#she's also got a cat named magick
pumpkinseeded · 2 years
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Watching Cassia jog around Henford-on-Bagley in a purple ensemble makes me want to take up jogging in real life. I won’t, but the vibes look nice. 
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redpanther23 · 6 months
second autobiographical essay below
The first sixteen years of my life I spent with my mom, and they were honestly the motherfucking worst.
My mom met my step dad larping when I was about 2, he was 16, and she was 26. She got pregnant, they got married, and he started sexually abusing me right away. When my brother was born, I couldn't stand him and was a complete cunt to him (sorry dude, I was a kid and I didn't know better.)
When I started school, I struggled to focus and did very poorly, and my mom and step dad would beat me and take all my things out of my room except for furniture, and lock me in there except to use the bathroom, for months on end, until they thought my grades were good enough. My step dad would come into my room at night and touch me. He would also jump out at me around corners and "wrestle" with me (pretending to wrestle for fun so he could squeeze my tits.) I would struggle and yell, and bite him as hard as I could, and my mom would punish me for hurting him. Sometimes he would do it in front of her, and when I complained to her, she would call me a liar. (His name again: Rigel Cameron Freeman.)
We moved pretty much every year because my parents struggled to maintain jobs. Mainly we lived in different parts of Gainesville, Florida, but we also briefly lived in Raleigh, North Carolina. At school I was usually the only non Christian kid, and I was a complete asshole because my family life was so horrible, so no one liked me and I was bullied constantly. I spent a lot of time in class, and all my time at recess, drawing and making up imaginary friends, or reading books about talking cats (I was very misanthropic, something I still struggle with.) When I was in late elementary to middle school, I made a few friends I still talk to. That was also the same time as my first suicide attempt (5th grade), and when I started self harming.
When I was 12 I dyed my hair red, and my friend's dad named me Red (their family were Irish and Cherokee.) I had been called lots of other names before that, basically something different by each relative, and the only thing everyone could agree on was that none of them suited me (and no one ever called me my government name.) After I was named Red, I dyed my hair every other color you can think of, but my name has stayed the same.
The same year, I moved to Miami, and that began a new isolated phase in my life that led to me becoming interested in magick. My mom had never lived in a major city before, and we ended up moving to a pretty sketchy neighborhood (gunshots almost every night, drive bys, etc.) In our home country (Mississippi) kids are simply expected to fend for themselves outdoors until supper. Now that I was trapped inside with my incredibly abusive family, I had nothing to turn to but the internet (something I'm sure many of us here can relate to.)
I became interested in magic through mythology. I had always found other pre-Christian cultures fascinating, since I wasn't allowed to learn anything about my own, and I discovered through Wikipedia and Google searches that people still practiced the pagan European religions of my ancestors. Through neopaganism, I began to learn about ceremonial magic extremely quickly, feeling as though it was the one piece of my life I'd been missing, finding that I had an innate understanding of something other than visual art for the first time. It wasn't long before I was ready to try my first invocation. I had always wondered if I had a "spirit animal," or a guide, which I knew must be part of my subconscious, and recognizing immediately that I could use ritual meditation to access this, I crafted my first ritual based on some uninitiated wiccan articles I had been reading, and what implements I had laying around. I set out a circle of stones, invoked the four quadrants with a candle at each cardinal direction, laid out offerings of oil, salt, and water, lit an incense cone, and two additional candles for the Mother and Father. My practice is very different now, but my results at the time were extraordinarily intense. When I closed my eyes, this is what I saw:
Dense forest, high on the mountain. It's foggy and overcast, but it's summertime. The rocks are covered with moss, thick and green. I look down at my sandy brown forepaws and know that I am a panther. I begin to stroll, and I can feel the power in my muscles. I'm strong and free.
I opened my eyes, and was back in my bedroom, surrounded by rocks and candles. Shortly afterward, my mom mentioned Scott Panther to me for the first time (I didn't remember meeting him as a baby.) I'm sure it will confuse some that my first experience with a native archetype, my family animal, was through a European style ritual. Hey, think how I feel! I should have been able to take peyote and meet a mountain lion face to face to earn my name, like any decent person. Unfortunately, since I was so isolated, I didn't have the privilage. My connection to the panther is extremely deep - some of my first dreams were of being a cat, and the first time I prayed (age 8) it was to "StarClan," which, for the uninitiated, is the clan of dead cats who live in the sky in the children's book series Warrior Cats (I still like to think my cat ancestors are up there watching.) I've always studied cat behavior and embodied cat energy, even before I had any vision, but in my life that was treated as something annoying and strange by the people around me, rather than the sacred mystical practice it was. When I had cats in my life, I prioritized them, often over my own health and safety. Even though I only have a dog now, I still consider cats to be my teachers. I can't say whether my conceptualization of reality and my experiences is native, or European, but I would guess it's a mix of both, like me.
I started high school at MAST Academy in Miami, a school for "future scientists." My family always discouraged me from drawing or playing music, often my instruments would be taken away or sold, or I would have nothing but lined notebook paper to draw on (I would only get things I needed for school.) Since all I had to decide a "career" on was my passion for non-human animals, I thought I might be a zoologist. It was a lot less horrible than most other high schools in a lot of ways, and a few of the teachers even treated me like a person (cheers.) I started visiting my dad a little during this period, he began teaching me about Jewish mysticism and Kaballah, what little I could understand, and I began to read from his collection of books on magick and the occult.
During my second year of high school, my mom and step dad moved to the Netherlands, and brought me with them. I was too young and shy (scared) to have any fun, and I just thought about suicide constantly. My mom would never stop yelling at me about everything, telling me how l worthless I am. I caught my step dad taking pictures of me as I got out of the shower, and my little brother told me he caught him watching me sleep through the window over my bedroom door (you could stand at the top of the stairs and look right through it.) I became paranoid he was going to start raping me again, like he did when I was younger, and slept with a knife beside me, when I could sleep. (Again, his name is Rigel Cameron Freeman, and he is a computer programmer who works in the video game industry.)
The only positive part of my life during this period was an online death cult I joined, called Les Fleurs de la Mort. I can't talk about our practices in detail, but it lead me to get really into gardening, which was probably the healthiest possible pastime for me. I don't think I've spoken to any of my fellow Fleurists in years, but if any y'all are reading this, meow.
After I turned 16, I got the chance to visit my dad back in Miami (court ordered), and I refused to return to my mom. I haven't heard from my mom or step dad since then, except for a handful of extremely rude emails from my mom before covid, and I hope that's the end of it.
Rigel Cameron Freeman, the pedophile who made my life hell and molested me constantly throughout my childhood, currently has sole custody of my youngest sibling, who's 9. (He was born after I left, and we've never met.)
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here comes the girl~ hello girl~ welcome~
Cadenza! Redesigned! Lets Go!
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you know the drill. headcanons and canon changes here we go:
first off it has always bothered me how it is mentioned in canon that she has magicks but it’s never specified what or anything so let’s change that.. in my au, she is a siren. no, not a mermaid. a siren. a siren is a type of magicks user, essentially a very talented hypnotist. (lillian is also a siren) they have great power of suggestion, and that power is even more potent when done by singing (though it’s much more obvious). cadenza however, is also originally from Zerimar. this means she has rune tattoos, giving her a trait based on her name. the name cadenza means beautiful voice, and so that is her power. not only is her voice literally beautiful, but she can make anything, even the most gut wrenching sentences, sound beautiful. she can essentially make anyone do anything she wants. but she doesn’t, because she has a pure heart.
she originally started by making doll dresses for her younger sister, Eseryt. After being separated from her she decided to make as many dresses she could to somehow honor her sister. its therapeutic, and reminds her of a simpler time.
her fingertips are often colorfully stained from dying fabrics… or laurances hair…
the necklace she wears was her biological mother’s. Eseryt had (has) a matching one. once it broke and she went crying to laurance asking if he could fix it. he couldn’t so she had to figure it out herself
she loves painting, especially flowers.
after being turned into a chicken, she went vegetarian.
before becoming lord she had a boutique, where she sold all the clothes she made.
after becoming lord she stopped selling them and simply gave them to villagers in need of some new clothes.
she always and inexplicably smells like cinnamon and roses.
she used to force laurance to dress up and wear makeup and jewelry and braid his hair as a kid. as they grew up, she realized she could stop forcing him because he actually loves to feel pretty.
she never cuts her hair but she takes extra good care of it.
as a child, she had a cat named cricket. she named her cricket because her meow sounded more like a chirp.
after alina is born, she calls her cricket because she’s so full of energy just like that cat was.
garnet calls her auntie cadenza (or just auntie denza until she’s old enough to say it right)
alina calls her aunt caddy.
after becoming lord, she becomes a lot more conscious about covering her rune tattoos. if word got out that she was from zerimar or that she had magicks that could potentially be used to manipulate others she could be overthrown, abducted, or even assassinated. or worse.. o’khasis could declare war on New Meteli
next up is actually an oc..
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vaporgutz · 5 days
"First Meeting"
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Session 1
- Night: Outside the College -
Solares night consisted of trailing a suspicious woman. One thats been delivering letters, linked to a few mysterious disapearences. Then seeing that she's not the core problem, instead, it's a man blackmailing her into delivering the letters. After tailgating the man, through crowds, he noticed that the man eventually got switched for a mysterious entity that blocked sound from its surrounding area and moved strangely. This ended in him getting spared by said entity because it threatened to spill blood, and he found it may be best to play it safe due to not knowing what it was.
