#she’s got halloweeny aesthetics
fulgurbugs · 1 year
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happy birthday to me (bought a 4th draculaura doll for myself today)
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sanchoyoscribbles · 1 year
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ygo sr! ocs In Outfits™️ from various time periods since it is A Time Travel Plot, more info abt koeru (and the effect of the void on her) 4kids dub names for Funsies, and...oc ship names in line with how ygo ships are normally named. YES it was necessary to do All the possibilities (well, okay, I didnt account for ALL of the possible polyships, but I did account for the ones that would in theory be the most Popular)
...I wrote out a LONG explanation of all the ship names under the cut that kinda appeals only to me...haha... :')c if any of these ship names are already taken...I couldnt find anything on them in the tumblr tags, so I'm. going to continue to call them this until evidence to the contrary.
mirrorshardshipping (yunori/koeru) the first time yunori sees koeru, its in a broken mirror shard all ~dramatically~ and has to turn to face her. the name doubles as a bit of symbolism: koeru also got a peice of sidereal jewelry but it had awful effects on her, and they worked for the same company, making her and yunori parallels to each other. koeru tries several times to get yunori to join her and yunori pities her but thinks shes going about her goals the wrong way. eventually they're friends, so its got diff dynamics depending on what point in the story you ship them…
mirrorshardshipping (yunori/koeru) the first time yunori sees koeru, its in a broken mirror shard all ~dramatically~ and has to turn to face her. the name doubles as a bit of symbolism: koeru also got a peice of sidereal jewelry but it had awful effects on her, and they worked for the same company, making her and yunori parallels to each other. koeru tries several times to get yunori to join her and yunori pities her but thinks shes going about her goals the wrong way. eventually they're friends, so its got diff dynamics depending on what point in the story you ship them…
mirrorshardshipping (yunori/koeru) the first time yunori sees koeru, its in a broken mirror shard all ~dramatically~ and has to turn to face her. the name doubles as a bit of symbolism: koeru also got a peice of sidereal jewelry but it had awful effects on her, and they worked for the same company, making her and yunori parallels to each other. koeru tries several times to get yunori to join her and yunori pities her but thinks shes going about her goals the wrong way. eventually they're friends, so its got diff dynamics depending on what point in the story you ship them…
aficionadoshipping (future!yawaraka/yunori) yunori and yawaraka are both aficionados about their interests, but future!yawaraka kicks it up to 100, and is also very Enthusiastically trying to sway yunori, calling her more than a labrat like he saw koeru as, but his old friend. yunori is reasonably freaked out. great ship if u like good/evil characters shipped together, hes the bowser to her peach etc.
dressupshipping (majo/yawaraka) yawaraka is kinda lowkey afraid of majo at first, falling for her spookygirl aes, but eventually he comes to respect her skill and dedication to costuming. the name comes from the fact he kinda gets way more into letting majo play dress up with him than yunori does, happily wearing anything she makes. girlboss/softboy type ship 100%
theatricshipping (majo/future!yawaraka) future!yawaraka taunts majo by saying he learned his villainous theatrics from how she always puts on a performance and never takes her mask off, so to speak, saying this knowing its smth shes sensitive about, making her really mad. shes only scary in aesthetic in a halloweeny-way, while hes genuinely trying to scare and or hurt ppl. the potential angst here. sick guitar riff
eerieshipping (majo/koeru) ship name based 100% off their aesthetics, lmao. majo puts herself between koeru and yunori to duel in yunori's stead at first to protect her from koeru, showing no fear, and claiming shes the scary queen. koeru is secretly glad later on majo was never afraid of her, and they eventually are friends :)
selfhelpshipping (future!yawaraka/yawaraka) …its a selfcestship. future!yawaraka does a LOT to help his past self, like going back and founding ChronoCorp and ensuring he gets a job/gets special treatment/gets away with anything unbeknownst to yawaraka. ofc this is all self-serving, but like. its ygo. gotta have those selfcest ships yk. yawaraka is Scared to Become future!yawaraka and future!yawaraka is mad his old self is ungrateful and doesnt appreciate the self love LMAO
-flytrapshipping (koeru/yawaraka) koeru sees yawaraka as an easier target than his future self to kill/get revenge on for him throwing her into the void, likening him to a venus flytrap that draws ppl in with a sweet face. hes terrified of her and desperately wants to make things right with her bc he hates when ppl are mad at him. very funny or angsty dynamic depending
-collateralshipping (koeru/future!yawaraka) future!yawaraka calls koeru collateral damage and they have a hate/hate relationship. Spicy
fullsetshipping (yunori/koeru/future!yawaraka) all of the ppl who own the full set of sidereal jewelry! its just yunori holding them apart aggressively while they try and kill each other, the other two would be fighting over yunori…
-trinityshipping (yunori/yawaraka/majo) wholesome time traveling trio, majo dresses the other two up, is their girlboss, yunori is the one who cheers the other two up out of their Funks, yawaraka is their lil special bi guy. very cute. would probably be like, one of the Popular Ships
-seapoppyshipping (yunori/koeru/majo) the scene where these three meet is by the seaside with poppies. the GIRLS polyship, a lot of this ship is the other two trying to comfort koeru and ease her back into the real world
-versperashipping (yunori/yawaraka/majo/koeru) verspera from the latin for evening, bc these four don't really start getting along/working together until the near-end of the series (evening…) also kind of a reference to the Famous Vespa Scene. We All Know the One.
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myrfing · 2 years
6.2 MSQ spoiler thread [estinien voice] kumbhira ribeye baby [varshahn voice] did he drop it in dirt
howling screaming best himalayan salt lamp ever
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this party comp is nice...yshtola is my forever gamer and estiniens a funny guy. and big varshahn is um. big varshahn. also first time i think they've ever left the autofill as healer for the pc lol
ohhh i looove the twisted surrounds. and god making varshahn pull more in his newly minted freshman meatsuit sorry for the evil
watching his ass use shield lob 5 times in a row for an enemy right next to him. Yea you need to be a dragon
*taking pics of everything* I have to show cylva does she know this lady.
yshtola asking if voidsent appreciate flowers too...man they kind of screwed themselves over by making the void already in CT when their aesthetic sense was erm worse but they really are making the best of it. it looks cool even if halloweeny
common tongue between norvrandt and the 13th...is that the weenis woonis or was there a different babel event. ohh thinking about the golden dhyata now
oh man she's cool.
