#she’s giving Alysanne Targaryen a run for her money
rainwingmarvel7 · 7 months
Children of Nadya Dormaire (in ATRF)
Carlyle Snow, Bastard (son of Theon Greyjoy) - deceased
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Ren Stark, Lord of Winterfell and King in the North (son of Robb Stark)
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Lena Stark Arryn, Lady of the Eyrie and Princess in the North (daughter of Robb Stark)
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Eddard Stark, Prince in the North (son of Robb Stark) - deceased
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Gwyndolyn Lannister, Heiress of Casterly Rock (daughter of Jaime Lannister) - deceased
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Jaime Lannister (Waters), Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West (son of Tyrion Lannister)
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Robb Stark, Crown Prince/King of the Six Kingdoms and Prince of Dragonstone (son of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Talisa Stark Tully, Three-Eyed Raven, Lady of Riverrun, and Princess of the Six Kingdoms (daughter of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Margaery Stark Baratheon, Lady of Storm’s End and Princess of the Six Kingdoms (daughter of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Theon Stark, Commander of the City Watch and Prince of the Six Kingdoms (son of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Edwyrd Stark, Master of Coin and Prince of the Six Kingdoms (son of Jon Stark (Snow))
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Lyanna Stark Hightower, Lady of Oldtown and Princess of the Six Kingdoms (daughter of Jon Stark (Snow))
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
I was thinking about the possibility that Daemon was sent to the Vale because of assumptions that he was the one who got Gael pregnant (while it was actually a different Targaryen) which then led me to wonder if he did ever think of a connection. Like, they're around the same age, they're related, she's a girl, they're related and his parents are a prime example of signs of affection being made sexual. He doesn't have a sister (and can't be Viserys' sister) (it would be about Viserys)
(following on Daemon & Gael & actually Viserys) when your parents great love story is a sister following her old brother around since she was young and that meant she was made for him, where do you even go?
I've always headcannoned that Daemon, Aemma, and Gael were thick as thieves, with Viserys and Rhaenys often getting roped into the shenanigans. Just a bunch of lil menaces running around, pretending to be proper when the adults were looking and giving their septas and maesters and the servants a run for their fucking money. And then adulthood comes along far too quickly. Rhaenys marries and assures Aemma and Gael nothing will change, they'll see each other all the time. Then she's disinherited. Aemma marries Viserys. Gael moves back to Dragonstone. Daemon is left alone, with nothing to do, and no one to talk to, feeling abandoned. I think this is when Viserys and Daemon start going to brothels - it's probably at Viserys' behest and it quickly gets out of control because it's the only attention Daemon ever gets from a relative, and wouldn't it have been so much easier if he'd been born a girl and got to marry Viserys instead of Aemma. Gael comes back home and for a small, brief moment Daemon feels like things could be normal again. It's not quite the same, bringing wild stories back to ever pregnant Aemma and embellishing on them to make her laugh, but it's something! A little piece of childhood again.
And then Alysanne is giving him the side eye. He's getting too old, he's spending too much time with Gael. He's taking her on Caraxes and he's letting her see the world outside of her mother's apartments. There's safety there, up in the air, where they can pretend they are still children, and Aemma is just behind them, chasing after them, reminding them they'll get into trouble even as she laughs. But it's ripped away, and Daemon is sent to the Vale, to a wife he doesn't know and doesn't want, and Caraxes hates the weather there, and before he can come home and see Gael again, she's dead. I almost wonder if it was Daemon who squealed about the reason why. Was he mad he was lied to? Was he mad he couldn't mourn and rage in public? Did he not believe it, hate the way they called her simple, and started digging? Did Viserys lie to him for years, before breaking down and revealing the truth after Aemma suffers yet another miscarriage and tearfully tells him she knows he would have chosen a different name, but in her head she called the boy Gaemon after Gael? Was it Rhaenys, angry and grieving her losses, that dug and dug and dug into why her beloved little cousin died so suddenly? Did she reach out to Daemon, sharing the information, watching as this last tie they had to one another shrivels up and dies?
