “you need to leave me alone.
“Oh you don’t like this?” Delgado flashed another wicked smile, “I thought it was fine since I’m just mirroring you.”
“If you don’t leave me alone I’ll let the other parents know how you threatened me,” She held up her wrist and frowned when she didn’t see any redness.
“No, you see this is me being civil,” Delgado laughed, “trust me you’ll know when I threaten you.”
Leyla stared at him, her mouth ajar as she seemed to remember just who she was arguing with. He adjusted his jacket, tugging at his lapels and then smoothed his waistcoat, never breaking eye contact with her. When she took a step back he took a step forward, keeping the distance between them short.
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typewriter83 · 5 months
Girl?? We wanted a chapter, not a whole banquet! Hehehe jokes apart, I just finished (and I wasn't the only one who finished today cof cof) reading the chapter and I have to say man, have to say so many things.
First, you said this chapter would be just 🌶️.5, and I know it might be because of my virgin ass, but the chapter was a pretty 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ to me. And as much as it makes me happy, that makes me embarrased now bc I'm feeling like a little kid that searched for two people kissing on google and he thought it was porn😂😂 how do people think that what happened in this chapter was just 🌶️.5? Felt like I was on a brothel. Anyways.
So, I never thought they would start to have a thing this feast, and I'm loving it, because even if it's fast, doesn't feel forced at all. You write the guilt and their feelings for each other in such a lovely way. Like: he doesn't wanna stay in the same room with her but is already seeing red when she talks with another boy, doesn't wanna give in to her desires but can't help to feel his own when he goes to her house and see his girl in his shirt. With his last name written on it like he owns the girl who is wearing.
I'm happy they're being a thing and now he's willing to be at her side, see her more often. And I really hope their little secret goes smooth because I'm feeling like everything is risky at this story. Idk man, just Lil tomtom boy is getting his brother's tense feeling, maria sensing the akwardness... Feels risky. And jesse gave off a pretty observer person vibe in his first scene in Maria's house. Like he's always watching everything and everyone. Also, her house is above the clinic. I mean... Anways, I hope I'm just being paranoic. Bye.
I’ve wanted to give this ask/comment/review a proper reply, so it’s taken a couple days - and I may also want to print this and stick it to my fridge 😘
Bless you, Nonnie, you’re so sweet and adorable - I think my definition of spice might differ from others, maybe I’ve just read a lot (too much?) and think a 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ rating is well beyond the limits of my skill set - I’ve been writing since I was 15/16 and this past year is the first time in all those years I’ve posted anything that even remotely resembles 🌶️ writing. Maybe I just don’t have the confidence in my writing to label it what y’all see it as - a brothel, Nonnie, you need a time out 😉
Did it seem fast? Six-ish months? Yeah - compared to other stories where they’ve known each other for years, and then the build up; here they met in December and Joel came back in June after being gone several months. I guess there difference is that there was only this, never any other platonic relationship - even though Joel pushed it away and pushed her away for all those months.
So, you’re starting to see just how many people might be looking their way, right? Tommy and Maria are very protective of Ellie. Dina is Ellie’s new bestie, and where Dina goes, Jesse isn’t far behind, and he’s not too fond of Ellie because she has Tommy’s attention. Kenny is charmed by her and won’t be too thrilled when her attention is pulled away by Joel. It’s a mess, too many nosy people wandering around this small town.
I wonder who else might be watching… 🧐🧐
Mama Bear is taking a short break - probably until next Wednesday, then get back to working on chapter 7 and D&C part 9 - we’ll see who gets attention first!
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castleshadows · 3 years
Being Nosy
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Retelling of the scene where Poppy finds out Kieran knew she was watching him and Lyra.
Written May 11, 2021
I studied Kieran’s profile, thinking of what he’d said while we sat along Stygian Bay. “I want to be nosy.”
“Like when you watched Lyra and I on the beach?”
I choked, my face flaming red. I knew Kieran could tell, but there was no way in either two Kingdoms that I was admitting to that. “I’m not sure what you mean.” I replied as nonchalantly as I could, eyes avoiding Kieran’s.
I heard a chuckle and then his fingers came to brush up against my face, tugging on a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of my braid. He seemed to be doing that quite a lot these days.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of Poppy. Lyra and I knew what would happen if we were to engage in certain activities on that beach. You weren’t the only one watching, and actually later that night there was a lovely woman who sat next to us and—”
“That’s enough!” I slapped a hand over his mouth, which got the attention of Casteel. My husband raised an eyebrow and then looked over at Kieran. The wolven must’ve communicated something to him without words because a second later Casteel looked away.
Kieran gripped my wrist tugging my hand away from his face. Before he let go, he pressed a chaste kiss to my knuckles, and my body definitely should not have responded the way it did. I shoved that particular feeling down and focused on not getting caught. But, who was I kidding I already was.
“You must be confusing me with someone else,” I said, even though it was extremely unlikely, and yanked my hand out of his grip.
“Of course, my apologies, I must have,” I narrowed my eyes, “Though if that is the case I regret to inform you that there is another red-head your husband is rather infatuated with seeing as he was fingering whoever I had mistaken you for. And from the looks of it, they were really enjoying it too.”
My face must’ve been the color of a beet, and I knew logically there was no way I was going to be able to convince Kieran that I hadn’t been watching him, but my embarrassment at being caught and discovering that I too had been watched, even for a short time, drove me to try harder.
“Alright fine, maybe you didn’t mistake me for someone else, but you're still mistaken about where my eyes went. I was watching the bluffs, not you.”
Kieran was grinning so hard by now that I was surprised his face didn’t crack in half. I was going to get my dagger and shove it into his chest so far my hand would pop out the other side… Wait no, I didn’t want to do that. Dammit, now I felt bad.
“Oh really?” I nodded, even though I knew whatever he said next would make me want to curl up in a ball and bury myself beneath the floorboards of this inn, “Because Lyra and I were having a very nice time until I felt someone watching me. Now normally this wouldn’t bother me, and it didn’t, but I was curious because this gaze was different. I looked around and there you were, watching as Lyra had her mouth around my—”
“Stop it,” I hissed, looking around. Casteel was still talking with Vonetta, though his eyes darted over to me every few seconds. Delano had joined the conversation and looked to be halfway through another bottle of liquor. Lyra was standing by herself, and she met my gaze, smiling warmly. I gave a strained smile back and then averted my eyes before they could give away Kieran and I’s conversation topic.
“My point is Poppy, I know for a fact I didn’t mistake where your eyes went, and I’m not sure why you’re protesting so much. Like I said, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, and neither Lyra nor I mind you watching. She was actually pretty flattered.”
I hauled my legs up onto the chair and buried my face in my knees, mumbling something that even I couldn’t tell what it was.
Kieran laughed and tugged on the end of my braid. My head shot up and I yanked it out of his grip, glaring.
“Maybe it was another red-head then.” I muttered.
I looked over to see Kieran pinching the bridge of his nose. He seemed less amused now and more… pissed.
“Penellaphe,” he snapped. The use of my formal name jarred me. “Why are you trying so hard to convince me you weren’t watching, I’ve already told you I don’t care.”
“Because I wasn’t watching,” I whispered. It was honestly barely a half-hearted attempt without much power behind it, but it still served to piss him off more.
“Because you’re embarrassed and you feel what you did was inappropriate and you don’t want to admit it.” He said, eyes narrowed. Godsdammit, why did he know everything? I contemplated protesting again, but I figured it probably wouldn’t help much.
“Yeah,” I admitted, sighing. What was even the point anymore? “I am. And I did watch you. Sorry.”I reached out to Kieran with my gift, feeling his annoyance slowly fade, replaced by a sort of fondness and the sugary sweet taste of amusement.
“Don’t apologize Poppy, I told you I don’t mind,” he said dryly, though I could tell he really meant it.
“Why don’t you mind,” I asked, curious why he was so okay with this.
“A body is just a body,” He shrugged looking back towards the fire, “And skin is just skin. It’s not inappropriate or something to be hidden and so is sex. Everyone does it, so why should we hide it?”
I didn’t know if I completely agreed with that, but it made sense, and I was fine if the wolven wanted to engage in certain activities in public. It didn’t hurt me, and the gods knew Cas and I had done it more then once.
I nodded, studying his profile.
“And besides,” he continued, “I don’t think I’d ever mind you watching me.”
My mind took that sentence and immediately ran in several different directions of what it could possibly mean.
“Because I’m your Liessa?”
He paused as if contemplating what he was going to say next. This went on for a while, and I wondered if maybe he hadn’t heard me, but then he met my gaze and smirked.
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Show me yours
Blurb night- 1.8k words
(Request: Maybe more catholic school H but there bestfriend and there both v innocent and its their first time trying _______ (whatever you want) just a thought? (For the possible blurb night.)
 “Did you hear what Lily was saying about Connor?”
y/n looked up when she heard Harry’s voice, the two of them in his room trying to finish their shared art project. They had to do a joint painting of the schools logo for the competition being held to pick a new art piece for the Catholic school. Y/n was currently trying to fix her minor mishap of mixing the purple too dark on the lower corner of the canvas.
“No? what happened?” her attention was divided between the art and Harry’s bite of gossip he was finding the correct verbiage for. “Lily said her and Connor did it!” his tone was slightly lower, whispering the last word so no one would hear a slight blush creeping onto his face. The revelation made the girl snap her head towards her best friend, eye’s widened a bit. The two of them were rather sheltered, they had attended the same private Catholic schools from the time they were in kindergarten up to the present as they were both in their second year of secondary school. The most rebellious thing they’ve ever really done was taking a second sip of the communion wine during mass, so hearing that their classmates may have had sex was very shocking to the pair.
“No way!” the project now took a backseat, y/n now fully invested in the drama Harry was relaying to her. “I swear! She said they did it in the bathroom!” , “Oh my gosh!...did she say anything like detailed?” the girl was just as nosy as her best friend. She wanted every drop of information she could squeeze from him. Harry smiled awkwardly, nervous repeating the words he’d heard from the two teens in question. “Uh…well she said they had s-sex in the bathroom, and Connor said she uh…’went down’ on him at his house..” while y/n knew the basics of sex, she didn’t exactly know much beyond ‘sex is between two married people and makes babies’ , so she questioned his revelation. “what does that mean?” , Harry wasn’t sexually experienced by any means, he was a kiss-less virgin but he would be lying if he said he didn’t know what certain sexual acts involved…he may be a good boy but he’s also a teenage boy with internet access.
His blush grew a few shades darker, opting to clear his throat and make sure the door was closed while he tried to find his voice again. “Uh..well-“ a uncomfortable chuckle escaped him while he tried to choke out the dirty words. “It’s when a girl puts their mouth on a boys private parts…” Y/n gawked at Harry, totally shellshocked at the fact that was a thing! She couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to do that, “Wait what?! Isn’t that dirty? Don’t you pee from there?!” the girl was now standing on her feet her innocent mind trying to comprehend this new information. “Well…yea but I don’t think it’s dirty? If you don’t shower maybe, and the boy doesn’t pee in their mouth…” a nervous hand reached up to scratch the back of Harry’s flushed neck.
“that’s so…weird….h-have you ever done that?” Y/n asked him with a slight bow of her head locking eyes with him, “No! I’ve never done it! I’ve just s-seen it before tha’s all…” the boy shifted uncomfortably, “You’ve seen it? Where?”
Once again, a comically dramatic gasp ripped through the air from Y/n. she knew of porn, her brother had gotten caught watching it once and that’s the first time she found out people have sex on camera. That was another huge shock to her, yet this one seemed bigger.
“You watch porn?!”
“shush! you’re going to get me in trouble y/n” Harry shot her a glare, yanking her forward to sit on his bed with him, his palm moving to cover her mouth. “Don’t yell that! It’s a secret”  Harry cast a nervous glance towards his shut bedroom door before removing his hand from her face. Y/n giving his chest a nice swat with furrowed brows. “Don’t do that again, jerk” Harry simply rolled his eyes. “Then stop being so loud!”
Y/n pouted slightly, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing. “Or what?” she challenged “Or ill glue your mouth shut.” His fingers moved to flick her forehead, which was a mistake since Y/n then chose to start yelling “MISS AN-“ yet she was silenced by his hand once more. “I’m serious Y/n stop it!”
Y/n suddenly got an idea, decided she’d bargain her way out of this one.
Harry knew that look, his eyes widened realizing she was about to suggest something that he may not want to hear. Y/n was a sweet girl, but she had a bit of a bossy side too.
“If you show me the video, I won’t tell.”
Well, Harry expected something, but definitely not that one. “W-wait what?” he couldn’t believe Y/n had just asked him to show her porn! What was he supposed to say? He knew if he showed her he’d have to take a cold shower, but he didn’t want his mom knowing he watched the videos either. “If you show me the video I won’t tell.” Her statement was very level, the angelic doe eyes coming back to persuade him, and well Harry was a sucker for that look.
Soon enough the pair were sat against his headboard, Harry’s laptop open to a private tab with Pornhub opened on it. He chose on of his favorites, a simple pretty tame blowjob video.
“are you sure you want to see it?” his palms were sweating, knees twitching every few minutes trying to control himself and keep his pants from tightening. “Play it, Harry.” Y/n took control, tapping the space bar to start the video.
The logo played before it got to the video, a man sitting on his couch filming his girlfriend kneeling in front of him slowly moving to undress the man in front of her. Y/n watched the screen intently while the woman went to work, tugging the mans cock free and stroking it but Y/n being Y/n the video didn’t suddenly change the atmosphere like it does in a romcom, instead she was full of questions and comments.
“Wow, I didn’t know boys privates looked like that. It looks kind of like a snake.” Harry was happy Y/n wasn’t making the situation too serious, laughing a little breaking the tense atmosphere listening to her talk. He tried to focus his gaze more on the wall in front of him then the porn playing on his computer so he didn’t pop a stiffy in front of her. “Uh…kinda? I guess…” , “Does your penis look like that too?”
Harry choked on air a bit, suppressing a cough. He sweats he can feel himself burning alive from the blush on his face. “I don’t think my penis looks like a snake y/n, no. I think it looks like a penis.” His response got him a ‘hmph’ from his friend which he of course, laughed at. Yet he wasn’t entirely prepared for her next sentence.  
“Show me yours?”
This time Harry’s eyes were the ones wide as saucers, his jaw slightly slack and body gone tense. “What?!” Y/n giggled, finding his reaction a bit silly since they were already watching two people engage in oral, how is this any more shocking? “What? Show me yours” she shrugged slightly, Harry was trying to keep his head from exploding but an idea popped into his brain right before the urge to combust took over.
“I show you mine, you show me yours?”
“Harry I don’t have a penis.” Y/n replied with a ‘duh’ eye roll, causing an annoyed groan to come from her friend. “I am aware of that, smarty pants. I mean…if I show you my penis, you show me your boobs.”
He expected to get a smack or a immediate refusal from her, but surprisingly Y/n nodded, “That’s fair, I’m not putting your penis in my mouth just for the record.” She gave him a pointed look as her hands traveled up to loosen her uniform tie and start fumbling with the buttons of her shirt.
The boy felt frozen in place watching his best friend start to undress in front of him. His teenage boy mind was going crazy, this was the first time he was going to get to see boobs in person, he was a bit scared he might keel over and die from a hormone overdose.
“What are you waiting for? You’re supposed to show me yours. I’m not taking my boobs out if you’re not holding your end of the bargain up ,Harry.” Y/n’s hands stilled, giving him a pointed look that broke his trance quickly fumbling with his pants to shove them off his hips the outline of his plumping cock showing against the white and grey checker print of his boxers.
“Who’s gonna go first?”, his throat felt painfully dry while he talked swallowing hard after he finished. “You duh!” the girl pushed his shoulder lightly and pointed to his crotch waiting for him to reveal himself.
The boy took a deep breath, his hands shaking slightly as he tugged his cock through the flap in the front of his underwear. He grunted quietly, the cold air hitting his swollen tip. For a few moments nothing was said, Y/n quietly observed his organ taking in the details and pondering her thoughts before speaking, “Yours looks better than his, it’s prettier. Still kind of looks like a snake though.”
Harry sighed, he was glad she didn’t make a comment on his size or anything negative but the snake comment wasn’t exactly the erotic language he needed to get himself off, and then he remembered the deal. “Your turn.”
Y/n nodded, giggling a little bit as she unhooked the clasps of her bra and let them slip down her arms. Her breasts finally came into Harry’s view and god his balls were already constricting. He feared he’d really be the guy who cums in 2 seconds just looking at a girl, but this would be the right situation for it. Y/n didn’t have any clue how long boys lasted so if he was to bust then she probably wouldn’t tease him she’d just have more questions.
“God…they’re pretty Y/n.” The girl smiled shaking her chest a little so they bounced in front of his eyes. “Thanks, I grew them myself. I’m a b cup” she was adorable, so blissfully unaware of what she was doing for him. A smile and playful giggles still radiating from her while he was trying to keep himself from passing out.
“Can I touch-“
His request was soon cut off, not by Y/n but by the door swinging open and his shocked mother standing behind it.
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1dsource · 4 years
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Author Spotlight: thinlines
Don’t forget to show the author to leave kudos and comments to show the author love!
Truth Would Be
Words: 91k
“You want me? I’m not a… a thing to be owned!” Louis stuttered, still very angry and confused. “Hmmm…” The alpha tapped his lips as if he was contemplating something. “Last time I checked, the debt was paid off and the only thing I had asked in return was… you. So technically I do own you.” “You are crazy…” Louis muttered as he began to back towards the door. Harry’s impossibly green eyes turned a shade darker, but his tone was still teasing and light when he said, “Maybe I am…”
The I-paid-off-all-your-debt-so-you-are-mine AU in which Omega Louis wants to be left alone by Alpha Harry but it's super complicated when he starts to not hate the alpha all that much.
Hold the Night For Ransom
Words: 4.7k
“Hate that you make me weak.” Louis whispers it like a secret as he watches Harry tracing his lips. Harry could smell it now. Smell Louis’ delicious slick. He sneaks a hand inside the blankets, searching until they reach Louis’ joggers. Wetness meets his fingertips and he growls, shutting his eyes and seeing the red blossom behind his lids. The bursts of desire. “Is that for me?” He asks, opening his eyes and stare into Louis’.
In which Louis tries to prove he doesn't need his alpha and Harry knows it's a losing battle before it begins.
You are in my Bed, but your Heart isn’t
Words: 25k
It was 3 in the morning when Harry felt the dip of the mattress and tiny hands slipping around his waist. Hot and clammy against his cool skin. He could smell other people on Louis and it stank. Louis reeked of tequila, cigarette and alpha. Always the smell of some other alpha. Harry shifted testily.
"Did I wake you Haz?" The boy plastered behind his back grumbled sleepily. Tiny hands snaking under his shirt, lightly scratching his skin. "You have to stop crawling into my bed when you smell like some other alpha." Harry had meant to say "no, go back to sleep" but he couldn't stop his tongue.
"Don't hate me, Harry. I don't want you to hate me."
OR Rock Band AU. Louis is an omega who fucks around, doesn't know the meaning of "feelings" until he starts crawling into Harry's bed at night. Harry gets jealous easily and they all write a lot of songs about each other.
Promise Me You Won’t Run Away
Words: 23k
“Does kissing me stop you from having bad thoughts?” Harry asked, voice muffled into the collar of Louis’ dress shirt. Louis chuckled at this. He trailed a hand down Harry’s back, feeling the muscles tensing along with his touch.
“I guess you can say that. You’re a good distraction.”
“Then I will be the best distraction.” Harry answered, pulling back and watched Louis’ lips unashamedly.
“Come distract me, then.”
Or the Prince/ Knight AU in which Harry left Louis, but the omega never once gave up on them.
Your Touch Shouldn’t Make Me Feel Like This
Words: 28k
Louis was curled up into Zayn’s side as the alpha ran his hand through the omega’s fringe. Harry slowly took in the scene through the fogginess of his brain. His alpha snarled menacingly as he swallowed.
Louis, his best friend since first day of uni turned roommate after their second year, the only omega Harry had ever wanted and pined after, had an alpha. An alpha named Zayn.
Uni AU in which Alpha Harry has been in love with his omega friend for the longest time and one motorbike trip to the countryside with Louis made him realize that he could no longer hold back his feelings.
Does she know that I touch You?
Words: 4.9k
“You sure about this?” Louis asked gently, tugging on a loose curl. Harry closed his eyes to the touch.
“Yes. Have an affair with me.” He whispered and it was more than enough.
AU. in exchange for Harry to keep his mouth shut about Louis cheating, they made a deal. Harry could only touch Louis when the sun set and Louis kept denying himself the truth.
