#she was scared shitless and i was out cold
thatspencerinthesky · 11 days
Why does anxiety have ti have physical symptoms. Like bitch I KNOW we’re scared shitless over a nonexistent issue but do you really have to add the fucking shaking and nausea like damn. You’re doing too much girl. Keep the illness in the brain where it belongs
0 notes
babyleostuff · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS: chan can't help but fall for their new director, no matter how many clauses in the contract prohibit him from doing so
🎵 CLOSE TO YOU - gracie abrams
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𝜗𝜚 THEME: fluff, strangers to lovers / idiots to lovers, a whole lot of pining, svt being menaces, attempt at humour 𝜗𝜚 PAIRING: idol!chan x fem!gose director!reader 𝜗𝜚 WORD COUNT: 4.5k
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“you’re going to be the youngest director they’ve ever had.” 
well, that was one way to make you even more nervous. 
you didn’t have to think twice when pledis offered you the job of being a gose director two months ago. of course, you were grateful for all the jobs you’ve managed to get over the past years; they were the ones that helped you kick-start your career and established your name as a pretty well-known director after all, but this - this could be your big break. working for a company as big as pledis, well technically hybe, was a dream come true, and it would look great on your CV.
though you wouldn’t lie - you were scared shitless to meet seventeen. 
they were a big, big group, and if they were as chaotic and loud in real life as they were on camera, then you weren’t sure how you’d survive the next few months. 
especially not with your crush on one of them.
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“did you hear we’re getting a new director?” some of the boys raised their heads from where they were laying on the grass, while the rest ignored seungcheol as usual. “she’s going to be here today,” he continued, and flicked hoshi’s forehead to get his attention, “so please be nice, and try to act somewhat normal.”
the boys mumbled something in unison, too tired to talk. as much as they loved shooting gose, doing it after a full day of schedules was a nightmare. they’d much rather be in their beds than laying on the fake grass in a warehouse because it was too late to shoot outside.
“why the hell did they pick a sports concept for today?” seungkwan mumbled with his cheek pressed to the ground. “couldn’t they do like a,” he sighed, “sleeping concept.”
“yeah,” hoshi agreed, his voice just as drowsy as seungkwan’s. “carats would eat that up.”
wonwoo rolled his eyes, and turned his head towards chan so the boys wouldn’t hear him, though they probably wouldn’t have either way considering they were seconds from falling asleep. “if they’ll keep on whining like that i’m literally going to walk out of here,” he groaned, and rubbed his face to wake himself up a bit.
chan couldn’t agree more. he was tired, and hungry, and he was starting to get cold, the loose sleeveless shirt doing nothing to keep him warm, and all he could think about was bed bed bed, so hoshi’s and seungkwan’s whining did not help a single bit.
fifteen minutes later, with half of them asleep, and the rest barely awake, the filming crew started to gather up to set up all of the cameras and microphones, with the rest of the staff placing different props they’d be using all over the warehouse.
chan could feel his eyes drooping for the tenth time in the past few minutes, when he suddenly heard a quiet “uh-oh” over his head. before he could ask a simple „what?”, a sharp pain pierced through his shoulder. 
“i’m so, so sorry. i really didn’t mean to.” 
he exhaled sharply, and put his hand over the small red patch on his skin, that was pulsating from the hit. well, at least he was more awake now. “no worries, my shoulder has been through much worse than getting hit by a… um,” he looked around himself to check what exactly almost crushed his bones, “a medicine ball,” chan let out a strangled laugh. no wonder it felt like a dumbbell fell on his shoulder.  
but then he looked up, and the person standing in front him left him utterly speechless. 
chan wasn’t sure if had fallen asleep or if he was being delusional because of the sleep deprivation, but the girl had to be an angel. in the twenty five years of his life, he had never seen anyone as gorgeous as her, and he was not being dramatic. 
“are you okay?” you asked, and crouched in front of the boy you just managed to almost injure. you said you’d be able to carry all of the medicine balls yourself - clearly that wasn’t true at all.
wait a second… the eyes. the hair. the gorgeously sculpted biceps. you knew him, it was…  no it couldn’t. 
and yet, you found yourself crouching in front of the one and only lee chan. 
you didn’t consider yourself a big fangirl, but you were (obviously) aware of who he was. for some reason whenever you stumbled upon any content of seventeen your eyes were instantly drawn to the short dancer, that despite the lack of height stood out to you the most. and you weren’t going to lie - he was hot as fuck, and he looked so good while danicing that it was almost impossible for you to tear your eyes from him.
and now you almost killed him.
“i’m really, really sorry,” why wasn’t he responding? maybe the ball hit his head after all? what if he was pissed, and they would fire you? “please, say something.”
chan, on the other hand, was completely gone. “god, i must be looking so pathetic right now,” he thought. his band met tens of people on a daily basis - from stylists, interviewers, photographers, makeup artists, stage assistants - whoever you could think of, chan has already met them.
everyone but you.
“um, i’m um,” pull yourself together chan,” i’m cool.”
“i'm cool”?! he wanted to take the medicine ball that just hit his shoulder, and bang his head against it instead, because that had to be the lamest response he could have ever thought of. it wasn’t like the prettiest girl was right in front of him, nope.
“are you sure? do you need me to get someone to check the shoulder for you?”
and now you thought he was being a wuss? oh god, he really screwed up.
“no, no,” chan said quickly, and sat up a bit more straight to look like he had his shit together, when he clearly was not. “i’m fine, really, don’t worry.”
you nodded, though you weren’t sure if you could trust him. his shoulder was still slightly red, but thankfully it didn’t seem like anything was broken. injuring one of the boys would be like the worst way to start your new job. 
„okay, so um,” you pointed in the direction of the cameras, “i have to go.” 
“go?” the words slipped out of chan’s mouth. “loser, loser, loser.”  
“work,” you whispered, your throat suddenly dry. why was the air so stuffy, it was quite perfect just a minute ago. 
„uh, yes, of course,” chan said, matching your breathless tone. 
you took a last, long look at him, and got up to pick up the ball that fell out of your arms.
time to get professional again.
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“i’d like you to meet the new director. as you probably know, she is going to be in charge of today’s episode.” 
this had to be the most awkward situation of your life. standing in the middle of a circle of people you barely knew was not an ideal situation, definitely not when it looked like you were about to be sacrificed in a weird kpop idol ritual. also the seventeen boys looked like they’d rather be anywhere else than there, so that in itself made you want to run out of the building. you didn’t know what to do with your hands, or where to look, or if you should say something, and if you should - then what? “what’s up?” “how is everyone doing?” “can you stop staring or i’ll pass out?” 
you figured it couldn’t get any worse than that, if it was officially your humiliation day - then so be it. “hel-,” 
“because we don’t have much time today, let’s just start right away.” 
well, there went your speech. 
you had to be looking like the biggest loser, standing there with a half-opened mouth, and an awkwardly raised hand.
as everyone started to take their places, with the boys gathering in the middle in front of the main camera, your eyes wandered on their own to find the only person that made you feel somewhat comfortable amongst the chaos, which was kind of ironic since you hit him with a ball and exchanged a total of three sentences. unfortunately, you quickly had to push away your thoughts about the boy with dark hair and kind eyes and focus on your work. 
you were sure everyone could hear your heart pounding, as you yelled your first, official “action.”
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“dude, why do you keep staring at her like that?” vernon nudged chan’s arm. “you know you look like a total creep, right?” he asked with an amused expression. 
“i’m not staring,” chan said way too quickly for it to be true. his parents were right - he was a terrible liar. 
“uh-hu, sure,” vernon snickered, and shook his head. “then tell me why you’re suddenly so interested in the cameras that you keep gawking that way.” 
chan felt like crying. he was sure he wasn't staring at you that much. right? “i think seungkwan needs a hug, so could you leave me alone?” no one needed to know about his little infatuation with a girl he had just met, and though technically vernon wasn’t the one to walk around spilling people’s secrets, it was still embarrassing. 
“whatever you say,” vernon said, and got back to typing away on his phone. 
the truth was - chan couldn’t keep his eyes away from you. sure, at first the main reason why he paid attention to you was because of how pretty you were, but when the shoot actually started, and you fell into your element - he just couldn’t get over how attractive you looked behind the camera. your face was more often than not covered by the multiple screens from which you monitored the shooting, but from whatever glimpses he could catch - you looked absolutely mesmerising. 
and now he wasn’t talking about your looks, but about your attitude, and confidence, and how you carried yourself. 
“okay, let’s shoot the last scene, and we’re done,” you said, pointing the cameramen to where they should stand to get the perfect shots. 
and again, for what felt like the hundredth time that night, the boys positioned themselves in front of the main camera, with mingyu explaining the rules of the last game. 
“but the twist is, we’re going to have our eyes blindfolded, so we won’t be able to see the football or our opponents,” he said, showing the ball and thirteen blindfolds he was holding in his hand. “we won’t be able to see our teammates either, for that matter,” he added, earning a couple of laughs from the boys. 
after a quick game that you didn’t understand the rules of, they divided themselves into three teams, and started the game. 
for once, everything seemed to go on smoothly, and you figured that nothing would happen if you stepped out from behind the cameras for a moment, and stood aside with the rest of the staff to watch the guys play (or rather fall or bump into each other).
however, there was one thing you didn't see coming. 
somehow, by pure accident, chan managed to get the ball. "guys i have it!" he shouted, and immediately started running in the direction of the goal. or so he thought. 
you couldn't help but laugh quietly. the boy looked so adorably clumsy, kicking that ball like a child who had just learned to walk, and waving his arms as if it would help him with something.
chan, however, overestimated his ability to determine exactly where the goal was, because the moment he kicked the ball to score, everyone suddenly started shouting "stop". 
but it was too late.
he quickly took off the blindfold, and his heart sank when he saw what, or more precisely who, he shot the ball at. “shit,” chan didn't wait for his eyes to adjust to the light, but quickly ran towards you.
“i’m so, so sorry,” he said, looking at your face twisted in pain. “i didn’t mean to, i’m-” 
“i think i heard something similar today,” you laughed, and pressed your hand tighter against the spot where the ball managed to hit you. “it’s not as bad as it looks,” you added, seeing chan’s worried expression. 
“not that bad? i hit you right in the forehead!” 
“no need to make me feel even worse about this,” you sighed, sending him an apologetic look. “i think i’ll grow a second head from this hit.” 
chan groaned, and hid his face in his hands. “i’m a fucking idiot.” 
he hadn’t been on that many dates in his life, but he had never acted… like whatever that was. “i really didn’t mean t-,” but then a thought hit him, “oh my god, what if you have a concussion? or if i damaged something inside your head, or-,” 
“chan, i promise, the inside of my head is fine.” 
chan. oh, the way you said his name. he's never been more grateful for someone to call him by his real name rather than his stage name.
“are you sure?” he asked, worry filling his voice. 
“but please, if, god forbid, your head starts aching, go to the hospital, okay?” 
“i will,” you nodded, gently pulling your hand away from your forehead. chan could see a bruise starting to form, and he swore he had never felt that bad in his whole life. “you can say we’re even now,” you added with a small smile. 
now that he was sure you were relatively okay, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked around him to gather his messy thoughts, and that's when he noticed everyone, every single person, looking at the both of you. because of this whole mishap, chan forgot that you were literally surrounded by dozens of people who were now watching you like you were in a shitty sitcom. only the boys' looks were too amused for his taste, and now he was sure that they figured out his little crush that he had on you. 
“good job, brother,” mingyu snickered, when chan went back to the boys. “good job.”
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“wake up on monday.” → “go for the shoot.” → “cry because i can’t have her.” → “go home.” → “cry even more.” “repeat.” 
that’s how the past couple months looked for chan. every single week he waited for the day when he could finally get on set and see you again. it was honestly heartbreaking how the only thing he was allowed to do was to greet you with a shy “good morning”, and bid you “goodbye”, but if he did anything else it could look suspicious to others, which he could not risk. still, those moments were the best part of his week. 
when the third month had passed since you came into his life, chan began to regret having met you in the first place. what was the point if he couldn't even ask you out for coffee? you were everything he was missing in his life - and he didn't even know you that well. chan couldn't count how many times he spent his time off stalking your social media to find out more about you, to get to know you better, because he couldn't do it any other way. and each time he felt his feelings turn into something more than just a small, innocent crush.
“you look so miserable right now, it’s almost pathetic,” seungkwan said, eyeing chan from head to toe. “can’t you just like go and talk to her? that would put us out of the misery of seeing you look like a kicked puppy.”
“you know i can’t just do that” chan sighed, looking at you with longing in his eyes. 
“why not?”
“because of our contract? we can’t get close with our staff, you know that,” he said, each word piercing his chest. knowing that you were so close, yet so out of reach was really hard. 
“and you’re going to let that stop you?” seungkwan deadpanned. “seriously. you like her. she obviously likes you,” wait, she did? “so please, just talk to her.” 
obviously he didn’t approach you that day. if, with a big emphasis on if, he finally decided to talk to you, he had to be ready so he wouldn’t look like an idiot like last time. though you probably already thought he was a creep (he liked one of your instagram posts from a couple of years ago by accident), so it couldn’t really get any worse than that. 
but seungkwan said you liked him too, right? 
“ugh, why does it have to be so complicated?” 
“chan,” suddenly he felt a featherlight touch of a hand on his shoulder. wow, no one has ever touched him with such gentleness, “could you stand over there?” 
“huh?” he turned around, just to come face-to-face with the person that made herself at home in his thoughts, and would not leave, no matter how hard he tried pushing her away. chan cleared his throat quickly and straightened his shirt. “where do you want me to stand?” good job, that was smooth. 
you pointed to the marker on the floor next to jun. “just for the beginning, then you can obviously, um,” the way he always left you speechless was starting to piss you off. he always knew what to say, and here you were - as awkward as ever. “you can move around later.”
“what should i say now?” chan thought, his brain panicking. this was his chance to finally say something, but as usual he couldn’t come up with anything that wouldn’t make him look stupid. “why is she always so well-spoken?” 
in the end chan just lowered his head and waddled over to the marker where he was supposed to stand, giving up at making a move. once again. 
two hours later went by, and you couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off with chan. he didn’t joke, he didn’t smile, he didn’t laugh even once, and he didn’t really engage in the discussions with the boys. he was just… there. it was eating you alive that you couldn’t do anything. without his spark he looked so tired, like he hadn’t slept for days, and if it was up to you you’d halt the whole thing, and take chan far away from here because seeing him like this was unbearable. key word - if. 
“let’s take a break, guys!” you said, hoping that no one would question why, but you had to get chan out of there, at least for a minute. “uh, chan?” please, just don’t fire me for this. “could you come over here for a second. i, uh,” you should’ve come up with an excuse before you opened your mouth, “i need to fix your mic.” 