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shieldofrohan · 3 years
Jaehaerys the douchebag was the real surprise of Fire & Blood. From him creating the whole Targaryen exceptionalism bullshit so he could bang his sister. And then of course there is his horrible treatment of his daughters. The callouness with having one hundred men strip naked in front of the one who was mentally disabled was just "dad of year". And this is the best king?
Hello @eonweheraldodemanwe ,
You have no idea how much I hated that Fire and Blood book and Jayjay was one of the biggest reasons. That annoying piece of sh*t lived that long just to p*ss me off.
This book made me rooting for Maegor. He really should have killed idiot Aenys' whole brood to save all of us from misery.
I don't even want to talk about that book. Yes it tells that ALL Targs suck but Martin really put very problematic and disturbing ideas in that book which totally ruined the series for me.
Anyway... That idiot Jayjay and fake feminist Alysanne were so fcking annoying and selfish. They married despite of the political situation Westeros in because of Targs' desire to fck each other and I was like: WHY? Selfish weirdos used their nukes to shut people up and came up with that Exceptionalism bullsh*t to shut people up for longer. Their daughter Daenerys dying of shivers and our beloved Khaleesi now shitting on grass really proved that TaRGs aRe sPeciaL.
What really bothered me with that book was that it felt like a joke. Yes, to certain degree that book was satire but written as a Targ propaganda. So it had two aspects of it.
1- This a Targ POV, therefore a propaganda so don't let it fool you.
2- This is a satire about how in subtext Targs sucked.
But it was also obvious that Martin tried to give an example of his ideal/good king with characters like Jayjay. Even though he makes sure that Jayjay was also an a*shole, he gives the hints of him being a good king.
I think (!) Martin believes that a good ruler doesn't have to be a good man and this is fine... I don't believe this idea, but I can respect it.
My problem was those hints of a good king. Because they didn't feel developed naturally.
[Btw, Martin sees Jayjay as a good king, I didn't come up with that idea: source]
Martin's attempts to paint Jayjay and Alysanne as good king and queen were laughable.
I know that Martin prefers the peaceful kings.. the ones who don't fight etc.
OK. But I find this idea unrealistic. Not all wars are for money and fame. His idea of a king who only cares about improving economy and good harvest is a little utopic.
And I think he cheated a little when he tried to show that Jayjay was a king who chose peace over fighting. Because that little sh*t didn’t have to fight in the first place. Meagor suddenly dies, so does Septon Moon, Joffrey Doggett starts serving him with tears in his eyes (WHY?) and Faith Militan got disbanded because let's incest weirdos who think they are gods defend the Faith. Aaaaand now you have a kingdom without any defiance. Wow Jayjay... you worked too hard dude, go fck your sister for a while.
Martin was like: "Hey this bloodpurist weirdo loves reading and talks about tax policy... obviously best king ever!".
Him wasting pages for his tax policy was such a weak attempt to make his point about Aragorn's tax policy. Because I didn't care about Jayjay's kingship in the first place. Yes a lot of awful leaders in the history managed to come up with good economical or whatever policies but those people actually sucked in the long run so we don't remember them as good leaders, therefore awful people can't be good rulers imo. Sorry not sorry. When I read Jayjay's reign, I didn't consider him as a good king for a second.
And his sister wife was even worse. She was like I HAVE TO BE HIS QUEEN!! Why? Because. Yeah ALIEsanne, only you can be a good queen, you freak. Let's be disrespectful and selfish to Westeros' people.
She was like: "I ended that barbaric first night tradition (I wonder why Martin insisted on some "myth" about Middle Ages...) because look at the poor women who suffered because of barbaric Northern Lords (she works on this after her visit to North was so?????). What would Westeros do without some white imperialist bloodpurists who are more sophisticated than barbaric Westeros lords???"
And she got surprised when Valyrian lords were also into prima nocta but HEY, women in Dragonstone were happy about it because Valyrians were not some simple lords! They were GODS!!! Such a blessing! Because women love being used by "gods".
She was like: "Women can RULE too" But she usupers her sister's right. And Martin tries to paint her as a good queen because she let women speak. She believes she is superior!!! Who cares about her fake woke white feminism?!
