#she sees any character with headphones and shes like omg! just like my baby girl! :D
dhmis-autism · 2 years
update on watching dhmis with my mom; we are on transport, she immidiately noticed the lesley lisence plates in the animated sequence on her own and kept guessing which character was named lesley
the car died and she went ohh poor lesley :( and the GPS showed up and she was like OH! that must be lesley because thats a girl!
also for all u duck kin truthers out there she doubled down on comparing me to him and said that "its ok that you dont want to be him, but you are" so thts great for my allegations ; v ; )
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livycheshire · 1 year
❄️~°• Arctic's heart •°~❄️
❄️~part 4~❄️
When Red thought her day couldn't get any better, she's faced with expulsion, until she finds out she has a package that's going to change her life.
Disclaimer: I do not own happy tree friends, I have made this au with the help of @thetravelerstale, I do not own Flippy, Flakey, Flipqy or Tiger general, I only gave them last names and first names for the storyline, everything else, plotline and other characters belong to me.
Warning: mild language, time skip and pov changes
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~°no one's POV°~
A week later, it was a Tuesday. Red was walking towards the classroom buildings in the early hours of the morning, humming softly as she had her headphones in her ears, as she basked in the morning dew, and humidity. While the sun was slowly waking from the East. Red sighed to herself "thank God, I don't have to deal with her anymore… wait… did he even post it?" She thought aloud, before sighing and shaking her head.
"What does it even matter?" She said as she continued on her way, humming softly to a song stuck in her head.
She looks at the sky, watching as the birds fly overhead, chirping a morning tune as they sing together. Smiling softly as she saw one of the birds fly into a nest, as small chirps can be heard. As a mama bird, feeds her babies.
She smiles and walks by, holding her book bag And closing her eyes, lifting her head a bit, as the morning rays of light, brighten her skin, warming her in the cool fall air. She sighed happily as her short tail swayed slightly. Before she got to thinking.
'If it's true… What will happen when I leave? Of course the obvious thing is I'll be leaving behind Justin and a degree that I'll never be able to get, but it's all for the greater good.' she thought, sighing in a melancholy way. Before opening her eyes once more and freezing in her tracks as she saw Marie and her flock.
'ohhh boy… maybe I can avoid her if I just ignore her and move on.' she thought as she tried to quietly sneak past the group of girls. Keyword, tired.
"OMG! Red!" Red froze once more at Marie's voice, as said woman giggled sweetly and walked towards the girl, as she sighs internally in dismay.
'damn it…' Red thought before looking at the feline and gave her her best fake smile. "H-hi Marie." She said through gritted teeth, as Marie smiles.
"We're going to the club again, would you like to come? Maybe we can meet that hunk of a man you found last month" she smirks as her friends surround the poor girl.
"No, not this time… I'm staying away from that. I'm not going to make the same mistake again." Red said confidently, before it dwindled seeing Marie's face turn sour.
"Red~" Marie warned as she giggled "I'm not getting any younger honey, so here's what's going to happen~" she hummed, giggling more. Before her claws come out, causing Red to flinch back.
"You're going to tell me where that man is so I can get My fill. Besides, who would love a washed up bitch like you huh? A weak, useless whore like you." Marie growled out, as Red tried to back up, only to get pushed to the ground.
However, Red growled out "I'm the whore?" She said softly, disbelief and anger clouding her mind as her face scrunched fiercely. "I'M THE WHORE?! Well maybe you should look in a mirror for once!!" Red screamed out in a rage as she got up and made eye contact with Marie. Of course, attracting others' attention.
"Oh if I had a penny for every guy you'd slept with, I'd be rich! And the irony in the sentence you had just sprouted shows how much of a bitch you are!!" Red shouted, causing the people around them to 'oooh' at what Red said. Causing Marie to scowl, but before she could say anything, Red continued.
"Let's also not forget that you also slept with the entire freaking college football team!! And not only that but the entire college staff! If anything the list goes on and on! You, Marie, are the biggest whore out there!!" She growled out, her quills flared and her face red with anger. Shocking everyone, including Marie.
"I hope you get expelled, Marie, because you are using college to run Daddy's money to the ground…" Red growled, before walking away with her head down, as everyone quickly moved out of her way, as she headed to class.
It's then that she started texting Justin. Before she put her phone away, just as everyone's phones started going off.
When Red got into the classroom, she stopped to see Hana and the headmaster.
Both people stopped their conversation and looked at her. "Ah, Ms. Sinclair." The headmaster said to Red with his arms in front of him, as he looked down at his phone. "So nice of you to join us" he says before turning his attention towards Red, as she gulps and straightens up "h-hello s-sir… I'm so sorry I didn't realize-" "realize that me and your professor were in a meeting? Yes, I can clearly see why." He cuts her off as Red looks down, while he continues on.
"Ms. Sinclair, we have a very strict policy on this, that could lead to suspension or expulsion." He stated, but his words cut through Red like a knife, causing her eyes to widen, panic, settling in her stomach.
"But, from what happened just minutes ago… I came to a conclusion." The headmaster said, as Red gulped in fear "a-and th-that is?" She inquired softly, shaking lightly as she waited for his answer.
"Well, since Ms. Marie hasn't been improving in this class, I'd figure she's been causing trouble. But that display between you both leads to no resolution for Both of you. After this day, I suggest you both pack up and head back home" the headmaster says, causing Red to shake her head "but sir please! I-i need this degree! It's the only promise I made to my mother!" She said, Her voice raising unintentionally as her worry started getting to her.
"Then I suggest you show that, otherwise I'll expell you both!" The headmaster says harshly, causing Red to flinch backwards and her quills to lower as she looks down "yes, Sir." "And-" the headmaster continued "should any more problems arise, see yourself out of my college, understand?" He questioned as Red nodded, before giving him a small 'yes, Sir.'
With that he gave a curt dismissal nod, as Red, heads to her desk and sits down, just as every one of her classmates start to filter in. she sighs and looks down at her desk, avoiding any eye contact with anyone.
'Yep definitely the worst day…' she sighs softly, before paying attention to the class.
~•Time Skip•~
After class was over, Red sighs, rubbing her temple as she walks back to her dorm. Trying to dispel the growing headache she was experiencing. "God, did I not drink enough water yesterday?" She thought aloud.
"No, because I had a whole water bottle, and then another thing of water…" she stopped to think "now that I think about it I have been getting dehydrated a lot more lately… but it's probably because…" she paused "because…" she repeated, but her mind drew a blank.
"Why can't I think of anything? I mean sure it could have been because I've been sick, but even then, Justin always made sure I was fine and always drinking water…" Red sighs and looks down "plus I really don't want to go to the hospital…  not after…" a seldom fell over her face, as she shakes her head.
"No, no, no. Don't think about that." She slapped her cheeks a few times, before sighing. "Let's just get back and take a nap… I'm socially drained." She huffs as she continues walking.
After a while, when Red made it to her dorm, she was exhausted. Panting and puffing from the slight exhaustion, before shaking her head and opening the door, sluggishly walking in and shutting the door.
She sighed and flops on the couch groaning, "my feet hurt, head hurts, and everything hurts" she huffs and closes her eyes, her face scrunched into a light scowl. "Officially the worst day ever…" she sighs as her small ears flatten against her head.
Justin looks at her and tilts his head, "I'm telling you, it could have been a false negative. Plus we can head to the hospi-" he jumped as Red looked straight at him shouting "NO!" Before she flops her head back down.
"I hate hospitals, always have, always will" she huffs and sighs before flopping her head back onto the couch "i-i don't know… I'm sorry, Justin but hospitals scare me…"
"Well, I know a place that does ultrasounds, with accurate readings and stuff, but we can take another test, just to be sure." Justin smiles softly before getting up from his desk and going towards her, before crouching down beside her.
"I just want to make sure you're safe Red, college is a stressful place, and from reading up on pregnancies, stress is bad for the baby" he said as he laid his head on her arm "so come on, just this once."
Red sighs "fine, but still, I don't know if I'll keep it. I mean, I don't want to raise it alone but I don't want to put it up for adoption or worse…" she looks down.
Justin sighs before hugging her tightly "look, I'll help you through this. If you don't want to raise it, then I will… but it's all your decision." He says rubbing her back as she snuggles him. "Why does it feel like the world is out to get me?"
"Because, it happens at our lowest… when no one else is there to lift us up." He says before sighing and smiling, "but that's why I'm here Red, to help you." He says pulling away a bit and lifting her chin, as she smiles slightly.
"Thanks Justin." He smiles widely "no problem."
~•°time skip°•~
~°Red's POV°~
I sighed, fiddling with my hands as My nerves were through the roof. 'What if I really am pregnant? What if I'm not a good mother? What if-? what if-?!' "Red!" "Gah-!" I yelped as Justin called out my name, making my quills spring up in a panic as I breathed heavily, completely forgetting he came with me.
I looked at him as he crouched in front of me, staring back at me. "Hey, it's going to be ok." He said rubbing my knee in a comforting way as I sighed and nodded. "Ok" I say, as I lean back in my chair and look at the pale ceilings.
A few minutes go by, before we're finally called back, by his mother. A woman who treats me as her own. And my doctor at the moment.
"Alright, let's get this started." She said before instructing me on what to do, before she puts the gel on me, causing me to shiver slightly.
As I looked towards the screen, I was starting to get nervous, but then… we see it.
I gasped, as I stared at the screen with wide eyes.
"I-i'm…" I stutter in disbelief.
"Oh, Red…" Justin trails off, as he hugs me tightly. As I start to tear up.
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Meant To Be
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Harrison’s Character’s attitude is fictional.  
Were you ever going to tell me?
You did not call. You did not text, nothing.
I am fine thanks for asking.
Harrison and you have been dating for 3 years now and it is what you call a perfect relationship to the public but at home, things were a little off making you emotionally unstable around him. It started one day where Harrison came home from hanging out with the boys at Tom's house and normally it would be okay, but he had just come home from filming and you missed him. "Haz, is that you?"  you called out as you walk out of your shared bedroom and go towards the front door watching him come in. As he takes off his shoes and puts his jacket on the hanger, I see how tense his body is making me concerned. "Baby, are you ok? Did something happen at Tom's?" you asked gently, no response comes from him as he walks to the fridge to grab a beer and goes to sit down on the couch. I sit down next to him and go to grab his hand; he lets me but does not hold it back like he usually does. I ask again slowly "Harrison did something happen? Why are you not talking to me?" and face him to see his response. So I tried the next thing that I know will get his attention and so I face him and gently cup his face and tried to kiss him expect he turns his head so I end up kissing his cheeks instead of his lips. I move my hand away and get up from the couch as I am walking away I try my final attempt to make him feel better and say" Fine I see how it is when your ready to talk to me I am in the bedroom" I slowly walk to the bedroom and when I am about to step into the bedroom I hear Harrison mumble to himself "Finally I am alone." I start to tear up so I shut the door and turn on the tv to drown the noises of my sobbing. Its been a few hours now and I realize I have not had dinner, so I walk out after freshening up and making myself presentable. I have not forgotten that Haz is home, but he still has not come to talk to me yet so I will make food and eat in the room. As I am walking by the living room I see that he is now playing video games with his headphones on talking most likely to the boys, I feel better now I can make food without worrying he might come into the kitchen. I start to warm up my food as I hear "I am fine Thank you for asking, you are not going to make me any dinner" in an accusing tone and I see that he has gotten up from the couch and was standing in the kitchen doorway. "Would you like me to make you dinner?" I  ask even though he is not being the Harrison I know "No, I had dinner at Tom's", I snap at that comment "then why did you ask me that if you already ate." I retort. "well a good girlfriend cooks for her boyfriend" He talks back as he walks towards me. I back up a little as I sassily say "Well It would be nice to get a call or text saying hey I am going to eat dinner don't wait up for me. But not You did not call. You did not text, nothing." "Well, I don't have to tell you what I do or where I go. I only tell you, so you don't get hurt if I post anything if I go out with you." I gasp shocked he is bringing it up again, remembering the one time I got upset that he went to the pub with the boys and I had thought we were going to have a date night so I had asked him if he was coming over and he had said he is busy. Then during the evening Tom posted a picture and when Harrison came home, I confronted him about it, and he overreacted.  I hear the buzzer go off from the microwave and so I get my food not saying another word to Harrison as I walk by him. He laughs cruelly "wow, you would just walk away. Not even defend yourself. This is not who I loved" I shake my head and walk faster towards the bedroom and slam the door as I sit down to eat. I heard the past tense of him saying loved and did not want to believe that he didn't love me anymore.
That night goes off rough as I get ready for bed expected him to sleep on the couch for, he acted but he would not do that he is too proud to say that he wrong. I lay on my side of the bed and could not fall asleep, so I stayed awake for a little bit getting lost in my thoughts. I hear the bedroom door open and can hear Harrison walk towards the bathroom and then felt him climb into bed, usually he would wrap his arms around me and wish me good night but he just slept on his side his back towards me. I know that I can not sleep if I not in his arm's, so I move closer to him and wrap my arms around him. I feel him grab my hands and kiss them gently whispering "I am sorry, I am being rude you don't deserve it, the movie was just tiring don't think this is about you." "It is okay, just please to make me feel small I do not need to be treated like that." He turns around so your laying on his chest while he held you close and you both fell asleep.
