#she would be beating that alien with the end of the broom screaming WRONG ONE
davidtennan-t · 8 months
an alien is sent to kidnap a time-travelling rouge known as the Doctor, described as the oncoming storm, the bringer of darkness, fighter of legions, the storm at the heart of the sun
so when said alien finally finds Fourteen sat in the Nobles garden, doing a crossword while listening to Rose’s Spotify playlist, eating sponge cake and drinking herbal tea, confusion ensues but they still have a job to do
Donna Noble enters the shot, holding a broom and an expression of ✨you picked the wrong house fool✨and proceeds to unleash rage
and the Doctor is completely oblivious while Taylor Swift plays, happily eating cake
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hp-imagines-07 · 4 years
Angel that fell from heaven - Part 1
Viktor Krum x Fem!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; The Golden Trio era
Type: fluffy
Summary: [y/n] goes to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys but something went wrong and the Bulgarian Seeker, Viktor Krum ends saving her.
Request: yes|NO
Prompt: xxx
Warnings: swear 
Song: xxx
Word Count: 1.3K
Posted: 17th of April 2020
A/N: i think krum deserves more, he's so perfect omg
My Others Accounts: @obx-imagines-07​ (Outer Banks) | @stit-imagines-07​ (Stranger Things & IT) | @mcu-imagines-07​ (Marvel Comics Universe)
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You always loved quidditch.
But your moms never liked the sport, they say that they don't like seeing people so far from the floor.
Even if that is why you love so much quidditch! It's so different from all the other games, it's always so exciting.
And when the twins invited you to go with them to the Quidditch World Cup, you got so happy and excited that even that your mothers didn't liked the sport, they couldn't say no to their daughter.
So, when Molly, Fred and George came to take you, your moms did a few snacks and all of you spent the rest of the day chatting and having fun.
When it was time to go, your moms were literally the opposite of each other, one of them checked your stuff and the other was trying not to cry.
You said goodbye to them and went to the Weasleys.
When you got there, was already late and everyone was asleep, so you went to Ginny's bedroom and saw a few sheets and blanks at the floor, next to Hermione.
Your bags were at the living room, so you fell asleep with the clothes that you were using.
The Next Day...
You woke up, knowing that today was the day.
So you jumped out of your "bed" and saw your bags at the corner of the room that you were, right now alone.
You brushed your teeth, changed to another clothes that were more comfy to wear at the morning and went downstairs, seeing everyone at the kitchen laughing at something stupid that George said.
"What are we laughing at ?" You asked and sat down between Ginny and Ron, in front of Hermione.
"We were talking about how the Bulgarian Team is shitty !" You all laughed at the face that Ron did for his brothers.
"I don't think so." You said after breathing and stoping laughing.
"[y/n] just says it because of the seeker of the team." Fred say and you just roll your eyes, knowing that it's true.
"You're right, Freddie. She thinks he's cuuuute." George complete and you blush a little bit while everyone laugh.
"C'mom [y/l/n], that's disgusting ! He's old for you." Ron say and you look at him, pretending to be offended.
"But Ron, we have the same age !" You say and everyone looks at you, asking what does that mean. "We all know that Ron is in love with Krum."
Everyone laugh with you, but Ron looks at you with an angry expression and you send a kiss to him, making everyone laugh more and Ron blush that he was at the same color as his hair.
With a few more talks and laughs, you all finish your breakfast and went to get ready to go.
When everyone was ready, you said goodbye to Molly and went with Arthur to the woods.
The boys were going a little bit faster, so they were at your front, while you talked with Hermione and Ginny about how was to live with 2 moms.
"Now, I want to have two moms !" Ginny said, pretending to be sad and you laugh, while Mione agreed with her.
"Girls." Mr. Weasley called you and you saw a man, that just recognized as Cedric's father.
"Hey, Mr. Diggory." you said, passing by everyone, who looked at you like you were an alien.
"Hello, Mrs. [y/l/n]." he shook your hand and his son appeared giving his best smile to you.
"[y/n/n] !" Cedric hugged you tight, trying to forget all the time at the summer break he passed missing you.
When he let you go, you saw all your friends with confused looks at you both.
"Sorry guys, that's Cedric Diggory. He's at Hogwarts with us, but Cedric's from Hufflepuff." You explained and everyone seemed to understand, so they all introduced theirselves to your friend and you continued your walk.