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also people were mad about this line weren't they? i dont get it that's pretty par for the course for the bodyjacker guy
her voice is so nice lol
"are you his friend" "im gourd I dont know anything about that" most ic response laughed like hell. also people said these choices were mean they arent even half as mean as I want them to be sorry to the lovers
oh so she's like vaulthry
her little hat tilt...moe
why doesnt...like...why dont we just kill the guy or. gourd absorbs the aether. i know suspended disbelief needed here just man
yshtola being the one to give zero her name...the way they. Well.
also she's still cool but she's also very lame. win
...sorry fray
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statue of a guy who died doing passage of arms
im lookin for thos deepeyes...
man these little guys can have a little aether. it's fine gourd has a lot and he never fucking uses it except all at once I guess
zero's little sad house of nobodies. love it. yes the house and heart yshtola
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girl you got snot fountain in your mind palace
ok I know barbariccia is naked lady boss #43461 but hi. you're green as hell like pea soup
wtf she killed those little dudes. they were just hanging out
host says they cant seat us until everyones here wol sighs and takes out their azem crystal
snot hair lady a little fun
NO deepeyes in the void :(
aw ciriatto is relieved and says farfarello quieted down after we slonked her shit
yesss lets feed zero zero feast zero eat
miss hydaelyn bringing me the cool kids wide and far
varshahn (politely) She is a pain in the ass. But that's ok
LFMAOAOAOAOOA YOU CAN BE LIKE I'm going to my island.
aww..zero feeling warmth and light for the first time in ever
nidhana is so reliable she is just everywhere I guess
also varshahn. Grow up
[jp writers] human connection and belonging is The Apple (Fruit)
...i bet shes going to die when taken outside of her pond and thats why shes okay with it after all that. Zero U Are So
varshahn's customer service voice with her AHAHAHA
fuck thee aethernet we are walking so you get to see PLANTS and SKIES and COLOR and ARCHITECTURE and PEOPLE
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im so glad that the first place she sees as herself in the first is thavnair cus it's such a gorgeous and lively place
lmaoaoooaoaao you just got unlucky zero you got a pretty weird guy
WOO YEAH YSHTOLA the 13th as the life will fill the universe again weaping crying whatever
omg let the eyeball goop enjoy thavnair too
Golbez Grip
there's the Promises We Dont Know About again
i like the void's goofy asses. next is the x.3 patch so someone is going to have to eat it raw
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Ooh! Requests are open, you say? Well, if it wouldn't be too much of a bother, could I please get headcanons of Ace, Rook, Vil, and Idia with an s/o (preferably female, but it doesn't matter that much) who has a super cutesy and girly aesthetic all year, but becomes a Halloween fanatic as soon as October comes around? Horror movies, Halloween-inspired outfits, telling the boys urban legends, and overall being so far divorced from her normal self that she could give them whiplash? Thank you!
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Initially, Ace isn’t sure if it’s you or him that has lost their marbles. It takes him a while to get used to your Halloween aesthetic, but when he finally comes around, he likens it to seeing a new “side” to a card after flipping it. Ace actually finds that he prefers this to the usual cutesy stuff. It’s just easier for him to relate to spooks and gore than it is to pink and frills.
He pretends like he doesn’t recognize you when you pull up in your new dark, vampy look looong after he has put two and two together. Ace will tap his foot impatiently, glance at his wrist (at some invisible watch), and make a big show of how “(Y/N) is running late for a very important date!” before eventually asking “the scary stranger” out.
Ace sneaks around candy in his pockets and bags, just in case he ever gets bored during lecture or while he’s party prepping for Heartslabyul. He’ll pass some along to you if you’re craving something sweet for the season (though he’s hesitant to part ways with the cherry-flavored ones; those are his favorites)!
He’s all up for scary stories and movies! Ace will insist on sharing and watching in the dark to really crank up the scary atmosphere. And besides, if you end up spooked, you can always cling to him for emotional support, right?
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Rook appreciates all of the facets that make you up. He especially finds that predictability of yours to be of interest. It always seems to be Halloween, and Halloween alone, that brings about this shift in your behavior, and it’s fascinating for him to observe and engage with.
He’s both a bystander and an enabler, depending on the situation. Sometimes Rook will just happily watch as you go through your wardrobe of outfits or dig through a stash of candy for just the right one, and other times he’ll seize your hand and suggest tackling a Halloweeny adventure or activity. He’s got lots of artsy ideas in mind, from making homemade yard decorations to painting pumpkins!
Rook delights in thrills and chills! He’ll eagerly listen to any story and watch any movie you have to offer, and he’s prepared to tell some of of his own, too. The contrast between his dazzling smile and the grim nature of his tales makes him an excellent storyteller--you can feel a shiver run along your spine as he launches into the next one.
He loves the experimental looks you throw together to celebrate the season, no matter how outlandish they are! Rook volunteers to contribute to the outfits, whether through doing your makeup or gifting small, macabre accessories (namely, jewelry made from real bone). He gets pretty creative with his makeup looks as well, whether it’s drawing in stitches using eyeliner and shadows or inking in stars beneath your eyes.
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Vil isn’t the least bit surprised, as he’s the type that’s quick to adapt. Ever the fashionista and an entertainer, he knows that one can change their appearances--and even their behavior--as often as the leaves change colors depending on the season.
He sheds his own skin expertly, changing his style to adapt to the season. Vil doesn’t go full-on campy Halloween fashion (you’d never catch him dead in a neon orange sweater). He’s elegant with hat he chooses to wear, but makes an effort to coordinate with your outfits. You might show up looking like a witch, while Vil’s got cat-shaped studs to match, or a smoky eye look inspired by a witch’s brew.
He’s always in the mood for a good, frightening tale--perhaps it will give him ideas for the next Movie Appreciation Club production. Recline in the Pomefiore lounge with a cup of crisp, freshly pressed apple juice and spill all the scary stories your little heart desires to Vil. He’s sure to lend an ear.
As much fun as he likes to see you having with this time of year, Vil occasionally has to step in and keep you in check, reminding you that a certain prank might not be worth it or to put down the piece of candy you were going to eat. When the tricks and/or treats get to be too much, you could seriously hurt yourself or get a cavity... and that’s the last thing he wants!