The next couple of weeks things got better except one Saturday night, we were supposed to have a movie date night, but he said the boys needed help with something and he had to go. He saw my face drop and said "I can stay home with you if you want" "No, go you are needed, it's okay" "okay baby, I will be back as soon as possible" He says and kisses me softly as he walks by to walk out the door. I go on upon my evening like a normal day and got bored, so I decided to drop off some Nando's to the boys so that they did not have to cook. After picking up the order I headed to Tom's excited to see the boys. I rang the doorbell and heard Tom yelling "I got the door" and as he opened the door, he was surprised to see me with a bag full of Nando's. "Come in Y/n/n it's been a while I missed you." I smile and hug him once the food is placed in the kitchen. "look who's here and she brought us dinner." "Omg, it has been too long" Harry claims and comes to hug me. This feeling of being missed is amazing, but I was wondering where Harrison was. "Where's Haz tonight?" you asked casually as you set the table. "I should be asking you that, I have not seen him since that one weekend he came back," Tom replies happily. It suddenly clicks and I try to stay calm knowing something is going on because if he has not been coming here every time, he leaves the house than where has he been going. My thoughts turn negative thinking the worst and I snap myself out of it knowing I am surrounded right now by two boys that love me. Tom senses something is wrong and as he is about to answer I run into the bathroom with tears streaming down my face. I hear the door open and hear Tom say" Harrison what are you doing here?" I hear Harrison say, "I told Y/N that I would be coming here, and I just finished a great date with Sally." After hearing that I washed my face and left the restroom to go to the backyard to calm down.
Tom realizes what is going and signals Harry not to say anything. Tom" Who is Sally again?" "Sally is a wedding planar that I have been sneaking off to see and she is helping plan my proposal," Harrison says with a smile on his face. Tom stands frozen for a second and then realizes that you might think he is cheating on you, so he quickly runs to the kitchen and sees that you are not there. "tom what are you doing?" Tom hopes that you had not left then he saw you sitting on the steps of the porch. "Harrison listens to me Y/N is here in the back yard; she came here looking for you and she may think that you are cheating so I would go and propose now or make something up on the spot." "OK, I will do it now I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her," Harrison says as he holds the ring box in his hand. "Good luck bro, next time tell what you're doing then you will not get caught," Tom says and winks as he walks away. Harrison hesitantly walks to the backyard where you are located as he approaches you closer his heart beats faster and he is suddenly nervous. He opens and the door and sees you look up at him then down where you are playing with the bracelet he bought you for an anniversary, he smiles happily that you are still wearing that special present. He sits down silently next to you and you start by saying" Were you ever going to tell me?" I look at him as I finish, and he looks nervous as he stands up and walks in front of you, you stand up confused and wait for him to say something. " I know you are thinking Sally is a mistress but baby you are wrong, she is someone who is helping me with something important that you always seem to know is about to happen. I know that things have been kind of rough between us at times, but we always come back to each other at the end of the night. I knew the minute we got together I would marry you. You are my best girl and it will always stay that way." He stops talking and kneels on one knee and says" will you make me the happiest man and be my wife?" I stand shocked for a moment and look Harrison in the eyes seeing that he meant every word. "You are the most stubborn and infuriating man but at the same time handsome and sweet. I cannot even imagine living without you. Yes, I will marry you." I say wholeheartedly. He cheers wrapping his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He places the beautiful ring that has gorgeous small ruby is surrounding the diamond. As we walk towards inside the house hand in hand, I see Tom and Harry smiling and high five each other when they see the ring on my finger. We walk towards the car after thanking the boys for the wonderful night to celebrate our engagement. 😉
@peachyxholland​ @parkerpeter24​ @littlekidsteve​ @tom-holland-is-spiderman​
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kangtaebins · 3 years
Weird Asks That Say A Lot
I said I was going to just answer all of these bc of boredom,, and so here I am
1. Coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Teacups are aesthetically pleasing idc what anyone says
2. Chocolate bars or lollipops? Lollipops
3. Bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy supremacy
4. How did your elementary school teachers describe you? I was told that I was a leader a lot, and was told that I was very intelligent. Ah yes, I suffered from gifted kid burn out in high school-
5. Do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Look, plastic cups are the best. Specifically the ones with the lids and reusable straws
6. Pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? It truly depends on the day bc some days I would say goth and other days I’d say grunge, but most days- pastel
7. Earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
8. Movies or TV shows? TV shows bc- idk actually I’m just not a movie person
9. Favorite smell in the summer? I have a weird obsession with the smell of cheap sunscreen and I have no clue why
10. Game you were best at in p.e.? I hated gym in high school and rarely participated despite the teacher being irritated with me (truly she gave up after a few months bc I really did not care at all) HOWEVER- I went to town in volleyball and still enjoy playing volleyball v much
11. What do you have for breakfast on an average day? I don’t eat breakfast often,,, 
12. Name of your favorite playlist? Probably my Navy or Indigo playlist
13. Lanyard or key ring? Key ring 
14. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Anything green apple!!!
15. Favorite book you read as a school assignment? I actually genuinely enjoyed Romeo And Juliet tbh
16. Most comfortable position to sit in? I always curl up in a ball on the couch, but in a chair I manspread ngl
17. Most frequently worn pair of shoes? Nike slides <//3
18. Ideal weather? Between 50-70 degrees, sunny but not warm, being able to wear a hoodie and not be hot or cold
19. Sleeping position? I usually either sleep on my left side or on my stomach (my back once in a while when it’s hurting bc I’m a hag)
20. Preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? I write on my phone more than anything
21. Obsession from childhood? Hm- I was really obsessed with High School Musical as a kid. My friend and I would put it on and lip sync to the songs and pretend we were the characters
22. Role model? Is it- wrong to say myself? Bc I feel like that sounds arrogant but genuinely it’s bc I’m constantly trying to better myself mentally and learn and grow. Idk I just am proud of who I am and look to myself when I need to find motivation
23. Strange habits? Strange? Idk if it’s strange but I’m constantly twiddling with the hem of my sleeves bc I love the feeling of it
24. Favorite crystal? Citrine 
25. First song you remember hearing? WH- bitch idk tf
26. Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Stay tf inside in the air conditioning
27. Favorite activity to do in cold weather? Stay tf inside in the heat
28. Five songs to describe you? To describe me?? Girl idk I'm all over the place. How about songs that resonate with me instead,,, Alive by Khalid, Paranoid by Lauv, Phobia by Dvwn, Fake Smile by Ariana Grande, and Breathin by Ariana Grande
29. Best way to bond with you? Truly I'm not very difficult to get along with, just don't be an asshole. Talk to me about psychology, current events, say Soobin is the cutest to exist idk it's not that hard
30. Places that you find sacred? I- hm. I'm not like a church person or anything so idk. Maybe just anything really old or places with very detailed and unique architecture
31. What outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? I don't own many clothes,,, let alone nice clothes. I also don't really dress to impress I'd much rather be comfortable
32. Top five favorite vines? Oh god if I h a d to pick???? The lipstick in the Valentino bag, they were roommates, it's an avocado- thaaanks, jared 19, and uh,,, zach stooppp you're gonna get in trouble
33. Most used phrase in your phone? Tbh it's probably "girl what-" or "no bc"
34. Advertisements you have stuck in your head? That 877-CASH-NOW ONE JFC
35. Average time you fall asleep? Between 11pm-1am
36. What is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Probably the troll face one or smth
37. Suitcase or duffel bag? Suitcase
38. Lemonade or tea? I mix them together!
39. Lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon meringue pie bc I don't really like cake
40. Weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Y'all I- went to a hs/college mixed school,, I've seen it all. Weirdest?? Idk but one weird thing I remember was when we were making whistles in art and some dude made a penis whistle 😭
41. Last person you texted? My best friend :))
42. Jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets
43. Hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Hoodie 100%
44. Favorite scent for soap? I love soaps that smell like soap. Like ok duh I know that sounds dumb but yk what I mean? I don't want lemon or mint or whatever, I like the plain soap smell
45. Which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy
46. Most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Oversized t-shirt, no pants. I question anyone that is comfortable sleeping with pants on-
47. Favorite type of cheese? Feta!
48. If you were a fruit, what kind would you be? I feel like I'd be a pineapple and I have no clue why
49. What saying or quote do you live by? Not necessarily a quote but more of a thought: live for yourself, enjoy each day, do what gives you joy
50. What made you laugh the hardest you ever have? I have had so many instances in which I have laughed so hard I peed and to even attempt to name one is impossible
51. Current stresses? Making sure my family gets their vaccines and stays safe
52. Favorite font? I don't think I have one? Anything except comic sans
53. What is the current state of your hands? What does this even mean 💀 I mean,, they're holding my phone, cold, and my nails are unpolished
54. What did you learn from your first job? That people are assholes but I'm capable of not giving a fuck bc life is not that damn serious
55. Favorite fairy tale? Is The Three Little Pigs considered a fairy tale?
56. Favorite tradition? Putting up the Christmas tree with my mom :( it's always a lot of fun
57. The three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Depression, grief, and hopefully one day- smth I'm currently dealing with
58. Four talents you’re proud of having? Makeup!! But also: singing, crying on command, and tying cherry stems with my tongue
59. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Sick of these bitches
60. If you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? I don't watch anime so idk
61. Favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? It's this line from Eleanor & Park: "Eleanor was right: She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something."
62. Seven characters you relate to? Holy hell, 7?? Probably won't get that many but hm,,, Darlene from Roseanne, Hermione from Harry Potter, Emily from Pretty Little Liars maybe?? Idk I suddenly blanked
63. Five songs that would play in your club? As if it's Your Last by BP, anything from SHINee, anything from Ariana, also anything Rihanna, just a bunch of women tbh
64. Favorite website from your childhood? FUCKING WEBKINZ BRO
65. Any permanent scars? I have a few on my arms idk where they came from tbh, I also have one on my hand from my sister 🧍🏻‍♀
66. Favorite flower(s)? Sunflowers!!! I also really love lilacs 💔
67. Good luck charms? My dog's collar that I wear as a bracelet
68. Worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? Licorice-
69. A fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? It takes repeating a piece of information 12 times at random to memorize it completely
70. Left or right handed? Right
71. Least favorite pattern? Fucking chevron- and realistic camo, and anything with the American flag
72. Worst subject? Yall im awful at history. American history, world history, all of it-
73. Favorite weird flavor combo? Either pickles and peanut butter or cheese and grapes
74. At what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? I'm stubborn but also always in pain so I've become numb to a lot of body pains. I have to be at like a 7-8 before I take smth otherwise I'd always be taking it
75. When did you lose your first tooth? I was probably like 5 I was definitely in Kindergarten
76. What’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? I fw baked potatoes
77. Best plant to grow on a windowsill? I have a love for succulents
78. Coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Oh my- I don't drink coffee but coffee from a gas station
79. Which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Driver's license for sure
80. Earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones
81. Fireflies or lightning bugs? I say both,, but I think I say lightning bugs more
82. PC or console? PC
83. Writing or drawing? Both
84. Podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts definitely
84. Barbie or polly pocket? Barbie
85. Fairy tales or mythology? Fairy tales
86. Cookies or cupcakes? C o o k i e s
87. Your greatest fear? Losing people I love
88. Your greatest wish? To live comfortably and be a great mother
89. Who would you put before everyone else? My family
90. Luckiest mistake? Guessing on 90% of a test and getting an A 💀
91. Boxes or bags? Bags are easier to carry-
92. Lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Fairy lights!!
93. Nicknames? Sam, Sammi, my sister calls me Sams, my best friend calls me Bub, and my gf calls me Baby if that counts- 👀
94. Favorite season? Fall omg it's gorgeous and has perfect temperatures
95. Favorite app on your phone? ✨tumblr✨
96. Desktop background? Its literally a pic of Soobin, Taehyun, and Beomgyu
97. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Like 4-5
98. Favorite historical era? The one where white people learn their fucking place and stop being racist, homophobic, classist, sexist, all the -ists and -phobics,,,, so none. Fuck history :))
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bluerosesburnblue · 4 years
Nothing upsets me more than a legitimately good story being ruined by “extra” content. I’ve already complained at length about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon’s story changes over the original games so now it’s The World Ends With You: Final Remix’s “A New Day’s” turn because CHRIST
I’m writing this as I come across points while watching a playthrough, so:
God, Coco is the single most insufferable being. “totez hilar” just dated this content so baaaad, and I’d even say it was dated language when Final Remix came out. No other character abuses modern slang as their entire character. Like, slang is used but not as a substitute for personality. Beat speaks in a very casual, urban style but it never ends up being detrimental to his character as a bit of a punk with a “perfect little sister” that he wasn’t as naturally smart as, so he just gave up on trying and ended up being a bit of an aggressive slacker. Heck, he tones it down a bit for emotional moments, too. Coco, though, comes across like her ultra-modern “cutesy” text message slang is supposed to be her personality, and even when it’s revealed that she’s the villain of the episode you just can’t take her seriously through the “like, ohmigosh, I can’t believe you’re ruining my plaaaaaans” bullshit. What does she have going for her if you rewrite all of her lines without that speaking style? She’s just a generic manipulative brat
Frankly I also just disagree with the entire premise of A New Day and the plot threads it sets up for a potential sequel, i.e. “having Neku and Beat run through a game again as a trap to get Neku into yet another game in a possible sequel.” TWEWY is a complete experience and had been for at least a decade. Literally every character had a complete arc. The worldbuilding was rich enough that they had more than enough to come up with a sequel set in the same world, but in an entirely different town with an entirely new cast and, heck, even entirely new rules for the Game that would’ve expanded upon the world of the games without taking away from the characters whose time in the Underground was already done
But, noooooooo, we’ve gotta bring Neku back. Can’t have a game without Neku they literally SAY THAT (”The Game, like, literally can’t go on without Neku.”). And let’s bring Minamimoto back, too, as a good guy! The fans loved him! This doesn’t come across as pandering at all!