"Girl, let me talk to you." Hermione said pulling aside everyone and looking at your eyes "How do you do it ? Could you teach me something ? Like, literally anything."
"Wait, what are we talking about ?" You asked, totally confused about the conversation and Ginny come along with you two.
"Like, how can you have all the guys for you ?" Hermione asked and Ginny looked at you with her, and the two girls saw your confused face.
"Fred, George, Cedric, Harry, Draco, Seamus." Ginny started to count.
"And even Gregory Goyle fancies you." Hermione completed her friend.
"Wait, what ???????????" You asked confused but the girls didn't payed attention.
"Yes, and don't forget that Nigel is basically in love with her!" Ginny finished and the girls laughed.
"Wait, you really don't get it ?" Mione asked and you just shook your head saying no. 
"Like, you don't see that you can have any guy that you want? Literally anyone?" The Weasley girl asked and you did he same that you did at the least question.
"Wow, that's something that I was not expecting..." Hermione said and after she completed. "I even wanted some tips."
"Everyone, come here." Mr. Weasley called and you all went to him, seeing a shoe. "That's a portal key, we all should hold it and let it go when I say so."
You all touched the portal key and before you knew it, you were at the Quidditch World Cup.
Time Skip To The Game...
You changed into your favorite pair of jeans, a sweatshirt of your favorite muggle band and your black boots. Your hair was naturally down and your make up was just a light blush, mascara, lip gloss and an eyeliner.
When you got at the stadium, your heart was beating so fast, that you thought it would explode.
You were going to your places, when you heard a familiar voice and you all looked down at Draco and Lucius Malfoy.
Draco talked with Harry and Lucius talked to Arthur, but they stopped discussing when you showed up.
"Malfoy." You said and if you were closer, you would see him got goosebumps.
"[y/l/n], what a surprise." Draco said with his low voice to not show weakness for you and, even don't being attracted to him, you could say that summer break did well for him.
You didn't had time to answer him, because the twins pulled you out of his vision and you all continued your way.
As you got at your seats, the "show" started.
Everything was just as perfect as you though it would be, but what was way better, was when Viktor Krum appeared with the Bulgarian Team.
Every single person that was watching, was screaming and clapping at him.
"Yeah, Krum is cute as hell !" Was all you could think, looking at him.
Your seats were kinda high - but the view was great - and you wanted to see him, just a little bit closer.
So you supported yourself at the thing in front of you and looked down, to try to see more stuff.
Well, that was not your best idea.
You were so distracted with everything that, you just woke up from your little daydream when Mr. Weasley warned you to be away from where you were.
But that was kinda late.
You got scared with his voice suddenly strong and when you were getting away, your feet stumbled in theirselves and before anyone could try to hold you, you were free falling.
Everything happened so fast that you could hear a few screams and several gasps and closed your eyes, waiting for the impact that your body would have at the floor.
And you just thought about your moms and the future that you would never have.
But then, you felt two strong arms holding your weak body and before you opened your eyes, you take a breath.
Like it was your last.
And, opening your eyes, you kinda felt that you were in heaven.
VIKTOR KRUM just saved your life.
"Hey, you're alright. I got you." He said and smiled at you, putting you sit at his broom.
You couldn't say anything at the moment - you almost died, c'mom - but the way you squished his body and your breath finally came back to normal, he knew he had found his angel that fell from heaven. 
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marinsawakening · 6 years
Seducing Trouble
Genre: supernatural/slice of life
Wordcount: 1716
Notes: based on a prompt by an anon on @aroworlds, but I’m gonna say sorry in advance because I don’t know how well this fills it? There is a casual coming out, but it’s not really the focus, and I’m very sorry. Furthermore, this is set in an ongoing universe of mine, and I hope that I explained the basic gist of it well enough. This has low romance and very light pda, but heavier mentions of seduction of the magic kind, although that gets shut down pretty quick. Also light swearing. Re-upload because the last ‘read more’ link got broken when I changed my url; also did some minor editing/rewriting while I was at it. The original is here. 
It was the busiest day they had so far this year, the café was packed, Nancy was outside dealing with two warring dwarven clans, and frankly, Nathalie did not have time for this.
