#she's very bubbly and outgoing and for some reason she continuously is like 'no i want you to come along'
french-unknown · 1 year
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, sanji, robin 𝐂/𝐖: hurt/comfort 𝐖/𝐂: 950 +
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You're insecure because, unlike him who's passionate about his dream of becoming the King of Pirates, you don't have a big dream to fulfill.
You joined the crew because you wanted to leave a family in which you were unhappy and where your destiny was already mapped out until your death. Once you found a new family thanks to the Straw Hat crew, you decided to set sail on their ship to stay with them. You were happy with your daily routine as well as the adventures you were having, and that was enough for you. During the trip, you took the opportunity to start a book on life at sea as well as on the lifestyles of the inhabitants of the islands you had visited. However, it was more of a hobby than a real passion or a dream. So when you see Luffy giving all he got for his dream, you're afraid he'll think you're less interesting for not having a goal you care about so much.
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Zoro is a calm and silent man, especially since your reunion on the Sabaody Archipelago, so you're sometimes afraid that he'll get tired of your bubbly and very talkative personality. You were worried that he would wake up one day from one of his many naps and leave you because you required too much attention and time.
You have always been an outgoing person who liked to chat with people and be aware of the latest gossip. It had always been an advantage when you were alone in a new place or in new social groups. Yet when you were with Zoro, you sometimes found yourself wishing you could shut up. Indeed, where you spent hours telling the swordsman whatever goes through your mind under his attentive - though rather neutral - gaze, you found yourself regretting having talked so much afterward. You wondered if you had annoyed him and if he wouldn't prefer a less noisy person.
| he comforts you about your insecurity |
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After spending so much time with her on your adventures, if there's one thing you've learned about her, it's that she's very popular. She is beautiful, intelligent and you have no doubt that if she left you, she would have no trouble finding someone new given the list of suitors.
You've never been an extremely rich or extremely important person with rock-solid self-confidence so you didn't really see what made Nami choose you over all the people at her feet. It was a stroke of luck. She is also not very expressive about the reasons for her choice because she never clearly expressed what she liked about you. The dynamic of your relationship is mostly a teasing game on her part to which you gladly answer as long as she continues. But it sometimes makes you wonder when she'll let you down to find a better partner.
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With Usopp, what scares you the most is your fear of rejection because since he's also someone who is insecure, you are afraid that you will both leave the relationship if something goes wrong because of your insecurities on both sides.
Usopp is a fearful person, and while he's willing to overcome some of his fears for his friends, his inferiority complex has caused him to quit the Strawhat Pirates once. On your side, you are also terrified of being rejected in general, so you often prefer to stay in your comfort zone. The fact that you have that in common means that you often understand each other and it is also what brought you closer to each other in the first place. However, you can't help but tell yourself that, if there is the slightest problem, he will prefer to abandon your relationship because of the fear of not being enough. And you might not be strong enough to get him back either.
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The man is a womanizer who, unfortunately, can't help but rave about every woman who crosses his path. It's stronger than him, he becomes unrecognizable in the presence of a woman.
So even though you know he loves you dearly, you can't help but feel insecure about women. Maybe if, in your own way, you were as beautiful as Nami or as smart as Robin, he wouldn't leave your side to court them. Yet, even though you realize that's not the right way to think about it and that he mostly admires them for their gender qualities as a "gentleman", you still feel that empty feeling when you see him going to swoon over every woman he sees. Each time, the only thought that crosses your mind is that, if you were attractive enough, he wouldn't let you down for strangers.
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Robin is very intelligent: she reads a lot, she can decrypts the poneglyphs, she is interested in many fields etc... However, you are very far from being the most intelligent person in Grand Line and you often wonder if you don't make her bored.
You love to listen to her speak about what she reads and you could drink her words for hours when she talks to you about subjects that fascinate her like archeology or the mysteries of history. You are captivated every time she says something to you, even if you don't always understand everything she tells you. You also follow her with great happiness each time she asks you to accompany her to discover the city - and its bookstore - as soon as you arrive on a new island. Sadly, the fact that you're not as smart as her often makes you ask yourself if she's bored with you or just missing out on being able to argue with someone rather than just relate.
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kk095 · 3 months
Alexa’s Arrhythmia
*hello everyone! I know it's been awhile since my last story, so I apologize about the delay. I hope you all enjoy this one!*
Alexa was a 22 year old girl of Asian descent, standing at a compact 5 foot 1, having a more petite build. She had wavy, medium length hair with a middle part that was dyed platinum blonde. The young lady was heavily tattooed, with bright, colorful sleeves on both arms, tattoos up and down both legs, a few small pieces on the tops of her hands and fingers, along with a handful of other tattoos scattered elsewhere around her body. There were piercings in both her nipples, as well as a nose ring. Alexa’s style was always more revealing, showing off her tattoos and her cute, dainty figure. She took care of her appearance, always making sure her hair, nails, and makeup were on point.
Looks weren’t the only thing going for Alexa. She was very bubbly, outgoing, and a ton of fun to be around. However, that fun regularly crossed the line. Alexa was the life of the party and a total wild child. It seemed like her and her friends were always up to some sort of shenanigans. But last night, Alexa’s reckless, carefree partying had major consequences for the first time, resulting in her night ending in our emergency department.
It was discovered Alexa had used a large dose of an unknown, synthetic party drug that just hit the streets. The substance was in the form of a black, octagon shaped pill that was half the size of a dime with no markings, stamps, or engravings whatsoever. Alexa wrongly assumed the pills she acquired were molly (MDMA), a substance she had used casually. This misjudgment would prove to be a dire mistake for the tatted up party girl.
When Alexa arrived at our emergency department, she was completely inconsolable, crying hysterically. She was thrashing and flailing around quite dramatically on the trauma room table. Her heart was absolutely racing at 185bpm, on the verge of ventricular tachycardia. She felt a pinching sensation inside her chest, combined with severe heart palpitations.
She was sitting on the trauma room table in the upright position, stripped down to just her black bra and matching underwear. There were EKG electrodes stuck onto her chest, IVs set up in each arm, and a nasal cannula in her nostrils. Due to her dangerously high heart rate and unstable vital signs, the monitors beeped and chirped loudly, creating a tense and ominous tone in the room.
Alexa was absolutely terrified. This wasn’t her first rodeo with party drugs, but she knew something was seriously wrong this time. “HELP ME! PLEASE…” She sobbed, flailing around on the table. “we’re here to help you. I just need you to stay still so the nurses can take a look.” Lindsay calmly reassured. “HELP ME! PLEASE!!!” Repeated Alexa. “and we will sweetie! Just stay still for us, ok?” Nurse Nancy chimed in, trying to console the visibly upset young lady. “MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!” Alexa sobbed, squirming around feverishly. “Nancy, let’s try to calm her down. I wanna run some labs and get a stat tox screen on her. We need to know what she took.” Lindsay explained. Nurse Nancy nodded in acknowledgement to the doctor, and went to draw the blood samples required. “NO! NO NEEDLES! NO NEEDLES!!!” Alexa screamed since she always had a phobia of needles. “it’s just gonna be a quick stick hunny. It’ll be fast, I promise.” Reassured Nancy. “NO! THEY ALREADY GAVE ME ONE IN THE AMBULANCE!” Protested Alexa, referring to the IVs that the medics had set up. “I know you already got a needle in the ambulance, but we have to do this so you can feel better. Understand?” Nancy reasoned. “NO MORE NEEDLES! JUST MAKE IT STOP!” Alexa continued to resist, leaning back, shaking her back and forth dramatically indicating ‘no’. “well, if you don’t want us to draw the blood we need, then you have to tell us what you took.” Nancy’s tone getting more firm that time. “I don’t know…. It was just a couple of pills!” Alexa replied, her voice wobbly, tears streaming down her face. “a couple pills? Have you taken these before? What did it look like?” probed Nancy, hoping to get any bit of information she could work with. “I DON’T KNOW! I thought it was just molly or something…” the girl sobbed in response. “Well, was it molly? We’re not here to judge you hun. We just need to know what you took so we can help you.” Explained Nancy. “I DON’T KNOW! JUST MAKE IT STOP!” yelled Alexa, in hysterics.
Nancy sighed, starting to feel frustrated. It seemed like Alexa was just being uncooperative and unwilling to tell the team what she took. Since Alexa was also a fast, erratically moving target, nobody wanted to risk a needle stick injury while trying to draw labs. As far as chemical restraints went, nobody felt comfortable giving her any sedatives or benzos, fearing an adverse reaction with whatever was already in her system. The team was at a standstill to some extent, contemplating their next steps. Alexa’s heart rate was also through the roof, and her EKG was abnormal, so the team had to get her calm enough to run labs and start chemical cardioversion to try and stabilize her.
Before the team could decide what exactly their next move would be, Alexa’s symptoms worsened. She let out a loud, high pitched yelp, clenching her chest in pain with one hand, her eyes slamming shut for a few seconds. “Alexa? What’s the matter sweetie?” Nurse Nancy asked, concerned about the sudden change. “My heart! My heart’s getting pinched!” Answered Alexa. “I’m scared… I’m so scared…” She went on, crying her eyes out. “I know it’s scary, but we’re gonna take great care of you.” Soothed Nancy. “now, can you tell us what you took? We aren’t gonna get you in trouble. We aren’t gonna judge you. We just want to help.” Continued Nancy, feeling it was a good opportunity to pry for information again. “I DON’T KNOW! I TOLD YOU I DON’T KNOW! IT WAS JUST A COUPLE PILLS, I SWEAR!” Alexa bawled.
Dr Lindsay was looking at the monitors the whole time Nancy and Alexa were talking, and didn’t like what she was seeing. The doctor saw a narrow QRS complex and a short RP interval. Given these findings, combined with the 185bpm heart rate, Lindsay determined Alexa was experiencing something known as junctional ectopic tachycardia- a form of v-tach that needs to be electrically cardioverted in order to restore normal cardiac activity. Lindsay got Nancy’s attention. “hey Nance. We’re gonna have to cardiovert her. Let’s get the pads on her.” Lindsay commanded. Nancy then started to get the defib pads set up. While that was going on, Lindsay tried to explain what was going on. “Alexa? Your heart is beating in a very dangerous rhythm right now. In order to fix it, we have to give you a quick shock from the defibrillator pads. It’ll feel a little uncomfortable, but it’ll be over with before you know it.” Lindsay explained. “WHAT? NO. NO WAY. NO SHOCK.” Resisted Alexa. “I’m sorry. If there was a more comfortable way, believe me, we’d do that. But unfortunately this is the only way to go here.” Doctor Lindsay reasoned. Alexa didn’t respond to Lindsay. All she did was cry for a moment. “I’m so scared… what’s happening to me?...” She finally asked. “We’re trying to get to the bottom of that. I just need you to stay still and stay calm for me.” Lindsay calmly answered.
Nurse Nancy stuck the defib pads onto Alexa’s chest. “Ok Nancy, let’s charge to 100.” Lindsay ordered. The electric whirring of the defibs charging could be heard. “No… no…no…” the patient uttered under her breath, knowing the shock was about to come. Finally the defibs were ready. “Alexa? We’re gonna shock you now, ok?” Lindsay told the patient. “no! Don’t shock me… nonono!” She begged, her eyes wide with fear. But Lindsay, Nancy, and the rest of the team had a job to do. The shock button was hit, and the shock was delivered. “AHHH!” Alexa screamed, one hand clenching her chest. The team paused for a moment, studying the monitors, hoping the desired change had taken place. Even after a good 30 seconds, the arrhythmia failed to dissipate, so Alexa had to be shocked again. “Alexa? We’re gonna have to shock you again.” The doctor informed Alexa, which was responded to with the same crying and protests as before. The defibs were recharged to 100j, and shock #2 was delivered. “ohhh….” Alexa moaned. Again, the team waited post-shock, and again, there was no change. Because of that, Lindsay decided to shock Alexa at a slightly stronger intensity to hopefully achieve better results. The defib pads were readied, and a 150j shock was delivered. Alexa’s body tensed up in response. She winced in pain, continuing to cry. The third shock didn’t do the trick, but perhaps the fourth time’s the charm? Alexa could hear the pads charging up again, and it freaked her out. “No more! No more!” she begged, wanting the nightmare to end. “AHHH!” she let out a loud, blood curdling scream in response to the fourth shock.
Even after the fourth shock, the arrhythmia was the clear winner of the battle up to that point. Lindsay stepped up her game, administering a 200j shock. “OWW!” Alexa yelled, tears streaming down her face. “NO MORE! NO MORE SHOCKS!” Alexa begged, hearing the defibs recharging. Another 200j shock followed. Alexa’s torso shot forward, and her arms tensed up for a moment, her hands moving towards the middle of her body. With no change whatsoever, the process was repeated, except the ensuing shock was 250j. Alexa moaned and cried in response, but the arrhythmia was stubborn, appearing to be there for the long haul. The defib pads were readied another go of it, but that time at 300j- triple the strength of the very first shock Alexa received. “AHHH!” Screamed the cute, tatted up patient. “NO MORE. NO MORE… I’M SO SCARED…” Alexa pleaded with her caretakers, who seemed almost like torturers in that moment. Another 300j shock was subsequently delivered, the patient bawling and hyperventilating in response. “I DON’T WANNA DIE… I DON’T WANNA DIE…” A terrified Alexa stated post-shock to anyone within earshot. But once again, the deadly arrhythmia hadn’t gone anywhere. The team recharged the defibs to 360 to combat the form of tachycardia, promptly delivering the next shock. The agony of the shock caused Alexa’s toes to scrunch up hard at the end of the table, showing off the bright white nail polish on her toes, along with the deep, wavy, silky wrinkles throughout the soles of her tiny size 5.5 feet. “PLEASE… NO MORE… NO MORE… I DON’T WANNA DIE…” She sobbed loudly, practically begging for her life. Even the maximum strength of the defibrillator shock couldn’t correct the problem. The defibs were yet again charged to 360j, and the next shock was delivered, everyone hoping for a change. “Oh….” Alexa moaned softly, wincing in pain, her body tensing up and shivering for a moment.
Following the second 360j shock, Alexa’s condition changed. Her eyes opened wide. She gasped for air. She clenched her chest, the palms of her hands feeling her heart race. At the far end of the table, she was fidgeting around with her feet, moving them side to side a bit. “Alexa? Sweetie?” Asked Nancy, alarmed by the noticeable change. Suddenly, Alexa’s hands dropped from her chest, falling limp to her sides. Her cries stopped. Her yelling and moaning stopped. Her gasping stopped. Her fidgeting stopped. But most importantly, her heart stopped.