This was supposed to be Our Summer
Words: 4k
They were going to the same college and they were in love. What more could Harry ask for? Harry had secretly planned a getaway trip to Fiji for the entire summer. He could already see himself strolling down the white beach, holding hands with a sunkissed Louis and making sweet sweet love under the moon. The sound of the ocean waves harmonizing with Louis' pretty moans. But, when he waved the plane tickets in Louis' face, the smaller boy had given him an apologetic smile and announced that he had accepted some part time jobs and that he was probably gonna be busy working. Working for the whole summer. Not lounging and cuddling with Harry under the tropical sun.
Or a Summer AU in which Louis suddenly took up many part time jobs and Harry didn't figure out why until the end
Blue Summer Rain
Words: 2.5k
Harry worked at a shoe outlet for the summer. One day, Louis happened to wonder in. 
throbs and gleams
Words: 3.7k
au. harry rides motorcycle across the country and finds louis in the middle of a desert. 
Not Scared of Love, Just Scared to Love
Words: 3.9k
“Louis.” Harry said to get the other boy’s attention. Louis’ eyes slid from where it was fixed on the scenery whipping by the window to settle on Harry. “Are you… are you taken?” Louis raised his eyebrows. “What do you mean?” Louis asked softly. “Are you still the same Louis? Who is not scared of love but scared to love?” Harry asked, feeling the tension in his words, feeling the obvious biting anger. Louis’ mouth fell open, surprised at the words. “I’m not scared of love just scared to love?” He parroted Harry’s words, confusion settling in his blue blue eyes.
Or Louis kisses everybody and Harry really wishes he doesn't. Louis doesn't give a fuck but Harry wants him to.
Part 1 of Able to Love
Demons in my brain, Love
Words: 5.4k
Related to Part 1 (Not Scared of Love, Just Scared to Love) This is told from Louis' POV.
"I can kiss, I can fuck, I can make love, to anyone. But after you. I can’t. Not when I am thinking about you. Not when my thoughts reek of you. You are too much."
Or Louis gets his shit together and confronts Harry.
Part 2 of Able to Love
I’m Looking for Closure
Words: 2.5k
Related to Part 1 and Part 2 (Not Scared of Love, Just Sacred to Love & Demons in my Brain, Love.)
“Say you can read my mind.” Harry said to Louis as he pushed Louis down onto the mattress. Louis squirmed as the covers rubbed against his skin.
“I can’t read your mind.” He said simply to Harry as he reached up to put his hands against Harry’s chest, trailing them down to Harry’s narrow hips.
“My mind is saying that I should just… just fucking go back in time. Go back so I could be your first.” Harry said, leaning down to lick into Louis’ hot mouth.
Or They finally fuck, sorry, I mean, make love.
Part 3 of Able to Love
can’t live another summer without you
Words: 1.5k
Louis was probably the reason why Harry came back after four years in America. They climbed a space net together in the dead of a summer night.
A typical sappy stupid idiots in love Summer fic
Under the falling lights, We met
Words: 1.1k
Under shitty fireworks on a beach, with hair dyed red and positively drunk off his ass, Louis never expected to remember much of that night. It was the Fourth of July when he met a boy with green eyes. Everything was beautiful but unfair at the same time. 
I guess we never really moved on...
Words: 1.3k
“You told me I was a god.”
“You were…. You were my little god.” Louis dropped his burnt out cigarette on the ground and stomped on it, crushing it with his shoes.
“Damn it Harry! I’m not a god. Just a spoiled bastard that wants too much.”
as the light changes
Words: 971
“Why are you here, Harry?” Louis didn’t know what possess him to ask such a nosy question and he avoided Harry’s penetrating stare. “I like your voice.” Harry shrugged. “Oh.” “It’s raspy like you haven’t had water for days. Like you are a flower in the middle of the desert that had long ceased longing for rain. Sounds kind of hopeless, but when you read, I think, the world just stops and listens.”
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mulderist · 4 years
Wicked Game
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Chapter 1  // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3  // Chapter 4 // Read on A03
Washington, D.C - 1948. Fox Mulder is a detective on the top vice unit; scandal, corruption, and lies come with the territory. He is forced to investigate a fellow officer and finds the lies go much deeper than the truth.
tagging @today-in-fic​
The phone rang three times before she answered. My jaw ached as I tried to mask the slur in my voice when I told her who was calling. I realized it was a long shot ringing her number but I needed something to get my head on straight. I told her I was in Georgetown and as luck would have it she did not have a shift at the hospital that evening. She accepted my invitation to have a drink. I confirmed her address and I said I would wait outside the building to meet her, adding to look for the forlorn gentleman with a grey fedora. We disconnected and I exited the booth then walked to the curb to hail a cab. 
Scully’s apartment building was tucked into a quiet tree-lined block on Q Street. In a town built on history this neighborhood dripped vintage charm with neat colonial rowhouses and brick sidewalks. I paced a slow line in front of the staircase then stretched a foot on the bottom step. The sound of a door opening and heel clicks on brickwork caught my attention. There she was. A vision in a short-sleeved olive green sweater with a high neck, wide-leg trousers gave way to dark t-strap shoes that peeked out from under her pant cuffs. Her ginger-red hair was pinned up halfway and decorated with a small flower. I straightened up and tried to smile as she landed on the last step. 
“God, what happened to you?” she questioned before I could even greet her properly. 
“And hello to you too.” I replied.
“Oh, your cheek,” Scully frowned, “This reminds me of when we first met.” She inspected my face without laying a finger on me. I tipped back my hat slightly so she could get a better look. In the afternoon sun her eyes processed a diagnosis and she reached out a caring hand to touch my jawline but withdrew it quickly. Fingers formed a loose fist instead as her hand dropped slowly towards her hip. I cleared my throat.
“Serves me right for interrupting someone’s lunch, huh?”
“Must have been someone important for them to leave a mark like that,” Scully said, stepping back and adjusting her handbag. I shrugged then said,
“No, just me being a nosy cop.” I found myself staring as she smiled.
“So now that we’re here, where are we off to?”
“There’s a little place I visit when I’m in the neighborhood.” I slipped my hands in my pockets and gestured with a nod down the block. She joined me at my side and we strolled for a few silent moments. Her presence helped to mute the extra noise in my head. Though with each intersection we crossed I was still checking my corners, making sure we weren’t being followed. After the little scene I caused at the restaurant my guard was up. I knew I could never be too comfortable with my surroundings and I certainly didn’t want to put her in danger.
We walked farther down Q street and crossed over to 33rd to a small bar named The Blue Note. I opened the door for her and followed inside. It was your standard set-up with a small stage on the side arranged for a jazz combo. Too early for a gig, so the jukebox in the corner played the matinee performance. Regalia from the university littered the walls but in a more dignified fashion, like the proprietor was trying to distance the establishment from looking like a run-of-the-mill college bar. Still, it was dark, smoky, and my kind of familiar. Only a couple of bar flies had landed to start their day-drinking. I ushered her through a fresh haze of cigarette smoke to an empty spot at the far end of the bar. She took a seat and I adjusted my barstool, sitting close but not too close. Scully caught the attention of the stout bartender.
“I’d like a vodka tonic and my friend here will have?”
The man nodded and scuttled back to fix our drinks. I put my fedora on the bar and ran a hand through my hair.
“Can you tell me about this case you’re working on?” Scully asked as she placed her handbag in her lap. I thought about how much I wanted to divulge so I kept the names and places to a minimum.
“It involves a drug ring, fairly standard for the vice unit. However the fly in the ointment is that it also involves an investigation into my partner.”
“Wait, the one who was buried at Arlington?”
“The very same,” I answered as the bartender delivered two short glasses. I grasped the drink and raised it, she mimicked the motion. “Cheers,” I said before taking a long sip and swirling the ice cube around. Scully sampled her drink as well and I continued.
“The papers painted it that he was killed in the line of duty. Now, I was there that night. It was the same night I got a hot lead kiss on the shoulder and I think my partner was bumped off in a deal that went sour.”
“Your partner was a hophead?” she asked as she twisted the bottom of her glass on the bar napkin.
“I didn’t suspect he was a hophead,” I said after I downed the last of my whiskey, “but the medical examiner ordered blood work that confirmed he was sky high.”
“Did you see who shot at you?” she asked after a beat, tracing a fingertip along the edge of the highball. 
“No, but we did get a match on the weapon. So all I need to do is take him in .”
“Let me guess, that’s who gave you the bruise.”
“Very perceptive Scully. It was one of his goons actually.” I said as I rubbed my left cheek and glanced reflexively over my shoulder. She held her glass close to her lips and thought for a moment before taking another sip to finish it off. Scully pressed her lips together and focused on her now empty glass. I caught the change in music from the jukebox; a heavy piano piece that fit the tone in our little corner of the bar. I flagged the bartender and ordered another round.  She was hesitant at first on the refill but I guess she didn’t mind my company and decided to stick around. Time seemed to slow to a halt, dripped down like molasses on a winter day.
“Enough about me and the DCPD, I want to know your story.”
“My story, Mulder? I don’t think I’m as interesting as all that,” Scully said as she glanced at her hands, admiring the tidy red varnish on the nails.
“Try me,” I replied as our second round arrived and my attention was now only on her.
“Let’s see...you already know I’m a nurse,” she began with a gesture, “I’ve been one since before the war. Schooling was no cost and once the conflict started I opted to stay home in Maryland to fill the nursing shortage. My brothers had gone through the gauntlet at the naval academy and were sent to San Diego then the South Pacific respectively. It would have broken my mother’s heart if I joined up and got shipped off too” She paused and took a drink. “My sister and mother stayed in Annapolis but in ‘45 I headed to Washington to continue with medicine. There was more I wanted to learn and more ways I felt I could help.”
“And that’s how you ended up in Georgetown?”
She nodded and softly exhaled.
“After I buried my father, I buried myself in studies, work, and other hobbies. I figured if I kept myself busy enough I wouldn’t have time to think about the loss.” Her shoulders shrugged and she absentmindedly toyed with a strand of hair then swept it behind her ear.
“Any travel in that time?” I asked, hoping she had an answer. I was shit at small talk when I wasn’t using my badge.
“California after the war ended to see my brother Bill and his family for Christmas, then last year I took the train up to New England for a change of scenery.”
“Ah, I’m familiar with that area. My parents live on Martha’s Vineyard.”
“It’s really lovely. I was fortunate to visit in the fall.” A hint of a smile crossed her lips as she recalled the memory. A pleasant silence then fell between us. More small talk followed, less personal this go around. Filler subjects like the weather and sports weaved their way into conversation. I was pleased to learn she was a baseball fan and was hoping for a better season than last year. 
The bar was getting more clientele and as much as I wanted to stay and extend my friendship with Mr Jack Daniels, I figured we should make it last call. I paid our tab and escorted Scully outside, placing a featherweight touch on her shoulder as I guided her through the open door. The air felt cool as the sun hid behind passing clouds, setting up for another storm. She thanked me for the drinks and though she was a captain’s daughter who could certainly hold her liquor, I offered to walk her home. 
As we turned the corner and walked back up the block I still felt that we weren’t alone. I kept a close stride next to Scully as we neared her building. She ascended the steps and I joined her at the door. This time her hand found my cheek. 
“I hope to see you again,” she said as she gently stroked my jawline, “But next time without any occupational damage.” 
“Can’t make any promises, doll,” I said moving closer, feeling her fingers twitch, catching a flutter of her eyelashes as she exhaled. My gaze was soft, hypnotized by her features. She grazed the stubble on my skin then Scully raised her chin and placed a soft sweet kiss on my injured cheek. 
“Take care of yourself, detective.”
Through the narrow pane of glass on the building’s door I watched her walk up the stairs, she looked back over her shoulder giving me a final flash of that flower nestled against her red hair. As I turned and walked down the steps I noticed a car parked across the street and a man with a sharp suit and glasses leaning against the side.
“Are you following me?” I called out once I was on the sidewalk, my hand on the butt of my weapon.
“This is your surveillance detail?” Skinner questioned.
“Chivalry isn’t dead yet, Captain.”
“Something’s come up. Get in,” Skinner said as he motioned to the car. I walked around the front of the cruiser and opened the passenger door joining him inside.
“I heard about your incident with Carlo Lodi today.”
“Word travels fast.”
“You’re damn right it does, Mulder. This city is more connected than ever. I had a conversation with our friend Alex Krycek when he returned the squad car you lent him. Seems that he was privy to information regarding a Vincenti heroin shipment tonight.”
“Ha! What did you have to trade for that info?” I asked. He tensed his jaw then said,
“Continued protection. It appears he’s been sitting on this since we first interrogated him.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“There will be a boat arriving at the Navy Yard tonight. Small crew. They are going to make a transfer to one of the warehouses, but it’s up to you to find how they’re moving the shipment from there.”
I took a moment to process the details of my assignment. 
“Will I have back-up?”
“Via radio. Do not engage after you make the mark. Follow standard tailing procedure.”
“If you’re going to send me on a suicide mission, can you at least drop me off in Alexandria. I could use a shower and something to eat.” Skinner gave me a sideways glance and turned the key in the ignition, bringing life to the cruiser. He shifted into gear and we were on our way back across the Potomac.
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princess-geek · 4 years
Love Lesson
This fic is dedicated to my guardian angel @storyofmychoices. Besides she's a wonderful a writer, she's an incredible human being whose kind and light are endless. I never could thank her enough for what she has been doing for me.
Dear Dani, I know you usually don't read Hunt's fics written by other authors, but I hope you accept this one.
I hope you enjoyed it 😊💕
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Choices Book: Red Carpet Diaries (a couple of years after Book 3)
Characters: Thomas Hunt, Miss Taylor (@storyofmychoices ), mentions to Jessica Massena (my RDC MC) and Matt Rodriguez.
Words: 1748
Warnings: none
Notes: English is not my first language. Please, excuse me any typos /or grammatical errors.   
Special thanks to @alj4890 for be by beta reader.
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Jessica Massena exclusive pregnancy photos -  The most handsome Hollywood parents to be talk about the challenges of parenthood.
Thomas sighed and poured some more of the expensive scotch in the glass. He has no idea why he was wasting his time reading garbage press. He'll be the baby's godfather. He knew every detail about the issue. All the sacrifices she did to conceive...how the first months of nausea got her down. But now, she was radiant...healthy...happy...with Matt. 
She had woken up his senses and melted his heart unlike any other woman in years. He never actually had confessed his feelings because it was clear like crystal whom her heart belonged to.  For a while, it drove him crazy. Nowadays, he had made peace with his feelings and he came back to his old self. He also recognized that it was nothing more than a crush, a fever of an almost middle-aged man caused by her infectious joy.  Jessica Massena was a closed chapter in his life.
He abandoned the magazine and refocused on his research. A tragic death of a beloved teacher in a shooting at a high school inspired him to approach the question of USA public schools’ problems. He had read tons of news and academic papers about it, but they were too theoretical. He needed to breath that air, step on those dirty floors, hear the sounds. So, he decided to visit some public schools in area.
Since he was invited to speak at a university conference in New York, Thomas decided to visit some schools there too.
Kids and teens. Many. Too many. It was a banal New York school. Perfect.
As he wandered through the corridors, he saw a girl crying, hidden in the corner of lockers. Thomas wanted to do something, but he didn't know what to do or even what to say to calm the girl down. He never had a good way with children.
While Thomas was still distressed in his dilemma, a brunette stopped her hurried march, stepped back, placed a giant coffee cup on the floor and knelt beside the girl.
She gently wiped the girl's tears away. Thomas couldn't hear clearly what they were talking about, but he noticed that the girl calmed down as the woman spoke to her and stroked her hair.
“After class, I promise I'll go with you to talk to the principal. They can't do that and get away with it!”  the brunette promised hugging the girl tightly.
It was the last thing Thomas heard before the bell rings.
With confusion in the crowded corridors, Thomas lost sight of the girl and the brunette. 
The school board recommended him to visit Miss Taylor's class, classroom no.51. It took a while, but he finally found the classroom. Before knocking on the door, Thomas suddenly felt nervous, with a knot in his stomach.
‘In the name of art, Thomas, in the name of art …' he murmured before knocking.
The door opened. Many pairs of expectant eyes looked back at him with curiosity. When the door opened a little more, it revealed the brunette he had seen with the girl.
His eyes fixed on her sweet chestnut for a moment, and, no matter how cliché and cheesy this may be, his heart literally skipped a beat. Thomas felt an inexplicable warmth come to his face. Fortunately, the beard would camouflage his rosy cheeks. Whatever happened in those seconds, it didn't seem to affect the brunette who looked away.
“Is this Miss Taylor’s class?”
“I have permission from school board to attend your class. I’m…”
“I know who you’re... please come in,” she smiled shyly, “I apologize for not having a seat for you ... the room is at its maximum capacity ... but if you want you can sit at my desk…”
“No way, Miss Taylor! Don’t worry about me. I am going to the back of the room. You won't even notice my presence. Thank you for having me.”
 She just nodded.
“Class, let me introduce you Mr. Hunt. He is a famous director…”
“We watched one of his movies a few weeks ago, didn't we, Miss Taylor?”
“Yes, we did…”
“Mr. Hunt, Miss Taylor is a huge a fan of you…she said she watched all your movies…”
Miss Taylor's cheeks changed to increasingly reddish tones.
“Kids let me finish, please…”
“Is it true that Jessica Massena blow you off?”
“Samantha don’t be nosy! I’m so sorry, Mr. Hunt…they’re well behaves kids. I'm sure this is the excitement speaking for them,”
“I'm not making anything up ... it's in all the magazines!” Samantha protested.
“Miss Taylor is single, and she already has a soft spot for you…You could ask her out!” another girl added.
“Children, you’re crossing the line ... one more inappropriate observation and you are grounded!”
“That’s okay, miss Taylor…they’re just kids.” Thomas said.
“Thank you for understanding, Mr. Hunt...As I was saying, Mr. Hunt will be here at school for some days and attend some classes for research proposals.”
“This is for a new movie?”
“Can we be part of it?”
The students were even more excited.
It took some time for them to calm down, but little by little, Miss Taylor, in a sweet and serene voice, managed to calm them down and refocus their attention on her.
After correcting homework, Miss Taylor started her Math lesson. The way she explained it was truly remarkable…inspiring. She put in those numbers the same passion he had seen in the greatest actresses.
She was very affectionate with the students. One of them was having troubles in understanding an exercise. Miss Taylor explained it once, twice, three times ... always calmly and patiently.
“Very good! I knew you could do this.” Miss Taylor encouraged the student.
Jessica Massena was a consuming fire, but the brunette teacher was warming his soul, a kind of heat that settles on the skin, on the bones and makes us feel good and at peace.
From time to time, when she thought he wasn’t looking, Miss Taylor threw him a discreet shy look. When their eyes locked, she blushed, adjusted her hair nervously and looked away.
Thomas found himself completely mesmerized. In fact, he felt like he was in one of those cheesy movies where the main character is completely lost gazing at the girl, there is a pop romantic ballad playing in the background and the sun shines brighter.
 He didn't notice time passing, delighted to hear and observe her. The bell woke him from the trance.
“Sorry again for the kids... and for and the indiscreet remarks.”
“No need to apologize. It's part of the children's charm ... at least that's what people say.”
“I hope you found our class useful for your research.”
“Yes...thank you for having me...”
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. Whenever one looked, the other looked away.
“The pleasure was ours. If there is anything that kids or I can do for help...”
He barely heard her, captivated by her natural features. Her lips were two beautiful pink lines. Thomas had never thought of his life being enchanted by a nose, but Miss Taylor's nose was the cutest nose he had ever seen. The director was so distracted that he didn’t notice he was leaning against a desk, which, at some point, gave in to his weight, causing him to lose his balance.
She tried to grab his arm to hold him, but the force of gravity had no mercy and the director ended up falling on the floor dragging Miss Taylor with him who landed on top of him.
Just a couple of inches were separating their lips. “Kiss her!” a voiced shouted in a corner of his head, “Are you crazy, Thomas?” another inner voice replied, “You’ve only known her for a couple of hours ... What would she think of you?”
I must have hit my head very hard... his rational self thought.
“Oh Lord, I’m so sorry, Miss Taylor...Are you okay?”
“Yes...and you? I’m so sorry. I was trying help and my clumsiness got things worse like the usual…”
“No, it was all my fault, Miss Taylor.”
Her perfume. It was not like the expensive signature perfume the women who he usually crossed paths. Her hair smelled like honey and her perfume was soft with hints of flowers.
