#she talkin abt herself
spextered · 2 days
is this an unpopular opinion. i dont really like the way the manga is interpretating aubrey
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abyssmalice · 9 months
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"You do not need to be in jail to be imprisoned, however."
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frecht · 9 months
did you know my sister didn't know what an illuminated manuscript was until like 3 hours ago....
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leilanihours · 5 days
hiii ! req for paige x teammate gf reader (they're in a secret rs but the teammates know) — when kk and ice went live on insta then while they're interacting with fans, they didn't notice that paige and her gf is shown in the live while they're cuddling and kissing on the bed until they saw a comment about them. You can add anything you want to add, this is just my idea hehe THANKS !!!!
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pairing: paige bueckers x gf!reader
word count: 1657
warnings: none!
summary: your relationship with paige gets exposed, but with her still in your arms, is it really the end of the world?
⭑ from lani: idk how to feel abt this one and lowk feel like my work has been so flat lately but fuck it we ball 😭
“OKAY SO BOOM,” you hear your teammate, kk, say to her phone, “we back with another insta live! how y’all doin’?”
“kk someone said they saw you at chick-fil-a being a big back, can you confirm?” ice snickers as she reads a viewer’s comment.
“man, y’all never stop, huh?” kk side-eyes jokingly.
you giggle off-camera as you peer over your girlfriend’s shoulder to watch the two girls interact with fans. you were rested against the headboard of your hotel bed, paige lying comfortably on top of you with her arms around your torso and face buried in your neck.
you aimlessly rubbed her taut muscles underneath her loose shirt, relieving her stress from the game earlier in the day. the team was currently away from its home in connecticut, as they had an away-game against ohio state.
the huskies won, of course, but the score was much too close for anyone’s comfort, especially paige’s. with this season being her first after her acl tear last year, she felt immense pressure to come back twice as good and carry the team on her shoulders all the way to a national championship.
she never talked with anyone about how she was feeling - except with you. she claimed that you were the only one that truly understood her fears and would be able to chase them away simply with your warm smile and passionate words. when she told you this with tears in her eyes from her overwhelming emotions, your heart swelled immensely at her vulnerability.
the two of you had been together for close to a year now, and all your teammates and close friends were aware, but you both opted for a private relationship. there were many reasons as to why this was the decision, the most important being that you knew how the media would react - and neither of you wanted to jeopardize your careers.
there had been a few rumors and speculations about your particular closeness with the blonde, but you had been very careful around the cameras, ensuring that no one would have concrete evidence of your relationship.
as of right now, your entanglement with paige was out of frame, shielding you two from the camera and live viewers. paige was half asleep on her phone, still nestled in your arms while you listened in on your teammates’ silly bickering.
“i know they’re beefing right now but kendrick definitely won!” kk exclaims.
“okay, but who’s the better artist overall?” ice responds as her eyes scan the rapid-fire comments.
“that’s not even the point of this discussion, bro.”
“whatever,” ice laughs, shaking her head, “someone asked where everyone else is - yanna and aubrey are out getting dunkin for all of us, nika is already sleeping, aaliyah is taking a shower, and…” she stops herself before she mentions you and paige, “i actually don’t know what everyone else is doing.”
“what are you talkin’ about, ice? paige and-“ kk is cut off by ice swiftly kicking her leg under the table they’re sat at. she gives her a pointed glare as if to say “shut the hell up,” which makes you chuckle.
“anyways…” ice moves on from the close slip-up, “did y’all watch the game today? i think it was on youtube live or something.”
you tune out of their conversation when you feel paige groan lightly into your skin.
“you okay, babe?” you whisper into her ear.
“mhm,” she responds with a slight rasp in her voice, “can you do that thing you were doin’ earlier, though?”
“what thing?” you didn’t even notice what you were doing, or at least what you stopped doing, until she mentioned it.
“when you rub my back,” she answers.
“you like that?”
“'course i do,” she hums, “it’s like a massage.”
a flushed smile graces your face as you go back to caressing her soft skin, focusing on her tense muscles. when you press particularly hard on her lower back, she lets out a satisfied groan as she drops the arm that was stretched and holding her phone.
you can practically feel her melt into your embrace entirely, body going limp as she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. after placing a delicate kiss on her head, you too let your eyes close as you began to fall asleep with her.
“kk, i think they want you to sing,” ice says, pointing to one of the messages on the screen.
