#she's being a grumpy baby who doesn't want to eat ;;
a-998h · 4 months
hi, may I know the reaction of fatui harbingers to the fact that the creator got pregnant from Dottore? 9 months later, she gave birth to a daughter and called her Olivia
I'm changing the name from Oliva to Feodora due to Sneznaya being themed after Russia from the bit of it we have seen, also because I like the name better.
Two year after you and Dottore's wedding, you started to feel off. You were fatigued, dizzy, and you had killer headaches. At first they thought you just got sick, which sent them all into a panic. Dottore checked you over and you seemed physically fine. But things turned frighting when you messed your period, you start to panic. Dottore cheks you over and then does some math, as he realizes something. One pregnancy test and examination later, you're now discovered to not only be pregnant but you're also 3 months pregnant.
Que the panicking from both of you, mostly you. You both wanted kids, and you were right in the danger zone. Also, you now have to tell a group of people who love you, but hate Dottore, that he got you pregnant. So, you two come up with a solution, don't tell anyone until you're out of the danger zone.
So, you did. It helped you weren't showing yet. But now that you were out of the danger zone, and you had to tell the other Harbingers.
The other Harbingers have been norice how off you and Dottore have been acting. You've been having mood swings, when Childe made you favorite dish you frowned and didn't eat it, and other strange behaviors. Pulcinella was worried so he was going to organize a meeting with you, then he was told that you and Dottore wanted to meet with with them all.
"We have something to tell you," You begin.
"You're a getting a divorce?" Sandrone asks.
"What, no!" You exclaim.
"Then why are we here?" Arlecchino asks.
"I'm pregnant," you say.
There is a deafing silence in the room, and then Pulcinella gets up, and charges at Dottore. Pulcinella is yelling about how Dottore defiled you.
Once you calm everyone done, and make sure no one kills Dottore, your pregnancy has changed.
Arlecchino would be giving you and Dottore parenting advice and might send you baby toys and blankets from Fontaine. She also buys parenting books for Dottore. She takes you baby shopping in Fontaine, or she does the shopping alone and sends the items to you by mail.
Pulcinella is... conflicted. On the one hand, he is thrilled to be a great grandpa, on the other hand he is not happy that the child is Dottore's. But, he tries his best to help. Makes sure deranged followers leave you alone. He also makes sure you stay safe, your cravings are met, and that you have the best doctor possible. He also reminds Dottore to be a good parent of else.
Pantalone is buying baby and nursery stuff. He also just hands you money for the baby. He will spoil this child when they're born. He buys high quality stuff. Will also take you shopping.
Sandrone is now making dolls for the as yet unborn child. She is also planning to teach the kid how to make robots when they're older. She's more hands off compared to the others because children are kind of a fence in a workshop. She is also supply the nursery with books.
Columbia is so excited. She is being the best future aunt se can. She is the once who plays music for the baby in your belly. Writes down which music the baby "likes" and "dislikes". She will sing and pet your belly. You have to pull her away from your belly, she also complies with your cravings.
Scaramouche is not that happy about it, at first. He's just grumpy and children are loud and annoying. But he warms up to the idea. He can't handle your hormones and modd swings. He sneaks you craving foods. Overall just tries to keep his patience from snapping. He will try and stay away from everything because he has no idea what to do and doesn't want to upset you. He well try his best though. He will keep the crazy followers away from you.
La Signora is so excited. She will definitely has rich aunt vibes. She will also do baby shopping with you. She also helps by making sure you have everything you need. She uses her position as a way to keep people from bothering you. Also makes a list of what foods you can and can't eat, along with what foods you're craving. She is the most helpful and makes sure nothing bad happens to you or the baby.
Capitono is more protective over you now. He knew you were already fragile, but now that you're pregnant... he's in overdrive. Whenever you go anywhere, he's going with you. He is worried anything and everything will hurt you and the baby. Other than being a guard dog, he doesn't really do much.
Childe is uncle material. He is super excited. He will also give childcare advice and he might give you hand me down things from his siblings. Is also one of your scary guard dogs. He wants to make sure you and the baby are safe and healthy.
Pierro is lost. He doesn't know the first thing about raising a baby or pregnant women. The only thing he's good for is keeping the crazy people away from you. He is neutral about all this, cause again, he has no idea how to handle you now.
There was much debate over the baby's name. Dottore wanted Sumeru names, Arlecchino suggested Fontaine names, Childe and Pulcinella suggested Sneznayan names, and La Signora suggested Modstandt names. Eventually, you pick a name... Feodora.
Once Feodora is born, everything turns upside down as you all have to get used to having a baby around.
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pinkzier · 7 months
picnic w my cat
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Kang haerin x f!reader
Warning: Just cute.. kisses...that's all I think?..hyein teases you two (nothing suggestive PLEASE) bad writing again
summary: Danielle's idea of ​​a picnic for you and your grumpy girlfriend haerin! At least she agreed! (she was forced
haerin is green and you are purple
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—Let's go haerin!" you murmur as you pull haerin's hands while she is lazily on the sofa while closing her eyes and frowning, next to her is Hyein trying to push her "unnie...stop being lazy!"
You hear haerin purr lazily "I don't want to get up..our picnic can be right here on the dorm floor.." she murmurs and throws herself more on the sofa while hyein and you snort at the same time and you roll your eye
“I'll give all the tomatoes to danielle to eat then!" and then like a flash you see haerin open her eyes "good..I'll go then..but it's only because you and hyein are forcing me.." she murmurs and looks away I glance at Hyein who gives a smile and claps "YEAH! WE DID IT!" and gets up from the sofa doing a dance that was definitely danielle's suggestion
haerin squints her eyes and looks away from hyein "I want to eat the tomatoes, let's go" and then she simply gets up and heads towards the door "I'll carry you this time, I don't want to fall like before" before leaving the door leaving you and hyein look at each other then hyein bursts into laughter and you roll your eyes pretending to feel offended "it's just her personality, she wants to carry me!" you mumble and grab the basket of food "I'm telling the truth!" and you just hear hyein murmur in agreement before opening the door and walking out in search of haerin
"Wait for me haerin!" you mumble as you run to her and she's already on the bike waiting for you to get on "hurry up!" She murmurs and you roll your eyes and walk towards her, placing the food in the bicycle basket and then getting on the back of the bike "hold on to my waist" Haerin murmurs as she adjusts the food basket in front of her and you do what she asked, then she takes the get off the ground and start pedaling
It doesn't take long to arrive, when you arrive at the place it's quite empty, there are just a few babies playing with their parents and some ducks in the lake, when you get off the bike and get the basket with food you wait for Haerin to pull over the bike and pick it up. her hand pulling her to the place where you will put the towel without giving her time to complain, you can see her murmur and blush a little as she lets you take her to the place
"oooh...it's so beautiful.." you murmur as you give Haerin the basket to hold and take the towel and place it on the floor, sitting down and then taking Haerin's hand to put the food on the towel, while you do this haerin sits down and adjusts herself comfortably, facing you, when you finish and look at haerin she is so focused on watching you and thinking about life that she forgets that you are looking at her too, when she realizes she looks away and a little mockery comes out of her lips while she looks at the food and looks for the tomato
tomato..." she mutters unconsciously and takes the tomato and puts a whole one in her mouth, biting into it "that's your favorite thing, right..." you mutter while watching her eat it so quickly as if she were afraid you'd want to eat it too , but then you are surprised, she takes two small tomatoes from the bag and offers them to you, extending her hand and looking at you while you look on in surprise "eat...hm...now" You smile and mumble a small "thank you" as you take it from her hands and shove it in your mouth, and you swear you can see a small smile on her face before she turns away to eat more tomatoes.
You then slide a little to her side and you can see her staring at you blankly as you settle into her and put your head on her shoulder, you can feel her heart racing, but she continued with her monotonous expression while eating tomatoes
“hyein said we looked cute" you murmur softly as you look at the sky with beautiful clouds "I think you're actually cute" haerin murmurs indifferently and then blinks a few times and looks away at you when he feels one of his shoulders shaking for you laughing
Why did you say that?..” you mumble between small laughs and get up from her shoulder looking at her now and she stays silent, so you just smile and give haerin a soft kiss on the cheek, you can see how she blushes and eats the tomatoes to disguise it while looking away
haerin doesn't respond, but it's okay, she always does that and it doesn't mean she hated it, so you look at the sky and smile "that looks like bunnies..." you say softly when you see a cloud and haerin looks and shakes his head positively and then looks at you, but you don't notice and continue looking at the clouds
until soft, cold lips like haerin's are attached to yours, that didn't feel right, it's very rare for haerin to initiate a kiss with you, in public.
you feel one of haerin's hands curl around the back of your neck and you give her a smile and continue kissing her, she smells like tomatoes.. when you pull away she has the smallest smile possible but at least she's smiling so you give one smile bigger "I love you haerin" and she blushes and looks away as if she was thinking a little, then murmurs "me too.."
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lizzieisright · 8 months
Trust exercises
Abby, your friend, helps you with some of your therapy homework (just fluff, no smut)
It doesn't happen often, but sometimes before your scheduled meetings (since two adults need to schedule hangouts) you go to therapy, which means you come to Abby's place after therapy.
Sometimes you're happy, sometimes you're sad, sometimes you don't come at all, and Abby understands.