- The Library -
After all that, Solare finds himself knee-deep in the collage library to try and find what the entity he encountered was. Was it a demon of some sort? A subclass of demon, maybe... but there, he finds a shorter man, albino in skin tone, with pinkish-purple eyes and a big afro. SpongeBob on his T-Shirt. The man asks him curiously about what he's studying, and apparently, the two are researching similar topics. Demons. A short, yet slightly awkward conversation occurs as Solare isn't very much of a social butterfly with other college students, but the other man talks Solare into studying together. Maybe they can get better help out of each other than alone. They introduce. Merlin. Is his name. As Solare is walking to the help desk, though, he feels a pull towards Merlin. A familiar—magical—one, but he wasn't too sure. After sitting down, Solare decides to pursue and pry. Why exactly was Merlin in the demon's section? Merlin plays it off and says a general interest. Merlin bounces the question back, and Solare answers with a gesture to his cross, saying it was in his studies. Merlin then says something that sets off a red flag in Solare. Merlin says he's been to a church recently and claims he had an experience that was more akin to "schizophrenia" and doesn't know if he was going crazy. Solare put two and two together. Merlin in the demon's section? Couldn't be what happened. He'd be dead if a demon was there! But Solare asked if he knew the father, Baros, and Merlin confirmed, yes. He met him. With an intense gaze, Solare stared Marlin down and asked if the father was safe, for that was HIS church that Merlin was at. Tensing, Merlin confirmed he was. That's when Solare felt the pull once more, strong this time. He's been feeling it the entire time but this— it was extraordinary strong. A pull only a fellow tarot holder would have. It clicked right there: This was another Tarot Mage! Solare paused, then slowly showed his Tarot card symbol at the back of his hand with his magick. Asking Marlin if he knew what this was, and if he had one too. Merlin took a second to realize, even going as far as to compliment the "tatoo," but then the realization hit him too. The two conversed more freely then. The cat out of the bag that they were in the presence of an ally. But—Solare suggested that the public collage library wasn't the safest place to say sensitive mage information. So, they moved to the dorms, where Solare met the rest of the party. Turns out, they were all freshly awakened mages by only a week. All given Tarots by Richter. But Richter hadn't told Solare about the 4. He normally would have. Strange.
Note: I joined the campaign around session 7. So, everyone else was pre-established. That's why it's more of Solare 'meeting' one party member, and then getting introduced to the rest. Also, these small glimpses into the TTRPG itself will be from purely Solares POV. Since the other players are their own POV characters. And no, these blurbs won't have the whole session. Only parts. But enjoy what is provided.
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otterpopyt · 1 year
My Predictions & Ideas for Castlevania: Nocturne (Part 1)
The fact that Castlevania: Nocturne comes out this Saturday is driving me absolutely bonkers. I love the original series, and I have anticipated the release of Nocturne for months.
The release of the teaser got me curious (especially with the gorgeous music used in the background), and once the trailer was release, my hype was through the roof. Even though I've never played a single Castlevania game in my whole life and know nothing about the lore I was intensely curious and fascinated by what the teaser and trailer had shown.
I watched both videos over and over again, trying to wrap my head around what I thought was going on. To date, I still only confidently have the names of 3 of the characters (from left to right: Richter, Belmont, Maria, and Annette), the rest are still a mystery to me.
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I don't know how closely tied to the games the story will be (wouldn't matter since I know nothing about the games anyways), and there are still mysteries for obvious reasons. Trailers aren't supposed to reveal all the story and secrets and details after all.
But I at least wanted to put together a list of things that I have observed and predicted based on my countless viewings of both the initial Nocturne teaser and the subsequent trailer:
Based on the teaser, and built upon more by the trailer, Richter has suffered the loss of his mother right before his eyes and still likely hangs on the trauma of that even in his young adulthood. It is also possible he will be suffering further trauma during the series.
Based on bits from the trailer, Richter is likely younger than Trevor from the original series, and so far has come off as more sarcastic, arrogant, and youthful than his Belmont counterpart.
Based on some clips from the teaser, Annette has and/or will suffer similar trauma.
The vampire who killed Richter's mother seen in the teaser admits to killing his mother because she killed someone he loved, but does not kill Richter despite likely knowing he will be a probable threat later. This makes me questions his true motivations and makes me wonder what part he might play in the story if any.
The fact that Richter's mother can use magic (seen in both the teaser and the trailer) is an interesting notion, especially since the use of magic has clearly diversified. Richter's mother and another unnamed female character seem to be able to use natural magic similar to what Sypha uses in the original series. But Maria is only seen using a kind of creature-summoning magic (most notably birds and a lighting cat but there are possibly other creatures) somewhat like magical animal spirits. Annette uses what appears to be weapon and/or metal-transformative magicks; she also seems to use some kind of earth magic as well but that doesn't fully explain her capabilities.
It is possible the unnamed female character is or was a Speaker as her magical capabilities / moves / clothing style (to an extent) are very similar to what Sypha used in the original series. The same could potentially be said of Richter's mother, though being a Belmont could also explain that since she would be Sypha's direct descendant.
The fact that Richter's mother can use magic but he cannot is also interesting. One thing I do know about the games (which I only discovered recently) was that Richter is capable of using magic, and he seems to be using magic as evidenced by the teaser but only potentially doing something similar in the trailer. This could mean that either (a) Richter is attempting to learn magic during the series and could potentially be having difficulty or (b) he was once capable of using magic but suffered a mental block and hasn't been able to use it since. His mother's death before his eyes could have caused this very mental block.
The events of the real life French Revolution were likely used for this particular timeline and it is very possible that instead of the monarchy and nobles and clergy ruling over the peasants that eventually rebel due to bankruptcy / taxes / royal corruption / hard crop seasons, vampires comprise most or all of the nobility in France with some human aides / followers.
In the trailer it is subtly revealed that Richter Maria, and the unnamed female companion at the very least do not know what night creatures are, despite his ancestors only a few hundred years ago being adept at identifying and killing them (notably Trevor and Sypha). This is indicative of the fact that the Belmonts may not have stayed in Transylvania after the events of the original series and that they drastically shifted their home elsewhere for a number of generations. In this case France or anywhere west of there would make the most sense.
Speaking of, the fact that night creatures are apart of this show as seen in both the teaser and the trailer is indicative of another Forgemaster's existence, likely sided with the vampires, since night creatures can only be created by human forgemasters as was stated in the original series (unless vampires have developed special technology for creating their own night creatures which is somewhat possible but also unlikely).
The reference to the vampire Messiah in the trailer seems to indicate a new female antagonist we have not met before who likely controls most or all of the current vampire nobility plotting in France, though from her brief speaking lines her accent seems more eastern than that of the other characters we hear speak.
The vampire Messiah is also referred to in both the teaser and the trailer as being a devourer of light who will eat the sun, with shots of an eclipse being shown in both. It is possible that a solar eclipse has been predicted by the antagonists, and that the plan is to use it or magic revolving around it to allow a more effective takeover of the general population in France.
In the teaser it is hinted that the unnamed female character (seen with Richter and Maria in the trailer) knows the identity and/or personality of the not-yet-named vampire Messiah
(more predictions and observations will continue in a Part 2!)
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oh-heartlessman · 1 year
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A TLDR on what Anya's Closed Characters Are Up To in 2038
cw: illness
NAME: Jane Porter AGE: 46 FC: Still Felicity Jones
Back in London, going through her first round of treatment for Huntington’s. :) Taking temporary leave from the RAS. Her husband Milo is by her side. 
NAME: Eva Grimhelde AGE: Immortal (idk something like 500?) FC: Still Krysten Ritter 
Publishes a series of best-selling dark romance sapphic erotica called Her Poisonous Kiss (other books are: Her Venomous Touch, Her Deadly Embrace, Her Painful Release — the fifth book, Her Torturous Denial is out in two weeks) under the pen name E. H. Grim 
NAME: Roger Radcliffe AGE: 46 FC: Still Sam Claflin 
Raising his two kids (William (19) and Anne (17))  alongside his wife Anita! And also his best mate Paul! And Perdita! And their giant brood of children. He works as a middle school music teacher and they all live on a big former farm, that Perdita pays for because she’s the one in finance making money for them. 
NAME: Daisy Canard
FC: Imogen Poots → Billie Piper AGE: 43
Senior correspondent at Vogue UK. Married to Amelia Smollet. Raising two kids, Reginald (15) and Audrey (13).  
NAME: Callie Harper
FC: Zendaya —> Andy Allo Age: 40 
Owns a queer bookstore in Gainesville, Florida. Regularly volunteers at the soup kitchen and other community-oriented projects. Married to Kiara!! They have FIVE kids — two biological (Callie carried Kiara’s egg; Kiara carried Callie’s egg); three adopted; they take in foster kids and give them a steady place and hope for a family reunion, but if not they treat them like their own 
NAME: Jake Long
FC: Peter Adrian → Daniel Henney Age: 38 
Still the American Dragon!!! Day job is working at a nonprofit dedicated to helping Magicks. L Living in NYC with his wife Deb, who is an art teacher and their kids Dylan (10) and Luke (7)
NAME: Rob Triton FC: Still Max Minghella AGE: 48 
Responsible for a huge data breach that incriminated half of the United States senate… though no one knows this. Shows up occasionally for Triton family events with Andy, with whom he has an on and off again marriage/partnership. 
NAME: Lymantria Khan FC: Still Franciska Farkas AGE: 42 
Still in Swynlake! She and Meg have moved to the farmlands for a bigger cottage. They have a lot of cats, descendants of the original Ash. They also have three kids (two biological, one adopted)
NAME: Barrel Adamson 
FC: Charlie Plummer → Chad Michael Murray  AGE: 35
A zookeeper in Omaha, Nebraska at the Omaha Zoo! He got married two years ago and his wife is expecting their first child soon :) 
AND NOW, If you made it this far...
NAME: Bradley Uppercrust III 
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? In 2025, after a stint in jail, Bradley decided to sign up for one of Elon Musk’s Space X flights — it exploded upon launch.
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wd-min · 2 years
Full Name: Park Jimin
Group/Band/Occupation: BTS – Kpop idol
Nationality: South Korean
International Age: 27
Name: Park Jimin
Nickname: Min, Minnie, Mimi
Age: 156 ~ appears as 27
Date of Birth: 13th Oct 1866
Gender: Genderfluid/ Androgynous
Secondary Gender: Omega
Preferred Pronouns: He/They
Race: Werewolf
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Skin Color: Olive
Eye color: Silver
Piercings: Ears, Lip
Tattoos: Moon phases across the spine
Hair color: Black  
 Jimin is a reserved man. Despite his sub-gender and all the traits that come with it, he tends to keep to himself, but at the same time he can be very friendly when the opportunity presents itself. He’s very whimsical, head-in-the-clouds type of person, always seeing the romance in everyday life. Due to his noble heritage, he can seem a little superficial and snobbish, but in reality, he is very easy going and a free spirit. His upbringing has also helped in making him very cultured and curious about the world; Jimin speaks many languages although some of them have slipped his mind with the passing of time.
He can often be found at family-owned restaurants and little coffee shops writing or reading. His degree is in philosophy although when you’ve been around for a hundred and fifty-six years, your areas of interest change. His current fixation is history and magick, which he gets help learning from a local coven that has all but adopted him as their own.
