#im kind of waiting to see how pandae storyline goes
fraywol · 2 years
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nyx (mozus azem) got her seat by virtue of her skills as a teacher and observer rather than the creations she made. early in her life she spent much time travelling and actually wrote several books on already extant creations and their long-term influence on their environments outside of the safety of facilities like elpis. later she became a teacher in creation magicks in amaurot to the point where most Ancients a certain age and younger studied under her at some point & her fingerprints are all over some of the resulting concepts, even if she rarely ever submitted any herself. she didnt create stars, but i also think she named a few constellations! 
i originally made them more physically similar than i would nowadays (nyx and mozu are decidedly different people & them being that is like Narratively Important) but at the same time i enjoy the idea of her appearance mirroring mozus in some way. mozu is goth, nyx is emo
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nemesis (tiqas azem) got their scar from their first concept for a carnivorous plant. theyre, at heart, a gardener and enjoy growing things. their concepts tend to be extremely intricate and detailed and they’re very concerned with ideas of balance in ecosystems. i think a pet project of theirs is growing new plants without the use of creation magick. they made tigers bc hythlodaeus kept complaining abt how people were making sharks-- they meant to also make a shark to annoy hyth but got side-tracked.
my original concept for nemesis just was a catboy bc honestly there WAS nothing stopping the ancients from just having cat ears. i think they did it as a bit once and venat’s memory of that diluted into the sundered world. uuu i like their love for botany as a sort of precursor for tiqa who feels normal abt flowers but loves them aesthetically & grows their own food but is much more of a cook than a farmer.
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Series Rewatch (#12)
S3 E12: Born This Way.
Episode description: Dr. Manning and Dr. Choi are faced with a tough decision.
Literally when are they not.
Okay, last episode ended with the first Ava/Connor kiss, so this episode should be a rollercoaster of emotions.
let’s get into it.
- okay, already we’re starting in connor’s apartment, so cue ava walking in bc they slept together?
- i think its hilarious that her casual clothing is.. a flannel. like lmao idk
- it is so unbelievably funny and stupid to have a one night stand with someone you work closely with. i mean come on
- never forget that dr. ava bekker has a fish tank
- this is exhausting. the tentative back and forth is so fucking exhausting
- another bit of evidence. ava is never not confident, and especially not to this extent, and she never follows connor’s lead. so, the fact that she is standing back and waiting for him to make the decision? stupid.
- it screams that she is having a moment of anxiety, which is why she isn’t up to make the decisions in the exchange.
-to be clear: what i’m claiming here is that the only reason ava actually got with connor was bc she was having a moment of anxiety because he was the only person she had built a relationship with after living in this city for six months.
- when connor says that he has plans you can see her fold in on herself. this stems from a place of anxiety
- remember when they did surgery on the panda? that’s when the show peaked
- ava in her lab coat will never not get me. especially with the gloves, running towards a patient (very hot)
- connor still looks kinda looks like a mess but ava is immaculate here like what dude out of your league
- ava asking the family questions (ik this is standard doctor stuff but showing worry, interest, all that jazz)
- okay, see here! here! ava calls connor out, saying that his procedure is too invasive. before, ava’s procedures where invasive, which everyone used as evidence to her being super cold, but now, we see that she purely does what she deems best for the patient at hand
- also, once again, the concern ava feels. you can hear it in her voice. we forget this part of her way too often
- the smile on ava’s face when she gives the family good news. god wept
- and then more concern when connor tells her they need to put him on ecmo
- the reason that ava is frustrated that connor didn’t go with her decision for their patient care is because she truly believes that if they don’t go with her treatment, he will die. don’t make it anything different. don’t argue she’s frustrated because he’s not listening to her. don’t make it anything about their relationship. she puts their patients care first and foremost
- there’s a stark shift in her demeanor when in the room with the parents vs. her alone with connor. in the room, you can see she’s stewing. she’s sucking on her teeth, she’s holding her emotions. she has control, she’s a professional. out of the room, she has full reign to be as mad with connor as she wants, which she does.