Alexa laid there completely motionless, her eyes still wide open, her mouth agape. A look of absolute terror still etched on her face. Nancy knew what she was seeing- it wasn’t the veteran ER nurse’s first death stare. “Alexa? Hunny?” Nancy asked, doing a firm sternal rub on the 22 year old. Alexa laid there, her limp body barely reacting to the hearty sternal rub. “ALEXA?” Shouted Nancy, her level of concern growing exponentially. Again, Alexa just laid there, taking the hard sternal rub like it was nothing.
Dr Lindsay stood a short distance away, two of the fingers from her gloved hand were on the side of Alexa’s neck, hoping and praying to feel something. Lindsay pinched her lips for a second. “nothing.” The doctor remarked. Nancy and Lindsay’s eyes shifted over to the monitors, trying to see what they were up against. “Crap. Looks like v-fib. Lower the bed and start compressions, Nance.” Lindsay ordered.
The bed was lowered, and Nancy snipped off Alexa’s black bra, tossing it to the side, her hard, pierced nipples now exposed to the room full of strangers. Nancy placed the heel of her gloved hand on the middle of Alexa’s chest. She took her other hand, placed it on top of the other, and interlocked her fingers. Nancy kept her elbows straight, and began pushing down hard and fast. At the head of the bed, Dr Lindsay made the decisive move to intubate the young, tatted up patient for the sake of airway management. A 7.0 ET tube was carefully navigated into Alexa’s airway. Once at the correct depth and location, Lindsay began securing the tube with a blue tube holder. The holder occupied a good portion of Alexa’s lower face and mouth area. Alexa’s eyes were still wide open, staring helplessly above, almost appearing as if she was watching Dr Lindsay intubate her.
After Lindsay completed the intubation, nurse Heather swapped into Lindsay’s place to ambu bag. Heather gently squeezed the light blue bag every few seconds or so, providing much needed air to the poor soul laid out on the table. A short distance away, Nancy was finishing up a cycle of chest compressions. Alexa’s chest caved in deep. Her belly rippled outwards. One arm dangled off the side of the table, tapping along with the rhythm of the chest compressions being received. Alexa’s head bobbed and lolled in sync with each individual compression, while her feet swayed gently at the opposite end of the table. When Nancy finished the cycle of CPR, the team had decided to shock Alexa again.
The defib pads were once again put to use. A 300j shock was then sent into the poor girl. Alexa’s chest shot up dramatically, her back arching, her upper body plopping back down ungracefully within a few seconds. The shock did absolutely nothing, so it was time to deliver a 360j shock. Alexa let out a gasp, her body twitching violently for just a moment as the electricity darted through her body. V-fib persevered, so Alexa was zapped again. She gasped once more, her torso and upper extremities shivering. No change was noted afterwards, and the process was repeated. The next shock tossed Alexa’s petite body around on the table effortlessly. No time was wasted, so she was hit with the pads again. The next shock caused Alexa’s feet to leap up above the table and crash back down hard, showcasing her pretty, wrinkly soles once more. Like all the other shocks prior, nothing changed.
More and more time passed by the trio of caretakers, each minute seemingly passing by faster than the last. The team struggled to achieve what they had hoped, but kept fighting on for a bit, reluctant to give up on the beautiful young patient. They opted to shock Alexa again. And again. And again. AND AGAIN. They followed that up with numerous cycles of CPR. They pushed various medications into her IV line. But even after everything, v-fib stood victorious. At the 28 minute mark of the code, it was noted that Alexa’s pupils were fixed and dilated.
Given the prolonged downtime, blown pupils, maximum dose of drugs, and many failed defib shocks, our crew appeared to have exhausted all possible efforts. “Hold compressions.” Dr Lindsay barked. Nancy stopped CPR, then took a few steps back away from the table. Heather knew what was coming next, and detached the ambu bag from the breathing tube. Lindsay peeled her gloves off and looked at the clock on the back left wall of the room. “Time of death, 12 midnight exactly. Way to start off the day…” Lindsay huffed, feeling defeated. “what a shame...” Nancy shook her head.
Just like that, everyone had to shift gears. The chirping, beeping, alarming monitors that still showed v-fib were switched off. The EKG electrodes were disconnected from the girl’s chest. The IV lines were taken out. The defib pads were peeled off. While basic postmortem care was going on, Alexa just laid there, her eyes still wide open. The detached ET tube and blue holder remained in place, a horrified gaze still on her face. At the opposite end of the table, a toe tag was filled out and placed. The tag hung from the big toe of her left foot, dangling against the soft, undulated wrinkles that seemed to pop out from the soles of her small feet. Lastly, a cover was placed over Alexa’s body, covering up her bruised, battered chest, concealing the hauntingly beautiful gaze on her face.
What was supposed to be another fun night for Alexa turned out to be her last. The poor girl clearly didn’t know her own limits, and came across the wrong substance. Now Alexa laid toe tagged and under a sheet in our ER, becoming one of far too many drug casualties, showing just how fast it could all come to an end.
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thetavolution · 7 months
Tav Party
I want to try something and see how it pans out, just for fun!
I'd love to see whose Tavs would be in a party with mine. Just send me an ask with the name or names of my Tavs that you could see your Tav(s) in a party with! And be sure to tell me about your Tav(s) or link me to a profile/info about them.
If you feel up to the task, you can add a little emoji to represent how your Tav might approach them. I'll answer with whatever I think my Tav would do in response.
Your Tav would want to be friends: 💛 Would become family: 💚 Would want to be lovers: ❤️ Would be enemies: 🖤 Would murder them: ☠️
Don't worry about any Origin characters for this thought exercise.
The Tavs:
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Human Rogue Monk
She's the daughter of a thief and mercenary who is a beloved "member of the family" in Zhentarim circles.
Despite being a professional thief, Tessa is a kind-hearted person. She always overflowing with joyful enthusiasm. Tessa is outgoing and funny. She has a big heart and it’s easy to take advantage of it, especially with a good enough sob story. She has a good-natured sense of humor, but she's not averse to dark humor either. When she’s angry or hurt, or just talking to someone she hates, she can be particularly cold and scathing.
Tessa is far from morally perfect, of course. She’s made peace with stealing, focusing on targets that “deserve” it. That said, she doesn't believe in hoarding wealth. She keeps what she needs (with some left over as a little treat) and spreads the rest of it around to those who might need it.
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Tiefling Bard
Bex is intelligent, but flippant. Not very many things upset her, but when they do anger her, she goes from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. She can typically diffuse tense situations simply by a lack of reaction or by telling a joke. She generally keeps a cool head, so much so it seems like she doesn’t care. In reality, she’s tired. She’s seen some shit and she is over it. She is in a constant state of existential dread and it's led to her having a very "is that all there is to a fire?" attitude about life.
Her philosophy is life is hard, why make it harder? She’s way too tired for that shit. She's friendly yet apathetic to most people when she meets them at first. She doesn't hate a lot of people either. Someone would really have to press her buttons or give her a reason to hate them. (I.E. I'm talking like Cazador vile.) She’s the type of person who prefers to stick up for the underdog.
She struggles to trust people on a deeper level, yet she continues to seek out connection with others. Under all her bluster, she has a good heart. She's just used to taking care of herself with little to no help from anybody else. Some people see her as trashy and she'd tell them they're correct.
She’s blunt, but she’s never intentionally hurtful. Sometimes she just sucks at wording herself. She’s never been one to brush off someone else’s hurt feelings with “I’m just being honest” either.
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Shield Dwarf Selûne Cleric
Minty is excitable and bubbly. She’s kind-hearted, friendly, and cheerful. She can be one-track minded, especially whenever she has a new obsession. This can make Minty seem rude when she’s just bulldozing right past someone’s point. 
She’s a little too confident in her knowledge as a cleric, believing she can handle whatever is thrown at her. She's not "stupid" after all. But going out on this adventure teaches her a bit of humility.
Sometimes she can get so single-minded that she doesn’t think twice about her actions. She’ll accidentally hurt people when she becomes obsessed with getting her way. When called out on it, she'll try to make amends as best she can.
She’s a family oriented person. While her father has passed away, she’s very close to her mother and older sister. She’ll do anything to help or take care of them.
She’s quick to adopt friends into her family. So when she puts her family above all, that includes her friends. Even if she doesn’t always see eye to eye with her loved ones, she draws her strength from her family.
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High Elf Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Laura is sarcastic, but not cynical. She has a deadpan sense of humor without being unnecessarily mean. (She's only mean to people she believes deserve it.) Laura is blunt about her opinions, but she has some sense of tact. She can be a total dork when she gets excited, especially when it comes to magic. She's as giddy as a school girl whenever she finds a new spell or magical item.
Laura is a natural born leader. She’s talented and brilliant, but she doesn’t trust people easily. She struggles with her self-worth and PTSD, preferring to fight her inner demons in private. Laura doesn’t reach out for help nearly as often as she should. She keeps trying to set aside her trauma and hope it'll sort itself out. She’s a humanitarian at heart and she’s not a judgmental person. At least, not unless what you’re doing is hurting someone else.
She does show signs of someone who has been traumatized. She can be irritable, even when she doesn’t understand why something is upsetting her so much. She’s easily startled and she can have a full on panic attack if something reminds her of her past. When not adventuring, she has to work to keep her mind busy to avoid thinking too much. It's near impossible to get her to talk about what happened to her before she left home. Whatever it is that haunts her, she's trying to keep it firmly in the past.
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Seldarine Drow Monk
Paloma is the quintessential older sister. She’s protective, responsible, determined, and bossy. She’s also short-tempered, high-strung, and sarcastic.
She grew up in an orphanage as one of the older kids. She stepped up to take care of the younger children and she took responsibility for them at a young age. Even after they reached adulthood, she continued to clean up after them and care for them like she always did. She has a habit of stepping in and doing things for other people.
Paloma believes she has to "earn" the right to be in people's lives, which means taking care of them. She has a very dry sense of humor that can sometimes go over people's heads.
She avoids getting help from others, and she reassures everyone she can take care of everything herself. It's a lot easier for her to ignore her own problems if she spends all of her time solving everyone else's. She actually gains a lot of pride and satisfaction from taking care of other people. She just needs to learn to take care of herself... and let other people take care of her every once in a while.
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Rogue Bard Changeling
I have to use a half-drow to make her in BG3 due to the lack of Changeling options.
I don't have her profile up yet, but soon! Lamia is Paloma's adopted younger sister. They grew up in the same orphanage together and neither were adopted due to the prejudice against their species. They aged out of the system instead. She typically hangs out with her Dragonborn Barbarian buddy, Allie.
Lamia's a con artist and thief. She considers herself as more intelligent than most people. She’s smug and her ego is often her downfall. She likes to be perceived as tough as nails and cocky, but she’s a lot more sensitive than she lets on. It doesn’t take much to hurt her feelings, especially if you imply she's stupid. She can be callous toward strangers and acquaintances. She assumes people are cruel until proven otherwise, so why go out of your way to help anyone?
Due to her ability to shape shift into any humanoid, Lamia is able to blend into any crowd. She has the skills and brains to take care of herself. It’s just that her bloated sense of self-importance always lands her in hot water. She's actually a pretty smart cookie though. It's what makes her attitude so frustrating sometimes.
All of her bravado hides a lack of self-confidence and a fear of being abandoned. The only people she trusts with her whole heart are Paloma and Allie. She's so afraid of everyone leaving her that she pushes others away before they can hurt her first. She never had a safety net in life and now it's everyone else's problem.
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Deep Gnome Circle of Spores Druid
Ingrid is soft-spoken and timid. She can be shy, but once she feels comfortable, she loves to talk! People are surprised at how at ease she feels with the dead and the spores, but it makes perfect sense when you get to know her. She respects all aspects of nature, including death and decay. Oddly, it’s become a way for her to confront her own fear of death.
She’s a pushover and she lacks assertiveness. Or, at least, that’s who she was before she started traveling with a ragtag team of certified weirdos. She had to get it together and get over her bullshit. Her bravery comes from how terrified she is. If other people weren't counting on her, she’d probably curl up in a corner and cry. When other people are relying on her, she quickly musters up every ounce of courage she has and powers through her terror.
She always comes through in a clutch. Even when scared out her mind, she’ll never abandon anyone. She’ll just go have a panic attack after it’s safe. She has an incredibly kind heart and strong sense of empathy. 
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
hey Charity! i’ve got a few things on my mind about some of the enneagram triads i was thinking about earlier:
1. withdrawn, assertive, superego: i tend to picture withdrawn types as being literally withdrawn (reserved, shy, quiet) due to some of the triad descriptions so when i come across a bubbly soc 9 for instance i’ll sometimes mistake them for a 2. and superego types are described as very responsible, organized, orderly.. which may be the case if they’re 1s but i was reading enneatype structure recently and naranjo seemed to view type 2s as quite undisciplined and a bit hedonistic, he likened them to 7s at one point. how can you generally tell if someone is withdrawn if they’re outgoing and friendly or superego if they’re disorganized and careless? or assertive types who are on the quieter and more reserved side (like ISP 7s for instance who may have lower energy for continuous external stimulation due to being introverts)
2. gut/heart: can’t strong emotions produce a physical sensation that can feel like a gut instinct? how can you discern if you’re acting from your gut or off of emotions? or is heart triad less about acting off emotions and more about acting with an image in mind and therefore more calculated than acting purely off emotions?
3. rejection/frustration: what’s the difference between rejecting needs and being frustrated needs aren’t met? in both cases, you’re feeling that the needs arent met (vs an attachment type who i believe? feels their needs are met and is therefore attaching to what they feel is meeting them) so it it really just a matter of rejection types deciding not to care about the needs not being met/deciding they don’t need them anyway vs frustration types not wanting to accept that and being upset about it?
by the way, unrelated but i really enjoyed the new style you tried out the other day comparing and contrasting the two characters! seeing how characters can potentially make the same choices for totally different reasons (or clash due to different priorities and perceptions) is helpful and interesting :)
Focus less on behavior and more on looking beyond that behavior to see what is motivating it. Withdrawn means “I move away from you to solve my own problems and don’t rely on you.” It can mean they are shy and wait to be approached (in introverts) but it also means “I shut you out to get my needs met… by myself!” You can have a socially outgoing 9 who is still going to shut down and push people away when something bad happens in their life, because they trust themselves to deal with it and it doesn’t occur to them to involve you. Super-ego has a mentality of “should.” They have moral judgments about other people and how they are behaving, what the right thing is to do, how they ought to live, etc. They also over-think all the time in their respective centers (2s, about relationships; 6s, about everything; 1s, about being perfect.) Assertive types can be introverted, but it’s still “I will get my way. You will get out of my way.”  Identify the behavior, and then ask yourself why they are doing this—to avoid pain, to reach a goal, to avoid being vulnerable, etc? Is this 2 prideful in that she is the center of everyone’s world and necessary to their well-being (“you need me to show you how to be successful and popular!”) or is she a 7 who just wants to avoid pain?
