#she's much smaller than expected but that made it so much more amazing
echollama · 1 year
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Great charger for my stylus 😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂 my doodles are gonna be supercharged from now on
(just to clarify it is NOT a charger)
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uniquexusposts · 28 days
The Dutch Grand Prix - M. Verstappen (2)
Summary: Y/n and Max meet again after the race in a restaurant.
Note: you ask and I write✨✨
Part 1
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The sun was setting over the North Sea, casting a golden hue across the sandy dunes of Bergen aan Zee, a town north of Zandvoort. The small town was wrapped in a familiar calm, a peace that Y/n hadn’t felt in weeks. She’d left Zandvoort with her thoughts still racing as fast as the cars she’d watched earlier.
Now, in the fading light of the evening, she found herself drawn to her old favourite spot—an unassuming beach restaurant nestled just beyond the dunes, where the waves whispered against the shore and the world seemed to slow down. The place hadn’t changed much; the same weathered wood, the same string lights swaying in the breeze, the same scent of salt and seaweed lingering in the air. It felt like coming home. It was like coming home.
Y/n chose a table by the window, where she could watch the tide roll in as she tried to unravel the knot of feelings in her chest. The waitress greeted her with a warm smile, recognising her as a familiar face from years past. 
“Y/n L/n, right?”
Y/n nodded, trying to recall the girl. Who was she? Where did she know her from? “I know you from somewhere, but I can’t remember it…” She squinted her eyes. “What is your name, again?” 
“Manon,” the woman chuckled. 
Y/n’s eyes grew and a smile grew on her face. “Holy shit, you have changed so much,” she said. Manon used to be her classmate during primary school. 
“Honestly, it’s like twenty years ago. I saw you and I just immediately recognised you. How have you been? Still live in France?” 
This moment made Y/n happy, exactly what she needed after this weekend. “Yes, I still live in France, we still own the chateau. How are you?” 
They rolled into a conversation, reconnecting again. And luckily, the restaurant wasn’t busy at all, so Manon had some time to talk. During the chat, some other people of the restaurant joined the conversation. Bergen was a small town, everybody knew each other, and it was something big when Y/n’s family emigrated to France. This was like a reunion. 
“So, how what the Grand Prix?” Manon asked after her eyes fell on the pass that was still hanging around Y/n’s neck. 
“It was amazing, but I’m glad I’m having a moment of peace.”
They both laughed about it. Then Manon asked Y/n for her order. Just like the old days, Y/n ordered a citrus lemonade and the famous club sandwich. 
As the lemonade was served, she gazed out at the horizon, the sun dipping into the water, turning the sky into a canvas of oranges and pinks. She tried to lose herself in the view, in the simplicity of being alone. Yet, she couldn’t do it. She hadn’t expected to feel so…unsettled after the race, after seeing Julien again, and after that brief, electrifying conversation with Max. 
Max Verstappen. 
The name still felt foreign on her tongue, yet it lingered in her mind, a strange echo of something she couldn’t quite place. She’d tried to brush off the connection they’d shared in the garage, telling herself it was nothing more than a polite exchange. Why am I making such a big deal of it? He’s having this kind of conversation with everyone. This was some kind of pre programmed conversation. And everybody got trapped in it. 
A sudden burst of laughter pulled her out of her thoughts. Y/n turned her head, and her breath caught in her throat. There, at the entrance of the restaurant, stood Max. He wasn’t alone—his family was with him, all smiles and easy conversation, clearly enjoying the afterglow of his race. But his presence filled the space in a way that made the small restaurant seem suddenly smaller, more intimate.
For a moment, their eyes met across the room, and the world seemed to narrow to just the two of them. Max’s expression shifted from surprise to something softer, a recognition that mirrored her own. She hadn’t expected to see him again, not here, not like this. She had the impression Max would leave the track, and the concerning country, as quickly as possible. But here he was, at a beach restaurant, near a small town, 40 kilometres up north from Zandvoort. 
Y/n quickly looked away and felt her heart quicken, a mix of excitement and nerves fluttering in her chest. She never knew how to act when she saw a famous person. But for real, what were the odds? In this quiet corner of the world, after everything that had happened today, here he was—again. She looked into his direction again. Max offered her a small, almost shy smile, the kind that made her stomach flip. Then, without breaking eye contact, he said something to his family, and they all began moving toward her side of the restaurant. Y/n’s pulse raced as she realised they were being seated at the table next to hers.
Internal error. 
As they settled in, Max glanced her way again, and this time, there was a question in his eyes, as if he were silently asking if it was alright for him to be here, to share this space with her. Y/n answered with a small, reassuring smile.
Besides herself and Max’ family, there were only two other people in the restaurant. It was like everyone else was at Zandvoort, or watched the race at home. No one would be at this place and beach now. It was odd to Y/n, it felt like she was an intruder to his time with his family. She looked ahead of her, to the sunset and tried to distract herself from the fact that Max was sitting next to her. 
A few minutes passed with stolen glances, the two of them navigating the strange but not unpleasant tension that crackled between them. Eventually, the waitress brought over another chair, sliding it in between the two tables as if sensing the inevitable—bringing them closer together.
Max’s family, getting lost in their conversation, didn’t seem to notice as he moved his seat to bridge the gap between their tables. But Y/n noticed, her breath catching as he settled beside her, their elbows nearly brushing. He looked at her then, really looked at her, and in his eyes, she saw the same question she’d been asking herself all evening: what now?
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” Max said softly, his voice carrying a warmth that matched the glow of the setting sun. There was something in his tone, a mix of surprise and something else—something hopeful.
“Neither did I,” Y/n replied, her voice just as quiet, as if they were sharing a secret. “But it’s nice… to see a familiar face.”
Max smiled, a real, genuine smile that reached his eyes this time. “Yeah, it is.” The pressure was off. “Do you get here often?” Then he looked away and he smirked. “That sounded like a bad pick up line. I’m sorry.” 
The wasn’t wearing his Red Bull Racing shirt, but just a black T-shirt and it seemed like he became a completely different person. 
“Didn’t even notice it,” Y/n laughed along, but it indeed sounded like a bad pick up line. “But, actually, yes. Well, not really now, but when I was a child, yes.” She noticed the question in his eyes. “I grew up in Bergen, the town around the corner. I moved away when I was ten years old.”
“Really? To where? Let me guess. France? Because your…”
He nodded. “Your ex,” he filled in, he caught a flash of hope in his stomach. “They spoke French.” But why was she here with her ex?
“Yes, yes, we moved to France when I was ten years old. Do you know Ik Vertrek?” Ik Vertrek was the Dutch version of the British No Going Back, where a family emigrates to another country to build a new life. 
He nodded. “No way,” he blurted and his eyes grew. “Which season and episode?”
“No,” Y/n laughed and covered her face with her hands. “Don’t you dare to look it up. But we were on that show, yeah.”
“You are a real reality star, Y/n,” Max teased. “And now? What’s happening with it now?”
“We are still running a business there.”
“Wow. I never met someone who was on Ik Vertrek.”
“And I never met a driver before,” she playfully replied, giving him a wink. 
A shy, but cheerful laugh rolled over Max’ lips. 
And just like that, the conversation flowed between them as easily as the waves outside, the earlier awkwardness melting away. Y/n carefully brought up the race. She didn’t want to only talk about the Grand Prix, she would understand if he wanted to talk about other things. And they talked about why Max was in Bergen; his family loved this place from weekend trips and they saw it as an opportunity to relive this moment again. Y/n found herself laughing more than she had in days, the weight of the weekend slowly lifting as they shared stories and memories.
As the evening wore on, the line between their two tables blurred until it was as if they were one group, one conversation, one shared experience. Max’s family welcomed her into their fold without hesitation, and Y/n felt a sense of belonging that she hadn’t felt in a long time. But most of all, she felt the connection between her and Max grow stronger with every passing moment, like a tide that couldn’t be held back.
Taglist: @itsjustkhaos@crashingwavesofeuphoria@maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry @snzleclerc @ironmaiden1313 @barcelonaloverf1life @itsjustkhaos
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bones4thecats · 6 days
➸ Your Wedding Day; Idia Shroud × S/O
Character: Idia Shroud A/N: This was something that I've wanted to write for quite a while, so I'm happy I finally got my Idia-wedding ideas out and posted for you guys to see. Hope you fellow Idia simps enjoy! Disclaimer(s): Reader's dress, Idia's suit, and song to listen too
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╚═════ Idia Shroud ════════════════════════════╝
🎮 We all know this guy enjoys his privacy, and that includes privacy with you (of course it does, why wouldn't it?)
🎮 You happily handed him a list of some ideas for your wedding, to which he just sighed and set his headphones down to read over. Ever since College ended, he had been working more and more with S.T.Y.X., so whenever he got some free time, he'd either play games or rest with you
🎮 More than not, he would just sleep with you right beside him. The guy's tried, give him a break
🎮 But, when he proposed, he did not expect such a long list of things you guys needed to decide on for your wedding. He figured that you'd have it all laid out and not worry about it like a character in a show/movie
🎮 As he read the list over, he put tiny skulls by whatever he found that he liked the idea of. Cost wasn't a big deal, but he knew that you wanted a smaller wedding when you guys spent your second-year anniversary together
🎮 He agreed with the idea, but never gave it a second thought. Rookie mistake.
🎮 Idia handed you back the list and you then put check-marks besides the ones you agreed with him on. Your big-day was in only 9 weeks, so getting everything else laid out was something you guys needed to get done immediately
🎮 Snapping his headphones back on as you made call after call and message after message, Idia let his mind wander onto what he dreamt your wedding would look like. From flowers to you in your dress, it didn't matter. It was all there
🎮 When your wedding finally came, your soon-to-be-husband was having a nervous breakdown. Though, why wouldn't he be? He was an introvert having to go up there in front of people and confess his love to you
🎮 While yes, it was all people both you and him knew extremely well, it was still a lot of people!
🎮 His father walked up behind him and smiled, his blue-flame hair matching his son's as he put the brooch of a gem-eyed skull on his suit
"You look so awesome, big brother!" Ortho said from behind their father.
"Thanks, O'. How's Y/N doing?" He asked.
"She's doing great! She looks beyond amazing in her dress! You're gonna be a big strawberry when you see her go down the isle."
🎮 Idia smiled and looked at himself in the mirror, the long flame hair that he always kept loose without any care for, all neatly put together in a brushed-up style with a bow keeping it behind his shoulders. This was what you wanted, so it was what you were going to get
"Boys! Come on! Wedding's about to start!" Mrs. Shroud said from the doorway, causing all three Shroud boy's hair to erupt before settling again. Thankfully it didn't burn anything...
"We're on out way, dear!" Mr. Shroud answered.
🎮 Mr. Shroud looked back at his sons and smiled, planting his new face-only helmet back on his head, his hair sticking out, as it was shorter, but brighter in terms of fire-light
"Let's head out to see your new chapter, Idia."
🎮 Idia stood there before you, hair all nice, while you stood before him, your long white dress standing out while your veil was draped in front of your face, much to your future husband's dismay. It was hard to find comfort in your eyes without straining his eyes to look beyond the thin fabric
"Now, let's get these vows out, shall we?" The Minister said.
🎮 You smiled and looked at Idia, motioning for him to start. He just took a deep breath, taking a simple glance at his mother, whom was standing behind you as one of her bridesmaids, to which she nodded
🎮 Idia looked deep in your eyes and spoke from his heart. Like I said, no planning involved for this poor boy
"Y/N. You were like the boss that I couldn't defeat. I feared everyone in College, but you just kept coming back and I couldn't seem to put up a firewall to keep you away from me. Every time I heard you were somewhere, I felt the urge to go there just to see your face and hear your laughter. I was at your mercy, and your mercy alone. Ever since the first date we had years ago, I just wanted... no... I needed you to always be by my side. I love you, and I hope you feel the same in your heart."
🎮 You smiled and raised your hand under your veil to wipe a stray tear from your face as you then looked into his eyes and spoke your own vows
"Idia, you were everything I could've asked for. That may sound weird, but it's the truth. When I first met you, I thought you'd be one of the most difficult people to deal with, but I could never have been more wrong. You were charming in your own way, and you still are, without even trying! The way you link in technology in when you speak, the way you furrow your eyebrows when speaking, to the way your eyes shimmer when you find like or do something successfully, it's all enchanting to me. And I never want to let that enchantment go. And I never plan on it. I love you so much, Idia, forever and always."
🎮 He smiled at you as the Minister called for the rings, making Ortho come up and hand you both your wedding wings. Yours to Idia's being black with dark-blue colored edges, while Idia's to you was also black-ringed with a shining blue, heart-shaped gemstone on the top
🎮 You looked into his eyes once more as you placed the jewelry on his ring-finger while he did the exact same afterwards. All of his anxiety was now gone, nobody else was there besides you and him in his mind. You two were the only things that mattered
"You may kiss the bride." The Minister announced, stepping back for you both.
🎮 Idia lifted your veil before grabbing your waist and holding one side of your cheek with his hand and laying his forehead on yours, slowly moving to close the gap between your lips
🎮 Everyone cheered as you left one another's kiss and smiled, hugging one another as he whispered into your ear before setting off for the after-party with the people who attended your day
"I love you so damn much, Y/N."
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Falling In Love With Leo Valdez
summary : title speaks for itself. reader is a daughter of Poseidon. timeline is from the lost hero to mark of Athena.
word count : 0.7k
type : imagines
pairing/s involved : Leo Valdez x Reader, Brother! Percy Jackson x Reader
warning/s : dealing with a loved one's disappearance, depression, and coping
here is my masterlist!
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Percy is the amazing older brother anyone could ever ask for. He made sure that you were thoroughly trained and well-oriented on what it means to be a demigod.
The only downside? He is extremely protective, especially when someone is romantically interested in you.
"PERCY!" You see the camper who flirted with you earlier got knocked off of his canoe and almost drowned in the lake.
"What? It wasn't me."
But his face says otherwise. He can be insufferable.
You love him dearly anyway.