“Maybe we should get up?”
“Yes, of course, sorry.” Thomas babbled.
She got up first and held out her hand to help him. Thomas declined delicately. A gentleman must help the lady and not the other way around.
However, when he got up, he fell out of balance again, falling once more.
Miss Taylor smiled to avoid laughter.
“You can laugh. This is absolutely ridiculous,” Thomas said, allowing a smile to appear on his lips.
He rose from the ground with as much dignity as possible, shaking the dust and smoothing his blazer. Moved by the instinct of help, Miss Taylor helped him to clean up. At some moment, their fingers touched and grazed each other’s for some seconds. She blushed and took her hand from his arm.
“May I offer you to a coffee? I mean, offer a coffee to you…as an I’m sorry coffee,”
“You don’t have to do it, Mr. Hunt…”
“Just Thomas, please…and I insist…It’d be a pleasure for me.”
“I…I'd love it…”
“Great! Do you recommend any place special?”
“Wait , I can’t…I’m sorry, I promised to help a student after classes…she really needs me today…I’m sorry…”
“She…your students are lucky to have you.”
Miss Taylor blushed. “I’m not that special…I just love what I do…I think you can understand me on that point…You used to be a professor too...and, you know how it is...When we love our job, we don’t just do it...we breathe it.”
Yes, he could understand that. And he was understanding that this he was feeling was something he shouldn’t ignore.
“I’ll come back tomorrow to Mr. Somerset’s classroom. Maybe, after classes tomorrow?”
She smiled.
“Until tomorrow.”
Thomas gently grabbed her hand, taking it to his lips and planting a gentle kiss on it, “I’m counting the minutes. Have a lovely evening, Miss Taylor.”
He made his way out of the classroom, but not resisting to steal some glances of her along the way, which cost him a blow to the shin, courtesy of desk’s iron leg. When he threw a last glance at the doorway, she said:
“Danielle. My name is Danielle.”
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behappyitsemmalie · 4 years
Sweet Child of Mine - John B x Reader
Requested: YES! ‘Would you mind writing a pregnancy scare with John B?’
@massholeabroad - this is for you boo! Hope I did your prompt justice! Sorry this took 700 years to write lol
I am nothing if not a slut for pregnancy fics😏 This is also my first John B fic so yay! And we all know John B would be the sweetest little bean during a pregnancy scare. 
A/N: This takes place in a universe where Big John still went missing but the gold hunt never happened and DCS didn't know John B was living alone! 
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You were nervous. Your leg was bouncing uncontrollably as you sat in the front seat of your car, hands anxiously clutching the steering wheel. The car was parked in front of the Chateau, early morning sun beaming in through the trees. You weren't exactly sure how long you had been sitting outside at this point, instead of going inside the house and talking to your boyfriend like you came here to do. There wasn't much time. The rest of the Pogues were supposed to come over to take the boat out later and you knew it wouldn't be unlike them to show up early, particularly JJ. So finally, with one last deep breath, you got out of the car and made your way across the yard and up the front porch steps. 
As soon as you stepped into the house, you saw him. John B, your boyfriend of over a year and friend of nearly 10 years, standing there in the living room. There was a beer in his hand, despite it being only 11AM, and he was shirtless as he liked to be. He looked up as he heard the rickety front door open and shut and grinned at you, not yet noticing the nervous smile you wore on your face. 
“Hey babe, what are you doing here? I thought you were coming later with everyone else?” he asked, coming over to you and pressing a kiss to your lips. He was a good boyfriend, the best actually. And due to being friends for the majority of your lives, he knew you inside and out. So it didn't take him more than a few seconds to realize you weren't your normal, cheerful self. You were tangling your fingers around each other aimlessly, a nervous tick of yours. And your smile had all but disappeared entirely, now replaced with nervous furrowed brows and pursed lips. “What’s wrong?” he asked, placing his beer down on the tiny end table next to the couch and letting his hands grasp lightly at your shoulders. 
“I just- um, I have to talk to you about something. Something that’s- its, um- important,” you stuttered. 
John B was a bit taken back at how nervous you seemed. The two of you had been dating too long, friends too long to be nervous around each other. It wasn't like you to be nervous at all, especially with John B. 
“Is it serious?” he asked. 
Your mind was racing. 
‘If you count the fact that there may be a tiny human growing inside of me right now as serious, then yeah it’s very serious.’ 
“Whatever it is, you know you can tell me,” he continued. 
‘I may be fucking pregnant with your kid.’ 
“You just have to tell me what it is.” 
You studied John B’s caring face, seeing nothing but the genuine kindness that always seemed to live in his eyes. He was gentle and attentive and loving. You didn't think it was going to be this hard to tell him that you were late on your period and you weren't sure what that meant. You had thought about just taking a test by yourself and only telling him if the test was positive. No need to worry him over nothing right? But you felt sick to your stomach thinking about taking the test by yourself. You needed John B. 
But you truly didn't think it would be this hard to just tell him. 
You broke out of his gentle hands holding onto your shoulders and slumped down on the couch. He followed you, taking a careful seat next to you. He started talking, rambling like he does when he’s anxious. You tuned him out, closing your eyes and gathering up every inch of strength you had inside of you to just say the damn words. Once the words came out, this whole thing could just move faster. 
You knew John B was in the middle of saying something, but you didn't care. “I’m pregnant,” you blurted out without thinking. The words came out like vomit, no prior planning seemed to be put into them at all. You looked up at your boyfriend who looked like he could fall out of his seat any second. 
“I’m sorry I don't know why I said that,” you sighed, burying you face in your hands. “I might be pregnant. Might! I just- I've been sick lately and I was supposed to start my period last week and I haven't yet. And you know we’re not always the best with condoms!” 
John B knew he didn't have any space to argue on that last point. You guys weren't the best at it. Especially after a boneyard party when you two were drunk and horny and were so painfully aware of how in love you two were. It wasn't rare for you two to forget (or just ignore) a condom. And he knew you hadn't been feeling great lately, actually seeing you throw up stomach contents a couple days ago. So unfortunately, it did all kind of add up. 
The boy seemed stuck, like someone pressed pause on his life. His eyes were trained on you, probably waiting for you to tell him it was all a joke. But he could tell by your expression that you weren't kidding. 
“Ok. Ok... ok,” he kept repeating. You swore if he said that word one more time, you would hit him. “What do we do?” 
It actually comforted you to see him be as clueless about all of this as you were. It gave you some peace of mind that you weren't just dumb or naive. This was a scary, baffling situation that you weren't really supposed to know how to navigate at 16 years old. 
“I have to take a test,” you answered. 
“You haven't taken a test yet?” he asked, his tone more hopeful rather than angry. 
“I didn't want to take it alone.” Your voice was lower than you had ever heard it. It sounded too small for someone who might be a mother soon. John B reached his hand up and cupped your cheek, letting his fingers tangle in your hair. You leaned into it, craving that kind warmth more than anything. 
“You’re not taking it alone,” he grinned. 
He got up off the couch, extending his hand out for you to grab it. With no hesitation you grabbed it, weaving your fingers in with his. You made a move towards the front door, eager to get this over with, particularly before your nosy friends came over. John B tugged on your hand, pulling you back in front of him. His face looked so soft, you didn't even know how to interpret it. He pushed a strand of rogue hair behind your ear and smiled. 
“Everything’s going to be ok. You know that right?” he told you. You were almost inclined to believe him. He seemed so damn sure. But you knew he had no way of knowing how everything would turn out. No one did. Not until you found out if you were actually pregnant. 
“Let’s just take the test,” you smiled. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before telling you to grab the van keys from the kitchen while he throws on his shoes and a shirt. 
Part of you wanted to ask if you two could jump on a ferry and head to the mainland to get a test. Outer Banks was small. Most people knew each other. Anyone who knew you and John B could be at the tiny convenience store on the Cut. They could easily see what you were buying and make any number of assumptions, and before you knew it the whole island would know your business. But you knew there was no time to go all the way there and back. 
Because John B is John B and he could easily see how nervous you were as he pulled the van up in of the store, he offered to go in while you wait in the car. With a kiss to your temple, he got out of the van, jogging up to the store and disappearing inside. You sat in the car, the radio playing a soft song you didn't know but liked. You couldn't be a mom. You had no idea how. It’s not like you had a great example. Your mom wasn't much older than you when she got pregnant. She had spent the whole summer with some tourist visiting the island with his family. By the time she found out she was pregnant, he was gone. So it had always just been you and her. She wasn't exactly shy about letting you know that if she never had you, she could've gone to college and gotten out of the Outer Banks and made something of herself. Living your whole life knowing your own mother resented you for something you had zero control over, pretty much just being born, was not the life you wanted for yourself or your child. 
You were the middle of being completely disappointed in yourself for somehow following in your mother’s footsteps when you saw John B exit the store. You had John B, not some idiot touron from the mainland. So maybe you weren't in her exact footsteps. 
Your boyfriend climbed into the van, handing you the bag he was holding. 
“Did you know there are like 10 different brands of pregnancy tests?” he laughed. The laugh was strained, like he didn't really think it was funny but he didn't quite know what emotion to tie to all of this. 
You smiled back at him as he started the car. “Thank you. For going in,” you grinned, reaching over to grab his hand. As he pulled your clasped hands up to his lips to press a kiss to yours, you weren’t really sure how you got so lucky. 
The ride back to the Chateau was just as quiet as the ride to the store was. You leaned your head back against the seat. It was a warm day. You enjoyed the cool breeze that ran threw your hair as it came in through the van’s open windows. John B was still holding onto your hand, his thumb rubbing against the back of your hand to calm you. That always worked before, so why not now? You hadn't even realized you had arrived at the familiar house until you felt John B’s hand leave yours so he could take the car keys out of the ignition. The bag in your lap felt heavy, like it held your future in it. It kind of did in a way. Your entire future from this moment forward was going to be decided by the tiny stick in this bag. 
“You ready?” John B asked. You just nodded, opened the door and stepped out of the van, clutching that stupid brown bag in your hands. 
Once in the house, you threw your backpack onto the couch and discarded your shoes, wanting any excuse to stall. John B grabbed your hand and led you to the bathroom. You took the taunting box out of the bag and set it on the counter. You just stared at it. You were quiet. So was John B. Everything in this moment seemed to stand still. 
“I’m going to wait right outside, ok? Just take it when you’re ready,” John B said, kissing your head and backing out the room. The two of you made eye contact in the mirror as he was closing the door, the grin on his face enough to make you smile back. 
Somehow he was so calm. It was a little unlike him. He could be anxious, get flustered under pressure. You couldn't think of anything that would be more pressure than your girlfriend maybe being pregnant with your kid while you’re both still in high school. It concerned you a bit how level-headed he seemed today. But you wouldn't question it too much. You need this strong reassurance that he was giving you. It was the only thing making it possible for you to break open the test box and spill its contents out onto the bathroom counter. You must have read the instructions over 20 times before sitting on the toilet and actually doing it. 
When you were done, you set the test on the counter and washed your hands. Your reflection in the mirror seemed to tease you, looking nothing like a mom. But then again, how did you even know what a mom looked like? A good mom at least. Kie had a good mom. Pope did too. But you weren't like them. John B would probably be a good dad, you thought to yourself. Suddenly remembering John B was outside waiting for you, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and set the timer to 3 minutes, just like the instructions said to do. You opened the door and saw your boyfriend sitting down leaning against the wall next to the bathroom, running a hand through his floppy hair. 
He looked up at you, eyes wide and curious. “So? What happened?” he asked.
“We have to wait 3 minutes,” you answered simply, showing him your phone as the timer ticked down. You sunk down to the floor to sit next to John B and quickly felt his arm be thrown around your shoulders, pulling you in close to him. Your head dropped to his shoulder. “What are we going to do? If it’s positive?”
“Then we’ll figure it out,” he answered, no hesitation in his voice. There was a pause, you not sure what else to say and John B focused on twisting the ends of your hair in his fingers. “You know I was thinking,” he started speaking, now with a slightly nervous twist in his voice, “we could put the baby in my dad’s old room. We could clean it out and everything.” You looked up at your boyfriend. He never even discussed cleaning out his dad’s room, even though the man had been missing for almost 6 months now. But now he sounded so nonchalant about it, like putting a baby in there was the obvious choice. 
“Really?” you asked carefully. 
“Yeah. Me and the guys could build a crib and we could put it right in the middle of the room. I'm sure Kie could paint some stuff for the wall. Make it look nice. And I could build a book shelf that can hold 100 books! And then the baby can grow up and be as smart as Pope,” he grinned. You giggled a bit, admiring the way he seemed to put so much thought into this. 
It suddenly became so clear to you that you were not alone in this. If the test was positive, if there was a human life inside of you at this moment, you didn't have to raise him or her all by yourself. John B was here, grinning like a dope while describing how great a Chateau nursery could be. The pogues would help. Surely they would want to have a hand in raising the next generation of pogues. 
Pope could teach the kid all kinds of facts and all kinds of marvelous things you didn't even know about. Kie could teach them all about the planet and they could help sea turtles hatch on the beach together. JJ would surely teach them how to surf so they could learn from the best there is. 
“You don't think JJ would throw a fit not having that room to bring his hookups into anymore?” you asked, joking of course. 
“I think Uncle JJ will get over it,” John B laughed. 
“Uncle JJ!” you repeated, laughing along with your boyfriend. The laughter died down after a minute and you leaned deeper into your boyfriend. There was no way in hell you could have done this alone. John B lifted his head, kissing the top of your hair and letting his lips rest there as you two sunk into a comfortable silence. 
Soon your phone went off. Three minutes had come and gone. The test would be ready and you would know once and for all if you were going to be a mom. 
“Hey,” John B whispered, getting your attention. “I’m not going anywhere you know. If the test is positive, then I'm not going anywhere. I love you. And that’s our baby. Ok?” 
You didn't really have words that you felt would describe how grateful you were to have him in your life or how much it meant to you that he was so calm and helpful today because you were scared shitless. No words seemed good enough because you were so damn thankful you had him. So you just nodded, leaned forward, and kissed him. It was soft and sweet and quick. But it was all you could muster up. 
The two of you got up from your spot on the floor and stepped gingerly into the bathroom. Neither of you made a move to grab the test as it sat on the counter. You didn't know if you could wait too long after the 3 minutes. Maybe the results would fade away and your would have to take it all over again. The thought of doing all of this again made you want to vomit, so you quickly reached for the test, eyes trained on the little digital results screen. There was one line. One little pink line across the screen and you had no idea what that meant. All the time spent reading the directions paper over and over seemed to be a waste at this moment. Without letting your eyes drift from the screen, your hand repeatedly smacked John B’s shoulder. 
“There’s one line. What does one line mean?” you asked in a frantic voice. 
“Uh, how do I know?” he asked in an equally frantic voice. It was the voice you expected him to be speaking in all day. Finally it came out at the finish line here. 
“Check the box!” 
John B rushed around you, picking up the box and the instruction paper you had discarded across the counter earlier. His eyes shifted between the two objects looking for an answer to the life changing question. Surely he couldn't be reading anything properly like that. Impatient, you grabbed the instruction paper out of his hand, still holding the stick firmly in your right hand. John B was left with the empty box, his eyes scanning it wildly. 
“Oh! Hey ok, two lines is-” John B started, his voice more frantic than you had ever heard it. 
“It’s one line!” you interrupted, not caring at all what two lines meant. 
There was a pause as it seemed like John B was trying to focus on the box, making sure he wasn't imagining things. 
“Negative,” he whispered almost too low for you to hear. 
“Negative? I'm not pregnant?” you asked. John B shook his head. Both of your faces suddenly grew smiles a mile long, now knowing you were not about to be teen parents with no fucking idea what you were doing. “I’m not pregnant!” 
Both of you threw the objects in your hands on the counter and you threw your arms around John B’s neck. He lifted you up, hugging you tight around the torso as you wrapped your legs around him. Your lips met with a crazed passion that can only come with realizing you dodged a bullet. John B shifted, placing you up on top of the bathroom counter, moving to stand in between your legs. The kiss continued for a minute, threatening to deepen, which seemed counterproductive to the achievement you were celebrating. You pulled apart, your smile quaint but with your face sunken a bit. 
“What?” John B asked, noticing your smile not as bright as it was when you read the results of the test. 
“Nothing,” you lied. Well, not lied, but it was a stupid thing to have disappointment pinging in your chest in a moment like this. “I mean, don't get me wrong I’m not exactly disappointed I don't get to be a 16 year old mother. But, I don't know, it was all kind of nice to think about. You and me and a baby. And it’s own little room here and all the pogues helping out. It was nice,” you admitted. 
“I know it was,” John B cooed. He could admit, he felt the same weird ping of disappointment rattling around inside of him. There was no way he was ready to be a dad. He could barely take care of himself. But his mind had already started piecing together all the ways they could make it work. And now it felt like his heart was taking a bit of a hit, knowing there wouldn't be a little baby around that had your eyes and your smile and your laugh. “But one day. One day we’ll have that.” 
“Yeah. When you birth all of my children,” he claimed, with that cheeky grin twisting his lips up. 
“Oh? I’m birthing all your children? Really?” you laughed. 
“Oh yeah. No doubt about it.” 
You cupped his cheeks and smiled into another kiss. You loved him. You loved each other. And today wasn't the day for you two to have a baby and thank god for that because as much as it was a cute thought, you knew having a baby right now would be a total shit show. But at some point, there would be a hand built crib in the room across the way from John B’s and there would be a baby. A pogue baby with John B’s freckles and the same floppy, golden hair. 
“One day?” John B asked as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. 
“Ok. Deal.” 
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yangyeet · 4 years
Truth or Dare
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Pairing: Lucas x Reader (ft. Yangyang & the other WayV members)
Genre: Smut!!! But also a little bit of fluff in the beginning because it’s Lucas
Summary: You went over to the WayV dorms to spend a normal, calm weekend with your boyfriend, Lucas, and the other boys. Of course, nothing was normal with WayV and soon, you and Lucas found yourself in a spicy dare thanks to Yangyang. Will Lucas pull through with the dare?
Word Count: 2.5K
It all started off with a bet from a wild game night with WayV that had your sweet boyfriend, Lucas, currently an utterly red-faced, smirking mess in the middle of the mall. 
Initially, you had intended to arrive at the dorms on the early Saturday afternoon in your cutest oversized sweater and sweatpants, thinking that you would watch a couple of Disney movies (it would probably end up in a 6-2 vote for Shrek if Yangyang was picking), cuddle with your adorable boyfriend, and have some great hot pot made by Kun. At least, that's how you envisioned the day would go.
Instead, you found yourself thrust in the middle of truth or dare. Typically, you considered the game to be played at parties when everyone was drunk without inhibition. Regardless, the seven boys had enough energy to escape the drunk part and directly play the game.
Like Xiaojun, Kun and Winwin chose truth to play it safe, knowing the infamous LuHenYang and Ten pair could think of anything crazy. Unfortunately, they were right in the assumption when Lucas chose dare and got challenged by Yangyang. 
"Lucas," he started off, moving closer to the boy. Within a couple of seconds, your boyfriend’s face was flushed so red that you thought he might faint right there.
"Yangyang, what did you dare him to do?" Kun asked, hesitant if he really wanted to know the answer. The boy just gave a cheeky grin in response and moved back to his spot as if nothing had happened.
"He'll do his dare tomorrow." You raised your eyebrows and looked over to Lucas, but he refused to meet your eyes. Deciding that you could ask him later that night, you let go of the weird moment and continued playing the game with everyone. However, the group soon lost interest to continue when Ten was dared to do a backflip and ripped his pants on the ceiling fan. But that's a story for another day.
The other members went to go help Kun finish cooking and prep the dinner table. In the meantime, the responsibility for cleaning up the snacks was distributed to you and Yangyang for today, leaving the two of you alone to talk. 
"So, (Y/n)-" He lifted his eyebrows before smirking. "-get ready for some fun."
You turned to look at him in confusion. "Fun?"
"I won't be saying more than that," he said, pretending to seal his lips with his hands and throw away a key before moving away. Shrugging your shoulder, you continued to pick up the foil wrap of the granola bars, contemplating his words.
His remark still lingered in your mind as you ate dinner in silence, watched Puss in Boots, and settled down into your shared bed. It was undeniable at this point that the dare had to do with you, but your boyfriend refused to spill any details about what Yangyang had told him. 
When Lucas shyly slid into bed next to you and grabbed your waist to pull you closer, you leaned in to listen to whatever he'd say. Lucas had glanced at you nervously all night, and you thought he'd finally be ready to tell you what the dare, especially since you were both alone. Unfortunately, he fell asleep as soon as his body hit the mattress, which was understandable due to his tight schedule. 
