#she was mad at me because i told to stop her toddler from yknow running out the door into the busy road to get hit hy a car and die
maretriarch · 11 months
a customer could unload their full bladder of piss on my face and if i said anything like erm could u perhaps aim a little lower out of my open mouth maybe my manager would still get mad at me and tell me to take my disputes to them off the floor
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teetlesandnimjas · 4 years
What if in the explosion the brothers got separated?
This is a villain turtle au- if you don’t want to read it you can scroll past! I know it’s a cliche concept but it was fun! And I like doing my own spin on things.
(Note in this au when they’re mutated they are a little older, young kids, as this idea wouldn’t work if they weren’t SEMI competent. They’re still 13, 14, and 15 in modern times, but when they’re first mutated Mikey is 3, Leo and Donnie are 4, and Raph is 5)
Donnie: got scooped up by Draxum in the end, and works as his assistant first, son second. He has a similar position to Foot Recruit; despite being fully capable of actually being useful, he is treated with little respect and does mundane tasks like running errands and fixing random, broken objects. He is trained constantly but is told over and over again that he is “not good enough” yet. Despite this he puts his heart into everything he does. Broken clock? Sure he’ll fix it and it’s got LAZERS now! This causes him to accidentally make problems, and Draxum thinks that Donnie is “a complete and udder fool” which is further from the truth. Villain Donnie is a lot like canon Donnie personality wise but a bit more serious. He does not approve of Draxum’s use of mystic powers, and resents using them himself. He refuses the axe Draxum tries to give him. Draxum has little regard for what Donnie thinks and does, and therefore has an awful relationship with him. And yknow Donnie’s abandonment and self-worth issues? Yeah crank that up to 11. Basically Donnie hates Draxum and the Mystic City, and the Shredder going rouge is the last straw. “WATCH ME! ILL WIPE OUT THE HUMAN THREAT WITHOUT YOUR STUPID MAGIC! YOU HEAR ME BARON DRAXUM- I DEFY YOU!”
Leo: made his way to New York via Senior Hueso. Originally I was going to have him raised by Hueso but then realized it wouldn’t make a lot of sense- so Senior Hueso picks baby Leo up off the streets but ever the wanderer Leo walks right through the GIANT PORTAL IN THE WALL. From there Foot Brute, attempting and failing to find members for the clan, picks up this tiny, promising turtle off the street. “What is that thing?” “I dunno but he’s cute- and we’re in need of members” “That is an actual child” “so?” And then Leo is raised by his two dad- I mean sensei. I put raised lightly. He was treated better than Donnie but he was never given a lot of attention, and therefore turned to causing trouble to get attention. And not just from his dads, from anyone he can. Causing mischief in the city actually helped him in his training, as he became very skilled at sneaking, fighting, and stealing. He butts heads with Foot Recruit a lot because of his constant need for approval and attention. She finds him genuinely annoying while he just views it as “playful teasing.” That comes back to bite him the butt upon meeting Donnie, who comes along to help make form the Shredder armor, but he does not want to be there. Forced to work together, Donnie gets sick of Leo’s crap real fast but they don’t really hate each other, but in the moment they needed to play it off like they did and therefore gave the impression to the other that they DID hate them. Confusing, I know. Draxum tries and fails on multiple occasions to nab Leo but if he does he realizes it’ll put a major dent in his plans. So he forbids Donnie to speak to Leo. But no one stops Leo from talking to him. But Donnie’s coldness and Leo’s cruel banter really doesn’t help them get along. The moment Shredder goes rogue and the Foot Clan collapses, Leo flees in fear. “What if” this and “what if” that but mostly because he tried to take out Shredder and ruined his clan name. But even on the street, Leo remains the same annoying, much more cruel and dark humored mutant.
