#she's got the second worst character development I have ever read
lilacgaby · 22 days
day one
chapter select!
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i do not got this.
[name] could barely sleep because of her nerves. she kept replaying the worst scenarios possible in her head.
what if he rejected her in front of everyone? she'd have to leave the school from the embarrassment. she'd be trash-- the trash of society!
maybe she just needed to eat.
she crawled out of bed, put on her house slippers, and made her way down to the kitchen.
she saw a couple other early risers along the way, momo greeted her and congratulated her on her successful mission, and iida told her not to stay out past curfew.
same old, same old.
she started to make some chai to drink. "maybe momo would want some, i should make her a glass." [name] pondered out loud while preparing the tea.
she went up to give the glass to momo. "ah, thank you [name]!"
"no problem momo."
she then on her way down, eyed katsuki who was heading to the kitchen at the same time as her.
okay [name]. stay cool.
she poured herself a glass. he walked up beside her.
"hey, you want some chai?"
she poured him some in a glass, and he nodded appreciatively.
so far so good. she didn't even need a third wheel.
katsuki looked around as if to make sure no one else was with them, then he said...
"did you see when usui kissed misa, and jumped off the building?"
"yes! it was so cute, he really is the best."
"how did he not break his legs though? he should've broken a leg, it would've been such an easy plot point to develop. she could've taken care of him and gotten closer to him that way."
[name] thought for a second. "i mean, maybe the author thought it was too predictable though? you gotta read the next volume. what happens next is so cool!"
"no spoilers [name]."
she sighed. "it wouldn't be spoilers if you weren't such a slow reader. hurry up! it's literally pictures!"
"you didn't even finish ouran high school host club loser. don't talk to me."
"pfft. i watched the anime, who needs the manga?"
"the anime didn't even go in depth to all the arcs!"
"whatever man."
"do you even remember the characters?"
"yes i do! i'm not an idiot."
"then who's your favorite host?"
"because-" oh no. "because sometimes he reminds me of--"
"heya guys! what're you doing? flirting over here?" kirishima exclaimed. expertly cutting her off.
she really did need a third wheel. and she did need to thank kirishima and call him the manliest man in the world, because he really saved her ass.
"no, shut up shittyhair." katsuki remarked, before going off to the side to cook something.
'thank you!' [name] mouthed.
'for what?' kirishima mouthed back.
she facepalmed internally, but mouthed back, 'i'll tell you later.'
he did a signature smile, before going to pester bakugo.
she was saved, for now. she went to go get cleaned up for classes. she did her hair, a bit of makeup, ironed her clothes, and readied her bag.
now, to survive school.
luckily, she sat next to mina the entire day. unluckily, all the girls in the class were avid gossipers. which would've been great.. every week except this one.
normally [name] would never be nervous while gossiping. she could read others like a hawk, and if she didn't have shoes on, she could focus to an extent and feel their heart beats to confirm or deny whatever they're saying.
of course, she wasn't a bully. she'd only ever think about whether they were lying or telling the truth to herself. she just wished she could keep it to herself today.
"hey [name]." oh no.
"we all always talk about our crushes and stuff-"
stop please.
"so we gotta ask,"
mina please step up!
"we gotta ask why you're so respectful? like c'mon! live a little and talk a bit of trash about some people. there's gotta be something or someone you don't like." mina cut in, saving the day.
who knew the third wheeling would extend to people she didn't even have a crush on?
"uh, well it's not that i don't like people, it's more i don't wanna bother myself thinking about them."
"really? well, who don't you like?" damn it jirou and your good questions.
"mineta." phew, good save me!
"that's too easy of an answer, like, do you hate anyone from 1-b?" Uraraka asked.
yay another easy answer! "i don't hate anyone from 1-b."
the girls all seemed to accept it, phew, nobody ask the opposite and we're good.
"hey, but aren't we asking [name] the wrong question?" tsuyu suddenly said
no! not when i was just safe!
"oh yeah, [name]. who do you like?"
"who's ready to learn?" present mic yelled as he jumped onto one of the desks in the front.
"get down. alright settle down and get into your seats. class is starting." mr. aizawa said, the commotion effectively covering her answer.
the girls all went to their seats.
the next hurdle was lunch time. piece of cake.
except for the fact that she'd always sit in between katsuki and mina.
no big deal.
everything started out normal. everyone besides bakugo did their best to not question [name] directly, as they found out only when it was directed to her that she'd be forced to answer.
bakugo was luckily never much of a talker himself, only butting in to defend himself or jokingly insult others, even though majority of his insults held no weight.
but sometimes they'd catch themselves in the middle of their sentences, and have to fix their speech before [name] would be forced to answer. the goal post was moved from not confessing to not making her answer any odd questions at all. because bakugo would definitely notice her robotic answers.
"yeah like, didn't [name] totally-- i mean uh-- didn't we all totally flunk that test?"
"[name] remember when we-- uh-- i mean guys remember when we snuck out that one time?"
"which time?"
"dude, the convenience worker totally has a crush on [name]! right [na--] uh-- everyone?"
[name] focused almost unconsciously, and she noticed that katsuki's heart beat was speeding up for some reason. huh.
"you idiots are acting weird today." bakugo said out of no where.
"what? pfft. no way." sero said, trying to play it off.
"you're crazy man, i mean.. we're all acting normal. it's you who's acting weird!" denki said, before laughing awkwardly.
"yeah something is definitely up. how many of you dumbasses are in on it?"
"what? bakugo you're being uh-- irrational."
"since when do you talk like that raccoon eyes?"
"uh-- since i studied?"
everyone face palmed at that.
"okay the jig is up. the fuck is going on?"
"uh.. gotta go. i'm uh-- real hungry! needa get some sun y'know? see ya!" [name] left before anyone could stop her.
mina followed after her, leaving denki, sero, and kirishima to use the collective 5 brain cells they have to try and convince bakugo that nothing was up.
she was so gonna owe them more than a dinner for this.
[name] didn't know what lie they were gonna come up with. and to be honest, she really didn't want to find out.
as she sat on the rooftop, she let the chloroplasts out on her skin, which made her have a couple green-ish spots all over.
"eating really does help." [name] murmured.
"watching you eat is so crazy! i mean you're literally turning green!" mina said, eyes wide and wonder filled.
"...you're literally pink.. but okay."
"hey, can't we ask mr. aizawa to nullify the quirk while we're in class?"
"... mina that is the smartest thing you've ever said."
"cool! we'll need to update everyone at our daily meeting today. as long as he agrees we'll only need to worry about other times!"
"we should go now, before class starts."
"okay! you go ahead, i'm gonna go see what our other agents said to bakugo."
"just go!"
"um.. mr. aizawa? may i come in?"
"yes." he grumbled sleepily. he was in his sleeping bag, barely looking up at her.
"what is it [name]? is this to clear up about you being on the floor? because i really didn't care."
"uh.. no. this is about something that happened while i was on the mission."
"go on." she could tell that even though he seemed completely uninterested, that she had his full attention.
"well, you see, i was hit by a quirk. a truth telling quirk. and it's going to last for 6 more days."
"and.. i'd really appreciate your help. if you could nullify my quirk during just time when we're sitting in the classroom, it'd help a lot." she bowed respectfully as she made her request.
the room was silent as aizawa was seemingly thinking it over.
"sure, why not."
"thank you! i won't forget this!"
the second half of the day went by like a breeze. because mr. aizawa was cancelling her quirk, she lived her life in temporary peace for the remaining hours of the school day.
she smiled with relief, everything is going good now.
she cleared up her answer with the girls while she still could,
"guys, i don't have a crush on anyone. im just too busy."
and then she relaxed fully.
the walk to the dorms was easy, she didn't have to worry about dinner since she didn't eat, and she could always call an early night to get out of uncomfortable situations.
easy peezy.
she had no time to talk to bakugo for the rest of the day, since he had such an early bed time.
at last.. the daily meeting was here.
"alright guys! great saves today! here are the rankings for best agents. [name] would you do the honors?"
"yes. unless the honors is a person. i do not know them well enough to do them.
just give me the damn chalk."
mina held back a laugh while she walked up.
"okay, on the bottom we have.. denki."
"what? no way!"
"yes way! you were being way too obvious earlier! which brings me to my next loser: sero."
"no way, this is rigged."
"no it's not! what point of no questions do you not understand! anyways
next up, we have kirishima. amazing work this morning!"
kirishima bowed jokingly.
"and lastly, one for one, we have alien queen mina!"
"this is so rigged!"
"obviously she'd win, they're best friends!"
"sounds like jealously! anyways-- thank you [name]! take a seat."
[name] took a seat as mina resumed her place as the leader.
"okay agents! we have a new addition to the team: mr. aizawa!"
"what?" everyone said collectively.
"correct! i came up with the brillant idea for him to use his power on [name] during class time when we're all just sitting around. that's how i earned top spot!
so now, our sub-operation is this:
plan [name]'s perfect confession."
"what?" [name] scoffed, "that's not part of this operation!"
"and besides.. with what denki told bakubro earlier.. we can't go on with that yet."
"what the hell did you idiots tell him?!"
"we just said you were embarrassed because you have crazy woman issues and don't want anyone to question you right now!  he interpreted that however he did!" denki defended.
"hey-- i didn't say any of that. it was all you man."
"way to throw me to the wolf sero!"
"just get out! all of you!"
"meeting over guys!"
"mina what the hell?! i thought you went to make sure they didn't say anything super stupid!"
"i did! but it was too late.. see ya [n/name]!"
my life is over.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
how they act around reader! you know the usual, how horny they get and how the reader is potentially uncomfortable because not even they can handle the harems hormones.
Hoo boy we have a lot of characters to go through and I haven’t even named all of them so *cracks knuckles* Let’s go with my favorite children for now.
warnings: dead dove do not eat territory here. yandere themes (lotsa violence). please don’t read this if you have a wild imagination like me oh god im aboutta faint at darling’s section. cannibalism. knife play. necrophillia. a transphobic society.
[previous ask for more context]
[next part] - yandere! faculty
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Let’s start with our boy Justin Del Rosario [Yan Jock]
He’s incredibly sweet and caring. At least when you two were dating. The type to always check in on you. Always makes sure you’re hydrated and keeping up with your self-care routines.
As if popular! reader isn’t completely meticulous when it comes to their image.
Looks like a bad boy but is an actual sweetheart. Your relationship started off as a transaction of sorts. Being the softie he is though he developed feelings. Quick. The masochist.
Is a whole ass push-over when it comes to you.
Now post break-up Justin is a bit of a freak.
Like I said in my previous post of his experience as your boyfriend, he has gone through shit.
Suddenly his grades are perfect. People are actually tolerating if not appreciating his presence.
He’s becoming a threat to your place as the ruler of the campus.
But unlike you his fans aren’t declined atrocious yet.
How does Popular! Reader feel about him? Not much really. Their whole relationship was a transaction to them. I can’t emphasize how much of an apathetic bitch I wrote reader to be ya’ll I’m sorry. But in order for their harem to thrive they gotta turn a blind eye.
In terms of Horni Levels it’s uh - not so bad. Once he lost his virginity to you (yes you took his virginity) he found it to be the best stress relief and got addicted. But he’s also super respectful of your boundaries.
That was when you were originally dating though. He’d probably pound you to oblivion if you ever got back together. Pent up horni does that.
Actually, that event might not even need them getting back together. I won’t be surprised if current Justin just takes you even with his relationship with Darling.
For your favorite, Darling De Leon [yan good girl] . . .
Hella shy around you. You almost didn’t know she existed if it weren’t for her consistent placement as second. At least before Isabel came and Justin’s grades shot up.
She has a pretty shit past.
Has always been a little scared of you.
Extremely possessive. She had always been overshadowed by her siblings, and her time abroad without you had really shattered her self confidence. Although she’s deathly afraid her past actions would be revealed, she’s more scared of losing you to someone else.
She thought that by agreeing to date Justin, you’d think of him as disgusting for moving on so fast.
Definitely enjoyed her time on your lap a little too much.