Yes, some people make emotional decisions. If torn between gut and emotions… ask yourself if there’s anger involved. If not, they are not a gut type. Gut types are driven by anger; anger is their foremost emotion and what springs them into action. They are mad, all the time. Even the sweet little 9s who say they aren’t mad are still upset at being taken advantage of by the world, because they refuse to take up space in it. And yes, image types do focus a great deal on managing how you perceive them.
I see rejection vs. frustration as this – rejection types ‘reject’ their own vulnerability in order to believe something about themselves; the 5 doesn’t need you, they are fully independent; the 2 doesn’t need other people (but they need me, or their lives would fall apart!); the 8 doesn’t need to be vulnerable (I cover it up with toughness and warn other people not to be soft). They assume their needs won’t be met by others and so prematurely reject that as a possibility; whereas frustration types are getting their needs met by others, but are refusing to let that make them happy, by insisting there is something ‘wrong.’ 1s are angry that this isn’t more perfect; 4s are refusing to accept what exists for a fantasy of a different version of reality that is more meaningful to them; 7s are choosing to be restless as a response to their sense that everything could be more idealized/better/magical.
Thanks for your feedback. So far it’s been positive in terms of people liking that style. You’ll see more posts in that manner coming soon!
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levrathan · 6 years
i want to hear a happy love story after that one ):
i did not properly go to school for the first several years of my life. actually, it was very improper even when i went to a “structured” aka public school. i was very alone a lot of the time which actually sits fine with me but i did notice that i was alone. 
somewhere in the mess of people, popped out a girl with strikingly blonde hair and she was missing one of her teeth. she had the kind of smile like she had just gotten done roughhousing on the playground and was ready for some post-play mischief. i knew T would be my friend for years, we were separated. her family moved around, mine fell apart, she moved with her dad in states away, i moved out of the states. yet whenever we stumbled back together i felt the same as when she first fell into my life: “oh, hey, there’s my friend”
even after we were in middle school together, our classes were different. our friends were the same but things were too weird with me for her to regularly get involved. my health was in the tubes and, by the time high school rolled around, i was alone again. somewhere, in the mess of halls, T came outta nowhere and grabbed my arm, she dragged me to the breakfast table and very readily announced “this is my friend” to a group of girls i knew very little about.i knew that i didn’t understand the social consequences of T hanging out with me and calling me her friend, but i understood they were grave (i had a lot of issues, i was a problem-child for a few years) 
 while many people tried to avoid me and i did my own thing, i always looked around and she would be there, ready to offer me her hand and help me back up. she was extroverted where i was introverted, we fell apart but she never lost me. she never left me behind. 
now that i live 800 miles away from her (actually, 850, now that i take into account T moving for her new life) i have just given her my new phone number this morning and plan to talk to her in about 20 minutes when she gets off of work. i can’t truly call her my childhood friend because it was so strange for us both, but she was my buddy and turned to my friend, a playmate turned adult in whatever way it can. and she’s never lost contact, never lost trust, never lost love, and i haven’t either. 
i think her soul must remember losing part of itself to mine in some kind of past-life, if you wanna go by that metaphor, and she knows she doesn’t want to lose me again. and i’m grateful for i love her and would be utterly lost and confused with T as some kind of beacon. i’ll keep part of her in my soul, hoping that next time i’ll be the one that can help her along 
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Believe It, Baby
AHH HELLO I LIVE!! I am so sorry about my lack of publishing content besides some general community posts as of late - I’ve probably said this before but school is a buttface sometimes :// I’ve been really enjoying the new episodes of Haikyuu so I decided to finish a self indulgent fic to try getting back on track! Kinda like how it worked out so here it is!! Yes, it is Hinata again, how did you freaking know???
Pairing: Hinata Shoyo x Fem!Reader
Words: 2122
“I don’t believe it for a damn second.”
The ginger under scrutiny groans for what seemed the eighth time that day, shooting his friend an exasperated look as they walk into the practice gym. “I swear, Kageyama! She’s in the college preparatory class with Yachi!”
At this, said blonde turns her attention to the entering duo with a curious tilt of her head.
“What’s this about someone in my class?” she inquires politely.
Kageyama glances at Yachi. “Hinata says that he’s dating one of your classmates, which I say is a bunch of crap.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, Bakageyama? I’m her boyfriend!”
Tsukishima scoffs from across the gym.
“Sounds like someone had too vivid of a dream last night,” he jeers, Yamaguchi snickering beside him.
Even Tanaka and Noya doesn’t seem to believe the aspiring ace, the former clapping a hand on Hinata’s shoulder with a philosopher’s air about him.
“It’s alright to be single, little man. You don’t gotta go and make something up to look cool.”
Hinata huffs before shuffling to set up the court for practice, while Sugawara takes his position as mother crow by smacking the troublemaker second years upside the head.
“I for one believe you, Hinata,” the silver haired setter declares, smiling when the first year boy beams with happiness.
“Thank you, Suga-senpai! At least someone here does.”
“Mind telling us what she’s like?” Daichi chimes in.
Hinata’s grin blossoms even wider, and his gaze turns excited. “She’s amazing, and really smart, and super competitive! And she’s...also really pretty…” he trails off in embarrassment.
Suga gushes at his flustered state, ruffling his kouhai’s mop of orange hair. “Look at you, all affectionate. She must be special.”
Yachi follows up with a nod of agreement at Sugawara’s statement, joining Hinata on the court for set up.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s her name?” the manager in training questions.
When the middle blocker tells her proudly, the remaining first year boys all bust out in laughter.
“Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it,” Yamaguchi guffaws. “Isn’t she like one of the smartest students in our grade?”
Hinata nods affirmatively, and Tsukishima shakes his head with a dry laugh. “Try picking a more believable person next time, Hinata. There’s barely even a chance that you’ve ever crossed paths with her before, let alone dated the girl.”
Yachi, on the other hand, takes a moment to ponder on Hinata’s words, not even close to giggling like the rest of her fellow first years.
“You know,” she mumbles to herself, “that’s honestly not that far of a stretch, considering how outgoing she is.”
The orange haired boy offers her a weary half-smile for at least thinking he had a shot with who he claimed, but made no further attempt to emphasize that he was in fact dating said girl. It was clear that nearly none of the team would believe him without solid proof.
Coach Ukai grabs the team’s attention, and from then on leads a rotation of digging drills to help improve everyone’s foundational abilities. This format of training continues for most of practice, such routines making it easier for some of the boys (namely Tsukishima) to laugh about Hinata’s “attempt'' at having a girlfriend in line. Said middle blocker remains in a pouty mood due to such circumstances, but decides to keep it quiet for the time being - lest he dig a bigger hole in which his teammates could tease him.
Soon enough, practice for the day is over, and the Karasuno boys organize their things in the club room before filtering outside. As Hinata waits outside for the rest of his team to come downstairs, the whole team planning on making a stop at Ukai’s store, his phone screen lights up with a soft chime.
Hi sunshine! Did your practice just finish?
The first year smiles, knowing that you must have snuck him a text during your student council meeting, and quickly opens his phone to type something back.
Hi angel!! Yeah, we’re gonna get something at Ukai’s rn
Hinata playfully raises an eyebrow at your fast response, the chat bubble popping up right away. Usually you’re pretty invested in your club meetings, so today’s must be a pretty boring topic.
Wanna save me a meat bun pretty please 🥺
If there’s an extra I will <3
:D hehe thank u love
Tanaka’s voice breaks the ginger’s focus from his texts, the second year shouting about food as he ushers the team towards the school exit. Hinata tosses his phone into his practice bag and catches up with the walking group, his mood significantly improved from just minutes ago.
The town is basked in the soft glow of street lights as the team makes their way down the hill to Ukai’s, currently unaware of a presence in a sprint to get to them.
Your fellow Student Council members had shot a bewildered look in your direction as you scrambled to pack up and hustle out the classroom door. You ushered a quick goodbye to them before stuffing your phone in your skirt pocket, determined to surprise your boyfriend after the council meeting ended early.
Maybe you were starting to regret the idea of running in the god-awful flats Karasuno High enforced in their dress code, but you pushed past the irritation in favor of keeping pace. That meat bun wouldn’t stay hot forever, you reasoned, but in reality the opportunity to see your shining boyfriend truly drove your motivation.
After finally getting a glimpse of a large group near the base of the hill, a spark of victory flames in your heaving chest at your persistence. With a heavy sigh, however, you realize that your competitive ball of energy was likely at the head of the bunch, racing that setter with whom he always argues. Your plight was not over yet.
So, attempting to reign in your eagerness to see the ginger haired boy of your affections, you continue the path down the quite steep hill, this time using the art of determined speed walking. The soles of those forsaken flats on your feet would not be forgiving if you started running again, anyways.
When you finally manage to close in on the team, Sugawara is the first to notice you, observing for a moment before nudging Daichi on his right. The Karasuno captain looks confusedly at his vice captain, the latter’s eyes holding a parent-like intuition.
“I think that’s her,” the silver haired third year murmurs, nodding his head in your direction as you make your way closer.
“Who’s her?” Daichi whispers back, and Suga looks like he’s about to karate chop him in the side.
“Hinata’s girlfriend, Dai!” he hisses. “Look at who she’s focused on.”
Daichi follows your gaze to find the little decoy first year at the end of it, causing him to raise an eyebrow in surprise. “So he really wasn’t pulling Kageyama’s leg.”
The two third years of Karasuno watch you with great interest as you inch your way to the front of their group, more of the boys taking note of your presence with the passing moments.
The only few who don’t seem to notice are the gaggle of first years in the front, many of whom are bickering with each other. Yachi is the only one in your grade to see you as she walks beside Kiyoko, and you give her a small wave before putting a finger to your lips. All she can do in response is nod, mouth slightly agape at the fact that you even acknowledged her in the midst of your pursuits.
“-If there’s an extra bun in the bag today I call dibs!”
“And since when have I ever listened to you, pipsqueak?”
“Who’re you calling pipsqueak, you giraffe!?”
You have to conceal your chuckle at the group’s antics. You’d been told a handful about the first years known as Hinata’s teammates, but had yet to formally meet them due to your consistently busy schedule. Today, you felt it was about time for that to change.
Yamaguchi picks up on you, followed quickly by Tsukkishima when his freckle-faced best friend notifies him with a tap on the shoulder. Even Kageyama, who somehow managed to get into yet another argument with Hinata, slows his banter as he gazes at you, completely bewildered.
The last person left in the dark is - of course - none other than your dumbass of a boyfriend.
“Why did you get so quiet all of a sudden?” the aspiring ace inquires. “It’s ‘cause you realized that I would win the argument anyways, huh?”
The boy jumps when he feels you sidle up next to him, brushing your arm against his own.
“Yes, sunshine, that’s surely the reason.”
The first year whips his head to face your playful smirk, before practically launching himself into you and trapping you in a bear hug.
“You surprised me!” he exclaims with a giddish grin, nuzzling into your figure.
“That was kind of my plan,” you laugh. “Student council meeting ended early, so here I am.”
Hinata didn’t seem to want to let go of you any time soon, so you resorted to taking his face in your hands and pecking his cheeks.
“You gonna introduce me or not, silly?”
The middle blocker was blushing like crazy at this point, reddening with the realization that his entire team was a current audience to the little show taking place.
“Guys, this is my girlfriend,” he gestures to you awkwardly, and you couldn’t hide the small smile that curls on your lips. “You’ve probably seen her with the Student Council before.”
You wave enthusiastically to the team, many of whom are still recovering from the newly confirmed discovery (namely, some very skeptical first years).
“So, he wasn’t joking?” Yamaguchi spoke up, eyes wide with disbelief.
“Aw yeah, Hinata!” Tanaka whistled, “Sorry that I ever underestimated you!”
“Good job, Shoyo!” Nishinoya affirms, jumping on his second year best friend in excitement. “She’s a cutie too!”
The first year squeezes your midsection tighter to your surprise, seeing as his face was practically steaming from previous team comments.
“She is cute,” he mumbles, and the unexpected statement elicits a laugh from your lips.
You tap the ginger’s nose playfully, bringing his attention to your content smile. The sight of it causes him to grin right back giddily, momentarily forgetting the larger group beside him once more. “Saved me a meat bun, Sho?”
He was like this whenever at the other’s house or on a date: mushy, cuddly, affectionate, the whole nine yards of fluffiness. Public spaces involving acquaintances, however, was a bit of a different story, as Hinata got very easily flustered in front of teasing friends. Even without meeting the other team members of Karasuno before, it was quite obvious.
“I always manage to when you ask,” he responds proudly, although a faint frown briefly appears on his features for a moment, “but Tsukishima’s being a bit of a jerk about it today.”
The blond in question sends his fellow middle blocker a look of annoyance, before his expression melts into a cheshire grin as he turns to you.
“Just didn’t want him eating too much, that’s all,” he explains. “Overindulgence isn’t a great habit for athletes, you know. But since you’re actually here and not a figment of Hinata’s imagination, that’s absolutely fine with me.”
“Hey! You saying I’m a pig or something?” the first year pipes up with a glare.
Tsukki smirks. “Or something.”
Sugawara steps in to lessen the obvious tensions between your feral ginger and the smug beanpole, giving them both a deathly glare that practically screamed, ‘don’t make me whoop your asses in front of a student council member’.
You giggled at the team’s dynamic, one that clearly resembled a rambunctious family on their nightly outing together. It really was just as you had imagined the first time your boyfriend described it to you - with maybe a bit more emphasis on the rambunctious than you had previously inferred. But it was actually quite enjoyable to be around.
As the group finally started on their way again after your surprise introduction, Hinata came up beside you once more with a curious glint in his eyes.
“What are you smiling all giddishly about?” he inquires, head tilted a fraction.
You can’t help but chuckle a bit at the question. “I just really enjoy being around your team is all.”
The aspiring ace of Karasuno interlocks his fingers with yours as you stroll along together down the street, his teammates in tow as they observe the situation before them with some remaining bewilderment.