When she first met you, she thought you were the most kind, sunny human being - you were so nice to her, and Abby couldn't help but try to spend more time with you. You gladly let her and soon you two were practically inseparable - Abby trusted you, shared her worries and fears, even the stupid ones, and you supported her through it all. You were soft and kind to her, and you told her the stories of your past which made her cry. This is why Abby didn't notice that you didn't share anything from your present, not anything deeper than a complaint about work.
Abby knew you were in therapy - who wasn't in this economy? - and she thought you were so nice because you were healing. But during one of your shared evenings in Abby's apartment you both got drunk, very drunk, and you spilled something.
"Do you know why I'm in therapy?"
"Because your childhood sucked and your parents can eat shit for that?"
"Well, yeah." You laugh. "I have like, major trust issues."
"You?" Abby stared at you, even though she saw two of you by now. "Really?"
"Yeah." You nodded and even if Abby was super drunk, she noticed how your voice was strained.
"Fuck." Abby sighed, not really having a better response in this state of mind. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"So I can regret it later? No."
It stuck with Abby later, and she couldn't let it slide, so she talked to you about it. You were very reluctant about sharing what are your triggers, but the fact that you told her some things was already groundbreaking. (I won't ever ask for any help and I hate when people baby me, you told her, and it meant that when she bought you coffee you got literally offended - which led to another "you need to tell me if I hurt you because it's unfair" conversation, which led back to "If I could trust you, I would")
So Abby started getting more gentle with you - it rarely worked, but you always reassured her she wasn't the problem, which broke her heart even more.
But slowly, even through you shot her some weird looks when she took care of you in any way, you started to accept it. You started talking to her little by little, and Abby was happy - even if it was "holy fuck I cried me eyes out last night, kill me please" message. You shared some of your feelings, and Abby couldn't help the protectiveness she felt about you. You were so nice and kind to everyone and you were so lonely and broken inside it made Abby angry at anyone who made you feel like this. So she tried to give you everything she was able to.
One day you came from therapy, eyes red and puffy, your face empty and you just asked if Abby could cuddle you. Abby felt like she won life this day - won a glimpse of your trust.
So today you came after therapy as well, grumpy as fuck, which looked cute on you - Abby couldn't help her adoring gaze when she looked at you, even if you gave her a weird look now and then. It wasn't agressive, but Abby knew you struggled to accept she loved you for who you are, even though that was something you desperately needed.
"I have fucking homework." You told her and Abby laughed: you hated when your therapist gave you homework, since it was embarassing and you wanted to throw up.
"What is it?" Abby asked as she heated some food for you: which was also a struggle for you, accepting her care, but you were trying your best. These small things were just a trial before bigger things, and you promised to at least handle this for now.
"Fuckin' trust exercises." You sighed and rolled your eyes, but Abby saw through you: you wanted to do it, wanted to see there was someone you could trust. "You know this shit when you fall back and someone catches you? Disgusting."
Abby laughed and placed the plate in front of you, nodding when you said thank you.
"It's scary."
"It fuckin' is. And I don't want to do it." You grumped and Abby waited. "I mean I do, but I'll hate every second of it. Anyway, the point of this is, will you do it with me?"
Abby saw how it physically disgusted you to say it, and she knew it was your reaction to being vulnerable, so she just smiled: you hated being vulnerable, but she couldn't express how much it meant to her that you chose her to be vulnerable with.
"Of course."
"You don't have to, obviously-" Here you go again, Abby thought.
"I want to. I don't go to gym for nothing, I won't let you fall." Abby flexed her biceps and you got flustered.
You both knew you liked each other, and you flirted all the time, but Abby didn't rush you: you couldn't handle her heating the food for you, you were not ready to be in a relationship by any means. So Abby was waiting for you, calm and sure one day she will get to kiss you and you will accept her love.
"Thank you."
"And don't you fucking dare to do something nice for me in return, I'll kill you."
You look so uncomfortable with the whole idea, but Abby knows you'll push through anyway - you are a masochist like that. So you stand in the middle of her living room, Abby is relaxed and just waits for you to go through your conflicting emotions.
"I'll catch you, I promise."
"I know that. It's not what worries me." You tell her as you fidget with your fingers. "It's so fucking scary."
"Well, you're not here alone. I'll hold you after."
You struggle again with accepting this, but you don't reject her - every time when this happens Abby feels proud and happy: you are trying to trust her.
"Okay, can we like. Start with smaller distance? I don't think I'll be able to do the whole metre."
"Of course."
You stand awkwardly with your back to Abby, barely twenty centimeters away from her - if Abby leans down, she will be able to put her head on your shoulder. So this is not even the fall exercise, you're going to lean on her.
"Holy fuck." You curse. "Okay."
You're so tense and anxious even like this, and Abby stretches her arms by your sides, letting you see she is supporting you. So you slowly lean back until you feel your back touch Abby's front. She is solid and warm, and she hugs you, holds you, and it's almost too much, and you want to cry. Abby is safe and Abby loves you and really, it's too much.
"I've got you." Abby tells somewhere in your hair and you break. You sob quietly and move away: it's unbearable. "Too much?"
You nod, not ready to talk and embarrass yourself.
"Do you want me to be quiet?"
You shake your hand yes and no, and Abby understands.
"Okay. Want to try again?"
You nod again and go a little further: if Abby doesn't catch you, you will fall, but not painfully. Again, her arms are stretched out and you take a deep breath before letting yourself fall back - the air gets stuck in your lungs from a millisecondary fear, but then you feel solid warm Abby who chuckles into your ear, but keeps quiet, even though she wants to tell you how proud of you she is - and you feel saved. It's strange, but the relief you feel is visceral and you want to cling to Abby's arms around you.
"Okay." You sigh, the anxiety leaves your body as adrenalin gets replaced with dopamin. "Okay, I get it."
"Like. I'm so scared when I fall, but because you catch me, I instantly feel safe. What kind of pavlovian shit is this?"
"Are you suggesting we train you into trusting me by doing this every day?"
"It might work. I wanna do it again."
And then you get giddy and giggle when Abby catches you for the seventh time, the dopamin doing its job. Abby is happy to help, especially since she gets to hold you and be there for you and lets you see you are safe with her. It's a long way down the road, but eventually you'll get there, and you will trust her.
Abby can't wait.
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marsthebabie · 9 months
Little Angel 💗
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda maximoff x Reader
Hi!!! Would you be able to do one with natasha and wanda and the reader wakes up grumpy and is just having tantrums and not wanting to do anything apart from cling to natasha and wanda just lots of fluff please.
3rd person POV
Y/N wakes up yawning before realizing she's alone in the bed. Feeling all alone Y/N starts to cry loudly feeling smaller than normal today. Y/N continues to cry until she feels strong arms around her waist. "Hey, it's okay. Shh I'm here little one. I'm right here" Natasha says softly. Y/N instantly wraps her arms around Natasha and Natasha does the same holding her close. Soon Y/N's crying softens and Y/N's hold eases. "Better little love" Natasha asks and Y/N nods. "Good, now let's get you something to eat" Natasha says picking up Y/N and holding her on her hip. Y/N holds on tightly to Natasha with her legs around Nat's waist.
Natasha carries Y/N to the kitchen and grabs Y/N a banana and sits her down in a chair. Y/N whines loudly after being put down wanting to be close to Natasha. "Don't worry. I'll hold you when you're done eating" Natasha says holding out the peeled banana to her. "No" Y/N yells hitting the banana out of Natasha's hand. Just then Wanda walks into the room instantly smiling when she sees Y/N. She goes up to Y/N and kisses her on the cheek. "Good morning! How's my sleepy baby today"Wanda asks booping Y/N's nose. Y/N just starts babbling and reaches out for Wanda making grabby hands at her. "She's a brat, that's how she's doing" Natasha remarks picking up the banana off the floor.
"Oh hush Nat. I Know that's not true" Wanda says picking up Y/N and holding her. "She's always my little angel, aren't you cutie" Wanda continues giving Y/N kisses on her neck making her giggle. "Wan, she smacked the banana out of my hand just because I wouldn't hold her" Natasha says crossing her arms. "Ohhh, is that why acted up? Because mommy wouldn't hold you" Wanda says sweetly at Y/N who nodded silently. "My poor little angel. Momma will hold you! Oh yes she will! Since you're mommy doesn't want to" Wanda says making Y/N babble happily. "Hey! That's not fair. Wanda, she needs to learn how to eat in her own chair like a big girl. She doesn't need us 24/7, she can be by herself sometimes" Natasha explains and Y/N starts to cry.
"Natasha! Hey it's okay baby. Don't cry shh. Oh sweetheart" Wanda coos trying to calm Y/N down. Wanda carries Y/N into the bedroom and gets on the bed. She holds Y/N in her arms bridal style and rocks her back and forth. An hour goes by and Y/N hasn't stopped crying. "Oh please stop crying baby. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Tired? What do you want sweet girl" Wanda asks. Y/N tries telling Wanda but it just comes out in babbles and sobs. That's when Natasha walks into the room and Y/N reaches out for Natasha. "Still crying, huh" Natasha asks sitting on the bed. "No shit sherlock. God I don't know what's with her today" Wanda says tiredly. Y/N continues to reach out for Natasha as she cries and Natasha hols her hand.