“oh i gotchu,” she smiles, instantly getting up from her chair, “what song should i sing?”
“do…” ice responds before reading one of the fans’ suggestions, “oh someone said do adorn by miguel.”
“that’s a good one, okay let me warm up a bit,” she says before obnoxiously and very poorly attempting to do vocal runs to “warm up her voice.”
“hold on you’re, like, not in frame right now,” ice says before she slightly adjusts the camera so that kk can be seen clearly.
but unbeknownst to all of you, your compromised position with paige can now also be seen clearly. you were too comfortable in your slumber and on the girl in your arms to pay attention to what the camera was showing.
kk was too busy "performing" for the fans and ice was too busy making fun of her for doing so, which is why nobody knew what what going on.
"did she eat guys?" ice asks the fans with a grin as kk sits back down, slightly out of breath from dancing.
both of them scan the comments, slightly confused with furrowed eyebrows at what the comments were talking about. it certainly wasn't about kk or ice.
user01: OH MY GOD
user03: is that who i think it is in the bg 😳
at the third comment they read, they both inch closer to the screen to try and understand what their fans' were so enthralled by.
ice is first to realize how you and paige could easily be seen cuddling on the bed behind her and kk. with wide eyes, she quickly yet subtley moved the camera so that you and paige were once again hidden.
kk, still oblivious as to what they were so focused on, whispered to ice, "what happened?"
"they saw paige and y/n," ice replied putting a hand up to cover her mouth while leaning to whisper back in kk's ear.
now it was kk's turn to widen her eyes and cover her mouth, this time in shock. she turned to look back at you two, still fast asleep with arms intertwined.
she stood up from her chair and moved to block the bed entirely, not wanting another incident to happen. she knew that the fans loved to screenshot and record their lives, which always ended up being posted all over social media no matter what.
she also knew that she and ice would be getting an earful from you two once you caught drift of the situation.
you began to wake up as soon as you felt your girlfriend move from her position on top of you. she’s now next to you, head resting on your shoulder as one of her arms rests on your stomach.
“where you goin’?” you mumble, voice hoarse from just waking up. you were only half awake but you could tell that the room was now empty, the silence comforting and sunrise peeking through the hotel blinds.
“nowhere, ma, i’m right here,” paige rasps with a light kiss to your collarbone.
you were about to fall back asleep but are disturbed by your phone vibrating violently next to you. with a tired groan, you blindly reach for it in an attempt to silence it. even as you pick it up and unlock it, you are still bombarded with notifactions from all kinds of social apps - instagram, tiktok, twitter - you name it.
you’re now awake with curiosity, confused as to why you’re getting so many messages. you usually had your phone on “do not disturb” with the exceptions of your family, friends, and select media accounts. you scroll aimlessly through some of your dms, but when you don’t find an answer, you relocate and scroll through your explore feed.
your eyes shoot open as you register one of the top posts - a video clip of you and paige sleeping peacefully behind ice and kk on live.
"what?" paige mumbles into your shirt.
"look," you nudge her, showing her the post on your screen.
"oh shit."
"my thoughts exactly..." you say, heart beating faster with anxiety at the thought of your careers at risk, "what do we do?"
"i mean," she starts cautiously, "i don't think there's much we can do."
as much as you hated to hear it, it was the truth. clips and captures had already spread like wildfire. people have always speculated and theorized, but with this mishap, their suspicions were practically confirmed.
paige sits up against the headboard of the bed when she notices your reaction - or lack thereof. your expression remains unmoved as you think of any way to de-escalate the situation.
"hey," she says, grabbing your phone from your grasp, "don't stress it too much, alright? what's done is done, and all we can do is act normal - like nothing happened. i can even beat up ice and kk if you want."
you know she's only half joking but the sentiment brightens your mood, "you're right. thanks, p."
"whatever it takes to get you off your phone and back under this blanket," she shrugs, "i mean, did you see the time? we have a full hour before we have to meet up with the team, i'm not letting it go to waste."
"so you're spending it...sleeping?" you giggle.
"no," she protests, "i'm spending it in a nice ass bed with my beautiful girlfriend."
"and who is this girlfriend?" you tease.
"at this point, i think the whole world knows it's you, ma."
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real-odark · 3 months
ocean running out of debate ideas to burden everyone arround her and preoccupy herself with anything but . herself so she starts talkin abt pepsi cola wars 😭😭 shes supporting these cola tumblr ads...