Just... you have the girl with the red headphones designed! Make the sequel set in Shinjuku with her as the main character! (Hell, I don’t think I would have even minded Minamimoto coming back for that because there was enough leeway in the base TWEWY for him to have survived his encounter with Josh, just leave Neku out of it). This is the most infuriating part because it actually takes away from Neku’s story. The entire GAME was a test of character to see if even the worst, most closed off person could learn empathy and respect and Neku DID. And in return, that sparked a change in Josh. His story is done. Coco using Neku, though, has nothing to do with him as a character and everything to do with him being the face of the game and it shows
And why the hell is Neku so trusting of Coco anyway? I get that he opened up over the course of TWEWY, that was kind of the point. But you come back to life, everything’s fine, and then suddenly you’re in a death game again and so is one of your best friends, like, he should be WAY more concerned and suspicious. But one little Reaper gives him the sad eyes and he just caves instantly like “fine, come along.” Even when Neku grew to like some of the Reapers, like Uzuki and Kariya, it was still far more of a rival-like respect. He knew damn well that it was their job to see him gone and while he accepted their help when they gave it and helped them when their lives were in danger (possibly, up to player choice), they weren’t buddy-buddy with each other, knowing that as soon as the immediate danger to them had passed they’d be on opposite sides again. And these are the Reapers he’s closest to, even at the end of the game. And then all of a sudden Coco goes “but I’m a wittle wost baby weaper” and Neku’s response is, “well, shit, welcome to the team.” WHAT
I hate using the term “Mary Sue” but Coco is absolutely a Mary Sue in its original meaning. The plot bends over backwards to accommodate her at the expense of the main characters’ personalities or reason, all while giving her a clothing style incongruous with everyone else’s meant to stand out and make her look special and not having her face any repercussions for her actions (so far which is, again, another issue with the very premise of A New Day since that’s exactly how things will end off if TWEWY doesn’t get a sequel, the possibility of which is not a guarantee AT ALL)
Shiki and Rhyme start saying blatantly false things about themselves and handwaving it away with “ohhh, that must have been our new Entry Fee! Just the exact same ones as the first time again!” and only BEAT is suspicious and NEITHER OF THEM are suspicious of Coco, the only non-generic Reaper they’ve met so far. Christ, I appreciate Beat being attentive with matters of his sister because that’s in-character but NEKU was always the more paranoid AND observant one yet all he thinks about is “gee, I’m sure having weird visions today, huh?”
And then Coco starts BLATANTLY gaslighting them about Kariya and Uzuki’s personalities and they’re STILL not suspicious of her like ughhhhhhhhhhh. Nekuuuuuuu you LIVED THROUGH JOSH WEEK 2, you have BEEN IN A SITUATION where the mastermind partnered up with you to divert your suspicion and keep an eye on you how are you less suspicious of this brat than Beat is???
And why are none of the characters bringing up the fact that you have to be DEAD to be in the Game??? You all spent three weeks of hell to claw your way back to life, how are you not more upset about what seems like you all dying again, basically immediately after you just got brought back? And I know the Shiki and Rhyme in A New Day are illusions, but Neku and Beat AREN’T. Nobody even comments on the implication that they’re dead again and what that means!
I can’t believe they made new expressions for the fake Josh’s changed personality but still refuse to make anything for Shiki’s true appearance
Hell, there’s enough lore with Josh that you could make an entire prequel about him becoming the Composer instead of this mess and, you know, EXPAND on someone’s character and what led to him being so disillusioned with Shibuya as the Composer instead of employing the Happy Ending Rewrite on Neku and then gutting his personality to make Coco the focus. I’d LOVE a Josh prequel with competent writing. Kingdom Hearts made the Xehanort prequel and hooked me in a single chapter with expanded worldbuilding and interesting ties with Xehanort’s character to friends that humanize him, do the same for Yoshiya “Joshua” Kiryu!
Pfffffff hire me and let me make the dream TWEWY trilogy: Joshua prequel > TWEWY sans A New Day > sequel set in Shinjuku starring Red Headphones Girl with Occasional Josh and Hanekoma Interaction
It is so unnecessarily cruel to make Beat relive Rhyme’s erasure and subject Neku to believing that Shiki was erased as well, and yet they do NOTHING with it except have it be cheap tension for five minutes. The characters basically say “wow, I’m so sad!” and then IMMEDIATELY move on to “OMG is Neku seeing the fuuuuuture?” Your LITTLE SISTER and FIRST REAL FRIEND IN YEARS just seemingly died permanently! When Rhyme was erased the first time it took Neku one and a half in-game days to even talk about it because he was so upset, and from then on he was focused on avenging her/bringing her back. Shiki was his entry fee in Week 2 and that made him hyper paranoid the whole time! WHY ARE WE JUST GLOSSING OVER THIS especially since they made SUCH a big deal about how they just finally started believing that the fakes were real (after a whole TWO conversations)
And then at the end they say that they’re inside Coco’s Noise that is SO BIG that it has an ALTERNATE DIMENSION INSIDE IT and Hanekoma’s like “I’ve never met a Reaper POWERFUL enough to make a Noise like this. Wow, Coco, you’re so POWERFUL that even I, an Angel, am impressed!” This. Coming from the guy who specifically chose Minamimoto as his failsafe to kill the Composer should the Game go wrong because a Taboo Minamimoto, heavily refined using forbidden methods, would be strong enough to defeat THE COMPOSER. And he’s now going on about how Coco’s the strongest Reaper ever, basically admitting that she’s probably stronger than the Composer of Shibuya. SURE. BECAUSE COCO WASN’T BAD ENOUGH ALREADY SHE HAS TO BE THE STRONGEST REAPER EVER, TOO
And then it just ends with Josh and Hanekoma exposition dumping about how Shinjuku got erased as Noise entered the RG (WHAT?), Neku’s visions were probably caused by the red headphones girl who’s super special (who???), and Coco’s just so special powerful (why...), but it’s not their problem so fuck it. Oh, and also Josh doesn’t care about Neku anymore, despite that being the whole point of TWEWY. Yeah, the guy who flew off all upset when Hanekoma asked him if he wanted to hang out with his friends at the end of the game. Uh huh. Even if he’s lying, why even put that THERE instead of saving it for the sequel?
And then Coco just... revives Minamimoto. Even though, oh, right, the Taboo Refinery stuff was so precise that the only reason Minamimoto came back the first time was because Hanekoma, THE PRODUCER AND AN ANGEL, set it up for him. But I guess Coco’s just soooooo super powerful and knows FORBIDDEN HIGHER PLANE KNOWLEDGE and can just do whateeeeeever she wants. Not like Hanekoma was so paranoid about someone finding out what he did for Minamimoto that he went into hiding, certain that he’d be reported to the higher Angels and destroyed
A New Day is so painfully shallow from a writing experience. It’s a poor continuation off of the solid, complete TWEWY story experience that just doesn’t have a handle on Neku’s character, turning him into this bland vision machine with no emotional connection to anyone. The way that it expands the worldbuilding with “Inversion” does one thing that I HATE, which is taking an emotion-and-character driven story and turning it into a generic “end of the world” scenario, “raising the stakes” in a way that divorces it from what made it memorable in the first place. If Kitaniji directly effecting the RG during the main Game’s plot was the point where he crossed the line in-universe, then that loses its special nature and impact if you then go “oh, btw, Noise can destroy the RG city if you let them”
And then there’s the absolute black hole of a character that is Coco Atarashi. She wasn’t designed to fit into the world of the game, she was designed to stand out. On its own that’s not a bad thing, especially given the themes of the game that revolve around owning your true self and baring it to the world, but then you combine it with no personality beyond being a manipulative brat obsessed with the events of TWEWY, extremely lazy text message slang dressing up her dialogue to make it stand out, the way that Neku and Beat’s personalities change to accommodate her presence just to shoehorn her in and then have a cheap “omg she was bad” twist, and then dumping powers on par with Josh and Hanekoma on her and there is NO saving her character
The only good part of A New Day is “Wake Up.” And even then, there’s better TWEWY songs, I just like the vaguely Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance vibes it has in parts
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bcdrawsandwrites · 5 years
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Here’s my next entry for @badthingshappenbingo! Just one prompt left after this!
I AM NO LONGER ACCEPTING PROMPTS! The single-bone marks on the card indicate which prompts I have received and am going to write, and I finally have prompts that will earn me a bingo once they’ve been posted (but they’re not posted yet)!
This fic has also been posted to FFN and AO3, so you can check it out on my Assortment of Broken Bones collection on there if you like!
This prompt was suggested by @actingwithportals! I went with a slightly different interpretation, since I don’t really want to hurt Miguel. XD; Hope you enjoy!
Prompt: Outnumbered in a Fight Characters: Miguel, Abel, Abuelita (post-movie, pre-epilogue)
Miguel's cousin looked up from his textbook—he was studying for a big test, and Miguel hated to bother him, but he was pretty sure this was going to drive him crazy if he didn't ask for help. "Um... could you... help me with a computer thing?"
Abel made a face, tossing his textbook across the table. "Sure. Can't be worse than studying for history, I guess."
Grinning, Miguel hurried off to the living room where an old computer sat in the corner, a pair of more modern headphones hooked up to it. The latter was a very recent addition, purchased shortly after the music ban was lifted. Before then, their computer had no sound at all—the speakers had immediately been tossed as soon as they'd acquired it. Now that it was equipped with headphones, many of the Riveras had been taking advantage of it... which was the problem.
"Look at this," Miguel said, waving a hand at the monitor as he scrolled through Youtube.
Abel squinted at the monitor. "Okay... What am I looking at?"
"Look, it's all history videos... I think those are from Papá, and... and a few music things I like, but there's also..." Miguel made a face. "Makeup tutorials." He scrolled past several recommendations with particularly atrocious thumbnails—clearly things recommended to their Tía Gloria.
"Huh. So...?"
"Could you... show me how to sign up? So it can recommend me the things I want? I think I'm gonna go crazy if I have to see another makeup tutorial."
"That's all?" Laughing, Abel gently shoved Miguel away from the computer and took a seat. "Sure, if that's what you want. But uh..." He glanced around the family room—no one else was there at the moment. "Don't let anyone know I did this for you, all right? You're kinda slightly too young to sign up."
"Pff, just by a month," Miguel argued.
With that settled, he watched as Abel guided him through making an email address (Miguel chose the name "GuitarraYZapatos05"), and, through there, set him up with an account. "And... there," Abel said, slipping off the stool. "You're all done. Just log off whenever you're done."
"¡Gracias!" Miguel slid back onto the stool, and Abel left him to browse the site.
Eagerly he put the headphones on and typed a song into the search bar—he'd known how to navigate the website for some time now, even before the ban had lifted, thanks to his friends showing him videos on occasion when he visited their houses. It was a lot nicer to be able to do it whenever he wanted—looking up songs he'd heard in the plaza and watching videos of people playing them. It was a great way to learn to play the songs, since he'd taught himself to do it by sight. Not to mention, he was discovering a lot of new songs this way (though he sheepishly had to skip over songs every so often—ones he was pretty sure if Abuelita ever heard the lyrics to, she would re-ban music... or at least computers, anyway).
For a good hour or so Miguel listened to different songs, at first paying attention to the videos, and then simply losing himself to the music, shutting his eyes and letting the next videos autoplay. This worked out fine for a while, but then...
"What color is the sky, ay mi amor, ay mi amor!"
Miguel jumped back, nearly tipping backwards off his stool, headphones going askew as his heart hammered in his chest. Even then, he could still hear the familiar voice, and the face on the screen was...
It was a friendly looking face, singing on a stage in front of many adoring fans. Occasionally the man would stoop down to sing a particular line to a girl in the audience, who would swoon over him as he winked. But the last time Miguel saw that face, saw that person, he hadn't looked nearly so friendly.
You're not going anywhere!
He could still feel himself held up by the front of his shirt, yanked closer as the eyes of the man—the one who had once been his hero—glared poison into him.
I am the one who is willing to do what it takes to seize my moment... whatever it takes.
"The loco that you make me, it is just un poco crazy!"
The fact that both the terrifying skeleton in his memory and the friendly-looking man in the video were the same person made Miguel feel sick, panicked, and very, very angry. Frantically he clicked several times on the screen to get the video to pause, and scrolled away so he didn't have to look at the man's face anymore. He wrapped his arms around his stomach, shuddering, wishing he could make the memory go away. If anyone deserved to be forgotten, it was Ernesto de la Cruz.
Once the panicked pounding of his heart finally calmed, he looked back at the screen. At first he'd thought that he should sign off for now—that was certainly enough videos for the day, and he felt like playing the real versions of his Papá Héctor's songs so he could get Ernesto's voice out of his head. But then something caught his eye, something he hadn't been paying attention to until now:
OMG, I love Ernesto! he's so flirty here lol
73 people got a bell dropped on their head
this is my favorite DLC song! he has so many good ones though, what a legend
I still have this one on a record. Ernesto himself signed the sleeve! It's my prized possession.
Comments—hundreds of comments, nearly all of them praising Ernesto for his looks, for what a great person he was, for "his" songwriting talent. Miguel felt his face flush in anger as he read more and more of them, all of these people who thought that Ernesto was the songwriting genius, and not his Papá Héctor...!
A part of him recalled that it had only been a month since Dia de Muertos, and the word hadn't gotten out to everyone yet, but it didn't make him feel any less angry. Seeing all of these people praise the man who had killed his great-great-grandfather and then tried to kill him not once, but twice was unbearable.
Unable to stand all the positive comments directed at this man, Miguel quickly found where he could leave a comment of his own, and began typing (a slow process with one finger—he hadn't learned to type properly yet):
Ernesto is the worst musician!! He stole all his songs! Theyre not his! Hes not a real musician!!!
Still fuming, he hit the reply button, and sat back on his stool. One comment probably wouldn't do a whole lot against the hundreds of people fawning over Ernesto here, but he'd thought it might make him feel better to say something.
A notification popped up at the bottom of his screen—someone had... replied to his comment?
Lol, what? Chill out. I'm sorry you don't like the greatest musician of all time.
What? No, that wasn't...! Frustrated, Miguel typed up another reply: Hes not!!! Hes a fraud!!! Hes not a real musician at all!
