#she says with a challengers pfp
selfcarecap · 1 month
I actually enjoyed Deadpool and Wolverine soooooo much it’s my fav film from the last few years. I also never thought I’d enjoy a Marvel film this much ever again 💀🫣 I’m so glad I watched it at the cinema as well it was so good
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oatmealmika · 1 year
What Are They Like On Social Media (Headcanons)?
feat. luffy, zoro, nami, sanji, usopp, robin, franky, and brook
requests open for other things like this!
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nami made him make an Instagram account and he did so... BUT NOT WITHOUT DOWNLOADING 8 VIRUSES THE MOMENT HE GOT ONTO IT
he started clinking on every ad he saw, of course, and now he's got to pay 100000 dollars by the end of the month or else world government will find him.
he took that as a challenge.
basic, but his username is kingofthepirates or strawhat69 or something
maybe even a pun or some shit bro
follows anybody he even slightly likes and comments dumb shit on all of their posts.
ex; luffy commenting on a post robin made w chopper "can you ask him if reindeers are real?"
takes weird angled photos of his friends and posts them (ex. forehead shots)
username is bestswordsmanofficial
usually posts training videos, but also sometimes puts on his story a cry for help to his friends cuz he got lost again
also not the most tech savy guy
i get vibes he would straight up record himself coughing to death and post it
he went viral once, actually.
was dragged by nami to be a backup dancer for one of her tiktoks
stiffly dancing
on snapchat, he uses weird filters like the broccoli one and just sent it to everyone he knew.
username is nami.venmo.me
probably makes scams in order to get money
she has two accounts; a scamming account and a real account (both under similar usernames actually)
on snapchat, she and usopp have a 200+ snapscore
they both contemplated jumping ship when they messed it up..
matching pfps with usopp too! ex.;
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nami is cookie monster, usopp is screaming man
username is lovecook_sanji
other than posting the food he makes, he also posts aesthetic photos of him crying💀
ALSO posts photos of baths with rose petals that he only made cuz he wanted to be desperate in the caption like "such a beautiful place... i just wish that... someone could share it with me... :("
out here posting "i wish i was beautiful :(" posts for attention and zoro out here commenting back "i wish you were too💀"
blocked zoro after that
tags ONLY nami and robin in his posts whenever he posts the group
"the rest of them are just some guys 🙄"
username is god..usopp
also is in charge of the strawhat official social media accounts
nami makes the aesthetically pleasing posts while usopp posts the funny hahas
like that time luffy slipped off ship with his mouth full of food (and bcuz he can't swim w his devil fruit) so he almost sank to the bottom
plugs his personal acc on the strawhat official acc too much
luffy used to be the manager of the account but that acc got banned...
so usopp was given the job to make a new one and manage it (no luffy you can't write the caption)
username is nico.robin
mostly posts about the books she's been reading, such as reviews
formats them nice and neatly
all her posts are very aesthetically pleasing
besides book reviews, she posts a lot of chopper
she's like a mom in that way making her kids pose for photos and takes photos as much as possible
overall very pretty account
username is franky_da_cyborg
when not posting inventions, he posts crewmates doing random things
doesn't have to be weird at all most of the posts are just straight up usopp making a sandwich or robin reading
all posts are very low quality tho lol
username is musician-brook
obv posts him playing music but also posts himself saying terrible dad jokes
"singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. then it's a soap opera."
he got the phone confiscated for that one
apart of nami's backup dancers for her tiktoks
actually works it
go grandpa go!
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all right reserved. do not repost or copy my work but relogging, comments or feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you.
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falling-star-cygnus · 7 months
Heard you’re suffering artblock and want requests so uhhhh—
Alastor helping Lucifer with molting season?
i love you for this, dewflake :0
uhhh, i wrote this and then reread your ask and only just now realized it says art block and not writers block... hope you don't mind?
your pfp tho oml <3
{Alastor sneezes.}
{The feather that had drifted past his nose, tauntingly red, marks for the third occasion he's had to bat one of those blasted things away. Once he could dismiss as an accident, two an unfortunate coincidence, but three?}
{Why, it was practically a challenge!}
{Though... admittedly a messy one. Not to mention sloppy. You didn't see Alastor leaving the velvet from his antlers everywhere, now did you?}
{...that wasn't a bad idea actually. Not everywhere, of course, the Radio Demon had class. But maybe a hearty covering over a certain king of hell's pillow would be enough of a deterrent.}
{Why was Lucifer leaving his feathers everywhere? It was hardly his usual go-to for irritating the deer demon. Before he could dwell too long, however, a familiar chipper voice breaks into his thought process.}
"Oh! Alastor!"
{Charlie, he notes. She's carrying a stack of boxes that's leaning just a little too far forward for comfort and Alastor can't help but use his microphone to tilt them back into her hands properly.}
{Purely so it wouldn't fall on him, of course. Not because he didn't want the princess to hurt herself. That would've made excellent entertainment if he was standing maybe a foot to the left. That's what he'll tell anyone that asks. Until it's true}
"Ack- thanks, Al!" "No problem at all, my dear Charlie. May I ask why you're carrying such a heavy load? With no help for that matter."
{Alastor would've thought her little girlfriend would've leapt at the chance to help. Especially considering he could tell she still carried the guilt of keeping what she truly was a secret.}
"It's no worries! Juuust busy somethings around in storage. Oh, oh! Actually- do you mind checking on my dad?"
{The Radio Demon tilts his head to the side, wondering why in high hell the darling princess thought that that was a good idea. He goes to say as much when-}
"Please, Al? For me?"
{He chokes on static. Somehow, Charlie had managed to peek over her stack of luggage and flash the most horrendous pair of puppy dog- ugh dogs- pair of doe eyes at him}
{It's shameful how fast it works.}
"...obey the five-foot rule." "Yay! Oh, I could hug you right now!" "Do not."
{Charlie giggles, hefting her haul back into the crook of her arm with a nod}
"I would go myself, but this could be a good bonding opportunity for you two! He always gets like this this time of year..." "Oh? And here I thought he was a hermit year round, hahah!"