“Good, cause I think they might like you too.”
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petri808 · 3 years
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33-Epilogue
— I just wanna say thank you so much to everyone who followed along, your comments and suggestions along the way really helped to bring this story to life! It’s my longest fic to date, and to think it started as a one-shot for nalu day 2020 lol. YOU GUYS HELPED MAKE THIS HAPPEN! 🥳🥰🥰 ILY YOU ALL!💜💜💜💜
@mcornilliac special shout out for you help with the toughest part 😘
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Even after all these years, riding on a train still brought a small flutter to Lucy’s stomach as she remembered the long ago evening when she’d met her husband. From an innocent meeting to a death defying experience, talk about a roller coaster ride. And yet, if she had to do it all over again, Lucy wouldn’t change a thing. Crazy sounding yes, for why would anyone not want to avoid what she’d gone through? Touka had truly pushed her sanity to the breaking point, but well, the therapist was right in the end and Lucy felt almost invincible now. All that pain, all the struggle she’d pushed through had made her the strong and resilient woman she was today. Happily married to Natsu with their fraternal twins Nashi and Ryuu. Mrs. Natsu Dragneel, Lucy smiled to herself, there was no way she’d change a thing.
Of course, it hadn’t been easy. After Natsu proposed and Lucy had accepted, there were still a lot of work to be done. But that measure of acceptance and affection did wonders. Any worries she’d had that he wouldn’t want a broken woman melted away and gave her the confidence to get better. With each passing therapy session, her strength grew, and by the time they graduated college, Lucy could honestly say she’d been cured to a functional degree. No longer struggling through nightmares and panic attacks, her anxieties were under control and the debilitating depression a distant memory where it belonged.
Yeah... Lucy sighed happily as she watched the landscape pass by from her train seat. Meeting Natsu was the best thing to ever happen in her life, well, aside from the kids. They’d married about a year after graduation on the anniversary of their meeting. It was a beautiful affair at an indoor venue, with close friends and family to join them. They’d gone a more modern route for the ceremony but did take pictures at a garden dressed in the traditional attire for sentimental reasons. Lucy wore the shiromuku white kimono while Natsu a montsuki haori hakama. And no, it wasn’t train themed! Levy was the Maid of Honor and Gray was the best man. By then, Levy and Gajeel were also married and Gray in a serious relationship with a girl named Juvia Lockser. Lucy was so happy for them both. All of their lives were moving in the right direction.
Everything was perfect. Great jobs in their fields of interest, lives settled into a comfortable routine, when 5 years later Lucy was pregnant with fraternal twins. It was a total surprise since twins didn’t run in either of their families. Always the jovial optimist, Natsu joked that they’d been doubly blessed because of what they’d gone through, and Lucy couldn’t help but love such a concept. Of course, once the euphoria of the motherhood prospect waned, reality set in that she was having twins! Two! Double the babies meant double of everything, from the pregnancy concerns to raising them. Growing up without a mother and as an only child, Lucy didn’t have a lot of experience with small children. But Natsu patiently assured her, that she’d do just fine. Think of it as a new challenge, and after overcoming one pretty tough situation, this would be a walk in the park. On the bright side, Levy was also pregnant with the couple’s first child so the two best friend’s kids would grow up together.
And Natsu was right, there were a few bumps in the road but nothing too difficult. During her fourth month Lucy was diagnosed with gestational diabetes as well as some minor gastrointestinal issues, so Natsu swayed the doctor to put her on bed rest. Better safe than sorry. The babies were healthy, but by the 7th month, she really couldn’t move much, and she was miserable being stuck at home all the time. Lucy missed her job because she genuinely enjoyed working for the magazine. But in the end, it had been a good thing. She could manage her health easier that way and it gave her time to do something she’d thought about doing as part of the healing process. With Natsu’s support and permission, it was time to put her writing skills to good use and write a book about their experience.
It became an instant hit, especially with female readers. The book was not only an autobiographical reflection of what had happened to them but focused on shining a light on the dangers of stalkers, as well as the importance of taking the warning signs seriously. Lucy didn’t hold back in her re-telling, even pointing out the serious flaws in Japan’s laws in protecting citizens from stalkers which at the time were nonexistent. Feminist organizations working to change those laws used her story with permission for their cause. She had no intentions of becoming a poster child for the movement, but in the end her role may have played its part, because 2 years after the publishing, Japan finally adopted anti-stalking laws making it easier for police to string together harassment cases, as well as for victims to get the help they needed.
Her life was nothing but exciting to say the least! And with two young children, now age 10 certainly kept them on their toes. Their daughter Nashi was just like Natsu, very outgoing, friendly, but a bit of a daredevil while her brother Ryuu born 4 minutes after her was the quieter of the two. He preferred books like his mother to adventure. Of course, that never stopped Nashi from dragging him into shenanigans! But the best part was how close they still were and fiercely protective of each other. Lucy and Natsu couldn’t be prouder of them and hoped this would continue throughout their lifetimes.
Fifteen years... come to think of it, their wedding anniversary was coming up shortly. With Natsu now a senior fire inspector for the Tokyo prefectural government, he was often busy. Lucy did mind it, because frankly it gave her some peace and quiet. She chuckled at the thought. Not that it was all that peaceful with the twins. But she digressed. His success meant their lives were very comfortable, and her own journalism successes while not as financially based, were still celebrated in their relationship. Natsu never waned in being the dutiful and supportive, always loving husband that Lucy felt blessed to grow old with.
‘Two more stops, pick up the kids from school, stop at the grocery store for dinner...’ Lucy tapped out on her phone a to-do list of ingredients to pick up at the store. Perhaps katsudon... ‘Mmm, or maybe nabe,’ hot-pot soup since it was expected to be a bit chilly that evening.
Lucy looked up briefly, really just spacing out in thought when someone catches her eye. At the other end of the train car, she noticed a woman facing slightly away, but enough to where she couldn’t quite see a face. It couldn’t be... Lucy looked away not wanting to stare, but somehow... for some reason the woman was awfully familiar... looking exactly like Touka. Well, not exactly, but enough to make the hair on the back of her neck stand up. It was a blonde, with a different hair style— and that could always be changed. Similar body type, the facial side-profile features that Lucy could see resembled Touka...
Now despite being better, her anxieties still bubbled up from time to time, so she immediately switched to her coping techniques to calm them down. ‘You’re fine,’ Lucy talked herself through it, ‘no point in getting riled up.’ The woman hadn’t done so much as looked in her direction, so it must be okay. Contrary to popular belief, things like depression and anxiety never fully goes away, especially when someone has experienced a severe level of it. Those emotions and irrational thoughts are forever programmed into the brain, but there are ways to keep them at bay and Lucy’s successfully done just that for 15 years.
‘Just go back to what you were doing. Katsudon or nabe? And don’t forget you need to pick up milk...’ But, fifteen years... could Touka have been released by now? Lucy shook the thought away again. ‘Stop it! Everything is fine. It’s not her!’ The train was semi-full of passengers all minding their own business... including the woman. There was no reason to start panicking now. Lucy adjusts her position on her seat away from the woman’s direction. If she couldn’t see her, she could pretend she didn’t exist. ‘Maybe I should pick up ingredients for both, that way I don’t have to shop tomorrow.’ Lucy thought to herself, and with the kids with her, they could help in carrying the shopping bags. ‘Yeah, we’ve got a plan…’
After figuring out her shopping list, Lucy pulled up social media to keep herself distracted and for a few minutes it did the trick. Silly videos of entertainers never got old. The train reached the next stop and she felt it come to a stop. Since it wasn’t hers, she didn’t pay it any mind as she scrolled through her feed. But as the disembarking passengers funnel past Lucy, her eyes pick up on a pair of pink high-heels peeking from over the edge of her phone. Her body instantly stiffened up from the similarity to the ones worn by the woman, while her curiosity slowly got the better of her. ‘Breath, act nonchalant!’ Lucy’s eyes tracked the high-heels moving past her until they left her periphery. She then slowly sat back up, pretending to readjust her position, when she caught a pair of eyes looking back. Lucy’s breathing hitches with a shaky exhale. “Oh, my god—"
Standing at the doorway with one hand on the frame, the blonde woman smiled at Lucy then winked before stepping off the train.
It was Touka!
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miridiums-writing · 4 years
Hi babie can I pls request draco headcanons with a super bubbly energetic nd outgoing hufflepuff s/o? 🥺🥺 I been thinking bout dis nd I think it’d be so cute 😭
Ooooh yes bb of course I will
Draco with a bubbly hufflepuff s/o
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I think we can all agree Draco is an asshole
To everyone except you that is
You were the one to make the first move to friendship
This is definitely a friends to lovers sort of relationship
Probably put together for a class since Draco wouldn't associate with a hufflepuff for any other reason
You work together for a few weeks only making idle conversation with you
He would probably give curt and short answers not really caring while you hold the conversation
Talking about random things such as your day and favourite classes
Your hope was to relax him
You held no ill will and he could trust you
Then you would need to show him up
Maybe something to show your intelligence
So he can see you as an equal
By far the most important part would be ignoring his continued insults
That would be the very beginning
He would comfortable eventually
You cant tell me you both wouldn't have millions of inside jokes
"What's up yoy dumb hufflepuff"
"Nothing much, how about you, you evil slytherin"
Confuses everyone else
Do yoy hate each other? Do you like each other?
It became a way you both greeted each other
Eventually you both get your head out you asses and confess to each other
Starting the cutest couple at hogwarts
After getting into the relationship the start would be awkward
Draco is really touch starved
So anytime you gave physical affection he would hold onto it like it was the last time you were gonna hug him
He doesn't actively seek you out to begin with
Just allows you to do as you please
You randomly come up and hug him he will return it
No matter what time in the relationship it is he will not tolerate anyone saying anything of ill intent about you
He will fight for your honour
After about five months Draco starts to properly open up
He will initiate cuddles sessions sometimes
He will hug you in the corridor
Or kiss your forehead
Or sit you in his lap without you asking first
When he realizes you aren't going to leave he doesn't let go
Literally you had to yank him off once because you were both late for class
His excuse was it was Professor Snape and he loved him
You had to remind him he hated you
This also means hes really overprotective
So what you are actually strong
Your his sweet little hufflepuff so he has to protect you
Your bubbly personality will always make his day
Doesn't matter what kind of mood he is in
Very much a sun and moon relationship
You are his sunshine and he reflects some of you light back
I literally just thought this up, I dont even know if it makes sense
PDA is mostly when he gets jealous but there is a steady increase over time
He won't full on snog you infront of everyone
But he fine with kisses and cuddles
And will gladly have you in his lap
He loves to just wrap his arms round you because your like a teddy bear
His own personal teddy bear
Dates with him are either in your dorm or his
He likes it to just be you two because he feels he can be more vulnerable without repercussions
His dad probably wouldn't be too happy but Draco literally said screw you to him so he doesn't care
His mum adores you though
She finds you a good balance for him
You are exactly what draco needs in a relationship
You give him adventure and happiness and unconditional love
You basically turned Draco's life upside down and showed him exactly how some one should love another and how he deserves to be treated.
Whenever he gets jealous it cues for a series of events that always end the same
I'm taking that your still both underage get your heads out the gutter
He would come up behind you and put his arms around your waist
And kiss you neck a bit
Then question the person in question
Wow that sounded repetitive
If they dont go away instantly he will just keep glaring at them and kissing you till they do
It doesn't matter what you were doing before after they leave he will pick you up and carry you to the nearest place to cuddle
Now you wont be moving for a good hour or two
I hope you enjoyed please remember to
It makes my day and I always go to your profile if you do to check out your content soooo, I do see you if you do.
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pyrefell · 4 years
Headcanons for some of the boys? Namely horrorfell, underswap and underfell?
you let me off my child leash and i honestly wasn’t even really sure where to even start here, so you get some pretty general headcanons. i have a lot to say about underfell and horrorfell,,,
IN ALL HONESTY, Underswap is currently one of my least developed AU interpretations. I'm still just really indecisive. BUT! I do have some stuff that I'm fairly set on.
Never really grew out of the shyness he had as a babybones, he’s always had a much more outgoing brother to hide behind. 
He's the one that designed the puzzles in Snowdin! Puzzles are still one of his special interests in this AU. (Sans gets really excited to tell anyone that asks that his Very Cool little brother designed them.) 
He's fairly low to mid (but consistent) energy. He tries (and usually succeeds) to act all chill but he gets really excited about some things and can reach True Papyrus levels of loud. 
He and Undyne are still friends in this AU! He doesn't go to see her super often because. Hotland. But when they are together, it's pretty chaotic. They like to design things a la Mickey's Dick Smasher. 
Man, he's sure been feeling a lot of deja vu lately. Huh, wonder what that's all about. :)
He’s still the Judge! And he's still the one that has to deal with the ever shifting and resetting timeline. It's...really starting to take a toll on him, but what's the point in telling anyone? They won't remember and besides, who's going to believe him anyways? 
He was always fairly outgoing and bubbly but he took on an even more bubbly persona kind of unconsciously to overcompensate for and hide how Tired he is now. 
Sans is just about the opposite of his brother energywise. He's full of energy for short bursts and then he sleeps for hours. He's started sleeping more since everything with the timeline started. It's not the best sleep but he’s just...so tired nowadays. 
Still completely willing to eat condiments for a joke (or a """joke"""). He eats mayonnaise by the handful. Does it mostly to embarrass (and disgust) Papyrus. 
Genuinely enraged by people who think he's young. Sure, he may be only a few inches over 5', but he's a Wide Boy. And not a naïve child, he's the older brother, thank you very much. Haven't you heard his voice? What kid has a voice that deep? 
One general headcanon I have is that they both have DT in their systems. Gaster gave them injections when they were still very young babybones in the sterile lab and they’d started mysteriously falling down. He’s not really a bad guy there, he wanted to save them. Of course, it’s probably got it’s side effects, right? After all the Bromalgamate and Comic Papyrus exist. :)
Their relationship is...strained. They definitely still love each other and would fight to the death for the other but they don't really talk. They both blame each other for how the other turned out, how they act.
He’s blind in his scarred socket! He first got the wound when he was still pretty little and because he and Sans were still living out on the streets, he wasn’t able to get any real kind of medical care. It’s still pretty fragile but there’s really not a whole lot that can be done anymore. 
He can cook! Like, really well, actually. Grillby taught him when he was younger. He’s particularly good at cooking with whatever’s already in the house. 
