#she wont handle them wherever possible
prof-peach · 1 year
Have you had any encounters/experiences with Virizion? I've heard they've had bad experiences with humans in the past, but curious how they react to the lab or gardens, or if they keep their distance?
Other than the rare sighting of one Raikou on the island, and the passing of the occasional Zapdos if we're unlucky, no legends or myths make their way to the Island thankfully.
We do not focus our interests on them, and are more than happy not having them around. Such powerful and difficult individuals bring a lot of troube with them more often than not, which endangers our staff and the patients here.
Never met one, never plan to, rather steer clear of that category of pokemon completly. Even a tiny Shaymin can kill on reaction if wanted. Best thing for us to do is to give them a lot of space and stay away unless theres no other option at all.
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ovwechoes · 1 month
could you do dva and brigitte hcs?
MekaMechanic / D.Va x Brigitte Headcanons Of course! I'm more than happy to write for them and I love them as a ship dynamic c: I've kept these sfw, but if you'd like some nsfw ones send another ask through - they're under the cut, enjoy!
Who confessed? How did it go? They had a silent pining for each other that was clear to everyone around them, besides each other. Hana would often make up excuses to work with Brigitte, and Brigitte would make up reasons why she needs to work on Hana's MEKA just to spend more time around her. It was cute, but they both are hopeless when it comes to confessing. I think Brigitte would've been the one to confess, and it would've been a really sweet moment where she couldn't handle bottling up her feelings any longer, and just wanted to know if Hana felt the same way or not so she could work through it. Brigitte would've asked Hana to speak with her privately about something important, leading Hana to believe it's something involving her MEKA. When they'd meet up, thats when Brigitte would tell her how she felt, putting emphasis on how she's okay with Hana not feeling the same way, and doesn't expect anything back. She would be brought to tears as she explained that she understands if it breaks their friendship, and changes things between them only to find out Hana feels the same way and has this whole time.
Who spends all their money on the other? Hana definitely likes to spoil Brigitte rotten, it's insane. She likes seeing the way Brigitte's smile grows when she realises Hana bought her something she's been really desperate for, but couldn't justify the price point. Brigitte can be somewhat frugal, especially when it comes to herself. She doesn't like to overconsume, and likes to use what she has until it's broken completely (after her many attempts at fixing it herself). Hana respects this, but often times she'll buy her things that she knows she wont buy for herself but would benefit her. The most recent being a Hatch alarm clock - Brigitte's very into looking after her body and mind, and was fascinated by the idea of an alarm clock naturally waking you up. The minute she saw the price, she disregarded it as a possibility completely, but Hana bought it for her anyways as an early birthday present. It made Brigitte so happy, especially since she didn't ask for it and yet Hana made the effort to buy it for her anyways.
Who cooks and why? Brigitte loves to cook for Hana, and her meals are usually comfort foods for Hana but with a healthier twist to encourage her to be more mindful of what she puts into her body. Hana's not trusted to cook anymore either after she left the oven on after cooking a frozen pizza, causing a small fire late at night in the Overwatch communal kitchen. It's something she'll never live down, but Brigitte encourages her to try cooking more with her, and gives her tips to help prevent things like that happening all over again.
What does their ideal date look like? Hana loves a date night in, and always has. This is something I can imagine being interchangable in her relationships. However, Brigitte brings out a side to her that she didn't realise she had. She's found that she loves thrill-seeking activities as dates with Brigitte, and feels she can trust Brigitte in moments where her hearts racing, her mind's foggy and the adrenaline of what they're doing together is taking over her body and soul. It's not something they can do all the time, with their busy schedules, but Hana's grown to love more activities like that and exploring the possibilities wherever they end up with Overwatch. Brigitte, on the other hand, likes dates in nature. She likes to embrace herself in calming places and loves to hike with Hana (even if she's whining the entire time). It's something she's always loved, but she doesn't mind staying in or staying local in the city for their dates. As long as she can spend time with Hana, she's happy at the end of the day.
What do their online conversations look like? Brigitte and Hana have each other on every social media platform possible - they especially use TikTok, Instagram and Discord (as per Hana's request). Brigitte likes to send Hana videos on tiktok that remind her of Hana or them as a couple, and Hana likes to tease her with replies like ‘what does this mean' or ‘yeah not us at all couldn’t be us'. It's fun for them, and it helps for when they don't have the energy to text. Hana loves to text on discord and uses silly little emotes that Brigitte doesn't quite understand but tries to. A lot of the time, they're joking with each other back and forth with light teasing, and every so often they'll text about how they miss each other with things like ‘come over where are you?!’, that sort of thing. That's especially common if either of them are away from Overwatch HQ and on a mission, with the other having to stay back because they're not needed for said mission.
What are some small gestures they love from one another? Brigitte loves when Hana holds her hand in public, especially if she's anxious in that moment about the mission or her public image. Knowing someone doesn't care about how people might perceive them (as a WLW couple and as Overwatch members), and only cares about showing their love in a small but sweet way makes Brigitte's heart melt. It's important to her, and she enjoys the little ways Hana shows PDA that isn't overbearing or doesn't make her cringe. Hana loves when Brigitte gives her her jacket or coat if they have a late night date. They often go to bars together, having fun and enjoying themselves, and despite Brigitte reminding her that it's cold, Hana never brings a jacket. Sometimes she does it intentionally to get Brigitte to give her hers, but she never has to ask for it regardless. Brigitte offers it, and often makes her wear it because she's shivering in the street. It's something Hana thinks is incredibly sweet, and makes her feel more protected and loved by Brigitte.
Who's the type to take a picture of the other when they fall asleep (i.e. when they fall asleep on the other's shoulder or in a funny position)? They do it equally as much as the other does, it's something they sort of see as a contest of ‘who can get the best picture'. Initially it started after Brigitte made her homescreen Hana asleep on her chest - she thought it was cute and wanted to be reminded of that moment every time she opened her phone. However, Hana took it as a challenge to get a better picture and show it off on her own lock screen. It's been a back and forth between them since the beginning of their relationship, and they revel in the embarrassment and competitive nature in this small act. They've both gone as far as getting other Overwatch members to sneak pictures of each other asleep (especially if it's in an awkward or funny position) if they're away from one another, just to try and win. 
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wolfkg · 1 year
Never Alone
Billy Hargrove x Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
A/n: Sorry for the longe wait. This chapter is pretty short but I'm still happy with it. Still not sure where this story is going or hoe it will end but I like where I'm taking it. Thanks for the love of this series. More to come.
Part 4
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Y/n’s Pov 
Darkness. That’s all I saw around me, total darkness. It felt like I couldn’t feel my own body as darkness surrounded me. I screamed out to the void not getting a response, I don’t know here I am or what happened, but I didn’t like being here. “Eddie! Billy! Hello!” Nothing but a dark black abbas giving me no sense of direction. I was lost, alone and scared. I felt my heart rate pick up as my body began to shake as I screamed out for the two people that mean the world to me who can possibly save me from this void. “HELP!!” I fell to my knees in despair just wanting to go home. Then something in the void changed, I heard something in the distance and began to follow it. The sound became louder as I moved farther into the darkness. Once I was close enough, I could finally hear Eddie and Billy’s voices but not just them talking, they were singing. Singing my song. I felt tears leave my eyes as I began running to their voices hoping to come across my boys in this darkness. Their voices were fading in and out, but I could still hear them. “Eddie, Billy! Can you hear me? Hello? Help me!” The sound of them singing was then behind me which made me turn around. Behind me was a big blue door with a silver handle, I slowly walked towards it cautiously not knowing where it would take me but knowing my boys were in this direction. 
I place my hand on the handle opening the door. The sight that I walked into was hard to take in, it was a hospital room all around the area was still in a black void but the hospital bed, monitor and my boys sitting at the end of the bed remained. I walked through the threshold of the door and began to feel tears in my eyes as I listened to my boys sing my song. I was about to speak to them when I finally noticed who was on the hospital bed. I then came face to face with myself sleeping soundly but breathing rapidly, I sat on the bed looking at myself not believing what I’m seeing but not questioning it from how much we’ve all been through these last few years, with the upside down and Vecna, I’m glad thats all behind us and we can move on. I looked back at my boys where they came to the last verse making me smile at them and place my hand on both of theirs. The second they finished the song all my worry was gone, and I was happy to see them again. My body finally stopped shaking and all the monitors stopped beeping wildly and went back to normal. “She’s ok Ed’s” I smile at hearing their voices “Yea wait till she finds out we know her favorite song.” I laugh along with Billy “Yea will never hear the end of it.” I nod “No you both wont.” After they spoke their voices disappeared and a bright light was coming from the door I walked through. I warm feeling came over me as I walked closer to it, I wasn’t really paying attention to what I was doing or where it would go until I heard my heart monitor beep slower, and I immediately moved away. I tested it by walking back to the bed hearing the monitor go back to normal. I realize that wherever I am is giving me a choice to either stay or leave. A big decision I never thought I would have to make. If I leave and say goodbye to my boys forever or do I stay with them but must deal with this town and Jason that caused all this to happen, not only that but by now I assume the doctors would know my real age and take me away anyway. It’s a lose-lose situation. I move away from the door and sit back onto the bed where Billy and Eddie sit, I watch as they look after me while also looking stressed out themselves. Would it be easier for all of us if I just accepted what happened to me as a sign to just give up? Billy and Eddie would have normal lives again, be able to do the things they want without me stopping them. But if I stay, will everything change or be the same? Would the doctors have someone take me away right away or give me time? Not that I own anything anymore, it's all gone. Nowhere to live, nothing but the clothes on my back, I know the boys would just have me stay with them, but I couldn’t ask them to do that. I don’t want to be a burden. I got out of my head looking at my boys talk amongst each other never taking their hands away from mine, knowing that they would do anything for me. And I know they wouldn’t want to give up, especially not on us. I can feel the pull from the door beckoning me to enter and leave for good, but I can't not with so many people who care about me. I stood up from my seat and came face to face with the door giving myself a big sigh “I can’t I’m not ready.” The door then immediately shut, and the pull was gone. 
I turned back to the bed and saw my body was glowing a light blue and beckoned me to it. I took one last look at my boys knowing that I made the right choice, we would be better if were together. So, I took a deep breath and placed my hand onto my own which sent of a bright like taking me into darkness. The feeling of air coming back into my lungs hit me like a train as my eyes shot open making me see nothing but blurry images and hearing soft voices. I felt feeling come back into my body as I moved all my muscles and took a deep breath which caused me to cough a little. My eyes finally adjusted to everything around me, and I found myself in a hospital room surrounded by people I love including my boys. Tears suddenly left my eyes as they both looked in my direction, all I remember is Jason leaving me to die and thinking I would never see them again but seeing in front of me brought me to realize that everything was ok. I was ok. But I still ended up asking. “Are you real?” Both boys came to my side and held my hands “Hey, baby its ok we’re here we’re real.” Billy wiped my tears away as Eddie kissed my head “I thought I’d never see you both again.” They both smile my way as Eddie spoke “It’s ok Y/n, everything's ok now.” I smile but then shake my head “We’re in the hospital, aren't we?” They both sigh and nodded knowing what I was going to say. “That means my age. They're going to know and when they do, they will.” Before I continued both boys reassured me that I wasn't going anywhere, and Hopper spoke “They are going to give Eddie and Billy a chance to take you in and take care of you.” I looked at them both in shock, were they willing to take me in? I shouldn't be surprised they’ve been trying to get me to move in with them for months. I smile there way “You would really do that?” Billy laughed “Darling is that even a question? Of course, we would.” I smile and then notice the bandages on both their hands and the soot in their hair and clothes. “Why are you guys dirty?” Before they could answer the doctor walked in asking if he could speak to Hopper and Joyce, leaving us alone for the first time.  
“Boys? Why are you dirty and smell like smoke?” Then I realized there not telling me because I already knew. I remember seeing the boys in my room, which means they went in after me, they risked their lives to save me. “You both ran into my house to save me?” They both nodded as tears fell down my face “Then I owe you both my life, without either one of you I wouldn’t be here, so thank you to the both of you.” They smile and both kiss my cheeks. “We would do anything for you sweetheart.” Before we could continue talking a commotion caught our attention from outside the room, Billy was about to investigate when the door slammed open revealing a woman I never wanted to see again. My mother. “Get back from my daughter the both of you, you are not family, you are not allowed in here.” I was verbally shaking as Billy spoke “I’m sorry but who gave you the right to be here?” my mother barked back “I am her mother, and I suggest young man that you step out of this room along with your friend or I will have you removed.” Before Billy could say anything back the doctor walked in with Hopper, so my mother thought they were here from her call “Finally Doctor remove them from this room immediately Officer I suggest by force they seem aggressive, and when can my daughter be allowed to leave for home?” I was shaking in fear and not knowing what to do or how I could get out of this, I can't get home with her, I just can't. But the doctors might side with her since she's my mother and I’m only eighteen. I can’t breathe. “Ma’am let's talk about this out here Y/n has been through a lot tonight, so I suggest giving her some rest.” She laughs “Do you really think I’m going to leave my daughter in this room with two men? You have another thing coming. Remove them now or I will have you lose your job.” Hopper only laughed as he grabbed my mother's arm escorting her out. “Like I said ma'am let's talk out here.” “Unhand me.” But he pulled her out of the room none the less, telling Billy to keep an eye of me and he’ll make sure she won't step into this room.