His house is bigger than one person could ever need, so he shares it with his cat and the occasional weary friend that stays the night. He loves the rain and horror movies and his favorite holiday is Halloween.
Min has lived through many of humanity’s eras. He’s seen them evolve from global conflict and its horrendous effects, to taking leaps in the areas of science. He’s wanted to feel like he, too, could be a part of something bigger than himself, something that could help ease this feeling of not fitting in with modern day humans. In the past, people believed in mythical creatures, they had curiosity to drive them, their imagination ran wild and sometimes… sometimes they got it right. Nowadays, in the age of advanced technology, only few souls remain curious to explore the realm of his existence; the realm of witches and vampires and werewolves, the realm where nearly everything their ancestors used to fear is true... just hidden in plain sight.
Born into nobility, he had an unfair advantage during the human prosecutions of his kind. He was only a pup when his parents fled to Europe until things had settled. As he grew older, however, he felt the injustice of living a life of luxury while his kind was chased and murdered, so he returned to South Korea to start a life of his own where he eventually presented as an omega. Things weren’t easy, but he soon heard about a place where many supernaturals lived in peace, so he uprooted his life once again and settled in. He opened a small restaurant, putting his passion for cooking to good use and swapped tales with his customers over cups of mulled wine and beer. 
Name: Theo
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/they
Time zone: GMT+2
Favorite tropes, themes: strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, unrequited love, smut, fluff, mild angst, supernatural, historical fiction.
NOTES: replies may be sporadic but I will be online more often than not.
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manifestingsage · 2 years
Hi, my loves and welcome to Wiccanow. Recently I’ve been all over the show, covering everything from lavender, to a botanical witchipedia to a healing spell and also my top magickal plants for indoors to promote healing. Today I want to veer off in another direction again and talk about something I haven’t covered yet, which I probably should have, namely how to set up your witchy altar! Learn all about the best ways to set up your witchy altar below! As I mention all the time, how you want to do things like set up your witchy altar is completely up to you. There are some guidelines that I’ll outline below about how many people like to set things up, but just because most people do it one way, definitely doesn’t mean that you have to follow suit. Altars are a very personal thing and each and every one of us will set them up differently. Some people love to have an elaborate altar in a prominent position in their home and others prefer a more simplistic and pared-back version somewhere out of the way. Because your witch’s altar is so personal, choose whatever you are more comfortable with. I’d suggest starting out simple and then adding to your altar if it feels right. My 7 Top Tips for Setting Up Your Witchy Altar So, let’s get into it! Here is my guide to setting up your witchy altar. Witchy Altar Tip #1 Figure out what’s important to you Your altar is a personal space, which celebrates and symbolises your spirituality. It’s the place where you’ll put representations of your hopes and dreams and where you’ll set intentions for spell work you might be doing. Figuring out what’s actually most important to you and your life is vital here. What are your future plans? Why do you want an altar? What energy do you want to channel? Why are you drawn to witchcraft? Do you honour a deity? Are the cycles in nature important to you? These are all good questions to set about answering before you start setting up your witch’s altar. Witchy Altar Tip #2 Choose your location When choosing a spot for your altar, think about how often you’ll be using it and how much space you want to dedicate to it. Some people will have an entire altar room (I don’t know many people who have that much space but that’s beside the point really) and others will have a very small space set up in a corner of their desks. Either is totally ok and you need to decide how much space you have to spare. When choosing a space to set your altar up in, be aware of getting in the way of other people that you live with. Maybe you have housemates at home and the dining table might not be the most appropriate place to set up on. Maybe you’ve got kids and that lower side table might be in reach of inquisitive little hands. Maybe your cat (this is me) is a little less graceful than she might like and enjoys jumping onto things only to find herself falling off again and sending everything crashing onto the floor. What I’m saying is, pick an appropriate spot that won’t bother the other creatures you’re living with. Is the bathroom your happy place? Set up your witchy altar there if that’s where you feel like your best self. When thinking about the location of your altar, it’s also nice to consider how good the energy feels in that space. I tend to get morning sun in my apartment and I’ve positioned my altar to make the most of that. I love that it gets bathed in natural light every morning and I feel like this brings a really special energy to my altar. Maybe you have a favourite plant you’d like to incorporate? Or a favourite window? A favourite room? Your altar is meant to be a space that feels special to you, so choose your location accordingly. Witchy Altar Tip #3 Direction of your Altar Did you know that many people choose to face their altars to the north? If you’re curious as to why this is, let me explain. The 4 directions on a compass have a corresponding natural element that they represent. Elements and their corresponding directions
North Earth South Fire East Air West Water Because Wicca is an earth-based religion (and I’m coming at this from a Wiccan perspective), many of use choose to have out altars facing to the north. This is absolutely not something you have to follow, however, and feel free to choose whatever direction you want for your altar, even if this is no specified direction at all. Maybe one of the elements speaks to you more than the others, or maybe you appreciate them all and choose to rotate your altar every 3 months. Decide what’s important for you and go with that. Test out different orientations and see which works best for you. Witchy Altar Tip #4 Altar Decorations This is such a big one, that I’m going to write a separate post on all the things you can add to your Witchy altar and the reasons that you might add them. Check out my witchy altar decorations here. In the meantime,...   Click here to read this complete article. Disclaimer : This article is originally published in WiccaNow.com. All the rights of content are owned by WiccaNow.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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Meet Cute Idea
I am in my Damianette mood again. And have one meet cute in mind.
So after the entire Paris thing with Hawkmoth and the media back lash and stuff. Adrien being adopted by the Dupain-Chengs. Marinette and him going to University in the States. Can be anywhere as long as Jon and Damian goes to the same one. Metropolis may be the most obvious choice.
So they all take different majors and remain unaware of the other two, hanging out and all that.
Until one day, Adrien and Jon both pissed both of them off on the same day at opposite ends of the campus.
Imagine being a student and you hear the Ice Prince and the nicknamed Demon Spawn by his brothers, yelling out his best friend name. The only person he tolerates being around.
The next second, you hear the normally sunshine and sweet Marinette Dupain-Cheng yelling from the other end of campus.
You would be running for the hills because she is absolutely ruthless when it comes to her work or defending her 'brother' if anyone looks at him wrong. So many people were sent to the ER after they picked on Adrien when his father's past was came out. Suffice to say, no one wants to deal with a pissed Marinette.
Currently, she is cursing his name like there's no tomorrow in very colourful French.
All of the students who knew either one of them, ran and hid from their wrath. Those who had cross paths with both of them ran out of campus. Classes be damned.
As Adrien and Jon ran from their respective best friends who were planning to maim them with sharp objects (Damian with his kryptonite katana and Marinette with hers magicked. Marinette had gotten hers from Kagami and lessons as a birthday present before she left for uni), they both happened to ran into each other literally.
"Sorry!" they both scrambled to get up.
"I was running away from my best friend. I got him mad."
"Same. Except its my sister. She's also best friend, I guess. Other than Nino..."
Upon hearing angry voices also coming from the opposite direction, both boys looked at each other in panic.
"Window." Adrien nodded towards the conveniently placed window, showing a conveniently placed tree near it.
"Window." Jon agreed as Adrien jumped out the second story and managed to grab hold of one of the branches. Jon used his powers to sealed the window tight before following Adrien down the tree.
Meanwhile, Marinette had crashed into Damian as they both lose their momentum, chasing after their respective prey friend/ adopted sibling.
"Are you okay? I am so sorry. I was chasing after my idiotic brother who had destroyed all my yarns for my project. Again, I am so sorry if I hurt you." Marinette apologized as she tried to see for injuries on the admittedly pretty boy she nearly run through with her sword. Although it was strange that his sword seemed to be made out of a glowing green material.
"I am fine." Damian was stunned at the dark-haired beauty, with a sword that was oddly a very pink shade, before him, "I understand your anger towards him. Many times I had attempted to kill mine for their foolishness by maiming them with a sword. Father disapproves of that habit. However, this time, it is my best friend, Kent, who had incited my wrath."
"He won't happened to be the guy with black hair in a Superman t-shirt that jumped out the window after Adrien, would he?"
"That is him. I take it that Adrien was the blond who jumped out first. Unfortunately for us, Kent had sealed the window shut." Damian said after trying to open it and cursed the half-kryptonian in his head.
Marinette and Damian form an alliance to hunt the other two down. After exchanging numbers to alert the other if they find the pair, they spilt up.
They each found the other's friend and set up a meeting point to exchange their bounty. There was some flirty exchange and Jon is wondering if the somehow very strong pixie girl knocked his head very hard. Adrien is too scared to tease Marinette at the moment.
At the Wayne family dinner after they started dating.
"So Marinette, how did you and Damian meet?" Dick asked.
Everyone was wondering how Damian of all people had a girlfriend with such a sunshine personality.
"It's a really funny story, actually. First time I met him, I nearly ran a sword through him." Marinette replied with a cheerful smile on her face.
Everyone froze and looked at Damian for answers.
"She was chasing after her idotic brother and crashed into me while I was trying to catch Jon." Damian added, looking at her with what could be heart eyes.
Jason muttered under his breath, "Fucking hell, they are soulmates."