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Is this... Is this the legendary gap moe they speak of in anime legends? Idia hadn’t expected this turn of events at all, but this plot twist excites him. He has a hard time containing himself and just kind of... giggles to himself in a mad sort of way (he does a bad job of hiding it behind his hands, too).
Honestly? The way you dress during Halloween time draws less attention to you and Idia. Oftentimes, your peers will remark that it’s odd that you’re together (your usual aesthetics clash so much with Idia’s gloom and doom demeanor!), but now your vibes match a lot more. He’s thankful that your new look unintentionally gives you two the privacy that he enjoys.
Since you’ve both got a morbid interest in scary stuff, it’s time for a gaming and movie-watching marathon! You’ll speedrun through all the classic monster movies and gushing at the corny effects, then take turns playing horror games, swapping in and out each time one of you die in-game.
Idia always has a stash of candy on hand in his room for late nights gaming--but since you’re getting into the Halloween spirit early, he’ll fork over some whenever you’re over. He actually just dumps everything into one big bowl and tells you to take as much as you want, not unlike how many houses give candy to trick-or-treaters!
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slutforben · 3 years
creepypasta scent headcanons
warning: they're stinky.
im kidding i love them too much to make them stinky little assholes these characters literally raised me throughout elementary and middle school
jeff: okay ive said this before but jeff doesn't smell that bad. maybe a little bit of body odor and cigarettes but other than that he keeps up with smelling good. he's got a strong rose shampoo and bath and body works is his shit. he smothers himself in lotion after his two hour long shower. he's a man with a mission; he just wants to smell good.
ben: honestly ben probably doesn't smell that bad either. you know that smell when to just wake up and you can like smell your body and hair but not any body odor? that's what he smells like; just human body and hair. that, as well as a mix of different body odors, probably more masculine ones but there's some feminine ones in the mix. also it smells like rain. the good rain too not the gross warm rain smell; he smells like cool, fresh rain.
toby: toby smells good! he puts a lot of effort into smelling good cause he hates smelling like sweat and grossness from his work. he has a routine he does everyday and night that consists of lotions, body scrubs, perfumes, room sprays, hair sprays; literally anything that'll just make him smell good. he just smells expensive. and like fall scents; you know like apple, pumpkin spice, fresh baked bread, stuff like that. toby smells the best out of anyone.
slenderman: imagine the dark academia aesthetic and then mix in a little bit of blood and highly toxic chemicals; that's slender's smell. black coffee, an old library, clean cats that just came inside, clean forests; stuff like that. also there's a hint of death on him but that's only if you get too close to him. no one really knows why; maybe is because he's basically a death omen deity thing that lives in the forest and eats people. wonderful.
masky: masky smells like laundry detergent, cigarettes, and kinda like expense cushions. like high quality cushions in like really really expensive restaurants. he just smells clean mostly but there's a hint of body odor and then an overwhelming wave of cigarettes and massive amounts of regret.
hoodie: hoodie? okay in my head he smells like nothing; like he's just a plain dude with a totally plain job and life. yeah totally. if i had to assign him a smell it would be fresh water. hoodies kinda boring smell wise but atleast he doesn't stink. maybe he smells a little bit like wood too. yeah probably
x-virus: cody smells like cleaning chemicals, cinnamon, and this expensive perfume that smells like a rainy night. the smell im imagining reminds of the movie " a nightmare before christmas " if that's makes any sense. kinda... halloweenie... BOO!
jane: jane spends way too much money on lotions and perfumes and smell-good things; her collection rivals toby's. this woman will literally dedicate an entire paycheck to just candles and perfumes like it's nothing. honestly i see her smelling very floral; maybe rose? not lavender but if i sat next to her, id think rose and sunny day. so just fresh? yeah she smells fresh and floral
clockwork: in my mind, natalie smells like ash, laundry detergent, earthy scents, and masculine deodorant; she basically just smells like a lumberjack lmao
nina: i can see nina enjoying really strong fruity and floral scents; like really really strong you'll get a headache if you're around her too long. i imagine her smelling like really strong mango, dry shampoo, peppermint, and any really strong tropical smell.
sally: sally probably smells fine; i can see her just smelling like any other young girl; cheap body sprays, play-doh, and apple juice; but i also like to imagine her smelling like caramel and a library as well.
eyeless jack: jack smells very nice and clean; he smells like a mix of cleaning chemicals, cat fur, rainy woods, and coffee. also he sometimes smells like saliva cause he licks himself but that's okay. also his mouth smells like a rotten decaying corpse; don't get too close unless you want your nose to stop working.
laughing jack: in my opinion jack just smells like peppermint tea, caramel, and cyanide. also his hair is either really greasy and gross or it's clean for once - once in a blue moon this man's gross.
lost silver: i feel like if i sat down next to silver and smelled him, my nose would get physically cold and start bleeding from the temperature change. idk he just smells cold if that makes sense.
rex: she smells like a car engine, whiskey, and ash. fuckers been playing around in the woods unsupervised too much; okay but seriously she smells like a middle aged alcoholic but just not as bad. only slightly. like 40% and then 30% is like forest and good food. the other 30% is similar to lost silver; just cold.
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what-if-nct · 3 years
What non k-pop artists do you listen to ? Could you recommend some of theirs songs?
My music taste  is somehow all over the place but at the same time not as diverse as it could be.  Also I’m sorry this list is obnoxiously long. I actually don’t really listen to kpop that much anymore,  Only NCT, EXO, Straykids and Occasionally Blackpink. I had a whole breakdown in 2014 and denounced kpop and only kept EXO til 2016 when NCT debuted. 
Hair Tie by Niki and Gabi Demartino. 