You'd be lying if you said that you slept properly at night. In fact, you were tossing and turning like there was no tomorrow. So when you got up for breakfast, the first thing that Hendery greeted you with was, "you look like shit." 
Grumbling a thanks, you walked up to Xiaojun and grabbed a cup of coffee from him. "Didn't sleep?" Xiaojun asked softly. You shook your head in response and saw the perpetrators, Lucas and Yangyang, in a whispering battle. They ceased as soon as they saw your grumpy figure, glaring at them with coffee in your hand. 
Lucas let out a nervous chuckle, and Hendery nudged him hard toward you. He came stumbling up to you and shyly rubbed the back of his head. "Good morning, babe." His voice was husky as he was still shaking off the effects of the good night's sleep that he got. 
You just hmphed and walked over to Kun, who was making omelettes for everyone. "Kun, what's the plan for today?" He raised his eyebrows at the weird tension in the room before nodding at you in a polite greeting. 
"Well, we're planning on going to the mall and grab some clothes after...uh, our friend Ten ripped his pants on the ceiling fan last night. Then, we'll grab some takeout and come back." 
"Solid," Hendery said, sliding in and tasting one of the cooked eggs from the plate. "Mm, tastes pretty good."
"You brat!" Kun scolded, but Hendery ran very fast, knocking past a pouting Lucas. 
Breakfast went by just like that, you ignoring Lucas and Yangyang while the other members just looked concerned. You were the first to finish your food and washed your plate before heading to your (Lucas') room to find clothes to wear. 
You saw a small box on the bed with a red ribbon tied around it. At first, you thought you were being nosy, but you saw that it was addressed for you. Looking around to see if Lucas was in the room, you opened the box and saw a cute matching panty and bra set in your favorite color. Inside the box in neat handwriting, Lucas had written a short message. "Wear it today. Wink wink. Your lovely boyfriend."
Deciding to entertain his ideas, but actually finding the set really cute, you slipped it on and grabbed leggings and one of Lucas' comfy hoodies to slip on. Even though you wouldn't tell him, every time you came over, you'd steal one of his hoodies (and give it back later, of course), but they were so large and comfortable on you that you felt safe wearing it. Dabbing some light makeup on, you were ready to go. 
By the time you all gathered outside the car, you two had resolved the petty issue, and you were sitting next to Lucas again. He was fiddling nervously on his phone, but he addressed you properly this time. "Baby, I'm sorry for ignoring you. Makeup kiss?" He asked cutely, making Ten cringe heavily. You ignored the booing in the background to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"It's fine. I was probably overreacting. Let's go!" You pumped your arms, making him chuckle and repeat your action. 
Yangyang sighed in mock annoyance before joining you guys. "Field trip time!" 
You visibly saw Kun's knuckles turn white from gripping the steering wheel too hard, but he relaxed when you sent him a reassuring smile and Winwin patted him comfortingly back. Lucas just giggled while hiding his face in your neck, and you squirmed from his ticklish hold.
The journey to the mall went by without any stalling, and you guys soon waltzed in with loud chatter that had the elderly citizens, who were strolling along peacefully, sending glares at you guys. It was when you walked into the first store that you realized very quickly what the dare was and why Lucas was acting so awkward. 
 You were shopping through a rack of shorts while your boyfriend fiddled with his phone once again. You assumed he was just texting someone, but that was easily discarded when you felt a slight buzz between your legs. At first, you brushed it off as your new leggings just chafing your thighs and causing some sort of strange friction. But when Lucas grazed your ears with his lips and whispered, "how's the feeling," your face turned the same shade of red as his. 
"Is that what I think it is?" Wanting to confirm your suspicions, you asked your boyfriend as quietly as you could without attracting the attention of a giggling Yangyang who was wiggling his eyebrows at you. He nodded and subtly turned his phone on to show you the controls. You gasped at him and tried your best to ignore the sensation. It was becoming difficult, however, when you left the first shop to go to the next one. Lucas had upped the strength of the vibrations, and your knees nearly buckled at the intense wave of pleasure. 
Thankfully, Lucas was standing behind you and tightly held onto your waist, pretending that you were just an average, overly-affectionate couple shopping together. If the other members noticed your behavior, they chose to ignore it except for Yangyang, who was clearly having the time of his life watching you struggle.  
"Look at me." For the first time since the morning, he held your jaw lightly to turn your face towards him. "If you're feeling uncomfortable at any time, let me know. There are three more levels left on this thing babe. We can go all the way or stay here."
Your eyes nearly rolled back when you heard there was more on the setting app. You attempted to hum but softly moaned instead, causing Hendery to peak his eyebrows. "(Y/n), you good?" 
"Yeah," you shyly responded, hitting your boyfriend. 
He laughed and put his arm around your shoulder to turn you to the next store. "Of course, she's good." Then, he moved down to your ear so that no one else could hear. "You're such a dirty girl, you know that? The guys are right there, and you're getting off on that. Feels good, huh? You’re letting out noises so they can all hear you. Being so naughty for me." He flicked the wrist that was resting in his pocket, and you felt the vibrations rub against your clit in the best way possible. Holding tightly onto Lucas, you buried your face in his chest.
"Fuck you," you cursed, walking unsteadily to the back of the store so no one could see your struggle. 
"This is more fun than I thought it'd be," he mumbled under his breath. 
Even though Lucas was clearly amused, you were trying your best not to roll your eyes to the back of your head and let out the filthiest moan in the candy aisle in the back. You tried to distract yourself by looking at the Kit Kats and M&Ms that were sorted in colorful bunches. 
Yangyang also seemed to be having fun knowing what was going on between you two, so he plopped himself right next to you, giving a light smirk before brushing strands of hair off your forehead. "You look like you need some help. Why don't you go grab the Sour Patch candies over there," he pointed to the top right shelf that was just barely within your reach. 
Scowling at him, you mustered all your strength to walk over to the section and stand on your tippy-toes to get the candy. However, you didn't expect Lucas to immediately raise the toy to the highest setting, causing you to squat down and squeeze your eyes at the pleasure. Yangyang let out a sadistic laugh before winking at your boyfriend and walking away leisurely. 
"Oh, wow, that's what happens when I put it on the highest?" Lucas said, almost in amazement before grabbing the candy for you. "Are you close?" He mumbled, his voice giving away his own slight arousal. You nodded quickly. You could feel your orgasm about to wash over you, the knot getting tighter and tighter. You felt your legs start to shake and that sweet, sweet pleasure about to take over you when - "Too bad," Lucas said before turning the device off altogether with a devilish grin on his face. 
You groaned in disappointment and felt your orgasm wash away. "No," you whined and tugged on his sleeve. That didn't do you any favors, and he simply shrugged you off and walked towards Kun, who was standing in line, holding pants (which you assumed were for Ten) and a small kids echo microphone (which you assumed was for Xiaojun). Lucas added the candy onto the growing pile on his leader's hand and took your hand to take you to the other guys. 
 The rest of the guys were sitting on a bench in the middle of the walkway. Yangyang, seeing you two approach, invited you to sit down next to him with an evil glint in his eyes. His gaze turned to Lucas, who only gave you an innocent smile in return. You sighed and sat down next to the boy, cringing at the feeling of wetness pooling between your legs. 
He leaned down to whisper to you. "Figure out what the dare was?" 
You were about to punch him until you felt the vibrations increasing rapidly. Trying to look subtle, you looked up at Lucas, who was looking anywhere except for you. Gripping the edge of the bench tightly, you clenched and unclenched your jaw before looking at Yangyang. "I'm getting restless. Let's go?" 
He laughed as if you just said a funny joke. "Of course!" He pulled you up before grabbing Lucas arm as well. "Let's get food! The girl's hungry!" He announced. 
Hendery rolled his eyes at the loud proclamation. "We have to wait for Kun, dumb-dumb! Be a little patient," Oh, if only he knew how patient you were being at that moment. The rest of the boys hummed and sat calmly in their spots, not knowing the turmoil you were going through.
Waiting for Kun to finish the payment and bring all the bags felt like an eternity to you. By the time he arrived, you were jumping to leave the mall and get your release. Lucas was smiling at your eagerness and playing with the settings as he pleased, ranging the vibrations from a low buzz to the strongest that would've brought you to a leg shaking orgasm if he didn't lower it. Unfortunately for you, he constantly brought you to the edge, over and over again, before turning the toy off. At this point, you were so sexually frustrated, you would've taken him right-there-and-then if the other boys weren't present.
Lucas seemed to love having the control over you because as soon as you guys got in the car, he placed you on his lap and played with the hems of your legging. "Babe, you've been so good for me today. I think you deserve a reward, hm?" He licked a stripe on your neck and rubbed your back against his hard-on. You knew you were going to be in for a ride when you arrived back in the dorms.
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antman-56 · 4 years
I Know
“Ah Joker.”
“I know.”
Right now both Mona and Akira were being followed by a very nosy Makoto Niijima.
Right now she was behind them reading this weeks manga release.  
They had noticed her following them after the Madarame incident. He will admit he didn’t notice her until Mona said he felt uneasy. It wasn’t until they were near Untouchable that Akira felt the same feeling and quickly turned around to see a familiar face duck behind the corner of the alley.  
This has been going on for a week now. and he figured out her pattern. She would wait until he left his last class and follow him until 8 pm.
Sometimes longer when he’s with Iwai or when he was in the clinic whenever he was with Takemi-san.
“She’s doing a very bad job at being hidden.”
“I know.”
Akira found the game they played enjoyable. She tried so hard to try and find proof that he had some info on the Phantom Thieves, not knowing he was the leader. 
“What should we do then. She’s being annoying.”
“Lets just waste her time.”
“So, same plan like last time or something new?.”
“Well Takemi-san is still looking through the data and Ann and Ryuji are on a date. (Mona grew a small, sinister, dark aura on being reminded, AGAIN)  And Yusuke is being Yusuke.”
“So, how do we kill time.”
“Wanna see if Iwai needs help?”
“Isn’t that the opposite of what we want?”
“Were just being a part timer in a respectable business and being upstanding citizens on top of it.”
“Your picking up some of his habits.”
***A little later, Outside Untouchable***
Makoto just saw Akira walk into the Air Soft Store. He has visited the store quite frequently, was he a worker? A regular? Or was their something more to it? He would spend hours in there and come out later then she could actually afford to watch. 
Her sister had given her a harsh lecture when she came home at 1 in the morning.
She heard of the shady stuff that went on in there, mostly stuff with the Yakuza,  but right now she couldn’t help but worry a little bit for Akira. 
He may be a suspect in her investigation but he was still a student. Maybe he was innocent in all of this and was dragged into it? Maybe she could help him?
That was why she was ready this time.
Right at her side would be her tool in finding the first step to the Phantom Thieves.
Akira was up by the register and Iwai was in the back.
Iwai knew of the problem and gladly helped Akira out. He would let him stay in the shop and fix the guns he bought as long as he helped around when their were customers or the occasional police harassment. In all honesty, he felt like he had another son.
Right now, Akira was cleaning Ryuji’s Fury shotgun, his face showed annoyance on how misused this thing looked. He was so caught up in fixing it that he didn’t notice the door being opened.
Akira dropped his attention from the weapon and looked up. 
If only he could take a picture.
In came Makoto, wearing a blue bandanna over her hair, sunglasses, a biker jacket with a red shirt and black biker jeans. 
She looked like a the thug from the western cartoons.
Makoto looked at Akira with shock, worry, and fear.
Here in front of her was Akira with a shotgun in his hands.
Akira noticing what she was looking at put the shotgun under the counter.
“It’s a fake”, He said hoping it would put her at ease.
It really didn’t.
“So, how can I help you miss?” He said with his customer smile.
Makoto shook her head and meet his smiling face with her shaky stoic face.
“I’m looking for a gun for my little brother.”
She was prepared. She had a story to help her questioning and kinda hoped he wouldn’t really pry into it said story.
Akira could already see right through her. He decided to play along, just to see the panicking look on her face if she was caught off guard.
“Well what guns is he interested in? Automatics, semi, explosives, syfy, something with a kick or easy to handle?”
He couldn’t help but smile a bit more when she struggled to pick what gun her fake brother wanted.
“Well then your in luck because we just received an advanced shipment of the AR-X.”
Akira then proceeded to walk over to were the rifle was displayed, took it out. and walked back up to her.
“This baby looks as realistic as the gun it’s based on and is one of the few things that would make any gun enthusiasts in Japan jump with excitement.”
Akira showed the weapon with pride and began to explain in detail why you would want to buy it.
After staying longer than she should have, Makoto left. After asking questions like; what kind of customers entered the store, how often do people buy guns and if she could talk to the owner for his recommendations or to place a custom order. She realized she was hitting dead ends.
She was a bit disappointed on how things played out and kinda embarrassed that she was forced to buy a fake revolver with the rest of her allowance. 
She hoped her sister would not search her once she got home.
After she left and a few minutes went by Akira began to laugh. 
The look on her face was priceless when she tried to improvise on the spot.
And she bought a gun at the end of it.
He definetly had to tell Mona about this.
In the back Iwai gave a quiet chuckle. 
The kid was a natural.
***Two Days Later***
.”When will she give up.” Mona complained.
“Well she did try to spy on Ryuji’s and Ann’s date yesterday and they said they would owe me one if I could take her this time.”
“How about we tell her that Ryuji’s said she was annoying and then after she could kicks his-”
“Mona what did Ann say.”
“If he hurts her then I can kick his ass.”
“Before that.”
“Be nice.”
They began to discuss their plan as Makoto hid behind a fashion magazine this time. 
She was at the other end of the train car to Yongen-Jaya. 
She was speculating were he was heading off to. It was either the laundry mat or to go to that clinic. And with a little research it has a reputation of being able to heal almost everything. 
She could see him on his phone and smiling. Maybe a message about another change of heart or nothing at all. 
She had to know!!
As he exited the passenger car, she quickly followed.
He was going to the clinic.
When he entered she waited by the entrance and waited until she knew he would be in the exam room.
“You do know testing experimental tonics isn’t really helpful to me? Right?”
“I know but I want to waste her time.”
Tae looked at her guinea pig curiously. 
“Why would you like to waste her time? It’s not like your doing anything ill- more illegal?”
Akira was stumped. But quickly came up with an answer.
“Well I like a good laugh when see tries to be sneaky.”
“If I didn’t know any better it would sound like you like being followed.”
“You caught me, that’s my kink.”
“Whatever. Just don’t... don’t play too long with her, okay.”
Akira hummed a response as he’s laid on the Patient’s bed in the room, his arms behind his head, eyes closed and a smile on his face. His only wish was to see her face behind the glass window on the door..
Tae looked at the door and saw a silhouette. She reached for another tonic.
“Here, try this one now.”
Akira reached for it and downed the whole thing.
It tasted sweet, like the color pink.
He suddenly felt his body lighten up.
“Subject lasted longer than expected. This is should be a nice prescription for people with insomnia.”
Akira was in bliss. His body felt relaxed and his head felt light. 
The last thing he could see was Tae smiling.
On the other side of the door. Makoto was trying to brace herself from barging in demanding to know what she had done to him or from calling the police.
Tae obviously knowing she was being spied on went to check his vitals for the girls sake.
“Looks like the drug can actually help him. Kid has been having trouble sleeping.” She made something up on the spot and made sure to say it loud enough so the girl wouldn’t draw the wrong conclusions.
“Now to see how long it lasts.”
Makoto left the clinic and decided to just wait outside. 
Tae saw the silhouette move away.
“(sigh) Teenagers.”
***Much Later***
She was about to go home when he walked out of the clinic and was now walking to Leblanc. It looked like he had a skip in his step and he looked happy.
She saw him enter the cafe and then quickly leave with two thermoses.
He was on the move and he didn’t have his bag. She made sure to follow procedure.
After awhile they were now in a park. He was sitting on a table, just looking at the sky. He would drink out of his thermos every now and again. 
Was he waiting for someone? A meeting? A report? Why was he here?
It wasn’t until she saw Takamaki-san enter her view. She had an umbrella in one hand and a flashlight in the other, and was dressed prettier than she was with Ryuji. Was she- NO!! Their was no way!!
She put the umbrella over them and turned on the flashlight, so Makoto could only see their shadows.
“You know this is messed up. Right.” Ann said it more as a statement than a question.
“Ryuji is across the lake with binoculars watching the both of us. And our friend.”
“Still it seems kinda wrong.”
“We aren’t kissing or anything. And this is to make her think she’s wasting her time. I mean do you like it when she spied on your guyes date.”
“True. She did sit in the booth right next to us.”
“So, lets think she’s seeing two friends hang out. With a suggestion to make her mind explode.”
Akira and Ann flinched at the sudden screaming in their ear.
“Ryuji you agreed to this and nothing will happen. You think I would betray my best friend.”
“ I know but- wait I’M your best friend!!”
“You were my first friend since I got here of course your my best friend.”
Ann could do nothing but laugh at the moment her guys were having. The way the shadows looked it made Makoto wonder what were they doing. Are they dating secretly? What is making her giggle? And why dose she feel the need to scream and pull her hair out?
/“Holyt Shit!!Guys I think the last train leaves in a few minutes can we rap this up!!”
“How about we finish the show for her.”
“Lets hope for the best.”
Both Ann and Akira put their faces side by side of each other to make the illusion of them kissing to their known stalker.
Makoto just stayed in he position and covered her mouth to yell at them. She began to shake from rage but was barely controlling herself for the sake of the students who have entrusted her and the school council to help them .
After they were done they got up and began to walk towards the train station. They made sure to go by Makoto’s position.
“Thank you again for helping me with practicing for the audition for that movie Akira.”
“Anytime. I just hope Ryuji doesn't find out. That felt so wrong.”
“Well I am staring in movies from here on out. And if he has a problem with it then I guess he doesn’t have to walk the red carpet with me.”
They both continued their conversation until they reached the station and said their farewells.
Makoto let out a sigh of relief when Takamaki-san said it was for a movie role and that it wasn’t a love scandal. 
“Wait why did I do that.” She wondered.
She began to wonder why the thought of Akira with someone else made her react that way.
Either way it was late and she needed to get home otherwise her sister would have her head. Again.
***Leblanc Attic***
“Joker where have you been!!” Mona screamed.
“Just having my fun for tonight.” Akira said happily. Like a kid who just played his favorite video game.
“Well get some sleep. Last thing we need is you falling asleep in class.”
Akira complied and went to his bed. Plotting how to waste her time on her free day.
***Niijima Residence***
Makoto just got home and was thankful that today was one of the late shifts her sister has been having. 
Here she was alone and coming out of the roller coaster that was today. 
The moment after school he went to a shady doctor to test out a sleeping tonic and then he helps Takamki-san by practicing for a role for a movie? Not to mention she almost blew her cover when they kissed. Which she was still trying to figure out why she cared if he was dating someone.
But It was nothing like yesterday when she saw him holding a gun at the Air Soft Store, granted it was fake, but what would the police have done if they went in and saw THAT!!
She took a deep breath. Tomorrow was another day for her to see if he keeps it up.
He is the only lead she has about the Phantom Thieves and once she has proof of how he and his friends are connected to them, or if they’re not, then she would decide to tell the authorities. 
But right now her bed is calling for her. And she needed it.
The last thing that came to her mind before sleep overtook her was when Akira smiled at her in the park. 
She didn’t question if he knew she was their or if he knew she was following him all along.
She just didn’t care at the moment.
But apart of her hoped.
She was starting to like the game they were playing. 
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mssjynx · 4 years
1, 6, 20 for Krii7y? Extra points if they end up actually dating at the end of it, but it isn't needed :')
krii7y drabble | 1. roommates!au | 6. fake dating | 20. “it’s just so hard not to fall in love with you”
a/n; this one is a little better i think.. 
John’s arm felt too perfect around Jaren’s waist. John’s hand felt too perfect resting on his hip. John felt too perfect next to Jaren, holding him and looking at him as if he was worth everything. 
He really just wished John was more to him than his roommate. 
And was it so bad for him to pretend that he was, for just one day? 
It was his cousin’s wedding whose invite he’d received only six months ago, and when he’d received an obnoxious “You aren’t still single, are you?” text from his sister, he’d declared that he actually had a boyfriend. 
Which he didn’t. 
So, after weeks of hyping himself up, he asked his roommate to come with him and pretend to be his date. John had agreed, because he was the best friend Jaren could have ever asked to live with. 
In his head, he thought it’d be easy as pie. But it had been a few years since he had been surrounded by his whole family and then some, and he’d forgotten just how intrusive they always had been. 