Y/N's crying starts to soften and Y/N gets out of Wanda's arms and climbs onto Natasha's lap. Natasha holds Y/N close as Y/N rests her head on Natasha's shoulder. "I'm sorry love. That was mean. I know you count on me to and Momma to take care of you and I should have realized how little you were today. I love you so so much" Natasha says stroking Y/N's hair. Natasha looks over at Wanda and instantly smiles at Wanda who has fallen asleep. "Looks like you made Momma tired" Natasha says giggling. Natasha looks at Y/N who has fallen asleep on Natasha's shoulder as well. "My sweet little angel"
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av1xtg · 8 months
It's so funny to me that it's so obvious when I get a new hyperfixation because everything everywhere for example tis blog suddenly turns to what ever hyperfixation I have. . .
NOW I WANNA TALK ABOUT HUSK AND MY HEADCANONS FOR HIM BECAUSE THAT SILLY GRUMPY OLD-MAN CAT IS TAKING OVER MY BRAIN (contains a bit of huskerdust and bad grammar because english is not my first language but I have no respect for it so /j)
So I fully headcanon that husk has the most un organised and dirty room for some reason, like he never even bothered decorating it.
He hates baths and oils and stuff like that because it's really hard to take off from his wings and fur.
He refused to wash his hands with water and he cleaned his hands like cats do before eating food or serving drinks so charlie forced him to at least use wet wipes (idk how to write tht but hope you understand it)
He loves old fashioned love songs, usually mumbles some lyrics he still remebers while working and the others like to hear his singing.
The fluffies fluff ever, he doesn't really use any products (only dry shampoo from time to time) AND STILL HIS FUR IS EXTREMLY FLUFFY.
He got extremly bad body dismorfia when he arrived at hell.
The others tease him alot whenever he does any cat sounds.
Instead of a glass of water on his nightstand he had a bottle of whiskey or any other alcohol.
If he's in the mood (and charlie asks nicely + a day off) he might do some magic tricks to entretain the other guests.
Whenever he speaks spanish he always calls evryone pendejo (as a mexican that is also my favorite curse word I gotta add that). Like him and vaggie are fighting and she desn't know he speaks apanish so she starts insuting him in spanish and he goes "CALLATE LA PINCHE BOCA PENDEJA TUERTA" (traduction: SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING ONE EYED WOMAN) and she shuts up because she didn't expect that. (Now they speak in spanish together sometimes)
One time Sr. Pentious gave him catnipp because angeldust dared him to and husk went WILD. Like everyone was laughing nd half th hotel was filled with cat scratchs while husk followed Sr.Pentious who was escaping with the catnip in hand from him kind of wild.
He wants hugs and he won't admitt it.
Used to be a bit to proud as an overlord which is also half the reason why he lost to alastor.
Fucker cries a lot and won't admitt it because he already stablished to everyone that "I don' give a shit about anything and fuck y'all" and now he just can't.
He falls asleep a lot during work because he is drunk.
He owns a phone but uses it like a grandma, he puts on the glasses to read and everything
He once had a very bad night and got EXTREMELY DRUNK and ended up doing a karaoke with charlie and Sr Pentious.
Alastor would ocationaly take him to the Overlords meetings as his "body guard" and he would get extrembly embarrased because everyone recognised him and he knew they all thought of him as a failure for being an Overord who lost his own soul to Alastor and was now forced to obey him.
Thanks to loser,baby I think Husk may be a pet names man (affectionatelly both romantic and just with friends)
Husk reminds me a bit of "No surprises" by radiohead (i don't really know how to explain it but yeah)
I think his relationship with angel (romantically speaking) would be really gentle like, cuddles, hugs, little kisses, cause he wants to show that romantic relationships don't always need to have sex included (angel appretiates that)
I feel like they told each other their felling for the other but bth came to the conclution that maybe they are not in the best mental state to get into a relationship at the moment so they asked charlie and vaggie to help a bit.
I have more but this is getting a bit long so I'll make a part two!!!!!!!
(Have some photos of the silly 70 yr old grumpy cat-man)
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radioisntdead · 6 months
You mentioned doing Susan and Reader type things, let me bring up to you:
Reader is Susan's adult child or Niece/Nephew. How do you think that would go? Would she be boasting them up like she does to Rosie or would she be nitpicking them all the time? You decide!
Good evening my dear! I'm gonna scream about Susan now, we don't see much of her but I adore grumpy old people characters (in fiction)
Let's start with child headcanons,
You POOR POOR CHILD, Susan definitely has a key to your home, did you give it to her? Probably not she's the type to MAKE a key, or pick the lock, look me in the eyes [?] And tell me this old woman doesn't know how to pick a lock,
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She's definitely seen and done some shit in her [After?] Lifetime, you could be making dinner and she just breaks in strolls on in and starts going on about her childhood and it's just the most messed up Parent Susan lore, she also doesn't care for boundaries, doesn't matter who you are, your boundaries are being invaded, she doesn't like when others invade your boundaries through, only she can do that after all she's your mother! She assumingly birthed you,
Or picked you up from the side of the streets
I don't know how she acquired you
If you have a spouse, Mama Susan does NOT like them, doesn't matter if they're the king of hell or whatever, No one is good enough for her baby,
Heaven forbid if it's someone she already doesn't like, like Alastor for example.
That being said she wants grandkids, you don't have to spawn them, just pick one up off the streets I'm sure there are orphans in hell! Especially after extermination day
She's definitely the type to grab your cheek, squish it and just go "Have you been eating at all?!? Fucking skin and bones!"
Then she just gives you some poor demons leg to munch on, yum!
I feel like when she can make a mean cannibalistic meatloaf, but nothing else,
Maybe soup, but who can't make soup?
[I'm so sorry if you can't make soup, Don't worry I'll make you some so your not soupless]
She's definitely the type of parent to send you to your room without dinner, or keep you at the table until you finished up your meal, or smack with the cane
Honestly if we go with if she was alive in the 1800's {?} And not hellborn {also Susan DOESN'T HAVE A WIKI PAGE? GIVE OUR MEAN OLD LADY A WIKI PLEASE- /j}
Depending on your gender you definitely get raised differently, because sexism was horrid back then, woman didn't get the rights to properly vote until the 1920's, She was long gone by then.
if you're born a gal she's all
"Be more ladylike! No man will marry you if you act like this"
She loves you, and in her mind it's for your own good because society is NOT kind to those who act different than the status quo, she cannot spare you the same fate she got, she wishes you were born in a different time, in one where you'd have more freedom.
she'd lighten up after death because, you know y'all are dead, and man fuck social status that's dead now, she prefers cannibal town as to wherever you were during life
If you were born a lad then you got a ton of
"Be a gentleman! Don't be a dick, don't duel people!"
A son meant she got a pat on the back, she was capable of producing an heir, or whatever old timey crap was going on, she hoped you did NOT turn out to be a product of your environment.
I feel like she'd be very active in feminist movements back then from the shadows, she definitely earned her rights to be grumpy old lady
All in all, she's not the WORST mom, but she definitely traumatized you, I feel like y'all healed your mother-child bond in hell {that's a sentence I never thought I'd write}
NOW ON TO THE NIBLING {?} Niece/nephew
She's the single probably wealthy Aunt that probably killed her husband but no one can prove it, completely different from above, she did NOT have a child with niblings [I think that's the right term please correct me if wrong]
If she did have a offspring, congratulations your cousin is often compared to you and y'all probably have a strained relationship.
Anyways any time she sees you she either goes in for the hug and if rejected makes a comment about today's youth and respect, or she doesn't go in for the hug and rambles about today's youth being too touchy,
"What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing."
Susan when near you.
She gives great Christmas presents though, she just like throws it to you and says she got it last minute and then it's just like 200$ present,
Or if she REALLY doesn't like you, your getting one of those cringe tshirts that's like "look out ladies, I'm a gamer"
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Well Llama, you’ve got me hooked on another one of your aus. That post about kids visiting the harpy aviary reminded me of my own field trips as a kid. I…may have gotten a reputation for wandering off and getting lost. NEVER on purpose, mind you, it just always seemed to happen! I can guarantee I would have found my way into Skull’s enclosure. With that in mind, what WOULD our loveable teddy bird do if a kid somehow wandered in?
I'll do you one better. Here's how all of them would respond to a child wandering into their enclosure.
Sans: Usually, when anyone who isn't Mc approaches the grouchy harpy while he's sleeping, he gets extra vicious at his sleep being interrupted and lashes out. Many staff who got too close/confident have the laceration scars to prove his favouritism toward Mc. Let sleeping dogs lie, as they say.
... But even though anyone watching can clearly see his sockets open a fraction at the approach of the child, he does absolutely nothing, continuing to lounge around like they aren't even there. The kid literally wanders up to him, touching his soft plumage, and he does little more than snore. He's like a lion dad with a fussy cub- they could cuddle up next to him, shout and scream, jump on him, pull his feathers, anything. He might even play with them a bit... pretending to roll over in his sleep and pinning them under a wing. Oh no, gravity is increasing on me...
He likes kids. He doesn't consider a child any kind of threat, unlike adults. This one is particularly funny. He also very much enjoys the attention Mc gives him for being so gentle.