She gave the kid another once-over. He was small, tiny even, but thin enough that it made him look lanky anyway. His bright red hair stood out against his milky white skin, and he was nervously fidgeting with its curls, his hands almost shaking, looking as if a single mean word would make him crumple up into a ball and cry.
In short, he did not seem suited to work at a café where the job description included ‘scare away alien bandits and fight with powerful witches’. And now it was her job to tell him that.
“What was your name again, kid?”
“Ethan, miss,” he squeaked.
Actually squeaked, in a high-pitch voice and everything. He’d be pulled apart molecule by molecule before the end of the week if she let him get this job.
Nathalie sighed. He seemed like a nice kid, and she really didn’t want to do this, but she’d rather have him heartbroken than literally broken.
“Listen, Ethan...”
And of course, right at that moment, Nancy came flying back inside, crashing into the closest table.
“Alright!” she screeched, wringing coffee out of her pink hair. “That’s it! All of you are blacklisted!”
In the doorway, a dwarf watched her, horrified. “But -”
“No buts, I warned all of you that fighting is not tolerated on the premises, and now there’s property damage! Not a single one of you is setting a foot inside ever again!”
“The Darleurs started it!” the dwarf screeched, stomping his little feet.
Nancy sent him a glare, and even with several meters between them, the dwarf quieted. “I could not care less about who started it,” she hissed. “Until you learn to behave like civilized beings, you will not be served here. Now get out before I blow your brains out!”
And the dwarf proved to have something resembling a brain to be blown out in the first place, because he moved out of there, quick.
“Ehm, excuse me?” the man who had been sitting at the crashed-in table tentatively spoke up. “Do I get a new coffee?”
Immediately, Nancy’s demeanor changed from ‘lion on the prowl’ to ‘charming house cat’.
“Of course! Let me just give you a new table. I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience.”
“Oh, it’s quite alright, my own timeline is much more violent.”
Smoothly, Nancy seated the man at another table, and finally headed over to the counter.
“Don’t you think blacklisting was kind of extreme?” Nathalie asked, handing her a towel.
Nancy snorted. “Please, they would have destroyed the restaurant if my protective charms hadn’t kept it standing. This’ll teach them to behave themselves in the future.” She accepted the towel with a grateful look and began rubbing her shirt dry.
Nathalie sent a quick glance at Ethan, who was gripping the counter tightly and staring at Nancy with a mixture of fear and awe. At least he seemed to have some sense of basic self-preservation.
“Does that happen often?” he asked.
Nancy blinked, and only seemed to notice him then.
“And who are you?”
“Ethan, miss. I’m applying for the job of waiter.”
Nancy perked up immediately. “Oh, excellent! As you see, we really need an extra hand. And yes, this happens often.”
Ethan hummed. “Explains why the pay is so high.”
Nancy threw her head back and laughed, and it was all Nathalie could do not to sink her head into her arms from despair. The kid practically admitted that he only wanted to work here because of the high salary, and her response was to laugh. It was moments like these that made Nathalie wonder how on Earth they’d managed to keep the café going for this long.
“Yeah, that’s why the pay is so high,” Nancy finally confirmed, still giggling slightly. “You got any experience?”
Ethan shrugged. “Only worked for a bit in the school cafeteria, but I do know how to make coffee.”
“Perfect!” she shoved a coffee cup in Ethan’s hands. “You’re on probation for today, if you do well we’ll hire you.”
“Nancy!” Nathalie hissed, low enough that Ethan couldn’t hear. Nancy ignored her.
“The man I crashed into earlier wants a latte, so that’ll be your first order. House rules are that everyone who sits here for an extended period of time needs to order something, no one gets free coffee no matter how hard they beg, the currency that’s paid with needs to be from Earth and human at the very least, guests must be respectful to the employees or they get thrown out, and no fighting. March!”
Ethan practically glowed and nodded eagerly, scrambling to the other side of the counter, almost tripping over the broom that rested against it. “Yes, miss!”
“And stop with the miss, call me Nancy.”
“Yes, Nancy!”
As soon as possible, Nathalie pulled her aside.
“What are you doing?” she hissed, sending her a glare.
Nancy just seemed confused. “I put Ethan on probation?”
“He pretty much said that he only wants to work here because the pay is high!”