“So where’d you take him for your first date, John?” Jaren’s sister was as judgemental as ever, watching the two of them with a mixture of dislike and curiosity. She was two years younger than Jaren and youngest child syndrome hadn’t avoided her. 
No matter how badly she got along with her brother, she was always too nosy to stay out of his business. 
Though there was never any reason for Jaren to worry in the first place, because John gave a charming smile and pulled him closer, pressing his cheek to the younger man’s temple. “To the Samhain Festival,” he said with confidence that made Jaren flush. And perhaps he was so confident because they had gone to the festival together, but as far as Jaren knew it hadn’t been a date. “I bought us tickets and watched him fail at all those stupid circus games that are always rigged. I bought him a bear in the end to cheer him up-” 
Jaren turned on his heels, eyes wide in shock as he forgot about his sister. “What!?” he demanded and John blinked, before realisation washed over his face. A sheepish smile pulled at his mouth and Jaren glared. “You told me you won that bear!” Jaren’s betrayal was obvious and if his sister’s girlfriend’s giggles were any indication; the little quarrel they started was ridiculously domestic. 
But of course they would be domestic; they lived together after all. 
“Well, I might have been showing off,” John admitted and Jaren scoffed, folding his arms and turning away from his fake boyfriend. “But you love that bear!” he defended and Jaren ignored the hands that crept over his hips and the chest that pressed to his back.
“Loved,” he corrected and felt his cheeks heat when John nuzzled his nose into Jaren’s hair behind his ear. 
The touch was extremely intimate, and the feelings that Jaren had always harboured for John were rearing their heads at the attention. He had to shove them down with a step away, playing up his stubborn act as an excuse to get a grip on himself.
It didn’t help that John only grabbed him by the hips and spun him around, meeting Jaren’s pout with a sweet smile. Jaren’s forehead bumped into John’s quite roughly but the leap in his heart was all he could focus on. 
The tease in John’s eyes vanished all too quickly and something sincere fell in its place that kicked Jaren’s fight or flight instinct in. When those pretty eyes fell to Jaren’s mouth, he dropped all care for the image they were upholding, turning on his heel and practically ripping himself out of John’s hold on him. 
He ran, bee-lining for the bathrooms only to duck around the back and quickly lose himself in the garden of flowers and beautiful plants. He was thankful for the maze-like layout that the venue had, happy to be out of the view of prying eyes and away from John’s touch. 
For years, he’d been handling his feelings for the man. They would joke and tease, flirt and insult- but anything that Jaren might have hoped was between them, he knew was only a projection of his own desires. He had mastered the art of locking his heart away and for that reason, he was sure this one day wouldn’t cause them any trouble. 
John could hold him and laugh against him, lean into him and smile at him, talk about him as if they were together and pretend that they were in love. Looking back at it all as Jaren took a seat on the stone path, it was all too foolish. 
And it was going to ruin everything between them. 
He covered his face with his hands, leaning back against a pillar with a sigh. 
“I’m sorry,” were the words that drew him attention and he met John’s face with confused embarrassment. 
“Sorry?” he asked and the other man seemed to find it difficult to meet Jaren’s eyes. John shoved his hands deep into his pockets and his shoulders were hunched in a way that made Jaren feel he was trying to close himself off. 
It made something unpleasant twist in his stomach.
When John shrugged, his eyes were on the little flowers growing between the cracks in the path. “I was being too forward and I shouldn’t have pushed you. I won’t kiss you if you don’t want that,” he said and Jaren had to hide his red face in his hands again as he laughed. 
Though his humour didn’t reach his tongue and the dry sound made him flinch. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I asked you to do this for me and I’m the one who’s overreacting. You’re just playing the part,” he said simply and the words felt bitter as they bit at his throat. 
He heard John move but didn’t lift his head again until the slight shuffle of movement in front of him caught his curiosity. When he peeked through his fingers, John had sat himself cross-legged in front of him, cool gaze on him though something unreadable lingered there. 
Jaren took a deep breath and let his hands fall away. 
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he said and Jaren busied himself with pulling weeds from the dirt. 
“You didn’t,” he said, because really; it wasn’t discomfort that made Jaren run. When he glanced up at John, there was confusion there and something that looked too close to hurt for Jaren to analyse. But he knew he had to explain himself- or at least try. With a sigh, he dusted his fingers off. “My family gets to me easily,” which was a lie, “and I guess I’m just trying to juggle a lot of things at the moment,” which also wasn’t exactly true, “and being close to you and cuddly and… romantic, ‘nd shit just freaks me out a bit.”
But seeing John’s face fall made his stomach twist, the quiet: “Oh,” falling from his roommate’s tongue making it impossible for him to stop himself from blurting out:
“It’s just so hard not to fall in love with you.” 
Because somewhere in his stupid head, he had convinced himself only for a millisecond that that was what John would want to hear. That maybe absolute honesty was the right way to go and maybe John would understand. 
But the way blue eyes widened (they usually didn’t look so blue but Jaren would blame it on the sky) made his stomach drop out of him. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled, staggering to his feet and backing away from John as his thoughts swirled in circles. “Oh God, I didn’t say that. You didn’t- You didn’t hear that-” 
Panic flared up and he knew he was about to run again. If the way John jumped up and grabbed him by the wrist was any indication, he knew that that was what he was thinking. 
He expected pitying words, or feigned promises that they could still be friends; sweet words that would only hurt Jaren more as his friend let him down easily.
What he didn’t expect was rough fingers on his jaw and a pair of chapped lips pressed chastely to his own. Fast enough that Jaren barely got to think about it but slow enough that there was no way Jaren could have imagined it. 
“Don’t run. I’m falling in love with you too,” were the rushed words that John bit out. Jaren knew he wore his heart on his sleeve, his panic probably written across his cheeks. Especially to John, the guy who knew him inside and out, who had been there through his breakdowns and his highlights, who had helped his drunk ass into the bath on those kinds of nights and made him pancakes and tea in the following mornings. 
The guy who was falling in love with him too. 
The guy who Jaren threw himself into, grabbing John by his face and kissing him just like he’d been wanting to for so many years. 
And in the very back of his mind, as John pulled him closer, he could already feel himself flipping off his judgy sister. But there was time to do that later; perhaps after John took him back to the next festival and actually won Jaren a stuffed bear. 
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“Drive-In”: A Domesticated Drabble
F/M Pairing: Y/N x Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
Word Count: 2,542
Genre: Married AU; Prequel
Warnings: Smut and Language
Summary: Y/N isn’t the greatest when it comes to relationships which is why she intends to make her first year with Chan something to remember.
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“Can I help you, ma’am?”
I was startled by the sudden presence of the shop worker, glancing away from the cake display with full alertness. “I was just looking.”
“Are you celebrating?” she asked. “We can do customization work.”
“Really? It’s for an anniversary.”
“Oh, how sweet,” she cooed, clapping her hands together like she was the one who had hitched herself to a medical student. 
“Yeah, I guess,” I shrugged. In reality, I wasn’t used to this kind of thing considering the fact that my relationships usually never lasted more than a few months. “We’ve been together for a year.”
“Well, that’s a long time,” the worker informed me. “No wonder you’re trying to make it special.”
“That’s the plan,” I joked, even if I was feeling completely out of my comfort zone. Special occasions were often reserved for Chan because he was the romantic one in our relationship. He was the one who was counting, making a big deal out of every little milestone: “Happy two months, Y/N!” or “It’s been six months now, Y/N.” 
I did my best to reciprocate his enthusiasm, going along with whatever plans he happened to be making. For our two month anniversary, I gave him a blow job in the restroom of the movie theatre. And after we got home from dinner to celebrate six months, Chan and I had sex for the very first time in his apartment, throwing Jisung out because Chan’s roommate was incredibly nosy and I was half-way convinced that he got off to the sounds of our fucking. 
“The cakes are baked fresh every day!” the shop worker continued, doing her best to convince me to spend 20 dollars on a fine mixture of sugar, flour, and icing. 
“Give me your biggest one.”
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“Sweetie, you didn’t have to,” Chan insisted after I offered him the expensive pastry.
“Happy anniversary or whatever,” I said in return, resisting the urge to show him the receipt from the cake shop because I was half-convinced that they had overcharged me. 
Chan pulled me in closer by my hips, hands enveloping my waist as he kissed me softly. “I have something special for you tonight.”
“A fancy bottle of wine and my face in the mattress?”
“Y/N,” Chan scolded me gently. “We’re going out.”
I was still unconvinced, reaching down to palm his cock over the jeans he was wearing. “Are you sure, Channie? I’ll even ride you if you want.”
“We have plans,” Chan insisted while reaching for my wandering hand. “Go get dressed.”
“Is Jisung here with his latest plaything or something?” I snickered. “You’re awfully persistent.”
“Because I have a surprise,” Chan said, pointing in the direction of his bedroom. “You better hurry, sweetie, we’re leaving in thirty minutes.”
“Well, then you better appreciate a half-assed attempt to look nice,” I told him. “I’m talking Aerospostale instead of Armani.”
“You’ll probably look sexy regardless.”
“Channie, you always know how to stroke my ego.”
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Chan must have gotten dating advice from his parents. That’s the only suitable explanation for the nearly vacant drive-in movie Chan was currently paying an entire week’s worth of tips for two tickets. “Chan,” I said, glancing around nervously. “Is this the part where you tell me that you’re a serial killer?”
Chan pulled up to the front of the lot, parking next to one of the rusty speakers twisted into the ground. “Isn’t it great?”
“I guess,” I said, craning my neck to take in the giant screen. “This is revenge for Minho’s frat party, right?”
“I think it’s amazing,” Chan said. “You want anything from the concession stand? My treat, of course, sweetie.”
“You go knock yourself out,” I said. “I’ll just stay here with my phone in case I need to urgently dial the emergency number. How fast do you think the police can get here?”
“Don’t be overdramatic,” Chan said, wrenching open the door to his faded Mustang. “I’ll be right back.”
I shivered, crossing my arms as I slowly counted the number of cars surrounding us: a grand total of four. There were only four other cars here in a run-down gravel lot in the middle of the woods. This was something out of a horror film, a new nightmare directed by Wes Craven. At any moment, I totally expected Jason Vorhees to run out of those trees waving around his machete and, no matter how big Chan had gotten over the summer, I doubted he could take down an immortal monster. “Keep it together, Y/N,” I murmured. “This isn’t the dumbest thing he’s ever done.”
I was pretty sure nothing could ever top our impromptu beach trip for spring break when Chan somehow booked us a room in the basement of someone’s beach house. Concrete floors and walls, exposed pipes and insulation, Chan and I shared a tiny twin bed with eyes wide open as we listened to the scariest noises emanating from the giant furnace. Needless to say, Chan found us another room at the Motel 6, ditching the creepy couple who told us that they couldn’t give a refund.
I nearly screamed at the sound of Chan’s returning voice, rolling my eyes when he shoved the box at me from across the console. “You scared the shit out of me!”
“What are you so worried about, Y/N?” Chan asked as he shut the door. “The movie starts soon.”
“Great,” I said. “Would it be entirely rude to ask what the hell you paid for us to see?”
Chan shrugged while taking a giant bite of his pretzel. “It’s an older movie, but I hear it’s one of their most popular.”
“Well, if it gives me a couple of strokes, then your ass can drive us to the hospital.”
“It’s not scary,” Chan argued, leaning his seat back to accommodate his view. “I think you’ll like it if you give it a chance.”
“But the very first time I see a fucking ghost or something...”
“There aren’t any ghosts,” Chan said. “Unless we’re talking about the movie with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze.”
“You cry like a little bitch every time.”
“They deserved to be together!”
“Shhh,” I silenced him quietly, moving up in my seat. “Your fifties flick is about to play! Maybe I’ll get lucky and see a nice ass or something.”
“How crude,” Chan remarked, grumpily wiping his greasy hands against his jeans.
“It’s starting!” I cheered, propping my elbow against the console. “Are you excited?”
Chan glared at me as the credits rolled across the screen. “See if I do anything nice for you again, Y/N.”
“I’m trying to appreciate this gesture of love,” I said, pointing at the two characters on screen. “Do you think they’ve ever been to a drive-in movie?”
“Are you gonna talk the entire time?”
“You don’t like my commentary?”
“Unless it’s the director's cut, then no.”
“Channie,” I feigned hurt. “You’ve broken my delicate sensibilities. Wherever will I regain my confidence?”
“You have plenty of that, Y/N,” Chan said.
I looked away from the movie screen, admiring the sharp profile of his jawline. “Have you ever noticed how remarkably gorgeous you are these days?”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“That’s a shame because I was hoping to get inside your pants.”
“Watch the movie!”
I grew silent, moving back to my side of the car while sneaking my phone from my side pocket, scrolling through my messages with the screen brightness on low. There were several messages from Minho which I temporarily ignored in favor of the unexpected appearance of Han Jisung’s name. He only ever reached out to me when he was either in desperate need of help or because he heard an inappropriate joke and thought I should know about it as well.
From Jisung
Where does Chan keep his condoms?
I rolled my eyes, deleting the message before tapping on Minho’s contact name.
From Minho
Was Chan’s surprise everything you hoped and dreamed for?
To Minho
He took me to a drive-in theatre
From Minho
If I see your name in the obituary, I’ll let the police see this message.
To Minho
You’re becoming less supportive with each passing day
From Minho
That’s because you just interrupted my hook-up! She fled the moment she saw your name.
To Minho
Then she wasn’t good enough for you. I probably just saved you from months of clingy girlfriend syndrome.
I waited for Minho’s response before an exaggerated moan from on-screen abruptly captured my attention. I looked back at the screen, mouth dropping open as I realized the two main protagonists had progressed considerably in their relationship. “Channie, you didn’t tell me there was porn in this,” I gasped, smirking at the sight of my flustered boyfriend. “Aw, your ears are red.”
“Shut it,” Chan growled. 
“Was this not what you expected?” I asked him, reaching out to trace the outer shell of his ear.
“They did say it had an R rating,” Chan admitted, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
I drew my hand away from his ear, running my fingers down his arm and waist until I found the front of his jeans. “We could have watched porn at home.”
“W-what are you doing?” Chan asked, eyes frantic as they surveyed our surroundings.
“Nobody’s watching,” I said as I tightened my hand around his cock, enjoying his accompanying moan. “Have you ever had sex in the car before?”
“In my Mustang?” Chan gasped, eyes now shut tightly together as he tossed his head back against the headrest. “These are leather seats.”
“I don’t want semen on my leather seats,” Chan complained.
“Relax, Channie,” I reassured him, working my way across the console to sit directly on his lap. “I’ll let you cum inside so it stays in me instead.”
Chan’s mouth fell open at my promise. “I don’t have a condom.”
“Well, good thing I do,” I smirked, reaching into my pocket. “I’m on birth control anyway.”
“Since when?”
“I can’t tell you that,” I said, waving the silver packet in his face. “You’ll get all jealous.”
Chan frowned, eyes narrowed. “Changbin?”
I nodded once. “I thought it was better to play it safe.”
“How fortunate for him,” Chan glowered. 
“I told you not to assume anything,” I said, reaching down to unbutton his jeans. “Now you’re all worked up.”
“Yeah? Talking about your ex-boyfriend does that to me,” Chan said, hissing between clenched teeth when I held his cock in my hand. 
“You don’t see me drooling over his dick, do you?” I asked him, stroking once, twice before ripping open the condom. “Do me a favor, Chan, and be a good boy while I fuck you.”
“What about the movie?” Chan asked breathlessly, watching through half-lidded eyes as I worked the condom down his erection. 
“You mean the porno?” I snickered. “I’ll give you a live sex show instead, how does that sound?”
Chan answer came in the form of a heavy groan as I took him deep inside, shoving my panties to the side to accommodate our coupling. I twisted my skirt up higher around my hips to make sure it was out of the way, allowing us both an intimate view of where his cock disappeared. “Shit, Y/N,” Chan panted. “Are you a voyeur now?”
“Like those couples aren’t doing the same thing,” I said, grabbing tightly to his shoulders for balance. “Now, just relax while your girlfriend makes you feel good, hmmm?”
“Okay,” Chan managed breathlessly while his hands shot out to grab my waist. “Make it fast though.”
“Like anyone will stop us,” I said, sighing happily as I pressed a gentle kiss to his pulse point, tongue tasting the skin of his throat. “But, if you’re interested in testing me, I could probably make you cum in five minutes. Remember the first time you let me touch your cock?”
Chan winced at my words, probably recalling to mind the unfortunate way he had been unable to hold himself together, cumming from just a simple handjob on his bed. “You’ll never let me forget that, will you?”
“Don’t worry, you last a lot longer now,” I said, grinning triumphantly when his moans started to grow louder, circling my hips to grind against his pulsing cock. “I think I’ve thoroughly corrupted you.”
“Yeah?” Chan sighed, leaning forward to kiss me with bated breath, hands now groping the front of my chest while his tongue smoothed against mine. 
I pulled away to relieve my aching lungs, allowing Chan open access to my neck while my head was tilted back against the steering wheel. “You wanted it just as much as I did,” I commented, tangling my hands in his messy curls to hold him in place. My thighs were now straining from my movements, the burn aching pleasantly like the time Chan had tried to teach me how to swim in the campus pool, keeping one hand under my stomach while he encouraged me to kick out my legs.
“You were going to get fucked one way or another,” Chan said, letting out a deep rumble as he occasionally rutted up when my hips would fall against his, skin bruising with every seductive sound. 
“But at least I got your cock instead of my fingers,” I said, rolling my hips faster as I started to chase my own orgasm. “You wouldn’t believe the difference.”
“I might,” he said. “It works both ways.”
I fought every urge to just stop my movements and let Chan fuck me however he wanted, reaching for one of his hands to guide his long fingers down between us. “Please, Channie,” I whined loudly, an unfortunate result of my increasing desperation with every deep fill of his cock against my tight walls.
His thumb pressed down on my throbbing organ, kisses growing messier as we both started to chase our highs, teetering precariously on the precipice between pleasure and rationality because fucking in the car was certainly not high on my list of most responsible moments. “Are you close?” he asked. “Because I might die if I don’t cum soon.”
“Don’t die,” I whispered, scratching my nails down his chest through the fabric of his shirt. “Just a little longer.”
Chan grunted, forehead slipping against mine now that we were both covered with sweat. I opened my eyes just enough to realize that we had successfully fogged up all the windows like that giant innuendo of a scene in Titanic. “Fuck, Y/N,” Chan groaned, kissing me again with too many teeth.
“Chan,” I swallowed around a moan, legs trembling with a cloying mixture of exertion and the anticipation of a satisfying orgasm. Chan wasn’t far behind, grabbing my thighs with clenched fingers as he jerked his hips up to fill the condom with a thunderous groan.
I held onto him, his face buried against my chest as we both struggled to regain our breath. “I’ll fuck you better when we get back,” Chan promised, and I had never heard anything sexier in my entire life.
“Happy anniversary.”
“I love you, Y/N,” Chan murmured against my skin.
“Yeah? Well, I love you more.”
“I guess we’ll see about that.”
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missmonsters2 · 5 years
A Cat-astrophe, Speak More
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader/OFC
Summary: Wanda doesn’t seem to understand what she has. You wouldn’t say she’s neglecting you, but you need her to understand that you’ve got choices, okay? So, post-winning and taking down a villain, Wanda gets the aftermath. Now as a feline, she’s beginning to realize maybe the two of you talk too little.
[In which, Wanda gets turned into a cat & realizes she’s got competition]
Warnings: Potentially a crack!fic lmfao
Genre: Fluff/humor/romance
Notes: HAPPY 200 FOLLOWERS! Seriously, I’ve just started this account over from scratch, so I’m amazed we’ve reached this point already. Thank you to everyone who likes, comments, and follows! I’ve been drowning in too much angst lately, and this cute thing popped into my mind. Please enjoy :) 
P.S. ya’ll know Wanda would be the most majestic cat you’ve ever goddamn seen. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Count: 5614
“I can’t believe this is happening.”
“You know, I’ve seen weirder shit.”
Natasha and Tony bickered a little more while everyone was huddled around Wanda. The new height difference was making Wanda jittery, it was like giants crowding around her. 
“Guys, back up a bit,” Steve said while putting his arms out to give Wanda some space.
Wanda felt her shoulders relax as she sat upright.
“So, this is happening,” Clint said, eyeing the fur.
“Wanda got turned into a cat.”
A small mewl could be heard.
“You can fix this, right?” Natasha asked, looking at Bruce. He was eyeing Wanda with a squint as he circled around her with his hand on his chin.