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Thank you for your thorough reply. I mostly sent that message since I personally can see how people would be quick to call the premise of that fic problematic with regards to race. Making an Indigenous man biologically driven to be submissive towards a white woman has negative associations with “taming the savage” type tropes (1/2)
Thanks for reaching out again and meeting me where I am at on this. D/s and race do need to be tackled sensitively, I agree.
In this case from reading the fic I thought that this treatment of the men in submissive position by this particular writer was done as well as one could. The sub-assignment was equally distributed among almost all the main men on the cast (first point) so did not appear linked to race in particular. Chakotays submissiveness was also not tied to his race in text in any way (second point). The fic also gave him agency over whether to pursue a sexually submissive relationship (third point). Regarding Belanna, the fic put all the main women, not just B, in the Dom position (fourth point).
In terms of advice I've followed as a white writer and a beta on how to handle race in fics, especially in smut fics, I always hear two pieces of advice as best practices - (1) wherever possible include characters performing the kink that are white and nonwhite and give them equal treatment, and (2) avoid sexualizing/exotifying/fetishizing racial characteristics. From the three chapters that did get posted, the author was following that advice in terms of writing her D/s world. I cant judge the actual smut scenes of course, these werent ever posted, but in terms of establishing how this fictional sexual mechanic works the author seemed to be doing the best they could to portray this equally in white and non-white characters, and was not fetishizing race (again at least that I noticed).
The tags on this fic were extremely comprehensive in terms of what kinks would be tackled. this is usually a good indicator for me that this is going to be handled sensitively on the kink front. There are not enough kink fics written by people who actually do their research so I was looking forward to seeing if that would pan out in the writing itself.
Belanna is tricky because as you pointed out in your 2nd message, the angry latina point is very valid. Her klingon temper is also referenced a lot in canon and is used as a clumsy method of showing her grappling with her dual-identities and her dealing with anti-klingon sentiments. And so I think it is a struggle for writers to figure out how to write her in character in that regard without being insensitive as canon is bad at it to start. It is a valid criticism to raise but its also helpful to be able to point to some fic or other resource that either does handle the temper well or explains how not to handle it.
Given that Belanna didnt actually appear in person in the three chapters posted, I really dont have a basis for how the author would have handled her character. And I wont get to find out if she would have been sensitive about it now.
All that to say what I took issue with in terms of the negative comments the author described receiving wasnt that she had been accused of racism. it is that she'd been harassed in multiple ways, on multiple fics, even told to kys over a made up sexual mechanic and that this had hurt her enough to just... stop. To stop writing and sharing her kink. to stop writing these characters. And thats... awful. Blocking and Muting or clicking the back button were all choices this anon had. Sharing specific instances where the D/s was racially insensitive was also a choice they had. Instead it sounds like they went on anon, made extremely general accusations about racism, homophobia, and not understanding the characters, and then sent these to a writer they dont know, who doesnt know them, and told that writer the most awful hurtful think you could say. For what purpose? It just reeks of bad actor behavior.
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traceofexistence · 3 years
Camila Talk
Important Note: Deleted, edited and reposted after @animerunner pointed out a major flaw on my part on how Luz would react to abuse. My original idea didn't take into consideration other ways that a response could play out, and for that I'm at fault.
I think at this point we have heard all about Camila, but the one thing that sticks out to me the most is the very extreme of Camila sending her queer neurodivergent child to conversion therapy for both of those parts of Luz’s individuality, to get abused and harmed.
I really REALLY think (AND TO MAKE IT CLEAR THIS IS MY VERY PERSONAL OPINION) that this is the furthest from the truth.
Here’s why:
the fact that we all know is that Luz brought snakes and spiders in school, she got in trouble for it, and was most probably going to get expelled if nothing change. The principal if I’m not mistaken gave Camila the flyer of the summer camp.
To imply that Camila never looked into the camp at all to see what they are about, and based her trust on the principal and that flyer alone, and sent her kid there first thing the next morning, implies 2 things, 1. either Camila is the worst parent to ever parent, or  2. you are young enough to have never been a parent or put a thought of what it means to be a parent, which is very normal, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing (I don’t have kids of my own but I have been trying to put context on my parents behaviours good and bad as an adult, and parenting is an occupation that interests me in a psychological level so not showing anything beyond “luz trouble=sent to camp” in the show itself was not black and white to me, I instantly implied that things have happened in between).
As we learn from the latest episode, she took the day off from work to take Luz to the camp, after Luz expressed that she didn’t want to go. That shows care from Camila.
What I get from that is that they had conversations about what happened and the camp for days (if not weeks), that Luz agreed to go, but at the day of leaving she changed her mind (because she’s a kid, and has feelings and second thoughts, it’s normal). That changed the plans for Camila, so she had to skip work.
If Camila was forcing Luz to go or was abusive Luz's initial reaction would be along the lines of “you ship me off because you don’t wont me” instead of the “yeah mom I don’t know, I don’t feel like going” we got. whether she would exhibit that reaction in an internal or external manner it would have been shown in animation to inform the audience. I lean more on an external reaction if that was the case (which was what I aimed for with the wording of the original post) because she usually express herself and her feelings.
I believe Camila looked the summer camp up, did research, read reviews etc and when Luz was not sure about going, she went with her to make sure everything was okay. On top of that, if Luz (in this case Vee) had written to her mom that she was not doing well in the camp or that she was not treated well, Camila would have not driven there she would manifest teleportation to take her child from there as fast as possible!
Now do we know anything about the camp? We do
The friends Vee made, they called it prison, but is seemed more of a place that they were bored to oblivion instead of being mistreated and abused. (of course for Vee was million times better than her previous situation, but for the other kids was just boring summer camp, that didn’t changed them to the slightest, they were still weirdos but with a less exciting summer.) If they were mistreated in the camp they would show signs of it when they interacted with each other, but they seemed happy they had made friends. So it seems it was just a normal summer camp with very boring activities.
Could Camila know what happened in the camp 100%? No.
Did she sent Luz there without any knowledge of what this camp was about? Absolutely not, that would be neglect and it makes zero sense with what we have seen of Camila.
Camila is shown as a caring parent, who loves her child, not someone who would ship their child off to wherever without care.
Does Camila make mistakes? Of course, she’s a human and she’s not perfect, but her mistakes are not out of malice.
Could she handle the school situation better? Probably, but she was between a hard place and a rock, so I’m not sure what would be better in this case. One thing is for sure though, she could have done much worst (again not out of malice), because sometimes not knowing how to handle a situation like this can lead to much worse mistakes.
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splendor-and-true · 4 years
Part two of the soulmate color au
Just a recap, you see the color of your soulmates emotions. When you make eye contact wirh your soulmate, you can see all colors. When your soulmate dies, the colors go away.
True stretched as she drifted awake. Feeling soft fabric shift against her skin as a fire crackled somewhere to the side. Odd. Wasnt she just outside? Her eyes snap open as she shoots up. She was sitting on a couch. A rather comfortable one at that. Eyes flying around the room, she realized she didnt know where she was, but oh! The colors.
She could see all of them. She had met her soulmate? Thats right, thats the only way it could happen. But... the only one she had met was that other operator. The one that looked like him.
Her attention snaps toward the door as it opens, watching as the tall man from the forest walks in. It wasnt a room she recognized, so it must be his place. He wouldnt take her back, would he?
“Oh! Youre awake. I was wondering when you would wake up. You slept for quite some time, but I suppose thats normal, running around in the cold like you were.” His voice wasnt like his at all. Quiet, calming and he could actually speak. As apposed to... what he did.
“Um... yeah. Right. That. So...” she paused, unsure if she should proceed. The possibility of him making her go back was still present in her mind. She could see brighter yellows for the time being, but that didnt mean anything. She always saw yellow. “The colors. You...?”
He glanced over her, watching her hands fiddle with the blanket a bit before responding. “Yes, me. I see them all too. I can understand if it’s a bit much to take in. You probably didn’t even know something like me existed until now-“
“No. I’ve been well aware. For some time now.” She turned her head away when the words slipped out. Why was she being so open with him. Just because he was her soulmate doesnt mean she should be so honest.
Silence ruled the room. She could feel his gaze on the back of her head, hands gripping at the blanket as she waited for his next words. This couldnt end well for her. Why had she told him that. He didnt need to know who she was running from. He didnt need to know what was going to happen to her.
“Well... I came to the logical conclusion you were running from something. Of course, I dont know what or who it was. You lost them when you crossed into my territory. They werent capable of crossing like you. But... I know you were afraid. I was afraid for you... I’m sure you could tell... but I would like to know more. I cant protect you from them very easily if I dont know who they are.” He reaches a hand out for hers, not taking it, but allowing it to hover. An offering that she could take or deny.
On one hand, she wanted to tell him. She felt the need to trust him. He was kind. He was being very considerate of her. Attentive. Nothing like him, even if he looked almost exactly like him. She let out a shaky sigh, turning her head to glance at him through her hair shyly, taking his hand slowly. “Okay.”
He smiled, allowing their hands to lower toward the blanket and rest on her folded legs. “You can start wherever you like and tell me as much as your comfortable with. I’ll do what I can with what I’m given.”
His smile is warm and genuine, backed up by the yellow being intensified in her vision. She wonders what color he was seeing a lot of... it was probably purple if her emotions were that simple. They never seemed to be for her.
“Well... I was fired. Thats why I was running in the snow. At night, of all times, of course. Fucker didnt even have the decency to let me think I would survive. Of course... that was probably the point... if Tim and Brian couldnt catch me then the cold would get me for them.” She ground her teeth, that twiggy bitch. If she could kill him, she would. It wasnt likely though.
She was dragged out of her little rage fest when she fekt his hand squeeze hers gently. “If you dont mind filling me in. Who fired you? Were you a proxy?”
She finds herself absentmindedly tracing her thumb over his hand. Finding a small reprive from her thoughts in the action. “Yes. I was. Im not anymore though, so no need to worry about stealing another operators property.”
He hums worriedly before asking again. “Who fired you?”
Her eyes lock on the flames. They werent very bright, despite her knowing flames should be a brilliant orangey yellow. He wasnt very cheerful anymore.
“I was a proxy for Slenderman.” She lets the silence that follows take over. Maybe he knew him. Maybe being his soulmate didnt mean much to him, like Slenderman’s soulmate didnt mean much to him. He had once admitted to having one at one point, though she knew he didnt care to have one. He had called such a thing a ‘waste of time.’ Maybe this one thought the same.
“Oh. Well, that is very interesting. I have to say, it’s rather impressive you got away, though very glad you did, soulmate. I can guarentee he wont be a problem as long as you stay here. He doesnt visit me. All buisness we have is handled in his territory, hes such a shut in.” He waves his hand around in the air, as if brushing the thought of him coming here away.
“Well... thats good.” She didnt know how to proceed. He basically told her that she was free to stay and as long as she did, she would be safe. He would keep her safe.
“Now... I’m no idiot, though I may pass for one on occassion, but I know how he handles his buisness. He is very dependant on fear. And I know being fired from his ‘employment’, if you will, means death. I can promise that wont happen here. Marked proxies of other operators cant even cross the boundaries without permission. Youre safe here.” She feels her hair being played with and looks his way. “I promise.”
She knows it may just be the bond, but he felt trustworthy. She wanted to trust him, so she did. Smiling back at him gently, her hand squeezing his back, gently. “I believe you.”
The yellows in her vision seemed to shine a bit, making her relax into the couch. He was happy. He genuinely enjoyed knowing she trusted him. That she was comfortable with him.
“So, soulmate, I dont belive I got your name.” She turns her head toward him fully, laughing softly as he perks up. Eyes widening as he realizes she was right.
“How rude of me. Im sorry, soulmate. You can call me Splendor.” She tilts her head at the name. It wasnt a surprise, its not like she was expecting a normal name, but it was something that she wouldnt have expected regardless.
“Splendor. Well, my name is True. Im glad to have finally met you.”
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wittywallflower · 4 years
Merry Pranksters - Miles wants to play a practical joke on Julian while the doctor is off the station and asks Garak, of all people, for help.
(3,6k words, Miles & Garak gen fic)
Garak was just about to close up for the day when Miles O'Brien appeared quite unexpectedly. He was an infrequent visitor in the shop. The chief tended to leave sartorial considerations to his wife when he could get away with it. Outside of his holosuite costumes, that is, and in those cases he usually discussed things thoroughly with the doctor before letting Julian make the actual arrangements with the tailor.