ANYWAY. Both Jayjay and ALIEsanne were awful and I didn't read them as good king and queen. I think Martin's philosophy of "bad people can be good rulers" wasn't for me. Because I believe that a ruler who believes he/she is superior than normal people can't be a good ruler. Ofc, good ones makes mistakes too but were talking about: Bloodpurism, racism, nuclear weapons and imperialism here. These are not some normal human faults. These are the recipe for a really awful rulership.
Another yikes about that book was that all anti Targ people were AWFUL or they died while they were fcking a horse!?. Only perverts, mad people, sexist pigs and bigots were anti Targ during the whole book. And people of Westeros were ok with Targs... Yeah who wouldn't love some white people with nukes come to invade your land? This is some white American thing, I guess...
When people of Westeros killed some geckos because some old smelly mad man provoked them to do, they felt bad afterwards!?!??! Literally all book was a joke and you can't force it to make sense by only saying that this was written as a Targ propaganda because Martin CHOSE to write this way. And I can't unsee the problematic aspects... This book screamed: "AN OLD WHITE AMERICAN WROTE ME".
I love Martin, but I wish he didn't write this book at all. If I sound bitter about him lately, this book is the reason. I wasn't expecting sth this awful.
And the book wasn't even pleasing to read. It had no literary value. Just bunch of unnecessary information (like the Septa who wrote a naughty book) about annoying and awful people.
It lacked the aspects that made Asoiaf great like the psychological side of the characters or character developments and arcs and beautiful POVs...
But it shares one of Asoiaf's weak points: NO POV from anti Targ people. He failed to give a POV to people in Essos against Dany in main books and this created the DANY THE WHITE SAVIOUR. He makes the same mistake in this book too and I hated it... I wish he wrote this book from different perspectives in Westeros. But too late.
In conclusion: I HATED THAT BOOK. But at least it showed one thing clearly: ALL TARGS SUCK.
Thanks for the ask.
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wiseabsol · 5 years
A Selection of Abby’s Favorite Fanfics
Artemis Fowl: The Aztec Incident by AgiVega  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2055830/1/Artemis-Fowl-The-Aztec-Incident
Fandom: Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
Summary: 26-year-old Artemis Fowl gets the greatest surprise of his life when Commander Holly Short pays him a visit, pleading for his help. They need to team up to save their son, whose existence Artemis has been unaware of….
Artemis Fowl: The Sword of God by AgiVega  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2593669/1/Artemis-Fowl-The-Sword-of-God
Fandom: Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
Summary: Sequel to the Aztec Incident. Despite having Holly at his side, Artemis is depressed, he cannot overcome the loss of his genius. Only time can heal him… in both senses of the word.
My thoughts on this duology: One of my favorites as a teenager, which I printed a hard-copy of. It has great comedic timing and, all in all, is a fun adventure romp.
A City of Fortune and Failure by justadram  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9287426/1/A-City-of-Fortune-and-Failure
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: Amidst maneuvers and intrigue, heartbreak and betrayal, bankruptcy and political scandal, the players jockey for power, money, and prestige in a game of business, politics, and love in New York City. Modern AU. Multi-ship. Central ships: Ned/Cat, Cersei/Jaime, Dany/Jorah, Jon/Sansa.
My thoughts: A masterful modern AU of the ASOIAF universe, with a happier ending than one would think, given the source material.  
Disengagement by turtle_paced
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1142807/chapters/2312623
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: The killing of Mad King Aerys Targaryen by person or persons unknown worked out well for virtually everyone, including Jaime Lannister. Disgraced for failing his king (if only they knew) and tasked with protecting no-longer-a-Princess Rhaenys Targaryen until she can be wed to Robert’s eldest legitimate son (whenever Robert gets around to producing one), Jaime must go north with the Starks (a prickly, judgmental lot) to look after her. Cold, bored, and guarding a five-year-old, Jaime might yet learn to be a truly honourable knight – but even far from King’s Landing and Cersei, his dangerous secrets might catch up with him. Worse, his aren’t the only dangerous secrets in the North….