{Alastor doesn't stick around to see her expression.}
{Unsurprisingly, the feathers become a more and more common occurrence the closer he gets to Lucifer's gaudy apple tower. He'll have to loose Niffty in here sometime soon...}
{The deer half-debates just leaving, the king of hell is more then old enough to take care of himself. But- no, he gave Charlie his word. Not directly, there was nothing making him do this actually. So why does he want to...?}
{Alastor knocks}
"Huh- Uh.. who is it?"
{The door is opening before he can answer.}
"Now, now, your highness, you didn't even let me introduce myself!" "Ughh, what do you want, Alastor?"
{There's something itching at the back of his brain at the sight of Lucifer's unkempt wings. The way the feathers puffed and clumped up in some places, the ceiling high piles of red and white... hm.}
{He invites himself in}
"Wh- hey!" "Our dear Charlie sent me over, of course! Something about your current issue being a yearly problem?"
{It's highly amusing to watch Lucifer waffle around for an answer, starting one sentence just to abandon it for an accusation. It almost makes him laugh as he watches over his shoulder. It's only after a minute of watching that he realizes the king is shirtless.}
{The final piece clicks into place.}
"Oh, I see. You're molting, aren't you?" "How did you-" "I suppose this goes to show even the most powerful of beings have their troubles, hm?" "So you admit I'm stronger then you!"
{Alastor's eye twitches}
"You mean you were doubting it?"
{Lucifer scowls}
{The micro king of hell manages to keep the staring contest going for about 10 seconds before throwing his hands up to viciously scratch at one of wings. The rough movement has the deer cringing and smoothing himself out before Lucifer rounds on him again.}
"Can I help you?" "On the contrary, maybe I can help you."
{His royal shortness barely has time to blink before Alastor is shadow slinking behind him.}
{The Radio Demon shoves at his shoulder until the little king is face down on his bed and ignores whatever noises of protest he manages to make at the sudden treatment.}
"What are you doing- oh. Oh, that feels nice."
{Alastor had sunk his nails into the clump of loose feathers closest to the middle of Lucifer's back and begun to gently scritch at the muscle underneath it; effectively, the feathers ready to fall were taken care of.}
{It feels like hours later of this rinse and dry process before the purring King speaks up}
"You're good at this... you done this for that bartender of yours or something?" "HAH- no."
{The deer contemplates leaving it at that, keeping whatever this calm air is between them going and stable and safe. He's not sure why he doesn't.}
"My ma- my mother used to look after the ducks that came by the pond."
{If Lucifer notices the correction, he doesn't say anything. No, he stays quiet as Alastor dusts his loose feathers into an idle pile.}
"She taught me how to do it." "...she sounds nice."
{The Radio Demon hums, a familiar song drifting through his microphone. He vaguely remembers it as something that would play in the kitchen all those years ago. Hm... didn't his maman say that molting fowl needed more protein? Perhaps then he'll make jambalaya for dinner tonight. Just in case.}
"...she was."
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Reader who makes plushies... That have literal bombs inside of them that they can throw on the battlefield
Imagine if one of Links accidentally sets it off
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Jk jk, it’s just funny to see this ask when you have Klee from hit game Genshin Impact on pc, PlayStation, and mobile devices as your pfp.
Personally I actually really love the concept of characters with bombs that are hidden inside plush dolls, they’re always so fun and cute! Now as for a (y/n) with those dolls…
She is not gonna be using them as freely when the time comes.
At the start I think the Chain would actually be really chill with her primarily using bombs in combat, I mean as long as she can control where they go. In fact, they’d prefer her using bombs than using nothing at all since - and I mean this as politely as possible - if would not be good if they had member of the group basically be deadweight.
*side eyes canon (y/n) who is not a combatant in any capacity*
And in all fairness, I’m pretty sure everyone who’s played a Zelda game has accidentally blown themselves up with their own bombs at least one time. Realistically would that kind of injury be severe and heavily impact her relationship with the Chain? Of course, but since when have I stuck to realism?
(y/n) being a combatant from the get go would certainly impact the Chain’s view of her fighting later on when they start becoming obsessive, but I think they’d still go through a phase where they think (y/n) shouldn’t be using them at all when their concern for her safety reaches its peak.
I mean, if these guys can blow themselves up with their own bombs when those bombs are just a side item then what about when they’re someone’s main weapon? I heavily doubt this variant of the reader would be without some bandages from accidentally blowing herself up on occasion.
Those who become a little too paranoid for her safety, such as Four, Twilight, and probably Wild just from his own personal experiences accidentally setting off a remote bomb too close to himself or using a bomb arrow in the Eldin region, would argue that she’s safer without them than with them.
And while most of the others would be in agreement, the problem is…she’s had these bombs and this method of fighting since before she ever came to Hyrule. Who are they to say what she can and cannot do to defend herself with?
It’s a struggle between the overwhelming desire to keep her safe and the need to respect her as their superior, after all they are barely worthy to hold a candle to her.
So, a compromise is made.
They politely ask (y/n) if she can limit her bomb usage, perhaps using a bit of well meaning manipulation to say that their ears are more sensitive than hers and as such the sound of the bombs going off hurts their ears.
They don’t want to limit their darling, don’t want her to feel caged and like her wings are being clipped, but they also want her to be safe above all else.
And if there were ever a time when (y/n)’s style of combat proved to be more detrimental to her well-being than not then they wouldn’t hesitate to take those bombs away, even if she protests.
On a slightly happier note, the plushies themselves are something the Chain would coo over a lot!
Some might even try to give her inspiration for new ones to make, even if they aren’t bombs(they’d be happier if they weren’t bombs tbh). I’m sure Hyrule has a bunch of dolls that look like himself saved up and Wild’s got pictures of Riju’s sand seals, those would be adorable!
But yeah, a reader who utilizes bombs in combat would challenge the Chain’s dual desires to both respect (y/n) as their ultimate authority(not that she knows) and keep her safe. But as long as she properly uses them, then she’ll be fine.
For now.
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mjthefaeva · 2 months
I had a solid hour where I got sucked down the rabbit hole of Radfem Terf tumblr blogs, and I was looking at it, not in a “oh I wonder what the people who want me dead have to say” way, but more the way you look at say a Dumpster fire?