So when he vanished that summer, you are a mess. Chiron had to monitor your every move because you might try to find Percy on your own.
Annabeth told you she received a word of where he is and assured you that everything will be okay. Instead she brought back three strangers with her.
One particularly caught your attention with his elf-like features and scrawny build. You found him... cute.
As expected, Leo flirted with you right away. How could he not? You are hot! 😍
"Hey there, cutie. Are you a goddess?"
"No. My name is (Y/N)."
"Leo Valdez but you can call me anything you want-"
"How about dead?" Annabeth cuts him off, giving him an icy glare. That was enough to shut him up.
Leo uses all of his time to be with you. He is so in love, it's almost sickening.
At first, it's just harmless flirting.
Then he notices the little things— you don't eat that much, easily space out in conversations, lethargic, and has always a forlorn look on your beautiful face.
You, on the other hand, have repressed your emotions to look 'strong'. Annabeth tries to be there for you but she is suffering too.
That's why you bawled your eyes out when Leo asks you about Percy one night.
After that, he swears to you that he will be there to help you cope and look for your brother as well.
He lessens the flirting, shifting to jokes and funny stories that make you laugh.
Disobeying the rules in the dining pavilion, he eats his meals with you on the Cabin 3 table.
You're the first person he brings in Bunker 9, letting you use the place for your own leisure. You often nap there.
Despite the instant attraction, trust gradually grows between you and Leo.
You weren't some silly crush anymore but someone Leo can confide in, and he to you.
Those who observe see that you are becoming lively again. Your smile is no longer forced, you're now eating well, and looking forward to training and games.
The moment you realize Leo wasn't just a friend was because of some jerks who think you were out of his league.
"Come on, man. She wouldn't date you."
You quickly walked up to them and kissed him in front of everyone.
To say Leo is surprised is an understatement. He almost blew up right then and there. That was his first kiss.
You had to pull him to your cabin to confess properly. Let's just say Leo had more than his first kiss that night. 👀
You two aren't officially dating yet, probably because of the war that's about to come.
However, you act like you do— displaying affections, acts of service, and most importantly, keeping each other alive.
There were no need to exchange I love yous, actions were more than enough. Though, Leo loves saying that to you whenever he can.
Annabeth knows Percy will likely kill Leo but if he makes you happy then why not?
Flashforward to Camp Jupiter, you walk to Reyna with Jason and the others. By the distance, you see Percy running towards you with his hands reaching out.
He engulfs you in a hug that you're sure will break your ribs.
"How come my little sister got smaller?"
"Shut up."
You both feel the heavy weight of worry on your shoulders disappear, Percy tigtening his hug on you if that was possible.
Even with the danger looming over all of your heads, you felt safe and content in Percy's arms. Everything seems perfect.
Now, there's only one problem...
How can you tell Percy that you're in love with Leo without the chances of drowning him to death?
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goosewithtwoos · 5 months
pairing: bob x reader
summary: bobs just too sweet
“You’re just,” you struggle to find the right words. “too sweet.”
Bob furrows his brow. “Too sweet?” He asks, placing down his tea.
“Yeah, that’s you’re problem. You’re too sweet. You let people walk over you. You need to have a bit of a backbone if you want to be respected.” You explain.
The two of you were sitting in his living room, having just come back from a morning run. You hated cardio - weight lifting was a much better workout in your opinion - but Bob was a runner and had wanted you to join him for a run for so long you finally gave in.
His Naval Academy shirt was faded in stark contrast to his blue PT shorts. You’d never be caught dead in PT uniform outside of the work day but somehow he made it work.
During the run, he had been explaining how this new command was trying to keep him from hops and began training him as an unmanned aircraft system operator. Of course, it was nice to have this extra knowledge but he was a WSO and should be treated as such. He talked for most of the run, mainly because you couldn’t speak for more than three sentences without getting winded, so now was your time to offer advice.
“There’s nothing wrong with being firm.” You sip your now lukewarm coffee, making a flippant gesture with your hand.
Bob shifted in his seat. “I don’t want to seem belligerent. It is a good opportunity.”
“But it’s keeping you from your primary job.” You roll your eyes. “Come on, Bobby, you don’t actually want to be some drone operator, do you?”
His eyes dipped. “No.”
“There you go!” You exclaim. “Tell them that. Exactly like that. You want to be a WSO. You’re amazing at your job anyways, they’d be stupid to keep you from it.”
A light dust of pink began to cover Bobs’ cheeks. You knew he had a hard time receiving compliments and always tried to brush them off. Your current attempts at getting him to accept compliments was exposure therapy and you tried to interject as many as possible during your conversations.
“I’m not that good…” He mumbles into his tea as he takes another sip.
You snap your fingers at him, shaking your head. “This is what I mean. You’re letting people get into your head. Take the compliment.” He dipped his head lower, taking another lengthy sip to avoid speaking. “This is where you say, ��You’re right’ and ‘Thank you, I know I’m amazing’.”
“I can’t say that if it’s not true.”
You couldn’t tell if you wanted to kill him or squish him. He was so adorable and yet made you want to pull your hair out. It was quite a confusing mix.
“Robert. For once, if you’ve ever loved me, take the compliment.” You say, placing down your cup.
He shrugs a little which makes you gasp in mock horror before he smiles. “Of course I love you but it’s just hard to accept.”
You shrink back in your seat, crossing your legs. “Who hurt you?” You mumble more to yourself than to him. “Have you ever taken a compliment?”
“Of course!” He cries.
You raise a brow. “Three examples, now.”
“One, when I received my acceptance to the Academy and had my college counselor beaming with pride. She told me I had done well.” He looked proud of himself remembering that one. “Two, when I graduated and my grandmother came to see me, she said that I was the smartest in the family. And three, when I-“ His voice cut off and his ears went red.
“When?” You press, leaning forward ever so slightly.
He waves you off. “Let me think of something else. It was a bad example.”
“No, no, no,” you push. “Tell me.”
He turned away, unable to meet your eyes. “When I…I went…” his voice was growing smaller by the second. He covers his mouth with the back of his hand ever so slightly before finishing the statement. “on a girl and she called me a good boy.”
You couldn’t stop the laughter that came out of you. You’d never assumed Bob would have a praise kink, and especially not one that consisted of him being called a good boy.
“I’m sorry.” You weren’t. “I just wasn’t expecting that.”
Bob was completely red by this point, opting to drink his tea rather than respond.
“I mean, were you being a good boy?” He chokes.
Sputtering, he looks at you, eyes full of panic. “I can’t answer that!”
“Oh, come on, you can tell me. I told you about my…incidents.” Incidents was a polite way to put it. Bob was the first person you’d go to whenever something had gone awry during on of your hookups due to his understanding and nonjudgmental nature. No matter what you’d say, he’d listen and nod, telling you it was always the mans fault and even though you might have called him someone else’s name, it was his problem for not having a more memorable name.
“I think I was.” He says quietly, shrugging ever so slightly.
“I bet you were.” You hum, finishing off your coffee.
Bob just stares, eyes wide and lips slightly apart. His breath hitched as he tried to form a coherent sentence. A sound that slightly resembles “Huh?” come from him and you roll your eyes.
“You’re always such a good boy, Bobby.” You mean it as a joke. You were saying it in a slightly mocking tone. So why did the words feel so right? Why were they so smooth on your lips? And why - God, why - did they seem to have such an impact on both you and him?
Something changed in his eyes. They glossed over with a feeling you didn’t think you’d ever see in him. Desire. Need.
“Say it again.” It wasn’t a question, he was demanding. Damn his pretty blue eyes.
You swallow hard. This had implications. You could tell how badly he needed it and what it was doing to him. You didn’t want to just fuck with his emotions. But you did mean it. He was a good boy. He’d always helped you with reports and post-flight write ups. He always went out of his way to make sure you were okay. He was such a good boy.
“You’re a good boy.”
His breath was coming out a bit harder now, and his hands had curled into fists like he was trying to keep himself from reaching out and touching you. Not like that would have been a bad thing.
“Can…” His voice failed him. He tried again. “Can I show you?”
“Show me how you’re a good boy?” You ask. Your heart was starting to race. You’d never seen this side of him before. He nods fervently. “Okay.”
It was barely a whisper. You weren’t even sure if a sound came out or you’d just mouthed the words but once you’d said them, that was all he needed.
He grabs you by the back of the head, tangling his fingers through your hair, and pulls you into a lip bruising kiss. This was definitely not sweet. This was needy, urgent, like he wanted to devour you. You kissed back, allowing yourself to melt into him. He was taking and you’d give him everything.
He leaned farther into you, pressing you backwards until you were laying on the couch. He was over you, pressing all his body weight down, and you could feel what suspiciously felt like him grinding against your thigh.
Your arms wrap around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. Your hips buck up, desperately trying to chase the friction against him.
His glasses felt cold against your skin and you smiled ever so slightly.
He moans into your mouth and pulls a hand from your hair down to your chest. Your hands grip into his shirt as he paws at you, feeling your ribs, waist, hips, anything he can get his hands on.
“Need to taste you.” He groans out, like it was paining him not to be nose deep within you. “Bet you taste so good.”
You’d never seen a man so worked up before. Bob was panting like he was in heat. And it was the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
“I’m still sweaty.” You say between a laugh. He moved down to your neck, nipping at the soft skin, finding any open area and leaving a mark. He groans, pressing himself down against your thigh again.
“Bet it just makes you taste better.”
Your mind was short circuiting. Was this really the same Bob who once cried while watching a nature documentary because a penguin carried around a rock instead of an egg? The same Bob who called you when he got drunk to confess that he’d once stolen a phone charger from some gas station during a cross country trip when he’d lost his wallet at a Waffle House? Somehow, it was.
And this same Bob was pushing your shirt up and pulling your shorts down.
He looks up at you and it was a sight to behold. His mouth was slightly ajar, and his pupils blown completely wide.
“Hold these?” He asks, taking off his glasses and passing them up to you. You put them on, more as a joke than anything, but the moment he saw you wearing them, he surges forwards and kisses you again.
“So pretty.” He moans. “God, you’re gorgeous.”
You would normally feel self conscious but something about him made you feel so safe and secure. You trusted him with everything. He really was -
“Such a good boy.” You murmur as he began sliding down your body again. He stops, dropping his head so his forehead presses against your lower abdomen.
“Again.” He whispers. You could feel his breath tickling ever so slightly.
“Fuck, Robert, you’re such a good boy.” Your hand runs through his hair, pulling slightly before letting go.
He lets out a whimper before getting back to the task at hand, removing your shorts entirely, leaving you in just your underwear with your shirt pushed all the way up. He finds his place between your thighs, throwing your legs over his shoulders. It probably wasn’t the most comfortable position for him but in that moment, you were sure he couldn’t care less.
He licks you through your panties, moaning when your legs tense around his head.
“Please.” You moan when his tongue presses especially well against your clit. “Need you so bad.”
He eyes flit up to yours again, his glasses having fallen partially down your face so you could see just over the rims, and it was a miracle you didn’t come right then and there.
Feral, a man possessed.
He doesn’t even bother taking them off properly, he just pulls your panties to the side and dives in.
It was good. God, it was so fucking good. Your hand finds his hair again, pulling him impossibly closer to you. It was like he knew your body better than you did, the way he could alternate between fucking you with his tongue to sucking on your clit.
“Fuck, Robert,” you cry out. “You’re such a good boy. Oh my God, so good. Such a good boy, holy shit.” You were babbling at this point, the words didn’t make much sense in your mind but your mouth just kept moving. “My sweet boy, my good boy, fuck honey, you’re amazing.”
He pulls away and you want to cry. He presses kisses against your thigh while you try to remember how to breath properly.
“You taste so good. Wanna keep you here forever so I can have this forever.” He says.
You nod in agreement. “Please. You can. Anytime you want.”
His groan sends vibrations through you. You’re mind is a daze. Your hand cups his cheek, gently rubbing the side of his face. His stubble feels rough under your skin but the coarseness only makes your heart swell more.
“Gonna make me come like a good boy?” You ask, voice barely a whisper.
He responds by diving back in, tongue licking up your slit, collecting your wetness on his lips. Your back arches again, hips bucking. His glasses begin to slip off but your mind can’t care about anything other than the man who’s head is currently between your legs, showing you more pleasure than any man has shown you before.
He wraps his arm around so that his hands are free and you can feel his biceps tensing under your legs. The thought of his muscles had never turned you on before but suddenly, it caused a rush of heat to shoot through you.
His thumb comes down to play with your clit while his mouth still works your slit. The light teasing circles from his finger was such a different feeling from how his relentless and eager tongue was bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
You could feel that cool in your stomach tightening. Your hips were bucking more frequently and when you felt his index finger run across your folds, you knew you were a goner.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Robert, please.” You moan.
“You don’t gotta beg.” He tells you, resting his head on your thigh for a moment, taking you in. His fingers were still working you, keeping you right on the edge. “I’ll give you everything you need.” His accent was thicker than normal and you wanted to see just how deep it could get. Another time though, you didn’t want any distractions from this current event.
When his mouth connects with your clit, you swear it was a religious experience, and you were coming before you even realized it.
“Good boy, good boy, good boy.” You keep repeating as he works you down from your high. Finally, once he deems you to be clean enough, he lifts his head, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Do you uh…do you want anything for yourself?”
He looks to the side sheepishly. “I’m…good.” You sit up quickly and look at him. A wet spot stains his crotch just barely visible in his PT shorts. The thought of him coming just from eating you out sends another wave through you.
Perhaps a five minute intermission before round two wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
Secret’s Out
[A/N: Some fluff in honor of our favorite man’s birthday 🖤]
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x wife!reader
You love celebrating your partner’s birthday. An excuse to pamper your favorite person more so than usual, and they can’t refuse because it’s their special day? Amazing.
Your partner, on the other hand, is less than enthusiastic about the day. “It’s just another day,” he always tries to play it off. “Another year around the sun gifting me with more grays and wrinkles to prove it.”
You’ve adjusted to his understated manner, toned down your celebratory whims to make his day special in smaller, less overt ways.