My thoughts: One of my go-to AU stories when I need something that is kinder to Rhaenys and when I want a solid political story to sink my teeth into. turtle_paced’s take on the ASOIAF world is spot-on, so if you want something that feels like Martin’s work, this is it.  
The Princess and the Septa by Julia_Martell
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4141185/chapters/9340335
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: Septa Eglantine’s duty was to accompany Myrcella to Dorne. Princess Arianne’s duty was to graciously receive her. But neither woman was quite prepared for the other.
My thoughts: This poignant story will break your heart and fill you with father-daughter feels. It also acts as a lead-in to the Dornish theatre in the books.  
A Wedding in Sunspear by Julia_Martell
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4903933/chapters/11247469
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: The Seven Kingdoms have been at peace for ten years as the great and powerful gather in Sunspear for the marriage of Princess Loreza Nymeros Martell. But old tensions are just below the surface. Love and duty, hate and pride, anger and ambition. There’s nothing like a wedding to make emotions run high.
My thoughts: If you’re looking for a lovingly detailed exploration of Dornish culture and how it grates against Westerosi patriarchal norms, this is a great story to dig into. Alysanne’s chapters in particular leave me gutted every time.  
The Not So Dead Ladies Club by La Reine Noire
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/801072
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Summary: Two women survive Robert's Rebellion and everything changes. An Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark story.
My thoughts: This story satisfies the part of me that desperately wanted Elia Martell and Lyanna Stark to have more agency in ASOIAF, and for them and their children to have a hopeful future. Also, who needs Rhaegar?  
dream of the lotus in bloom by Pulpo Fiction  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8442158/1/dream-of-the-lotus-in-bloom
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra
Summary: Fourteen years ago, a masked man intercepts a letter to the White Lotus, breaks into the home of a young Water Tribe couple, and leaves with their only daughter. Now, she is seventeen. An Equalist!Korra AU.
My thoughts: This story take the potential of season one of LOK and ramps it up, giving more weight to the Equalist movement and making Amon’s and Korra’s relationship much more complicated and painful.  
Of Finding Innocence by FanficwriterGHC
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7176396/1/Of-Finding-Innocence
Fandom: Castle
Summary: When Kate Beckett went to get her book signed by Richard Castle, she never imagined that she'd end up meeting his daughter, much less offering to babysit for the afternoon. AU.
My thoughts: Pure, fluffy goodness. This is what I re-read when I need something tooth-achingly sweet. The romance between Beckett and Castle also builds slowly, after months of friendship, which makes my demi heart happy.
Forward by Peptuck  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4099993/1/Forward
Fandom: Firefly
Summary: Following the Miranda broadwave, there’s only one direction for Malcolm Reynolds and his crew to go. Post-BDM, Series.
My thoughts: An AU continuation of Firefly and Serenity, in which Book and Wash survive and continue going on adventures with the crew. Book’s backstory here is much more interesting than the version in the comics; the sci fi plots--namely surrounding psychic experimentation--are more fleshed out and chilling; and the sexism in the show surrounding Kaylee, Inara, and River has mercifully been ripped out.    
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past by S'TarKan
Link: http://www.viridiandreams.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5545
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: The War is over and Voldemort is finally dead. Too bad there's no one left to celebrate. Harry risks everything, even returning Voldemort to life, for a chance to go back and do it right this time.
My thoughts: This is an emotional time-travel fic that gives secondary characters like Ginny, Luna, and Neville more chances to shine. In general, it’s a fun action/adventure ride, albeit one that is more violent than the original series.
Time, Interrupted by Madm05  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2948865/1/Time-Interrupted
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: After she is murdered, Hermione’s soul is sent back in time in order to prevent Harry from becoming the next Dark Lord, but quickly learns her task is not as easy as she thought it would be. A second chance story, with a twist. Eventual HHr.
My thoughts: This is one of my favorite Harmony fics, because it is super sweet (with the exception of a few dark moments) and Remus and Sirius become prominent figures in Hermione and Harry’s childhoods, thanks to some time-meddling.  