Red: Kids find him cool so it makes sense one would eventually find a way to wander in. He used to not really care about children, but after he started courting a human woman, he's grown very fond of human kids. It's one of the reasons he seems so delighted when groups of them come to visit the aviary.
... But obviously, this kid isn't his biologically. So there's a worry he won't tolerate them in his space. Not the case, though! If Sans is the lazy lion dad, Red is the grumpy one. If a kid entered his enclosure and started following him around, he resembles a slightly annoyed older brother with their delighted younger sibling shadowing him absolutely everywhere, but he still lets them do whatever they want. He lets them clamber on him, tug his feathers, touch his cool teeth and claws. Despite his constant annoyed expression, when staff come to the rescue he's got the kid on his shoulders where they gleefully prod his face and talk about flying.
He's quick to let out little warning growls if they get too rough. But that's it.
Skull: A kid who walked into Skull's aviary would have to be suitably unafraid of him. Which is his dream. He immediately scoops them up, and they play together for as long as possible, climbing and 'flying' and exploring. It's the best time he's had in a long time.
Unfortunately... then comes the removal process. Mc tries to do it slowly, tries to gradually convince Skull to let the kid go so he doesn't lash out. And she almost gets it- she can see in his eyelight that he's close to handing them over. But not close enough... the other staff panic and tranquillise him.
... Skull goes to sleep holding his baby. And he wakes up no baby. Mc stayed with him until he woke to try and mitigate the inevitable fallout, but her presence does little to calm him. His distress is obvious, he tears up his enclosure looking for them... and once he realises they're gone, he becomes completely inconsolable, curling up in the corner of his den. You don't have to be a harpy expert to know that the sounds he's making are ones of grief.
For at least a week, he's utterly despondent. He won't eat unless Mc is there, he just stays in his den, cradling his plushie. He always keeps it tucked under one wing... like he's hiding it.
(He's scared he'll lose that, too.)
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Part two to this.
Dustin Henderson was furious and confused. How could Eddie do this? He was the only besides Robin and Wayne who knew they had started dating before he had left for the road, so it's not like he could tell anyone. He couldn't sleep all night, and when he woke up the next morning, he was very grumpy. He decided to bike over to Steve’s to check on him, knowing Steve hadn't been feeling well.
Dustin used his key and unlocked the door. When he walked in, he heard the sound of Eddie singing coming from the kitchen. He scowled and stormed into the kitchen, slamming the door open. Eddie shrieked and turned around, putting a hand to his chest.
"Henderson, man, you scared me!" Eddie exclaimed and turned off the stove. "You're just in time. I made breakfast. Should be enough for everyone."
"How can you stand there after what you did?!" Dustin yelled. "You son of a bitch!"
"Woah! Man, what the fuck are you talking about?" Eddie asked.
"You're going to pretend like you don't know exactly what I'm talking about?" Dustin asked and cracked his knuckles. "I'm going to try and beat the shit out of you. You can at least let me get one shot in, okay?"
Dustin raised his fists at Eddie, his eyes narrowed. That's when Steve came into the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eye.
"What in the hell is going on?" Steve asked.
"Dustin wants to fight me," Eddie said, pursing his lips as he struggled not to laugh.
"Why?" Steve asked, laughing.
"This son of a bitch cheated on you!" Dustin exclaimed.
"What?!" Steve asked with wide eyes.
"No! I swear, Steve!" Eddie squeaked.
"I was shopping with my mom yesterday when Eddie came in and told the guy behind the counter all about how he was going to be a daddy," Dustin said. "There's no way in hell that he could have gotten you pregnant."
"Jesus Christ!" Steve said, breathing a sigh of relief and tilting his head back. "That was a misunderstanding. When he heard I wasn't feeling well, he drove all night. He overheard a conversation between me and Robin. In his sleep deprived brain, he thought the bat bites made it possible for him to get me pregnant."
"You know, there might be something to that," Dustin said, lowering his fists and tapping his chin.
"It was food poisoning!" Steve exclaimed.
"Oh, did Robin try to cook for you again?" Dustin asked.
"Hey!" Robin exclaimed as she stumbled into the kitchen. "That's rude. What's going on?"
"Dustin here tried to defend my honor," Steve said.
"It was very cute," Eddie said.
"He thought Eddie cheated on me," Steve said.
"Aww, Dusty Bun," Robin cooed, pinching his cheeks.
"Let's just eat, okay?" Dustin grumbled, blushing. "I'm glad you're back and that I didn't have to hit you, Eddie. Steve. . .Let's talk business. I'm officially calling dibs on me being godfather to your unborn child."
"I called dibs on being godmother!" Robin said excitedly.
"That doesn't surprise me," Dustin said.
"Oh, not this again!" Steve said, throwing up his hands. "Do I look pregnant?"
"I wasn't going to say anything," Robin said.
"Don't listen to them, sweetheart, I think you look great," Eddie said.
"Okay! No more baby talk! We are eating breakfast and we are going to do it quietly!" Steve exclaimed. "Understood!"
It was completely quiet as they ate. Dustin and Eddie kept trying to gross each other out by showing off their chewed up food. The only thing it did was gross the other two out. Steve had to throw a piece of toast at them. Steve had thought for sure he had been done throwing up, but he had been proven wrong shortly after breakfast. He pulled his head out of the toilet bowl long enough to try to speak to Robin on the other side of the door. Eddie sat behind him, rubbing his back.
"Robin. . ."
"Can you do me a favor?" Steve asked.
"Can you go out and buy me a pregnancy test?" Steve asked.
"On it," Robin said, and they heard her run off.
"Seriously?" Eddie asked.
"It wouldn't hurt," Steve said.
The four of them crowded around the test, waiting with bated breath. There was no fucking way, Steve thought. Why was this taking forever? Steve leaned against Eddie, tapping his leg anxiously. Eddie placed a hand on his leg, caressing it gently. The kitchen timer went off, and they jumped up all at once. They leaned over the bathroom sink.
"Oh, shit," Steve whispered.
Dustin and Robin whispered excitedly to each other while Steve looked at Eddie with wide eyes.
"Where's the baby going to come out?" Eddie blurted out.
"Steve’s butt, duh. I mean, isn't that where you put it in?" Dustin asked, and they all turned to look at him. "What? Am I wrong?"
Should I make a third part? If I do, you want to pick your poison? Should it be a false positive or an actual baby?
Part three
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kleefkruid · 1 month
How is Kotelet dealing with being an inside cat? And Marcel?
Honestely the answer is 'too busy being baby machine'. So I trapped her about 4 tot 5 days (can't remember) before she gave birth and then she was miffed about it, but that was of course because she was looking for the best possible nesting place and we know 'best' for her means somewhere out in the rain beneath some bush. But she yowled on the windowsill for one day before she became too pregnant to even get on the windowsill so from then on she was mainly sleeping and throwing grumpy looks at the door like 'you know what I'd be doing if I wasn't a football on legs now.'
Since then she's been nursing non-stop, had her fever and is just exhausted having 5 mouths to feed so she just eats. She wants to walk around the apartment especially in the morning (she'd always come in while I was making coffee bc that's when the balcony door opened usually) but she's just too tired, which is entirely normal at this point.
So how will she be when she gets more energy? I honestly don't know. What I do know is that she still refuses cat food, and at this point I don't know if she'll ever accept it? I do have to manage my expectations since she's a certified feral cat. It's rare (but possible) to even get a feral friendly with humans but she'll never turn into a full couch potato.
Once the kittens are weaned onto kitten food I'll have a go at trying to get her onto cat food by simply not giving chicken anymore, but I don't know if it'll work.
Long term: Right now we have a good house with a safe protected area where plenty of people feed her and she can catch mice, but if I'd have to move to a less than ideal place for a feral cat, I wouldn't want to leave her behind so then we'd have to look for a farm set-up or something, somwhere where she can hang out with humans whenever she wants but catch her own food.
But first we'll see what I can do in the next weeks, it's just important to remember this is a feral cat and she missed the window to be a full house cat. Keeping her inside idefinitely is just not a possibility from a wellfare perspective, even orgs from very pro-housecat countries advice against that. (bc the stress can literally kill them) But she'd be a very succesful social cat in a spayed and protected colony.
Oh and Marcel and Oskar are doing fine, Kotelet is in the bedroom so I can just close that door and then they can sit on the balcony whenever they want, and I got a feliway refill which Marcel reacts to well! if only they weren't too expensive to buy more often :') So Kotelet is high on mommy pheromones and the others on fake ones haha. Peace and love on earth for everyone except me who sadly doesn't react to kitty drugs, I wish I wish.
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pityen81 · 4 months
On why they are oppressed even if they look like they have a privileged life:
Grisha wear kefta because they have to, this is the reason they wore bright colored clothes in a battle setting, which is a very impractical and dangerous thing to do. A Grisha must have a special permission to wear civilian clothes (like Nina while she was working undercover), otherwise they can get arrested. This was because, when Grisha's persecution in Ravka ended, the Tsars wanted them to wear something easily recognizable, to make sure every "normal" ravkan citizen could always knew who they were interacting with. General Kirigan turned their clothes from a symbol of shame in a symbol of their power and a way to protect themselves.
All Grisha are forced to serve in the Second Army, there's no exception. Only after a very long time or under special circumstances, they are allowed to leave.