“I mean...I can try...” Bruce said, a little unsure. It’s not like he had encountered his problem before. 
Steve sighed as he watched Wanda stretch her legs. “Well, we interrogated the guy. He’s claiming that nothing can fix it, but it would wear off on its own. He kept saying he didn’t know how long it would last.”
Natasha pursed her lips but had to accept the answer. She bent down, stroking Wanda’s head while the witch looked thoroughly unhappy but let Natasha do as she wished.
“This is troubling. Should we tell your girlfriend?” Natasha asked.
Wanda had been dating you for six months now. She had told you she was an Avenger and was basically on the run about two months ago.
You took the news relatively pretty good.
Wanda meowed her objections to tell you, shaking her head as she did. The last thing she wanted to do was make you worried about her. 
She kept meowing over and over while Natasha scrunched her eyebrows together, trying to discern what it was her teammate wanted.
Wanda meowed and nodded her head.
“Don’t tell,” Natasha clarified.
Wanda meowed and nodded her again.
“Did you...want to see her?” Natasha guessed, eyes flittering over as Wanda’s tag swayed back and forth on the ground. 
Wanda meowed happily, standing on all four paws.
“What? No way,” Steve said. “That’s too dangerous.”
“Oh, hush, grandpa,” Natasha said as she opened her hands for Wanda to come in so she could carry her. “If anything, Wanda will be fine with her girlfriend. Everyone in this compound is too damn nosy, anyways. It’ll keep her out of sight.”
“Oh? And what do you propose when Wanda turns back into herself while she’s with her girlfriend?”
“That doesn’t sound like a me problem,” Natasha said, looking at Wanda in her arms. 
Wanda opened her mouth again, but then closed it.
She’ll figure it out later. 
“Come on, Wanda. Let’s drop you off,” Natasha says, turning away and walking off with the fluff of fur in her arms.
You were in the middle of working on your paper when you heard knocking on your door.
You took your glasses off, rubbing your eyes a little bit before heading over to the door. When you opened it, you were surprised since it was so late.
“Natasha,” you greeted as she gave you a half-smile. “What are you doing here? Where’s Wanda?”
“Wanda got assigned a no-contact mission, it’s indefinite at the meantime,” she said easily, and you nodded, still unsure what she was doing here.
Your eyes traveled down to the cat in her arms.
“Anyway,” Natasha says, bringing your attention back to her. “I need you to look after this little she-devil. Your landlord lets you have pets, right?”
You scrunch your eyebrow together looking at the cat again who’s swishing her tail and looking at you. 
“Uh, I mean, yes, but--”
“Great!” Natasha says, passing the cat over into your arms. She meows disgruntedly, and you swear she glares at Natasha. “It’s just temporary. It can’t stay at the compound at the moment. She already ate. I’ll come back for her later, thanks.”
Without saying anything else, Natasha left your front step, and you were alone with the cat. You looked down at her as she was cradled in your arms, purring and swishing her tail back and forth lazily.
“Okay?” You said more to yourself, going back into your place and shutting the door behind you. You set the cat down, and she walked around your house as if she’s already been there.
You go into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and putting water in it before setting it down. The cat comes over, looking in the bowl, but then looks at you, not drinking.
“What?” You ask but internally roll your eyes because it’s not like the cat will answer you. 
The cat just stares at you before meowing.
“Um,” you say, still not sure what she wants. Maybe she’s just not thirsty?
The cat sticks its paw into the water delicately and then presses its paw to you. 
You’re weirded out.
This is what Wanda does every time you give her water without ice, except she sticks her finger in and flicks it at you.
“Ice...?” You ask, almost unsure because you seem crazy. The cat meows again. 
You confusedly open the fridge and get some ice, plopping a couple of it into her bowl. She waits a few moments, and you’re convinced you’re crazy for sure. 
But then, the cat starts drinking from the bowl.
This is so weird.
But it was just a coincidence...right?
“You’re kind of picky,” you mumble, and the cat looks at you, licking her lips.
“I’m going to call you Princess,” you say, and you swear the cat grins at you, but you’re convinced that you’ve just stayed up too long doing this paper.
You stand up, mumbling to yourself and resolving to go to sleep.
Wanda watches you as you retire to your room. She walks around a little, checking out the whole place and satisfied when everything is in order. Going to the table and jumping up onto it, she sees you’ve been working on a paper. 
Wanda internally smiles. You were always so cute when you were working hard.
Then your phone starts to buzz, she looks towards the room, but you’ve already knocked out. 
Wanda stretches her neck over, trying to see who was texting you.
Just out of curiosity is all. 
She sees it’s from Brian, your TA.
You’ve set your phone to show who the text is from, but not the actual contents, always saying that it distracts you when you’re doing other things. You get tempted to read what they’ve said and ended up not doing any work.
Wanda sighs, leaving it as is. She’s not about to snoop into your privacy.
Licking her lips again, she wonders what she can do since she wasn’t tired yet.
You start to stir when you smell a familiar scent of cinnamon and dry leaves, thinking that maybe Wanda has already returned.
You opened your eyes to see the cat lying next to your head, awake and purring. The cat seems to notice that you’ve woken and licks your brow bone. 
You make an unidentifiable sound, turning fully over and pressing your face against the cat’s soft fur.
Seriously, this is the fluffiest cat you’ve ever seen. She was majestic.
You chuckle softly, albeit a little depressedly at the same time.
“Wow, morning kisses? I never get those. You’re a sweet little thing, aren’t you?”
You had your eyes closed, so you didn’t see Wanda’s face contort in confusion at your comment. 
Did she really never give you good morning kisses?
You sigh a little tiredly. You wished you could go back to sleep, but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen. You slowly got up, your dainty sleeping shirt falling off one shoulder as you did. 
Wanda licked her lips.
“C’mon, princess,” you say, your voice slightly hoarse from just waking up. “Let’s find some breakfast.”
You get up, starting your morning routine while Wanda follows you around the house. You think it’s a little strange, people tell you cats are...particular creatures.
This one seems to be very affectionate.
Or obsessed with you.
You were fine with that. Not like you were exactly getting any attention from the person you wanted.
This cat was extremely fussy. She didn’t want to eat anything you thought a cat would eat. She seemed to want to eat what you did. After researching on Google to make sure what you were giving her wasn’t going to kill her, you gave in.
“This is why you’re called Princess. You’re fussy. Kind of like my girlfriend.”
If cats could look affronted, you would say her face right now looked exactly like that. 
To Wanda, this wasn’t anything new. You’ve teased her about it before, which was where the nickname came from...amongst other things.
Still, she meowed at you, enjoying your chuckle as she did.
You decided to go out for a bike ride this morning. The weather was beautiful, and your friend wasn’t coming over until later, so why not?
Your bike had a basket that you could put her in. 
The only thing was...
You walked off, rummaging through some drawers while Wanda tilted her head. 
You came back with a thick red ribbon and a tag from one of the general art classes you took. Squiggling some words on the tag, you hooked an extra keychain ring around it before looping the ribbon around it.
The cat was surprisingly very cooperative while you put on her makeshift collar.
It had her name on it and then your name and contact number in case she decided to run off.
You’re sure Natasha wouldn’t appreciate you losing the cat.
“There we go,” you mumble, straightening out the bow before gently stroking her face at her whiskers.
Wanda purred, hopping into your arms as you placed her in your basket, setting off.
The day was incredibly beautiful. The two of leisurely biked through the park, enjoying the gentle breeze and crisp air.
Wanda sat upright with her paws on the edge of the basket, the wind blowing through her whiskers and fur.
This was nice, she thought. She rarely got to spend time with you like this.
She supposed it wasn’t completely awful to have been turned into a cat. 
It was going well until someone called your name, bringing you to a slow stop in front of a flower cart. There stood a guy, maybe early 20s, just younger than you.
“Hi, Jacob,” you greeted easily. “How’s your dad?”
“Oh, uh, he’s been doing good. Might be able to make it back to the shop soon,” Jacob stuttered lightly.
Wanda watched as the two of you made small talk, the entire thing making her slightly irritated as she watched Jacob shyly lifted his muscled arm to scratch the back of his head with a boyish smile.
It made it worse when Wanda caught a glimpse of his loud thoughts that his father was actually just fine, and he begged his dad to work here just a little longer to see you in the mornings.
You had to have noticed it, right? This boy clearly had a crush on you.
“So,” Jacob said, grabbing a yellow daffodil from his cart. “This is for you, thought it might suit you.”
You grabbed the flower with a smile, smelling it. “Thanks, that’s really sweet of you.”
Wanda has had enough. 
She starts meowing.
And repeatedly.
It draws the attention of both of you to her, irritating Wanda even more that it seemed like Jacob just noticed there was a creature there with you.
“Oh, I didn’t know you had a cat,” Jacob said, lifting his giant hand in an attempt to pet her. Wanda backed her head, immediately hissing at him.
Jacob yanked his hand back quickly, looking at you.
You only smiled sheepishly.
“Uh, yeah,” You say, “I just got her. She doesn’t like to be touched by strangers...I guess.”
Jacob just nods, looking at the cat again and he swears that it’s glaring at him as it meows and hisses. 
“Well,” you say, “I got to go now, but it was nice seeing you.”
Without waiting for Jacob’s reply, you use your foot to push off the ground, setting off again.
The moment you left, the meowing stopped. Wanda rolled her eyes as you placed the flower in the basket next to her, keeping it at a slanted angle as the top leaned out the basket.
She waited until you had picked up enough pace before using her paw to push the flower out of the basket. At the speed you were going, you ended up running over it when it fell under your wheel.
“Princess!” You scolded, but she merely turned around looking at you with her big eyes, and you couldn’t even stay mad.
It was weird, Wanda thought.
There always seemed to be someone who stopped her girlfriend along the way, wanting to say hi to you.
Or give you a free bagel. A free coffee. A free animal balloon.
She was so close to clawing out the barista who so openly flirted with you, scribbling her number on your coffee sleeve.
It made her even more annoyed when you didn’t throw the sleeve out...even if holding the coffee would burn your hand. 
You had to have noticed, right? 
Was it always like this?
Wanda tried to think back to all the times she’s been with you. The only thing was that even though you’ve been dating for six months, being an Avenger kept her busy most of the time. 
When she did have time, she wanted to keep your company all to herself, locked in the bedroom, feeling your skin against hers.
There were a couple times you went out together, but it was never like this. Was it because she was a human, holding your hand?
Maybe being a cat wasn’t all great. 
By the time the two of you got home, Wanda clung to you. You settled on the couch, opting to watch movies and TV shows for the rest of the afternoon while Wanda rested against your stomach, purring. 
“You are a strange cat,” you murmured to yourself as you stroked her fur. She nuzzled her head against your stomach, finding herself falling asleep. 
It wasn’t until dinner time that you got up, forcing Wanda to get off of you disgruntedly as you walked into the kitchen to start dinner.
Halfway through, the doorbell rang. 
Wanda tilted her head, wondering who could be at the door. She hadn’t met any of your friends, really just soaking up your company alone when she did have time off. 
She kept telling herself that she would get around to it eventually, but eventually just hasn’t come yet.
“Hey, girl,” a tall blonde greets as she comes through the door.
“Hey, Emily,” you greet with a smile, pulling her into a brief hug before helping her with the bags she brought.”
You head back to the kitchen, resuming your cooking as Emily walks through, tussling her hair lightly.
Her eye catches Wanda, who is sitting on the kitchen island, not too far from you.
“Oh?” She drawls curiously. “When did you get a cat?”
“Not mine, just watching her for a friend. I call her Princess.” You cut up some vegetables before throwing it in the pan. 
Emily hums, debating whether or not to pet the cat, but she opts not to. If she wants to be pet by her, she’ll come.
Dinner is served, and Wanda eats hers lazily, listening to the conversation you were having with your friend.
It wasn’t really anything she was interested in.
Standard catching up, plans over the break they were on currently, idle gossip in their friend group.
After dinner, the girls moved over to the couch, turning on a TV show but not quite paying attention. Wanda trotted over, placing herself next to you with her head resting in your lap, greedily soaking up the soft scratches you were giving on her head between her ears.
It wasn’t until Emily brought up a particular subject that Wanda’s head whizzed up.
“So,” Emily says, sipping on her wine as she finished her dinner. “Guess who is single again?”
“Who?” You ask, not really caring but indulging for Emily’s sake.
“Dylan,” Emily says with a smirk.
You narrowed your eyes a bit, scrunching your brows. The new did surprise you a bit.
“Really? Shit, he’s like a serial dater. That man hasn’t been single for longer than a week. Every time he dates, he dates them for a long ass time,” you comment, your eyes glued to the TV screen. 
Emily nodded. 
“Mhm,” she hummed. “Well, some of us were hanging out the other day, and he was looking to get your number, actually. He definitely wanted to know your situation.”
You finally turn over to Emily with a brow raised. “And you told him that I’m not single, right?”
“I told him what I thought: I think you’re not single.”
“Why would you tell him that?” You groan.
Emily shrugged, “because that’s what I think, girl.”
“We are so not going through this again, Em,” You groan again. 
Wanda is now sitting upright, alarmed at what she was hearing.
What were you not going through again?
This was a conversation that has come up before?
“Hey, I’m just saying this mysterious girlfriend of yours has yet to show herself. I’m beginning to think you’ve made her up.” Emily raises her hand with the glass of wine in it slightly higher to show she means no harm.
You sigh, lulling your head back onto the couch. 
“She’s very real. She’s just...busy.” The way you said it made Wanda look at you. What did that tone mean?
“Alright,” Emily concedes. “Let’s say she is real--”
“She is.”
Emily gives you a look. “If she’s real, based on what you’ve told me, it doesn’t really sound like she’s investing that much time in you other than in the bedroom.”
Wanda would look so affronted if she could, only able to drop her jaw a little without drawing attention to herself. 
Wanda looks to you even more affronted when you’re not saying in objection to that.
You simply shrug your shoulders. “I don’t mind that she wants to spend all our time in bed.”
Wanda isn’t sure if happy you feel that way or heavy-hearted that you’re essentially confirming to other people that she has no other interests in you outside bedroom activities.
“Does she even know what’s going on in your life outside of work or school?”
Wanda wants to scoff. Of course she does! She’s your girlfriend.
But then moments pass and Wanda is drawing a blank.
Shit, does she know?
You shrug in response to Emily.
“Like,” Emily says, pausing for a moment to think. “Does she know that Annalise from your Psych 4401 is seriously so obsessed with you? Like, I’m pretty sure she’s this close to following you home.”
Emily pinches her index finger and thumb together, leaving the tiniest space in between to emphasis her point.
Wanda immediately panics, eyes wide as she puts her paw on your thigh.
“Or how Derek from your general studies class sticks a flower to your locker every day?”
“That one isn’t confirmed it’s him, no one knows,” you defend weakly. 
“I saw him do it the last day before the break actually,” Emily rolls her eyes.
Wanda’s mind is reeling.
Who are all these people? Why are they hitting on her girlfriend?
“You know why they keep doing that?” Emily asks, and you don’t even want to answer her.
“It’s because you mention you have a girlfriend and no one has met or even seen said girlfriend. They totally think you’re lying and playing hard to get.” Emily says even though you hadn’t bothered asking her why.
You simply shrug again, “I don’t really know what else to do. I really do have a girlfriend.”
Emily drops the subject after and the rest of the night is filled with chatter about different things and binge-watching TV shows.
That night after Emily left and you went to bed, Wanda trotted after you, hopping into bed as she rested on the pillow next to your head.
She purred you to sleep, occasionally licking the side of your forehead. Eventually, she nuzzled her own face against yours, trying to cuddle you up as much as she could.
Wanda really hopes that tomorrow morning when she wakes, she’ll be human again.
Wanda doesn’t turn back the next day.
She is thoroughly disappointed.
You woke up again to the smell of cinnamon and dry leaves. It really disorientates you because you keep thinking you’re going to wake up to your girlfriend with you, but she’s not. 
You get up after lightly falling back asleep for another 20 minutes. 
The day starts off as usual, though you did find your cat wanted more of your attention than usual (usual being the 3 days you’ve had her now).
You get changed into more appropriate clothing, putting your hair up in a messy bun as Wanda watches you with curiosity. 
You had your TA, Brian, coming over today to help you with your paper. It was assigned to you over the break, and there were just a couple things that you needed help with.
As your TA, Brian was more than happy to help.
Just after lunch, Brian showed up at your door. He was tall, had a toned body that showed through his well-fitted long-sleeved shirt, mussed hair, and a strong jawline. He wore glasses and gave you a boyish grin.
Wanda already didn’t like him.
In fact, she decided that she hated him.
The two of you sat on your couch together while Wanda hovered by you closely. 
He read over your paper, pointing a few things out that you could improve. You asked your questions, and he gave his opinions.
You bit your thumb lightly as you stared at your paper, strands of your hair falling softly out of your bun, framing your face.
You were beautiful, Wanda thought.
And clearly, Brian thought so too with the way he gazed at you without you even realizing.
She didn’t even mean to, really. 
But then she heard his thoughts about how perfect you are. He was wheedling on whether or not to ask you out. 
Wanda has had enough after hearing that. She’s maybe a goddamn cat, but there’s no way she can just sit there while someone is trying to put their moves on you right in front of her.
She immediate crawls into your lap, forcing her way between your arms as she stands up on her hind legs, putting her front paws on your shoulder. Wanda leans her furry little face in and begins to lick at your face.
“Princess!” You shout, caught off guard by your cat’s sudden affection.
Brian is looking at the exchange, heart warmed at first by scene, but then the cat looks at him, and he gets that feeling like he’s being warned to stay away. 
So, Wanda is using her powers to project her thoughts onto the guy, but how else was she going to send him a message. It wasn’t like she could tell him in words to back off.
You try to pet her to calm her down, but she doesn’t seem like she’s going to be stopping any time soon. It was definitely weird for you, but you didn’t really think of anything of it.
Until she lightly bit your nose affectionately before licking the corner of your mouth. You end up having to pick her up in your arms, holding her away from your face as you cradle her. 
“Sorry,” you apologize to Brian. “Strangely, I think she’s obsessed with me.”
Brian just laughs, “Don’t worry, I totally get her feelings.”
Wanda wants to roll her eyes and gag. 
You just laugh off the comment, not really sure what to say to that. 
You’ve got all the help you needed for your paper, and Brian seems to take notice of that.
He stands up, thinking about how maybe he could ask if you wanted to go have coffee right now or go for dinner later.
But every time he opens his mouth, Wanda yowls. 
When she stops, he opens his mouth again, but then she yowls before he can say anything. 
He stares at the cat, she stares right back at him.
He opens his mouth as a test, but she slightly opens her jaw too, and he snaps his mouth closed.
You are nearly dying of embarrassment at your cat’s strange behavior.
“Sorry,” you say to Brian to grab his attention. “She was fine yesterday with Emily. I’m starting to think she might not like men.”
You recall this happened when you were speaking with Jacob. Wanda internally scoffs. 
Not just men, she thinks. She’ll have plenty of problems if this Annalise ever shows up.
Brian just awkwardly chuckles and tells you it’s okay. 
“I’ll see you back in class,” he says, glancing one more time at the glaring cat and leaves.
Once he’s gone, you adjust your hold to under her front legs, while the rest of her body dangles.
“Oh my god, Princess!” You groan. “You’re such a troublemaker!”
Wanda meows at you, trying to tell you how dissatisfied she is with all these people hovering over like they’re about to snatch you. 
You put her down, thinking back to when she bit your nose.
When you and Wanda were in bed, she would bite your nose lightly before kissing the corner of your mouth if you were being particularly naughty for whatever reason, and she was giving you a warning that you were in trouble.
The ice in her water bowl, the scent of cinnamon and dry leaves, and now this?
The coincidences were starting to pile up too high.
“You know,” you say at you stare at your cat suspiciously. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re actually Wanda trapped in a cat’s body.”
You notice your cat actually tense.
“Shit? Really? What the fuck!” You exclaim, wondering if you have actually gone batshit insane. 
“Is it actually you, Wanda?” You ask, feeling incredibly stupid for asking a cat.
But then your cat actually looks nervous, batting her eyes to the side, ears flattened to her head.
“Oh my fuc--Where’s my phone?” You turn around to look for your phone, finding it on the counter as you grab it aggressively and dial.
“Hey. Is the cat giving you trouble?” Natasha picks up on the other line, knowing it’s you.
“Natasha...I’m just going to ask this once, and if I find out later you’re lying, I’ll tell Clint about that one time I caug--”
“Whoa, hold it right there! Jesus, I regret training you on blackmail,” Natasha says over the phone, mumbling the end part.
