#she speaks english and she gently replies to my tweets
sonnygirl99 · 5 months
One shot - worthy of a man ( hytham ×female eivor)
📍hi there, a note before you start :
English is not my first language & this was written for fun. SOOOOOoo, I'd appreciate ignoring any mistakes.
"Am I not worthy of being a man?"
Hytham confronts all of sudden, eyes as sharp as a hidden blade.
" Huh? By Odin's beard hytham, Who would say such things?.."
Eivor replies in her usual smooth voice, not understanding what the man meant
A moment of silence passes between the two, the hidden one's bureau was quiet in the early morning hours, so quiet that one was able to hear the birds tweeting's peacefully outside .
A Lott of warriors babbled with laughter while heading to the river's shore, a scent of fresh baked bread spread in the air, announcing the start of a new day for the raven clan .
Eivor here had just returned from lundon last night full of valuable resources about the order of ancients, so technically when she awoke this morning, first thing she had in mind was to visit hytham. she knew this was supposed to be his own mission yet depending on his condition, he couldn't have gone to lundon.
Before the day eivor departed , she saw the sorrow gleaming in his eyes as if he was a lad being told that he wasn't able to use his own dagger anymore, hytham was so much of an innocent sweetling if she would say so, he sure can be selfish sometimes or even a big headed fool like that time when he was showing her how to do the leap of faith, how did he think that he can just do it carelessly with such injury? Foolish, he was, but with a good heart.
she couldn't help but to be gentle towards the man, whenever she saw him she would smile joyfully , tease him . Oh, how she loved teasing him! He would just smile at her even if it annoys him at Times ,she even makes herself comfortable enough to beat him on the shoulder or to pat on his head gently as some any other kid in her clan, they were really good friends.
Here she is, standing...tall&proud as ever. her icy orbs looking at his ...smiling & joking with joy, He admired every bit of her, a strong woman she was,one who cares about her people as much as she cares about herself.
when they first met, he did not understand what basim saw in her that made her worthy of a hidden blade.
a selfish Dane , he thought her to be.
This impression increased as she boldly refused to wear their sacred weapon correctly. However, when he betrayed her and tried to kill her long-lasting enemy, the killer of her parents. she should've been angry, furious... but yet she looked him deep in the eye and said, " I forgive you,hytham. "It was only then that he realised that all this time, he was the only selfish being.
And yet, the way he saw her look at other men,how she took care when speaking to them, even his mentor Basim. , but when it comes to him for some reason, he finds that she smiles softly , touches him .. as if he wasn't an assassin....a murderer! as if he wasn't a grown man who was capable of many things , she treated him as some child, and it did hurt , for he always showed her how much capability he had , he was clever! No, really! His former mentors always told him that! Doesn't she like clever men? And so it was today that after her return from Lundun , he stole the chance to speak about his feelings.
"Well," he took a deep breath. " it seems like you think of me as a child, eivor.."
with a raised brow and a tilted head , she looked as if she's solving a puzzle of some kind ,eivor Wolf kissed was perplexed
." I'm afraid that I do not follow ?"
" What I mean is to stop patting my head like that , I am really am a grown man, you know." He spoke very calmly compared to his inner mind.
It finally seemed to click.
" So our young eagle here desperately wants to be an adult?"
Or not.She immediately starts joking about his words , a smile on her lips.
Haytham sighed helplessly , putting whatever scroll he's currently carrying down on a table.
"Oi ! What's wrong, my friend? Did anything bad happen ? You seem a bit out of place today."
Eivor wondered, yet she decided it was better for her to go on joking .
"Am I required to prove it ?, perhaps for you to understand me? because I can show you."
He said , stepping a bit closer so he could reach her arm, a sober look on his face.
"Fine then . go on and show me, young eagle."She replied, chin as high as ever
It happened so fast ,the man suddenly sweeps her by the waist, pulling her closer to him.
her  body bumped into his , which obviously did put her off guard only to make her hold into hytham's nick like there was no tomorrow. Eivor gasped softly, He was too close, so close that she clearly saw her own self reflected in those crystal eyes, she can even smell his unique scent of clean jasmine stemming from his own skin
Hytham's breathing grows heavy along with his cheeks getting redder & redder, yet he shows no sense of hesitation, but keeps his gaze focused on her instead, Seeing her face expression, his lips twitched slowly. the smile of Loki ,she thought.