“I’m not making a big deal about it,” you’d promised your first birthday together with a smile, catching the raised eyebrow you were greeted with when he spotted the lavish breakfast spread out over the kitchen table.
“Still not making a big deal. You needed a new one,” was your excuse some birthdays later when he opened a carefully wrapped box to find a new watch with words from your wedding vows engraved on the back.
“This one is so not-a-big-deal,” you’d affirmed just last year, presenting him with two tickets to a five day island getaway. “It’s November in DC and I miss the sun, that’s all.”
And so the years have gone, keeping Aaron Hotchner’s birthday under wraps much to the chagrin of his team. Garcia, to her credit, has made a Herculean effort to keep the date quiet as requested, or perhaps she’s sworn everyone to secrecy by now. Inexplicably, Aaron finds a single cupcake waiting on his desk annually.
Aaron’s birthday was a quiet affair, that is, until this year.
The case your husband had been on had spanned many more days than expected, and you’d been forced to postpone the family trip you had planned to celebrate his birthday. So here you are, waiting in his office for the team’s return. Chatter suddenly breaks the silence of the bullpen, the unmistakable sound of Aaron’s baritone mixed with the many voices of your found family.
The kids are tearing out of the office before you even rise from the couch.
Your toddler reaches the BAU team first, and Aaron’s quick to drop his go-bag in favor of catching the pig-tailed bundle of energy midair as she squeals out an excited, “Happy birthday, Daddy!”
Aaron’s eyes widen in shock, and your stomach swoops at the FBI’s best kept secret being so blatantly revealed by the littlest Hotchner.
But then Aaron’s propping your daughter on his hip and pressing kisses to her cherubic cheeks while she giggles at the onslaught, and Jack is wrapping his arms around his dad’s waist, mumbling a “Welcome home, Dad, happy birthday,” into his dress shirt, and Aaron is squeezing both of your kids like their very presence imbues life into him, and all is right in the world. You take note of money quietly exchanging hands behind Aaron greeting your kids. Evidently, Garcia had kept the date a secret.
The team splits up to drop luggage and paperwork on their desks, and Aaron looks up to the stairs leading to his office then, his smile somehow growing wider when he spots you standing there, a blush dotting your cheeks. “You know there’s no stopping these two when their hero comes home,” you offer sheepishly, and he angles his head to beckon you closer. You’re by his side in an instant and pressing a kiss to his lips even as your children- spurred on by Uncle Derek and Uncle Spencer- protest with a chorus of ews and elaborate gagging noises.
“You were just giddy about me kissing you,” Aaron points out to your daughter whose face is screwed up in feigned disgust from her front row seat on Daddy’s hip.
“It’s not the same as you kissing Mom,” Jack huffs with the gusto of an all-knowing pre-teen, so his dad rolls his eyes and pecks your lips again for good measure.
“May I propose,” Rossi interjects, one hand on your shoulder and the other on your husband’s, “dinner at my place to celebrate?” Aaron opens his mouth to protest, but Dave lifts a hand and clarifies, “Ah- celebrate closing the case, Aaron. It’s not all about you.” He shoots you a wink and you bite your lip to hide a smile.
“Up to you, birthday boy,” you murmur, lightly running your hand across his chest, but your kids and his team are looking so hopeful that Aaron knows it’s really not up to him, after all.
“Okay,” he relents with a laugh, nodding his head. “Thank you, Dave, that’s really kind of you to offer.”
The night turns out to be an absolute blast full of good food, great drinks, and wonderful company. Your little one is currently sound asleep in her Uncle Spencer’s lap while he stumps her older brother and JJ and Will’s sons with his latest magic trick. Penelope and Derek are out on a secret mission (they’re getting a cake) that Aaron is completely in the dark about (he totally knows). The rest of you are scattered about the living room, chatting and sipping your drinks while you await the secret agents’ return, and Sinatra croons on in the background about having a love to keep him warm. Sidling up to Aaron, you rest your head on his sturdy shoulder and murmur a simple, “Hey.”
He turns to press his lips to your forehead and utters a, “Hey, you,” in return.
“Sorry the cat’s out of the bag after all these years,” you say, absentmindedly toying with the collar of his tie where he’s loosened it a bit.
“Oh, honey, don’t apologize,” Aaron admonishes lightly, shifting his position so he can snake an arm around you and you can settle more snugly into his side. “Honestly, I’m amazed we kept it under wraps for so long.”
You let your hand drift further upwards, now tracing a little heart into Aaron’s cheek with your index finger. Emily clearly used a heavy hand in her role as bartender. “Really?”
Your husband curls his hand around your wrist to guide it closer to his mouth and presses a kiss to the pad of your finger. “Really,” he affirms. “Y’know, these guys had a bet going about my birth date but…” He leans closer like he’s about to let you in on a secret, and you sit up straighter, all business. “Dave and I had a bet going about who would spill first. That little chatterbox,” he murmurs, inclining his head toward your sleeping toddler, “or her chatterbox mom.”
“I resent that.”
“I know.”
With a huff, you kiss his cheek, then his nose, and then his lips. “But I’ll let it slide since it’s your birthday.”
The lights in the living room grow dim then, and Penelope enters with a small cake in hand, her face lit up by a ring of candles. “Derek said we shouldn’t mortify you by singing, but I couldn’t resist at least getting candles, sir.” She sets the cake down on the coffee table before taking a step back as the rest of your family gathers around. Your little girl barely stirs in Spencer’s arms when he approaches, while Jack slips into the spot next to his dad and instructs, “Make a wish!”
“Oh, buddy,” Aaron laughs warmly, looking around at your big family with a smile before kissing the top of his head and affectionately squeezing your knee, “what more could I wish for?”
AH tags 🖤 @gothwifehotchner @iyv-ray24 @mrs-ssa-hotch @criminalskies @callm3c0nfus3d
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licorice-tea · 2 months
The Captain Who Loved Me (1/2)
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: Angst, Reader is hurt/unconscious (briefly), reader tries to run away from their problems, ends up in a dangerous situation, themes of fear/ danger!, fluff afterwards, sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors!
Word Count: ~1.6k
A/N: Hey… Sorry it’s been so long! My life has been busy, to say the least. Borderline chaotic, but I don’t want to make it out to be a bad thing when there are so many amazing things and people in my life right now. However, there have been a few personal events that have made me less motivated/ less focused on writing. I’m sorry for making you all wait for updates/ requests, but I genuinely am just lacking a lot of interest in writing fanfic at the moment. Still, J appreciate all of your support so so much <3 It makes my day when I go on this app and see that people are still enjoying things I’ve written! So, I hope you enjoy this one too. (Part 1/2 bc i want to do a shorter ending.)
Part 3
Law hadn't thought that when you said you would “go,” you wouldn't really try to leave. And in all fairness, neither had you. You just started walking away from him, way too peeved to even look back or slow down when you heard his stuttered “wait!” And when you got back to your cabin, you picked up a backpack. Then you had filled it with only the essentials (the same way you would pack to go inland for a day or possibly longer.) And finally, with no purpose in your plan besides getting away for a little while and clearing your mind, you headed below deck to the Soldier Dock System.
Franky named this deck the Soldier Dock System because, as he had once explained to you, all of the smaller vehicles housed within the Sunny are like her soldiers. The memory makes you smile as you quietly open the door and close it behind you, then stroll along the small walkway until you spot what you came down here for in the first place: The Mini Merry 2. She bobs in shallow water and seems to call to you; “Get in! Let’s go!”
You’re too tired to make the right decision, so you quickly open channel 2 of the dock system, drop your bag into the passenger seat, and climb in after. An opening on the side of the Sunny lets in higher waters, which carry the Mini Merry out to sea…
“Have you seen y/n?”
Zoro’s head snaps up to the other swordsman. The two don’t converse much outside of what's necessary, so he's surprised to see the equally stoic man standing over him while he “naps” (keeps watch) in the crows nest. He shakes his head.
“Aren’t you supposed to be keeping watch?”
“Yeah, on the ocean. Not my own crew mates.”
Law scoffs, and mutters; “Thanks for nothing.”
Zoro can tell the other captain is annoyed for some reason, and decides to throw him a bone. “Traffy!”
“Check the lower levels. They might be hanging out in someone’s workshop… or whatever.”
Law regards Zoro with a suspicious gaze, but it soon turns to one of quiet thanks. He nods and leaves through the hatch in the crows nest.
Cool sea air hits him stronger than expected as soon as he exits the confines of the crows nest. With one hand and both feet planed (somewhat) firmly on the rope ladder, Law leans back to view the weather. A storm is brewing on the horizon, which shouldn’t be any problem for a ship as massive and advanced as the Thousand Sunny. The navigator/thief had briefed everyone on board on the gloomy weather that night after dinner, and though Law had been too distracted by thoughts of you, he had managed to pay a little bit of attention for the sake of important information. You hadn’t been at the impromptu meeting regarding the sea and sky’s conditions, so he had just assumed you were probably resting in your cabin already. No reason to worry over your safety if you were already fast asleep, right?
But as Law continues to survey the waters surrounding his temporary residence, he spots an anomaly. A tiny boat, rocking on the water as the ocean seems to send more violent waves its way. With squinted eyes, Law observes the miniature ship. It’s hard to see through the oncoming rain, but he can make out the lone passenger’s bent knees. They’re apparently trying to brace themselves as they struggle with the steering mechanism at the front of the boat, and their hair is whipped every which way about their face by winds that must be much stronger that far out at sea. It’s hard to make out their features because of the rain that comes down in sheets over their mysterious figure, but when he finally catches a glimpse of their face, Law’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
He watches in horror as, what he now recognizes as your ship, is tossed back and forth on the tumultuous waves. You look over your shoulder and back at the Sunny, before you lose your balance. But your head seems to be struck by something at the front of the ship during your short fall, based on the way you first wobble, almost find your footing by leaning forwards, then jolt backwards. Law yells your name at the top of his lungs, but you do not move.
When you open your eyes to find yourself tucked into your bed, you think nothing of it. That is, until the throbbing pain in the center of your forehead reveals itself to you. Then the memories of a storm all come flooding back: the freedom you had felt in your first few moments in open water, alone with your thoughts. How quickly that sense of calmness had turned to panic as the weather changed in an instant, leaving you to desperately try to steer back towards the Sunny in a boat no taller than yourself. Slipping on the small deck, only for your head to hit something and… black out. And you remember Law’s voice, too; he had sounded so distant that it must have been your imagination .
The soft creak of your bedroom door draws you from the rush of memories, and you look up to find Chopper making his way into your room with a tray. He doesn’t realize your eyes are open until he’s set it down on a bedside table, and climbed up onto your bed with a stethoscope in hand.
“Y/n! You’re awake!” he gasps.
You offer a weak smile and attempt to sit up, but the reindeer gently pushes you back down. “Chopper… What happened?”
“You had an accident during the storm 3 days ago-“
“3 days ago?”
“Yes, Nami briefed the crew on it. But then Traffy found you on the Mini Merry 2, a mile from the ship!”
“I- I didn’t know there would be a storm…”
Chopper frowns while placing his stethoscope on your chest. You take 2 deep breaths in and he nods to himself before simply sitting beside you. “What were you doing out there?”
You shrug, “I just wanted to clear my head.”
He pays your arm, “I don’t know what’s going on between you and Traffy, but he cares for you a lot. He used his devil fruit to save you in the middle of the ocean, which… could have ended badly.”
This strikes a chord within you. Of course you knew Law cared for you to some degree, but knowing that he put his own safety on the line to help you in your time of need… Perhaps it was wrong of you to assume he was selfish and cold for refusing to admit what was so glaringly obvious to everyone else. What is now so clear to you, too.
He loves you.
“Oh… And is he-“
“He’s fine, but I prescribed him some much needed rest from coming in contact with sea water.”
Chopper finishes examining you and gives you some pain medication for your head, then leaves you alone to properly wake up and get yourself together. To no surprise, your alone time doesn’t last long as an influx of visitors find their way to your cabin.
First are Nami and Robin, who knew you were awake from hearing your voice through shared walls. They come with a small bouquet of flowers from Robin’s garden in a pretty little decorative vase, and each make themselves comfortable in your room. Though the door is closed, Luffy excitedly barges in soon after, followed by Usopp, then Chopper again. He scolds the two young men for disturbing your peace and possibly riling you up, but you assure the even younger doctor that it’s more than fine. Because, in your opinion, there’s nothing like your nakama’s company to raise your spirits. Zoro must have wandered in at some point and decided to take a nap on your floor, which you only realize when Sanji opens the door and hits the swordsman’s leg when he (gently) kicks it open. They resolve to only glare at each other for a moment before Sanji hands you a cup of something warm and sweet, “For someone warm and sweet.”
The 8 of you spend some time chatting and enjoying your company before you find the courage to ask, “Where is everyone else?”
“Jimbei is steering the ship-“
“Brook is keeping watch-
“And Franky is working below deck. Something about improving the Mini Merry 2… But that’s not really what you wanted to know, is it?”
You feel your face heat up as you meet Robin’s all-knowing eye and shake your head “no.” She smiles at you and giggles pass between your crew mates.
Your friends file out of your room (or are ushered out by Nami and Robin, rather, who insist that you should get some more rest.) But soon enough, there’s yet another knock at your door. Your breath hitches, as you feel you already know who’s on the other side…
“Come in.”
Taglist: @augustanna @lavanderdreamve @pinksaiyans @khaleesihavilliard @jennapancake @pinki-minki @loserbee14 @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction @nyxlai @mrs-monkey-d-luffy @pi-crust @bookboyfriendssaveme @dark-swedish-suitcase-blog
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sugarjar · 17 days
On purpose -2
Roman reigns x oc
Lauren is handling her ex-boyfriend from colleges divorce, he and Lori embark on a journey that proves how things happen for reasons. Either hers or his will it work out this time.
Her thoughts are slanted and this is somewhat proofread.