“Yeah, of course he does, did we have any other reason when we were his age?”
She groaned. “Nance, he looks like a stiff wind could blow him over; he won’t survive a day in here.”
Nancy rolled her eyes and pecked her on the nose. “Babe, don’t worry, he’ll be fine.”
“No pda in the workplace,” Nathalie muttered, but she relaxed as Nancy squeezed her hand.
“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry,” she gave a soft smile. “Just for today, okay? We’ve already had to blacklist two dwarven clans, I doubt we’ll have any more trouble.”
Of course, right at that moment, the door opened and trouble walked in.
She was gorgeous, with golden strands of hair framing a face that seemed to house the sun. Her skin was like ivory catching the last rays of sunshine, and her beautiful blue eyes, visible from across the room, shone and glittered like a precious stone.
Immediately, she let Nancy’s hand go.
The woman turned to Nathalie, and she almost fainted.
“Hello,” she said, with a brilliant smile and honeyed voice. “Can I have a cup of coffee from the lovely miss? I’m afraid I don’t have any money.”
“Oh, that’s - I mean - of course!” Nathalie stammered, nervously touching the ends of her afro. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice was telling her that something was wrong, but then the woman winked on her, and all she could think was wow.
“Follow me, please!” Nancy said from beside her, and Nathalie felt the sudden urge to push her to the ground and take the attention back for herself. “We’ll get you a coffee right away!”
“Uh, no, we aren’t.”
Ethan stood there next to the coffee machine, the latte still in his hand, eyebrows raised.
“I thought you said nobody was allowed to free coffee?” Ethan asked.
Nancy waved him off. “We’ll make an exception for this lovely lady.”
Ethan glanced at them, and then at the woman, and slowly set the latte down.
“Yeah, that’s a no.”
The woman strode forward, reaching for Ethan with a radiant smile.
“Oh, please?” she said, latching on to his arm. “Surely you can give little old me something?”
In response, Ethan’s arm shot out to the broom he’d almost tripped over, and whacked her over the head.
She screeched and fell back, loosening her grip on Ethan’s arm. It was like a spell had been broken. Abruptly, Nathalie found her coming back to herself, almost stumbling from the impact, and she blinked, dazed, wondering what had just happened.
The woman, who had earlier been so beautiful, was still absolutely gorgeous. But now she caught the hungry glint in her eye, saw the unnatural way the light danced over her skin, and noticed that her too-sweet voice, much less hypnotic now that she was only screaming, was laced with cyanide.
Next to her, Nancy stumbled, swaying slightly on her legs, and shared a glance with her. “Succubus,” she said, a hard set to her eyes.
Nathalie just groaned.
“Why did you do that?” the succubus snarled.
“I didn’t give you permission to touch me,” Ethan said, stone in his voice, still clutching the broom.
“You’re supposed to be in love with me!”
Ethan snorted. “Aromantic, so that’s gonna be kind of difficult.”
“At least be seduced!”
“I’m gay.”
“Are you serious right now?”
“Yup, and I’m just as serious when I say that you’ll either get the hell out of here, or I’m going to beat you with this broom until you stumble out of here with broken bones.”
She turned to Nathalie, batting her eyelashes, but it was too late; the spell was broken.
“Are you gonna let him do that to me?”
“Oh, absolutely,” she said, grinning as the succubus’ mouth fell open.
“In fact,” Nancy added. “I’m personally going to throw a grenade of magic into your direction if you don’t do as he says.”
The succubus shrank back, incredulous. “You’re a witch?”
“Yes, and one that never finished charm school, so watch out.”
She blanched, and took off running. But not to the entrance; she ran to the nearest customer, the poor time traveler who had gotten crashed into earlier.
“What about you? Won’t you buy me a coffee?”
The man’s eyes were wide and dreamy. “I -”
“I think the fuck not,” Ethan growled, and he raised his broom.
The next few minutes were spent in a blur of screaming, whacking, and succubi getting run out of the café by a seventeen year old kid who vaguely resembled a translucent twig.
“I don’t care what you say,” Nancy announced. “I’m hiring him.”