Eivor didn't feel like letting go, there was something about him,something that made her feel as if everyone else didn't matter at that moment, nothing mattered at all as long as she stayed between his arms .
Adjusting his grip, hytham lowers his head, reaching her right side . Her heart skipped a beat as she felt his own breath tickling her right ear before he uttered gently, " You see ? I am a man capable of many things, wolf-kissed~"
Chills ran through her spines, is he going to take things further?
But no , for he scans her face for the last time, before Letting go, his hands drifting away slowly.
leaving her, stunned.
" I.., I think that I have to go. "
How was his heart still pounding in place? He had no idea. ,but He can not be the only one getting his heart to scream loudly whenever she's around anymore . She's bond to know. She has to.
You know, perhaps this was a bad idea...
Hytham thought as seeing her face being that close.
I..I have to let go ,that's enough , she may hate me for that.
But look, Her eyes are of beauty....her skin so soft...
" I.., I think that I have to go ..."
She backs away slowly towards the door behind her , still holding his gaze though , with the same stunned expression,
her ears a reddish flame.
Seeming to be sick of it all, the woman turns her back on him as to leave , silent.
Goodness have I sinned to be looked at with such face?
You Foolish man , foolish hytham .
" w..wait!"
Oh He's the one trembling now
Her boots stopped on the wooden floor , her back still turned , the sound of singing birds still tweeting from the outside.
"forgive me eivor, forget that it even happened, I did not intend to—"
But then , He swore of catching a glimpse of somewhat a smile forming down her cheeks.
"No, for you just proved to me that you are a man of many things , hytham,"
"And that young eagles become eagles after all."
And with that she takes leave, not only leaving the bureau but also leaving the hidden one amazed.
Later on that day when the sun sank deep into the horizon , announcing its farewell for the day.
eivor wolf kissed layed on her huge bed in the darkness , it's feather tickling her face.
keen to take a warrior's rest, but full of thoughts skimming into her head, the soft touch of hytham flashed through Eivor's memory ,along with those warm eyes of his, the sweet tone of gilt that reached her ears, "forgive me " he had said.
Again, she couldn't help but feel a smile forcing its way into her lips .
You surprised me today , young eagle.
& strangely I find myself looking  forward for somewhat other surprises of yours, so be sure to let that eagle rise inside of you to become one yourself, young one.
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And the Nominees Are...
In honor of Lexi McIntosh being the announcer for the Oliviers nomination ceremony!!! Big ups Lexi you were fantastic
Katherine was staring at the front door of the flat, curled up in a ball on the couch, looking very, very concerned. The newest episode of Love Island has been paused for the past five minutes, but the center of Kat’s attention is at the door that Anna walked through to answer a phone call. It’s weird for Anna to not take a call in front of the other queens, and it’s weirder still that she hasn’t returned.
“Anyone have any idea who Anna is talking to?” she asks, never letting her gaze leave the door. “She doesn’t usually just walk away from our telly time, regardless of what the call is, so it has to be important.”
Anne, across from her on another couch, continued to look at her phone. “No idea, but I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“She left really quickly,” Kat immediately remarks. “It’s got to be something.”
“Bessie’s upstairs with the other ladies,” Catherine says, working on some needlework. “So it can’t be her.”
“Maybe it’s a dog at the shelter?” Cathy suggests, tilting her head as she looks between Kat and the door and back at Kat.
Jane, who had been reading next to Anne, just sighs. “We’ll know as soon as she comes back, love, I doubt it’s anything bad-”
She’s interrupted, however, by the door opening.
Kat immediately scrambles forward, opening the door, where Anne is standing. “Are you alright?” Kat asks, clearly concerned.
Anna chuckles and nods, gently pulling the girl close.
“Queens, I’ve got an announcement to make,” Anna says confidently. The Ladies, having heard commotion, are waiting on the stairs for said announcement.
The others watch carefully as Anna suddenly grins:
“I’m going to be announcing the nominations for an awards show!”
At first, there’s silence.
But then, the entire room bursts into excitement.
“Oh really?!?”
“That’s incredible, Anna.”
“Congrats, babes!”
“That’s really cool!”
“Hell yeah!”
The girls talk over each other, excitedly congratulating Anna and giving her hugs and the like. Eventually, when the excitement dies down a little bit, Katherine is the first to speak.