Which brings me to Horni Levels.
If you think Justin is bad. Darling is just the worst out of all the yanderes. She’s the kinkiest one too. She has been saving herself for you, waiting for the time you corrupt her. Hoping that by that time, every obstacle has been removed.
The type to have you fuck her atop the corpses of her rivals kind of kinky. The type to fantasize about you using a knife and inserting in every way possible inside her type of kinky. The type of kinky to fuck your dead body or eat any and every part of you to fully make you two as one.
She’ll own you, dead or alive, one way or another.
How popular! reader feels about her is again, indifference. Maybe a little horni for her soft aesthetic and cute demeanor. Definitely plans to gobble her up once Justin is done playing pretend.
A character that hasn’t been mentioned yet is Isabel Labrador [yan! nerd]
Isabel used to go by the name Isaiah. She used to be pretty alright with being assigned male at birth until popular! reader suddenly announced one day that she’s more horni towards women.
She got disowned for transitioning, and like Darling, disappeared from your life for quite a bit that you forgot about her.
Similar to many of the harem members, she’s very pliant to your whims. She does many of the assignments and projects that aren’t worth your time or would lead to you lacking sleep.
Not like the professors assign you much.
A bit of a whiny brat. Used to be hella spoiled when she was younger so she’s a lot more outspoken when it comes to your sexual escapades. This leads to you beating her up the most out of everyone in the harem.
Popular! Reader is the only one who knows she’s a trans and is surprisingly very respectful about that part about her.
The two of you are mostly amicable.
Horni Levels: Pretty normal for a young adult. Loves to tease you by showing more skin sometimes. Though she always covers up when anyone else is in the picture.
Her hella religious upbringing made her pretty conservative about sex and all that but it’s often balls to the wall when they see you. Literally. Never knew she was into pegging til you took her one day.
How popular! reader feels about her? Mostly a means to an end. She’s the least careful when it comes to her simpery. It gets tiring having to discipline her every time but the angry sex makes up for it.
This one will be short since I plan on him and the rest to be minor characters. Nobody knows how Ricardo Peralta [yan! president] became the President with how much he hates your ass.
People who voted for him were probably like. ‘If a person who doesn’t even want [Y/N] became president. We won’t have a threat.’
Jokes on them he has more notes on you than the entire student body combined.
Boy is the Candace to your Phineas/Ferb. His entire mission is to bust your ass. (and for you to bust a nut in his-)
You don’t even know he exists.
It was almost as if you were made to be the apple of everyone’s eye. Not one person in campus could remember a time where they didn’t know you.
No, it was more like they didn’t want to. Why imagine a terrible era such as that?
A lot of the students from the college are spoiled brats that absolutely adored how cut throat you were. How you weren’t afraid to put them in their place unlike those push-overs they usually meet. Some were just drawn to your charisma and confidence.
Or well, just general fuckability.
People think you’re also rich but you just get a lot of stuff from the students with money.
Your birthday is a bloodbath and a half. You started celebrating it alone so that people wouldn’t see your reactions to the gifts. Both because you wanted to keep them guessing and ‘cause the person whose gift is liked will probably get murdered.
You have to routinely check for cameras or tracking devices.
It takes you every bit of your self control not to just twerk in front of the camera if not give it the finger by fucking someone who you know is innocent right in front of it. They don’t even get to see you properly in the angle.
You strategically use pussy as both a punishment and incentive.
It’s super effective!
It’s super effective.
You often use pussy to discipline or incentivize your harem. It’s super effective. At least, considering you haven’t been kidnapped and/or killed yet.
You’re a bit of a sadist.
Yeah you’re a bit of a sadist.
Popular! Reader uses pussy a lot to keep everyone in check. You’re used to giving your body away to get what you want that you’ve become numb to it.
No one is normal in this College. Not even you.
You don’t even know he exists.
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: we are watching jungkook slowly become alpha
namjoon: can you be normal today
jk: do you really mean that bro…
tae: with all my heart..
oh my god i’m tearing up
this is what being a real man is about
jimin: begging for pussy??
hobi: you harassed that poor woman for a whole week
yoongi: all for a hand hold
y/n: crazy!
tae: okay??
but it was literally real as fuck so does it matter??
jimin: it was real fucking sad
jin: personally if i was her i would of called the police like sexual harassment hello???
yoongi: right
namjoon: it was a great song jungkook
jk: > //// <
i’m blushing
that was me blushing
and i giggled a little
smiling rn
namjoon: a thank you would of done it
jk: thank u >.<
jimin: she should of punched him
jin: was there need for an explicit version like??
we got the point the first time
i didn’t need to hear how horny you were for a second time
hobi: he just wanted to swear
tae: no he’s just real as fuck you wouldn’t get it
jk: real as fuck
yoongi: ig it was real as fuck for jungkook
he begs for pussy on a daily
jk: proof?
hobi: by bts
y/n: i’ll leak our dms
i’m sowyy 😣
jimin: i’m gonna punch him
hobi: fucking seven days a week doesn’t seem right
is that not how you get an std?
jk: no?
yoongi: is that not when you fuck multiple people?
y/n: you fuck multiple people jk?
jk: NO?????
jimin: why is ur no a question
hobi: suspicious
jin: jungkook has crabs
tae: that’s a real man disease
y/n: that’s gross
jk: i’m real
jimin: real itchy
namjoon: can we not talk about stds pls
y/n: i bet jay park has a couple of those
jk: ???
jimin: REALLLL
jin: that’s why him and jk are friends bonded over the burn
jk: i’m not his friend anymore
y/n: character development okay!!!
yoongi: was that bcs he stole from you?
jk: stop talking to me rn
jimin: OMG GUYS
yk i had the worst dream ever yesterday tae was in it
tae: and?
jimin: wdym and
tae: i hope you die
namjoon: pls don’t wish death upon people tae
jimin: yeah tae
tae: all of you can fucking die idc!!!
not jungkook tho he real as fuck
y/n: say real as fuck one more time and i’ll snap ur neck
jin: hot asf
yoongi: ew?
tae: nobody wants to see us winning jk it’s sad 😞
jk: i’m sobbing 💔💔😞😞💔💔
tae: they literally told us to kill ourselves
namjoon: literally no one said that
jimin: in fact YOU said you hope i die
jk: he could of meant by natural causes
tae: right i would never tell you to kill ur self that’s sick and evil
yoongi: kys
tae: ur not going to heaven
yoongi: aw man 🙁
hobi: what if we put tae in the electric chair
jin: what if we put tae and jungkook in the electric chair
jk: wtf ☹️
tae: i could easily survive the electric chair it would feel good to me actually
y/n: i’ve been telling you guys for years we need to lock them up
do you actually read the bullshit they say on a daily it’s actually insane they need help
like professional help
jk: i didn’t even say anything
jimin: you don’t need to
we just know
namjoon: i agree
we could send them to a camp
or something
tae: why are you talking about us like we’re not RIGHT here
jungkook get them omg
jk: i can’t go to camp
too much raw air exposure is bad for my skin
and i have a dentist appointment soon
yoongi: raw air?
jin: how soon is ur appointment?
jk: so soon that i can’t go to camp
namjoon: tae shut up
y/n: right
tae: i liked it better when you guys just ignored me in this gc
now all you do is be mean
jimin: maybe u deserve it
*you definitely deserve it
hobi: stop talking then idk
yoongi: i will gladly ignore you again
jk: i love you tae i’ll listen to you talk
jin: jungkook the biggest dick rider ever
tae: he’s my little dick rider 🥰😍❤️
hobi: yeah definitely stop talking
namjoon: okay!
y/n: oh my god
jimin: ???
yoongi: um
jin: this is what seven was really about
jk: bro..
tae: lol
jimin: you're really gorgeous i would deadass fight 3 mountain lions in a mcdonald's handicap bathroom stall with my hands tied behind my back and my only weapon is a shake weight glued to my forehead just to get a chance to get to know you and take u out tbh
jin: nurse he’s out again
jimin: wrong chat lol
tae: and you wanna put ME in the electric chair
ur all out of ur minds
namjoon: you were gonna send that to someone????
jimin: is it bad?
y/n: so unbelievably bad
jk: blushing
yoongi: wow
tae: yikes
hobi: bts never beating the rizzless allegations
y/n: who were you gonna send that too?
jk: was it me?
yoongi: that was flirting?
jin: probably the notes app
jimin: no one
jin: told you
notes app.
jk: it wasn’t me?
tae: i’ll be nice and give you some better lines jimin dw
jimin: the only lines you have are of coke
tae: nvm fuck you stay bitchless
namjoon: leave jimin alone
jimin: right leave me alone
namjoon: he’ll open up in his own time
jimin: i fucking won’t
you guys deserve to know NOTHING about me
yoongi: okay don’t care kys
jimin: i have a crush
jin: i’m hungry
hobi: is this the same crush you talked about like 4 weeks ago??
jk: on me?
sorry jimin i’m already in love with someone else
yoongi: didn’t ask
jk: i won’t tell you who it is it’s a secret
namjoon: a secret from who??
jk: what does that mean…
namjoon: don’t we all know…
jin: i SAID i’m hungry
jimin: all you do is eat like omg??
get a job or something??????
jin: i have a job
i serve face for a living i would suggest you look into it since you have so much free time to BULLY and HARASS others but with a face like urs idk if you’ll make the cut
y/n: wow
jimin: i’m not reading all that 💀
y/n: never use that emoji again ew
jimin: 💀💀💀💀💀
y/n: this is why whoever ur trying to rizz up probably thinks ur a loser
yoongi: is it taemin again?
tae: ew you run back to taemin every 4 months it’s kinda embarrassing
jimin: taehyung you actually need to shut ur mouth
breathing the same air as you is embarrassing
and at least i have someone to run back to you are actually genuinely bitchless
tae: u are taemin’s bitch
so technically ur as bitchless
yoongi: gay
jk: don’t be a homocrome
namjoon: stop talking
jimin: it’s not even taemin so shut the hell up
i’m not talking about this anymore
moving on
hobi: what is your mbti guys
jk: physical touch
namjoon: that wasn’t the question
y/n: just say ur horny and go omg
jin: don’t
seven was actually enough
i will hear NO more about jungkooks sex life
everything i have learnt has been without my consent
my lawyers will be in touch
jk: my lawyers are ur lawyers
jin: not anymore
jk: omg…
hobi: oh my oh my god
namjoon: jin stop facetiming me i’m not answering
jin: pls joon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
namjoon: i’m not sitting there for you to look at urself in the camera for an hour
i have things to do
jimin: that sounds like very jobless behaviour to me tbh
jin: you can’t be ugly and jealous pls pick a struggle
tae: and rizzless
hobi: i know ur not talking…
tae: ????
hobi: tae i need you to do some self reflection
tae: okay?
i’m hot as fuck
cool as fuck
and real as fuck
i feel well reflected ty for suggesting that hoseok
y/n: i told you i’m gonna snap ur neck if you said that again
start running
jin: coming to watch 🥰
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qiu-yan · 5 days
3 6 7 11 16 20 25
bro is trying to get me killed lmao /s
choose violence ask game
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr:
this shit
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
gonna be honest here, the single most annoying part of the MDZS fandom is that one hyperspecific sort of wang and xian stan who insists on shitting on not only the other characters, but also other wang and xian fans who ship the characters in ways they don't approve of. this kind of stan can not only be relied on to have the worst possible takes on everyone ranging from jin guangyao to jiang cheng, they can also be relied on to harass other wang and xian fans simply for putting wang on the bottom. fun times.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
surprisingly, no one yet. sometimes i feel the hater urge to dunk on the morally-pure version of wei wuxian that the diehard wei wuxian stannies have collectively hallucinated, but i still find the wei wuxian from canon to be quite compelling.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
the "canon jiang cheng" and "canon jc" tags. everyone stfu
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
"morally pure wei wuxian who did nothing wrong ever." to me, wei wuxian's hubris, his unique capability for inventing new kinds of cruelty, his failure to think of the consequences of his actions, his tendencies to run away from negative feelings, and his ultimate failure to protect the people he was trying to protect, are what make him a compelling character to me. these flaws in parallel with his courage, kindness, stalwart moral compass, and genuine love make him interesting to me. so i don't quite understand fans who instead insist on erasing all the morally grey and highly interesting stuff he did in favor of insisting he did nothing wrong ever.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
not quite what the question is asking, but i found the actual wang and xian romance in the original novel to be a bit lacking. mainly because (as other people have said already) a lot of the romantic development happened when lan wangji was drunk. at the very least, i wanted to see lan wangji's reactions to his various drunken adventures once he sobered up the next day, and i'm rather disappointed we never got to see that.