Just Like Magic     &     Nasty  - Ariana Grande
 Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince    - Taylor Swift
This Is What Makes Us Girls    &    Florida Kilos - Lana Del Rey 
Candy  &    Cyber Sex - Doja Cat 
No Brainer   &  Halloweenie  - Ashnikko 
High Horse    &  Merry Go Round    &   Biscuits - Kacey Musgraves
Yummy     &   Princess - Ayesha Erotica 
Daddy AF  &    Mine - Slayyyter 
S.L.U.T     &    3 Musketeer &    Catching Feels - Ppcocaine 
Got My Number &   I Don't Want It At All &   Clarity  - Kim Petras 
(You Drive Me) Crazy - Britney Spears 
Somethin' Bad - Miranda Lambert ft Carrie Underwood 
Gunpowder & Lead   &  Fastest Girl In Town - Miranda Lambert
Undo It  &  Heartbeat - Carrie Underwood 
Unbelievable , Come To Brazil , Choose  &   Can’t You See  - Why Don’t We 
drunk face - Machine Gun Kelly  
Machine Gun &  Parents &  Psychotic Kids - Yungblud (My Birthday Twin) 
Besitos ,    Dive In  ,  Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears - Pierce The Viel 
The Bomb Dot Com V2 , With Ears The See and Eyes To Hear , Don’t Fall Asleep at the Helm,  In Case of Emergency, Dial 411 - Sleeping With Sirens 
Fallen Angels, Faithless , Heart Of Fire - Black Veil Brides 
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS NEXT  ,   Gloom Boys  ,   No Capes - Waterparks 
Sex Metal Barbie, Blood, Whore - In This Moment 
Voices , America, Hatefuck , Another Life - Motionless In White 
Heaven Knows &  Oh My God -  The Pretty Reckless 
I have to do a whole dedicated section to her cause like I love her so much her music, her style, her aesthetic is just a such a vibe.  I don’t know how but it feels like riding through the city at night in 1998, that’s the best I can describe it. She is a white girl who occasionally sings in Japanese buuut like it’s not like what you’d expect. My favorite songs from her are: 
AsaKara no Bread ,   Donki  ,   BaByDoll GF ,   T O K Y O ,  LUST , Dopamine,  TOKYO DRIFT FREESTYLE
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tuesdayrising · 4 years
Lair Review for nevvermore #132590
Buckle up, folks, because this review is a doozy! Over 30 dragons, and ALL OF MY LOVE. As is par for the course when we’re talking reviews. ♥
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I absolutely had to start with Morrigan, partly because I wrote her lore for you, and partly because I’m such a sucker for that gold/brown aesthetic. Back in 2017, I was this close to moving to Earth instead of Light, if that tells you anything about my aesthetic preferences. But I also really love that little pop of Shadow around her head! It ties in well to her heritage, and sticks out very neatly!
Plus, she’s ambitious as hell and I adore her for that. ♥
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Blue-green and brown is another outstanding combo, and Silail wears it so very, very well! I don’t know anything else about her beyond the implications in Morrigan’s lore (yes, I did notice they’re sisters!), but I’m in love with her anyhow. She just has this very fluid grace to her, and I also think you picked a perfect skin. Plus, Imperials can be super hard to dress, but you’ve pulled it off so well here! Great work on this gal!
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Akatsuki is a perfect example of a subtle accent taking a dragon to the next level. Without that Trick of the Light skin, I think his mane would look way too flat, making him a lot more dull over all. This skin, though, adds some brightness and depth in a way that works really well! Plus, I love that he looks like a Fire dragon or Fire-adjacent at first glance, but he’s actually got Ice eyes!
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First of all, I love this skin so much. I’ve got it slapped on one of my own Water dragons, and I just adore the way it works. More importantly, though, I’m impressed with how you dealt with Neptune’s tert! Normally, I wouldn’t love Thicket paired with Blue and Teal, but the lantern apparel actually does a huge amount of legwork here. It makes it seem like the green of her tert is actually a result of the lantern’s light, a little bit of ambiance on your deep sea friend. Great work dressing her!
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What can I say about Felix except that he looks SO HUGGABLE? Seriously, I just wanna give him a big hug. That skin is absolutely adorable, and it’s making me like a male snapper, which I find hard to do a lot of the time. The big boy beans are typically not my favorite. But this boy? Best boy.
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I feel like a big chunk of this review is going to be me commenting on your A+ skin and accent usage. Sparkplug is deceptively simple without much apparel, but I really, really like the accent, and the implications it has for a dragon that (I presume) is part of your flight reps. Did she build it herself? What happened that she needed prosthetics? Or is it armor? I’d love to know more!
Also, Lightning unusual eyes are SUCH a pretty shade of blue.
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Again, you’ve got another blue dragon here with a green range tert, but I think I’m fixing on the accent. It’s so cute, all those little shells stuck to Terpsichore, and it makes me wonder if they’re decoration, or if she’s just that lovable to shellfish and can’t bring herself to peel them off. 
Unlike Neptune, who you’ve dressed super well and pulled off an odd tert for, I don’t think I care much for Pistachio paired with Periwinkle and Twilight. That said, I love that you managed to make a purple range secondary look blue for cohesiveness!
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Turns out Artim is NOT wearing Windbound Plumage, like I thought when I first saw him in your lair. That skin is a solid mimic, though, and I really like it. Plus, it adds a lot of depth and color where Artim would otherwise be a little bit flat and boring, so once again, props for your skin usage! I especially like the way it makes it seem like Artim is growing out of the foliage, rather than the foliage growing off of Artim, if that makes sense. He seems very woodsy and very comfortable.
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Sometimes I forget how stinking cute M Faes can be, but Xenon just reminded me PERFECTLY. He’s so swirly and soft and adorable, and I wanna put him in my pocket and take him everywhere! White and Sky make for a classic combo, and that accent makes it look like he’s wayyyyyy up there in the atmosphere, just cruising along. 
Also, the little hints of pink in his wings thanks to Facet add just a touch of extra color and depth. He’s perfect!
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Chaorite is wearing a Ravenhearst skin. That alone means she’s looking absolutely beautiful as hell. That is all. ♥
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I’ll admit I didn’t care for this accent during last year’s Trickmurk, but you’ve made it look great on Ashrah! I can’t decide whether those little fellas are her minions or if they’re pestering her, but I like the way they look on her nonetheless. It’s a shame that purple in the accent isn’t a touch more pink to complement the rosy tones in her primary and tert, but that’s not exactly something you can control.
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Triple Terracotta, especially with PyMorph, is truly *chef’s kiss* and I LOVE HER. Can’t say much else about her, since she doesn’t appear to have lore or apparel or anything, but I love her nonetheless. She’s just prettier than hell.