“Is that who you were on the phone with?” Kat asks, tilting her head.
“Yes,” Anna nods. “I’ll know who the nominations are, I’ll need to practice their pronunciation and the like, and it’ll be streamed online.”
“Oh! Do you need to practice in front of a live studio audience?” Catherine asks, smirking as the rest of the women chuckle.
“No, no, I actually can’t really practice here at all,” Anna says. “They made me sign a NDA so I don’t reveal who is nominated.”
“Rude,” Jane says, “but fair. When’s the announcement?”
“In a week,” Anna replies. “I’ll be jumping from shows to the rehearsals to make sure I get this right.”
“Well, we’re all very proud of you, Anna,” Cathy says, “and if there’s anything we can do to help, let us know, yeah?”
Anna nods with a grin. “Thank you. All of you.”
The week is a blur for the rest of the queens, who rarely see Anna. She’s often got a list that she’s pouring over, mouthing words to herself to make sure she understands the pronunciations. The other queens keep to themselves mostly, and before they know it, it’s the day before the event.
Katherine and Cathy wander on into the living room, unexpectedly interrupting a mini rehearsal session that Anna was doing.
When Anna spots them, she instantly scrambles to hide the papers she has, making Cathy chuckle.
“You know you’re going to do fine, right?” Cathy asks.
“More than fine,” Katherine says, “she’ll be brilliant!”
Anna gives a small smile. “I know, I just... I don’t want to get this wrong, you know?” she looks down at the papers; they’ve got the actual spelling, but also a phonetic spelling that Anna’s written in herself. “English isn’t my first language, and I’m always afraid I’ll mispronounce something. I don’t want to be wrong, you know? There will be a lot of people watching - apparently it could be thousands of people.”
Katherine frowns, instantly moving to hug Anna. “I’m sorry we’re not allowed to go with you, otherwise we would absolutely be there to give you support-”
“No, no, I get it, and it’s not your fault they aren’t allowing me a plus one,” Anna says, gently booping Kat’s nose. “Otherwise, I know you’d be there. I guess I’m just a bit nervous because it’s not something I’ve ever really done before...” 
Cathy tilts her head. “But you do it every night, you know? And you sing, too. In heels. This doesn’t require any dancing, right?”
Anna chuckles. “No, but that’d be really funny. Could you imagine, doing Ex-Wives but with nominations?”
Cathy smiles a bit at that. “See? You’ve done more hectic things before, you’ll be alright.”
“And they’re not even requiring you to wear heels, right?” Kat asks, and Anna nods. “It’ll be easy!”
“I guess the lack of audience is nice, too,” Anna says, “but there’s a big camera and lights...” Anna sighs. “Sorry. It’s just... different than usual.”
Katherine hugs Anna tighter. “You’re gonna be alright. I promise you, Anna. You’re the best of us, you’ll ace it for sure.”
Cathy nods. “With how much you’ve been preparing, I’ve no doubt that you’ll be the best announcer there.”
“Well, there’s only two of us-” Anna starts, but Cathy rolls her eyes with a smile.
“You know what I mean, missy.”
Anna nods, a grin growing on her face. “Thank you, loves. I mean it.” She lets Kat hold her for a moment more before she gently pulls away. “Now go on then, I need to practice and you can’t be here.”
Katherine pouts. “Just a little spoiler? Please?”
Anna laughs. “Not a chance, Kit. Go on, go with Cathy upstairs, I’ll see you lot tomorrow. It’s past your bedtime.”
Katherine groans, but she moves with Cathy upstairs. Cathy gives Anna a final nod - which Anna returns - before Cathy retires for the evening, Kat in tow. Anna looks down at the lists, smiles, and goes back to rehearsing.
The next morning, Anna wakes up relatively early. Grabbing her folders and her outfit, she gets changed into something comfortable before heading downstairs.
She smiles when she finds that her breakfast has already been made, a heart-shaped pancake and various fruits.
There’s also a card right next to the breakfast, with everyone’s well wishes. The girls were already off to the morning matinee, but they left Anna a good luck meal to help calm her nerves.
Anna chuckles; what did she do to deserve them?
She gets herself ready, heading out to the limo that the awards show arranged to pick her up, and is whisked away to the studio.
When she gets there, her co-announcer, Henry, smiles brightly at her.