Like I was reading through this and the way that they refer to Trans people and the people who support trans people (at least this specific blog) sounded like they do nothing but spend their time on 4chan.
CW: Transphobia and use of transphobic….. I don’t know if I’d call them slurs? Like they’re meant as slurs but it’s so stupid that it just feels like someone using gibberish.
So I saw two VERY LONG POSTS from this blogger that sounded absolutely unhinged, in that very specific “UH WAIT NO IM NOT THE WEIRD AND CREEPY ONE! YOU ARE! YOU UHHHHH YOU YOU YOU- YOU HATE VICTIMS OF SA” like you get what i mean? Even when that wasn’t brought up at all or when it was specifically brought up in the context of someone saying that they feel bad about this person going through the trauma but it doesn’t justify her acting insane.
Here’s a specific example. So one of the arguments was about JK Rowling and why she uses the K in her name in the first place, although it looked like they were way to caught up on the K (her grandmothers name that she used for her own name despite it not being a middle name) and it was really funny seeing someone point out that fact, and the fact that it sucks that JK Rowling had to go through a shit ton of misogyny through the process of writing Harry Potter, but that they still wouldn’t be supporting her because of her stance a trans people.
And I want to make this very clear. The replier was really civil about the whole thing. Like it was very clear that they were kinda just chilling.
And that’s when the world went a little crazy as the anime girl PFP radfem that I’ve been alluding to starts making a massive unhinged and unnecessarily long essay response to the reply (which was like 3 sentences long and included as a reference image in the reblog by this Radfem).
Again I say, it was Unhinged, way too long, and very unnecessary (much like this post! HEYOH!)
And they bantered back and forth, and each time the radfem kept saying shit like “You Troon likers” (I don’t remember specifically what the slang is for Cis women who support trans rights, maybe like Lib femmes) and like it just kept sounding like you could hear the tear drops hitting the screen with every bit of transphobia. Especially having a problem with the trans rights advocate saying that JKRowlinga response to trans people is incredibly harmful, and the whole time I was sitting there waiting for someone to bring up any of her unhinged ramblings.
Anyway to make a too long post shorter, I really hope that these Terfy types look at the stuff that they make and just like…. Actually ask themselves if what they’re making is….. honorable? Not embarrassing sounding???? Idk, TERF be more normal challenge? Terf Be more normal Challenge😌
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xxsycamore · 10 months
Alright, I'll steal the remaining slots before it's too late!
Social Media AU with genderbent Fenrir and MC
Krys your BRAIN. Be honest, did you see it coming that I'm going to make Fen a Twitch streamer? Hope you like it as much as I did!!!
[ 🌈 part of the character x character or genderbent!character x mc requests🌈 ]
For Different Universe, Same Love creative challenge, hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady and me.
𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐀𝐔 ┅┅┅genderbent!Fenrir x Alice
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"Damn it, he got me!"
While waiting impatiently to respawn, Fen stuffs her mouth full of chips and directs her attention to the chatbox next to her game screen instead. She tries to pay as much attention as she can to her Twitch subs, maintaining a friendly and laid-back atmosphere where she can indulge in snacks, gaming, and occasional swears while her audience contently watches her.
gentlexdemon23: Maybe if you used something other than dual pistols in this map you wouldn't suck so bad :)
Fen barely remembers to gulp down her food before reading out loud this particular comment that caught her attention, using an annoying voice for it.
"Dude, dual pistols are the best what are ya talking about? Why bother with another weapon when I've already mastered one. Dumbass."
Fen relaxes back into her gaming chair as a wall of the same comments saying "you must be new here", likely directed at gentlexdemon23, flash at a fast speed across the chat screen. Suddenly a telltale noise announces a donation, and Fen excitedly thanks the person before reading out:
alicethe2nd: Dual pistons ftw! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Please show us your irl collection again after the match!
Fen's bright magenta eyes all but begin to sparkle with excitement upon seeing the request.
"You mean my babies? Hell yeah! Thank you, Alice the second! Wait, are ya a chick? Or just another guy using a cute anime girl as their pfp?"
Fen's eyes scan carefully through the endless wave of lol's in fear she'll miss that one username she's looking for.
alicethe2nd: I'm a girl, haha! I'm not even into these things, I just fell down the rabbit hole and found myself watching your streams... I think you're cool!
This time Fen doesn't read the message out loud, though the way her lips move the people watching her could probably figure that the reply got to her safely. There's a brief pause that Fen utilizes to get back on track after failing to notice she's been respawned in the game. That's rare.
She's far from being so naive as to trust random fans blindly and take their word for granted, much less initiate further contact with them, even if that one sounded quite cute.
Oh well.
"Actually, ya know what? For that generous tip, I can even offer you a one-on-one call to see them up close. See chat, it's whatcha get for respecting Fen's babies! Leave me a DM, Alice."
@arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran   @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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faaarawayyy · 6 months
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i’m bea/benrey! either name is good!
my pronouns include but r not limited to hey/hem/heir, she/her, and he/him. you can find all my pronouns and how to use them here!
i label myself nonbinary and dolphinygender but im rly just a creature ^_^ also aroace and platonically objectum! i’m taken in a queerplatonic relationship <33 also im otherkin/nonhuman!! (oceankin + robotkin)
i am a minor, and i have autism and adhd, so please keep these in mind when interacting with me! nsfw/18+ blogs please dni for both our comforts
i have tons of interests but i am especially fixated currently on dungeons and dragons, spore, kirby, rain world, and all my own ocs!! my biggest spinterest will always be in marine life/the ocean, i have my #marautism tag for all that stuff
i also post my own art here! most of it is of my ocs but maybe sometimes ill post misc fandom stuff if i ever feel like making fanart!
i don’t have a strict dni rly cuz i just block n move on casually but just, i feel it should be fairly obvious that youre not welcome here if youre a bigot or a proshipper or a zionist or just super nasty!! stay far away from me tyyy
anyway. beside that. tags and other blogs beneath cut and have fun here!! feel free to interact in any way i dont bite!! peace n love
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@bluelightovermurder | my dnd/dunmeshi/ttrpg posting blog. lots of character related rbs
@starryseastims | my stimboard blog! feel free to send requests!