Grisha aren't allowed to buy a house or a piece of land. They can have it only if they are explicity gifted of it. They cannot automatically inherit it from their family members either.
A Grisha who want to marry needs to ask for a special permission.
On why there aren't Grisha babies at the Little Palace:
Grisha have a longer life than the average but they aren't very fertile. A Grisha having a baby is a very rare thing; this, combined with the fact that most of them serve in active combat since they are little more than teenagers means there are little chances for Grisha to start a family.
About the lack of Materialki on active duty:
Contrary on the common beliefs Durasts can be very useful in a battle (Jesper is a very proficient sharpshooter for example), but many of them prefer to stay behind and work in their laboratories. Since their innovations are very important to keep up with the technologies of Fjerda and the Shu Han, they aren't forced to fight like the others.
Even if they don't appear in the show, there are Durast and Alkemi on active duty.
About Ivan's grumpiness (I have a lot of headcanons about him since he's my favourite):
Despite not being a ray of sunshine like his better half Ivan does care about the other Grisha. He feels responsible for their safety since he's high in the chain of command.
He does have other friends other Fedyor, but mostly they are quiet people like him. In my head he was friend with Natacha, the Inferni who was the capitan of the skiff who was killed in the first episode and with Pavel and Polina.
He's serious and strict but not cruel. Younger Grisha fear his judgment but at the same time they trust him and consider him a good leader. He's indeed very patient with grisha who strive for improving themselves, but he doesn't care for laziness and cowardice.
Ivan reacts to sadness with anger. He wasn't friendly with Alina in the first episode because Natacha and other grisha have been just killed in the fold; for the same reason he reprimanded her for eating figs, because he had just finished to read a casualty list.
Ivan had some Durast friends who lost their lives in battle, he consider David a coward, for this reason he doesn't care for his antics.
He did believe until the end that The Darkling wanted to use Alina to destroy the Fold. He didn't know General Kirigan was Alexander Morozov.
He didn't kill the dignitaries on the Skiff, but made them lose consciousness, infact he used different hand gestures than the ones he uses in battle. The dignitaries were killed by the Volcra.
Ivan is not always likeable, but he's not a bully.
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ghostfanwriter · 1 year
To make you feel better 🧽💖
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A smutty fic where Joel is sick, and you do your best to help him feel better.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem! Reader.
Setting: Jackson.
What I listened to while writing this:
💖Kali Uchis - Angel
🧽Kali Uchis - Telepatía (fucking vibes these two)
💖Sabrina Carpenter - Nonsense (because this song is partially about being cockdumb and you can't convince me otherwise. It doesn't pass the vibe check for this, but I listened to it anyway)
🧽Lana del Rey - Ultraviolence (I don't know exactly why, but Ultraviolence just makes me dizzy thinking about Joel. Listen to it watching the interrogation or hospital scenes and tell me I'm fucking wrong.)
Author's note: do yourself a favor and listen to Angel and Telepatía when reading this. Damn they fit the vibe. I had this story cooking on my brain for a long time now, and finally managed to get it out. It's dirty, but it's passionate and I hope you like it 💖. Also, I mention how they met here, and I have this idea where Frank and Bill had a daughter, maybe she arrived with Frank, and reader is her, but I don't know. I have another idea that fits right there and may write it eventually. Let me know what you think ✨
Word count: I think it's around 2.5k.
Warnings: Smut; 18+ only please; p in v, oral sex (male receiving), mention of Joel being sick, no physical description of reader, a bit of fluff there too.
Tell me if I missed something, please ✨
Good reading 🧽💖
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You leave Ellie on her doorstep and hurry to the house you share with Joel. Your cheeks are burning from the cold and you can barely feel your fingers, even inside Joel's thick gloves that he insisted you would wear outside.
You enter your house, remove a layer of clothes and rush to the guest bedroom. It took a lot - a lot - of persistance to convince him to stay downstairs. He was weak and you didn't want him going up and down the stairs everytime he needed to eat during the three days you went away.
You find him asleep, and if you're being honest, your heart sinks seeing him just laying there. Joel was getting old and, although you knew he would probably die before you, avoiding the thought was one of your main focuses right now.
Sitting at the edge of the bed slowly not to wake him up, you just admire him for a second. The wrinkles forming around his eyes, the little pout on his lips, his brows missing their deep frown. Seeing him in such a vulnerable position felt like a privilege, one that only you and Ellie had. He was soft and open with the two of you, unlike with everyone else, that sees him as a grumpy and even dangerous old man.
Dangerous, you couldn't lie. He is.
But you've seen his wrath. And you know it is only directed towards the people who threatened the ones important to him. You met him when he and Tess started going to your parents house, and with time your relationship develop to what it is today. You've never seen him offer any danger to anyone close to him.
You stroked your hands up his chest, feeling the soft material of his shirt, and noticing that he's still a little hot. He hums on his sleep and you try to wake him up. "Joel", you call in a tender whisper. He hums again and wakes up when your hand touches his cheek.
"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" His eyes take a second to focus and process it's you. He is awake on a snap, eyes wide looking at you. A tired and soft smile on his face and a hand on your thigh.
"You ok?" His stare is a bit confusing. You're not sure he is totally there with you, so you keep staring at him.
"Yeah, better now. Missed you." He finally says, like he's out of a spell. "I missed you too." You lean down to kiss him, and he lets you. Your soft and cold lips making him groan and shiver at the same time. His hand pressed harder on your thigh.
"You're still hot, aren't you? Did you shower today?" Caressing your thigh, he takes a while to respond. "Haven't since you left." You stayed out for three days, and Joel kind of got used to not showering often, so you always reminded him to shower at least once a day.
"So gross." You say with a laugh, and he gives you the best, strongest laugh he can. "I'm going to take one, why don't you come with me?" You say leaning down to kiss him again. Running your hands through his hair, you say "Wash this hair, huh? Come with me."
You help him up and you go to the bathroom. You help him undress first. He's a lot better than when you left, but he still struggles to bend and remove his shirt and pants.
"C'mon, you go first." You mention him the shower. "I thought we were showering together." You smile. "We are. But you can't stay out in the cold, so go while I undress."
He goes under the hot water, groaning at how good it feels. You quickly remove your neverending layers of clothes. Getting behind him, felling his body warmer with the added heat of the water.
You rest your cheek on his back for a second, hugging him from behind and just enjoying his presence for a moment. His hands come over yours, intertwining his fingers with yours.
You eventually start showering. He washes your hair, tenderness and love on his touch, massaging and caressing your head as he feels you relax under his touch. Fingers moving slowly and intently, like he was making sure you were really with him, and not outside, by yourself, without him to make sure you were okay.
You washed him, carefully soaping every inch of skin you saw, taking in every muscle and scar he has on his body, leaving an eventual kiss and squeeze along the way. He was with his back turned to you when you were finishing with his hair, and you lowered your hands to finish washing his front. When you reached his stomach, you felt the muscles there contract, and you soon saw why.
He had a hard, pulsing erection formed. It was fully there and God, you missed him.
He had been sick for almost a week and insisted you would keep a bit of a distance not to get sick. You missed his touch, his weight on top of you, his smell invading your nose, his sweat mixing with yours, his sounds, his tastes. You missed him fully, in a way that blurred your mind for a second.
You were brought back to reality when he groaned loudly, your hand firmly stroking him, up and down, slow and savoured movements. Like if going any harder or faster could break him. "Is this okay?" You ask, stopping to wait for his response.
A hand met your lower back, and his head rested lazily back on your shoulder. You got back to your motion, eventually going harder or faster, but keeping an overall steady and passionate rhythm.
Burying your face on his back, you were enjoying this as much as he was. "You always talk about how I'm always ready for you." You say in a whisper. He hums. You didn't lie. Joel was big on his praising game. Always telling how good you were doing and how good you felt.
"But you've never let me down neither." You said with a particularly tight movement of your hands around his tip and then his length.
Then you could swear, even if you felt like your ears were lying to you, that you heard him moan. A different, almost rare sound from him.
He always grunted and groaned, sounds you were deliciously familiar with, that you took as incentive to take him in deeper, or to cum around him again, or to work your tongue around his head one more time.
But a moan was different. It was him being vulnerable and showing his appreciation for what you were doing. His, other times, vocal lips, only spilling honesty right now.
The shower was slippery and Joel too weak to do anything in there. So you stopped your hands, running them up his stomach and kissing his back.
"Let's go to bed, don't want to end all the water, do we?" You said, turning him and receiving openly the kiss he leans down to press on your lips.
You dry his hair and his body, telling him to go to bed. You pat yourself dry and follow him, watching him while he looks at you, appreciating every curve and line your body had.
You lie over him, straddling his hips, his cock warm under your clit. Leaning down to kiss him, you slowly roll your hips, his hands coming to your ass, giving you a strong and deep squeeze.
"Wanna make you feel good, you've been feeling bad for a long time now." You whisper on his good ear when going down to kiss his neck. He hums in response and you start trailing kisses down his chest, then his stomach, and finally, around his cock.
You kiss his base, balls, head and the very tip with open and wet lips. Every inch of him receiving the love you want to give him.
You suck his balls first, softly and slowly. His hand comes to your hair, not pushing or applying any pressure. Just resting there and caressing you the same way he did when washing your hair.