“Good morning!” he says as Anna hugs him hello. “Are you ready?”
“I think so,” Anna says with a nod. “Been practicing the names all week.”
“You’re going to do splendid, Anna,” he says. He’s not from the country either, and they bonded a bit over having to learn English as a second language. “We’ll be the best announcers the show’s ever seen.”
Anna nods, liking the confidence he has, and they move inside. Anna’s dressing room is a door down from his, and it’s bigger than the one for the show. It’s decked out in flowers and goodie bags and other lavish items, and Anna smiles at the small ring of red roses that is clearly from a few fans.
As she gets dressed into her dark red suit, she can’t help but start to feel nervous. She tries to combat the intruding thoughts with logic: if she messes up, she just says it correctly. If she stumbles to the podium, she just recovers. If she says the wrong name, she apologizes and corrects herself. She knows what she has to do and how she can recover if things go wrong, but she can’t help but worry.
She takes a deep breath and moves to the makeup department, which gets her outfit covered before they start with the makeup process. The women working there help calm her down a bit.
“Just a bit worried that I’ll mess things up,” Anna admits softly, eyes closed as eyeshadow is applied.
“I’ve seen your show, you know,” the makeup artist says, “and you’ve killed it each time. You’re going to do just fine, Anna.”
Anna nods, looking down at her notes when she has the chance, a deep breath as she continues to pour over the more intricate names on the cards.
It’s ten minutes to showtime and both she and Henry are waiting for the stream to go live. Just as she’s about to turn off her phone, she gets a barrage of texts from the Queen and Ladies in Waiting group chat: they’re all supportive, they love her, and they cannot wait to see her shine. Her tweeting out the link also brought about many a good wish and excitement. 
People are excited to see her and are excited to watch her do this.
It’s a comforting thought.
“We’re live in two minutes!” says the stage manager, and with a final “love you all and thank you” to the queens and ladies, Anna turns off her phone.
“One minute!”
Anna straightens out her bowtie, taking a deep breath.
“Thirty seconds!”
She and Henry nod at each other, smile, and look forward.
She straightens up.
She looks straight at the prompter.
“Four, three, two-”
The light above the camera goes red. They’re live.
“Hello, and welcome to the nominations ceremony,” Henry says. “I’m Henry.”
“And I’m Anna,” Anna says confidently.
“And we’re here,” Henry continues. “to announce this year’s nominees.” He looks over at Anna. “You know, Anna, I’m honored to be here with you tonight to show off the best talent of the year.”
“I must say,” Anna replies, smiling back. “that you’re the best Henry I’ve ever had the pleasure of having company with.”
They laugh - it’s still a funny joke, even to them - and Henry and Anna turn back to the camera.
“I’m glad to hear it,” Henry says. “And on that note, let’s get to it then, shall we?”
The announcements go well - they go back and forth with the categories, rattling off the names and their productions, wait a moment, and rinse and repeat. There’s no audience, and the studio itself is actually fairly small, so after a few categories Anna feels like it’s just her, Henry, the stage manager and that’s it. The quiet of the room is a comfort, really, and Anna is thankful for it.
It takes about twenty minutes to rattle off all the categories. Once they’re done, Anna has the privledge of signing off the broadcast.
“That concludes our nominations ceremony,” Anna says with a smile. “I’m Anna,”
“And I’m Henry,” Henry says.
“And we thank you for watching. Have a good night and once again, congratulations to all nominees.”
The red light slowly fades out, and Anna and Henry are left standing there smiling at the camera.
“And... we’re out!” the stage manager says. “Nice job, you two, that went really well.”
Anna let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding and instantly laughs, hugging Henry when he offers. 
“Brilliant job, Anna!” Henry says.
“You as well,” Anna replies with a grin. “That was a lot of fun, actually. I’m glad it went well.”
They chat for a bit more, taking a selfie or two together to post on social media, before Anna is brought back to her dressing room. She takes off as much makeup as she can, goes back into her more comfortable clothes, then gets into the limo waiting to take her back home.
It’s then that she turns on her phone... and is delighted to see that people both loved the ceremony but also her outfit. A lot of “#goals” are on tweets and insta posts, and she has to laugh at the very positive reactions. Most of all, however, people loved her and Henry together (something she never thought she’d hear again, to be honest) and everyone seemed to be really impressed with her.