“is something wrong with his mic?” one of the staff chimed in, looking between you and the boy. “i can get it fixed.” 
“no!” you said in unison with chan. you bit your lip to hide the smile that was threatening to bloom on your face, and stole a quick glance at him, taking in the blush dusting his cheeks and neck. 
you cleared your throat, and tried to put on your most indifferent expression - you couldn’t blow your cover now. “no, it’s okay, i’ll do it,” okay, okay, we’re almost there, “but can we go outside for a second, i need some fresh air.” 
chan nodded quickly - way too quickly, and followed you through the set towards the door. 
“don’t stay out for too long, lover boy!” seungkwan yelled, and a couple of boys couldn’t help but burst out laughing. you even saw mingyu falling over seokmin’s lap in silent giggles, his whole body shaking. 
if chan was a blushing mess before, he had to be looking like a tomato, now. “i will kill them,” he promised himself. 
“i’m sorry for them,” he said once you made it outside. it struck chan that it was the first time in months that you were finally alone - not a single soul was breathing down his neck, and no stupid bandmates waited for the opportunity to make fun of him. “they are idiots sometimes,” he said, rubbing his arm nervously. 
“it’s okay,” you mumbled, suddenly very self-conscious. maybe you should’ve just stayed inside? what were you thinking? god, this had to be the epitome of your stupidity. “i guess that’s just their love language,” breath girl, breath, “like bullying, you know?” 
“tell me about it,” he snickered, and shook his head. why were his hands shaking so much? “so um, what about the mic?” 
“the mic?” 
“yeah, the mic,” he laughed softly, pointing at the small device. 
“oh, yeah. the mic.” 
it was now or never. 
“look, everything is fine with the mic i just…,” this was so so stupid. “i just wanted to…,” spit. it. out. “you know what, nevermind.” 
you officially hit rock bottom. now chan would not only think you’re lame but stupid, and a creep, because who drags someone out of a building to “fix” their mic just to tell them that the issue never existed in the first place. plus you couldn’t even get a proper sentence out. 
what you didn't know was that chan's heart was beating like crazy. he'd never seen you so nervous, but god - you looked so cute. the way your eyes shyly met his, how your cheeks were adorned by a faint blush, and how you constantly tucked your hair behind your ear even when there was nothing to tuck anymore. 
so seungkwan was right after all - you liked him as well. 
he had to do it. he had to do it now or he would never do it and he would never forgive himself for it for the rest of his life. maybe all he needed to finally confess his feelings to you was the knowledge that you also treated him as more than just someone from work?
“wait,” chan said, and grabbed your wrist as you took a step towards the door, “i need to tell you something,” he loosened his grip, and lightly ran his thumb over your skin. he saw your eyes wander from your joined hands over to his face, and god - he could get lost in them for eternity. “maybe this will be the biggest mistake of my life but i have to tell you this. i understand if you don't feel the same way as me, but," inhale, "i like you. i really, really like you,” he said and laughed because shit - he finally did it, after so many months. 
for a few seconds, there was a deathly silence between you, interrupted only by the sounds from the set, and chan felt as if time had stood still. sure, he was prepared for the possibility that you didn't feel the same way as him, but please please please. he wasn't sure how he would cope if you rejected him.
“i-i,” you stuttered. was this really happening? or was this all just a cruel dream? but the feel of his skin on yours, his gentle hold, the smell of his cologne, his hair blowing in the wind - it all felt so real. “is this some kind of joke?” you managed to mutter.
the corners of the chan's mouth turned down. "a joke? baby, i've never been more serious about anything as i am now," your breath caught in your throat hearing the pet name coming from him, but it seemed like chan didn't even realise he said it.
"do you have any idea how many nights i spent thinking about you? about what makes you laugh, and what makes you cry? i tried to figure out what your favourite food could be, so i could ask you out and take you to the best restaurant. if you prefer sunrises or sunsets, or if you pour the milk or cereal first, and what are your biggest icks and pet peeves. if this is your definition of a joke, then yes, i’m joking."
at this point chan was ranting, but he didn’t care. he needed you to understand how bad down he was for you, and if he had to make the biggest idiot of himself - then so be it. 
“and if this is all a dream then i hope i’ll never wake up, because i can’t imagine my world without you in it,” he said. 
“are you always this dramatic, lee chan?” you mumbled, looking at him with big eyes. so this was real, after all. the boy you spent the last months pining over was just as crazy about you as you were about him. 
chan breathed a sigh of relief, and shook his head. “when it comes to you? yes. i’ll be as dramatic as i have for you to understand how i feel about you.” 
you blinked, still in denial. “what about the contracts?” you asked, and reached out to push back a couple of loose strands of hair from his forehead. 
chan could feel his heart bursting as you slid your hand down from his forehead to cup his cheek, and he immediately nuzzled closer to your touch.“i don’t know, and i don’t care,” he twisted his head to place a gentle peck on your palm, “i don’t want to spend another second on thinking about what it’d feel like to be next to you.” 
one year later…  
“i still can’t believe you made bets on my relationship,” chan groaned, as he plopped beside you on the couch, but before he could make himself comfortable you were already snuggled into his side with an arm draped over his middle. 
“it was the only way for us to have some fun. you both looked so lovesick it was honestly disgusting,” seungkwan pretended to gag, which earned him a kick in his shin from your boyfriend, and a couple of laughs from the rest of the boys.  
“still, you guys are stupid.” 
“not more than you moping around for months,” wonwoo sighed. “talking about a slow burn,” mingyu added. 
“well at least i’ve got a girlfriend,” chan kissed your temple, and cuddled you closer, “and the closest thing to a relationship you have is with your dumbbell.” 
mingyu put his hand over his heart. “ouch,” he said, and wiped a non-existent tear from his cheek. 
it's been a whole year and the guys still loved to joke around about your slow burn of a relationship, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. each day with chan was a blessing, even the boys became such a big part of your life to the point where you couldn’t imagine it without the whole thirteen of them. 
lee chan was like a last missing puzzle piece that you were searching for to become whole. he was your best friend, your rock, your safe place that you’d search for in every crowd. 
“i love you,” you muttered into his neck quietly, so only he could hear. chan’s grip tightened around you for a second. “i love you too. so much.”
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @hoichi02 @aaa-sia @haneulparadx @minvrsev @zozojella @wonootnoot @kimingyuslover @wntrei @honglynights @jihoonsbbygirl@uhdrienne @bloodcanbehot@iamawkwardandshy@icyminghao@heeseungthel0ml@goyangiiwonu@bath1lda@ruurooozz@ny0sang@luuxian
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ambcass · 8 months
Can I request Jamie Reyes x reader where they are both sleeping at night, with reader hugging Jamie from behind while he sleeps shirtless. It’s late, and reader can’t sleep, so she stares at the beetle on his back, and starts to kiss his back while Jamie is still sleeping, then she kissses the beetle and whispers “thank you for protecting him,” and the beetle glows slightly, like it’s acknowledging what she said. Now, the beetle really like the reader even more. Idk I thought it was a cute idea
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yall can start requesting again btw 💔💔
cute idea btw (its short sorry🙁)
“Jaime?” you murmured. Calling his name but no response. You went to sleep while Jaime was showering. You turned over, staring at his bare skin on his back. The dark covered your flustered and scarab impaled on his back was mildly glowing. You sit up and looked over at Jaime.
“Jaimee? Sweetie, y’awake?” No response. Jaime was out cold and snoring loud. You got up to grab water and melatonin for your sleep. Walking to the kitchen counter, you thought you felt something behind you. You jumped, took the supplement, and ran back to the room and leaped back to bed.
Staring outside your door was a black figure and you rapidly started blinking. The figure was gone but you were scared shitless. Forgetting Kaji-da was on Jaime’s back, you screamed when you saw the scarab attached on his back. Kaji-da started the glow even more, growling at you for waking it.
“Woah, woah! Bug! You-I-Please don’t do anything. It’s me!” You quickly covered your shivering body with the blanket and leid back down. Kaji-da was silent and its glow went down. You wrapped your cold arm around his waist. He jolted up but he still wasn’t awake. Slowly, you clanged the rest of your body on to his back.
You shift your position to face his neck. “Aren’t you such a sleep beauty…you’re so lucky that you don’t have trouble sleeping Jaime.” You groaned. You trailed your fingers through his hair and started playing with it. “I don’t say this much but I love you a lot…You probably know that but I don’t think you know how MUCH I love you, Jaime Reyes”. You leaned in, kissing his neck, and slowly going down with kisses until you meet the scarab.
You gently tapped on the scarab and kissed it on the head. You whispered gently, “Thank you for protecting him. I don’t know what he or I would do without you.” It blinked its lights two times, letting you know that it acknowledges what you said. You smiled, wrapped you arms around Jaime’s arms, and closed your eyes.
“Good night…To the both of you”
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hina-hina · 2 years
Perhaps when you’re ready can you write a Ghost and Soft!Reader and their child?😭❤️ I love your writing by the way!❤️❤️
Hello friend!! This is such a cute idea to go along with the soft!Reader series!! I'm so happy with how well received that post is and I'm loving everyones comments and ideas (ノ*ФωФ)ノ Hope you enjoy this one, thank you for requesting and I'm glad you like my writing!! (I put aside my final paper for class so I could post this today o_o)
I guess this is kinda a series now so chronologically it goes Soft!Reader post, Ghost getting secretly married post, then this one!
|| Ghost and Soft!Reader with a Child ||
Warnings: cursing, labor mentions, some angst
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Ghost had been on deployment when you found out you were pregnant
You were shocked an unsure of how Ghost was going to react when he found out
but also really excited
Despite the two of you doing video calls whenever he could, you kept it a secret until he got back from deployment
You put the pregnancy test in a small gift box and wait for him to arrive
You are filled with anxiety all day, worried about what his reaction would be
When he comes in, you can already tell he is extremely tired so you don't want to bombard him immediately
So you hug him when he comes through the door, pull up his balaclava, and give him a few soft kisses
He immediately relaxes, happy to be home
You instruct him to go take a shower and he goes without fuss
When he comes back out in a simple black t-shirt and sweats, his wedding band still attached to its chain hanging from his neck, you feel your heart skip a beat
"Sit down," You instruct
"Awful bossy this evening, aye?" He teases, but does it anyway, small smile on his maskless face
You present the small box to him, biting your lower lip nervously
He raises an eyebrow, large hands coming up over the box as he shifts his eyes between it and you
He opens it gently, staring at the small device for a moment before his eyes widen
Sets the box aside and immediately stands
"Your being serious?"
You simply nod and his eyes shift down to your stomach before he grabs you into a hug
He would be scared and distant at first, he would need time to process
I do think he would be good with kids
Once you two talk it out, he would become completely on board
Ghost is a girl dad, fight me
Would be so nervous when he goes to appointments with you
He Is so used to the good things in his life being taken away,
When he learns its a girl, he becomes slightly uneasy
He's not sure how he's gonna be with a kid period but knowing its a girl? He is terrified
Nonetheless, he finds himself buying things that he thinks you would like for the baby anyway
would hate it if he had to go back onto deployment before the baby is born
You reassure him you'll be fine and he reassures you he will be back for the birth
An ultrasound picture is placed alongside the picture of you in his breast pocket
Eventually tells his team he's going to have a baby and they are in shock, even more so than before
Imagine you go into labor early and he almost misses it
He shows up still in uniform (minus the weapons bc there isn't anyway he is getting into a hospital with all that on) and black grease paint still smudged around his eyes
But, damnit, he's there
Is scared shitless during labor
He doesn't want anything to happen to either of you
But you deliver the baby and it's handed to him and she looks so small in his hands o(*////▽////*)q
Tears fill his eyes and he feels his cold heart thaw a little more
He gets leave for a little while to take care of you and the baby
He doesn't want to leave you two but you reassure him that you know his work is important
You make him promise to always come back to the two of you
The little girl grows up looking up to Ghost a lot and he feels he doesn't deserve it but loves it anyway
Whenever he comes back, he wants to spend as much time with the two of you as possible
He sends her letters that you read to her before bed
She helps you make care package and includes her drawings
A third picture is put into the pocket, one with all three of you
He brags about all of his daughters accomplishments to his teammates
Imagine one day he decides to surprise her at school when he comes back home
So after you drop her off, you go and pick Ghost up
The two of you go to her school and the teacher sends her to the principal's office
Ghost is waiting there with you, uneasy about being around so many people but when he sees his little girl? He is GONE
She comes in and immediately brights, running to her dad
Immediately drops to his knees to hug her when she comes running at him
Hugs her so close, then stands and goes over and grabs you too
He has never been this happy to be home
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v1x3n · 29 days
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simon 'ghost' riley x reader ⸝⸝ navigation
୨୧ 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 : a serial killer haunts your town, but unfortunately for you there had to be one classic dumb, hot girl!
୨୧ 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴 : angst (?) - serial killer, stupid moves that would piss you off, subtle pantie stealing, knocked out.
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you saw the news, all the stories online, you saw how everyone in the uk were panicked at the unknown serial killer going around. missing people rocked up dead, all around where you lived. your town was scared shitless.
you were scared, everyone had their doors and windows constantly locked. no one was out on the streets due to fear, the wind whistled and the town was near silent. weapons were handed out, you gripped hard onto a knife as you hear a loud bang outside. peaking through the window just to see your neighbours cat rummaging through a fallen bin. you groan and quickly look along to street, you knew it was a stupid move but you unlocked the front door.
stupid pretty girl move in a horror movie, right?
you tip toe outside, knife still held tight in your hand and you run over to grab the kitty. she meows and licks your fingers, you kiss the top of her head, "what you doing out here" grumbling to the cat, stomping back over to the house. stepping back inside and slamming the door back into place. plopping the kittycat onto the wooden floors so you could lock the door, "cmon baby" you coo and bend down to pet the cat. "ill get you some food, hm?" lightly walking into your kitchen.
opening up your fridge and pulling out some chicken from last night, you pull out a few pieces, placing them onto a plate and putting said plate onto the floor. clinking the side of the dish so the fluffy cat came running.
the cute little kitty was your neighbours cat, oreo, black and white little thing. her fur was fluffy and soft, slightly damp currently due to it rummaging through all the bins in the street and other shenanigans she would get up too. she was very cuddly and loved you, she constantly showed up at your door or in your garden, at your window.
you look over at the cat and smile at her chomping away, grabbing a small bowl and filling it up with cold water. placing it beside her.
sighing whilst looking through your kitchen window, glancing at the cat and you let out a second sigh. looking down at the the phone you pulled from your pocket. it was midnight, time for bed i guess.
soon you make sure the kitty is okay before heading upstairs. an eyebrow raises as you have a bad feeling deep in your stomach as you step through your bedroom door. peaking in and letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
walking back to your bed and grabbing the clothes you had scrupled up on your bed to take downstairs after your shower. the cute jeans, the small tank top, your scratty bra you needed to replace andd... your panties. which were misplaced. odd.
you look around your room, maybe you had dropped them? but after you check, nothing. you sigh, okay, that's fine. you're clumsy and had better things on your mind right now, you probably put them somewhere else whilst thinking of that psycho. yeah, thats sounds like you.
trotting back downstairs with your dirty washing in hand, oreo screeches. "hey hey, what's wrong " you mutter and bend over to pick up the kitty. cuddling her in your arms, walking through the kitchen to put away the clothes. you plop them in the washing machine and pepper the top of the cats head with kisses. "big scaredy cat, ain't ya?" cooing at the kitty , turning your eyes over to the living room before you started walking back in. "cmon kitty kitty" you softly say, your eyes look up at the front door. wait. you could've sworn you locked the door. the wooden door peaked up, a gust of air slipping through the slip in the door. you drop the cat, quickly looking down to see if the cat was okay - she was, so your eyes so back to the door. you quickly slam it shut, locking it up once more.