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bearseulgs · 2 years
enha's godly parents/enha as demigods
because i'm excited for the show
no pairing
genre: bookish
wc: 1196
warnings: lock picking (?), slight themes of manipulation and negligence in Sunghoon and Jake's (not really tho), mentions of anxiety and panic attacks in Heeseung's but nothing descriptive
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- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Heeseung ~ Apollo ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
please, we've all heard his So Sick (Ne-yo) and Off My Face (Justin Bieber) covers
if you haven't go listen or i'll send my cat after you (she's scary, ask my brothers)
he's got such an amazing voice
i literally listen to him sing on repeat
the whole HEEling voice tag on twt?? yeah that's real
he mostly inherited the music genes from his dad, but he's got some medical stuff up his sleeve too
the healing voice mostly helps kids with anxiety or breakdowns to calm down and get relaxed again, so when a kid is in the infirmary with a panic attack, the head doctor always sends Hee to help them
he's also got connections in the Demeter cabin (*cough* Jungwon *cough*), so they supply the infirmary with medical herbs
let's not forget that Lord Apollo is also the god of knowledge, and that didn't pass Hee
he's out here winning all the geo bees, spelling bees, you name it
Apollo!Hee my beloved
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Jay ~ Hecate ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
Jay is my lovely Hecate camper
i love Lady Hecate
and i love Park Jongseong
so it's like the perfect combo
plus he loves cooking and is great at it so i feel he would be good at making potions (am i projecting? yes)
he's also like,,, weirdly good at rune and sigil magick
like oh the Athena cabin's got a bug problem? boom, sigil outside their door and a spider is never to be seen again
Aphrodite cabin keeps losing their celestial bronze nails? boom, runes carved into them to charm them from ever falling off again, no matter how rough the battle
he's a camp icon ong
new campers never know he's a Hecate kid and always assume he's from Aphrodite or Tyche cabin (fancy man Jay)
that is until they get sick and all of a sudden he's at their cabin door with potions and his mom persona
oh yeah btw he's got connections in all the cabins (mostly with Jake's help) so he's officially become the camp mom, taking care of any problem the younger kids have if he can use magick for it
also sometimes partners with some of his siblings and the Hypnos cabin to calm campers when they're wrought with nightmares
i'm obsessed with Hecate!Jay so i may have gotten a bit carried away hehe
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Jake ~ Iris ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
everyone's fav
he's so precious
he's always willing to help campers get in contact with their family when they're at camp
Jungwon meets him weekly to talk to his grandma
Jake is such a sunshiney boy, and that's amplified as a child of Iris
Lady Iris is the goddess of rainbows, and i believe is also a messenger goddess
so ofc Iris!Jake loves loves lovesss talking to new people
hence him helping Jay with connections
he's friends with every cabin leader and then a few more in each cabin
for some reason i feel like he took the longest of the boys to get sorted
until one day, in the middle of a drought, someone was like "i wish i could talk to my dad again :(" and Jake wanted for them to get that so bad that he accidentally opened an Iris message
leading to a rainbow above his head
anyways stan best boy Jakey
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Sunghoon ~ Aphrodite ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
pretty boy alert
he knows it too
almost certain he was claimed his first dinner at chb
unlike Jay, everyone knows Hoon's gp at first glance
it may have something to do with his eyes that shift colour based on his mood
yk those mood rings? yeah those but it's Hoon's eyes
he doesn't have full blown charmspeak, but he can definitely persuade people to do things
they have to already kinda want to do it tho, he can only give them the final push
sometimes he can keep them from making a decision, but that's harder for him
he loves pulling pranks so he's always making Jay's clothes a size too small bc he knows it annoys him
rip Jay, keep Hoon away from him
basically Aphrodite!Hoon is just worse but also an icon
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Sunoo ~ Hebe ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
Don't Even Argue With Me
idc what you say i stand by Hebe!Noo
he's got the cutest lil baby face
plus he's so handsome and innocent looking
he's such a Hebe kid
sadly we don't have loads of info on the Hebe cabin, but from what we saw from Lester's viewpoint (*cough* simp *cough*) they're extremely attractive and charming
and Noo over here is one of the most attractive and charming ppl ever (he's my ult let me be biased)
so it only makes sense for him to be a Hebe kid
definitely has charmed his way into getting ppl to do things for him just by being cute
hangs out in the Aphrodite cabin a lot (Lady Hebe assists Lady Aphrodite so i hc that their cabins are close with each other)
he and Hoon always gossip when Noo's over
does the Aphrodite girls' hair and they all love him for it
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Jungwon ~ Demeter ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
not arguing with Athena!Wonie thinkers, i'm just obsessed with Demeter!Wonie
i mean come ONNNN his name literally means garden
no thoughts head empty just jungwon in a greenhouse tending to his medicinal plants
oh yeah, he'd defo grow some medicinal herbs to give to his bff Heeseung to use in the infirmary
he's just so caring how can he not
cooking herbs on the other hand,,,
well he can certainly grow em
but he can't cook with em
that's okay he just gives them to Jay to use in his kitchen witchcraft/potions
nothing is more relaxing to him than coming back from a day of training to chill in his cactus garden, basking in the sun with them
the rest of his cabin isn't convinced that he isn't a plant himself
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Ni-ki ~ Hermes ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
Hoon's accomplice
when they're together Jay isn't the only one wearing not so accidental capris 💔
he's also super duper crafty, sometimes outthinking Hee and even the Athena cabin when it comes to capture the flag plans
he knows his strategies, that's for sure
he's also really good at spying and trickery, so even if he somehow managed to alert people to his presence, he can illusion the situation and make it seem otherwise
bc of this, he was often requested to go on quests when he was younger, but Jake would decline for him because he thought he was too young
oh yeah, btw, he's super close with Jake and Heeseung bc when he was younger, he knew Jake from the time he spent unclaimed in the Hermes cabin, and Hee was convinced Jake was an Apollo kid so he started hanging out with them, and now the three are really close
HeeJake are practically his parents tbh
He likes making potions with Jay, whenever he's bored he just goes to watch and even help him sometimes
everyone expects him to be a great lock pick, but he actually sucks at it
he tries so hard but he can't
basically Hermes!Riki is everyone's sly baby
a/n: i'm only slightly (read: very) obsessed with the pjo show also Drew Tanaka is trans mtf bc i said so
©️ bearseulgs 2022
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Our Time || One shot
Summary: Douxie’s remembering the good old times. 
Warnings: angst, mention of character death, that's it I think?
Word count: 1,735
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Everything was set. The lanterns were hung up on the trees nearby, providing light to Douxie for the night. The campfire was crackling just a couple of feet away from the round dining table and chairs that Douxie had set up not too long ago. The plates were also ready on the table, waiting to be filled with food.
Douxie magicked up a bouquet of roses, and placed them in the vase that was in the middle of the table.
Suddenly, he heard a twig snap behind him. He quickly spun around, staff and bracelet ready, only to see Archie looking up at him in his cat form.
"You seriously thought that I was danger?" Archie questioned with an eyebrow raised.
Douxie magicked his staff away and deactivated his bracelet, "Hehe… yes."
Archie rolled his eyes at his familiar's response, "Do you not remember that you put a ward around this whole area?"
Douxie just shrugged and went back to doing last minute preparations.
After a few minutes of silence, Archie cleared his throat to gain Douxie's attention.
"Yes, Arch?" Douxie asked, turning his gaze to the cat.
Archie pointed to the two figures in the distance heading towards them.
Douxie's eyes widened at how time flew by quickly. He didn't even have time to get changed!
He quickly got behind a tree and used a spell he had recently learned, and changed into a black dress shirt (sleeves rolled up of course), black pants and shoes, keeping his signature skull necklace.
He stepped out from the tree to see Archie fly away. His eyes wandered around until they landed on both you and Jim getting closer. You were wearing a stunning black A-line lace dress that went down to your knees with half laced sleeves and beige heels.
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You were blindfolded as Douxie had requested Jim to do to you so you had a surprise.
Douxie could hear you complain to Jim how you didn't like being blindfolded. Jim just rolled his eyes at your antics and told you that all would be revealed in a matter of moments.
Douxie walked up to you two siblings and took you from Jim.
"Thank you, Jim. I'll take her from here," Douxie smiled and took your shoulders.
"No problem, Doux! Tell me the end result!" Jim waved and walked off.
"Douxie, where in the world am I?" you asked.
"Shhh. Be patient, love. All will be revealed," Douxie reassured.
After a few moments, the blindfold on your eyes was taken off.
You took in your surroundings. The trees were decorated with lanterns, a dining table was set and a campfire was already lit. Everything was beautiful.
You spun around to see Douxie holding out a rose for you to take, which you, without a doubt, accepted.
"Shall we, m'lady?" Douxie inquired, holding his arm out.
You nodded and you let him take you to the table.
Douxie had prepared f/f for dinner, and for dessert, an apple pie.
Now, the two of you were quietly sitting on a blanket at the campfire, leaning on each other.
"Love?" Douxie asked.
You hummed in response, letting him know he had your attention.
"Remember the first time we met? I had spilled a drink on the ground in the cafe and you rushed to help," Douxie remembered.
"Yeah," you nodded, memories flooding back.
You anxiously tapped your feet on the ground, waiting for your order to arrive.
You were in a big rush.
Mom had called to tell you that Jim was in the hospital. You knew that he was the Trollhunter, so he had gotten a lot of injuries, though, he didn't need to go to the hospital to get them treated, so you knew that this was serious.
Abruptly, you heard a crash from behind you. You turned around to see a drink had spilled all over the floor. The waiter was already on his knees, trying to clean it up.
You got up from your seat and ran over to help him. You kneeled in front of the guy to hear him faintly say, "Fuzzbuckets". You saw a faint sky blue spark come from his hand.
A wizard.
You placed a hand on his arm, making him look up into your e/c eyes. You mouthed ‘no’ and shook your head, telling him not to perform the spell. He stopped and sighed before cleaning up the mess the old fashioned way with your help.
After helping him, you returned to your seat.
Just when you were about to leave, getting fed up of the wait, the same waiter you had helped rushed up to you, order in hand.
"Hey! You were the one who helped me with the spill a couple of minutes ago, right?" he asked.
"Yeah," you nodded and then added quietly, "And the one who stopped you from using magic as a shortcut."
You smiled and took your order from him. You headed out but got stopped by the same guy.
"Hey, I never got your name. I'm Hisirdoux Casperan, but you can call me Douxie," Douxie winked and held out his hand for a handshake.
"Y/n, Y/n Lake," you replied, shaking his hand. "I'm really sorry, but I really need to go."
He nodded understandingly and waved goodbye.
As you walked to the hospital, you opened the bag that had your food in it, as well as a note. You took it out and read it:
Hey, stranger, who I probably got the name of!
I was wondering if you would grab a bite with me tomorrow at the cafe. 4 pm sharp.
Don't be late.
Yours truly,
Hisirdoux Casperan.
You smiled. You had finally found a fellow magic wielder.
"Then, the time when Jim got a bit overprotective of you when you were at the bookstore."
"A bit?"
"Okay, extremely overprotective of you."
The sun was shining high in the sky, your hair moving along with the gentle breeze, and a nice cup of coffee in your hands while you and Jim made your way to GDT Arcane Books.
Jim opened the door to reveal Archie, Douxie's familiar lying on the ground near the fireplace.
"Hey, Archie!" you greeted.
"Hello," Archie called.
You turned your attention away from the cat and to Jim, who was looking around in suspicion.
"Jim, what is it now?" you asked, placing your hand on your brother's shoulder.