furthermore, on wei wuxian's end, it did kind of feel like wei wuxian was using this exciting new romance to distract himself from his past problems, even though it also seemed like he didn't actually know all that much about lan wangji. the only version of the romance that makes sense to me is the one where wei wuxian was already into lan wangji (subconsciously or consciously) in his first life; otherwise, wei wuxian falling in love with lan wangji during his second life, when he's yet to process any of the shit that happened in his first life, feels too much like him running away from his problems with a guy he believes will validate all his decisions. meanwhile, on lan wangji's end, i feel like the novel just did not give us a lot to work with in regards to his character. so it feels like, if you want to be a fan of lan wangji, you have to do a lot of the legwork of building up his personality yourself.
what also disappointed me a bit about wang and xian, as well as lan wangji's character arc itself, is that lan wangji is never really challenged on a moral-dilemma level in the same way that many other characters are challenged by the story. how do i explain this...alright, i'll put it this way. i've been brainrotted about madohomu (madoka magica) since i was in middle school. and that's partially because i know for a fact that, if homura was put in the trolley problem and had to choose between [killing 5 strangers] and [allowing madoka to die], she would choose to kill those 5 strangers to save madoka. but after reading MDZS, i realized i legitimately did not know what lan wangji would do in such a moral dilemma. because MDZS equates [being morally righteous] with [supporting wei wuxian], lan wangji is never placed in a dilemma where he has to choose between sacrificing wei ying and doing something the audience would think of as unforgivable.
these are just my own hyperspecific tastes, though.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
gonna put my hater hat on for a second, but i kind of roll my eyes at the jiang cheng haters complaining about how jiang cheng stans keep posting in the "canon jiang cheng" tag. dude, if it bothers you that much, just block the jiang cheng stans. then things will be peaceful in your favorite tag again.
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theweeklydiscourse · 1 year
I 100% agree with your last acotar meta. I remember reading the book and thinking the sisters were so cartooney that it was legitimately comedic. And the worst part is, their characterisation isn't even contradicted in acomaf, it's in the second half of acotar. Feyre goes back home and suddenly they're all completely different people.
EXACTLY! I found that this contradiction was most present in Nesta because initially, she was portrayed as a a spoiled fool, but when Feyre returns, she becomes a cunning and concerned older sister. I read the second half of ACOTAR and thought: “Hold on, where was this Nesta at the beginning?” Because in the first chapters, there was hardly any evidence that Nesta had any feelings for Feyre aside from contempt and irritation.
“My hands slackened at my sides. “You went after me,” I said. “You went after me—to Prythian.” “I got to the wall. I couldn’t find a way through.”
I raised a shaking hand to my throat. “You trekked two days there and two days back—through the winter woods?”
She shrugged, looking at the sliver she’d pried from the table. “I hired that mercenary from town to bring me a week after you were taken. With the money from your pelt. She was the only one who seemed like she would believe me.”
“You did that—for me?”
How do we get from “Keep it up, and someday—someday, Feyre, you’ll have no one left to remember you, or to care that you ever existed.” To Nesta suddenly becoming a shrewd and observant woman with a mind of steel? In the first chapters, she is impractical, spoiled and naive but suddenly is flipped into a way more interesting character in the latter half of the book. It’s as if Maas had a foundational idea of Nesta as a wicked step sister, but then decided to expand upon her and completely transform her halfway through her draft (except she never tweaked the first draft to match her second one).
One could argue that the restoration of the Archeron’s wealth influenced this change, but even in the beginning there was hardly a hint that this version of Nesta existed beneath the haughty Nesta we saw initially. If Maas wanted to maintain continuity she could have laid down more hints about Nesta’s strength of character and planted seeds that might later grow into a fully-formed character arc. Nesta is way more compelling in the second half of ACOTAR and it is bizarre that Maas never really made the two halves match up with each other.
But I would not find this rapid change to be so frustrating if it were not for the fact that the initial characterization of Nesta we see is brought up several times throughout the series as a point of contention against her. How she acts in these first chapters (which is later contradicted in the very same book) is used as a major plot point in Nesta’s development later on in ACOSF and colours the Inner Circle’s perception of her. It’s especially terrible when you try to mediate this first draft of Nesta with the character that she is most of the time because it is just so…incongruent. How the hell can I engage with this character when their story is riddled with contrived nonsense and they act like a caricature in their first introduction?
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
What are you most controversial/unpopular OP opinions??? Sorry if it was answered before
You want me to get canceled so bad-- If I speak-- But idk, I guess I'll say the controversial opinions I can say publicly without a bunch of people coming at me!
Zo$an is a bit... Overrated? And by overrated I mean extremely/annoyingly overrated. I like the ship and its canon dynamic but I think at least 80% of the fandom portrays them in a very mischaracterized way. Not to say that... The ship is literally everywhere and the shippers always look for every little thing to prove they're canon, even if the "proof" has literally nothing to do with them. It's not that I don't enjoy the ship (although I must admit I prefer other dynamics a lot more) I just can't stand shippers that go to extremes. It's funny because I think Zo$an's dynamic is way more interesting and romantic in canon than it will ever be in the fandom. It's a bit sad, ngl. I liked them a lot at first but it got so tiring and now I am pretty exhausted from seeing it everywhere. The people force it to be more than it is when the canon is already pretty fucking great.
Adding to the Zo$san thing. I think that relationship would only work if Luffy is there somehow but it wouldn't last a day without him in the relationship. Unless there's like, a ton of character development most of these people don't make them go through.
One Piece Film Z is my worst enemy. It's such a boring movie. The only good thing is the soundtrack and maybe the suits but God watching that was torture.
Boa hate is uhhhh weird. I mean, I get why the joke about her being in love with Luffy might be annoying, but I think most of you need to learn to understand that Oda's sense of humor is sometimes a bit too exaggerated (and not funny) and it has basically nothing to do with the actual canon dynamics between characters. Boa likes Luffy because he's one of the first men who has ever treated her right, so of course she confuses that feeling with love. And of course, yeah, it isn't canon. Whatever. Just read between the lines, maybe? And also, stop using words like "pedo" to describe her because using that term so lightly about 1) a fictional character and 2) somebody who's clearly not a pedo is fucked up. Lmao. Do you even know what that word means???
Once again complaining about Pudding hate and saying that it's stupid. I won't overanalyze because I always do it with her, but the only reason people hate her is for misogynistic reasons and because they're babying Sanji. Evil male characters are okay and hot and very traumatized but the second it's a woman she's the most evilest person ever! Because God forbid they make mistakes! Suddenly their character development isn't valid because they hurt their babygirl!
Now that we're talking about my dearest Pudding. Not tagging anybody of course, but I saw this post with so many interactions of people agreeing about Sanji considering violence as a sign of love which??? Doesn't make sense at all?? OP said it was because he couldn't tell the difference between love/abuse because of his family, but that's just... Not accurate. That could only happen if they had manipulated him into thinking abuse is a type of love, but he had healthy love growing up. Even when he was with the Vinsmokes (Sora and Reiju, I love you). And yet OP said Sanji considered Pudding's behavior flirting (wrong) and that's why he let her attack him (nope) and that it was proof of Zo$an. And okay, it's not a hugely popular theory, but a lot of people agreed with it and it bothered me a lot because it's both out of character and also using Pudding (complex female character) once again to try and prove the canon of a ship (that doesn't have anything to do with WCI either???). It just bothers me. People can perceive the story however they want but... Y'know.
OPLA isn't that good. Or good at all? I only like it because I like the cast and it's funny seeing my blorbos irl. But the script is simple and dull and just stupid most of the time. The characters are either simplified, mischaracterized, or forgotten. And tbh most of the shots are very awful and could be a lot better. The directing is also nonexistent. It's 6/10 and 3 of those points are because both the Zolu and the cast.
Apparently this is a very common theory about Nami's origins, but, uh, I don't think we need to know? What else do you need to know about her? People say she's a lost princess or something like that as if we didn't have a lost princess already (Sanji ily). Repeating the same plot would be boring and underwhelming, but also? It'd be extremely useless for the plot and it'd go against everything about Nami's story and the way Luffy reacts to it.
Luffy isn't canon aroace. In fact, the reasoning people use for him being "coded" is the same Oda uses for Zoro too and Zoro is almost never portrayed as the "idiot who doesn't know what sex is" the way Luffy often is. If you're calling Luffy canon aroace for what Oda said about him being focused on adventures, the same goes for Zoro being focused on his dream. They could be coded arospec but there's nothing confirmed and the constant discourse about it is stupid. Attacking others because of their ships just because you don't agree with them and saying it's wrong using our identity to do it is very fucked up. Especially since most of the time people complaining aren't even aroace. The only reason people do it (attacking others saying they can't ship Luffy and that it's "weird" and "wrong") is that they infantilize Luffy/Don't want him getting in between their ships (<- aroace person writing this) (also, it's very ableist since people agree on Luffy also being neurodivergent coded and treating him like a kid bc of that but this isn't about that now).
Somehow this is very common. Some fucking how. I can't believe I have to say this. I'm tired of people blaming Usopp for what happened in Water 7. Or in general hating Usopp. Actually, he's one of the best-written characters in the whole show and he's so underappreciated it's so frustrating.
Sanji's perv jokes are annoying af and we all know that, but people who hate the character and consider him a red flag for that are missing the point completely. The point being "Oda exaggerates jokes to an annoying extent and most of the time they don't even reflect the character". I understand they can make you uncomfortable (same here tbh) but reducing Sanji to only those jokes is a waste of his character. You need to take jokes less seriously.
If I see one of these "red flag OP boys" TikToks adding Law/Ace/Zoro/Sanji next to fucking Doffy I will riot. Also, stop adding Crocodile there. He's a mafioso, there's NO way he won't be a sweetheart to his lover.
Baron Omatsuri's artstyle and animation is amazing and it fits the plot and aesthetic of the movie perfectly and people saying it's ugly will forever bother me.
"Usopp is suddenly hot after timeskip!" He has always been hot what the fuck are you talking about.
People reduce Nami to her "mean"/"sarcastic" personality a lot when she's quite literally one of the most kind-hearted characters of all. That being said, morally speaking she's probably one of the worst. I could explain how that works but I don't want to do it now, the point is-- Let the girl be sweet instead of making her mean all the time. And also, let her be mean and selfish without making it her entire personality. There's something called "balance".
Film Red was kind of bad. Like, the songs are amazing (thanks, Ado) but the ending is awful and the plot is very meh. I'm only here for Uta and Shanks but the rest of the characters are just useless. I do appreciate Sanji's hair in the movie, though.
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yippeecheapdvds · 15 hours
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On Friday I suffered throh "Ralph Breaks the Internet" (2018) Sic-Fi/Adventure
God I hated this. I knew i was going to hate it. I didn't want to watch it, but my friend wanted to do a double feature where we watched the original movie and it's sequel so she dragged me down with her 😭I tried to open my mind to the possibility that it could be at least ok, and it started out mid, but the longer it went on the worse and worse it got and the more I hated it. I did have some fun tearing it apart with my friend but it still hurt to watch and for most of the movie i was audibly groaning to drown out the cringe dialogue or gripping my head and screaming "NOOOOOO"
Shit I liked:
The squareheaded Mr Litwack. it was cute. also seeing his office.
Learning that the arcade is located in Sothern California
the green pop up ad guy and Knowsmore.
The little part where Ralph went to the old internet, and it had signs like "y2k" and "dial up" covered in dust.