"hello?" you call out, stupid move. a creaking sounded from your stairs while you carefully step up them. water fills your eyes and you grab your phone, it dropping instantly to the floor as you jump, the sound of a deep booming voice pops out from behind you, "hello sweeth'art" you turn around and you sniffle, going to step back but the man steps forward you, "don't be scared" he mockenly coos.
you take a good look at the man, a scary mask plastered on his face and his whole body covered in black. fuck, he was big though. muscles making the dirty clothes almost rip, the only piece of skin showing was his eyes, gorgeous light brown eyes that stared into your soul. his pupils dialated at the sight of the poor girl, crying in front of him. so so scared. you peer down at his hand as it raises towards you, making you flinch back and run up the stairs. quickly sprinting to your room and slamming the door shut. looking down at your hand to see that, fuck, you dropped your phone. slight banging could be heard from outside, it was probably just him walking, he was fucking humongous. "hide and seek? fun" he chuckles, grabbing a lamp he found from a table in the hallway. he knocks your door and you scramble to the corner of the room, tears flow uncontrollably from your tear ducts.
after moments of silence, he jolts the door and it creaks open, you knew you should've gotten more locks. you sob in the corner as his shoes step forward.you meet eyes with him - sight trailing down to the lamp in his hand. he instantly sees you cuddled up in the corner, crying your eyes out. "love, divnt cry, to pretty f' tha'" he steps forward once more until eventually he was in front of you, he kneels down. you push your face away from him, "look at me, hun"
you sniffle once more and your fingers clench onto the ground below you. the masked man grabs your chin and forced you to look up at him, "gorgoeus thing" he hums.
"you know what?"
"w-what" you whisper.
"yer a doll, might keep you." was all you could hear before an object, the lamp, hits the side of your head. effectively knocking you out - your body slumps to the side.
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ashwhowrites · 1 month
AHHHHH REQUESTS ARE OPEN AGAIN YAYYYYY! Can you do steve harrington x reader, the reader confessions her love for steve but hes too scared to say it back after the events with nancy. Will he finally say it back or eventually lose the girl. You can choose the ending, thank you so much. Your work is amazing.
This is very short, but I like the simplicity of it. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Can't say it
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Steve thought he was ready to be in a relationship. He felt he was healed after Nancy and could love a girl again. He believed he wouldn't be scared. But after four months of being with his girlfriend, Y/N, he's starting to realize he is not ready.
He didn't give it enough thought. He liked Y/N and he was happy when she asked him out. Everything was perfect, he was happy and carefree. But then she said those three words and he felt everything in him run cold.
He gulped as her wide eyes stared at him, she was waiting for him to say something. She was waiting for him to say it back. But even saying the words in his head terrified him. Love was a commitment, was he ready? Could he give himself fully to another girl and have the chance of her running away?
He was over Nancy, but he wasn't over the fear she programmed into his brain. Y/N could love him now, but where is the proof she would love him in a year, or two years. He loved that their relationship wasn't serious yet, but now it is. Now they determine if this relationship is going to be a part of their future, and Steve was scared shitless.
"Steve?" the noticeable crack in her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Her eyes were watering slightly, and her hand gripped his knee.
"I-I uh," he hoped if he opened his mouth the words would just flow. He hated that he had to make himself say it, that his mouth couldn't do it for him.
"Did you hear me?" she asked
"Yeah, yeah, um," he said, shaking his head as he tried to compose himself. He grabbed both her hands, holding them in his lap. He licked his lips as he looked into her eyes.
"I really like you, so much. It's just I'm really scared," he decided being honest was the best answer. Y/N was an understanding soul and that's what he liked the most about her.
"Scared of what?" she asked, allowing Steve to hold onto her hands. Her eyes were soft and concerned, settling some of Steve's nerves.
"The last time I said it, it ended badly. I got my heart broken and I'm scared of going through that again. It's not that I don't want to say it, because I feel that I do. I just don't know if I'm ready to say it. I'm so sorry." He said, his voice cracking as he felt the guilt washing over him.
"Don't cry," she cooed as his eyes began to water. She released her hands to cup his face. She leaned in and pressed her forehead against his.
"But I don't want us to break up." he cried
"Hey, we won't," she said as she wiped his face, "You said you feel love me for, right? Just scared to say it?"
He nodded his head, sniffling as he looked into her eyes.
"That's enough for me. Knowing that you feel it is what matters to me. I'll give you time, and we'll come back to it later on, yeah?" she whispered
Steve felt at that moment that she might be the one for him. She was so understanding and willing to wait. It showed how much she truly loved him.
"We'll come back to it," Steve smiled. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his.
He knew one day he'd tell her. He knew he'd be so happy to talk to her and not feel scared that she would run. He gave her the perfect time to pack up and leave, yet she was in his arms.
He wasn't sure when or where, but he knew he'd confess how much he loved her.
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abbyssx · 9 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁ִ ࣪𖤐๋࣭ ⭑⋆。°✩ DREAM GIRL (HC)
or, a night with ellie!
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 warnings: none! pure fluff <3
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₊˚⊹♡ the night was cold and outside the wind was blowing. you didn’t even realize your low humming had turned into loud singing until you got interrupted by ellie, who flirtingly says “having fun, mama?” while joining you in the bathroom, where you were doing your nightly skincare routine.
₊˚⊹♡ she hops on the vanity, and watches you with an odd gaze. she is a curious being, and true to her nature, ellie starts inspecting every single skin care product you own.
₊˚⊹♡ “what is this one for?” she would ask, to later sigh and say “you don’t even need all that”.
₊˚⊹♡ her presence is soothing, and her eyes are so full of love as she watches you move. she can’t help but plant a loud kiss to your cheek when you’re done, which ends in you protesting: “my skin was clean, you ruined it with your dirty mouth!”
₊˚⊹♡ “acting as if you didn’t love my dirty mouth, love”, she replied, making you blush.
₊˚⊹♡ you brush your teeth together before going to bed, ellie doing silly faces in the mirror to make you laugh. sometimes you have to remind her to brush her teeth, not because she forgets but because she is as lazy as she can get. “damn baby, i thought i was getting away with it”
₊˚⊹♡ when you go back to your room, she runs and literally jumps into your bed, plopping down with a groan. she sleeps with a big t-shirt, boxers and socks, because she gets too hot to sleep with pants on but her feet get cold if she doesn’t wear socks. she’s just weird.
₊˚⊹♡ as soon as you comfortably get under the covers, she is clinging to you like a koala. she gets love drunk when she’s sleepy, and domestic routines like this make her even more infatuated with you. she likes to sit on your thighs and kiss all over your face, squishing your cheeks while mumbling sweet nothings in a baby voice.
₊˚⊹♡ you stay awake for a while before actually falling asleep. sometimes you are both on your phones watching tiktoks, ellie nearly screaming “babe come here you need to see this!” when she finds a 5 minute long video titled “funny cat bloopers”. which ends up in you both wheezing with tears in your eyes.
₊˚⊹♡ the sound of your laugh makes ellie laugh even more, and her laugh does the same to you, so it’s a loop until you’re both gasping for air and about to pee yourselves. when you start to calm down, ribs aching and breathless, you look at each other and you start manically laughing again.
₊˚⊹♡ other times, you just spend hours basking in each other’s presence, softly caressing each other’s body and mumbling sweet nothings.
₊˚⊹♡ later on, when sleep starts to take over, ellie holds you to her chest while she plays with your hair, talking a little bit about your days and eventually falling asleep.
₊˚⊹♡ but that loving, calm aura doesn’t last long, because as soon as ellie falls into a deep slumber, the chaos begins.
₊˚⊹♡ she wiggles from one position to another, all night long. from you being in her chest, to her being the little spoon, then the big spoon, then being completely on top of you -making it hard to breathe- and then being stretched out all along the bed while you sleep far away, in a corner.
₊˚⊹♡ you wake up at least three times per night to get the blanket back, often being tangled between your bodies or bunched up at the end of the bed.
₊˚⊹♡ her dad snores sometimes wake you up scared shitless, you could never understand how something so loud comes out of such an angelic tiny body.
₊˚⊹♡ she totally drools. on you. you’ve become used to waking up to ellie calmly sleeping with her face on your stomach, and a big, warm, wet patch where her mouth is at. ew (ellie williams)
₊˚⊹♡ she always wakes up hungry in the middle of the night, sneaks out of bed to get some snacks and eats them in bed. don’t be surprised if you wake up from your beauty sleep to ellie (loudly) munching on some cheetos and watching fortnite gameplays with her earphones with the volume so high that she doesn’t realize she nearly screams “want sum, babe?”
₊˚⊹♡ when she can’t go back to sleep, ellie likes to watch you. she quietly observes how your chest moves with your deep breaths, the way your brows furrow when you’re dreaming, your eyelashes meeting your cheeks. she can’t help but hide her face in your neck, inhaling strongly just to get drunk on your scent. my girl is so down bad :(
₊˚⊹♡ and when you wake up to her beautiful sleepy face, with a tiny smile and brushing your hair out of your face, and she whispers a “morning sleepyhead” before kissing your nose, you realize no weird sleeping habits could make you love this girl less.
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a/n: short but sweet right? it’s been a while since i’ve written so any advice is welcome <3
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punkshort · 10 months
look what we've become - ch.1
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Chapter Summary: Tommy asks for your help proposing to Maria, causing both you and Joel to reflect on your own relationship.
Chapter Warnings: language, mentions of alcohol, fear of commitment, smut (18+ MDNI), fingering, oral (f receiving), p in v unprotected sex, dirty talk
WC: 6.1K
Series masterlist | Next Chapter
A/N: hi everyone! if you're new and didn't read the first story, this follows a slightly different timeline. Essentially, Joel and Tommy had a very successful construction business in NYC and reader worked for them pre-outbreak, so I've written in this story a slightly younger version of Joel given the timeline.
Thank you to everyone who loved the first one so much that it encouraged me to write a sequel! I really hope you like it, and I want to emphasize there will be a happy ending to this story. Thanks for reading!
June 2007
"Can't thank you enough for your help, darlin'," Tommy said, his voice trying and failing to hide the anxiety that plagued his mind.
"Don't mention it," you told him, finishing up the final touches on the bouquet of flowers, wrapping a beautiful satin ribbon around the stems before handing it over. "What's the occasion?"
"I'm gonna ask her to marry me," he blurted out, and your hands instantly flew to your mouth, covering your excited gasp.
"Tommy!" you squealed, bouncing on the balls of your feet, trying to contain your energy before giving up and rounding your workstation to wrap your arms around him, being mindful not to crush the flowers he was holding. "I'm so happy for you, oh my god!"
"Well, thanks, but she ain't agreed, yet," he said, running a shaky hand through his long hair.
"She's going to say yes, don't be silly," you told him, a smile permanently etched on your face. You and Maria have been close friends ever since you met three years ago. You considered her to be your closest friend in Jackson, and you were thrilled at the idea of your best friend about to experience the happiest moment of her life. Tommy had come a long way from the man you knew before the outbreak, his days of chasing every girl that tossed him a smile long behind him.
"So, how are you going to do it?" you asked excitedly as he shifted back and forth on his feet. He paused and flicked his eyes up.
"Uh," he said, growing shifty. "Well, I dunno. Do I gotta plan somethin'?"
"Yes!" you said, rolling your eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.
"Well, shit, I didn't think that far ahead!" he exclaimed, turning to pace around the greenhouse.
"Don't stress, we'll figure something out," you assured him, scooting back so you could lift your hips and sit on your workstation tabletop. "Did you find a ring?"
"Yeah, I got that, at least," he said, his shoulders relaxing a bit as he dug it out of his pocket. You plucked it from his fingers carefully so you could get a better look at the three round, shiny diamonds set on the center of a gold band.
"It's perfect," you told him warmly, handing it back. He allowed a small smile as he shoved it back into the safety of his pocket.
"Will you help me figure out how to do it?" he asked.
"Of course I will," you told him. "She doesn't like a fuss. It should be private. Small. Romantic. And you need to come up with something thoughtful to say." He nodded, his gaze traveling to the wall, lost in thought before he shifted his eyes back to you.
"Like what?"
"Tommy! Come on!" you scolded him, shoving his shoulder.
"I ain't good at all that, cut me some slack!" he said with a grin. "I need an example. What would you wanna hear?"
You paused, your smile frozen on your face as you felt your blood run cold. Your smile began to slowly slip as your heart slammed in your chest, anxiety creeping up your neck, ears ringing. Naturally, you were thinking about Joel bending down on one knee, professing his love to you and begging you to be his forever. A thought that should have filled you with warmth, but instead, scared you shitless. And your reaction itself made it even worse. Why would the thought of Joel proposing scare you? You never wanted anyone else. Once you met, it just wasn't a question anymore. You were his, and he was yours. An understanding, it didn't need to be said. So why does the thought of him saying it make you feel like you're falling down an endless hole in the ground?
"Um," you managed to squeak out, but Tommy had already moved on, wrapped up in his own dilemma.
"I think I know what I could say," he said, not noticing your sudden paralysis. "Can you do me a favor, though? Could you round up any candles you ain't usin'? Preferably unscented, don't need the whole place smellin' like a mix of cookies, pine and roses."
"Yeah, of course. I'll look when I get home and bring them over," you mumbled.
"Great, thanks again, darlin'! I'll see you in a bit," he said with a more confident smile, rushing out the door to leave you with your thoughts, your legs swinging mindlessly over the edge of the workstation. The workstation Joel had thoughtfully built for you because he insisted you needed somewhere proper to work in the greenhouse.