As soon as she gets out of the limo and opens the door to the flat, she puts her things down fast and braces herself. Her instincts are well founded: she’s instantly tackled by a blur of pink-tipped hair, who hugs her as tightly as possible.
“That was brilliant, Anna!” Kat says, followed shortly by Bessie, who hugs her queen tightly. The rest of the group is just behind, excitedly congratulating Anna on a job well done. There’s even a cake to commemorate the event.
When everyone’s calmed down a few hours later, Katherine is asleep in Anna’s lap as Catherine and Anna watch television.
“You really did well today, Anna,” Catherine says with a grin. 
“I really liked doing it, to be honest,” Anna said. “I wasn’t sure how people were going to react to it just being me, but... I really liked it.”
“Of course they loved you, you’re incredible,” Catherine assures.
“I know that,” Anna quips, “but I was afraid...” she frowns, looking down at Katherine, who is fast asleep. “Well, honestly, I was afraid that people wouldn’t want to tune in because it was just me.”
Catherine frowns at that. “Anna-”
“I know what you’re going to say, Catherine, but the truth is... I’m not the most popular out there. I know that.” Anna sighs. “I’ve seen the bad messages, the people being rude, the trolls, I just... was afraid that they were going to overwhelm this.”
“There’s no way-” Catherine continues, but Anna cuts her off.
“Logically, I know that,” Anna replies. “But I couldn’t help but worry. And then, if I got something wrong, or if I mispronounced a name, I thought I’d be done for.” Anna shrugs. “That’s why I was practicing so much. I didn’t want to let anyone down, and I didn’t want to give the trolls an opening.”
Catherine moves to Anna then, and Anna puts her head on Catherine’s shoulder. She’s still gently rubbing up and down Kat’s arm soothingly, keeping the girl asleep, as Catherine continues.
“I’m sorry they’re so bad, babes. I wish you would have told us before this,” Catherine says quietly. “But you were brilliant, and everyone loved you. You’re one of the best public speakers I know, honestly, and I think you did better than Henry.”
Anna smiles at that, so Catherine continues.
“You were incredible, babes. Don’t sell yourself short. You really knocked it out of the park.”
Anna sighs, relaxing a bit into Catherine, and keeps her close.
“Thank you.”
“I didn’t do anything, you know,” Catherine quips. “This was all you. You’re the reason you killed it. I’m proud of you.”
Anna wrapped an arm around Catherine’s shoulders, and she gently kissed the girl’s cheek.
“Dunno what I’d do without you lot,” Anna mumbles. “But I’m glad you’re all here.”
Catherine smiles.
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 24: Their First Scandal
Co-written with @tragicshadows​
Recommended Song: Lost Stars (Cover) by Jungkook
|All Chapters|Masterlist|
Your kiss with Jungkook had gone viral and you can't help but panic about what may happen.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2957
Length: 24/?
Tumblr media
'Congrats on the Jungcock! But...did you know you're currently going viral?'
Viral? The kiss had gone viral already? HOW WERE THERE EVEN PICTURES OF IT?! The ARMY that arrived didn't follow you into the departure lounge.  Unable to stop yourself, you typed ‘Jungkook kiss’ into your phone browser. The first thing you saw was multiple image results all showing the same picture of Jungkook kissing you in the airport. Scrolling down showed you that sites like Allkpop, Koreaboo, Soompi and even KpopViral had written ‘articles’ about the picture. You chose to read Soompi’s as, from what you had seen previously, they weren’t as harsh as other kpop sites.
‘Jungkook Spotted Kissing Woman In Airport
A tearful farewell for now or a heart broken goodbye? According to our sources it is most likely the first. K-ARMY and Korean Media Sites alike showed up at Incheon Airport after the official BTS twitter account (@BTS_twt) was tagged in multiple tweets by international fans about a woman they called ‘Jungkook’s Noona’ leaving Korea to return to Britain. These tweets included which airport the couple would most likely show up at since only one airport near Seoul has flights to Britain.
Following these tweets a crowd of about 20 K-ARMY gathered outside of the airport, waiting to catch a glimpse of their beloved maknae and his mystery woman. Little did either know that the paparazzi were allowed into the departure lounge after informing the airport of their intentions in advance. These picture are the result:’
The first picture was you preparing to leave, then the kiss and then finally a picture of Jungkook sobbing in his seat. You felt your heart ache at the sight of him crying once more.