@tmd-clangen | my (as of now inactive) clangen story blog! post-apoc horror and challenge-based, be aware it contains lots of dark themes
@delfinxxia | currently inactive artblog lol. i may repurpose it someday? idk but it’s there
@recoveryranger | also inactive pokeblr blog. idk when ill get back into it haha
misc. notes
my content warnings are formatted like the following example: #cws #blood #death (etc). common ones likely will be: blood, gore, death/animal death, eyestrain. if you need anything more specifically tagged, feel free to send in an ask stating what you’d like tagged, anon or not!
my oc art is not free use but any of my fandom art may be used for noncommercial and/or personal reasons with credit! (ex. using my art as pfp)
i don’t usually do requests, art trades, or commissions, but i’ll post if this is something that happens at any point
tag guide
#clicksnsqueaks - just me saying stuff
#textbubbles - misc. textposts not said by me
#reblog - self-explanatory
#ask - asks i’ve received and answered! i’ll tag your username too but you can also request me not to
#ask game and #tag game - if i rb ask games or get tagged in something
#others’ art - self-explanatory, art that other people have made
#friend art - also self-explantatory, art from my friends/mutuals :>
#important - things that are. well. important. serious posts only
#4me - stuff that was made for me, gifts/commissions/etc.!
#4later - resources and compilation posts usually, might tag them specifically with #art resources or #life stuff as well
#fav - stuff i REALLY like
#mecore - things that r just. mecore. yknow
#me-tagged - stuff my friends/mutuals tagged for me YAAAY
#inspiration - awesome stuff that makes me feel inspired
#silly - stuff i think is funny
#wholesome - stuff i think is cute or nice or uplifting
art-specific tags
#my art - self-explanatory!
#srb - occasional reblogs of my own work
#my ocs - also self-explanatory! contains all original characters of mine, fandom or not. #oc: [oc name] tags will also be added for specific characters, and fandom tags if they apply
#others’ ocs - for other peoples’ characters that i’ve drawn
#fanart - art i make of characters from any media! fandoms and individual characters will be tagged
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rumeysawrites · 1 month
Hi!!! I noticed your pfp is of a character of yours and I'm curious to find out more!! What's Rosena like? What wip is she from?
Thank you! I appreciate this question a lot!
Rosena, her full name being "Rosena Lilium Freze", or "Rose" for short, is the main character of my current main WIP: Search For The Legendaries (book 1 of the Interdimensional series I'm planning & working on).
At the start of the series, she's a 13 year old girl finishing off middle school and preparing for highschool, and at the end of the 11 and a half year the series runs for, she ends up in her 25th birthday.
For the start of the story, Rosena has three main problems: the challenges and people she has to deal with due to her disability (I made her half-blind like myself, sekf expression!), the friends she had closer leaving one by one, and her power she discovered a few months prior to the story's start. Her problems increase even more when her (and her best friend she's barely holding contact with due to distance) are tangled up in the whole "legend", "crystals", "dimensions", "spirits", and "organizations" thingies.
First book has a little bit more of slow-paced arc for Rosena as she tries to understand and decide if accepting BSA's invite to train her powers is a good idea. She wants to have a chanue in her life but is also nervoys and anxious about all the fantastical elements being not so unreal, as well as possibly travelling to a different dimension and being imvolved with a legend. She also realizes she is then also going to be leaving herold life and remaining friends behind. So the first book focuses on this dilrmma, combined newly appearing teenage feelings of identity, and possibility her actions putting lives in danger. She does have her parents, siblings, and her best friend Tom supporting her, however she herself will have to figure out the right decision for herself, by herself.
Which brings me to the emotional mess trying to seem put togather by a ductape, that is her personality.
She's a kindhearted, caring, and compassionate person, but unlike most of the other Legendary Carriers, she isn't necessarily idealistic or self-sacrificing. She, to tell the truth, is still trying to figure out who she truly wants to be and wants to be herself without worrying about being judged or seen as "different" or "special". With heavy "". She basically wants to be accepyed as who she is and live like "normal". And since she's currently living through the opposite of thenl life she dreams of (especially outside the five people mentioned before), she is very much unhappy with her life. Obviously she doesn't know what she really need to feel that fulfillment, yet.
Besides this, she's slso very emotionally driven and although she tries to be logical, her emotions can throw all logic out of wack. She's incredibly loyal to her loved ones and values them greatly. She can (at the start at least), let other people influence her thought process so easily (example, when she talks to Kent, she's convinced about the legend being a goal of BSA, and possibly being real, but after talking to Tom, she also agrees with him, trying to convince herself too that legends are not real). She has a caring and protective side, as well as a brave and persevering side that she comes to discovers in time. She isn't aware of this side of her at the beginning, as she's too busy overthinking anything ans everything in her life and often crying about things she has no control over but feels like she does and could've done better.
If I had to describe Rosena more simply, I'd say she's a strong girl with lots of flaws she'll have to overcom, with lots of emotions worn on her sleeve, while some others being bottled up under her timid and quietappearance.
And finally, her powers! So, there are several "ability" types in the Interdimensional series, and most people do have more then one type. Rosena's main power is temprature manipulation, with her Trick (inner energy based magic) elements being ice, fire, water, and lide (life spells are basically defense, support, and healing spells). Her temprature manipulation can work both ways too, but works best in creating a colder environment / freezing. She isn't a physical fighter, like at all (Kent even describes her to be unfit for combat). But she makes up for it by being one of the better spellcasters in the series, especially ibcreased by the fact that she has the Legendary Crystal of Life, which lets her access to more life Trick than most anyone else. She later tries to also learn Essence (one of the outside sourced magic systems), and while she can channel it quite fine, she doesn't have nearly enough practice to master it. Thus she only tries to use it when situation gets real dire. Finally, there are "specislities" for everyone (so far every human at least), which are non-magical, natural talents each person has. For Rosena, it's her senses, her senses besides sight at least. Her senses aren't magically heightened or anything, but she has more sensitive senses thanks to using three of them instead of her sight. For example, her senses of hearing and smell can be more helpful for her sense of direction, rather than her sight.