And he also broke the only desk you had.
You hung your head, feeling shameful and confused. Why hadn't you ever thought about this before? What would you have done if he proposed and you never sorted out your feelings about marriage? About kids?
"Shit," you whispered, the mere thought of kids making your throat squeeze shut. Bringing a child into this world? He wouldn't want to do that, would he?
Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself. Maybe he felt the same as you. Why change something that's working so well? You both loved each other, what difference did it make? But the devil on your shoulder threw back a counter argument.
If it didn't make a difference, then why didn't you want to do it?
You rubbed the heels of your hands into your eyes aggressively. You really needed to stop making problems out of nothing. This wasn't about you and Joel, it was about Tommy and Maria.
You sighed and made your way down the long aisle towards the door, deciding it was close enough to the end of your shift.
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"Hey, I was callin' your name, didn't you hear me?"
You nearly jumped out of your skin and turned around to find Joel leaning against the doorframe of the spare bedroom. He eyed up the half empty box next to you on the floor and looked back at you questioningly.
"No, sorry, guess I was lost in my thoughts or something," you told him, turning back to rifle through the plastic storage tote. Joel took a few steps into the room and sat down on the spare bed, the springs squeaking under his weight.
"What're you thinkin' about?" he asked as he watched you pulling out each candle and giving them a sniff before deciding which pile to add them to.
"Huh?" you asked him, still jumpy from your revelation earlier. "Oh, it's nothing, really." Even to your own ears, the excuse sounded lame, so you weren't surprised when Joel didn't buy it.
"Must be somethin' if it's got you all distracted," he urged you gently. You shook your head and gave him a believing smile.
"No, really, it's nothing. Just thinking about work. I left early today, I'm just thinking about what I need to do tomorrow," you lied as you finished up going through the candles, snapping the plastic tote lid back on and shoving it into the spare closet.
"Why'd you leave early?" Joel asked with his eyebrows knit. "Feelin' okay?"
He's always so thoughtful, so concerned about you. It made the pit in your stomach worsen, the guilt flaring.
"Oh, yeah, fine. I just told Tommy I would get him these extra candles as soon as possible, so I'm gonna head over there real quick," you explained. As you leaned down to pick up the box, Joel's hand shot out to stop you, choosing instead to lift it up himself.
"I can do it," he said, then looked back down at the open box curiously. "Why does he need so many candles?"
"Well," you said, turning to leave the room so your face wouldn't give anything away when you told him. "He's going to propose to Maria. He has some special thing planned, involving candles, I guess. We should probably standby in case he lights the house on fire," you joked over your shoulder as you made your way down to the kitchen. You knew you were rambling a bit, but you hoped Joel didn't pick up on your nervousness.
"He's what?" Joel exclaimed, stopping dead in his tracks in the hallway, still holding the box of candles. You turned your attention towards him again as you leaned against the kitchen counter.
"Yep, he told me today. He asked me to make a bouquet for him at work," you told him, studying his face carefully. Joel looked stunned as he stared out the window behind you while he processed the information.
"Well, goddamn," he said, finally snapping out of it with a smirk. "I'll take these over so I can give him shit for not tellin' me sooner." He readjusted the box in his arms before he turned around towards the front door, his reaction giving you a bit of relief. He was just happy for his brother, and didn't appear to be overthinking your own relationship, like you couldn't stop doing.
Naturally, you worried about nothing. You were both perfectly content with the way things were. Feeling silly for even being nervous in the first place, you followed him to the front door and stopped him before he left.
"Hey, wait," you said from the door, causing him to turn around just as he was about to descend the stairs. "How about a kiss before you go?"
He grinned and, dropping the box in a chair by the front door, reached forward with both hands to cradle your face and pulled you towards him, his lips pressing firmly against yours. Your fingers gripped the front of his T-shirt as you sighed contentedly against him, his usual scent of gunpowder, sweat and something uniquely him filling your nostrils. You opened your mouth and licked gently at his lips, causing him to smile and slide his tongue alongside yours with a quiet groan while one of his hands released your jaw to get tangled in your hair. He gave your head a gentle tug backwards in an attempt to get you to open your mouth wider, but when a soft moan escaped your lips from the sensation, he felt himself stiffen in his jeans. He pulled you back further so you lost contact and he looked down at your flushed face, his hands still in your hair and on your jaw.
"I'll take these later," he said huskily, nodding to the candles next to the door as he walked you backwards inside the house.
"No, no, you have to take them now," you giggled as his mouth latched onto your neck. "He needs them before Maria gets home." He growled against your skin and begrudgingly pulled away, his eyes raking up and down your body before he stepped backwards.
"Don't move, I'll be back in ten minutes," he told you, grabbing the box and jogging down the steps. You laughed and closed the door behind him, wondering why you let yourself get worked up over nothing. Everything was great between you, you were never more sure of anything in your life. In the back of your mind, you knew you had to figure out why you had such a negative reaction to the thought of marriage in the first place, but you decided to put that off for another day.
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"Can't believe you didn't tell me, you little shit," Joel teased with a smirk the minute Tommy swung the door open. He pushed his way into the house and glanced around quickly to make sure Maria wasn't there before turning back to Tommy.
"Heard you needed some mood lighting," Joel said, raising an eyebrow when Tommy ruefully snatched the box from his arms.
"Yeah, thanks," was all Tommy could manage, his nerves getting the best of him the more time passed.
"Nervous or somethin'?" Joel asked his brother as he casually took in the half-done scene he was setting in the living room. Candles were randomly dispersed throughout the room and two empty wine glasses were placed on top of the mantle.
"Yeah, I'm fuckin' nervous, 'course I'm nervous, shit," Tommy said as he raked a hand through his hair and got to work sifting through the box.
"Well, it ain't like she's gonna say 'no'," said Joel in a poor attempt at easing his brother's nerves.
"Don't matter. I gotta do it right. It'll mean a lot to her, she's probably got some fantasy in her head already 'bout how it'll go. I can't screw this up," Tommy said as he pushed past Joel to balance more candles on the bookshelf.
"Nah, you're overthinkin' it, they just like the ring so they can show it off," Joel replied, thinking back briefly to the time when he was engaged before the outbreak. Amy hardly cared about the effort he put into the proposal, but her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw the huge diamond he picked out.
"Oh, brother, you couldn't be more wrong. Your own girl told me I need to do somethin' thoughtful. Somethin' romantic. Shit, you're lucky you got me before you swiped the biggest rock you could find and think that'll be enough to make her happy," Tommy grinned as he nudged Joel's shoulder playfully, making his way back into the kitchen to pick out a bottle of wine.
Joel chewed on his lower lip and cracked his knuckles before scratching his beard, his eyes flicking around the room, lost in thought, while Tommy began to light the candles. Tommy noticed the sudden silence and paused, straightening up and raising an eyebrow at his brother.
"You already got a ring, don't you?"
Joel met his gaze for a moment before clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair.
"I've had it for months," Joel admitted, bringing his thumb and pointer finger up to rub his eyes.
"Holy shit, Joel! Why didn't you say anythin'?" Tommy exclaimed, walking over to clap his brother on the back.
"I don't know. You never said anythin', either," he said with a shrug.
"Well, when are you gonna do it?" Tommy asked, turning back to light the candles, grateful for the distraction.
"Don't know. Never seems like the right time," said Joel as he picked up the bottle of red wine Tommy placed on the mantle, scrutinizing the label. "And it's a good thing, too, seein' as I need to rethink how I'm gonna ask her, apparently."
"Yeah, well, one of these days I can ask Maria for advice, if you want," Tommy said, brushing his palms on the sides of his jeans as he made his way to the window, peering out to make sure she wasn't coming home early. "Least I could do, since I got help from your girl."
"Yeah, maybe," Joel replied as he distractedly ran his palm over his mouth.
"Alright, get the hell out of here, I gotta change and put the flowers in a vase before Maria gets home," Tommy said, pushing Joel towards the front door. He opened the door but Joel paused, turning around quickly and enveloping Tommy in a rare, quick hug.
"Congrats, brother. She's gonna love it," he said, gesturing vaguely around the living room. Tommy grinned and nodded.
"Thanks. Now leave, I mean it," he said, giving Joel a shove. Joel laughed and shook his head.
"I'm leavin', I'm leavin'," he said with a wave over his shoulder. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he made his way slowly down the street.
He was telling Tommy the truth about the ring. He hadn't gone out looking for it, but one day, months ago, when he was on patrol with Eugene, he just happened to see it. They had been exploring an abandoned shopping mall, and when he walked by the jewelry store, he had glanced inside at the broken glass display cases and spotted what he thought was the perfect ring for you. It was an oval diamond set on a delicate, white gold band. He had picked it up and examined it thoughtfully, imagining what it would look like on your finger. He briefly looked at the other choices, and none of the others seemed to resonate with him the way that one did. So he pocketed it before Eugene noticed he was lingering, and hid it in an old shoe he had in the closet when he got home.
When he first came home with the ring, he couldn't stop fantasizing about how he would ask you, what he would say, what you would say. But he hadn't been in any rush to ask, and he hadn't really thought about it much after that, he just knew he wanted to spend his life with you. He had almost forgotten all about it until you told him about Tommy's plan earlier that day. But now that his brother had him thinking about it again, the idea of officially making you his and calling you his wife made him feel excited.
He walked through the front door and kicked his boots off before he made his way down the hallway and into the kitchen, where he saw you drying some plates and putting them away. You glanced over your shoulder when you heard him enter the room before turning back to your task.
"Little longer than ten minutes," you teased. You were drying your hands on the dish towel when his arms snaked around your waist and he buried his face in the back of your neck. You squirmed, his grip loosening so you could turn around and gently circle your arms around his neck. "What took you so long?"
He shrugged and leaned down to press a chaste kiss where your neck met your shoulder.
"Just got to talkin'," he murmured, pressing another kiss in the same spot. You hummed and tilted your head to the side a bit, closing your eyes.
"I was thinking, maybe we should throw them an engagement party," you whispered, trying to stay focused as his lips brushed along your neck, his scruffy beard giving you goosebumps. "I can ask Carrie to help, she loves that kind of thing."
"That'd be nice," he mumbled in agreement, flipping his head in the other direction so he could continue his torture on the opposite side of your neck. "We can have it here."
"Yeah," you sighed as you shifted your weight, trying to ignore the ache growing between you legs. "I thought we could - "
You inhaled sharply when he pinched the skin of your collarbone between his teeth, leaving an angry red mark there. Your fingers found their way into his dark curls, gripping them tightly as your breathing became shallow.
"Hm?" he asked, hiding his smirk against your skin.
"Thought we could do it outside," you mumbled, quickly finishing your thought.
"Whatever you want," he said, his voice gravelly as he pulled you into him roughly, earning a small yelp from you. His lips latched onto yours, softly humming against your mouth, the warm exhale from your nose fanning gently over his face. You pulled away, breaking the kiss as he began slowly walking you backwards towards the stairs, his eyes dark as he stared you down.
"Maybe Julia's class can make decorations. I think Maria would like that," you said breathlessly, gazing up at him, meeting his heated stare. "What do you think?"
Joel gave you half a smirk when the backs of your legs bumped up against the lowest step.
"I think you better get up to bed right now before I toss you over my shoulder and do it myself," he said lowly, sending a shiver down your spine.
A playful grin spread across your face as you turned on your heel and raced up the stairs, Joel following hot on your trail, taking them two at a time.
You barely pushed the bedroom door open before his hands were on you, eagerly skirting over your hips and up your arms before coming to rest on your jaw, cradling your head in his hands tenderly as his tongue slid between your lips, reveling in your warmth. Being with you always felt like home to him, it was where he was always meant to be.
"So beautiful," he mumbled against your mouth before he pressed his lips against yours again, his fingers gripping your head a little tighter, like he was afraid you would float away.
Your fingers deftly worked on undoing his jeans as he continued to walk you towards the bed. Just as you were about to reach below his waistband, he scooped down to pick you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his hips, clinging to him as he softly placed you both down.
He lifted his head up a fraction to look down at you underneath him, his thumb gently stroking your cheek, looking at you with admiration. His eyes flicked up to the open closet door, the urge to confirm the shoe with the ring in it was still in its rightful place, that you hadn't accidentally found it.
"What is it?" you asked him breathlessly, noticing how his attention had been stolen away. He quickly brought his gaze back down to you with a sly smile.
"Nothin'," he said with a shake of his head, then leaned down to part your lips again with his tongue, curling his fingers along the back of your neck, deepening the kiss with slow, leisurely licks inside your mouth. Your fingers danced over his broad shoulders for a moment before you made your way down his chest and stomach, pausing to gently rake your nails through the coarse hair at the top of his boxers, then plunging down to wrap your hand around his stiff cock.
He groaned softly into your mouth when you gave him a squeeze, his hips shallowly thrusting forward into your hand as you stroked him up and down.
"Slow down," Joel gasped, tearing himself away from your mouth and flexing his fingers around your wrist, stopping you. "Wanna take my time with you tonight," he drawled, taking your hand away and pinning it lightly into the mattress.
"Joel," you whined, lifting your hips up from the bed, frustrated. He tutted and shook his head.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you. You know I always do," he said huskily, his mouth latching onto your neck. "Wanna take care of you for the rest of my life," he added quietly, his voice muffled against your skin and lost in the sounds of your moans. You tipped your head back, your free hand sliding through his thick curls, fingernails raking against his scalp just the way he likes.
He let go of your hand so he could lift your shirt over your head, followed quickly by your bra. Slowly, his eyes swept over your bare chest, his knuckles brushing against your nipple and watching as it perked up in response, then once he was satisfied, did the same to the other.
"So soft," he muttered to himself before diving down and sucking one into his mouth, the tip of his tongue flicking against your nipple before he flattened it against your sensitive skin, licking slow, hot stripes up and down. He lifted his mouth from your skin and blew gently over the wetness his tongue left behind. You gasped at the sensation, your cunt clenching around nothing as he switched sides, giving the same attention to your other breast while his fingers roamed around your waist, then dipped down to squeeze your ass and hips.
You whined his name and tugged on his hair, begging him to touch you, vaguely wondering why he was in the mood to take things so painfully slow, but you were unable to form a coherent thought other than why are my fucking jeans still on?
"Joel, please," you whimpered, pathetically jutting your hips upwards, trying to find friction against him to no avail. He finally released your breast and looked up at you, your chest heaving, hair a mess and your eyes glazed over, already looking completely wrecked. He smirked at the sight and pushed himself up, hovering over you.
"Alright, sweetheart, I'll give you one," he said, much to your relief as his hand came between you to pop open your jeans. He pulled down the zipper and you hooked your thumbs into your belt loops, helping to pull them down as quickly as you could and kicked them off. His eyes glanced down, feeling his cock twitch when saw the dark spot leaking through your panties.