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tang3r1n · 7 months
okay i’m being a lil hyper today and i CANNOT get the idea of an island empress reader having Luffy wrapped around her finger, plus the island itself UGH i’ve already though of it all guys. pls encourage me to talk more cause i have a 4 page goodbye doc for this fucking reader.
kay so basically my entire thought is empress reader on a very distant yet powerful island, like she’s friends with everyone and her island has a neutrality agreement bc of this, meaning marines and pirates have to be chill and natural around each other or smth
anyways- some day the Strawhats are just sailing around when Nami starts freaking tf out abt ‘THIS FUCKING ISLAND I FUCKING FOUND HER YES FUCK’ and literally screaming to find their big ass transponder snail meanwhile everyone else is just shocked she’s genuinely tweaking
come to find out Nami n her family (might be agaisnt cannon but fuck off) we’re regulars of reader’s island back when they were both lil girls and they bonded so hard that they still write each other and Nami has slowly been nudging the crew to get closer n closer to her island just so she can geek out with her childhood bestie
so they all are like ‘lmao okay that’s chill’ and park it and Nami just takes off. i’m talkin they turn around and she’s bolting toward the massive ass golden castle or smth, and they just kinda chill while the islanders greet them and start slowly (normally) taking them to the castle. they’re like weirdly neutral abt Nami screaming like a banshee, mainly cause the older islanders remember her and know it’s a lot for her
so they literally barely make it to the first step of the entrance before two shrill screams ring out and Nami comes out dragging this gorgeous, young ass empress out, covered head to toe in jewels and charms, even her hair is filled with crystals tied to her braids and spirals of gold and silver are strategically placed everywhere. she’s got obviously tribal tattoos and symbols decorating her entire body, her thick form’s dressed in the more beautiful silk robes and she’s got the brightest smile as she openly sobs int Nami’s arms
and Luffy, for the first time in his life, is completely shellshocked from her, just like ‘:0’ and STARING at the empress while she tries to compose herself
Obviously she’s aware of who they are, shooting them all pleasantries and looking down at Luffy (mf is like 5’6 im sorry i’m 5’11 I LOVE SHORT LUFFYSS KAKDKSKQ) and giving him just the sweetest smile and soft lil ‘hello Captain’ and oh god he’s literally shaking his hands are sweaty what-
then Usopp’s just like ‘HAH srry he’s never seen such a pretty lady before’ and they’re all giggling at his absolutely stary-eyed face as he’s just dead silent, heart racing in front of this goddess.
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quirkle2 · 1 year
If you don’t mind tho, would you have any clue where I could ask about this talk of the LU fandom/Jojo going out of line? I’m oblivious to whatever happened and I’m curious
it's a bit of a complicated and long story, but some of it has to do with fans in general just being rly pissy about characterizations. i'm not pointing any fingers or listing any names bc it's not a One Person kinda problem, and some people don't even notice/see the issue and don't think it's an issue at all. in the grand scheme of things, this first issue isn't rly that big of a deal
(this might get long, and might bring up some anxieties for people, so this break is for anybody who wants to avoid mentions of fandom discourse, including past belittlement of furries, otherkin, and systems. stay safe)
reminder: this is just me clarifying info bc somebody asked! i am not trying to dredge up old mistakes
^ some of the things im talkin about are like . people babying wind. people turning wars into a comic-relief character that only knows how to creep girls out. people turning twilight into an emo cowboy that constantly cries about his girlfriend that's now in another realm or whatever. people simplifying wild into a crazy arsonist who doesn't seem to have a brain. people taking the "bitter" part of legend and exaggerating it So much that he's literally just an asshole to everybody all the time for NO reason other than that "he's the bitchy one"
personally this isn't nearly as annoying to me as some others find it. but i think the Bigger one, for me at least, is jojo herself
in this post, jojo makes fun of furries and otherkin, which i do not agree with. i don't have a problem w jojo not wanting twi to be "furry-like" but she drew the furry purposefully disgusting and stupid-looking to make fun of them. i don't know much about otherkin, but i know it's wrong to make fun of other people, especially when they aren't hurting anybody <3
and in this post, while explaining four's characterization in the comic, jojo put the word system in air quotes, as if to suggest there's something wrong with systems or that they don't exist or something. that stirred up quite a lot of suspicion and doubt in the fandom, and many systems obviously did not like that. i am not a system, so that's all i'll put here—a lot of systems posted their own takes on it when it happened
jojo has since edited both the tumblr post and the insta post to not have the word system in quotes. she explained herself and apologized here and here (this specific one is, i Believe, referring to past mistakes such as the ones above), but some people still are a bit iffy on that whole debacle (me included)