You then lick a zigzag up his length, untill you reach the tip, that you roll your tongue around, slurping on his precum and enjoying the soft and warm felling of his skin when you put it inside your mouth.
You slowly take him inside, letting your droll wet the next inch before sucking him in. "Gonna fucking kill me, angel." He breathes low and you half chuckle, taking the hint and going a bit faster.
Your hand is cupping and rolling carefully his balls, when his breath starts to get quicker. You suck him a bit harder one last time, sucking in your cheeks to feel him fully inside your mouth.
Then you let go. With a wet and loud sound, your lips are open, a thick streak of saliva and precum keeping your lips and his tip connected. You swallow it and go back to straddling him, once again kissing your way back up.
His hands come to your face and he kisses you deeply, passionately. It's a slow and savoured kiss. The kind to make you wish to stop time and just live in for a bit. His warmth and smell sending you deeper into him, he's all that exists right now, and you couldn't imagine a better plane of existence.
You align yourself with his cock, rubbing his tip up and down your folds, circling him around your clit and just putting his head in first. Slowly, you move your hips up and down, just the tip going in and out of you.
His hands come down to your thighs and you break the kiss, holding yourself up to look into his eyes when you fully sink on him. His eyes falter for a second, his lips part and the fucking moan is there again. Blessing your ears and making you mimick his sound. A stretched, nasty and honest sound leaving your own lips.
The kind of moan that has you worried everything with ears could hear.
When you were together you felt like you just wanted to fuse with him. You always hugged him super tight, almost as if trying to merge your bodies and become just one.
Sex was the closest you would ever get to it, and you just loved feeling him inside of you. Just how fucking closer could you be with someone then literally having them inside you?
All these thoughts making you float inside your brain. His warmth, smells, tastes and sounds are everything that you know, and you're more than willing to just swim around the man underneath you.
Your hips instinctively start circling on him. His grip on your hips tightening and helping you move. You start going up and down, watching him while he looks at your body. His eyes deep and tired, but his usual passion and desire making room for themselves on them.
His lips dry and parted, an obscene invitation for you to lean down and lick them, which you're prompt to accept. Keeping your hips movements, circling while going up and down, a clockwork to help him feel every single inch of you, you just let yourself go and fully enjoy the moment.
You kissed again, his name leaving your lips just as much as yours left his. In whispers, whimpers, laughs when you moved just right, and groans that made you see stars.
You went back up, needing him faster and rougher, you support yourself on his chest and just let pleasure guide your movements.
Up and down, circling around. Forward and backwards, rubbing your clit on his cute belly while doing so.
You started to go faster, rougher, jumping higher and trying to ignore the pain on your boobs while you did so.
You tried to hold them with an arm, but Joel didn't like the blocking of his vision, so his hands left your hips and, removing your arm from your boobs, he held them, giving them enough support so they wouldn't hurt, but keeping them fully in sight for him.
You started to feel your orgasm forming and put your left hand besides his head, using your other hand to circle your clit fast and tight. Joel groaned and pulled you high enough that he could take your nipples on his lips.
He sucked hard and...
Oh God.
He just fucking kicked you off the highest cliff possible.
You screamed his name in a way that would absolutely earn you some looks when you step outside your house.
Your body shivered, shook, and moved uncontrollably. His name the only word you could remember, and you felt your pussy literally gushing around his cock.
You lied on top of him for a second. Trying your best to breath again. You were straight up just cockwarming for a bit, while you tried to organize your brain again.
"So fucking pretty, baby. Feel so good around me, squeezing me so well." His words making you clench purposefully around him, wich you kept doing, just pulsing and doing your best to make him feel good while you can't move. "My good... (a clench) Fucking girl."
Oh, to be praised by Joel Miller.
You couldn't help yourself. You needed him with you. And you would do anything to show him how much you wanted it, how much you deserved him with you.
You wanted to make sure he was always happy, always aware that you made him feel better than anyone else.
The fog on your brain started to fade and you slowly returned your movements. At first still laying on top of him, just moving your ass to bring back some friction, and eventually properly moving up and down.
"Circle again baby, like you were doing before. Felt so good." You did as you were told, drawing large and heavy circles with your hips, never letting an inch of him escape from you.
"Fuck, baby, so fucking good for me." His eyes were watching you, the frown back between his eyebrows, but this time motivated only by pleasure. His parted lips letting moans, grunts and deep breaths escape, only moving to repeat your name time after time.
It was all too much for you. You fell down again, taken by the man under you. Only him on your mind, his smile, his hair, his big hands, the sound of his voice.
Your orgasm wasn't just due to the stimulation from this moment. It was because of him.
For him.
It was like your way to pay homage to him, to show him just how much you loved and appreciated him. He was making you cum, not only his cock.
Your jaw was clenched together and your eyes doing their best to keep staring at his. When you were finally over, he couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm gonna cum, peach. Can't fucking hold it anymore."
You searched for strength on your muscles and got up. Kissing him and quickly reaching for his cock. You grab him and just go right back to it. Taking him as deep as you can, swallowing around his cock to make your throat clench around him, earning a grunt and a hair pull from him.
"Fuck, shit." He's doing his best to last and savour this feeling. His hands squeezing both your hair and the sheets, the veins on his neck about to break his skin and jump out of his body.
"Can't, baby. Gonna f-fucking cum." His warning allowing you to remove a bit of him from your mouth. You suck his head and pump his length, moaning when you feel him twitch inside your mouth.
Joel screams your name and lifts his upper body when he cums inside your mouth. Filling you up more than usually, and oh... You love it, tightening your lips around him to not let any drop escape from you.
"Greedy fucking girl." He says when you remove your full mouth from him, squeezing your lips not to let anything drip. You drink him with the most beautiful facial expression Joel has ever fucking seen, and smile when he laughs lazily at your face.
You look down, noticing there's still some on his cock. You take it back into your mouth and Joel hisses, caressing your hair, once again mimicking the movement from your shower.
Rolling your tongue around his softening tip one last time, you moan and circle it around your lips. Then you lick them and go back up, looking for his lips.
He pulls you down, kissing you in a way he hopes you understand as appreciation.
There you are, laying on top of him, sweating even though you're going through the worst part of winter.
Just you, Joel and your love for each other.
"I love you." You say when breaking the kiss.
"I love you too, more than I could ever explain." His honesty breaks your heart.
You feel the familiar feeling on your guts, the desire to melt into him, to never have to leave this bed again, to never have to experience a second without him.
You lie by his side and rest your head on his shoulder. "Gonna have to take another shower." You say, half laughing, half serious.
"Is it gonna end like the last one? Cause if it is I'm fucking running to the bathroom." He laughs, and you know he means it.
"Gonna be an endless loop, till the end of time." You say and he looks down at you.
"Eternity sounds beautiful by your side." Fuck him, you're so fucking in love.
Can you tell I'm dying over this man? No? Cool.
Nothing to see here.
Feedback, reblogs and cuddles are highly appreciated 👑
Bye besties, see you next time 💖
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bitchliteraria1906 · 4 months
Romantic Loki x reader headcanons!
Warnings: NSFW in the end, long post, he/she/they pronouns for Loki, reader's gender is left ambiguous, some small angst.
•Slow burn. Besides obvious trust issues, I also headcanon Loki as demiromantic, so it's gonna take a while and a lot of emotional connection.
•The pining phase could go a lot of ways. Maybe she hides it well, maybe he becomes distant to avoid the feelings and angst ensues, leading to the tearful confession cliché.
•Anyways, the first few months of dating are definitely a bit hard for them because it's all so new, but with a little bit of patience and work on both parts the relationship is actually pretty stable.
•Let’s talk about Loki engaging in the 5 love languages!
•The love language Loki finds easier to express is acts of service, and that comes in acting like a stereotypical gentleman (opening doors, walking you home, etc) and favors. The logic is simple: it's less akward. He can pretend it's just being polite. She also receives this pretty well, despite sometimes feeling like you're doing too much for her.
•Gift giving is also easy. Loki simply pays close attention to the material goods you have (the clothes you wear, the trinkets in your room, etc) and then trusts his good taste to buy similar ones, but even better. As for receiving, I think they'd be happy that you saw something and thought of them, regardless of what the object itself is. Handmade gifts are also appreciated.
•Quality time is very important to him, after a life of constantly feeling excluded and neglected. This includes fancy and super well planned date nights, but what really matters for her is conversation. Most of the time Loki is more of a listener, he enjoys learning about you and hearing your voice, but when she gets going, she really does, and will talk and rant for hours. Comfortable silence is also highly welcomed, and some days he actually prefers it. Reading together is peak.
•Pysical touch is tricky. Loki has this weird thing where they kind of run away from physical touch while also craving it. After he gets used to it though, he's all over you, at least in private. Personal favorites include you sitting on her lap, receiving or giving massages, having his hair played with and cuddling.
•WORDS OF AFFIRMATION. That's literally the thing they crave most, despite not realizing it: to have someone tell him he's good and loved, and actually mean it. She's really taken aback when you compliment her due to not being used to it, and tries to hide how much it affects them, with mixed results. When the reality (that he is very praise starved) sets in and Loki accepts it, their response is to try and get better at believing you when you praise them, and start praising you more often too. She knows how much feeling underapreciated sucks, and doesn't want that for you.
•Uses pet names like "Darling", "My love" and "Sweetheart", and used to make fun of people who used "Baby", "Honey" and similar things.