He looped his fingers around the sides of your underwear and pulled them off, then flattened his palms on the insides of your thighs so he could admire the mess he made of you. He ran his middle finger up the length of your seam, testing the waters before dipping inside, marveling at how soaked you were already. His eyes drifted up to your face, mesmerized as you writhed underneath him, your eyes screwed shut and your brows pinched as you focused on his second finger entering your aching cunt.
"Oh, fuck, Joel," you whimpered, snapping your eyes open just to find him already gazing down at you, his eyes dark and filled with want. You rocked your hips forward, trying to make him go faster, but he continued to slowly pump both fingers in and out, in and out, curling his fingertips as he reached inside, brushing against the spot that he knows makes you fall apart.
"That feel better?" he breathed, and you nodded, clutching the sheets in your fist as the fire in your stomach began to burn, the warmth creeping up your chest and neck with every plunge of his fingers. His thumb brushed gently over your clit and you cried out, your body stiffening underneath him as you felt your orgasm steadily approach, your breath coming in short gasps when he finally began to circle the swollen bundle of nerves.
"Faster," you croaked, tipping your head back, but he shook his head and continued his torturous pace.
"It'll feel better this way," he said, and you groaned. "Do you trust me?" he asked, and you brought your head back down so you could look at him again.
"Yes," you whispered, watching as his eyes lit up and a smug grin spread across his face.
"Then let go," he ordered. You inhaled sharply as you felt your walls clench down and your release drip down his fingers, your orgasm slowly ripping through you with a strangled moan. You reached out and grabbed his wrist when it became too much, your body relaxing onto the bed and your eyes fluttering shut.
He slid his fingers out, earning a hiss from you before he popped them into his mouth. You opened your eyes weakly as you watched him suck his fingers, his other hand palming his erection over his jeans and looking down at you panting beneath him, his gaze dark.
"I need more," he murmured as he shimmied down the bed to settle his face between your legs, his hands sliding up your shaky thighs to pin them down to the mattress.
"Wait, Joel," you told him breathlessly. "Too soon, I - it's too much," you said, pulling feebly at his hair. He ignored you, too lost in his own thoughts, the fantasy of making you his and calling you his wife consuming him.
He licked a stripe through your folds, his tongue plunging inside briefly before taking another long, slow drag. You wiggled under his hold with a gasp, your body involuntarily trying to squirm away from overstimulation, but his large hands pinned you down as his tongue probed further inside you.
He knew he was pushing you to your limits, but he couldn't stop. He felt like a man possessed. He alternated between licking and nibbling at your sensitive cunt, trying to avoid your most sensitive area until he knew you could handle it. Only when he finally felt your legs relax under his palms and heard your breathy moans of encouragement did he venture up to press his tongue flat against your clit. Your fingers tugged at his curls, his eyes rolling to the back of his head with a moan. He always loved it when you pulled on his hair. He sucked your clit into his mouth, swirling it around his tongue slowly, trying to drag out the pleasure as long as possible.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. The pressure building inside you too intense. You felt like you were vibrating, Joel's expert hands and mouth making your body pulse and thrum, your breaths shallow and sharp.
You tried to say his name, but it came out as a pathetic whimper instead. The way he lapped at your fluttering cunt was making you dizzy. You were hyper aware of how rough his facial hair felt on your raw skin, a stark contrast to how soft his tongue felt on your folds. The muscles in your stomach began to clench as you felt yourself rocketing towards your second orgasm.
Joel felt you twitch under his forearm and knew you were close. He pressed his face further into you, thrusting his hips into the mattress to find some relief while he sucked and nibbled on your swollen clit, your moans morphing into high pitched cries, fingers frantically grasping and slipping through his curls.
Your back arched off the bed, tears trickling down your cheeks as you fell over the edge, your body jerking underneath him while you screamed his name. His hands clutched your legs, trying to keep himself attached as he worked you through it.
He finally pulled back with a gasp when you managed to writhe away, desperate to give your trembling body a break, completely overwhelmed. You each panted for breath as you stared at one another for a moment, your legs still shaking from the aftershock.
"Christ, Joel," you rasped, your voice hoarse as you wiped your tears away with the back of your hand.
"Sorry, sweetheart," he said, running a hand through his hair before wiping his mouth, his gaze softening as he took in your wrecked state. "Can't get enough of you."
"I can see that," you teased, the corners of your mouth turning upwards into a smirk. Your eyes flicked down to his pants, noticing his cock straining painfully against the denim. "Come here," you whispered, beckoning him with your arms. He grinned and quickly pulled his shirt over his head before kicking off his boxers and jeans. He crawled up the bed slowly, hovering over your body. You ran your hands gently over his arms, sending a shiver down his spine, before grasping the back of his neck and pulling him down for a deep kiss. He moaned against your mouth, his lips gently massaging your own while his tongue gave you a taste of your arousal.
"Are you sure you can handle it?" he asked, looking down between your bodies where your hand was directing his cock to your entrance.
"We're gonna find out," you said with a sigh, feeling his thick head notch against you. He pushed forward and you gasped at the familiar sting of being stretched open. Your nails dug into his shoulders as he pressed on, slowing giving you every inch of him before bottoming out with a groan of relief.
"Fuck," he whispered, resting his forehead in the crook of your neck while he took a moment to just appreciate the feel of you. You wiggled your hips slightly underneath him to get more comfortable as your body relaxed and adjusted to his size.
"I'll never get tired of that feeling," you murmured into his hair.
"Hope not," he said, lifting his head up with a smirk. He held your gaze as he slowly dragged his cock in and out, in and out until your head tilted back and your eyes slid shut, your lips parted as you gasped softly each time he pushed back inside. He nibbled tenderly at your jaw, fucking you with deep, long strokes while your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, pulling him closer each time.
"God, you feel so good," you moaned, yanking his face up and kissing him messily, your fingertips digging into his skin. He kept up the slow pace, savoring the feeling of just being close and intimate, while each powerful thrust caused tip of his cock to make contact with the most sensitive spot inside you, stoking the flames and pushing you to the edge.
"Fuck, I love you so fuckin' much, you know that?" he gasped, his lips hovering above your open mouth as he gazed down at you, watching your eyes glaze over with each slow drag, in and out. "D'you - shit - d'you see what you do to me? Huh?" He gripped your jaw when he saw your eyes begin to flutter close, fingers pressing into the soft flesh of your cheeks. "Look at me, sweetheart. Need you to look at me," he begged, his climax quickly approaching but he refused to pick up the pace, enjoying the slow way he was fucking you way too much.
"Yes," you whispered, forcing your eyes open to give him what he needed. He nodded, loosening his grip on your jaw and letting his hand fall limply. He looked down, watching as his cock disappeared inside you and coming back out, coated in your slick. He groaned at the sight and glanced back up at you, your gaze still transfixed on his face, just as he asked.
"Can't believe you're really mine," he muttered to himself in disbelief with a small shake of his head, his eyes roaming over your face and chest. "Can't believe I'm the one that gets to fuck you."
"I'm yours," you whimpered, biting down on your lower lip as you felt your body begin to tense up, like a band ready to snap.
"Yeah?" he asked hopefully, his wide eyes locking back onto yours. He knew you didn't mean it the way he wanted to hear it, that it was just something you said in the heat of the moment, but he didn't care. He allowed himself to have the fantasy, anyway.
"Just you, only you," you babbled, knowing exactly what he liked to hear. He clenched his jaw and took a deep breath, fucking into you a little faster now.
"Keep talkin', just like that," he said through gritted teeth, his arms wrapping around your ribs as his hips snapped into you, eliciting a low moan from your throat.
"N-nobody else, all y-yours, only want you," you rambled before the band snapped and your vision went spotty. You cried out and clenched down around him, the intensity of a third orgasm depleting all your energy and almost immediately, your muscles went slack.
"That's right, good girl," Joel said, watching you fall apart under him. "All mine. Mine - mine - mine!" he grunted, each word punctuated with a harsh thrust before pulling out just in time to come all over your stomach, watching in a daze as each burst of his hot spend coated your soft skin.
He collapsed next to you, both struggling to catch your breath. Your arm draped over your eyes and you contemplated falling asleep just like that, not even sure you had the strength to stand anyway. After a moment, he reached over to his nightstand to snatch up a handkerchief, and he gently cleaned you up as your breathing stabilized. Gingerly, he lifted your arm away from your face, brushing his thumb over your cheek, then your swollen lips before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Wow," you whispered hoarsely, finally opening your eyes. He chuckled and nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, wow," he said, laying back down next to you. "That was somethin' else," he added, rubbing his palms roughly over his face.
You rolled onto your side, wincing at the soreness in your legs and hips already, and draped an arm across his body.
"Where did all that come from?" you asked sleepily, nuzzling your face into his chest. He shrugged.
"Don't know," he lied as he rubbed small circles across your back. You hummed, accepting his response without a second thought. His eyes drifted back over to the closet briefly before reaching over and turning off the light, tugging the sheets over your bodies and resuming the circles on your back until he heard your breathing slow, confirming you were asleep.
He stared in the dark at the ceiling, thinking about how and when he should ask you to marry him. He didn't want to take away from Tommy and Maria, so he figured he should put it off for a while, but that didn't stop him from closing his eyes that night and dreaming about what it would be like to be your husband.
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Tag List: @chiogarza, @sparklejumpropequeen-777, @shotgun-shelby @partyofone3413 @nana90azevedo @ninaminaromina @untamedheart81 @taz-97 @nastiasnow - lmk if I missed anyone or if you want to be removed
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inkstainedheartbeats · 3 months
Part three of this
It’s three days after the negative pregnancy test. Three days of Steve practically tiptoeing around their apartment. And Eddie knows that it’s not personal. That Steve doesn’t even realize how soft and meek he’s gotten. Like a solid seventy-five percent of Hawkins his parents were both Betas. He knows that things weren’t shiny and happy in the Harrington household. That habits are hard to break. Look at him and his food hiding habits he still has even after living with the god amongst men that is his Uncle.
Robin knows. Robin knew the moment that Eddie called to tell her she needed to find another ride in to work. The Beta woman hasn’t left Steve’s side. Stuck to him like a limpet.
They’re sitting at the table. Steve across from Eddie, their feet touching, with Robin resting her head on Steve’s shoulder. Breakfast is growing cold in front of them.
“You said some of it was me,” Steve starts off before cutting himself off. He takes a big bite out of his eggs. Robin makes an encouraging sound from next to him.
“Look, I slept through most of health class. But when we got serious I went to Uncle Wayne.”
Admitting this gets him small smiles, Robin even reaches a hand over to place on his. He knows she’ll always take Steve’s side, that to love one means to love the other so this act of kindness is… it makes him brave.
“One of the reasons that Alphas don’t tend to bare children isn’t just society being fucking sexist. It’s because Alphas produce a hormone that neither of the other secondaries can. And like, normally it doesn’t matter. But it makes pregnancies harder on Alphas. Wayne gave me all sorts of pamphlets on Alpha health, got me in contact with an Alpha ex of his.”
He’s squeezing Robin’s hand.
“I can’t loose you, Steve. I know we’re waiting to Mark each other, I understand why we’re waiting but even without the physical evidence of it, you are my Mate. And if I lost you?”
It was the threat of losing Steve to Vecna that had him breaking the control the bastard had on him. It was the sight of Steve bleeding yet again, standing in front of El, head tilted back like Chrissy’s that had him snapping. Steve was it for him. His heart knew it before his head did and he knows Steve is much the same. He saw proof of it in how skinny Steve was. How rumpled and ill kept he was.
“I am open to children. I would love to see you round and waddling with my pups inside you, Steve, but I am a coward.”
“You’re not. You’re not a coward, Eds.”
Steve’s pushed back his chair from the table. Clambered up onto his lap. Wide hands are buried deep in his hair. They’re not kissing, not yet. Not with Robin in the room. Because kissing like this never stays kissing and while Steve tells her everything she doesn’t want a front row seat to it all.
Steve pours out his own fears. Of his father. Of his mother who tried but still failed in the grand scheme of things. His health.
“I’ve had so many concussions, Eds. Literal brain damage that will some day come and bite me in the ass.”
They’re honest with each other with Robin as their witness. It feels like confession. It feels like marriage. Like a divine oath.
“You make me feel brave, Eds. I’m not scared of this with you at my side.”
“Lady Buckley, might I advise you to flee this luxurious castle for… a couple of hours? I need to show my King just how brave he makes me feel.”
He’s still scared shitless when they test again. It’s been six months and Eddie has fucked Steve on nearly every available surface at every opportunity he can. His stomach rolls and breakfast threatens to make a reappearance. But Steve is in his lap while they sit in the tub.
He’s not quite sure why they have to be in here but something about bathrooms makes Steve feels safe so this is where he sits. He squeezes Steve tight against him as they wait for time to move on by. When the scent of joy fills the bathroom he laughs.
“Thank fuck,” he breathes out.
“Yeah, thank fuck,” Steve echos.
And if they fuck like rabbits in that tub no one has to know.
Hope you don’t mind me tagging you in the resolution @xxbottlecapx
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0strawberrysorbet0 · 6 months
𝐴 ℎ𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟
𝐻𝑎𝑧𝑏𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑙 𝑥 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒!𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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This is a series so if you'd like to be tagged simply just comment!
Not too happy with this chapter but hope it's good enough 😕
Please do not use/steal my work on this site or any other! Reblogs and likes are appreciated greatly!!
Part one ← Part two → Part three
Summary: When Charlie is called to heaven for a meeting instead of her father she is ecstatic but she meets a boy with some very familiar features..
Warnings: cursing, Adam mentioned, rlly weird layout, idk what else, probs spelling mistakes and weird grammer
Where am I??" Was the only thought coursing through the boy's mind?
He couldn't hear anything but his thoughts, everything else was muffled as if he was underwater, he strolled mindlessly throughout the forest, there were lush plants and exotic flowers of every tone and shape.
He could see birds and insects, things they did not have in his new home...
As he walked forward, it was like he was being pulled, like he didn't control it...
He heard a voice call for him...
"ƙׁׅյׁׅ݊ꪀյׁׅժׁׅ݊ᝯׁׅ֒꯱ dear?? Where-" was all he heard, voice silencing before he heard a yell...
He couldn't make out words but he heard a male's voice shout, who were they shouting for??
As he stumbled through the thicker, darker patch of forest he reached a tree, an apple, sparkling and juicy, shaped like a heart hung from a branch. Just as he went to grab it,
someone clung to the skin on his leg.. Or something.. Biting down on his flesh.. His pale skin turned pink and oozing a cherry-coloured syrup.
As he turned to see the blood dripping he shot up, dripping in a cold sweat as his face whitened.