‘An emotionally charged departure between lovers. Jungkook and BigHit are yet to respond to the pictures. However, it seems Tumblr may hold the identity of his noona since those on Twitter site the infamous blogging site as their source. How will ARMY react to the heart of their maknae being stolen? Only time will tell.’
Panic flooded your thoughts.
'Y/N? Y/N are you okay?'
'No. No, I'm not.'
'Want me to come over?'
You were starting to hyperventilate. Chubs replied instantly saying she was on her way and not even ten minutes later there was a knock on your door. You opened it to reveal her stood there in a fluffy brown onesie, that made her look like a teddy bear, with a backpack slung over her shoulder.
"I have snacks and some films." She opened her arms with a sorry smile, "And hugs." You sniffled and wiped away the fresh wave of tears that travelled down your cheeks. She took you into her arms, "It'll be okay. Jungkook and the rest of Bangtan will fix this, I'm sure."
You nodded and stepped out of her embrace so you could shut the door.
"I-I don't know if he knows yet."
She followed you into your bedroom where you plopped down on the edge of your bed and pulled your knees up to your chest.
"It's viral. There's no way he couldn't know."
The Skype call did end with Bangtan shouting his name... they must have seen it. You could only imagine how he was reacting. Was he as worried as you? Your relationship was brand new, would BigHit make him end it to maintain BTS's reputation and popularity? The thought triggered a new wave of tears and you buried you head in your hands, sucking in deep breaths and letting Jungkook's scent calm you like it had on the flight home.
Chubs took a seat beside you and ran a soothing hand up and down your back.
"You need to either call or message him, find out what's going on his end."
"I-I sh-sh-should probably c-calm down be-f-fore I m-m-message him..." You hiccupped.
"Sounds like a plan."
Chubs got out a DVD from her bag. You didn't have time to see what it was before she was opening the case and sliding a disk into your TV/DVD combo. She then grabbed a bag of sweet and salted popcorn. You grabbed the shark plushie from where you left it on your bed and cuddled it to your chest while the opening credits to The Lego Movie began. She could have put on fucking Sharknado for all you cared. You just needed to be distracted.
Chubs suddenly turned to you and pat the plushie on the nose, "Cute."
"K-Kookie got it f-for me on o-o-our day out. H-he nearly c-called me his g-girlfriend-"
Chubs interrupted you, eyes wide in shock, "HE NEARLY CALLED YOU HIS GIRLFRIEND AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!"
She shook her head disapprovingly while tutting before a sly smile took over her face.
"So, he accidentally called you his girlfriend? How did that happen?"
You blushed as you remembered climbing on his back and the incident that followed.
"The tour guide asked why he, a Korean, was on an English tour and accidentally said 'For my gi-Noona!'."
She let out a loud 'aw' making your blush deepen. You tried to focus on the film.
"What else happened?"
"I'll tell you later."
She pouted but turned her gaze to the film in understanding that you weren't really in the mood to talk about things just yet.
You weren't particularly hungry, yet you considered it another method of distraction and shoved a handful of popcorn into your mouth. While munching away you heard your KKT alert go off. Unlocking your phone, you opened the app. It was Jungkook.
'Something happened. But don't worry Kitten, I'll sort it out. I just got you, I'm not going to give you up.'
Your eyes began to water at the sweet message and you cursed yourself for being so silly and thinking he wouldn't want to be with you after this.
You nudged Chubs and showed her the message.
"See, everything is going to be just fine." She used her fluffy sleeve to catch a tear that had unknowingly fallen down your cheek. "He'd never let anything happen to you."
Another alert.
'Do you mind if I make your song public?'
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
'Of course, I don't mind :) but why?'
'You'll see in about 20 minutes.' You frowned and asked him what he was doing. All he replied with was, 'Trust me.'
You did, so you let him be and placed your phone behind you in an attempt to resist the temptation of checking the time every few seconds.
"What's going on?" Chubs asked, offering you the bowl of popcorn after she took her own handful.
"He's going to make a song he wrote for me public... I think it may be a part of his plan... whatever it is."
You watched as a few pieces of popcorn fell from between her fingers to her lap.
"HE WROTE YOU A SONG?!" She practically shouted causing you to slap a hand over her mouth.
"Yes. But shush! It's late and people are sleeping."