Previous part
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This was my last case as a divorce settlement lawyer before I returned to being a prosecuting attorney. When I first went to law school it was to be a criminal attorney but when I graduated I was desperate to get out of debt and get a job so I settled into a smaller firm that paid well and was able to pay off my debt a few years ago but over time every last case became my last until the next one came along. I meant it this time Joe Is my last case and hopefully it's open and shut.
Making my way into the next conference and meeting I had with Joe walking down the long white minimalist halfway, with bright white lighting and pieces of furniture here and there and a mixture between abstract and a kind of Picasso. Opening the big gray painted white oak door laying eyes on the tall, brown eyes that I hadn’t seen in damn near twenty years, his hair was wrapped in a military style bun with his salt and pepper beard and he smelt more than heavenly when he reached in for a hug before we broke apart. I watched him drink in my grown woman's body. I hadn’t always had the curvy of curves but after college my grown woman body really settled in and I was more than in love with myself.
“Hello Joe, can you give me a bit of background or insight into your marriage over the last few years?” I said sitting down getting right into it sitting himself across from me and the polished oak table that matched the door. Looking back and forth between Joe and my pen and notepad as I waited for him to answer the question.
“Hi Lori, I'm doing great thank you for asking, haven't seen you in a while but that's okay.” he said sarcastically, having a conversation with himself using a bland tone before seeing my face and sitting up clearing his throat. “It was amazing the last few years but i've been working a lot between the traveling and long distance she couldn’t handle it and wanted to divorce about three years ago but I wanted to save us and suggested counseling and that i'd cut back on working and for about seven or so months it worked and everything was blissful but then I got an amazing storyline and it projected my career up and i started making more money but then i was way for way longer and we barely got to see each other and a few months ago she served me and said it was over and she didn’t want to try again.” he listed I wouldn’t dare and say I knew him because he’d changed so much since since id last seen him but i could see sadness in his eyes when he listed off the last few years with his wife Juile.
“Okay so what do you do for work?” I asked, jotting everything he’d just told me.
“I'm a wrestler, including endorsements of at least five million more if I book a lot.” he told me
“Okay and your wife wasn’t able to travel with you?” I asked him looking up.
“No, she gets sick in a car long distance and she works as a trauma surgeon so it’s hard for her to take time.” he explained watching me write it down, before asking my next question i made sure to make direct eye contact with him. “Did you at one point or another cheat on your wife with anyone whether that be emotionally or physically? I need you to be very honest with me.” I asked, waiting for something to change to tell if he was lying. At this point Joe had spoken with firmness in his tone and kept his answers short but detailed.
“No, because i was working so much i was too tired for sex at the end of most days.” he said staying firm with his tone and maintaining eye contact not seeming nervous at all.
“Okay and I don’t expect you to know this but did she at some point cheat on you in any way?” I asked keeping the same vibe, not one of tension but honest and open.
“No, she didn’t” continuing to answer firmly.
“Okay, and during the counsouling what was the conversation like?” i said counting to ask my normal oeping questions.
“Same things i just said working long and late and she felt like we weren’t married anymore and she felt neglected.” he reiterated
“And finally do you have any children?” I asked him
“Five, two set of twins four and six and a older daughter who just made fifteen.” he said making my eyes slightly bulge out of their sockets.
Hearing his deep chest laugh
“Sorry its just damn anyhow is there anything else i should know?” I asked him.
“No” he quickly gave
“Okay we’ll be intouch and figure out numbers and settlement later it seems like you both are ready to move on, this should be finialized by nexty month.” I said walking him out the door wanting to get the day over with.
Finally getting home just after ten o’clock I was beyond worn out and itching for a bubble bath, unlocking my front door hearing the automated voice announcing my arrival, my mother was standing in my kitchen over the stove.
“Momma, whatcha doing here?” I asked her sitting my briefcase down and stepping out of my heels my height dropping as I took them off one by one. Standing over with her hands in her hips looking at me some kind of way.
“Is that how you speak to someone let alone your momma?” She said with her ‘fix yourself tone’.
“Where Joe?” She asked looking behind where I was sitting and into the walk way.
“At home probably” I said standing and looking through the pot seeing chicken that hasn’t been fried yet as well as red beans with sausage and rice on the stove.
“I told you mama we’re not just going to fall out of the sky into a relationship, I’m just his divorce attorney.” I told her leaving the kitchen to go into my room and take my bath for bed.
Turning the faucet on and filling the tub floor with bubble solution slipping out of my clothes and into the water feeling the water warm and the bubble form on and around my wet body. Taking in a deep breath peacefully before my momma busted into the bathroom.
“Momma!” I said frantically gathering the bubbles to cover me before she smacked her teeth at me and with a wave of her hand said.
“Girl I’ve seen every crevice of your body you ain’t special.” She said sending a small ping to my heart but nonetheless shaking it off.
“That doesn’t matter, momma I’m grown you can’t do that.” I pouted at her. “God why does she always make me feel like a child”
“You worried about the wrong things you need to worry about how you gonna get Joe back, he’s doing more than well for himself with his play fighting.” She pointed
“What happened to this all being immature and besides that was a long time ago.” I said sinking I to the bath wanting her and this conversation to stop.
“Girl money is forever don’t be dumb now I’m going to finish the food and be on my way since you wanna act like you don’t care about nobody.” She said with an attitude walking off. Which made me sigh and just lay there and enjoy the warmth.
Getting out of the tub sometime later I dried my body off and did my nightly routine, slipping into a big tee-shirt before dipping into the kitchen for some food seeing a plate made and everything else cleaned up. Eating my food I thought about yet another guilting conversation with my momma.
I didn’t understand why she flipped from mommy dearest to getting like that. Finishing up and putting away my fish I slipped into bed and allowed sleep to take me.
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therapycat21 · 11 months
All Right Now Part 5
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description: The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None
Social Media AU
It has been almost a month since me and Travis had become exclusive and told the world. So far it has been amazing, we still both get hate but the positive comments outweigh the negative. A lot has changed since then I now have my own cooking and baking show on Max the streaming service where I have a new chef teach me how to cook or bake something they have made while some friends and family are there to help and join in.
I still haven't had Trav on yet even though the producers are trying to get me to agree to it.
Well he has partially been on the show, you can hear him sometimes in the background but still hasn't shown his face yet. Which fans have noticed all over Twitter.
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The amount of information they are trying to get from us is insane but expected and it doesn't seem to bother Travis at all. If anything he embraces it more than anything. Which is definitely a difference for me considering past relationships.
Travis and I have been posting with hints of each other but not fully showing our faces, In a way it’s kinda fun but if only I knew it was gonna change by this afternoon. I just finished getting ready to start filming an episode for the show and now waiting for my guests to let us know they're ready.
 My special guest for today was a heavily requested Gordon Ramsey. The producers gave me a signal that Gordon was on the phone, I’m then greeted by him on the big screen so we could see each other. I wave and smile “Hi! Thank you so much for coming on today” I tell him still smiling, He waves and gives a small smile “Hello darling, It is an honor to be here with you and teach you how to make one of my most famous dishes today” he tells me, we talk and joke for a minute before we get right into cooking. 
After learning and copying his steps we’re then interrupted by a yelling “Baby!” I hear Travis's boisterous voice yell from the other room, I share a panicked look at my mom before looking at Gordon holding in a shocked laugh “What in the bloody hell was that?” he questions.
I give him a small half smile blushing, feeling everyone’s gaze on me “That would be my boyfriend, who I told I was filming today” I tell them laughing, breaking the tension a little, I hold my finger up before excusing myself. 
I walk into the other room where Travis sits manspreading on what was supposed to be a huge couch but he makes it look thirty times smaller and playing his videogame. I give him a small look before he smirks, trying to get me to come closer. I walk over and try to stand in between his legs before he pulls me into his lap.
I give in before giving him a teasing look “You know I’m in the middle of filming right?” I question. He smirks before putting both hands and pulling my face to his, kissing my nose “I know but I wanted to tell you, you look beautiful today, oh and Mom wants us all to have dinner together tonight, if that’s alright with you?” he asks I nod at him “yeah, definitely, does she want me to make anything?” I ask he tries to hide a smile before nodding his head slightly “If you can, could you make some empanadas?” I try to hold back a smile before it breaks out onto my face anyway “Of course baby, now I gotta get back okay?”
I give him a chaste kiss before heading back into the kitchen. “Oh, wait, who’s the guest this week?“ he asks before I fully leave the room. I look back “It’s Gordon Ramsey” he goes blank giving me a shocked look, I can already see what he wants to ask next, I smirk waving my hand towards the kitchen “Come on, come say hi” I laugh as he jumps off of the couch rushing us both back into the kitchen.
We are greeted by the shocked look on my parents' Faces, I stand back in the frame behind the kitchen counter waving Travis over more “Gordon, this is my boyfriend Travis” he walks into the frame “Hey man I’m a really big fan” I look over to see he has a cheesy smile on his face, I give a quick laugh regaining his attention “why you laughing at me, it ain’t every day you meet a famous chef” he teases “I know I know It’s just adorable to see you so cheesy over him.” I tell him before he and Gordon talk a bit more before Travis excuses himself back into the other room but not before leaving me with a kiss on the nose and a tap on my side. I break the silence giving a giant sigh “Okay let’s get back to it” I smile at the camera.
The producers are gonna be extra happy about that, now they're off of my back and Travis got to meet one of the greatest chefs. Gordon smiles giving a cheeky response “Just so you know, when you two get married I will be the chef for your reception” he says making my face turn even redder “Ugh, are you calling it now?” I ask smiling he gives a belly laugh “Oh I am definitely calling it right now, you two will be married I guarantee it.”
We finish the episode and we all say goodbye to Gordon. I now clean everything before getting started on the empanadas for dinner tonight, this is the first time I will be making something for his family to try and oh my god it is nerve-wracking. After making the empanadas and both of us getting ready we head over to his mom's house for dinner.
3 Hours Later
After having dinner and the family gushing over the empanadas me and Travis decided to head back to the apartment for a chill night in.
After getting showers and into comfy clothes, we both sit down when Travis breaks the comfortable silence “Is it okay If I post you sometimes?” he asks hesitantly Looking over at him from my corner of the couch “You know what, yeah I am okay with it” I give a small smile to him.
He gives me one before tugging on my foot to get me to come closer, I move to sit on his lap, He brings one of the throws down over us and we both sit there in our little bubble finally in peace. As I dozed off. Travis leaned for his phone taking a quick picture of them both and captioning “end game” before posting to his Instagram, happy he could finally show off his girl.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
This is kind of a fill chapter but a glimpse into their relationship with each other and their families! I love writing for them!! How do yall feel about this couple please let me know!! much love for all the support with this series;)))) TC21
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Like my writing? buy me a coffee! I would be so grateful!
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meanbossart · 7 months
Spicy Asks: The Sequel is here. I'm so, so sorry.
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Oh he's a very passive guy, he likes being manhandled around and not having to do much of the work (a bit of a pillow princess one might say). As far as fetishes go, he does have fantasies about group sex and of being roughed up, but I think if put in a situation where he could practice it in a controlled environment he'd be like "EHHHH nevermind actually" and go home very quickly LOL
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DU drow would have 100% banged Lae'zel if he hadn't killed her. He couldn't stand her personality but they would have gotten on like two peas in a pod in the sack.
He does find Shadowheart very pretty, but they struck up a friendship so quickly that I don't think he could see her in that way 🤷 but that's still a smash, technically speaking.
Jaheira. Ohhhh Jaheira. As far as general dynamics go she would have been the best choice after Astarion, probably - though there is no way in hell or high heavens that she would have ever let him touch her LOL regardless, DU drow finds her looks and personality to be very attractive.
He's pretty much utterly indifferent to anyone else. Wyll is too idealistic, Gale is Gale, Karlach isn't his type, Halsin gets on his nerves - oh, he WOULD have banged Mizora if he hadn't been heads over heels for Astarion by that point.
The man just likes his femmes I guess LOL
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HMMMMMMM yes, but since it's not really a porn fic expect any scenes like that to be in line with what we've had so far, where there's more of a focus on developing character dynamics rather than gratuitousness (I hope I've gotten that across, at least LOL).
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LOL, It's ok, it's a ridiculous not-name and I'm so sorry for all the people I have made confused and will continue to confuse because of it.
As for your question, definitely not! I personally like big-bottom/smaller-top scenarios so that's why I focus on it, and I do think character-wise those are the roles they fall into most naturally - but they switch around every so often when the mood strikes and it isn't really a big deal.
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Oh are you kidding me? The guy LOVES being cared after in an intimate setting. Being doted on, groomed, checked up on, having his hair played with and clothes fixed up - he doesn't express it outwardly much, but these are all things that make his murderous little heart skip a beat. He was the same way pre-tadpole but it was mostly servants and Sceleritas doing it, so he didn't get much out of the exchange; and Orin didn't entertain this at all, or, if she ever did, it was very, very, very rarely and really just a crumb of intimate affection that he most likely misread anyways.
I'm not sure what to say to this one LOL the penis is full of blood already man I don't think a vampire needs to make it any more tempting to themselves to chomp down.
I wrote a thing about that not too long ago :D ! The answer is complicated but, mostly yes.
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Alright you joke, but, if you don't think DU drow hasn't spent a little too long lingering over Astarion's feet and ankles then I got amazing news for you.
I touched on what they generally like on the previous edition of Wine Fuelled Spicy Asks, but as for what they like to do as a couple, it's probably a lot of body worship and some playful denial on both ends. Du drow thinks Astarion is the most elegant and limber thing he's ever seen (and he loves how he smells), and Astarion thinks DU drow's body is an expertly put together murder machine. They have a great time being mutually enamored with each other's (and their own) appearances.
I think they also venture into some blood-play and vapid threats of violence in the future, as a treat, but takes a while for them to trust themselves and each other enough to indulge in that kind of thing.
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Needs a little direction, plus you gotta learn to enjoy a bit of teeth and a very slobbery time - also I think he distracts easily, It's nice to have a man who's willing to venture the whole perimeter with his mouth but sometimes you do just want him to stay on the prick. But generally speaking - yes, DU drow gives good head. Fun head, even!