•Then one day you use one of these on her and he's like "Oh no I love that actually". They do threaten to stab you if you tell anyone, though.
•Scary partner privilege: any bully, harasser, stalker, etc you might have tend to back away at the sight of Loki.
•Protective, even if you don't ask for it.
•A bit of the jealous type due to insecurity and fear of losing you. Nothing creepy, they just get a bit grumpy when she feels you're giving someone who can be competition a little too much attention. Nothing a talk can't fix.
•Will find you 10000% more attractive if you're able to answer to their sarcasm with more sarcasm.
•One of his biggest insecurities is that they think they're putting too much on you. You shouldn’t have to comfort her after nightmares, or when it's the anniversary of Frigga's death and he can barely get out of bed, but you do, and they don't completely understand why, at least not in the beginning.
•I hope you enjoy eating because Loki will ask you to finish his drinks and food for her when you guys eat out.
•Probably teaches you how to fight, if you don't already know.
•Also teaches you to slow dance.
•Is more than happy when you're the one teaching and explaining stuff too. Asks for your help with Earth tecnology sometimes and will let you explain your favorite books, movies and music to them.
•Does magic for you (both to help you with tasks and just to make you smile) and gets all happy when you compliment her abilities.
NSFW headcanons start below!
•Preference for subbing, but will switch it up sometimes.
•Enjoys both giving and receiving degradation and praise. Mostly praise.
•Light bondage and pain play are welcomed, but not necessary and it depends on mood.
•Forced herself to supress some of their preferences due to shame and fear of the vulnerability that came with it.
•Will try almost anything if you ask, except stuff involving playing with body fluids (scat, blood, etc) and exhibitionism.
•As a sub he's either really bratty or really sensitive and needy, depending on the day. Had a bit of trouble with communication and safe words initially, which led to some nights of silently crying in your arms because of sub drop. It eventually gets better, and she starts slowly but surely melting at how well you take care of them. The feeling of being able to let their mind go blank and know you'll be right there and make sure he's okay is immaculate to him.
•As a dom, she's a big teaser, while also trying to copy the stuff you do to them when he's the one subbing, because to her that's the best treatment anyone could ask for.
•100% uses magic to spice things up sometimes. Just don't ask them to drastically change his looks, she will get self conscious and wonder if you're not attracted to them the way he is.
•Goes crazy (in a good way) at the idea of receiving hickeys.
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pinkpastels113 · 5 days
bechloe/staubrey headcanons??
sooo i just spent an unhealthy amount of time trying to figure out and find if i had ever done this before and im shocked to find out that i haven't?? in all my 3.5 years of being in the fandom? how is that possible?? okay so:
they are definitely the sunshine x grumpy storm cloud couple. chloe is a morning person and beca is not- literally if they have to travel somewhere with an early a.m. flight chloe would go to sleep early the night before and beca would just stay up bc it's easier than having to force her brain to wake up at 4 in the morning.
beca has a habit of overworking herself bc she's not paying attention to the time or what she's eating/if she is eating at all when she's in the zone and after she passes out one time, chloe has given herself the title of being her personal caretaker, forcing beca to listen to her and answering her texts and calls even when her phone is on do not disturb.
chloe is a picky eater and beca would roll her eyes but eat her "leftovers" whenever she would pick something off her plate and give them to beca whenever they're at a restaurant or something
beca gets lighter on her eyeliner the longer she's with chloe and looks less like the alt girl in freshmen year bc you pick up the same style as your significant other the longer you are with them/the more you like them
beca's the little spoon but if chloe's having a hard day she would be the big one. she secretly adores it bc chloe would usually just lay on top of her and slowly stop crying the more she strokes her hair, usually ending up with chloe drifting off
beca's go to drink is whiskey (with and without coke) and chloe would usually have something that is fruity with vodka in it. beca would drink chloe's but chloe cannot drink beca's bc "ew bec that is so bitter my tongue feels funky :(( " but it's weird bc if they want to take shots together it's with tequila?? i dunno
chloe is the more messy one in the relationship i fear.
chloe takes beca's last name when they get married.
uptight girlie x open and loose and go with the flow type
aubrey first found that she likes girls through her fleeting crush on chloe in her first years at barden uni, stacie has known since she's like 7
both are really smart. i will not take the slander against stacie's intelligence
stacie will do aubrey's nails whenever they are alone and every single time would kiss each fingertip whenever they're dry "to last longer"
started as a situationship but eventually found their happy ending!!
aubrey is very much the girl boss at work but i just a baby type whenever she goes home to stacie
stacie sleeps in just an underwear and aubrey is a bit of a blanket hogger but she's trying her best bc!! her gf!! is mostly naked!! and she doesn't want her to be cold!!
stacie is the one who helps aubrey work through her daddy issues and instead of "like my dad always says" it becomes "like my girlfriend always says"
aubrey gets jealous of stacie's exs but eventually stops bc stacie doesn't even talk to them anymore and unfollowed all of them on socials when they finally start dating
aubrey’s name in stacie’s phone is “blondie army general” for the longest time
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fandomregression · 1 year
Can you do headcanons for little Martin Blackwood?
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Age Regressor Martin Blackwood Headcanons!
martin is Baby
he is Tiney
such a tiny baby and everyone loves him
martin learns that he regresses when hes still a teenager, but he keeps that secret all the way to his time in the archives. he knows when hes about to slip, and he finds a way to excuse himself and go be alone
he hates being alone, and he wants someone to take care of him, but he can't dare ask someone to do that. it just isn't fair! martin's always the one to take care of others, so they shouldn't have to worry about him!! but he needs the love and affection so badly...
sasha and tim already take care of jon, so it doesn't take them very long to figure out Something Tiney is happening with martin. he chews constantly, be it pens or his fingers or his shirt collar, doesn't matter. he goes quiet for long stretches of time. he gets this far away look in his eyes, and this sweet look about him when he does, but he always snaps out of it and looks surprised when he does
sasha and tim start experimenting, just to see if their suspicions are correct. they'll get his tea for him, they'll give him praise on his notes, they'll play disney songs on the stereo, and a few times tim even got him some stickers just to see what he'd do
(martin covered his desk in stickers)
after a while, sasha and tim are positive that they've got another regressor on their hands. they ask him about it, and at first martin denies it like crazy. but he does give in and explain yes, he regresses, but they super don't need to worry about him!! hes okay on his own!!!
they invite him over to hang out one evening (after explaining to jon, who is now a bit pouty and grumpy that his cgs are gonna make him share. the horror) and the four of them have dinner, hang out and watch tv, until martin gets sleepy
the thing with martin is when he gets sleepy, he starts feeling tiny. so he gets shy, and he tries to make himself as small as possible in the corner of the sofa. sasha notices, and she coaxes him out of the corner for cuddles. this squarely lands him in the 'fully regressed' category, and martin ends up with his thumb in his mouth, rubbing his eyes, and sleepily watching cartoons
it takes several times for martin to start really getting comfy with the idea of regressing with others, but once hes comfy he becomes the most spoiled baby
martin already has toys and things that he likes, like a taggy blankie, a crinkle book, a rattle, and a rubber chewy giraffe. he also has a stuffed highland cow named brownie who he HAS to have in order to sleep (brownie goes everywhere with him!!) and he has a plain cream colored paci
with tim and sasha, martin learns all the cutest things that make him feel even littler than anything he could do alone. tim holds his hand up and down stairs, across the street, or in stores so he doesnt get lost (he does this with jon too). sasha plays games like patty cake and peekaboo, and she reads lots of stories with him
martin is a fussy eater when hes small. when hes big, he'll eat just about anything, and he'll try anything once if it smells nice. but when hes small, food can be overwhelming, so he really likes simple things. lots of buttered noodles, plain chicken nuggets, and apple sauce pouches. apple sauce pouches are a life saver, really, he loves them so much
he also really likes getting bottles, and he likes when one of his cgs gives him his bottle. it makes him feel positively tiny, and it makes him feel very very safe and loved (esp warm vanilla milk!)
since he tends to lose his words, martin knows some baby sign language. it helps make sure his needs are being met, and the praise his cgs give him for asking for things makes him so happy
he doesnt like loud noises, so storms and things scare him very badly. he'll hide under covers until tim comes to rescue him
tim is dada, and sasha is mama (of course)
when hes big enough, martin likes to help them however he can. he'll dust the furniture, sweep the floors, or mix batter for baking to feel helpful. sasha and tim will praise him for a job well done, and he gets rewards like milkshakes or a new toy
loves loves loves warm baths. he loves bath bombs more than bubbles, especially pretty glittery ones with swirly colors. he has bath crayons and duckies and a little boat, and bath time is just so relaxing for him
charlie and lola >>>>>
he doesnt like high energy shows or movies, he likes nice and calm cartoons
i feel like he collects sylvanian families. and he has a playhouse for them. he takes such good care of them and has never lost a piece for any of them
this boy has an Aesthetic, and if he could ever figure out how to make sure he could surround himself in only his aesthetic, he would be the happiest baby on the planet
i've been reading lotsa lil martin recently so hes on my mIND thank u for this ask sgksgmafjagn hope u enjoy 🤲
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chloeangelic · 1 year
Line cook Joel origin story drabble
Here’s what I think line cook Joel’s origin story is, some info about him and Sarah, his general personality and interests, relationship history etc that might explain what he’s like in my series Belong to me
This is my most self indulgent series and Joel iteration, be warned lmao
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Warnings: SPOILERS for ch 1-3, mentions of child abandonment
Word count: 1.2k
Joel is 40 in this AU, and I feel like it takes place in 2005ish, which doesn’t really come through in the chapters but it’s how I see the whole situation in my head.