The way the player characters moved in Slaughter Race
the chase sequence in Slaughter race. made me think for a second that I could actually like this movie.
Uhhhhh yah that's it
Shit i have mixed feelings about:
Felix and Calhoon were barely in the movie. Turbo wasn't in it at all. Sad that I didn't get much/any of my favorite characters but good thing they were barely/not here so the movie didn't have much/any time to ruin them.
The giant ralph monster was creepy as hell which like, good job on that but conceptually I hated it.
Shit i fucking hated, sorted by how mad it made me:
The way they made the internet super squeaky clean, only full of cat videos. like i know why they did it but it comes off as super fake.
The insults ralph was reading were all super lame.
Ralph going viral was stupid as shit
the pancake bunny. vile.
The friendship break up was stupid as shit. Ralph was hella dumb and acted like a kid i hated it.
the way they desaturated the colors in sugar rush to make it seem boring and less appealing. i saw that. fuck you.
most of the dialogue was hella cringe and hurt to listen to.
ralph game jumping in the middle of the day to make Vanelope that track. couldn't you have just waited untill after hours???????? fucking idiot.
the fucking missed potential??? we could have had a movie where they like visit internet games and feel like arcades are fading in relevancy, or had them meet versions of themselves from like emulators or other arcades or something; like seeing a Ralph that did go turbo, a Turbo that diden't, a Vanelope who never had trauma. it really felt like whoever wrote this movie didn't care about the original film and just picked out a stock kid's movie conflict that spat in the face of the original move's themes and meseging.
the oh my disney section, and the princesses. just all of it. easily one of the most painfull parts of the whole movie.
The way Ralph acted the entire godam movie. they completely threw out his characterization and character development in the last movie and had him acting like a creepy tween. WHY DID THEY MAKE HIM SO STUPID???
the idea that Vanellope 'belongs in slaughter race' is a travesty for multiple reasons one of wich being that SHE'S 9 and that game is almost certainly teen and up.
The WAY VAN ACTED OH MY GOD GIRL she spent the entire last movie trying to belong in sugar rush and then she just got bored and threw it all away???? why???? WHY DID THEY MAKE HER GO TURBO I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT
The fucking ending.
Congratulations RBTI, you managed to achieve the extremely rare rating of 2/10 and become the second worst movie I've ever seen. Don't see this. forget it exists.
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dunno1234 · 2 months
Gideon the Ninth review, I guess
So, Gideon the Ninth, huh? The darling of Tumblr, along with the rest of TLT. I read it. Finished yesterday. And now, for my first post ever on Tumblr, I'll also make my first full review of a book. It'll probably be long. I'll divide this in the following sections: Prose (yes, we're starting with it); characters; story; what I liked; and what I really wish had been done. Full spoilers for literally everything in the first book, and warning that I did not like the book much. It's like, 3 stars. But hey, that was a passing grade in college, and thus I'll also read the next book. Also, it will be extremely rambly. I did an editing pass, but to ramble is my nature.
This is the most relevant aspect to my experience, which is really sad, because I hated it. And it's really weird, because it's the first time I disliked a technically good prose (and I assure you, the prose is good in the technical aspect). The descriptions are very verbose (I learned 4 new words while reading it), but also, well, descriptive, and it has its own distinctive style, and theoretically I would've enjoyed it a lot. So, why did I not? Well, the quips. Oh boy, the quips. They were extremely prevalent throughout the story and I hated almost all of them (other than the Dr. Skelebone one. That one was great, specially how they committed to it), and they actively ruined my experience because I was always bracing myself for them. Another thing I heavily disliked was the use of parentheses to denote both thoughts and quips characters said (I think parentheticals do not belong in prose in any situation, and this book just reinforced that belief). And the funny thing is, it's not as if I'm against the idea of it. Pale Lights (which I absolutely recommend) is also in third-person limited and uses quips during the dialogue, but the main difference is, well, I like how it works in PL and not here, I guess. And it sucks, because, if I dislike the prose, I automatically dislike the entire book experience, since it is an always-present aspect of it. I would even have preferred aggressively mediocre prose, like anything written by Wildbow, over what I got here.
I loved Palamedes and Camilla.
I liked Harrow, and Gideon was well-written.
Coronabeth, Naberius, and Ianthe were somewhat interesting, or at least interesting ideas behind them (and Naberius had a parrying dagger, which is extremely hot). Would've been good if Coronabeth had existed after the Ianthe review, though. I assume the intention is that she becomes relevant in HtN?
Teacher was fun.
Silas Octakiseron (worst surname in a cast full of impressively bad surnames (although I don't think that they are actual surnames since Harrow's parents have different surnames than her)) is a good antagonist, I guess. Brother Asht had a cool scene.
I have run out of characters to say positive things about.
This is mean (and honestly most of this review will be mean), but yeah... I don't care about anyone else. Most of them are one note with barely any personality traits, and there are simply too many of them for the story's own good. Who cares about the Second House members, who are so irrelevant that I don't even know who is the cav and who is the necro. Magnus was kind to Gideon, but he was also obviously going to be sacced from the start, while his wife I don't even remember having dialogue. Both of the Fourth were developed literally the same chapter as they died, and while they were mildly amusing before, I never got to care about them. Dulcinea/Cytherea was a twist villain, and not a good one. Her cav was literally dead before arrival.
The main problem of the cast, I think, is how they all have to share screentime (or pagetime, I guess) with everyone else. I don't get to see Naberius's life history and training to be sad about his death, when I also have to get attached to Fourth Necro (I do not remember his name) for his death. As a result, none of them get the necessary focus, and they fall flat to me. The worst offenders are the Second, who are completely indistinct from each other and whose only impact in the story is killing teacher and calling Necrolord Prime, two actions that Cytherea could've done with barely any rewriting.
The romance between Harrow and Gideon also fell pretty flat. Gideon spends 90% of the story flirting with Coronabeth and Dulcinea, while Harrow is either not in the scene or emotionally distant, and then in the last couple chapters she gives The Reveal in the pool (which revealed barely anything) and in the penultimate chapter we see how much she actually loves Gideon.
Palademes and Camilla were cool as fuck, though.
It started pretty good before they left Drearbuh (of whatever it's called), but as soon as they arrived in the First planet, it just meandered. I've seen some people who actually liked the book, and they also seemed to agree that it was slow, but I don't think it improved greatly later on. After Palamedes and Camilla first appeared and Gideon was finally allowed to speak it did pick up, and the tests she and Harrow did were fun, but soon after the story became about who has which keys, and I refuse to believe anyone was interested about that part.
Eventually, it had the plot twist that Ianthe is actually a fucking genius who is proving Palamedes wrong about him being the best necro of his generation (sadly) and she fights the Eighth and kills them and also apparently Dulcinea isn't Dulcinea and Palamedes kills himself to kill her but it doesn't work and the remaining characters take turns to kill her until Gideon sacrifices herself and Harrow kills her. And then we get an epilogue.
So, 90% of the story is contained in the last 10% of it. This is not good. The pacing of this book sucks. The last 10% of it is pretty good, but that does not redeem the rest. There is also a lot of telling instead of showing. We only see Ianthe after she becomes a Lyctor; Palamedes's backstory is told by Camilla literally a chapter before the reveal; we never get to see the Second killing Teacher; we never see Silas grabbing Dulcinea's keys. Gideon as the PoV character doesn't really work, because she only becomes the central point of the story at the very end, and for the most part everyone else is doing their own things out of screen.
What I liked
I already said this, but Palamedes and Camilla were great. Harrow was very fun, and, while I did not enjoy Gideon, she was pretty well written.
The setting was very interesting, and felt much bigger than what we saw. I wish that the glossary had been at the start of the book, but it isn't that big of a problem. The necromancy was also fun, with all of the different styles, although I wish it were better explained (and I understand that it probably wasn't because Gideon knows dick about shit about it, but it doesn't really change me having a problem with it).
The last two chapters were easily the best in the book. Like, I genuinely liked them. This is mostly because Gideon wasn't the PoV, I'll admit, but the Necrolord Prime (I do not remember if he's actually called that or not, but I'll still call him that) was very fun in the like, three pages he was in.
What I Really Wish Had Been Done
So, I'll try to be as direct as possible. Have multiple PoVs. Preferably one for each House. This could solve literally every problem I denoted here. The Ianthe reveal came out of nowhere? Well, now we can properly set it up. The Palamedes backstory was explained through exposition two pages before it became relevant? Well, instead of Camilla giving it, we see him think about it. I hate the quips? Other characters won't have quips. The story meanders at the start? Go to characters who have stuff to do. And you can even use the skulls besides the chapter number with the Houses to signify which character is the PoV, and, at the epilogue, have it for the first time have the skull of the First. Wouldn't that be a cool usage of it? I am completely aware that this would require completely rewriting the book, but I think it'd be worth it.
I'll still read the next book, and I will probably enjoy it more due to not having constant quips and Ianthe presumably having focus, although I've heard from multiple people that it's confusing as fuck. So yeah, I'm decently hyped for Harrow the Ninth, and if I have was many thoughts about it I'll probably also write a review. Also, hey, Reddit!
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shallanigans · 4 months
So, you want to write fanfiction? Here's some advice from someone who spends too much time on ao3, Part 1:
Hey everyone! This is a bit of a deviation from my usual shitposts. I was looking at the "#writers on tumblr" tag today, and I got inspired to post this after some interesting discussions. I'm someone who has read a lot (and I mean A LOT) of fanfic, as well as written some myself... so I thought I'd make this little (no, I lied, it's Very Long) post with some writing tips that I find personally meaningful for those of you who may be getting started or want to try something new.
My qualifications? Honestly, because I said so. This is just my opinion. Feel free to ignore, disagree, hate, ask questions, whatever. I'll be discussing some common fanfic writing advice and what I think about it, as well as giving some general pointers.
Disclaimer: What is "good writing?"
Good writing is effective writing. There is no one way in which everyone should write. Effective writing compels the reader; it makes them interested in your story, keeps them turning the pages, makes them click that "next chapter" button and stay up all night to finish your 500k epic. Some people achieve this through flowery, descriptive prose. Others do so with their quick wit and snappy dialogue. Others write all their fanfictions in second person epistolary format only and make you cry harder than you ever have. The first thing to know is that 1) tastes vary and 2) confidence matters. Find your voice, and be proud of it. If you feel that what you are doing is working for you, and you love it, then keep at it. Someone has already made every "writing mistake" and made it well. Don't fall into the trap of getting bogged down with 674835 contradictory tips and being too terrified to write at all. The only real writing sin is being boring.
Furthermore, this post is for fanfiction specifically. A lot of this advice might be useful for traditional fiction, but it's not a 1:1 carryover. A lot of fanfic advice will be irrelevant for traditional fiction, and vice versa.
That's all fine and dandy, but what do I do?
Good question. First, let's break down what makes a fanfiction effective. Most people searching ao3 for a story probably want:
A compelling premise
With in-character characters
Good spelling, formatting, grammar, and syntax
Stylistically strong writing
A coherent plot
With a certain degree of wish-fulfillment sprinkled in (this is fanfic, after all)
In this series, I will be mostly discussing elements 2-6. Number 1, unfortunately, comes down to "don't be boring," and I can't tell you how to come up with an idea that's going to hook your reader. However, assuming that you already have The Coolest Idea Ever, and you only need the reader to see that, then here's what you can do:
Effective Summaries
No, seriously. Tell people what your fucking story is about. One of my favorite stories on ao3 has the worst, vaguest one-liner of a summary I've ever seen. It is a gem, and if it hadn't been for a friend's recommendation, I would have never read it. You may think that your epic out of context quote from the paragraph you spent hours perfecting will make people care, but it will probably just confuse them. This is likely to be the most controversial thing I say today, so I'm starting off strong.