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What do you people want from me? Do you want schematics? Diagrams? Do you want me to compare their holes to famous people holes? Do you want me to take out my measuring tape and give you numbers, tell you which kind of produce each of them can fit in there???
One is pink, the other one is brown. One of them just looks normal and the other looks and feels a little like it been around the block a few times. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW.
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jiggy-manda · 7 months
jennifer jareau x fem!reader
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jj and her girlfriend have to meet her mother, the woman obsessed with numbers and weights and calories
tw: disordered eating
wc: 4.3k
JJ has never had a healthy relationship with food.
Growing up as an athlete, she was always expected to be in tip-top shape, and it didn’t help that her mother was naturally a size two– “Naturally,” as her mom put it.
But JJ knew better.
Maybe her mother wasn’t aware of her own eating patterns, but JJ definitely was. She’d grown up with it. The first time she’d ever had a regular soda was at ten, and her mother nearly had a heart attack when she saw the red can. Roslyn had to be the one to tell her that talking about calories and sugar content to a ten year old wasn’t going to do anything but weaken her relationship with food.
But Roslyn isn’t here anymore.
JJ has never been skinny enough.
Even as a varsity soccer player, her mother still found ways to dote on her appearance. Whether she noticed that JJ only ate on the days she had soccer games or not, she didn’t let on. Whether she noticed the shower running after dinner every night or not, she didn’t let on. Even at ten, when JJ was still playing on the smaller field, her mother found ways to correct her. Your stomach is showing through your shirt. Your calves are too fat for those socks. Keep this up and they’re gonna put you on goal.
Roslyn was the only one that understood. She took JJ to get ice cream after her games, even if she lost. She bought ice cream for JJ, and then took it home every single time after JJ started refusing it.
But Roslyn isn’t here anymore.
After Roslyn died, everything spiraled out of control.
Except for JJ’s diet.
Once Roslyn died, JJ started obsessively counting her calories. Her sister was gone, and she was left only with her parents. Her dad was absent most of the time, leaving her in the care of her mother.
Her mother stopped commenting on JJ’s weight and what she consumed.
Instead, these comments were then replaced with compliments.
“Jennifer, darling, your collarbones are absolutely stunning.”
“Jennifer, you’ve been looking amazing lately. I’m not sure what you’re doing, but whatever it is, it’s working.”
“Jennifer… Ros would be so proud of the woman you grew into.”
It made her sick.
Anytime anyone mentioned Ros— her Ros— she felt sick. They didn’t know her. Not like JJ, anyway. They didn’t cry with her at three in the morning; they weren’t there when she had panic attacks in the bathroom. Nobody was there for Roslyn when she was alive, and nobody was there for her when she just couldn’t take it anymore. Nobody but JJ.
Nobody else knew about Roslyn’s girlfriend. Nobody but JJ.
JJ’s mother was never there for Roslyn when she was alive, but she was there at the funeral, playing the grieving mother who was oh so sad and had done absolutely everything she possibly could to save her.
JJ knew the truth. Her mother had just as much of a part in Roslyn’s suicide as everyone else, if not more. JJ found her mother’s grief almost laughable. She might as well have just done the job herself, with the way she treated Roslyn.
Over the years, JJ only kept in contact with Roslyn’s old girlfriend, Emily.
Roslyn had died when JJ was eleven. Now, almost 23, JJ is almost just as broken as she was more than a decade ago.
JJ sat down on her bed as she quickly tapped her thumb and middle finger together, an anxious habit she’d picked up from Ros. Today was the anniversary of Ros’s death, and while she’d much rather spend it with her girlfriend, she knew her parents would never allow it.
A movement causing the weight of the bed to shift caught her attention, and she turned as you sat down next to her.
“You doing okay?”
JJ gave you a pointed look.
You heard her sigh, and you took her hand into yours, tracing the patterns in her palm. “You’re so beautiful,” you whispered.
JJ smiled and covered your hand with hers, a silent sign of appreciation.
“When do we leave?” You asked her.
“Um,” JJ looked down at her phone for a moment. “We have about half an hour.”
“Okay,” you said with a smile. “And, um…” You trailed off, not quite sure how to segue the conversation into what you wanted to discuss.
“She’s not coming, is she?”
Your heart dropped when you saw the disappointment and sadness on her face. “No.”
JJ let out a deep breath and looked up to the ceiling, trying to control her breathing. “Okay. That’s okay,” she said, convincing no one.
You frowned. “JJ… you’re allowed to feel upset.” You put a hand on her shoulder. “Emily is the only current connection you have to her right now, besides your family. And… Emily is the only one who really knew you guys. Both of you. It makes sense that you’re upset, just… try not to blame her too much. It’s… a lot. This time of year. Mom and Dad worry about her, and I do too.”
Blue eyes met yours as JJ lifted her head up to pay more attention.
“She...” You hesitated, not wanting to approach unwarranted territory.
JJ heard the shift in your voice.
It wasn’t just any shift. It was a shift she knew perfectly– the shift of tone where she immediately knew that someone was about to bring up food in front of her.
“Y/N, it’s okay. Just say it,” she said with a sad smile.
“She doesn’t eat,” you said guiltily. “This time of year. Especially today. And I think… I think she’s scared that if she sees you today, she might spiral. And it’s not about you, or your eating habits,” you quickly corrected. “It’s about the situation as a whole, and I just don’t think she can mentally handle it. Not yet.”
You squeezed JJ’s hand, and she returned the gesture, giving you a smile.
“I get it. It’s just… I wish we saw each other more often. I know she’s busy, and I know I’m busy, but I just wish I didn’t have to invite her to the memorial of her dead girlfriend to get her attention.” JJ flinched at the bluntness in her own voice, still sensitive to her sister’s death.
You squeezed her hand again. “I know.” You swept some hair off her shoulder, leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now,” you started, leaning back and situating yourself comfortably. “Your mother…”
JJ groaned and covered her face with her palms, falling backwards on the bed. “I hate her,” she mumbled.
Adjusting yourself to lean back, you crawled to cuddle into her side and gave a soft kiss to her neck. “I know.” Another kiss. “But we need to figure out a way for you to interact with her that’s not triggering to you.”
JJ looked at you as if you’d just suggested she swim across the pacific.
“Listen, your mom is an asshole who bullied you to the point of an eating disorder. She’s a piece of shit, but she’s your piece of shit, and until we can completely cut her off, we just have to do what we can. Bare minimum. We won’t even stay that long, okay? Two hours, tops.”
JJ gazed up at you, her sad doe eyes breaking your heart. “Promise?”
She grinned as she sat up to hug you, grateful for the support. “Thank you,” she whispered.
“I love you,” you responded.
Her grip tightened.
JJ’s house was big. Not nearly as big as you and Emily’s, but big nonetheless. You’d only ever been there a few times– JJ wasn’t big on bringing people home, and since you both lived together, she didn’t really feel the need to bring you around often.
JJ’s parents didn’t know about you guys, but they didn’t not know. JJ never sat down and told them that she had a girlfriend; she sort of just started bringing you around everywhere and people made assumptions accordingly.
You held onto JJ’s hand as you walked through the hallway, passing the fireplace and living room. Her mother was standing near her father, likely having a silent argument solely through stares. Once JJ’s mother caught sight of the two of you, she immediately made her way over.
“Jennifer! You look amazing, dear.” She rested her hands onto JJ’s shoulder, allowing herself to take a longer look.
JJ’s skin prickled; she could feel the judgment coming off of her mother in heatwaves. She felt as her mother’s eyes traced over every line and curve in her body, and she felt sick at the thought of ever even having curves.
“You know, Jennifer, this dress is actually really beautiful. It hugs your body in just the right way– I can finally see your beautiful hips!”
You felt JJ get stiff next to you, and you gripped her hand just a bit harder, a silent reminder that you, too, heard what she just said. “Thanks, mom.”
The words tasted like bile in her mouth.
“You know, you’ve always been so skinny. And you have such a beautiful figure! I always wondered when you’d grow into it, but it seems like you’re finally filling in! Be careful though,” she added with a smirk, leaning in to wink at her daughter. “You don’t wanna look like all those girls with the fake butts and hips.”
You looked over at JJ, giving her a what the fuck? look. You knew her mom was borderline abusive– that much was true, but it seemed as if she was trying to purposely trigger her. Your mind was racing, and you couldn’t even imagine what was going through your girlfriend’s.
The entire event was extremely uncomfortable and heartbreaking, but thankfully JJ had other family members that wanted to catch up with her. You mostly sat back and listened, trying to digest everything while also keeping an eye on JJ.
The memorial itself went smoothly up until dinner.
You were sitting next to JJ as she ate her pasta when you heard her mom speak up. “Jennifer, are you really gonna eat all that? I mean, pasta, it just– the carbs and the calories.. You’ve been doing so well with watching your food around us. Do you really wanna…” She trailed off for a moment, breaking eye contact with her daughter before frowning. She looked as if she were about to say something more, but shook her head as she decided against it.
You looked over at JJ, and it was as if you could hear the gears turning in her head. She was angry, that much was obvious. But she was also smart, and she needed to play it accordingly. It didn’t stop the whole situation from breaking your heart, though. You could hear the gears turning in her head, but you could also see the tears forming in her eyes.
The blonde sighed, giving in and looking up at her mother. She took the bait. “What, mom?”
Mrs. Jareau guiltily looked at her daughter for a short moment before speaking. “Well, you have gained a little bit of weight recently.”
“What the fuck?”
All heads turned to you, eyes bulging out of their sockets, watching your response. Your eyes widened in fear as you realized what you’d just said in front of your girlfriend’s family. You looked over at JJ, and she had the same expression in her eyes.
JJ scooted her chair out and stood up. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
You quickly scrambled to your feet to follow your girlfriend down the hallway.
“Y/N, you don’t need to come with me,” she said as she walked.
“Yeah, like hell I’m letting you go into that bathroom alone.” A hand on her elbow stopped her in her tracks. “I know what you’re thinking. I know you, and I’m not gonna let it happen.”
JJ just glared at you.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You asked.
The older blonde let out a sigh before grabbing your hand and dragging you into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
She stared at you, willing you to speak. You knew it was common for your girlfriend to shut down during uncomfortable situations. She had trouble speaking, even simply forming words. It was even worse when it came to her eating disorder, because her emotions almost always took over her rational thoughts, preventing her from clearly articulating her feelings. All her energy went into controlling her emotions; there was none left to form words.
You decided to break the silence with something lighter, not wanting to bring up exactly what her mother had said just yet. “JJ, I’m really sorry for what I said. I usually have such a good filter; I don’t know what happened…”
JJ smiled slightly, rubbing a hand up and down your shoulder. “I know. Neither of us were expecting her to say it so explicitly like that; it took us both by surprise.”
JJ always knew how to make you feel better. She was perfect like that.
“But, um..” You danced around on your feet, feeling a bit uncomfortable and out of place, not quite sure on how to lead into your next question. “Are you okay? Because what she said— it’s not okay.”
JJ’s smile faltered. “I’m okay.”
You tilted your head, giving her a warning look. “Really, JJ? I’ve known you for years; you could at least try to make your lies believable.”
The tall blonde frowned and looked down. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” you interrupted her, willing her to meet your eyes. Her head lifted a bit, and you took your chance. “I’m not mad at you. You don’t have to apologize; you didn’t do anything wrong.”
Your eyes trailed across hers as you observed her expressions, admiring the beautiful features that adorned her face. “It’s not your fault.”
JJ’s eye twitched slightly, and your stomach clenched in pain.
“None of this was your fault. What happened to you, to…” You trailed off, not wanting to bring up her sister while she was crying over her mom. Your voice hardened as you locked eyes with her, hoping she wouldn’t look away. “It wasn’t your fault, JJ.”
JJ blinked, looking down as a tear escaped her eyes. “I know.”
Your heart clenched as you listened. That didn’t sound like JJ. Not the JJ you knew. JJ was strong-willed and opinionated; the voice you heard was small and broken.
“But it feels like it is.”
The upset in your stomach was soon replaced with anger, and all you could think about was a ten year old JJ confused as to why she could only have one piece of chocolate per week. Fury, hatred, and rage soon followed, and the feelings festered in your gut, bubbling up and fizzling out every few minutes.
You knew it was only a matter of time before your usually-perfect filter went out the window completely.
You knew it was bound to happen. You just didn’t know when.
“JJ, I need to be completely honest. If we go back out there, I don’t know how much patience I’ll have.” You looked at her cautiously, monitoring her expressions for anything that could give away what she was feeling.
She gave you a small smile and squeezed your hand. “I know. I could see it happening earlier. But Y/N/N, seriously, you’re doing an amazing job. You don’t give yourself enough credit. I know you lost your patience earlier, but that’s a rare occasion.” She squinted her eyes a bit, thinking about what to say. “And this is also a very specific situation, so really, I wouldn’t say your reaction was… unwarranted,” she added. “You’re just protective of me.” She smiled. “And that’s okay.”
You grinned back at her.
“Ready to go back?” You asked as you took her hand.
“Yup,” she sighed, moving away from the counter. “Might as well.”
You and JJ hadn’t missed much; it was mainly still just the same group of relatives conversing with each other. Her mother was there, as well, obnoxiously laughing at a joke that seemed way too funny to be told by her father.
The two of you walked over to the living room, taking a seat next to each other on one of the couches and making small talk with some of JJ’s aunts and uncles.
It was interesting to see JJ interact with her family; they were all really sweet, for the most part. It seemed as if her mother was the outlier of the bunch, which both angered and confused you at the same time. You knew people’s filters deteriorated over time as they grew old and cared less about how they were perceived, but it was as if JJ’s mother never had one to begin with.
You were shaken out of your thoughts by a tight grip on your wrist, immediately swiveling your head to see what had happened.
JJ’s face was sheet white as she stared at the woman in front of her; you hadn’t heard what her mother said, but judging by the expression on your girlfriend’s face, it couldn’t have been good. Not that anything her mother said was ever really great, anyways.
“JJ?” You looked at your girlfriend, willing her to reply, but she wouldn’t break her gaze; she stayed staring directly in front of her.