there might be more, but that's everything that i personally know of as to why the fandom has sorta gone bad. this next reason (sorta two reasons) is a personal thing and i don't rly hold it against jojo herself:
silly reason: i just like familial bonds and Close relationships in fiction, and lu does not cover that. they call each other "brother" from time to time but that's not enough dammit i want them to cuddle and i want time to be the father figure and i want them to live in a nice ranch house together happily ever after OKAY!!!! /silly
a more serious reason: linkshipping
i DO NOT agree with people belittling others for posting linkshipping, and this happens in lu All The Time and it's appalling. im not gonna get into the whole "but it's against her rules" thing bc i have some conflicted feelings abt that whole topic and this will get ridiculously long if i prattle abt that, but . people r getting bullied. people r getting singled out and Called Out and hated on and, in extreme cases, Driven Off The Platform bc they posted two silly little fictional men kissing. that's inexcusable to me
it's a bit more complicated than that, but i am of the simple opinion that u should Never police how other people have fun, and this is all fictional and we should redirect our collective hatred toward Real World Problems instead of wasting our time on arguing about whether or not these fictional elves should kiss <3
if i do make a new au and get away from this fandom, i hope to provide a safe space for Everybody, including linkshippers
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screampied · 5 months
Uhhh...let's call him... "M"
I gave him my number 🥰
My friend literally dragged my ass to him after I told her he was cute bro. M and his friend we're talkin' to each other and M pointed to his friend and said, "you can have her number". Even thought my friend was talkin' abt herself but she said, "I don't want you pookie".
BUT NO! My friend thought it was a good idea to tell our teacher...LIKE GIRL?! 😭 My teacher is nosy and she also keeps up with trends and whatnot but oml...🥲
awwwwwww happy for u guyssss !! 💟😋 PLEASE WHAT. but thanks so cuteee wishing nothing but the best for u guys <333
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moonysfavoritetoast · 6 months
that was really unexpected like actually
my grandma like corrected herself and apologized when she said lily and then started talkin abt it and i said “i was just worried you wouldn’t—”
and she hugged me and said she didn’t care as long as she still has a grandkid to love
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cinamun · 1 year
shit since we talkin abt juan n dem, I'll ask something i've been thinking about. how does jerri feel about the fact that indya is friends with him with what he may have or have not done?
They aren't really "friends" honestly. We only see him these days because Indya *is* friends with his wife (Elise delivered all the Drake babies).
Jerri stays away for a variety of reasons and most of it isn't intentional. Jerri will show up as we've seen today, but mostly she stays to herself. We also learned Indya don't like that. Indya told her to stop being a stranger when the twins aged up from toddlers in the park, and recently dog walked her over hiding Jerriah.
That context is important because Jerri could care less about who Indya associates with as long as they don't bring trouble. She is content in her bubble with her girl and her baby.
Also that beef has long been squashed.
Now if you ask me, that prison guard? Different story..... since we're going there.
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narhinafan · 1 year
HinaIno is top gradez like they're giving the "popular g friend and the introverted g friend" not the "Rude g friend and the friend of the Rude g friend* sakura was always like "Ino I don't want to be in your shadow" and shit like that but Ino never cowered sakura, in fact, Ino showed sakura a way, sakura should be thanking Ino now, not talkin shits abt her or even "protecting" Sasuke from her.
Ino is aj loyal friend, She would never "stole" anyone boyfriend(even tho She would have Chance of that*, and the reason is that She stopped loving Sasuke in the first plače is cs She knew sakura had crush on him too, nie She moved on and is in one of the healthiest relationships in boruto
But since sakura did not listen to Ino *again* She is now in an abusive hausehold where She just wait for Sasuke to give her a little bit of attention(unlike sai who love Ino more than his own life, give her attention every second, is by her side 24/7)
That's why HinaIno>>>>>>>>>InoSaku
The thing is Sakura not wanting to be in Ino's shadow only started cause of her one sided rivalry over Sasuke. Ino originally didn't seem like she was going to compete over Sasuke with Sakura, she valued their friendship more. Yet Sakura hears a rumor and she completely turns on Ino, all the not wanting to be in Ino's shadow sounds like an excuse to act like a bitch if you ask me. Ino treated her as a friend and even encouraged her the was nothing preventing Sakura from improving herself without breaking off her friendship over a boy. I honestly feel Sakura was just running away she didn't have the confidence to beat Ino when it came to Sasuke and was too scared to face her head on as a friend. Sakura likely knew if Ino got Sasuke she could never accept and be happy for her friend.