"He wrote you a song?" She repeated in a hushed whisper.
"You didn't know? I thought you were in on his plan."
It was her turn to blush.
"Ah...I see he told you then..." she trailed off and gave you a shy smile. "I didn't know if he wanted you to know or not."
"He told me because I went off about there being fucking MYTEEN on the playlist." You slapped her gently on the arm. "How dare you do that to me!"
"They have a song about wanting their noona to see them as a man. It was perfect! How could I not?"
She had a good point but you wouldn't let her know that.
"He kept asking me who my bias is!"
She shrugged, "So?"
"He insisted he know who was in competition for my attention."
"Aw, he's so cute thinking Yuvinie is competition!"
"Don't mention that name around me!"
She leaned forward, nudging your side with her elbow while saying 'Yuvinie~' in a sing-song voice. You gave her a warning glare that caused her to shrink away with a 'Don't hit me.' You smirked and went back to munching happily on your popcorn. She too turned her attention back to the screen, arms wrapped around herself as if shielding herself from an attack.
"You and Jungkook are very similar. You both destroy fruit with body parts and you both threaten to hit people."
A proud smile found it's way onto your face, all traces of your earlier tears gone.
"I guess the Thigh Power Couple is official now."
Twenty minutes later while you and Chubs were giggling away at the childish nature of Lego Batman when both of your phones got a notification. It was the official BTS twitter account. The tweet contained the date followed by 'Jungkook Log' and a link to a YouTube video. This must've been what he was planning.
You clicked the link and angled your phone so the two of you could see.
'Hello, this is Jungkook from BTS. I won't bother mentioning the date since I reckon this is going to be a memorable day thanks to a certain picture that was published.'
Your eyebrows drew together when you noticed he was speaking English with Korean subtitles.
'I'm sure a lot of you know by now, but I want to tell you what happened and how that picture came about.'
The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile as he ran a hand through his hair.
'The woman in that picture is my Jagiya, my Noona, Y/N. We met... we met at a fansign in her country post concert. I asked her to tutor me in English since she wanted to teach it as a career path... It's been four months since I first called her.' He chuckled, 'Seems like it's been longer.'
Chubs made some comment about him being 'smitten' but you hushed her and she fell silent.
'During those four months, she's visited me twice here in Korea where we hung out as friends. She's met the other members, who all love her, and the majority of staff at the company too.'
A little clip of the members making you have a dance off appeared against Namjoon and Jin appeared and you recognised Jimin's giggles. The short ball of mochi had filmed the embarrassing moment?! The clip cut off before you could look too much like an idiot.
'Just before she visited for the first time, I realised I had feelings for her. But I was too chicken to confess while she was here.'
Since before your first visit? He didn't tell you that. And he'd been holding back for so long?
'So, I roped in a few people to help put together this elaborate confession that after weeks of planning finally came to fruition less than twenty-four hours ago. I'll skip over some details, but ultimately I turned to music to tell her how I felt.' He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, 'What I didn't anticipate was how having her there in front of me again would make me want to show her just how felt. How it would make me want to throw away the plan.’
You smiled softly at the Jungkook on screen and even let Chubs quietly 'aw'.
'So, I did.' His cheeks grew a faint shade of pink. 'I, uh...kissed her just before she boarded the flight hoping it would be enough to break through her obliviousness so she knew how much I loved her.' He mumbled the last part, ducking his head shyly as his blush spread from his ears to his neck.
But then he was frowning, 'I don't regret what I did but I won't say I'm not angry at myself. I should've known the media would've been there to invade my privacy if ARMY had turned up to invade it too.'
You sighed, not liking or agreeing with how he was blaming himself for not knowing. How was anyone to know that someone would have made it to departures?
'I would like to ask ARMY and everyone including media and news sites to please respect us, and more importantly my Noona.' His tongue swiped across his lips, probably to moisten them thanks to nerves, 'She didn't ask for this. She didn't ask to be a part of my life, I asked her... You're probably wondering about why I'm talking in English with Korean subtitles. One, it's to make sure this message as clear as possible. Two, to show you what a wonderful job she did at tutoring me. That being said, our relationship has just begun and I will not give it up, so please, don't hate my Noona. Don't demonize her. She did nothing wrong apart from being really oblivious.'
He chuckled and you and Chubs giggled along. No one was going to let you live it down, ever, by the sounds of it.