You picked up on her energy fairly quickly; you knew if she tried to move or change her expression she’d likely breakdown, and there was nothing she wanted less than to have her family see her cry.
You stood up quickly, taking hold of JJ’s hand as she turned her gaze towards the ground, likely trying to keep her tears in.
“Jennifer, don’t ignore me.”
Her mother’s voice was warning, as if JJ were a child giving her the silent treatment.
“I can’t do this,” JJ whispered, just loud enough for you to hear.
You squeezed her hand before speaking, turning your gaze to her mother. “We’re leaving,” you said with a tight smile.
Her mother scoffed, looking you up and down as if you were nothing– just one of her daughter’s playthings.
“I wasn’t talking to you.”
Your skin prickled with the insult, and your grip on JJ’s hand grew even tighter. She turned to her daughter once again, willing her to speak. “I asked you a question, Jennifer, and you should really look at your mother when she’s speaking to you.”
You had to fight the urge to scoff at her mother talking about herself in third person; how dramatic could someone be?
JJ’s mother changed her stance to a more relaxed position, tilting her head to the side as she examined her daughter.
“Jennifer, how much do you weigh?”
“What?” The question almost knocked you over, taking you completely off guard.
JJ stiffened next to you and stood up straight, no doubt trying to make herself look thinner in the eyes of her mother. Mrs. Jareau ignored you and continued staring at her daughter, acting as if you weren’t even there.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
That got her attention. She whipped her head around to you, giving you another once-over before clicking her tongue. “Jennifer, wi–”
“No, seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you so out of touch with reality that you can’t see how much of an asshole you’re being?”
JJ looked over at you with a warning glance, the only acknowledgement that she’d heard you during this entire conversation.
“You think that just because you have issues with food you can just force it on your daughter? She was a child. You didn’t even give her a chance,” you accused, feeling yourself get more and more worked up.
“Y/N,” JJ warned, her voice deep and gravelly, the voice she used when you were speaking out of turn or going out of line.
“Oh, please,” her mother replied. “She doesn’t have issues with food; she has issues with discipline and self control. You think she would look like that if she had ‘issues with food’? Plenty of women are able to control their cravings; I know I can.”
You shook your head in disbelief as she spoke, in utter shock of the cognitive dissonance the woman had.
“And if you’re gonna talk about issues with food, it certainly would not be my daughter. You wanna talk about choices? There are thousands of girls with food issues; my daughter is not one of them. Those girls never even had a chance, but Jennifer did. She chose to be selfish over being healthy; there’s nothing wrong with pointing it out.”
JJ’s grip on your hand wasn’t even tight anymore; it was loose, as if she had given up, as if it was taking a significant amount of energy to even hold on. You knew she was exhausted, and you knew this was only making it worse.
“Didn’t have a chance? Didn’t have a chance? What the hell would you call JJ’s experience then– a choice? You think she just chose to stop eating out of nowhere? Where the hell do you think she learned it from? It sure wasn’t her friends. Her whole life has been about you; you and your desire to have the perfect daughter. You did that.
So maybe those other girls— Maybe they didn’t have a chance. But your daughter did, and you took that away from her. So while you wallow in your own puddle of self pity, maybe you should reflect on why she started restricting in the first place.”
You took a deep breath, trying to control your thoughts and calm yourself down.
Next thing you knew, an iron hard grip on your wrist was dragging you out the door. “What the hell was that?” JJ’s voice was low and demanding.
You just stared at her as if she’d asked one of the most obvious questions in the world. “What was what? You saw the way she was acting.”
“She was acting like that the entire time, Y/N,” she warned. “I’ve told you multiple times how she is; you’ve met her before. We literally talked earlier today about what to possibly expect from her.”
“JJ, your mom–”
“Right— my mom. Not yours,” JJ interrupted, eyes narrow.
You felt a ball of anxiety in the pit of your stomach.
“I understand that you want to protect me, but this was not the time nor place. And quite frankly, it is not your place to speak on my ‘issues with food.’ You were out of line; you do not get to decide how or why I developed an eating disorder.”
Your heart dropped. She was right.
You bit your lip, looking down as tears formed in your eyes. You knew it wasn’t fair to cry, not right now, but it was becoming increasingly harder to control your emotions. You didn’t like upsetting JJ, and you knew speaking on her eating habits was out of line, especially because her mom had been doing it incessantly for years.
You coughed, trying to hide the hiccup that came with your tears. Clearing your throat, you spoke up. “You’re right. I’m sorry, JJ.”
You were still looking down, too ashamed to meet her eyes.
Next thing you knew, you were being pulled into her chest, engulfed in a hug as she held you close, swaying a bit as she tried to help you calm down. “I love you,” she whispered, keeping you attached to her. “I’m sorry for snapping.” Her voice was soft; it had returned to the usual loving tone she used with you.
You buried your face in her chest, gripping her jacket and holding her close.
“All you were doing was sticking up for me, I know. But baby, my mother is just… You can’t win with her. I know you wanted to help, but really, it wouldn’t have done anything.”
Your heart broke as she spoke those words, because you knew they were true.
“And Y/N, I really do appreciate it. I probably could’ve handled it better; I’m not used to people defending me like that, so it took me off guard.”
You were still wrapped up in her embrace, her hand on your head as she held you and continued to sway back and forth. “Also… I was absolutely terrified because I had no idea how my mom would respond. I’ve never said anything like that to her, so I couldn’t even imagine what would happen if someone she barely knew talked to her like that.”
You sniffled a bit, nodding your head as she explained herself. You pulled away, looking her in the eye for the first time since you’d left. “I really was just trying to help,” you said guiltily.
She gave you a sad smile. “I know, honey.”
You smiled back, reaching for her hand.
“I think it was a good idea we left our stuff in the car,” you said with a slight chuckle. She repeated the sound, taking your hand in hers. “There’s no way I’m going back in there.”
“Yeah, well don’t worry about that because I wouldn’t let you,” she joked, pulling on your hand as she began to walk to the car. “You and that mouth of yours.”
“Hey!” You protested, lightly hitting her on the arm. “I told you my filter could only last so long.”
She snorted, grinning as she walked around to the driver's side.
“You’re silly,” she said as you both took your seats.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you replied. “You love me.”
She grinned at you as she started the ignition. “Yeah, I do.”
a/n: hii i hope you guys enjoyed this <3 i wrote this like a year ago but never moved it from ao3 to here.
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thetraumaking · 5 months
The Accursed Crown
Other Chapters
Chapter 7: Role Model and Vices
Princess Azula is a mischievous little girl with great potential. Who seized her father’s attention the moment she was born. She was surrounded by wealth anyone could ever dream of. Even at the tender age of 5, she was getting the best education and training in the nation.
All those material things are nice but eventually, anyone could acquire them at some point. All bet not all at the same time.
But not anyone can have.
Her amazing guardian, trainer, mentor, and the person she adores the most. While others had their boring old–one-trick– mothers. She had you.
You, who is strong, beautiful, honored, brave, respected, and even feared.
Mothers tend to be old and boring, but you were anything but. You had the best training imaginable, a master fire bender, all that, and still so young and in your prime.
It’s a given, the best for the best. Azula nodded to herself.
Her life was truly great.
But recently, while the norm was having you by her side all day every day, her father and grandfather had been requesting you to be present at the war counseling.
And during your absence, she is left alone in the company of her mother and older brother.
As she’s sitting by the pond, lazily swinging her leg, she ponders when you will be picking her up. Her brother and mother feeding the turtle ducks, talking about the most random things.
The day was being wasted.
Groaning, she looks up at the sky. At least tries to, the sun was at its highest point. Trying to keep a staring contest was more eventful than indulging in whatever the topic of their conversation was. The light was blinding, she could see blobs of blue and pink swirling around within the giant ball in the sky. How do such colors appear within the sun?
She made a mental note to ask you about it later.
“Azula, don’t stare at the sun, you’ll go blind.” She heard her mother say.
Hmm, so she cares. She looks away from the sun and at the two that looked at her.
With a smile, Ursa rips the loaf of bread in half and hands one half to her. “Come, join us. Let’s feed the turtle ducks together.”
Staring at the offered loaf, she nods. As she was about to rip a small piece off, she noticed something. Her mother always has her hand on her brother. Either holding his hand, carrying him, or letting him lay on her lap. Like he was helpless or something, maybe he was.
Maybe he was overly dependent on those around him. She lets out a humm, her eyes dead set on her laughing brother. He doesn’t look dependable, maybe that’s why mother pays so much attention to him because he can’t handle himself. So, between the two of them, since she has more potential it's only natural as to why she’s under your care.
Especially since her mother is a non-bender, what benefit would be there if she stayed with her? She might have ended up weak like her brother.
Looking over, she watched as her brother, Zuko, was seated on their mother’s lap. Their mother rips the bread into smaller pieces and hands them to him as he throws the pieces in.
Such fools, wasting their time.
During her quick observation, something began to stir inside of her. She’s not sure what it is but there’s a certain tightness in her chest. The feeling reminded her of whenever you would leave her for meetings. The longer your absence the more her chest hurts, she recalled.
A plan began to brew in her head.
If she pretended to not know how to feed these little creatures, would her mother treat her the same as she does her brother? Would this sudden feeling of longing subside?
Internally groaning, she decided to continue on with her plan.
She squeezed the loaf in her hand before throwing it overhead. Hitting the turtle duck her mother and Zuko were feeding. Triumphant with her perfect hit, she expected a praise at least.
But nothing of the sort came.
“Azula, that is unbecoming of a princess!” Ursa chastises, her hands still on her son. “Go sit by the stairs, think about what you did.” She didn’t yell out but her voice was stern, eyes hard.
She was surprised by her tone. No one has ever spoken to her like that. Not even you.
“Hadn’t 6 taught you better?”
Her fist clenched.
That was an unnecessary comment.
She has already wasted enough time with these imbeciles. Growling, she ran. She doesn’t need to deal with this. She doesn’t need to deal with Ursa, that supposed mother of hers.
Ignoring the woman’s call, Azula simply ran. She ran towards the place she was handed off to. She got to the war room, where every important person within the palace gathered to discuss strategies and brief about tactics. Once there, she didn’t knock, she’s not an idiot.
She’s not like Zuko.
Instead, she sat behind one of the many pillars. Her back against the cool red, she brought her knees up to her chest and hugged herself. She needs you. Her chin propped up on her knees, she missed you.
Her mother was stupid.
And blind as it seemed.
Sniffling, her shoulders tensed. Her emotions swirled inside her: anger, hurt, confusion, and… clarity?
Out of all that, her anger was the most prominent. Her jaw clenched and her emotions grew.
The torches around her started to flicker but she paid them no mind. Taking a deep breath, she drops her hands from her knees. Hand motionlessly falling on the floor, palms facing up. When she breathed out, she felt warmth spreading from her palms.
Peeking to the side, her eyes widened. Her previous damp mood quickly switched into excitement. Excitedly, she brought her hands up closer. Examining her fire with a smile.
You’d be so proud of her.
Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait for too long.
The large double doors cracked open as all the council members poured out. She quickly and quietly stood up, keeping her fire close to her chest.
Once she made sure all the unnecessary onlookers were gone, she stepped out from behind the pillar. Her eyes searching for you.
When she found you, her smile broadened. She saw you bow to her grandfather and father before closing the large metal doors behind you. You had let out a sigh, your fist clenching once before loosening. Something you tend to do when tired.
Once the coast was clear, she ran towards you.
“6! Look what I can do!”
She presented her fire to you. Her eyes bright and expecting, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited for your reaction. “Well? Am I great or what?”
She felt heat spread from her heart to her cheeks. You don’t smile often and when you do, it’s the best.
“Yes, you are. You’re amazing, Azula.”
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azurevi · 2 years
on your side
pairing: leona x gn!reader
cw: alcohol
summary: leona reckoned that bringing you home for the holiday was not the best idea, especially when you started rambling on about how amiable his brother was.
note: some good ol’ hurt/comfort for my favorite lion
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Leona, head in his hand, silently regretted having brought you home for the two-week break.
To be fair, he never would’ve approved it, let alone suggested it. But the only alternative you had was to stay at one of Rook’s villas, and that peeved Leona in more ways than he cared to admit.
Mostly he worried that you wouldn’t get along with his family (because he never could), while a smaller part was concerned that you would be scared off by their… forcefulness.
All of that went out of the window as he sat across you at the dinner table, waiting for the moment his patience snapped so that he could drag your ass back to his room. It only took one day for you to get chummy with Farena and his wife, while Cheka had long been planning your wedding. 
Well, that’s not surprising. You managed to sneak your way into his heart after all, so it should really be within expectation that you managed to steal theirs. 
What was surprising though, was that Farena would take so much of a liking to you that he busted out one of the best (and strongest) fruit wines from the cellar after dinner. What was more surprising was that you accepted.
So now he was watching his brother and his wife struggle with the most basic of human abilities, speech, while you babbled on about your misadventures in NRC, your sobriety thrown out of the window.
“And then the chandelier fell-” You hiccuped. “-fell on Ace, and stirred up a whole dust storm in the canteen!” 
Farena inhaled loudly through his mouth before chortling. All his royal burdens, which were normally so indivisible from him, seemed to have vanished in his drunkenness, though Leona reckoned that he never had many to begin with.
The heavy door was pushed open, and Cheka poked his disheveled head in. “Oji-tan! Here you are! Can you tuck me to bed?”
Leona groaned and turned away in his seat, vaguely gesturing at the inebriated couple. “No. Ask your parents.”
“Ah, dar…darling,” Farena spotted his doe-eyed son and tapped his wife, attempting to rouse her from her haze, and made a series of incomprehensible hand gestures. Then he nodded and stood upright, swaying a little as he walked towards Cheka with open arms.
“It’s a pity, my dear,” she clasped her hand atop yours, face still raw from all the laughing. “But we should call it a day. Let’s talk- talk more tomorrow, ‘kay?”
“That sounds amazing, your majesty!” You saluted, earning an unbecoming snort from the queen. 