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Brigit is wearing one of my all time favorite festival skins, AND she’s rocking another classic color combo. She’s also worth a mention for her unusual familiar. I’ve noticed you’re normally pretty good at familiar matching, but the Deepwater Traveler you’ve put on her doesn’t match at all. Is there a lore reason for that, or are you just awakening your familiar ASAP?
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Ooooh, a primal fella! He’s...so bright you can’t avoid looking at him. Honestly, he actually reminds me a little of a paper kite with that skin, like a kite that gained sentience and flew off on its own (but also just wandered because what’s a kite to do when the wind says “NOPE NOT THAT WAY, THIS WAY”?)
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Pretzel is an ABSURDLY cute name for a dragon whose species is known for literally tying themselves in knots out of boredom. And yet again, your skin usage is a blast! Love the blue tones this adds to Pretzel, but it also works awesome with her existing orange colors. She’s very Halloweeny.
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See, this is the power of a good skin or accent. I rarely like triples because they can be kind of boring, even with cool genes. But you’ve taken Phobus to the next level with a complementary accent, and I ADORE IT. The tiny horns it gives him are so cute, and I’m a sucker for florals when it comes down to it. Plus, those little butterflies on the wings are extra cute! He’s just soft and sweet all around.
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A Ravenhearst skin strikes again! I’m not sure how I feel about black and brown together (Sand seems like a shade too brown, where something lighter and a hair closer to the yellows might be nicer with this skin), but at the end of the day, she’s still a lovely, pretty gal. Plus, all the eyes on the skin are like multigaze but more eldritch horror than site-approved cuteness. There could be a lore goldmine there.
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Ahi is SO GOOD. An XYY Bane with complementary colors is no small feat, and I really like how fiery he looks despite being an Ice dragon. Have you considered Skink for him, though? That also has orange accents!
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I’ll confess that I’m writing this lair review BEFORE writing your lore, but I couldn’t help but pick Varrick. He looks every inch a bard, and I really like that you’ve given him a Shabby Cane! Since it blends in with his wing, at first glance, it almost looks like it could be a bow. That works doubly well with his familiar being a Ghosthost Viola!
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Lethe is giving me UNREAL steampunk ghost vibes. Between the apparel and her tert, she strikes me as a Victorian waif with steampunk enhancements come back to haunt whoever tried to make her more automaton than flesh and blood. And do you have lore plans for her? Is Lethe an intentional name? Can she make dragons forget things? I’d love to know more about her!
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Cinder absolutely screams “oh no, sir, it’s such a tragedy my third husband died just like the other two and left me his entire fortune, so terrible, so awful” and it’s making me laugh a little! Not that she’s inherently funny-looking so much as the idea of a murderous widow dragon entertains me A LOT. What are your crimes, Lady Cinder? WHY DID YOU KILL YOUR HUSBANDS...
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You have SO MANY PERMABABIES and of all of them, I think I like Banshee the most. But that’s probably because red is my favorite color, and I think baby pearls are honestly such cuties, even if they do have to spend all that time adding to their pearls in...such a gross way. Ew.
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Green/brown/yellow range dragons are one of the most powerful forces on this site, and Swamp alone is a color with outstanding power. I said what I said, and I’ll stand by it. It makes Medeni a stellar dragon without any lore or apparel.
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I remember when Stained first came out, and I brushed it off as a terrible gene to charge gems for. It was a ripoff, slapping a color overlay on a dragon!
How wrong I was.
Coriolis is a perfect example of how Stained can be used to soften a dragon and given them a lovely, lighter air, and it pairs so well with that accent! She makes me think of that stretch between summer and fall where the colors on the trees are beginning to change, but it’s still warm enough to wear shorts as long as the sun’s out. ♥
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Another triple rescued from a dull life by a good skin! Obviously, the point of this skin is to evoke a prisoner in the Fortress of Ends, but what could Raiju have been imprisoned for? What warrants all the chains and ice? Is it a fair punishment?
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It feels a tiny bit like cheating to pick another dragon I’ve already written for, but I really do adore branch! All the red accents add some cheer to her, and they make her stand out a little more. I think she’d be maybe a little too green otherwise, but you’ve dressed her perfectly! It also makes her seem approachable and warm, which is great for a healer.
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I’m genuinely impressed that you have this little Goat Spiral army, and CiumaObake is my favorite of them all in terms of color. Do you just love baby Spirals with Goat eyes, or is there a lore reason behind this tiny baby army? 
More importantly, is this lair tab just the FR version of corralling a pet or a toddler while yelling “WHAT IS IN YOUR MOUTH”?
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I wasn’t part of FR when this skin came out and I am JEALOUS because it looks so nice on Mist! It’s extra frosty and pretty, with that tiny nosy hint on the rose and wings that makes me think she’s looking at a sunrise. She seems very warm and approachable despite the classic Ice aesthetic, and I think she’s outstanding without a drop of apparel.
Plus, you’ve done wonders with yet another triple!
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Vedette is getting a mention for that skin alone. It’s so odd-looking in the best way, and I would love to see if you have lore reasons for his appearance! Is he a mutated Gaoler, or is he another creature entirely?
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Between that skin and her Speedy familiar, Lusa is really rocking that threateningly pale witch aesthetic. I’m not sure I’d like to meet her in a dark alley. Or even a well-lit alley, to be honest. She’s vaguely menacing in a great way!
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I see you, Bill Cipher. I see you.
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And last but not least, Mr. Unnamed, living in your projects tab. He’s got some GREAT colors, and I can’t help but see the potential in him! Using Veined with that Sunset tert could really give him a magmatic sort of appearance. I’d love to see what your ultimate plans for him are!
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The last chapter in SF
Jan 25th, 2020.
An Introduction.
In 2017, Jess was introduced to our quiet, oversized, and mainstream lives... Little did we know, that everything was about to change. The winds swirled overhead as she landed and within a couple weeks our loud, mini, hippie-witch-grandma-babe became ingrained in our lives! 
Coming in hot with a list of must-see, -try, -listen, -taste, -climb items for SF, Jess managed to keep us busy trying new things and living our best fun-sized life.