When I say effective summary, I mean a summary that will tell people the basic premise of the plot while also making them want to learn more. I don't mean something fancy. I mean something like:
When Blorbo started his new tech development job at Tumblr, he never expected to have Blorbette for a boss. She is smart, cold, calculating - and, to his horror, totally irresistible. In order to win her heart, he decides to make her jealous by fake-dating his colleague and frenemy, Blorbinson. But he soon finds that there is more to his mysterious friend than meets the eye. Could it be that the real Tumblr sexyman has been next to him all along?
That's a pretty standard summary for a relatively long fic. It's nothing fancy, but it tells the reader what the story's about. Now this same summary, in the hands of someone who refuses to inform the reader about the premise of the story, would probably say something like:
His eyes are the color of spring.
You can get away with that kind of stuff more often in a one-shot, but best practice is always to tell your reader what the story is about. Say to your reader:
Blorbinson's eyes are too easy to get lost in. Blorbo cannot find his way out.
If you MUST include a quote from your story, then do it alongside your informative summary, in the much-loved format below:
"What do you mean Welcome to Nightvale is winning the contest?" --- In which things get heated at Tumblr dot com, and Blorbinson's the one making Blorbo get all sweaty.
I can already hear you arguing. You say to me, "But there are people who choose quotes that are both pretty AND informative! But writing anything is better than writing nothing in the summary!"
True. My response to the first point is this: if you had mastered that skill, you wouldn't be here. A simple, to-the-point-summary is almost never going to make the interested reader scroll past your story. You know what will? An out-of-context block of text about how much Sans Undertale loves the player from chapter 3, paragraph six.
To the second point, I say: obviously. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't seek to improve. No one is perfect. I'm certainly not. But you're doing yourself a disservice by spending so much time and effort on the content of your story and then fumbling it on the home stretch. If you take pride in your work (and I'm assuming you do, because you posted this story for a reason), then make like a chef at a five-star restaurant and start caring about presentation. It goes without saying that there shouldn't be any typos in the summary.
A note on tagging: I will make a separate post on tagging your stories appropriately. This is a writing-related rant.
Now, onto characterization:
If you're one of those people who thinks that there's no such thing as "too OOC," congratulations. May you enjoy fanfiction free from the shackles of the narrative. Tag appropriately and have fun. If you're like the rest of us haters, you probably want to keep your characters as faithful to canon as possible. Yes, even in an AU.
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I've included this wonderful addition because entryn17 said it better than I ever could have. There's difference of interpretation, and then there's Severus Snape deciding that James Potter was actually just misunderstood.
Being "in-character" is an elusive ideal that we all strive for, but no one can quite tell you what it means except for "the vibes." The way I like to define it is this: If you asked yourself the question "Would He Fucking Say That/Do That/Feel That?" and the answer is "yes, absolutely," then it's in-character. If the answer is "absolutely not," then it's out of character. If the answer is "maybe?" then your goal is to move that needle firmly into the Yes camp.
To do this, you must first determine what is making you unsure. Is it the dialogue? Is your stuffy Edwardian speaking like a Gen Alpha well-versed in Cocomelonese? Is your overconfident flirt stammering and stuttering through a conversation? Often, the content of what a character is saying agrees perfectly with the source material, but the how doesn't match it. Beta readers can help with this, as can going back to the source material to study a character's speech patterns in canon. You don't have to get it perfect. Just make sure it doesn't stand out. Would Snape perhaps say "Come over here!" in a much wordier, snarkier manner? Maybe. Maybe not. But he sure as hell wouldn't say, "Yo! bring your ass over and check this out!"
Actions and feelings are a bit trickier. There's always some leeway in personal interpretation here, and most of the time your reader won't question this very much so long as the rest of the story keeps them engaged. One OOC action or thought is easy to brush off. Ten, not so much. Read up on the wiki pages for whatever you're writing, go back to the source material, and maybe get the opinion of a willing beta reader. Ultimately, if your characters start feeling like featureless puppets subject to your whims rather than people with established personalities, you might want to go back and revisit what made them stand out to you in the first place.
Keep things consistent within your story. Especially in AUs and canon divergence fics, there are certain character traits that are malleable. Maybe Draco Malfoy wouldn't have been such a dickhead if he'd had caring adult mentors in his life. So, justify that within your story. You don't necessarily need to keep the characterization faithful to the canon, but you do need to convince the reader that their beloved character has a reason for their behavior. Keep things consistent. Whenever a character deviates from their canon behavior, make sure there's a valid explanation for it in your narrative.
Don't fall for the trap of confusing canon and fanon. Fandom is like a game of telephone. Someone writes one story of Blorbo adopting a cat, and suddenly he's the biggest cat person in the universe. The poor author who posts about Blorbo's canonical love of dogs gets trashed for writing OOC. You can't prevent people getting mad at you, but you can always grin smugly and go to bed happy with the knowledge that you were right. Someone will love you for it.
Ew! It sounds like something your dog spit up. Spelling and Grammar might be boring, but they're necessary. You shouldn't break the rules until you know the rules. One day, you will write a run-on postmodern epic to rival the worst of Wallace's page-long sentences. Today is not that day. No one wants to open a story only to be greeted by a massive block of text, a lack of punctuation, and a heretofore undiscovered form of there/they're/their.
In the modern age, we have many tools at our disposal to clarify our SPAG doubts. Dictionaries! Spellcheck! The weirdos on those Substack forums! Oh, my. If you wrote your story at 3AM directly onto the ao3 editor, perhaps take a moment to run it through some kind of spellchecker before posting. Microsoft Word has a pretty good one, but Grammarly and other such software can help you if that's not available. There's also nothing quite like a beta reader. There are people in this world who love picking apart every comma, period, and quotation mark, and they'll be happy to do it for you. I am one of them, and I volunteer. There are many of us.
Here are some SPAG mistakes common in fanfiction.
1.Your/you're, they're/their/there, "could of," and "lie" vs "lay."
"YOUR" means that something is yours. You possess that thing. YOUR story is going to be great if you fix the grammar. "YOU'RE" is a contracted form of "YOU ARE." If you fix your grammar, YOU'RE going to be a great writer.
They're: Shortened form of "they are." They're going to the beach. They're very nice people.
Their: They possess a thing. A thing belongs to them. They're going to the beach in THEIR car.
There: Related to a place. You are going to be THERE. THERE are many pretty horses in the field.
"Could of" does not exist. It is an incorrect way of writing "could've," the shortened form of "could have."
The verbs lie and lay are tricky ones. You (a person) LIE down on your bed. You LAY an object down on a surface. However, the past tense of LIE is LAY. I know! Who invented English, am I right? Blorbo LIES on his bed in the present tense. He LAY on his bed in the past.
The past tense of "lay" is "laid." Blorbo LAID down his water bottle.
2. Run-on sentences.
Sometimes, when we're writing, we get a little excited. We have so many thoughts and we never know how to end them. You might think the solution here is to just keep throwing down commas, but you'd be wrong.
Run-on sentences can be effective if used intentionally, but a lot of the time, they're not. The period isn't your enemy. In general, you want to make sure your sentences have a subject, a verb, and an object, and that they end when you've finished your thought.
Blorbo was the most beautiful of all the tumblr sexymen. He really liked to show off his sick gains at the gym. He had a hot wife and an even hotter side piece.
This writing isn't very exciting, but it's correct. Contrast that with:
Blorbo was the most beautiful of all the tumblr sexymen, he really liked to show off his sick gains at the gym, he had a hot wife and an even hotter side piece.
Finish your thoughts. There are ways to connect independent clauses (a group of words that can work on its own as a sentence) correctly, like the semicolon; the semicolon is a great piece of punctuation. There is also the em-dash. Sometimes, you really need to add clarification to a thought — you really want to emphasize the second part of what you're saying. Em-dashes also work like a cooler version of parentheses — because who uses those, am I right? — and can help you seem like a chic and seasoned writer. Don't overuse them, though. I know you want to. And no, I don't heed my own advice here.
Look, these rules aren't intuitive. I can't possibly go through all of them in a way that's easy and digestible. There are smarter people than me who have written all about it, and I use incorrect punctuation all the time. Misplacing a comma isn't going to be the end of the world for your story, but at least give it a once-over with a beta or spellchecker to fix the worst of it. At the very least, make the reader think that run-on sentence was totally on purpose.
3. Paragraphs
Make sure your paragraphs stick to a single theme or thought. Fanfiction writers love to have one-sentence paragraphs for the impact, but you don't need to do that. Just keep them coherent. For example, if you're writing about Blorbo's weekend, you might say,
Blorbo loved Saturdays. On Saturdays, the world seemed to sparkle and sing with the whole of the city's shared happiness over not having to work. He would wake up on those mornings and leap out of bed while singing a jaunty little tune. Then, he'd text Blorbinson a string of heart emojis and plan to meet up for their weekly ice cream date. But Sundays — oh, how he hated Sundays! Sundays were the day before Monday, and he'd always spend so long worrying about going back to the office that, by the time he decided to do something, it would be dark outside already.
Each of the paragraphs above, clumsy as they are, have a clear idea that starts and ends within the same paragraph. If you talk about Blorbo's Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday all within one paragraph, your reader will be confused!
On the other hand, if you make every single paragraph one line, your reader is going to resent you. You have unwittingly made them take part in a bad action thriller. One-line paragraphs are supposed to be impactful and create suspense. When writing, a good tip is to consider the word "impactful" a synonym of "sparing." See below:
Blorbo loved Saturdays. On Saturdays, the world seemed to sparkle and sing with the whole of the city's shared happiness over not having to work. He would wake up on those mornings and leap out of bed while singing a jaunty little tune. Then, he'd text Blorbinson a string of heart emojis and plan to meet up for their weekly ice cream date.
Doesn't it suck? Not to mention all that scrolling!
3. Dialogue
Right off the bat, I'll say that the best way to learn how to format dialogue is by reading books. Not fanfiction. BOOKS. They have been checked by an editor, so you know you're getting the real deal. Generally, well-formatted dialogue achieves an engaging and seamless conversation between your characters. Poorly-formatted dialogue forces your reader into a game of Who's Who?
See for, instance, the following abomination:
"I can't believe you cheated on me with Blorbette!" Blorbo had been crying about it for a week. His tears would soon erode a riverbank down his cheeks. Blorbinson sneered at him, "I can't believe you ever thought this was real." "I was only with you for the tax benefits." No! How could you? Blorbo said. Blorbinson laughed a wicked laugh and looked at him. "My heart is shattered into a million tiny pieces. Love isn't real!"
Did you follow that? Because I sure didn't. Generally, here are the rules of dialogue:
Start a new line for each character that speaks, and keep a single character's dialogue within the same paragraph.*
Use dialogue tags to CLARIFY who is speaking. Note: I said clarify. If it's redundant take it out. I will write more about good (not merely correct) dialogue in a follow-up post.
Put a period after or before an ACTION tag in dialogue, but a comma before a SPEECH tag. The reason you do this is that ["Here is an example line of dialogue," he said] is a complete sentence, but ["Here is an example line of dialogue." He looked at his watch.] is TWO sentences. The quotation marks are merely to indicate speech. Whether or not something is a sentence is determined by the content of what the writing actually says, not by any punctuation it may have.
Use quotation marks to indicate speech. If you want to quote something within quotation marks (in American English), you put it in single quotes, like so: "And then he called me 'a lost cause who's doomed to be single forever.' Can you believe that?"
By following these rules, we get the much nicer:
"I can't believe you cheated on me with Blorbette!" Blorbo had been crying about it for a week. His tears would soon erode a riverbank down his cheeks. Blorbinson sneered at him. "I can't believe you ever thought this was real. I was only with you for the tax benefits." "No! How could you?" Blorbinson only laughed a wicked laugh. "My heart is shattered into a million tiny pieces. Love isn't real!" Blorbo said.
Obviously that's still pretty bad, but now it's readable. Formatting your dialogue properly will fix a lot of problems with your story, make it clear who is talking, and make the reading experience much nicer for everyone.