Vox Corporis by MissAnnThropic
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13323228/1/REPOST-Vox-Corporis-Original-Author-MissAnnThropic-NOT-MY-STORY
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Summary: Following the events of the Goblet of Fire, Harry spends the summer with the Grangers, his relationship with Hermione deepens, and he and Hermione become animagi.
My thoughts: My favorite Harmony fic. It’s a slow-burn romance, building on the friendship between Harry and Hermione over the summer following GOF and through their next year of school. It also deals with the trauma that Harry has gone through, both from the Dursleys’ abuse and from Cedrick’s death, and Hermione’s insecurities from being bullied before Hogwarts.
Psychic AU by Laughsalot3412
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/431476
Fandom: Leverage
Summary: He had a sniper rifle scoping the girl’s bright eyes and the guy’s smile. An Eliot/Parker/Hardison AU.
My thoughts: The OT3 is wonderfully written, the exploration of Eliot’s trauma from Moreau is respectfully handled, and the importance of consent during psychic mind-melding is underscored.
Team 8 by S'TarKan  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2731239/1/Team-8
Fandom: Naruto
Summary: What if Naruto had been selected for a different team? What if he’d had a different mentor? Who would guess the consequences would be so large?
My thoughts: This is everything that I wanted Naruto to be--an action/adventure story with a strong character focus, heartwarming friendships that support mutual growth, and some ruthless villains and conspiracy plots to keep things interesting. I’m also deeply in love with S’TarKan’s version of Kurenai, who is the inspiration for at least two of my OCs. She alone makes this fic worth reading, but the rest of the story is also stronger and more streamlined than the original story.
the fatal plunge by maleficently
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/29748
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Summary: Emma has hidden her face behind a curtain of unruly hair for now, but manages to tip it back on command--and Regina looks down at Emma’s chest and the heart she knows is beating there; wonders absently if any of her problems would be solved if she just plucked it out and kept it in her jewelry box upstairs--and looks at her with the kind of anguish that really and truly doesn’t befit a storybook savior. “The curse. It didn't break right, so how do I fix it?” Part 1 of a 3-part post-curse AU that mostly ignores Season 2 developments.
My thoughts: This series was what made me start shipping Emma Swan and Regina Mills in earnest. The story doesn’t shy away from Emma’s flaws or Regina’s ruthlessness, and in general feels like a more emotionally true take on what should have unfolded after season one.
somewhere, someone must know the ending by maleficently
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/521505/chapters/921864
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Summary: “I’m here because...I think my kid is having some kind of delusional breakdown because he can’t cope with the fact that...Mayor Mills and I split up.” Dr. Hopper pushes his glasses up his nose in a measured movement. “What makes you think that?” “Well, among other things, he thinks his mother is about to cut Mary Margaret Blanchard’s heart out of her chest, before pulverizing it and sending her into a coma that only her true love can rescue her from.” AU. Here, “fairy tale land” is merely a product of Henry's imagination during a difficult time.
My thoughts: I am a sucker for AU fics, especially ones that re-envision canon in interesting ways. This one chronicles the aftermath of Emma Swan and Regina Mills sabotaging their relationship, but then working together to make it more open and healthy.
The Patchouli Series by Renn Ireigh  
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/22751
Fandom: Pokemon
Summary: Is the indulgence of interactions with human society worth the cost? Giovanni and Sabrina debate. Manga/game canon compliant more or less. Winner of the “Best Romance” category in the 2005 Serebii Forums Winter Awards.
My thoughts: This quiet series focuses on Sabrina as she struggles to grow out of the restrictions that her abusive mother--and then Sabrina herself--placed on her to control her psychic powers. It features her siblings as well, who are also trying to overcome the abuse they went through, and Giovanni, whose relationship with Sabrina could evolve with her, if she gives it a chance.    
Sailor Moon 4200 by Angus MacSpon  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2590354/1/Sailor-Moon-4200
Fandom: Sailor Moon
Summary: Centuries after the Fall…a new band of senshi must come together. Some of them are new faces. Others are old friends, reborn yet again. But all of them are in trouble—because the enemy that destroyed Crystal Tokyo is out there, waiting for them…
My thoughts: This is an old classic, but an emotional and engaging story about the reincarnated senshi team. Glimpses are given into the fall of Crystal Tokyo, and there are a few old faces still around from that age to guide us through. I remember this best for how tense the new world is and for Artemis’ and Luna’s granddaughter.  