Also I'm glad you noticed the picture is of an original character. This picture is drawn by one of my good friends who's also both my critique partner and one of the character designers (going by the names Frosty or Kat on Quotev, don't know or think she has Tumblr). Shout-out and huge thank you to her! This design of hers applies moreso to book 2 onwards, sfter she's fully involved with Yugenri and BSA, as I'm planning to ask for a pre-fantasy design for book 1 Rosena.
Thank you again for the question and I hope the rambling was alright.😊
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ratsoh-writes · 8 months
heyyy I saw the matchups (ALSO WHAT IS THAT PFP 😭😭😭✋/positive)
here’s a little Cali description (I’ll skip physical features for another, long long time) there’s will come in long dabbles. If you don’t like it, the entire paragraph should be summed up in the first sentence.
Personality: Cali is.. dull? Her personality consists of just.. one trait? She’s just kind, her overall goal in mind is to make someone smile, whomever she may be talking to. Doing this means she changes her personality a bit for each person y’know how it is. Especially if she likes the person generally. Only once you’re able to get her to feel comfortable she’ll be the very weird person she is. She sends memes to her friends, odd.. is a way to describe it. She works better underprepared and under pressure. It’s very complicated but if she knows nothing about what the task is, she does it better? Because if she doesn’t know how to do it correctly she’ll feel obligated to learn as quickly as possible and get it done? If Cali knows how to do something, it’s more of a chore than a challenge. Her biggest weakness is how kind she it, it’s hard for her to say no and she gets burnt out doing all these favors that she agreed to. She’s a people pleaser through and through.
pet peeves/deal breaker: a big one is interrupting her when she talks, it gets bad. Growing up she was always sorta interrupted so after a few times she gets emotionally upset! That being said she’s quick to tears, it just happens with all emotions for her. She resorts to sadness/discomfort it many situations. A dealbreaker is someone who finds that as weakness or a negative trait. She is learning to live with being able to sort through she emotions and knowing how she feels. So someone pushing down her feelings is a big no-no. People who are tall and are kind to her, as in. She feels pitied on.. or something. It genuinely makes me upset and mad when someone a full foot taller than me takes pity to me. it makes her mad too. She can handle herself, that’s her mindset. ALSO a bigger one is people who take her shopping, not just shopping but shopping without a list. Please don’t she’s begging you, the thought of walking around aimlessly makes her lose a bit of joy on the inside. It’s pointless and unnecessary, if you want something add it to the list and then buy it next time but please!! Have a plan!!
for traits she likes:
she’s very attracted to nonchalant or easy going souls, mostly because she grew up with four parents up her a** about grades, extra circulars and such. She grew up under constant pressure, so someone who can just let her be herself, lazy or not. It such a good trait for her.
She also tends to lean towards people who could say no for her, she has a problem with it, so anyone who could assist her with her issues of stating her boundaries would be deeply appreciated.
hobbies: She paints! It’s relaxing and fun to make. Easy gift making too. The girl also had a hobbies of gaming in her free time, what better way to de-stress then some Doom.. >:-). other than that, she’s a “pick up something master it, drop it�� sorta girl.
favorite items:
Anything that’s red. She has a nack for collecting red colored stuff. It’s a bit concerning. Her entire bedroom looked like someone dropped a red bomb and now you see red. Everywhere. Don’t go into her room it’s a nightmare.
There we go! Holy moly. It’s a lot so I don’t blame you if you don’t want to go through all my dabbling.
nice pfp again!! That’s all for now 😈
Hush, I love my thong hamster!!
Alright she needs a partner who gives her both freedom but with a slight dose of protectiveness. Someone who lets her show her emotions without making a big deal of it. And someone who isn’t overly pushy, got it! I have a few that can work, and the best match from them is ….. MANGO! Birdswap sans!
Ok ok hear me out, the reason I chose mango is cause with people she likes, she’s a communication queen~ mango does not fear speaking her mind, so Cali won’t ever have to guess with her. And mango respects boundaries as well. She’s not the type to baby her SO at all. She and cali would handle each other pretty well when it comes to their values I believe
Mango is fiercely protective when she needs to be, but not in a way that belittles or baby’s her partner like some of the others do. She’s all about making sure her partner knows they have just as much power as she does to spook off the unwanted people lol. Basically when she’s protective, she acts like a guard dog and a hype man somehow
Mango is at the stage in her life where she’s no longer just working to survive. Now that she’s on her feet, she can start thinking about herself and what she wants to do with her time… but the problem is that she has no clue! Right now mango is trying out hobbies, so someone creative like cali would be great for her to be around
Be careful about getting mango hooked to online gaming. She will learn how to trash talk and will scream at kids on the internet lol.
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stellari-s · 8 months
༊*·˚ 冬の深夜、凍った星が光った。
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s tella ... 🌙
( nagi! ) — welcome! ☁️
masterlist under the cut.
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she, he, they. 18↑.
i have an ao3 where i mostly post canon x canon works there!
sometimes i write ✨✨ ... i post random things when inspiration strikes! i do edits and stim boards sometimes.
my ask box and inbox is always open if you wanna chat!
may contain nsfw (tagged as nsfw) or darker contents.
this is a side blog… that’s probably a bit more active than my main one.
— requests closed .ᐟ comms open .ᐟ
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✨✨ commission info.
i do both writing and jp → en translation commissions and requests, when open. (note: for jp, although i don't have any official jlpt credentials, i'd say i'm around the n2 range. you can view samples in the link above)
please read — ☁️
into identity v, twst, and cybird ikemen series right now.
requests will always either be x reader short stories or head canons. long stories, original stories, and oc inserts are reserved only for commissions.
i do not write gendered readers unless it's for a commission. you're free to imagine reader as any gender you wish.
nsfw requests are fine, but just know i will be picky.
i don't take stim board requests at the moment ( ;∀;)
in the event requests are open, commissions will always be prioritized.
i have the right to reject any commission or request that makes me uncomfortable or if i feel i will be unable to finish for whatever reason without need for explanation.
please dm me first if you want to commission me. i do not accept requests directly through ko-fi if you choose to send money there.