Mikey: Got scooped up by the Mud Dogs and taken to Big Mama, dragging only Lou’s glasses with him since even as a toddler he picked up anything shiny he saw. I plan to draw the interaction between tiny Mikey and the Dogs (and how Mikey got his name in this au) but that’s a surprise. Anyways pretty quickly he got entered in the Battle Nexus. Think about the appeal that fight would have! Just a couple years of training and then bam! “Introducing Hakka-gu! Our youngest fighter ever- only 8 years old!” And having natural talent and capabilities he was an instant hit. And he wasn’t treated horribly, after all Big Mama couldn’t risk one of her most profitable champions running away. But he is still treated as nothing but that- a profit, a marketable product. No one calls him his real name anymore, no one cares about him, just his capabilities. When he gets injured it isnt “are you okay?” It’s “is your body okay?” And sometimes he’s treated like an idiot- especially by Big Mama. He was never taught language and has very botched speaking patterns because “intelligence isnt important for a champion.” Well eventually he has enough of that, and through a bloodbath, he is able to escape to New York. Now he’ll get respect- he’ll make them respect him. But he gets quickly spotted by the Foot Clan and Draxum, as he’s in the way. Upon finding out about the plans to wipe out humans, he knows he has to stop them. Who can respect him if THESE GUYS wanna take over the world? He’s not getting mistreated again. But when the Shredder goes rogue he panics- he cant stop it but... he knows who can. He goes crawling back to Big Mama and strikes a deal. A better champion. Better than him. And she takes it, although in the end she makes some... alterations to the deal. But this doesn’t stop his quest for respect, and he ultimately heads back to New York.
Raph: Savage! He’s alone, a young child who doesn’t know where to go. He panics, and rampages all the way to New York. After a good, long, temper-tantrum, he finds himself in an alleyway, climbing into a sewer. And there he eats rats, he sets up a not-so-homely-home for himself. He flashes in and out of his anger, but he is almost always emotional and looking for some sort of control in his life. He gets that through rampages, causing destruction in any way he can. Usually he doesn’t make TOO much of a mess but he’s brought down a few buildings in his time. Eventually, upon seeing a rampaging demon-armor in the streets and seeing 2 figures trying to stop it (at this point Mikey is getting Big Mama) he realizes there are others out there like him. And then begins a struggle for control not over the world, but over himself too. There are times he gains control and although lonely, he knows he must learn. He learns English in flickers, and it isn’t perfect, but he can communicate. He can talk to them. Now he just needs to stop hurting them.
Extra notes:
In this au the only one with their weapon is Donnie. Mikey and Leo are skilled with the weapons they have in canon (the Ōdachi and Kusari-fundo) but they do not have mystic powers. Raph is... well... Raph. He can’t fight with weapons well but he can pack a punch.
Mikey is still a chef and artist, taking a liking to the ability to create, but just like with everything else he “needs to focus on his fights” so he can’t have interests. A kid like Mikey HATES this and any time he can he sneaks away to bake and draw. Usually this is at 2 am.
Leo has anxiety. The minute something not in the plan happens, or a loud noise, or having to talk to someone without a script, he goes into fight-or-flight mode. He often finds that the answer is to fight.
Raph is not necessarily evil- he is an antagonist but he is not evil. He simply has no control and lashes out at everything. That’s why he stays in the sewers. Nothing down there’s moves other than rats, bugs, and the water. But he has to get violent urges out some how.
April is a reporter-in-training in the au, as she never met the turtles until after the Shredder incident. She’s immediately interested in it, as she is everything “supernatural” and she gets dangerously close to some of their fights. I don’t know how they meet yet or if she becomes friends with any of them.
After the Shredder incident, the only thing stopping each turtle from destroying New York is each other. Seriously. They keep getting in each other’s ways because “I want to take over the world, not THEM!”
They all have certain villain stereotypes. Donnie is sort of a mad scientist, Leo is a teasing, monologging villain, Mikey acts like a nut case but has a certain intelligence to him, and Raph appears as a total destroyer.
In the end they get redeemed and find out they’re family, but it takes a while. Mikey is the one to hunt down Draxum, while Leo stalks him. Upon finding this out, having 3 out of 4 looking for each other, they find each other pretty fast. And there’s a big dramatic apology scene with all 3 of them, and at first Donnie thinks they’re conspiring against him and ambushes them but is only met with three harmless turtles who refuse to fight him. They tell him what the deal is and Donnie is shocked. And then he’s pissed. “WHY DIDNT DRAXUM TELL ME!? YOURE LYING! LIARS! NO!” In the end he realizes the truth, but it takes a little “talk” with Draxum. And then Donnie nearly commits murder. Don’t worry they stop him. But there’s no Draxum redemption arc because Donnie would continuously try to commit a felony. April is also somewhere in there and like gives the brothers goodness lessons but idk where that fits in I’m still working this out shajajajajaj
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stxn-the-mxn · 5 years
Distant || Richie Tozier X Daughter!Reader
Request: could you write a fanfic about a losers club member x daughter ( doesn't matter which one) where pennywise turns the reader against her dad and like it works because the reader gets mad and shuts her parent out. And then she almost gets killed by pennywise but her parent saves her? thank you so much in advance! I loved your Richie x daughter imagine! - anon
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Derry, Maine was fucking boring.