“And you, Leona, escort our lovely guest to their room, ‘kay?”
Leona hummed half-heartedly.
The family proceeded to trudge out of the dining room, leaving only him, you, and a few guards inside. After a beat, he started, “Had fun?”
“Oh, so much fun.” You giggled and reached for the bottle of wine. He snatched it out of your reach in a flash.
“Hell no. We’re leaving.” He walked around the table and grabbed your elbow, hoisting you up. 
“Ugh, the floor is melting…” you muttered before tripping over your own feet. If it weren’t for his iron grip, you would’ve face-planted onto the hard floor.
Soon as you regained your footing, you threw your arms around his neck, “Pleaze carry me.”
He clicked his tongue and pushed a few stray strands out of your face. “No.”
“Pleaseee?” You smushed your cheek against his shoulder, your hold around him loosening as a telltale sign of falling asleep. The tips of your ears were tinted red by the wine, and your body felt like hot iron against his.
The next thing he knew, he was cradling you in his arms as he paced the long corridors of the palace. Outside, Sunset Savannah was but a shadow against the night sky. It wasn’t totally dark, but a deep blue canvas with large and small stars embedded across it. The world out there had an unfathomable vastness, ever-expanding, never-ending. But right now, all Leona could focus on was your short breaths and attempts to snuggle even deeper into his embrace.
“Stop wriggling,” he said.
“You’re so mean…” you murmured, letting your arm fall limply to your side. 
“This is what you signed up for.”
“Yea, I know."
He turned a few corners and finally got to his room. It was many times bigger than what he had back at NRC, but the space had always been suffocating. With your presence though, it felt a little more pleasant. 
Just a little.
“Drink up.” He nudged your feet that were dangling off the side of the bed, offering a glass of cool water. You emptied it in no time.
“Your brother…” you said after leaning back onto the bed, now sounding less like there were sandpapers in your throat. “He’s nicer than I imagined.”
“Yeah?” He replied curtly, shrugging off his top layers so he could get cozy for bed. He had his back to you, but the flutter of his ears indicated that he was listening.
“Mhm. From what you told me, I expected him to be big and scary and unforgiving…” you slurred.
He couldn’t recall what exactly it was that he’d told you, but it must’ve been nothing good. Across the room, you fumbled with the collar of your shirt, trying to get some air. Agitation grew the more he watched. Eventually, he clicked his tongue and helped you release a few buttons.
“But he’s so nice! I mean, he’s a king and all that, but he’s also… not? I dunno. He’s really warm . It’s not awkward talking to him at all,” you grabbed his arm, as if remembering something. Your eyes were almost twinkling from your enthusiasm, and his hand working on your shirt faltered for a split second. “Oh, and he’s bright, y’know what I mean?” 
Leona didn’t answer. Of course he knew, he’d been hearing those words since he was born. What a radiant and exuberant boy! He’s sure to lead the country to a great future. All the while he would conceal himself in the shadows, listening in on those ignorant people’s exchanges.
It was only when he opened his mouth to speak that he realized how clenched his jaw was. A sense of unease had crept up on him, and your wobbly voice complimenting all of Farena's virtues swam in his head. No words came, or more precisely, no words that weren’t venomous.
Then, with a start, he realized he hadn't been worrying that you wouldn't bond well with his family at all-- he knew before anything that you would click the moment you met. No, he was just scared that you would come to understand why people compared him with Farena. He was scared you would see him how everyone else did:
Aloof, vicious, not enough. 
Buried memories flooded back into him, sharp as a polished knife. He touched the thought of you being on their side like a wound, and it answered with an ache. The pain was so abrupt that he could already feel something hardening within him. He opted to ignore it.
"Move over." He ordered, and you rolled to the other side of the bed. Without another word, he got under the covers and turned his back to you.
Silence seemed to stretch out, filling every corner of the room. Your shallow breaths gradually took on a calmer pace, and Leona thought for a second that you were already out for the count. Then your voice came, quiet but startling.
"Are you mad?"
A pause. "No."
"'Kay," you shuffled, turning to lay on your side. "Are you upset?"
"Go to sleep." He snapped.
"Was it something I said?"
He was partly annoyed, partly confused as to how you managed to notice the shift in his emotions even when you were drunk as a skunk. The space right behind him sank as you hovered over him, watching his side profile. He didn't need to look to know that you were observing him, but he did anyway, glaring back at your wide eyes with an edge impossible to hide.
"Was it the stuff I said about your brother?" 
The mention of Farena was like a step on his tail. Leona growled, pulling up the blanket so you would have nothing to look at. "Shut up."
Your arm gave out under you, and you fell back onto the mattress with a huff, creating the illusion that you'd given up. But knowing you, there was no way you would just let this slide.
Predictably, you started moving around again, this time trying to pull him down onto his back. Compared to him, your feeble arms felt even weaker when you were drunk, but you were annoyingly persistent enough that he gave up and complied. A scowl seemed permanently pasted on his countenance. "What."
In the lightless room, Leona had a better look of you than you did him. Your hair was a spectacular mess, spilling over your eyes, in which there was determination, penetrating his soul. He fought the urge to look away, fearing that his feelings, those idiotic fears of his, would somehow reach you.
“C’mon, don’t give me that look,” you scratched the back of your head. “Sure, your brother may be charming and— hey, don’t push me!” You slammed your hands down on either side of his head. 
“I swear to the Sevens, if you don’t-”
“No one can hold a candle to you, okay?” You snapped, as if the loudness of your voice could somehow force some senses into him. “No one even comes close. I know you’ve been told otherwise more often than not, but they're wrong. You're not abominable or wretched or lacking or pathetic or whatever the hell it is that they associate you with. Yes, you can be obnoxious and have a shell impossible to crack. Like a... turtle. But I know that deep down, you are not as unkind as they make you out to be.”
You waited and sighed at his silence. “Look, you don’t have to tell me how you feel. I know you hate gushy conversations. Just… I see you, okay? Even when the world doesn’t. And I love every part of you, even the hidden layers. Plus, you do have something your brother doesn’t.”
“And what may that be?” He probed.
You jabbed your finger at his chest. “This.”
“…My heart?”
You blinked, then cleared your throat. “Yea, that too.”
He wasn’t sure where to start, the whole speech you just did, the spontaneous turtle simile, or whatever the hell you meant by ‘that too’. The only thing he could mutter was, “Are you sure you’re drunk?”
“That’s your response?-”
“You just sound really collected-”
“Did you even hear a word I said?”
“Yes, crystal clear. Now sleep.” He grabbed your wrists and pulled, scoffing as you flopped onto him with a yelp. 
Calm seconds ticked by as you shifted in his arms, positioned just how you usually were back in his dorm room. The only difference was that his hold was tighter than usual, a silent revelation of the thoughts he couldn't voice. 
“For the record,” he pressed his lips to the crown of your head. “I don’t give a damn about what anyone has to say about me, except you. So…”
So as long as you’re by my side, I’ll never be afraid.
“…Never compliment my brother in front of me again.”
His words were wasted to the air— you were already gone in the land of Nod, blissfully unaware of the hell of a hangover you were going to go through the next day. A loving sigh escaped Leona as he ran his hand through your hair before dipping his head to kiss your cheek.
“Mm,” he grimaced as the sharp alcohol assaulted his nose. “Remind me to never let you drink again.”
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arrowhawkart · 23 days
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Alright what's up everyone! If you do not follow my personal blog fair warning: I have become very suddenly obsessed with Dragon Age and have been playing thru the games for the first time ever- so expect the next chunk of art from me to be very Dragon Age-centric
So Anyways here's Cedric Hawke, the fun little guy I made for my DA2 playthrough and became incredibly attached to much faster than I expected.
More incoherent rambles and thoughts on my Hawke under the cut- it's very stream of consciousness under there and also very very long you've been warned
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Just like.... wow.... okay so I've now played through Inquisition and finished Trespasser and I've gotta say DA2 really took the cake for me, like by far my favorite of the 3. (Like please don't get me wrong it absolutely had it's issues I'm not saying it was a perfect game or that all the writing choices were amazing) But I just really enjoyed the smaller more personal scale of the conflicts in DA2, I liked that Hawke was even more Just Some Guy, and like yeah the Warden and the Inquisitor aren't like special chosen ones or anything, but they are both tasked with these gigantic world-saving country-spanning quests, and Hawke? Hawke is just a guy trying to do right by his family. Like he doesn't have any world saving mission. He is just trying to Get By and that really made this game hit home more for me than the other two.
I said I was gonna ramble about my Hawke and I just ended up rambling about DA2 itself... whoops. ANYWAYS- Cedric- My Boy Cedric- I recognize that a purple mage Hawke is the most common route people go and I am by no means unique or original, but this game series is very new to me, personally, and I'm having fun anyways. (From here on out I will be talking about my Custom Hawke and not like, Hawke the player character in general)
And gosh I'm such a sucker for complicated and messy family dynamics, and DA2 does that so well. Like the Hawke family is Fucked Up. Bethany gets killed by that ogre while they're fleeing Lothering when she tries to save their mom from said ogre, and Leandra immediately turns and blames Cedric for Bethany's death- and then later in Act 1, Carver, best baby brother Carver, also throws Bethany's death in his face while they're having their own stupid argument which started because Cedric was trying to cheer Carver up and boy did that fail dramatically.
Like Cedric is witty and charming and sarcastic and kind of an asshole sometimes, and comes of as incredibly over confident and cocksure and that's because he's very much been shoved into the role of 'okay you've gotta take care of everything and if you don't everything bad is Your Fault, and since you're in charge of taking care of everything, everything bad is automatically Your Fault No Matter What Anyways.' So he's gotta playact like he has everything all together and under control, because what the fuck is his family gonna do if he doesn't? And underneath all of that he's an incredibly stressed out guy, who does not feel like he can ever let on that he's stressed and making everything up as he goes and just hoping that things work out well.
And like he tries to do the right thing- by god does this man try. He brings Carver with him on the deep roads mission because he and Carver work well together! Carver wants to go! He loves his little brother, there is no one he would rather have by his side than his little brother! There is no one he trusts more than Carver to have his back! Carver and Cedric are incredibly close, (yes in the game's friendship/rivalry system Carver was locked in at full rivalry but that absolutely does not mean they weren't still very close and also friends). Like Carver is the one person who actually recognizes that the way Leandra projects all of her own issues onto them, but like mostly Cedric, is really shitty! He acknowledges that after apologizing for his part in the argument I mentioned above. And then of course Carver ends up getting the Blight during the deep roads mission, because nothing can every go right for them. Thankfully Cedric brought Anders along, so Carver is able to become a Grey Warden instead of DYING, but he has to leave, and Cedric doesn't even find out whether or not Carver survived his joining for months. And of course Leandra blames Cedric for this, she begged him not to bring Carver along with him, and he did anyways and now she's never going to see her youngest son again and it's all Cedric's fault. And that's how Act 1 ends and I just.... Auaghghghghhhh-
And then we've got Act 2, and like mid-way through Act 2 is probably the high point for Cedric. Things peak for him here and then it's all one big snowball downhill from there. So like, Cedric romanced Fenris, because this man is addicted to difficulty, and of course was going to immediately be infatuated with the guy that makes hating mages half his personality. (I mean it wasn't immediate, it was more of a slow build, mutual-trust, to friendship(and yes once again Fenris was at full rivalry but I stand by what I said about the friendship rivalry system earlier), to lovers thing, especially considering three years pass between Acts 1 and 2) And yeah, Cedric doesn't hide the fact that he's very into Fenris, and Fenris definitely hasn't seemed opposed to this. So after Fenris kills Hadriana and then they have that fun little argument that ends with Fenris pinning Cedric to the wall and kissing him 😳- Cedric is like, riding the high of what was probably the first positive physical affection he's gotten since Carver let for the Grey Wardens three years ago. And then of course the following morning Fenris immediately breaks things off with Cedric, so what Cedric thought was going to be the start to a romantic relationship, just ends up being an ill-fated one night stand. And like! Cedric does not begrudge Fenris this! He completely understands Fenris's reasons, he is not upset with Fenris at all! He is still just completely crushed though. So yeah, things peaked for Cedric for like one very short night and then start speeding downhill. Because not long after that is when his mom is killed by a fucking serial killer. As if things weren't already fucked enough for Cedric, already having lost his twin younger siblings.
Also side note- I love the fact that DA2 is portrayed as Varric telling the story of Hawke's life to Cassandra, and that we know Varric is an unreliable narrator. Because like Leandra's last words to Hawke being that she's so proud of her strong boy- at least with how Cedric's relationship was with Leandra up to this point- felt so so out of character for Leandra, and I love the headcanon that that's Varric giving his bestie some closure narratively that he never actually got in reality. So like that's canon for Cedric. Because that was Leandra's decapitated head frankensteined onto another woman's body- and magicked into a reanimated corpse that absolutely did not seem like it had any conscious thought- like she was already dead before Cedric showed up. There were no final words. There was no nice narratively satisfying ending to that one. And I like it better that way tbh........
We're just gonna like skip over the whole qunari invasion subplot because I am. Not a fan of how that was handled. Writing wise. Like what the fuck was that. Like I have THOUGHTS about it but they're not gonna go on tumblr. Anyways. Moving on.
Champion of Kirkwall! Yay! Meredith knows he's an apostate mage and is just Waiting for any half-decent excuse to either bring him to the circle, make him tranquil, or kill him? Not yay! Cedric is absolutely good friends with Anders, and has been helping with the mage underground every chance he has. People in the city have been whispering about making him of all people Viscount and he has no idea how to feel about that, like he'd rather not, but who else is gonna do it? And who else would do it and actually give a shit about mages and elves and just like lower class people in general? Like this incredibly stressed out guy does not need more added to his plate, he really doesn't. But he's definitely thinking about it. I mean hey! It's not like he's got any family around to take care of at this point right? Why not just take that eldest daughter syndrome thing he's got going on and use it to fix the city?
The one bright spot for him here is that hey, at least he and Fenris get back together. That one's nice. They both deserve something positive and comforting after all the shit they've been through.