Exactly like even in part 1 Ino's crush on Sasuke seems more her just going along with Sakura's rivalry as Ino did step back several times for Sakura when it came to Sasuke.
Yes HinaIno is much better then InoSaku. Even their children get along better, Boruto and Inojin became good friends while Sarada who apparently knew Boruto due to their parents knowing each other weren't that close even after starting the academy.
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gurorori · 11 months
The Seed and Queendom were so powerful whwhwbwhsjjdd i'm🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love. Cure for me was also verrry fun i love her choreographies, she's such a skilled and fluid dancer !!!
And exist for life is so🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭 beautifulllll i'm wjqbwnnsns <333 in love. I love. A lot . Mwah thank you for all your recommendations it is. 3:15am and i have to call it a day but !!!!!! Wah
da seed always gimme chills cuz i love da message & its nawt jus a figure of speech either, aurora fun fact is dat shes grown up in very close proximity 2 nature n clearly has so so much love n respect 4 it an i think it show wonderfully nawt only thru her music but thru her entire energy. she bcome one with it!! there a reason every1 calls her a forest nymph / elf n so much more in da comments aha
tho i think 2 call her anythin but human is a bit unfair, i think shes very human in da most beautiful of ways. unironically
queendom is suhc an anthemmmm... n it warms my heart when i see live performances of it cuz it really feel like one big hug with every1 given da lyrics n jus da vibes it creates. luv it so much, n i love da music video n_n women....
cure 4 me is very special 2 me even tho it a bit sillier soundin than most of her songs (along w the chorus blowin up on tt) readin more ab it from aurora herself tho, it turn out da inspiration came from sumthin dats a very loaded topic & after dat i cudn look at it da same & grew even closer 2.. THE SONG? idk why im talkin ab it lik a human but. word from miss aurora:
"Like always, I got inspired by a really huge, dark and horrible thing that happens in the world. The first seed of inspiration came from thinking about the countries where it’s still legal to do conversion therapy for gay people and lesbians. I just thought that’s so pointless. The first idea was me saying, ‘I don’t need a cure for me – just let me live, man!’”
“Why is it so difficult for people to just let others be themselves? Then I thought that it could mean many other things. People tend to believe quite quickly that something is wrong with them if they’re not like the people they see in front of them. It’s so sad that it doesn’t take much for us to really doubt ourselves.”
^ lil context 4 dat is, aurora is definitely queer as shes talkd ab her attraction 2 ppl in da past & shes had a girlfriend be4 too. i think she mentions dat she feels different romantically in regards 2 men n women. but also she doesn label herself really, but i think this gives more insight into this song. as well as ive noticed ppl talkin ab her includin some of her own more 'weird' mannerisms n well. the dance is weird n silly too (/affectionate!!! its gettin added 2 sky soon like i talkd abt in dms, n im boutta spam it everywhere) n i think it an incredible move too.
i think cure 4 me can also b related back 2 auroras neurodivergence, which she has talkd ab before. she mentioned bein made fun of @ school 4 bein autistic (altho i don think she was ever diagnosed w it) n also bein put on adhd medication in da past - pretty sure dats her official diagnosis. but yeah. honesly, jus from watchin the way she carries herself n moves n talks in interviews & lives, she was always so clearly different & felt closer than other artists 2 me. like nawt in a 'wow shes so weird' way like sum ppl say. idk theres an inherent sense of belongin w dat person cuz shes so much like us too. man i started cryin but anyway i luv her lots she really mean lots 2 me.
exist 4 love is very beautiful too.. i luv da reference 2 the birth of venus, i love da influence of 1920/30s music too like many mentioned.. it make me melt into a puddle sumtime. we rly do exist 4 it huh.!!!!
but yah n_n thank 4 goin on this aurora journey wit me!!! am glad it was fun & am glad 2 infect ya so @/meowyoi, ya n i can all grow a bit more insane togethr <3
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marmett · 2 years
i was talkin abt this w/ some pals awhile ago but i just remembered how cool of an idea it was so its going here too.