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☁️ — stories & head canons.
aesop carl does your makeup.
edgar valden (tries to) comfort you.
ji-woon hak going yandere for you.
dbd killers taking care of a sick reader. (ghostface, legion, nurse, twins, mastermind)
random ithaqua head canons to cope with sparse lore updates.
hope is like ice cream. // ao3 ver.
reflections on the self.
you have a snowball fight with ithaqua in the middle of a match.
a game of tag.
an unspoken contract. // ao3 ver.
the world of a snow globe.
on warmth.
a certain reunion.
pain and desire.
a stroke of luck.
dual punishment.
a bird in a cage // bloody kisses.
christmas wishes.
dead men tell no tales.
a “fever dream”.
a promise i want to keep.
gazing at the moon.
a source of comfort.
may we never forget.
☁️ — media.
rosemary! naiad stim board.
frost! wu chang stim board.
tuberose! ripper stim board.
susie lavoie stim board.
last dance! bloody queen stim board.
far east wind! wu chang stim board.
anne halford + shall fen shall stim board.
above the high tower, a utopia.
our new october queen.
riddle rosehearts + floyd leech stim board.
twisted wonderland new years' attire 2024 icons.
ikemen series stim boards. (masterlist)
ikeseries vice and virtue mc edits & pfps.
some ikevil matching pfps ①. (william, liam, alfons, elbert, ellis)
some ikevil matching pfps ②. (harrison, jude, roger, victor)
some ikevil matching pfps ③. (elbert, alfons, ellis, jude)
some ikevil matching pfps ③². (roger, alfons)
☁️ — other.
30 day twst challenge: all days.
ikevil oc: soryn.
virtue and vice | an ikemen villains playlist.
virtue and vice | an ikemen prince playlist.
elbert greetia (ikevil) playlist.
alfons sylvatica (ikevil) playlist.
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gym-leader-onyx · 1 year
Obligatory Introduction Post
Yo, what's up? Saw my friends doing this, and I decided I might as well make one.
I'm Onyx. I'm a rock/steel type gym leader located in the Galar region. You may recognize me from the Galar gym challenge a couple of years back. But I'm just here to post about my life and what it's like being a gym leader.
More about me under the cut if you're curious. If you wanna skip all that, just scroll to the very bottom to see the rules.
I was born and raised in Unova, but my family and I moved to Galar when was 13, which is also the time I started my journey. Rivals and friends were @quillpokebiology and @pokedesignercalli, as well as my other best friend who is a bit secretive and doesn't plan on getting a Rotomblr. When I'm not doing my gym duties, I work in coding and help tutor young kids on math.
As a gym leader, I have to have a lot of Pokemon to fit the skill level of the different trainers that come by. But still, here they are!
Journey Team
Atlas: Metagross
He was my starter, which I got as a Beldum. Found them wandering the city at night and decided to take them in since they didn't have a trainer. I know Metagross doesn't have a gender, but they don't really care what you refer to them as.
Obsidian: (Shiny) Gigalith
Caught him as a rogenrolla because he snuck into my camp, and it was the first wild shiny pokemon I saw.
I found her while exploring a cave, and she was just a small Aron chewing on some random metals she found.
Found him in the wild and is the first pokemon I caught that was fully evolved. I'm not fully sure what happened to him, but my theory is that he was abandoned by his old trainer, since he doesn't like it when I'm gone for too long and gets really clingy when I come back.
Fenrir/(Midnight) Lycanroc
I found him as a rockruff in the Isle of Armor. He was really rowdy and aggressive, which really appealed to younger me back then. I didn't really know what to name him, so Quill did. They say it's from a myth, but I don't really understand it. Fenrir is also the pfp.
Gym Teams
First Challengers: Galarian Meowth (Male), Rolycoly (Male)
Early challengers: Galarian meowth (male), Onix (male), Togedemaru (male)
Mid Challengers: Persurker (Male), Boldore (female), Togedemaru (female), Stunfisk (male)
Last Challengers: Excadrill (Male), Steelix (male), Shuckle (Female), Crustle (female), Coperajah (female)
And then the final teams are just my journey team, which I rarely use unless I'm up against another gym leader, someone of the same skill, or if someone straight up asks me to.
That time Obsidian had a son with a ditto without me freaking knowing. But yeah, Rock is Obsidian's kid. He's a bit of a troublemaker, but I still love him. He's also the youngest member of my team.
-While Onyx is 18, the person running this blog isn't and is still a minor. Please do not submit any NSFW, and I will br keeping this blog PG so everyone can view it. You xan send flirty stuff in inbox if you want, since i can imagine the interactions will be pretty funny, but nothing too far
-Not really a rule, but the background for the art came from blitzorodeo on Instagram
-If your account has the default tumblr pfp, is untitled, has no description, has a pornographic name, or pornagraphic imagery, I'll assume that you are a bot and you will be blocked
-This takes place in an alternate universe where most of the existing characters don't exist. But I will talk about some as if they do exist if asked about them; I'll just tag it as not canon
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cooltrainer448 · 7 months
Hi! I decided to finally try Rotomblr! I'm Eliza, 15, she/her, and I'm from the Hoenn region! I'm basically just trying stuff out, but I'd love to show more folks around parts of the hoenn region that they might not think of at first glance! I'm also working my way through the gym league challenge!
My team might also be on here as well! Or at least I'll be translating for them! There's Aoki, my grovyle, he's my first partner and we're together through thick and thin! There's also Solara, my absol, and she's very sweet as well, and then there's Katt, my skitty! You can see her as my pfp, and well, she's an absolute menace but she's still very sweet! Either way, I'd love to talk with you guys!
Also, sometimes my brother might come on here if I'm at home, and if he does, he uses he/him and is 20!
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//ooc under cut
//Hi, I'm pinkie/Liz and I'm 21+ and honestly while idk how Active I'll be on here, but the pokeirl stuff has been interesting to me, so I decided to make a pokeirl blog for my OC Eliza! Also, pelipper/musharna mail are off, but mystery gifts are on!