It had only taken you a couple of hours to realise this. You’d wandered around this entire town, and yet nothing had caught your eyes. How your father managed to grow up here was beyond you.
You were barely surviving the day when he’d survived years. 
You swung on the hammock in the Losers clubhouse. It was extremely quiet, and you couldn’t lie that it was sort of creepy. Some of the wooden supports creaked and something told you that maybe it wasn’t safe to be there.
But Ben had said that it was safe. And you were sure that Ben could be trusted. He didn’t seem like the type to lie to a kid. Especially the kid of one of his closest friends. It had to be strong enough for you to push against it, right?
And so you did, trying to get the hammock to swing at the pace you wanted. You kicked the wooden pole harder than expected, feeling it shift. You froze as the pole came crashing to the ground. The next pole creaked, before also collapsing.
You gasped, throwing yourself out of the hammock. You watched in horror as the wooden steps came tumbling to the ground. The walls were caving in, dirt filling the clubhouse. As you coughed the dirt out of your lungs, you heard footsteps above.
“Dad? Anyone?” Your voice was shaky with fear, as everything collapsed around you. The dirt was now up to your waist, but it was rising quickly.
“Y/N?” It wasn’t a familiar voice calling your name, but any reassurance that someone was nearby was enough.
“Yes! I’m down here, and I’m trapped!” 
The footstep grew louder, and a gloved hand reached down for you to grab. There was no time to see who the hand belonged to, as the dirt was up to your neck now. You felt yourself being pulled out of the dirt and placed on the ground.
“Thank you so m-” As you wiped the dirt from your eyes, you looked up to see a strange-looking clown, gripping a red balloon. You scrambled backwards, as the clown looked down sadly.
“You were all alone.” The clown’s voice was quite high and childlike, making you anxious.
“No one was around to save you. Your dad wasn’t here to save you.” You snapped your head up to look at the clown. Your father was a touchy subject.
“He wasn’t around to help you. But I’m sure you’re used to your dad being away.”
How did the clown know that? Your fathers distance from you was an unspoken thing, whether it was emotional or physical. It’s not that he didn’t love you - well maybe he didn’t, you didn’t know - it’s just that he wasn’t around much.
Whether it was because he was out on tour or he just didn’t want to see you, he was never there. That didn’t stop you from loving him. He was your dad, after all.
“He doesn’t care about you, but I’m sure you know that.”
“N-no, he cares about me. He just gets b-busy sometimes.”
The clown let out a creepy, squeaky laugh, which sent shivers down your spine. You had to get out of there.
“I’m sorry, this has been a great chat, truly, but I need to go home…” You found yourself trailing off, the clown’s words burning into your mind.
“And where is home? Y/N? Certainly not with your father. That was never your home. Your home is the circus.” The clown handed you the balloon, and you took it with shaking hands.
You turned, running away from the clown. As you left the barrens, the balloon popped, almost making you scream, but definitely making you jump. You regained your composure, running to the motel, the words “alone” and “doesn’t care” circling through your mind.
You shoved the door open, finding the six losers in the foyer, your dad pacing up and down the hall. All six of them looked up, and their faces melted into relief.
“Y/N, I called you so many times. Why didn’t you pick up?”
Patting your pocket, you discovered your phone wasn’t there. It must’ve fallen out during the clubhouse fiasco. You mentally cursed yourself. All the losers stared expectantly, clearly not paying you enough attention to figure out what had happened.
“I was so worr-”
“No, you fucking weren’t.” You said, harshly shoving past them all and running upstairs. The six adults stared at you, before looking at each other shocked.