I think he still wants to believe everyone can change and be good if they try. Though, whether he actually believes that anymore is kind of debatable. And I  think that he doesn’t really enjoy all the fighting. He doesn’t take any real pride or joy in what he's become. He really wanted (and still wants) to actually protect monsters. 
There's a square of fabric on his scarf that's from a well-loved blanket he'd had as a babybones. It still brings him some semblance of comfort when he needs it. 
He's well aware of timelines. Well okay, 'well aware' isn't exactly the right way to put it. He can't put a name to what's happening, why he can remember things that haven't happened yet or have happened at all. He at one point attempted to keep a journal about it all but it was gone the next reset. He'd like to talk to Sans about it, but given how their relationship is... 
He’s got 3 golden teeth, he got hit pretty good almost directly on those teeth around the same time Papyrus got his scar. They were really loose after that but didn’t actually come out until later. 
Most still see him as free EXP. He doesn't get attacked as much anymore but the times he has, he's been able to suffice on just dodging until Papyrus shows up. He could just as easily fight back, but he's decided there could be some benefit to hiding what he can do for just a bit longer. Besides, he'd rather not place any more targets on their backs. 
He knows how to sew! He learned completely out of necessity when they were both young. They only had so many pieces of clothes, after all. He's the one who sewed the little square of Papyrus's blanket into his scarf. 
King of eavesdropping. Despite his stature (and who his brother is for that matter), he's surprisingly good at going unnoticed. He tends to play like he's completely shitfaced and passed out at Grillby's, just in case someone lets something slip. 
They both blame themselves for how the other turned out but Sans has it bad. He's supposed to be the older brother, right? He was supposed to keep Papyrus safe and stars, did he do a shit job at it, even if there were some things he just couldn't do anything about. 
OKAY SO, my Horrorfell doesn't start the same way the normal Horrortale AU starts. The short version is that Frisk doesn't fall until YEARS after they normally would have and they fall with Aliza. The Famine devastated the Underground. Frisk's left to try and figure out why they didn't fall when they should have and why they can't remember anything that happened during those years between. They have to balance keeping themselves and Aliza alive and trying to get through to at least Sans, who, while his memory is terrible he knows he's supposed to be pissed at them. They left the Underground to rot. I think that's all y'all really need lmao. I'm definitely going to write about Horrorfell, in fact I've already started something about it
ANYWAYS! On to the headcanons for the Boys. These two are so ride or die now it’s almost unreal. They’ve had a lot of time to air out their grievances and have the years worth of fights with each other. They work together so much better now and it comes in handy for both protecting each other and hunting. They're the most efficient and successful hunters in the Underground. 
He’s effectively completely blind at this point. He needs coke bottle lenses to see. He ends up completely depending on his hearing and sense of smell when he's hunting. Despite his failing eyesight, he remains the best chef in Snowdin after Grillby's disappearance. He's always sure to use as much as he possibly can. 
His new stature has made it incredibly difficult to get into most buildings. He often ends up walking on all fours and his magic's started to adjust his body for that. He doesn’t recognize himself so much anymore. 
While Sans was comatose, Papyrus spent his time trying to ration out food, attempting to keep the peace for the denizens of Snowdin and caring for Sans. He'd continued to cut his own rations not only for the rest of Snowdin but for Sans too when he hopefully wakes up. 
He'd managed his way out to the rest of the Underground with his own brand of 'shortcut' earlier on despite the lockdown in Snowdin. Some say they'd seen him but no one's really sure if that's true and if it is, how did he get out? Can he do it again and maybe talk some sense into the Empress? They used to be friends, right? 
His memory is also not very good. He and Sans keep a big whiteboard in the kitchen with pertinent information and there's a calendar in every room with all the past dates marked off, just in case someone forgets. 
The reason why the hole in his skull is so big and leads into his nasal cavity is because of preexisting cracks. Undyne really didn't mean to hit him! Really, she didn't... 
The selfish part of him almost wishes the DT in him hadn't kept him around, but he can't bring himself to really want that. He can't leave Papyrus alone, especially not now. 
His relationship with Frisk is...tense to say the least. When he first saw them, he didn't fully process who they were but he felt nothing but rage. He doesn't really believe what Frisk's saying when they claim they can't remember anything. Their relationship could absolutely mend, there's just so many roadblocks at the start. 
Seeing as he can't reliably use his shortcuts anymore, he's not as efficient a hunter as he could be. But that doesn't mean he isn't extremely deadly. The brothers are revered for the effectiveness, after all. 
He's developed some pretty nasty coping habits, most of which involve some kind of self harm either intentional or not. Papyrus tries his best to limit it, but he's not the best either.
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Hey so you mentioned in a story that Dakota gets heartburn a lot 👀👀 could you please please write one more instance? Like in a birthday party or sumthin
Here you go, lovely anon! 
There’s actually no puking in this because the story went in a different direction. I know I said I was going to include emeto but....
If you do want some pukey Dakota in the future then feel free to send a request. 
The bed’s wooden framed creaked as Dakota and Blair fell onto the mattress. Well, it was more like Blair shoving her boyfriend onto the bed than anything. She crawled on top of him with a playful smile and began kissing his stubble-covered jaw. Outside the bedroom door, the heavy bass of music drowned out any sound they might make. Like a moan.
Dakota did moan beneath Blair’s lips but not for the reason you might think. The sudden experience of being pushed onto his back caused the contents of Dakota’s stomach to slosh up his esophagus. It burned for a moment before a different type of heat took over.
He kissed Blair back, enjoying the way her hands snaked under his shirt. She obviously thought his moaning was caused by something else. They never intended to do this, especially not at someone’s else house, but the empty rooms upstairs were too inviting. Both of them were drunk because it was Shawn’s birthday party after all.
Dakota should have known that tequila coupled with lime and salt shots would set off a fire in his chest. He knew that alcohol was often the culprit for his heartburn, and then sucking the acidic fruit was just asking for it. He moaned again, feeling something rise in his throat, and then broke away from the kiss. He needed to get off his back or the burning sensation would continue to crawl up higher in his chest.
Dakota let out a long exhale and sat up on the bed with Blair still in his lap. Once upright, a deep belch erupted form his mouth which he tried to blow away from Blair’s face. “Sorry,” he said, rubbing his chest. The discomfort was quickly sobering him up and he didn’t like it one bit.
“You alright?” Blair asked, with her arms around his neck. “Heartburn?”
Dakota nodded while grimacing. He tried swallowing the buildup of saliva in his mouth, but it felt like there was a lump in his throat. His adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “I need to stand up for a second.”
Blair quickly got off his lap. “Maybe some fresh air will help.”
Heeding Blair suggestion, the two of them fixed themselves before leaving the bedroom. Blair was only slightly disappointed that nothing happened, but she soon got over that upon seeing the unease in Dakota’s face. She hoped they could find Shawn or Mateo and ask for an antacid.
The bedroom door no longer muffled the sound of voices and music. They walked through the house, trying to get to the backdoor while dodging ping pong balls and drunken partiers. Shawn definitely knew how to throw a birthday celebration.
Speaking of Shawn, before the couple could make it to a less crowded area, they ran into none other than the birthday boy. He was calmer than Blair expected him to be, but the scent clinging to him soon explained why.
“Yo Kota, Blair,” Shawn greeted them. He dragged out Blair’s name and gave her a goofy smile. “Havin’ fun I hope.”
“Yeah,” Blair said, slightly distracted. “Hey, Shawn, where’s Mateo?” She wanted to ask Shawn for help, but he seemed more that slightly distracted. His drooping eyes told her that Mateo would probably be the better person to ask.
“Uhh in the kitchen maybe?” He scratched his head, pointed to the ceiling, then walked away without another word.
Dakota and Blair exchanged glances. “Okay then…” Dakota said hesitantly. “Let’s hope he’s right because it’s getting worse.”
Thankfully, Shawn’s hunch was correct because Mateo was indeed in the kitchen. He was cleaning up empty cups and discarded cans. He smiled at them when they entered. “Hey guys, how’s it going?”
“Not so great,” Blair admitted. “Please tell me you have tums or something.”
Mateo thought for a moment, checked some cupboards, then turned back to them with a pink bottle in hand. “Will Pepto do?”
Dakota nodded as enthusiastically as you’d expect for someone with acid bubbling in their belly. “I’ll take anything.”
Normally Dakota would drink it straight from the bottle. He’d gotten pretty good at judging how much he needed. In this case however, he wasn’t about to take a shot of someone’s else medication.
Ironically, after Dakota’s insistence, Mateo poured the thick pink liquid into a red solo cup, so it really was like taking a shot…if that shot took fifty years to slide to your mouth. Regardless, Dakota was glad to have something to extinguish the flames in his chest.
“I hope that helps,” Mateo said. “Now, I have to go and find my very drunk and stoned boyfriend before he hurts himself. We’ll probably be needing that Pepto tomorrow.”
Dakota and Blair thanked him. Despite the chaos in the house, Mateo seemed to be relaxed, or at least having a good time. The first time they met him, Mateo didn’t speak much, but it seemed that dating Shawn was making him more outgoing.
Blair grabbed Dakota’s hand and they went outside to the front yard where it was quieter than out back. They sat on the stone steps leading up to the door. It was a cool night, so they snuggled up next to each other.
“Is it working? Blair asked. “Are you feeling better?”
Dakota held up his finger and swallowed thickly before burping into his fist. It was a long, chesty burp, but he sighed afterwards. “Getting there.”
“Good.” She put her head on his shoulder. With her long nails, she drew circles on his leg.
The music was once again muffled to where they could barely hear it. They could however hear crickets hiding in the bushes. Dakota exhaled while looking up at the night sky. “I feel old.”
Blair actually laughed out loud. “Why?”
“Did you see Shawn back there? I miss that,” he admitted while shaking his head. “Now I can’t even have a few drinks without my stomach acting up.”
“I’ll admit, we don’t party like we used to. But he is only two years younger than us.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Besides,” Blair said with a shy smile. “I don’t mind slowing down as long as it’s with you.”  
Dakota smiled. He leaned in to kiss Blair but the moment was ruined by another belch that hit the back of his throat. “Sorry,” he said, feeling his ears go red. He let his head fall onto her shoulder and buried his face in the fabric of her shirt. “I can’t fucking win tonight.”
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redschillzone · 4 years
My Happy Ending (Rey x Fem!Reader)
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(Gif Found Here!)
Pairing: Rey x Fem!Reader
Prompts: #76 “You’re the one who married me!” | Prompts
Word Count: 1.3k Words
Warnings: None
Summary: The morning after the wedding, Rey and Reader enjoy some alone time.
A/N: And last but not least some fluffy Rey to join the group. :) I hope you guys enjoy!
You gave a small hum as you watched Rey sleep beside you; Her face seemed at peace as you gave a small smile as you gently brought your hand up to move some hair from her face. Last night's memories played vividly in your mind and they would for the rest of your life, you were certain of that. Last night you and Rey had gotten married, you two had sealed the deal and tied the knot and you couldn’t have been happier. The ceremony was beautiful and many tears were shed especially between you and Rey; Poe may have been taken the spot for third biggest crier of the night. You two had been through so much through the years and you were grateful that you were able to do this now. You were able to settle down and finally get to do what you wanted to do; And that was to marry Rey. The war had been won and everything was beginning to return to normal so you couldn’t help yourself and you popped the question to the girl you had dated for well over two years. Everyone else was beginning to settle down themselves so why not join them? You and Rey just happened to beat everyone to the punch and got married first though.
Deciding you wanted to greet your wife and wake her up, you leaned forward to gently kiss her forehead, her nose, and her cheeks before your lips finally landed on hers; The kiss was sweet and short, just how you gave them whenever you woke up in bed with her. You had kept your lips there for a few short seconds before you pulled away and watched as Rey began to stir, a low hum escaping her as she began to open her chocolate brown eyes to look at you, a warm smile appearing on her face as she quietly spoke.
“Morning, (Y/N)...” She whispered, shifting around as a yawn escaped her and you smiled in return at her. She was so adorable, especially when she first woke up. Her hair was always a mess and she always made the cutest noises as she stretched and got herself comfortable against you once more. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around her waist once she was comfortable, her head resting on your chest as you placed your head on top of hers and hummed lowly.
“Morning, Rey.. Did you sleep well?” You asked, glancing down at her as she hummed in response, going quiet for but a few seconds as she shut her eyes once more before she responded to your words.
“Of course I did.. I married the girl of my dreams.” She spoke with a grin appearing on her face as she opened her eyes once more to look up at you, her grin so intoxicating that it brought a grin to your own face. That was one of the many reasons you fell in love with her; She was so bubbly and giggly that it was hard not to follow in her footsteps. She didn’t care what others thought of her so long as you were beside her and you loved that about her; Of course there was just so much to love about Rey that you couldn’t list it all. And if you could, well, you’d be there for a long, long time.
“Yeah, I really do wonder who that girl could be. I heard she’s really pretty, kinda shy at times but very outgoing once you know her.” You joked, watching as Rey chuckled lightly, looking up at you as you continued to describe yourself.
“Heard she’s a Commander for the Resistance too, so she’s gotta be very smart, caring, courageous.” You continued as Rey laughed at your words, going and leaning up to peck your lips as she took over.
“Doesn’t seem to know when to shut up about herself.” She teased and you gasped at her words, a small pout appearing on your face as you pulled her as close as you could.
“You know, you’re the one who married me. So maybe you should learn how to shut me up, hm~?” You teased to which Rey gave a smirk and gladly pressed her lips to yours; It was a short, sweet kiss that always seemed to taste like candy to you. It was so intoxicating that it always pulled you in for more no matter how many times you two had kissed. You lifted your left hand and gently placed it against her cheek; You could feel the shiver that ran through Rey as she felt the cool, metal band around your ring finger and couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. Everything was beginning to hit you both at once; You were officially married now. Nobody could break you two apart now, you two were also stuck with each other for a lifetime; But that was no problem. You loved each other deeply and this kiss just proved that more as Rey pulled away, her lips just millimetres away from yours as she watched you. You had your eyes closed, a smile on your face before you opened your eyes to look at her.
“Fuck Rey.. You give the best kisses in the galaxy, I swear…” You told her, watching as she laughed lightly at your words before she brought her own hand to cover your own, gripping it gently as she watched your eyes; They were sparkling with love for her and only her. She couldn’t help but smile and peck your lips before she got comfortable under you once more, nuzzling herself against your chest as you rested your head on hers once more.