To his surprise, even more comments came in, this time from several people within moments of each other:
sure, Ernesto is a fraud, just like Elvis, right?
you!!! need to use more!!!! exclamation points!!!!!!
lmfao did you create this account just to troll a DLC video uploaded 7 years ago?
Great, now everyone was making fun of him... but it wasn't funny—Ernesto really did steal all of his songs, and... He shook his head—this wasn't fair. He typed up another reply to the thread (making sure to use fewer exclamation points, if they were going to make fun of him for it): Im telling the truth! He stole all his music from my greatgreat grandpa. He wrote all the songs Ernesto sang including this one.
no actually dcl is my great great uncle and he told me hmself he wrote all these songs and that if I ever met youtube user ""guitarrayzapatos05" i should tell him that he screwed ur mom
Guys I think this is a kid......
Geez I always hear people say they're related to DLC (wouldn't be surprised, the man supposedly slept around like a rabbit) but this is the first I've heard someone say he stole from their relative. We've got a new nutjob conspiracy theory, fellas.
Miguel wasn't entirely sure what some of this stuff meant, but he did know all these people were mocking him, and with every new reply he felt the anger build in his chest, though his cheeks also felt hot with embarrassment—why was everyone ganging up on him like this? Your all making fun of me! But Im telling the truth!! Ernesto is a bad person and a bad musician! He really did steal from my greatgerat Grandpa!!
He stole from my greatgerat Grandpa too.
Lol how long do you plan to keep this up kid?
Listen, if DLC really did steal his music, we would have heard about it by now. He died almost a century ago. You don't think people haven't looked into this?
he ded 75 years ago moron
omg do u ever shut up
At least one person was being civil with him, but even then they were wrong. Still, Miguel had no idea what to say—his family was still fighting to get this case to the news, but with Mamá Coco having recently passed and his baby sister nearly here, they hadn't had a lot of time to work on it. But maybe he could bring something else up. He typed as fast as he could, tears stinging at the corners of his eyes:
I know he stole it! I found out when I went to the Land of the Dea—
The screen went dark.
Miguel sat there for a moment, stunned, before he heard a slobbery chomping noise coming from beneath the desk. Looking down, he spotted a familiar tail poking out near his stool. "Dante!" he cried, hopping down to yank the dog away.
As he suspected, the power cord was in the dog's mouth, and he was chewing on it lazily.
He was normally used to Dante getting in the way of things, but he felt angrier than normal at the dog. "No! No! Bad dog!" he cried, and swatted Dante on the nose.
The dog whined, immediately dropping the cord and squirming away from Miguel's grasp.
"S-stupid dog, wha'd you do that for? I was just trying to tell them about—!"
"What's going on in here?"
Both Miguel and Dante turned around to see Abuelita hurrying into the room. "I-it's nothing, Abuelita," Miguel said, and frantically wiped at his face.
Abuelita crossed her arms, looking from Miguel, to Dante, to the computer. "Nothing, huh! Is that computer box giving you trouble?"
"I—no, it's... it's not that..." He winced as Dante licked at his face and pushed him away.
"Don't give me that. It must be something, if it's got you so upset."
Abel's voice came from the hallway: "Ummm... did something happen?" Stepping into the room, he blinked at the monitor. "Huh, why's it—WOAH!" Quickly he got down on his hands and knees, grabbing the partially-chewed power cord and plugging it back in. Hitting the "on" button on the machine, he heaved a sigh of relief when the computer began to boot up again. "Geez, I thought you'd broken it."
"Oh, is that all?" Abuelita chuckled. "See, it's fine, mijo."
Dante looked up at the computer and barked at it, and Miguel frowned, using the stool to push himself back up to his feet. He rubbed the heel of his hand into his eyes. "Yeah, I... guess."
"Wait... what did you do on there?" Abel asked, suddenly worried. He quickly glanced from Abuelita and back to Miguel, biting his lip.
Sighing, Miguel, wrapped his arms around himself. "I just... saw some dumb people talking... about de la Cruz," he mumbled.
"Ugh, that man?" Abuelita said, shaking her head. Miguel wondered if she realized she said it in the exact same way she used to refer to Papá Héctor.
"People talking about... oooh, you read the comments, didn't you?" Abel asked, and laughed. "Never read the comments, Miguel!"
Feeling his chest constrict, Miguel balled his hands into fists and held them at his side, glaring at his primo. "It's not that! They were—they were talking about how great de la Cruz was, and—and when I told them he wasn't great, he was a thief, they... they just made fun of me!"
"¡¿Qué?!" Abuelita shouted, then shot an accusatory glare at the monitor. "I will not have people mocking my grandson! Where are they?"
"No, no, Abuelita, it's not like that." For a moment it looked like Abel would laugh again, but he saw how serious Miguel was about this, and frowned. "Well... they don't know yet, Miguel."
"But I tried to tell them!" Miguel swung out his hands, and Dante whimpered, butting his head against Miguel's leg. "I—I tried to tell them that they were wrong, but they just... kept making fun of me. And there were so many of them! I just..." Finally he brought his arms down, grasping his right wrist in his left hand and staring down at the floor. "I just felt like I was all alone."
Feeling his Abuelita's arm wrap around his shoulders, Miguel looked up to see her looking at him seriously. "You're not alone, mijo," she said. "Every single one of us here in this family are standing right behind you. We know the truth about Papá Héctor and that man now, and we won't stop fighting until the whole world knows."
"Y... you mean it?" he asked, hope creeping into his heart again.
"Absolutely. He is family, and we won't give up on him."
A huge smile spread across his face as he wrapped both arms around his abuelita, hugging her. "Gracias, Abuelita."
Laughing, Abuelita returned his hug with a bone-crushing one of her own, squeezing around his back until he was left gasping for air. "Now go have fun, mijo, and don't worry about what the people on that computer box say. They'll understand soon enough!" With that, she happily walked back toward the kitchen to start on dinner, leaving Miguel and his cousin alone.
Abel shifted on his feet, glancing from the computer to Miguel before giving an awkward laugh. "I, uh... know we went through the trouble of setting up a Youtube account for you, but uh... maybe you should stick to Spotify."
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kyn19 · 4 years
Lmaooooo what a fuckin Mood. Thank you!!!!! Also, you’re getting Drunk Kylie answers which are arguably the Best answers. For the courtesy of everyone’s dash, answers are below the cut!! <3 <3 <3
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee mugs! I have a sizable collection lmao #WriterLife
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
omg such a tough one, both are aces. seriously I can think of so many combatting pros & cons!! the only fair way i can currently conceive is which i would want weed in. Which is lollipops bc (#UnpopularOpinion) pot makes chocolate taste bad.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
both are great, but def bubblegum.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
“Pleasure to have in class” in true Gifted Child fashion
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
i’ll rate them in order: 1) can (absolutely preferred), 2) bottle if alone but plastic (lez be honest, Red Solo Cup) if with company, 3) glass (do not like)
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
#1 goth all the way. Pastel and Formal guest appearances
7. earbuds or headphones?
headphone, bc earbuds usually hurt my ears.
8. movies or tv shows?
first of all, how dare you. second of all, tv shows ONLY BECAUSE if all my fave movies were given tv shows so that they could last longer i would choose so
9. favorite smell in the summer?
idk i guess pool chlorine? dislike summer
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
bruh fuckin none. elementary school: too long ago to recall. middle school: escaped having to take gym at all. high school: had a medical excuse to take online PE. least athletic girl u know
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
i don’t have bfast bc eating close to when i awaken makes my tummy upset
12. name of your favorite playlist?
hmm 4-way tie between “#motivate #bitch” (gets me pumped to work) and “Friends Of The Illness” (my playlist of songs about and/or artist who are mentally ill) and “Ominous/haunting” (speaks to my creepy side) and “Bad Bitches” (self-explanatory amirite)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Key ring. Straight up I use an extra shoelace as my key ring string, despite owning multiple lanyards.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
god another fkn hard one. Listen y’all, you dont understand how much of a sugar fiend i am. candy is my JAM. Starbursts, Sour Straws, Skittles, Jolly Ranchers...who can choose?!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
“Ceremony” by Leslie Marmon Silko. Highly recommend!!!!!!!!!!!
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
laying down lol sitting is for suckers
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
combat boots like the gay i am
18. ideal weather?
low 70′s degrees (F*), intermittent showers during the day but clear starry skies overnight
19. sleeping position?
mostly fetal, mostly on my side but chest is towards the bed, one arm under the pillow under my head
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Laptop. I used to love writing in notebooks, but ya girl got weak fingy joints nowadays
21. obsession from childhood?
pfft as if they aren’t the same obsessions i have now
22. role model?
so many!!!!! Jameela Jamil is the first that comes to mind
23. strange habits?
lmao i am ass-deep in idiosyncrasies, if you ain’t read the blog title already
24. favorite crystal?
i don’t know anything about crystals. does blue topaz count? cuz that’s my birthstone and i like that one a lot. i even had the foresight to pick that as my engagement ring’s stone in my utterly preposterous & failed relationship
25. first song you remember hearing?
oh wow, no idea. music has always been huge for me. probably either a Britney Spears or Mary J. Blige song???
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
stay inside lmao
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
oof ok, hard, but here goes:
“Here” by Alessia Cara
“Wannabe” by the Spice Girls
“I’m Just a Kid and Life Is A Nightmare” by Simple Plan
“No Daddy” by Teairra Mari
“Brick By Boring Brick” by Paramore
29. best way to bond with you?
i am straight up not easy to make friends with (bc my own bullshit, not trying to be pretentious), so bonding is hard. the best way is probably a combo of queer + memes + loves food + correct morals + being the dominant talker
30. places that you find sacred?
Libraries, locally owned coffee shops, Walmarts at 3am, playgrounds in the middle of the night, side of a rural road at 12am, my bed
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Blazer + shirt with a titty window + high waisted plaid pants + platform booties
32. top five favorite vines?
Josh Kennedy: “What’s up my name’s Jared I’m 19 and I never fucking learned how to read”
Sarah Schauer: [dont remember the beginning] “didn’t you..?” “sleep in this? yes. mama needs A DRINK”
Evan Breer: “What’s up my & my boys are going to see Uncle Kracker - give me my hat back Jordan, do you see Uncle Kracker or no - *gasp!*”
Drew Gooden: “Road work ahead? Um yeah, I sure hope it does...”
Nathan Enick: “Yo how much money do you have?” “69 cents” “Oh you know what that means!” “...i don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets :( ...”
33. most used phrase in your phone?
bruh like how even am i supposed to answer this?? like texts or Siri requests or????? bc if it’s Siri requests then it’s 100% for arithmetic
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Stanley Steamer. you kno the one
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
bitch i’m a 90′s child of the internet, i was around the web before YouTube launched, i was there when the first modern memes were fucking conceived. i will say the biggest repository of meme culture that i was a part of was YouTube and icanhazcheezburger.com & its side-sites.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel - Tie-Dye Girl from the Lindsey Lohan “Parent Trap” made quite the impression on me
38. lemonade or tea?
Lemonade! hate the leaf water
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cake! Not a meringue pie girl saly
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
I’ve been to a lot of schools yo lol. My undergrad college was def the “weirdest” ofc, bc it was an art school lol. An instance that stands out was a string of “Solid Gold Clit” graffiti after a Sophia Wallace visit to campus right before i started there.
41. last person you texted?
My bff triad pals @backwardswriter and @bristarshine
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
damn tough call. Probably jacket pockets bc i’m more likely to have those as a lady who wears lady-targeted pants
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy, though sci-fi is a solid 2nd. Not much of a superhero gal
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
.....underwear only. Sometimes an oversized t-shirt too.
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I would want to be like a pomegranate, but i’m probably a nectarine
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“If you hope for the best but expect the worst, you’ll never be disappointed.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
bitch i’m a giggle monster, i taught myself to be easily amused as a survival mechanism.
51. current stresses?
My own lack of discipline.
52. favorite font?
oooooof i have so many ok. too name a few: Centaur, Garamont, Book Antigua, Times New Roman, Montserrat.....mostly Serif fonts bc I’m an old books bitch
53. what is the current state of your hands?
I don’t love my hands (how homophobic of me, I know). Currently they’re kinda dry and full of sandwich
54. what did you learn from your first job?
what kind of boss I like. also that my customer service voice is frighteningly pleasant
55. favorite fairy tale?
Original tale: Thumbelina. Adaptations: Snow White.
56. favorite tradition?
uhhh Thanksgiving feast I guess? i am not a traditions gal
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
I am very very fortunate to not have a lot or a severity of these. The ones that I’ve had the worst of are: gender discrimination/harassment as a woman, hardcore emotional abuse in a relationship, and heavy heavy mental illness
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Tangible talents: writing, lying. Intangible: A+ imagination, useless trivia.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“I support you!”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
like if Tokyo Mew Mew and Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni had a baby
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Again, how dare you. Like literally, asking me to pick a favorite line from something is like asking what my favorite breed of dog is. Legit impossible
62. seven characters you relate to?
Ananka Fishbein (Kiki Strike series), Mermista (She Ra & the Princesses of Power), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Gwen (Total Drama), Rori Gilmore (Gilmore Girls), Villanelle (Killing Eve), Andrea (St. Trinian’s)
so like all very- to semi-weird white girls lmao
63. five songs that would play in your club?
[by the term “club” i assume that i’m limited to pop and electronic music. even with the limitation, though, a super hard question]
“Talking Body” by Tove Lo
“Hot in Herre” by Nelly
“Because the Night” by Cascada
“Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels” by Todrick Hall
“Break Free” by Ariana Grande ft. Zedd
64. favorite website from your childhood?
pretty much any doll franchise’s site (Barbie, Bratz, My Scene, Polly Pocket, Diva Girlz, everGirl, etc you name it)
65. any permanent scars?