In honor of one chapter coming to a close (and another very exciting one just beginning!!), we want to take a look back at some of the beautiful moments you’ve helped us create! Thank you for being a part of our lives in San Francisco, and we are so excited and proud of you for making big moves across the seas in New Zealand! Don’t forget us and please come back to re-visit your San Francisco community soon 😻
Credit: (always) Inspired by the TinyTourist
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Let’s take a walk down memory lane back to 2017...
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Enter 2017… when some of us all met Jess Tilles for first time. Something we may be too old to do but in our early 20s we were able to stick through 9 hours of drinking. Santa Con was the day into the night we were all obliterated… but Santas and mistletoe and FUN! We all look very youthful, oh what a few years in SF has done to our age. It was also one of the first and last times we all decided to go out in the Marina, and then proceed to eat Italian Homemade food. The beginning of an era!
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Meanwhile at work... Jess quickly becomes a driving force of work parties with Holmes (and Eva and Jess discover they are both proponents of Bell sleeves). Of course Jess=where the party @ after having met most of the team at a highly questionable night tearing up the Castro prior Olga’s birthday.
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Celebrating big moves to the bay, Jess, Shiri, and Leeza united in the gorgeous SF winter on Hattie St Balcony (a local’s hidden gem). It was then that Leeza and Jess instantly realized they were meant to meet and pursue all the best indie-folk-hippie music together. The rest of the concert saga is history!
March 2018 
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Jess and Leron feeling lucky on St. Patty’s day by wearing all black and going against the mainstream in classic Jess fashion.
April 2018
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Jess and Eva jamtfo to Penguin Prison at at their favorite SF venue, The Independent on Eva’s bday. They groove from the front row where Jess has zero obstacles blocking her line of site. Eva gets to hold the gee-tar.
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Parisa's first day in SF! A messy deep dish experience could only be ended with a super fun barcade.
August 2018
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For many of us, it was our very first overnight backpacking trip that hot summer weekend in July. Leeza had on the heaviest pack and powered ahead of the group (per usual), while the rest of us fumbled behind. We all kept enthusiasm high and it was a glorious moment when we 1) dipped into the freezing cold water at the end of day one and 2) when we finally took our packs, shoes and socks off at the end of the hike, and we all agreed that we would not do that trail again if someone paid us a million fat ones. Such a memorable trip- it was a great shared bonding experience for us to be out exploring in nature, and struggling together but ultimately powering through. Caroline was peeing every 20 minutes of the hike as usual, Leron was making interesting jokes and Shiri and Jess kept our spirits high!
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Jess has her first grown woman trip to LA with Eva. They stay in Sunset Junction (Micheltorena stairs pictured) and have a romantic werk wife stay at the legendary Casa Crawford Airbnb, where their room doesn’t lock and they share a bathroom with the elderly spooky owner. Highlights include swan boating on Echo Park Lake, yoga at Equinox, eating at Mh Zh and Sqirl, unwinding at Wi Spa, crashing a mansion party in the Hollywood hills, and celebrating Lauren’s 30th birthday. Jess also very much enjoys catching up with a friend in Venice Beach.
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In spring 2018, Jess made moves in the city to make friends and become ~sporty~ with Shiri in the Play Recess league. Striking the perfect balance between minimal coordination and slap-cup, we learned to destroy the competition in what really counts! Culminating in an ultimate scavenger hunt debacle, Spinelli led the group to victory! (Not actually sure if we completed the scavenger, but the memories we do have were definitely winners :) ).
October 2018
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Halloweenies with our favorite Grandmama. Photographed left to right: Grandmama (Jess), Wednesday (Caroline), thing (Cole), Gomez (Leron), Morticia (Shiri), Lurch (Jack) and Pugsley (Jacob)
In the spooky month of October 2019, the Fulton Fam got together to throw our first rager - an extravagant Addams family party. Thanks to the creative inspiration of the group, we were able to pull off some spooky vibes, including spider webs, grey hair, ridiculous mustaches, and more. 
Late 2018 marked the beginning of the Fulton house era- too many nights sitting around watching Fort Night, debating Zinc in double-blind tests, and hundreds more conversations that none of us can remember… We will never forget the eclectic energy Jess brought into the Fulton house. The large batches of pasta & pesto she cooked and the lotions & soaps she brewed up. Brew hahah. As the first alumnus of the Fulton house, Jess has since ventured out to #adult in her 2 bedroom apartment in Nob Hill.
Before Jess left us, we had one last BirthRight hoorah with Jacob’s new friends. There was a peculiar guy making brisket in our oven, and handing samples around like a Costco on a Saturday afternoon. Shiri infamously used her photoshop skills to crop the beloved Leron Gil into the house party he missed. Good times!
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December 2018
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How could we forget the numerous ski trips in 2019 with Jess? There were so many weekends bopping around down the slopes in Heavenly, Kirkwood and North Star. On this specific photographed trip, Jess and Caroline celebrated their birthdays with a weekend getaway to Northstar. Too much Secret Hitler was played. Things got wild. Other board games were forced upon us (lol). But looking back it was a great time hanging with friends, drinking champagne on the mountain and blasting some groovy tunes down the mountain.
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Over the holidays, Chinese food is a tradition… a very delicious meal at Koi Palace! While living in Fulton, there was a 2 month hiatus where just Jess, Caroline and Jacob occupied the house. Some like to call that period of time “the cleanest time of Fulton”, others call bullshit. The three bonded over diverging political opinions, bitching about who never cleaned their dishes and doing korean face masks. 
January 2019
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Ringing in the New 2019 Year in San Francisco with a large group of our friends was quite the experience! Great to celebrate together together at the boom boom room with some live music (but also not great that the window got smashed 😂)
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One of Jess’s many ascents at Mission Cliffs! Go Jess send it! 
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 Only Jess and her gleaming charisma could rally coworkers to see a concert AND have work pay for our HH drinks (thanks for the sus hand-written receipt for expensing, @Madrone Art Bar). We saw her beloved Magic City Hippies at The Independent which was funky and upbeat Miami vibes all around. Also pictured are Mary and Georgine who are/soon working in New Zealand as well.
February 2019
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Always remember the earplugs! Jess knows how to concert.
March 2019
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Soccer moms go to Warby Parker. Epic picture and times of Jess with the Fulton boys.
April 2019
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A new(ish) face joined the Holmes Fire SF team- finally Jess and Irene’s LDR was over! This was our first team building activity as a new group and with Jess in charge of course we ended up climbing!