“Good, as they should be. It’ll keep you wanting.” She teased and you laughed at her words, going and holding her hand in yours as your other arm went around her waist, gently rubbing it as you two laid in bed. You had nowhere to be now; The war was won. There was no mission that you two needed to be on, no debrief that needed to be done. Sure there were probably some small things around base that needed to be done but nobody dared interrupt your first morning together as a married couple. It would just be rude to do so.
You gave a low hum as you slowly shut your eyes once more, tightening your hold around Rey once more as tears began to form in your eyes. You were so damn lucky to have Rey, you honestly didn’t know where you would be without her beside you and vice-versa. You two grounded each other, kept each other alive and brought so much joy to each others lives. You were the family Rey was waiting so desperately for on Jakku, she just didn’t know it yet but now as you both laid there, she realized it and she couldn’t help but look up at you, chuckling lightly as she spotted your tears running down your face.
“Oh baby…” She spoke, moving herself to sit up so she could place her hands on your cheeks, wiping away the tears that ran down your face. You opened your eyes to look at her once more, a smile making it’s way to your face.
“I just.. Fuck Rey I love you so damn much.. I couldn’t have found myself a better wife.” You praised her, watching as her own eyes began to tear up.
“Fuck, now you’re making me cry.” She told you as you broke out into a fit of laughter, moving your hands to her cheeks once more to wipe away her own tears.
“But I love you just as much, (Y/N).. Thank you for letting me be your wife.” She spoke and you smiled, bringing her in for another kiss before you mumbled against her lips.
“Thank you for my happy ending, Rey...”
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@sorrowmarked​: His first response startles her, she’s about to object when he apologizes for saying it. A frown still tugs at her lips. Not because of his reaction to her confession, but because his first impulse was to assume he wasn’t good enough for her. Her brows pinched together, “Hey, it’s okay,” she said, reaching over to comfort him, her fingers brushing his knuckles. “And that’s not true." Most days she didn’t feel she she was good enough for him, but love wasn’t about worth. Love was about loving. It was a verb. It was an action. It was a choice. She loved him. She chose to. Maybe if she was lucky he would choose to love her back. And she would do her best to respect him, and treat him with kindness, and trust him, and support him, and be his biggest cheerleader. But worth didn’t factor into it. It was all … just action, and choice. What she decided to do, for the person she loved. Now that she had said it, now that she had done it, she didn’t feel so nervous now. There was no worry hanging over her head. There was just this. The after, the what came next. He’d tell her he returned his feelings, or he he would tell her he didn’t. Suddenly all that worry felt so … silly. Of course, they’d still be friends after this. Of course. Because that’s how they worked. They’d always be best friends. But then he was smiling at her and his eyes were watery, and she knew. Knew where this was going. Should have just told him ages ago. I worry too much over nothing. He pulled her in close and her arms wrapped around him, her cheek against his chest. There’s never been anybody but you, she didn’t know if she felt guilty or elated. Both, she guessed. Her hands tightened on the back of his shirt, bunching in the fabric. "I wasn’t as quick on the uptake,” she said, voice soft, and warm, smile bleeding into her words. “I just needed the time to realize that I loved you,” she said. She paused, “That’s not right, I’ve always loved you,” she said, which he should know. “I just needed to realize I was in love with you." Closing her eyes she paused a moment, listening to the way his heart was pounding in his chest. "You’re my best friend Daisuke,” she whispered. “My life has always been better, my days have always been better, because I have you. I remember how lonely it was before I met you,” two little kids, prone to illness, unable to run and play like they wanted to. He’d become her best friend fast. Stayed her best friend. “You’re my best friend, and the guy I love, I think both can be true,” she whispered. Her arms tightened around him. “Both probably should be true, and I am proud that you’re my best friend. I’m proud you’re the guy I love. I sometimes … god I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. Because if you could you’d know there was no one better than you. No one else with your heart, and your kindness, and your compassion, and your optimism. You amaze me every single day.”
[I put this under a cut because it's SO FUCKING LONG????? Have fun reading the extended lotr script I guess LMAO??? Daisuke is extremely smooth here tho tbh]
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"...In your defense, I probably didn't make it an easy conclusion to reach," Daisuke says on the tail end of a chuckle rumbling through his chest. The sensation brings with it the odd realization that it's actually been quite some time since he really hugged her, and the last time he did his voice was still only just starting to change.
It'll probably still deepen a little more before he finishes growing, but what used to be a cracking, faltering high tenor is now balanced and smooth and almost baritone. Limbs that were wiry and angular are lean and strong and growing stronger by the day. And he was babyfaced even into his third year of middle school, but when he looks in the mirror now his face is stronger, sharper, almost a little rugged- especially since he's started needing to shave every few days.
In fact, until near the end of third grade, Hikari was taller than him.
They're on the edge of their second year of high school now. Then it'll be their third and final year, they'll graduate...he winces internally at the prospect of having to fill out career plan forms, but what really has his focus is just how long it's been and how much has changed.
They've known each other since before they could string together proper sentences. Since a time when Daisuke was even more timid and prone to crying than her.
He hasn't recalled in a very long time that the reason he first started working so hard to be more assertive and outgoing- to be stronger, tougher, braver- was all because he wanted to be someone who could protect and support her. Not because she needed him, but because she was a source of incredible fortitude for him. Someone who shone brighter than the white hot light of a summer sun.
He'd worked hard to be strong and brave all because Hikari had been his hero. On a bigger level than even Taichi ever was. Taichi was and still is a mentor, a role model, a brother to him. But he knows that if not for meeting Hikari, if not for her friendship, he never would have dared to break out of that timid, isolated little shell. Everything that makes him strong ultimately stems from her, even though he's never told her that.
A hazy, old memory comes to him, and he finds himself recounting it to her out loud without really thinking about it. "...You know, the first thing I ever learned to 'cook'- putting it loosely...it was instant ramen. The kind you cook in a pot, yknow? We were probably in first grade, I think?"
He's holding her more loose and relaxed now, chin nestled atop her head. "You'd been in bed with a fever for a couple of days, and I think at first I was just there to drop off some handouts from school that you needed to catch up on. Neither of us had very many other friends yet."
"Taichi was probably out with friends or something, and your mom was leaving on an errand just as I was arriving and let me in...and you were just waking up when I let myself into your room to check on you."
A quiet laugh bubbles out of him, "...I couldn't even get a word out before you mumbled about being hungry 'for the first time in forever'. 'Course, I knew just how hard a fever could hit your appetite and how much of a pain in the neck it was once it finally came back. I think I stood there all of two seconds before I dropped the handouts and my stuff and turned right around to let myself into the kitchen."
"I don't know how I managed to get everything together but I remember dragging a chair from the dining room so I could reach the cabinets and the stove, opening about a million drawers before I found any measuring cups for the water...I at least knew roughly how much heat I needed for boiling water- probably wouldn't have tried to mess with the stove otherwise, I think."
"...Anyway, I think I undercooked it just a little, but your mom commented all dry and deadpan that she was just thankful I didn't start a fire, once she got back. I ladled out bowls for both of us and I couldn't find a tray or anything so my goofy ass just scrambled to your room as fast as I could without spilling and set them on the kotatsu. While making a noise that probably sounded like a teakettle all heated up."
He snorts at that, "That particular strain of brainlessness has always been a hallmark of me, I guess. Still. You looked so relieved, seemed so glad that I'd thought to make something that would be light on the stomach. Most of all, though..."
He pulls away, dropping his hands to his lap. "I'd never seen you anywhere near that happy because of anything I'd done. It was the first time I'd ever felt like I'd actually done something worthwhile for you, at a time when you were still the only friend I had. I felt so powerful in that moment, more powerful than I ever have since."
Shyly, gingerly, he lifts a hand and brushes some hair out of her face. "I stared up at the clouds all the way home that day and I clung to that feeling for as long as I could, and I knew. I knew then that if it was for you I could become anything in the world, do the most impossible things, carry the heaviest weights. I didn't have the words then, of course. I was six and barely reading. But I felt it. And god, I understood that feeling more intimately than anything else the world had ever taught me."
He knows he's probably pink up to his hairline at this point, but isn't it about time he actually told her how significant she's been? In completely frank and honest terms, without the joking or the melodrama?
"You said that you wish I could see in me what you see in me." His fingers trace down her cheek, "But sometimes I think I do. All I have to do is look at you, and I see myself. Everything I've been, everything I want to be, everything that drives me forward and compels that compassion you're talking about, none of it could ever have sprouted or grown if I hadn't met you."
"I could never have stood and taken my first steps outside of myself if you hadn't been holding my hand." he continues, "And every step forward I've taken since then, I've taken it hoping beyond anything else that I could give you even an ounce of what you've given me."
His hands are shaking when he takes her face more firmly, and his eyes are a little misty again. "I didn't always know I was in love with you, Hikari. But since the moment we met you've been something even stronger than the sun for me. You're the gravity that keeps me grounded so I can run. And what is there to make us fall if not gravity, right?"
It's a horrible, corny line to end on and it has him smiling awkwardly. But even so he leans in, and he presses a firm kiss to the center of her forehead, holding it there for a long moment, only to rest his own against hers when he pulls away. "There's nobody I'd rather have as my core."
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sunbvrst · 4 years
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*  whats up , buttercup ! hi , i’m julia ( 21 , she / they , gmt+8 ) , and i’m so thrilled to be here !! so pls let me introduce my sunflower child ,  seoni  !!!  she’s an old muse of mine but haven’t really had the chance to fully develop her yet , so im excited for that part as well sdfdkjf ,,,, information under the cut are all the information i have for her , i apologize in advance if there are hiccups along the way i promise to fix that ;-;  !! nevertheless , i’m pretty excited to plot w y’all and meet everyone’s muses ♡
( PARK SOOYOUNG, SHE/HER ) ╱ oh looky, if it ain’t [ KIM SEONI ] from [ 304 ]! a busy bee little [ PILATES INSTRUCTOR ], aren’t they? still can’t believe they’re [ 25 ] this year. i heard they’re adored for being [ GREGARIOUS ] but their [ EVASIVE ] attitude can be a pain in the ass sometimes. have they not thought of moving out after [ ONE YEAR ]? oh well, as long as they like it here!
*   𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊   ╱  STATISTICS .
name  :  kim seoni
nicknames  :   sun , sunny 
age  :   twenty  -  five
birthday  :  may twenty  -  seven
zodiac  :  gemini sun , pisces moon , sagittarius rising
place of birth  :  gwanju  ,  korea 
gender : cis woman
pronouns  :   she / her
orientation  :  pansexual , panromantic
nationality  :  korean
occupation  :  pilates instructor 
pinterest  :  found here 
*   𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊 ╱  BACKGROUND . 
looking back at seoni’s earlier life, there wasn’t anything particularly atypical to it. she lived in a quaint home in gwangju, where she was nurtured by a close-knitted family. her mother was a retired pianist who spent most of her time teaching little kids piano within the confines of their home. while seoni’s father was a local literature professor who was the sole reason for her early appreciation for art and literature. 
seoni’s parents were never the overbearing type. although they had been quite vocal about which direction they wanted their daughter to take, it was purely seoni’s decision to choose the options that would make them the proudest. high school went by in a breeze and academically, seoni did exceptionally well considering how determined she was to make her parents proud and graduate with honors. her parents knew for sure she was going to take the direction they dreamed for her to take— everyone was convinced she’s bound to make great things, put her wits to good use, and enter law school; therefore, she tried. 
however, college became a crisis. seoni agreed to study in seoul, as per parents’ wish, and it’s been a struggle. bearing in mind that seoni’s been cooped within her familial nest all her life: options laid out for her, plans designed for her, indebted to the people who raised her; seoni realized she didn’t know how to work for herself. 
many people her age would’ve had their life already planned out in their head, but seoni had gotten only even more inconclusive as time went by. she first took political science, hoping to prompt her well for law school, but ended up shifting to history, then economics, then even landing to communications, completely placing her mind in disarray. her parents were really supportive of whatever decision she chose, although there was no denying the hint of disappointment seoni sees in them when they meet during holidays. no one can blame them though, they had high hopes for seoni. the problem was, it was their hopes. 
in no way does seoni blame her family though, she’s done this to herself without fully figuring out what she truly wants and who she truly is. so, true to her person, she graduates with a communications degree and no direction in life. 
she continued to live in the city, told her parents that she’s working as an editorial assistant in some company, but excluded the part in which she quit because the work was a boring desk job hasn’t been her cup of tea. instead, she did 6 months of pilates training and is now working as a pilates instructor; which by far has been less cluttered and more affable. 
*   𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔 ╱  TEMPERAMENT .
as you might have noticed, sunny is quite the whimsical type. one minute she’s there, the other she’d forget the reason why she did something remotely close to the activity a minute ago. it can be frustrating, and it has led to multiple questionable choices and actions from her. 
seoni is so quick to let her emotions influence her, especially in decision making. she’d always consider what her loved ones feel about the situation first, everyone else second, and hers last which is why she’s very evasive when topics regarding her future surface. she’s a strong believer of living one day at a time because in that way, she feels in control. 
she’s a master at changing topics so quick when the conversation’s even an inch closer to unravelling her past. seoni’s very outgoing and has this ability to overshare, but not overshare at all ??? she talks a lot about the surface and decides that’s the most vulnerability she can offer. the past, college, is just a weird topic. yeet. 
on that note tho, seoni’s adventurous side comes from her escapism tendency. she likes to divert the attention to the fun and joys of life and just stays bright and bubbly that it seems like she’s got zero problems. so with that, ig people might not see seoni as the person to confide into which stems from her being clueless in situations that she needed to be empathetic. don’t get her wrong tho, she’s an empath but isn’t really aware on how to apply it. 
basically, just your regular sunshine daisy who never forgets to offer a smile when you pass by her in the hallways, very easy-going and really friendly, so there’s rarely any trouble in that department. on that note tho, she terribly needs to work on opening to people more and just be human for a teeny sec. 