'I hope you all wish us good luck for the future and take care of us. Thank you, ARMY. Annyeong.'
The video ended with a link coming on screen. Tapping on it out of curiosity, you found yourself watching a familiar video of him with his guitar. You wondered why he linked it at the end. You were brought out of your thoughts by Chubs grabbing your phone out of your hand to get a better look at the video.
"This is the song he wrote for you?"
You nodded, "He asked me if he could make it public. I don't mind. I think it's good for people to hear the development of our relationship in a song."
Chubs nodded and focus on the video in front of her. You, on the hand, were itching to see what was happening on tumblr when it was mentioned in the song. As soon as the song came to a close and Chubs passed you the phone, you hurriedly went to Tumblr, humming every so often when Chubs gushed about the pictures he included in the song.
The first thing you noticed was how many messages flooded your inbox.
It would be a lie to say you weren't nervous about opening it. Who knew how much hate could be hidden there? So, with a deep breath, you tapped the icon. The first message you saw was from an anon saying 'FUCKING FINALLY! DID HE GIVE YOU THE JUNGCOCK?' A high-pitched squeal slipped from your lips and Chubs looked at you in alarm.
"What is it?!"
"People are asking if I got the Jungcock! Where's the hate? The death threats? The ARMYs saying they'd kill to be in my position?"
You scrolled down your inbox until one message stood out to you.
"Ah, here they are. 'Jungkook deserves better than you.' God, I thought my messages were going to be full of pervs."
"Block any that send hate. That is my command as captain of your ship!" Chubs brought her hand to her heart as if to show how honoured she felt to be 'captain'.
"Doing it!" You went through your inbox, ignoring the messages as you opened them so to block and delete them.
Chubs took out her own phone and went about posting Jungkook's Log and ‘The Fairground’s video while The Lego Batman Movie reached its climax in the background. You took a quick screenshot of your, now hate free, inbox and sent it to Jungkook.
'Apparently most only care about knowing if you got laid.'
He replied a few minutes later with a frowning emoji.
'Noona's followers are perverts.'
'They're fangirls, it's to be expected.'
'Does this make my Jagi a fangirl AND a pervert?'
You chuckled and typed out a response. However, out of the corner of your eye you couldn't help but see Chubs looking at you strangely.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Kookie is very naive about how a fangirl's mind works." You giggled.
Chubs rose an eyebrow.
You sent 'NO!' to Jungkook then turned to Chubs who had locked her phone and folded her arms, waiting for you to say something.
"Are you two being dirty? Should I leave?"
Your eyes went wide. Dirty? Sure, you had written smut about him but you never actually thought about... doing that with him. You had only just got into a relationship with him!
"Of course not!"
You went back to scrolling through tumblr to distract yourself and your jaw dropped at something Jungkook had reblogged. It was a petition titled ‘Get Jungkook's Noona To Korea'. Jungkook had added a caption saying, 'I'm trying'.
He was trying? To what? Get you to Korea?
The thought caused your mouth to go dry as you imagined getting on a plane without having booked a return flight.
"Hey, have you seen- oh, you're looking at it too..."
"What... what do you think it means?"
"Maybe he's planning another trip for you."
You sighed, mind flitting back to all the times he suggested flying you back out, and that one time you got upset.
"I told him not to..."
"Look," Chubs grabbed the TV remote and paused the film which had finished and was running its end credits, then turned to you. "You've had a long day. Why don't you just forget about it for tonight?"
"...Okay... I guess there's one thing about what's happened I can be happy about."
Chubs leant forward in interest, "What would that be?"
Your fingers went up to trace over your lips before you smiled.
"There's a picture of mine and Kookie's first kiss. A precious memory captured."
She grinned too, "Not many people can say they have a picture of their first kiss with their partner. You're lucky, Y/N."
A/N: @tragicshadows is away right now so this chapter isn't as well edited as it normally is. Usually, she does the final checks and stuff since I'm dyslexic and don't notice grammatical or spelling mistakes that well. Anyway, CHUBS HAS FINALLY APPEARED IN PERSON! Also we know it's short but we didn't want to try and cram too much into one chapter or it would just be messy. We have another pole for you >here< about which chapters you would like to see a JK POV of.
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orulyon-sama · 10 years
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The art of Yuni Yukimura.
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