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Celebrating Eva’s Birthday with a fun rooftop HH at El Teco on a sunny spring day!
Jess, Eva and Irene order frozen pina coladas and take in the views before a Mission bar crawl of sorts, closing nice and early with burritos from El Farolito.
May 2019
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Hanging out at the top of the SalesForce tower. Pro tip, bring a structural engineer for some great commentary.
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Bay to Breakers with team eggs and team hippies (aka Jess’s typical aesthetic)!
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Always discussing the most important topics at work- like water bottle sticker placement! #bigdecisions
July 2019
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One of the best Holmes site visits ever!!
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Jess and Eva drive up North for a wine country getaway they won a while back at a silent auction. En route they plow through La Croix cans, have a rad lunch in Sebastopol and dip their feet in the picturesque Russian River. Early evening, they taste and tour facilities at Moshin Vineyards in Forestville (shout outs to that delightfully dry pinot noir rosé) before stargazing (ft. skunk!) and cozying up in a cabin suite with the movie Sideways. The next day, they have a beautiful morning walk by the vineyards. By way of Jess’ parents, they land in Ronald McDonald’s home for a private tasting. Jess learns she loves fruit-forward wines!
September 2019
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The second infamous backpacking trip! **GIRLS TRIP**!!!! The time we thought it’d be smart to not get camping food and cook kraft mac and cheese with no microwave. What it came out to be was a big bowl of cheese goop, with Ella, Anna, Olaf and unicorn characters drowned in there. A big SHOUTOUT to Marie for pulling through with the fancy face creams and sharing with the group, us talking about waxing *ahem* body parts and again, Leeza leading the charge with Foxy! At night, we laid out on the benches and stared up at the stars - the night was so clear! We couldn’t stop laughing over things I can no longer remember… except about discovering the world was indeed not flat. Once again, Caroline likely peed 20 times total, and was coughing and heaving (sorry for being sick!) 😅
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Jess and Eva get weird in Portland! Where they sip rooftop beers, frolick in the Nike HQ ( a mass timber wonderland), meet Big Foot and Krampus, procure free passes to a saucy community event, dance to 80s music at a goth bar/visit crusty dive bars, have a prime strawberry cough (and beanie) experience @ Electric Lettuce, savor prime Bamboo sushi, and Jess gets a cute ass tragus piercing. Throughout the trip Jess wears a lot of black to Eva’s delight #moody #angsty. On their walks to the Portland office, Jess appreciates the changing fall leaves and residential neighborhoods, feeling reminded of home on the East Coast.
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Just another amazing Jill Hike ;) 
October 2019
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OK - San Francisco was filled with challenges… and Tough Mudder was one of them! Although we found out that at the end of the race - you would be electrocuted - we persisted. We - as a team - got through to the finish line. So proud of everyone for completing the race! Although Caroline was the only one who copped out of electric shock. The number of times we dunked into mud baths and climbed 10 ft walls… 
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Jess’s favorite time of the year and a visit from Tariq! Jess and Eva decorated the whole office to look super ~spooky~ON ANOTHER LEVEL (featuring creepy clown photos, hella cobwebs and caution tape, bloody stickers, and of course fake plastic bugs) and organized a halloween bar crawl around North Beach (@ Maggie McGarrie’s and Tupelo)!
November 2019
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A big fan of live music, Jess is a great Concert buddy. Always down to explore new music and venues! This was such a fun bonding night where we got greyhounds, beers, caught up on life and danced at Polo & Pan. So fun!
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Proxima Parada at Milk Bar birthday concert where Jess got a shout-out from the band! ft. a blurry instagram story and classic typos. Prior, the whole squad turns up at Hobson’s Choice over punch bowls.
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HP marathon or studying for PE? Well! let's master both!
December 2019
One of the best days in December was unexpected. It started out with a simple brunch plan but ended in a full day of activities!!  New spot on polk was where Jess and Maries’ friendship began and continued to blossom!
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After having an amazing meal (great eggs benedict) and hours of catching up we decided to walk back to our houses together (since we are neighbors!!). Jess was excited to see Marie’s new couch (that was 50% off hehe) and decided to come over. Kap, Jess and Marie did a long (super difficult) puzzle (connected a few pieces) and watched netflix. We order Thai food (Kap ordered us cookies) and we relaxed all day. It was a special day where the three of us reminisced about San Francisco and all of our time here. It was a day no one wanted to end!!
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Holmes Holiday Party- Jess’s favorite drink was the beet cocktail 😉
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Cozy three course italian dinner with wine at 3pm! Best part of the afternoon was my hot date, Jess ;)
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Jess and her neighborhood park (shoutout to nob hill, the real MVP) winning Shiri over with its views on views.
January 2019
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On one of Jess’s final few Tahoe ski weekends, she SENT IT down a black diamond on her first weekend back of the season. Harrison found a great photo opp for Jess, Marie and Caroline against the Xtreme advanced only sign. The weekend was filled with playing Mafia, jamming to tunes down the slope, exploring Squaw valley, having some nice Apres Ski, and getting fed some good, slow-cooked food (haha!). 
Dear Jess, 
Thank you for entering into my life and being saggitarius soulmates. I love that we are on the same page about so many things - planning, me-time, boys (kinda), beards, skiing, tardiness, traveling, being avoidant, being wholesome and SO MUCH MORE. I’m so happy we bonded over the last couple years we’ve known each other. I miss all the times I would knock on your door and catch up while you marie kondo-d your entire closet. Thank you for pushing me in new and different ways which you may not have realized (like forcing me to vote) and inspiring me to do good with the environment (hehe). 
You are kind-hearted, loyal, so brave and bold and I’m so proud of you for going out on this adventure to New Zealand!! I will miss you lots in San Francisco and miss the ridiculous random shit we would laugh at during out ski trips or cooking or when we could catch up at home. Thank you for always listening whenever I felt like blabbing on and helping keep me grounded. So excited to visit New Zealand and can’t wait to explore! Plz don’t forget all the great memz we had in SF!!
Love you lots XOXO
Jess!!! We have done it all together and now we can add New Zealand to that list too! I’m so glad that we got to overlap in SF and I had you here to show me to ropes. I can’t wait to follow your kiwi adventures and see all the fun things you do. 