“The cat you dropped off--is that my girlfriend?” You ask straight off.
There’s silence on the other end of the line for a moment.
“There may have been a mishap after we defeated our last threat,” Natasha says finally.
You curse loudly.
“On the bright side, it’ll wear off on its own. Supposedly. The downside, we just don’t know when. Bruce is working on it if it takes too long, though. Wanda just didn’t want to worry you,” Natasha says the end so softly in the tone you just hate when she’s trying to reason with you.
“Oh, we’re past worried now,” you say, hanging up the phone. You turn around, and it’s like Wanda visibly gulped at seeing your expression.
“What the hell!” You immediately say to your girlfriend who still has her ears flattened, and tail close to her body. “Why didn’t you just tell me you were a cat! Do you know how incredibly invasive you’ve been in the past couple of days? Especially with the conversation with Emily yesterday. Not cool.”
Wanda looks scolded and goddamn, you have to hold your ground because it’s that much harder when she has such a cute face right now.
She gets up, shuffling over to you as she stops at your feet, nuzzling her head against your legs, and meows like she’s apologizing.
You roll your eyes because fuck, that’s so cute and totally not fair.
Resolving to not say any more about it, not because you’re not mad, but because there’s no point in arguing with your girlfriend who can’t even speak doesn’t seem productive.
“Don’t think this is over,” you warn her. 
Wanda is relieved she’s escaped fighting for now. 
The rest of the day, you try to carry on as usual. It’s super weird, you’re not even sure how to handle it.
It’s not like you can continue to treat her as you were.
You try to make conversation with her, asking only yes or no questions so she can nod or shake her head.
By the time bedtime comes, Wanda isn’t sure if she should follow you like she has been the last couple of nights. 
She sits pitifully on the ground, a couple feet away from your room as you walk past the door.
Wanda thinks maybe she’ll try to sleep on the couch tonight, but then she sees you pop your head out your door.
“Are you coming?” You ask. 
Wanda grins happily, getting up, and trotting into your room.
The two of you settle in your comfortable positions. Wanda decides she’ll behave tonight and keep her paws to herself.
It’s quiet.
The night was settling in.
But it felt like neither of you could sleep.
“I feel like...maybe we should talk about what Emily said the other night,” you say, breaking the silence as you turn over, and face your girlfriend.
“I guess,” you say at first, “it doesn’t really bother me at first that all we do is spend time physically connecting, not so much emotionally connecting.”
Wanda is silent, letting you say your piece.
Not like she could say anything herself.
“But now, I guess I want to hear your voice more, and not when you’re just panting my name or making your incredibly attractive sex sounds. I would like to hear you talk about your day, or how work was, or if something was bothering you.”
You stared into Wanda’s big blue eyes as you spoke.
“It would be incredibly nice to have you in other parts of my life. There’s quite a lot of other people who are looking to do that,” you mumbled.
Wanda scrunches her nose up. Oh, she was quite aware now about how many people wanted to steal her position.
“I really miss you.”
Wanda internally sighed as she moved her head over to nuzzle the top of your head. She moved her face lower and began to lick your cheek.
You closed your eyes, but when Wanda started licking closer to your mouth, you drew the line.
“Stop it, I’m not a furry.”
Wanda had waited until you fell asleep, watching you as your breathing slowed.
She was both happy and sad when you told her those things.
Wanda wanted those things too.
Maybe she does talk too little with you. 
That’s her own fault, though.
Perhaps she was too scared to try to get intimate with you in a different way. 
So, maybe she did try to keep it physical mostly. Kept putting off meeting your friends. Giving you only the intimacy that required no words.
Skin on skin is easy.
Soul to soul is scary.
But she ready to be scared now. 
She doesn’t want to not be able to talk to you. She is realizing how important words can be. There’s only so much she could do with everything else. 
Wanda stays awake the entire night.
You wake up to the smell of cinnamon and dry leaves.
A soft, warm hand is pressed to your cheek as you wake, lips dragging over your own.
Wanda is completely naked, the red ribbon still tied around her neck with her name tag hanging. 
“I love you,” Wanda says, grinning as she did.
“I wanted to say that more than anything. I want to meet your friends, visit you at school, talk about our days, talk about anything. I just want to be in all the parts of your life you let me be in, and for everyone to know that.”
Your eyes immediately water as you smile widely, burrowing yourself in her arms as Wanda kisses your shoulder.
The two of you talk endlessly about mundane things as you make breakfast together.
Wanda is very dedicated to making sure everyone in your life knows she exists, and you are hers.
Your friends are incredibly happy for you that you didn’t have an imaginary girlfriend, except Dylan, maybe.
She bikes with you when you stop by Jacob’s flower cart, buying you gardenias, and telling you she’ll plant them in the garden of the house you’ll one day buy together.
She gives her name to the daring barista for her drink as, ‘Her Girlfriend,’ with a deadpan look.
Wanda comes to visit you at school, walking you to class hand in hand, obnoxiously kissing you in front of Brian. 
She briefly met Annalise, eyes glowing red for a brief second as a warning.
Wanda still spends a dedicated amount of time to worship your body, make no mistake.
But she makes sure she talks to you about her day, her dreams, her fears, and all the mundane things in between.
It’s her absolute favorite.
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klynn-stormz · 4 years
Fake Out
So yesterday pretty much sucked for me, I had a really bad anxiety attack that shut me down hard. Once I recovered a bit I started browsing tumblr for fluff to make me feel better (who doesn't love fluff??) and someone had reblogged this story on where a girl and her boyfriend started working at the same place, but didn't tell anyone that they were together. The people in the office starting shipping them and they just pretended they weren't dating, it was super cute. And someone asked for a Captain Swan fic, I wish I could find the post again, but it’s lost in my feed somewhere. Anyway I couldn't get this story out of my head so I wrote a Captain Swan Fake not-dating au. It’s not exactly like the story no office setting, but I hope it’s still good!
Really Emma couldn’t blame anyone but herself for this. Afterall, she had been the one to insist that they keep things quiet till they knew where they were heading. The only issue now was how to tell her friends they were already dating.
Really Emma couldn’t blame anyone but herself for this. After all, she had been the one to insist that they keep things quiet till they knew where they were heading. Being that all her friends were a bunch of nosy know-it-alls, if they found out she was in a relationship they: would be all over her planning weddings (looking at you Mary Margaret), ask way to many details about her sex life (not that they already didn’t… Ruby), or threatening the man in question with a solid beating if he messed up (David hadn’t learned his lesson from the bruise she gave him after the last one). It could be considered an honest mistake, her friends would not see it that way, but it really could! She never intended to move in with the man after dating him for 6 months, but there she was kissing him and dragging him to the bedroom when he made the offer. And after 9 months she really should have told everyone because this was honestly the happiest she had ever been, and he told her he wanted to meet them too. But the thing is, she wanted the meeting to be special, she wanted to be able to introduce him to her friends as her significant other and have them not go for her throat for keeping if from them for so long! She was still working out the details when it happened.
She was at their usual bar, it was less crowed on a Tuesday night, but everyone seemed to need to blow off steam after stressful work days. Killian was working late anyway and Emma didn’t feel like being alone. She had a water in front of her, but it didn’t even take a drink for Mary Margaret to start talking about setting Emma up so she could have someone to cuddle with at night. All Emma could think about was cuddling up to Killian when she got home, maybe she’d be a little tipsy, she’d run her fingers through his hair and kiss him, maybe start kissing his throat where she could feel him swallow at her advances, he would definitely start to blush. Then her hand could move to those buttons, not enough buttoned yet to many at the same time, once his shirt was unbuttoned she could…
“Emma are you even paying attention?” Mary Margaret snapped her out of her fantasy with a pout. “I just want you to be happy! I know this really sweet guy at work that I think would be perfect for you, his name is Walsh and...”
“Really M’s I promise I am happy! There is nothing to worry about.” Emma was thinking about making an excuse so she could get home to her boyfriend (partner?), was he home from work yet?
“Oh, major hottie alert!” Ruby breathed. “Emma he is totally your type, I’ve seen him around a few times and he is definitely perfect for you.”
Even less in the mood for this nonsense than she was before, Emma was seconds from blurting that she didn’t need a guy because, she had the best one out there already. She wasn’t sure why she turned, but she certainly wasn’t expecting to see Killian there when she did. He had just sat down at a table with one of his friends, Robin she thought, and she couldn’t help but check him out. She’d had the early morning shift at her precinct, which meant leaving before him. He wore a blue button down, which those damn buttons, the top three of which were unbuttoned and showing his dark chest hair. She really wanted to walk over there and just lay one on him, maybe drag him out of the bar and home, hell he was so pretty.
“See, look how into him you are Emma!” Ruby cried, interrupting Emma’s ogling after noticing Emma’s flushed face. “We are totally going to make this happen for you.”
“No Ruby, wait!” Before Emma could get out much of a protest Ruby was up and across the room. She groaned and thumped her head onto the table, how was she going to explain this to them? She felt someone pat her head.
“Don’t worry Emma, we just want what’s best for you. And if it works out you can tell us all about it!” Mary Margaret had a dreamy look on her face, Emma would bet her salary that she was picturing a wedding.
“For the record, some of us don’t want to hear everything.” David interjected, her lieutenant at work and friend outside, he had taken on a brotherly role to Emma. She could always count on him to be there, it was nice to think about how she had made a little family out of these friends, then it only made her feel worse for keeping Killian a secret for so long.
“Emma, this is Killian and he wants to buy you a drink.” Ruby came back, dragging a grinning Killian behind her. “He owns a shipping company with his brother, he has not committed any crimes recently, loves blondes, and thinks you’re the most gorgeous women in the room. Be nice.”
“Pleasure to meet you Emma.” His smooth accent made it very hard for her to not just kiss him right there. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you all night.”
With that Ruby gathered up Mary Margaret and David, moving them to Killian’s former table with his friends. Luckily Killian’s friends knew about Emma, though she hadn’t officially met them yet, and they knew to keep it quiet for now. Emma was speechless, this was the first time they had been so bold in setting her up. Killian sat down across from her, still grinning like an adorable idiot. She knew her friends were watching them closely and she really wasn’t sure how to proceed.
“So love, that’s one way to introduce me to your friends. I have to admit, it is most definitely entertaining in the least.” Emma let out a small laugh at him before taking a quick drink.
“What do we do now? They’ve never actually thrown a guy at me before! And how am I supposed to introduce you to them now?” She was frustrated and amused, and having trouble focusing on much other than his stupid beautiful blue eyes.
“Well now, I suppose we have a few options, you could kiss me right here and now and make a statement. You could invite them over this weekend to our apartment that they still haven’t been to, and introduce me properly. Or, we could have a little fun.” He raised one eyebrow at her, was that a challenge? “That is if you aren’t scared.” Yep, that was a challenge.
“What do you mean have some fun?” She questioned, any prank or joke she played on her friends might make them less mad at her for keeping this from them for so long.
“Well, for the next few weeks we could still keep it a secret, but instead of never running into each other…” He paused and let her follow his train of thought. She smiled as she finished it.
“We could start running into each other everywhere, Ruby and Mary Margaret are more determined for me to ‘settle down’ than I thought. If they see us running into each other and flirting, they’ll try harder to get us together, and maybe, just maybe, they won’t kill me when I tell them we’ve been dating for 9 months?”
“Exactly Swan, though from what I’ve heard, I doubt your David will be as receptive to me anyway. We could have a small dinner, invite your friends and mine, and let them know we’re together? However, if you aren’t ready, Swan, that’s okay. We can wait however long you want.” Her heart had definitely melted into a puddle, she was with the sweetest man alive.
“Let’s do it.”
He had kissed her hand when he said goodbye at the bar, leaving her in the capable hands of David to get her back to their place, after all leaving the bar with a stranger when she was out with friends was not something Emma Swan would normally do. He was waiting for her when she did get home, at some point during everything she has been fantasizing about and falling asleep after, she realized that he was her person, her one. She was in this for the long haul, and so was he.
Shopping for girl’s night two days later was their second meet of this ridiculous game. Ruby was demanding they make homemade pizza rolls, and Mary Margaret insisting they needed every kind of chocolate in the candy aisle. Pushing her cart along the dairy aisle looking for the right cheese, she bumped someone hard enough to make them grunt and fall back a few steps.
“I’m so sorry,” She began to exclaim, only to look up and find her blue-eyed boyfriend smiling at her. “Oh you.”
“Emma!” Mary Margaret chastised.
“It’s no problem love. Feel free to crash into me any time.” His wink sent flutters through her.
“Um, Killian right?” Emma fumbled, she was so not good at this acting thing, how had she gone so long without anyone figuring out she was secretly dating someone?
“Aye love, by the uniform I would deduce you are one of Boston’s finest?” Pointing out that she was still wearing her uniform. Luckily, she’d had a change of clothes in the car, but she’d gone straight from work to pick up M’s and Ruby.
“Yeah, I’ve been in it way to long today, polyester is not something I’d wear all day if I had the chance.” Oh hell she was an idiot, is she really talking about fabric materials with him. She’s lucky she already has him, because she cannot flirt worth a damn anymore. By the quirk up in his eyebrow and sparkle in his eye he was enjoying this way too much.
“I assure you love; your discomfort is a cross I’m willing to bear. You do but quite the figure in that uniform.” Why could he still flirt so well? It wasn’t fair that it still affected her so much.
“Sure buddy, well nice to see you. I better get back to shopping.” She rolled her eyes and moved her cart around him, his eyes tracking her all the way.
As soon as she was out of earshot, Ruby and Mary Margaret squealed. Talking about fate and soul mates and all sorts of things that Emma was certain were true with Killian, but she wasn’t about to tell them that yet. Girl’s night was a hit, as usual, they watched corny chick flicks and ate way too much junk food. By the end of the night Emma dragged herself home into bed, she was exhausted. Killian was mostly asleep when she returned, but as soon as she was in bed he turned and pulled her into his arms. Murmuring that he loved her and to get some rest. How was it possible she could be this happy, what were her reasons for keeping him from her friends? She did have to admit this not dating prank was pretty fun. In a few weeks everyone would know and she could hold his hand in public. She fell asleep with that happy thought in her head.
The next meeting surprised her, out of every possibility in the world, she would never have seen Killian have a drink with David as one of them. After running home to change, she’d made her way to the bar, a little grumpy that her Friday night date night with Killian had been put on hold, stupid paperwork that needed to be finished. Killian assured her that it would be fine, he had run into an acquaintance and they invited him out for a drink anyway. Nothing he said had prepared her for the sight of him talking and laughing at a table with David of all people. David caught her eye and waved her over.
“Emma! Fancy seeing you here, I believe you remember Killian. The man Ruby not so subtly threw at you the other night.” David was in a good mood, a slight rosy hue to his face tipping her off that he’d a few drinks.
“Right, hi Killian.” She glanced at him. “How did you to end up here?”
“Well Dave here happened to be searching for,” He winced and amended. “Out shopping, when I ran into him. We got to talking and he invited me for a beer.”
“Wow that’s some coincidence.” Killian knew what she was asking, did he purposely run into him.
“I assure you, I never expected I’d see Dave outside of the bar.” His voice was serious and truthful. So much so that she looked at David to make sure he hadn’t caught the tone. He was off in his own world, smiling proudly at nothing.
“Huh, so what were you shopping Killian?” Where could they have run into each other.
“I was looking for a gift for my little niece, she’s turning three soon.” Emma raised her brows at David questioningly now.
“And what were you shopping for David?” She was starting to put the pieces together, Mary Margaret not drinking, the constant need for chocolate.
“I’m gonna be a Dad!” David blurted, then immediately cringed. “Dang it, I wasn’t supposed to say anything, M&M is gonna be so sad.”
His little nickname for her made Emma grin, he only called her that was he was tipsy or drunk.
“Congrats LT,” She patted him on the shoulder. “I’m sure M’s will be to excited that people know to be sad you told anyone; you know she can’t keep a secret anyway. I’m surprised she didn’t say anything at girl’s night.”
“Had to wait for the doctor’s appointment today, I was looking for a stuffed animal to give her as a present after.” He was so sweet; David was going to be a great dad.
“Thought we had to celebrate so Dave and I went out for drinks.” Killian smiled and clapped David on the back.
“He’s not so bad when he’s not being thrown at you.” David declared, finishing off his drink.
“High praise.” Emma commented.
“I should be getting you home to your loving wife David, I’m sure she’s done gushing to her parents and is missing you. I did promise I wouldn’t keep you out to late.” Killian helped David stand, while asking the waitress for a bottle of water for his new friend.
“Emma, you come to, he can take you home too.” David announced with a finality that had Emma snickering.
“Of course, your Majesty, how can I refuse such an offer.” Emma responded graciously.
Killian led David into a cab, Emma following close behind, got in after him then gestured for Emma to get in as well. After rambling off David’s address (it took him a few tries to remember it, but Emma was there to help), David settled back talking about how he was going to be a dad. Emma took a chance that David was not paying attention and leaned a little bit into Kilian’s side. His hand surreptitiously brushed her thigh. There was a tension in the cab Emma was sure David was oblivious too. When the dropped him off, David got out of the car and stared at Killian with narrowed eyes.
“I expect you to be a gentleman in getting her home.” He demanded, still slightly swaying from the drinks.
“I assure you Dave, I am always a gentleman.” Killian responded, crossing his heart with a finger.
The cab moved on, Emma having given the address, and the tension stayed until the end of the street. The moment they turned the corner Killian was pulling her onto his lap and kissing her soundly. They spent the next 10 minutes of the cab ride making out, as soon as the cab stopped, they paid and headed up to their home.
“Always a gentleman huh?” Emma commented. “I guess that means just sleeping tonight.”
“Love, a gentleman simply doesn’t kiss and tell, it doesn’t mean I don’t kiss at all.” He swept her into his arms and headed to the bedroom with her laughter ringing through the hall.
The next morning David had called a friend meeting at Granny’s to make the official announcement. Emma kissed Killian on her way out, telling him where she would be. As they ate breakfast and gushed over the news, David commented on how nice Killian was to get both of them home. Emma didn’t have the heart to point out that she hadn’t had a drink and could have easily gotten herself home, that would raise questions that couldn’t be answered by ‘I wanted to make out in a cab with my boyfriend’. Ruby and Mary Margaret were delighted that Emma had seen Killian again.
“He’s becoming a part of the group. It’s only a matter of time before you get together.” Ruby insisted at one point.
So when Killian walked into the diner, all of her friends insisted it was fate and David had even piped in.
“He did get us home Emma, it’s only fair to treat him to lunch to thank him.”
“Well go and ask him David, don’t be shy.” Emma snarked at him, trying to hide her smile. David rolled his eyes and insisted she go and talk to him.
“Hey you.” She walked up to him. He turned and gave her a brilliant grin; he was wearing her favorite leather jacket of his, it was the jacket he had been wearing when she had first kissed him. Grabbing it and hauling him to her lips. She wouldn’t mind a repeat right now, wait no, public, they were in public.
“Swan! Fancy meeting you here love.”
“Yeah listen, my friends figured it was only fair to ask you to lunch since you made sure I got home alright last night.” He raised his brow at that.
“Well don’t stand on ceremony love, no need to use your friends as an excuse when you want to get close to me.” She rolled her eyes.
“So lunch? I know a place by the docks that is great. Jacies Place?” It was a frequent lunch spot of theirs.
“I’ll see you there at 1 then?” At her affirmation, he grabbed his coffee order and kissed her hand before leaving.
Making her way back to her friends, they all demanded details. Once she confirmed lunch with him, Mary Margaret got all weepy eyed. She quickly changed the subject back to the baby, thoughts wandering to her lunch date with her boyfriend later that afternoon.
They had developed a habit of running into each other more often that they meant too. Now that they weren’t as concerned with trying not to be seen together, it was much easier to be out and about and simply run into the other. Her friends were now used to seeing him and still insisting he was the one for her, not that she disagreed. Killian flirted with her every chance he got and it only made her love him more. Finally, nearly three months after they started this game, she was ready to make the next step. Their anniversary was coming up in two weeks, and she really wanted to be able to celebrate that out in the open. When she brought up the idea of the dinner party Killian had picked her up and spun her around. He was ready to let the world know he loved Emma Swan, hopefully her friends would let her live long enough to have that happen. Broaching the idea of a dinner at her apartment had been surprisingly easy, they had been dying to see it since she moved in almost 6 months ago, but didn’t want to push her. The date was set for the next Saturday, and Emma went into full panic mode.