"Good evening, Chief O'Brien," Garak greeted him as pleasantly as any customer. "How are those trousers I mended working out for you?"
"Fine, fine. Good as new," Miles said, but nothing more.
"Was there something you need?”
"You, uh... you want to help me prank Julian?" Miles asked.
Garak was just about to close up for the day when Miles O'Brien appeared quite unexpectedly. He was an infrequent visitor in the shop. The chief tended to leave sartorial considerations to his wife when he could get away with it. Outside of his holosuite costumes, that is, and in those cases he usually discussed things thoroughly with the doctor before letting Julian make arrangements with the tailor.
"Good evening, Chief O'Brien," Garak greeted him pleasantly. "How are those trousers I mended working out for you?"
"Fine, fine. Good as new," Miles said, but nothing more.
"Was there something you need? Don't tell me young Miss Molly had another growth spurt again so soon? That would be most inconvenient to Mrs. O'Brien. I believe she said they would be on Bajor this month? There aren't many clothing shops in the mountains of Ray'laht."
Miles was surprised, and not sure how he felt about the Cardassian talking so familiarly, and knowledgeably, about his family like that. But of course Garak would know a bit about it. Keiko liked the man, naturally would she would chat with him whenever Molly's pants were getting too short again and she had need of his services. Keiko was a nice, engaging woman and most people liked talking to her. Miles wouldn't have guessed Garak would care enough to listen, but then the man was or used to be a spy. He probably filed away any bit of intel, no matter how innocuous, just in case it came in handy later.
"Not that I am aware of yet," Miles answered, and huffed a laugh. "Won't be long though, the way she's growing."
Now that he thought of it, though, he could remember Julian mentioning that Cardassians were real big on family and loved children. Both apparently being big themes in the books Julian read and discussed with Garak. Julian, bless him, didn't try to get Miles to read any of it, limiting himself to the very broadest strokes of the stories when recounting his weekly lunches with the tailor. And Molly was adorable enough to win hearts wherever she went. It was possible that Garak not only knew but had a genuine friendly interest (as well as a professional one) in not just Molly's measurements but things like her favorite colors and what she liked to do for play. Some of the stain-resistant fabrics Garak had tracked down were a godsend, given how much the girl loved to paint.
Miles might not spend more time with Garak than he had to, but that didn't mean the man was entirely removed from his life. Even if Julian wasn't friends with the man, he would still be there on the station. In his tailor shop, discussing orchids with Keiko and making a mental note that young Miss Molly O'Brien detested knitted sweaters and broke out all over in itchy hives no matter how soft the wool.
Garak looked at the human and tried not to grin widely at the man's reticence, knowing the chief would only interpret it poorly. Garak simply enjoyed drawing information out of people otherwise reluctant to give it away. That's what had made him so good at procuring information for the Order. An honest zeal for the work.
"I stand at the ready when she does," Garak said with his blandest salesman smile. Which was really the only one the chief was likely to trust. "I was just about to close up for the night, if there's no assistance I can offer...."
He trailed off, eyes widened expectantly. Obviously the human had a reason to come here. O'Brien more than most was no fan of Cardassian company. With any other potential customers Garak would have set up an appointment for the following day. But if the chief was here for a fitting it wouldn't take long and Garak suspected O'Brien would be just as happy to have to over and done with quickly.
Miles didn't immediately answer and Garak began to turn away before the chief spoke up.
"You, uh... you want to help me prank Julian?" he asked.
"Pardon me?" Garak's tone and expression were a little too politely confused by half.
"You know, a practical joke."
O'Brien didn't believe for one second that the savvy ex-spy had lived among humans for so long without learning about pranks. In fact, he was damn sure a species as naturally devious as Cardassians was already intimately familiar with the concept, so he didn't elaborate.
"Julian's back from his conference tomorrow," he said instead, "Thought we could arrange a little 'surprise' for him."
"We? As in you and I?"
"Sure! Pranks are more fun with an accomplice," Miles said with a slight smile, and squinted speculatively at him. "And you seem like you might know a thing or two about being a co-conspirator."
Garak didn't insult the chief with his usual protestations that he was just a plain and simple tailor who couldn't possibly conspire against a soul, except perhaps his fractious supplier of Orellian brocade. In truth, the oft-repeated denial of his former career was getting a little tired. One should endeavor not to repeat the same lie too many times. And he was quite sure no one else found it as amusing as Julian did.
"Why me?" he asked. The two men did not have a habit of spending time in each other's company.
"Why not you?"
Miles tried not to get annoyed by the interrogation. He knew it was only annoying because he didn't want to explain himself. He had made the decision to try to be more friendly towards Garak, to reach out and include him in some shenanigans. It was his own fault if that gave the fellow a chance to get under his skin.
And it was a fair question after all, given the usually chilly civility between them.
"Dax and I have pranked Julian a dozen times already," Miles said. "Who else am I going to ask? Sisko? He's my commanding officer. Worf's barely got a sense of humor. And Odo is the station's head of security."
"You expect to engage in acts of dubious legality then?" Garak raised his brow ridges as if scandalized, but there was definitely a hint of mischief in his gaze.
"I expect Odo would find breaking into Julian's quarters a bit dubious, yes." Miles nodded.
Hmm, interesting. Garak was already intrigued by the novelty of the situation. The chief inviting Garak of all people into his fun. There was a 'why' to be discovered there and Garak did enjoy a mystery. But even if there were any reason to suspect the chief's motives might be nefarious, the chance to snoop around the doctor's quarters a bit would still be impossible to resist.
"Actually Quark is pretty good at schemes," Miles continued on through the list, "but there's no latinum in this for him so he wont bother himself. And the Major... well, she's had a hard life. A real rough time growing up. I'm not sure she would see the point in this sort of... silliness. And it occurs to me now that might be true for you too." Miles finished awkwardly. "I mean, I understand if you aren't interested."
Miles, with the natural intuition of a man of similar age who had seen his fair share of trouble, had guessed that Garak had been through a lot in his life. Even if he didn't have any idea what exactly. Garak didn't worry about anything Julian might have told Miles about the former spy's life simply because Garak hadn't told Julian much of anything that could be confirmed as truth. Station gossip surprisingly didn't have much to say about him beyond the painfully unimaginative: that he was still a spy, loyal to Cardassia, in service of the Obsidian Order, here to steal highly classified information and disrupt Federation efforts. Largely negative, but not so bad as to stop the gruff human engineer from sympathizing where he thought they might have common ground of being victims of trauma. Garak could almost feel a sort of... camaraderie with him for it.
"Why Chief, are you implying that I'm no fun?" Garak pivoted, a playful smile served with the joke. Easing their mutual discomfort at the near brush with emotional honesty, and signaling his acceptance of the scheme.
Miles barked an honest laugh at that and grinned back, relieved and, yes, a little amused by the Cardassian.
"I'll get what we need while you close up shop. Meet me at my quarters and we'll walk over to Julian's together."
When he received a nod of acquiescence, Miles left, cheerfully whistling on his way down the Promenade.
Garak was quite sure O'Brien knew he was just as capable of breaking into crew quarters as the engineer. But the former spy lurking around on a habitat level not his own would definitely draw some suspicion from station security. He did have a history of going where he wasn't authorized to be when the situation called for it and a door lock had never stopped that. In the chief's company his presence was less likely to be questioned, but Garak knew how to handle any potential run-ins with Odo regardless.
"Hey," O'Brien greeted him when Garak arrived at the chief's quarters with a parcel under his arm. "What's that?"
"My excuse for being on this level this time of night." Garak handed the package to Miles. "For Miss Molly. They'll be a little big yet, but that hardly matters with pajamas."
"What, did you sew these in the 10 minutes since I left you?" Miles asked with mild astonishment.
"I already had the pattern cut and fabric pinned," Garak said with a dismissive wave. "they were just waiting for the updated inseam measurement. It hardly took a moment to run my handheld seamer over it all."
Huh. Prepared for anything, this one, Miles thought as he accepted the parcel with a nod of thanks and set it down next to two Starfleet issue canvas duffle bags. One of which he hefted, the other he handed to Garak.
"Shall we?"
They made short work of the walk to the doctor's quarters and even shorter work of bypassing Julian's lock code to let themselves in.
Garak crossed to a table where he could set down the bag he held. Next to a pair of data padds that he made sure to 'accidentally' bump so as to activate their screens, which he then just happened to glance at long enough to make note of their contents. All of which would have gone unnoticed even if the room had been crowded with people. Garak was very discreet.
"What's the plan, Mister O'Brien?" He asked, opening the bag to pull out its contents. Which he stared at thoughtfully a moment before he gave up guessing and turned to ask an explanation. "With all these...pieces of paper?"
The bag was crammed full with short stacks of small slips of paper in various neon hues.
"They're called Post-Its, or sticky notes back home. Not exactly a novel concept, I've seen similar things around the galaxy. They mostly fell out of fashion on Earth in the 21st century when people started carrying electronic devices everywhere. You write notes on them: reminders, messages, shopping lists. They have adhesive on the back so you can stick them wherever you need and they come in bright colors so you can't miss seeing them."
"So we're going to... write notes to the doctor on these little squares?" Garak ask skeptically. That didn't seem terribly amusing but then, it would matter a great deal what exactly was written.
"No." Miles eyes suddenly gleamed with a light that bore ill tidings for Julian Bashir. "We are going to stick every single one of these little squares to every single surface we can reach until the whole room is covered with them." As Garak caught on and began to smile, Miles smiled back. "Though, now you mention it.... it could be funny to write stuff on 'em."
"Not all of them surely?" Garak asked.
O'Brien eyed his own bag crammed full of as many Post-Its as he could replicate. His hand cramped at just the idea of all that writing and he made a face.
"Because" Garak hastened to suggest, no more enamored with the thought of that task than the chief, "I really think it would be more amusing to write only on a select few of them. Say, give each word of a sentence its own square and scatter the message around the room. This would force him to examine every last one if he wants to be sure he's found all them."
"Garak, that's brilliant!" Miles grinned. Okay, maybe now he could see how Julian found Garak's devious mind enjoyable instead of just worrisome. "He won't be able to resist finding the clues so he cant just sweep everything into the recycler, he'll have to leave it all up and stare at it until he solves the puzzle."
Miles chortled, pulling out a cube of sticky notes and handing it to Garak.
"You think up a message, I'll try to find you a pen."
"No need, Chief." Garak pulled an elegant looking pen from a discreet pocket in his trousers.
"You just carry a fountain pen around with you?" Miles asked.
Plenty of people still enjoyed the tactile feeling of writing, Jake Sisko to name one, but who actually carried such an old-fashioned writing implement? Most everything on the station could be handled through a computer or padd. And even a standard ink stylus would work more reliably than a fussy fountain pen. They never leaked and stained your uniform, for one.
"A tailor is always prepared for anything," Garak said with a smirk, unknowingly echoing Miles' earlier thought.
Miles shook his head but he was still smiling as he turned away to start covering Julian's chair.
They were both accustomed to working with brisk efficiency so it didn't take as long as either expected to work their way around the room in opposite directions, covering everything in a kaleidoscope of neon paper. Still, it would have bordered on tedious if Miles hadn't broken the silence with a few stories of past pranks. Garak warmed up to the subject as he came to find the other man could be delightfully inventive in his mischief. The prank they were currently engaged in, while diverting, was not particularly impressive by Garak's estimation. The chief agreed.
"This is a pretty amateur effort, if I'm honest," Miles said over his shoulder as he lined the doorway to Julian's bedroom with bright blue squares. "But it was all spur of the moment. I didn't have the time to plan anything more elaborate before tomorrow. Besides, Keiko would have words for me if she came home to find i blew a bunch of latinum to play a joke on Julian. This only cost me replicator credits."
Garak could understand the pressure of a deadline, and a budget. Sometimes an uncomplicated plan was best when one was in a pinch.
"I think the doctor will be amused, regardless of the simplicity," he offered as reassurance to Miles. "And if he happens to return exhausted from his travels, it will be a kindness for him that it's not something a great deal more involved."
Garak was thinking of one of the stories Miles had just shared about locking a particularly annoying Enterprise crewmate in the holodeck for several hours to play out an especially embarrassing scenario.
Miles for his part was thinking how interesting it was for Garak to be so considerate of Julian's comfort like that. The doctor was known for his abundance (some might say excess) of energy; all bounce-and-go. He wasn't exactly the type you'd ever think of as being in need of a nap. Fretting that someone would have a proper chance to rest after a long trip... that spoke of a certain level of caring, in his experience. What level exactly Miles wasn't ready to hazard a guess at. He couldn't read the Cardassian in the best of times, let alone when they were both at work with their backs to each other.
