#she was out of replicator rations and operating in a coffee-deprived state
miminmimikyu · 2 years
It's my headcanon that before transferring all medical dossiers back to Starfleet when Voyager returned to Earth, the doctor made sure to add "It is noted that Captain Janeway's coffee consumption is excessive and may result in kidney damage in the long term. However, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should a physician attempt to limit the patient's coffee intake or recommend herbal tea as a surrogate. The adverse effects may not seem immediately apparent but the caffeine is playing an essential role in the patient's internal biochemistry" to all Janeway's medical files. Only, every single Starfleet doctor was like "lol no we're not listening to that. no more coffee for you vice-admiral" .
But then Mindwalk happens and now the Dauntless's Doctor suddenly gets the feeling he fully understands what the holodoc's warning was about. His respect for the holodoc increased by 1000%.
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