Love you lots!! 
JESSICA. My favorite small person to kiss on the head. I am so glad we could bond over our love of funky music and skiing. I’ll always be here to make sure you don’t look like an egg on the ski slopes and can’t wait to visit you and your Kiwi men soon. You are a sweet, funny, life of the party small person who’s going to find so much success and kiwi men in NZ. Love you so much, and may the yearly backpacking live on!
Dear Jess, You are such a sweet soul that is thoughtful and cares about everyone around you. I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to meet ya (ty shiri!!) and get to know you over the last year and a half. I always have so much fun on our walks, breakfast dates, or ski trips (and so much more). I’m so extremely happy for you to be following your dreams (and a lil sad that we won’t be neighbors anymore). I can’t wait to come visit ya and enjoy more adventures together! Love ya, Marie!! 
Jess - I love seeing how far we’ve come since our truss-ty mechanics class, traveling across the country and seeking out all the best from life! Although your soul belongs in a hippy world, I know you will find your people and place no matter where you land (just keep being YOU). New Zealand is lucky to be getting the tiniest force around. You will certainly be missed, but know that I’m just a WhatsApp message (or a quick flight!) away :). Excited for the tiny tourist travels ahead <3
Love, Shiri
Blonde Meets Brunette. Relatively Tall Meets Considerably Short. East Coast Meets West Coast. Engineering Major Meets Fine Arts Major. Happy Music Meets Sad Music. On paper we might come across as opposites, but internally and emotionally I am so grateful for the rich grey areas and nuances we’ve discovered that we contain. The odds were slim for us to cross paths in this big ol’ universe,and I’m so grateful we found each other to help tame and ground the ups and downs of being-in-your-twenties. You have been a guiding, real, and empowering force since Day 1, and you’ve taught me so much. I can’t wait to see all you accomplish in this new chapter and far beyond! ALL the love to the best work wife there ever was.
Eva Slusser
Glad we have been able to go on a bunch of snowy adventures. Look forward to visiting your weird kiwi fire life sometime and I'm sorry I always assumed you were the mafia.
It was great getting to know you even if it was only for a short amount of time. Will always remember you bombing it down that double black diamond at squaw, the hike in Berkeley, and the constant disapproving looks sent my way.
- H
Jess!! Thank you for being the kindest soul your are. I enjoyed every bits and pieces of our friendship from Stas' lab to smoke control class to getting to bond more here in SF.
Can't wait to follow the tiny tourist adventures through this new kiwi chapter. Auckland is lucky to have you!
Love you and see you soon!
This post serves as written confirmation that I have previously stated thank you and please and no longer require these societal norms to be restated. Once I see you in New Zealand, reside in your dwelling and depart back to San Francisco, I will not provide a thank you note. I expect the same from you. 
See you soon,
Jess - We will miss you, but having a friend leave SF is easier when you know theres great adventures ahead for them. I’m excited for all your NZ adventures, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous. Keep us in the loop and I look forward to seeing you in the future.
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pokesception · 6 years
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Ghost Gum is the last pokemon from the current team to evolve on the second island, and she’s certainly the one who’s changed the most, going from a shy spookster to a towering terror overnight.  And believe me, she was quick to take to her new position as the biggest, toughest member of the party.  She just loves being HUGE and STRONG, and who could blame her?
My only regret is that I didn’t take more pictures of her when she was cute and small.  They just... they just grow up so fast.
Phantump, and now trevenant, really do have some of the very best shinies in the game.  First of all, white with black and red is a super cool and very striking color scheme just in and of itself, and absolutely makes shiny trevenant stand out from their already pretty good looking regular colored peers.  And it does so without breaking the naturalistic theme of this forest guardian spirit by taking the colors from actual trees like red birch or white aspen with pale bark and leaves that change colors to bright orange or red in the fall.  The autumn look that shiny phantump and trevenant have also lends it an extra spooky, halloweeny feel that complements their ghost typing as well, which gives these shinies top marks in both aesthetics and thematics.
If you’re a shiny hunter, and you haven’t yet hunted a shiny phantump or trevenant, I cannot recommend them highly enough, they’re really a highlight of any shiny collection.  As of ORAS, they’re even available in apricorn balls!  Ghost Gum is, of course, in a gorgeous moon ball, and if you’d like a moon ball phantump for your own breeding projects, just let me know.
Now, it’s no mistake that the gens 6 and 7 pokemon in this shiny team have the best palettes, while the other pokemon, all from earlier generations, fall a little short.  My understanding is that deliberate thought wasn’t even really put into shiny palettes before that, that they just sort of had a randomly assigned palette from some other pokemon, so of course there was a pretty huge jump in the quality of shiny pokemon coinciding with that change.  But I can really only judge based on where things are now, not so much how we got here.
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viafr · 6 years
Lair review! draconicmaster#84451
And now we will travel to the Southern Icefields to review the lair of this fellow dragon enthusiast. I see your clan bio says “The Mine” but there’s no more info?? you should totally update that friend, i’d love to read your lore owo
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ok like
i have to talk about miko
this beautiful lady ♥ I bet she spends a lot of time combing those gorgeous locks. her accent brings out her eyes perfectly
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heckin gorgeous
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Auroros! A handsome loner boy! I love him! including that rogue apparel with the headress was a really smart move, it ties all those pink and purple accents together quite nicely :D I’d love to see his familiar and him in some art together, their colors would be a m a z i n g
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*falls out of chair* HELLO
I love that Aquamarine is so cocky but she’s so simply dressed, that accent really does a lot for her! She looks like a gem and that works for her personality, any more apparel would distract from her natural beauty~
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holy moly batman
she’s so halloweeny/autumn aesthetic i absolutely love Fuujin, the green and the oranges and reds are SO GOOD together!! Her accent goes with her primary and her apparel goes with her secondary! I love looking at her, shes magnificent ♥♥♥
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slay me with a good ridgeback boy any day of the week 
as an artist, i appreciate alphonse’s artistic sensibilities. I’m not sure if this is why he’s got the red claws but I’d like to imagine he’s able to heat them with his magical fire powers so he has no use for certain tools cuz he can just use his nails to help him with his work :3
his ghost must make him rather formidable to newcomers, but he seems like a big softie and i love that ♥
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