That dream. Again.
It had been haunting him, it happened every so often but now more than ever. It was always the same.
He wanders, a woman calling for someone and a man screaming then sees the Apple and tries to grab it before being bitten. Then waking up before being able to see the creature.
But what was it?.. He sat up on his bed, grabbed a yellow shoebox from under his bed, he placed it onto his milky white duvet.
He peeled the lid off the box, revealing a little rubber duck... He didn't know where it was from but he had had it for as long as he could remember, there were a few photos of him and his friends... Mainly Emily.
There were a few random things, buttons and feathers, but he finally found what he was looking for, a folded sheet of parchment. He opened it revealing a drawing of the forest, mainly the path he walked and the paths he could see.
He took out the red pen and drew the figure of a woman, shouting... He couldn't see the figure's face or features but he could tell it was a woman.
His father could never see this, nor Sera. They'd think he was plotting against something.. Which he'd never do. He wasn't a monster.
At the bottom of the box was a small gift from Emily, a little box that had been wrapped with gold ribbon. Inside was an apple... An actual real apple.
He hadn't a clue where she got it but it was gorgeous. So shiny and juicy, plump and red, a delicious bloody red...
He had never understood why they were forbidden anyways, yes because of The Fall but surely the fruit wasn't the problem..
He couldn't blame Eve.
He wouldn't have resisted either.
His silence was broken by knocking on his door. "(M/N)? Son? I'm heading off to my meeting, there's some food on the table, take care!"
It was his dad, it was thoughtful of the man to let him know he was leaving but it scared the boy shitless.
He got himself dressed and got to work on his heavenly duties, he strolled through a building, looking for Emily, he had to tell her about his dream.
As he walked past a meeting room he could hear a familiar screeching voice, Adam.
And a voice he hadn't heard before?.. A young girl? Whatever. It wasn't Emily so it didn't matter, he continued to walk until the voice got louder, almost like it was behind him
"Miss?? Excuse me!? You dropped some feathers!!"
Miss? He turned to see the person who had been shouting, it was a girl.
She had red glowing eyes with the sclera being a strong yellow color.
Her hair was the same straw blonde colour as his hair, it was tied up into a strange ponytail, in circular shapes almost, she was wearing a blood-red suit and her cheeks were rosy and pink.
What a strange angel... She didn't even look like an angel...
He just turned and continued to walk, going to find Emily.
"Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates known as Heaven and ruled by beings of Pure light, Angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil..." A blonde girl read aloud,
As she flicked through the pages she looked at the part in between the section where Lucifer and Lilith tempted Eve and the banishment.
It was burnt, the small gap, unnoticeable at first glance, but with the number of times she had read it, she could tell someone had burnt out a few pages, burning part of the story...
"Charlie?" Her girlfriend said at the doorframe, an extermination had just happened, she looked out the window at the burning city.
She needed to put a stop to this, these sinners surely didn't deserve it. Well at least some of them.
The day seemed to melt away quickly, they had talked about commercials and... Well they all had some unique ideas...
Her phone started to ring, and she jumped up and went to answer it.
It was her father? Strange... He never called.
But he wanted her to go to heaven instead of him? Holy shit... Maybe she could change heaven's mind after all...
Before she knew it she was there, heaven..
When Charlie arrived she noticed how pristine everything was, light, bright, the place was practically blinded by white light.
She now stood before The Adam, or as he called himself (much to her dismay) The original dick. She had put all the ideas she could (before he'd interrupt) onto the table but they smushed it all.
To sum it up... The meeting went horribly. She had not only been turned down but completely ignored. Her whole life she had believed angels to be kind, caring creatures... There was a reason they made it up there after all.
But she wasn't so sure now. She wasn't so sure about anything anymore.
As she was leaving she saw a pair of wings stroll past the door, they were full and stuck out proudly, glowing a bright white. The feathers looked almost like cotton candy as they surfed the breeze, one or two floating off.
One had dropped at her feet. She picked it up before trying to get a look at the angel, they had long blonde hair, and she presumed it was a woman.
"Miss?? Excuse me!? You dropped some feathers!!" She shouted about the feathers, maybe the angel would need them? Or maybe she just wanted to see the angel's face. She couldn't tell but she felt somewhat connected to the being.
The angel turned gracefully, piercing eyes staring through her, beautiful, beautiful eyes, they were the colour of a rich berry, a beautiful purple, like a flower, soft and delicate. Yet the angel's stare could have ripped her in half by that alone.
Charlie stood there, not making a sound so the angel turned around. Bored with her it walked off through the corridor.
She needed to know who this was and why they looked like her mother.
"I still dunno what ya mean by 'she looked like my mother' toots, who are ya even talkin' about again?" Angel replied, pouring himself another drink as Charlie told the spider demon bout the meeting and her encounter with the angel.
"I'm telling you!! She looked just like my mom!" She said, waving a picture of her mother in front of Angel's face.
"Jeez, okay calm! I get it!" He slapped the picture away "Why are ya so bothered though?"
"I don't know. I just felt connected to her.. " she said, petting Keekee, who curled into her lap and purred at the affectionate touch.
"For all you know it might've not even been a girl, just let it go toots" he took a big swing of his drink before pouring another drink.
"I'm telling you I feel connected to them, I... I know they looked like my mother." She sighed.
Hopefully, she'd be able to go up to heaven soon, to win them over and to see that angel again.
Tag list - @demstarno @kenny-619 @bunbunboysworld @lovedesperatevampire
@honey-valentin3 @type-ink
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strawb3rrystar · 5 months
YOOO I LOVE THAT YOU TOOK MY REQUEST!! it was my first time requesting actually- anyway I don't mind bout the val and Adams one.
Can you do a Hellborn Child having powers based off snow, coldness, etc. basically turn that hellborn into Noelle- (a deltarune character!!)
During the extermination, Reader uses Snowgrave (Noelle's Gen0cide attack in deltarune chapter 2), It kills the exterminators like instantly, reader loses their stamina but still gets up. WHATS THE HAZBIN HOTEL CHARACTERS REACTION??
- Emliy <3 (aka anothertdplayer)
(note : you can search this if you don't know who noelle is or deltarune. You can use this request for the next batch of requests next time!! still love ur work!)
Winter's cold, but I'm frostbite bitch.
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Pairing: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Adam x GN! Hellborn! Child! Reader
Warnings: Mentions killing a bunch of angels, being pressured by Alastor
Word count: 292
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Charlie is shocked to her core. She's seen some pretty powerful Hellborn, but none of them have been able to use their powers like that. To wipe out over a dozen angels just like that and get up like it's nothing? She is definitely rushing to your side and helping you up.
Vaggie will also be shocked and a little intimidated. I mean, you did just massacre a ton of angels. She's glad you're on their side to say the least. Will also be helping you up with her girlfriend and making sure you're alright.
Angel Dust will be quite surprised that a little Hellborn like you has all that power. He is relieved that they have someone like you on their side. If he wasn't before, he's definitely cheering you on now.
Husk is very surprised, but amused by your power. Especially for someone as young as you. And a Hellborn no less. You earn a little bit of his respect after that.
Sir Pentious is enthralled by your abilities. He'll want to study you and your powers. Especially since you got back up right after that massive attack. You've earned his full respect by the way.
Alastor is the one who pressured you into using that attack. He knows what that attack does as he's seen it before. He is most amused by it. As you are just a young Hellborn. So he believes you'll be much more powerful when you grow up.
Adam is scared shitless by your attack. He just watched you wipe out a bunch of his army, why wouldn't he be scared. He hides this very well, though. And it won't make him surrender. He'll just stay as far away from you as he possible can.
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Star's notes -> I looked up Noelle and the Snowgrave attack for this. And I must say, I really like her design!
(Thank you, @anothertdplayer for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @alexandria-fandom @corruptcoder @astrolovedy @perfectlycraftychaos @stressedbleach @idontreallyexistyet @ghostdoodlen @roboticsuccubus83 @blood-heart22 @cirrus-sampling-sanity @onyxxtheghost @sugarplumz100 @myamythos @hazbinhappy @samohxt2-0 @mollzaj @sunshines-bright @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @sweetadonisbutbetter | Join the taglist
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frogchiro · 1 year
okay wait why am i now just hearing about butcher/slasher ghost, and why am i foaming at the mouth!!!???! like ripping apart pillows, tearing down walls, doing flips—RAHHH i am officially OBSESSED!!
i read it and thought of texas chainsaw massacre, but it’s the 2006 one so like simon is an absolute menace but he sees a pretty lady who’s new to town and his cold killer heart just can’t help but swoon :((( and she’s so polite, nervous, and timid because it’s so different in this town and simon with his cursed blessed keen sense of smell
so sorry if this is a lot!! 😣 i’m just a little obsessed 🤭🤭 either way, have an amazing day!! stay hydrated and make sure to eat 🩷🩷
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My dear, I know that you probably expected Butcher!Ghost but I'm highjacking this ask now and writing slasher Graves because oh my god-
The setting I imagine to be in a small southern town in Texas, and I imagine it to be like one of those creepy, small southern gothic towns with the old abandoned churches, houses and old beaten up signs that say "His return is near" or "God is watching you", you get the idea.
And there we have Philip Graves who owns a big ranch passed down for generations in his family, and by big I mean HUGE. Enormous pastures, corn fields, cows, horses, pigs and all that which means he and his name is quite well know in the area which admittedly makes his...hobby a lot easier than you'd think. Graves has friends in high places and he's buddy buddy with the town's sheriff, basically the golden child of the town which means that both the police and the sheriff will turn a blind eye to the "sudden disappearances" of people, be it locals or newcomers to town.
But the thing is that Philip Graves is bored. Bored out of his mind and nothing seems to excite him anymore, not even the desperate hysterical screams of his victims do the thing anymore. Sure he definitely has the money, the looks that refined well with age, he's respected and liked in the community but the truth is-he doesn't give a shit about it.
I imagine that Slasher!Graves is an incredibly arrogant man, and while he may put on a pleasant facade, his accent a thick and purring drawl and his southern charm do the trick he's a whimsical and capricious prick who gets easily bored and when he does...Well let's just say that it doesn't end pretty.
So imagine how surprised he was when he was in town once in his pickup truck, cowboy hat low on his brow as he watched the cars go by when suddenly his eyes were caught by a bus, one of those that travel for very long distances and the only person who got out was you. To say that Philip's interest was piqued would be an understatement; what's a pretty soft little thing like you doing in this bumfuck nowhere in Texas?
A pretty young lady, seemingly around 20, who looked like a lost little lamb, but just what were you doing here? Everything about you screamed that you're obviously not from here and while he could see even from a distance that you tried to act confident, his sharp blue eyes saw right through that act-you were scared shitless and more than lost. Were you here to visit someone? Or maybe...you are running from something? Whatever the case was, you definitely caught his attention in more than one way.
You just looked...so soft, so pretty, lovely he'd even say and I'm sorry but this Graves that we're talking about would definitely be a little misogynistic :(( He's old fashioned, maybe it comes with his age or maybe due to how his pa raised him but the further he observed you the more he he couldn't help but think about how such a pretty young lady like yourself should be married off already to a nice gentleman, getting provided for like you deserve and in return takin' care of your husband too; bringing him beer, cookin' and popping out a kid or two :((
His train of thoughts got interrupted only by a loud booming voice calling out his name cheerfully and when he turned around annoyed to see who was interrupting him, it turned out to be old Michael, an old friend of his pa. He greeted him politely but when he turned around to watch you a little more it turned out that you already wandered off, sneaky girl.
Philip cursed under his breath but on the other hand he decided to just ask the sheriff about you since he knows that the man has access to all the information about any newcomers to town. It looks like his bored streak came to an end <3
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misserabella · 2 years
playing dangerous
police! ellie williams x fem! dealer! reader
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summary; this really cute cop wants you to talk, and she perfectly knows how to make that happen.
cw; fingering, making out, orgasm denial, teasing, oral sex (r giving), choking, praising, degradation, mention of drugs and deals, mention of weed, usage of drugs, cuffing…
REMINDER: english is not my mother language so i apologize if there are some mistakes <3 !¡ either ways, i hope y’all like it. <3
“Got you.” you groaned, her body pressing you up against the cold and harsh wall of the dark alleyway. You laughed when you felt her hands on you, registering you.
“Woah woah, get me a coffee first at least, wouldn’t you?” the officer turned you around, her auburn hair and green eyes popping under the dim lights. You smirked. “Got nothing on me, officer. Pinky promise.” you rose your pinky finger and she slapped it away, making you laugh.
If you weren’t high you would probably be scared shitless right now. You’d been caught by a police officer in the middle of a deal, and now she had you completely cornered in a goddamn hallway. You were trapped. This could get real bad.
“You’re definitely on something. Why don’t you tell me what it is, huh?” you sighed when her big and veiny hands took your face, her eyes focusing on yours to see how dilated your pupils were.
“I’m onto you, if that’s what you mean, officer.” you smirked and she huffed. Up this close you could see how long her lashes were and the little freckles decorating her cheeks. She was hot. Really hot. First cop you ever considered hot. And the weed on your system was making it much easier for you to forget that she was a cop. “Let’s get in the back of your cop car, officer.” you smiled at her, one of your hands coming up to rest on her chest. “You can ask me anything you want there.” you said, and she squinted her eyes.
“Anything?” her eyebrows perked up and you nodded.
“Anything.” you promised.
She looked away for a few seconds before sighing. Your smile only grew. The officer pulled her cuffs from her side and your eyebrows arched.
“ ‘S that for me? You gonna cuff me, officer?” you teased and she rolled her eyes.
“If you want me to go by your rules you’re gonna have to go by mine too, sweetheart.” that little and sarcastic nickname made you shiver. It sounded a little too good coming from her lips.
“Kinky.” you winked at her. “I like it.”
You handed her your hands and she cuffed you, a little more tighter than needed too, but you still liked it. You were down bad. She looked amazing on that fucking uniform.
She pulled you on the back, following right behind and closing the doors of the car with her keys once inside. It was cool, and the leather was comfortable on your back. You were too high for this. Now that you were so close you could smell her perfume. And god if you didn’t like it…
“Okay, now, tell me what you’re onto and who did you just sell it to.” she said, and you looked at her, silence filling the car.
“Why don’t you tell me your name first? Maybe I’ll tell you then.” you gave her a smile and her green eyes squinted at you. After a few seconds she huffed.
“Ellie.” she answered and your mind repeated it over and over again. It sounded just as pretty as her.
“Hmmm…” you hummed, leaning closer, your eyes on her lips as you cocked your head to the side while looking at her. “Pretty.” “My name is y/n, by the way.”
“Yeah, whatever. Now. Tell me what you sell.” she ordered, and your pussy throbbed.