Killian had introduced her to his friends officially the week before at Robin’s birthday party. She had gotten along with everyone well, and was praying to any and every god out there that her dinner would go just as well. Of course, Killian hadn’t kept her a secret for a year just never formally introduced her, so they had that going for them at the party at least. Meeting his brother, Liam, had been terrifying, but he wasn’t as scary as Emma had thought. Maybe a bit put out and Killian was ‘her dirty little secret’ as he so eloquently put it, but not mean. Killian had been able to shut that down right away and after bonding with Liam’s wife, Elsa, it was hard for him not to like her anymore. Now she just needed this dinner to go well.
Killian was still in the bedroom getting ready when the doorbell rang. Emma’s heart may have stopped for a moment, but she answered the door and let all three of them in. The oo’d and ah’d over her apartment, set down the food they had brought and settled into the living room to chat while the chicken finished cooking.
“I have to admit, I’m surprised you bought something so big.” Mary Margaret commented. “I would have thought with just you it would be a studio apartment.”
“It just seemed like the perfect place, but there is another reason.” Emma smiled and took a deep breath. “I’ve been meaning to tell you all something…”
Before she could say anything, the bedroom door opened in the hall and footsteps came towards them. She could see the confusion then speculation in her friend’s eye’s, then the shock (David) and excitement (Mary Margaret and Ruby) in their eye’s when Killian rounded the corner.
“I knew it!” Ruby cried, jumping up and down.
“Emma, you didn’t tell us you were together now!” Mary Margaret looked delighted.
“Wait how long has this been going on?” David tried to interrupt, but Ruby and M’s were on a roll.
“I bet it happened after girl’s night.” Ruby declared.
“No definitely after their lunch date!” Mary Margaret corrected.
Emma let them go on a little bit longer then cleared her throat. Killian sat down on the arm of the chair she was sitting in, putting one arm around her shoulders for support. Once she had everyone’s attention she continued.
“There’s something I’ve been keeping from you, and honestly I didn’t mean for it to go on for so long without telling you. I just wanted to be sure there was something there before I said anything, but then I got caught up in everything and time just kept moving. I didn’t want another Neal fiasco, you know? I really wanted to take my time and make sure we worked well together, and I can’t believe I didn’t tell you and I want to apologize because…” She was rambling, she was definitely rambling. Killian squeezed her should to comfort her. Her friends were staring at her confused, though it seemed David was putting the pieces together faster than the other two, a suspicious gleam in his eye giving him away.
“Okay, how long have you two been together.” He asked.
“A Year, well almost a year. It will be a year in two weeks. I mean one week and 3 days really so there’s that. And we are living together, like my lease ended and his did and we moved in together. That happened six months ago, and I really didn’t expect that to happen. I mean I wasn’t going to move in with him after only six months! But then he asked, and how was I supposed to say no? I love him and wanted to be with him all the time, so I said yes. That’s also when I told him I love him, I’m pretty sure he knew way before I did that, I was in love with him. He told me at 3 months, I definitely was counting, and I couldn’t say it back, but then he asked me to move in with him and I said yes and that I loved him. So, we moved in together, and we’re thinking of getting a cat or a dog, still arguing on that. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I was just so nervous, though that’s no excuse. And I’m in love with him and pretty sure that I’m going to be for the rest of my life.” She took a deep breath after she finished, trying to catch her breath. Did she say that all in one breath? Might explain why she could hear her heart beat drumming in her ears. A glance up at Killian calmed her, he was smiling at her so tenderly, love clear in his eyes.
“And I’ll be in love with you for the rest of my live Emma.” He pressed a soft kiss to her head and she turned back to her friends. They all gaped at her, their eyes nearly bugging out. David was the first to recover.
“A year?” He asked slowly. “You’ve been dating a whole year?”
“Eleven months, two weeks and four days.” Killian confirmed.
“How?” Mary Margaret asked, still speechless.
“YOU DIDN’T TELL US?” Ruby practically screamed.
Emma winced, as she opened her mouth to explain she thought it might be better to give them a few more minutes. The oven timer sounded and she rushed up to check on it before Killian could. Dinner was ready. She called for them to eat, once they were seated, she asked what questions they had. They fired them at her as quickly as they could. Why wait so long to tell them? How did they meet? Why did they pretend they hadn’t met at the bar?
“It wasn’t really the plan,” Emma admitted. “I had been planning on sitting you down and telling you, but then you basically threw him at me and he played along, and it was fun. I really didn’t mean to keep it from you for so long.” Ruby stared at her hard.
“You were hoping we would find it funny and be less mad at you for keeping it from us.” She stated. Emma blinked in surprise.
“How did you know?” She questioned.
“Please, I’ve known you for years. I may have been oblivious to you being in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean I can’t see your reasoning.” Emma looked up hopefully.
“You’re not mad?”
“Oh no, we are going to hold this over your head for the rest of time. You can start by hosting girl’s night for the next year at least. We’ll see how it goes from there.” Ruby grinned, Mary Margaret nodded with her, then reached across the table for Emma’s hand.
“And we can admit that maybe we pushed a little bit harder than we should have on the whole relationship thing.” Mary Margaret acknowledged.
“We really are happy for you, Emma.”
Killian smiled at her, and she smiled back, everything was perfect now.
“I am too.”
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all1e23 · 5 years
Swallow [Pt. 7]
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Chapter: Convictions and Lies
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: It’s becoming increasingly clear that Bucky will have to choose between his brothers and his girl. Y/n learns a secret. 
Warnings:  Adulty themes. Yes, I’m a grown-up, and I said adulty themes. Heavy Angst (I know. What else is new with series, right?) Sweet Bucky because I still standby that as a warning. 
A/N:   I’m sorry it’s been so long between updates, but tbh this fic takes a lot out of me when I write it – it’s emotionally exhausting to write. Send me love because I’m needy.  No beta Read at your own risk. ;-)
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam though! Thanks!*
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You’ve been falling; falling fast and hard, tumbling down into the dark -- the same darkened, treacherous place your head told your heart you would never visit again.
At least that’s what you have been telling yourself the last few years-- an attempt to soothe the ache of losing the other half of your heart. It turned out the dark wasn’t so scary and hidden within the shadows was the promise of something brighter. If you could give enough of your heart and place your trust in the one person, who knew where the light is hidden.
The only source of light your soul has ever needed never failed to be found within James Barnes's heart. No matter the fearsome winds and dark clouds that roll in threatening to steal his warmth, the darkness never comes, and this time would be no different.
Seven days you’ve spent, and the clouds that lingered nearby have yet to change directions even with the powerful winds approaching.
A week of sweet kisses, soft whispers, and delicate touches pointed you towards those dark hidden shadows -- sunlight pierced holes through those dark clouds that loomed just off the coast, and you’ve never felt more at home. As you lay in Bucky’s bed, watching him sleep, your heart was right there to remind you of the promises you made to yourself and how you’ve broken every one from the moment you came home. There wasn’t a part of you that could be moved to care, heart included. The only place you have ever felt at peace was when you were by Bucky’s side. He was the only home your wandering soul knew, and no one could change that.
And while nothing, absolutely nothing, sounded better than spending the day sheltered in Bucky’s arms and basking in the glow radiating from his heart and yours, you needed coffee.
Your bright morning would quickly take a wrong turn onto a dimly lit backroad if you did not find some type of caffeine and fast. Begrudgingly, you tore yourself from his side and grabbed some of the clothes you had stashed around Bucky's room. The real trick was going to be making it downstairs without anyone seeing. Not that you were in any way ashamed or embarrassed by where you spent the last several nights -- scared was a more accurate assessment of your feelings.
Scared to let go and fearful of what would come when you do. Adding people's opinions to that fear would only create a fire you were not prepared to handle.
For now, this was only you and him.
You quietly slipped down the stairs to avoid attention, but the amount of noise you made wouldn’t have made a difference. All eyes were on you the moment you landed at the bottom step. You groaned internally but managed to keep your face blank as you crossed the room towards the only friendly face in the room.
You sat down on the table next to Peggy and asked with a smile, “No one noticed me, right?”
Peggy smirked and handed you what you assumed was her cup of coffee. “Of course not.” She assured you. “No one noticed that you came down at seven-thirty in the morning and had a pair of lace panties stuck to your jeans.”
She winked and pulled the blush-colored lace from your thigh. “Shall I wash it for you?”
You snatched it from her hand and shoved it into your pocket. “Let’s never speak of this again, and thank you for the coffee.”
“You’re welcome,” Peggy added as she stood intent on grabbing herself another cup from the kitchen.
“It looks good on you, darling,” Peggy mentioned, turning back to find your head tilted to the side and confusion written all over your face. You didn’t have anything special on, just jeans and an old Guns N’ Roses t-shirt Bucky had bought you years ago. She playfully rolled her eyes nodding to towards the bird on your wrist -- the one now bared for all to see.
“Settling back into your life. Being home.” She clarified. 
The sound of footsteps making their way downstairs had her grinning, and she promptly made her way to the kitchen. No need to add another pair of eyes to this already delicate situation.
The room full of nosy boys were enough.
Bucky descended the stairs a moment later, only adding to the awkward tension in the air. His was hair tousled from sleep still, his leather unzipped and open to show off the thin white v-neck he was wearing under it. In the middle of his chest sat a small ring hanging from a silver chain. You would know that ring against a thousand others. You doubted anyone would recognize the chain let alone the ring, maybe Steve.
You didn’t know what Steve was paying attention to back then or now, for that matter. By the look of things, no one was the same person they were five years ago -- Bucky more so than the rest.
The leather he was sporting wasn’t new, but the smile on his face certainly was.
Since the night you snuck in, tensions within the clubhouse have shifted, and the focus was no longer on who was breaking whose heart. It made the days a little sweeter and the nights a little longer, not just for the two of you. Bucky’s been smiling on the regular, talking openly and even laughed when Peter made a joke. Sam had been there to ease the kid into a chair when he went pale and queasy.
Naturally, they all wanted to ask what had their vice president so cheery, but no one dared to tease him. There was never a discussion between you, but it had seemed you both agreed not to talk about what was happening. Though you were sure everyone knew you were the reason, it was hard to miss the sun shining through to break up a rain cloud.
Still, avoiding the topic was probably for the best. Clint hadn’t been to the clubhouse since his chat with Steve and hadn’t spoken to you in three days, six hours and twenty-six minutes (Not that you were counting or anything). He couldn't -- wouldn’t accept your decision, and you didn’t know how to repair the rift it caused between you. The last words he uttered to you was a promise that has been replaying in your head ever since. He swore to you that taking Bucky back was a mistake, and if you went down this path, he didn’t know if he would be able to fix things this time. 
You had to trust that in time, Clint would understand. He’s never been able to stay mad at you for long.
Bucky continued by every member that sat, scattered throughout the clubhouse missing countless opportunities to sit near someone else. He could have found a place near Peter or Tony and avoided the one thing the club considered to be a chink in Bucky’s armor -- his defect.
As weak as you made him, you have never been his weakness regardless of what anyone else thinks.
He swung his leg over the chair in front of you, his eyes glued to yours as he lowered himself onto the harsh wooden seat.  He smirked and tilted his head to the side, watching as your eyes frantically searched to see who around you were paying attention.
Everyone was watching with interest. Typical.
You looked back at Bucky to find him grinning, eyes shimmering in delight and you knew he did this on purpose. He was never one to shy away from touching you in public. You knew what it looked like from the outside -- a possessive claim, but the truth was the poor boy has never been able to keep his hands off you.  
He wanted this, and it was okay to admit you did too.   
“Hi, pretty girl.”
You beamed, and your eyes lit up. 
“Hey, Buck.”
“So,” Bucky whispered as his hands landed on the tops of your thighs and casually moved up and down the soft material of your jeans. Getting the hint, you set your coffee down and draped your arms over his shoulders. He stopped at the top of your thighs and gave a gentle squeeze as he spoke again softer this time but still confident. “I was thinkin’ you could bring some of your things over from Clint’s.”
“Buck.” You scold, gently and slightly amused. You should have expected it really. Bucky didn’t know what slow meant when it came to you.
“Remember we are taking things slow so we can figure out how to be with each other again and you are not going to punch someone for talking to me.” You reminded, and he grinned.
“Baby...” Bucky’s voice trailed off as his hands tightened on your thighs and he carefully pulled you off the table where you fell into his waiting lap. A soft squeak fell from your lips, and he quickly swallowed it with a chaste kiss.
It only lasted a second, but it had your head spinning.
“I’ve had you spread out in my bed the last six nights in a row,” He said, raspy and quiet, his lips so close they brushed against yours as he spoke, “You haven’t been home since and I know you got things stashed in around. What’s the difference if you have some clothes in my closet?"
Everything he was saying was right, and in some part of your brain, it made sense but, what happened when you let go? Your heart wasn't ready to find out.
“If you think I’m living in this filthy ass clubhouse you aren’t very smart.” You sassed, covering fear with a sassy quip worked for your brother it could work for you. Too bad the man you were trying fool knows every inch of your skin and every beat of your heart. Bucky could see right through you.
“Okay, let’s get a house,” Bucky conceded, pulling back just enough to clear the haze your lips filled his head with. “I can go anywhere as long as you’re there with me, baby doll. There isn’t much I need to get by. Just one important thing.”
You ignored the thudding that was sounded from your chest and wrapped your fingers around the chain slowly twirling the glimmering silver around your hand. You gave it a gentle tug until your noses were nearly bumping and inquired. “You take things that aren’t yours now? Should I add thief to your resume?”
“Outlaws don’t have resumes darlin’.” He grinned.
A large hand splayed on your lower back pushed you further into his lap, and bucky quickly cleared up why it’s still hanging from his neck. “The woman I love left it behind. I’ve just been keeping it safe until she’s ready to carry the weight of it again.”
“What if she can’t carry the weight of it?” You whispered, tightening your hold on the chain to the point it was beginning to tear at your skin. “What if the club and everything this ring stands for can’t coexist?”
Bucky bumped his nose against yours, and his eyes flicked up from the chain between you to meet your eyes. He felt stupid for not seeing that coming, but the answer was so simple he thought you would have figured it out by now. Bucky’s had five years to live with the consequences of not choosing you, and it’s not a pain he’s willing to shoulder again.
“I can live without a lot of things, but you are not one of them,” Bucky said gently and with firm conviction. “I learned that the hard way and, I can promise you, it’s the only thing I know for certain. There is nothing that could keep me from choosing you, and if I have to, I’ll burn it all down for you.”
Burn it all down, for you.
Nearly six years it’s been, and those words were like a sweet prayer you never thought you would hear. You knew the look Bucky was wearing, the determination and sincerity in eyes gave life to his words in a way that left you aching to believe him.
Deep down, you both knew it wouldn’t be that easy though, regardless of who was burning, you both would get caught in the flames.
Steve cleared his throat, dousing the kindling between you in cold water, smothering your bright morning in a toxic cloud of smoke and ash. Just like always, the perfect reminder that the club would always be there to steal him with such ease, it left you feeling silly and naive for having ever having hope.
Bucky peered over your shoulder at Steve and pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “I’ll be done in an hour. Hang around, please?” Your arms tightened around his waist, and he sighed. “We can go to lunch when I’m done and talk. I’m not going to hide anything from you, but I gotta go in there baby doll.”
Your arms slowly fell from his side, and you did your best to shimmy out of his lap without falling -- your trembling legs were no help. Bucky rose to his feet and zipped his leather concealing his heart and your ring, not that there was much of a difference between the two.  A light kiss was placed to your temple, and heavy boots echoed through the barroom ending with the rattling slam of the wooden doors that separated you.
The dread that came with being behind these doors made Bucky sick. The heaviness of the gavel never left his hand even after he passed it on to Steve, and now that you were back in his arms, it only made him yearn to be free of it all. Every bullshit meeting, every idiotic rule, and every painful decision that pushed him further away from the man he wanted to be -- the man he was when he was with you.
The club would be alright without him when the time came, or it would come crashing down. Bucky wanted to care, but he didn’t. He only needed to get the club through this bullshit with Red Skulls, and he was gone, whether Steve let him go or not.
Several grumbled voices rang throughout the room as Steve’s gavel came down. Bucky was uneasy, and the meeting hadn’t begun, you didn’t want him sitting at the table, and he honestly didn’t want to be there. None of this shit has mattered for years, and it didn’t hold a candle next to you. He’d much rather be tangled up in you with his head buried between your thighs drawing out those sweet whimpers that drive him crazy than listening to their next mistake.
“Where is Barton, and how come his sister is walking around like she owns the damn place?” An annoyed voice griped from the back of the room, Bucky wasn’t sure who said it, but they were about to regret ever opening their damn mouth. He sat up, and Sam’s hand was on his chest shoving him back into his seat before anyone could take notice -- Steve noticed of course.
Punk never does miss anything.
“Clint is dealing with some family shit that isn’t anyone’s business and as for Y/n,” Steve glanced at Bucky, waiting for the okay before continuing. “She’s your VP’s old lady, so watch your damn mouth and show her the same respect you give Peggy.”
Everyone's head jerked over to Bucky who didn’t say a word, just gave a slight nod to the room and turned to face Steve. He wasn’t talking about you or whatever was happening between the two of you in this room. Ever again. His relationship was not club business any longer.
“Right,” Steve said, club president demeanor in place. “Now that all of that is out in the open, can we focus on club business? Red Skulls are dipping their hands into things I can’t let slide -- selling guns to kids and trading their girls for weapons and information on their enemies. Primarily us and our families. This has been a long time coming. They have threatened everyone sitting at this table, and it’s time we take them down before they hurt anyone else.”
“Agreed?” Steve looked around at a room of nodding heads -- everyone but Bucky. Didn’t matter anyway, when Steve called for a vote it was simple numbers, and Bucky was the odd man out.
“On to our bigger issue,” Bucky frowned and finally looked over at Steve.
Bigger issues? What the hell is more significant than taking down another club?
“We’ve got a rat within our ranks, or that's the way it looks at least."
The girls were great, and you loved Peggy, truly did, but you couldn't sit idly by in the clubhouse while they voted on your life and Buckys. Yeah, you didn’t know what the vote was, but there was always a vote. It may not be directly tied to you, but every choice they made in that room affected every aspect of your lives.
Peggy was wrapped up talking to Pepper; you took your chance and snuck out the backdoor to get some air. You briefly thought about waiting on Bucky’s bike, so he knew where you were but decided against it. It would just make it easier for the girls to find you and, you needed a break. So, you snuck off to hide in your jeep.
Bucky would find you. He always finds you.
"Hey, pretty girl." 
That wasn’t Bucky. 
Your entire body stiffened at the sound of another man's voice saying those words to you. That was Bucky's and Bucky's alone. It felt dirty coming from someone else, and you really didn’t like the way Eddie Brock said it.
"Eddie. How are you?" You greeted and let him ramble on about while you subtly kept your eyes on the clubhouse. Eddie knew what he was doing. No one just showed up there without an invitation and certainly not someone who was kicked out by the club’s vice president.
"Y/n?" You blinked and refocused on Eddie.
"You okay?" He asked with such concern you almost believed he cared.
"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry." You cleared your throat and gestured back to the clubhouse. "I'm just waiting for my boyfriend. You know the one. He broke your nose and kicked you out?”
Eddie placed his hand on Jeep, caging you between his arms, and you suppressed a shiver that was threatening to reveal your fear. You wouldn’t give him the pleasure. Eddie bent forward and whispered in your ear, "You shouldn't get involved with this club, Y/n. You don't know what they are capable of. Especially your boyfriend."
You huffed a humorless laugh and shook your head. He’s got a lot of nerve, you’d give him that. Here he was telling you what your Bucky was like? He couldn't imagine the things you knew, and he had no idea what your boyfriend was capable of, but he was about to find out precisely what your boyfriend was like.
Eddie was walking a trembling tightrope that was about to snap under him.
"I know exactly what he is and if I were you, I wouldn’t be here when those doors open, or Bucky will be the least of your problems.”
Try fifteen angry bikers. That was never a pleasant sight.
"Lemme take a guess why you're out here all alone, waiting for him to put you first? He had to rush off because Steve summoned him. Trouble with the club and left you here, alone, to handle business? You deserve better than this life.” Eddie slipped a small white card in your hand and stepped back from you.
"Do you really know him, Y/n? Think about it and give me a call when you’re ready to talk.”
You watched Eddie slink off fiddling with the piece of paper in your trembling hands waiting until he was out of sight to look at whatever he handed you. You unfolded the paper he gave you and tour stomach sank when you read it. Eddie Brock was a detective.
Eddie was never trying to patch in -- he had no interest in joining the club, his only interest was bringing it down, and from the looks of things, he was going to use you to do it.
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