Joel had Sarah at 24, with a sort of low commitment on and off girlfriend at the time who was somewhere in the 22-24 range. I’m not sure why she decided to go through with the pregnancy (pressure from her parents, maybe?) but she did, and Joel figured he would be involved as a typical baby daddy, having the kid live with their mom and seeing them as often as possible. However, her mom likely decided she was gonna put Sarah up for adoption, which was obviously an immediate fuck no from Joel, who basically swooped in and got custody of her. The mom moved to another city, and I don’t think Sarah or Joel ever heard from her again. 
Out of all my fics, this is the one in which Sarah’s mom has been involved the least. In my other tales (Joel is always a dad in my works haha), her mom usually is mentioned to have been involved for 1-5 years, but in this one she was not involved at all, and I think Joel’s sole responsibility for her from such a young age has made their bond very strong. I definitely see them being best friends and having a very good line of communication. 
He worked in construction for many years until his early 30s (hence why he still has a truck instead of a regular car), then when he’d gotten to a pretty high level with cooking at home, Sarah pushed him to apply for a cooking job. He was tired of the long hours working in construction and thought it would be a nice change to have some free time. He’s pretty grumpy at work because he prefers working individually and doesn’t care to get involved in anyone’s disputes in a high pressure environment like that, doesn’t like to excessively share about his life etc. He’s very observant and definitely cares about the people around him, but he likes being left alone to do his work efficiently so he doesn't have to get stressed or fall behind.
Speaking of work; Jermaine, who they stole cigs from and is also a cook at the restaurant, is one of his closest friends, and they like to hang out from time to time. If Sarah is out doing things on the weekend or at a sleepover, I can see Joel and Jermaine playing GTA San Andreas and eating at his house, maybe he also plays on his basketball team. Jermaine is like 37 or something and more outgoing than Joel. He's definitely around if Sarah needs something and Joel isn't available, sort of like an uncle next to Tommy. His relationship to Tommy is fine, though he says in an upcoming chapter that he's "done enough for that jackass" in what is, presumably, a loving way but probably has some truth behind it.
This whole basketball thing is very funny to me for some reason, but here’s the story: 
Joel played basketball in middle and high school (purely because he ended up being 6’6” and his parents put him in sports very quickly), and continued to play on different teams in his 20s/30s at a competitive level. At this point, I see him playing on a long term recreational team and DON’T @ me if this sounds insane, cause I know very little about basketball, but I think he’s a power forward on his team. 
If he wants Sarah to do him a favor, he definitely tells her that he “passed up an opportunity to play in the NBA to raise her instead” which is a massive lie. He has dragged Sarah along to many basketball games throughout the years, and she gets kinda bored but knows it means a lot to him that she’s there. She prefers watching pro/college basketball with him, though, and they do that often. 
Other than that, in his free time, he works out at the gym pretty often, and for two reasons. One is to be a better player, the second is that he wants to give Sarah some space and not have her feel like he’s breathing down her neck all the time. So he gives her the house to herself for a few hours to decompress after being around people at school all day, while he goes to work out, then he comes home and makes her dinner. 
Entertainment wise, I see him liking a lot of 90s hip hop (Radio Los Santos anyone?) and he definitely is a Sopranos enjoyer. He probably does a really shitty Tony impression.
At work, he wears black pants, black t-shirts, and black high top converse shoes. At home I see him wearing a pretty typical combo of jeans, basketball shorts (obvi haha), sweatpants, t-shirts, long sleeved shirts, hoodies etc. This is likely my only non-flannel shirt wearing Joel. He of course wears a jersey and shorts while playing ball. 
As I mentioned, he doesn’t talk much about his life at work but he sometimes talks about Sarah, I think. They went on vacation together to Jamaica or something once and, when he came back, the waitress was like oooh, you’re so tan, look at you, and he was kinda flattered by her being touchy so he showed her vacation photos on his phone hahahaha
I obviously have to address his relationship to the waitress girly, so here:
As mentioned in ch 1, he has a very long term “crush” on her that started when she began working at the restaurant. I think they started talking more when she jokingly asked him to make her dinner cause she forgot to eat and then he actually did it, and she kept “forgetting” to eat so he kept cooking for her, and then she started bugging him on his breaks and he secretly liked it so then he started waiting for her to come out and keep him company. Also I say “crush” cause he’s obviously in love with her but hasn’t wanted to admit it to himself or anyone else haha, and she’s the same way back - which is why the narration is the way it is, with her actions showing her feelings but her not really conceptualizing them for herself, if that makes sense  
I think he said yes to her request to get her pregnant because, deep down, he does have a desire to have more kids, to be in a long term relationship etc. And sure, it’s a very unconventional way of going about it, but there’s obviously something in him that knows that he and this girl have a real chance at a relationship, so that confidence made him go okay, fuck it, let’s just do this completely out of order haha 
Prior to this, though, dating wise, I think he was in some relationships here and there, had some hookups but none of them really lasted all too long. Some of that might’ve been because he had full custody of Sarah and was never really by himself, he worked a lot, and always put Sarah first. Essentially he would need someone to fit into that puzzle, he wasn’t gonna try to make someone fit, they had to know and understand his situation and want to be a part of it.  
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions about this Joel of ours hahahah
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kurosstuff · 2 years
!! Can I request a fluffy Cassandra story? One where Cassandra gets injured to the point that she’s bedridden and her female s/o nurses her back to health, she feeds her changes her bandages cleans her etc and at first Cassandra is reluctant but gives in since she can’t do anything yet because of her injuries.
SO- kinda just jumped right in that she's hurt right off the bat- sorry bur couldn't think of a reason she got hurt. Also gonna be short- kinda hard to focus on writing rn but! I really wanted to write this
Cassandra Dimitrescu x F!reader: stubborn
Warning(s): Cassandra dimitrescu. Threats Cursing. Injuries(doesn't go into full detail nor explains exactly what happened. Wanna keep it extra fluffy to not add the detailed injury♡) slight sexual jokes(not really), blood- soft!Cassandra dimitrescu
Summary: Cassandra gets hurt- is to stubborn to allow you to care for her but does anyways
"Say anything and I'll gut you right here like a fish."
Cassandra laid bundled in her bed- covered head to toe in blankets and poorly wrapped bandages. Sighing you went over roughly yanking the pillows underneath her head causing her to fall off the pillow.
"Should take your own advice Cassandra." Wincing at the use of her name she grumbled crossing her arms angerly. Puffing up her chest in a fit' turning to look away from you as best as she could.
"Now, let me help you out of those clothes." Cassandra froze for a second at that before grining stupidly
"Oh well, i thought youd never-"
It took four minutes to get Cassandra to sit still- allowing you to take the bloodied ripped cloth off her and wince at the sight. The blood whipped off- ignoring her protests of "Hey! It shows how much of a predator I am" or whatever she was going on about. Ignoring Cassandra for most would be a death sentence. But here you are, cleaning her wounds and wrapping her up, all while ignoring her complaints - which in turn made her even more grumpy
"OK. Time to eat. " Getting up, you leaned over to the table where a bowl sat - Cassandra rose an eyebrow at it in confusion."Before you came in, I asked another maid to bring this in. It's just liquid -" sitting down beside her properly you hit her hand away from the bandages on her "dont touch , and for now to not cause any more trouble. Your only drinking liquid"
Ignoring Cassandra, who yet again started to whine about being babies over a small cut- taking a spook, you dipped it into the red liquid and held it over to her face bowl under it in cases picture of it.
"What do you mean no?"
"You're gonna feed me. No What the fuck?"
"Your gonna spill it"
Scuffing Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Spill? You think I'm a messy person?.." Looking the other way, she flushed slightly," that messy of a person?" She corrected
"Wha- HEY RUDE-" Shoving the spoon into her mouth Cassandra gaged a bit on it swallowing the liquid before glaring at you "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?"
During the following week it was like trying to bath a cat- a whiny, grumpy, bloodthirsty vat. Cassandra even went as far as hissing when you put her in the water. Grumbling about how' she doesn't need to bath. It's just her natural born killing smell!
That landing with a glob of shampoo in her hair- grumbling she finally relaxed closing her eyes. Messaging her scalp you gently used your nails to scratch her head- before washing it out of her head and moving to the conditioner. "-?" Opening her eyes she cursed in her head- she was almost lured to sleep.
Glancing up at you in confusion she tilted her head to the side "you were purring"
"I do not purr. That's what those feline things do"
"Cat. And yes you do- you always do".
"I do not!"
Bringing her back to bed you helped her gently into bed- Cassandra being uncharacteristically quiet
"No one's usually this gentle with me." Cassandra spoke aloud answering your silent thought. "I thought I'd hate it but" Turning away from you if she had the ability she'd blush "I.. liked it. I wouldn't mind doing it again"
"Of course. Just don't get hurt next time"
Cassandra smiled "won't happen twice"
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