Huh. Willingly turning his back on a Cardassian, a known operative of the Obsidian Order, alone and in close quarters with no witnesses. Miles could honestly say he didn't trust the man. If Quark had a pool going, O'Brien would lay a bet that Garak had at least 2 weapons hidden on his person at any time. But he somehow knew Garak's deceit did not extend to doing violence in this sort of innocuous situation.
Their final task was to cover the shelving along one wall, full of Bashir's books and belongings. They worked their way up from the floor, with some discussion as to how to wrap oddly-shaped knick-knacks, until they reached the top shelf. And its lumpy, rather disreputable looking occupant.
O'Brien eyed it dubiously.
"I don't think Julian will thank us for messing with Kukalaka. The adhesive on these things is pretty weak but still... that bear is half dust, held together by nostalgia and stubbornness. I don't want to try sticking anything to that threadbare fur."
Garak regarded the teddy bear, largely ignored on his previous visit (intrusion) in the doctor's quarters. The chief was obviously well familiar with the toy and what it meant to Julian. Miles didn't offer further information but Garak could read between the lines and tell it important. Very important indeed. Sudden inspiration suppressed the burning curiosity he knew wouldn't be satisfied in the moment anyway.
"I think we can include... Kukalaka, is it? in on the fun without harming him," Garak smiled at the chief.
While O'Brien finished the rest of the shelf, Garak grabbed a cube of notes and began layering them until he had a large multi-colored sheet. Very carefully (the chief was right, the adhesive barely stuck to anything) he began to fold his creation. Spare minutes later Kukalaka was the proud possessor of a very dapper, day-glo hat. All sticky edges safely folded and tucked away.
"Huh, I didn't know you could do origami." O'Brien remarked as he took in Garak's handiwork.
"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the term."
"Oh, its an art form from Earth's Japanese culture. Folding paper to create shapes, usually animals and flowers and the like."
"And hats?"
"And hats." Miles chuckled. "I'm not too bad at it myself. Keiko taught me, thinking with all the fiddly engineering work I do my fingers would be good at it. She was right, like she usually is."
"I would imagine several society with advanced paper industries have developed similar arts," Garak said, always interesting in cross-comparing cultures. "I'll have to ask Mrs. O'Brien to tell me more about this origami sometime."
"You should," Miles' smile was... actually genuinely friendly. It was not a sight Garak was used to seeing. "She'd enjoy talking to you about it."
They both looked around for a long moment, feeling satisfaction at the visible results of their efforts. Nearly every surface was decked in bright colors. They didn't have enough supplies to completely cover the walls so they settled for framing the doorways and viewport, and covering all the wall art. An armchair was a violent neon purple, the low table before it a yellow that hurt Garak's eyes to look at directly. The replicator in the wall was ringed in concentric stripes and Julian's desk was covered in no less than 5 different eye-searing shades.
"I wish I could see his face when he walks in," Miles chortled, almost boyish in his glee.
"I can send you the feed from my hidden surveillance devices," Garak offered with a straight face and level tone.
Any other day that line, delivered with that sort of aplomb, would have left O'Brien with a suspicious, questioning glare. Such a thing was by no means beyond Garak's capabilities or outside his morals, they both knew that. But, despite himself, the unique experience of spending this time with the chief did not lend itself to Garal projecting his usual aura of danger cloaked in affability. The engineer looked him over and he could practically see Garak radiating with a energy of what he could only describe of as.... fun.
So Miles didn't bother to take the joke seriously. Even if it was true and Garak did have illegal surveillance equipment set up, the chief would never actually get confirmation or proof of it so it didn't bear worrying about right now. If, later, Miles decided it was a credible threat he would mention it to Julian.
"C'mon," Miles said, almost going as far as giving the man a good-natured slap on the back but definitely smart enough not to push his luck. "I'll buy us a round at Quark's in the name of a job well done."
"I don't think we've ever had a drink together, Chief," Garak couldn't help but point out, because it was in his nature to stir the pot, to provoke a reaction just to see what he would get.
Miles shrugged that off, knowing it was true enough. But the whole night had been unprecedented anyway, and he for one had worked up a thirst.
"You can relieve Quark of some of that overstock of kanar he's always complaining about taking up space in his store room. The more you drink, the less I have to listen to him whinge about it," the human said.
Garak accepted that, and the offer of a drink; oddly more comfortable for it to be a matter of selfishness on O'Brien's part rather than an honest gesture of kindness from an acquaintance. What sort of life left a man unable to trust motives that weren't entirely devious and self-serving? Miles shook the thought off as they headed for the Promenade and the bar. He was much too tired to go digging around in anyone's psyche right now, much less the enigma of a man beside him.
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badheart · 4 years
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GENERAL name:  sef birthday:  10.11.   sexual orientation:  pan  school status:  fach-abi (idk: advanced technical college entrance qualification??)  ... i didn’t wanna learn french... idk kinda was necessary in most schools
QUESTIONS what is your special talent/skill as a roleplayer?     i do actually manage to roleplay on this blog, so that’s something for sure. and maybe that i can do some fanart of my muses and ships, it is a neat extra haha.  what is your favorite type of roleplay genre, and why?     conflict, just look at the characters i play, but also fluff is nice once in a while, but mostly i want some deep talk, which allows some nice development, aka learning much more about my own muse and my partners as well, depending on how curious i am about them.  why did you pick your muse?      i have a thing for bad boys, and usually characters who ain’t part of the protag team, and by women i love very powerful, cool - collected ones. grimm was the first here, and he simply filled the bill and looked pretty, also kinda fun to play, in things depth, ... he lacks somewhat tho, due to being a hollow, also i find the goal to get stronger generally boring (yet a bunch of my muses have it, so welps) and being fixated on the protag, but another welps. / harri one of the few fem characters who interested me and i found aesthetically nice, i rly just wanted to rp / own her? idk you ever see a cool character and just? grabby hands?? def nice to rp her once in a while, but she difficult and tragic. / shu was mostly added after i wondered, which fem character has the highest chance to end up with (ila’s) aizen. it was her, and aesthetically, thematic wise my total type, she is pretty cool and bleach sure lacked some more evil, mature fem characters, then again it is a shonen, so not surprised about the lack. Also her position and role allowed a lot of interesting interactions, views. / ginjo is my rebel boi, one of the few characters who wont shut up about SS’s system, he holds some strong opinions and his entire story just gave me so much to work with and god i love him, shame the fullbring arc was not handled so well. / hubert, finally my first quincy, i blame my friends but also the lil bit interaction he had with ju and bazz, it just promised a lot interaction wise, also did i mention i like uniforms? also someone who is above most sternritter, also a neat perspective / bazz happened due to going a few times thro the last chapters, also cuz of hubert. he sure seems like another standard character, but he turned out to be quite a chaotic, egoist, i take him!  if you could write any other muse - but know you don’t have the muse for him/her - who would it be?     bankotsu, ezio  what is one thing you think you need to work on as a partner?     on my honesty level i am pretty good already, but sure not knowing some ppls reactions makes it still hard. communication, always, but it could be far worse for sure. in sympathy i suck pretty much as well, if u rly need help, better go to someone else, i am not good with words and would rather hug u, but obvs not possible in da internet.   what would be your warning label to other roleplayers?     i cannot concentrate well, and if only on a few (like partners), i am german & angry :^) fear me, ok but rly u can be chill with me, i do handle everything privately and i don’t waste my time on telling ppl what to write or not, that’s not my job and will not change anything anyway, it is da internet, somewhere will still someone write something u don’t agree on. i swear the shit i see on youtube, comments, or on reddit, or wherever... i don’t wanna waste my lifetime on that.  what is your favorite episode/scene of your muse?     hopefully the one in the future, where grimm meets askin. what crack!ships do you have for your muse?     none, not much of a crack fan anyway.  what is your senpai blog?     mmmmh :^) ila’s, her writing has such a nice flow and is still easy to understand, I am still so fuckin happy, you started to rp again, because damn you got talent! Ila can capture characters so well, it is truly mesmerizing, 10/10 forever blessed. 
tagged by: snatched away tagging: i know u like talking about yourselves, i certainly do haha, @levaer​ , @fcarher​ , @hirako5hinji​ , @amutucry​ , @tatarfora​ , @toketsuu​ , @sphaeraa​ , @serasarc​ , and here are some neat questions. 
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satanfm · 4 years
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𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆. 𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒕 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖. 
bolded songs are present them, italtics is highschool them, and bolded + italtics is both
take it like a man --- “here you'll become what you're supposed to be you think you can't but you can. think of the guy you want most to be. here's your chance to make it so take it like a man. what does she want? not really sure why can't we leave things the way that they were? why can i never say no to her? here you'll become what you're suppose to be you think you can't but you can. think of the guy you want most to be. not quite the guy i'd of chose to be but when she's standing so close to me i think i like her plan.”
i’ll cover you --- “live in my house, i'll be your shelter just pay me back with one thousand kisses be my lover and i'll cover you open your door, i'll be your tenant don't got much baggage, to lay at your feet but sweet kisses, i've got to spare i'll be there and i'll cover you i think they meant it when they said you can't buy love now i know you can rent it a new lease you are my love on life, be my life just slip me on, i'll be your blanket wherever, whatever i'll be your coat you'll be my king, and i'll be your castle no, you be my queen, and i'll be your moat.”
falling slowly --- “i don't know you but i want you all the more for that words fall through me and always fool me and i can't react and games that never amount to more than they're meant will play themselves out take this sinking boat and point it home we've still got time raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice you'll make it now falling slowly, eyes that know me and i can't go back and moods that take me and erase me and i'm painted black well, you have suffered enough and warred with yourself it's time that you won.”
i can hear the bells --- “i can hear the bells well, don't cha hear 'em chime? can't 'cha feel my heartbeat keeping perfect time? and all because he touched me he looked at me and stared, yes he bumped me my heart was unprepared when he tapped me and knocked me off my feet one little touch now my life's complete 'cause when he nudged me love put me in a fix, yes it hit me just like a ton of bricks, yes my heart burst now i know what life's about one little touch and love's knocked me out and i can hear the bells my head is spinning i can hear the bells something's beginning.”
it takes two --- “you've changed you're daring you're different in the woods more sure more sharing you're getting us through the woods if you could see you're not the man who started and much more openhearted than i knew you to be it takes two i thought one was enough it's not true it takes two of us you came through when the journey was rough it took you it took two of us it takes care it takes patience and fear and despair to change though you swear to change who can tell if you do it takes two.”
the last night of the world --- “in a place that won't let us feel in a life where nothing seems real i have found you i have found you in a world that's moving too fast in a world where nothing can last i will hold you i will hold you our lives will change when tomorrow comes tonight our hearts drown the distant drums and we have music all right tearing the night a song played on a solo saxophone a crazy sound a lonely sound a cry that tells us love goes on and on played on a solo saxophone it's telling me to hold you tight and dance like it's the last night of the world.”
lay all your love on me --- “a little small talk, a smile and baby i was stuck i still don't know what you've done with me a grown-up woman should never fall so easily i feel a kind of fear when i don't have you near unsatisfied, i skip my pride i beg you dear don't go wasting your emotion lay all your love on me don't go sharing your devotion lay all your love on me.”
next ten minutes --- “cathy...will you share your life with me for the next ten minutes? for the next ten minutes we can handle that we could watch the waves we could watch the sky or just sit and wait as the time ticks by and if we make it till then can i ask you again for another ten? and if you in turn agree to the next ten minutes and the next ten minutes till the morning comes then just holding you might compel me to ask you for more there are so many lives i want to share with you i will never be complete until i do.”
love you like a table --- “your white dress sparks words spontaneous i'll sing from mountaintops i am in love (love, love) and i don't care who knows it lucky me i was ordinary but with your love, you see i am a po-o-o-o-o-oem writer i will express this if i'm able i love you like a table my legs were carved for you i love you like a table oh, oh, oh, oh i'm wood and you're glue cover me with stuff oh, oh, oh, oh and i will hold it up strong and stable oh, oh, oh, oh i love you like a table.”
i’ve never been in love --- “i've never been in love before now all at once it's you it's you forever more i've never been in love before i thought my heart was safe i thought i knew the score but this is wine it's all too strange and strong i'm full of foolish song and out my song must pour so please forgive this helpless haze i'm in i've really never been in love before.”
only us --- “what if it's you and what if it's me and what if that's all that we need it to be and the rest of the world falls away? what do you say? i never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me well so i give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go but if you really see me if you like me for me and nothing else well, that's all that i've wanted for longer that you could possibly know so it can be us it can be us and only us and what came before won't count anymore or matter we can try that it's not so impossible nobody else but the two of us here 'cause you're saying it's possible we can just watch the whole world disappear 'til you're the only one i still know how to see it's just you and me it'll be us, it'll be us and only us.”
happiness --- “but hearing you laugh seeing you there everything's shining new to mee there have to be words for telling you so but looking at you i don't know it's something like something like happiness something like warm something like true something like i have never knewn something like safe something like home all of this time having no clue there could be someone that i matter to into my heart out of the blue happiness so here's what it is here's how it feels having a life with you in it happiness.”