"It's just… why does this store seem so… magical?" Jim inquired.
"Because a magical being owns the bookstore," you replied.
Jim nodded in response.
"Hello!" a new voice spoke.
You turned around to see Douxie coming out of the back. From the corner of your eye, you saw Jim's gaze harden at the sight of the wizard. He pulled you a bit closer to him.
Overprotective brother mode switched on.
"Hey, Doux. Did you call us in for some help?" you inquired.
"Yep! There's only so much a 900 year old wizard can do by himself," Douxie nodded.
Douxie told you and Jim what he needed help with.
Jim was sent off to get some supplies from around town, to his dismay. He wanted to keep an eye on you and Douxie, but alas, he had to go shopping.
Before Jim had left, you heard him send a death threat to Douxie.
"Don't do anything funny with my sister, Casperan. I won't hesitate to slice your head off with Daylight."
Your eyes widened. You knew Jim didn't like Douxie, but you didn't know that he hated him so much to actually threatened him.
Geez. He's way too overprotective.
You made your way over to Douxie as soon as Jim left the store.
"Don't mind him. He's just overprotective," you told Douxie.
"Uh-huh," Douxie nodded slowly.
"We know each other so well, made so many wonderful memories, we've spent so much time together," Douxie sighed. "And I want to spend more time with you."
You turned your head towards him, silently asking him to elaborate.
Douxie moved away and got up. He lent you his hand, which you accepted and followed suit. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee.
"Y/n, love, we've been through so much together. Good and bad. Sad and happy. And I'll continue to. You made me the most happiest man when you became my girlfriend and I thought I couldn't be any happier. But today may prove me wrong," Douxie expressed.
You gasped and clasped your hand over your mouth as Douxie took out a golden ring with embroidery and held it out.
"Y/n Lake… make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?"
You had tears in your eyes at this point. Douxie looked at you with hope, love, admiration, and so much more as he waited for your answer.
Douxie's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning, and quickly got up. He grabbed your waist and brought you close. He leaned down and softly kissed you as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
Douxie stared at the photo of you two on your wedding day. You were wearing a short lace white dress and beige ankle strap heels and Douxie was wearing a white dress shirt, black tuxedo, black tie, black pants and a rose attached on the left as you two stood in front of each other, hand in hand while Douxie was kissing your forehead.
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Douxie placed the photo back and glanced down at his wedding ring. It was simple, a silver band with swirl embroidery as you had the same, but gold. He remembered the feeling of your hand in his. Your giggling. Everything. But alas, ever since you had passed in battle, he couldn't seem to bring any of those memories back.
Tears formed in Douxie's eyes as he remembered the good times.
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Jim and Claire.
"Hey, Teach. What were you--" Claire started before she noticed the tears streaming down his face.
Douxie wasn't going to cry but as soon as he saw the wedded couple, he couldn't help himself.
Jim and Claire rushed over to Douxie and enveloped the wizard in a hug, attempting to comfort him. He sobbed into Jim's chest as Jim ran his hand through his hair and Claire rubbing Douxie's back.
Nothing was going to be the same without you.
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garrothromeave · 3 years
mcd garroth + laurance headcanons for the sake of me posting something while working on my long-ass post, also happy birthday blaze ily, 
garroth - total momma’s boy. seems obvious, but it’s true -- back in o’khasis, he was practically glued to the side of zianna. whenever she had to leave for a few days when he was younger, he’d cry if he couldn’t go with her. when he left for the guard academy, he wrote to zianna on a daily basis. to put it simply, he had separation anxiety. the hardest thing about faking his death was not being able to see or talk to his mother. - incredible piano player. his father made him take lessons when he was younger for quite a few years, but he was naturally very good at it. he never mentions this skill to anyone. while they were at malachi’s castle and were looking for materials before they left, garroth stumbled upon an old piano and played something. he got really into it, and laurance ended up stumbling on him playing. he made laurance swear to never tell anyone about it. - when garroth was around eight or nine, his stutter was so bad that garte didn’t let him speak in public or around any people other than the family out of shame. vylad and zianna used to help garroth with his stutter.
- garroth is very sensitive to the saying “oh my irene.” growing up in the ro’meave house, it was taboo to use irene’s name in vein. or anywhere in o’khasis, really. nowadays he’s still very caustious whenever he says it, because he thinks that someone is going to yell at him. - horrified of getting hurt. back during the days of training in the guard academy, while he was very good with technique and fighting itself, he had a very bad flinching problem. overall, for the longest time, wounds and pain made garroth very uncomfortable. because of this fear of getting hurt, he has a bit of a stubble because of the one time he hurt himself while shaving.   - 6′4, because 6′11 is unbelievably tall and i honestly don’t even think that it’s canon? s’yeah. he seems 6′4 to me.
- garroth often sees new things and (internally) has this very child-like wonder response. he was sheltered for the entirety of his childhood and teenagehood. and after the guard academy, he stayed put in the same village for 5 years -- so he hasn’t experienced very much. he often wants to ask dozens of questions, but because of his shyness, he tends to just observe anything new very closely. which leads me to my next headcanon,
- because of o’khasis’ intolerance to many things, he was not very commonly exposed to magick’s users. the first magicks user that he directly met would be zoey, and he was very nervous when talking to her the first time he met her. when garroth gets to know her more, she catches on that he’s curious about a lot of things, and offers to tell him about things. he declines, and he regrets that decision to this day.
- as stated before, o’khasis isn’t very tolerable of things, which caused garroth to develop incredibly bad internalized homophobia. when aphmau comes along, he gets a very strong desire to protect her (little do we know, this strong desire comes from his connection with esmund) and confuses it for/tries to convince himself that it’s romantic love. it is in fact love, just platonic. so basically, this man’s gay as hell.
- garroth has more freckles than any other ro’meave family member. he’s mildly insecure about his freckles, seeing them as a ‘childish’ trait, which is why he wasn’t very bothered with the idea of hiding his face with his helmet. 
- his hair is super curly. it used to be more tame, but as he got older, it got more curly. it’s usually a mess because he doesn’t know how to take care of it, but it somehow looks hot as hell. (no homo ofc.)
- garroth is allergic to blueberries. 
- raven was garroth’s first genuine connection since he left o’khasis. zenix was his second. he loves raven a lot, and hates that he can’t see him as often as he’d like to.
- garroth is a total cat person. don’t get me wrong, he loves dogs, but if he were to choose between having one or the other, he’d choose to have a cat. he had a pet cat when he was little that he still thinks about a lot. (probably named sprinkles, just for the hell of it.)
- because of how he grew up, garroth’s actually a very picky eater. while he’d never admit it to himself or anyone else, he misses the more “rich-people” food he was spoiled with. 
- garroth isn’t actually that stupid, when he first arrived at pheonix drop, he had a name in mind that he wanted to go by (to better hide his identity). however, when his name was asked by someone, he panicked and “garroth” accidently slipped. he beat himself up for the longest time after that. the only reason he finally let go is because no one had ever pointed out how/seemed suspicious he had the same name as the deceased first-born son of o’khasis.
laurance - his hair grows decently quick, so even after cadenza cut it for him, it only took about 4 months for it to grow back just past his shoulders. he prefers it having some length to it anyways, and usually ties is back into a ponytail. after the irene dimension, he would let nekoette braid his hair. - has a very lanky body type. naturally has long limbs, and would often get called a ‘stick’ when he was younger. he’s about 5′11. but don’t confuse his thinner stature for weakness, he matches garroth’s strength easily.
- bi icon. fuck that “you were my first kiss” bullshit he gives aphmau, the list exists and while it’s stupid and weird, according to it, garroth was his first kiss. which is fuckin funny as hell if you think about it.
- laurance is very good with animals. more so rodents and smaller creatures, like squirrels, birds, rabbits, etc. cadenza was convinced that laurance could talk to animals for the longest time. he even had this little mouse that would pop in his house. however, on the contrary, larger animals -- not so much. he’s shit with horses and cows, especially. 
- incredible singer. has serenaded aphmau on multiple occasions, and has even gotten her to sing along with him from time to time. he sang for malachi to help him fall asleep every night since the day they met him. this caused him to start singing for levin at night as well. when laurance saw malachi again after the 15 year jump, within the first few days of his return, malachi asked for laurance to sing for him again just like he used to. which brings me to my next headacanon,
- laurance saw malachi as his own child, and treated him as such. they were very close, and malachi was the most heartbroken over laurance’s disappearance since he saw him very much as a father. it wasn’t that laurance favored malachi over levin that created this bond, it was the fact that laurance first-hand saw a child in need of a home and someone to love him, and it reminded him of when he was small. 
- he’s a sucker for bets. gambles, wages, anything like that. while he’s not directly a gambler, if someone offers he’s sure to accept. he’s a risk-taker, and ends up getting really into it. this also branches into his competitive behavior. he’ll be really upset and possibly a bit petty if he loses. why else do you think he still hadn’t given castor the 5 dollars he owes him?
- slingshot master. you give this motherfucker a slingshot he can kill someone with his impeccable aim. he’s also very good with a bow and arrow or any sort of projectile, but he’s the best with a slingshot. when he was younger, he hand-made slingshots from materials that he’d find around the forest.
- speaking of the forest, laurance is a very nature-loving soul. when he moved to meteli when he was adopted, he’d often go and explore the forests nearby. he and cadenza would use their imaginations and play all sorts of games. laurance and her especially loved to climb trees, and would jump from branch to branch. this helped laurance become very flexible. this is also how he met sasha, she was sitting in his favorite tree one day and they just hit it off from there.
- after he was rescued from the nether, laurance frequently had nightmares that would lead into sleep paralysis episodes. the first time it happened garroth had been looking over him (since this was around the time when laurance first got back and garroth had allowed aphmau to go do her lord tasks while he watched over him) and when he had the ability to move and speak again, he started freaking out. garroth had to calm him down and assure laurance that he’d talk to zoey about what happened. garroth and zoey are the only ones that know of laurance’s sleep paralysis, mainly because he didn’t want to worry aphmau or anyone else. zoey often gave him ways to cope with it. it didn’t happen every night, but it did occur at least 5-6 times a month. his sleep paralysis stopped the moment he entered the nether for the second time. 
- the first time laurance heard he’d made the list for the jury of nine, he felt honoured. when he was oblivious to how corrupt it was, he saw it as a huge opportunity. after learning about it’s true nature, he was still glad that he’d made the list -- because him being on the list prevented another person from risking being on the list and being chosen to be apart of the jury.