You locked the motel room door behind you, but you could hear everyone talking downstairs.
“She’s just being a teen, Rich.” Beverly’s voice floated upstairs, making you scoff.
“She’s not usually like that… I’ve never seen her like that.”
You had been a fool, spending years trying to win over your dad. His job, drinking and other reckless activities had always taken first priority. You were just the leftovers of a drunk mistake.
Did you even hold any importance in your dad’s mind?
That fucking clown had been right. 
You shoved all your clothes back into your suitcase, working quickly as you heard people coming up the stairs. You flung Richie’s bag open, finding his wallet. He wouldn’t notice $400 missing. He wouldn’t notice you missing.
The knock at the door made you tense up.
“Y/N, honey, please open the door.”
It wasn’t Richie, at least.
“Please, leave me alone right now.”
You faked a sad tone, adding a sniffle for extra effect. It was effective enough, as you heard Beverly walking away from the door.
You zipped the bag slowly, trying not to make noise. Luckily, the window was already open, and there was a balcony not too far below. You knew how to sneak out, having done it anytime Richie threw a party.
With only a minor stumble, you made it out, sneaking around the building without being spotted, thank god. You headed into town, hoping to grab some food before leaving Derry. You didn’t have a plan or a destination, but anywhere was better than L.A with Richie.
Walking onto the main road, you were surprised to find everything closed. Everything had been open just earlier today. Maybe Derry just had weird closing hours? Groaning, you realised you’d have to wait to get food after you left.
“There’s always food at the circus.”
“Fancy meeting you again.” You smiled at the clown. His voice was less offputting this time, but his laugh was still as uncomfortable to listen to. 
“Come to the circus, Y/N. I’d love to have you for dinner.”
Thinking it over, you stepped forward, somewhat nervously. Something told you this might not be a good idea. Your paces quickened, and soon you were just a few steps away from the clown.
He reached out his arm, offering it to you. You eyed it nervously. But what could possibly go wrong? It was just a clown, after all.
“Take it.”
You didn’t hesitate, but your hand never reached his arm, as the world disappeared around you.
“Can I break the door down yet?” Richie sighed, sitting in Eddie’s room, the other Losers scattered around.
“She needs space. She almost died.” Ben placed a hand on Richie’s back, patting it twice. Richie shot up at his words.
“What do you mean she almost died?” He yelled, and Ben stepped back in surprise.
“She came in, covered in dirt. Like, a lot of dirt. So I went to the dirtiest place I know; the barrens.” The Losers listened in anticipation, Richie staring intensely.  
“The clubhouse was destroyed. Filled with dirt. Her phone was sticking out of the dirt. She almost drowned in dirt.” He handed Richie the phone, and he clicked the home button. Your lockscreen was a photo of the two of you, at the zoo, the time he’d taken you for your birthday. 
You were only a toddler back then, way before Richie had become the household name he was now. You were on his back, trying to feed a giraffe. Memories of that day flood back as he stares at the photo. He remembers when the giraffe had licked your face, making you giggle and smile widely.
He hadn’t seen you smile like that in years.��
“I’m gonna go talk to her.” Richie left the room, turning your phone off and on again to look at that photo.
He reached his room, knocking softly. He didn’t expect you to open the door immediately and wasn’t surprised when he didn’t hear your voice. He definitely hadn’t expected the door to be unlocked. He pushed it open, calling your name softly.
Richie froze in his tracks.
“Fuck. Guys!”
The Losers ran in, freezing as Richie had done. They read the words written in blood, all of their jaws dropping. Richie ran out of the room and down the stairs, the Losers following shortly behind.
He stopped at the door, spinning round to face the other five.
“Let’s kill this fucking clown.”
“Yeah, I dunno if this is what you call a circus, buddy.”
You complained, sitting cross-legged on the damp floor. You weren’t sure how long you’d been here, but you did know you had woken up in a puddle of water and you had not appreciated that one bit.
Trusting the clown was a dumb choice, but luckily no one but you would ever know you had willingly gone with it. Unless that shitheel of a clown told everyone.
“Usually, circuses have, like, a tent and popcorn or some shit. I don’t see any of that here. Just rocks, and water, and more rocks.”