*   𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 ╱  PLOTS .
i suck at titles ,,,, yikes , and suckier at planning well thought out plots , bigger yikes BUT i do want a plot in which seoni is very much challenged to get out of her comfort zone. seoni values every relationship of any kind however it hasn’t usually reached to a point where she gets to be vulnerable so perhaps, a relationship that would bring the somber side of her would be fantastic. 
she’s been living at andante for a year now so she would absolutely have people she loves to bother lol, let it be dragging them to a midnight stroll, a tolkein film marathon, or mukbang + soju night; basically, her go to person. 
seoni loves to persuade people to try out pilates and to rid of sedentary lifestyle lmao. so perhaps people she teaches or goes to pilates with.
im running out of ideas so i’ll just throw in a bunch of words that might spark inspiration: fluffy best pals connection, sibling type connection, bad/good influences, angsty toxic relationships, frenemies, people she can drag to do reckless decisions with, angst again, the one who she’s attached to the hip to, and honestly im open to whatever :D 
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luna--reading · 4 years
Hello lovelies~ ♡
This is a pick a card reading for “Who is currently missing you right now?” This is a timeless reading and you are meant to see it right now! Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~ ♡
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 3 piles:
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Left to right: 1 - 3
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1: Enlightenment (43)
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Okay, to start, I’m feeling a strong sense that this person finally sees or understands your importance in their lives. It’s kind of like they have gone through some kind of awakening and they realise how important you are to them. So, this can be an ex or just someone who previously didn’t appreciate you (very strong feelings for both) but either way, we’ll see what the rest of the cards say. But I feel like this person suddenly realises how much you meant to them and that’s why currently they are missing you right now. So this is a very strong no-contact situation and it could be someone that you have previously cut out from your life. But let’s move on with the cards:
Tarot: 5 of Swords, The Moon, Ace of Swords, The Emperor, Page of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, Ace of Wands, 3 of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
Oracle: LION // DOLPHIN // OTTER // WHALE // POTENTIAL - “Think Big” for your Future // PEACOCK - Raise your Standards // Affirmation for Healing the Heart // The Present (12) - Gift, treasure, revelation of own value, now-ness // LIGHT DANCER (24) - Illumination, the radiant self, shining soul // THE PATH OF THE GODS (2) -  Decisions, meetings, future plans
So, continuing from the beginning, I strongly feel like this person is someone who didn’t appreciate you in the past. I feel like there has been conflict with this person, there has been some untruthfulness within this connection. Whether or not you guys were in a relationship or it could be just like a friendship or with a family member, I’m feeling like you got tired of it. It’s like you have been giving in this connection but you aren’t receiving anything, and in fact, you aren’t being appreciated by this person. So, you just decided to be back in your own power, and you’ve cut off this person from your life.
I’m seeing that as you regain back your own power, this person starts to realise your worth. This person starts to regret how he/she treated you in the past, in the sense I’m getting that this person could be older than you (significantly) but he/she is acting a lot immature than you are. And in a way, he/she could be someone who is very prideful, someone who is very vain and only thinks of him/herself. I’m not necessarily seeing narcissism but this person takes you for granted is something that I see strongly in here.
Now, this can be someone who has broken your heart or just someone that you might have found yourself in a third-party situation, this is a general reading so do take what resonates. But the main characteristic of this person that I’m seeing is that they see your worth right now, they are reminiscing the past and they are actually hoping for a new beginning with you. Or just somewhat new communication, clarification, they want to bring you back into their lives (is what I’m hearing) and of course, you have the choice whether to accept or reject if they truly come back.
Because I do see a possibility that they are going to come back with a gift, with an offer, a very small offer but they hope that this might work out. It’s entirely up to you if you want to accept them but I’m just seeing that this person does see you as someone who can bring in joy and happiness into their lives. Now, this can be someone who you are working with, I’m hearing “boss” as I read the Emperor card but it can just simply be someone who is older than you but in general this person is just presenting him/herself as rather immature in regards to how they view and deal with relationships.
I feel like this person who is currently missing you right now really does see a potential with you and that in a way, I feel like they thought they would never have lost you but in fact, they did and now they are regretting and that they are hoping for a new start, a new beginning with you.
So I’m getting very strong FIRE energies (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) as well as strong EARTH energies (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) so these can be in your chart or in this person’s chart but I’m seeing someone who has very strong pride and someone who tends to not admit their mistakes because of their pride.
But in this case, I feel like as they come in, they might present themselves as indifferent like they might be a little reluctant to let down their pride to admit that they were being unappreciative towards you and I’m getting a vibe of them just simply taking you for granted (like honestly, it’s not a very positive vibe but do take what resonates) because I’m seeing that they expect you to take them back but of course, it’s entirely up to you. But darling, this is the person that I’m seeing who is missing you right now~
 Pile 2: Ask Your Soul (16)
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Okay, so what I’m getting from this card is that this is possibly someone that you are missing as well. Like I’m getting a sense of mirroring vibe, whereby this person who is currently missing you is probably the person on your mind. And I’m feeling that the both of you do have some strong spiritual connection. But let’s move in further with your cards to find out who is currently missing you right now:
Tarot: 3 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Death, The Devil, The Chariot, 3 of Swords, 9 of Wands, 6 of Wands, Strength, 6 of Swords, The Moon
Oracle: COSMIC EGG // BEAR // FIREFLY // LETTING GO - Learn to let go // Listening to Wisdom // Accept Love // SANCTUARY (28) - Privacy, inviolate personal space, respected boundaries and taboos // TIME AND TIDE (18) - Oceanic spells and rituals // THE HEALING TEMPLE (1) - Restoration, cure, safety
So, I’m getting a very strong karmic relationship. Now, I’m getting that you met this person for a very strong spiritual reason and that this connection is meant to teach you something valuable in life. Now, I’m honestly getting very strong ex vibes for this, or just someone that you might have almost gotten into a relationship with, but it’s just somewhat toxic to be honest. Or this can be a friendship or a family member. I’m getting a very toxic relationship but it’s a connection that you just can’t seem to help but go back to every time.
It’s like this person gives you the support you need and the stability that you wanted but there was constantly something that was hurting you or this connection. I’m getting that you realise that you have to move away from this connection for you to find yourself. And that is why there is this no contact, no communication at this point in time. Honestly, I feel like there is a possibility that you might find this person because there is a very strong emotional attachment here to this person and you just can’t seem to cut off completely from this person.
Darling, I want you to know that it is important for you to set healthy boundaries, if you find yourself in a situation that is no longer serving you, you have to leave in order to protect yourself, to protect your energy. You don’t always have to be around someone for security or stability, because you yourself are the biggest support system for yourself.
I see that this karmic connection is really here to teach you to learn to let go of people, of things that are no longer serving you. In fact, I feel like the angels have been constantly giving you signs on what it is that you have to let go of but you just find yourself stuck in this vicious cycle. But darling, you have to understand that this connection is meant for you to learn to let go. You might find yourself thinking about this person at this point in time because you seem to crave for that support and stability that this person can give you but then again, the angels want you to look within yourself for this particular support and stability that you are yearning for.
It’s not going to be easy to let go of this person because emotional attachment is something that we can’t seem to cut off easily but the angels want you to know that at this point in time, when you are in no communication, no contact with this person (or even if you are still in contact with this person), start by learning to set healthy boundaries. I’m really seeing that you are asked to regain some strength, to find back your strength, and to preserve as you let go of this connection.
Okay, I know I’m supposed to be describing this person that is currently missing you but I’m getting a strong message about the whole situation. So darling, I’m getting very strong Scorpio, Capricorn as well as Pisces and Cancer for this person (but do take what resonates) But darling, this person that is missing you, I feel like they are someone who can be very extreme on both ends. On one hand, this person might be someone who gives you that stability and security that you want, and that they seem to promise you a lot of things that you want but on the other hand, I feel like this person is just merely giving you false promises and that they aren’t really taking any actions.
Actually, I’m also seeing that this person kinds of have 2 sides to them, like they might appear to be very bubbly or cheerful or just outgoing to others but they might actually be mysterious, or introverted when it comes to you. On one hand, they might seem to be very confident, to be very passionate but on the other hand, this person might be faced with fears and doubts of themselves. So, it’s a very imbalanced kind of energy that I’m getting from this person.
And I feel like as of now, if you still feel very strongly for this person (especially if it’s romantic wise), I do see that you are asked to at least allow this person to heal and restore balance in their lives before coming into fruition for this connection.
Pile 3: Awakening (2)
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Okay, so I’m feeling like this person that is currently missing you right now is going through some sort of awakening at this point in time. And I'm getting that this is some sort of spiritual awakening that has been called upon when they met and interacted with you. So, in a sense it’s like upon meeting you, they were called to get in touch with their higher selves and, they are currently going through some sort of transformation in their lives as they are missing you. So I’m getting a very strong soulmate, strong soul ties with this person. But let’s see what the cards have to say:
Tarot: King of Swords, 8 of Wands, 3 of Wands, 8 of Wands, The Hierophant, 7 of Cups, The Devil, 9 of Cups, 5 of Swords, Queen of Cups
Oracle: ELK // FISH // BEE // FRIENDSHIP - Nurture your relationships // MOVING FORWARD - Get ready for positive change // Learn from life // Tears of joy and sadness // AIR (26) - Breathing deep, entering into life, exchange of life-bringing energies // DIVINATION (15) - Prophecies, fate, destiny, future fortune // CORAL’S WISDOM (31) - Colony, delicacy, fragility, works that are created over great periods of time // THE ANGEL GATE (9) - Cleansing, protection, blessing // AURORA GARDEN (10) - Beginning, initiate, origin // MOUNTAIN LIGHTS (29) - Light beings, portals, subtle energies
So, as I was saying, I strongly feel like this person is someone that has a very strong spiritual connection with you. Almost like the both of you had some kind of soul contract in your past life for the both of you to meet one another in this life. But I’m getting a lot of moving energy so this person could be living at a distance from you, or maybe there is some kind of situation that is preventing a physical meetup, but I’m getting that this person who is currently missing you wants to come forward, and to meet you physically.
Okay, so I’m seeing that this person might have some sort of conflict with you in the past, or just feeling like they are pretty inferior or unworthy of being with you. I feel like they see you as someone who has a lot of choices and options and that you won’t even take a glance at them and it’s kind of like I feel like there is a lot of unhealthy thoughts within this person, but upon meeting you, they go through some kind of awakening and now they are changing for the better.
I’m getting a very strong transformation from them and that they kind of want to present their better selves to you. I feel like if this person is someone who you previously were interested in and that there seems to be a possibility but everything just came to a halt, it’s because the angels are protecting you as this awakening is something that is meant to happen in this connection. And that by delaying the beginning, it is meant to protect the both of you as each of you are working on yourselves and being the best of yourselves for each other.
So, this person can be a friend, someone that you already know or even someone that you might have been interested in. But I’m just seeing that you bring in so much happiness into this person’s lives. Also, you might have work or study with this person but I’m getting more of a work environment, so it might be a co-worker or a colleague or even a boss.
But what I’m seeing is that this person who is currently missing you is going through a transformation and I do see them wanting to come forward. And in fact, I feel like they will come forward because it’s like you complete them. But instead of being two halves to come together as one, I’m seeing the both of you as a whole person, coming together and complementing each other.
So darling, this person might have strong Taurus or Capricorn in their charts (or it could be you) but honestly, I’m seeing all kinds of signs. But this person is coming off as the masculine energy (regardless of male or female) or it could also just represent their desires to come forward and take action towards you. So darling, I’m seeing a change in this connection (if you know who this is) and it’s going to be a positive one, if you don’t know who this is, then just keep a lookout and understand that things are changing for the better in your relationships as well as social connections.
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falneou17 · 4 years
BanG Dream! Favorite List - 9
So now that Morfonica has officially been introduced into the EN server of the game, I think it is time for this list to get updated. Yes, I know I originally said that I would wait until RAS would be introduced as well, but I changed my mind. Mainly because, unlike Morfonica, we already know quite a bit about RAS from the second and third season of the anime.
Which should already hint at something, but let’s just go into the list... I should also specify that while I will not spoil anything specific about the Morfonica band story, I have read it and it has made an impact on this list...
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Yamabuki Saaya (1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Not here at the start, however. The start is still the same as always, as a certain vocalist would say. I mean, what can I say? Saaya is awesome, and the only thing that is holding her somewhat back... well, there are two things, really; she’s relatively static and she’s in a band who... isn’t as notable for me, as should become very obvious going down this list (if it wasn’t made obvious already). Nevertheless, Saaya’s still at the very top even if I don’t talk about or write her all that often.
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Aoba Moca (2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
No change here, either. Moca is still the same old Moca as she’s always been. The same lovable, teasing, going-at-my-own-pace genius. It really does take something special to be mistaken as my favorite character of the franchise for so long, and Moca definitely has it. And, to be fair, Moca did steal the number one spot for a bit... it’s just that Saaya has reclaimed the throne since then.
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Mitake Ran (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)
It would be weird if Ran’s spot wasn’t the same as it’s always been, now would it? In all seriousness, Ran may or may not have been rising in the rankings ever so slightly... mainly because of some interactions during lives that I found out she had. She’s got some pretty fun ones now that I may or may not have never heard before myself.
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Satou Masuki (20, 21, 10, 9, 9, 7, 4, 4, 4)
To be fair, Masuki... hasn’t really had a chance to show up, so she hasn’t had the opportunity to show that she deserves to rise in the rankings. Considering she would have to compete with Ran for the number three slot, she probably wouldn’t be rising any time soon, but still... she’s skyrocketed this far up the list, what’s a victim or two more thanks to her rising up the list?
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Hazawa Tsugumi (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5)
Speaking of victims of Masuki skyrocketing up the list in the past, hi Tsugu. Admittedly quite static, but in Tsugu’s case... why change something that is already as great as she is? Being “normal” is usually a curse in these fave lists of mine, but Tsugumi manages to be a nice contrast to her colorful friends.
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Kirigaya Touko (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 22, 9, 6, 6)
The first of many (read: five) Morfonica girls. This should not come as much of a surprise; she was already 6th on the previous list. Now that Touko is officially in the game and I can read her band story and her card stories and all... I contemplated for a moment whether I should push Tsugumi down a spot, I really did. But... as much fun as Touko is to see on the screen, I do believe that Tsugumi deserves the higher spot. That being said, I love how Touko manages to be a mix of Lisa’s gyaru-loving self (without the issue that Lisa is facing... more on that when we get to Lisa), the teasing nature of Moca, and the going-at-my-own-pace nature of Moca as well. Definitely a fun and welcome addition to the cast, but...
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Hiromachi Nanami (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 28, 22, 22, 7)
Talk about a jump; Nanami’s fifteen spots jump puts the eleven spots of Masuki and thirteen spots of Touko to shame. What can I say? Morfonica definitely delivered when it comes to how much I love their characters. When I first read about Nanami I thought she would be the type of girl who is just awkwardly trying to insert herself into the conversation. Now that I have access to scenes featuring her, I can see how much fun watching this little genius is. As somebody who is writing mainly Moca-focused fanfics, it’s a refreshing and amusing change of pace watching Nanami scenes. Is seventh spot a bit ambitious? Maybe. But that’s why she can always change, right?