Heretic Pride by Fialleril
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13455561/chapters/30844053
Fandom: Star Wars
Summary: Like most Republic citizens, the Naberries have never spent much time thinking about the Jedi. But that changes with the birth of their daughter Ilaré. Or, the AU where the third Naberrie daughter is a Jedi, Padmé offers Naboo as a sanctuary for runaway slaves, Shmi is a conductor on the Tatooine freedom trail, and Anakin jump starts a reformation. Or maybe a heresy. It all depends on your point of view.
My thoughts: Or how the prequel trilogy would have gone, if it hadn’t been a tragedy. Anakin refusing to cut off his ties to home and being more well-adjusted for it, Shmi being a conductor of the Tatooine freedom trail, and the scenes set in Little Tatooine on Naboo are all wonderful and welcome changes to the story. Also, Anakin and Padme’s romance feels genuinely sweet and earned, and Anakin has a very cute mentor-student relationship with her little sister. 
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tatticstudio55 · 6 years
-Drove into exile by usurpers (Robert Baratheon for Daenerys, Maegor I for Rhaena)
 “Where am I to go?”
But where am I to go? Ser Jorah proposed that they journey farther east, away from her enemies in the Seven Kingdoms. Her bloodriders would sooner have returned to their great grass sea, even if it meant braving the red waste again. Dany herself had toyed with the idea of settling in Vaes Tolorro until her dragons grew great and strong. But her heart was full of doubts. Each of these felt wrong, somehow . . . and even when she decided where to go, the question of how she would get there remained troublesome. – Daenerys, ACOK
 “They murmur of the cost of keeping me and mine, but it is Dreamfyre who excites them. Some fear her, more want her, and it is those who trouble me the most. They lust for dragons of their own. That I will not give them, but where am I to go?” – Rhaena to Jaehaerys, F&B, p. 194.
Can see right through it
"Why does he give us so much?" she asked. "What does he want from us?" For nigh on half a year, they had lived in the magister's house, eating his food, pampered by his servants. Dany was thirteen, old enough to know that such gifts seldom come without their price, here in the free city of Pentos. – Daenerys, AGOT
 The Lord of Casterly Rock wanted more than just a highborn guest, Queen Rhaena realized then. Beneath the warmth of his veneer, he was too cunning and too ambitious to settle for so little. He wanted an alliance with the Iron Throne, possibly through marriage between her and his bastard, or one of his trueborn sons; some union that would raise the Lannisters up past the Hightowers, the Baratheons, and the Velaryons to be the second house in the realm. And he wanted dragons. – Rhaena, F&B, p. 167.
 Death of a father figure and protector, and expulsion from the house
She remembered Ser Willem dimly, a great grey bear of a man, half-blind, roaring and bellowing orders from his sickbed. The servants had lived in terror of him, but he had always been kind to Dany. He called her "Little Princess" and sometimes "My Lady," and his hands were soft as old leather. He never left his bed, though, and the smell of sickness clung to him day and night, a hot, moist, sickly sweet odor. That was when they lived in Braavos, in the big house with the red door. Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window. After Ser Willem had died, the servants had stolen what little money they had left, and soon after they had been put out of the big house. Dany had cried when the red door closed behind them forever. – Daenerys, AGOT
 None of this was of great concern to the queen and her familiar so long as Marq Farman ruled in Faircastle, for his lordship was an amiable and good-natured man who loved all his children, his wayward daughter and weakling son included, and loved Rhaena Targaryen for loving them as well. Less than a fortnight after the queen and Androw Farman had celebrated the first anniversary of their union, however, Lord Marq died suddenly at his own table, choking to death upon a fish bone at the age of six-and-forty. And with his passing, Ser Franklyn became the Lord of Fair Isle.
He wasted little time. On the day after his father’s funeral, he summoned Rhaena to his great hall (he would not deign go to her), and commanded her to remove herself from his island. – F&B, p. 164.