You continued to yell to nothing. You wondered if that clown fucker could hear you. Probably. 
“I understand if you’re on a budget, circuses don’t make that much money, but at least put some effort in. Would some lights be too expensive?”
Leaning against a rock, you closed your eyes. When you opened them, two seconds later, the fucking clown was there. He grabbed your throat with no hesitation, lifting you up effortlessly.
“Woah, woah, woah, slow down! I’m sorry if I offended you. I was just a bit disappointed with your choice of decorations. It’s not very circus-y, for a clown, yknow.”
Maybe you should’ve shut up. But you were a Tozier, as much as you wished you weren’t, and talking was a gift.
“So, hey, how about you put me down and we can go over some design id-”
You froze in fear as the clown’s face seemed to unhinge itself, revealing rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth. Your eyes were drawn to the three spinning lights at the bottom of its throat.
You felt like you were dying.
The six Losers followed the path they had followed so many years ago. It was muscle memory for them. The greywater was still as disgusting as Eddie remembered, and he made as big of a deal as the others remembered him making.
“Cmon, we gotta head down here.”
Mike gestured to the trapdoor. He pulled the cover off, revealing a seemingly never-ending ladder. They climbed down one by one, Mike and Richie leading the charge. At the bottom of the ladder, the followed the cavern to an opening.
They all squeezed through the gap, finding the cavern of spikes. And at the centre of it all, you, floating as Beverly had done. Richie ran across the cavern, tripping over some of the rocks scattered everywhere.
“No, no, no. Guys! What do we do?” Richie was panicking, more than anyone had ever seen him. You were floating quite high, higher than Beverly had, but not as high as the other kids. Richie called Eddie over, yelling at him to get on his shoulders.
“Eddie, I can’t reach her on my own! Get up!”
Eddie complied, not wanting to see Richie like this any longer. He climbed on Richie’s shoulders, grabbing your ankle and dragging you down to their level. 
Your glossed over eyes brought tears to Richies’. This was all his fault. Him and his stupid jobs and stupid parties and stupid ignorance.
“I’m so sorry Y/N…”
You walked into your home. God, it felt great to call it that. Your perfect tiny apartment with your dad. 
“Afternoon, sweetheart. How was school?” Richie’s voice drifted in from the living room. 
“It was actually pretty good. Steve and I got paired up for a project, so he’ll be coming over sometime in the near future.” You called back, hearing Richie get up from the couch. He appeared in the doorframe, raising one eyebrow.
“Steve, huh?” He smirked, leaving you red in the face.
“Yeah, you got a problem with him coming over?” You tried not to laugh, as did Richie.
“No, no, not at all,” He laughed. “Ok, no jokes, you know I don’t mind Steve coming over. I love the kid.”
“I’ll be sure to tell him that. It’ll ease his nerves about you.”
“He’s nervous about me? I’m the one who should be nervous. Steve’s gonna steal my little girl away.” Richie nudged your shoulder suggestively, making you gag and roll your eyes.
You headed to your room, passing Richie who was watching some trashy reality show. He gestured to a plate on the coffee table, a few slices of brownie sitting uneaten. You grabbed a slice, thanking your dad, before making it to your door.
You swung it open, reaching for the light switch, only to find nothing. You kept hitting the wall, hoping to hear that familiar click of the switch, but still nothing.
“Dad?” You yelled, running back to the living room. You screamed at the dark void staring back at you. The kitchen was gone, the bathrooms, everything. All gone, replaced with a black void.
But there, in the darkness, you could see it. Three spiralling lights, drawing you forward. You could reach out and touch them, and you felt your fingertips burning as they drew closer. You grabbed for them, only to have them disappear as you did so.
And just like that, it was dark again.
Your eyes flew open, gasping for breath. Looking around, you saw all the Losers staring at you, eyes wide in shock. Wrapped around you, hugging you, was your dad.
“Holy shit, Rich, it worked!” Eddie yelled as Richie looked you dead in the eyes.
“Y/N? Oh my fucking god, I thought I’d lost you!”
You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t look your father in the eyes without tears springing to your own. He had been distant, sometimes cold, and not that great of a father, and yet here he was, saving you.
And you knew, in that moment, that he had always cared, and he would always care.
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