anyway, reina's death was such bullshit for so many reasons, but can u also imagine just how much better the games couldve been if she lived?
she couldve filled such a unique role in the games as someone who's connected to kiryu's past in a way that no one else is. she was friends with yumi and nishikiyama, and had she lived i feel like she would have felt the guilt of their deaths along with kiryu. and that would have been such an interesting thing to explore.
she could blame herself for what happened because she went along w/ nishiki for too long, when he did things she didnt agree w/ she didnt call him on it. and that would absolutely influence her interactions with kiryu. she wouldnt want to make the same mistakes, so while she does support kiryu and offer him a home base and stability, shes also someone who can call him on his bullshit and give him some much needed reality checks.
anyway i just think itd wouldve been neat if we had more reina.
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mpathicoracle · 2 years
got inspired by a post the other day abt fantrolls typing quirks so have this bs lol
interstellarNavigator (IN): {types leik dis cuz "propr grmmr iz 4 looserz". iz an oliveblud, grew up in de midl o nowhere by herself except 4 their lusus so soshul intracshun iz practcly 0. mierna kohlls iz actully prety smart despit all poplr belief. de {-} indikates nebus thought-speech, similur 2 telepathy but iz moar leik thought transference than direct talkin. in nebus sgrub seshun she's a maid of space, fittin cuz she's obsessd w/ space n evrythin abt it. prnuns r she/her, they/them, n neb/nebus/nebulaself}
deltaOmniscient (DO): jullee k4nsics typing quirk is th4nkfully e4sier t4 underst4nd. shes 4 lowblood, wh4t i consider 4 t4nblood. lower th4n ochres but 4 lil' higher th4n bronzes. they h4ve vision 4fold, wh4t i 4lso decided 4s 4n 4bility t4 see 4ur4s. m4kes for good huntin' when they c4n see her prey's 4ur4 4round 'em. shes moir4il t4 miern4, ends up in 4 b4l4nced bl4ck/red rel4tionship with one o' the f4nkids. they're 4 m4ge of r4ge, fittin' given their impulsive, 4ndren4line-seekin' beh4vior. pronouns 4re she/her 4n' they/them.
psychicAssassin (PA): NAiyiA Pirsen is A grAde A bitch And her design will remAin thAt wAy till the dAy I die. Her quirk cApitAlizes All A's And her O('s represent her sign, the Greek letter Alpha. NAiyiA is whAt I refer to As A nAvy-blO(O(d - higher thAn An indigO( but lO(wer thAn A purple. She is kismet tO( MiernA, And is heAvily strict tO( the hemO(spectrum. NO( O(ne likes her, As they shO(uld. She's her sessiO(ns Thief O(f BlO(O(d, And O(nly uses she/her.
mechanicalArchitect (MA): @- M!ksen No|and !s a b|ess!ng upon th!s p|anet and ! wou|d d!e for h!m. He's one of the youngest !n the group, but not by much. He starts h!s texts w!th h!s s!gn, an @ symbo|. He |oves techno|ogy and rebu!|d!ng o|d tech. He's an exc!tab|e fe||a and has much |ove to g!ve. He's an ochreb|ood, but a rare k!nd that doesn't have ps!on!cs, but he doesn't rea||y |ike ta|k!ng about !t. He's an He!r of T!me, he/h!m but he doesn't m!nd e!ther way. Oh, and he a|so f!xed up nameUnknown, who owes M!ksen more than he f!rst knows.