* An Important addendum: sometimes, characters will speak for a long time, and you'll want to split up their dialogue into paragraphs. To do that, you start the dialogue in quotation marks, but you leave them open until the character is done speaking, like so:
"My favorite thing about Blorbinson was that he always knew just what to say. He had this magical ability to always tell when I was sad, and he showed up with ice cream every single time. It always made me feel better," Blorbo said. "I can't believe our relationship is over now. I should probably tell you all about how that happened. "I walked into my house one day to find another pair of shoes by the door, where Blorbinson's usually are. I knew Blorbinson would never wear those shoes, because his style is more boho-inspired. Anyway, my worst fear was confirmed when I walked into the bedroom and found him there with Blorbette! My two loves, betraying me so callously!"
This is common in fantasy stories where you need to impart some deep lore knowledge on the reader, or for characters who like to talk a lot.
4. Verb tenses (edited after posting, in true fanfic writer fashion)
Us writers tend to have very strong opinions about verbs. You could even say things get a little bit... tense sometimes. Ok, but seriously; whether you write in past or present doesn't matter. What matters is that you keep things consistent.
Nothing takes the reader out of a fanfic faster than abrupt tense switches in the middle of the narrative. If you are writing in a specific verb tense, stick with it.
Don't say:
Blorbo is never sure what Blorbinson is thinking. He watched him chew his pencil from across the office, that beautiful face scrunched in concentration as he stares at his computer. Blorbo knows he's in love the minute Blorbinson looks back.
DO say:
Blorbo was never sure what Blorbinson was thinking. He watched him chew his pencil from across the office, that beautiful face scrunched in concentration as he stared at his computer. Blorbo knew he was in love the minute Blorbinson looked back. or Blorbo is never sure what Blorbinson is thinking. He watches him chew his pencil from across the office, that beautiful face scrunched in concentration as he stares at his computer. Blorbo knows he's in love the minute Blorbinson looks back.
When we write in past tense and we want to talk about events that happened prior to the narrative, we use the past perfect. When we write in present, we can use either simple past or past perfect. This one's kind of iffy. As you write more, you'll get a sense of what "sounds correct."
Ultimately, your choice of verb tense is personal opinion and what you feel best fits your story. Just make sure that you keep whatever you choose consistent. A beta reader can help you with this.
And that's it for Part 1!
This post dealt with some technical, basic things about fanfic that will mostly be useful to new writers. I will be going more in depth about making your prose stronger at the sentence level in Part 2, where #4 is getting an entire post. It'll probably be even longer than this one. I hope it was able to help someone!
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coraniaid · 1 year
Willow also for the character ask game
General opinion/how much I care about them: I’ve always really liked Willow, ever since I first watched Buffy.  I think that she is without doubt the second most complex and richest character on the show (after Buffy herself, of course).  I like that Willow gets to be a girl who is good with computers and likes math puns and teaches her friends trigonometry.  I like that she gets to turn Xander down in Prophecy Girl despite spending years waiting for him to notice her.  I like the fact that she has a real arc across the show’s run, one that often involves her not being a very admirable person.  I like that she’s a bit of a hypocrite and that she isn’t afraid to hold a grudge.  I like that all her worst flaws arise naturally out of her greatest virtues.
A ship I love: Boring answer maybe but I think all of Willow’s canon relationships are good in their own way.  (Well, all her canon relationships apart from the one with the evil demon that lives in the internet.  Not really sure about that one.)  Wanting to be loved and to be in a romantic relationship feels like a very substantial part of Willow’s character, actually (see, relatedly, all the different  times Willow tries to make Buffy happier by setting her up with somebody). But sure, Tara/Willow is my favorite.  It’s the best (and arguably most long-lasting) thing to come out of Season 4, too.
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Buffy and Willow’s friendship is one of the most important parts of the show to me, and I think it’s as important to them as any other relationship either of them have.  And I honestly think it is better done and develops more organically than any of Buffy’s romances. Willow’s journey from “why is the new girl being nice to me? what does she want? I’d better memorize and act on every bit of bad advice she gives me so she’ll like me” to “Buffy is my best friend and we’re going to go to grad school together, so she simply isn’t allowed to stay dead” (and Buffy’s corresponding journey from “why is my brand new friend Cordelia being so mean to this poor girl?  wait, is Cordelia a bad person?  am I?” to “okay, since bad things will happen to Willow if I don’t stop the Master I guess I’ll just go and fight the Master and die“) just feels a lot more real than any number of love at first sight plotlines.  I really wish they got to talk more in Season 7.
The NOTP: I think not having Willow and Xander end up together is one of the smartest choices the early seasons of the show ever made.  As childhood friends they work really well, but as a couple … no.
My biggest headcanon about them: I’ve decided that I think Willow and Cordelia were friends when they were very young, and that the whole “We Hate Cordelia” stuff only happened after Cordelia met Harmony and publicly distanced herself from Willow to fit in with her new cooler friends.  I think that explains some of Willow’s animosity to Harmony in particular (who she seems to hate more than Cordelia, even though we barely ever see Willow and Harmony interact), and I don’t think the way Willow and Cordelia talk to each other in late S1 / early S2 really makes sense if they’ve never gotten on before.  (This theory fits the little the show reveals about their personal timelines, too, I think: the show at least implies that Xander has known Cordelia for a couple of years longer than Willow has known Harmony, and we also know that Willow and Xander have been inseparable since kindergarten.)
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: If I ever find the time and energy to write a direct sequel to my Season 3 Buffy AU, I think Willow would be the main character.  (I actually have a vague outline half plotted out for it and everything, though it’s really not very likely I will find the time to work on it any time soon.)   Maybe I’ve just never looked in the right places, but I don’t think there are many plot-heavy Buffy fanfics where Willow plays a truly central role. 
Something that makes me think of them: Uh. So, this is a bit of a non sequitur (and very much a case of me projecting onto my blorbo, I know) but it kind of annoys me that the show suggests that Willow is majoring in sociology (or at least something adjacent to that) in college.  Yes, I get that she has to be in the same classes as Buffy sometimes in Season 4 and 5 for plot reasons, and she has to be doing something Buffy at least expects to be able to follow for the brief and disappointing return to college in Season 6 to work.  And yes, I know that Season 4 deliberately plays up the whole “Willow’s not into computers much these days, if you know what I mean” angle, (although I’d note that she still seems to know her way around a computer fine in later seasons when the plot requires it).  
But in high school Willow was clearly more into STEM than anything else, what with the science fairs and the hacking and being head-hunted by a computer company and … look, I just think she should have been allowed to major in math, okay?  
I mean, abstract algebra has root systems and crystals and spurious use of the word ‘quantum’ and really atrociously bad puns!  You get to learn a secret little language that most people don’t understand and consider yourself part of a semi-mystical tradition stretching back thousands of years and draw elaborate geometric figures and convince yourself you’re learning something fundamental about the nature of reality just by thinking really hard! You’re telling me teenage Wiccan and confirmed nerd Willow Rosenberg – who was covering for her computer science teacher as a high school junior and who, it’s at least implied, did even better at the math component of the SAT than the verbal, and who explicitly chose Sunnydale in part because she’d be able to design her own curriculum  – wouldn’t love all of that?  
… anyway, yes, as I said, it’s possible I may be projecting here just a tiny little bit.
But anyway.  My answer to the actual question is that sometimes I am reading a math textbook and I think: “oh, I bet Willow would love learning about this”.
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Hey what the best and worst thing about writing your rewrite (currently reading it btw.Very good stuff)
For season 4 (if you ever get to doing that I mean) is it gonna stay similar to how it was in show or is it a complete overhaul in general ?
If so what changes do you have in mind for Believix ,Roxy,the earth fairies, Tir Na Nog and the white /black circle?
Thank you so much for the ask! I'm sorry, I got started writing and couldn't stop but since I'm at my computer I manged to hide this post that got Extremely long under a cut.
Also to anyone reading this who might be curious on my magic system, I have an abridged post explaining it here.
The best part is lore and worldbuilding and the consequences of those because oh boy do I sure love space and weird magic fuckery! I also greatly enjoy getting to expand on the things that were in the original story or at least implied but were never fully explained (such as timeline issues or planets that get brought up once and never again).
My least favourite part is kind of a weird one, it being the characters. You know, the whole reason for the story. But this is kinda because 1. I don’t have much skill in writing people and 2. Because I actually never learned how people work irl for whatever reason and tbh I hardly even know how I work, so having to get into the minds of characters and figure out how they think feel about things is definitely a struggle. Though I wouldn’t have started this rewrite if I wasn’t up for the challenge!
As for Season 4.
Here’s the thing, about season 4. There's a lot I really like about it and it introduced some really cool new elements to the story, but there’s a lot of things about it that I really don’t like, which is why when I first started this rewrite and planned out my general timeline, I made the very controversial decision to swap season 4 and season 2. I'll explain:
If Lord Darkar is basically a god of darkness and has been pulling the strings the whole time then it makes sense that he should be more of a final boss and have a build up instead of being revealed in season 2, doing fuck all and then getting defeated and never mentioned again. I want to build him up as an imposing evil that beings even as powerful as the Ancestral Witches kneel before. Which isn't really a thing that can be done in 2 seasons with the goal of the first season being defeat the Trix and getting Bloom used to the magic dimension.
Season 4 in place of season 2 is a bit more complicated to pull off but it still feels more coherent to me this way because you can introduce Roxy and Aisha together. And even if Roxy is a couple years behind them in school they can at least be trauma bonded together (/j). It also puts nearly everyone on uneven ground, giving them a lot of opportunities to develop and bond with each other as they all learn and adjust. It also helps that the Wizards are relatively lax enemies who aren’t showing up all the time to just generally ruin the Winx's day like the Trix, meaning there’s more room to show that growth too.
so to answer the second question, yes I'm doing season 4, but it is a complete overhaul.
As for the changes I'm making with season 4 plot points, there's a lot of them.
First and foremost, Believix. Due to the fact that season 4 is now season 2, the main 6 are going to be earning charmix (Roxy will earn it in season 3 instead of Enchantix because she is younger and far more inexperienced with magic), though how they do so will have a few tweaks (most notably that they actually know about Charmix prior to earning it). Believix as a transformation might be used in a possible story after the main one (seasons 1-4) ends, though I can say if it is, it will definitely be altered significantly. What I will be using, though again altering, are the Gifts of Destiny for the new season 4. I'm not gonna be elaborate a whole lot about this specific topic right now as I'm still progressively making my way through the first 2 seasons with an occasional thought thrown into the 3rd.
Secondly the Earth fairies, Tír na nÓg (teer-na-nohg, the original Irish spelling that I am Infinitely petty about) and The Wizards of the Black Circle are also Very. different. This would've been brought up in a post about the timeline I have yet to make for whatever reason, but using actual Irish myth about Tír na nÓg and a little bit of finaglling, I did my best to fix the weird timeline issue and because I don't forsee myself making a post about this any time soon I'll just explain it all here (though be warned because while I tried my best to explain things thoroughly (which also lead to a lot of text), I, as someone rewriting a story, have the benefit of foresight and so there are many interconnected plot points and elements that I haven't gotten around to explaining yet that might be a little confusing).
First off, The White and Black Circles. A Circle is a physical maifestation of a magic oath that binds you (and however many others there are) to a cause. Once the cause is completed, the circle will dissolve and you can go pursue other things in life, but until then you are constantly pulled back and even caused some pain if you attempt to stray from the goal. Breaking a circle requires an incredible amount of magic and is still not easy for even the most skilled magic users. "The Oath of the Black Circle" was an oath made by a Clann wizards, a few years before the fall of Domino, with the goal of ridding the Magic Dimension of fairies, who spread themselves out across the Magic Dimension like a plague. They split off into different, efficient factions, effectively eliminating a significant number of fairies and removing their wings (which, in my rewrite, do not grow back and leave a permanent scar). For the most part however, they weren't effective enough and, with the outbreak of war in the Magic Dimension after Domino's fall and the rise of the Company of Light, nearly all factions were eliminated before they could truly complete their goal. All but one. The faction sent to Earth.