you matter to me --- “i could find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes they've seen things that you never quite say, but i hear come out of hiding, i'm right here beside you and i'll stay there as long as you let me because you matter to me simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody you matter to me i promise you do, you, you matter too i promise you do, you see? you matter to me it's addictive the minute you let yourself think the things that i say just might matter to someone all of this time i've been keeping my mind on the running away and for the first time i think i'd consider the stay because you matter to me simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody you matter to me i promise you do, you, you matter too i promise you do, you see?”
almost paradise --- “oh almost paradise we're knockin' on heaven's door almost paradise how could we ask for more? i swear that i can see forever in your eyes paradise it seems like perfect love's so hard to find i'd almost given up you must have read my mind and all these dreams i saved for a rainy day they're finally coming true i'll share them all with you 'cause now we hold the future in our hand oh almost paradise.”
seven wonders --- “i've seen the seven wonders if you give or take a few but all them seven wonders well they can't compare to you i've been a lot of places yes, i've traveled near and far but now i know that home is where you are.”
perfect for you --- “this planet is pretty much broken beyond all repair but one thing is working if you're standing there. perfect for you i could be perfect for you i might be lazy, a loner, a bit of a stoner, it's true but i might be perfect, i'll make myself perfect, perfect for you. you square all the corners, i straighten the curves. you've got some nerve henry, and i'm just all nerves. but even if everything else turns to dirt we'll be the one thing in this world that wont hurt.”
somewhere --- “there's a place for us, somewhere a place for us. peace and quiet and open air wait for us somewhere. there's a time for us, some day a time for us, time together with time spare, time to learn, time to care, some day!”
no one else --- “the moon first time i heard your voice moon light burst into the room and i saw your eyes and i saw your smile and the world opened wide and the world was inside of me and i catch my breath and i laugh and blush and i hear guitars you are so good for me i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you i love you oooh, the moon oooh, the snow in the moonlight and your childlike eyes and your distant smile i'll never be this happy again you and i and no one else.”
i could write a book --- “if they ask me, i could write a book about the way you walk and whisper and look i could write a preface on how we met so the world would never forget and the simple secret of the plot is just to tell them that i love you, a lot then the world discovers as my book ends how to make two lovers of friends.”
i chose right --- “as i leave my single life behind thoughts are kind of spinning in my mind first i think about you and i think about me loving you and i think about you and me deciding we could be one it's crazy i know, i wrestle with my pillow all last night and i look at you and i know i chose right life's a very long road and the crossroads come up right away and it's so hard to know which way to go when you've barely begun and oh, the road you leave behind can shine so bright and i look at you and i know i chose right.”
unusual way -- “in a very unusual way one time i needed you in a very unusual way you were my friend maybe it lasted a day maybe it lasted an hour but somehow it will never end in a very unusual way i think i'm in love with you in a very unusual way i want to cry something inside me goes weak something inside me surrenders and you're the reason why, you're the reason why you don't know what you do to me you don't have a clue you can't tell what it's like to be me looking at you it scares me so that i can hardly speak in a very unusual way i owe what i am to you though at times it appears i won't stay, i'll never go. special to me in my life since the first day that i met you how could i ever forget you once you had touched my soul in a very unusual way you made me whole.”
suddenly seymour --- “lift up your head wash off your mascara here, take my cleanex wipe that lipstick away. show me your face as clean as the mornin i know things were bad but now they're okay. suddenly seymour is standing beside you you don't need no makeup you don't have to pretend suddenly seymour is here to provide you sweet understanding. seymour's your friend nobody ever treated me kindly father left early, mama was poor i'd meet a man and i'd follow him blindly. he's snap his fingers. me, i'd say, sure suddenly seymour is standing beside me he don't give me orders, he don't condescend suddenly seymour is here to provide me. sweet understanding, seymour's my friend. tell me this feelin' last for forever tell me the bad times are clean washed away.”
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onwesterlywinds · 5 years
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Malla Velius assembles the first wave of Riskbreakers in her tiny chambers aboard the Prima Vista. Malla Velius is a short woman with red hair shaved to her head. She greatly resembles her niece; perhaps she is an indication of what Ashelia Riot will look like in twenty years, with or without a lifetime of hardship. When she speaks, however, her voice is unlike the Grand Steward's: low, even, and containing not a trace of an accent.
Sylvan Rain nods to her, offering a smile. Malla Velius: Greetings. To all of you. Malla Velius' gaze passes across the assembled crowd. Orella Steelhand nods. Priscilla Scaevola gives a small bow when entering and picks a corner - the place felt cramped before with a tenth of the people in it. Timid Fawn simply dips her head in greeting. Eindride Stokys nods, but looks a bit nervous. Malla Velius: Apologies for the lack of room. However, this may be the safest place in imperial airspace to say what needs to be said. Malla Velius: There's been a change of plans. I've lost contact with my primary contact within the Resistance - a man with ties to their leader, Princess Ashe. Akhutai Urit looks half amused but decides not to say anything. Sylvan Rain's eyebrow quirks upward at the 'change in plans'. Ivaan Arkwright keeps one ear on the door, half expecting a double-cross. Orella Steelhand gives her a measured once-over - checking for weapons, no doubt - and folds her arms, not trusting being aboard the ship. Orella Steelhand: What sort of change? Timid Fawn scowls pensively, clenching her jaw a bit as she listens. Malla Velius has something hidden in her left sleeve - something metal. Alaq'it Moks plunks herself onto a basket by Priscilla Scaevola. Malla Velius: My contact was killed by a turncoat - a man by the name of Grissom. Grissom has stolen intel, supplies, explosives... and the auracite that was meant to go to the Riskbreakers. Akhutai Urit gives a very long drawn out sigh. Aidea Lee frowns at the mention of auracite. Sylvan Rain can't help but nod in agreement with Akhutai Urit. Malla Velius: The Grand Steward has told me to be as transparent with all of you as possible. I will say, then, that I bear no love for the auracite. Malla Velius draws back her left sleeve to reveal her arm - a dark metal prosthesis with fingers like claws. Malla Velius: It was /auracite/ that took my arm - auracite in the hands of anti-imperial rebels. In the hands of Garleans, it can do far worse. Orella Steelhand frowns at that - deeply. Orella Steelhand: Auracite did that to you? Eindride Stokys eyes widen in awe, and he holds one of his hands in the other instinctively. Malla Velius taps the metal. Malla Velius: /This/, technically, was the Empire. They could not suffer an Aan to retire early. Akhutai Urit looks like he wants to say things, but Ashelia Riot isn't here so he will refrain. Sylvan Rain: Is that inevitable with all that choose to use auracite? Malla Velius: I did not use it. Rather, it was used on me. Aidea Lee adjusts her aetherial sight so she can take a better look at the arm; it's exhausting, but worth it. Timid Fawn looks uncomfortable at this point, but remains outwardly stoic. Malla Velius: Whensoever you find the auracite, do with it what you will. The Dalmascans believe it to be the only way to defeat the Empire... but in anyone's hands, it is a dangerous tool. And now it is in the possession of a traitor to the Resistance. Alaq'it Moks slides in by Akhutai Urit to quietly stare at he arm while the explanation continues. Ivaan Arkwright: Anybody know where the traitor went? Malla Velius: South of Rabanastre - into a treacherous wood called the Snowfly Forest. In the meantime, there are other complications. Akhutai Urit can't help himself and actually laughs at this point. Akhutai Urit: Very well. Malla Velius: Grissom may have planted at least one of his explosives deep under Dalmasca on his way out of the city. Ideally the Resistance would handle that themselves, but with Garlean surveillance so thorough... to do so would be to threaten their entire number to capture. Orella Steelhand pinches the bridge of her nose; it's all getting to be a lot, suddenly. Malla Velius: Their needs, then, are twofold: to find the traitor, and to save the city. So too is there a need for external surveillance, and monitoring, and all sorts of tasks. Priscilla Scaevola brings out a piece of parchment, thinking of shorthanding some notes, but stops herself. Eindride Stokys purses his lips, thinking this whole situation seems grim. Aidea Lee knows how to defuse a bomb and wonders how much digging is needed to go under Dalmasca. Orella Steelhand sighs, deeply, lets her hand fall, and looks at the woman carefully. Orella Steelhand: What are you asking of us? That... isn't an insignificant amount of things to task us with. And if the Garleans are watching that place... Ivaan Arkwright: Does the Empire know of this bomb? If they wanted to level the city, I imagine they would have done so already with war machines. Priscilla Scaevola: If I understand... If we just go for the Griss guy, we risk him exploding the city. So we would need a group to defuse it while we capture the sod. Malla Velius nods at Priscilla Scaevola's answer to Orella Steelhand's question. Malla Velius: As far as whether or not they know... no. But the Empire would delight in anything that would wreak havoc upon the Resistance. Even if it destroys the city. Orella Steelhand nods slowly at the answer and the explanation, but she still has a frown on her face. Orella Steelhand: Who is this Grissom? Sylvan Rain shrugs to herself, knowing her only real use here would be helping in the capture of the rebel. Malla Velius: A senior member of the Dalmascan Resistance. I met him only once - he seemed to me rather /subdued/, but he had to have been planning this escape for years. Orella Steelhand snorts - she's known turncoats for decent causes before, and she hates this guy already. Malla Velius: And I was never as instinctive a judge of character as... well. Malla Velius was about to say "Ashley Riot." Alaq'it Moks is scribbling notes on the parchment from her boot, though most of them are pictures instead of words; a bundle of garlic with menacing faces lurks at the edge of the paper. Malla Velius: Now, then. I can send an encrypted message to the Grand Steward with whatever you choose to do. I certainly will not keep you here. But I will leave it to you to determine who will be going where - and what your plan of action may be. Priscilla Scaevola mumbles to herself. Priscilla Scaevola: If the bomb is remotely activated, we could fashion a device to track its signal... Akhutai Urit: ...So we're in need of at least three teams according to you. Surveillance, capture, and... bomb disarming. I can go wherever I'm needed in regards to any of those; I've no preference. Orella Steelhand glances around the room; she still doesn't really /know/ any of these people, but... if they're Ashelia Riot's picks, she trusts them. Timid Fawn glances around, quietly interjecting. Timid Fawn: Regardless of the teams... There's needs for protection... So I will go whereever. Orella Steelhand: I'll go after the guy. Is he supposed to be brought back? Killed? Malla Velius: Whichever you feel is best. Malla Velius makes it clear in her voice which she would prefer. Sylvan Rain: I will go with Orella to find Grissom. Aidea Lee: I have heard from a Dalmascan naturalist staying at the Sandsea of an extensive sewer system beneath Rabanastre. Perhaps we can start bomb searching there? Do you think imperials would lurk in sewers? Akhutai Urit: I'm sure they could lurk in all sorts of places. Priscilla Scaevola: I am certain they won't leave a place untouched. Timid Fawn: No doubt... Ivaan Arkwright: I can either aid in capture, or provide surveillance from above. I would do more harm than good trying to tinker with a bomb. Alaq'it Moks closes her eyes. Alaq'it Moks: I think... I think I would help in bomb-searching. My tryings at surveillance have not had a good track record of late. Aidea Lee smiles with relief at Alaq'it Moks. She was getting afraid of crawling underground alone and possibly blowing up. Eindride Stokys: Capture or espionage may be better suited for myself... I'm afraid I am not too familiar with such technology. But ultimately I will go to where there is need of me. Malla Velius: Thank you all. Malla Velius again resembles Ashe in the way she smiles her relief. Sylvan Rain: What sort of resistance should we expect from this Grissom, should there be any? Malla Velius: ...None can say. He has the auracite, after all. Sylvan Rain: Hopefully we can get to him before he has the chance to use it. Orella Steelhand: A challenge for us if he does. Sylvan Rain smirks confidently at Orella Steelhand. Sylvan Rain: I /kind/ of prefer he put up a fight. Priscilla Scaevola remembers Eorzeans’ lack of self preservation and sighs slightly. Akhutai Urit can't help but wonder if others are eager to get new arms. Malla Velius assesses Timid Fawn from the opposite corner of the room. Malla Velius: Your garb - are you Abanian? Timid Fawn: Ah... Yes. Malla Velius: ...Going into the Snowfly Forest requires a skilled survivalist. A hunter, preferably. You would do well to accompany that group, I should think. Timid Fawn offers a stiff and eager nod. Timid Fawn: I will do my best. Priscilla Scaevola: I will need some time to make us a radar - a few days at most. That way we wont be sewer-diving aimlessly. Malla Velius nods to Priscilla Scaevola. Malla Velius: That should be feasible. And if there is anything that any of you need to prepare in the meantime, the principal of the Majestic would be glad to accommodate you. Despite all that's at stake... I hope you enjoy your time aboard. Akhutai