- yes, laurance can cook very will in this universe as well. it’s not that he was taught, it’s more that he can look at ingredients and just throw them together to make great combinations. zoey also taught him a few things.
- laurance does not know his real birthday. malachi does not remember his. since cadenza had “given” laurance a birthday, he offered to let malachi share his unofficial birthday with him. malachi accepted. 
garroth + laurance
- laurance began referring to garroth as “pretty boy” after seeing his face. he continued to call him that for the first month of their friendship. garroth hated it, and that’s the only reason laurance eventually stopped.
- laurance and garroth are both very good story tellers, but after one incident where garroth was telling levin and malachi a story, he started stumbling a bit over his words and couldn’t articulate correctly, so laurance picked it up and continued it. from there, they took turns with the story and occasionally interrupted one another to add a detail or plot point, and after that, malachi refused to listen to garroth or laurance separately when telling stories, because their collective minds came up with the most fascinating shit.
- garroth isn’t the best at coming up with insults because he’s simply too nice, but laurance loves to make fun of garroth (in good fun, of course). however, there is one thing that garroth could hold over laurance; and that was their height difference. whenever laurance would mess with him, garroth would just bring up height to piss laurance off. 
- when laurance regained his sight, him and garroth sparred very often. that’s when garroth realized how much strength laurance actually had, since he’d originally underestimated him. laurance, in all honesty, was equally surprised. their spars were pretty evenly matched.
- while these two are best friends, the amount of arguments they’ve had is insane. most of them were light-hearted and were more so disagreements, but sometimes things escalated and would result in yelling. that’s because laurance always took it a step too far. that, or garroth would try to disregard what they were talking about, which only made laurance more heated. but they’re both incredibly quick to forgive each other. once they had a really bad argument and didn’t talk for an entire hour afterwards, but once they saw each other again it was like they’d never fought. 
- since garroth grew up with everything and laurance often had to hunt and shit, garroth wasn’t amazing at it. laurance found out, originally teased garroth, but gave him tips and took him out and taught him how to hunt. garroth’s still shit at it when he does it alone, but when he does it with laurance he’s pretty decent. 
- garroth doesn’t drink. laurance does. laurance once tried to convince garroth to drink, but he refused -- which laurance respected, but garroth had to deal with drunk laurance for the rest of the night at the guard station. he learned things that he really wish he hadn’t that night. 
i had more for garroth and laurance’s relationship, but uh, i don’t really have time to write them down, so take these for now! i hope y’all enjoy them as much as i did writing them :]
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fraywol · 2 years
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nyx (mozus azem) got her seat by virtue of her skills as a teacher and observer rather than the creations she made. early in her life she spent much time travelling and actually wrote several books on already extant creations and their long-term influence on their environments outside of the safety of facilities like elpis. later she became a teacher in creation magicks in amaurot to the point where most Ancients a certain age and younger studied under her at some point & her fingerprints are all over some of the resulting concepts, even if she rarely ever submitted any herself. she didnt create stars, but i also think she named a few constellations! 
i originally made them more physically similar than i would nowadays (nyx and mozu are decidedly different people & them being that is like Narratively Important) but at the same time i enjoy the idea of her appearance mirroring mozus in some way. mozu is goth, nyx is emo
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nemesis (tiqas azem) got their scar from their first concept for a carnivorous plant. theyre, at heart, a gardener and enjoy growing things. their concepts tend to be extremely intricate and detailed and they’re very concerned with ideas of balance in ecosystems. i think a pet project of theirs is growing new plants without the use of creation magick. they made tigers bc hythlodaeus kept complaining abt how people were making sharks-- they meant to also make a shark to annoy hyth but got side-tracked.
my original concept for nemesis just was a catboy bc honestly there WAS nothing stopping the ancients from just having cat ears. i think they did it as a bit once and venat’s memory of that diluted into the sundered world. uuu i like their love for botany as a sort of precursor for tiqa who feels normal abt flowers but loves them aesthetically & grows their own food but is much more of a cook than a farmer.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We’re Worlds Apart (1)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj/Muggle fem!reader
Post-Battle of Hogwarts
warnings: language
series m.list | general m.list
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
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(gif cred)
"They want... me?"
Draco Malfoy sat across his supervisor in his office at St. Mungos. His eyes widened at the offer he was given.
"Well Mr. Malfoy, you've certainly shown us around here that you do well at your job. If I must say so myself, I believe you're ready for the job," his boss has explained. Draco had recently finished his Fellowship and became a remarkable Healer. So much so that the Santa Marie Hospital for Maj Persons in Buffalo, New York contacted his supervisor to offer him a position as Head Healer. It was an incredible opportunity, one that a person could only dream of.
Draco sat still in his chair, shocked that of all Healers from his department, Santa Marie wanted him. After the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco was determined to change the views people had of him. He was no longer the prejudice prat that he was at school. Draco Lucius Malfoy is now a matured, capable young man. He worked hard and was proud that he did everything on his own. No help from daddy dearest, no pressure of the Malfoy name. It was all him.
"I would love to take this job. When would I start?"
Draco finished filing his paperwork at the Ministry of Magic that was to be sent to the Magical Congress of the United States containing his work permit and all the necessary identification. Walking around London, he grew excited about it. It was a feeling he hadn't felt since he got his letter for Hogwarts.
The next thing he has left to do was to find housing. There was an office located in Diagon Alley that specialized in international real estate. Draco walked into the brightly lit office. Much to his surprise, Daphne Greengrass stood at the reception desk.
"Well, well. Long time no see, Malfoy," she said with a smile on her lips. He was quite relieved to see a familiar face. "Good to see you too, Daph. I'm checking in to see Ms. Moreau. I'm moving to America soon." Daphne was both shocked and impressed that Draco would be making such a big move. They chatted momentarily about the reason for him moving and she congratulated him. Soon enough, the real estate agent walked out and called Draco into her office.
She sat at her desk and gestured for him to take the seat opposite her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Malfoy."
"The feeling is mutual, Ms. Moreau," Draco had slightly bowed his head.
"Please, call me Gwen," she smiled as she reached to shake his hand, "I see from your paperwork that you're moving to America, correct?" he nodded his head in response. "Fantastic! Now, looking at the locations for Buffalo, we have quite a bit of selections from houses to flats. Of course, in America they're called 'apartments'. With your budget, you would be able to get this nice house that is just a 10 minute drive to the Apparition office to Santa Marie's." She showed Draco pictures of the house. It was quaint. An all white, one story house that had three bedrooms, a lifted porch, small kitchen, two bathrooms, trimmed green grass in front and a dark stained wooden fence that went around the house. Draco nearly fell in love with it. Its contrast to the Malfoy Manor was warm and inviting.
Gwen had shown him pictures of the other places she had gathered for him, but none of them peeked his interest as the first house did. It was quite silly as he thought about it. Most likely, he would be working long hours at the hospital to even be able to appreciate the home. It made more sense to get an apartment as he would most likely just use the space to sleep and eat. But the house was begging for him to live there. After about an hour long session, Draco made his final decision on the small house.
"Excellent choice, I had hoped you'd love it. Now, before I contact the sellers about your offer, I must let you know this before you sign anything," Draco shifted in his seat. Of course there had to be a catch. A house this perfect needed one thing to go wrong. Was it busted windows? A terrible neighborhood? Shitty pipelines? He nodded for her to continue.
"This is an integrated neighborhood. Both muggles and wizards live around and you might not know which are which for a while." Muggles. He sat in silence, staring down at the photos of the house. Did he really want a muggle neighbor? No, you're past this Draco thought. The old Draco wouldn't even give the place a second thought. But he wasn't him anymore. "I don't care. I'll take it."
You woke up in the morning, stretching your arms and legs out of the thick blanket. It was currently 8:47 am, your alarm clock beside you still had 13 minutes to alert you to wake up. Deciding to just get a head start on the day, you walked into the your bathroom and started your shower. The water was at the hottest you took and you went about your daily routine. You said your repeated incantations in the shower as you lathered yourself with soap:
Water, water, wash away. Water, water, cleanse today.
Walking out your shower, you grabbed your towel and recited the next spell as you dried yourself:
By the earth in the soap,
by the air in the steam,
by the fire that heats the water,
by the water that cleanses,
I am cleansed, clean, and ready for the day.
When you were 12 years old, you used to watch your grandmother perform Wicca in her bedroom. Your mother didn't particularly join in on the belief, but also didn't oppose to you starting alongside your grandmother when you turned 18. Now, you were almost 26 and still kept on the same practices.
On the contrary to people's interpretation or views of witchcraft, you called yourself a White Witch; someone who performs good magick upon selfless reasons. You never hexed anyone nor wished any ill fate. The Laws of Nature was surely watching at all times and if you did, expect to get the same fate but in threefold. Not that you even had any reason to do such things, anyways.
After getting ready, you grabbed your bag, keys — which held a protection charm — and went on your way to work. Your cat sat in her tower located in your living room and she watched you walk out. Getting into your car, you noticed movement next door. A big, moving truck was parked and a crew of movers carried furniture into the house. Finally, someone new you thought.
Feeling nosy, you sat patiently to figure out who it was moving next door. Was it a family? An elderly couple? Maybe newlyweds. Right when you were about to pull out of your driveway, a handsome blond stepped out of the house guiding the movers where things were going to be placed. You couldn't hear his voice, but could tell from the distance that it had to be attractive.
He looked around the street and caught you starting from your car. You hesitantly raised your hand to wave at him but was cut off by a man walking up to him with a clipboard gesturing where to sign. You looked at the time on your watch and nearly panicked at how the time passed, leaving you with only 15 minutes to get to work. Hauling ass, your car let a screech out as your foot punched the gas pedal. You'll be able to introduce yourself later, Y/N.
A few days passed and Draco was headed for the Apparition office to his new workplace. He had leased a new car to drive there. According to the Magical Congress, wizards and witches that lived in integrated neighborhoods must check in at Apparition offices to not raise suspicions from No-Maj. Seemed quite silly at first, but it really wasn't that big of a deal. He remembers the first time he went to Diagon Alley with his father through the Leaky Cauldron, finding it hidden with a wall that required taps against it. Behind it, a magical alley hidden from muggles.