Earth is at the edge of the Magic Dimension and the people of that world generally like to keep themselves and their magic to themselves, so it wasn't until the Wizards had already begun attacking the world that they actually discovered what was going on. The Wizards were ruthless in their hunt, hardly stopping at fairies after they discovered they could take the magic from other magical beings too. Earth was completely unprepared for an attack of such voracity and despite Queen Morgana and her Regent Nebula's best efforts to organise an army, they and every other magic being ended up having to retreat through a portal to Tír na nÓg opened by their Nymph, Lugh (Loo), fairy of shapeshifting.
(Before I go on I will just explain that, for each type of magic there is a being who is said to have made it (fire and the Great Dragon), a dimension dedicated to that magic exclusively (water and the Infinite Ocean), and each world has a main magic type that the vast majority of magic beings born there will have (Earth being form manipulation/shapeshifting and that magic being almost exclusive to Earth). The best ways to open a portal to a dimension is to be on a world with that magic and to be a user of that magic)
As everyone retreated to the safety of Tír na nÓg, the Wizards found out and began figuring out a way to use this as a trap, Duman helping to come up with a spell that could seal the portal and prevent anyone from getting in or out, which under the clause of their circle, counted as ridding the Magic Dimension of fairies if they could round them up through the portal. Lugh caught wind of this and him along with Morgana and Nebula managed come up with a spell that would seal away Earth's magic to Tír na nÓg should the portal be blocked off. This, in their eyes, was protecing their magic.
Both plans ended up working, though with some consequences. Morgana and Nebula lost their wings and were trapped in Tír na nÓg with everyone else. Lugh had to stay behind, both to protect Earth and to make sure the spell stuck, though in his efforts to do so, he also lost his wings. The Wizards though, they got caught up in the seal, freezing them inbetween dimensions and between time. Nobody on the other side of the portal knows how things played out beyond that both plans worked, and the rest of the magic dimension having minimal contact with Earth anyway and still being busy with war knew even less, just that Earth somehow lost its magic and everyone magical on it almost overnight.
The magic art of shapeshfting and form manipulation was subsiquently lost until Wizgiz was hired to work at Alfea and he began teaching it in an effort to revive it. It's not an exam subject though so everyone just treats it as a doss class.
The White Circle was formed by Nebula after she gave into grief and rage, swearing along with several other fairies that should they ever get out Tír na nÓg that they will not rest until the Wizards have suffered as they have. This mindset swept through the scared and angry people of Tír na nÓg causing a revolt against Morgana who only wanted to move on past this horrific event. Morgana and her husband were kicked off the throne and became outcasts for many years, enduring the violence of the people that they once ruled.
During this period, Morgana found out that she was pregnant which both her and Klaus were terrified about, knowing this was not a safe place or situation to raise their child but being unable to cope with the idea of losing it. They hid the pregancy from Nebula and the Major Fairies until their baby was born, where they still continued to try and hide. The Major Fairies were beginning to grow suspicious of Morgana and Klaus however and the couple knew that if they didn't do something soon, all 3 of their lives could be in danger.
It was around time that Morgana felt a shift in the barrier, like something had caused a small crack, and with enough magic it could be opened just enough to send a person and their baby through. Nebula felt this too however since she was also involved in the creation of the seal. She assumed Morgana was up to something, probably trying to escape without everyone else, and sent out an order to arrest her. In a panic, Morgana and Klaus agreed that he would leave with their child and he would wear a ring that muddled his memories and generally hid the two of them from magic since they didn't know if the Wizards were still lying in wait for someone to try and escape. It was a risk they were willing to take though if it meant the safety of their child.
And so Morgana was permanently imprisoned within the dungeons of Nebula's new kingdom and Klaus managed to just about get out with their kid. Klaus's escape had managed to open the gap just enough to let the Wizards slowly get out too, one by one.
Every single one of those 6 entered a whole new world when they got out due to the nature of Tír na nÓg. While it had only been 10 years in Tír na nÓg, it had been a thousand years everywhere else. Klaus immediately got to work setting up a life for him and his kid, almost completely forgetting about any life he might have had prior, and the Wizards realised that somehow, they had missed a fairy because their circle hadn't broken. They spent the next 15 odd years trying to get their bearings, figure out what the world is like now, and find a way to locate a fairy that seems to be completely hidden from their magic.
A huge magical event involving the stealing a certain Flame is what drew them to begin investigating Gardenia.
and there you have it! the entire history leading up to season 4 2's events!
Not exactly what you asked for, but I do hope you got something interesting out of this!
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4ssun · 1 year
not an ask but a "comment" because cas has me 🧍‍♀️.
firstly. yn is so irrational that i'm literally pulling strands of my hair out. but love is a strong emotion so i can understand to some extent? that doesn't excuse the amount of things she's done without proper consideration though..
uhh ok. the letter was probably about beomgyu leaving? (maybe quitting twitch and moving onto school studies) hence why chapter 26 is named "moving on".. and that's gonna be so hard to read bcs whenever i read anything ab recovery the tears FALL
27 being named "first love" is probably about felix because of the stems saying "still in love" (unless the chart was made on a website and the website didn't have a "still friends" option or something) or maybe it's a realization that though felix was an era of her life, beomgyu was her first true love?
i can guess 27-28 but don't want to put too much thought as twenty seven is most likely a reunion and twenty-eight is going more about that? the last chapter is more of what i wanted to focus on though because it's simply "cas" so i thinkk it's them dating again and just playing the sims together? like a timeskip? maybe there's a plot twist last second and the ghosts in the room they're playing the sims in go on stan twitter 🤨 (jokes but idk what to expect anymore)
something i was so mad at was yn completely skipping over the love confession and hating beomgyu... like yes that's understandable but PLEASE use empathy in this situation. you are no better than him, doing an impulsive stream because you think it's what's best.. both of them had better options yet decided to take the probably worst one and then yn completely looks past how she's just repeating in gyu's steps...
^^ seriously though because gyu let his love for yn take over and risked losing all his friends, lashed out on them, didn't let them see what he was thinking, and then runs away. yn closes up and is risking losing *everyone* because of love??
if the ending wasn't a happily ever after and my interpretation of 28 was wrong would i be mad? no... not really. if they did just leave each other as a past asset of their live and move on, i would accept that.. i feel like they both harmed each other without trying (excluding gyu being cold at the start) and both saw the major consequences. if they learn from their actions and 28 is just yn playing sims and reflecting on the times i would be okay because it's character development 👍👍
but if it was a happily ever after i would be happy too (as long as it's a timeskip because i can't imagine the ending being like 2 days after the implied unalive mention)
still would be okay with anything you write though 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
(this has got to be my favorite ask ever because you kind off?? read my mind?? in some ways!!)
i want to actually analyze a bit of what you said and offer you (and anyone else) some hints on the future chapters! to keep this from being a long paragraph of wall, i'll put a cut here!
yn and beomgyu are very alike in ways that you mentioned. both are impulsive, deeply feeling, and extremely irrational beings. but they are also different, yn is more openly emotional as we've seen with how she describes how she feels and shows her emotions outwardly. beomgyu, however, is not the same. he tends to not show his emotions (aka his initial coldness to yn) unless they're dragged out of him (keeho getting him to admit jealousy) and when he goes all out, he goes all out. hence his anger towards yeonjun. this will be touched on in chapter 28, which is a gyu-centric chapter.
the letter will also be touched on! but do keep in mind, in yn's emotional state and how she tends to be impulsive, her reaction to the letter might not make sense to someone who isn't irrational with how they respond when upset. also, it will be explained why yn doesn't react to beomgyu confessing that he loves her and how that ties in with his letter. (i can't wait hehe.)
i will say your theory for chapter 26 is spot on! however, i will say you're wrong about the character doing the tasks you mentioned. i don't want to give away too much but i literally was like 😲 when you said that bc that's exactly what happens hehe.
chapter 27 is about felix and yn! not gonna give spoilers on that one though... any ynlix shippers around?
chapters 28-29 are gyu-centric chapters, so if you wanna know why beomgyu decided to become dumb: those are the chapters for you!! can't wait to see how y'all react to that.
your views on yn and beomgyu are pretty much spot on. they both have made some very stupid decisions and are now reaping the consequences of those. however, i promise this story has a "happy" ending. will it be the traditional one of many smaus? probably not.
chapter 30 is also spot on in terms of plot with "someone" playing sims, but i don't wanna spoil it! my hint for you here is just to remember: everything comes full circle.
thank you so much for sending this ask! it's literally my favorite ever and i'm so flattered that you care about my smau enough to analyze and find theories!! <3 i hope these last 5 chapters do you justice.
(i gotta reblog this onto the writing blog though, so that hopefully everyone else can see it! this is my main hehe.)
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veilchenjaeger · 2 years
Okay. After over a goddamn year, I have finally finished Couple of Mirrors. Consider me wrecked.
I don't even know where to start with this show? It's everything I've ever wanted, save for the censorship issue. (But I think I can read the manhua to soothe that particular ache.) It's so damn good. I watched this with month-long breaks between episodes, so I don't remember everything, but I still want to try to write up my initial thoughts bc it's fun to reread that kind of thing after a rewatch or some time of brainrot.
First, without getting into spoilers: I adore this show. The plot is incredible - dense without being overwhelming, unpredictable without nonsensical plot twists. Nearly every episode had me on the edge of my metaphorical seat. At the same time, the characters were given time to shine and develop. Especially Xu Youyi is just one of the characters of all time, I'm obsessed with her, but I definitely got attached to side characters as well. (Which is dangerous, considering the body count this show has.) I really appreciate the pacing, the little moments of downtime between the imo impeccably paced rush of revelations and developments. There are some things that could be seen as... soap opera-esque, in a way? Just because of the amount of family drama, but I think it all worked really well bc the show immediately tells you what kind of show it is and what the stakes are. None of the drama is out of place, is what I'm saying. There's a lot of murder.
There are complaints about Xu Youyi and Yan Wei not having a lot of screentime together, and while this is in some way true, I... didn't mind? They're both set up well enough as individual characters for their interactions to be meaninful, and it was more than enough for me to get invested in them. (Not to mention that there's a whole episode of domestic Yiwei in the end.) But mostly, and I think I've said this before somewhere, I came for the lesbians and stayed for the plot. Xu Youyi's story is about so many things, and it's important that each of these things was given the space it deserves. This is a murder mystery/thriller first and a romance second, and I honestly prefer it that way. The pacing felt right, and the central relationship still came across well.
Final non-spoilery verdict: PLEASE watch this show if you haven't seen it yet. It's so, so, so good. You can watch the whole thing on Youtube for free, and the subtitles are actually decent.
Spoilers under the cut.
There are approximately fifty separate things I'm obsessed with, but I'll only name a few.
First of all, the whole Thing between Zhou Heng and Xu Youyi, and especially Zhou Heng's character. Holy shit, this is well done. Zhou Heng is never portrayed as the good guy, but the sheer extent of his unhingedness is revealed so gradually that you're pretty much bound to underestimate him. He starts out as a bad husband who cheats on Xu Youyi, but for what it's worth, it seems like he does love her and wants to try to be better for the first episodes. He defends her from his family, he supports her, and while Xu Youyi is right not to let him get away with that after he broke her heart like that, he's sympathetic. He's not a cartoon villain or a cardboard cutout of an evil abusive husband. And he still isn't that when it's revealed that he fucking tried to kill her. That caught me off guard so hard! I didn't expect that at all, and then it just fucking kept going. It's in episode 10, during the dinner he has with Xu Youyi, that I realised that he's not only an utter dickhead, he's batshit insane. And it's the very fact that he was built up as a sympathetic character that makes this reveal as creepy as it is. Gods, what an asshole! Gives me chills of the worst kind! A superbly done antagonist.
(The same is true for Zhang Wan, too. She's a lot more obviously mean, but the extent of that isn't revealed all at once, and the relationship she had with Xu Youyi before is still meaningful. Zhou Heng's father, too - he acts according to his motivations, and whether he's with Xu Youyi or against her depends on the way she fits into his plans. Just, good antagonists all around.)