Eliza is a lucario hybrid due to being experimented on by the aether foundation when she was younger. This is not commonly known, and the only part of her hybridism that's going to be shown regularly is her ability to talk to and understand pokemon completely.
Eliza's older brother is a sapient lucario that she's claimed as a brother due to them gaining a deep bond in her past.
There will be mentions of violence and pokemon/human experimentation but they Will be tagged properly.
Eliza is actually bisexual and is autistic as well, though she doesn't know this yet as she's still kinda figuring stuff out.
This takes elements from both the games and the anime, with the events of black and white and bw2 happening 10-8 years ago, and the events of sun and moon took place 4 years ago as well. Scarlet/violet + the dlc are basically modern day, though Eliza only knows a Little about paradox Pokemon and ultra beasts, due to mainly sticking in the Hoenn region.
Also, while I'm not a minor, Eliza is. The most NSFW this will get is Maybe that's what she said jokes.
This is an in character Tumblr blog! That's to say, this is gonna be written as if it's a Tumblr blog, so no pelipper mail or magic anons please!
Sapient pokemon are 100% a-ok though! (Eliza will probably vibrate depending on what the pokemon is though)
Thank you for reading all of this! I'm excited to interact with y'all through Eliza!
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stunfiskz · 10 months
kind of nonsensical rouxls thoughts under the cut
i think one thing that’s cool to think about is the idea that rouxls was originally “the tutorial guy”. we know that’s what the former puzzle makers started doing after they were fired and it would make sense for it to be a role that they fill if he took theirs. plus, one thing i find interesting is that the way they talk about tutorials makes it sound like they find making them demeaning.
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and i think that matches well with rouxls’s incompetency and the way that he’s generally not taken seriously by anyone around him- hell, even with the couple of instances where he gets complimented, the ruddinn who swoons over him talks about puzzle making as a “totally hunky hobby”, when it’s notably not listed in rouxls’s hobbies at all! i don’t think rouxls likes puzzles, really. i sometimes see him portrayed as almost papyrus-like, being passionate about puzzles but not with the greatest execution, but i actually think it makes a lot more sense for him to not like them. rouxls does not think critically, plan ahead, or try thinking for himself. it makes much more sense for him, as the rules card, to prefer to follow and instruct a laid out set of rules than have to do the more challenging thinking that’s needed for making puzzles. he’s a follower and all that. i actually think there’s a good joke you could make there about the fact that he doesn’t think outside the box and the only puzzles he can think of to make are literal boxes.
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because the implication i get from it is that he was not previously in a high ranking position and is unfamiliar with the expectations that come with it. 
i think as well that his search for an “evil rulere” and desperate sycophancy could be a result of this. he switches to whatever side is currently in power (“rouxls is always on the winning side” and all that) because sucking up is kind of the only way he can get by. he doesn’t care about how that affects other people, either- i was trying my hardest to think of what the hell is up with the control crown, and i think the main conclusion i have is that it (and a lot of what he says about king) are primarily indicators of how he doesn’t care how others are affected as long as he’s benefitting. but, yeah, i suppose you could almost see it as searching out a substitute purpose or something. 
another thing is that even after getting to that higher ranking position through being slimy and spineless, he’s still seen as a joke! no one likes him! even lancer is well aware of it
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i think that idea of rouxls as a sad clown is really interesting, but i think i have to let it sit for a bit more to work out my exact thoughts. but one thing i really like to think about in relation to it is the fact that he doesn’t seem to stop grinning ever- i actually don’t think he can. obviously the merch isn’t canon, but the line sticker of him crying (that i use as my pfp!) still shows him grinning. considering there’s a noelle sticker that seemed to be an indicator of the weird route, i don’t want to completely count out the idea of any others being meaningful, yknow? i don’t always draw him with the grin just because it can get very hard to make him emote clearly with it, although i guess that’s the point, and i probably need to commit myself to it again >_>
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rouxls destroys the instructions.
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toriel tries her hardest to keep the children she’s taking care of safe, where rouxls rejects that role. trying to distance himself from that tutorial role, which in these games has a precedent of being connected to parenthood, as part of why he doesn’t outwardly express that he cares for lancer (which i do think he cares for lancer. i don’t think he’s a good parent/parental figure by any means, but things like him asking how lancer is and knowing what makes him feel better when he’s sick makes me definitely think he does care) is an idea that i find really interesting. 
i don’t know if any of this actually means anything or if i’m just looking too deep into it, but it’s stuff i like thinking about, i guess :P
oh, also, final thought that i’ve shared before, but i REALLY love rouxls’s connections to worms because i don’t think there’s a better comparison to make for him! he’s spineless and slimy and brainless. and it makes it pretty damn hypocritical for him of all people to be using it as an insult. i love this fucker i hope he dies
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m1ckeyb3rry · 6 hours
Actually yeah you’re real for that getting into messy drama fr just isn’t worth the effort especially with crazy people who will spin it out of proportions….struggle is real ugh but yeah slow ghosting is the move LMAO
SHSHSHS not me forgetting too even though your pfp is right in my face im sorry shinah….but no I was actually tweaking like wdym we got PANDA mf PANDAS BACKSTORY and not Inumaki??? Don’t get me wrong I love panda but you’re telling me a cursed doll has more lore moments than Inumaki goodbye (at least he’s alive)
SHSHSHSHS the way she’s been dubbed fanon Shidou now is so funny but you saying that just to annoy her at first is so funny but AGREE he definitely looks a lot more deranged in the anime too (which works because I mean he is) there’s definitely some earlier panels where he looks ok (I think some moments when he’s first with junpei too!)
NO FR it’s not the same because indigo league he was immature but funny as hell like him misty and Brock just roasting the hell out of each other and doing random shit but alola is like….catered to elementary students reboot happy friendship wahoo idk it’s not as entertaining but lowk a rewatch may be in order…..