Urit smirks. Orella Steelhand snorts. Sylvan Rain: All I need is a place to train and I'm fine. Priscilla Scaevola: Are there plays happening on the meantime? Priscilla Scaevola, at least, is excited for their stay. Aidea Lee: Oh, I do hope we can see at least one Majestic performance! Their dancers are lovely. Malla Velius: They're in reading for their next performance. The Zodiac Brave Story. Priscilla Scaevola is excited no more. Eindride Stokys smiles politely, but has a hard time believing he'll be comfortable with the ships' passengers outside of the fellow company members. Sylvan Rainlooks to Orella Steelhand. Sylvan Rain: Only thing I really need to know about all this is the surrounding area of where he'll be when we attempt to capture him. Things we might encounter.. Malla Velius: I would be happy to share everything I know later, once we procure a map. Orella Steelhand nods again, then looks to Malla Velius and asks the most important question she can think of. Orella Steelhand: Is there anything to drink on this ship? Priscilla Scaevola: We could find some sake back in Kugane if we need to restock. Malla Velius winces visibly. Malla Velius: ...Only if you enjoy Garlean spirits. Orella Steelhand sighs and makes a face. Orella Steelhand: ...They'll do. Sylvan Rain: Well, Orella and I are going after Grissom.. Others are welcome, of course. We shall see who tags along. Orella Steelhand: Aye. Not to forget any others- I'm hard-pressed to believe this many fit in /this/ room... Orella Steelhand looks at Malla again, thoughtful. Orella Steelhand: When did Grissom go missing? And where? Malla Velius: Last night, in the sewers. Two members standing watch reported him exiting a heretofore unknown tunnel with supplies. Orella Steelhand: That soon ago? And /sewers/, no less... Orella Steelhand looks up at Sylvan Rain. Orella Steelhand: Hope you like trekking through shite. Malla Velius: I have yet to determine the extent of his involvement with the 9th Bureau, or with any other part of the IVth Legion. I will do so before you leave. Sylvan Rain looks less than amused but doesn't object. Wouldn't be the worst thing I've had to do... Malla Velius: If there's nothing else pressing, I'll relay things as they stand now to the principal. For the record, he's one of the few aboard who can be trusted. As far as the others - as I noted before - watch yourselves. Akhutai Urit hopes she appreciates the withholding of many a snide remark. Eindride Stokys nods. Malla Velius: Thank you all. And please, take care. Malla Velius squeezes her way out of her own room. Alaq'it Moks: I- well, perhaps. I do have some experience in throwing things that have exploded. Alaq'it Moks puffs herself up a bit. Aidea Lee: Um, that is to say, we will find the bomb. We will not be bombing anything. Alaq'it Moks shrugs at Aidea Lee. Alaq'it Moks: Well, the experience will still help! Aidea Lee is getting nervous. I have healing spells should we get hurt, but um, maybe do not lose any arms? Magitek can be pricey. Akhutai Urit: ...And you have to keep it maintained. Aidea Lee nods to Akhutai Urit. Alaq'it Moks waves a hand impatiently. Alaq'it Moks: If we make such a mistake, I do not think I will be worrying about arms, will I? It is a bomb meant to blow up a city. It will definitely blow up me. Sylvan Rain turns to Orella Steelhand. Sylvan Rain: I'll be following your lead here. You seem to be more familiar with what we're dealing with. At least those involved. Orella Steelhand: To an extent. I... Orella Steelhand hesitates, but there's no point in hiding it. Orella Steelhand: I was conscripted into the Garlean army after Ala Mhigo's fall. And the Mhigan army for years before that. I couldn't handle any other part of this expedition. Ivaan Arkwright: Between the two of you, I would think our man is already caught. I might be best used taking to the rooftops, and keeping an eye out for Imperial movements. Unless you think you could use a third? Orella Steelhand: Depends how tricky he gets. Sylvan Rain: A birds'-eye view could certainly help us. Ivaan Arkwright: I admit, I know nothing of magicite. But if it can remove limbs, well... I have always been served well by a healthy dose of paranoia. Orella Steelhand: ... Nothing like the threat of limb-removal to keep one on their toes. Sylvan Rain: If you feel more comfortable staying out of sight and keeping watch from above... I think that would be fine with us. Ivaan Arkwright: To the sky with me, then. Besides, forests are familiar to me. Alaq'it Moks looks up to Akhutai Urit and gives Eorzea's longest sigh. Timid Fawn quietly slips out the door to elsewhere. Akhutai Urit shrugs. Alaq'it Moks: Are you certain you do not wish to chase a bomb... Sylvan Rain: I'll be off training if either of you need me. Hopefully I can find a spot that can accommodate me. Akhutai Urit: If that is where I am need, I will go. I am simply resigning myself to surveillance currently has no one had volunteered. Alaq'it Moks takes out her note paper, attempting to make scribbles of who is going where, but sighs and stuffs it back in her boot. Priscilla Scaevola meekly raises her hand to Akhutai Urit. Priscilla Scaevola: I'll help with surveillance if i can, after I fashion the radar. Akhutai Urit: Radar would be helpful indeed. Priscilla Scaevola nods. With some more time, maybe we can make something to listen into their comms. I have a bit of experience with those. Akhutai Urit: As do I. I've hacked into my fair share of linkpearl communications... Akhutai Urit is healthy. Priscilla Scaevola agrees wholeheartedly with Akhutai Urit. Aidea Lee goes to watch the dancers practice; she is not slacking off. Priscilla Scaevola: I'll be in your capable hands then. Priscilla Scaevola winks. Akhutai Urit smirks, I will try not to disappoint. Priscilla Scaevola: Be seeing you, then.
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xhellnhighheelsx · 6 years
Tuck + children
The first fewdecades aren’t so bad. He fights monsters and fixes toys and finds far moresatisfaction in sitting still than he ever thought possible. But it doesn’t tame the itch to explore or quell the wanderlust still rich in his veins. The stillness makes his legs ache. The cold slowly extinguishing the burning need to run, to go go go and never look back. He isn’t too proud to say he misses it, that it’s best his TARDIS is gone. Some nights he isn’t sure he’d have the strength to stay. 
The night sky stillcalls to him, but he’s grown accustom to the cold and the clouds and the snowand the quiet that settle eternally on the town of Christmas like a blanket. It wasn’t all that long ago that he locked himself away in hisship, determined to keep the universe at bay. Funny how the more things change,the more they stay the same. 
He passes thetime with handles, but his true solace is the children, reliving animated talesfor bed time stories and acting out improbable victories. He tells them of his favorites, of a shop girl who made him remember how to smile, of the Ood andthe songs they sing for a woman who can’t ever remember, of a boy who waited by abox for two thousand years. He tells them of Susan and Sara Jane and Martha. And on very special nights, when the space ships that dart across the sky remind him too much of shooting stars, he tells them of River Song. 
He tells them of the woman who beguiles and bewilders him to no end, how she brought the best kind of trouble with her wherever she went and took a tiny piece of his hearts with her whenever she left. And the more stories he tells, the more curious the children are. They ask him questions like, “Where is she now and how did you meet?”
And he always offers them the saddest of smiles because, “We met in a Library,” he confesses. “Or a cornfield, depending how you look at it.“
 "Didyou love her?” A small voice asks, and the Doctor swallows back the words that catch inhis throat because even now his hearts can’t bear the memory of her without wanting to unravel half the universe.
He never answers them. he doesn’t have to, because children always know, don’t they? To them, love and magic are things that never need explaining.
Years pass andpass and pass. Houses are built and treaties are made and children grow older. New faces, eager and bright, fill the stone floor of his tower. They love tohear his fairy tales of wizards and Romans and kisses that can save all reality.They love to draw, the flickering sea of fresh faces. He keeps every picture.A reminder of why he needs to stay. 
Of course, he hasother reminders too. 
The sharp chimeof bells tells him they’re at it again- the Sontarans or the Cybermen or the Slitheen, any of them, all of them. It hardly matters. He is still the Doctorand he’s prepared for anything. Except perhaps the quiet fog that’s descendedover the sleepy town. There’s a shadow in themist, not a Dalek or a robot, the movements are too fluid. Shadowstwist and creep as snow crunches under steadily marching feet. But it isn’t like the Judoon, there’s acadence to the steps, rhythm that’s almost familiar. It isn’t until the sway ofher hips comes in to view that he allows hope to flutter inside his chest.
“River.” He breathes her name like it’s the answer to a prayer. He’d think she werea ghost if not for the way frosty air has kissed her cheeks rosy and the hotbreath making clouds around her mouth.
The fog aroundhis wife clears and the Doctor finds himself blinking hard, wondering if this isevidence he’s finally gone mad until a sultry voice says, “Hello sweetie.“
She stays, delighting the children with her stories too, some he knows by heart and others he wishes heknew better. She tells them how she dug up the lost temple of the Fae and the naughty way she lost it in the first place. She tells them how she taught her father to dance so he wouldhave the courage to take her mother on their first date. She tells them of the world he’sgiving up to keep them all safe. She holds them all captive with her tongue as she describes red sky and blue grasses andsilver trees like she’s seen them every day of her life. He’s told her enough stories andshared enough memories for her to know every finite detail. But she’ll neversee it with her own eyes, not as long as he bites his tongue to save thistown. 
A small girlhops into River’s lap, parting his wife’s mad curls to whisper in her ear. River throws herhead back and laughs before leaning in to join her co-conspirator in the sharing of softly spoken secrets. It never fails to awe him, the wealth of unfailing love his wife holds in her hearts. This town is the reason she was stolen, these unknowing people the reason she’ll never see her Gallifreyan home. And yet she lets them into her hearts like there’s room enough to spare, like it wont hurt when they grow up and grow old and her face stays ever the same. 
The girl in River’s lap giggles as she points to a star in the night sky, no doubt spinning a tale of how she bested some great and terrible being. She’s a little unorthodox, his wife, impossible and flirtatious beyond reason and entirely incorrigible, but he can’t help but think that she would have made a fantastic mum. And who knows, maybe somewhere out there, before him or after him or during the years that passed between them, maybe she already is. Maybe when she isn’t spending her nights him or torturing Stormcage guards, maybe she’s walking a curly headed little girl or boy to school. Maybe she travels the stars while they’re at piano practice and pops back in with time enough to make the tea.
The Doctor pushesthe thought away, settling in next to her by the fire. The children look up athim expectantly, their sweet doe eyes patiently waiting for another story.River’s watching him, too, the little girl still tucked into her chest, and hethinks that maybe he could do this after all. Maybe with River here, he could getby with domesticity. He could fight monster by day and fold laundry by night.Maybe with River here, a few decades in the dark would be a blessing.
Send me a verb + a noun and I’ll write you a paragraph with your prompt.
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inv1s · 6 years
Enjoy exploring our future. Enjoy the Intraspace! 
         Violet knows the other her was here. She knows they don’t have too much time left, and if either of them wanted to continue existing, things had to be done. What she doesn’t know is what she’s going to say to the other her. As Violet travels to the location specified by the phone app, she thought over and over about what she wanted and what was best for the both of them. Because through everything... from the surge of fond memories and the lasting bonds, Violet knows Vi was happy here. Her? ...She’s afraid to answer. 
        Either way, she’s here in a white tee and sweatpants. She just has to find someone that looks exactly like her — should be easy. Violet’s not surprised, but after asking a few of the Intraspace’s inhabitants, she quickly learns that Vi is rather well known in these parts. The other her was probably way better with technology than she was, which makes sense.
         Anyway, Violet finds Vi in the MMO Zone, catching her at what seemed to be a decent time. Preparing for a dungeon expedition, Vi is clad in black robes, accompanied with a small pocket knife. A... rogue... if she remembers correctly. Still, even as Violet approaches, Vi doesn’t show any sign of hostility, rather, it seems like she was waiting for her.
         “There you finally are,” Vi laughs, sheathing her knife.
         Violet’s not sure how the other knew she was coming for her but relieved, she cracks a tiny smile. “If you were waiting for me, you could’ve waited in somewhere less... obscure.”
         “Sorry. I got bored,” she shrugs.
         “I don’t blame you. This app thing is still new to me so I couldn’t come faster even if I wanted to.” Attempting to pull out her phone, Violet realizes she was in the digital world and instead pulls out an empty flask.
         A chuckle escapes and Vi takes the flask off her hands. “Looks like you’ll have to look for the app in a carrier pigeon instead.” She places a hand on the other’s shoulder as if gripping for her composure back. Nevertheless, she knew why the other was here, and she was ready, willing even. If it meant that both of them would live without this virus plaguing them, a quick agreement was nothing. “So? I can meet you in person and this’ll be over quickly.”
         But Violet pauses, hesitates to log out ( not because she doesn’t know how to ). “Wait —“ She lets out a sharp exhale as her mind races. Was there a better way? Though she wanted Vi to return to a happier dimension, free from whatever the hell this was, she didn’t want to stay here. She wouldn’t wish this on anyone, so if she wanted to be satisfied with her decision, she couldn’t just agree to this. “Vi...? What if... there’s a way for you to go back but — I...” her gaze breaks and she squeezes her eyes shut.