Second of all, I adore the characters so, so much?! Xu Youyi's development, her sunny personality, her heartbreak, and the way she gets more and more tired of being nice, are so [chef's kiss]. Detective Jiang was right, actually - she is someone who'd happily live with a murderer. She's so genuinely kind, she doesn't mean harm, but after everything she's been put through, she's ruthless deep down. I love how cold and collected she is when she demands the divorce, when she signs the papers, when she's in court, and especially when she finds out that Yan Wei is indeed the murderer of Zhang Wan and doesn't even hesitate to lie to the police to help her. Xu Youyi has had it and she will not be taking any prisoners.
It took me a little longer to get fully attached to Yan Wei, simply because she's not the main character, but the last episode really sealed the deal for me. She's grown so much because of Xu Youyi! She's started to live a life that isn't ruled by her past, she's capable of joking with Xu Youyi and she's a good mother and she's happy, which she didn't know how to be before! She even gets along with other people; she's on good terms with Mr Wang and has a bit of a teasing relationship going on with Detective Jiang. (Big fan of that, btw. I think they should be bros.) And yet, she's also presumably doing some very shady stuff to get money, and we haven't seen her find actual closure yet. I get why the last few minutes aren't the most popular ones - they're a bit of a shock, for one, and the pacing of the show fails here, although I assume that's all a set up for the next season - but they make sense. Again, Detective Jiang is right! Xu Youyi doesn't know anything about Yan Wei's past, and it's a past that's pretty important for who Yan Wei is! That's the one thing I was worried about throughout the show: that Yan Wei's past would just stay unaddressed, and that Xu Youyi wouldn't find out. So, yeah, I do like that they made that into a (future?) plot point. It's such a strong beat for Yan Wei's arc, I really hope we do get that second season and get to find out what she's been doing behind Xu Youyi's back and what those flowers mean. Yan Wei deserves some more development!
(That being said, I still think that season finale cliffhangers are bad writing and shouldn't be done, especially with the state of queer entertainment in China being what it currently is. Looking at you, Scum Villain season 2.)
And last but not least, I'll be listening to the opening song on repeat for the next lifetime, thanks.
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amochi · 7 months
I finished The Elements Of Cadence duology and I’d give it overall a like 3.5/5
I typed out a longer review than I expected so I’m putting a cut. Read if you feel so inclined
I really liked Jack from the beginning, he’s by far my favorite character and Adaira definitely grew on me in the second book (overall I definitely liked the second book more than the first for that reason). And while I really liked Sidra and Torin’s development in the second book as characters, I wish the POV was centered on just Jack and Adaira. I understand the story the author wants to tell could not have been done without the other added POV’s but I just do not care nearly as much following Sidra and Torin. I think my biggest issue is the lack of believability in the story. Any character outside of our main four feels underdeveloped at best and cardboard standees at worst, they are basically just there to push the plot forward in the way that will best benefit our heroines. This stretches across the world building as well, we have no grasp of the cultures of our two clans, we barely see anything of the people living there that aren’t directly related to the main characters, and nothing that happens to the clans feels impactful at all. Every conflict is easily wrapped up and solved which makes the beats of the story really anti-climactic. I kept waiting for a death that would really push the story forward and actually matter, because for what it’s worth Rebecca Ross is really good at amping up the tension, but because no one we care about is ever seriously injured I am never worried about anything whenever the stakes are raised. It got to the point where I was cruising through the parts of the book that were clearly meant to be impactful just because I already knew it was all going to work out and be fine lol also Frae is the most annoying character I don’t know why she got as much POV time as she did.
But overall the vibes of these books are very nice. While the romance didn’t hit me hard it was still sweet to read and Rebecca Ross is definitely a good writer when it comes to her voice and prose. That was by far what carried the story for me. And while I was just ragging on how all of the high-stakes bits never hit hard, there were still a couple that had my eyes glued to the book just because I did want to know how the characters would get out of a situation (even if I already knew they would). And for what it’s worth, I did finish both books so there are still things I enjoyed. I think overall I’ll look back at these books more fondly the longer I let them sit in my brain, and I could still see myself re-reading in the future just for the Vibes if I’m in the right mood
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all-pacas · 4 months
no one asked but here’s my informal listing of house’s fellows from “rotates them in my brain” to “whomst”
Chase. God’s least favorite princess. Nepobaby who keeps failing up, but make it tragic. The more his career succeeds the deader his eyes become. Starts off as a cheerfully lazy loser and ends as a nihilistic cynical slut. Looks better with short hair. Secretly kind of a Sports Guy. No one has ever loved him. I like to imagine sitting the baby doctors down in S1 or 2 and breaking it to them that Chase will inherit diagnostics someday. They'd all be horrified. Foreman would be so mad. If House had hugged him and told him he was proud one (1) time, 46% of Chase's trauma would have dripped away like squeezing a dirty sponge.
Cameron. Because I love her and Chase so much I keep wanting to think of ways they could work and failing. This is honestly very attractive of Cameron. Insufferable little control freak who probably, just a little, reads Wellness and Crystal shit and goes HMM. Has absolutely no idea that she is deeply mentally ill. This is crucial. She truly believes she is normal and healthy and well-adjusted. She unironically says girlboss. Chase has never topped, not even as a special treat, but they're both into that.
Thirteen. Love when she just wanders around making Sarcastic Quips instead of being useful. Kind of thinks she's a Cool Girl and she has no idea what she's doing, but because she's really good at pretending to be her chosen archetype she's like what? We aren't all doing it intentionally? I thought this was like a bit? Can be insufferably aloof/smug but when she has her little crying breakdowns I forgive her. Very silly actually. Dating Foreman was a character flaw.
Foreman. I like him best around others and in relation to others, which is ironic because he clearly never wants to interact with a human. I love him because like Cameron his self perception is a total 180 from who he actually is. I think he truly believes he's good with people. By himself he's kind of dull but force him to interact with anyone and he turns to gold. I like to give him a hard time because he deserves it, but it's ok because he still kind of thinks he's better than everyone else and can take it.
Taub you heard me. Unapologetic. A hypocrite. Has the insane grace and humility to go from a House/Wilson/Cuddy senior partner in private practice to best friends with Kutner without it really becoming an ego issue. Decided to start over not by going into general surgery but taking a random fellowship in a field House invented. By S8 he doesn't even need to be here he's just having fun. Just a little guy. Unlike his taller and younger coworkers, has no illusions that he's a cool and sexy main character with no flaws or weaknesses. Deserves everything he has coming.
Kutner. Just happy to be here. Intriguing mix of super clever and super incompetent. Love how tight he and Taub and 13 were as a team, it's a shame we never really got to see him with the others. I bet within 15 seconds of meeting Chase, Kutner would have him convinced of the most outlandish conspiracy theories. We were robbed. Worst thing Obama has ever done.
Park. Could be annoying!! Like she was intended to be annoying and that's fine, but sometimes on a meta level the show is just HA HA SHE UGLY AND WEIRD and that's the part that irritates me. Calm down. We get it. I like how punchy she is. Loved her staring Chase down in an elevator until he agreed to get drinks with her. Could be Too Much but she had a strong and developed sense of character and I'll always take that over bland.
Masters. Like the concept! Super morality plus being younger and not a real doctor yet is actually a really interesting dynamic since she can't pull a Cameron and pull rank even when she wants to. Just never quite clicked, and wasn't around long.
Adams. :( This is what happens when you don't have a strong and developed sense of character. She is a series of facts. I consistently forget she has a first name. Feels like she is probably a Horse Girl.
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bee-snail · 1 year
Your turn!
❤- Favorite Tangled Character?
💔- Least favorite Tangled Character?
✨- Moonstone or Sundrop?
🔮- Something you wish had happened in the series?
📺- Another show you’d like to see have a cross over with Tangled?
💕- Tangled Otp?
🖤- Tangled NOtp?
😺- Number 1 animal companion?
💎- Favorite AU?
💜- Characters you think should have interacted at all or more?
💍- Would you marry anyone in the Tangled world?
👗- Favorite character outfit?
🧠- Random Tangled Headcanon you have?
🌙- Favorite Moon Character? (E.g Cass, Varian, Eugene.)
📚- Favorite Tangled Fanfic?
⏰- When did you join the fandom?
🎶- Best Tangled Song?
🙉- Worst Tangled Song?
💞- Which character do you relate to the most?
💢- Which character do you not relate to the most?
💥- A big a opinion you have related to the Tangled movie/series?
Favorite Character: Ziti my beloved. She has taken over my heart like mold. Oh my dearest. Hector is a very close second (he lost his throne to her, alas). Curls (Fernanda Pizazzo) gets third place hahehe.
Least Favorite Character: Demanitus. Loser✋🙄 /j
I wish we'd gotten more Brotherhood, but I also wish we'd gotten a better Zhan Tiri and a better Demanitus. They have so much lore potential that just flopped so bad :( !!!
We could've had Zhan Tiri tell Cassandra of her POV of her past with Demanitus in order to make Cass sympathize with her (developing her character and the plot in one swoop), and then we could've had a cool moment of the main gang reading Manny's journal in the finale (while looking for the Portal blueprints) and letting us see a flashback of his view of everything that happened until the fateful "I had to send my ex-bestie to acid hell" day and therefore get his own explanation on why he did it.
We could still have a vague explanation of their past, since both tales were told by opposite kings of the metaphorical board, but at least we wouldn't have the contradicting mess we got. Smh.
Another show to get a Crossover with ... Miraculous Ladybug :]
I have 1 tangled OTP and it's zhan tiri/winning (i have no strong opinions on any ship except the hector/ziti pairing, which probably doesn't even count since it's a pairing that exists in only 2 fics and they're BOTH WRITTEN BY ME HAJDJWJE)
I have 1 tangled NOTP and it's varian/literally anyone of the main crew (age gap too big ... noooo)
Best animal companions are Hector's bearcats and rhino, 100% (but Ruddiger is a close second :] )
My favorite AU is definitely the Moon!Hector AUs. They're awesome (hot take: moon Hector >>>> moon Cassandra)
HECTOR AND ZITI SHOULD'VE INTERACTED :( !! Guy was POSSESSED BY THE GT and got ZERO repercussions from it ??!?!!! No connection to Ziti !?!?! No nothing !!?!?! TERRIBLE TERRIBLE !!!
I have no idea if I'd ever marry anyone in the TTS universe. I'd consider Curls (Fernanda Pizazzo) but it really depends on how she is outside the stage. Everyone else is too depressed, too young, too old, or otherwise problematic lmao. Forgive me y'all. I love Ziti but I too am much too weak to handle the atrocities HAHDHSHAHS
Favorite outfit is probably Hector himself. And Adira. They're tied. They look so good it's not fair THEY LIVE IN THE FOREST WHY DO THEY LOOK SO GOOD !!!!
A headcanon I have is that Adira cooks when she's stressed. It's just very neat :]
Out of all Moon Characters, Hector is the best one ofc. Varian and Eugene are a close second and third places, respectively.
Favorite fic? Moonrise ofc. But Incarnate, Blood of my Brother, the Tangled Sisters Series and especially Destinies Fulfilled bring me so much joy!!!
I found the fandom in 2018—2019. I remember I got to it maybe a couple months after season 1 ended and I got to watch season 2 as it came out !!
My song choices vary a lot depending on my mood. At the moment, my favorite song is not even a song but rather an instrumental/background music, "Onwards to the Dark Kingdom" (Great Tree soundtrack :] ) and I don't have a worst song to name because I don't care enough about the songs I don't immediately love to actually dislike them. So, I'm choosing "Next Stop Anywhere", since it's my least liked song among my liked songs !!
Characters I relate to ... dude ... I know there's someone, I just can't remember. Faith came to mind. Calliope did too. Geez. Of all people. At least it's not Demanitus or something.
A character I do not relate to? Demanitus. L.
A big opinion I have is that Hector should've, if not taken the Moonstone himself, at the very least become an actual threat at some point. He would've been very useful in s2 since s2 lacks any real threat or antagonist (except the debut episode (Stalyan and Baron), the mid-finale (Hector and the GT), and the actual finale (Edmund).
Also Ziti could've been a little less Yzma'd. just saying 🦀
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