“Oh yeah, use more that tone.” you whispered. “I like it.” you let out a choked laughter when her hands suddenly snapped and gripped your neck.
She was extremely close to your face, her angry eyes boring into yours.
“Talk.” she spat, and you almost whimpered.
“Oh, I’ll sing if you know where to touch, Ellie.” you whispered, and she took a deep breath.
“Is that all you need? A little fuck for you to start talking?” she inquired, her free hand landing on your thigh, the warmth of her palm seeping into your jeans.
“Why don’t you find out, officer?” you smirked against her lips, and before you could blink, she was kissing you, harshly, angry, and you were loving it.
You moaned, pushing up your hips for her to have a better access to the button of your jeans when she started to fumble with it. Quickly enough the leader was sticking to your naked thighs, your jeans forgotten on the floor of the car.
“Ah, Ellie.” you moaned when she cupped your cunt over your panties, her fingers pressing against your clit and making your head fall backwards.
“Talk.” she repeated, and you bit your lip when she pulled your panties aside, you couldn’t help the whimper that left your lips when her fingers dipped into your folds, fingertips soaked on your slick. Her fingers were moving against your clit and you were seeing stars. When you didn’t answer she stopped and pulled away.
“No! Please don’t stop.” you whimpered, and she repeated her order.
“Fuck…” your hips rose towards her hand when she started to tease you again, barely touching you. “Weed, shit, I’m on weed.” you muttered, and you had to bite down on a scream when he plunged one of her fingers inside of you, curling it against your g spot. “Oh, fuck!”
You moaned when she started to fuck you like that. “See? That wasn’t so hard.” she smiled, and you would have thought of a clever come back if you weren’t feeling so good. “Atta girl.” you moaned, and she scoffed, adding another finger. “Someone is needy, huh?” she muttered against your neck when you started to fuck yourself on her fingers.
“Ellie…” you whimpered, already on edge now that her thumb against your clit. You were tightening around her fingers, and your cunt was squelching with your building orgasm.
“Oh, look at you. Already so close. You gonna cum for me, hm? Gonna cum all over my fingers?” you nodded, and just as you were about to reach your peak, she pulled her fingers away, making you whimper.
“No! I was so close, please, Ellie, please.” you begged and she laughed.
“Aw, aren’t you cute…” she falsely pouted at you, her thumb on your bottom lip, getting closer.
“Tell me who you just sold it to.” she ordered, once more starting to play with your clit. You sighed and pulled at your cuffs, moaning.
“I can’t.” you muttered. And she stopped touching you.
“Fuck.” you whined, your hips pushing against her gone touch. “Okay! Okay!” your eyes were rimmed with tears, your voice all wobbly and fragile. “Eugene. I sell to Eugene.” you whimpered, moaning when she plunger her two fingers back inside your pussy, starting her relentless pace and quickly building back up your orgasm. “Fuck, yes, yes, don’t stop please. I’m gonna cum!” you cried out, that well known warmth spreading all over your lower stomach.
“That’s it. Cum for me.” she smirked, and watched you fell apart as you reached your peak, your thighs clamping on her hand and shaking, your mouth falling open in weak and spent moans as you came all over her fingers.
She fucked you through it until you were whimpering due to the overstimulation. Her fingers were sticky with your cum, which she tasted as she pushed them inside her mouth.
You were breathing heavily, still some spasms making your legs jerk when she hummed.
“Drug trafficking and intake, huh? You’re a really bad girl, maybe I should send you to jail.” she said and your eyes widened. Oh no, you couldn’t go there.
“No please, Ellie, I’ll be good. I promise.” you begged, your beautiful and teary doe eyes staring into her harsh emerald ones.
“You’ll be good?” she inquired, her eyebrows arching.
“Yes, yes, I promise.” you looked at her, and one of your hands slowly made its way up from her knee to her clothed cunt. “Let me show you.” you whispered, leaning in until only mere inches stood between the two of you. Your lips brushed hers, and when she didn’t pull away, you kissed her. She corresponded the kiss with the same intensity, your fingers quickly unbuckling the pants of her uniform and tugging them down her legs the best you would with your cuffs still on. She helped you, pulling off her panties as well. You moaned when you noticed how wet she was. Fuck. You couldn’t wait to eat her out.
She hummed against your mouth when your fingers spread the lips of her pussy apart, her slick connecting them in fragile strings. You quickly pulled away from her, and she sat facing you and leaning on the car’s door. You sat/laid on your tummy the best you could. You smirked at the way her thighs shook when your breath hit her cunt. Ellie bit down on her bottom lip when you started to slowly kiss her inner thighs, getting closer where she needed you most. Her hands laced on your hair, pulling it backwards to see much better your face when your tongue met her cunt. She moaned, and your nose nudged at her clit, you smirked against her when she threw her head backwards, her emerald and shiny eyes closing in ecstasy.
“Taste so good…” you praised, and she moaned when your tongue pushed into her, lapping at all she would give you.
“Fuck.” her grip tightened on your hair when you moved up to her clit, your plushy lips sucking on it. You middle finger pushed inside, curling up towards her g spot, making her back arch. “Don’t stop.” she whispered, and you started to eat her out like a starved woman, humming and moaning at the pulling on your hair and the sweet noises that would fall from her lips.
Your second finger went in, and that’s when she started to shake. You gripped at her right thigh the best you could while being cuffed, trying to get her to not move, wanting to make her feel good.
“Shit, y/n.” he moaned, and your pussy throbbed. ‘Cause she sounded as sweet as she tasted. Your fingers sped up, her moans rose in volume. You knew she was close by the way her walls were clamping around your fingers, the way she whispered your name over and over again, begging you to go faster, harder.
You moaned when she finally fell apart, warm and sticky cum painting your lips and filling your mouth as you lapped it all up, fucking her through it.
She hissed and pulled from your hair so you’d detach from her pussy when the overstimulation became too much for her, almost painful. Your hazed expression met her, still drunk on her taste, on her pussy…
She pulled from you to land a searing kiss on your lips, her tongue pushing into your mouth to taste herself, humming.
You two kissed for a couple of minutes before she’d pull away, her thumb pressing against your bottom lip, shining in spit.
“You’re free to go this time. But next time you won’t be that lucky.” she said, and you smiled at her.
“I’ll be waiting for it then.”
a/n; okay buy just imagine them meeting over and over again and ellie always letting reader go ‘till they finally develop a crush on each other 😭
ellie williams masterlist! <3
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artssslut2 · 3 months
“You Just Have to Copy Everything I Do”
Art x Patrick x Reader
Summary: Patrick finds out some big news and looks to his best friend for advice.
Dad!Art + Dad!Patrick
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A lot had happened since Lily was born it had been about five months. Patrick had purposed to y/f/n last month. It was soon but when he knows something he knows it. Patrick was crazy about her. You and art also loved her of course. The four of you would often spend time together, go on double dates or hang out at your house, they both adored Lily, you couldn’t blame them.
Tonight you had a little get together planned with Patrick and his fiancé just dinner and maybe a card game or a movie after Lily was down for the night. Art was finishing getting Lily I’m her pajamas and rocking her to sleep when you heard the doorbell ring, it was a little early but you didn’t mind you went to answer but it was only Patrick. A pale distressed looking Patrick, leaning against the doorframe. Before you could say anything he opened his mouth
“Hey, Um can I talk to Art?” He said a little shaken up. You didn’t ask any questions you just hoped he was okay this was weird
“Yeah he’s with Lily let me go grab him” you said
“Wait I mean if he’s putting her to bed I can jus-“
“Patrick it’s okay I’ll go get him.” You smiled, you knew this was serious, you could finish your daughters night routine.
You walked into the nursery and saw Art in the rocking chair with Lily fast asleep in his arms with a blanket and her pacifier.
“Babe Patrick’s here he needs to talk to you.” You whispered to not wake the baby
“He can wait a minute” Art said looking down at his daughter peacefully. This was Arts version of heaven
“Art you should go now I think he needs you” you told him, Art looked up then got the message. Standing up taking Lily with him
“Alright but I’m taking my baby with. We didn’t get our full cuddle time” he said leaving the room quickly kissing you in passing as you chucked at him.
Art came out into the dimly lit living room where Patrick was sitting.
“This better be good” Art said sitting across from his best friend, adjusting Lily so she was laying in his arms. He expected Patrick to say something stupid
“She’s pregnant.” He said immediately staring at the wall. Arts mouth opened in shock
“Y/f/n?” He asked knowing the answer. Patrick nodded slowly
“And are you guys… happy?” Art carefully asked a little shocked. Patrick looked at Art then Lily then back at Art, he waited a minute
“I don’t know. We’re getting married, and I love her. I really love her. I just- I don’t-“ he tried to find the words but couldn’t
“Your terrified.” Art finished
“Yeah. I mean we talked about having kids in the future but I didn’t think it would be right now” Patrick breathed out “we aren’t married we don’t have a house we haven’t talked about what to do when the baby is born” Patrick fell back leaning on the couch his hand on his eyes
“You guys will figure it out. Pat you’ve never really been a traditional guy and you love her and she loves you that’s all that really matters. As long as you have each other’s backs it will be fine” Art told him
“I don’t want to mess this up Art. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me you know? “
“Yeah I do. It’s scary. I know it was a little different with me and y/n but Jesus Patrick I was scared shitless” Art said letting out a small laugh thinking back on the time he first found out he was gonna be a dad.
“Are you still scared?” Patrick asked looking at the sleeping baby
“Cmon of course I’m still scared. Everyday. But Patrick trust me it’s all worth it, when they look at you and grab your finger, it’s like nothing else matters. It’s scary but you figure it out as you go. Just the other day Lily had a cold and we had no idea what to do. We had to call my mom and she almost flew in because we were so freaked out… I know you don’t have the best relationship with your parents but me and y/n are right here. We’ve already done this we can help.” He told his best friend meaning every word. Patrick smiled at Art “I’ve known you forever and I know your gonna be fine. You’ll be a great dad Pat… mabye not as good as me but good.” He joked making Patrick chuckle.
“Thanks man.”
“You know this will kind of be fun our kids can be best friends and grow up together now.” Art said relizing that this might just be perfect.
“Yeah I guess so. Lilys gonna have a new best friend pretty soon” Patrick smiled looking at his niece. Patrick stood up and Art followed
“You just have to copy everything I do don’t you Zweig” Art smirked. Patrick rolled his eyes smiling.
“I gotta get back to y/f/n.” Patrick said heading for the door.
“Yeah remember it’s scary for you but it’s a lot more scary for her” Art told Patrick, patrick agreed then left Arts house. Art smiled to himself thinking about how much he and his friend had grown up, now they were both gonna have kids. He didn’t know if Patrick would settle down but now he’s having a baby and getting married. Art looked at Lily and laughed a little
“Uncle Patrick is giving you a friend champ, can you believe it” he kissed Lily’s head and brought her to her crib.
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modernsapphicism · 6 months
Randomly thought of a "what if Regina is actually good at math but wasn't showy" and then I remembered Leighton. like, what if Regina took the same AP math class but just a year earlier for god knows why. Regina and Mrs. Norbury actually got along pretty well, not close, but is civil with each other especially that Regina actually pays attention in her class and gets decent to high marks. The mathletes have wanted to invite her to join, but they're all scared shitless of her. and so when Cady was purposefully failing the class to get Aaron's attention, what if she accepted Mrs. Norbury's tutor offer, the teacher telling the red head "I know someone who'd be right to be your tutor." and Cady begrudgingly accepts.
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After school, Cady was asked to meet her tutor in the library and the girl complied, thinking she had nothing to lose since the plastics didn't have anything planned that day. to her surprise, no one was at the library yet. Cady settled in one of the tables, her bag and books sat on the chair beside her. She waited for five minutes, cutting this "tutor" some slack, while she browsed her phone. Cady was about to get up when she heard the door open, and to her surprise, she sees Regina striding in while looking around the library, trying to find who's the unlucky student she'll have to terrorize to not fail this damn math class.
When the two of them finally locked eyes, Regina stopped in her tracks, eyes wide in shock as she processed the information that Cady was the one she would be tutoring. Cady on the other hand, suddenly felt like a cat caught in the act. the young red-head felt like she was sweating rivers of cold sweats as she stared at the blonde. Regina knew she wasn't bad at the subject. In fact, she had been Regina's personal calculator for quite a number of occasions since joining the plastics. 
"Cady?" the blonde questioned, eyebrow raised. Slowly, she walked towards the younger girl, setting down her bag on the table then asked, "what the fuck are you doing here?"
"I.. uh," the shorter girl started, her hand settled at the back of her neck while looking anywhere but the person in front of her. "Mrs. Norbury told me I needed tutoring because I was failing math."
Regina didn't even bother to comment on Cady's reasoning. "Huh." was all that she replied, not wanting to push for more and moved to sit down. Cady wanted this session to be over as soon as possible and she guessed that the blonde also felt the same. Regina took a seat on the vacant chair and Cady took that signal to take a seat as well. The two of them took their books out and dived into their work. 
An hour into their session, Cady couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something off about Regina. She couldn't help but stare at the blonde from time to time, trying to figure out how she got put in this situation with Regina teaching her about calculus. The blonde had noticed, of course, especially when Cady took too long to answer a simple question. The blonde in front of her sighed, and then dropped the pen she was holding, the act snapped Cady out of her trance. Cady feared Regina was going to yell at her or storm out of the library when she suddenly spoke.
"Okay,” Regina spoke before she turned to Cady, eyes boring into the red-head’s own. Cady suddenly felt the need to gulp and prepared herself for whatever Regina's about to do. "Since it seems like you can't focus on this stupid question, tell me, what's wrong now?" 
Her question caught Cady off guard. Instead of spewing shit, Regina actually, genuinely, seemed like she wanted to know what's gotten the red-head distracted when she was doing fine a few questions ago. 
"Uh.." Cady didn't know what to answer. Her mind was going through hundreds of different scenarios how this conversation would lead to and none of them was good. 
Regina sighed. 
"Use your words, Heron. Spit it out." the blonde said sternly and her head tilted, waiting for an answer from the girl in front of her.
“I- I didn’t know you were good at math.” 
Regina’s perfectly manicured eyebrow raised. Her signature ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ look present the moment Cady finished speaking.
Shit, Cady thought.
A beat of silence fell between them and Cady couldn’t focus on the task at hand. The red-head was about to mutter her apologies when the blonde spoke.
Without looking up at the book in front of her, Regina says with a nonchalant voice, “Just because I don’t tell people, doesn’t mean I’m not good at something.” 
She turned to face Cady and continued, “I can’t let people know everything about me. I need to maintain an air of mystery afterall.” and winked. 