Yep. One by a dog scratch (it was honestly a weak/shallow/innocent scratch, i still have no idea why it scarred at all), and a few from a car crash last year
66. favorite flower(s)?
i don’t really like flowers? i usually just say Forget-Me-Not’s for ease
67. good luck charms?
bitch idk but i’m knocking on wood just from thinking bout it
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
you ever taste that chocolate Laffy Taffy? vile bruh
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
I am annoying enough to know how i learnt all my facts, but the funnest fact I like to annoy people with is that ducks have corkscrew penises evolved from their main form of mating being rape
70. left or right handed?
Right (like any ol’ simp)
71. least favorite pattern?
polka dots
72. worst subject?
MATH and also PHYS ED
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
One time whilst high, I put nacho cheese Doritos on a tuna sandwich. Winning combo, I’m telling you
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
My pain tolerance is straight up unpredictable, so like anywhere from a 3 to a 9
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
5 years old
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Mashed potatoes
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
I am not a plant person. Moss.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
fucking neither but i at least like coffee so i guess the former....
(i know, it’s tragic and barbaric that i dislike sushi, i wish i had another answer for you)
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Neither lmao - I got them within a month of each other (six years ago) so they’re essentially the same photo.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
I mean those are the same bug so I assume this is asking about which terminology I typically use/prefer. Which i would say both bc I’m a cultured ho
82. pc or console?
I don’t game so I guess PC lmao
83. writing or drawing?
Writing but I like both
84. podcasts or talk radio?
damn neither lmao I can’t focus on non-music audio only. I guess talk radio, just bc I can do like ten minute radio segments at least lol
84. barbie or polly pocket?
both were lit but I had more Barbies
85. fairy tales or mythology?
not to sound like a broken record but FIRST OF ALL HOW DARE YOU? second of all, I essentially consider them in the same category at this point in modernity, so my answer is Yes.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Cupcakes, but both are exquisite
87. your greatest fear?
spiders, heights, clowns, seeing bad things happening to animals, that my consciousness will exist even after death, y’know normal stuff
88. your greatest wish?
to transfer myself into one of my fave fictional worlds
89. who would you put before everyone else?
dogs, next question
90. luckiest mistake?
i make a lot of those honestly, so who knows
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Ky, KyKy, Moonshine, SugarTits, Goog Bones
94. favorite season?
Autumn (yes i call it that instead of Fall bc i’m a pretentious ass bitch lol)
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr, c’mon
96. desktop background?
Currently a digital art painting of a flowing stag in a swamp that I downloaded from DeviantArt. I change it every few months though (to other downloaded digital art from DA that I collect periodically lmao)
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
Seven - mine, my mom’s 2 numbers, my grandma’s, my pop’s cell and office (also my old office) numbers, and my childhood house phone number lol
98. favorite historical era?
Golden Age of Piracy, specifically bc the piracy lol
Thank you so much for the asks, this was so much fun!!!
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jungshookz · 6 years
idk if you accept requests or not but if you do can u make an au where ot7 nd yn live together nd like all of them love each other so much but platonically????? also idk the shits they do on daily basis ??? if you dont then its okay jus wanna drop by nd say im so in love with your works ily💞💞
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❄️ pairing: ot7 x reader
❄️ genre: nothing but plaTONIC LOVE,,,, SO CUTE,,, FLUFFIER THAN FRESHLY FALLEN SNOW, also jungkook is awful at wrapping 
❄️ wordcount: 2.4k
❄️ notes: MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIENDS! i was actually going to post this in the afternoon but theN i wanted this to be like a surprise present under the tree for everyone so here i am posting it at literally 3 in the morning!!!!!!! so when u wake up in the morning not only will u be opening presents u will also be able to reAD this! YES i’m aware that i skipped out on a couple drabbles from the 12 drabbles of christmas and i am sO sorry but i’ve been spending time with family and y’all know how it is i hope you can forgive me! anyways enough blabbering from me happy holidays merry christmas happy hanukah happy nEw yEar happy whatever you celebrate i love u all and i can’t wait to go into the new year with you lovely people! 
(gif isn’t mine!)
“is she awake?”
“obviously not,,, what time is it??”
“nearly 8 and y/n doesn’t wake up until like 12 when it’s the holidays”
you hear the sound of your curtains being pushed open and you can see your room brightening up even though you have an eye mask on
ugH is it already time to get up????
you were up til 3 watching christmas movies and yA you’re super pumped that it’s literally christmas right now and you get to open your presents under the tree but like,,,
you would prefer to do all of that later,, maybe at like 12
“someone should just push her off the bed”
“don’t do that you priCK”
“someone just wake her up!! i wanna open my preSENTS”
“well you guys take care of this because i have to go and prepare breakfast”
you’re tempted to just go back to sleep but u know that the boys will literally just stand there and talk to each other about how to wake you up 
you reach up to lift your eye mask up and you’re met with the sight of seven smiling faces (except for yoongi because it’s too frickin early for him too and he’s tempted to crawl in and snuggle up with you)
“good morning” your voice is still thick with sleep and you pull your mask off and toss it aside before propping yourself up on your elbows and letting out a yawn “merry chris-“
“mERRY CHRISTMAS LET’S GO OPEN PRESENTS NOW” the next thing you know you’re being swePT out of bed and jungkook has you in his arms and he’s sprinting down the stairs like a madman
you shriek and cling onto him because you literally juSt woke up and your brain is still low-key in sleep mode and the world is spinNing and
jungkook plops you down on the couch and you squeak from the impact before suddenly you’re bouncing off the couch and tumbling to the ground
“oW” you groan and flip over onto your stomach on the ground before reaching down and rubbing at your sore butt
do butts have bones?? because you’re pretty sure all the bones in your ass are completely shattered right now  
“omg get off of me whoever you are” you feel someone take a seat on your tender bum and you reach back blindly in a poor attempt to swat the person off
you immediately hear jimin’s jingly giggle and he slides off before patting your bum “sit up!!”
“no” you murmur with your cheek squished against the carpet
you could just fall asleep like this
you want to
“gEt up!” tae grabs your waist and pulls you up and sets you down on the couch next to yoongi who is (this) close to falling asleep
you let out another yawn and rest your head against yoongi’s shoulder and he slips an arm around your waist so that the both of you are comfortable
you never thought yoongi was the cuddling type but it turns out he really reaLLy is which is something u definitely don’t mind
“you two - it’s christmas!!! liven up a little!” namjoon pats the tops of your guys’ head and you grumble in response
“y/n you should open my present first!” tae plops a neat little box onto your lap and you blink down at it before humming and nodding
you pull away from yoongi and he groans quietly at the loss of warmth
“thank you for the gift, tae” you smile sleepily and reach up to pat your cheeks to wake yourself up
christmas morning
let’s do this
you tear the bright wrapping paper to pieces and immediately feel a lot more energised when you see what tae got u for christmas “i knitted a scarf for you and i have a matching one so noW you too can be a fashionista”
“how long did it take you to make this??” you pull it out of the box and look closely at the stitching
obviously there are a couple missing stitches but that gives the scarf character and it’s oddly endearing
tae stitched in pretty neutral grandpa-y shades but it totally works and it looks v v trendy
“i’m going to wear this noW” you grin and wrap it around your neck and that’s when u notice the scent
tae sprayed some of his fancy gucci cologne on this tOO
you might have to steal some from him when the scent eventually fades away
“y/n! a nintendo swiTCH R U KIDDING ME” jungkook tackles you in a hug before jumping up and down excitedly and hugging the box to his chest “can i play it now???” he gasps and you can’t help but laugh at how childish he’s acting “why am i asking u for ur permission this is mINE NOW also i have a gift for u somewhere under the tree”  
you look under the tree and u immediately recognise all the presents that are from kook because of the (no offence) poor wrapping skills
one of them is just wrapped up completely in duct tape like how r u supposed to open that up without losing a finger
hopefully that one isn’t yours (spoiler alert: it is yours)
“here’s my first gift to you guys-“ jin walks out of the kitchen carrying a tray of mugs “hot cocoa, anyone?”
the boys immediately flocK to jin like a group of seagulls when they spot a single french fry on the ground
“ya ya yA CALM DOwN before i drop the tray!” he scolds
“hyung, that’s my mug!”
“no it’s not, it’s mine! y/n got me the one with snowflakes, remember??”
“yours is the one with the christmas lights you dummy now hand it over”
“no! get your hands off mY mug!!”
“does it really matter whose mug is whoSE but also sorry jimin kook is right yours is the one with the christmas lights and not the snowflakes ” jin nudges the two bickering boys out of the way and heads over to you and yoongi
“yoongi - yours has coffee in it”
“oh thank god” yoongi grabs his mug and immediately takes a sip from it before letting out a satisfied sigh
“and y/n - yours has a sprinkle of cinnamon in it and extra marshmallows” you take the mug from the tray excitedly
“you’re too nice to me” you reach up to pinch jin’s cheek and he scowls at you
“teLL me about it”
“come and open some of your presents! you can make breakfast later”
“the pancake batter doEs need to set for a while so i suppose i can open up some gifts” jin sets the tray down on the coffee table before dusting his hands off “okay so which one is mine”
“u got more than one, silly. open my gift first!! it’s that big box in the corner” you take a sip of your cocoa oH ShiT this is good ur gonna need jin to make at least a gallon of this for u every week
“oH A BIG box” jin gasps and steps over the other boys as he makes his way over to it
he bends down and grunts as he lifts it up “jesus y/n what did you get me??? a ton of bricks???” he huffs and plops it back down on the ground and you’re like bE CAREFUL
jin doesn’t take very long to unwrap the gift and- “A NEW MIXER” he literally squEaLs with glee and you’re pretty sure your ears are bleeding “you’re right kook we should’ve opened presents earlier because then i could’ve used this baby to make the pancake batter”
last year all of your gifts were kind of pathetic compared to everything the boys were giving you and even tho they all insisted they lovEd their gifts you were like ://///// so thIS YEAR you decided to go all out and just get EVERYThing you thought the boys would like and u know what so far you are killing it girl
santa clause whO
also the boys did a really good job with all of your gifts!!
namjoon got you a new journal for the new year
jimin got you fairy lights AND a brand new bedside lamp that’s super adorable
hoseok got you a super suPER cool poster to hang up in your room he hired an artist to paint you as snow white and the boys as the seven dwarves and the captions says ‘y/n and the seven idiots’
taheyung knitted you a scarf
jin got you this fancy silky robe that you’ll definitely be wearing everyday after you come home from work
yoongi got you a new pair of headphones because he’s sick of seeing you use those godawful apple earbuds from like 2008
and last but not least
jungkook got you-
“oh, this is so cute!” you coo as you pull the mug out of the mess of duct tape
it’s a mug with a picture of you and the boys celebrating your birthday this year
you’re sat in the middle laughing your ass off with watery eyes and a crinkled nose with the boys surrounding you and jungkook is swiping frosting off the side of the cake and jimin’s yanking his arm back and jin’s trying to light the candles and tae is sitting on your lap and hoseok is sitting on taE’s lap and namjOon is pointing at the camera (because it was on timer mode and nO one was ready for the picture) and yoongi has his face in his hands looking like he regrets everything
it’s perfectly imperfect if that makes any sense
“thank you kook” you grin and squish a couple kisses to his cheek before looking at the picture again
it’s sO cute and also it makes you thank the gods because like,, how lucky are you that you get to spend every day with these dumbasses that you love and adore so dang much
“i wish it could be christmas everyday” hoseok sighs and shoves a forkful of pancake into his mouth
“i don’t. my wallet would hate me.” yoongi snorts and steals a blueberry off your plate
you nudge it closer to him before leaning back against your chair and rubbing your stomach “i think i’m about to explode” you groan
“i told you not to force that fourth pancake down” jin sighs as he scrubs away at the dishes
“i can’t help it when your food is sO good” you plop your plate down in the sink with a clang
and then u finally notice
“it’S SNOWING” you gasp as you look out the kitchen window
“you didn’t notice??” tae raises a brow and they all watch as you sprint to the living room to puSh all the curtains open
and WOW
thick thiCK blankets of snow covering every surface while snowflakes continue to flutter down to the ground
“we were thinking after breakfast we could go out and play around in the snow if you wanted-“
“oF COURSE I DO” for some reason you’re unable to lower your voice because that’s how excited you are
in fact you’re so excited u can’t even wait to change out of your PJs and you’re already slipping your coat and beanie on
“c’mon people let’s move let’s moVE jin you can wash the dishes later kook u can play the nintendo later let’s get a moVE ON” you clap your hands together and the boys know there’s no changing your mind at this point
if u wanna go out in ur PJs you’re going to go out in your PJs
“y/n, watch it!” jimin scolds when you nearly knock into his and tae’s snowman after trying to avoid yet another one of kook’s snowballs
“sorry jimin!!” you apologize before bursting into giggles when jungkook starts sprinting towards you clutching a snowball the size of a bouLDER
you duck down instinctively when he hurls it in your direction and-
“jeon jungkook you brat i’m going to kiLL YOU” yoongi roars when the snowball hiTS him and the wetness starts seeping into his sweater
jungkook laughs gleefully and tries his best to flee (it’s hard running in thick layers of snOW) as yoongi starts chasing him around
jin and namjoon are standing by the doors sipping on their hot cocoa and occasionally bursting into laughter at one of your guys’ antics
hoseok has been lying on the ground making snow angels for the past 20 minutes
he’s literally made like 10 snow angels already but he’s having fun so it’s okay
you screech when jungkook pelts you in the faCe with a snowball and you immediately feel like your face is going to freeze over
you end up tackling kook to the ground and u shove snow right into his face and jungkook grins before starting to dig his fingers into your sides to tickle you
“alright aLRIGHT everyone back into the house because there are dishes to wash and wrapping paper to throw away AND i have to get started on dinner and i need all the help i can get!” jin calls out and slides the door open to step back inside “everyone back in this house in 30 seconds otherwise i will not hesitate to lock you outside in the cold!”
jungkook fLIps you over his shoulder when you trip over the snow yet again because of your innate klutziness
you giggle and whack his butt
best christmas ever
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thewondersofsmut · 7 years
Baby Names
Summary: A cute story about Jensen and the Reader’s first child
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: none! :)
Word Count: 855
Hear ye, hear ye! Ask Dean and Sam a ‘would you rather question!’