He pulled into the office building lot with ease. It was clean on the outside and had a sign on top that only read MCA Co,. At the front door, there was a pin pad with numbers on it that kept it locked. Draco pulled the paper from his pocket and dialed the number. The door made a clicking noise which signaled that it was unlocked.
In the front was a young man sat at a reception desk typing away onto a computer. It was a strange sight for Draco as he's never seen one before. He walked up to the desk and waited for the person to acknowledge him.
"Hello, sir. Welcome to the Magical Congress' Apparition Office. May I see your ID pass, please?"!the accent was unfamiliar to Draco, but he nonetheless reached for the pass clipped to his trousers and gave it to the receptionist. He scanned the pass, handed it back to Draco and raised up from his chair to guide Draco to the door which had a direct line to the hospital. "Have a good day, sir!" were his last words before he went back to his desk.
Draco looked at the address once more before appariting into Santa Marie's. Here goes nothing.
It was a long day at the office. Setting up appointments with new clients, greeting all the new people he'd be working with, and a surprise welcome party to end it. Everyone he met had different variations of American accents. Some from Chicago, some from California, and some from the native state of New York.
A man by the name of Ian Parker helped Draco navigate around the building. Draco was quite relieved to hear that Ian had lived close by, just two blocks and a turn away. They had lunch together and talked about just simple things about each other. It felt nice to meet somebody and they not know who you are and things you've done in the past.
Once he got home, the first thing Draco did was start to run the shower, gathering his sleepwear as the water heated up. Not meaning to, Draco noticed how his bedroom window had perfect view of yours. To him, it was extremely odd.
You had faux vines that curled around your four-poster bed, a couple of plants that hung against the wall and posters of movies that Draco knows for a fact he's never seen in his life. You walked into your room and went up to a small drawer and dug through it. After a few seconds, you grabbed out some incense sticks, lit them and stood them on the stand that laid on your dresser. Afterwards, you sat on the floor with your legs crossed and started taking deep breaths.
Draco caught himself staring for too long and was about to head into the shower until he saw movement from the corner of his eye. There you sat, but this time, you held items in your hands. One held what Draco thought to be just some colorful rocks. The other hand held a bundle of herbs on fire at the tips. Your lips moved and it had Draco curious. Your hand with the herbs moved in a specific pattern, creating smoke around you. Once you finished, you set the rocks and herbs down at a table and left the room. That was odd. Draco thought. He passed it off and went on about his night.
"It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. And trust me when I say that Hogwarts has its fair shares of odd moments," Draco sat in the break room with Ian and two other people, Ashley and Blaine. They laughed at the description Draco had of you and settled after Ian began his explanation.
"It seems that your No-Maj neighbor is considered a Wiccan." What in Merlin's name is that?
"Pardon? What's do you mean?"
"It's what they call witchcraft," Ashley added, "it became a popular thing after the Salem Witch Trials. Of course, there's no real magic to it like what we can do, but they nonetheless believe it works."
Draco couldn't believe what he was hearing. Muggles are trying to be witches? This was probably the last thing he ever thought he would hear. Inside, a familiar feeling had ignited. A feeling he had, or he supposed still had, for a certain species. He didn't like it but to find out that what he is had become a fantasy to be was upsetting. He was born into this life, not them. Not you.
It had been a really nice day at work. People had been kind and you sold out of a new oil you made. As you entered your home, your cat ran up to your legs and purred against you. You smile down at her and made your way to prepare your dinners.
She nibbled away at her bowl and you watched in content.
Outside, you heard a car pulling in. It's probably him. You peaked out the window in the living room and your guess was correct. He stepped out of a black car and walked to his door. You tried catching his attention by waving your arms about, hoping he glanced your way. When he did, you waved excitedly to him.
He stared at you with a straight face, no hint of any feeling. It was odd, people usually like you and wave back but this guy was just looking at you. Not doing anything. You looked around to see if there was something behind you, only to look back and see that he was gone. Ooo...kay?
You grabbed your sweater and decided to introduce yourself to your new neighbor. It had been almost a week and it seemed that he still hadn't acquainted himself to anyone on the street. The cool, spring breeze sent a pleasant chill down your spine as you walked on the sidewalk.
Once you stepped in front his door, you knocked three times. No answer. Three more times. No answer. The lights that were on had turned off and curtains had been shut in almost a blink of an eye. He had made it clear that he was not in a mood to talk to anyone. It slightly hurt your feelings, but you told yourself to not dwell on it. He's just tired from work. Just then, an idea popped in your mind as you headed back home.
"Stupid fucking muggle clock," Draco cursed as he was running around his bedroom getting dressed. He overslept by an hour and had 10 minutes to be in the Apparition office to go to work. Damn American laws.
He grabbed an apple, not his usual sour green one but a sweet red one this time, grabbed his bag and ran for the front door. Something taped to the door caught his attention and he halted his movements. It seemed to have been a note someone left. He unfolded the paper and read it to himself;
Hello! My name's Y/N and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood! I hope we can become good friends~ if there's anything you need or if you'd ever like to get acquainted over coffee, please feel free to knock on my door! It'd be nice to get to know you :)
At the bottom of the note was a small drawing of a witches pointed hat and Draco immediately knew who left the note. Almost on instinct, the note caught on fire in his hands and the ashes fell to the ground. He dusted his hand off and went to work. As if we would ever become friends.
next chp
taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter
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Sylvie is a 16/17 year old character called “Nokka” (which is Norse feminine for No One). Loki reluctantly takes her under his wing when he meets her. After some time running from the TVA, and dealing with issues where Nokka “wants revenge” but struggles with hurting people when it comes down to it (esp from the TVA because she knows they’re all mind-controlled variants) Loki sits her down and demands to know the truth “because for a Loki you’re a terrible liar”.
Nokka admits/reveals that she’s NOT a Loki at all, just an Asgardian orphan who messed with the time-stream by accident (overhearing Loki tell a guard to inform Odin Thor was going to Jotunheim and running ahead to tell the Allfather when the soldier sneered at Loki’s back or smth else trivial). Loki asks her why she never chose a name for herself aside from what others gave her, and she says she didn’t really have time while being on the run to think of anything but Loki.
Loki is semi touched by this (but says nothing). (Nokka wistfully mentions in passing that while hiding on Midgard she heard the name Sylvie and thought it was nice too). Loki comforts her with a bit of awkwardness, then announces he’s going to help her with her powers and how to fight “less like an alley cat and more like a warrior from Asgard”. He also tells her that if she truly wants vengeance, she’s going to have to kill people. Nokka rebuts this with the declaration that she’s already killed people—citing those she’s had to kill to survive. Loki acknowledges that, but states that those killings are different from what she’s going to have to do if they want to win and get out with their lives.
(Aside: Kang wants Loki captured because OG Loki is different from the rest of his variant selves because he ADAPTS and grows his personality and character—whereas other Lokis do not. Kang feels OG Loki and Nokka are a threat to his rule, and he wants to permanently erase them to keep his rule over the Timeline secure)
Loki and Nokka make their way through the worlds and pull off a heist and crash the TVA with Mobius’s help. Ravonna prunes Mobius and Nokka out of rage and bitterness for destroying the order/TVA she loves—Loki, though he could escape, prunes himself too (showing how he can change his character from the other variants of himself).
In The Void, Loki stumbles among other loki variants, and finds Nokka moping by herself in one corner of Kid Loki’s underground palace. At the same time, Mobius arrives and busts them out of “Loony Loki Jail”. Impressed and amused, once they’re safe Loki asks how Mobius found them. The TVA agent declares that he found a trail of “complete and utter chaos, and followed that”. The trio share a laugh over this before growing solemn and trying to figure out what to do. Loki discusses Alioth and the strange energy the monster gives off, as well as the malevolent eternal purple mist. Mobius makes the offhand remark about going into it, or Nokka using her “wacky mind-controlling powers” on Alioth to get passed the giant to explore the mist.
Nokka hedges, nervous because she’s never controlled anything that big before. She walks away to sit by herself, staring out at the undulating violet mist. Loki likes the plan and irons out some details with Mobius before wandering down to Nokka. He sits beside her silently. Nokka announces “you can’t manipulate me like Thor—no Jotunheim trip 2: This Time Alioth.” Loki agrees that he can’t. Nokka smiles but hugs her knees to her chest with a shiver, rocking slowly. Loki asks what’s wrong—if she’s scared. Nokka shakes her head “just cold”. Loki magicks a blanket and gives it to her kindly, petting her hair (in a dad way lmao). They sit in silence staring at the mist. Loki quietly messes around beside her, magicking knives and bracers and other small pieces of armor for himself (we’ll give him an Asgardian tunic somewhere along the line because BURN the fugly TVA clothes). Nokka glances at him as he does this. Loki catches her and they share Looks.
Nokka shrugs and turns away. Carefully, as he cleans a dagger with a cloth, Loki wonders about two people controlling Alioth. Nokka eyes him warily. Loki briefly demonstrates/elaborates on how he can reveal or illuminate thoughts and parts of the mind, but can’t control it like she can. He quietly declares that if she shows him how, perhaps they can do it together. Nokka hesitates, but agrees.
So Mobius goes to distract Alioth. Classic Loki sees this (and as the only one actually paying attention to Nokka and OG Loki, runs in to help, doing the same thing he did in the show, allowing Mobius to escape). Nokka falters with the mind control, but Loki takes her hand and encourages her (insert some witty line about “only learning that day himself, after all”) and Nokka presses on. They succeed, and stare at a pathway through the mist.
Loki glances at Nokka, and tells her to “lead the way”. Grinning, but quickly sobering, Nokka heads toward the path. Mobius catches up to Loki then, and informs Loki he’s going back to the TVA to “raise more hell”. Loki grins, and Mobius “thanks him for the spark” like in the show. They embrace (to Loki’s surprise) before Loki follows Nokka. Mobius watches them until they disappear into the mist and then summons an orange portal and vanishes himself.
Walking through the mist, Nokka declares something “off”, and Loki agrees “like being laid in ambush”. Unsettled, they continue—but draw blades. At last they reach a half-burned and dilapidated castle at the edge of a cosmos. They come up to the black doors but nothing happens. Nokka blasts the doors off their hinges, increasingly paranoid. Loki criticizes the action but they proceed anyway. (Everything basically happens as in the show, but Kang is Not Friendly—menacing and ominous (think horror movie character—something off but not obvious) due to him wanting to destroy both Loki and Nokka). Loki catches on before Nokka to Kang’s intentions, and stands, lashing out at Kang. Nokka is confused and feels lied to (let’s say there’s some truth twisted into lies Kang said about Loki “and his lust for power” so she feels uncertain). A fight ensues between Kang and Loki but Kang uses Loki’s Frost Giant heritage against him. Kang says he’d accept Nokka as a protégé “because I’ve watched you—you’re teachable” but wants her to kill Loki “to prove she’s not as worthless as he is”.