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marinsawakening · 6 years
Seducing Trouble
Genre: supernatural/slice of life
Wordcount: 1587
Notes: based on a prompt by an anon on @aroworlds, but I’m gonna say sorry in advance because I don’t know how well this fills it? There is a casual coming out, but it’s not really the focus, and I’m very sorry. If the anon wants, I can totally write a sequel to this with a but more focus on aromantic issues, or just write a completely different story. Furthermore, this is set in an ongoing universe of mine, and I hope that I explained the basic gist of it well enough. This has low romance and very light pda, but heavier mentions of seduction of the magic kind, although that gets shut down pretty quick. Also light swearing. With all that out of the way, on we go!
It was the busiest day they had so far this year, Nancy was outside dealing with two warring dwarven clans, and frankly, Nathalie did not have time for this.
She looked the kid over. He was small, tiny even, but also thin enough that it made him look lanky anyway. His bright red hair stood out against his milk white skin, and he was nervously fidgeting with its curls. His hands were almost shaking, and he looked as if a single mean word would make him crumple up into a ball and cry.
In short, he did not seem suited to work at a café where the job description included 'scare away alien bandits and fight with powerful witches'. And now it was her job to tell him that.
"What was your name again, kid?"
"Ethan, miss," he squeaked.
Actually squeaked, in a high-pitch voice and everything. He'd be pulled apart molecule by molecule before the end of the week if she let him get this job.
Nathalie sighed. He seemed like a nice kid, and she really didn't want to do this, but she'd rather have him heartbroken than literally broken.
"Listen, Ethan..."
And of course, right at that moment, Nancy came flying back inside, crashing into the closest table.
"Alright!" she screeched, wringing coffee out of her pink hair. "That's it! All of you are blacklisted!"
In the doorway, a dwarf watched her, horrified. "But -"
"No buts, I warned all of you that fighting is not tolerated on the premises, and now you have indirectly caused property damage. Not a single one of you is getting inside ever again!"
"The Darleurs started it!" the dwarf screeched, stomping his little feet.
Nancy sent him a glare, and even with several meters between them, the dwarf quieted. "I could not care less about who started it," she barked. "Until you guys learn to behave like civilized beings, you will not be served here. Now get out before I blow you up!"
And the dwarf proved to have something that resembles a brain, because he moved out of there, quick.
"Ehm, excuse me?" the man who had been sitting at the crashed-in table tentatively spoke up. "Do I get a new coffee?"
Immediately, Nancy's demeanor changed from 'lion on the prowl' to 'charming house cat'.
"Of course! Let me just give you a new table. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience."
"Oh, it's quite alright, my own timeline is much more violent."
Smoothly, Nancy seated the man at another table, and finally headed over to the counter.
"Don't you think blacklisting them was kind of extreme?" Nathalie asked, handing her a towel.
Nancy snorted. "Please, they would have destroyed the restaurant if my protective charms hadn't kept it standing. This will teach them to behave themselves in the future." She accepted the towel with a grateful look and began rubbing her shirt dry.
Nathalie sent a quick glance at Ethan, who was gripping the counter tightly and staring at Nancy with a mixture of fear and awe. Which proved that he had sense, at least.
"Does that happen often?" he asked.
Nancy blinked, and only seemed to notice him then.
"And who are you?"
"Ethan, miss. I'm applying for the job of waiter."
Nancy perked up immediately. "Oh, excellent! As you see, we really need an extra hand. And yes, this happens often."
Ethan hummed. "Explains why the pay is so high."
Nancy threw her head back and laughed. Nathalie stared at her incredulously. The kid had all but admitted to only applying for the job because the pay was high, and her response was to laugh?
"Yeah, that's why the pay is so high," Nancy finally confirmed, still giggling slightly. "You got any experience?"
Ethan shrugged. "Only worked for a bit in the school cafeteria, but I do know how to make coffee."
"Perfect!" she shoved a coffee cup in Ethan's hands. "You're on probation for today, if you do well we'll hire you."
"Nancy!" Nathalie hissed, low enough that Ethan couldn't hear. Nancy ignored her.
"The man I crashed into earlier wants a latte, so that'll be your first order. House rules are that everyone who sits here for an extended period of time needs to order something, no one gets free coffee no matter how hard they beg, the currency that's paid with needs to be from Earth and human at the very least, guests must be respectful to the employees or they get thrown out, and no fighting. March!"