Give you a dragon, you mean. "I will not wed you, Xaro."
His face had grown cold at that. "Then go."
"But where?"
"Somewhere far from here." – Daenerys, ACOK
 “You are not wanted here,” he told her. “You are not welcome here. Take your dragon with you, and your friend, and my little brother, who would surely piss his breeches if he were made to stay. But do not presume to take my sister.” – Ser Franklyn to Rhaena, F&B, p. 164-165.
 Dany had not seen him since. His seneschal brought her messages, each cooler than the last. She must quit his house. He was done feeding her and her people. He demanded the return of his gifts, which she had accepted in bad faith. – Daenerys, ACOK
 -Both queens must deal with opportunists who’d like to pocket a dragon or two for themselves.
 Loves to fly
Memories walked with her. Clouds seen from above. Horses small as ants thundering through the grass. A silver moon, almost close enough to touch. Rivers running bright and blue below, glimmering in the sun. Will I ever see such sights again? On Drogon's back she felt whole. Up in the sky the woes of this world could not touch her. How could she abandon that? – Daenerys, ADWD
 After her sixteenth nameday, the princess declared herself a woman grown, “free to fly where I will.”
And fly she did. Dreamfyre was seen as far away as Harrenhal, Tarth, Runestone, Gulltown. – F&B, 70.
 -For both women, dragons are strongly (even perhaps primarily) associated with freedom and escape.
 Untroubled by ghosts
Other searchers returned with tales of other fruit trees, hidden behind closed doors in secret gardens. Aggo showed her a courtyard overgrown with twisting vines and tiny green grapes, and Jhogo discovered a well where the water was pure and cold. Yet they found bones too, the skulls of the unburied dead, bleached and broken. "Ghosts," Irri muttered. "Terrible ghosts. We must not stay here, Khaleesi, this is their place."
"I fear no ghosts. Dragons are more powerful than ghosts."
No ghosts troubled her sleep that night. She dreamed of Drogo and the first ride they had taken together on the night they were wed. In the dream it was not horses they rode, but dragons. – Daenerys, ACOK
 When Alysanne reminded her that Harrenhal too was said to have ghosts, Rhaena shrugged. “They are not my ghosts. They will not trouble me.” – F&B, 254.
 -Both women have strong mother instincts and will protect their children above all
-Both have a melancholic side and a fiery temper
-Both do very well on their own without a husband, thank you very much
 One to bed, one to dread, one to love: Rhaena married thrice, one to bed (Aegon), one to dread (her uncle Maegor) and one to love (Androw Farman, so she could love his sister Elissa).
-Daenerys’s parents, Rhaella and Aerys, might’ve been named after Rhaena’s twin daughters Rhaella and Aerea.
-Both feel a great deal of responsibility towards those who followed them in their wanderings (Dany’s khalasar in ACOK, Rhaena’s forty something people who left Fair Isle with her)
 Cherished girls who died in their arms:
Jhogo said they must leave her or bind her to her saddle, but Dany remembered a night on the Dothraki sea, when the Lysene girl had taught her secrets so that Drogo might love her more. She gave Doreah water from her own skin, cooled her brow with a damp cloth, and held her hand until she died, shivering. Only then would she permit the khalasar to press on. – Daenerys, ACOK
 Lianna Velaryon died even as her uncle’s galleys were pushing off from Driftmark. Maester Anselm had purged her, bled her, and covered her with ice, all to no avail. She died in Rhaena Targaryen’s arms, convulsing as the queen wept bitter tears. – F&B, 223
 (For that matter, both had to deal with an epidemy of pestilence – or presumed pestilence, in Rhaena’s case – and install a quarantine.)
-And we might as well mention the similarities shared between Daenerys and two significant women in Rhaena’s life, Elissa and Aerea. Elissa loved ships and sailing. Aerea’s flight on Balerion oddly echoes Dany’s escape from Meereen on Drogon (and their whereabouts after that, for both Drogon and Balerion proved recalcitrant at obeying their rider’s commands – once again, presumably, in Aerea’s case – when it became well past time to fly back home).
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