(gifs not mine, credits to owners)
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“Jensen, when is (y/n) due?” The question made the whole panel room roar. Jensen chuckled, looking at a laughing Jared. “An inevitable question.” Jared commented, making Jensen laugh more. “Well how about we ask the Mrs. herself?” Jensen said excitedly and the whole crowd cheered. You giggled into the mic that was handed to you and Richard and Matt escorted you up the stage. “The princess has arrived!” Rich shouted over the crowd and you laugh. “Oh, shush it!” You joked. Jensen offered his seat to you, fishing ‘awws’ from the crowd. “Hello, guys!” You greeted. “Oh I have missed this crowd!” You said. “As for that question, I am 7 months pregnant and it’s really close to pop!” You joked. “Yes, my son’s gunna have a best friend now!” Jared said. “I’m very much excited to be a dad for sure and was very much excited during the making process.” Jensen joked, wiggling his eyebrows. You lightly slapped his arm but the crowd has roared once again.
“Next question.” Jared said to the mic. “My question is for (y/n) and Jensen.” The fan said causing Jared to roll his eyes. “This is why, we don’t put out (y/n).” He joked and you laughed. “Go ahead, sweetheart.” “Another baby question, do you guys have names?” You smiled. “Good question, because J and I haven’t actually chose choices.” You said and Jensen nodded. The panel continued with you tagged along with Jensen and Jared. And after the whole day of you spending time with your costars but at the end of the day, you felt exhausted and once you were back into your bed, being supported by Jensen, you were just happy to have him home even for a few days. “So about the question awhile ago...” Jensen trailed. “Baby names?” You asked. He nodded. “I want this baby to have such a unique yet fascinating name.” He said and you agreed. “I was thinking  Skye, Haven, Mace..." You listed. "Whoa, baby, slow your horses." He said, chuckling. "I see you've thought about it. Why haven't you shared them to me?" He asked, caressing your face. You blushed. "Well it's just a thought in the back of my mind." You said. He kissed your temple  and smiled. "I have a few names in mind too." He said. "Like what?" You asked. "Iris, Axl, Hendrix." He said. "Ooh, I like those too." You commented. "How about, How about Haven Axl and Hendrix Skye?" You asked. He smiled wide. "I really like it." He whispered. He cupped your cheek and gave your lips a sweet kiss.
Two painful months have passed and you were more than prepared for your delivery, asking Jensen to pack the bags that you would bring to the hospital, yours and his parents flew in and your best of friends, Jared and Gen, and their son were more than excited for you. You were a few days from your due date and you basically admitted yourself in the hospital, getting ready to pop out a baby any moment now.  And finally after 6 hours of pushing, Jensen crying as he cut the umbilical cord, and yours and his mom yipping in joy, you have welcomed a healthy baby girl.
Jensen's happiness was incomparable and holding his baby girl in his arms was the best feeling, finding that he could love another being as much as he loved you. He gently laid her down your chest and you cooed at your baby, the pain being worth it as you saw her in your arms. "Haven Axl Ackles. That's her name." You whispered. The doctor gladly nodded, making sure of the spelling and all that. Your mom and Donna smiled at you and their granddaughter.
After 6 months
"Hello guys!" You cheered as you stepped unto the panel stage. Your character was back in the show as you have given birth, and you're also back in to the panel grind. "So today's a pretty special day, for me and Jensen." You spoke. They quieted but you could see their excitement. Jensen walked in with a sleeping Haven, wearing a cute baby headphones and a tiny AFK shirt and tutu. They crowd cheered. "Glad I decided to get those headphones." You joked and they laughed. "Hello guys." Jensen greeted. "And baby Haven Axl says hi too!" You cheered, finally disclosing the name of yours and Jensen's daughter. 'Omg' 'That's so cute' 'Perfect name' were a few screams you heard.
"Haven Axl has turned 6 months today and she's officially part of the Supernatural family!" Jensen cheered. "Ahem, spoiler alert!" You whisper-yelled causing the whole place to go wild. Haven gave a tiny smile and they awwed. "Even Haven is excited." Jensen said and you nodded. "Let's now sing Haven a happy birthday!" Jared spoke into a mic and he stepped on the stage with his wife Gen and son Tom, along with your other costars and your Supernatural family with a cake for you and Jensen to blow. As everyone sang, Haven was at her best behavior, giggling on her own, happy about what's around her.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
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First, I swear I’ll explain about the picture in a minute.
Next, it’s totally okay, I understand completely.  I, too, am prone to being a total space cadet sometimes.  My top skills are remembering/thinking of things when I’m in no position to act on them (composing review questions while at work, thinking of phone call I forgot to make while driving, realizing I didn’t show my mom the sonogram my friend sent me right as I fall asleep, etc.)  Really, I’m just happy finding others to talk about this stuff with who seem to appreciate and enjoy it as much as I do. :D
Omg, I’m SO EXCITED to see the necklace turn up, however that happens!  And as someone who 90% of the time also uses drinkware featuring superheroes and other nerdery for their alcohol, I very much approve Derek’s choices, whether it makes it into the story or not.  I also enjoyed both versions of the chapter flashback, but the first was definitely more “Oh My…”, and the redo more straight up fluffy and adorable. 
And I love all that stuff in the ideas tag!  With Corey there’s so much potential stuff that can be done with someone with those types of powers.  I admit I don’t know too much about exactly how his are supposed to work. his powers are due to genetics and not outside forces in this, could it perhaps be connected to how Gerard has been able to do some of the things he’s done?   (Could the wolves track him while invisible in the show?)  And oh, my God, that is a total Moon Moon moment (resisting the urge to make a comment about why Ian was trying to fit a ball in his mouth).  I choose to believe that Noah and Chris coordinated to trick Peter into doing that and managing to get it on camera.  They threaten to make it part of the family Christmas card.  Peter only agrees if they make it so that all the pictures used embarrass everyone equally.  Which is where some of the BTS type stuff could come in.  (My lord, they are all such dorks.  I mean, I follow Ian, Linden, JR, and Hoechlin on Insta and or Twitter, so we been knew, really, but still. XD )  And I’m all for any plot points or incidents that allow Lydia to showcase just how awesome she truly is.  Also, I will never turn down an idea that involves puppy piles and cuddle puddles.  I’ve been in this fandom too damn long not to have developed a deep-seated love for damaged characters getting the affection and comfort they deserve.
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the examples of my often questionable musical tastes. ;D  I think I first heard that song on an anime music video (for LOVELESS I think, of all things), and I was just like “well this is catchy as hell”.  As someone whose musical tastes are all over the gd place, I like to imagine they all have some genre that they’re secretly a fan of but don’t want to admit to because it might clash with their grunge-y punk image (the other two totally know anyway.)  Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions. 
And jsyk, it really makes me happy to know that my reviews are helpful for more than just story ideas.  Which partially brings me to the picture I’ve attached.  I work in a pet supply store, and the item on the right is a dog toy we carry and every time I look at it, all I can think of is how much it reminds me of Deucalion.  Like, I can’t not see it at this point.  And nobody I work with would have the slightest idea what I’m talking about, so I finally made this so that I could share it those that might get why it’s so funny to me.  So here it is.  And if you are still in need of things for distractions, here is a list of some random incidents that have (mostly) occurred at my work in the last few days:
1) Someone left a 4 Iron in one of our shopping carts along the far wall of the store.  We have no clue where it came from, we aren’t anywhere near any kind of golf or sporting goods store.  (I checked and there was no sign of blood on it, so no one was ditching a weapon on us or something.)
2) I walked into our warehouse and asked “why does it smell like sparklers in here?”, saw a coworker standing looking out the back door, and walked over to see that there was a car on fire about a block away in another parking lot.  (The fire department was already on scene putting it out, it looked like it started near the front driver’s side tire?)
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
5) One of the smoke alarms in my apartment started doing the dead battery warning beep at around midnight Sunday night.  I unfortunately was out of the size I needed to replace it, so I just popped out the one that was in it.  Turns out it’s also hardwired, so that did nothing.  It beeped the entire night.  I would have gotten worried about my neighbors, but they had one that they let beep for like a week back in Feb, so I decided I didn’t care.  When I stopped to buy a replacement I also ended up buying two bags of candy with the justification that they were on sale and I might need them for the next chapter.
6) Our pet bathing area re-opened, which meant we finally got a visit from one of my fave canine customers.  His name is Jax, he’s an American Akita, and he is a gigantic, sweet, bear of a dog.  Seriously, he comes to about my hip (I’m right around 5'4), weighs around 190lbs, and is a beautiful dark brown/black brindle all over.  He is also one of the most calm, chill dogs I have ever met (he’s been coming in for years), and I love to watch other people react to seeing him for the first time.
7) While searching around my music files and Spotify for suggestions, I got distracted and ended up treating my neighbors to an impromptu concert that consisted mostly of 00s divas and 60s bubblegum pop (oddly, a lot of Herman’s Hermits and Ohio Express has a very similar vibe to Bowling for Soup, to me at least), because I had headphones in, and didn’t realize I’d started singing along for…a while.  I did consider apologizing for that, at least, but ultimately decided to just ignore that it happened.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling a bit better now, and that some of the weirdness that is my life at least provides some entertainment.  And that the therapy session at least feels like something you think will help in the long run, even if it sucks massively right now.  I’m so proud of you for going, and sticking with it (I know so many who need to who don’t, for whatever reason).  It is hard, and exhausting, and I am always awed by those that are determined to see it through.  (Sorry if any of that comes across weird.  My automatic supportive defaults tend to be humor and awkward sincerity, and I always worry that one will come across as the other and vice versa.  Social anxiety is a hell of a drug.)  So, I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up the verbal flailing for now, please enjoy whenever you see this tomorrow (I think?  I’m terrible about keeping track of that sort of thing.  Also, how is most of Europe just one time zone?!  …anyway…)
Ok, I need to find out where I can get that crocodile/Alligator. for uh, for Mo...
Yeah for Mo.
(It’s for me, I would totally buy a dog toy if I thought it looked adorable.)
I definitely toned that scene down, though I kept some necessary exposition where Chris thinks on what happened between them. Might include some teenage raunchiness later, as someone pointed out to me, Peter would definitely be like that, as would Noah (probably). Chris would definitely be more reserved, he barely got a sex education aside from abstinence. ( Because I don’t see Gerard as the type of person who’d give his son the talk, honestly.)  
And as someone who also drinks alcohol in superhero or Halloween glasses and mugs, I had to throw Derek’s very mature choice in there. Batman mug stays XD
I’ll admit, that was exactly what I was thinking with Corey’s power and how I could use it in the story. So I’m curious to see where I’ll go with it eventually, but yeah, that’s on my idea list.
.. must resist Ian & JR ballsy jokes.. you are not twelve Ben.
I am.
I really am. A twelve-year-old in a twenty-nine-year-old body.
I bet Ian wanted to prove what he could fit in there. He wanted to show some ballsy moves. It’s practice for-
Okay, I’ll stop.
And they are the biggest dorks, I follow Ian, JR, Colton, and Holland on and my lord, they’re such dorks. Definitely following Linden now too though. hehe.
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I can see them trying that trick with Jackson, Malia, Ben, and Scott as well. Scott just falls face first and tries to fit a tennis ball into his mouth. Ben just looks at the tennis ball, figures that ain’t gonna fit and balances it on his face instead. Malia opens her mouth, notices the camera coming out, and just poses while smiling at the camera. Jackson though pretends to not understand what he has to do until Chris shows him how it’s done and then Jackson quickly points to Chris and while Noah films it laughing his ass off.
They make an awesome Christmas card with all of them doing something with that tennis ball.
Speculatively I’d say boy bands for Peter, bubblegum pop/pop-punk for Chris, and classic (read: dad) rock for Noah, but I welcome other opinions.
Also, Nickelback for Chris & Never gonna give you up. They're guilty pleasures. I would also like to suggest for Peter, either the Spice girls or like the Vengaboys. Gets him going but only when he’s alone at home and he’s wearing headphones. Because God forbids someone else hears it too. And I kinda wanna say Baby Metal for Noah. Idk seems like that might fit him and it’s hilarious to think about. Some headcanons don’t need to make sense.
Also, just for shits and giggles.
Caramelldansen in English and Swedish. 
Makes these dads (and Melissa and Derek) move and dance around the new house like crazy, Ben joins in, because of the funny voices. 
The teenagers are mortified.
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This made me so happy, 
3) A child ate one of the fancy dog treats we have on display (luckily that one is mainly yoghurt and peppermint extract), and then try to drink from the fountain we have set up for any dogs that come in.  I don’t think mom ever noticed.
I feel like that’s basically toddler behavior. Also, Ben did this at some point. One hundred percent. He walked into the pet section at a store and started eating the dog treats. Chris didn’t notice, Peter did, asked him about it and went; well, it’s probably not toxic for him, so whatever. He did film it. Noah and Chris yelled at him.
4) We now carry a special, highly filtered, and ph-balanced (and overpriced) bottled cat water (no really), that seems simultaneously like a brilliant idea (because UTIs), but also somehow one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen (and I say this as a white person who grew up basically middle-class).
That is the whitest shit I’ve ever heard. And yes I’m white too from lower middle class. But still...
But maybe that’s because I live in a country where I can drink tap water so that’s what Mo gets in his fountain.