Ethan practically glowed and nodded eagerly, scrambling to the other side of the counter, almost tripping over the broom that rested against it. "Yes, miss!"
"And stop with the miss, call me Nancy."
"Yes, Nancy!"
As soon as possible, Nathalie pulled her aside.
"What are you doing?" she whispered, sending her a glare.
Nancy just seemed confused. "I put Ethan on probation?"
"He pretty much said that he only wants to work here because the pay is high!"
"Yeah, of course he does, did we have any other reason when we were his age?"
She groaned. "Nance, he looks like a stiff wind could blow him over; he won't survive a day in here."
Nancy rolled her eyes and pecked her on the nose. "Babe, don't worry, he'll be fine."
"No pda in the workplace," Nathalie muttered, but she relaxed as Nancy squeezed her hand.
"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry," she gave a soft smile. "Just for today, okay? We've already had to blacklist two dwarven clans, I doubt anything else'll go wrong."
Of course, right at that moment, the door opened and trouble walked in.
She was gorgeous, with golden strands of hair framing a face that seemed to house the sun. Her skin was like ivory catching the last rays of sunshine, and her beautiful blue eyes, visible from across the room, shone and glittered like a precious stone.
Immediately, she let Nancy's hand go.
The woman turned to Nathalie, and she almost fainted.
"Hello," she said, with a brilliant smile and honeyed voice. "Can I have a cup of coffee from the lovely miss? I'm afraid I don't have any money."
"O - Of course!" Nathalie stammered, nervously touching the ends of her afro. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice was telling her that something was wrong, but when the woman winked at her, she forgot all about it.
"Follow me, please!" Nancy said from beside her, and Nathalie felt the sudden urge to push her to the ground and take the attention back for herself. "We'll get you a coffee right away!"
"Uh, no, we aren't."
Ethan stood there next to the coffee machine, the latte still in his hand, eyebrows raised.
"I thought you said nobody was allowed to free coffee?" Ethan asked.
Nancy waved him off. "We'll make an exception for this lovely lady."
Ethan glanced and them, and then at the woman, and slowly set the latte down.
"Yeah, that's a no."
The woman strode forward, reaching for Ethan with a radiant smile.
"Oh, please?" she said, latching on to his arm. "Surely you can give little old me something?"
In response, Ethan's arm shot out to the broom he'd almost tripped over, and whacked her over the head.
She screeched and fell back, loosening her grip on Ethan's arm. It was like a spell had been broken. Abruptly, Nathalie found her coming back to herself, almost stumbling from the impact, and she blinked, dazed, wondering what had just happened.
The woman, who had earlier been so beautiful, was still absolutely gorgeous. But now she could see the hungry glint in her eye, and hear the poison in her voice. There was definitely something more going on here.
Nancy, who also seemed to be stumbling out of the dream, shared a glance with her. "Succubus," she said, a hard set to her eyes.
Nathalie just groaned.
"Why did you do that?" the succubus snarled.
"I didn't give you permission to touch me," Ethan said, stone in his voice, still clutching the broom.
"You're supposed to be in love with me!"
Ethan snorted. "Aromantic, so that's gonna be kind of difficult."
"At least be seduced!"
"I'm gay."
"Are you serious right now?"
"Yup, and I'm just as serious when I say that you'll either get the hell out of here, or I'm going to beat you with this broom until you stumble out of here with broken bones."
She turned to Nathalie, batting her eyelashes, but it was too late; the spell was broken.
"Are you gonna let him do that to me?"
"Oh, absolutely," she said, grinning as the succubus' mouth fell open.
"In fact," Nancy added. "I'm personally going to throw a grenade of magic into your direction if you don't do as he says."
The succubus shrank back, incredulous. "You're a witch?"
"Yes, and one that never finished charm school, so watch out."
She blanched, and took off running. But not to the entrance; she ran to the nearest customer, the poor time traveller who had gotten crashed into earlier.
"What about you? Won't you buy me a coffee?"
The man's eyes were wide and dreamy. "I -"
"I think the fuck not," Ethan growled, and he raised his broom.
The next few minutes were spent in a blur of screaming, whacking, and succubi getting run out of the café by a seventeen year old kid who still looked like a translucent twig.
"I don't care what you say," Nancy announced. "I'm hiring him."
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