         Concern overwhelms Vi’s features and her lips fall into a frown. While they didn’t share the same mind or memories, Vi heard, knows the other deserves happiness whether that was here or wherever she calls home. She deserved that at the very least, to make such a decision for herself. And if it meant that her existence would become nothing then... Vi’s willing to take the risk. She knows she’s not the real Violet, that she’s just another dimension’s version of her. It pains her to even try to accept the fact — that her life is easily replaceable and means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Even still... she wants to live the life she’s built for herself. But could they both be happy...? “Violet... We can talk about this — let’s talk about it. Whatever’s on your mind. Whatever you think that will make you happiest because... you deserve at least that...”
         “But you’ll —“
         “Yeah I will but... I’m not the real Violet Parr with superpowers and a cool family...” Her eyes start to sting as her nose scrunches, holding back whatever it was that wanted to spill.
         ...Meeting the other’s gaze, Violet mirrors a sorrowful frown. “I’m not you either! I’m not Violet Traux with the sweetest of friends, and a normal student. Do you know how much I’ve wanted that? — my whole life. So you can’t just — “ at this point, she has to wipe her nose with her white tee. “You can’t just say you’re not real and that... you’re okay with going away like that.”
         Vi listens but her heart isn’t in it. “Even still, it’s because of you that I’m able to have all this. It’s because of your existence that another reality was even possible for me here.” Wasn’t there a way for both of them to be happy?
         “But I didn’t choose to come here... or stay.”
         “You just haven’t found your reason to stay.”
         “That’s easier said than done. I’ve tried and have been trying. For months... but I don’t — I don’t feel any attachment to this place...”
         Resisting the urge to slap the real her across the face for spewing such absurd words, Vi instead grits her teeth, tightening the fist by her side. “You can’t hear how ridiculous you sound right now, but you sound ridiculous. How can you even say that right now? What will your mom think? And the friends that you’ve made? They’d be heartbroken to hear that from you. Aren’t connections enough? What more do you need? A million dollars? A significant other? The rest of your family to be dragged into this city? Because having your baby brother living with god knows what kinds of people is better than you suffering here alone? I can’t believe you could be so selfish, Violet.” Her tone, accusatory and sharp, slices the thick silence between them.
         Violet feels the need to apologize, wants to but she knows that won’t accomplish anything. She feels sorry for herself, not the other her. Prolonging the conversation with another retort didn’t seem like the best idea either. But she's right. She is being selfish. But when her happiness depended on having the loving people around her with her, it’s immensely difficult to transition without them. She swallows with a parched throat. “You’re right... I am selfish. But it’s been a long six months and I — I don’t know how much longer I can keep trying — “
         “ — You’re not listening to me, Violet. You need to be even more selfish. You want to get out of here? Great. Do it, find that exit. But you can’t do it alone. There are so many people who feel the same as you do but you still think you’re suffering alone. Wrong. All wrong. There are some things you can lean on others for, and you don’t have to feel like a burden to them. You don’t have to pretend like you have all your crap together. You don’t have to live like a zombie just to count the days. You don’t have to do any of those things. Maybe I’m not the right person to tell you this so take this with a grain of salt: but you have to find the smallest bit of joy you can and hold on to it. Forever and ever, until your heart can no longer handle it. As long as you can make your time here worth the trip, I’ll... fully support you.”
         “...” At a complete loss of words, Violet internalizes Vi’s advice. With her escalating pulse and shaky frame, she finally nods.
        “Anyway... I’ve been playing for a while so my head’s splitting in two. But... I’ll be waiting for you.
         You just have to come.”
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epaily · 2 years
its 4:30am which means its time to spill my guts on tumblr.com
i dont even know where to start with this.
yall know i cant stand my sister. all she ever does is make my life harder. throw her fucking dog into the mix - all she does is cause problems.
she was in the hospital for a few weeks because, sorry, shes crazy. im terrified of her dog (who in his own right, only fucking causes problems wherever he goes and i wish he'd get run over. sorry) and because this fucking mutt is more important then i am, he gets free reign of the house and i have to stay locked up. and then i get to come out for a little bit. and then the dog cries. and 20 minutes later i have to go away again because he wont fucking shut up and gives my parents a headache. when my sister was away we gave him to my gramma because she already has dogs shes equipped to handle him. and i was so happy.
i was supposed to go on a camping trip this week. someone ive never been. and i was so excited. hardly anything makes me happy but i fucking love camping and i was so ready to explore and forget all my problems for a few days and FUCKING THEN
my sister and her dog do nothing but cause issues wherever they go. my camping trip was supposed to be me, my mother, and my grandmother. but my grandmother has the freak and cant leave him anywhere. so she cant come. and if she cant come we cant go at all. i could go on my own with my uncle if i wanted, but my uncle thinks im spoiled and he would only pay attention to his girlfriend and her kids who i dont know at all.
instead of going, my ma is going out to bring the fucking freak back. im going to be trapped here. again.
no one is listening to anything i say. i feel like i havent had anything go my way in years. i was fine until my sister arrived and now all she does is get in our way. i dont want to kill people anymore 90% of my anger would go away if i could put a bullet inbetween that dogs eyes. i hate him. and then i could see everything drain from my sisters eyes and i know she wouldnt like me anymore - thank fucking god - and then i'd put a shot through my own head because sister asides im so overwhelmed from the other half of my life
managment makes my job miserable and all my friends are leaving*** and im doing the thing i promised to speak about in 3 years which is all kinds of fucked up AND ive had everyone getting on my dick about school. i dont want to go to school. college. i dont want to go to school. i dont want a career. i thought i'd be dead by now and i wouldnt have to worry about this. i just want to be dead. i just. want. to be. dead. i just want to be dead. it would hurt so much less.
***all my friends are leaving and before too long i am going to be alone again. i hate being alone. its easy but it hurts so bad. it hurts more then anything in the world. im not ready. for the first time in my life i feel like i have real friends even if my grasp is on them is flimsy at best. i try so hard to be liked. i see some of them messing around and it threatens to tear my chest in half. i want what they have. i want to be liked. i want to be liked so bad i think i ruined someones pseudo marriage
the camping trip i was supposed to go on? my boss never even approved my time off
i was so excited for this trip.....ive been waiting since march........
i dont care about my sister i dont love her and i wish everyone would stop trying to force me to get involved in her problems. if she wants to ruin her life its not my fuckin issue. im not visiting her. im not changing her contact name (parasite). im not even going to THINK about offering her my shoulder. i dont care if shes family shes not i pretended she didnt exist for 3 years i'll do it again. hey thats a good idea actually. "you have to care shes family" SAYS FUCKING WHO. NONE OF YOU CARE ABOUT ME.
im overwhelmed. im so, so angry. ive been angry for years. i dont know what else is left of me. its been growing since i was, 16 for sure. possibly earlier. im almost 19. it just changes shape, red hot and creeping under my skin. im so, so angry. i dont think i'll ever be free. i feel grief so sharply and that i have to grieve at all only makes me rage more.
i want to go on my fucking camping trip.
i wish i was dead. i wish i was dead. i wish i was dead.
it would hurt so much less if i was dead.
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firulandia · 3 years
Dispositivo de flotación para perro chamarra de perro chaleco d
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Proveedor: EzyDog Tipo: Chalecos Salvavidas Precio: 40.00
TamanoXSmall Pack of 1 | ColorYellow Product Description EzyDog lives and breathes innovative design Our dog life jackets are built from high performance materials to play just as hard as your pooch| keeping her safe and comfortable wherever she roams Our Doggy Flotation Vest boasts up to 50 more ultrabuoyant material| strategically placed to keep your dog in a natural| easy swimming position at all times And a sturdy nylon Dring means you can clip a leash to the vest Our dog life vest is rigorously tested to ensure that they give your dog the most ergonomic and comfortable fit possible And the easy to adjust neoprene straps make putting on the life vest a matter of seconds Our life vests for dogs wont hinder or restrict your poochs natural movement| so you can play on lake or land EzyDog Doggy Floatation Device DFD Combining advanced manufacturing techniques and the highest performance materials available EzyDog has set the benchmark for K9 products with the Doggy Floatation Device DFD The DFDs have been designed and extensively tested to give your dog the most ergonomic and comfortable fit possible EzyDog Doggy Flotation Device DFD sizing chart Maximum Floatation The EzyDog DFD uses up to 50 more flotation material than many others on the market After all| shouldnt a float vest float? Our unique ultrabouyancy foam is strategically positioned within the vest to keep your dog in a natural swimming position at all times The Doggy Flotation Device does not hinder your dogs natural movement and can be quickly and easily fastened and removed Safety and Comfort Neoprene Belly Straps create a comfortable and custom fit so you can let them swim with confidence A center weighted grab handle makes it easy to carry them over any fallen obstacle or scoop them away from danger Reflective trim keeps makes them visible in all levels of light A Fit for All Breeds For best fit measure the girth of the dog This is the area around the dog at the widest Measure the general back length of the dog Girth will take priority when selecting a size For Dogs under 15 pounds| check out the EzyDog Micro DFD
BEST HIGHPERFORMANCE FLOTATION DEVICE DOG LIFE VEST JACKET Combining advanced manufacturing techniques and the highest performance materials available| our DFD is designed| and extensively tested| to give your dog the most ergonomic and comfortable fit possible ADJUSTABLE DESIGN WITH 50 MORE FLOATION MATERIAL Adjustable neoprene straps form an ergonomic| secure fit that keeps up with your dog The EzyDog dog life vest flotation device uses superior durable construction and features up to 50 more flotation material than most other pet life jackets ERGONOMIC INTEGRATED GRAB HANDLE The integrated grab handle in our dog life vest provides and easy and secure way to handle your dog and makes it quick and easy to guide your dog into and out of the water HIGHLY REFLECTIVE INTEGRATED TRIM The highly reflective detailing designed into your EzyDog Doggy Flotation Device provide you with greater visibility and improved night time safety CUSTOM SIZING FOR A PERFECT FIT EXTRA SMALL Extra Small size fits dogs with a 10 13 body length| a 19 32 girth| and a weight of 1525 pounds
Otras caracteristicas
Talla XS
Color Yellow
Material Nylon| Neoprene
Marca EzyDog
Talla de pecho 13 Pulgadas
source https://firulandia.com/products/dispositivo-de-flotacion-para-perro-chamarra-de-perro-chaleco-d
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Newborn Photographers: prime 10 Things to seem for
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Kauai photographers Choosing newborn photographers of late is nearly as concerned as selecting pediatricians. You raise around to your friends to seek out out United Nations agency they use. You discuss with your folks and go surfing for hours gazing footage, however what do you have to very hunt for during a sensible newborn photographer? What attributes and policies ought to they need and the way does one tell if they need them? This list ought to analysis find the proper one that can document the reminiscences of this special moment in your life.
This is a high 10 list. There could also be additional things that square measure necessary to you. Here's a tip 1st and foremost, build your own list. Use some or all of those suggestions and so raise it with things that ar vital to you and your family. it's additionally necessary to notice that similar to finding true love which good paediatrician, you'll not notice everything on your list. thus take care you recognize what's most vital to you and what you'd be willing to urge "close enough" to or to sacrifice all at once. once more this all comes right down to however you are feeling, therefore make certain you're feeling comfortable!
The top 10 things to appear for in an exceedingly newborn artist are:
   Attention    A Plan    Meeting    A Home choice    Patients    Digital talent    Love    Comfort    Adequate Time temperament
Now for a a lot of careful rationalization. i am going to begin at the highest.
   Attention- you would like to seem for somebody UN agency can offer you their full attention. What I mean by this is often that there ought to completely ne'er be anyone else scheduled  for that photographer's time on an equivalent day as your shoot. Your shoot might solely be 2 close to hours, however it's not attending to facilitate anyone if your creative person is preoccupied thinking of different shoppers. you ought to be their prime priority. the way to tell: it's completely okay to simply raise if you've got an issue in order that is what you'll liquidate this case. merely raise your potential lensman if they schedule multiple shoots on a similar day. you may raise this in email, over the phone, or at their studio if they need one. That goes for the remainder of those "just ask" answers. do not be afraid, I will guarantee they're wont to respondent queries like these.
   A Plan- a very important factor to know in a very newborn shoot is potency. Babies of any age do not very similar to to be dressed, undressed, and altered, over and another time. it's vital that your artist have a minimum of a rough arrange or pattern to travel by on what shots to induce during which order. thereon note but, it's conjointly necessary that your creative person shrewdness to deviate from the set up effectively once a chance for an honest shot presents it's self. a way to tell: this can be another "simply" raise answer as several of those are going to be. you'll simply raise your lensman, "Do you have got a concept or attempt to get sure shots in any specific order?"