(I apologize for the shitshow NU's quirk is gonna be but uh kudos to anyone who can translate this bullshittery of my own creation lmao)
nameUnknown (NU): n4m3Unkn0₩n ₩45 4<+u4||¥ ₩#4+ r3m41n5 0f M1k53n'5 4n<35+0r'5 m4+35pr1+, ₩#0 #3 54v3d fr0m <3r+41n d34+# 8¥ pu++1n9 #3r 1n 4 r080+ 80d¥ pr10r +0 #15 0₩n d34+#. 1n pr353n+ d4¥, #0₩3v3r, NU d035 n0+ r3m3m83r 4n¥ 0f 1+, 4n¥ 0f +#4+ |1f3, 51n<3 0v3r+1m3 +#3 r080+ 80d¥ d3+3r10r4+3d (n4+ur4||¥, 0f <0ur53). M1k53n 3v3n+u4||¥ f0und #3r 4nd r3p41r3d #3r, 4nd <0n+1nu35 +0 d0 50 +#r0u9#0u+ +#31r 59RU8 535510n. 83<4u53 0f +#3 d3+3r10r14+10n, 1+ 3553n+14||¥ m3553d up 50m3 k3¥ <0d1n9, ₩#1<# 15 ₩#¥ #3r qu1rk 15 |1k3 +#15. NU 0₩35 M1k53n m0r3 +h4n ₩#4+ r3m41n5 0f #3r |1f3, 4nd v0₩3d +0 k33p h1m 54f3. 83<4u53 5#3 +3<#n1<4||¥ 15n'+ 4|1v3, 5#3 d035n'+ 93+ 4n¥ <|455p3<+ 4nd r34||¥ ju5+ +4993d 4|0n9. 5#3/#3r 15 ₩#4+ 3v3r¥0n3 u535 f0r #3r, 8u+ NU d035n'+ r34||y #4v3 4 pr3f3r3n<3.
assignedMastery (AM): mikala ellytha ith altho one of the youngetht in the group, about half a thweep younger than mikthen. thhe ith one of two "tho-called mutantth" ath well, what i deemed ath "pure yellow," ethhentially a really bright yellow. mikala and the other "mutant," jahrra, have their own thtory ath to why their blood cathteth are the way they are, a thtory i oncthe put on the good ol' parp forumth long ago. mikala ith altho a mutant rainbowdrinker, but her fangth are too long for her facthe at her current age (6 thweepth), thuth the typing quirk rethembling a lithp. mikala ith a theer of life and will do anything (theriouthly, anything) to protect thothe thhe deemth worthy of her protecthion. thhe/her primarily.
peacefullyCurious (PC): (^_^) jahrra verona is one of a kind, 5 sweeps old and incredibly sweethearted. she's a mutant royalblood/seadweller, what i deemed as "pure pink," what once (according to the backstory i gave her and mikala) was higher than a fuchsia. mikala discovered jahrra when jahrra was a wriggler and saved her, hiding her away and helping raise her with her own lusus. (^-^;) jahrra uses emotes in her messages to display her mood, sometimes in the middle but always at the beginning. following her sweet, kind, pacifistic personality, she is the group's sylph of hope. she/her as well.
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glowinsoftly · 2 months
omg preschool to like 1st grade i seldom slept in my own room bc i would have vivid dreams nd nightmares, so i'd want to sleep in my mom's bed. nd one time my dad was like 'you gotta stop letting her sleep w/us bc she's grow up to be the girl that can't sleep by herself!' nd my mom was like 'what are you talkin abt..she's 4...'
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cerealkiddie · 3 months
Yoooo, when do you think Sameen started regressing and how did Root get involved/find out? So excited there's another poi agere truther out here
regressor!sameen shaw and carer!root/samantha groves headcanons
hh me too, I'm rewatching the whole show rn,, and I'm almost done. readmore/break bc my god can I yap.. be warned lol
anyway, she probably started after her og teammate died. she most likely repressed it as it wasn't a 'useful' feeling. (I think she uses her personality disorder during work. anger to fuel adrenaline. etc.)
when the gang came together and root started taking sameen on missions, they spent more time talking, whether a steak out to gather information, or sameen is playing undercover with root's witty banter, tech support, and affectionate teasing, their relationship felt more comfortable. some sort of normalcy in their constant state of 'save the next person'
sameen is definitely more talkative, shooting back at root with silly responses, rambling on abt certain guns and how they work, yadda yadda. (root could listen to hours of her pretty girl talkin.) shaw was probably a bit more giggly as she took the tag off a new collar for bear. the boys being out on a joint number root comes over, offering bear her hand and sameen slowly puts her hand out to hold.. it's minimal and gentle. initating contact herself, but she allows herself this to satiate the yelling in her head that wants to have some sort of connection whether emotional or physical.
shaw let herself be vulnerable around root bc she trusted her. root started picking up on things that looked off. (plus, root played a psychiatrist for a while huh) I think she put 2 and 2 together, maybe nudging sameen that she knows and accepts her but won't go farther without her explicit say so.
sameen involuntarily regressed more after getting kidnapped by Samaritan, she didn't outwardly show it but they probably saw smth on her brain scans.
ddlg/abdl/nsfw/variants dni! add any of ur own headcanons in the comments or reblogs ! post belongs to me ☆
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