And your stories made me smile my friend, every single one. <3 thank you for sharing these.
I wish I had funny ones really. Only one I can think of is some of my customers I run into as a tech support guy.
Customer calls me to tell me they don’t have internet. I ask, “Where’s your modem and how is it plugged into the network?”
Customer: It’s still in the box I received it in.. it’s wireless..”
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Cue ten-minute argument on how it’s not wireless like that and how he needs to install his modem... yeah. People and technology...
But anyway, I’ll stop rambling now because it’s 1 am here and I need to go to sleep again.
1 am is in the Amsterdam/Berlin timezone where I live in.
That is 6 pm in NYC
And 4 pm in California.
So I am 7-9 hours ahead of the US, to give you an idea about timezones.
0 notes
stellarbisexual · 7 years
LMAO Hopper’s VM “I’m probably doing something incredible RN” accurate tho
Winona Ryder is so tiny <3
“And the more he spreads, the more connected to him I feel.” 
omg mike “you’re like a super spy, spying on the shadowmonster.” babe.  babe. <3
Byeler as F U C K Y’ALL
jancy at that ho-tel mo-tel holiday innnnnnnnnn
LMAO that lady at the front desk: perfectly cast. 
jfc jonathan still soooooo into nancy. HE CALLED HER NANCE <3
omfg matching scars. THEY ARE SO. FLIPPING. CUTE. 
“only a month” hahahaha jonathan you are the KING of saying the WRONG SHIT
aoihdsfonasdfaklfmkadfmdalf MIKE IS ASLEEP ON WILL’S FLOOR my protective bisexual son
“Even when she’s wrong?” CLASSIC FUCKING LUCAS THO
“To hang out with Dustin” worst liar ever
Seriously Lucas’ little sister is the breakout character of this season
Guys I hella ship Lucas/Max already
o fuck poor Dustin gonna have to cover up that cat’s death
dustin and his mom are like the comedic duo of the century “iLY “ILY” “I LOVE YOU” *mwah*
wow gaten matarazzo has BEAUTIFUL eyes!
omg eleven going to meet her mama!
well that’s one way to get in.
haha nancy pokin’ holes in that dude’s “boxes of pepe” map
omg lucas pulling all sorts of shit for max, my heart
“a safe place to what? be creepy?” bless you, max.
max you’re not gonna be so blase about lucas putting his trust in you after he tells you everything.
will is the tiniest bean <3
o shit bob’s here and he gon use his nerd powers to solve the mystery
“that’s the objective, find the x.” mike you effing nerd.
um why did it take them so long to figure out the drawings are a map of hawkins tho. i mean that’s the most logical thing, right?
(meanwhile i’m still highkey upset about dustin’s cat)
again with the vaginal imagery lol
ooh i have a feeling this is the ep where dustin brings steeb into the mix
lolllll erikaaaaaa #best
“she won’t get any better, will she?” :( :( :(
oh GOD el seeing her baby crib W H Y YOU DO DIS SHOW
omg mike’s parents are useless
“son of a bitch you’re really no help at all, you know that?” lmfaooooooo my thoughts exactly, dustin
I love that Steeb is like automatically on board too
omg save hopper guys pls i’m FULL OF ANXIETY
hahahahahahahah lucas been telling this story the whole time
LOLLLLLLLL getting all meta with max’s criticism of the story of what happened
if billy hurts lucas, i will seriously cut a bitch. like not even kidding.
(hahaha just realized the max/lucas ship name can be mucas, as in mucous hahaha)
“stop talking” lmao eleven
papa stealing baby eleven like it’s his job
ELEVEN’S AUNT HELPED THE BAD MEN WTF? whoaaaa eleven’s mama shooting cops like it ain’t no thing
more gay imagery thx for the rainbowwwwww
omfg eleven’s poor fucking mother, i can’t. she’s just reliving this horrible trauma for the rest of her fucking life? a w f u l
“IN MY NOW MEMORIES” <3 my gay son
“super spy” <3 supportive bisexual bf mike wheeler
yas beat those vines joyce, also winona’s tiny feet <3
“are we in will’s map?” lmao YES JFC get on board samwise
my sexuality is joyce saving hopper 
“hey bob” “hey jim” lmfao
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toast-connoisseur · 5 years
All the "weird asks"
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? -I’m actually obsessed with coffee mugs and tea cups even though I don’t drink coffee nor tea.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? -Chocolate bars
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? -Cotton Candy!
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? -It’s funny because I actually found some of my old report cards recently... they range from “a pleasure to have in class!” to “danger of failing the course” even though my grade for both of those would be an “A” ?
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? -The soda from a bottle from Mexico hits completely different.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? -Personally, I don’t dress like any of those but I am attracted to tomboys.
7. earbuds or headphones? -Depends. Mostly, earbuds.
8. movies or tv shows? -Movies.
9. favorite smell in the summer? -All the seasonal smells from the stores!
10. game you were best at in p.e.? -Softball or tennis.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? -One slice of toast and one egg.
12. name of your favorite playlist? -I made my friend a playlist called “Emo Turn Up” and I like that one a lot.
13. lanyard or key ring? -Key ring, but I have a lanyard because I tend to leave my purse in the car and that way I can just carry my keys around my neck. Also, my lanyard is Nightmare Before Christmas themed, so she’s beautiful.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? -Lollipops, actually lol
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? -Rosemary’s Baby. Although, I kind of got to pick the book for my assignment.
16. most comfortable position to sit in? -One leg is usually elevated while the other has my foot flat on the ground.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? -My Chuck Taylor’s!
18. ideal weather? -I have two technically. I love blue skies with a slight breeze but I also love windy rainy weather.
19. sleeping position? -On my side, on leg curled up and the other straight (kind of like how I sit) while I hold a pillow to my chest.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? -Notebook and post its!
21. obsession from childhood? -Stickers!! Although I never actually stuck them anywhere except on other papers or just left them on their page. I collected them so I didn’t like them getting ugly.
22. role model? -Dita Von Teese!
23. strange habits? -I guess if it’s habit, I probably wouldn’t consider it strange. I do write everything down. Like, everything. I have a list of every movie I’ve ever watched (I had to stop updating it because it was giving me anxiety due to how many movies I watch), I make post it notes that I eventually compile into notebook pages. Any information I never want to lose gets written down somewhere.
24. favorite crystal? Aventurine
25. first song you remember hearing? -It would’ve been something in Spanish. Most likely one of the many songs my mom used to sing to me.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? -Although I rarely get to do it: sitting in the sun/going to the beach or a pool. If it’s warm with a breeze I can lay outside for quite some time.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? -Watch movies on the couch with a blanket over me.
28. five songs to describe you? -Brown Eyed Girl (the original is nice but I love the Reel Big Fish version), Because I’m Awesome (The Dollyrots), Hot Mess (Cobra Starship), I’m Just a Kid (even though I’m almost 25. Simple Plan), Independent (Webbie)
29. best way to bond with you? -Be open and honest. I love talking about books, movies, and music but talk to me about conspiracy theories and ghost stories and you’ll have my heart. I love when people have stories revolving around their culture. I’m Mexican and we have lots of myths and stories to swap so it’s awesome.
30. places that you find sacred? -A person’s bedroom can be sacred. Call me silly but Disneyland is kind of sacred to me. It hold so many wonderful memories. I only like to share certain spots with certain people sometimes.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? -Probably whatever outfit I have on at the moment. I don’t really plan to kick anyone’s ass let alone want to plan a whole outfit for it. I assume leggings and a t shirt will do?
32. top five favorite vines? -omg I miss vine! I was actually going through vines on YouTube recently... The “Miss Keisha” vine always kills me, any vine with Sarah Baska, anything that Zane and Heath ever made, Jay Versace has really funny vines too, and I still quote the “welcome to Chilis” vine constantly. Picking 5 is way too hard.
33. most used phrase in your phone? -“it be like that sometimes” or “yaaaaaaas”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? -The Red Robin commercial and the O’Riley Auto Parts one play in my head on loop at the worst times.
35. average time you fall asleep? -I lay down around 9ish but don’t actually fall asleep until 10PM
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? -That’s way too hard to remember. Probably something I would consider really stupid now.
37. suitcase or duffel bag? -Depends on how long I’ll be away/how many clothes I’ll need. Usually, a suitcase.
38. lemonade or tea? -Lemonade.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? -omg why would you make me pick?! Lemon meringue pie though...
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? -I went to a public high school in LA. We mostly had riots and fights and I stayed away from all of that.
41. last person you texted? -Jayla. I need her to wake up so I can tell her about my dream about Beyoncé.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? -Por que no los dos?! I like buying men’s jean jackets because they have pockets inside though...
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? -Depends. I tend to get cold easily so I usually start with a cardigan but I love jean jackets.
44. favorite scent for soap? -just plain ol clean??
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? -Fantasy
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? -Depends on the weather but usually just shorts and a t shirt.
47. favorite type of cheese? -Mozzarella
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? -Grapes. Sweet and sometimes a little sour lol
49. what saying or quote do you live by? -“Let your imaginarlo run free”. I actually have it tattooed on my right bicep.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? -My friends always get me to laugh really hard. I think the hardest I’ve ever laughed was when my friend tried to say something and she completely botched the sentence so it was pure gibberish and yet I understood her? We just looked at each other and burst into laughter.
51. current stresses? -Work, school, life... the usual??
52. favorite font? -Arial
53. what is the current state of your hands? -I am typing my answers to these questions on my phone...
54. what did you learn from your first job? -I only have infinite patience for kids, not adults.
55. favorite fairy tale? -Used to be Cinderella, but I was never really one for fairy tales tbh
56. favorite tradition? -I don’t actually have any. Never really had anyone to have traditions with.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? -2018 was an entire struggle, car crashes because idiot drivers crashed into mine and totaled mine (TWICE), my entire life as a whole has been a struggle tbh. Every day is one that I try my hardest to overcome.
58. four talents you’re proud of having? -I don’t really consider myself as someone with any talent, let alone four, but... A mathematician once taught me how to divide any number by five in my head, I’m pretty good at mimicking certain accents, idk of this counts as a talent but I can drink quite a bit before I actually feel anything, I can recite certain movies down to what song will play during certain scenes, and I would consider myself the ultimate Disneyland tour guide. That’s five but it’s all I can think of so if one doesn’t sound like one, we have an extra.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? -“Oh shit, here we go again...”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? -I know nothing about anime so I wouldn’t even know. I would want to make a joke about being in the ones that are essentially pornos but I’m probably wrong with that too.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? -“The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” Idk if the line comes from elsewhere but I first heard it in the movie Moulin Rouge and it has stuck with me since.
62. seven characters you relate to? -Oh geez, I don’t really relate to any tbh but seven characters I like: Princess Tiana, Shane from The L Word, Theo from the Netflix version of A Haunting of Hill House, Satine from Moulin Rouge, Wall-E, Cassandra from Saved!, and The Grinch (as wonderfully played by Jim Carrey)
63. five songs that would play in your club? -Act Up (City Girls), Motivation (Normani), LGBT (Cupcakke), Alcohol (Millionaires, lol), My Type (Saweetie)
64. favorite website from your childhood? -Neopets!
65. any permanent scars? -I have one from when I stuck my hand in a garbage can because I was looking for something and wound up cutting myself on all the glass that had been thrown in. The scar is super tiny and on my pinkie lol
66. favorite flower(s)? -Roses and carnations
67. good luck charms? -I don’t have any anymore.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? -I tried sea urchin once and I swear I can still taste it.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? -All leaves have symmetry (unless tampered with)
70. left or right handed? -I’m right handed but I use my left hand as dominant for a lot of stuff? It’s weird.
71. least favorite pattern? One that isn’t symmetrical.
72. worst subject? -I was once good at math and now I’m horrible.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? -Some think syrup on bacon is gross but I love when the syrup from my pancakes falls on it!
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? -10
75. when did you lose your first tooth? -I have no idea. I lost all my baby teeth early on. I’ll go with 5 or 6...
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? -Can’t go wrong with French Fries!
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? -I recently revived the orchid my boss has on his windowsill and I’m quite proud of that.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? -I don’t drink coffee but I love sushi...
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? -Now, my driver’s license photo. I retook it recently lol
80. earth tones or jewel tones? -Jewel (with a mix of earth?)
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? -There’s a difference? Fireflies, I guess?
82. pc or console? -Console, though I love PC games.
83. writing or drawing? -I’m shit at drawing but I love to doodle. Writing is my favorite though.
84. podcasts or talk radio? -Podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket? -My childhood nickname is Barbie (my middle name is Barbara) so I only played with Barbies even though I only dressed them because I liked their clothes and then then threw them to the side to play other games.
85. fairy tales or mythology? -Mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? -Cookies
87. your greatest fear? -Being buried alive.
88. your greatest wish? -To be truly happy.
89. who would you put before everyone else? -My family/close friends.
90. luckiest mistake? -My entire life? I guess it would be taking a job in a field I knew nothing about which led me to learn about said field. I’m now somewhat successful in that field.
91. boxes or bags? -Depends on what I’m carrying but I love boxes. Bags are much easier though... I guess I’ll go with bags.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? -Sunlight/sunset.
93. nicknames? -Barbie, a friend in high school used to call me West Side Story because my first name is Maria, Barbz...
94. favorite season? -Fall
95. favorite app on your phone? -I like IG
96. desktop background? -Wildflowers
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? -5? My friends have changed their numbers before so I remember their old numbers only lol
98. favorite historical era? -I love the fashion of the fashion and cars of the 1940s but I would never want to go back. We’re barely making any progress towards equality as is so going back would not be an option for me.
Thanks for the questions, Anon!💞
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howblunt · 5 years
1-98 weird asks!
First off: Thank you so much! I’m very excited to answer all of these :) 
Second off: Let’s begin
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? 