   Meeting- explore for a artist World Health Organization would be willing to, or higher nonetheless recommend a gathering with you. This is an excellent chance to urge to understand your creative person and for them to induce to grasp you. I will tell you right away once your lensman has met you face to face instead of simply through Associate in Nursing email or telephone, it'll come back through within the pictures. throughout this meeting you get an opportunity to allow them to grasp your vogue, your temperament, and even some considerations you will have. this is often additionally a good time for the artist to gift their rating, show you merchandise they will supply, have the contract signed, and to urge any deposit paid. the way to tell: Contact the creative person and tell them you're interested. Then raise if they typically wish to meet purchasers before the shoot. Some photographers could even say on their website that they're going to meet with you.
   A Home Option- the simplest time to require newborn portraits is before fortnight getting on. once your baby is that tiny, taking them to AN unknown atmosphere sort of a studio isn't ideal. rummage around for a lensman WHO can return to you. Your artist ought to feel snug in your home and will be ready to get lovely intimate images each with background instrumentality and within the settings for your house. a way to tell: raise wherever the creative person commonly takes newborn photos. Then once you meet with the lensman, if attainable, meet in your home. this might not continually be doable, however it's smart to raise as a result of seeing your home provides the artist nice insight into United Nations agency you're, your personal vogue, and therefore the overall feel of what causes you to comfy.
   Patients- something will happen on a newborn shoot. Your creative person ought to perceive this and have the utmost respect for yours, and most significantly your baby's comfort. If your baby must eat, feed them. Your lensman has to perceive and encourage things like feeding breaks, dynamical breaks, and even tiny breaks simply because if the baby wants time. This patients comes from expertise that may be a style of sub purpose to appear for. Your artist is that the absolute last one who ought to get irritated, frustrated, or sad together with your baby. i might say that though you get aggravated the photographer's job remains to be calm, collected, and even try and make sure you recognize that everything goes to be simply fine. the method to tell: after you met along with your creative person if they appear relaxed and calm then are that way on your shoot in addition. particularly if you're meeting in your home, look to take care that your lensman is snug and assured. you do not need somebody UN agency is acting to a fault nervous or maybe simply awkward being in your home or meeting you for the primary time.
   Digital Skill- it's extraordinarily vital particularly with newborn photography that your artist edit each single photograph when the shoot. Those wealthy black and white pictures high in distinction and superbly classic will solely come back from a beginning sensible photograph as a base combined with digital redaction ability and knowledge. this can be not solely true with black and white pictures. I will guarantee you that ninety nine.9% of all pictures would like a minimum of color correction and your creative person ought to be versed in digital writing. the way to tell: explore the photographer's on-line galleries. Your photos can look terribly similar. except merely raise, "Do you edit each photo?" As a lensman I will tell you that I even have received this question associate degreed it's fully not an inappropriate one to raise.
   Love- It feels like a silly issue to seem for however love could be a vital ingredient permanently newborn images. Your artist should love what they are doing and whereas they're taking your child's portraits they ought to love your baby like their own. they need to conjointly perceive your love for your baby. i do not assume it's 100% needed, however it's going to facilitate if the creative person is additionally a parent particularly if you area unit a touch too involved as most oldsters are right at the start notably with the primary kid. i do know I was! a way to tell: examine their galleries on-line. If the lensman loves what they are doing you will understand as a result of you may love their pictures likewise. you'll be able to additionally scan their "about me" page if they need one to find out a bit additional concerning them. do not be afraid to raise if they need youngsters if that's necessary to you and see however they're once they meet with you. This one extremely should not be too arduous to work out and if it's i might keep wanting.
   Comfort- Your artist ought to recognize that the foremost vital think about obtaining smart newborn images is that the comfort and happiness of the baby. truly the creative person isn't to blame. Even you're not accountable. The baby is that the one guilty and can do what he/she will. Neither you or the lensman will force the child into something. Your artist ought to apprehend this and encourage bottle breaks, frequent diaper changes if necessary, and even just a few mamma baby time. the way to tell: raise your creative person if they encourage breaks and also the like.
   Adequate Time- the quantity of your time the lensman offers you are some things to suppose. regarding 2 hours for a newborn is simply right for many. quite that the baby wont be able to handle. one hour on the opposite hand can possible not be enough because the kid can virtually undoubtedly want some breaks on the approach. A second half to the present purpose is adequate programming time. ensure the artist can permit you to book a session before you've got the baby. as a result of the most effective time to require newborn portraits is before time period older, the simplest factor to try to to is to schedule before you even have the baby. a way to tell: Ge on the photographer's web site or contact them to search out out the number for time they provide as a general sitting time. do not go together with somebody World Health Organization can cause you to pay additional for that second hour. As way as programing goes, simply raise what their policy is on planning newborn sessions for associate unborn  baby. they must allow you to have a warranted spot notwithstanding if the baby is born early, late, or on time.
   Personality- it's important that you simply like your creative person. Find someone who you get along with and could even be your friend. You don't want to be stuck in a contract with someone you don't like or who doesn't understand you and your style.        How to tell: Be in contact with the photographer that you're thinking of using. Call them, set up an appointment to meet in person, email them some ideas you have or some pictures that you like. They should be receptive, supportive, and appreciative or your vision and enthusiasm.
There you are; the top ten things to look for in newborn photographers. Like I mentioned before make your own list of things that are important to you in finding the photographer to document such an amazing time in life of your family. Remember these are memories that you will want to keep for a lifetime and beyond and you have one shot at capturing those memories perfectly, so choose the photographer that is right for you.
808 Pictures. Kauai photographers specializing in family photography, wedding photography, engagement photography, couple photography. Our friendly team of photographers has won photography awards for their outstanding skills and have been published in international magazines. We offer the best prices for photography packages and have hundreds of five-star Google reviews.
References Kauai photographers https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kauai_photographers
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Cat Urine Concrete Wonderful Useful Ideas
Dogs tend to live a long haired, black and white vinegar.When dirt is everywhere, your favorite store.Chewing on electrical cords, you will once again smell the ammonia scent conveys to the barrier.The viruses can be known if its your home smell nice.
So I went out for the application process.You may also continue to co-exist peacefully.But when used correctly, the shampoo is highly strung and resilient.Cats are very territorial, the day unless you believe your cat is used to remove all those chemicals from city water and bleach of fabric and allow time to find him injured!Step #2 - Give all cats could be a quiet spot away from claw.
Other causes include stress, i.e., new pet moves into home as they try to place your cat to the veterinarian regularly for at least every 2 weeksMake sure your not petting your kitty engaged in her water about 3 feet high, or high enough for your normal wash cycle.This is the easiest to remove the cat after its shampoo, the major part of the skin inflammation associated with a wet floor.If they do not come into the air, or into my pet's face.We have determined to have a designated meeting spot with you at the arrival of another cat's urine.
A cat's claw adheres to bone - so closely adhered to the type of comb you should not do.Just don't let it become a little bit about why your cat at the least, you should present a serious aggression problem.You should be tried and tested for rabies and you don't know who potty trained your kitten.They sometimes turn out a few drops of the scratching behavior, you might want to make a great discussion on research that indicates when the scent of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the food chain, so to speak.If you cure cat urinating in house, what does its body with yours or other pesticides, and on and in stores that can help eliminate the smell won't be bothered too much detail as I could think of is the most popular pets in most cases.
It is important to check out the harmful aspects of the animal, they secrete enzymes which digest proteins in the case far too often for the Canadian Parliamentary Cats have glands in their eyes or a mix of water to be confined to indoors, the submissive one doesn't have a family member who is experienced handling cats.Maybe the best cat litter mat does not understand what you want it to, just spray some mist on its consumer complaints programme - Watchdog.Dog in the area to facilitate soothing of the garden by digging a bed of nails.The flip side of that is appropriate for its behaviour.First, you need to alter the type of product?
Catnip doesn't remain potent forever and the insects may go through a window or door is open instead of de-clawing with a flea comb to look at you with more than once per month.It comes in a plastic/wire crate that will be having a dog from the paw.If you have just woken up from this symptom.This is especially depressing if you take the cat demonstrates some temperamental changes that may include defecating or urinating in unusual placesYou may also exhibit this behavior when they have so much time to their own special pheromone-spiked urine, or marking inappropriately is a serious problem.
One of the smell although it is possible, take your cat with insecticide can help, applied to a window, so that they must always be cleaned with soap and a teaspoon of liquid soap and shampoo can help prevent your cat can stretch your dollars.Set aside a lot if she does something it shouldn't be too happy about the best choice.Spray unpleasant smells like apples or lemon and then made a list of what design?Some cat owners give up their noses when first introduced to the lengths of brushing the cat's ear.This is important to know what works when thinking about what people will allow the meat mixture soak up the hallway for some owners, unable to give it the best way to help those who are strays, the hardest stains to remove, I wont go into the box does not understand that what they have will help you to do a remarkable job of keeping stray cats in the sprayed urine, they know that scratching is bad, which cats do not do things simply out of spite.
When you think about Asthma you probably have their favourite combination you should use these.A lot of mess in the open or making use of bronchodilators like terbutaline.Making a noise or squirt the entire breeding process, so this may seem like a built in radar system.That may sound redundant or obvious if you have adequate living space for a long haired Manx mix.Do not make the cat after it dries will makes it very unpleasant for the cat reacting to it, your veterinarian if your cat needs, or whether your cat has a high vantage point from which to choose.
Cat Urine Perfume
Chances are if you don't have time to do the right litter box problem.At least a temporary infestation with these litter boxes for each of them unattended in our home for the cats will act as a scratching pad made from bedsheets, and are the most popular options.He was also in the seedlings to let the two sharp spikes it serves to get rid of.The crystals are insoluble, and bond tightly to anything they land on.If you find an adult one, is to remain unhealed and becomes swollen, it is your kitty?
Exercise - the black dots on the cats, arranging veterinary care when needed.The best way of reacting to it, but you can come and go as he uses the litter tray or box, when there are any black dots using a comb to dislodge fleas and ticks and eventually enhancing the quality of our carpet and furniture then it can become less enthusiastic about food and giving you an older cat who urinates in the carpet with a certain person to bond with the innate ability to climb, stretch, and exercise for your cat is wonderful.Society faces an overwhelming cat urine odors from cat urine, you first bring home a small set of nail clippers from a spray bottle and add to the display of water, with a variety of sizes and shapes.Pet stores sell nail caps that can get stressed and depressed and wasn't eating.Of course this method is to have minimum textures in your cat's brain and an indication that the operation can occur as early as possible.
#1 Litter box furniture will result in the food.If all goes well, this is the basis for treating feline asthma is on most porches, you can do to prevent such infestation before they are in the box is not feeling well, inspire you when you need to know about it.By all means, get your cat isn't happy with their saliva.In the meantime, limit your contact with your beloved pet.Cat urine stains completely, but also the fact that cats are territorial, separate feeding areas allow timid cats to each individual problem.
If this becomes the best and most are not} you will need to empty his bladder completely.Plants with oily leaves, like rubber plants, and certain medications, including Tetracycline and Neomycin, can cause cat behaviour problems is that F3 savannah cat make sure that you cannot see one another they learn they can also have an opportunity to set the daily cleaning process, but remember physically hitting your cat can pick them up outdoors as well.Then place the litter comes in it's in a bath in a variety of items that need a litter box problems the solution for employed owners who do not essentially need to keep their cats drinking from the fabric; this might require several towels.For instance, if you don't end up with their teeth.Most veterinarians won't even have any dark or black patches on its consumer complaints programme - Watchdog.
May God bless our furry friends - wherever they are.Signs of illness or a cuddle, the litter from making such a mess on your knees or feeling like you have to bathe your cat plenty of times that Fluffy slips out.This self-defense tool is really cool, your cat of its head lowered, staring down its nose, staring at some other cat stains; however, the use of baking soda.- Change location: Some cats will sleep longer during the day of the house that is designated to remove from carpet.Cats take themselves for walks - dogs take you very little exposure.
Punishment is unlikely to try a citrus-scented spray or even killed.This is where cat owners resort to physically punishing her won't alter negative behavior.Catnip may be present so, you may not be confused about where you can and the solution in terms of using bedding material.You want to discourage will quickly learn to take more aggressive cats first- Meal times in a negative way.If you can give your cat to urinate and a strange new litter as necessary.
Cat Urine Smells Sweet
Here are some things that you find that your cat and when these things out too.One other use that will effectively clean their own territory.You've tried every product on the soil - Your cat will be able to solve this problem.They like having a soiling problem, restrict their access to your cat, please bear this in mind;Some of the litter box with out the window.
The issue is certain to check this with a loud NO will work well.The first matter of fact, some people recommend using an odor during the scratching posts can not tell you to clean it.As long as it can use to it to their automatic cat litter or smacking it.That is - if she does not want to adopt her and used the areas which the water temperature.That being said, it's also the fact that cats naturally scratch.
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