And then Meredith is trying to invoke the right of annulment and Anders blows up the fucking Chantry. And Cedric can't even blame him for it. After 6 or 7 years of painstakingly working to try to find peaceful ways to improve the lives of mages and getting blocked at every turn, with the knowledge that Meredith has been getting worse and worse and worse, and has been actively looking for any excuse to invoke the right of annulment and just kill every single mage in Kirkwall? And Grand Cleric Elthina has been absolutely no help, and has absolutely been subtly on Meredith's side the entire time. Like at a certain point, violence really does feel like the only option left. When you've been backed this far into a corner.
So obviously Cedric takes the side of the mages, doesn't kill Anders, is honestly like 'my dude, my buddy, my guy, my best pal(aside from Varric, and my boyfriend Fenris) why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you on purpose.' He's elated when Carver shows up during that final push to the Gallows, like the whole situation is absolutely shit, and it'd definitely be better if his beloved brother was no where near danger, but he's a Grey Warden now so that's not even an option anyways. So it's just nice to have him around even during such an intensely stressful moment. Honestly everything is so unbelievably fucked at this point that Cedric isn't even stressed anymore. Like things literally cannot get worse. He's kind of riding the high of things not being able to get worse. Or maybe that's just adrenaline. Who knows. Aveline and Sebastian both leave, Cedric is unbothered. Doesn't even try to convince Aveline to side with him later either, like he's never really gotten along with her, and he did not like how she treated Carver. Fenris and everyone else stick around, and that's what matters to Cedric, like all the people he was actually close friends with stick with him in this moment (Fenris, Varric, Isabella, Merrill, Anders, & Carver)
And then yeah, they save the mages, defeat Meredith, leave Kirkwall with the renegade mages. Everyone goes their separate ways due to one reason or another, except Fenris. At least Cedric does get to keep one positive close relationship around.
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icallhimjoey · 6 months
If tomorrow is the end of the world, one of the last things I wanna do is reading a oneshot of Joe and Hazel because I miss that little bitch a lot. Thank you in advance.
so, i vowed to never write baby hazel again, and yet, here we are... you're welcome Wordcount: 1.3K
--- Great Mum, Great Team
"What a terrible development," you said aghast though you were smiling, apples in your cheeks round and blushing. You were stood in the doorway to Hazel's bedroom, amazed at what you were looking at.
"I cannot believe my eyes!"
Joe sat on the carpet next to Hazel who was trying her very best to put on her mary jane's correctly, right shoe on right foot, left shoe on left foot.
Joe fully ignored you, eyes trained on Hazel's feet, just like hers were.
She struggled with the straps, tiny fingers trying to sort her toes out and not let her socks get in the way. You saw the tip of her tongue peek out in concentration, and saw how Joe, for whatever reason, copied it.
Your heart was overflowing with proud love for her as you saw her put real effort in, eyes flitting up to Joe for encouragement. It swelled your chest, pained it wonderfully.
"Nearly there. Yep, you got it." Joe spoke softly, not lending a hand, which really impressed you. You had a way of taking over, wanting to help out and just get the task done.
This was better parenting, what you were looking at.
Hazel's left heel slipped into the shoe and she immediately moved to stand up, grabbing onto a hand that Joe held out for stability.
"Yeaaa. High five, Hazel!" Joe exclaimed, holding up a palm that got hit by two smaller ones.
She did it.
"I can't believe it." you made big eyes as you smiled at her when Hazel skipped closer, telling you all about how she put her shoes on all by herself because she was a big girl now.
Something you'd been trying to convince her of for weeks.
"See, didn't I tell you?"
It seemed like she thought it was all way too far-fetched when you told her she was old enough to put her shoes on by herself, though.
The standard reaction you'd get was, "Can you please help me, mummy? I can't do it by myself." and you'd try. You'd really try. You'd tell her things like, no babe, I know you can do it, if you don't, you'll have to go outside without any shoes on and your socks will get all wet, and that doesn't sound very nice, does it?
But you'd grow impatient.
It would just take too long.
"She's going to need a big girl bed soon, too, don't you Hazel?" Joe said, getting up himself now too. Hazel ignored the both of you as she skipped past you, on her way to the living room where the TV was still playing one of her shows.
You raised your eyebrows and huffed a laugh as you watched her disappear down the hall.
"I swear she thinks she's a teenager." Joe mused, stepping closer and letting his hand fall to your waist.
"Yea, a teenager who only listens to you, it seems."
"Well," Joe leant closer for a quick peck to your lips. "Stop being such a push-over then."
Joe expected you to drop your jaw, to frown deep, and to shove at him, because he was clearly only joking.
But instead you sighed and quietly said "Yea, I know." much more sorrowful than he ever wanted to hear you.
You thought maybe it was your voice. You didn't think you sounded very authoritative, that you didn't tend to make demands very well.
Hazel always poked right through your demands. Didn't take them seriously like you wanted her to.
"Hey," Joe whispered worriedly, forcing eye-contact before saying, "You know you're not a push-over, right? I was only joking."
You smile at his gentleness. At the instant care he's got ready for you.
"No, I am. It's okay. I shouldn't have made such a headstrong child, it's my own fault." you tried your hand at humour, and Joe nearly bought it.
You could hear how Hazel opened a cabinet in your living room, followed by the sounds of the box with wooden blocks being dragged out. Hazel didn't really have time to play right now, Joe had just gotten her to put her shoes on for a short trip to the market. You didn't really need anything, but it was nice to get out of the house and tire Hazel out a bit.
"Baby," you called out to her, leaning away from Joe a little as to not shout right into his ear, and were about to tell your daughter to put the blocks back. But then Joe pulled you in close and pressed his nose into your cheek, softly saying, "No, let her. We're not in a hurry, are we?"
You realised just then that you weren't, and, to Joe's relief, finally swung arms around his neck to hug him back.
Through kisses to your cheek, Joe murmured, "You realise that only headstrong girls can make headstrong girls, don't you?"
You couldn't help smiling as you closed your eyes, relishing in this little moment of affection Joe created.
"You have no idea..." you started, humour in your tone. "How long I struggled to get her to put on her shoes the other day. And guess how that whole altercation ended?"
Joe kept his face stuck to yours, not moving away in between kisses, just making noises with his lips against your cheek.
"Who ended putting the shoes on?"
"Was it you?" Joe spoke out of the sides of his mouth, all hot air against your skin, unintentionally raspberrying you as he did.
"It was me." you confirmed, and you let a laugh escape in a huff through your nose.
"Hmm," Joe mused, moving to press his forehead against yours. "Just means you're nurturing. Caring. So sweet, and kind."
You got a kiss pressed to your lips.
"Yea, well... would just be nice if she listened to me like she listens to... well, literally anyone else. Not to, you know–"
You didn't want Joe to think he fell into that category. He very much wasn't literally anyone else to Hazel.
"I know." Joe understood.
"She– you definitely are dad, you–"
"I know. I was trying to compliment you, just accept it. You're a great mum." Joe shut you up, pressed more kisses to your mouth and let his arms wrap tighter.
You stood in Hazel's bedroom's doorway and let yourself drown in Joe's fondness for you. Joe showed it all the time, but there weren't many moments where you stopped everything you had going on to fully accept it for a moment.
And Joe lived for these moments.
It was only short-lived though. It always was.
From the living room you heard a crash of block, followed by a silence that then got broken by beginning cries from Hazel.
They quickly grew in volume.
You were about to pull away from Joe, already mentally picking Hazel up from the floor to hug close to your chest. But Joe held you and said, "Wait..." as he turned his ear towards the living room, listening. Waiting.
It just took a second longer for Hazel to start to cry out for her mum, and a smile spread across Joe's face.
"See? Mum. She needs you. No way that she was going to call out for anyone else. It's why we make such a great team."
You rolled your eyes as Joe made his point, finally losing his tight grip so you could make your way over.
Joe followed and watched as you bent over to pick up a crying Hazel who was holding a small hand to her head next to a big pile of wooden blocks. It was obvious a tower had fallen over and she'd gotten hurt in the process.
You shushed her and swayed as you comforted her, asking her if she'd hurt her head, if it was the blocks that got her.
Hazel's soft whimpers confirming that it had been the wooden blocks made Joe pout at her sad little voice.
When you turned to look at him, Joe's face smoothed out.
"Great mum." he mouthed, and you scrunched up your nose in response.
"Great team." you mouthed back.
The Taglisted
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igncrxntripley · 2 years
their secret weapon pt. 4
request (anonymous): Just thinking it would be funny if secret weapon has an ex who's like 6'10 and they're on good terms, right person wrong time vibe yk? And he shows up to support her and they're like whomst???
tags: SFW, poly!judgement day, fem!reader, ex!brooks jensen, possessive TJD
A/N: i’m on a brooks jensen kick lately so he may not be 6′10 but forgive me...also i needed to put this out bc the inspiration is hitting me like a brick and i have ideas you just aren’t ready
mentions: @babybatlover​ @ripleyswhore​
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Before The Judgement Day welcomed Y/N with open arms, she didn’t have many solid connections to the people she shared the ring with. Of course she had friends, but the industry sometimes made it difficult. That changed when she met Brooks, who had started training at the Performance Center not long after she did. He was someone she could confide in, someone she felt a connection with as more than a friend. Their relationship developed, but the two decided to split. They both still loved one another, but it wasn’t the right time. 
Y/N had to admit that ever since becoming the fifth member of The Judgement Day, she hadn’t thought about Brooks once. He hadn’t reached out to her since it was revealed that she was a new member, and it spoke volumes that she hadn’t thought about picking up the phone once to call him. Little did she know, he was in shock. And now that it had been a few weeks, Brooks thought he needed to saw something. 
The group was backstage at Monday Night Raw the five of them relaxing in their locker room before their appearance for later on in the show; Damian and Finn were stretching in one corner, Rhea was in another doing pull ups, and Y/N had her head in Dominik’s lap as they played video games together. For a crew who was so tough on the outside, they really were just five normal people. They all looked at the door when a knock came from the other side, and they were confused as they weren’t expecting anyone. Finn was the first to move, so when he opened the door he was shocked to see none other than Brooks. 
“I’m sorry, who are you?” He asked the taller, larger man. “Last I checked we didn’t invite you.” Brooks rolled his eyes a little and tried to look behind Finn for Y/N, in which they made eye contact from her spot on the couch. “I need to talk to Y/N.” Brooks said confidently, Y/N already standing up even though Dominik tightened his grip on her waist. No one knew who Brooks was or what his connection to their girl was, so they were on edge once he said why he was there. “Sorry pal, she’s a little busy.” Finn said and began closing the door, but Y/N got up and stopped him. “Brooks…hi.” She said softly. 
To say the other four members in the room were shocked was an understatement. Not only were they surprised, but they were protective of Y/N and wanted to know who this was at the door. She turned to them and gently put her hand on Finn’s arm since he was the closest. “Give me a few minutes.” Y/N was going to go with Brooks regardless, but once her partners nodded in agreement and gave her the space she needed she closed the door and walked down the hallway with Brooks. 
Once they were alone the two embraced each other for the first time in a long time, and it felt good to Y/N to have someone there she knew cared about her. “God, baby. It’s so good to see you.” Brooks said into her shoulder as he squeezed her smaller body. She still smelled the same, of strawberries and flowers but now with a hint of cologne from each of her boys in the room. And her feminine aesthetic hadn’t changed in the slightest either, but he was still worried about the long term effects of being involved with The Judgement Day. “I’ve been worried about you.” 
Y/N pulled back to look at him with furrowed brows. “Worried?” She asked softly. “Brooks, I…I know you mean well but you don’t need to be worried. The four of them are amazing, and they’ve helped me so much.” Brooks put her down and gently held her arms. “You feel that way now, but they’re going to turn on you like they’ve turned on others in the past.” He warned her. “I just…I hate how people have treated you in the past and I don’t want it to happen again.” Y/N gave a soft sigh and looked up at her ex. “As if you wouldn’t be the first one I’d call if I needed help.” She teased softly, making him chuckle. “I promise you, I’m happy, And the four of them take amazing care of me.” Brooks just had to trust Y/N like he always had, so he nodded and pulled her into another hug. “I’m proud of you. And I’ll be watching you tonight front and center.” 
Y/N could feel herself buzzing with excitement when Brooks told her. She smiled at him and practically jumped up and down. “I think You’ll like the new stuff I’ve been working on. But I have to go get ready, so I’ll see you later?” Brooks nodded and gave her one last kiss on top of her head as a good luck before she ran back to the locker room. When she walked inside, she was met with four stares from four quite large individuals. 
“Care to explain?” Rhea asked first, her arms crossed over her chest and the look on her face making Y/N nervously play with her fingers. “He’s…he’s my ex. And we still have a really good relationship so he just wanted to talk.” She explained quickly. Damian shook his head a little and stepped closer. “Do you remember what we told you when you became a member of The Judgement Day, mi amor?” His words made Y/N shiver. Finn followed suit and stood in front of Y/N, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. “In order to be the very best you can be, you need to leave everything behind that was holding you back.” He reminded her softly. Y/N frowned and looked at the four of them again. “I-I know, but…but that’s not Brooks! He’s always supported me…” she said softly. 
Dom was the next one to speak. He shook his head and stayed where he was, running a stressed hand through his hair. “That’s what you think. But you need to trust us for all of this hard work to truly pay off.” She turned her head from her partners and tried to think about what they were saying, but she knew they were right. “Yeah, I guess.” She said softly. In the back of her mind, she knew it wasn’t going to be that easy to cut off Brooks. But she still had a match later in the night and she couldn’t think about anything other than that. 
Her partners all smiled in response, and this time Rhea was the one to step closer and wrap her arms around Y/N. “We promise this is the right thing to do, baby. You won’t regret it.” She said softly. Y/N nodded and leaned into Rhea’s touch. “Thank you all. I mean it.” Even though she still meant every word she said, she was still thinking about seeing Brooks in the crowd during her match tonight…and whether she should tell her four partners about that.
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