WJDHSKSJ you pulled out that “1 question part abcdefghijklmnop” format but that’s so real because people on wp can fr find anything to shit on but about point c I think it’s really funny because they WOULD complain about that but I bet readers complaining to like “MF KARASU THAT GIBLE WAS MINEEEEE” LMAOAOA anyways
AHAAHAHAHAH THAGS ACTUALLY SO FUNNY that mutual really spreading the word im crying honestly your long fics could actually be stand alone media soooo
WAITTTTT save that thought for that one vague Karasu req you have…I’m crying otoya giving him a fan meet ticket thinking it was a scam too that’s so otoya coded but KARASU fanboying so hard that reader doesn’t even realize he’s a hotshot too and she looks up match clips and sees a completely diff persona on field LMAOOO if you don’t find anything else I vote this idea for that req
SHSHS NEXT TIME TRUST it’s ok the pink Nagi is very easy on the eyes LOL
- Karasu anon
i’m so drama averse i also hate hurting people’s feelings (though i’m the first to make a sassy comment it’s either lighthearted/in good fun or to someone who genuinely deserves it) so my default is just running away HAHAHA luckily we ended up going to different universities so it was pretty easy to transition out of friendship
shinah is like a back burner man…he’ll always be there for me when i need him but he’s not forefront in my mind yk?? and yeah gege gave a surprising amount of depth to panda given what he is SDFHSLKD meanwhile inumaki was left with nothing 😭 i wish he had given inumaki an alternative way of talking that wasn’t ingredients like sign language or smth!! although i can see how drawing sign language might be difficult but like what’s stopping him from carrying around a whiteboard and a marker?? that would maintain the silliness while also allowing for more serious moments (kind of like his reaction to tullia’s death in pi — not a single “salmon” was dropped because it would completely ruin the vibe of the scene, but he still couldn’t talk so i made him write on a piece of paper which i ended up really liking as it still posed challenges for him in communication [such as y/n refusing to read what he wrote at first] without taking away his agency completely)
LMAOOO fanon shidou is just so perfect as a description for her it’s hilarious SDLHJFSLDJK but yeah i was specifically talking about season one of the anime (i only picked up the manga in between s1 and s2) in the fight against itadori and nanami right after junpei dies he has some very pretty scenes i can’t even lie HAHA but he also has a LOT of deranged/hideous ones so for the most part megumi and yuta stayed as my boys
yeahhh that’s what i was thinking like indigo league is just all of them being deranged (not just the main trio but gary, prof oak, team rocket…all of them were insane) even his pokémon had sm more personality (the de-sassification of pikachu is tragic) whereas alola just gives me sanitized vibes plus the colors are too bright and i think the art style is too round?? the earlier seasons had a completely diff art style that was just typical of the time instead of being purposefully childish yk…XY REWATCH AFTER BLLK S2 DARE I SAY???
HELP questions like that always have me crash out because like that’s not accurate branding??? fr though people on wattpad will find something to complain about TRUST and omg no that’s so real reader’s still pissed about karasu taking gible (although to be fair i feel like his rebuttal would be that she already has hydreigon [pseudo-legendary dragon] and nidoking [ground type] so she doesn’t really NEED a garchomp which is true so she doesn’t have a huge problem with it…OTOYA on the other hand never gets over it)
imagine a movie on hollyhock or like a really high budget tv series i think it would be so good…and pursuit ofc HAHAHA even peregrine could work as a movie not to mention pomegranate ink (deserved to be jjk canon) further self glaze here but yeah i always wish they could be animated or filmed or something i think it would be so cool to see that
OTOYA BUYING THE TICKET it’s so him too he’s like maliciously giggling to himself because he’s about to play an epic #prank on karasu and then it turns out that he accidentally bought a real ticket?? PLS karasu is so shy and such a fan that reader’s like “no way this dude can be famous” and then she looks him up and the first result is just a “tabito karasu cussing out his teammates for 10 minutes straight” youtube compilation of him swearing at shidou and zantetsu (the second result is a “tabito karasu rizzing up his opponents for 7 minutes straight” youtube compilation of him calling chigiri “princess” and talking about hiori’s left leg)
I DO LOVE THE PINK NAGI i think it’s so aesthetic hehe especially the header (i also love the pinned post but he looks so pretty in my header hehe) the pink also goes really well w the yona pfp so all in all i’m happy with it atm…i am a frequent theme changer though as you know so who’s to say what’ll be next?? sae theme
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linebeckluvr · 9 months
Blog Info
Blog Run By: Toni
Pronouns: She/He/They
PFP By: Villerdotpng on Instagram 
Banner By: Sandofhours on Instagram
I’ve been a huge Zelda nerd since I was… 7, probably. Watched someone play Skyward Sword and have been hooked ever since, so a LoZ sideblog was inevitable. When I have free time I occasionally make LoZ AMVs and fanfiction. But, my main reason for creating this blog was the 366 Days Of Zelda challenge I’m creating for myself. I’ll still post other Zelda content here, though.
I say this in the 366 Days of Zelda post too, but you won’t see much content on my blog for the following games:
Oracle of Seasons
Oracle of Ages
A Link Between Worlds
Tri Force Heroes
Age of Calamity
Tears of the Kingdom
This is simply because I haven’t played these games at all, or haven’t finished them, and therefore am not really invested in them. 
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solardashpraxus · 2 years
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I posted 3,579 times in 2022
That's 1,928 more posts than 2021!
31 posts created (1%)
3,548 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 961 of my posts in 2022
#homestuck - 52 posts
#for later - 47 posts
#mil loses his mind over media - 39 posts
#wife &lt;3 - 33 posts
#important - 28 posts
#etho slab - 23 posts
#mil queues things - 22 posts
#mil says things - 19 posts
#reference - 17 posts
#interactions - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like. that face. the details and lighting and the eyes and cheekbones and the level of detail and effort u put into this thing is legendary
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
me when valentine's day was two days ago
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(ingore the weird arm perspective is funky)
53 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
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drew a new discord pfp yayyyyyyyy <333
69 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
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i havent drawn in like a month so here's a quick etho 👍
babygirl you are so regular
103 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
staff start banning terfs challenge
133 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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butterflygirl etho ^_^
she is so important to me
646 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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