Coffee Mugs 
 2. chocolate bars or lollipops? 
lollipops for sure 
 3. bubblegum or cotton candy? 
bubblegum! (though i do love cotton candy)
 4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? 
honestly I’m not sure. I’m sure it was something about me being quite and bad at participating 
 5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? 
(reusable) Plastic cups 
 6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? 
I love the look of pastel 
but I think I dress more preppy ? with a hint of grunge(maybe goth) 
 7. earbuds or headphones?
I wear earbuds more often but I do prefer headphones 
 8. movies or tv shows? 
 9. favorite smell in the summer? 
how the pool smells and sunscreen 
 10. game you were best at in p.e.? 
none. P.E. was awful.
Stick to the back and hope the ball doesn’t come at me, that’s how I lived. 
 11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? 
Cereal. I am a simple woman 
 12. name of your favorite playlist? 
currently it is my “Jean + Scott angst (and love)” playlist off spotify 
 13. lanyard or key ring? 
key ring 
 14. favorite non-chocolate candy? 
anything gummy but more specifically gummy worms 
 15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Wide Sargasso Sea 
If you like Gothic novels with some unrequited love and desire… hit this book up. Look up the plot of Jane Erye first.. it’s like a prequel. Btw I hated Jane Erye. But love Wide Sargasso Sea. Lots of symbolism and even witch craft 
 16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Legs stretched out, both on the ground 
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My black tennis shoes. Very comfortable 
 18. ideal weather? 
Fall weather. Wind and sunshine 
 19. sleeping position?
Usually on my right side. But I wake up on my back
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? 
 21. obsession from childhood?
Barbie dolls! and my little pony+ littlest pet shop 
 22. role model? 
This is a hard one because I don’t really have anyone. But I guess Dan Aykroyd (my senior quote is from him) 
 23. strange habits? 
biting the inside of my mouth, fidgeting + folding up papers that are given to me (like in mass), and chewing my straws 
 24. favorite crystal? 
Rose quartz and orange Calcite
 25. first song you remember hearing?
Here Comes the Sun
My mom used to sing it in the morning to wake up my sister and me 
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? 
Or walk/ride my bike to the library 
 27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
curl up in a blanket and stay inside 
 28. five songs to describe you? 
(In no order)
Not Today by Twenty One Pilots 
Wow, I’m Not Crazy by AJR 
xanny by Billie Eilish 
I’m In Love With My Car by Queen
Why Do You Feel So Down by Declan McKenna 
 29. best way to bond with you? 
Going shopping (clothes or other). This way we can chat and also have something to do 
 30. places that you find sacred?
The library and church 
 31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? 
idk full outfit but my black pleated skirt makes me feel good 
 32. top five favorite vines? 
In no order
*girl vapes* wow
I smell like beef 
Lets’s tell each other secrets. I’ll go first, I hate you. 
Chris is that a weed?!
This is how I enter my house. What’s up fuckers?! 
 33. most used phrase in your phone? 
 34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? 
that one for the shampoo made for curly hair. and it goes “That’s curl power”
 35. average time you fall asleep? 
11 or 12 during the week. 1 or 2 for weekends 
 36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? 
Rage comics. idk which specifically. But i used to run a rage comic meme account. I was pretty popular ;)
37. suitcase or duffel bag? 
 38. lemonade or tea? 
lemonade (though i do LOVE tea)
 39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cakes 
 40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?  
omg so. There was this girl who told on this other girl for cheating on a test. Then like the whole grade just ganged up on this other girl and started calling her “the snitch” because the cheater’s friend group started saying “snitches get stitches” (lol even tho i went to an all girls, majority white + prissy + upper class, catholic school but go off) that went on for too long.
at some party they started to chant “snitches get stitches” 
the girl who started the chant then got suspended 
41. last person you texted? 
my ex. (it was a good breakup) 
 42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? 
jacket pockets 
 43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? 
 44. favorite scent for soap?
 45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi (lmao x-men is under sci-fi at the library. so it counts) 
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? 
XL t-shirt from giving blood and some very loose pajama shorts 
 47. favorite type of cheese?
 48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? 
Mango (I eat enough to turn into one)
 49. what saying or quote do you live by? 
“Comparison will kill you”
 50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
OMG so there was this big spider web. And me and a friend thought it would be funny to call another friend over. And then be like “’lol u just walked passed a huge spider”–we didn’t think she would walk into it or near it because it was right by the edge of a lake we were by. So we call her over and this girl starts sprinting over toward us and RIGHT toward the spider web, and she had this big smile. And my friend and I yelled at her to stop. And when we were laughing saying she was about to run into a spider web and showed her the big spider, she began to freak out (maybe even cry). 
She was okay after the shock and fear wore off. 
I literally have tears in my eyes from typing this 
 51. current stresses? 
My friend moving away really far 
Starting school
making new friends 
 52. favorite font? 
I honestly don’t have one
 53. what is the current state of your hands? 
kinda dry
 54. what did you learn from your first job?
That I really love kids
 55. favorite fairy tale? 
Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel 
 56. favorite tradition?
Every one of my family’s Christmas traditions 
 57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? 
My self doubt
sharing my art + writing 
My self confidence + learning my worth 
 58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I can play the piano
I can draw and paint
I can embroider and sew (not well but I have fun)
I can write pretty creative stories 
 59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Oh gosh, now what?”
 60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? 
Magical Girl Anime
 61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Darjeeling Limited directed by Wes Anderson: “What’s wrong with you?” / “Let me think about that. I’ll tell you the next time I see you.” / “Sure, tell me then.” / “Thanks for using me.” / “You’re Welcome.” 
 62. seven characters you relate to?
Will from Stranger Things (with the whole not wanting to give up “childish things” and other stuff his friends are growing out of)
David Wong from John Dies at the End (with how he handles the situation and thinks)
Molly from Booksmart (not the going to a great college or being super smart + looking down on people part. But wanting to go to a party and flirt with cute boys)
Erin from Derry Girls (Tbh, I relate to all the main girls in this show)
Eric from That 70s Show (sometimes)
A mix between Ben and Andy from Parks and Rec
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Good Old Fashion Lover Boy by Queen 
Dance, Baby! by Boy Pablo 
Hooked On A Feeling by Blue Swede 
Fake Happy by Paramore 
Sober Up by AJR
 64. favorite website from your childhood? 
Club Penguin and Webkinz 
 65. any permanent scars?
On my knees from falling as a child. A small scar under my eye from a dog bite 
66. favorite flower(s)? 
Roses and Daisies 
 67. good luck charms?  
I wear this necklace a friend gave me when I am nervous 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Green Tea flavored Mochi is kinda nasty to me
 69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? 
Dan Aykroyd lost his wallet that he always kept chained to his belt. He was freaking out and searching all over while John Belushi was laughing his butt off
 70. left or right handed?
 71. least favorite pattern?
anything with too many circles / holes 
72. worst subject? 
Anything Science related 
 73. favorite weird flavor combo?
idk but do NOT try lemonade with Doritos. it taste like throw up 
I’ve made this mistake twice 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
it has to be an 7 or so
 75. when did you lose your first tooth? 
gosh, i’m not sure 
 76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? 
tator tots 
 77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
this is a question for my sister 
 78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
I regularly buy sushi from a grocery store so that works 
the grocery store I go to has a sushi bar and has fresh sushi every day 
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
tbh they both looks kinda good.. not to BRAG. but i guess driver’s license 
 80. earth tones or jewel tones? 
Earth tones
 81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
 82. pc or console? 
 83. writing or drawing?
 84. podcasts or talk radio? 
podcast – no commercials 
 84. barbie or polly pocket? 
Barbie all the WAY! Though I do love me a good polly pocket 
 85. fairy tales or mythology?
Fair Tales
 86. cookies or cupcakes?
though i like making cupcakes more 
 87. your greatest fear?
Being kidnapped and never being found 
 88. your greatest wish?
To find my ideal man
 89. who would you put before everyone else? 
Anyone in my family 
 90. luckiest mistake?
Thinking a test is sooner so I study. But then ending up having another day to study as well. 
91. boxes or bags?
 92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? 
(maybe some fairy lights in the background) 
 93. nicknames?
My real name is Veronica but I go by Ronni
Ron Ron, Gonni, Ronica 
 94. favorite season? 
 95. favorite app on your phone? 
 96. desktop background? 
I’m a Kaneki slut (Tokyo Ghoul) 
Tumblr media
 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
 98. favorite historical era?
style wise: 1800 rococo -- Marie Antoinette period 
media wise: 1970s  
0 notes
eisforeidolon · 7 years
Episode: Ladies Drink Free
OMG Claire's so cool cuz she talks back to adults and stuff it's so awesum!!!  Calling the Winchesters old and useless hahahahahahaha!
What's that noxious smell?  Is it … desperation to appeal to a younger demographic?  I think it is!
I'd pretty much subtitle this episode, “I really don't give a shit about this stupid teen drama”.  Which is not to say it was a total loss, because there were some things I enjoyed about it.
I actually quite liked Mick here.  From the start where he gives them a very understandable reason for wanting to be more physically involved in hunting after seeing his whole team killed to actually clearly being conflicted over killing teenage girls.  He was almost cuddly with all his doubts!  Liked his coming up with the doctor subterfuge on the spot as well, so he wasn't totally useless and his ultimately getting a chance to redeem himself via the kill shot on the culprit werewolf (though it was a tad convenient).  Even his ridiculously awkward attempts at subterfuge the Winchesters see right through were oddly charming almost (although how on earth he expected to get away with it when the bitten girl turned up randomly dead the next day I don't know). Both the writing and the actor's performance really did good things for trying to round him out as a three-dimensional character.  
Speaking of his ineptitude, I also loved how quickly Dean was on to him.  That suspicious look when he couldn't open the door, the way he turned the interrogation around on Mick so suddenly but as if it was a joke, grabbing his shoulder when he tried to keep lying – that whole part was awesome.  Also loved Dean's intense interrogation face at the bar.  
Of course, ultimately?  Especially considering the content of the promo for next week?  There's no way in which trying to make Mick sympathetic wouldn't have been better done spread across more than one episode (maybe two if you count The Raid, sort of).
I did also like the reason the whole werewolf incident here happened, again, because of the BMOL invasion stirring up the monster population.  Yeah, it does feel a little derivative of Eve, but it also makes sense and if we're going to go with this plotline (and since our alternative is the devil baby mama drama...).
More minor upsides were Dean cramming all the mints into his pocket, Sam looking so confused at the idea of them getting different rooms, were-mice!, Mick and Sam geeking out over the podcast in the car while Dean suffers not-so-silently through it (nerd soulmates), Dean being a jerk at the start to Mick for the pure joy of being a jerk.  Dean's suit-less swim – I admit I'd have forgiven this episode a lot more if we got to see something of that.  I'm not proud of it, but it's true.  There was also Dean's Yogi impression to Claire on the phone and Sam telling Claire to stop acting like a stupid kid if she didn't want to be treated like one. Even some of the writing for her, like Claire having the self-awareness to realize she's a complete mess was decent if you don't consider the mediocre delivery too hard.  
Unfortunately, that brings us generally to Claire, and everything else about this episode that was less enjoyable.  It's very hard to take this episode seriously when it starts out having Dean say you can't just learn hunting from books without ending up dead … and then goes out of its way to save Scrappy Doo in a blonde wig who can't even be bothered to use books in the first place.  Even if the general context of the show hadn't been trying very hard the past few seasons to make being a hunter a joke by calling everyone who stood in Sam and Dean's general vicinity when there was a monster around one, this would still be painfully ridiculous.  And the way they worry about babysitting Mick, but just let Claire do whatever … seriously?  Do the writers actually read back over their own scripts at any point?  At all?
They showed Claire being a complete and total incompetent moron – trying to pass herself off as an adult official, telling the Winchesters Jody totally knew what she was up to but admitting she hadn't had a hot meal in ages as if they're as stupid as she is and will buy that, wandering the woods with her headphones on with a werewolf that likes to snack on teenagers on the loose … and then after having her stupid ass need to get saved YET AGAIN like every other goddamn hunt we know of her being involved with?  She heads off on her own to do it over again and I got the impression we're somehow not supposed to think that's the dumbest thing ever.  If hunting with no experience beyond book learning gets you dead fast, there is absolutely no excuse for Claire having survived long enough to be in this episode.  Period.  It only gets worse when she manages to survive because the cure that only worked on mice ONE IN NINE times (make it 50/50 at least, ffs) just so luckily happens to work and save her!  Though ultimately, the thing I found most absurd is that the Winchesters promise not to tell on her or interfere with her hunting alone – which, what way do you want to have it, writers?  Either they actually give a fuck about her for some reason, in which case, HELL NO would they be okay with that when she's so painfully, incompetently terrible at it.  Or they don't care, in which case, quit wasting my time with Canon Fodder Barbie (Fuckton of plot armor included!) who they have no more responsibility or connection to than any other random VotW.  Ugh.
It's not much better that Sam is suddenly having objections about killing werewolves because they're somehow “different”.  Even though he knew vampires who didn't kill people, too.  Even though he used to give monsters in general the benefit of the doubt.  A few episodes ago the writers didn't want him to think about any shades of gray, but now it's time for a confrontation to start brewing -  so suddenly he does think about it and they try to write the contrast off with this kind of flimsy bullshit.  I mean, yeah, Sam has a tendency to justify things to himself when he wants them bad enough, but this doesn't even have any weight or reason to it in that vein.  Like you could almost see the writers jerking his strings like a puppet, ffs.  This is the kind of terrible writing that continues to come from not thinking through and planning out your arcs over a larger space of time so they actually feel realistic for the characters.  The idea of the Winchesters working with the BMOL a bit and then seeing their uglier side and coming into conflict is a good premise, but the execution continues to leave quite a bit to be desired.
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