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Uehara Himari (6, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8)
Nothing really changes for Himari, aside from the fact that Nanami now jumped up above her. I don’t like my favorite band’s leader any less; as a matter of fact, with Afterglow’s first album right around the corner... how can I not like my favorite band’s leader?
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Udagawa Tomoe (8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 9, 9)
Ah, Tomoe... the most awkwardly ranked Afterglow girl for me. I really love Tomoe, she’s an integral part of Afterglow and her more outgoing expressive nature serves as a nice contrast to the more subdued personalities of her bandmates. But in terms of writing Tomoe it’s always super difficult to give her the best scenes to shine in because of said contrast. Either way, she definitely deserved this spot.
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Shirokane Rinko (7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 8, 10)
...yeah, your safety net is starting to get torn. Not only with the introduction of Morfonica (and RAS in the not-too-distant future), but also... the main reasons why you’re still up here are not even necessarily tied to Rinko as a character. What’s worse, the era of Akesaka!Rinko is long gone... which makes it really challenging for me to try and incorporate her newer characterization... which means what is keeping Rinko up is the memory of Akesaka!Rinko, not Rinko herself... In other words, as much as it hurts me to say this, I’m not expecting Rinko to survive dropping significantly in the coming few lists...
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Futaba Tsukushi (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 18, 17, 16, 11)
And here we got another rise, the “favorite of the Morfonica girls based on first impressions”. As Touko would call her: Fusuke. As I call her: the Himari of Morfonica. I don’t know if it is because Afterglow is my favorite band, but... the comparisons between Morfonica’s members and Afterglow’s members is pretty obvious. Like, Fusuke is (1) the shortest girl of her band, and is made fun of it quite a bit (by Touko, no less XD), (2) the leader of the band, and (3) she even has pigtails. I know people compared her to Arisa when she first was released, but tell me that that doesn’t sound like Himari to you. Especially since I compared Touko to Moca earlier.
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Tamade Chiyu (13, 13, 16, 14, 15, 11, 11, 10, 12)
Same old song for RAS.
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Asahi Rokka (12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 10, 12, 11, 13)
Same old song for RAS.
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Nyubara Reona (14, 14, 14, 15, 16, 15, 13, 12, 14)
Same old song for RAS. Although, and I think I mentioned this in the previous list, I know the cards she will get. And without spoilering any of them, let’s just say that they are very colorful and I think that Reona definitely delivers when it comes to card art.
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Kurata Mashiro (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 21, 16, 15, 15)
Mashiron! Or Shiro! Or however you want to call her! I like to call her “adorable”, because that’s what she is; she’s adorable. I knew that you were the shy-type, but I honestly didn’t think I would continue to like you as much as I do considering how much of a shy-type you are. Honestly, you make Rinko look like the most confident girl in the franchise in comparison. But you’re great. You got a great singing voice and a lot of potential and I look forward to see how you will grow over the years.
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Maruyama Aya (9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16)
Nothing has changed about you, for better or for worse. Except the fact that a couple girls shot past you, but that’s beside the point and not at all this girl’s fault. I think Aya still has a lot of potential, but I don’t feel like I have seen enough of it to justify moving her around the list. The fact that she is still up here should signify that she’s definitely still a very good character.
On a side note: my girlfriend wanted to remind me that she still likes Aya, so I guess that’s reason enough for Aya to not drop more than she has? And she technically hasn’t even dropped; Morfonica just jumped...
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Wakamiya Eve (11, 10, 11, 13, 12, 14, 15, 14, 17)
Pretty much exactly the same as Aya above you. It becomes harder and harder to think of things to write for characters who don’t move much on the list over the many lists I make.
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Wakana Rei (25, 20, 15, 11, 13, 13, 18, 18, 18)
Same old song for RAS.
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Yashio Rui (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 24, 29, 29, 19)
Okay, Rui here is an interesting character. For many reasons. I really like what she has going for her; her characterization, her motivation, her emotions (or lack thereof). Just like how Tomoe’s super expressive and outgoing personality contrasts nicely with the more subdued personalities of the rest of Afterglow, Rui’s stoic personality is a nice balance to the high emotional levels (...with the possible exception of Nanami) of Morfonica. That being said, whether Rui doesn’t show or doesn’t feel any emotions is a different thing, and depending on what it is will strongly influence how easy it will be to try and write her.
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Shirasagi Chisato (22, 22, 22, 21, 22, 27, 26, 19, 20)
Again, nothing much I can say about you... this list is about Morfonica, mostly... though I will say that I’ve been seeing a lot of good Chisato art as of late.
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Hikawa Sayo (17, 16, 18, 18, 17, 17, 19, 20, 21)
Again, nothing much I can say about you other than that being in the band that you are really hurts you...
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Okusawa Misaki (10, 11, 13, 16, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22)
Again, nothing much I can say about you other than that being in the band that you are really hurts you...
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Imai Lisa (5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 8, 17, 23)
Again, nothing much I can--okay, fine, I will talk about you. In a bubble, I admit that you are a great character. I like Lisa, I like most of her relationships with the other girls and I like her bright and upbeat attitude, especially considering which band she is in. However... what I really despise about Lisa is that she reminds me of a character who I don’t even want to name anymore, and as Kaoru can attest to... that’s not a very good thing to say the least... so down the list you go...
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Ichigaya Arisa (15, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24)
I considered putting Arisa above Lisa (or, better phrased, Lisa below Arisa), but... I don’t think that’s fair. I think that, despite Lisa’s shortcomings, I definitely still like Lisa more. That being said, I’ve seen a fun new art of an Arisa card in the future that I will definitely be keeping my eye on. 
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Toyama Kasumi (26, 24, 23, 22, 21, 25, 23, 24, 25)
You know what’s the saddest part about Kasumi? I think I would like her a lot more if she was not pushed to be the protagonist of the franchise. Yes, I know that somebody has to do it, but... Kasumi has a lot going for her. A lot going for her that ended up being pushed under the rug. I mean, for one, Kasumi got an incredible singing voice that doesn’t get to shine as much as it possibly could because she needs to fill the role of “face of the franchise”.
Above neutral
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Hikawa Hina (24, 23, 25, 25, 24, 29, 30, 28, 26)
Talking about why I like Hina is kind of funny, but... as I said in the last post, I started playing Genshin Impact a little while back and my main character is Xiangling (a character voiced by the same person who voiced Hina). So by liking Xiangling more in Genshin I started liking Hina more in Bandori. That’s it. That’s my reasoning for putting Hina above Maya. Because Hina is Xiangling and Xiangling is awesome.
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Tsurumaki Kokoro (16, 15, 19, 19, 20, 20, 24, 25, 27)
Ah, Kokoron. You mean well and you’re definitely much deeper of a character than a lot of people might think you are. Unfortunately, the happy happy type songs aren’t my type of songs and, as I have said many times, Kokoro is a nightmare to depict in writing.
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Matsubara Kanon (23, 25, 24, 24, 23, 26, 28, 26, 28)
Kanon is great. ...yeah, that’s all I have. Sorry, Kanon, but trying to find new things to talk about when nothing too significant has happened is pretty challenging... I still don’t feel like Kanon has surpassed Kokoro, either, but... it’s definitely getting closer and closer.
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Yamato Maya (27, 26, 26, 27, 27, 31, 27, 27, 29)
Maya didn’t drop; I just decided I like Hina more. I still like Maya, I think Maya can offer a lot of potential. But it’s probably already a bit late for me to start diving into said potential, huh?
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Kitazawa Hagumi (29, 29, 29, 28, 29, 33, 33, 31, 30)
And there we go, Hagumi surpassed Afterglow’s drummer’s younger sister. Why? Because, well...
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Udagawa Ako (19, 18, 20, 20, 19, 23, 25, 30, 31)
Being in Roselia is really detrimental for you, huh Ako? What’s worse, her one and only niche of being a gamer has effectively been taken away from her as Shining Sunlight proved I can do a gaming-focused plot without Ako and it works well enough. So far, anyway.
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Hanazono Tae (18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 30, 32, 32)
The same as always for this girl, and unlike the girls at the top I am begging Bushiroad to do something that would help her climb up the rankings again. Because Tae is likeable and a nice character... she just doesn’t stand out enough for me...
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Ushigome Rimi (28, 28, 27, 26, 28, 32, 32, 33, 33)
And the same holds true for Rimi. At least Rimi got some cool calls in lives, but... that’s not enough... that really isn’t enough...
Below neutral
Seta Kaoru (VB, VB, VB, VB, VB, VB, VB, 34, 34)
I will admit this: the fact that another character has taken your place on the very bottom of the list definitely helped make me dislike you less over the months. And I will also admit that you have some niche potential, especially since my earlier first impression of Rui being like you seems to be false (for better or for worse). Will I take you up to take advantage of that? Probably not... but fair is fair: I know the possibility is there so I figured I might as well acknowledge the fact that I know of the possibility.
And that’s all the characters, right? I definitely didn’t miss anyone, or at least I don’t think so. Eh, if I did then she probably isn’t important enough for me to mention.
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depressedandasian · 4 years
The differences between Adora and Catra are easily separated into two motivating factors corresponding to one of the two characters: Adora was and is focused on the bigger picture and doing what is best for everyone overall. Catra is primarily concerned about the things that personally impact her, and usually the overlapping quality of immediate impact.
It goes beyond the usual titles of "selflessness" and "selfishness" despite their actions throughout seasons manifesting as examples of said qualities.
Their issues are not derived from naturally occuring personality traits and quirks but from survival strategies both picked up from enduring the childhoods they lived. Adora was raised to be a savior (sacrifice) by any means, and Catra was inadvertently conditioned to value close personal relationships above all else.
It's why Adora fits in so well with the rebellion and why Catra outright despises the idea of it. The rebellion gives Adora the same purpose the Horde did even if it's on an opposing side, it offers Catra nothing (on the surface).
If I'm reading Catra correctly, someone like her picks and chooses who she bonds with carefully, or at least is miserly with her affections. It takes a long time for her to allow for the level of vulnerability needed to even make friends let alone keep close intimate ones. She cannot so easily transpose her relatively isolated and laser-focused attraction to Adora (someone whom she has been possessive over since early childhood) onto a much larger group of people. Her wants and needs are more like really selective burrs that'll latch onto people in contrast to Adora's perpetual "Gotta do what I gotta do" blanketing mentality.
What I'm saying is: It's easier for Adora to switch tracks with her hero-complex ideals, than it is for Catra to make new friends.
MelinaPendulum's video on Catra brings up a great point about how she is someone who automatically believes that love is finite and not unconditional (despite all the evidence that her own love is indeed unconditional once you break through her thick outer layer). Catra also believes that because love is not something people can consistently give to others, she seems to view it as something that cannot be equally bestowed upon more than one or two people by a single individual. Maybe it's a result of living under the unfocused and uncaring guardianship of the Horde, and the very hostile wardship of Shadow Weaver, but Catra shows that time and time again she cannot handle the idea of Adora showing anyone else attention or affection. She also extends this to how she treats others: she cannot show warmth and affection to others when she is hyperfocusing on Adora at all times.
This is one of many traits she shares with Glimmer, the prejudicial assumption that the momentary loss of attention by a close friend is a signal for eventual abandonment. This is rooted in deep self-doubt of their own worth as individuals and people in regards to the value their friends place on them. However Bow is a much MUCH better influence than Shadow Weaver is, and Glimmer can actually talk to him whereas Catra is probably terrified of breaching the subject of her own feelings towards Shadow Weaver with Shadow Weaver. Something tells me SW wouldn't particularly care for Catra to go "Hey I want to talk about how your continued condescension, belittling, and physical attacks really burst my bubbles, can you spare some time?"
Glimmer and Catra both show signs of extreme abandonment issues which is fascinating seeing as how the two weren't technically abandoned by the main objects of their trauma.
Shadow Weaver's denial of affection towards Catra while directly piling on adoration for Adora caused this rift where Catra sees Adora as competition for Shadow Weaver's love, but also Shadow Weaver as competition for Adora's love. This is why her "Adora chose Shadow Weaver not me" is so poignant because it describes a breaking point where the percieved finite amount of love that exists among all three parties is now only being recieved between two of them.
And I am describing a non-defined nebulas form of love that can be molded into any form of love.
This all impacts Adora greatly as well, although we don't see the emotional turmoil existing within her as it does within Catra until perhaps the very very end when Adora is finally allowed to consider what she personally wants. Adora ultimately comprehends that love is infinite and everlasting primarily because despite all the bullshit Catra pulls she is still holds a deep and unshakable amount of love for her. And this is due to several reasons, many not even having to do with Shadow Weaver, Adora as a person is just a more outgoing and bubbly woman than Catra is. But Shadow Weaver's constantly and openly showing her approval for Adora in direct and purposeful contrast to her hatred of Catra absolutely allowed for Adora to eventually accept the love and admiration of the rebels (although season 5 throws some cold water onto the idea of this being wholly a good thing).
But don't get me wrong, I believe all three women love squally as strong as one another (even Shadow Weaver). In my view love isn't finite, but it can be applied in varying levels of intensity on openness. Catra learns from Shadow Weaver: favoritism and holding affection hostage as a bargaining chip. Adora doesn't learn how to love from Shadow Weaver but how to perceive love given to her (in the form of praise and expectation to preform a duty) and she never withholds and bestows love in varying amounts to others as she see fit.
This is ultimately where I both agree and disagree with Stevenson's description of Adora and Catra obtaining traits from one another. I don't think they incorporated unique elements of one another's psyches into their own, but better come to understand how to deal with their affections, they begin to process their relationship to the ones they love through healthier and more mature lenses. But they do it through learning from one another, it's more like normal human growth from experiencing another's existence. But I'm probably overthinking it.
I think what makes the ending beautiful (aside from the extremely powerful and well executed climax) is that Catra ultimately understands that Adora's love for the universe does not exclude her at all, instead it is a vital part of her love for Catra. The universe/world/reality as we know it and Catra are not on different plains of existence. But it's hard for Catra to realize that she part of the grand idea of the universe that Adora is willing to die for because she personally does not recognize herself as being part of anything but her own little world with just Adora. Catra's eventual come to Jesus moment where she stands firm behind Adora's decisions and puts herself in harms way so that the latter won't be alone is so powerful because it represent Catra now knowing that she IS part of something bigger, that Adora is fighting so hard to save the universe because without it there'd be no Catra, and that she is loved, and that there are more things to life than just clinging onto the fear of losing your socially isolated way of life.
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