Regina winked. Honest to God winked and smirked. 
If Cady’s brain was already mush five minutes ago, after witnessing that her brain is puréed. She felt her cheeks heat up and as if on cue, Regina tried and failed to hold back a laugh. 
Regina looked back at the red-head. “If you’re done overanalyzing my whole being, sweetheart, let’s go back and focus on this part here so we can pack up early.” 
And with that said, Cady had to take a mental note to ask questions later before she turned her attention back to their lesson. She tried her best to steady her beating heart, making sure that the blonde beside her didn’t hear how her heart was practically drumming through her chest at the sight of the blonde flirting with her.
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yngtort · 9 months
— toothache ❄️
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♫ All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth ♫
kinkmas day 1
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Fem!reader. mdni. 2.9kw. in which doctor bangchan fills your cavities and the entirety of your mouth.
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It hurt like hell.
Exposed to the cold early morning air of the winter, your teeth ache in your mouth. The pain was so aggravating that it had you zooming through the icy roads, trying to get to the dentist as soon as possible.
You had a cavity.
It was obvious, but it still caught you off guard. You genuinely always took good care of your teeth. You brushed, flossed, washed, and even went the extra mile to buy that expensive LED teeth whitening thing from TikTok.
Your hygiene was top tier.
but you’re still pulling into the parking lot of diamond dental with your hand glued to the side of your face.
“Seungmin, I’m freaking the fuck out.” You mumbled into the phone as you hop out of your Nissan, locking it multiple times because you're that kind of person.
The type to worry over little things like a stolen car and dying in a dentist chair.
“It’s not that bad, y/n. You won’t even feel anything.” Your coworker, most importantly your best friend, tells you from the other end.
“You’re acting like you’ve never been to the dentist before.”
He’s right, you have been there— but just to get your teeth brushed a couple times and handed a sticker right after. Not, to be stabbed in the mouth with a needle.
“It’s just been a while and you know how I feel about people’s hands in my mouth.”
“I don’t like the way you worded that.” He faked gagged, “anyways, call me when you’re done, Kay?”
“Kay.” you replied, slightly disappointed as he hung up the phone. Leaving you to walk the path of shame into the dentist office alone.
After filling out an extensive amount of paperwork, anxiously shaking your leg for an hour, and losing a mean game of virtual uno— your name was finally called.
You were led to the back by a small lady whose steps were short but impactful. She was so fast, you couldn’t tell if you were a patient or a Maury cameraman.
“Go on in,” she gestured towards the basic oral operation room. You take a seat, awkwardly deciding to put your hands on your stomach.
fuck you’re scared shitless, and the woman seems to notice your discomfort as she tries to distract you with a small conversation. But your eyes are still trained on whatever the fuck she’s putting together.
You inadvertently move away as she holds a silicone piece to your lips, “open as wide as you can,” she instructed.
Gosh, this was embarrassing. You were almost considering letting your teeth rot. But no, that’s gross.
Once the what-ever-it’s-called is placed in your mouth, she brings over another contraption. You assume it’s just a glorified camera, which was correct.
after a few pictures of your teeth, which kinda hurt btw, the woman inspected the photo. “Looks like you have a cavity on one of your molars. Other than that, you take pretty good care of your teeth.”
Pretty good? You felt like your efforts deserved higher praise but whatever. She goes on to tell you what needs to be done and how long it will take.
You grimace at the details.
“The doctor will be with you shortly.” She told before promptly leaving.
And now you’re left in complete silence. Well, not exactly silence. There was some music playing in the back, falling in melody with the constant sound of mechanical wiring from people in the rooms over— probably getting the same procedure. It sounded like someone was dying in there, seriously.
Anxiety filled you to the brim as you considered darting out that room right that second.
But just as you’re about to swing yourself out of your seat, there’s a voice that enters the room.
“Hello, ms.y/n . I’m dr.bang, I’ll be taking care of you for the day.” The doctor says as he steps in-front of you and suddenly you don’t want to move from that seat anytime soon.
He’s an undeniable hottie, even in those generic dentist scrubs that everyone in the faculty sported. For some reason, he just sparkled in them. Maybe it was because of the bulging muscles and his tan skin— whatever it was, your mouth was watering.
“Hello,” you said rather dryly, still locked on the vain that ran down his toned arm.
The doctor gives you a smile, a bright one too, and pulls a seat next to yours. “I hear you have a cavity. Mind if i have a look?” He asks as if you really have a choice. like he’s not already lowering the back of your chair so he can get a good look at your pearly whites.
He goes in with a tiny mirror, holding your chin with his free hand as he inspects the cavity. “You’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth, hmm?” he asked, thumb gliding over your bottom lip.“suckers, perhaps?”
Damn, he called you out.
Now this may sound a little weird, but you’ve always had quite the addiction to lollipops — suckers, the tootsie pop ones specifically. it’s even gotten to the point where you have a jar of them waiting at home on your nightstand.
And it’s not even the flavor of candy itself, you just…like putting things in your mouth?
Moving on !
Dr.bang finally moves back, releasing your jaw that was just starting to hurt. “It's only a small cavity. just need to fill it in for ya and I’ll be out of your hair.”
Honestly, with a face like his, he could play in your hair for as long as he wanted to. Give it a few tugs while he’s at it.
“Okay, but um..” you gulp a bit, toying with the end of your jacket. “Are you gonna give me a shot? My mouth is a bit sensitive, and I was wondering if there were any other alternatives.”
The doctor chuckled softly hearing your concerns. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s heard something like this.
“Unfortunately, the numbing gel that we use wouldn’t be as effective for this procedure.” He said before placing his hand on your shoulder in a reassuring manner. “But I promise it’ll only hurt for a second. I’m sure you can take it, yeah?”
take what? him ? Or the damn needle?
You have no clue, but if he’s gonna talk to you like that, you feel like you could break through a wall if you put your mind to it.
The dirty thoughts don’t get any better throughout the rest of your time in that damn chair either. Dr.bang had quite the mouth on him.
“Open up for me” “atta girl.” “That’s it, just a bit more”, he would say this while fingers were damn there down your throat.
A bit of an overstatement, he’s drilling your teeth, but you wish was drilling his dick—
“All done.”
The back of your chair is lifted up and you try not to let your body slump over. You’ve been lying in that spot for about an hour and a half, teeth being tickled, and eyes being blinded by the dingy light above your head.
And yet, you don’t want to go home.
“Does everything feel okay, ms.y/n? Nothing bothering you?” he asks, removing his glasses and placing them in his —soft— hair.
You shake your head, “nope, just can’t feel my tongue.” You say, poking the side of your face, testing how much force it will take for you to actually start feeling it.
The doctor laughs at your comment, dimples on full display. “The numbness should wear off in a hour or so. Just try not to eat, don’t want you biting your tongue off.”
“Has that actually happened?” You asked, wide eyed and Mr.bang only laughed again.
“On occasion.” He told, “But you’re a smart girl, so I know you won’t disobey doctors orders.”
Does he get paid to talk like that? Or is he just written by a woman with daddy issues?
Both probably.
“Speaking of doctor orders, try to lay off the sugar, yeah? I’m sure you don’t want to see too much of me after today.”
“That was obviously an opening for you to flirt with him.” Seungmin scoffs as he closes the register.
You’re at your job, a small candy parlor called sweethearts, talking to your dear coworker about what transpired earlier that day. You didn’t spare him from the dirty laundry that harvested in your mind while you were getting the fill in. Seungmin doesn’t care tho, he’s not judgmental.
That, and you’re his only source of entertainment as the slow part of your shift comes around.
“Flirt? With the dentist? Isn’t there like a rule against that?” You asked, shifting the cherry flavored sucker in your mouth over to the other side of your cheek.
“For him, yeah” Seungmin shrugged, “but I doubt that anyone actually cares nowadays.”
“He’s probably in a relationship.” You popped the candy out your mouth, lips stained in a pretty red. “He’s too fine not to be.”
“And? ” he crossed his arms.
You blink at him a couple times, “I’m not fucking a taken man.”
“You’re so-“ you sigh. “Whatever, just go restock something.” You push him from behind the counter.
The next few hours seemed to fade into each other as you stood absentmindedly behind the register. Seungmin had already clocked out since he got lucky and was offered a short shift for today. now you’re slouching at the register— phone in hand, while sucking on another tootsie pop.
“Just can’t stay away from those things, huh?” The voice grabs your attention with a force of seven suns.
you know that thick accent too well.
It had replayed in your head for the entirety of the day after your first encounter.
“D-Dr. bang?” you stutter, eyes round as you take in the man in front of you as he sets down a heart shaped box of chocolates.
“Chris.” he corrects, “I don’t like being called doctor outside the clinic. Makes me sound old.”
It makes him sound hot, in your opinion.
You nod a few times before clearing your throat, reminding yourself that you are on the clock.
”Christmas shopping?” you asked, still mentally going feral as gaze over his stature.
He’s dressed like a chase Atlantic song, how could you not ?
“Yes actually. I was looking for some small sweets to fill up a gift basket.”
“Oh” you perk, scanning the chocolates and placing them in a bag. “for your girlfriend?”
“No, don’t have one.” He says with a shrug, “it’s for my mom.”
A mamas boy ! Woo !
a spark of relief shoots through your body as you hear his words. You won’t have to be a homewrecker after all. Not saying that you were planning to but,, it’s just good to know.
“$6.58.” You tell and Chris follows through with the transaction. his hands brushes against yours as you pass the bag to him and you can’t help but blush like a schoolgirl.
“What about you?”
You blink, “what about me?”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
Is he showing interest too? Is that what this was?
“No, but I dont think these are the kind of questions doctors are supposed to ask.” you say teasingly.
“I’m just trying to get to know my patient better.”
“Uh huh, sure.” you raise an eyebrow, “got anything else you wanna ask?”
Chris crossed his arms, eyes flickering down to the stick that laid between your plump lips. The Candy was completely gone, leaving behind a blue hue on your mouth.
“Your obsession with suckers might’ve peaked my interest.” He told, “do they taste that good that you have to go against my orders?”
That's a really good question. it’s not the first time you’ve heard it, but it stumps you every time. You’re actually a savory kind of girl, like if you had to choose between pie or chips— you’re grabbing the saltiest bag you can find.
But it’s like all your life, you were always sucking on something. Your thumb, jawbreakers, ring pops— anything really.
“I don’t exactly know.” You start, thinking about how to word this. “It’s not exactly the taste…I just kind of like putting things in my mouth?”
Every part of you was expecting to be laughed at, but when not a chuckle left the man’s lips you were just confused.
“So you have an oral fixation?” He asks
“There’s a name for it?” “There’s a name for everything, love.”
“And how do you know all of this?” You push and Chris clicks his tongue.
“I’m a dentist, remember?” Chris takes a step closer, leaning against the counter. “I also know how to satisfy that urge you’ve been feeling.”
you don’t remember how you ended up like this. pressed against the break room door, tongue tangled with a man you just met.
It’s a crazy situation, but honestly it’s not the wildest thing you’ve done.
your melting into his hold, kiss making you dizzy as if his saliva was laced with some kind of drug. it was absolutely intoxicating, the way his tongue explored every part of your mouth with no restraint.
“Taste so fuckin’ sweet.” He mumbled against your lips.
Chris’s hands roam under your shirt. his cold palms against your warm skin sends a shiver down your spine. Goosebumps follow behind him with every contact as he massages and squeezes your curves.
He pulls back from the kiss and you couldn’t help but whine at the sudden detachment. You try to get him back, but his hand grabs your jaw.
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I got something to fill that dirty mouth of yours.” He coaxes, thumb brushing your swollen lips. “On your knees.”
You take to the floor with no questions asked, eyes coming in direct contact with his bulge and you can’t help but wonder that would even fit in your mouth.
But you won’t back down from the challenge. Your hands almost beggingly climb up his thighs as you look up at him, silently asking for permission.
“If there’s something you want, say it.” Chris tells, head tilted to the side in such an attractive way.
You lean your face up against his leg, “can I put it in my mouth?”
The older grins, “Of course, baby.” He says before unzipping his pants and letting them drop to the floor.
You gulp at how thick his thighs are. Just imagine riding them, wetness dripping all over his skin.
And that’s not even the main event.
his boxers were wrapped so tightly around his dick, each inch was on display and it had your mouth watering. you wasted no time pulling them down, watching it pop up as it’s freed.
“ So big.” You whispered in awe before taking the base into your hands and guiding it to your lips.
“open up for me, love” Chris instructed and you do as told, parting your lips and taking him into your mouth.
the man above lets out a low groan as he's stuffed down your throat. He’s a little surprised at how easily you're handling his girth, lips wrapped around him so snuggly without a single gag.
“Just like that, good girl,” he praises as you suck him like a lollipop. “taking it so well.”
Your head bobbed at a generous rate, hands gripped onto his thighs while you slobbered over his dick. It was such a lewd scene to witness. only worsening when Chris grabs you by your hair, stopping your movements before he takes full control.
his hips reel away before slamming back into your face, fucking your mouth roughly. you whimpered as the head of his dick jabbed the back of your throat repeatedly.
Tears started to well up in your eyes from the harshness of his thrusts. Your throat was rubbed raw and there was an extreme ache in your jaw, but you can’t help being more aroused by the pain. The feeling of being tortured orally had your panties soaked.
So it’s only natural that one of your hands was tucked between your thighs, kneading your clothed clit between your fingers.
“Pretty lil mouth must feel so good finally being used, yea? been practicing on those stupid suckers just for this?” Chris asks cockily, knowing he’d never receive an answer.
He fucks you until his dick is twichting uncontrollably on your tounge, ready to release his thick seed down your throat. But before he even gives you the satisfaction, he yanks back, dick leaving your mouth with a pop.
He decided he’d rather see his cum painting your face than having it disappear without a trace. So he pumps himself in sync with your fingers that were still buried in your pants.
It’s only a matter of seconds before his white ropes drench your face— tongue, lips, lashes— all covered in his mess.
“Fuck” he curses and says something else, but you can comprehend. You're too deep in a daze.
“Y/n.” He calls and calls and calls and calls—
until suddenly his voice loses that thick Aussie accent and instead starts sounding more like your coworker.
“Yo, y/n? I'm gonna clock out soon.” Seungmin says waving his hands in front of your face, “your break was over 30 minutes ago.”
“W-what the fuck???” You blink, still confused and the male just sighs.
“You and your daydreams, man.”
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Kinkmas has finally started ! hope you guys enjoyed day 1. I had to quickly cut it short because I type too much and I definitely wouldn’t make the deadline if I continued. That being said, if you would like me to continue toothache as a series just let me know !
— sincerely nni
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Tinytag list (open) : @sydnerss @sunnyyangie @foxinnie8 @panjakes
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