Loki looks at her as she walks up to him, and he tells her “you only grow as far as you allow people to cage you” (or some other philosophical elegant line). Making the realization that Nokka will truly be just an imitation of all the other Loki variants if she kills Loki for her own self-succession, she drops the knife and instead frees Loki from whatever magical/enchanted snare Kang got him into. Kang lashes out, but Loki jumps up in front of Nokka, and takes whatever blow it was (maybe permanent obliviation, maybe transport to another timeline idk yet). Looking triumphant at the empty room, Kang turns around and wanders back to his desk “another mess all cleared up” he hums to himself.
Nokka appears out of the shadows and grabs his arm as he moves to sit, whirling Kang around. Angrily, tears in her eyes, she stabs him twice in the chest with one of Loki’s daggers he’d dropped. Kang collapses back into his chair, and laughs at her. He says some things about his alternate selves being even more cruel than him, that he’s “a kitten” in comparison, and she’ll never defeat them—“just a little nobody. Doomed to fail because you don’t have a name to be remembered by. A No One.” Nokka stoops over him, wielding Loki’s knife.
“I’m not no one—I’m Sylvie. Lokidottir.” She stabs Kang. After he dies, she wanders to the window, staring out at the splintering multiverse. She collapses, crying, because she’s alone. “You promised we’d win together,” she whispers to herself, a little broken.
(Opening to Consider for a potential Part II: a large flash of green out in the multiverse. Sylvie jerks her head up and stares—before grinning.)
Some notes:
The whole “love yourself” angle in this AU of the show is Loki learns to care for Sylvie even when she lashes out—and treats her as he would have wanted to be treated when he lashed out.
Kang is Not Nice. He’s not as bad as other versions of himself, but he is absolutely the bad guy in this AU.
Loki isn’t an idiot. Full stop. And he uses magic A LOT.
Loki takes a mentor role in this. HE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, and Sylvie is a secondary role that morphs into an MC. He doesn’t get run over by Sylvie’s girl!pain backstory.
Sylvie isn’t a shitty annoying asshole kween. She’s a scared teenager. She’s not capable of huge fights or dumb shit like the canon shitshow.
This is Very Much a sibling or father/daughter relationship between Loki and Sylvie. No romance. PLATONIC ONLY!!!!
The TVA is EVIL. Not “a necessary evil” but completely, absolutely, reprehensibly evil. Autocratic and fascist, if you will. The interrogation Loki endures in the first episode (and then with Sif in episode ???) will be framed as torture.
Can’t really think of a faceclaim to the Nokka/Sylvie character (cuz DiMartino would be WAAAY too old for this one). But I’m thinking like a young Maia Mitchell or Mackenzie Foy type teenager. Gotta be brunette—cuz the blonde is stupid as shit and makes no sense. We want a Lady Loki lookalike here, folks (even if she’s NOT Loki; Nokka made herself APPEAR like him after taking his name so she could to be called one of his variants).
This makes room for a Loki “replacement” so Hiddleston could bow out, AND makes it “feministy” for the ladies; but ALSO allows for GOOD WRITING and Loki to keep his dignity/agency as a main character/antihero.
This whole thing was fully and completely inspired by this song while I drove home from work:
@fast-and-the-curious what say u to this AU?
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I saw this and thought it would be fun 🖤
1. Are you solitary or in a coven?
I am solitary.
2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other?
I just consider myself a witch. There are aspects of Paganism I follow and enjoy but if I had to choose a title I'd say "Witch".
3. What is your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius ♐
4. Do you have a Patron God/dess?
I don't currently.
5. Do you work with a Pantheon?
I do not.
6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or 
any other kind of divination?
I enjoy tarot, pendulums, and reading tea leafs.
7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any)
Rose petals, elderberry, hibiscus, juniper, lilac and sage are my go tos.
8. How would you define your craft?to.
Oh that's a good one. I would define in as simply witchcraft. I practice my own gifts woth the gifts the Earth and God's provide.
9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do?
I strongly believe in the rule of 3 so I try not to, and if I do I make sure I am putting out good to others. If others do that is their business, I am in no place to judge how other practice.
10. How long have you been practicing?
Since I was about 14.
11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars?
I do not currently no.
12. Do you believe in Karma or
I believe in karma, I believe in the rule of 3, I believe reincarnation can happen, but I do not believe it is the default for most beings after death.
13. Do you have a magical name?
14. Are you “out of the broom closet”?
In-plain-sight yes.
15. What was the last spell you performed?
A spell to rekindle love that's gone cold.
16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable?
Yes, but always learning!
17. Do you write your own spells?
On occasion.
18. Do you have a book of shadows?
If so, how is it written and/or set up?
I do as well as a hroloir. Both are pretty free form.
19. Do you worship nature?
I wouldn't say I worship it, I am thankful for it and make sure the Earth knows that.
20. What is your favorite gemstone?
21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work?
I don't but I wouldn't say I would be opposed to it.
22. Do you have an altar?
Not a proper one at the moment (small apartment) but I have a shelf of my oddities
23. What is your preferred element?
Fire (it's my own). I like how it embodies both beauty and uncontrollable chaos depending on how you treat it.
24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist?
I guess I've never thought about it. No?
25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch?
26. What got you interested in witchcraft?
My mother is a witch, as are many of my family members
27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch?
I have not no.
28. Have you ever used ouija?
29. Do you consider yourself a psychic?
Psychic? No. Aware and ability to see potential outcomes better than most? Yes.
30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it?
I do not.
31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started?
There is no "right way" to do it.
32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite?
Yes! Beltane because ya boy likes to bone 😅
33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children?
Of course, it's in our blood
34. Do you meditate?
35. What is your favorite season?
36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform?
Anything consumable.
37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life?
Devotions, prayers, using sachets and stones.
38. What is your favorite witchy movie?
Hocus Pocus (I'm a basic witch I know 🤣)
39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why?
Funnily enough I haven't read that many.
40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not.
Oh I could never choose just one!
41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you?
Accidentally setting something a blaze and it reacting as if it was untouched.
42. What is your favourite type of candle to use?
43. What is your favorite witchy tool?
Wand! I love my platinum and clear quartz wand I use it daily.
44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools?
I have not!
45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits?
46. Do you practice color magic?
I incorporate it.
47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind?
My mother and aunt.
48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies?
Local shops when I can, personally owned online shops if I cat find stuff in person.
49. Do you believe in predestination or fate?
Fate, yes, predestination, no.
50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice?
Write in my grimoir.
51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences?
Too many to count.
52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve?
People who try to push their own rules, gate keep, or scare others.
53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent?
Yes! Bergamot!
54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind?
55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster?
Using none organic roses to make rose water and poisoning myself with pesticides.
56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success?
I consider them all to be success because even if they don't go according to plan I learned something.
57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about?
I always feel a bit silly speaking out loud 🤣
58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too?
Of course. Gate keeping is fucking gross. You do you babe.
59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work?baby.
Haven't we all?
60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain?
61. What is something witch related that you want right now?
A unakite geode!
62. What is your rune of choice?
I don't have one.
63. What is your tarot card of choice?
Death because every good reader knows he is never literal
64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite?
Yes! I love grapefruit.
65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses?
66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public?
Sometimes a pentacle or pentagram.
67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch?
Haven't we all?
68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines?
69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft?
Having an understanding of anything you are apart of or want to partake in is important but being a walking text book isn't helpful.
70. What are your favorite things about being a witch?
The connection with so many things normal people will never see or know.
71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch?
Being an empath can be so painful. Seeing the auras of evil people always hurt me too.
72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band?
I have a Playlist, I wouldn't say I listen to any Pagab bands, more so Celtic stuff and creepy compositions.
73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how?
74. Do you ever work skyclad?
Yes. I prefer to meditate nude and do most things in just my underwear (hot wax/embers/sharp tools + my pens = no thanks)
75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how?
Of course. I have been exposed to so much most people will never enjoy.
76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice?
Call me basic but it's true: The Earth and Mother Nature.
77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc)
Can you call them fantasy if they're real?
78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol?
One I created for impulse control.
79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not?
Only my own to create magical ties.
80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice?
I don't think so no.
81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow?
82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice?
Vanilla reminds me of my Nana baking in the kitchen. She's Chrustian but she inspires me to be a good person.
83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it?
Yes! I meditate naked, burn some blue sage and wash my hands.
84. What real life witch most inspires your practice?
My mother.
85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity?
86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients?
87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of?
My mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, great aunt, great grandmother, and probably everyone in that line of sucession. I also have a great uncle who was gay so I assume he was too being that I am one of the few males witches in my family and I am gay.
88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it?
I always put intention into things, you can carve a path through a mountain of you acknowledge the fact that as a magical being you can do it. Our biggest hurdles are ourselves.
89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they?
Seeing auras, being an exceptionally heightened empath, seeing super natural creatures, and premonitions.
90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven?
I am a solitary witch my blood you tell me.
91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought?
Tarot cards! I still have them almost 10 years later.
92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been?
Hmmmm. The house I lived in when I was in Kansas. But not in a good way.
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities?
Seek out what feels right. Do not listen to anyone who tells you that you "have to" praise anyone.
94. What techniques do you use to ‘get in the zone’ for meditation?
A bit if wine, some good meditation and honestly some good sex. Not mesacriky in that order.
95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it?
Practice practice practice.
96. Do you prefer day or night? Why?
Evening because I like times of transition.
97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work?
Depends on what you're doing.
98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly?
I was young and stumbled. Don't give up though.
99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice?
Yes and no?
100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces?
I am polytheistic.
101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy?polytheism.
102. What is your favorite color and why?
Baby pink because it's my aura colour.
103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond?
"How does it work???" and "Oh so you're evil?"
104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest?
105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice?
Don't drink and cast. Ya boy likes mead sorry not sorry (that being said I don't ever do anything woth chemicals or fire while drinking).
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