- the way ava acknowledges everyone in the room (the nurse just informed them that the drug was running, ava nodded. just a little thing but yk)
- ava shaking her head at this sad, sad man (connor, who is floundering for a solution and misplacing his anger)
- their entire relationship is misplaced anger
- the fact that the last shot of the scene has connor in the foreground looking over the bed and ava watching from the door but ava is the one in focus - some cool cinematography points
- med really went all over the place
- JUST THE AMOUNT OF CONCERN ON AVA’S FACE. im gonna say it again. look me in the eyes and tell this women is a psychopath. the med writers are fucking insane
- and when the parents ask ava if she disagreed with connor’s treatment decision, she has every opportunity (and right, frankly) to throw him under the bus and undermine him. but still, she says “it’s a complicated situation.” like. she never ever makes it personal, or loses her head. especially not to a patient. and she doesn’t have to defend connor. he’s made a lot of mistakes, and taken it out on her a bunch of times. yet she’s still nice to him, when he’s not even in the room
- it’s insane
- this is also the legendary scene where she comforts the family. there’s not a lot that i haven’t already said. this is the scene that most exemplifies ava’s humanity, the way she seems to feel, at least residually, what these parents are going through (since she obviously hasn’t gone through anything like this herself [unless.]). the way she kneels down, and gets on the family’s personal level.
- I... okay listen. I absolutely HATE the parallel they pull her between the line “I believe whenever you do something out of love, it can never really be wrong” and connor. especially because they show him when she says that line. and yeah, there’s obviously a connection that can be drawn between the meaning of that line and her sociopathic behavior in s4 and s5.
- it honestly feels like when writing s4, the writers hit so much of a wall they just googled the most ‘iconic’ ava moments and thought ‘how can i use these in the worst way possible?’ That’s honestly probably what they did (ava’s first interaction with connor - ‘you better watch yourself,’ this moment). There is no nuance to her character in s4. it is astoundingly terrible.
- lets move on
- THE WAY CONNOR LOOKS AT AVA HER MAKES ME FUCKING SCARED. HE HAS NO EMOTION ON HIS FACE. I know that we’ve been screen capping ava throughout this series but can someone find pictures of connor looking at ava bc, i need yall to remember how weird he looks
- like, no shade to connor, but just the emotion is undecipherable, but it is in no way a good one
- ava getting concerned (and looking slightly embarrassed) when she sees connor watching her by the door. obviously yeah she’s gonna feel weird you just caught her in a very uncharacteristic moment, outwardly expressing comfort. fucking back off
- i am so fucking protective of her and i demand he no longer look at her. it’s banned
- sam abrams looking at sarah’s dad’s head ct and asking if he’s a criminal. oh boy 
- from a writer’s perspective, the storyline with sarah’s dad is actually pretty good
- ava ran into the room with gloves and lab coat again, if anybody wanted to know
- for the record, want it to be noted, ava was the one who realized that it was an issue with the machine again, so you could say she fixed connor’s mistake, again. so.
- connor making a big deal about handing the reins over to ava (if he really was selfless he wouldn’t have made a whole big thing, he still has an enormous hero complex)
- handing off control was very hard for him. boo hoo get some fucking humility I think they sell it at walgreens
- sarah fucking walking across the ed like she’s going to war. dramatic
- med really said pedophiles deserve rights with this ep huh
- anyway
- the way ava smiles
- the way she smiles when she turns him down. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT? SHE TURNED HIM DOWN. in the aspect of the story i cannot remember why she turned him down, but hey, i’m happy
- and it only further proves my story that the hook up came from a place of anxiety, and this is her realizing how silly that decision was. and her smiling was her laughing at herself for making such a stupid decision
- like she literally says ‘last night was a mistake.’
- honestly, it’s fucking hilarious. connor deserves nothing
- and the confusion on his face when she walks away. hilarious
- if you wanted to take this the reesker route you could argue that the idea of ‘a decision of love’ was ava coming to terms with her slight little crush, though i don’t know how clean it would be if you argue that she panicked and told herself those were feelings meant for connor. idk, i’ll have to think about it further
- watching sarah let herself be betrayed by both herself and the people around in the story surrounding her dad will never not be hard to watch
This was a very good episode, character wise, for all the reasons stated above. It just hammers home the point of how strong a character Ava was. Key word, of course, being ‘was’. My conclusion over the last two episodes is that this specific sexual encounter with Connor was born out of a moment of anxiety from Ava. I suggest that over that last few weeks or days she has been experiencing some amount of anxiety out of having been living in Chicago for six months and only having one interpersonal relationship. So, that idea kind of built where she told herself the reason she only had one relationship was because she was in love with him. Then. after going through the story with this kid and comforting his parents, she realizes that she never actually loved Connor and maybe has a thing for someone else. I’m glad that I keep coming up with more ideas for this character, I was afraid the initial theory was somewhat of a one-off, but this only proves the idea of the complexity to Ava’s character.
I’m sure it’ll get worse from here, though.
as always, thanks for sticking through
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Extra
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